#strawhats + their insane swordsman
gildedmuse · 1 year
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[I do not think there's a comment I can add to this to make it better than it is.]
Here there Strawhats are at a mind altering, greatest ever concert so of course when the singer is attack they jump in to save her.
And then there is Zoro like: Thank Fucking Luffy, Some ACTUAL ENTERTAINMENT.
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sinning-23 · 8 months
How about a LA luffy where he's dating Reader and he keeps talking about her but no one believes him until she comes and rescue them or something I know not much details but please take this to your account English isn't my first language so excuse me
OMG THIS IS PERFECT! Thank you for the request! I apologize for taking so long to write it I've been so busy and full of writers block its insane! I added a little twist with his and made th reader a gunslinger sooo yeah(for the plot) Anywa here we go! Enjoy
Warnings: None
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The strawhat crew was becoming increasingly irritated with how much Luffy would speak of this mystery woman who he claimed to be his 'girlfriend'. In all honestly, neither of them thought he had the romantic capacity to even GET a girlfriend to begin with. But the way he spoke of her...it couldn't all be lies could it?
He mentioned how you'd saved him with your remarkable skills as a gunslinger and you were an amazing shot. He gushed about how it took only one bullet to kill three men who had threatened him and when it was all over you 'pepper his face with kisses'. How you were always there to save him more times than not and that you were just absolutely beautiful. The 'prettiest girl' he'd ever seen as he told it.
"If you guys are so in love why didn't she join you on this little pirate adventure." Nami quips, eyes rolling at the most recent story Luffy had explained. He only tilted his head and smiled as if the answer was just so obvious (it wasn't.)
"It wasn't her dream." He smiles, rocking back and for a bit as Zoro finished off his drink before speaking.
"This wasn't exactly our first choice either but here we are." the swordsman smirks, his arms crossed over his chest.
The smirk was soon replaced with irritation when the waiter went to speak.
"That's different. Besides, I'm sure Luffy wouldn't leave a woman like that all on her lonesome. Right?" Sanji questions, more so trying to convince himself Luffy had more sense than that. But the brunette only shakes his head.
"Nope, she said we would cross paths again one day and I let her be. It was a deal! And now I get to wait until one day I see her beautiful face again." And before anyone could protest or pry any further, Luffy stuffed his face with food.
A sigh rang out from Nami as she leaned against the seating of the booth they're in, only to quickly shoot back up with wide eyes. Since Luffy's bounty had got a hell of a whole lot bigger, there was always the occasional run-in with someone who claimed they'd be getting their money sooner rather than later.
On this particular night though, a gang of about 6 or 7 had strutted up to their booth and slammed his bounty on the cracked wood of the table, making it shake. Zoro paused, debating if these idiots were worth the fight and Luffy continued to eat without a care in the world.
"I'm getting that bounty tonight." Then, what they all assumed was the leader spoke, his hand drawing his sword. This could have gotten ugly rather quickly but the fight seemed to be over with the sound of fired shots ringing through the eatery.
It was so quick you'd almost miss it…each shot followed by another, and one by one each of the men dropped like flies, screams and gasps of frightened patrons filling up the space momentarily. From the darkened corner of the bar stood a woman in a rather large coat that almost touched the floor.
The revolver in her hand rattled before she tucked it away into one of the many pockets that adorned her body. She was a decent height, and her hair was pushed out of her face most likely to keep her line of sight from being obscured. Finally, the once look of disgust that was painted over her features was filled with joy as she stepped over the bodies of the men she'd just laid to waste.
"Luffy!" She squeals, practically vibrating as the Stawhat leaped form his seat and embraced the mystery woman.
This wasn't the usual hug though, Luffy had simply lifted the lady and twirled her, his face buried in the crook of her neck and she giggled and tangled her fingers in his hair.
"I'm sorry did we miss something?" Nami quips, looking to the rest of the crew to confirm they were just as lost.
"This is her! Remember the girl I've been talking about!?" He practically shouts, his hand secure at your waist as that iconic smile plays over his lips.
