#stray kids cliffhanger
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justastraymoa · 3 months ago
Chapter 17
WC 1701
Short one this time. Sorry. 😞
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Nothing within reflects anyone or anything irl. Pics off pinterest.
Warnings ⚠️ swears, abo dynamics, mentions of slave trade, mentions of rape, mentions of abuse, mentions of death, fear, manipulation abandonment.
I was out of the car before it even came to a full stop, pulling Channie and Lixie behind me, desperate to have all eight of my Omegas again, even if I knew it would only be for a short time.  It was an absolute need.
I leapt into Hyun’s arms as soon as I was close enough, wrapping my legs firmly around his waist and trusting that he would be able to hold my weight.  I took a deep long inhale of his dark colored scent, pleased to still smell a bit on myself on him.
Hyune gripped you tightly back, face pressed tight against your undiluted scent and almost purring in happiness.  “Oh!  We didn’t want to add to your stress by being too freaked out by separating, but it was so hard!  You were gone so freaking long!”  He mumbled against my skin.
I kissed the side of his head, feeling so warm.  They weren’t clingy like I was because they were thinking of how to make it easier on me.  My sweet, sweet, thoughtful Omegas.  “That was very sweet of you to do.  Next time, just do what you need.  Don’t make it harder on yo9urselves to spare me.  We will get through everything together.”
“What is that awful smell?”  Lino asked stopping dead right before hugging me.  The others had gathered and were not so patiently waiting their turn for a hug.
“It’s her, but only surface.  Her scent is still the same.”  Hyun replied, reluctantly letting me go.  Hannie and Binnie leaned in to sniff me, both making identical disgusted faces.  In a different situation I would have laughed.
I smelled myself too.  Was it B.O?  “What the hell?  I don’t smell anything.”  Just my country fresh deodorant.  Which was actually flowers of some kind.  I really want to know who decided that was what the country smelled like.  Have they ever been to the country?  Because any time I went to the country it smelled like hay and cow manure.  Not flowers.
“What the hell did you do, roll around in Omega?”  Sungmin’s whole face was pinched, and he leaned away from me.
“The fuck you mean.  Channie and Lixie have barely touched me!”
“Not them.  A different Omega.  Not one of us.”
“You smell like Tad.  From the hug.”  Channie explained.
“You’re hugging other Omegas?”  Ayen accused looking hurt and pissed.
“It was one Omega.  One!”  I corrected quickly.  But I did feel bad.  I had asked Tad if his Alpha would mind me hugging him, but I hadn’t thought about my Omegas not being okay with it.  It was a two-way street.
I spun to Channie and Lixie.  “That’s why you were angry?  Because I smelled like another Omega?”
Channie shrugged and Lixie looked away.
“You dummies!  Do you realize how easy that is to fix?”  I pointed out.  Just them leaving their scent on me would dilute Tads, but they stopped touching me instead.  “I’m sorry I didn’t make sure you were okay with the hug first.  If the roles were reversed, I would get jealous too.  Just – talk to me next time, okay?”
“We don’t have the right to tell you who you can and can’t be around.  Or hug.”  Lixie argued.
“Fuck that!  Don’t be all up on whore Omegas!  You’re ours!”  Lino snapped, taking off his hoodie and shoving me into it gently, but with no room for argument.
I let Lino put his scent on me but ignored his comment.  I knew he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, and it was mostly jealousy talking at the moment, coupled with the fact that we had been apart for a long time today.
“To some extent you do.  I am your Alpha just as much as you’re my Omegas.  If any of us are uncomfortable with another being around a certain person, bring it up.  We can discuss it.  Talk through it.”  Now that I had Hyun and Linos’ scent on me, Hannie finally came in for his hugs.
“No Omegas.  Just us.”  He hummed in my ear.  I could feel his pout against my skin.
I patted his back.  “That’s unfeasible.  But I will limit the touching.  No hugs without permission.”  I reasoned.  That was easy enough.  It’s not like I go around hugging everyone I meet.  Tad was an exception because he had stirred emotions in me by being so friendly and supportive.
We found an empty room and I arranged the Omegas in a giant pile.  I was able to touch them all in some way.  Craving contact and togetherness while I could still get it.
Soon we would be forced to separate again.  Schedules did not wait, and they didn’t care how we felt about it either.  But for now, we clung to each other and talked about silly, meaningless things.  For this moment we were together and nothing else mattered.  I felt my frazzled, stressed instincts settle and quiet.  There was nothing more calming and peaceful than this.
We didn’t talk anymore about the events at the interview or photoshoot, but they all made a point to leave their scents a little heavier than they usually did.  I was more than willing to let them.  Though I noted Channie and Lixie barely participated, much to my disappointment.
I hadn’t even pushed Alpha on them that hard, just enough for them to feel it really.  They were only taking it so hard because it was the first time, and they hadn’t expected it.  I already felt guilty enough about it.
Well after dark we were all still up.  I was laying on the couch in the studio, eyes closed, but not sleeping.  Hannie and Hyun had left to do their things and come back already.  We were still spread out, but in the same building at least.  And as far as I could tell, no one was close to finishing up for the day yet.  The Omegas came and went, leaving me to relax with just a small brush against me or a thoughtful gesture.  Draping a blanket over me, dimming the lights a little, tucking the blanket around me tighter.  Then they left again.
Until I noticed someone lingering.  Electrical storm and sour filled the air as Lixie floated here and there int e room, fiddling with things quietly and staying close to me, but not speaking or touching me.
“Lixie, babe?”  I finally asked scooting to lean on the arm of the couch instead of laying down.  The blonde Omega jumped like I had shouted at him.
Lixie made a noise of question, but didn’t look at me.  Instead, he was fingering blindly at some papers, eyes fixed on the floor and reeking of anxiety.  I didn’t like how he was acting.  It wasn’t his usual clingy self I had come to love and appreciate.
“Talk to me, my sunshine.”  I requested quietly.  “Tell me what’s wrong.”  I wanted to fix it.  I wanted my Omega to be happy and content again.
It took a bit longer for Lixie to gather the courage to open to his worries.  He turned away briefly and straightened more things before taking a deep breath and facing me again.
“Are…are you still mad at me?”  He finally got out.  He was holding his breath.  Waiting for the answer he was terrified to hear.
My heart sank for him.  “Oh, baby boy!  We already talked through this.”  I cooed reaching for him.
But he pulled away, shaking his head.  “Not about the other Omega.”  He looked miserable.  “I broke my promise.”  His voice broke and barely came out in a whisper.
Oh!  His promise to help me with the shoot so I didn’t look stupid.  I honestly had forgotten about that part since it had all ended up turning out okay.  Reaching out again I managed to get his hand before he could pull further away.  “Come here, babe.”  I pulled on him gently and he willingly came with me almost sagging into me.
I settled him on top of me, with him resting his head on my chest and snaking a hand under my shirt to seek skin on skin contact.  His fingers were cold against my warm skin, and I felt goosebumps raise where he touched me.
I smoothed back his hair and kissed his forehead.  “I was never mad about that, Lix.  I was disappointed.”
“That’s so much worse!”  He whined, burying his face in my chest and groaning high pitched.  He kicked his feet and squeezed my waist tighter.  I had to suppress a giggle at the cuteness of baby Lix.
I continued to stroke his hair.  “I rely on you guys for all this idol stuff that I don’t have any experience with.  Chan, Seungmin, and J all kept the threats from me.  Then you left me on my own at the shoot.  It really feels like I can’t depend on you guys.  And that makes me very sad and lonely.”  I explained.
“Not alone.  Never alone.”  He somehow made himself heavier, pushing me onto the couch to emphasize his point.  “I won’t do that to you again.  I don’t care how upset I am.  It’s not worth breaking a promise.  Its not worth letting you down.”
“You shouldn’t make promised you can’t keep.”  I chastised gently poking his nose playfully.
“I’ll keep this one.  I’ll keep all my promises to you.  It’s the very least you deserve.”
I smiled gently.  “Okay, Lix, I believe you.”
“No, you don’t.  But ill prove it to you.”
I wrapped around him tighter and draped a blanket over the both of us.  Something told me Lixie would do everything he could to prove it to me.  To make it up to me in every way he could.  Over and over.
That night Hannie and Seungmin stayed with me to ward off most of the fear and nightmares.  Sungmin’s arms wrapped securely around me, guarding me while Hannie’s heat staved off the cold trickle of fear.  The nightmares, when they came, were interrupted quickly by soft whispers and featherlight kisses.
And then when I woke up in the morning, I was completely alone.
General Taglist @stellasays45 @beebee18 @weird-bookworm
Unwilling Alpha Taglist: @xxeiraxx @hanniemylovelyquokka @breadedloafs @songleepark @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hyunjinhoexxx @kayleefriedchicken @vietjeb @hityoulikebahng @juju-227592 @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @royal-shinigami @bangchansfavoritenoona @straykidslvr @bookswillfindyouaway @h0rnyp0t @Svmmerstime @jennibahng @kpopandmusicpassion @jasmin-loves-k-pop @cookey-lock @possum-playground @demigoddreamon-blog @rei-reia @dreamerwasfound @jasmin-loves-k-pop @ms-flowergirl @princess-sunshyn @technicallyimportantsweets @mbioooo0000 @jisungs-iced-americano @bluesoobinnie @threeopossumsinacoat @kkamismom12
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sxyves · 9 months ago
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🏷️ - overwhelmed!reader. afab!reader. sub!reader. softdom!hyunjin. cockwarming.
“close your eyes baby, i’ll take care of you.” are the last words either of you say as he enters you.
you’re tired, that’d be an understatement for what you’re feeling like right now, on hyunjin’s lap, him inside of you. you were too lazy to really do anything right now, all you wanted was to feel close around him.
eyes fluttering shut as you rest your head on his shoulder, his hands caressing your back and rocking you back and forth.
“don’t worry about anything, just relax.” he whispers softly in your ear,
that’s all you had to do, nothing was wrong, just you, him, and the soft taps of the rain on your guys’ roof.
coming home tired and wanting nothing but to be right next to him, you couldn’t think of anything else right now, just you and him.
“hyunjin” you mutter out quietly after a while, he responds with a small hum.
“i’m sorry.”
“don’t be.”
“no— i just feel like i’m being too sensitive and annoyi-”
he interrupted you,
“don’t be sorry for anything, i’m not upset at you, __.”
“i know, i just- felt so—”
“__, did you not just hear what i said?” he said, a little more stern now. you went silent. “i said it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about anything right now, just.. calm down, focus on yourself.”
you nod slowly, sinking into his lap again,
he was right, calm down.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years ago
Happy Akutagawa is back in the anime after four years day!!!!!
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skzoologist · 2 years ago
Unfamiliarity [two]
word count: ~10.5k
genre: Hybrid AU, no pairings
warnings: forced intake of medication, usage of heavy meds, panic attacks, signs of PTSD, hints of being experimented at, past abuse, occasional curse words, hurt/comfort, just bad choices overall from everyone
summary: Being taken in from the street means you get a mandatory, very fun session with the vet :)
a/n: I hope none of you missed the story too much, seeing as I took TWO MONTHS to update. I am horrible, my time-management skills are non-existent. My deepest apologies, I will put up the next chapter hopefully the next week to try and tame your ire. Especially since no new members are introduced in this chapter yet, only in the next one... Anyway, I hope you have fun reading this and feel free to barge into my ask box if you have any thoughts or questions!
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in!Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
previous I masterlist I next
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Waking up was not fun at all.
The moment my consciousness resurfaced and I opened my eyes, my whole body started hurting. My head pounded mercilessly, feeling heavy and fuzzy. My throat was parched, tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, the notion of peeling it off uncomfortable.
I slowly got up, my body shuddering and fur twitching as I sucked in a whine that almost left my muzzle. My back hurt and stretched, the smell of antiseptics hitting me in the face. My nose crinkled up, eyes watering from the unpleasantly strong smell. Shaking my head to try and get rid of at least a bit, I huffed and stood up on shaky paws, carefully stepping down from the 'bed'.
My whole body felt like a weight as I stood there, needing a moment to recollect myself.
What was I doing last time? I wasn't in 'bed'... No, I was eating, right. The wolf… yes, he was teaching me how to use those sticks. Then…
Everything came rushing back to me, the glass, the capture, the stars. Wait no, those were freckles.
Trotting towards the place where the clothes were stored, I stood on my hind legs, front right paw resting on the right door as I opened the left one with my maw. Sure enough, there were clothes neatly laid out there by the others, like it always had been.
Shifting into my other -more vulnerable- form, I suppressed every groan of pain that wanted to escape me. The scars on my upper body stretched painfully, the feeling unpleasant and familiar. Quickly putting on some clothes, I walked towards the door and took a couple of deep breaths.
Nobody was nearby, they were all huddled in the 'living room' from what I could tell. That was… weirdly perfect.
Quietly opening the door, I stepped out into the hallway I had walked across so many times before. Not wanting to notify anyone of my presence just yet, I left the door open -instead of risking them hearing me closing it- and stepped across the smooth floor, my steps muted and precise.
Nearing the stairway, I stopped as I heard hushed voices. I couldn't make out any words thanks to my fuzzy head, but their tone was more than enough to indicate their misery. My ears pressed into my head, knowing I was probably the cause of that.
Gathering my courage, I gulped down my racing heart that leapt into my throat and took a step towards the staircase.
By the fourth step I was noticed.
By the sixth, their voices completely died down.
By the seventh I stopped, gaze meeting theirs after a few seconds.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry."
My voice was raspy, the words almost unrecognisable from the lack of use over the long years. Yet, I continued looking at them, my uninjured hand clenching in anticipation, waiting for them to inevitably throw me out or hurt me.
"You…you can speak?" - croaked out a small voice, the others too stunned to speak yet.
I nodded.
"...Then why haven't you spoken so far?" - asked another.
"...wasn’t allowed to…" - I rasped out, my throat closing up in strain.
I awkwardly continued to stand there, waiting for a reaction, just anything.
"Well, why’re you just standing there, come down here you idiot." - choked out Chan. Before I could open my mouth to protest, Minho cut me off. "No, we’re not angry at you, get your ass down here or else Felix and Changbin will tackle you onto the stairs and worsen your injuries."
I just accepted my fate, making my way over towards them in my stupor. I didn't even reach them when the aforementioned feline shot up from his seat and rushed at me. I didn't fall over only because Minho warned me, so I stood there stiffly as the boy clinged to me as if his life depended on it, apologising over and over again.
My brows furrowed. What wrong did he do that he needed to be apologising for?
I quickly caught the words 'shirt' and 'breakfast', the pieces clicking together as I realised he had been blaming himself for my panic at the table.
I hovered my hand above his head, only after a moment of hesitance did I finally gently place it atop his mop of angelic hair and stroked it, mindful of his little ears.
"Not your fault." - I rasped out, but he either didn't hear or didn't believe me as he just buried his face deeper into my chest.
Sighing, I took his face in both of my hands -injury be damned- and nudged him to look at me. When he finally did, I repeated the same sentence, my tone firm and leaving no place for any argument. I wiped his tears with my thumbs, then looked towards the others as I continued speaking -or at least trying to-.
"Bad memory. Not anyo–... anyone's fault. Sorry. Broke glass and caused trouble."
My voice died halfway and I sounded like I rose from the dead, but none of them seemed to care. Changbin indeed affectionately hugged me once I was close enough, my body almost smushed into paste. I endured it, even as my form protested and skin shivered, knowing he had no bad intentions. Chan was full on crying and smiling at me, engulfing me in a bear hug once Felix let go of me for a few seconds. Minho just repeatedly called me an idiot in an endearing tone, his voice light and playful.
That evening was one I would never forget for the rest of my life, the warmth that surrounded me suffocatingly gentle and sweet.
The days kept going by in a similar fashion, my life gaining a rhythm I never thought I would ever have.
Everyday I would wake up in my little den -that nobody intruded upon, just like the wolf promised- to a knock on the door, one of the boys waiting there with breakfast for me. Taking it thankfully after greeting each other, I would then go to the bathroom and get ready for the day -yes i had to be shown how to wash my teeth and i absolutely disliked how it felt-. Afterwards, I would join whoever was in the big, spacious room, lounging on the sofa together. Skinship still made my hair stand on end, so I usually sat on one side, while the others were on the opposite one, huddled and cuddled up in one big pile. Then usually, around the same time I would be ushered back into my room. Not that I minded -sometimes i even left earlier, the presence of the others too much for the day-, but I had a feeling it was so I wouldn’t run into the human.
It left a strange feeling in my chest, whenever I thought about how suspiciously considerate these hybrids were towards me.
I also got used to everyone's scents by now, although my stomach sometimes still unpleasantly turned whenever they were especially strong and mixed together. The clothes they let me borrow definitely helped hasten the whole process, even though they looked comically short on my stature.
Speaking of clothes, as I was putting on a fresh shirt, I heard a ripping sound echoing through the room.
Panicking, I quickly took it off, the movement irritating my injuries further, but I didn't care about that. No, checking the precious fabric’s condition was a way bigger priority. I turned around the piece of cloth in my hands and sure enough, there was a newly formed hole in its fabric.
Putting on a different one -more carefully this time-, I made my way out of the room, my ears lowered and tail lifeless.
I was hit with deja vu as only Minho was lazily lounging on the sofa, attention partly on the TV, half asleep. Not wanting to bother him or accidentally fully wake him up, I was about to start leaving back into the hallway when Felix appeared. He greeted his feline friend and cuddled into him, purrs now loud enough for even me to hear.
Letting a small smile sneak itself onto my lips, I turned around to leave when suddenly, Felix's head popped up over the back of the couch. His left ear flicked as he was looking straight at me with a deadpan expression, motioning for me to join them. I shuffled in place, embarrassed I was caught, but went down the stairs to join them anyway.
The blonde boy greeted me quietly, the brunette conked out under him, soft snores already leaving his form. My gaze softened at the sight, ears letting up and tail swaying gently.
I took my usual place on the soft furniture, the shirt in my hand now painfully obvious. I played with it absentmindedly, just watching the TV alone as the other feline decided to take a nap as well. They had woken up not that long ago, so I couldn't really understand how they could fall asleep so fast once again. Huffing in amusement at them, I turned towards one of the downstairs hallways as I sensed the other two hybrids leave a room and approach us. Sure enough, they saw and greeted me, in return I nodded at them.
Before they could say anything, I put a finger in front of my lips, motioning towards the sleeping hybrids. Chan looked at them with such warmth as he chuckled, while Changbin just rolled his eyes playfully, muttering things about cats and their laziness.
"Oh, why do you have a shirt in your hands?" - the wolf asked after he sat down next to me, the other parts of the sofa taken by the stretched out felines.
My form turned sheepish, eyes looking at the ground. I held up the fabric for him to see, the hole painfully obvious as I muttered out a grated 'Sorry'.
"Don't be sorry baby, I honestly thought this would happen sooner. None of us have fitting clothing for you, seeing as you are ridiculously tall." He let out a small sigh, silently pondering over his next words. "I’ve waited with this for as long as I could, but it seems like we have no choice anymore, sorry. Because if we want to get you new clothes, you need a collar. To get one, you need to be officially adopted, and for that, you need a checkup. You needed one anyway, for your injuries." - he carefully whispered out, his gentle gaze searching my form for a reaction.
The blood froze into my veins. 
I never wanted to be adopted again, or to have a collar on my neck. I gulped, the air suddenly thin and not enough. The room felt hot, while my body remained frigid. I was vaguely aware of the wolf in front of me, but my vision became slightly hazy and limited.
I blinked several times, forcing the memories and feelings down, not willing to cause another scene and appear weak in front of them yet again.
"-by, are you alright?"
All at once I became painfully aware of his knowing gaze and gentle hold on my uninjured hand. I merely nodded, noticing Changbin hovering nearby as well. My ears flicked towards his direction, a sign I noticed him and was fine. He eased up and sat down next to Chan, head propped up on one of the elder’s shoulders.
"I'm sorry baby, we can wait a bit more to get your injuries looked at. Forget I said anything." - he squeezed my hand once more, then let go as he instead focused on the movie that was playing.
I tried to do so as well, mind numb and slow to work.
I remained seated there for the rest of the day -besides eating and such-, aware what the others were doing at all times. Sometimes they silently watched the TV, other times they caused a ruckus. Chan checked his phone a couple of times, but I wasn't bothered about that. He did that sometimes, probably speaking with his human. The day went by and I was soon back in my room, sleeping early to just end the day faster.
I should have cared about that phone checking.
The next day started the same as my days usually did, but when I met the others, there was a strange tension in the air. They seemed a bit awkward around me, especially the wolf. I only raised an eyebrow at that, an uncomfortable feeling settling into my gut. But I thought nothing more of it.
I really should have.
Next thing I knew, the day slowly trickled by, the bad feeling only growing stronger, body fidgeting endlessly. My eyes regularly flitted around the place, searching for the source of my uncomfort.
It arrived in the form of an ear-splitting ringing. I jumped, having never heard the loud sound and remained in place. The others looked at each other with uncertainty, letting the youngest boy open the door.
Taking a deep breath, my nose picked up on an unfamiliar smell, one that did not belong to a hybrid. Before Felix reached the door I bolted, vaulting over the sofa and up the stairs, diving under the 'bed' and into my den, my safe place.
There was an unknown human in the house and I had a really bad feeling that it had something to do with me. What if it was them, finally having found me, ready to take me back to their lab? What if it was the law, coming to punish me for what I had done?
My head raced with thoughts, none better than the other.
Amidst my panic, the door opened, Chan stepping in and crouching in front of my hidden form.
"Baby, come out please. He just needs to look at your injuries and check if they’re healing properly." - he coaxed fruitlessly.
Oh so it was just a doctor. I didn't know if it was worse or better.
"Baby, please, it's just me in here. Come out."
He was right, it was indeed only him in the room at that moment, the others’ scents all outside and not in the room.
Not getting an answer, he just sat down and continued to try and lure me out with gentle murmurs, his voice on the edge of begging. Still, it took him a good while to get me out of my den, but I slowly crawled out and looked at him wearily.
Betrayal was all I felt, as he grabbed me, shouting for the others to rush in and hold me down. My back was pushed onto a plush surface as it burned, my limbs held down even as they struggled to regain their freedom.
But no matter how hard I tried, their grips firmly remained on my body. A growl ripped out of my chest as my jaw was forced open, something placed inside as they firmly shut it. I didn't want to swallow down whatever it was, but he kept his hand in place, the other massaging my throat.
Tears escaped my eyes as I couldn't fight it anymore, the object sliding down with a forced gulp.
I continued thrashing, even as I felt a bit more sluggish, but nothing more.
"Fuck, he needs another one."
I ripped my left hand out of its hold, something painfully moving out of place as I struggled to break free, blindly clawing at anything I could reach. My limb was soon recaptured, the hold on it only causing more pain. In the next moment my jaw was forced open once again and I relived that horrible moment from a few minutes ago.
My body felt heavy, head hazy as I laid there panting, unable to do anything anymore.
The wolf came into my vision, wiping away the tear tracks from my cheeks as he whispered something about being sorry and not having a choice. I just continued laying there, the ceiling much more interesting for my unfocused eyes as I accepted my fate.
Their familiar scents left and in came a new one, my gut already churning in place.
The new voice introduced itself, but I couldn't be bothered to remember its name. My mind was stuffy, as if it was filled with cotton. The room looked somehow funny, the patterns seemingly coming to life with each passing second. I could hear a chuckle as I marvelled at them, having never seen such things before.
Wariness was sitting at the back of my mind, forgotten there. My mood took a funny turn as well, numb and giddy mixing together to make me obedient and helpful.
And I was. 
I sat up sluggishly and let the human do whatever he wanted to me as I merely watched him, like a lifeless doll on drugs. He checked various parts of my body, being extra diligent around the scars on my upper body, head and arm.  Although I did make a face when he checked inside my mouth or touched my ears and tail, goosebumps uncomfortably raised on the surface of my skin.
After way too much prodding and tests, he was finally done and left, the knots in my stomach easing up.
I remained seated where I was, the floor perpetually moving and writhing beneath my feet. I watched it, highly intrigued, even as someone else came into the room.
Looking up I realised it was the wolf, my mood elated and tail wagging, happy to see him.
With a 'Channie!' I hugged him rather forcefully, rubbing my head into his. Suddenly realising what he had done not even long ago, I let go of him quickly, as if he had the plague. "Wait, no, I am supposed to be angry at you." - I muttered, arms crossed.
He just laughed, patting my shoulder. "You can come in guys, he's good, although a bit too high!" - he shouted out the open door, leading me back to where I sat not long ago.
Not even a second later Felix rushed in and I tackled him similarly to the wolf, just with a happy shout of 'Sunshine!' this time. Realising he was in on my backstabbing too, I let go of him and scrunched up my nose. "Wait, I am supposed to be angry at you too."
I stepped away from him, but then Minho and Changbin came in as well, and in a now very familiar fashion I greeted them. "Binnie, Linooo!… Wait, you guys held me down too… Ooh the floor is still moving." - I released them, looking around the floor as I heard them all laugh.
"How long do you think the meds will last? I need to know when to start recording, this is golden." - cackled the scary feline.
"The doc said a few hours, and that’s with his abnormally high tolerance." - replied the wolf as I was led to the bed by Binnie, the ground still tripping me out.
"Can we keep some of these meds? I have never seen him like this before, so… open and cuddly." "Well the doc did give us some, in case he freaks out again or anything. And no, Lix, those are for emergency use only."
The kitten pouted and I almost went to comfort him, before once again I remembered what they did. I went to cross my arms as I pouted, but the rodent hybrid gently held my injured hand that now rested in a cast.
"Don't pout, please, we did what we thought was best." - he whispered, caressing the cast with his thumb. "If you want to blame anyone, blame me. I was the one who had that ide–" The wolf was elbowed in his sides by both felines, a 'Shut up' and 'Naur' leaving their lips in disharmony.
I pursed my lips together, opting to instead hide myself in Changbin's side.
"I was just so scared. I thought it was him, or, or the others. I didn't want to go back." - my voice rasped out, cracking at a few places.
A few seconds of silence passed as one of them carded their fingers through my hair soothingly.
"Baby, who is he?"
"Dun wanna talk about it."
I just pressed more into the younger boy, my voice muffled. Taking a deep breath of the tropical scent, I threw myself over the others, face now nestled into the wolf's middle.
"Smells good. Safe."
"Maybe we can use these meds out of emergency too sometimes."
I woke up to a full bed, the thought dancing around my mind before fully registering. I tensed up under all the bodies, my heart rate accelerating fast. Not wanting to wake them up, I scooted away as much as I could, my body ridden with goosebumps, reminded of the past.
Some of them stirred but remained asleep as I just sat there, trying to recollect what had happened that could result in this.
I, sadly, came up a bit blank.
Instead of wrecking my already hurting head even more, I watched the others sleep, their features peaceful and at ease. A smile slipped onto my lips.
I knew it for a while now, that they sneaked their way into my heart, I just kept denying it. My heart was just not ready to trust again, and it probably never would be.
But I was willing to try, for their sake.
I had no clue how long I had been sitting there, but gradually all of them woke up, greeting me and each other. I nodded back, the question I had been itching to get an answer to sitting on the tip of my tongue.
"What happened yesterday?"
They froze up, glancing at each other, until Minho slipped his phone out with a suspiciously wide grin on his face. He tapped some things and a video started playing.
A video of me, cuddling into every single one of them with a satisfied smile on my face.
I blanched, wide eyes not believing what they were seeing. I nearly choked on my spit when I heard their nicknames leaving my lips. Nicknames I thought I never said out loud.
"Yeah, you were extreeemely high from the meds." - laughed Chan, rubbing his nape at the memory. "Yup, called Lix's freckles stars too and asked Binnie if he could lift you up, since he has so much muscle."
My cheeks warmed up immediately, ears lowered in embarrassment. I took my tail into my uninjured hand, pushing my face into it to hide as they all just laughed at my expense.
I couldn't face them anymore. Never again, actually.
The following days I hid in my room, memories of that day now fully intact as they trickled back to me. I was hurt over being fooled and forced into a medical checkup, especially because they knew how I would react to it. So their solution was to lie to me and force medication down my throat… But to their credit, none of them came into the room uninvited still, only knocking to give me food, which I quickly took and shut the door into their faces.
I was torn.
On one hand, I had finally admitted that yes, they had wormed their way into my heart. On the other hand, the trust that had been so carefully crafted now crumbled down in front of my very eyes.
It was painful.
Instead I just let my eyelids flutter closed as I laid curled up in my den, tears easily racing down their already carved out paths.
I was so tired.
I was startled awake by quiet knocking on my door, the sound ear-piercing in the deadly silence. It must have been night, my tired mind supplied amidst its haze.
I blinked a couple of times, the weight of my body settling into my soul, easily convincing me to not move a finger.
But the knocking disagreed as it rang through my echoing room once more.
Taking a deep breath to will myself to move, I immediately recognised the sugary sweet scent wafting through the air, dragging a sigh from my body.
Crawling out of my hiding place, I held my head as it throbbed, sight swimming and throat parched. The thought of accepting the food I refused hours earlier didn’t sound too bad at that moment, but I instead shook my head gently and shut my eyes closed forcefully. My vision soon returned fully afterwards, so I slowly padded towards the door and opened it just enough for our eyes to meet.
Those usually glinting, bright nebulas were now dim, sitting atop dark and raw skin. The sight broke a part of me, but I showed no sign of it, no, I couldn’t, I refused to. Instead I just hummed with a questioning tone, wanting to hear the goal of his visit from his mouth directly.
"Hyung… Do you… Could we talk? Please?" - his voice cracked, eyes glistening and pleading.
I couldn't say no to that, so I opened the door just enough for him to slip in, closing it quietly after confirming no one else was nearby.
He awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, so I just motioned towards the 'bed' for him with a jerk of my head. Getting the hint, he carefully sat down at the edge of it, his lax tail laying close to his body in distress.
I remained standing in front of him, a fair distance between his timid form and my angry one, hands awkwardly crossed in front of my chest -this cast thing was getting on my nerves-. My question was clear to him, no words needed to convey it.
"We… You have to know we did it for your own good, Hyung. I…I'm really sorry, I'm not saying what we did was right, but you needed medical attention! Your- you didn't see your injuries, when the glass cut into your burgundy fur, I… I was so scared. You were bleeding a lot and, and… I just didn't want to lose you. None of us wanted to…"
The once bright boy in front of me was broken, tears cascading down his freckled cheeks, just like on that day. It felt like I cast a spell, a curse, hiding away the blinding star behind a curtain of weeping clouds.
It felt horrible.
I felt horrible.