Oh okay it was finally starting to make sense. Two cinimon rolls but one can and will kill you if they so desire...well-
Nami is the first to laugh, disbelief filling her but the closer she looks the more her laughter and smirk dies down. Luffy's hand was firm at your waist, yours on his chest as you flash a content smile.
"Y/n, meet my crew!" Luffy introduces as you jut your hand out happily, meeting that of whom you soon learn is Usopp and Sanji. Nami was next and Zoro simple noddded in your direction.
"You really know how to pick em! Congratulations on this bounty by the way love." You hum, pressing kisses over Luffy's freckled cheeks.
Damn how much love and affection could you give? It was like every two seconds your lips were pressed somewhere against their Captain’s face! And he didn’t seems to mind at all! Well, not that Luffy was bothered by it but still! With one last kiss to your boyfriend’s face, you usher the crew out of the eatery, sliding the bartender some extra berrie to apologize for the ruckus.
The two of you looked so inseparable like that, hands interlinked and swinging back and forth simultaneously.
“You know what this means don’t you. Usopp teases, sticking his hand out awaiting Nami to fulfil her end of the bargain.
She swears in defeat roller her eyes before paying.
Who wouldn’t make a bet on something as outlandish as their captain having a girlfriend!?
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cozage · 1 year
you wanna do continue the one you did where the s/o gets captured? Get them rescuuuued. please and thank you :D
A/N: I actually have two of these requests in my inbox, and these got really long because I’m insane and have to write every detail, so I’m going to break these up into three different posts so people aren’t stuck reading and scrolling through a 10k fic on tumblr. Ace and Law’s will be coming soon!
Characters: female reader x Luffy
Cw:  angst, drugging, near-death experience
Total word count: 2.3k
Summary: You've been captured by marines, and the Strawhats work to get you back. (Followup from this request)
Rescued by Pirates - Luffy
Luffy stood at the top of the cliff, staring down the Marine fleet in the bay. There were ten ships, and you were on one of them. Captured. Alone. He knew you were fighting, but there’s only so much you could do in a locked prison cell with sea prism cuffs. 
“I’m coming.” Luffy muttered, hoping the wind would carry his words to you. “Wait for me. Don’t stop fighting.”
“Luffy, get down!” Nami pulled the captain back over the ridge, keeping him out of sight from the scouts. “If a Marine sees you this whole stealth operation is over!”
Luffy groaned and slumped to the ground. “I don’t even know why this has to be a stealth operation! If we just start smashing everything-”
“They’ll kill her.” Sanji said, and Luffy grew quiet. “If they know we’re coming, they’ll execute her now and report it to the news coo after.”
“They probably have people waiting outside her cell to do it as soon as the call is made,” Franky admitted coldly. “They don’t want another repeat of…” he trails off, and everyone knows what he’s going to say. 
They don’t want another repeat of Ace. Luffy embarrassed the entire World Government when he broke into Impel Down, broke out of Impel Down, and then sailed to Marineford and freed Ace from his shackles. 
“It’s possible that’s why they’re still here.” Nami’s voice was worried as she spoke everyone’s thoughts. “They’re baiting us so they can kill her. They don’t want to transport her just to have Luffy embarrass them again.”
“It would make sense why they haven’t taken off yet,” Brook added. 
“Or they’re waiting for backup,” Sanji countered. “She’s a dangerous pirate, but the Navy always prefers public executions. Especially with the new leader having a personal vendetta against Luffy, he’ll want to kill her publicly if possible. I’m sure of it.”
“Then we have to go!” Luffy started to stand to his feet, frustrated with the lack of action, but Nami quickly pulled him back down. 
“Let Robin and Brook handle this first part! We have to find her first before you start smashing everything to bits!”
Luffy hated waiting. Especially when there's nothing he could do to pass the time. But finally, after about 30 minutes of silence, Robin opened her eyes. 
“She’s on the fourth ship in the back with the red and yellow tailwind sail. Under deck, in a prison cell. Shackles on her arms and legs, and a neck collar.”
Luffy’s eyes peeked over the cliffside to find the ship Robin was describing. He located it, and sprang forward to jump over the cliff, but strong arms held him back. 
“Zoro, let me go! We know where she is!” He struggled to break free from the swordsman's grasp. “We have to go get her!”
“Hang on Luffy, we need a plan before we just jump into action!”
The guard change comes early today, which you find odd. Normally the Marines are dragging their feet to stand guard over your cell, but then you spot green hair poking out from the marine cap, the man next to him with a very familiar scar across his cheek, and your heart begins to beat faster. 
“So, the keys?” Zoro holds his hand out to the Navy officer watching over you, who laughs in his face. 
“This must be your first time imprisoning a pirate, kid,” the old man says. “We don’t keep the keys anywhere near the prison. You know how easy it would be for someone to knock out a guard and take them? Let me show you the ropes, kid.”
The old man and his colleague turn to face you for the first time in hours, ushering Zoro and Luffy to look at you now. You can see Luffy is in visible pain just from looking at you. 
Your arms and legs were each shackled to the wall, and you had a contraption around your neck that looked strikingly similar to the ones the Celestial Dragons used on their slaves. Blood caked your hair and trickled down your face. Your body was littered in scratches and bruises, your clothes torn from whatever battle had happened that Luffy wasn’t there for. 
“Each one of those shackles has a different key, and that neck collar too, as well as the key to the jail cell itself. Each of those keys are on a different ship, and we’ve got instructions to throw the keys into the harbor if we catch a glimpse of a Strawhat approaching the ship. 
“The best part, though,” he continues, with a hungry malice in his eyes. He raises his hand to point a finger at your neck. “That collar has a fun little detonator. The Vice Admiral has the control button if it comes to that. And the collar itself administers a sedative every hour on the hour, and gives another dose if someone touches the bars.” 
He smacked the bars for good measure, and you flinched as you felt a pinch in your neck. 
“Honestly it’s a miracle she’s still awake. We like to hit the bars every now and then just to keep her calm. Don’t want her causing a scene now, do we?”
You were trying your hardest not to stare at Luffy. You can see the rage consuming his body as he realizes what an insurmountable task it is to save you. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head viciously to relay a simple message. Run. Don’t save me.
But you know he won’t listen. He never has. Not with Robin or Ace or Sanji or anyone else he’s saved against their will. And he certainly won’t do it with you either. 
“I see a pretty big flaw in this whole design,” Zoro said, staring at the cell you were in. You could see he was enraged as well, but he was hiding it better than Luffy. 
“Oh yeah? And what’s that, kid?”
“Can’t they just cut it?”
The old Marine let out a hardy laugh at his question. “Sea prism stone is the hardest substance in the world. Nobody can cut through that, I don't care if it’s Dracule Mihawk himself!”
“Oh, Mihawk can cut Sea Prism Stone.” The green-haired man gave a devilish smirk to the Marine.
You braced yourself. You knew what was coming. Zoro only had two swords with him, but it would be enough. 
You heard a whirlwind of air swirl around you, and you could feel the weight on your arms get lighter. There were several pinches in your neck, and you could feel yourself involuntarily slip into unconsciousness. 
Zoro had put just a bit too much power into his swings to free you, and the cuts ripped through the ship behind you. He then turned to the marines, wickedly smiling at them. 
“Told ya.” He smacked the younger one with the hilt of the sword and the marine crumpled to the ground, but the older marine was fast and dodged Zoro’s attack. The Marine locked Zoro into a battle of swords, occupying his ability to get the other chains off of you.
Luffy sprang into action, running to grab you. He screamed your name as he ran to you, jumping over sea prism stone rubble and other debris to reach you. He knew Zoro hadn’t hurt you, but you were slumped against the ship wall, and he couldn’t help but think about how fragile you looked. He shook you, desperately trying to wake you up. 
And then Luffy heard a beeping sound, coming from the collar around your neck. The same sound that he was helpless against in Sabaody. “ZORO!” He screamed, holding you tight. 