Sighing quietly, I uncrossed my arms.
"I'll… I'll need some time to, to think this through." - my voice rasped out, the air grating against my vocal chords painfully.
The boy nodded, wiping his tears with his long sleeves, his feet carrying him out, through the doorway.
I just stood there, feeling empty even as the door closed and the quiet sniffing disappeared down the hallway.
"...For my sake, huh?"
It took me 3 days to scrape my feelings and thoughts together into a partly comprehensive ball. I still couldn't fully understand the situation, and in no way did I forgive them. But I also realised that I didn't have the full picture.
That was what brought me to the current situation, agitated form standing in front of the others' shocked ones.
"I'm still angry, but need explanation."
They just gaped at me for a few seconds, then looked at each other, as if silently communicating.
A deep sigh left the wolf as he rubbed his nape, gaze firmly planted into the ground by his feet.
"I was the one who called the shots, so if you still wanna be angry at someone by the end of this, let that only be me. The others don't deserve this."
Someone else wanted to interject, but his sharp glare was all it took to quickly shoot them down.
"While yes, you did need the check-up if you wanted to remain here, which is something we all wanted before you think anything else, your recent injuries were urgent. We did have our theories after you didn't really look to be in pain, but they were confirmed after the visit. You have a dangerously high tolerance for drugs and pain, so you must not’ve noticed the extent of your injuries, but please, believe us when we say they were severe. You became almost blind to your left eye, for the sake of-!  Sigh  But this still doesn't justify what we-, I did. I apologise, from the bottom of my heart."
I could only stare at his bowing form, the others following in suit. Something tightly constricted in my chest, something that started at the beginning of his speech. What it was, I had no clue.
A shaky breath left my form, my fists clenched and gaze dropping.
"It hurt."
The silence was deafening.
"I thought… I thought I could start to trust you. That I- was safe here… Why? It hurt so much." - as if the constricting band snapped in half, my chest became lighter and I just stood there as tears slowly cascaded down my face, hands uselessly hovering mid-air.
Nobody came near me, my body both happy and sad about it, a part of me already used to their warmth and comforting touches. It tore a violent sob out of my chest.
I was so tired of all this.
Of not being normal, not being able to enjoy someone's presence or touches. I wanted to be normal again! Not this, this freak!
"Oh baby… You're not a freak."
My sobs froze into my chest as I looked up through my tears, not even realising I spoke out loud.
"Yes, you’re not like the others, but only because you’re hurt. And hurt can be healed and fixed, even if it takes a long time. Maybe not fully, sure, but you can become better with time and care."
The voice of the wolf was soothing, like cold water on a hot summer day.
"But we can only help you if you let us."
The gaze of the little herbivore was equally warm.
"Please, Bae Hyung, let us help you."
The young feline's voice was broken, but it held so much strength it shook my soul.
And while the last member only nodded along and spoke nothing, his body posture and gaze sang poems, all with the same goal.
It was as if something I had been hauling around for long years got lighter, the weight not impossible to bear anymore. I could clearly hear my walls crumble, the ones I had put up after that day for my own protection. Fresh tears sprang into my eyes, lips trembling.
"Promise? N-no more?"
Even though my broken question couldn't have been any more vague, they all firmly responded, swearing to not let such a thing happen again.
And while yes, I did not forgive them at that moment, I knew it would only take time.
And time it took.
While I did leave my room occasionally, it only happened every few days and for a short time. My body involuntarily shuddered from their close proximity, afraid they would hold me down again and--
I shook my head, the thought bristling my skin, making my hair stand on end.
No, I refused to think about that. Instead, I focused on the scent of the sunlit forest, filled with tropical fruit. A meadow hidden between the tall giants, filled to the brim with mellow flowers, their sweet nectar luring all kinds of beings closer.
Taking a deep breath, the scent filled my lungs and lingered there, as if my organ clinged to it desperately.
A cheerful greeting broke me out of my trance, the source busy in the kitchen turning the place upside down amidst its mission to find snacks.
I didn't even notice I was walking down the hallway, let alone down the stairs, following the strengthening scent of a sweltering, bountiful forest.
Blinking, I nodded back at him, my eyes following his shorter form. Reaching up for a cabinet, his muscles tensed and yet, a pout sat on his lips as he just couldn't quite reach the prize he sought after so desperately.
Calmly striding over, I took the crinkly bag from the upper shelf, the packet having been safely tucked into the corner. After inspecting the bag for a brief second -they were some kind of chips-, I turned around and placed it into his hands, his form strangely frozen and big doe eyes innocently blinking up at me.
But before my head could tilt in confusion, he beamed up at me gratefully, bounding over to the sofa, beckoning me to follow after having fallen into its soft cushions.
A fond sigh left my nose, but I complied to his wishes nonetheless. Soon enough, our separate forms were watching some kind of romance story again -that was all we ever watched-, his arm that held the bag frequently stretched out towards me. A silent offering of food, one I gratefully accepted.
Changbin felt like fire. His presence hot, attention demanding, yet it was always tamed around me. He was a bundle of untamed flames whenever they thought I wasn't around, and still, the inferno was pleasantly warm and grounding. Safe. Like a lit bonfire on a cold winter night.
And I was but a cold, starved animal, undeniably drawn in by its light, yet also afraid of being burnt. Thus, I could only watch from afar, basking in the small wisps of fire that reached my form as the others huddled around it, hungrily devouring its unending heat.
And maybe, maybe I would be able to get closer one day too.
Quietly slinking down the stairs, I looked towards the kitchen where Minho resided, his back turned towards me as he was busy making food.
I purposefully stepped towards the side so he could catch my form in the corner of his eye, not wanting to startle him. My plan worked as he glanced at me while muttering out a short greeting, eyes quickly focusing back on the pot sizzling under the heat.
Taking a deeper breath, its aroma filled my nose, pleasantly tickling my mind and hungry stomach.
As if led by the scent, I walked closer, curious form now dangerously close to his cooking one. I could easily see over his shoulders, my eyes drinking in every move he made, hands gracefully working the pan and the food residing in it.
It was quite mesmerising.
Throughout it all, he never once ushered me away or uttered a word.
Minho felt like the tall grass in an unending meadow. Always there, calmly swaying in the gentle breeze. He didn't speak a lot compared to the others, instead he let his actions do the talking. His occasional words were sometimes harsh, sure, but his actions were always gentle. He was a pillar you could lean on, should you need it.
It was reassuring.
Minho was reassuring.
The wolf was weird. Weird in the way that he tried to hide things, certain feelings behind smiles. His broad shoulders always tense in a way, as if carrying the weight of the world. 
But I could smell it, his pain and exhaustion oozing into his scent, the forest ageing and weeping in return. It unpleasantly twisted my nose, causing my brows to furrow as well.
There were times where he only smelled like sunshine, the trees blooming in happiness as a gentle breeze ruffled their canopy. His face reflected his mood, lips breaking out in a face-splitting smile, dimples on show and gaze glinting.
But at other times his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the dark orbs seemingly drowning. In what, I did not know.
Compared to Chan's safe, yet chipped presence, the little snow leopard was the exact opposite. The boy wore his heart on his sleeves, his mood usually bright.
Felix was like the burning sun, a star so bright it felt painful to get closer. His presence alone eased the atmosphere, his affectionate touches and hugs making everyone melt in his arms. 
When he was sad, he didn't hide it and instead sought comfort from someone. But just like how clouds never stayed in front of the sun to obstruct it forever, he always bounced back into his cheery self.
Felix was my sunshine, the light in the unending darkness. Chan was my guiding path, leading me away from my past.
I could only fondly gaze at their focused faces as we sat in front of the TV, the artificial light creating shadows on their faces, highlighting every imperfection. Yet I found all of them perfect, my arms folded on the back of the sofa, head laying on top of it to observe them better.
I wanted to carve that moment, them into my memory, into my heart. Desperately wanting my soul to remember every single one of them and their features.
That was when I had suddenly realised, my anger towards them had vanished, just like the cold, white veil over the world.
Waking up under the bed in my den early in the day was nothing out of the ordinary. The empty feeling in my gut was, however. I furrowed my brows together, lips setting into a line.
What was this feeling?
It ate away at my very being, as if it was missing something. But I had everything I had gotten over the past months, except maybe a few snacks that had gone missing.
Blindly searching around, I grasped at the 'blanket' and brought it to my chest, hugging it tightly. The motion did little to fill the gaping hole in my chest.
Looking back at it, the feeling was familiar and not at all new. It just wasn't this bad before, or if it was, I did not notice it.
Huffing in frustration, I crawled out and begrudgingly got ready to start the day, even though it clearly wasn't ready to do so itself. The sun wasn't even up, its rays barely peeking over the horizon. I shielded my eyes from it and instead went out of the room quietly.
The house was silent, bathed in dancing shadows. A quick inhale told me all I needed to know, the scent of the human still strongly lingering in the air, meaning they were still in the house. Already knowing they lived on the same floor as me, I quickly made my way down the stairs, steps muted and calculated. I had learned which parts of the wood creaked a long time ago, the motion now automatic for my body.
Not wanting to meet the human by staying at the sofa, I turned towards the hallways hidden by the stairs.
My body automatically led me to a door and stopped in front of it.
Gaze sweeping over the floor, I hesitated. They were probably still sleeping. I didn't want to be a bother, especially since I didn't even know what to say to them. Something along the lines of 'Hey, sorry, I just feel empty and weird inside, can you help?' maybe? Not a chance, nope.
My body startled, head whipping towards the side to meet Changbin and his curious gaze on my form, cute, little, round ears twitching in curiosity. I lowered my own ears, embarrassed, not knowing what to say.
Instead of the familiar question of 'Is everything alright?', he just walked towards me -oh he had lighter clothes on, he was probably on his way to train- and knocked on the door. 
Right in front of my frozen face.
Before I could even voice my worry and confusion, he left my panicked form with two hefty pats on my shoulder and a wink. I stepped towards him, mouth open, arms ready to grasp at him–
Ah shit.
I immediately closed my mouth, arms falling limply back to my sides as I didn't know how to face the younger. I rubbed at my nape nervously -a habit i had picked up from the wolf accidentally-, looking at the ground. The sweet scent in the air calmed me slightly, just enough to stop me from bolting away in embarrassment.
"What are you doing up so early?" - Felix asked as he rubbed at one of his eyes, voice hoarse and filled with slumber.
"...couldn't sleep."
A soft 'oh' left his mouth, the soft rustling of socks against wood filling the air.
Turning around I saw he had stepped aside, silently inviting me into his room. I felt the other hybrid sooner than I saw him, Chan's form laying on the bed peacefully, still deeply asleep.
I quietly stepped in, the door closing with a soft click behind me. My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden darkness as I blinked several times, the shuffling form of the young boy soon clear in the room.
He went back to bed and looked at me, a silent question sitting in his gaze. I shook my head, opting to instead sit in his squishy chair that sat on the ground in a corner.
No other word was uttered, but the silence was comfortable. Like a soft fabric of comfort as it lulled us back to sleep -oh, just like a blanket, i get it now-.
I stared at the dark ceiling for a while, the soft snores of the others filling my ears. Soon enough my eyelids felt heavy, consciousness drifting away into the land of dreams and peace. The empty feeling settled down a bit, its presence now only at the back of my mind.
Soft murmurs woke me up, the room feeling warm and comforting. The scent of a pine forest mixed with sugar wafted in the air; it curled around me like a comforting presence, bringing a small smile to my lips.
The murmurs stopped and I stretched out, head popping up from the squishy chair to look at the two males on the bed.
Chan had a phone in his lowering hand with a smile plastered onto his face, while Felix just giggled, waving at me.
"Good morning baby. How was your sleep?" - the wolf's pleasant voice asked, deeper than usual as sleep still clung to it slightly.
I only nodded back, hand still rubbing the sleep from my eyes with little success.
"I still can't believe how you can just fit on that bean bag like that. And you even looked like you had the best sleep in the whole house!" - laughed out Felix as my cheeks felt a tad bit hotter at his comment. "I think it's cute, but do come sit with us, it's comfier up here." - Chan cooed, hand patting the blanket near him.
My lips pursed, ears tilting slightly behind, but I complied and sat at the end of the bed, gaze not meeting their forms as my cheeks still felt warm.
"How’s your arm, baby?"
I looked at the limb in question, the cast weighing it down. My lips turned down at the mere thought of it. I found the thing incredibly annoying and frustrating. I couldn't do things freely as it sat heavily there and I couldn't even enjoy baths anymore like how I used to -fully submerged in water-. This stupid thing was driving me nuts.
"Irritating. When can it be free?" - my husky voice answered, slightly better sounding from the little talking I had done lately.
"Ah, the doc did say it should be checked on again soon." "Yep, today to be exact."
My eyes widened as I whipped my head towards Chan, form tensing. Before I could do anything more, he held up his hands and explained in panic.
"No, no, don't worry, it will be different. He will only come in a few hours and you can choose to take some calming medicine or not. The choice is up to you entirely. The doc only needs to check how you are healing and if everything's good, he might even be able to take your cast off."
Looking into their eyes, I could only see sincerity. My form relaxed a bit, mind running around with choices.
I really didn't want to meet a human, but the chance to get this thing off was too great to ignore.
Sighing, I slowly nodded.
Their expressions eased up at that, the little leopard hovering his hand above mine. I didn't move away, the void in my chest happy as the feline gently grasped onto my limb.
The atmosphere settled back into its previous serene self, the two hybrids chatting calmly with each other. I had to give credit to them, they tried their best to get me involved as well so I gave them short answers, my hurting throat letting me do only so much.
As I watched them animatedly speak I caught a whiff of a savoury scent in the air, my stomach gently gurgling in response. The two chuckled at that, but I cared not as I stood up and waited for them by the door.
"Yes yes, we’re coming." - said the wolf, his tone light and teasing.
The leopard bundled up next to me energetically, his spotted tail playfully curling around in place as we waited for the older canine.
Finally gathered together, I opened the door and hastily walked into the big room from the hallway, Minho's back facing us.
The others greeted each other loudly and sat at the table to chat, all the while I made my way to the cooking cat, hovering behind his busy form like usual.
I could hear the others whisper about us, about me, things like 'He looks so cute, like a lost puppy following its parent.', but it didn't bother me at the moment. I was too busy watching Minho work his magic, the air smelling delicious.
His hands worked precisely with the knife, ingredients cut perfectly into the shapes he desired. The pans and pots were filled up and moved over the fire, then quickly pulled off once their contents were ready and done. He danced around the kitchen with scary efficiency, hands knowing exactly where to reach for certain ingredients or equipment.
Being done, he plated the food and asked me to help bring them over to the table, so I did. I must have been too absorbed in watching the chestnut-haired feline work, because Changbin was already back at the table in a fresh set of clothes, the air around him smelling clean with a hint of menthol. I quickly greeted him with an apology as well, but he just shrugged it aside calmly, saying it was fine.
Leaving it at that, I put the plates down and sat in my place, the colourful presence of the medicines not escaping my gaze. They sat there beside my glass of water clearly, forms not hidden at all.
I really did have the choice.
My working hand clenched around itself, my jaw firm. While the medicine did remind me of the past, it also did not. The ones they used were plain, usually white or worse, in the form of an injection. These ones were yellow and red, colours blaringly loud and playful in a way.
Turning my gaze towards the warm food, I forced my body to relax a bit, wanting to focus on eating as I rethought my choices and decision.
My ears turned towards whoever was speaking -more like shouting and bickering- as I ate , a silent participant of the conversation. I was much more comfortable just seeing them fool around, stealing each other's food -never mine though, how strange- and laughing around like fools.
Happy fools.
The chopsticks gently clanked against the plate as I finished eating. My hands played with the pills before quickly popping them into my mouth, forcing them down with some water.
The effect wasn't immediate at all, no, that was instead the silence as the others stared at me. I just raised an eyebrow at that, not understanding, since they were the ones who put them there.
"Ooh, this will be interesting." - Minho said with a smirk crawling onto his lips, hand already equipping his phone. "No!" - I shouted, reaching over but missing as he moved the object away way too quickly.
I quickly stood up to reach his hand better, but the walls were already moving and my balance was shifting rapidly. I held my head, groaning, the eye I didn't cover up shifting as the world around me moved and writhed.
I quickly sat back down, a curse leaving my lips as I just laid my forehead on the table, covering my head up with my arms.
"Hyung, you're fine. Don't hide." - sang the deep voice of Felix. I merely tightened my hold, not trusting what came out of my mouth as my head started filling up with cotton, judgement already starting to leave my form.
"Felix, you know well enough that's a lie." - snickered Minho at my expense. "Yes, but come on mate! Don't be such a meanie!" "Oh I’m not. I would be, if I put these videos up onto the internet. Now that I say it, that’s a good idea." "Guys, calm down. Nobody puts anything anywhere.  Sigh  I worded that wrong…"
Amidst the chaos, I looked up and searched for the only quiet person, asking him for help with the last of my coherent thoughts. "Don't look at me, I quite enjoyed how you praised my biceps last time." That was his only answer with a big grin, cheeks splitting apart from the bright smile that sat upon his face. What a menace.
I let my head fall back against the table, the cutlery clanking loudly against each other and partly masking the groan that left my lips. The pressure it brought to my skull did little to help with the ache and numbness.
There it was, the fog over my brain, the disgustingly good mood taking control over the place against my wishes.
I looked up from the table, chin propped up on it as my eyes followed the swirling patterns in the room, various shapes drawing out in them with every passing second. Someone ruffled my hair, the action earning a delighted sound from my throat, tail swaying happily behind me.
Looking around after taking a deep breath that drew a small smile on my face, I saw the others standing up and leaving towards the sofa. Not wanting to be left out, I followed them, falling onto Binnie who laid on the plush surface. He laughed and wiggled around until he found a comfortable enough position with me laying on top of his much smaller form.
Our legs were picked up and placed onto Minho's lap, while Chan and Felix sat on his other side, all snuggled up. I could feel a tickling sensation on my foot, causing me to wiggle around and whine. The perpetrator -Chan, of course it was him- only giggled, not leaving my poor feet alone for a good minute or so. Felix joined in at some point, that little weasel.
After having recovered from the impromptu tickle session, I relaxed back into a comfortable position -to my defence, Binnie was surprisingly comfortable-. My tail laxly laid on the chocolate-coated feline's knees, twitching as he put a hand on the back of my knee. I thought nothing of it and buried my head into Binnie's chest, the position dangerously pleasant.
Lino's hand kept moving upwards throughout the movie, now resting on my thigh. I flicked up my tail in warning, his hand stopping in place.
A blaring sound rang throughout the house, one I was vaguely familiar with.
Sniffing the air, I picked up a human's scent and my fogged up mind reminded me that the doctor had arrived at last. I completely forgot about it in the euphoria of the moment.
Feeling the hybrid shifting around under me, I tightened my hold, not wanting to get up just yet. Or at all, really.
"Bae hyung, you have to get up. The doctor's here." "Well he can check me over like this."
Laughter filled the place as Binnie sputtered, but settled back down nonetheless. Pink dusted his cheeks, round little ears lowered in embarrassment and I couldn’t help myself, I just had to reach up and pet one of them. Just for a little bit.
Sure enough, the doctor didn't put up a fight when he saw my hold on the buff male. He checked as much as he could of my injuries, my shirt pushed up to my neck as he prodded around on my back. I only felt numb pulling sometimes, something cool spreading around my skin, the air not hitting it anymore as something was placed on top of it at several places. 
But then the human asked me to sit up and my serene mood was broken, Binnie's hand stopping from painting soft circles into my arm. I simply turned my head away, not willing to change positions.
"Baby, come here."
At that soothing voice I looked up, seeing Channie pat the place next to him on the sofa. I sat up after a few seconds, sitting where he wanted me to and leaning into him.
The doctor followed my form and first looked at my head. It was uncomfortable to have him so near me, to have him push my hair away slightly. Doing something similar to what he did to my back, he then asked me to open my mouth. I furrowed my brows, but complied anyway.
If him prodding around my head was uncomfortable, this was straight up hell. He looked down my throat and even touched around my neck, checking my reactions. The only reason I stayed put with a frown was because of Channie and Felix with their small, encouraging gestures.
"Keep up what you've been doing so far, his throat is looking a bit better. Given time, it can completely recover." - the human said, earning a few 'Okay's from the others.
Then the human took my heavy arm in his hands, asking questions like 'Does it hurt?' or 'Is it uncomfortable?'. I shook my head in answer, the thing on it only annoying and binding.
In the next second the wolf led my head into his neck, careful fingers carding through my hair, as my sight was obstructed now. The notion was sudden, but I relished in it nonetheless.
A weird sound filled the air as I felt things shift around my arm, but I was too comfortable to move or care. His scent filled my being and I could feel my form running around in the moss covered trees, dirt kicking up beneath my paws. It felt freeing, as if I had nothing to worry about.
"There, his arm is completely healed and as good as new. But to be safe, make sure he doesn't use it as much for the next week." "Thank you doctor, we will make sure to do so." - his voice hummed through his throat pleasantly in response. "Don't be so uptight boys, I don't bite. You can be casual around me if you want to, you already know that." - the human joked around, some of the others joining in.
"Ah, but we do need to do what we talked about last time. Could you…?"
The human trailed off and so did the soothing motion from the wolf. I lifted my head up from his shoulder, confusedly looking at him with my swimming vision.
"Ah, don't worry baby, everything is fine. Why don't you sit in my lap, that way you don't have to twist your torso around so uncomfortably."
He did have a point, so my fogged up, elated mind happily agreed and did as he asked. I crawled into his awaiting embrace, body sideways, one leg propped up and squished between our bodies. My back hunched and bent so I could rest my head near his neck once again, but even with all of that, it was comfortable.
One of his hands held my back firmly, the other resuming the soothing motion on my head. I was vaguely aware of my tail happily wagging around, the others settling down around us as well.
I buried my head deeper into his neck, their scents dancing around in my nose and enhancing my drugged up state.
I felt one of my sleeves shift, a prickling sensation on my skin. Something poked around in my mind, telling me it was awfully familiar, but I didn't know why, the fog too obstructing. Nonetheless, I wanted to check it out but as my head shifted, so did Channie's hold on me.
It tightened slightly, desperately, the forest now damp and in disarray.
I didn't like that at all, so I laid back down as I ignored the second sting on my arm, the forest’s scent settling down slowly.
It took around 6 stings and for my tail to stop swaying for the doctor to finish.
"Alright boys, I will come back in a month to finish this up and check if his back and head is still healing fine. So far he’s healing up incredibly fast and nothing seems wrong, so don't worry. If something comes up, you know how to reach me."
They all thanked him and exchanged goodbyes, everyone escorting the human away except Channie, as I was still laying in his hold calmly.
My body felt a bit sluggish, consciousness trying to dip away as I had to jank it back forcefully, not wishing to sleep just yet. Although my cosy position was not helping with that sudden exhaustion either, the safe feeling almost lulling me to sleep in itself.
"Is he asleep?" "Naur, but soon enough. The medicines must’ve really tired him out." "He seemed tired already this morning, he really needs this rest." "Ah, is that why you knocked on our door for him this morning, Binnie?" "Yeah, caught him standing there for like 3 minutes straight, staring at your door. He looked like a small kid that had a nightmare." "Wait, you guys had a sleepover and I was not invited?" "Oh come on Minho, don't do this now. Besides, you dislike them and always complain about being kicked or having your blanket stolen." "Because it's true! How would you like to wake up cold, kicked to the ground, hm?" "Oh you fucki–" "Hey, language!" "Watch your profanity!" "Oh you got the swear police on your ass now, Lixie~" "I swear to god, Minho, I will get you back for this!"
Their arguing mixed with Channie's reverberating chest pushed me over the edge, my mind plunging into darkness at last.
The next few days ran by as I refused to acknowledge what had happened or what I could have done while drugged out of my mind. I did notice my hand was free at least, so maybe it was all worth it. Although everyone kept a closer eye on me, not letting me use my freed up hand much. Or at all, really.
It was stifling.
But it was also weird. Foreign. I was alone for so long, I had forgotten what it felt like to have people beside you. People who cared about you. So as frustrating as it was, I only sighed deeply and followed their wishes.
Besides, the wolf was the one who had been watching me the closest, and I did not want to anger him. The thought alone made me break out in cold sweat.
A bundle of joy broke me out of my thoughts, the little leopard stopping directly in front of me.
"Hyung, do you want to play this new game I got? Everyone else declined, only giving me lame excuses."
Awh, he pouted.
I simply nodded with a small smile, letting his overjoyed self lead me out by my 'good' hand.
"Lix, he can't really use his hand, mate!" - Chan shouted from the kitchen. "No worries, it's a wii game, it can be played with only one hand!" - shouted back the blonde, my ears hurting from the loud voice. "Ah, sorry, I forgot." - he immediately whispered to me, guilt taking over his features.
I simply shook my head, grating out an 'It's fine.' in the process.
Soon enough I found myself in his room -he always shared it with someone, but so did the others, i noticed, as they often slept in a big pile of limbs all together-, instructed to sit on his bed while he got this 'game' thing set up. I had no clue what it was, but he looked so happy about it I just couldn't say no to him.
He plopped down next to me, a thing similar to the remote sat in his hands, eyes facing towards the TV in his room. Looking at it, the colours stopped shifting and some music started playing.
Lixie turned towards me, the smile on his face seemingly endless as he started pointing out the different parts of this remote. What 'button' did what and so on. I nodded along, trying my best to remember the onslaught of information.
Then, he pressed START and the 'game' began.
"Nooooooo, how’s this possible?? You just learned what a video game is 3 hours ago and you already beat me 11 times in a row! Hyung, you're cheating!" - the boy pouted, absolutely losing his mind over the situation. "... Sorry?" "That just makes it even worse, you didn't even do it on purpose! Aaagh, damn it!"
The cute leopard held his hair in frustration, angry little noises leaving his smaller form. His spotted tail was lashing out, but still playful to indicate his hidden mood.
He was adorable, I wanted to hug him.
My form froze, muscles tense.
What did I just think about?
Looking back at the young boy's form, the same urge bubbled up now tenfold. 
I gulped.
It would be fine.
He was not them, nor him.
He was just Lixie, my sunshine and comforting light.
Yes, it would be fine. I… would be fine.
My shaking hands slowly rose, snaking their way towards the boy sitting slightly in front of me. They grabbed onto his thin -way too thin- waist and slowly dragged him into my chest, arms locking him in place gently. His sputtering and shouting died midway, form utterly tense and frozen.
Maybe he didn't like it.
I panicked, arms quickly unwinding, but before I could fully detach myself, he laid back into me with all his weight, quiet little purrs reverberating in his chest. His tail coiled around one of my legs, a silent disagreement against my doubts.
It was fine.
I was fine.
So, I carefully tightened my hold on him with slightly shaking arms, one of them finding its way into his golden locks, numbly playing with them as a distraction. God, they were incredibly smooth and silky, my fingers sailing through them easily. The purrs only strengthened, the notion calming and reassuring, filling up the void residing in my chest rapidly at last.
We just laid there even as the feline's breathing slowed, soft snores breaking his neverending purring. Even as my eyelids felt heavy and my body laid against the upper part of the bed, I fought fruitlessly against sleep.
I wanted to enjoy the moment just a bit longer.
next chapter
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takimakiiiii · 4 months ago
“i wish i was who you drunk texted at midnight. . .” Part 2!
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wc!: 3.5k 😱
ollie bearman x fem!reader + childhood friends to ? 👀
warnings: swearing
summary: Continuation of “i wish i was who you drunk texted at midnight”
a/n: wow. i never expected so many people to ask for a part 2! tbh i was going to leave it on a cliffhanger but i guess i just can’t write and leave my fics on cliffhangers smh 😔 also im so sorry this took me so long to get out! I was struggling a bit with schoolwork and going travelling but I hope you’re satisfied with this ending xoxox
type: angst with fluff ending . . . maybe? 👀
part 1
Oooo irony was such a little bitch. 
You watched as a wave of shock crossed Ollie’s face as he stared down at you, both of you unable to form even a word, as if they’d all gotten stuck in your throat. A thousand thoughts were running through your mind as you laid at his feet. Frozen in shock, this couldn’t have gone in a worse direction than it already was. Your face was flushed in embarrassment and you just knew your entire face was hot red. You opened your mouth to say something, anything to salvage your dignity but as luck would have it, no words left your mouth. 
“. . . hey there.” you attempted to sound relaxed and sombre but you unfortunately ended up sounding like a squeaking mouse instead.
Your hand shot to your mouth as you slowly sat up. Ollie chuckled, wiping his cheeks from any stray tears with the back of his hand. You crossed your legs as he sat across from you, still fighting to find words that could possibly explain the whole word vomit you’d just thrown up. You met his eyes, fighting the urge to jump up and run out the door. You wanted to still be mad at him, to leave but something stopped you. Whatever it was clearly wanting you to just suffer even more. 
“Hey there,” he cracked a smile, you swallowed and chuckled but it sounded about as empty as you felt right now. 
“Is it true? Everything you said?” he slowly asked, his voice delicate like a thin pane of glass about to crack any moment You swallowed in a weak attempt to keep the word vomit in that was about to spill everywhere once again. 
“Yeah. I didn’t expect you to open the door though, I was actually just about to go home.” you trailed off as you began to get up, but he grabbed your wrist as if it was the only thing here keeping him on Earth. You froze and looked down at him with a heavy heart. You felt like you were going to burst into tears all over again. It was so pathetic it made you sick to your stomach, how could you let yourself get so carried away? 
“Please. . . stay? We can talk afterwards, I promise. I want to apologise properly, just please stay.” he sounded so defeated, so hollow and empty that you almost forgot the reason you were ever mad at him in the first place. 
You looked at the door then slowly back at Ollie, you never thought you could love and hate someone so much at the same time. You wanted to leave, the mix of emotions you felt inside you were overwhelming and getting the best of you. Yet, a small part inside of you told you that you HAD to stay. Not for yourself but for Ollie, maybe not for the guy he was now but for that small freckled kid you once knew. 
“You’ll race right?” you asked him hopefully, you hated the way your voice showed how much you cared for him. It made you feel weak, vulnerable in front of someone you never thought you’d feel that in front.  Ollie nodded, his hand still clutching your wrist as he looked up at you. His mouth was slightly parted, as if he wanted to say something more. So you waited, a second too long perhaps but the words got lost in his mouth and you held back your disappointment. 
Your heart ached as you looked at him, his eyes still red and you could see that he was fighting back tears. It reminded you of when the two of you were in third grade and a bunch of kids were killing ants on the playground.  Ollie had burst out crying. You used to tease him about it all the time but the truth was whenever you saw Ollie crying it felt like a part of your heart was being torn apart. 
And it made you mad, and you promised yourself that you’d never let Ollie cry again. A pretty unrealistic promise but it didn’t matter to you, not to 8 year-old you anyways. And the world be damned if they tried to stop you, because he was your best friend and what wouldn’t one do for their best friend?
You sighed, pulling your eyes away from him, unable to stand the sight of him any longer, knowing that if you stayed you’d break and fall apart. 
“I’ll be with Arthur.” you told him as you pulled away from him, he gently let go of your wrist, his arms falling down beside him. Holding back the urge to hug him you left him alone, unknowing the way that he stared after you as you disappeared out the door. You felt sick to your stomach and your legs like putty underneath you as you walked down the hallway. It seemed to stretch out like a never ending tunnel as you stumbled down it. It all just didn’t make sense. Why did it all have to be so complicated? 
Arthur was standing by the Ferrari motorhome lounge with his brother, Charles Leclerc whom you’d met briefly at a race in Monza. Upon seeing your pale face Arthur quickly excused himself from his older brother and approached you, concern written all over his face. You’d always considered Arthur to be a close friend, since he was good pals with Ollie you’d always see him out and 
about the paddock. He’d always keep you company at races and when you and Ollie began to drift apart Arthur would always text to see how you were doing. You were eternally grateful for that, it almost seemed like you should have been falling for him this entire time. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, holding your shoulders and looking at you, his eyes searching your face for an answer. You nodded, unable to meet his eyes, instead glancing back to where the Ollie’s driver room was. The hallway almost calling out to you, wanting you to stumble back down it. 
“Did you get Ollie out?” Arthur asked as the two of you sat down on the lounge in the Ferrari motorhome. You sank into the seat, wishing you could just disappear at that moment. 
“Yeah.” you replied flatly, he looked over at you, he knew something had happened. 
“We’re going to talk later. I just, just wish. . . I wish he knew how much he means to me. I want to be someone’s first choice for once, I want to be his first choice for once.” you trailed off slowly. No truer words could’ve been spoken at that moment. You felt so stupid saying that out loud but it had never sounded so right, it felt right inside of you. To Ollie you’d always been a second choice and deep down you knew you’d always be. It all just felt too unfair, you wish you could’ve given up easier, to be able to forget everything that had happened and move on. 
It would’ve made life a whole lot easier if you could. But the universe be damned, it wouldn’t let you. 
“I’m not going to say I get, because I don’t really but, I get it.” Arthur sent a playful smile your way in hopes of cheering you up. You rolled your eyes, but your heart felt nonetheless lighter. 
“Thanks for staying and getting Ollie out, I wasn’t sure we’d ever be able to get him out. But thanks to you we did.” Arthur smiled, you grinned back, knowing that you’d made the right decision to stay. 
You couldn’t help but feel overjoyed for Ollie when he finished P7 in his first F1 race. Your chest swelled with pride as you watched him hop out of his car and run over to give his Father a giant hug, a bear hug, one could say (i’m such a comedian haha). You watched as the relief and happiness washed over him. 
“I have to go find Charles. Are you going to be okay by yourself?” Arthur asked as he stood up, looking over at you. You nodded, sending him a reassuring smile.  “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. I’ll come find you afterwards.” 
He sent you a nod, knowing you needed to speak to Ollie anyways before disappearing into the crowd to go find his brother. 
You patiently waited throughout the whole podium celebration, waiting for a moment to catch Ollie alone to talk. You never realised just how amazing and impressive it was attending a Formula 1 Race, sure you’d attended many of Ollie’s races but never an F1 race. You watched as Ollie spoke to an interviewer, his cheeks flushed a bright red and sweat rolling down the side of his face. 
You couldn’t help but smile, proudly? Happily? Whatever it was, you knew that deep down you’d never stop loving this boy. You could hate him for everything, for leaving you, for forgetting about you, but you’d never stop loving him and some part of you was okay with that. 
A couple of hours later you spotted Ollie alone, finally getting a chance and the courage to go and speak to him. He was sitting in an armchair having just got off the phone with someone, a part of you wondered if that was Estelle. But you pushed it down as you slowly began to approach him. Unsure what you were going to say, your mind began to race. You never realised how much you now had to think before you spoke to Ollie, when you were kids the conversation flowed so easily you almost didn’t have to think. 
Now, you found yourself wondering what on Earth you were going to say to him at all. 
Ollie noticed you walking toward him and a smile broke onto his face, your heart and stomach immediately erupting in butterflies. Maybe it was all going to be okay, maybe everything you had overthought (overthunk?) was all just you getting the better of yourself. 
“Ollie. . .” you began to say when you were only a few feet in front of him, but something in his gaze shifted and his eyes were drawn to something behind you. And if you thought everything earlier was bad luck and timing then it was nothing compared to this. 
“Ollie!” a light hearted voice rang, you froze. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you turned around, your eyes laid on Estelle who was walking toward Ollie with that blinding perfect smile of hers. You desperately looked back to Ollie, your mind racing, hoping, wishing that somehow he would turn her away. 
What had she ever done for him? 
What had she done to make him love her?
And then suddenly it was either you or her. It always had been for Ollie, you were his best friend but Estelle was his girlfriend. You wished Ollie knew what you were thinking at that moment, that if he left you for her, you’d leave. 
You’d leave and never run after him again.
And maybe that was a good thing. 
But as fate would have it, it wasn’t meant to be. Ollie would always run to her, choose her side, no matter what she did. Ollie pushed past to you, maybe you were crazy, delusional even, but you swore you saw a look of regret on his face. But of course, that couldn’t be true. 
You should’ve known better. 
What a liar. What a cheat. What a-
A soft knock interrupted your thoughts, you glanced up at the door. It slowly swung open, Bianca’s face peeking through the crack. She broke into a comforting smile as she approached and sat down at the end of your bed. 
It had been a week and yet somehow it was the only thing you thought about. He chose her. 
What did you really expect? 
In the end it only made you feel more stupid and pathetic than ever. 
“You know, if it makes you get out of bed, your Mother’s baked cookies.” Bianca shrugged in an effort to make you smile but it failed miserably. You just wanted to wallow in self pity and eat ice cream all day. But your Mother and Bianca seemed to be oddly against that.
“Bianca,” you grumbled into your pillow, she sighed, already knowing what you were going to say. 
“Why does he even like her? I don’t see it. He’s been obsessed with her ever since high school, what has she got that I don’t have?” you complained, knowing it wasn’t going to make you feel any better. But maybe ranting about it all day would at least boost your ego.
It in fact, did not. Not even in the slightest. Complaining about it all day just made it occupy your mind even more. 
“Comparing yourself to Estelle isn’t going to change anything, and hey you never know maybe she’s got a good personality.” she shrugged. You raised your eyebrows at her as she tried to suppress her giggles. 
“I don’t think you even believe that.” you laughed dryly. She nodded, “Trust me, I don’t.” 
The two of you burst out in laughter and for a moment everything was okay. And you believed it. 
“C’mon, let’s go eat some cookies.” Bianca offered after the two of you had stopped laughing. You nodded, feeling better than before, the thought of Ollie still at the back of your mind but at least it didn’t hurt as much anymore. 
The two of you made your way downstairs to the kitchen where your Mother was. 
“Hey girls,” she smiled as the two of you took a seat at the bench. 
“Oh, can you go quickly and buy some milk for the hot chocolates? Take an umbrella with you.” your Mother asked, you let out an internal groan. You glanced out the window at the awful weather outside that almost mirrored what you felt inside. 
“Can we both go?” you asked, leaning on Bianca, but your Mother answered suspiciously fast. “No, I need her to help me with the dishes.”
“Sure.” you answered sceptically, jumping off the stool and going to grab a jacket. 
You ran through the rain, dodging puddles and potholes as you made your way down the street. The rain began to slow down as you entered the shop, you quickly popped into the dairy aisle and grabbed a carton off the shelf. 
Paying for it, eager to get back home, you stuffed the change and receipt in your pocket and zoomed (zoomed . . .?) out the door. 
Ring, ring.
Who is it?
It’s irony, she’s being a bitch again.
You halted in your steps as your eyes locked with Ollie’s. 
You knew it. You were right. What a liar. Your Mother had bought Milk yesterday. Well wasn’t that just lovely? Now, you couldn’t trust your best friend or your Mother. The person who had birthed you, betrayal at its finest right there. 
You weren’t even thinking straight when you spoke, you were so tired of this, of him. “Why are you here?” you demanded coldly, expecting a deep and emotional answer. 
“To buy milk. . .  for hot chocolate.” Ollie answered as he stared at the milk in your hands. You blinked. Ollie blinked back. 
“Did your Mum send you?” you asked, honestly impressed that both your Mother’s could curate such a witty plan. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Ollie must’ve spoken to his Mother about everything that had happened. He nodded.
“Huh. Well that’s great. I’ll see you around.” you turned to walk away from him and head back home. Your clothes already soaked wet from the rain, especially your socks, and that wasn’t a nice feeling at all. 
“Wait, Y/N,  please.” Ollie called after you, making you stop. You hated that it was so easy, that he could call your name and you’d drop everything for him. 
“Why, Oliver? Do you want to tell me that you want to talk to me and then just blow me off for Estelle? Because I won’t let you, not anymore. I’m so sick and tired of this, hoping, waiting for you to even give me a minute of your time. To pay me even the littlest of attention at all. Do you think it’s easy to live like this? 
To want someone you can never have? I don’t even understand why I still want you, I should have never gone to Saudi Arabia, it was a mistake. I should’ve moved on, I should have never caught feelings thinking that maybe one day we’d end up together. But no, it’s got to be so much more complicated than that, because you give me false hope and then I end up being the fool. The pathetic girl who still loves you.” 
You swallowed hard, the breath in your lungs gone. Ollie stared at you, taken aback by your outburst. Good. At least now he knew. You’d said what you’d kept inside for so long and it felt good. 
“I never meant to blow you off like that, Y/N.” Ollie began, it was your turn to be taken aback. The two of you were still standing in the rain, it almost felt like a dang movie scene. 
“I was just so confused after the driver's room. And it isn’t an excuse, I’ll never stop being sorry for the way that I treated you after I left. After I left you.  I wanted to call and text you but I just thought it would make it easier to stop loving you if I didn’t say anything. That if I tried hard enough, my feelings for you would go away. I was too selfish and tried to replace you with Estelle which wasn’t  fair to either of you. I wanted you to move on, to continue living life, find someone else who was better and could be here in Chelmsford for you.  I’m sorry, I really hope you can forgive me, I never meant for it to end up like this.”
There was a long string of silence. Just the two of you standing in the rain, staring at one another like no one else in the world mattered. And maybe this is what you both needed, for closure. 
But you just couldn’t help yourself.
“You loved me. . .?” you whispered, you doubted he heard you at all. It was almost like you were asking yourself that question. 
“Are you kidding, how could I not? The girl who was the first person to ever let me ramble on about Where’s Wally? Y/N, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Ollie confessed, you felt like you’d died of a heart attack and gone to heaven. It all felt like one of those fever dreams.
He had to be lying, it all felt too good to be true. 
“Ollie. . .” you trailed off, the words leaving your mind the moment you opened your mouth. His eyes hadn’t left yours, as if he was urging you to continue, to say something, anything. 
But you couldn’t. 
What if you said something and ruined everything? It had happened too many times in the past week, especially around Ollie. 
“I don’t want to say it. . . “ you whispered to him over the soft patter of the rain. You wiped your tears away, hoping that he hadn’t noticed the way your voice wobbled when you spoke. Your throat hurt from holding back tears. 
“Then let me say it for you.” Ollie said taking a courageous step toward you. Your breath got caught in your throat as you looked up at him. He gently took your hands in his, heart skipping a beat you were enthralled by the giant brown eyes you fell in love with all those years ago. 
“I love you.” 
He said every word with certainty you knew he couldn’t be lying.
You weren’t the fool anymore. The lovesick girl who’d fallen for her best friend. You were the girl he loved too. And maybe there were still a million things left to figure out, to understand, but in that moment time stood still and everything you’d ever hoped for, wished for, came true. 
You were pretty sure you weren’t even breathing anymore. Your heart was beating so loudly in your ears and it didn’t help that it began to go 100km/hour when Ollie began to lean in slowly. 
And it was perfect. Everything you’d ever imagined and better. Maybe it would be difficult but anything that came your way, you’d handle it together. 
You pulled away, your lips tingling like you’d downed a bunch of pop rocks. 
“I can’t believe it took me so long to do that.” Ollie whispered, his lips still grazing yours. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you gente cupped his cheek, pressing a kiss to his lips again. 
“Want to come over for hot chocolate and cookies, Bearman?” you asked, looking up at him, your cheeks flushed. He grinned back. 
“You know me so well.” 
“You’re crazy.” you laughed. 
“Only for you,” he replied.
And it was true. 
a/n: wow! tysm for reading “i wish i was who you drunk texted at midnight”!! I hope you enjoyed it! This concludes the two part ollie fic of mine, tysm for the support love u all! xoxo santanasaintmendes 💗
taglist!!!: @eloriis, @papayadays @seasonswinter @myangelbaby555
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pamwritessometimes · 4 months ago
Tuesday's Gone — Chapter 5
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Russell Shaw x reader
Summary: When the police does little to no help to find your missing daughter, you are forced to contact Colter Shaw. What you don’t expect is how his investigation will reveal secrets about both your past and your daughter’s, in ways you never imagined.
Warnings: description and mention of murder, language, absolutely cliché cliffhanger
A/N: Hey, lovely moots! Just a heads-up that things are about to get a little hectic on my end with writing my MA thesis and juggling work over the next few weeks, so there might be a slight delay in the next chapter. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding & most importantly for loving this story so far. Hope you enjoy the read in the meantime! 🤍
Catch up on Chapter 4 here
Tuesday’s Gone masterlist
With Emma snug in your arms and a renewed sense of determination, you stepped into the night together. 
For a second, the three of you standing there almost looked like some offbeat family photo… bittersweet, and about as far from normal as it gets.
But the moment you took in your surroundings, you felt a chill sensation. This sure as hell didn’t look like Idaho Falls. Nor the rundown warehouse you’d started in.
You had no idea where you were. 
You tightened your grip on Emma, feeling the weight of her small body pressing into you like an anchor. And you undoubtedly needed that goddamn anchor then and there. Wherever there was.
She looked up at you with wide, tired and weary eyes, sensing the danger but too young to understand the why of it all. She was still shivering from being held hostage in a — what exactly? You turned around to take a glance at the building you and Emma were taken to. It was some sort of a fort-looking, massive, brutalist building. The unpainted concrete walls and the defined, sharp edges just gave the already eerie atmosphere another layer of creepiness. 
Russell also took a look at the building, but his mind was occupied with finding something — anything, really, that indicated where they were.
He scanned the empty streets. The whole place looked deserted and industrial. Old factory buildings with busted-out windows, a chain-link fence rusting along the perimeter, and no signs of life except for a stray cat slinking through the shadows. 
This is what The Rolling Stones was singing about in Living In A Ghost Town, he thought.
Russell glanced around, brow furrowed.
“This… doesn’t look good” he muttered, looking like he was trying to solve a Rubik's Cube with one hand tied behind his back.
“No kidding” you shot back, keeping your tone as light as you could manage for Emma’s sake, but your heart was thumping like a jackhammer. You were about three seconds away from a nervous breakdown — which, at this point, would probably be your hundredth. “So, genius… what’s the plan?”
Russell glanced at you, clearly trying to keep it together, but the frustration in his voice was impossible to miss. “I’m trying to come up with one. But I’m pretty sure you won’t like it.”
“There wasn’t any part of this I liked in the first place!” you grumbled.
Just then, a low rumble echoed from somewhere in the distance, a car engine revving up, headlights slicing through the dark. At the sound of voices barked orders, “Get ‘em!” and “Don’t fucking let them get away!”, Russell muttered a curse under his breath, pulling you both back into the shadows.
You flattened yourself against the cold wall, clutching Emma close. The car’s headlights swept across the cracked pavement, illuminating the scene for a heartbeat before the light passed, leaving you in the cover of darkness again. You held your breath, listening as the car slowed, idling nearby.
Russell’s eyes met yours, a silent message passing between you. You could almost hear his thoughts screaming This wasn’t part any of the plans I came up with.
The car's engine finally faded, and Russell took a slow, perfectly controlled breath. Huh. “Alright” he whispered. “Follow me. We stick to the backstreets, stay low, and pray they don’t have the whole damn town locked down.”
You raised an eyebrow, attempting a dry smile despite the tension. “So, no master plan, just hope for the best? Excellent.”
His lips twitched, a hint of his usual smirk breaking through. “Welcome to my life.”
With that, he led the way down the alley, sticking close to the wall and guiding you through the maze of abandoned buildings. Emma clung to you, her little fingers curled into your shirt with a force that no four-year-old should bear, and you stroked her back, whispering soft reassurances you weren’t sure you even believed yourself.
And honestly, you weren’t sure who needed the comfort more, her or you.
A few blocks down, you came across an old diner with a busted sign hanging above. It looked deserted. Perfect. Russell motioned for you to duck inside, the three of you slipping into the dimly lit space, huddling behind an overturned booth.
Russell scanned the room. “We’ll wait here for a few minutes. I need to come up with a plan.”
You nodded, settling Emma down and trying to keep your own nerves in check. It was just the three of you now, in a dusty, forgotten diner on the edge of nowhere, hiding from a nightmare that had yet to let you go. As you leaned back against the booth, you glanced at Russell, whose eyes were still scanning the room, like he could will a plan into existence if he stared hard enough. “So, any ideas on where exactly we are?”
He shrugged, offering a look that was almost... endearing in its hopelessness. “Somewhere... not Idaho Falls?”
You couldn’t help it. A low, incredulous laugh slipped out of your lips. “Well, thanks, Sherlock. That really narrows it down.”
“We’re far from home?” Emma's voice cut through the hushed tension.
You froze as you looked at her wide, curious and somewhat nervous eyes. 
“Yes, we are” Russell said before you could answer. Your eyes snapped at his face with a questioning expression, then he continued “… because we are on a little adventure.”
You shot him a look. Adventure? Was that what we were calling it now? Maybe you’d missed the part where your life turned into a bad action movie. But you just kept quiet. No point in crushing the adventure vibe. And you had no better idea how to explain it to her without mounting the trauma of the situation to her.
Emma turned to him as he spoke and after a moment of silence, her little voice hit his ears. “Who’s he?” she asked, pointing at Russell.
Russell blinked back, like she’d just asked him how to solve world hunger in the span of five minutes. He’d only met her about an hour ago, and now this. The million-dollar question.
Your dad, his mind screamed, but his mouth rather formed the following sentence.
“Uh, I’m a friend of your mom’s” he said, flashing her a smile that wasn’t exactly convincing. The truth was right there, hanging in the air like a bad smell, but neither of you were about to air it out yet. Not now, and definitely not here. "My name's Russell."
Emma didn’t seem to notice the weirdness, though. She just nodded like that made sense. And you? You were still stuck on the fact that your life had turned into a poorly scripted Bruce Willis-movie.
Emma tilted her head while her expression turned adorably thoughtful. “You’re hairy. Like grandpa.”
Russell chuckled as he ran a hand through his beard. “Yeah, I guess I am. It’s my pirate look.”
Her eyes lit up at the word pirate. “Are you a pirate?! Can I be one, too?”
“Absolutely” he replied. “But we have to be sneaky pirates, okay? No one can know we’re here.”
Your heart did a little flip at the sight. The way he talked to your daughter. His daughter. His voice was surprisingly soft and sweet, even in this situation. Emma’s reaction wasn’t a shock, though. She had a habit of linking beards (like the one your dad rocked) with safety and familiar love.
“Okay!” Emma nodded so seriously it was like she’d just signed up for a full-on treasure hunt. “What’s our treasure?” she asked, her little brain clearly putting the pieces together. If we’re on an adventure, we must be looking for something, right?
Russell didn’t miss a beat. “Finding you is the biggest treasure there is” he said, throwing you a quick look that somehow managed to be both warm and determined. “Your mom was worried sick about you.”
Emma’s serious face melted into a grin, giggling like she’d just figured out the punchline of a joke she didn’t even know she was in. “I’m a treasure!”
Russell couldn’t help but smile back, watching her with something a little different in his eyes now. There was something about this brave little girl that made him feel a little less lost in the middle of all this chaos.
Just then, the sound of tires screeching echoed from down the street, and he stiffened, pulling you both deeper into the shadows, close to his chest.
"We need to move” Russell said, his voice sharp with urgency. The fact that he still didn’t have a solid plan didn’t seem to slow him down. Without warning, he scooped Emma up into his arms, his eyes softening just a fraction as he did. “We’ll move faster this way, pirate” he added, his lips twitching into a grin. “Just stay quiet, little treasure hunter, ‘kay?”
Emma blinked at him, clearly processing this new development like she was on the set of some kind of action flick. But after a beat, she nodded, her little hands clutching his shirt like she was ready to face whatever was next.
This whole scene was surprising. She seemed to like him already — and that was backed by the way she smiled back at you from his arms. 
You could hardly believe your eyes. 
In the midst of a kidnapping, Russell somehow made her forget the fear and pain of the past few days, if only for a moment.
Russell gave her a quick wink before looking back at you. The plan might still be nonexistent, but at least someone was acting like they had it together.
With Emma snug in his arms, Russell headed out quietly, leading you through the maze of shadows and concrete buildings. The screeching tires faded into the background, replaced by the rhythmic pounding of your heart that you could feel in your eardrums. 
“Alright, pirate crew” Russell whispered, his eyes scanning the surroundings like he was already in full-on mission mode. And he probably was. “We need an escape route. And I need your sharp eyes on lookout, got it? Keep ‘em peeled for any bad guys.”
“Bad guys?” she echoed, looking around, wide-eyed. “Are they gonna hurt us?”
Russell shook his head, grinning. “Not a chance. We’re pirates, remember? We’ll outsmart them easily. Right, captain?”
Emma giggled, playing along like she was born for this. And you had to hand it to him — Russell knew exactly what he was doing. Using the pirate game to sneak his way in, to worm his way through to your daughter. You hated to admit it, but... yeah, it was working.
“Alright, crew, any bright ideas?” you whispered, forcing as much lightness into your tone as you could muster for Emma’s sake.
But before anyone could answer, you heard it—tires screeching, closer this time, much too close. The sound scraped at your nerves, a noise that would probably haunt your nightmares for weeks. If your survive it, that is. Your heart skipped a beat as headlights sliced through the dark, illuminating everything for a split second before they vanished again.
"Shi—“ you muttered, but quickly bit the end as you glanced at your daughter.
Russell’s face hardened, the easy smile he’d been wearing slipping away. "Stay down, stay quiet. We’re not out of the woods yet.”
Emma clutched at his shirt. “What’s happening?”
Russell’s jaw tightened, and for a second, you could have sworn you saw actual fear in his eyes. Like he knew something bad was about to happen. Something fatal.
“We’re playing a new game now, treasure hunter. It’s called ‘hide and don’t get caught'” he said, his eyes darting around, until they landed on a massive tree surrounded by some half-crushed rocks.
And just like that, he got the plan.
Without wasting another second, Russell shoved Emma back into your arms, nudging you both behind the tree. You opened your mouth to argue, but the look in his eyes was all the explanation you needed. There was no room for negotiation. This wasn’t just another close call; he was done running.
“Stay here” he whispered. “… and whatever you hear… don’t come out” he added. His gaze lingered on you for a moment, like he was taking in all of your little features; the way your hair framed your face, the slight tremor in your shoulders, your lashes looking slightly vet from fear. You looked like you’d been through a storm, and honestly, you had. But to him, standing there, you and Emma were worth every bruise, every risk.
With one last look, he turned, placing himself between you and the approaching threats.
You barely had time to register anything before you heard a car door creak open. You couldn’t see a thing from your hiding spot, but you didn’t need to. You knew exactly who it was. Rourke, or one of his Horizon lackeys. And Russell? He was still out there. With only a single gun and that damn stubborn fire in his eyes (that you somehow always adored). 
It was insane. He was insane.
Your pulse raced, heart hammering in your chest as you pressed yourself further into the shadows, praying Russell had a plan. Or, at the very least, that his unshakable confidence wouldn’t get him killed. You could hear the shuffle of boots approaching, slow and controlled.
You held Emma close, her small fingers tightening around you as she buried her face against your shoulder. You stroked her back gently, whispering, “Shh… we’re just playing hide and seek, yeah?" you asked, echoing Russell's words from earlier. "Can you… can you stay quiet for me?” 
Her fearful eyes were shiny from unshed tears, but she nodded. The guilt hit you like a punch to the gut. God, you’d never felt more of a failure as a mom than in that moment. You were supposed to keep her safe, to protect her, not drag her into this mess.
Outside, Russell didn’t flinch as the footsteps drew closer, his body poised like a coiled spring, ready to move. You could only listen, heart hammering, hoping he had some kind of plan up his sleeve because this wasn’t a fight he could take on alone.
“Come on, Shaw” a voice called from the shadows, the kind of voice that made you want to punch something. Rourke. Of course. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be. You’re outnumbered, outgunned, and just plain out of luck. Come back to us… and maybe we’ll consider not wiping out your adorable little family."
Russell’s jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as he took a step closer to the darkened street. He didn’t raise his voice, but the steel in his tone was unmistakable. “You touch one hair on their heads, and you’ll regret it, Rourke.”
Rourke chuckled with a sound so smug, it almost made you physically ill. “You know, Shaw, I thought you were smarter than this. Putting your life on the line... and for what? You can’t win here.”
Russell didn’t waver, his voice low and steady. “You don’t know a damn thing about what’s worth fighting for.”
“Oh, I think I do” Rourke sneered, taking another step closer, his figure shifting in the moonlight. “I know weakness when I see it. I see it every time I look at you.”
A beat of silence. It was deafening.
“And I see a coward” Russell finally replied. “Hiding behind hired thugs, preying on those who can’t fight back. Real tough guy... That's what you enjoy, huh? That's the reason for that little side hustle of yours?" he asked. "Does Morello still have no clue about it?"
Morello? Side hustle? What was Russell playing at?
Rourke’s smug grin faltered, but only for a second. “You talk a big game, Shaw. Let’s see if you back it up.” He motioned to his men, weapons glinting faintly. Russell mirrored their actions.
You couldn't see anything, but the sounds were lound and clear. You’ve never felt this scared in your life. Ever.
From your hidden spot behind the tree, you felt Emma’s little arms clutch you tighter, sensing the danger. Your heart pounded as you watched Russell’s shadow standing alone, facing them all down.
Then Rourke took one last step forward. “Final offer, Shaw” his voice creaked with menace. “Come with us, and maybe, just maybe, your bitch and offspring stay intact.”
Russell’s grip on his gun tightened. “Big words for a guy who needs an entourage to feel important” he shot back. “But I’ll pass on the offer, thanks.”
Rourke’s face twisted, anger finally replacing his smirk. “Fine,” he spat. “You want to play hero, Shaw? Then let’s see if you survive it.”
And then, without warning, bang. The most terrifying gunshot sound you’ve ever experienced.
Not that you’ve never heard a gunshot before. It wasn’t necessarily the sound you found terrifying… but rather the silence that followed, and the uncertainty of who was at the receiving end.
Next on Tuesday's Gone (Sneak Peek from Chapter 6):
“I know you don’t want to“ he began, holding up a hand before you could get a word in. “But you and Emma need to check into the hospital. Just to be sure she’s okay, no hidden bumps or bruises.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but he shook his head, a little smirk tugging at his lips. “Don’t try to be a hero. Do it for her, if not for yourself. And…maybe a little for me, too.”
His eyes softened as he looked at you both. “I need to know you’re safe. After everything that just went down, I don’t think I could handle one more surprise tonight.”
I know, such a cliché and terrible cliffhanger. But what can I say? Don’t fix what’s not broken.
Read Chapter 6 here
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@bitchykittenconnoisseur @smoothdogsgirl @spnfamily-j2 @winchesterwild78 @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @zepskies @kr804573 @sebastianstangirl01 @kmc1989 @drakelover78 @amberlthomas @lomlbuckybarnes @n-o-p-e-never
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kwanisms · 2 years ago
Truth Comes Out - h.jisung
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➥ dom!Han × sub!Reader summary: Since discovering the stranger she hooked up with is her best friend's roommate, Y/N has been actively avoiding Han. wc: 13.1k (I'm so, so sorry lol) warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, alcohol consumption, sexual content (minors dni!): heavy making out, fingering, handjob, marking, a LOT of dirty talk, pet names (baby, baby girl, babe, sugar, etc), orgasm denial (m receiving), sexting/phone sex, mutual masturbation, mutual pining (they are really desperate and whiny for each other), Han is very vocal, it’s clear Han and Y/N both like each other a lot but Y/N struggles a lot with her feelings. I think that’s all but let me know if I missed anything! a/n: back by popular demand, here is the second part to Kinkuary 17! Tbh, i had this planned when I first started writing part one. I knew I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger and make it into three parts. I had a lot of fun outlining and writing the party scene. Let me know what you think! I love feedback and hearing your thoughts! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @kosmoreads @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife Stray Kids taglist: @cixrosie @hoeforcheol @beomgyusbabygirl @lovestayskzxx @flowerboykun @smhlino Tagging @songgmingii @j1s-babygirl @chai-papa @klysaibabes @lovethatchanussy @nokacchan @dramaticnobody @youremytearr @replay-by-shinee @myprwttyhan @licklix because they asked for part two on my first part. Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Send an ask to be tagged in part 3. Part 1 // Part 3
“Why can’t you come over tonight again?” Felix asked as you flipped the potato pancakes over. “Because,” you said as you glanced down at your phone lying on the counter where you could see your best friend lying on his bed, holding his phone over his head as he watched you cook.
“I have some paperwork due,” you answered simply.
“And you can’t do it another day because…?” Your best friend asked, eyebrow raising. “Because my boss changed the due date again.”
Felix groaned, rolling his eyes. “Your boss sucks.” You snorted in laughter. "Tell me about it."
“I miss you though,” he continued, rolling onto his side. “Aww, is this you confessing your undying love to me?” You cooed, laughing when he scowled in disgust. “Ew, fuck you,” he laughed. “Uh, no thanks,” you retorted, making him roll his eyes again.
“Now that we’re settled into the apartment, I was hoping you’d come over and meet Jisung,” Felix murmured, making your shoulders stiffen. Thankfully, Felix didn’t notice or he didn’t comment on it.