“Forgot to mention,” the older marine grinned back at the swordsman, keeping him locked in a battle. “Tamper with the chains too much and the collar will detonate, even without a push from the button.”
Zoro tightened his muscles in horror. “Luffy, get it off of her!”
“I hear she’s the weakness of Strawhat Luffy. Let’s watch and see, shall we? Perhaps he’ll have an even worse reaction than in Marineford.” The marine's gaze was on Luffy now, eager to see him snap. 
Luffy ignored the weight of what failure meant for you. He focused, letting his Haki flow through his body like he had seen Rayleigh do in Sabaody. He grabbed the collar from around your neck and squeezed, snapping it in half, and threw it away from you. In the same motion, Luffy turned and glared at the Marine, who instantly crumpled to the ground, knocked out by Luffy’s Conqueror's Haki. 
“Luffy, we have to go,” Zoro’s voice was urgent. There was commotion above them coming from the deck. It was clear the Navy was alerted to their presence. But Luffy was ignoring him, desperately trying to shake you awake. 
“Come on, Luffy,” Zoro insisted, stepping over the rubble. He quickly cut each of the shackles off your legs.  “She’ll be fine. I’ll carry her, you punch things. Let's go.”
Zoro put a sword between his teeth and picked you up into his arms. He saw the darkness in Luffy’s eyes, and stood back to let his captain destroy the people who had tried to take you away from him. 
Luffy spared no ship. Once he saw Zoro and you were safe on the beach, he unleashed his full might against the ten ships in the harbor. His crew could hear his screams of rage from the shoreline, his pent up fear of losing you spilling out into his attacks. 
When he was finally finished destroying the ships, he came back to the shore and sat silently among his crew. He pulled your unconscious body into his lap, stroking your hair softly. He stared down at you for a long time, just watching the rise and fall of your chest, his eyesight fuzzy from tears. 
As the sun was starting to sink over the horizon, Nami finally spoke up. “We should go.” Her voice was hoarse, and her cheeks were damp with tears. 
“Not until she wakes up.”
Sanji sighed, pulling out a few small rations of food to give the crew while they waited. Luffy didn’t eat, he just combed his fingers through your hair, willing you to wake up. 
Nightfall came, and you were still unconscious. The crew could see lights on the horizon. Marine ships that were supposed to lead you to Impel Down. 
“Luffy, we need to go,” Sanji insisted. Luffy refused to respond, his eyes only watching you. 
“She’ll be more comfortable on the ship, Luffy,” Chopper said, trying to coax the captain back to the Sunny. “She can sleep in a bed and we can monitor her more closely.”
“It’s better for her to be back on the ship,” Sanji agreed. “And we need to get moving.”
Luffy finally nodded, giving in to his crew's request. If it was better for you, then he wouldn’t be selfish. It was selfishness that got you in this position in the first place. If he hadn’t run off on his own, if he had just stayed with the group like Nami had told him too, this might’ve never happened.
He held you close to him and walked back to the ship with the rest of the crew, not speaking. When they got back to the ship, Luffy set you down in the infirmary and stood in the corner, letting Chopper take care of you.
“Let me know if anything changes in her status.” And with that, Chopper left the two of you alone in the infirmary. Luffy sat in the chair next to your bed, holding your hand and watching you sleep, waiting for you to come back to him. 
Before you open your eyes, you can hear the heart rate monitor beeping; you can feel the harsh light against the back of your eyelids. Beside you, you can hear soft, even breathing of someone who is sleeping. Luffy. You’d know the sound of his breathing anywhere. You feel relief wash over you, knowing you’re safe with your crew. 
The light is still too bright for your eyes, so your hand reaches out blindly, searching for Luffy. Your hand finds his head, and you pat him gently. You don’t intend to wake him, but he instantly stirs from his sleep. 
“Y/n?” His voice is groggy as his head lifts up. 
“Hi,” you whisper, your eyes still closed. “Can you turn off the-”
His body crashes into you, cutting off your question, and you wrap your arms around him in an embrace. You can hear his broken sobs of relief fill the air. “I was so scared,” he sobbed into your shoulder. “You weren’t waking up.”
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you say soothingly, trying to calm him down. You crack your eyes open a bit, trying to adjust to the light in the room. “Thanks to you, captain.”
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mydearlybeloathed · 6 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the grace of the sword and the stage come together as the strawhats' swordsman and dancer fall in love.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: roronoa zoro x fem!dancer!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, reader is a ballerina, mention of alcohol, abusive employer near the beginning, not beta read
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: la seine
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the first time he saw you, he was in denial of the fact that he was, once again, lost.
it wasn't his fault! nami ditched him in favor of viewing the rows and rows of stalls featuring all sorts of glittering jewels, and before he knew it, zoro was at a loss on where he was.
choosing to wander till he found something familiar to guide him back to the ship, he was drawn to the sweet sound of laughter, clinking glass, and soft music.
without looking up to read the sign hanging over the boisterously decorated building taking up most of the left side of the street. it was probably just a bar anyway.
so he slipped inside, meaning to find a place at a counter to order a drink, when he found himself running into a podium and faced with a woman in a suit, her expression sultry as she said, "here for the last show?"
Zoro blinked down at her, lips parting. He wasn't about to let her make him look stupid, so he settled her with a stern glower and nodded.
"You're just in luck," she purred. "We've got one last seat, and you're just in time to see our principal lady."
"Right," he nodded once more and, after casting a look at the enticing exit, turned back to the hostess. "You've got booze?"
Her smile glimmered. "Just ask and ye shall receive. We have an assortment of liquors here at Le Palais de Cerise!"
Zoro followed her down a dim hallway into an even dimmer grand room. It looked something like an opera hall, with tiered rows of half-moon booths each facing a large stage.
Blue lighting shined from lanterns hung on the ceiling, casting the place in an eerie yet mystifying glow. All around the booths and tables were occupied by guests dressed much finer than Zoro, sipping on glasses of fine wine and nibbling on hors d'oeuvres.
The hostess brandished an arm as she showed him to a smaller booth at the very edge of the third tier away from the stage, closer to the center aisle running between two halves of the room. It was a pretty good view, nearly right in the middle of the stage.
"Thanks," he muttered distractedly, slipping into the booth and slouching instantly. "Get me a bottle of sake, yeah?"
The woman grinned widely before turning her back, her smile falling into a sneer. Now alone, Zoro got comfortable on the cushion of the seat, deciding this place wasn't too bad of a napping spot, when the lights brightening the stage faded to black.
Violins and flutes started to sing from a pit around the edge of the stage, coming alive as all conversation died out. Zoro stiffened, shifting to sit up right as his hands fell to his swords at his side.
"I hear it's her last show," sighed a young man to his friend at the neighboring booth. "We're insanely lucky."
Zoro's eyes adjusted to the dark just as a spotlight shone down on the parting ruby curtain, and out came a dozen girls dressed as the petals of a flower, twirling on the very tips of their toes. Instantly, Zoro was fascinated.
How they hopped around and danced like that without breaking something, he hadn't a clue. Zoro was on the edge of his seat before he really realized it, and barely made a sound of acknowledgement when a bottle of sake was placed beside him.
He came back to reality long enough to take a long drink, yet when his gaze returned to the stage, the music tingled to a suspenseful, drawn out theme. The flower petals stood in two diagonals forming a V and arced their arms around to present whatever was approaching.
From the left of the stage rushed a woman donned in a dress of dark red, the skirt branching out at her waist and barely dipping with each of her movements. Her bodice was lined with black and gold lace leading up to a sweetheart neckline. Not a hair on her head was out of place. Her every movement had a purpose.
The ballerina was perfection on earth. Zoro nearly wanted to remove his gaze from her, lest he taint this apparent angel.
She nearly floated with how she glided her feet, coming to a graceful halt at center stage, at the peak of the petals' V, and presented her arms as if to say here I am!
All around the audience applauded her for her presence alone, and Zoro found himself lazily meeting his palms together as well.