“And I will,” you answered. “I just need to power through this bullshit my boss dumped on me.” Felix nodded understandingly. “You should quit that job and come work with me,” he said suddenly, making you laugh loudly.
“Hard pass.” Felix scowled at your response.
“I’ll have you know my company is a lot better than yours,” he said sternly. You rolled your eyes. “If we worked together, nothing would ever, ever get done,” you retorted, watching as your best friend considered your response.
“Yeah,” he answered finally, nodding. “You’re right.”
The timer above your oven went off and you rushed to turn it off. “That’s time,” Felix said jokingly as you returned to him. “Dinner’s ready, that means I gotta go.” Felix pouted but sighed. “Okay, just promise that you’ll clear a day for our housewarming party,” he said as you picked up your phone. “Yeah, yeah,” you replied, waving your hand. “We’ll see.”
It hurt you to lie to your best friend but it wasn’t like you could just come out and tell him why you’ve been avoiding visiting his apartment.
Ever since you’d learned that the man you’d invited into your home, the one you met on a BDSM discord server, was his roommate, you’d been vehemently avoiding going over to Felix’s new apartment.
It was bad enough that Han was his roommate and you’d slept with him not knowing he was friends with Felix, but your best friend was trying desperately to get you and Han to meet for whatever reason.
You’d been pretty good at making up excuses not to go over but you were running out of them and you knew sooner or later you’d have to go over but you opted for later rather than sooner.
Of course, he hadn't given up inviting you over to his apartment and was adamant on introducing you to his roommate. You'd done your best to turn him down, coming up with excuse after excuse, inviting him over to your place instead.
"Come on Y/N!" Felix whined over the phone. You could almost picture him, throwing his arms around lazily and dramatically. You let out a deep sigh. "I don't know Lix," you answered, chewing on your bottom lip. "I don't really want to stay in."
"Perfect!" Felix said excitedly and you imagined him with puppy ears, eyes shining with excitement. "Cause we're going out! That new club opened up down the road from my building and the hype has died down so we shouldn't have a problem getting in!"
Suddenly you wished you said you wanted to stay home.
"Oh? Who else is going?" you asked, feigning interest. "Just us," Felix answered. "I promise!"
Hearing this made your mind up for you. "Okay, that sounds fun," you replied. "Do you want to meet there?"
"Nah. Just come here. Then we can go together. I'm the only one here. Han went out with some of his friends to another club. He has a very specific vibe," Felix explained.
Your eyebrow arched suspiciously. "Aren't your friends his?" you asked, suddenly wondering if he was lying to you.
"Not all of them," Felix explained. "He went with some of his friends from work." You felt your shoulders relax. 'Then it should be safe.'
"Okay," you finally said. "I'm in."
“Yes!” Felix said excitedly. “I promise, it’ll just be the two of us.”
Felix went on to thank you profusely, telling you to be at his place around seven-ish and you'd do a small pregame before heading down the street. You hung up and started getting ready immediately, hopping in the shower first.
After getting dressed and applying some makeup, you checked yourself over in your mirror that hung by your door. It was a simple look. A black skirt that flared out and reached halfway down your thighs paired with a white long sleeved crop top.
You'd styled your hair and paired your outfit with a black clutch wristlet and black pumps. Felix hated when you wore heels around him but this wasn't about him you decided. It was about you getting out of the house and spending time with your best friend.
The trip to Felix's building was as it usually was, a bus ride and short walk and you found yourself in the lobby, greeted by a security guard who checked your name off a list. He directed you to the guest elevator and said he would send you up.
This building was much newer than yours and much more state of the art. You couldn't even imagine how much it cost to live here. Felix had a pretty great job so you suspected Han must have a pretty damn good one as well.
Inside the elevator was unlike anything you'd seen. There were no buttons save for an emergency stop and call button. No buttons labeled for the floors. When the doors shut, the elevator started to move and you suddenly understood what the guard meant by he'd "send you up."
The ride to the 10th floor was quick and uneventful as you arrived. You checked your reflection once more before stepping off the elevator and were greeted by loud bass. One of Felix's neighbors must be having a party.
As you walked down towards the end of the hall, the bass grew louder and louder. You found the correct door and knocked softly. Felix didn't answer so you tried again, albeit a little louder this time. 'Might not be able to hear me over the neighbor's party.'
The door was thrown open and you were greeted by the loud bass and a face you hadn't seen in a long time.
"Y/N!" Hyunjin said, smiling and wrapping you in a tight one armed hug, pulling you inside the very loud, very crowded, apartment. It took your brain a moment to register what was happening. Felix said you were going to a club.
He said it would just be you and yet here was almost every person in his life and some you didn't even recognize. Hyunjin led you further into the apartment and to the kitchen island where there was a spread unlike anything you'd ever seen at any of the parties you'd been to before.
You were going to kill Felix.
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Bottles on bottles of liquor, some half empty but full ones set up behind, ready to take their place. Red cups and plastic shot glasses were stacked and ready to be used. On the dining room table was an impressive amount of food.
"What are you drinking?" Hyunjin asked over the bass as he leaned in to hear you. "Uh, I'm okay for now," you answered, shaking your head. Hyunjin shook his head. "Nonsense, I'll make you something."
Despite your protests, Hyunjin grabbed a clean cup and started mixing something while you looked around the crowded apartment.
You recognized a group of Felix's closest friends and sitting among them was your best friend, laughing at something one of his friends said. You narrowed your eyes as Hyunjin finished making your drink and handed it to you. "That's the best one I know how to make. Sorry if it's a little strong," Hyunjin said, giving you a wink.
You raised the glass to your face, sniffing to discern the ingredients but all you could smell was fruit and alcohol. You took a sip and winced slightly. "You're gonna kill me," you coughed, making Hyunjin laugh, his eyes closing. "Not kill. Just get you drunk!"
You felt his hand on your back, leading you through the party goers and over to where Felix was sitting on a black sofa next to Ryujin with Changbin on the other side, an arm draped across the back of the sofa behind Lia. As you approached, Hyunjin yelled over the music. "Look who I found standing outside!"
Everyone turned to look at the two of you, several faces lighting up as Felix's friends greeted you. Felix looked up and his smile fell at the look you threw him as you hugged Chris. "Wow, you look amazing!" Chris said, looking you over.
"Doesn't she look incredible?" He asked, turning to Seungmin who was sitting next to Ryujin. "She always looks amazing," he said as he stood up, moving past Chris to greet you with a hug. "Good to see you, Y/N," he said in your ear.
When he sat back down, your attention zeroed in on Felix as he got up quickly. "Hey," he said, pulling you into a hug. "You lied to me," you hissed, digging your knuckles into his side discreetly.
Felix winced, playing it off to anyone who noticed. "I know, I'm sorry," he replied as the group went back to their conversation, Hyunjin blending in smoothly as he took Felix's empty spot on the sofa.
"But you kept coming up with excuses to not come over!" Felix explained as you took a sip of your drink. "I've been putting off this house warming party for a week, trying to pick a day when you'd be free. I can't break in my new home without my best friend."
You glanced around nervously. "It's not like I'd be missed," you murmured. "How many people did you invite?" You looked up as Felix did the mental calculation. "I can't remember but a lot of these people were invited by Jisung," Felix explained, his face lighting up.
"Speaking of!" he said suddenly, grabbing your free hand and pulling you through the crowd. "Wait, Felix," you hissed as he dragged you away from the group and towards a room just off the main living area.
In what you assumed was the den, a table was set up for pong and the people surrounding were eagerly cheering on the players.
Your eyes darted around, landing on the one person you'd been avoiding this whole time.
He was standing at the end with the person you could only assume was his teammate. He looked just as good as the last time you saw him. He'd dressed for the occasion, donning a plain black loose fitted tee, tucked into black leather pants. He'd put on a simple silver chain necklace.
Felix dragged you over as Han picked up his drink watching his teammate and taking a sip.
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Han looked up from his cup as Minho picked up one of the small white plastic balls and aimed. "You got this, Min," Han shouted over the music, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Yah, don't do that!" Minho shouted as he narrowed his eyes.
Han caught sight of Felix moving through the crowd towards him and smiled. He was accompanied by a girl but Han couldn't see her face. Perhaps this was the infamous best friend? Had she finally agreed to show up? Han turned back as Minho took the shot.
His aim was true as managed to bounce the ball in one of the three cups remaining on the opposing side. The entire crowd erupted into applause and cheers as Han laughed at the look on his opponents' faces. Yunho was shocked as Mingi begrudgingly picked up the cup and chugged the contents.
"This ain't over yet!" Yunho shouted, pointing at Han who laughed.
"Han!" He turned as he heard his name came from behind him, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find Felix standing behind him with the same girl attempting to hide out of sight. He smiled at his roommate before Felix spoke.
"I wanted to introduce you to my best friend!"
Han's smile widened. 'She finally made it!'
"Oh?" Han asked, trying and failing to conceal his excitement. "She's finally here?" Felix nodded, turning towards the girl behind him.
"What are you-? Stop hiding," Felix laughed as he put his arm around the girl and pulled her forward. "Y/N, this is my roommate, Han Jisung."
"Han, this is Y/N."
Han had heard so much about his roommate's best friend from the man himself and was beyond excited to finally meet her so he was expecting anyone but… you.
His eyes widened, lips parting as he felt his stomach nearly fall out of his ass. He never expected to see you, the girl he'd hooked up with and then been ghosted by, again. He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that when you looked up at him with a pained expression, it made his heart sting.
It was almost as if you were sorry. Or maybe it was shame? Or perhaps even embarrassment? Han couldn't be entirely sure but one thing was certain.
He was fucked.
When your eyes met Han's you could see his thoughts moving at the speed of light. He was running through every possible scenario. Felix looked expectantly at his roommate, waiting for a response.
"Dude, you okay?" Felix asked, drawing both yours and Han's attention. Han finally snapped out of it and tore his gaze from your face. "Yeah, sorry," he said sheepishly. "Oh, isn't she a cute one," Han's pong partner said suddenly, smirking at you.
"I'd be speechless too," he added, nudging Han. "She's gorgeous." You felt your cheeks burn at the stranger's compliment. He leaned forward, holding his hand out which you took hesitantly. "I'm Minho," he announced over the music. "Y/N," you answered, shaking his hand firmly. "Y/N? God, even your name is cute."
Your cheeks burned even more at the attention Minho was giving you. You glanced at Han who was side-eyeing his friend with… 'wait is that jealousy? Is he jealous?' Felix wrapped an arm protectively around your shoulders. "Back off, Min," he warned jokingly.
"Oh?" Minho asked, grabbing his cup and downing the rest of his drink. "Is she spoken for?" he asked, smirking at Felix who shook his head. "What? No! She's my best friend. We're like siblings," Felix added. Minho's smirk softened into a smile.
"I'm just teasing. We all know you only have eyes for Momo," Minho said, making those around you snicker as Felix tried to defend himself. Minho turned his attention on you once more, leaning in. "Could you be a doll and get me a refill? Pretty please?" he asked, tucking a stray of hair behind your ear.
"Yah, Minho!" Han suddenly shouted. "She's not a server," he continued as several pairs of eyes fell on him. "Yeah, get your own drink," Felix added. Minho sighed, turning to take his cup from you. "Pause the game," he called but you snatched the cup from him.
Anything to escape Han's gaze.
"I'll get it," you said quickly, ignoring the way both Felix and Han eyed you. Minho merely smiled, reaching up to stroke your cheek. "Good girl," he said before turning back to the game.
You turned away and darted through the crowd, missing the way Felix looked impressed by both Minho's and your boldness but Han looked downright furious.
You made your way through the crowd to the kitchen and started to fix a drink for Minho, shaking off your apprehension and nerves. You felt a body lightly bump into you and looked up to see Jeongin smiling sheepishly at you.
"Innie! How are you?" you asked, smiling at him.
"I'm good," he answered as he watched you mix the drink. "Who is that for?" he asked, nodding at the cup. "Minho? I think he’s Han- Jisung's friend," you answered as you picked up the now full cup.
Jeongin's eyebrow raised as he watched you. "Oh? Didn't know you were making drinks for Minho," he teased, prompting you to pinch his arm.
"It's stuffy in there and he asked me to," you explained as you wove through the crowd, Jeongin on your heels.
Inside the den, the previous game had finished with Han and Minho winning and now facing new opponents: Felix and Changbin.
You returned to Minho who turned and smiled as you handed him his cup. "It might be a little strong," you said as he took a sip. "Jeongin distracted me," you added, throwing a playfully dirty look at the culprit who merely smiled at you.
Minho shook his head. "No, it's perfect, thank you," he answered, setting it down and sending a wink your way. Han looked from his friend to you, meeting your gaze. His expression was hard to decipher but he soon turned away to start the game.
You turned to Jeongin, talking with him as the new round started. "So, how's college?" you asked. He shrugged before answering. "Expensive, stressful, and probably going to put me in debt for the rest of my life." You laughed loudly at his reply.
"Sounds about right."
Han couldn't stop himself from glancing in your direction every time you laughed at something Jeongin said. It was clear you knew the younger man and that was probably thanks to Felix.
"Who's your friend, Innie?" A voice asked. When Han looked over, he noticed one of Jeongin's tall friends- Beomgyu was it?- had slid up to the two of you and currently had one arm resting on Jeongin's shoulder, smiling at you. "This is Y/N," Jeongin introduced.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Beomgyu," he said, wincing as one of his friends bounced up next to him and behind you. "I'm Kai!" he said excitedly, making you laugh.
God, your laugh. Han loved it. He hadn't heard it since that day and hearing it now was like music to his ears. He wasn't lying when he had told Felix how much he missed you. Of course, Felix didn't know it was you he missed. To Felix it was Baby.
His eyes trailed over your body, remembering how it felt to have his hands on it. He remembered how you reacted to him, almost as if your body was made to fit with his. He'd thought of nothing but you since then. Whenever he needed to get off, he imagined the way you looked bent over, restrained, and at his mercy.
He'd looked at the pictures he'd taken that day over and over again. True to his promise, none of them had your face in them, something he missed greatly. He missed your eyes and the way they looked at him as he ate you out. The way your lips looked and felt.
And your tongue? God did he miss your tongue.
He'd tried to reach out, messaging you on both instagram and discord but his messages went unanswered. He didn't really question it when you disappeared from the server a few days after hooking up. You'd been interested in anonymous sex and you'd gotten that from him so your membership in the server wasn't needed. He understood that.
But when you didn't answer his direct messages, he started to wonder if maybe he'd done something wrong. Offended or hurt you in some way that you didn't speak up about. Maybe you weren't serious when you said you'd have to invite him back over.
Worse case scenario, it wasn't as good for you as it was for him.
Han was snapped out of his thoughts as the crowd on the other side of the table cheered. He looked down and saw one of the cups in front of him had a little white ball that previously wasn't there.
Looking up, he saw Felix celebrating. Han glanced at Minho who regarded him with a confused expression. Han shook his head and picked up the cup, downing the liquid inside.
As he did, his eyes shifted to the side where you were engrossed in a deep conversation with Beomgyu, Kai, Jeongin and a couple other people he vaguely knew. The coil in the pit of his stomach tightened, a sour feeling bubbling up. He recognized this feeling.
It was jealousy.
"You're so cute!" Beomgyu cooed, cupping your cheeks gently, laughing as you pushed him off playfully. "Don't tease her!" Jeongin whined, trying to shield you from his friend.
"Ooh, this is a good song!" one of Beomgyu's friends, whose name you learned was Soobin, said perking up. Another of Beomgyu's friends, Yeonjun, who had squeezed into the circle between you and Beomgyu, smiled as he looked at you.
"Do you wanna dance?" he asked, catching you off guard.
"Aww I was gonna ask her that!" Kai pouted, making Yeonjun chuckle. "I'll only keep her for a bit, Kai," he offered before turning back to you. "So how about it?" he asked, tilting his head.
Jeongin took your glass. "I'll hold this," he said with a smirk as you glanced around. "O-okay," you answered. Another one of Beomgyu's friends, Taehyun, held his hand up. "If you don't want to, it's okay. Yeonjun can be kind of…" he trailed off.
"Kind of what?" Yeonjun asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
You shook your head. "It's okay, Tae," you answered. "I'll dance with you," you added, looking at Yeonjun who lit up. He took your hand and led you out of the room. You were so focused on following him that you didn't notice the look on Han's face.
One dance turned into two and then three before you finally had to stop and get something to drink. You promised Kai you would dance with him after getting a new drink since Jeongin finished yours.
You were looking through the bottles, trying to find the same stuff Hyunjin had thrown together, half tempted to ask him to make it again when you felt a hand on your lower back.
You looked up from the counter to find Han standing next to you. You suddenly felt nervous in his presence as sparks erupted under your skin where the warmth of his hand was bleeding through your top.
"Hey," he said as he smiled at you. You glanced around nervously before looking back down at the counter. "Hey."
Han watched as you mixed something together, avoiding his gaze. He'd come for a fresh bottle of beer but found himself leaning against the counter while watching you work.
"Look," he finally said, breaking the awkward tension between you. "I'm sorry," you blurted out, making him freeze. You looked up at him finally, finding him already looking at you.
"For not responding to your messages," you clarified. "I've just been… off," you continued. Han shook his head, giving you a smile.
"You don't have to explain," he said, moving to stand closer. "If you wanted it to be a one time thing, that's fine. That was the deal, right?" He asked, one hand moving to rest on the small of your back. 'Is… is that what he thinks?'
"Han, I-" he cut you off before you could finish. "It's okay. We can just let it go. If you'd rather pretend it didn't happen-"
It was your turn to cut him off. "I don't want that." Han's eyes widened. "Y-you don't?" he asked softly, voice barely audible over the music. "I don't want to pretend it didn't happen," you repeated.
Your eyes met, staring at each other in the middle of a party like no one else was even there. It was like you had tunnel vision and all you could see was him. Like he was the only thing that mattered.
Han's eyes dipped down to your lips and back up to meet your gaze. Your eyes did the same. It was clear what you both wanted and you would have given in if it weren't for the arm that suddenly went around your shoulders.
"There you two are!" Felix said loudly as he draped an arm over both yours and Han's shoulders. "I was wondering where my favorite girl and the best roommate I've ever had went," he added, smiling at you. It was clear he'd had a little too much to drink and was more than tipsy.
You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah," you said, holding up your cup. "I just needed a drink." Han forced a smile, clearly annoyed that Felix had interrupted the moment between the two of you. "Well, now that you've got it, come join us," Felix said, giving you a slight shake.
Han wanted so desperately to ask Felix to give the two of you a second but he didn't want to draw attention or arouse suspicion so he begrudgingly followed along as Felix led you away from the drink station and into a circle around the sofa.
He watched as Felix pulled you down to sit between him and Jeongin, leaving Han to sit across from you in an empty space on the ottoman next to Chris who had Sana perched on his lap. "What's this about?" Changbin asked from his spot between Lia and Seungmin. "You summoned us here."
Felix shook his head. "I’m just the messenger," he answered. "You can ask them why," he added, nodding at Chris and Sana. "Well, mainly me," Sana said, holding up her hand. "I thought we could throw it back and play a classic party game," she explained.
"I swear to god," Yeonjun groaned as he leaned on the couch behind you. "If this is Truth or Dare, I'm leaving right now." Momo, who was sitting next to Chris and Sana chimed in. "It is Truth or Dare," she started.
"But with a twist."
Han tried to listen to Momo as she spoke but his eyes were focused on you and the way Yeonjun loomed over your figure. You didn't seem to mind, even when he briefly massaged your shoulders while Momo explained the rules.
"It's simple. On your turn, you chose either truth or dare," Momo explained, Sana chiming in halfway through. "And if you don't want to do the one you pick, you have to drink," she added. "So everyone playing needs drinks." There was a mild scramble as those without drinks got up to get refills. "What if you aren't playing?" Jeongin asked, raising his hand.
"Then get out of the circle," Sana said with a shrug. Jeongin apologized and got up, leaving the space beside you empty. Han was tempted to take it but he wasn't fast enough and someone else dropped onto the sofa beside you.
"I don't think we've met," the man who had just dropped into the seat next to you said, drawing your attention. Han didn't know him personally, only that he was friends with both Yeonjun and Changbin. "I'm Wooyoung." The man, Wooyoung, held his hand out.
A polite smile crossed your face as you took his hand. "Y/N," you replied shortly. Yeonjun behind you flicked Wooyoung's forehead. "Leave her alone, Woo. She's not going home with you," he saw in an annoyed tone. Wooyoung held his hand over his forehead and whined. "Well, she might have if you hadn't interjected!"
You smiled politely again at Wooyoung. "No," you replied, shaking your head. "I wouldn't have." Everyone around you burst into laughter and Wooyoung grumbled, whining under his breath until Yeonjun kicked him out of the spot and took it from him as the rest of the players settled down with their drinks.
Han recognized San as Wooyoung moved to sit beside him, Yeosang watching from outside the circle with Jongho. Yeosang was one of his department leads, Jongho working with them as well.
His attention was drawn back to the circle as the coffee table was cleared and used as the pedestal for the bottle and Momo started the game. She spun the bottle, waiting until it stopped landing on…
“Lee Chan!” She said, pointing to the man sitting to the left of Yunho. “Uh, present,” he said, a slight question in his tone. “Truth or dare?” Momo asked, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“Uh, sorry, I’m pretty a boring guy. Truth.”
Han zoned out as Momo asked her question, his eyes landing on you sitting wedged between Felix and Yeonjun, the latter who was leaning in, whispering in your ear. You giggled as he spoke before looking mildly scandalized and slapping his arm while he laughed.
It made the ugly beast in his chest surface, growling angrily.
The game quickly progressed into a game of daring people to kiss each other before the bottle landed on Felix, having been spun by Yeonjun. "Dare," Felix said, sitting forward to look around you at Yeonjun. "Dare you say?"
"Yeah, and make it a good one," Felix answered. "None of this kissing shit. That's so cliché." Several people shouted in protest, quieted only by Yeonjun holding his hand up. "Okay," he said, scooting forward to sit on the edge of his seat.
"Your dare comes with a choice. You have to give a lap dance," Yeonjun began, smirking devilishly as the circle laughed and whooped. Yeonjun held his hand up. "I haven't finished!"
The group fell silent waiting for the rest of the dare.
"You have to give a lap dance to either your roommate," he continued, all eyes turning to Han who chuckled nervously. "Or," Yeonjun said, turning to look at Felix. "Your best friend."
Han felt his throat go dry as all eyes fell on you sitting beside Felix who was contemplating his choices.
"I guess I'll pick Y/N," Felix said, wincing when you slapped his arm. "I wouldn't be able to look Han in the face afterwards if I picked him," he explained as you glared at him angrily.
One of their dining chairs appeared and was placed in the circle as the coffee table was pushed aside. Felix got to his feet and held out his hand for you to take. Your face flushed as you reluctantly took his hand, letting him pull you up and lead you over to the chair.
You took the seat, looking around nervously as Yeonjun held onto your drink, the latter smirking as the show started. Han found himself looking away as the others laughed, some covering their eyes and a few of the girls screaming.
Luckily Felix didn't draw it out too long, laughing as he pulled you up from the chair and pulled you into a hug while you hid your face in your hands.
Felix whispered in your ear as he hugged you, no doubt apologizing for what he just put you through. As the two of you sat back down, the bottle was spun by Ryujin on the other side of Yeonjun.
Han watched as it spun around, slowing before it stopped completely, the opening of the bottle facing away from Han. He looked up to see it had landed on you instead. You were unable to hide your surprise.
“Y/N! Finally,” Ryujin said excitedly as she waited for you to choose. Your response was swift, picking Truth after that last Dare had clearly traumatized you.
Ryujin looked deep in thought as she chose her question carefully.
"Hmmm, okay!” She clapped her hands together before pointing at you with both of her hands. “Have you ever slept with anyone in the circle?"
The question caught the attention of everyone in the group, especially Han. He wondered at that moment if you'd slept with any of Felix's friends before and if you had, did Felix know?
Han half expected you to take a drink from your cup but was surprised when you answered instead with a nod. The uproar was almost instantaneous, several people demanding to know who.
Ryujin nodded, a mischievous look on her face. "Of course, of course,” she said while nodding. “We should have expected you and Felix to have hooked up at some point," she said nonchalantly with a shrug.
At her accusation, you and Felix shook your heads quickly, both protesting in unison. "Absolutely not!" You said, sounding mortified. Felix was just as adamant.
"No really, we've never had sex. The only sleeping we do together is taking naps," he explained. You nodded profusely in agreement. Ryujin turned to look at you. “If it wasn’t Felix, then who was it?” She asked. Han noticed how you froze at the question.
You chuckled nervously and passed your drink to Yeonjun. "Uhh… I need to use the bathroom," you said, getting to your feet, ignoring the question entirely.
Once you disappeared, Han heard Sana speak.
"You're for real? You've really never slept with Y/N?" She asked. Han turned to look at Felix who shook his head again. "Really. She's my best friend. I don't see her that way," he answered. Yeonjun suddenly spoke up, turning to look at Felix.
"I certainly see her that way," he said, ignoring the whistles around him. "Do you care if I-" Han had heard enough.
"Wait, where are you going?" Momo asked as he got to his feet. "Bathroom," he grumbled. "Y/N's in there," Sana reminded him.
"I have an en-suite," he simply said as he set his beer on the end table and walked away from the group. He wound through the crowd, making his way through the apartment. It was true, he did have an en-suite bathroom but that's not where he was going.
The bass was muffled surprisingly well with the bathroom door shut as you washed your hands under the sink. Glancing up at your reflection, you sighed, taking in your tired eyes.
'Maybe I should go home… I think I've been here long enough. Surely Felix doesn't need me here now.'
Your internal monologue was interrupted by a knocking on the door.
Jumping slightly, you sighed and called out. "Hang on!" You finished rinsing the soap off your hands and shut the water off, drying your hands with the towel as another series of knocks sounded, this time much louder than before. 'Fucking impatient, drunk people.'
You unlocked the door and were in the process of opening it when the door was forced open and shut quickly, leaving you face to face with…
"Han?" you asked as he locked the door.
He only looked at you for a second before he closed the distance between you, hands grabbing your hips as his lips crashed against yours, guiding you back to the sink counter. Your hands grabbed his shirt, holding on as he pushed you against the counter.
"Fuck, I missed you," he growled, grinding against you as his lips trailed down your neck. "H-Han," you whispered in a shaky breath.
"We can't. Not here," you mumbled as his lips moved back up, stopping by your ear. Han didn't seem to hear you. Or he didn't care.
"You're all I've been able to think about," he continued, kissing along your jaw as his hands wandered, one moving to the small of your back, the other sliding down to your thighs, nails digging into your skin.
"Han," you warned, your voice wavering as his lips brushed over your pulse point.
"I just want to turn you around and bury myself inside you."
You let out a soft moan as Han's hand moved up your thigh, sneaking under your skirt and finding your lace covered clit easily. His fingers pushed the fabric of your panties against you and you knew he could feel the wetness that seeped through the material.
"Shit," he groaned, moving both hands to push you up to sit on the counter, fingers tracing over your slit. "You're so wet."
Your hands moved, one tangling in his hair as you pulled him to meet your lips in a searing kiss, his thumb pulling your panties aside and fingers seeking your wet heat, sinking two fingers inside your warm cunt with a sigh. You, on the other hand, were already a writhing mess as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
It was slow at first, but soon he was moving at a steady pace, curling his fingers up against the soft spongy spot inside you. "H-Han," you moaned, your free hand moving to undo his pants, slipping your fingers under the waistband of his underwear.
Your fingers wrapped around his hardened length, making him gasp out a moan, eyes fluttering shut as you started to pump your hand along his cock in time with the thrust of his fingers. "Oh fuck, baby," he moaned. "You're gonna kill me."
Your lips found his again in a sloppy kiss as you both tried to get the other off desperately. "Shit. You're so wet and tight. Just like last time," Han whispered, brow furrowing as your hand squeezed him firmly. "Bet you'd take my cock just as well, too."
Your cheeks burned, face flushing as he spoke. "Would you like that, baby?" Han asked softly. "You want me to bend you over the sink and fuck you where everyone could overhear?"
You moaned a little louder, walls clenching around his fingers as you spread your legs a little wider. You felt his thumb drag over your clit, rubbing circles in time with his thrusts. "Hannie," you mewled as his fingers pushed you closer and closer to the edge. "So close."
Han moaned, hips bucking into your hand as you lazily stroked him. "You gonna cum for me, baby girl?" he cooed. "Gonna be my good little girl and cum for me?"
You whined in response, knees and thighs squeezing his waist as your orgasm came rolling over you. "That's it," Han whispered, fucking you through your high with his fingers as you continued to jerk him off.
"Keep going, baby. You're doing so good," Han whispered, his voice taking on a much more breathless and whiny tone.
A loud knock at the door pulled you both out of your bubble and you suddenly remembered you were in the middle of a housewarming party at your best friend's apartment.
And here you were, hooking up with his roommate again.
Had you not learned your lesson?
"Sorry," you called out trying to keep your voice stead even though Han's fingers were still stuffed inside your pussy. "I might be a minute. Not feeling well." A shuffling outside the door indicated whoever it was had left. "We're gonna get caught," you hissed at Han, pulling your hand from his underwear and pushing his hand away from your sex before you hopped off the counter.
Han's hands turned you to face the mirror, grabbing your hips and grinding against your ass. "We shouldn't be doing this," you moaned as his hands moved, sliding up to grope your chest over your shirt as he continued to grind his erection into your ass, his lips ghosting over your neck. "Please baby," he whispered.
His hands moved back down to your hips, holding you still as he rutted against you, lips continuing to kiss your neck, teeth grazing your skin. You braced yourself against the sink, fully ready to let Han take you from behind when there was a loud thump against the bathroom door. "Fuck," you hissed. "We can't do this."
You turned around, Han catching you and taking your lips in a breathtaking kiss, one hand holding your hip, the other cupping your cheek tenderly. "My room is just down the hall," he mumbled but you shook your head. "I'm sorry," you answered. "S'too risky."
Han's lips pressed against yours repeatedly, small pleas slipping out between as he begged you.
"Please" kiss. "Baby. I'll be quick" kiss. "I promise" kiss. "Please baby" kiss. "Please?"
You shook your head again. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, pushing him back. Han pulled you closer, kissing you again. "Please stay, Y/N," he murmured. "Don't go." You kept shaking your head.
"I can't... We can't… I-I have to go."
Deciding to act before he could stop you, you darted for the door, unlocking and exiting, leaving Han in the bathroom. You held back tears as you rushed through the apartment, heading for the door but nearly fell back when you ran straight into someone.