The music swelled as she extended her arms to cross and pointed out a toe, hopping forward as her arms gradually lifted over her head, before she leapt into an arabesque and pattered across the stage.
Behind her, the V of petals crossed the stage to the opposite side they were on, halting in unison on a tall and extended pique.
The main ballerina continued to glide this way and that, commanding the entire room, no fault in her every twirl, leap, and scurry.
Throughout the entire performance, Zoro watched dutifully, his attention never once departing from you.
And upon the stage, with the blinding lights casting the audience in a gray shadow, you swore you felt something tangibly heavy in the way they looked at you now, though you couldn't place a finger on why.
You only knew that when the music climaxed and faltered, and the curtain lowered on you and your friends, that as the lights grew dim, you caught sight of someone leaving the theater, a set of swords glinting at their side.
It was no surprise when flowers upon flowers arrived at your little room near the back of the theater.
You were known across the city and ones around it for your grace. People came from every which way to watch you dance the same dances, on the same stage, with the same people night after night after night.
You were bored, to say the least.
For ages, you ached for the thrill dance had once brought you. To not know every move by heart, to have something to learn rather than perform out of mere memory.
You missed what it was like to make mistakes, because they made success all the more sweet.
It was why that night was your last performance at Le Palais de Cerise. The next day, you would set sail with a family of merchants you'd met the week prior, and visit lands you'd only ever dreamed of.
Hopefully, some day, you'd find the thrill once again.
But there was Madame Cerise to think of, the owner of the theater hall, and she was not so ready to let her prized ballerina slip away.
"It would be a shame," she said to her brutish son, "if our dear angel was robbed of all her money. How would she pay for escape then?"
Zoro wasn't nearly as drunk as he'd like to be, but he didn't really need the alcohol anymore. Not when all he could think of was how the hell those dancers didn't break their toes.
Looking left and right, ensuring no one was out on the streets with him, he attempted to balance himself on the very tip of his boots, immediately teetering forward and nearly twisting his ankle.
He spit out a curse, pushing back his shoulders only to slump forward again and trudge down the street. The streetlamps flickered here and there, the night breeze chilling his bare arms.
"Stop! Stop, please!"
Zoro whipped around, eyes peeled, and zeroed in on the alleyway ahead to his right. The pleading voice echoed as three burly shadows tripped and stumbled out onto the street, sprinting away.
He was halfway into a pursuit when he caught the tell-tale sound of crying. Faltering to a stop just outside the mouth of the alley, he made out the silhouette of someone in a crumbled heap on the ground.
You glanced up from cradling your skinned and burning palms to your chest, hiccuping. Finding yet another shadow lurking there, you bit back, "I've got nothing left! Run back to Cerise, you--you mutt!"
Well, that didn't exactly make him want to help you, but then, in the dim lamplight, he saw through your tear stained face and found the ballerina who'd enchanted him an hour before.
He didn't know what to do, feeling odd with an unsheathed sword in hand as you glared at him, awaiting his next move. Zoro cleared his throat. "You... danced nice."
You eyes flickered all over him before you broke into yet another round of sobs, somehow managing through it, "Yeah, and I'll be dancing nicely till I'm old and wrinkly and dead. Ugh!"
Clawing at your arms, mumbling more to yourself, "I'm such a fool... Why did I think she'd let me go..."
You were too caught up in picturing the rest of your mundane life to realize Zoro was approaching you, only jerking away from him when he knelt in front of you.
His sword was back in its scabbard, and despite the scar over his eye, the other one was nearly soft. But there was nothing soft in the way he asked you, "Who won't let you go?"
A long story short, le palais de cerise went up in flames a few days after, and you found yourself sailing away not only with the promise of adventure, but with the promise of friendship.
and the hint of something more, judging from how zoro acted around you.
It was comical, really. Once, the swordsman had been a wall of stoicism, never to be toppled. And now this woman with all the grace and poise of a swan comes in, and he’s toppled like a feather in the wind.
Not that the others would complain; he wasn’t so grouchy when you were near, the tautness in his brows softening at the very sound of your voice.