Looking up, you were greeted by the smile of your best friend, a smile that dropped almost instantly as he noticed your state. "Whoa, what happened?" he asked, looking you over. You gave him a weak smile. "I'm just not feeling well," you answered.
Felix immediately launched into concerned mode, feeling your forehead and cheeks. "You want me to get you some medicine?" he asked as he guided you to the kitchen to get some water. You shook your head. "It's okay. I think I just want to go home."
Felix shook his head. "Nonsense," he scoffed. "You can just sleep in my bed with me-," he began but you cut him off. "No offense, Lix, but I really just want to go home." His face fell a little but he seemed to understand. He loved his bed very much and knew how much you loved yours.
"Then let me walk you," he offered but you shook your head again. "You're too drunk," you countered. "I'll be fine. I'll text you the moment I get home."
You saw, over his shoulder, Han emerge from the hallway and you hastily added an "I promise."
Felix didn't have the opportunity to respond as you kissed his cheek and darted for the front door, yanking it open and stepping out into the hallway. Once the door shut behind you, it was much easier to breathe. You were grateful the elevator was already on the same floor as you stepped onto the lift and rode it down to the lobby.
You were able to make it from the lobby to your bus stop and from the bus station to your apartment in what seemed like record time.
Once in the comfort of your apartment, you sent Felix a text that you got home safely as you started to undress. After getting into your pajamas, you noticed you had some messages from discord. They were all from Han, apologizing and pleading with you to come back.
It was too late now. You were at home and in bed.
Turning your phone on Do Not Disturb, you flipped it screen down and rolled over on your bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You'd given in to your stupid temptation and really screwed up but one question remained: how much did you screw up?
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It had been a couple days since the party and the incident between you and Han in the bathroom and suffice it to say, you could not get him out of your mind.
The way his fingers felt as they moved in and out of you, his lips against yours and how he nipped and sucked on your skin, leaving behind the smallest of marks you had to cover with makeup.
You could vividly remember how he sounded as he begged you, how his hips moved, bucking into your touch to chase his own high. You felt absolutely awful for leaving him so close to orgasm but you panicked. You were in the bathroom in the middle of a party.
You were terrified that someone was bound to notice that you left the bathroom and then Han left shortly after and word would get back to Felix but he never said anything. Maybe you were okay.
Han had texted you a handful of times that night, alternating between apologizing and begging you to let him come see you.
You left them unanswered because you knew it would be a mistake. You had both been drinking and you chalked your encounter up to that reason. You were drinking and alcohol makes you horny.
That's all there was to it. It had to be.
You heard your phone buzz in your desk drawer and chose to ignore it. You had approximately half an hour left at work before you could clock out and return home for the weekend and hide in your apartment.
You didn't often go into the office as your job was more remote work than anything but occasionally you were required to come in for meetings with potential clients and for quarterly meetings.
You glanced at the clock on your desk, sitting next to the framed photo you had of you and Felix during your last trip to Australia. His smiling face reminded you of why you couldn't own up and tell him that you'd slept with his roommate.
It wasn't like this was the first time you'd done something like this.
[flashback to a few years back]
You woke up, blinking away the sleep as you peered around your surroundings and took in where you were. It was a bedroom you didn't recognize so you weren't sure whose it was.
As you attempted to roll over, you were stopped by a firm chest and realized an arm was draped over your waist. A rather muscular arm.
You glanced back and saw you were in bed with… Changbin.
Your heart raced as you tried to remember the events of the party from last night. It was mostly a haze but you suddenly remembered Felix joining a game of pong with some of his friends and you were left to your own devices and someone came up and asked why you weren't dancing.
That wasn't the first time you'd met Changbin but it was the first time you danced with him. As the night went on and you downed more drinks than you could keep track of, you could vaguely remember how simple conversation turned into more.
Changbin started whispering dirty things in your ear in an attempt to make you blush and fluster you but he didn't imagine you to say yes and agree to go back up to his room with him. And to be quite frank, neither did you.
It was still all a blur but you did remember kissing, stumbling, and pulling at each other's clothes. You remembered his head between your thighs, giving you some of the best head you'd ever had in your life and then the way he held you in place as he fucked you against the mattress. It was some of the best sex you'd had in college but the next morning you were horrified by what you'd done.
You'd slept with one of Felix's friends. You'd gotten stupid drunk and slept with Changbin. The gravity of the situation hit you the morning after as you tried to shimmy out from under Changbin's strong hold on you and slide out of his bed.
He grumbled sleepily as you managed to pull yourself free and started looking for your clothes from the night before. You found your panties and pulled them on before grabbing your jeans and pulling them on and started searching for your shirt, finding it clear over by the door.
You had just pulled it on when you heard Changbin mumble.
"Where you going?"
You looked up at him, he was propped up on his elbow, looking at you from under a mop of fluffy, wavy dark hair with sleepy eyes. His face was slightly puffy from sleeping and a small pout was on his lips. "Oh, I was just…" you trailed off as he sat up fully.
"Trying to sneak out?" He asked with a smirk. "Sorry," you murmured. Changbin shook his head, falling back onto the bed, the covers bunched at his waist. "I was hoping we could go for round two this morning," he said softly as he stretched his arms over his head. You grimaced at the soft tone in his voice.
He was a right contrast from last night, whispering dirty things in your ear as his hand wandered between your thighs and over your ass. "I don't know," you replied, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth. Changbin rolled onto his side, resting his head in his hand. "You weren't this shy last night," he noted.
He was right. As the events of the night prior came back, you could remember flirting back and even whispering some of the dirty thoughts you had as well. You were already screwed, having slept with Changbin once. What was one more round?
[present time]
Felix hadn't been entirely upset with you sleeping with Changbin in college. He'd just ask that you not do it again as he laughed and waved off your concern. And yet, here you were. Doing it again.
Granted, it wasn't like you knew Han was his friend and roommate before sleeping together. You'd never met the guy before. So Felix couldn't fault you entirely for the way things happened.
Could he?
You sighed again, eyes still on the photo. It was one of your favorite memories, spending most of the day at one of the many beaches in Sydney after meeting up with Felix’s sisters.
The buzzing of your phone pulled your attention back to your work and you shook your head as if trying to shake the thoughts from your head. You had work in front of you to finish. You couldn’t afford to daydream about the past.
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Han sighed, staring at his phone screen, the most recent messages he sent you staring back at him pathetically. ‘Man, you really fucked this up, didn’t you?’
He hadn’t planned on coming to the bathroom during the party. He didn’t know what came over him but the moment you opened the door, he acted before his brain could catch up.
His body acted on instinct alone, pushing all rational thought from his mind. He wanted you so bad and the alcohol wasn’t helping either. Neither did the short skirt you wore that was so easy to slip his hand under.
He’d been fully ready to bend you over the sink and take you right there, fueled by his lust for you and the drinks he’d had. That had to be it, right?
And as quickly as it started, it ended. He never did find out who was banging on the door. If he had, he was sure he would have given them a piece of his mind.
When he’d managed to compose himself and exit the bathroom, he didn’t see anyone waiting to use the bathroom and he cursed whoever interrupted. By the time he managed to squeeze through the crowd back into the living area, he saw you heading for the door but wasn’t fast enough to catch you.
Even weaving through the crowd and slipping out into the hall proved to be fruitless, the elevator doors shut before he managed to reach them and just like that, you were gone.
He returned to the party, having half a mind to head to your place but he didn’t want to push any boundaries. He resorted to texting you, begging you to come back or offering to go to you to finish what you both started.
His texts went unanswered and he wondered if he’d crossed a line with you but he remembered that your hand was in his pants. You had to have wanted it as much as he did. If that was true, then why were you avoiding him?
Han groaned, flipping his phone face down as Felix entered the apartment through the front door. His roommate eyed him curiously, noticing the phone on the kitchen island that Han currently sat at.
“Everything alright?” Felix asked as he slipped his shoes off and headed into the kitchen, setting the black plastic bag he carried on the counter. Han lifted his head from his arms and gave his roommate a guarded look.
“You remember that girl I hooked up with a while ago?” He asked. ‘Your best friend.’
Felix nodded. “The one who let you restrain her?” Felix asked, opening the plastic bag and pulling out the items he’d picked up from the store on his way home. Han nodded as he watched Felix. “Yeah,” he answered.
“Is she still ignoring your messages?” Felix asked, turning to look at him. Han nodded again, silently as he picked at the peeling black polish on his nails. “I’m sorry man,” Felix said with a sigh as he put the beef he’d purchased away.
“I know you said you really liked her.”
Han nodded again. “I do really like her,” he murmured as Felix put the plastic bag away to recycle. “Even when she doesn’t answer your messages?” He asked, leaning on the counter.
Han nodded yet again. “Even then, I still really like her.”
Felix let out another deep sigh, letting his head drop before he gathered his thoughts and stood up straight. “Then call her.”
Han’s gaze snapped up to meet his roommates. “Or better yet,” Felix said with a smirk. “You know where she lives. Go see her.” Han shook his head furiously. “No. I think that would cross a line. Especially if she doesn’t want to see me.”
Felix frowned as Han continued picking at his nails. “Then just call her. The worst she can do is not pick up.” Han sighed, still looking dejected. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Felix stared at his roommate, unsure of how to help him.
They had gotten pretty close before moving in together so Felix clearly cared about him. He’d hoped that meeting you would make Han forget about the ghost girl and focus instead on you. That was his entire reason for introducing the two of you in the first place.
Felix turned and moved to the pantry, opening the door and stepping inside to find the one thing he knew might cheer his friend up. He found the box on a shelf in the back, hiding behind the cans of soup and grabbed it.
He returned to the kitchen, setting the box down on the counter with a loud thud and smiled at Han as he looked up. Han’s eyes widened comically as he looked at the box and back up at Felix a small smile on his face.
Felix did most of the work. Normally he’d make brownies from scratch but he didn’t have all the ingredients he needed and this was an emergency. Han mostly watched as Felix mixed the batter together and only helped when it was time to pour and put the pan in the oven. He also helped clean up by licking the cake spatula while Felix washed the bowl.
“Can I ask you something?” Felix asked as he dried the bowl while Han sat on the kitchen island reading the tub of icing. Han looked up at him. “Hmm?” He hummed in response as Felix put the now dry mixing bowl away and turned to face him.
“What do you think of Y/N?” Felix watched as Han’s cheeks turned pink and he suspected his hunch was right. “Why do you ask?” Han asked, turning his focus back to the tub of chocolate icing.
Felix shrugged, moving to take the tub from him. “I mean, you two seemed to get along at the party and I’ve been trying to introduce the two of you for a while now,” he answered, setting the icing on the counter and looking up at Han.
Despite the pink in his cheeks, Han shrugged. “She seems cool. To be honest, we didn’t get to talk much,” he answered. “Minho was all over her for getting him that drink and then she was with Jeongin and his friends after that.”
There was something in Han’s voice. Something Felix had a hard time deciphering but it sounded an awful lot like jealousy. “Y/N and Jeongin are just friends,” Felix said as he shifted his weight to his other foot, leaning against the counter next to Han. “Oh? Well, she was also pretty cozy with Yeonjun.” Han pouted.
Felix nodded, fighting the urge to smile. ‘Yep. That’s jealousy.’
“Yeah. Yeonjun was kind of all over her but I don’t think there’s much there,” Felix replied. “Yeonjun isn’t exactly Y/N’s type.” Han glanced at Felix, quiet for a moment before asking. “What’s her type?”
Felix let the smile spread this time as he looked at his friend. “Why? Are you interested?” He asked.
The way Han sputtered and vehemently denied it told Felix everything he needed to know. Han liked you and he was more determined than ever to hook the two of you up. Whatever it took.
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The clock read half past five when you finally left the office, purse in hand as you exited the elevator into the lobby. You were extremely grateful you wouldn’t have to return to the office again for a while and would be able to do the rest of your work from the comfort of your own home.
The trip home was uneventful, taking the bus to the train station and riding that to your stop. You often wished you could afford an apartment in one of those nice high rises near your job but it was just too expensive.
Upon arriving home, you removed your shoes, cursing as you put them away, glad to not have to wear those again for a while. You decided on the way home to stop and grab something to eat rather than make something.
Going into the office was much more taxing than you remembered.
Once changing out of your uncomfortable office attire, you settled on your couch with your food, a glass of wine, and turned on your tv to watch the latest episode of the show you were currently obsessed with.
You wondered if Felix was caught up and looked around for your phone before remembering you left it in your purse. Grumbling, you got up and set your food on the coffee table, walking over to where you left your purse on the counter to reach inside and grab your phone before returning to your seat.
As you unlocked the screen, your eyes fell on the latest notification from Han.
Hanji: if you want me to stop messaging you, i will.
You quickly pulled up his messages and scrolled up to read the ones he’d send since the party.
Hanji: please don’t shut me out again Y/N Hanji: i had no idea you were Felix’s best friend Hanji: did you know? Hanji: i mean, you must have Hanji: that’s why youve been avoiding me? Hanji: right? That has to be why Hanji: unless i did something wrong? Hanji: if i did i’m really sorry Hanji: please answer me baby Hanji: i’m so sorry. My head is all fucked up rn Hanji: all i can think about is you Hanji: all i’ve been able to think about is you Hanji: y/n please can we just talk about this? Hanji: about what happened last night? Hanji: if i crossed a line, i’m really sorry but unless i’m an idiot, it seemed like we both were into what happened Hanji: i’m not mad. I just don’t understand why you keep pushing me away Hanji: god this really sucks. I really liked talking to you and then we had some of the most mind blowing sex and you just disappeared Hanji: then you showed up again and then the thing in the bathroom happened and now you’re not talking to me again Hanji: not that you were talking before. Fuck now i’m rambling. Hanji: look. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry if i crossed any lines. I’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable and i’m sorry for anything i might have done to offend or hurt or upset you. Hanji: if you want me to stop messaging you, i will.
You let out a sigh, your food and television forgotten as you typed a reply.
You: you have nothing to apologize for Han. It’s my fault. When I invited you over, I had no idea you were Felix’s roommate. If I had known, I never would have invited you over. You: i promise you didn’t make me uncomfortable. I’m more mad at myself for slipping up. I told myself after i found out you were Lix’s roommate that we couldn’t continue. We can’t continue. regardless of how i feel, we can’t keep going You: i had no intention of seeing you again after learning who you were but Felix lied to get me to come to the apartment and force us to meet. I’m sorry for coming into your home and if i made you uncomfortable in anyway it was not my intention You: i’m sorry for the way i left but i panicked. I was afraid we were going to get caught.
Your eyes widened as you saw the familiar three dots appear as Han typed a response. It was then you noticed the read receipts on your messages. Before you could close the app, his reply popped up.
Hanji: why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve been beating myself up over this when all i really wanted to do was talk to you Hanji: I know it hasn’t been long since we met, but i really like you y/n Hanji: why are you so afraid of getting caught? We’re adults y/n. we can sleep together if we want to. It’s not about Felix You: you didn’t know Lix in college, did you? Hanji: no but why does that matter? You: because this isn’t the first time ive hooked up with one of his friends… Hanji: …your answer to the game at the party. You: yes. There were two people in that circle i’ve slept with Hanji: so me… who else? You: god this is so embarrassing. talking about my sexual history Hanji: i’m not going to judge you y/n You: …it was changbin. Hanji: yoooo really? You: stop! 😫 Hanji: sorry 😶 but really? You: yeah. It was back in college. We were both drunk at a frat party. He asked me to dance and one thing led to another and yeah… You: i felt so awful and guilty when i finally told felix. He says he wasn’t upset but i still felt awful. Hanji: did you know changbin and felix were friends when you and changbin slept together? You: yes. Which is why i felt so bad Hanji: then its different with us. You: how? Hanji: you didn’t know felix and i were roommates. You hadn’t met me yet. You: …i mean. I guess thats true Hanji: you only found out afterwards. How did that happen by the way? You: i was doing my laundry and felix brought up the subject of my… kink. He mentioned he had a friend who recently hooked up with someone and did the same thing i mentioned i liked Hanji: you and felix talk about your sexual kinks? You: i mentioned it when i was drunk. Hanji: ahh. Checks out. I did that too. But wait. He mentioned his friend? You: yeah. So he asked if i was interested in meeting his friend and i said i wasn’t sure so he pulled up their instagram… Hanji: no. Fucking. Way You: yes. He said you had hooked up with a girl recently and tried the whole anon sex and restraint thing and well.. i guess he was talking about us. Hanji: i’m sorry but i’m laughing right now You: why are you laughing??? This is mortifying! Hanji: what are the odds??? I mention to my roommate one time that i hooked up with a strange woman i met online, had some of the best sex ever and this whole time, it was his best friend. You: …it’s not funny 😩 Hanji: it’s a little funny You: 😠 is not Hanji: 🤏 just a bit You: wait a second… Hanji: ??? You: did you say you liked me? Earlier? Hanji: scroll up babe. I did You: … Hanji: and i’ve been dying to know You: …if i like you too? Hanji: yes. It’s been eating at me. You: why? Hanji: uh because i like you, you dork
When you didn’t respond, he continued.
Hanji: so do you? Hanji: like me? You: …yes Hanji: oh thank god. I was holding my breath and about to die You: but it doesn’t change anything Hanji: what? Why the hell not? You: because you’re Lix’s roommate and i’m his best friend. Hanji: look, forget felix for a second. Pretend like he’s not there. Hanji: what do you want? Do you like me? You: yes Hanji: do you want me? You: Han… Hanji: felix has been snapped from existence, okay? Thanos style snap Hanji: he doesn’t exist. Never did. Hanji: do you want me? You: …yes. Hanji: how bad do you want me? You: so fucking bad Han Hanji: yeah? You want me to touch you? You: yes. Fuck i want you to touch me so bad Hanji: want my hands all over you You: i want your hands all over me, Han Hanji: fuck, you’re making me want to come over You: you can’t Hanji: why not? You: because it’s late Hanji: hasn’t stopped me before Hanji: Felix won’t notice. He’s too engrossed in his phone to ask. Hanji: let me come over and make you feel good baby Hanji: please after last time, i can’t get you out of my head.
You were about to respond when your phone buzzed, a text from Felix flashing across the top of the screen.
Lixie: are you busy? You: uh. Not really Lixie: 👀 oh? Am I interrupting something? You: it’s nothing. What are you up to? Lixie: well i was gonna invite you to come over and watch this movie with Jisung and i but he just said he was going to bed so maybe another time >: You: lol it’s also pretty late Lixie: yeah. I didn’t think this through but while i have you here can i ask you something?
Your eyes caught sight notifications from Han at the top of your screen as you tried to focus on the texts from Felix.
You: i was actually about to head to bed Lixie: awww ): another time then. Don’t wanna keep your bed waiting You: lmao shut up. I’ll text you tomorrow Lixie: sweet dreams y/n~ You: u too Lixie
You pulled Han’s messages back up.
Hanji: please? 🥺 Hanji: baby? Where did you go? Hanji: i’m in bed now. I’d rather be in yours though 😫 You: sorry. Lix texted me lol Hanji: i figured that’s what happened. What did he want? You: to invite me over for a movie but you went to bed so he changed his mind. Hanji: if i go back out there will you come over? 👀 You: no??? Hanji: ): but babyyyyy You: if i came over now i’d have to spend the night Hanji: 👀 im not entirely against the idea You: in Felix’s room Hanji: aww booooo why? You: why would i sleep in your room? Hanji: well, we wouldn’t be sleeping baby (; You: …and just like that, felix would know everything Hanji: boooo 😑 fine. Then let me come over. You: but you said you were going to bed. Felix might think you’re up to something if you leave now Hanji: goddamn it… Hanji: guess i’ll have to settle for this then You: for what? Hanji: [image]
You tapped on the image and nearly dropped your phone.
You weren’t expecting anything but the sight of Han’s hand curved over the outline of his obvious erection sent a wave of heat and blood rushing to your core.
You quickly got up from the couch, cleaning up your food, downing the rest of your wine before heading to your room and climbing into bed. As you settled against the cushions on your bed, Han sent another message.
Hanji: you wanna see more? Hanji: all you have to do is ask baby You: jfc Han. Warn me next time 😫 Hanji: haha no can do baby You: i was sitting on my couch all unassuming Hanji: are you still on your couch? You: no. I’m in bed now Hanji: let me see
You turned your camera on, snapping a picture of your thighs, tiny sleep shorts and all to send to him.
Hanji: fuck. Send me another You: no u first Hanji: be careful what you wish for baby
You giggled as you waited for Han to send another picture. This time it was his hand disappearing into his pants.
Hanji: more? You: hmmm. whatcha reaching for? 🤔 Hanji: oh when i get my hands on you next…
You bit your lip in anticipation as he no doubt snapped another picture which appeared quickly. You opened it and your mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock in his hand. You pressed your thighs together and quickly typed a response.
You were in the middle of typing when your phone buzzed with the notification of a call from discord. Han was calling you.
You scrambled to answer it.
“H-hello?” Your voice was shaking but on the other end, Han was just as breathless. “You like those pictures?” He asked, half amused.
“Mhmm. I did,” you answered, settling back into your pillows. “It’s been a bit since I’ve seen you,” you added. Han chuckled, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “Are you… touching yourself right now?” You asked.
Han fell silent before answering. “Are you not?”
You shook your head. “No, actually. Not yet,” you answered, moving your hand to rest on your thigh. “Jumped the gun, sorry about that, baby,” Han replied, making you smile, biting your bottom lip to hold in a giggle.
“Do you need an incentive?”
“Hmm what will you give me?” You were teasing him now but Han couldn’t be bothered to care. “Whatever you want, baby,” he answered, his hand moving slowly as he stroked himself, listening to the sound of your breathing.
“Whatever I want?” You repeated him. “Yes. Whatever you want, baby.”
“Hmm, send me a video?”
Fuck, you were going to be the death of him.
“Why don’t I just video call you?” He asked, moving his hand a little faster. “What if that’s not what I want?” You asked, making him pout. “Why ask for a video when you can watch me live, baby?” He asked.
You fell silent this time. He hesitated, thinking he might have gone too far before his phone buzzed. You had started a video call. Han flipped his camera feed around before turning it on. He was greeted by your face in the neon pink lights of your room. “Hey gorgeous,” he said with a smirk.
A shy smile crossed your face. “Hey,” you replied. “You really aren’t touching yourself?” Han asked, clicking his tongue when you shook your head. “You said you’d give me an incentive,” you reminded him. Han drew his bottom lip between his teeth before answering.
“I did, but I don’t think you’ve earned it.” Your laugh made his heart beat erratically. “That’s not how incentives work, Han,” you answered. He smiled sheepishly. “How about you show me what you’re doing?”
Han glanced down at his hand wrapped around his cock and then back up to the screen. “Is that incentive enough?” He asked. You tilted your head playfully. “We’ll see.” He rolled his eyes, letting out a groan before he complied, tilting the screen down so you could see his hand moving up and down his shaft.
He only gave you a small preview before tilting the screen back up.
“Good enough?” He asked. You smiled and moved, the screen a blur for a moment as you set your phone down. Han slowed his hand and watched as you reappeared. You had propped your phone up and were now sitting in front of it.
He watched as you sat back on your heels, hands moving to the bottom of your sweatshirt, playing with the hem. “You gonna strip for me?” He asked softly, keeping his eyes on his phone screen.
You slowly lifted the sweatshirt, exposing your stomach first and then pulled it off over your head swiftly, leaving you in your shorts and a lacy bralette that glowed in the neon pink lights. Han let out a groan as you leaned in a bit closer.
“Keep going, baby,” he rasped. “Give me a show.”
You smiled at him through the screen. “Only if you give me one.”
Han moved at the speed of light, setting his phone up on his bed to the side of him. “Better?” He asked softly as his fingers wrapped around his cock and resumed stroking. You nodded wordlessly and sat back up.
Han watched as your thumbs tucked under the waistband of your shorts and slowly pushed them down, sitting up on your knees to remove them. Your panties matched the bralette and Han nearly moaned at the sight of you kneeling on your bed, knees spread in the pink glow of your room.
“Don’t tease me, baby girl,” he groaned. He watched as your hands moved, sliding slowly up your thighs from your knees. One hand moved up to your chest, grabbing your tit over the lace as the other drifted slowly between your thighs.
“Fuck I wish I was there,” Han groaned, his head falling back against his pillows for a moment before he looked back at the screen. In the time between, you’d removed your panties and were now sitting with your thighs spread, giving him a front row seat to your glistening sex.
“Go on,” he said. “Touch yourself for me.”
Your hand traveled down between your thighs, fingers slowly playing with your clit before dipping down to your slit. Instead of sinking your fingers into your entrance, you pulled them back up, spreading your labia for him to see just how wet you were.
“Fuck,” he groaned, hand squeezing himself and imagining it was your cunt.
“Finger yourself for me baby, go on,” he instructed, almost growling when two of your fingers disappeared inside your wet heat. The moan that came out of you as your fingers curled inside you was almost enough to tempt him into leaving his room and going to your apartment.
He wanted to be there so badly. He wanted his fingers moving slowly in and out of your tight hole. He wanted to finger you slowly, torturously until you begged him to fuck you. “Keep going,” he urged. “Faster,” he added. “I know you can take it.”
Han watched as your hand moved faster, fingers disappearing inside your cunt with a loud, wet squelching sound not unlike when he fingered you at the party.
“Fuck, I really wish I was there now,” he groaned. “If I was there, I’d have you spread out on that pretty comforter as I fucked you.” You moaned loudly, spurring him on. “And I’d mark that pretty neck. Cover it so everyone knows you’re mine.”
His possessiveness was coming out but he couldn’t be bothered to care and judging by the way your hand moved faster, you didn’t seem to mind.
“Han,” you gasped out his name, fingers curling as you no doubt tried to reach the spongy spot he’d reached before, the spot that had your thighs shaking around his hand as he coaxed your orgasm out of you.
“That’s it sugar,” he grunted, fucking his fist faster. “Just like that. Keep going.”
You let out a breathy moan, the heel of your hand rubbing against your clit as your fingers curled more, attempting to reach that sweet spot. “Hannie, I’m close,” you whimpered. “You gonna cum for me baby?” He asked, his own high approaching rapidly. You nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. “Do it,” Han encouraged. “Be a good girl and cum all over those fingers. Pretend they’re mine. Cum for me baby girl.”
Your thighs shook, body shuddering as you moaned, fingers still moving as you rubbed your clit with the heel of your hand. “Hng Hannie~” you whined as your orgasm washed over you in waves.
Watching you come undone pushed Han over the edge, cursing and groaning as he came, painting his stomach with his release. His hand continued to stroke himself, making sure to get every last drop.
Han glanced over to his phone, breathing heavily. You had fallen back against your pillows, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Taking the moment to grab a few tissues, Han cleaned himself off, stuffing his cock back in his pants before he wiped his hands and grabbed his phone. “Babe?” He called softly.
“You alright?”
You stirred slowly, rolling onto your side before sitting up and leaning forward. “‘M okay,” you murmured, smiling tiredly at him. Han returned the smile before letting out a sigh. “That was amazing,” he finally said, making you hide your face in your sheets before you looked back up. “Yeah. Would have been better if you were here though.”
Han tilted his head playfully. “Next time?” He asked, hopeful. You smiled at him again. “We’ll see,” you answered softly. “It’s getting late,” you commented, squinting at the screen, no doubt looking at the clock in the corner.
Han checked his. You were right. It was well past midnight. “I don’t want to hang up,” he murmured, watching you through the screen. “Me neither,” you admitted just as softly. “We could just stay on the phone?” He asked. You nodded before sitting up quickly. “Let me put some clothes back on.”
Han whined as you disappeared. “You could always just stay naked!” He reminded you, making you laugh off screen. A moment later, you reappeared in a long tee, shifting to lay on your side with your phone propped up against the pillows.
“I wish I was next to you,” Han whispered, watching you through the screen. “Me too.” You nodded as you spoke. “Ugh, I just wanna hold you,” Han whined. “And kiss you.” Your smile widened as he spoke. “Yeah?” You asked.
Han nodded. “Yes. I just want to hold you so tight and kiss you. All over that cute face,” he answered, making you giggle. “Next time,” you murmured, making him smile. “Next time?” He asked again excitedly, heart hammering when you nodded.
“Yeah, next time.”
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year ago
night time visits (h.h)
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so, hi! it's been a while! at least i think it has 🤣 i saw hyunjin's recent instagram live, and i thought of this idea! it's kind of a cliffhanger, but it's pretty cute. in my opinion 🤭 i hope you like it 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
You run your hands through your hair as you walk the halls of JYP Entertainment. It's late in the night, but you can't find the heart to go home yet. You've been a trainee here for almost three years, working hard to try and make your debut.
Headphones are sitting on your head as you listen to the track you made. You're almost desperate to get this song done before JYP's deadline. The only thing you've got left to do is figure out the arrangement.
The halls are dimly lit since it's so late, so you're a little surprised to see one of the dance rooms lit up. You furrow your brows while walking closer to the closed door.
You peek inside, seeing a tall man wearing a red hoodie. He's dancing in front of the wall of mirrors, and you notice his phone propped up against it.
“He must be an idol,” you mutter to yourself, watching how fluid his dance style is.
A gasp leaves your lips when his head suddenly turns towards you. You jump back and quickly walk down the hallway. You shove the headphones off, letting them rest on your neck as you go around the corner.
You breathe a little heavily, hearing the person open the door. You involuntarily hold your breath, not wanting the guy to find you.
He hums, and you don't move until you hear the sound of the door closing. You release a breath and peek around the corner to check. You jump again at the sight of him standing outside the door, his eyes meeting yours.
Your heart hammers against your chest as he walks over to you, his arms crossing over his chest. “I'm so sorry,” you immediately apologize, not wanting to lose your trainee position. “I was just–”
“It's okay. I'm just surprised there's people here,” he chuckles.
You shyly chuckle, tucking some hair behind your ears. “I have a deadline coming up, so I'm trying to get this song finished,” you inform him, motioning to your headphones.
“Oh, you're a trainee?” He asks, lowering his hood. Your breath hitches in your throat as you realize who you're speaking to.
Hwang Hyunjin of Stray Kids standing in front of me. You think to yourself, trying not to freak out. “Yea… Yeah,” you stumble over your words, finding yourself blushing.
Hyunjin chuckles and looks down at the floor for a few seconds. “I take it you know who I am,” he laughs, finding your reaction to be a little adorable.
“Yeah,” you mumble and bow politely. “You guys are a huge inspiration.”
He shakes his head, waving his hands. “Oh my god,” Hyunjin mutters, hiding his face in embarrassment. “I'm glad we can be an inspiration for you.”
Your heart flutters in your chest before looking down the hall. “I'd love to chat more, but I should get going,” you jab your thumb in the other direction, tucking your lip between your teeth.
“Yeah, I should head back too,” Hyunjin mentions, taking a step back. “Maybe I'll see you around?”
You can't believe this is happening. “Yeah! I'll see you around, Hyunjin,” you say with a smile, starting to walk away.
Hyunjin begins to walk back to the room he was in before realizing that he never got your name. He quickly runs back to where you guys were talking, releasing a disappointed sigh when he sees that you're gone.
“Damn,” he whispers to himself, walking back into the practice room. “Maybe Chan will know.”
You're putting the finishing touches on your first fully produced song. You can feel the tears begin to pool, feeling proud of yourself that you've accomplished this goal.
You save the file before emailing it to JYP himself. You release a deep breath afterward. You shut your laptop and shove it into your bag.
After cleaning up the recording studio, you walk out the door. You adjust the bag on your shoulder as you walk towards the elevators. You walk past the practice rooms, noticing one of the lights on again.
There's no way… right? You ask yourself while taking a step towards the door. Your breath hitches in your throat when you spot Hyunjin sitting on the couch.
You notice him scrolling through his phone, and you decide to tell him the good news. You knock on the door before opening it. Hyunjin looks over, smiling upon seeing you.
“Hey! It's Y/N, right?” He asks you, locking his phone before standing up.
Your eyes widen, wondering how he knew your name. “I, uh, yeah! How'd you know?” You ask with a giggle, clasping your hands together.
“I asked Chan,” he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassingly. “You didn't tell me when we saw each other last, and when I went back to ask… you were already gone.”
You're shocked, honestly. You blink at him a few times, snapping yourself out of your daze. “Bang Chan?” You elaborate, remembering the times you went to him for advice.
Hyunjin nods his head. The two of you stand in complete silence, avoiding each other's gazes. You release a light gasp, remembering why you walked in here in the first place. “I wanted to tell you that I finished my song!” You mention with a grin.
He smiles down at you, raising his hand for a high five. “That's great! I'm proud of you. Maybe I'll be able to hear it,” he says while nudging you slightly.
Your cheeks blush, and you nod your head in agreement. “Yeah, totally. Uhm, we can get coffee one day when you're free?” You ask him, pulling your phone out from your pocket.
“Yeah, I'd like that,” he nods his head, taking your phone from your hands. You watch him input his contact details, and you laugh when he suddenly takes a photo with your phone, too. “If you're free Friday, I can go anytime.”
“I'd love to,” you smile at him.
“I'll text you later then,” he says, starting to walk back towards the practice room. “Send me your song!”
You giggle to yourself as he points at you, disappearing into the room. You gently bite your lip, looking down at your phone screen to see Hyunjin's number.
You lock your phone and slide it into your back pocket, continuing towards the elevators. You press the button to call it, happy that it opens immediately. It takes you to the ground floor, and you keep your excitement inside.
Once you reach the street, a squeal comes from your lips. You cover your mouth instantly, looking around to see if anyone is looking at you.
While waiting for the crosswalk, you pull your phone back out. You quickly manage to find the file of your song and share it with Hyunjin, adding a text after.
I'm pretty nervous about sharing this with you, but I hope you like it! We can talk about it Friday 🥰 I can't wait to see you ☺️
Your heart pounds against your chest, putting your phone away once more. You tuck your hands into your pockets and start crossing the street, walking towards your dorm. All you can think about is your interaction with Hyunjin, missing the vibration in your pocket.
I'm sure I'm going to love it. Chan's said such nice things about you. I can't wait to see you either 🤭 See you Friday, Y/N 🥰
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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kpopbestie96 · 6 months ago
Crushing on my best friend Bang Chan
Hello lovelies! Bang Chan posted today on Insta!! Which means I get to write a fun little story for you based off the pictures. There might be a part two? Idk yet...might just leave it on a cliffhanger. Hope you all enjoy! 🤗🥰
Paring: Bang Chan x reader, Bang Chan x Y/n
Genre: Stray Kids fan fiction, Bang Chan fan fiction
Warnings: cussing, 17+
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"Thanks for meeting me today," he hugged you tightly as soon as you arrived. You've known him for years but you'll never get tired of his hugs. They feel as if they are a comfort blanket, never waiting to leave his arms.
"Of course! I tried rushing over as quick as I could as soon as I got your text." You mentioned when sitting down next to him on the bench.
He didn't say anything more, never seeing him this quiet. You worriedly turned your head to see his hung low while you tried figuring out what was wrong. On the way over you tried to decipher his text. All his message said was come to the bench you and him always meet at, where you both discuss problems.
"Everything okay?" You eyed him suspiciously.
You could see him tighten his grip on the bench, seeing the veins popping up. "I think she's cheating on me..." he said in almost a whisper but loud enough to hear.
Taken a bit back, you could feel a tiny bit of your heart crack for him. You've never like his girlfriend but didn't think she would ever cheat. "Your girlfriend? No way...there's no way anyone could cheat on you."
You could see the side of his lips smirk before turning serious again as he looked at you with heavy eyes. "That's nice of you to say but I saw the message..."
Your breath was hitched in your throat when he said that. "What do you mean?" Your right eyebrow raised out of curiosity.
He let out a deep sigh before explaining but he didn't even look at you, he just looked straight out to the world. "We were hanging out one night and her phone began to ring...when she quickly reached over and put it on silent. I asked who it was but she said it was spam. So I thought nothing of it," you couldn't help but catch a glimpse him biting his lower lip out of been anxious.
"When she went to the bathroom, her phone went off again. I asked her about it but she said it was nothing, turning her phone over on my night stand. Which she's never done before. Am I being paranoid?"
You hated how much she was making him hurt by this. She could have easily shown him who was calling but I don't want to hurt his heart more...I don't care how big of a crush I have on him. His happiness comes first. "Hmm, has she been doing anything else out of the ordinary?"
He nodded his head yes before turning his gaze onto you, making you sit up in your spot. Your body tensed, like you were the one in trouble. "Lately, she's been avoiding kissing me, having sex...she's even canceled a few of our dates."
"Chan, I don't think you're paranoid but maybe talk to her about this...about how you feel."
"But what do I say?" You searched his face, wondering what does he say to her. You wanted to be selfish and say she is cheating but your heart was too pure for that.
"Just mention your feelings, like you're doing with me. If she gets mad and turns it on you, that's all you need to know. If she brings out her phone and shows you, there is nothing to worry about."
His lips pierced tightly together as he listened to your helpful words. He was afraid to say anything to her, knowing how she gets but he was tired of feeling like he doesn't matter to her anymore. He saw the hearts in your eyes, looking up at him. "Thanks Y/n, I'll try my best to talk to her tonight."
"You can do it, I know you can," the words tasted sour, feeling a stinging pain in your heart. "Plus, she would be crazy to cheat on you. You're so amazing, the sweetest person I've ever met!" You smiled as he shared one in return, his dimples on display.
"Please, I'm okay at best," he stuck his tongue out slightly to the side as nudged you. "But oh, how did your date go last night, you never told me."
You rubbed the top of your left eye lid gently, trying not to smear any of your makeup while you thought back to the date you were dreading all day yesterday. "It went alright..."
"I'm assuming by that tone, you've never going to talk to him again?"
You couldn't help but chuckle as you played with the gold dainty daisy ring that sat on your right middle finger. "You know me too well."
"Of course I do, we've been friends since we were 10. But don't worry, we'll find you a great guy." He patted your back, making you fake smile as you looked up at him, wanting to just confess your feelings. I want to be with you, you thought to yourself. Your heart yelling at you to say it out loud.
Your eyes sat on his, while you gripped the hard bench yelling at yourself to just admit it already. "What's wrong?" He asked, seeing his facial expression changed from happy to worried.
Small air escaped your lips, shifting uncomfortably in your seat from his gaze locked on to you. Just say it. "I..." You began as he titled his head to the side, pulling his hand off your back to sit it right next to yours, making them touch.
You could feel your face become warm and a spark shoot through your body. "It's nothing." You shook out of his trance, looking down at your shoes that were touching together by how nervous you were.
"Hey, you can tell me anything. You know I don't judge." He placed his left hand on top of your right, making you look down with your eyes wide enough for them to fall out.
Titling your head up, trying to relax the body you said, "It's just..." A deep breath escaped making Chan know there is something your holding back. He can see it in your eyes that you have so much to tell him.
A tiny bit is hoping you confess how you feel about him. He's always pictured a moment like this. The crush he has on you would make him daydream about sitting on this exact bench, while you confess how much you like him.
"I...I think I'll never find anyone." You moved your head away from him, sighing in defeat.
His heart melted a bit but should have known not to get his hopes up, to think you would find him more than just a friend. "That's not true, look at me," he placed his hand on your shoulder, turning slowly to him where you didn't realize how close he got until your faces were inches apart. You thought he would move away but he didn't. "You're beautiful, funny, loves talking soccer, sweet, caring, any guy would be lucky to be with you."
His dimples showing again as he smiled while you accidently moved your eyes down to his lips then quickly back up to his sight. Your heart was turning, making you realize he will only ever be a friend. "Thanks."
You and him eventually got up and walked around the area, just talking and going over the plans for him tonight. You were laughing about something he said when his flannel slid down his arm a bit, revealing his toned shoulder. Showing off his arm that made you try you best to focus on him but you were losing the ability to.
You both kept walking around the place until it was time to go. Like the gentleman he is, walked you to your car. "Well, thanks for your help. I'll let you know how it goes tonight." He hugged you tightly as he didn't want to let go.
"I hope it goes well," A fake smile appeared on your face as you pulled away before getting into your car.
You waved goodbye as you drove off, immediately yelling at yourself for not say anything. "I'm so stupid, I should have just said it...fuck me. What is my problem??"
The second you walked into your apartment, you threw yourself on to the couch looking at your reflection in the TV. Disgusted by what you saw, you turned it on to find your favorite show to help cheer you up.
After changing, making dinner, you just hung around your house waiting for Chan to message. When watching TV, every five minutes you would pick up your phone to see if he sent anything but nothing. A couple times your phone would ding but it was just your other friends messaging you, disappointing you every time.
The later it got, you decided to go washes dishes before you went to bed. He's never going to text...they'll probably making up right now. You body shivered from that thought, rolling your eyes when you heard your phone go off. Setting down the dish, drying your hands, you rushed over to pick up your phone. Please let it be him, you hoped as it turned on to see it was in fact him.
You sat down on the couch, ready to face whatever he might say.
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Great... you thought as you through yourself back on the couch, turning around to lie flat on it while pinching the bridge of your nose. Well there goes that...Actually, I'm going to do it. Fuck it...what's the worse that can happen?
Your thumbs quickly began to dance on the phone screen, trying to hurry up before you second guess yourself.
You only read back the message once, to make sure there were no errors before you hit the send button. "Holy shit! I can't believe I did that!" You yelled out loud, getting up and walking all over your apartment, yelling 'holy fuck' every two seconds.
"Okay, that looks crooked, let's fix that!" You began to fix your pictures on the wall at midnight because there was no way you were going to sit still.
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For part two: click here
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yuna542 · 2 years ago
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 11<-
Part 12
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Pairing: Chan x reader, Felix x reader, Hyunjin x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Suggestive Themes, Swearing, mentions of sex, pet names, jealousy
Word Count: 5k
Note: Had to split the original part again. So here you go with some extra fluff before we get to that naughty Hyunjin smut… Don’t come at me because of that cliffhanger! I read all of your suggestions and already included some of them into the upcoming parts. So don’t be shy and continue to send me your requests!
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
The knock on the door of your office jolted you out of your work and the surroundings blurred before your eyes for a moment as you averted your gaze from the laptop. But it was only Chan who slipped through the door and smiled broadly at you.
"Busy?", he asked in passing, and you rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"It's always busy."
He sauntered into the room with his hands in his pockets, looking at the new decorations you had put up. In addition to several small cacti and succulents, you had also placed a few scented candles that filled the room with pleasant lavender and mint. The way he blinked in your direction and the smug smile on his face made you suspicious.
Chan had done something, you just didn't know what yet.
"Are you going to be at rehearsals later?", he asked, dropping down onto your couch.
"Sure. The dancers will be there and it's the last rehearsal before the shoot tomorrow. I want to make sure everything works out."
Chan nodded and propped his forearms on his knees, staring intently at you. He was making you more nervous with every passing second.
"Is there anything you need?", you finally asked, getting up to go to him. He smiled mysteriously again and as soon as you were within reach, he pulled you by the wrist to the couch where you dropped down next to him. He laid your legs sideways across his lap and played with the waistband of your black stockings.
"I just wanted to see you before we start rehearsals."
You rolled your eyes slightly and smirked.
"What is it really Channie?"
He pressed his lips together and traced patterns with his thumb on the bare strip of skin on your thigh that peeked out from under your skirt.
"Am I that transparent?", he asked, amused, and now it was clear. There was that adventurous gleam in his eyes that he always had when he knew something he wasn't supposed to say.
You nudged him impatiently against the shoulder with your foot and said:
"Tell me! What have you done now?"
He quickly grabbed your ankle and playfully pinched your calf.
"Okay okay! Wait!", he laughed and his big hands gripped your thighs tightly, so weren’t be able to nudge him again.
"You need to close your eyes!"
Astonished, you tilted your head and looked at him in disbelief.
"Is this some kind of trick?", you asked, trying to get a clue from his impenetrable expression as to what he was up to.
"No. Just do it okay?", he said, and you sighed loudly.
"Mhh", you mumbled as your eyes closed. Chan looked at you for a few seconds. The way your eyelashes cast shadows on your cheeks and your sweet lips twisted into an excited smile made his heart flutter.
A sharp gasp escaped you when you felt his lips on your neck, and you had to giggle when he spread wet kisses in a ticklish spot.
"Channie!", you gasped and you squinted your eyes harder. You felt his sweet laugh against your chest, his lips right above your breasts.
"Maybe it was a trick after all. You just look too cute today..."
"What are you doing?", you asked, unable to stop grinning.
"Give me your hand!", he said softly, giving you a quick kiss on the nose. Confused, you held out your open palm to him and he took your hand gently. Then you heard something jingle and something cool touched your palm.
The little thing was as heavy as metal and just as hard.
You frowned and that's when Chan said:
"You can look now."
Slowly you opened your eyes and looked directly into Chan's excited face. His eyes lit up with anticipation and he waited anxiously for your reaction.
Then you looked at your palm and recognized the silver key. It looked like a door key and shone like real silver in the light of the office.
Even more confused than before, you looked at Chan again, not daring to move your hand. Only gradually you started to understand and you could only slap a hand over your mouth in disbelief.
Had he really done that? Had it really worked?
It was too good to be true, so you just stared at him wordlessly, before you could say something.
"Channie, what does that mean?", you asked in a shaky voice, glancing again at the key that lay heavy in your hand.
"We talked to Mrs. Chung and a few others and explained your situation. I did some research. Through your employment contract, JYP Entertainment is obligated to provide you with a place to live. Our proposal was accepted as it has benefits for all parties."
The information didn't quite get through to you yet. Chan wanted to kiss you really bad, you looked so adorable looking at him from wide eyes.
"That means..."
"You're moving in with us. As early as tomorrow. A moving company will take care of everything and bring your stuff to the dorm during the next days.“
Your mind went blank. You could only stare at the key and slowly close your hand around it. Now that the information had slowly reached you, you shook your head.
"Chan, what... how..."
You had no idea what to say. Once again, he had completely overwhelmed you, and you didn't know how you could ever repay him for all that.
"That's incredible," you breathed, and he chortled delightedly.
"I hope this isn't happening too fast for you. But we wanted to hurry since you already have to be out of your apartment by the end of the week."
Chan caught you just in time as you threw yourself into his arms, the key tight in your fist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself against him until you were sitting sideways all the way on his lap. He held you by the waist and returned the hug with a happy smile. You nuzzled your face to his neck and a broken gasp escaped you, very similar to a sob.
All your worries evaporated into thin air and a heavy stone was lifted from your chest that had taken your breath away for days.
"Thank you Channie! I don't know how I can ever repay you for all that you have done for me."
You felt his body heat and his cologne swirled around you like a pleasant cloud.
"You do such a good job and take such loving care of us... That's the least“, he breathed, enjoying the way your body nestled against his chest.
It seemed like you were never going to let him go and that was just fine with him.
His hands traveled up your back, under your shirt and stroked down your spine to your bra. You detached yourself from him a little to be able to look at him, but without taking your arms from his neck.
His eyes roamed curiously over your face and he was pleased to see your glazed eyes and overwhelmed smile.
"You have no idea how much you're helping me with this... How can I make it up to you?", you asked, stroking your fingers over the back of his neck, to his hairline and nuzzling him, making him grumble in satisfaction.
"Kiss me and maybe I'll think of something", he teased, and you didn't let him tell you twice. You both grinned like idiots and all you had to do was lean forward and your lips collided.
He cupped your face with his hands and put everything he had into the kiss. The key you unconsciously put next to you on the cushion, because as great as it was to have something material that gave you security, it was Chan you wanted and would prefer every time.
He tickled little sighs out of you as he gently bit your lip and your tongue slid into his mouth without resistance. Your hands found their way into his hair and your entire body melted into his. It wasn't long before the kiss became more heated and chaotic.
When he pulled back briefly, his mouth landed on your neck and licked a strip down to your collarbone. As he exhaled, goosebumps spread across your body as the spot tingled cool. You grabbed his hands and put them to your breasts, which he squeezed lightly.
„Can I fuck you right here? At your office?“, he pleaded and kissed your earlobe.
“I’ll do anything you want, Mr Bang”, you teasingly cooed and tugged your hands under his shirt to touch his abs.
“You know how sexy it is when you talk to me like that?”, he grinned and grabbed your ass to knead your skin under your skirt.
It took quite a while before you realized the knock on the door. Breathing heavily, you detached yourselves a little from each other and someone was already pushing down the handle.
You slid off his lap next to him just in time as Na Ji-Deung entered. The young man had been working for the company for a couple of years, but had been responsible for organizational tasks and had only been back in town for the last week.
He was now in charge of managing the economic aspect and quotas of Stray Kids, and now worked closely with you. He was a few years older than Chan and from the very beginning loved to interfere in matters that were actually your area of responsibility.
He was constantly sneaking around near you and knocking on your office more often than it was necessary. That's exactly why you quickly found him very annoying, since he always barged in when it didn't suit.
You also noticed his attempts at flirting, but you kept it to yourself. You really couldn't use any extra stress right now.
Now he was glancing back and forth between you and Chan, who was staring at the ceiling in annoyance, taking a deep breath. Quickly, you straightened your shirt and took your legs off Chan's lap.
"Can I help you?", you asked when he didn't say a word.
He quickly cleared his throat and straightened his tie.
"I wanted to let Bang Chan know that the background dancers are all here now. I couldn't find him so I assumed he was here."
You thought you detected a slightly sour tone, but maybe you were just imagining it.
"You were obviously right about that. You found me", Chan said and stood up. You grabbed the key and slid it into your bra before standing up as well.
"Thanks. We'll be right there", Chan said again emphatically when he didn't move.
"Everyone is already waiting for you", Ji-Deung replied, to which Chan raised his eyebrows with a petrified expression. You quickly grabbed his upper arm.
"Go ahead! I'll be right there", you assured him, and after a brief hesitation and an emphatically long look at Ji-Deung, he nodded and then left the office. Only when he was gone did Ji-Deung seem to breathe a sigh of relief and relax a bit.
"Do you need anything else?", you asked with a smile and that's when he seemed to think of something again.
"Uh yeah... I would need your signature for the upcoming cooperation", he said and held out to you the document he was carrying. You nodded quickly and took it from him.
While you skimmed it, he looked around the room a bit and then stared at the sofa where you had just been making out with the leader of the band you were both working for.
"You get along pretty well with Bang Chan...", he remarked seemingly unintentionally.
As you pulled a pen out of your drawer, you had to smile a bit.
"Yes. We work very closely together, so we spend a lot of time together. Wouldn't be so good if we didn't get along."
He nodded slowly and tensed up again. You put your signature on the document as you found everything to be suitable and handed it back to him. He ran his hand through his short black hair and averted his eyes from your legs, which he had been looking at while you leaned over the desk.
"Are you very close?", he asked then suddenly and you could only raise your eyebrows in surprise.
"I get along well with all the members...", you said, and finally he took the document from you.
"Or what do you want to know?", you added sharply.
Quickly he shook his head as he looked into your face.
"Excuse me. I have to work", you said monotonously and finally he understood and said goodbye. You left your office after him and made your way to the practice room. Your heart was still pounding with nervousness.
Did he suspect something or was he just too curious?
If he only knew that you were regularly fucked by the members...
Rehearsals were in full swing and the guys were doing their best with the new choreography. The background dancers were also excellent and all sympathetic and sweet.
During a meeting, you struck up a conversation with one of the younger dancers and you quickly got on the obvious topic.
"I've seen that you can dance very well too", he said, brushing his brown hair out of his forehead.
He was really cute, had dimples when he smiled and was polite.
"I was a dance teacher in America. Now here I just dance for fun", you explained and he nodded attentively.
"That's cool. You'll probably know all the choreography by heart."
"Not yet... But I'm working on it", you laughed and he leaned against the wall next to you.
„I could teach you."
That's when Lee Know elbowed Hyunjin in the side and nodded in your direction. Both of them were busy talking to the choreographers. But Hyunjin immediately clenched his teeth tightly when he saw the handsome young man with you and how he made you laugh.
After a few more runs, your body automatically moved to the music and imitated the dance steps. You would have loved to join them on the dance floor. The performance was energetic and exciting.
The guys were fully engaged and during a small break the handsome dancer came up to you again.
"The steps already look better on you than they do on us", he laughed, and you shrugged it off.
"No... I don't think so. I still don't understand the most of it. For example, the transitions..."
You started fooling around a bit and he showed you some of the steps in more detail. Hyunjin kept looking in your direction and gradually became more and more restless. He couldn't stand the way he looked at you when he gently touched your arm and you blinked at him with your beautiful eyes.
Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and broke away from his position. The guys were busy making adjustments anyway and you winced when he suddenly appeared next to you.
"How do you like it so far?", he asked, naturally putting an arm around your shoulder. As he did so, he didn't take his eyes off the dancer, who immediately became quietly.
"It looks really great. The power goes well with the song”, you said a bit irritated.
Hyunjin smiled slightly.
"What are you up to?", he asked, and the dancer took the floor:
"I'm just showing her some of the dance steps."
Hyunjin nodded and looked down at him like an insect.
"Oh yes. I almost forgot... Lee Know needs you. You should go to him."
"Oh really? Yes okay."
Somewhat confused, he listened to him and walked over to Lee Know, who had never said that. Hyunjin just wanted to remove him from around you.
"What was that about?", you asked in wonder, looking up at him.
"Do you like him?", he asked, and you had to smile lightly. Was he a little jealous?
Just because you were talking to another man?
"He's nice. He offered to help me with the dance cover I wanted to do."
"Hm... You know I can help you too."
Quickly you nodded and smiled knowingly.
"Of course I know that."
He just looked at you for a while. He loved the way you glanced at him. Like he was something fascinating that you couldn't take your eyes off. Hyunjin had to rejoin the others, but didn't miss the chance to stroke your back and seemingly accidentally touch your butt.
As the rehearsal drew to a close, everyone was sweating and out of breath. But it all worked out and the choreography was finally wrapped up. After the guys thanked the staff and said goodbye, you could see the handsome dancer approaching you again.
With gritted teeth, Hyunjin noticed this too.
Why couldn't that stupid boy just disappear?
He stood by you for a while, you chatted casually, and every time you smiled, Hyunjin wanted to run over and finally put an end to it. When you even gave him your cell phone and you exchanged numbers, Hyunjin couldn't stay calm anymore.
Within seconds, he was standing next to you and the smile was gone from his face. Instead, he only radiated coldness and you could only look at him silently.
"The rehearsal is over. You can leave now buddy!"
Although his tone sounded friendly and he patted him on the shoulder in a friendly manner, there was no warmth that he usually radiated.
"We were just exchanging numbers in case I ever have a question about choreography or a dance cover. I don't always want to bug you guys about it since you're so busy."
You sounded like you were justifying yourself and the dancer was getting more confused each second. Hyunjin continued to look at him coolly and nodded slowly.
"I think that won't be necessary."
"Jinnie... Can we talk in private?", you whispered then to end the awkward situation. He nodded and together you walked down the deserted hallway.
As soon as you turned to him, you crossed your arms.
"What was that about?", you snapped at him.
"I don't like the way he looks at you."
"Ri-eun is just being nice!"
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows and slowly approached you. Like a predator encircling its prey.
"So you already know that frat-boy's name? Do you really think he wants to help you? He just wants to fuck you, can't you tell?"
His voice got darker and darker and you bumped your back against the wall. Astonished, you looked up at him and audibly exhaled as he trapped you between his arms, which he placed on the wall to the left and right of your head.
"Oh, you're jealous", you noted quietly, and he immediately frowned.
Was that what took his breath away as soon as he saw you with someone other than his members?
"Maybe”, he murmured.
As he spoke, he moved his thumb to your chin, pulling your lips apart just a little before running it down the front of your throat, adding just enough pressure to make you gasp.
"Maybe I'm just scared."
The tension was taut to the breaking point and you barely dared to breathe. His face hovered close to yours and he pushed your legs apart slightly with his knee.
"Scared?", you asked breathlessly and could only stare at his perfect lips.
His skin was still shiny from the exertion and the hairband kept the soft strands of hair out of his face. In his eyes now shone not only the typical warmth, but dangerous heat that could burn you at any moment.
He stroked his fingers further down your neck, leaving a crackle on your skin.
"I am scared because I don't want anyone else to realize how beautiful, smart, funny, kind and just so damn lovable you are. Because maybe then they will steal you from us. We don't want to lose you, princess."
His words made your whole body tingle and you automatically put your hands to his chest to feel him closer. His fingers slid down your collarbone to your chest.
"You're not going to lose me. After all i’ll be moving in with you in a few days."
At that, he lifted his eyes and looked at you in surprise.
"You said yes?"
An amused snort escaped you.
"Of course I said yes. You guys mean just as much to me, haven't you noticed?"
Now all he could do was smile, and it was the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. His hand stroked your neckline and you wanted to feel his touch everywhere at once.
He leaned forward until his mouth hovered next to your ear and you had to suppress pressing against him as your upper bodies touched.
"Come to the dorm tonight... Then I'll show you how much you're really worth to us”, he whispered in your ear and your whole body trembled with excitement. With a smile, he kissed down your jaw with his hand still on your cleavage, eliciting a trembling gasp from you.
Only briefly did his lips detach from your skin and you looked at him in wonder, but his gaze was fixed on something in the hallway.
You followed his gaze and your heart leapt.
Ri-Eul was standing in the hallway and was probably about to leave. He was staring at both of you and Hyunjin made no move to let go of you. Quite the opposite. His lips brushed along your neck again and one hand lay firmly against your breast, while you had to suppress a desperate moan with all your might.
Quickly the dancer tore himself away from the sight and hurried along the corridor until he disappeared.
"Did you have to do that?", you asked, clawing your fingers into his chest as his warm breath brushed against the sensitive skin on your neck. A chuckling laugh escaped him and he lightly squeezed your breast through the fabric of your top.
Of course he had done this on purpose.
He wanted to be seen like that, so the boy would understand that there was nothing to get from you.
"I'll see you tonight", he said with a meaningful grin, squeezing your hip. Then he disappeared back into the practice room to finish discussing with the boys.
Your heart fluttered like crazy when you later stood in front of the dorm's door.
The thought that this would soon be your home was so unreal that for a moment you just stared at the white door. It wasn't until someone came up the stairs behind you that you remembered to ring the bell. While waiting for someone to open the door, you looked down at yourself.
You had put on a long black coat, because although the first flowers were already blooming, the icy wind of winter was still sweeping through the streets.
It had taken you forever to decide what you would wear. Hyunjin's words and his jealousy had not left your mind. You also wanted to give him something, which is why you had chosen a tight white dress. You knew exactly how much he loved white on you and also how much he liked to look at your body, especially your boobs, when you wore something more revealing.
Your outfit for him was safely tucked away under your coat, with only your white stockings peeking out from underneath. When the door opened, a delicious scent of chocolate immediately hit you.
Felix stood in the doorway and smiled when he saw you.
"Hey, Y/N! You're just in time. I need you to do me a favor."
Taken off guard by his radiant energy, you let yourself be pulled into the apartment with amusement. You were a bit surprised, since you had expected to be alone with Hyunjin, but when you saw Changbin putting on his jacket in the hallway and Chan slipping into his shoes in the living room as well, Hyunjin had probably made sure that you were undisturbed tonight after all.
"You have a key now, don't you? Why are you ringing the bell?", asked Changbin with a heartwarming smile.
You slipped out of your boots and Felix directly intertwined your fingers.
"I don't live here yet, Binnie", you replied over your shoulder, as Felix was already pulling you along. You let him lead you through the living room and up to the open kitchen.
"I found out last that you're really moving in with us", he said over his shoulder, and you waved hurriedly at Chan as you passed.
He just grinned a little, since Felix had taken you in before you could even say hello.
In the kitchen, Han was mixing up some protein shake and when he saw you, he leaned against the kitchen counter.
"Yeah. I can't quite believe it yet either", you said, and that's when Jeongin joined you in the kitchen.
When Felix let go of your hand to open the oven, you understood why everyone was now gradually drifting into the kitchen.
"I wanted you to try my brownies first. I tried a new recipe", he said, setting the warm tray down on the sideboard. That's where the tempting aroma came from, and your mouth watered at the mere sight of the brown mixture.
"Felix is mean and didn't allow us to take anything until you tasted it", Jeongin muttered with his arms crossed, watching longingly as Felix began to cut the dough into small rectangles.
"Otherwise, there wouldn't have been anything left", Felix laughed, offering you one of the pieces on a plate.
"You don't have to tell me twice", you said, taking a bite of the juicy brownie.
Indeed, they tasted different than usual. The chocolate was more intense and a slight bitter note made you feel directly addicted. Your eyes got big and as soon as you swallowed, you nodded vehemently:
"These are unbelievably good, Lix!"
Satisfied, he smiled and watched you devour the whole thing.
"I'm glad you like them. Because I prepared a whole can for you. You can take it with you then", he replied, tapping a blue can that was next to the sink.
"Now give it to me!", Han yelled at him and pushed him roughly away from the tin.
He took a piece and Jeongin also made a grab for the brownies. Together with Felix, you went back into the living room and saw Changbin and Chan standing at the door ready to leave.
"Are you guys leaving?", you asked as Felix also grabbed his jacket and you slowly approached Chan.
Before answering, Chan pulled you closer by the waist and kissed you without warning. Completely caught off guard, you looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"What was that for?" you asked with an amused smile.
"I just felt like it", he replied, and you grinned at each other like love-struck teenagers.
"Hyunjin made us leave", Lee Know replied from behind you. You hadn't even noticed how he had come into the room. Turning to him, you now saw Seungmin also leaning against the doorframe.
All of them were dressed and on the go.
"That's right. He said that we should be gone by the time he gets home... So we're going to get something to eat in town", Changbin explained, and Han came back out of the kitchen.
"He owes us all dinner now”, he said, coming up to you.
So Hyunjin had planned all this after all. Your heart pounded excitedly in your chest at the thought that he was doing all this to be alone with you.
"You haven't even taken off her coat yet!", suddenly Han snapped at the others, helping you out of your coat like a gentleman. He tossed it to Jeongin, who hung it up in the hallway.
Han's eyes wandered over your body in surprise and you could feel the guys' gazes prickling your skin.
"Shit we should have asked for so much more", Han muttered, looking like he was about to drool at the sight of your cleavage.
"Where's Hyunjin?", you asked in wonder, since he wasn't at the dorm.
Seungmin glanced at his watch, then said:
"He had to go to work again. He should be back any minute, though."
"Come on, let's get out of here! A deal's a deal", Chan then said, but not without giving you a pat on the butt. Sullenly, Han tore himself away from the sight of you and was dragged along by Changbin.
Felix was the last and you held him back by the arm before he could disappear.
"Thanks for the brownies Lix. You really need to show me how to bake!"
His eyes glittered like amber and his hands were firmly on your hips.
"I can show you how I make the brownies. Then you can help me", he said, and you nodded quickly.
"Sounds good."
"Then we'll have a baking date", he smirked and you ran your fingers over his chest.
It sounded like a sweet temptation you couldn't resist. Just like you couldn't resist putting your lips on his and pulling him into a heartfelt kiss.
As if he was just waiting for it, he hastily returned the kiss and you could taste the chocolate on his lips. It was intoxicating and when you broke away from each other, his eyes shone even more.
Just as he was about to lean down to kiss you again, you heard Changbin calling from the stairwell:
"Yongbok! Are you coming?"
And already Minho's voice was echoing off the walls as well:
"Hurry up, brownie boy!"
Sighing, he hung his head and you couldn’t resist kissing his checks and his pretty freckles, while he squeezed your hips.
"See you, jagi", he whispered, giving you one last innocent kiss on the lips.
"Bye, Lixie," you replied, and he walked backwards out the door to look at you until the last moment.
->Part 13
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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nijigasakilove · 5 months ago
Always funny when you shit on something all season then it ends with a good episode, fairs. Actually found myself excited for the Stray Kids OP and Workshop arc. One episode can’t save this train wreck of a season, but this was a good way to wrap the cour. Honestly excited for what comes next even though I know it’s gonna look ass lmao.
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Khun and Bam swapping respective teams and taking leadership roles is pretty cool actually. Khun had them boys going thru HELL getting ready for the workshop battle lmao. Whole time he just sitting on an iPad watching everyone damn near die
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“Any team I’m on can’t lose” ahhh the aura. I missed having Khun in this show consistently, next season is gonna be good if this ending is any indication
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Yihwa training to control her fire ability was lowkey the best animation of the season lol. She was one of the bright spots of the season for me, loved her sm. she might be a lil slow and can’t cook but she’s my idiot. Still waiting on Hwa Ryun to show me something like y’all been hyping her to do for a while..
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That cliffhanger! Yea, this was probably the second best overall episode after the ban and Khun reunion and it needed to be for me to maintain any sort of desire to watch this. They succeeded. Still a very big downgrade overall, but this was a nice finale.
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bengiyo · 9 months ago
Knock Knock Boys Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we squarely sorted our housemates into two pairs and gave Almond a proper shake to make him get over Jumper. Almond spent the first chunk of the episode following Latte, and watched him give a talk to a club about pansexuality. He and Almond had a good moment after that, and Latte found himself getting jealous of Jumper at the barbecue they hosted later. Meanwhile, Thanwa is still looking for work but had an excellent moment with Peak in a closet where Peak apologized for taking a kiss from him earlier and asking for a new one. We left at Jane reentering the picture.
I do love their cold opens that are for a later scene in the episode. It feels so assured every time. I like the anticipation of paying attention to the moments so I know what that cold open is meant to provide as payoff.
I love Latte so much. He wakes up from sleeping on Almond and only gives a pleased smile about it. These two faking sleep are ridiculous. I know Almond was gonna toss his ass when the Now Kisstm moment started
Using the shirt to provide a barrier during a pratfall kiss is novel. I’m glad the first time their lips actually touch won’t be accidental, and that Latte got injured. We’ve only seen someone bleeding after a pratfall kiss in a few instances (Love Stage!! TH comes to mind).
Fiancée? I am ready for the drama.
These boys are nosy as hell!
The energy Jane gives off is so knowing. I am compelled.
Almond, the rich kid, took his shirt off to pretend to clean the walls with it after rolling away from the door. Incredible.
She is so ready to fight this man. They do not feel like they are romantically involved.
I feel bad for Thanwa. He’s staying out of the way, and even waited a bit for answers before calling.
Finally, someone acknowledged that every goddamn mosquito would be flying in through those open doors.
Morning wood in my BL? It’s more likely than  you think.
Almond, we see you still smiling about what you saw.
I’m with Almond. I wouldn’t want to eat breakfast at this tense table. However, I am also with Latte just trying to get some food in before walking to class.
Thanwa feels so properly gay to me. He’s being so careful about being neutral in his interactions with Jane.
I don’t like Max.
I like Lukpeach taking her offense to their sexual health club and talking about how improper it is to film people’s private moments and post them for clout.
Almond, focus please!
These two have a fun dynamic. Almond is still clearly thinking about Latte’s dick, and I love Latte being upfront that he’s down to play if Almond wants.
An unfortunate t-shirt choice there, costuming department.
This framing with the bed scene is excellent. Thanwa is still willing to offer Peak shelter, but he’s made it clear that they can’t have any more closeness while this situation with Jane remains unresolved.
Yes, put on your glasses so you can see his back properly. This show is very good at communicating that the characters are feeling multiple things.
Baby’s first dildo!
I don’t think they’re talking about the job anymore, guys.
This boy is skipping home to use his new toy! I love that for him.
You’re gonna need more Vaseline than that, baby boy.
I really love that Almond is allowed to explore his body this way. He lucked out on his roommates, too. Latte was worried when he heard him scream, and I love him teasing Almond about helping. It’s so cool that Almond is made to feel like he is desirable in some way.
And now Jane is covering for Peak, and didn’t react much about Almond saying he kissed Thanwa. She knows.
Oh no. Almond, do not go check that locker room. You are gonna get your little heart broken.
Glad I called that Jumper was already with his friend.
Almond….no… You were just at a meeting about consent.
That’s interesting. I thought we would find out about Jumper and Shawn via the clip, not that Almond would have already seen them together.
Wow, that’s a difficult cliffhanger. You could see Latte pulling away from Almond.
The preview is not promising!
Wow, I was not expecting the show to go beyond the “don’t film people” PSA aside. Having Almond overstep that boundary in a moment of jealousy and be caught for it is ripe with tension. I like that it’s Latte who catches it first, because he’s been dealing with Almond overstepping boundaries with him for multiple episodes with him following him places and trying to see his dick. Even if there’s been brewing sexual tension between them, Almond has been very firm about saying no to Latte. To have him then film and post Jumper like this is egregious, but in line with his earlier behavior. I’m excited to see where we go with them. As for Thanwa, I love that he still likes Peak even if he’s holding on his own line as well. This show whips ass.
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skzoologist · 2 years ago
Unfamiliarity [one]
word count: 10.3k
genre: Hybrid AU, no pairings
warnings: panic attacks, signs of PTSD, non-sexual nudity (not described, only mentioned), hints of being experimented at, past abuse, occasional curse words, hurt/comfort
summary: Ever wondered what would happen when the boys decide to just adopt a traumatised wolf off the street?
a/n: Here it is guys, the first chapter you voted for to be this long. I hope you're happy, because churning out from myself the words takes a long time, so you will have to live off of this for a solid month or two ._. It is a hybrid AU, but I only gave the characters animalstic features, nothing more. There will also be no romance here, only pure angst and platonic fluff. Either way, I hope you like this, and I also hope you won't come for my head because not all the boys are in the story yet. They will appear later, worry not, I just have plans for them :D
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in!Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
previous I masterlist I next
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My aching legs were taking me through the dark maze, abused paws tip-tapping against the cold concrete, avoiding trash and broken glass as best as they could on autopilot. My mind was swimming, head clouded from exhaustion. I hadn’t had anything to eat in so long. No matter where I went, there were always strays or entire packs in my way, territories making my survival harder. I only wanted some food, not to cross anyone’s path and cause trouble.
But life hated me, pointing at my cowering form with roaring laughter.
By the time the smell reached my nose and registered in my mind, two figures were advancing towards me -hybrids, my mind supplied amidst panicking-, their stances cautious but I cared not. No, as soon as I saw them approaching, gibberish words directed at me, I turned around and willed my legs to run away, not caring about what was in my way. Bumping into trash cans, stepping into bottle shards, none of that mattered when my life was on the line. I had made a mistake, not realising I had stepped into someone’s territory until it was too late. Even in my weakened state I knew I should have paid more attention, but what had happened, happened. All that mattered now was that I kept running, putting one long leg in front of the other and–
My laboured breath hitched in my throat, realising that they were behind me, close. A pathetic whimper left my parched throat as I choked up, gathering my last strength to somehow leave them behind.
But amidst my panic my side caught onto something and I crashed onto the cold concrete, new scars littering my already broken body. I just laid there for a few seconds, the world spinning, seemingly no air reaching my wheezing lungs, no matter how hard I tried to fill them.
A muffled step reached my flickering ears and they perked up towards it, freshly made adrenaline coursing through my veins as I shakily stood up, backing away from the threat in front of my gaze. 
A guttural sound left my throat in warning. 
My hind legs bumped into something and after a quick panic-induced glance, I realised that I was cornered completely. The figures kept slowly approaching me and I didn’t know what to do.
My mind tried to supply useful information, but it failed. Only my instincts worked at that moment, and that meant growling and baring my fangs full force, even as my vision started filling with dark spots, my dangerously rapid breathing only registering in my mind way too late.
The towering shadows were the last thing my hazy mind recognised as I collapsed, body having been pushed way beyond its limit.
I blamed the snow for all of this.
My consciousness arose from its slumber lazily, the process slow and painstaking.
Then suddenly it was ripped from its peaceful, clouded state from the sheer disgust my nose picked up; scents, extremely strong ones mixing together in a cacophony of chaos. The diabetes-inducing sweetness swirled with sour citrus and wilted flowers, sitting on top of the rotting smell of dirt and wood.
My nose scrunched up as my eyes watered, body shooting up from whatever bouncy material it was on previously. I hit the floor clumsily, senses jumbled and all wrong. My legs didn’t seem to want to work, bending in all the wrong directions, so I was reduced to a crawling mess on the floor, eyes desperately darting around to find any sign of outside.
A painful churn resounded in my abdomen and I forced my jaw shut, teeth loudly grinding together.
The world was a blur in my eyes, nothing made sense to my mind as I desperately made way for myself and just searched.
I couldn’t hold it back anymore and just emptied my already void stomach, pure acid burning my throat and tongue, coating the white surface in front of me. I heaved and heaved until I could finally breathe for a second and immediately regretted it, as it caused me to restart the whole process from the beginning.
I gripped onto whatever it was I was vomiting into and finally realised something, or rather, someone was touching me.
My form tensed, muscles that were slowly unwinding now spread thin like a string, ready to snap if winded up any further.
But I could not voice my protests or lash out, as I couldn’t keep my breath held any longer and that awful smell invaded my overly-sensitive nose yet again. My body shuddered as it suffered, voice broken as whimpers and undecipherable protests left my lips.
And yet, for some reason the alien warmth on my skin faded, the smell becoming less prominent.
After my stomach finally settled and I didn’t feel like I would try to empty it once again simply from taking a singular breath, I blinked my tear-filled eyes a few times and finally lifted my head.
I was alone.
Alone in a white and blue place, a room, my limb still gripping a white porcelain bowl tightly, skin seemingly matching its shade.
My heart rate picked up in an instant, heavy breathing becoming laboured and stuttering.
I was in my human form.
The thought alone scared me, but I had no choice but to face reality. I was in an unknown, bright place in my most vulnerable form, surrounded by disgustingly strong smells. Ones that indicated a pack’s territory.
The blood froze into my veins, the thought finally settling into my mind with vengeance.
I was dead. Or worse, they planned to keep me, as a captive or…
No, no, that couldn’t be, surely. I couldn’t, no, not aga—
I shook my head vigorously, tears flying off from the force. Opening my eyes once more, I let out a shaky breath and looked around again, my hazy mind whispering the word ‘bathroom’, but it no longer held any meaning to me. My ears pressed impossibly closer to my head, tail curled around my body in a protective and comforting manner. I no longer held the energy to change forms, so I had to deal with this defenceless and shivering one for an unforeseen amount of time.
Noticing a big, hollowed out white place -that looked similar to the thing i puked into-, I crawled towards it, accidentally kneeling on something plush. Throwing a quick glance down, I saw things similar to those everyone wore and I knew my mind remembered the name but…
I ignored it as best as I could, not even the cold could convince me to wear something so awful smelling -the stench of a dead forest, drenched in rain and agony-, so I instead crawled into the smooth-surfaced place.
It was nice, I felt safer there as I huddled into a corner, hugging my knees, blanketed by my tail and just stared.
Stared at the place where the air came in from, where I could tell the other hybrids left to.
I had no idea how long my shivering form had been sitting there, unblinking, since the ‘bathroom’ had no glasses to see outside. But I knew they would come back.
And I was right.
I felt them before I saw them, well, him, the smell of rotting trees and mould invading my sensitive nose, causing me to tense up yet again. Bile crawled up my throat, but I forced it back down, not wanting to appear any more pathetic in front of the enemy who now stood there, having come in after some knocking sounds.
The male’s eyes widened as they took in my form, then his expression inexplicably softened and I just did not understand. What did that mean? I had never seen such a thing before, or if I did, I forgot about it a long time ago. But surely I would have remembered if someone looked at me like that, like…so weirdly.
My expression must have reflected my thoughts as the male took two soft steps into the room, his low voice filling the room in but a whisper.
“Here’s some food for you, please eat. And uh… p-put on the clothes too.” - the male muttered out, not meeting my gaze as his ears stooped lower. And only then did I realise that the other was a wolf hybrid, the grey appendages almost glowing against the dark-coloured palette he had going on.
After getting no reaction, the wolf left and I felt like I could breathe again, the smell of death and misery thinning.
I sat there for a while, waiting for my stomach to behave as I eyed the warm, inviting food.
It was probably tempered with, seeing the situation I was in. But I had no choice, exactly because of my accursed situation. I was quite literally starving and with no means of escaping, completely cornered.
So, with shaky limbs, I crawled to the food and shoved it into my salivating mouth, gripping a handful each time.
The food seemingly was not tempered with, which, quite honestly, boggled my mind. Why were they giving me the food then?
Above all, the wolf came back again later, his expression rapidly changing as he observed me and my surroundings. Ultimately, he sighed, his ears passively lowering as he crouched down to place the new food onto the floor, where the previous one laid once.
"You know, I can't imagine sitting naked like that in the bathtub is warm and comfortable. If nothing else, then use the sweater as a blanket, please. Nights can get cold, even in here." - his low voice softly murmured, deep chocolate eyes gently trained on my form.
For a second, I reconsidered my choices.
But ultimately, my stomach won as it twisted in discomfort again, the stench becoming unbearable as one of its sources was nearby.
Taking my silence as an answer, he left, a sad little smile sitting on his face.
I tilted my head in confusion.
Why would he be sad? I didn't understand.
But I got no time to ponder upon such things as my stomach loudly gurgled, the food's heavenly scent finally registering in my nose and head, pushing the nausea away.
It was messy, for sure, but the warm, delicious food brought tears to my eyes.
The so-called 'clothes' still laid there on the floor in a neat pile even after countless, similarly short and quiet visits from the wolf. He always said a few sentences, prompting me to answer in any way or to make me move from my spot. But I was stubborn and gave him the same treatment in fear every single time.
Silent staring.
But now, my curiosity got the better of me.
I had always seen these 'clothes' on others and they looked quite warm to be frank with you. A shiver ran down my pathetic form at the thought.
It wouldn't hurt to at least touch it, right?
Crawling out of my little corner, the smell of rainy forest with a hint of dirt got stronger the closer I got to the object.
I carefully poked at the thing and after getting no response, I deemed it harmless and lightly grabbed it.
Oh that felt soft.
The idea of it enveloping my whole body seemed pleasant, thus I lifted the thing up and looked for a way to put it on. Okay, so it had one wide enough hole to fit my whole torso in there, therefore that was where I started. Then I realised my arms were stuck to my torso, so I looked around for their intended places, finally finding them after a minute or two of spinning around mindlessly like an absolute moron.
Having somehow successfully put on the upper part -oh it had a part for your head too, to cover it, very comfy-, I grabbed the other one. Similarly, it had a single, bigger opening, so I put my legs in there. Okay, while I was not familiar with the art of wearing such objects, I did see that only one leg was supposed to go into one long part. So, after a minute of fumbling around, the thing was on my now warm body, enveloping it with the essence of an ancient forest.
Wait…That last thought scared me, my pulse quickening.
Since when was the forest fine and not rotting?
Taking a careful sniff of the fabric, my fears came true.
It didn't smell repulsive anymore. The trees had an earthy and melancholic tone, sure, but they did not make my stomach churn in distaste anymore.
My eyes widened in realisation as I took a deeper breath this time, the result not changing no matter how many times I checked.
Time crawled by and I simply remained in my safe, stark-white corner; especially after that dreadful realisation about the lingering scent around me.
I could not trust anyone, no matter the species, I knew that. So why was my body slowly accepting this strange wolf?
Speaking of the hybrid, he kept up the same schedule, appearing with small portions of different types of heavenly food several times a day. The first time he noticed these ‘clothes’ on me, a bright, dimpled smile broke out on his face that I just did not understand, my lowly positioned ears bopping along as I tilted my head in confusion.
Even now, he was in the room, placing down a 'tray' of fresh food. But something was different, he placed down some new 'clothes' and sat down next to the objects, his back against the wall.
"You know, you have been here for a loooong while now and I thought… maybe a bath would feel nice, hm?" - he asked me, a small smile never leaving his lips.
I just tilted my head, tail softly thumping against the white surface once as I furrowed my eyebrows.
What was a 'bath'?
Seeing my confusion, the wolf muttered a bit under his breath, rubbing his nape as his ears lowered in embarrassment.
"You don't know…what a bath is, do you? Well, I guess that is not surprising, seeing you didn't fully know how to get the toilet to work either, nor did you know what underwear was."
The silence sat heavily in the air, as we just blinked at each other, my eyes drawn to the soft pink colour now dusting his cheeks.
"Ah well… it is like… so uh… How do I explain this, I never thought I would have to… So we just collect nice, warm water in the bathtub -he pointed at the place I was sitting at- and wash the dirt off. From your body. It feels nice, I promise you."
He waited for my reply, for any sign I understood what he was trying to say. My ears did perk up a bit, the mention of warm water quickly garnering my attention, tail swishing around slowly.
Seeing as he looked at me expectantly, I blinked and thought over what he said. Oh, the warm water needed to be in my safe zone, the white den.
Thus, I slowly crawled out of it, watching the wolf and his every move attentively.
He nodded appreciatively at me, then slowly made his way towards the white den, turning some silver things and made water come out of nowhere! The sudden appearance surprised me, my body jerking in response, but my wide eyes never left the stream of water in amazement.
They had a stable supply of safe, clean water? This pack must have been strong.
A chuckle brought me out of my stupor, eyes rapidly fixating on the wolf in front of me.
"Sorry, you just looked so cute, like a kid in a candy shop. Don't mind me please."
I stared at him as he busied himself with the contraption once again, making the water stop once the den was full. He got up and took some smaller objects in his hands, pouring colourful things into the once clean water and swishing them around.
Low and behold, fluffy looking white things appeared!
Another chuckle and a confused stare later, he turned fully towards me.
"The bath's ready. You can…take off your clothes and get in." - he said, that familiar red dusting his cheeks once more as he turned away from me.
Ooh, so you take these off for the 'bath'? Makes sense, they would be less warm and comfy if they were to get wet.
Struggling with getting them off my body for a few minutes, I tossed them onto the floor and crawled into the incredibly soothing and warm water. Almost immediately my muscles relaxed, ears easing up and pupils dilating. 
This was amazing. 
I sank into the water more, my eyes closing in bliss when I suddenly realised where I was and with who, causing my body to jolt up, eyelids popping open to look at the startled wolf by my side.
His expression softened, sharp brows slightly furrowed as a small smile sat on his lips, making my own forehead crease in response. What did that expression mean? And why had he not done anything to me, besides nice things? What was this pack planning?
My thoughts were halted by his whispering, careful, as if I was a delicate thing.
"You can scrub the dirt away in this water. Put your head under it for a bit and you can get most of the stuff out of your hair and fur too." - he said, hand hovering above the 'bathtub', but never too near me.
Looking at the fluffy, murky water, I blinked a few times, then dove into it completely, following his instructions.
Surfacing after a minute, I looked back at him and saw he was completely soaked, wet hair and fur sticking to his sun-kissed skin. And yet, he did not seem to be mad, no, quite the opposite. Laughter bubbled out of his chest, the sounds catching me off-guard and startling me, yet I did not mind it as much as I thought I would've. It had a nice ring to it as it bounced off the usually quiet walls, giving this dead place some liveliness.
Sadly, after some time -my skin now wrinkled and weak-, he begged me to get out of the water and dry myself. He handed me a 'towel', instructing me on how to use it while looking anywhere but me. This wolf was weird.
Quickly drying myself as I was told, he handed me different 'clothes', but they shared the same dark colour as the previous ones. Judging by the scent, these must have also been his. Putting them on with a bit more ease than last time, he laughed at me when I was done and told me I apparently had the lower part -pants, he called them- on wrong. How can it be worn wrong, who made this?!
Telling me how to put them on properly I fixed the problem and quickly sat back down, breathing deeply, still not used to how this body worked.
He sat down a bit farther away from me, his fingers messing with his shirt.
"You've been staying here for a while now, but I never asked you, in fear of scaring you away, but… what’s your name?" - he asked, his eyes so hopeful and vulnerable with their gaze.
I had one, a name, once. A full name belonging to a human. But that wasn't me anymore, no, I left that life behind. But what did that leave me with? Horrible nicknames like pet, idiot, experiment… Not the best choices, to be honest.
So I just shook my head at him, lips pursed as I looked away.
The silence in the room was thick.
Then, his voice wafted through the air, escorted by the refreshing scent of newly budded flowers and leaves.
"Don't worry, knowing the others, they will find some nickname for you soon enough."
I couldn't help but let a small smile sneak onto my lips, the gesture kind and alien to me.
"Ah, speaking of the others, would you like to… Do you want to take a little walk and maybe meet some of them now? O-only if you want to! But I do think taking a short walk would be good for you." - he rapidly offered, seeing my contorted expression.
Thinking it through, I really had no choice. He was nice enough to me, a stranger and an intruder in his home. I had to get out of this room once, sooner or later. Besides, I did need some exercise. My body ached and fidgeted from the lack of movement over the past who knows how many days, no matter how easily a few steps tired me out.
So, I hesitantly nodded and watched as his face brightened, dimples showing full on and eyes twinkling.
Soon though that expression dimmed slightly as he realised he couldn't touch me to help my struggling form up. My legs shook, hands gripping anything near me to help pull myself up into a standing position. 
After a minute of struggling and the wolf worrying around me, I could successfully stand while putting my weight onto the wall next to me.
"Yes, good job! Now try going towards the sink, see if you can find your balance." - he excitedly, yet gently instructed me, my eyes flitting between him and the sink he pointed at. Weird enough, I did have memories of the aforementioned contraption.
Looking at the ground, I furrowed my eyebrows as I swished my tail slowly around. This body worked so differently from my animal one and I cursed my still weak form, as I could still not shift safely.
Holding my breath, I took my first step, hands supporting me on the wall constantly. I re-positioned my tail, then took another step, seeing as my balance was better like that. Then another, and another.
I stumbled quite a few times -the wolf seemingly holding himself off from running to my aid-, but I made it to the sink.
Small clapping echoed through the air, my ears flickering towards the source before my eyes followed.
"You are doing really well! Now, do you want to come out of the room and walk around a bit in the hallways?" - he asked, even though I had already accepted his previous suggestion.
With a head tilt I nodded along, my brows slightly furrowed. He just smiled and made his way to the door with careful, obvious steps, holding it open for me.
And so I followed him, slowly stumbling after his familiar form by the walls, leaning onto them for dear life.
As we progressed further into the long, bright hallway, the unpleasant smells picked up, becoming stronger. My stomach started tying itself into knots ever so slowly, the urge to gulp winning as I battled nausea.
My weak state must have been obvious, as the wolf stopped in front of me.
"You made a lot of progress today, we can go back you kno'."
His gaze was so gentle I nearly nodded automatically, but then the wolf inside me snarled, demanding to move and not sit around all day.
So, with a heavy heart I shook my head and watched as he started leading me further in with an unsure expression painted onto his face.
The air was so, so sweet. It was basically dripping with sugar, as if it was made from cotton candy. I held my breath for as long as I could, unable to bear it any longer. 
Although before I could do anything else, my ears picked up voices. They were talking to each other, but the interesting part was that one was surprisingly deep. My ears flicked once, then honed in on the voices again. Taking a few more steps after the awaiting wolf, I gulped and took a smaller breath of air into my lungs, thankful to my mind for being too busy with analysing the voices.
I quickly realised we were closing in on them, seeing as I could now understand what they were saying.
"Ah, I think I hear Lixie and Binnie. They must be in the living room… Are you sure about this?" - he turned around and asked me, his expression torn.
I hesitantly nodded and gulped, the wolf now insatiable since it got a taste of freedom. I’d only walked down this long hallway, and yet my body felt like I had just run for my life. Still, it craved more, fidgeting around. Yearning.
He nodded back at me and I followed, albeit more poorly than before. The sweetness was joined by acidic citrus and I had to take a step back, hand flying to my mouth from the urge to gag. The wolf rushed to my side, hovering near me, not daring to touch me still.
My legs slowly gave out under me as I slid down the wall, eyes screwed shut to reduce the incoming information to my brain.
It seemed that was the last straw for the wolf, his form not hesitating anymore as he picked up my shivering form and carried me hastily back to my safe room. My skin itched and tensed under his touch, but it soon mellowed as I was more busy fighting for my fucking life.
He patted my back soothingly as I emptied my gut into the white bowl, my long and unkept -still damp- hair held out of my face with his other hand.
"It's alright. Maybe next time we can walk a bit more." - he promised in a whisper and I numbly nodded, drawing away from him as I could now breathe properly again.
He tidied the bowl out with the single press of a button -like he showed me in the past- and left with a familiar smile.
I sat there for a while still, recovering and processing the whole disaster that just happened, the urge to move around now hard to battle.
I couldn't sleep.
My body was stiff, muscles tense with the urge to run around. I had contemplated my choices a hundred times over by now, but I always came to the same realisation. If I changed into my animal form, my weak body would probably collapse and I would not be able to do anything, let alone escape this territory. That left me with this humanoid form, in which I could only stumble around.
So I did.
I spent my entire time walking from one wall to another, like a fine machine doing the same motion over and over again. I eventually found my balance, able to walk a few steps without the aid of my hands.
Then I walked a bit more, the urge to just move around still not gone.
Stopping for a moment to catch my breath, my nose caught a whiff of a sun-bathed forest, the faint scent of flowers and dirt laying underneath it.
My head whipped around and sure enough, the wolf stood in the doorway, a guilty expression painted onto his face as I caught him.
"Aah, sorry, you were just so focused I didn't want to disturb you. But you've improved so much overnight, it's as if you walked in your sleep." - he airily laughed, placing down the food in its usual place.
My ears lowered in shame, my eyes cast onto the ground as my once gently swaying tail now laid still.
Seeing my reaction, the air turned stiff and awkward.
"... Sorry, I should have known, you are a canine hybrid too after all. You must be restless in this tiny place. But hey, once you finish eating, we can go walk again."
My ears perked up at that, my tail swishing around at the mere thought of getting out of this enclosed place. Thus, I quickly devoured the food, licking the plate and my hands clean -the wolf ushering me to wash my hands while laughing, saying how gross i was-.
True to his words, we left immediately afterwards, the now familiar sight of the bright hallway greeting me.
Our rhythm didn't change compared to last time. I walked along the wall, the wolf in front of me taking a few steps and turning back, waiting for me to catch up. The only thing that changed was that I stumbled less and could walk a bit faster, my breathing just a tad more controlled.
Stopping for a moment to catch my breath, I gulped in a mouthful of the foul air, the scent of bitter flowers sitting atop the other ones. Sniffing the air once more confirmed my findings, signalling that we were going towards a pack member. My body stiffened at the thought, but I pushed the thought down and continued walking.
"I was wondering yesterday as well, but it seemed like you sensed my pack members even before me. You must have overly sensitive senses. Is that why you get nauseous as well?" - the wolf asked, worry creasing his forehead.
I simply nodded, more focused on not falling over or vomiting out the food I just ate.
We continued our little journey in silence, the nausea harder and harder to fight, but I managed through sheer will and determination. And soon enough we were in new territory, the hallway giving space to two stairways and another hall opposite of us.
Looking down the stairs, a spacious place greeted me, things I was and wasn't familiar with scattered around in it. Amidst all that sat a hybrid, his feline, sharp eyes already stalking my form. I panicked and ducked behind the wall next to me, almost falling over in the process.
"Minho, we've already talked about this. You either behave or leave the living room." - the wolf demanded, his raised tone not leaving space for argument.
I only heard a huff and a small 'Yes', my breathing still a bit erratic.
"Hey, look at me. No, at me, please. Good, that's it. You’re fine, nobody here means you any harm. Focus on me and calm down your breathing. Yes, that’s it. I’m here with you, you’re safe."
I followed his instructions, my body relaxing as much as it could with the nausea still lingering in the background of my mind.
"Yes, good job. Now, you don't have to go meet Minho now. We can walk around up here, or I can ask him to leave the room." - he gently whispered to me, my ears that were pressing impossibly into my head letting up just a bit.
I shook my head as another wave of bitter, tangy nectar hit my nose. I gulped, thankful that this scent was a bit more mellow than the others, the scent of pines and grass able to overshadow it.
"Alright, but if you want to go back, don't hesitate to tell me immediately, okay?"
I nodded once more and stuck close to him, until I realised a little problem.
The fucking stairs.
Clutching the small wall next to it for dear life, I descended one stair at a time, the wolf always near me in case something happened. It felt strangely nice. He never touched me unless needed and always let me progress at my own, slow pace. So I couldn't help the miniscule smile I sent his way after we successfully reached the floor.
His eyes widened for a second, but then so did his smile, dimples not hiding anymore.
He walked towards the cat hybrid, always making sure I had something to grab onto in case I needed it. I followed closely behind, sticking to him as if he was my lifeline. He was, in a way, his scent pushing the others away just enough for me to not empty my gut right then and there.
Having reached the other -who was lounging on a soft looking thing, a rectangular device playing sounds and flashy colours in front of him-, he sat up and looked at us. My ears pressed completely into my head once more, my tail limp by my side.
"This is Lee Know, or Minho as we just call him, one of our pack's members. He might look scary, but I can assure you he means no harm, right?" - the wolf pointedly exclaimed.
I nodded at the feline, my form not at all hidden behind the smaller stature of the wolf. Yet I remained there, one of my hands cautiously grabbing onto the back of his ‘clothes’.
"So you're the hybrid I’ve been feeding all this time. Nice to finally meet you." - his tone was strange, I could not put it anywhere, so I defaulted to lowering my gaze.
Before the tense silence could continue, he spoke up again.
"So, how was the food? I never had to create such specific, light meals before. It was tricky, especially since I didn't know your preferences or allergies, if you have any."
I shook my head as I met his gaze, genuinely grateful. My tail swished at the thought of the heavenly food, the knots in my stomach lightening just a bit.
"Well, if you have any wishes regarding your meals, you can tell them to me, I will try to cater to them. Except for the unhealthy ones, then you can cook for yourself." - he airily snorted at the last thought, the air now less tense.
I nodded again, my grip lessening on the wolf's ‘clothing’.
Before anything else could be said, a loud sound came from next to me, the rectangular device flashing brightly. Frightened, I jumped and manoeuvred the wolf to be between me and the device, my arms tightly hugging his form and face hidden inside the crook of his neck. My heart wildly beat around inside its cage, afraid of the potential danger that could accompany such a loud noise.
Yet all I heard was hearty laughter for the next few minutes from both hybrids, the urge to disappear and hide now great. So I hid into the wolf more, the earthy forest and rain calming my senses a little bit, even as my form shook.
He petted my hands that were wound around his torso, the laughter dying down slowly.
"Come on baby, there is nothing to fear. It was just the TV, not a real threat." - he gently murmured, his throat vibrating pleasantly with each syllable.
I only tightened my hold, his breath hitching.
"Any stronger and I will suffocate-"
I hastily let go of him, panic written on my face as I stepped back into something. I lost my balance and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the thing with the cat hybrid, shaken up and disoriented.
Hearing chuckles leaving their forms, warmth invaded my cheeks as I pulled my knees into my chest, turning towards the plush thing to hide.
"Chan, you never told us he was such a klutz. At this rate, we need to baby proof the whole house." - laughed the feline at my expense.
"I didn't know either. Trust me, I would have been more careful otherwise." - he sighed out, laughter finally leaving his form.
"Baby, don't hide. You're fine, we weren't laughing at you."
"Speak for yourself, I was definitely laughing at him."
"Minho, you are not helping."
The feline only cackled at that.
"Please, look at me. You're fine, it happens to the best of us." - the wolf gently murmured, coaxing me out of my hiding spot.
I pursed my lips and peeked at him, my cheeks still warm. He only smiled at me; my posture slowly relaxing and unfurling.
"There's my tall lil wolf!"
Gosh, just as my cheeks felt cooler he worsened them instead.
"And here you can see a wildChan Christopher Bang adopting a new child, because 4 wasn't enough. Nature truly is beautiful."
"Aish, you little- Come here, don't you run away from me!"
And so I watched the wolf playfully chase around the feline, laughter and curses leaving their lips the whole time.
I nearly snorted out loud when one of them got caught up on something and almost fell to the ground, my hand flying to my mouth to stifle the rare sound.
I continued watching them, my head and arms propped up on the back of the soft thing I sat on, until I caught a whiff of sweetness. I pursed my lips in discomfort, the lingering cacophony of smells now on the forefront of my mind. Turning my ears towards a tucked away hallway, I heard that deeper voice again, the owner no doubt the source of the smell. I lowered my body into the soft material, barely peeking over the back to keep my eyes on the hallway and the other two, who now caught each other and were bickering.
They must have noticed the sweet smelling hybrid as well, because they waved towards the hall happily.
I expected someone menacing, scary looking based on the voice, but I should have known better from his scent, because the most innocent looking guy walked out into the open. 
My eyebrows furrowed, head tilted at this mystery. How could that voice belong to this small hybrid? He looked delicate, not threatening at all with his fluffy, dark-spotted white fur and innocent atmosphere.
I tilted my head to the other side, watching him interact with the others, stealing some snuggles and hugs at every opening.
It made no sense to me.
How could that voice belong to this creature?
“I think… Felix, I think our new friend here is confused about you. I’ve never seen him look like that before.” - the wolf snorted, making his way towards me as I just blinked up at him.
Realising all 3 of them had their attention on me, I ducked completely behind the soft wall and looked at the other canine who was making his way in front of me.
“You don’t have to be afraid of Felix, he is the sweetest hybrid I’ve ever met. But if it’s too much for you, we can go back for today.” - he sweetly offered, his hand hovering in the air, not knowing if he could touch me yet.
I hastily grabbed his hand and ducked behind him when I realised the other hybrids joined us, the smell of sour petals and pure sugar invading my nose full force and twisting my innards. I ducked my head into his shoulder, inhaling the scent of sun-kissed timber and earth, wishing it could magically just block everything else out.
The other two abruptly stopped.
“What… what are you doing?” - asked the scary feline firmly.
“Minho, you know this is not what it looks like, he means no harm. I’m fine, not in danger. Besides, I told ya all his nose is extremely sensitive.”
“Yeah, then why is your scent okay to him then, hm? Explain that, Chan.”
“I don’t… I don’t know…”
My grip on the wolf relaxed, my consciousness strangely guilty. They hadn’t done anything bad to me so far, no, quite the opposite, yet I was the cause for the current discord amongst the seemingly closely knitted pack members.
As I was about to completely release the wolf and step back, the newly arrived feline spoke up.
“What if he got used to his scent? He is wearing Chan hyung’s clothes after all and he’s the one who visits him every day.”
My head tilted once again, the voice and face not quite matching in my head.
“That might be the best explanation we can come up with, seeing as he… “ - the wolf trailed off, the sentence left hanging in the air, unfinished.
The brown-haired feline scoffed, but left it at that and sat back onto the soft object, where he laid previously.
“Come on Minho, don’t start pouting.” - said the blonde who was trying to snuggle up to the other cat, even as he was being pushed away.
“I am not pouting, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mhm, tell that to your puffed up chee- Hey! Don’t, don’t tickle me. I’m sorry, I’ll leave you be, Minho hyung, come on mate-”
Apparently that was not enough for the older feline as he mercilessly continued to attack the other’s sides, laughter filling the air. The sound hit my lowered ears as they bopped to the sides every time I tilted my head from side to side. No, the voice still didn’t quite match the face in my mind.
Another voice filled with laughter joined them, one much closer and startling me in the process.
“Guys, guys- I think-, I think he is confused by Lixie’s voice–” - he somehow wheezed out between two bouts of laughter, his form hunched as he gripped his sides.
Oh now all of them were in similar positions and I was left there, standing alone, confused out of my mind as I harshly gulped to battle my knotted stomach. My lips pursed and I looked at the ground, not knowing what to do.
This continued on for a while as I stood there with the clothing’s head part on, my ears hidden from the onset of laughter.
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. You just looked so cute. Lixie has a surprisingly deep voice, doesn’t he?”
I just slightly nodded at that, still looking at the ground.
“Felix, you have a new admirer. How does that feel, hm?” - poked fun at me the scary feline.
“Minho hyung, stop it, you ass. You promised, dude.” - said the blonde with a light slap on the other cat.
I just listened to the three going back and forth, the atmosphere now lighter, but still filled with their smells. I covered my nose, the act not helping me in the slightest to my demise. I could only shut my eyes when a wave of nausea hit me, an ‘Oh shoot’ ringing through the air in response.
“Guys, we’re going to head back. He made way more progress today than I had planned for anyway. I’ll be right back.”
The wolf gently led me away towards the stairs and I gripped the small walls tightly again, the ascend slow and painful with my shaking legs. I stumbled quite a lot and at one point my body just gave up and crumbled down onto a step, hands desperately covering my nose and mouth.
Next thing I knew was the feeling of being carried, worried voices sounding further and further away as I was placed in front of the all too familiar white bowl to empty my guts into once again.
After that day I hadn’t met the felines, even though I went on a walk in the hallways and sometimes even the big room with the wolf every day. My balance and walking improved by a lot and I could now walk without the help of something to lean on for a good while, my instinctual urge to move around a bit more satisfied. Besides that, everything was the same. I got delicious food now only three times a day -portions bigger-, took baths more and more often and always got the wolf’s dark clothes afterwards.
Speaking of which, I was just soaking in the warm bliss of a bath when the wolf did something surprising.
He gently touched my wet hair, and seeing as after the initial startle I did not move away -too curious-, he put something on his hands and started rubbing my scalp.
I immediately melted in his hands, head tilted towards him for better access as he just chuckled at my reaction. It felt really nice, I never knew I missed this from my life.
I thought nothing could be better, until he started gently massaging my ears and I nearly knocked him over with how much more I leaned into him, his whole chest now soaked.
“Who knew you were such a cuddlebug, hm?” - he chuckled, but continued his ministrations without a stop nevertheless.
A few minutes after he gently washed the fluffy white thing from my hair and ears, he coaxed me out of the water with a warmed, fluffy towel.
Soon, his expression morphed into a guilty one, as he looked towards the not completely black clothes.
“You could probably tell already, but we discussed it with the others and thought by exposing you to their scents, you would get used to them faster and we could avoid what happened last time. I uh, I brought some of my clothes too, in case you didn’t want to wear theirs, but at least let me leave them here in the room, so you can smell them.”
I looked at the male rubbing his nape, my brows furrowed.
Of course I could tell not all the clothes were his, the moment he stepped in I was sure of it. But why was he giving me a choice? I did not understand him at all. He never forced me into anything, just let me selfishly stay in this one room and take my time in exploring their den. None of it made sense to me, but I knew I would not get answers even if I voiced them, so I walked towards the bitter smelling clothes and put them on, pushing the high discomfort to the back of my mind.
His expression brightened impossibly and I could not care if he had any ulterior motive at that moment.
By the time I met the two felines again, I was already mostly used to their scents; the bitter flowers turning mild, the sweetness not tooth-rotting anymore. There was another one I was exposed to and could always feel in the air and on the others, the acidic fruit smell still not quite bearable for my sensitive nose.
As we descended the stairs the two cats perked up, looking over the ‘sofa’ -so i heard- at us.
One waved at us enthusiastically, the other only tossed a greeting in our direction lazily. Their personalities were so different, yet judging by the smells lingering on them, they stuck to each other a lot.
“Wah, I finally got to meet you again! Last time I didn’t get to properly introduce myself, although you heard my name from the others plenty. I’m Felix Lee, or Lixie, Lix, anything you want to call me by. Nice to meet you!”
The energy of the young male startled me, my legs stunned into place as I just stared at him with wide eyes. He visibly fidgeted in place but didn’t approach me, probably already told I was not too keen on touch and proximity.
Taking a few seconds to get out of my stupor, I slightly bowed at him and waved, the ghost of a smile forming on my lips.
“Yaah, look at Felix go! He likes you, he never really smiles.” - teased the wolf as just I pursed my lips and glared at him playfully.
He shouted an ‘Oh scary’ and sat down next to the others, immediately being engulfed by them. I guess cats were snuggly?
I was left standing there, until they all looked at me with a deadpan expression, pointedly telling me that I could sit down with them just with their gazes. Rubbing my head unsurely, I waddled over to the ‘sofa’ and sat down the furthest I could from them, a satisfied huff escaping the snuggle pile in response.
That was how we watched the rectangular object, no, the TV, they called it. I had no clue what the thing played was about, but it was nice, no sudden and loud noises were in it.
My mind was on autopilot as I sat there, head comfortably laying on my knees as they were folded into my chest, my arms and tail laxly hugging them. My ears were almost fully perked up, comfortable at the moment.
That moment was short lived as I smelled the last hybrid I hadn’t met yet, my form unfurling and twisting to hold onto the back of the ‘sofa’.
Noticing my sudden change, the others looked over at me worriedly, until the wolf realised what was happening.
“Ah, it must be Changbin.”
Sure enough, the hybrid appeared and I watched his form with pushed back ears and taut muscles, his tart and pungent fruity smell wedging its way into my nostrils.
The others greeted him and he greeted them back, his brows slightly furrowed at the hesitance in his pack member’s voices. Meeting my eyes, he froze, a soft ‘Oh’ leaving his lips as he came to a realisation.
“Do I…” - he started, but was cut off by a chorus of ‘No’ from the others and he just huffed at that with a shake of his head.
“Binnie, come, join us. We are watching a romance movie, but it is hilariously bad. I mean, the heroine was almost killed by ‘the love of her life’, but she still chases after him. Who in their right mind would do that?” - the sunshine incarnate broke the silence, saving the day from awkwardness.
“Don’t forget she was his love and died to him in her past 3 lives as well.” - added in the other feline.
“Oh yeah! Like, why is she so blindly stupid? And-...”
I tuned out the conversation, settling back into my previous position -albeit more guarded- and focused on the aforementioned show. My mind was racing, not knowing if it should vomit, run or just stay where it was on its ass. I was now painfully conscious of the 4 other hybrids on the other side of the ‘sofa’ -thankful that the new one sat the farthest from me-, the ‘movie’ not fully registering in my mind anymore.
I remained like that, until a soft touch on my arm broke me out of my haze. Blinking a couple of times, I looked over to see the wolf giving me a small smile, Felix peeking at me from his side and brightly smiling at me when our eyes met.
“It’s getting late, we should go back.” - Chan whispered, as if afraid of breaking whatever peace and magic settled over us momentarily.
I nodded and unfurled myself, my body aching a bit as it was in the same, stiff position for probably hours. Before I could register what was happening, the blonde male jumped up as well and asked if he could come with us. The wolf looked at me and I just shrugged, not minding it too much.
In hindsight, it should have been suspicious as to why he would want to escort me for such a short distance.
Following the wolf up the stairs and to the left hallway, my expression morphed and my head tilted as we went past my safe room. Looking back at my frozen form, the wolf turned around along with the feline.
“I want to show and offer you something, don’t be afraid, baby. Come here, please.”
He knew I would listen to his gentle voice and soft gaze, how unfair.
So, I walked there, ears slightly pressing into my head and tail staying limp by my side.
Reaching him, I was met with another door, one not too far from the other belonging to that familiar bathroom. He opened it slowly and gestured for me to look around inside after he stepped in as well. A sign of safety, the room not a trap meant for me alone.
“We thought by now you might be comfortable enough to be introduced to an actual room, where you could stay. This whole place is yours, if you want it to be. None of us would intrude on it, so you could retreat here if you are overwhelmed.”
As he explained, Felix kept nodding along, gentle smiles never leaving their faces.
My brows furrowed even more, head tilted impossibly to the side. Why would they give me a place in their den? Such a big one at that as well? What did they want from me? I just couldn’t wrap my head around it, only more questions popping up the more I thought about it. And yet, they just continued smiling at me with a strange expression on their faces, yet it remained warm all the while.
I left it at that, opting to instead explore the new place fully after a thankful, albeit hesitant nod to the others.
They left with another smile sent my way, the door closing and leaving me alone inside the room. A few steps after their hushed voices reached my ears and I flicked them in their direction, still able to barely make out the words.
“Hyung, how long do you think he was on the streets for? He looked… so shocked at being offered a simple room.”
“I don’t know, Lix, I really don’t. But now he’s in safe hands, so let’s not worry about that for now, ‘kay?”
Then they left truly, sounds of sniffling following their wake.
Tucking that conversation into the back of my mind, I shook my head and went back to my task at hand. The room was spacious, most of the space taken by an extremely big, soft thing in the middle, one of its shorter ends tucked against the wall. Further away from me next to it was a small, rectangular, wooden thing. On the wall in front of me was an enormous cloth hanging, while on my right was a big wooden rectangular thing, a bit similar to the small one. There was also a smaller one, a ‘table’, the name familiar, because there was one in the big room downstairs as well.
Having seen the place, I walked around and touched the big soft thing. I sat on it, deeming it safe enough to do so, but only after taking off the big clothing on top of it, finding nothing hiding underneath. I did the same with these so called ‘pillows’ as well, the result not changing.
Getting hit by a wave of exhaustion after finally being able to breathe freely, I looked around for a suitable place for sleep, ultimately finding it under the big soft thing. Crawling in there, I fell asleep as I hugged the ‘pillow’ and the big cloth close to my chest.
Being awoken by something hitting the ground and panic filled footsteps was not my ideal way to start the morning.
Rubbing my eyes as I let out a yawn, the shouting in the den slowly registered in my mind. My eyebrows furrowed, the cause for the panic unknown to me. Thus, I peaked my head out slowly, ears springing up as I locked eyes with a shocked Minho, laughter taking over his form after shouting a quick ‘Over here!’ to the others.
Soon, 4 sets of eyes were on my very confused form, some joining in on the dark-haired feline’s laughter, while the wolf looked like he aged 8 years and was about to die from a heart attack.
I crawled out of my sleeping place, the big cloth falling from my shoulders as I worriedly looked at them.
“Oh god, never do that again, I thought something happened to you.” - the wolf breathed out, patting my shoulders a few times as good measure.
I just lifted one of my eyebrows, pointing towards my nose in a questioning manner. It took one of them a couple of seconds to realise what I meant.
“He is right, I have no clue why we panicked instead of just sniffing him out. We do have a wolf and a snow leopard on our side, after all.” - Minho facepalmed.
“But he is here and alright, that’s what matters.  sigh  I’m so glad.” - the energetic feline bounded over towards me, patting one of my arms twice briefly.
“Either way, let’s go and eat. I’m hungry after all that running around.” - muttered Minho, a sigh leaving his lips. One I could tell was playful, a telltale sign he wasn’t truly angry or tired of what happened.
“FOOD!” - shouted happily the smallest hybrid, running away in glee.
“Come on, let’s go before Changbin eats everything.”
So I followed the wolf out, Felix having disappeared from my side amidst the chaos.
After arriving in the kitchen -a familiar place, as i stole food from it a lot on the streets-, I was sat on one of the chairs next to the wolf and the young leopard. I blinked as food was placed in front of me, along with two sticks. I looked at them, then up at Minho, then back down and up again.
“I thought it was time we taught you how to use chopsticks -he motioned towards the sticks in front of me-. It’s way less messy if you eat with them instead of your hands.” - gently explained Chan, his hand ready to pick up his own ‘chopsticks’.
I was confused, but looked at him nonetheless as he showed me several times how to pick the sticks up and position them on your hand and fingers. Getting the gist of it, I picked my own sticks up and used them, the motion strangely familiar. I was applauded, even as I tried to ignore whatever tried to bubble up from the deepest parts of my mind.
I continued clumsily eating, when I caught a whiff of that still unfamiliar smell I could feel in the air sometimes. Taking a deep breath, I was led to the feline sitting next to me, the clothing on him being the source of the unpleasant smell.
“Hm? Ah, this shirt belongs to the owner of the house. I couldn’t help myself, I miss them, seeing as they work a lot and are barely home nowadays.” - he explained, having caught my staring and sniffing.
The owner of the house? He phrased that weirdly…
Taking a deep breath, I finally realised why. Their smell was always faint amongst the hybrids’, but now I could finally pinpoint why.
It belonged to a human.
Looking back at the food in front of me, my mind suddenly supplied me with a memory I locked away long ago. The vision of it overlapping with reality, both past and current me sitting with a pair of chopsticks, eating food happily at the table. An event that led to me being turned and changed.
It was his fault I became this thing.
My chopsticks snapped, teeth loudly grinding in rage and frustration. 
Blinking, the overlap disappeared and I was back to reality, 4 sets of eyes staring at me.
My pulse quickened, ears lowering in shame as I dropped the broken sticks, as if they burned me. I hastily stood up, chair falling down loudly behind me. I almost tripped on it while I started backing away, the others now standing with their hands lowly held up in front of them. 
Their gazes burned my form, afraid of the consequence my actions brought.
As they started closing in on me I panicked, and automatically shifted to my other form and just ran. The ‘pants’ part was left behind, but the other one remained on my form, slightly hindering me as it twisted on my form, the ‘hood’ sometimes shifting into my vision from my panic-filled movements. But I continued running, running towards the light and outside. I heard them behind me, shouting things to me or each other, I did not know, as I did not pay attention. I only focused on the outside in front of me, the green grass and trees peeking through. 
I leapt towards it, my body meeting glass as it shattered under my form and I landed outside awkwardly, something twisting in my left leg uncomfortably.
My ears rang. 
I blinked a few times, my vision now partly red and my left eye stinged with every blink I made.
Just as I was about to start running again after scraping myself off of the ground, something rammed into me, the impact knocking the breath out of my lungs. Then I was hastily picked up, my front open and the perpetrator behind me as I yelped and whined in distress. I could not reach them, my head too high up for that.
So I continued whining and thrashing around, my limbs flailing in the air uselessly, until a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me and my body turned limp, no matter how much I protested in my mind.
My dilated pupils focused on what was in front of me, the picture of the wolf registering in my mind as he looked at me sadly. He said something to whoever was holding me and I was hauled inside, then laid onto the covered sofa gently. I couldn’t move my body and I panicked even more, letting out a strangled whine when I felt a sharp stinging sensation in my side, right after they got the clothing off of my limp form. 
Felix entered my fucked up vision, my wet eyes having a hard time focusing on him as he knelt down in front of me and gently petted my snout, the gesture somewhat calming me. My mind barely registered that his clothing had changed -purely based on the colour-, the thought quickly escaping my mind as another sharp sting ran through my body.
Instead of the mess I was feeling, I focused on the boy in front of me, his gentle features bathed in sadness. His eyes were pools of ink, gentle and warm; thin eyebrows deeply furrowed, tears sitting on his waterlines. Some already escaped, his freckled cheeks filled with wet trails; some landing on the floor, some on my nose, tickling me in the process. 
Gathering the last of my strength, I moved just enough to let my wet nose reach one of his cheeks, letting out a deep sigh. It was all I could do to try and wipe that expression off his face before my consciousness faded.
I hated that look on him.
next chapter
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lilmissnatcat24 · 5 months ago
Electric Sheep Chapter Two- IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?
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Shepard wakes up to a ragtag group coming to her rescue, but one mysterious lone turian threatens their new partnership.
pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian
rating: Explicit
tags: Lovers to enemies to lovers, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Character Death, ,Violence, Blood and Gore, Torture, Disturbing Themes, Dual POV, Earthborn (Mass Effect), Ruthless (Mass Effect), Mass Effect 2, Whump, Eventual Smut, Requited Unrequited Love, Mind Control, Pining, so much fucking pining that even i'm a little disturbed, Hurt/Comfort, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, OC Central, a kid show called the electromenom that teaches shepard about basic physics, yet another cliffhanger ending (sorry), second in series
cover: done by the stunning @/milkywayes!!!!!
lil text blurb:
He took one very large and very sudden step towards Shepard, gripping her arm so tightly she could feel the tips of his talons in her skin. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought that he was sick of all her sarcasm and aimed to slap her across the face with his free hand. But he just stood over her, his chest rising and falling dramatically. She wanted to take a step backwards and shake him off, but also seemed to be rooted in place.  “That human you were calling after…” he said. His voice was unlike it had been this entire time, even when he softened up. It was almost as if it were somehow hard and soft at the same time. “Right before you got stung. Are you his?”  “I beg your pardon?” Shepard asked, in nearly a whisper, as she felt with him so close to her that it was necessary.  “Are you…”  He said it, somehow getting even closer to her, his grip tightening. His voice shook ever so slightly, the most emotion she heard coming from him. She had no idea what the rationale behind it was. Shepard felt her breath catch in her throat. Somehow, between the husks and the Collectors and the paralysis, she felt the more fear with this turian looming over her. But was it fear? It was an emotion she couldn’t quite quantify. She felt her palms get sweaty, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. What would that be if it wasn’t fear? The same wave of deja vu washed over her, this time so strong that it threatened to knock her down on her knees. Why was this all so familiar? Why did she get the sudden urge to turn her head to the side in the hope that he would find a stray strand of her hair to tuck behind her ear?  “ His ?” 
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enulaz · 6 months ago
My reread of TBHK, Spook 5: The Misaski Stairs (part 2)
I like how Hanako brings up the fact that being part of the seven mysteries is about being known by as many people as possible, and being scary is much more likely to leave an impression. And yet, the seven mysteries, or at least Hanako as #7, has the job of keeping the peace between the supernaturals and the humans. So which one is it then?!? At least he acknowledges that #2 has gone too far.
After getting the phone call from #2 about finding her arm, Nene asks if they should then place the arm in that shrine area where it literally says "place arm here." Just thought that was funny.
Hanako telling Kou he shouldn't step off the path in a boundary, but then the way he says
he won't stop him if Kou wants to find out what happens. Hanako is such a little flirt. And then Hanako finding that dirty magazine and having more fun trying to get Kou to look at it. Lol love their dynamic.
Then Nene daydreaming about looking sexier. All of their priorities are way off. But Nene wearing that padded bra and it falling out...lmmaaaooo but seriously Hanako and Kou were such great friends to not make fun of her in any way for that.
Then the big ass scissors make an appearance. Hanako pushes their heads down to avoid getting cut and it's so cute!! I dunno it could be the wine talking tonight but I'm loving their trio friendship...their trioship...so much.
The creepy dolls remind me of when The Stray from Noragami gets all scary. The chapter ends quite abruptly and on a cliffhanger with the scissors coming for Nene's head.
But the page afterward where it talks about their ideal figures....Nene is of course sexy, Kou is big and strong, and Hanako is a monster that goes "Rawr!" Hahahaha he really is still just a kid. ...but then Hanako thinks about what it would be like if Nene was naked once she changed back from being a fish. It would definitely be a different kind of series then! But then again, Undead Unluck has Andy losing his clothes every time his body gets obliterated and then regenerates......could work!!
And that was the end or Volume 1! I almost didn't get to it tonight but knew I still wanted to do it so made the time. I'm really enjoying it but can't wait to get into the deeper storylines.. I say that now but when it starts pulling at my heartstrings again, I'll be thinking about the good ol days of simpler times...
End Spook 5. End Volume 1.
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changbokkii · 1 year ago
How long is forever?
Yang Jeongin x reader
Summary: Summary: your best friend Jeongin is moving away to become a K-pop idol. Years later you go to surprise him at a concert. He asks you when are you going to see him again and you jokingly say forever. How long is forever?
You and Jeongin have always been close as long as you can remember. He was your only friend and you were his only friend. You stuck together like glue and loved each other.
“Foxy! I’m here,”
You both hugged each other very tightly while their parents laughed. You both run upstairs to go play with your stuffed animals. Your parents called out to you but you didn't hear what they said because all you were focused on was Jeongin.
"So...Y/nnie.. I won't be here for your birthday,"
"What!? Why not? Did you find another best friend? I came to your tenth birthday so why can't you come to mine?"
"Well...my mom wants me to try something new...We're moving back to South Korea next week-"
You were completely devastated. You thought he came to stay with you in America forever... But now he's leaving for god knows how long. But there would always be a memory of him in the back of your mind.
The day has come...
You and your mother are at the airport with Jeongin, his mom, and his dad. You couldn't even look at Jeongin.
He almost started crying. He just wants you to say something or at least look at him. It wasn't his choice and you know that, but it still hurt like hell. You were his safe space, his best friend forever and he had to leave... he had to leave you. He didn't care for anything else in America but you.
"Remember me..."
You go up to him and kissed his cheek and hugged him, refusing to let go. Then you felt something being put on your wrist. It was a bracelet that said 'Y/nnie'. Then he showed you a bracelet that said 'Foxy' on it.
Then it was time for him to board the plane. You gave him one last hug and said another goodbye.
You walked around your college's campus bored as ever. It was only a matter of time until you graduated. Even though you're only 21, time has been flying by quicker than you ever expected to be.
Then, your friend, Irene runs up to you with a smile brighter than the sun.
"A K-pop group is performing at our college, girly!"
"Irene, you know I'm not into that kind of-"
"You're never interested in anything. But anyway, look at the flyer for it!"
There are the words STRAY KIDS bolded on top of the paper with the members names underneath it. There's Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N (Jeongin).
"Wait! Jeongin?"
"Yeah, he's the youngest of the group. So...are you coming with? I got two backstage passes! Wouldn’t want to waste them, would we?
"Yeah...I guess I'll go,"
You are at the concert in the third row. You see people from your college and people who aren't from your college to. Maybe it was leftover tickets and other people decided to go.
They are performing their opening song, LALALALA. You start to smile because you are actually liking the music. Until you hear a familiar voice with a familiar face...
"몸부림치며 roll 냅다 던져버려 맞닥뜨려 세상의 소음"
You mumbled to yourself. Could it actually be? Was it him?
About 50 people were lined up for the meet and greet backstage. You were so nervous about seeing you friend that you haven't seen in over 6 years.
“Irene I’m so scared…”
“What is it to be scared of?”
“What if he remembers me and it’s kinda awkward or if he doesn’t remember and that’s even more awkward—
“Girl…you really need to stop your rambling…please,”
Soon enough it was your turn… you walked forward but you stopped because of your name being called.
You felt to nervous to respond…so you smiled as he came up to you .
Finally you gathered up all the courage you had and said something…
“I’m glad to see you again, foxy,”
So I’m kinda leaving yall on a cliffhanger ig. I didn’t have time to write it because I’m so busy and recently I’ve been all over the place so…yeah
It probably won’t be posted until the end of February but idk
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