Nami and Robin often teased you about Zoro's little crush, and you never paid them any mind—you’d think twice before admitting to having a soft spot for your crewmate.
Still, it was obvious something was there.
He always tended to be near you whenever he wasn’t training or asleep. Whether you were sitting around reading, or listening to music on a gramophone Nami may or may not have stolen for you, Zoro was likely to be there, laying at your side, content with the company.
You never failed to save him a seat at breakfast, waiting even when the others got up to start working, knowing Zoro would walk in later than the rest all grumpy and tired.
Zoro stood at your side like some kind of guard dog, especially when outside the safety of the ship.
It wasn’t that he thought you couldn’t look after yourself! It’s just, well, you can’t exactly fight.
“So teach me,” you snapped back, not appreciating being treated like glass.
Zoro sputtered, unsure if you’re serious, and promptly sets down his fork in favor of matching your stare from across the table.
Before he could say anything, Robin stood to put up her plate and said, “That’s a good idea. Everyone should be able to defend themself.”
You could have kissed her, grinning as she winked and wandered off. 
“You don’t need to,” Zoro blurted. 
Nami smirked as she took a sip of her water. “Why’s that?”
His reply was instant. “I’ll protect you.”
Your cheeks warmed. “That’s sweet, but you won’t always be there.”
He glared at the prospect, as if to say watch me. 
“If Marimo refuses, I would love to teach you, darling—”
“Shut up!” Zoro faced you, narrowing his eyes at the little smile you gave him. “We start tomorrow.”
Snickering, you lurched forth and pressed a swift kiss to his cheek, jumping to your feet before he could even register what had happened. “Thanks, Zo!”
Whilst you made a hasty exit and Sanji started to yell at Zoro, Nami couldn’t help her excited gape as she locked eyes with Robin. The dark haired woman grinned cheekily, watching Zoro stare blankly into space. 
“She’s got him wrapped around her finger.”
Zoro did not go easy on you, and you didn’t exactly mind too much. 
You wanted to get better. That was the only reason you were out here, in the blazing sun, watching Zoro’s chest as it heaved underneath his thin shirt.
Okay, maybe not the only reason. But the main one was definitely learning to protect yourself! 
You learned quickly, sometimes even beating Zoro out on the deck in the morning, purely excited at the chance to train with him.
He had wandered into the girls room to get you, only to be confused when all he found was Nami yelling at him to get out. 
And when he saw you practicing your form with the sword he’d bought with you on that last island. 
Zoro knew you were graceful. He’d seen it the first time he ever saw you. Grace was a word so wrapped up in his view of you. 
But fuck—you were anyting but graceful with a sword. 
Each of your movements were stiff and rigid and sharp. How hadn’t he noticed it before?
So he came up and, without really thinking, reached around to grab your wrist, taking your elbow in his other hand, caging you between his arms. 
You’re not quite sure how you didn’t go into cardiac arrest.
Only after your eyes met did Zoro realize the predicament he’d gotten himself into—and promptly sprang away from you, complimenting how fast you caught on and beelining back into the ship.
You weren’t sure you could take much more of that. Not before you acted on one of your many urges to kiss him senseless.
Luckily, you didn’t have to wait much longer.
So long of the crew’s teasing, slight grazes of the hand, and longing stares all led up to one night aboard the ship, lost in the music and sea breeze.
Zoro had been trying to take another sip of his drink for a while now, but each time he brought his glass to his lips, his eyes were dragged back to you, and Zoro’s breath hitched as he lowered his hand once more.
You were effervescent, your smile never wavering as you twirled and stomped around to the beat of the melody strumming from Brook’s guitar. You had caught Usopp in a waltz now, dragging him with you as he stumbled to keep up. A laugh bubbled up and out of you, and Zoro’s chest seized. 
Nami rolled her eyes, growing tired of watching Zoro be so hopelessly infatuated. “Would you give it up? Do us all a favor and just tell her already.”
The swordsman barely cast her a glance, finally managing to get some sake down his throat to sooth the anxiety welling in his chest. “No clue what you’re on about.”
“You’re impossible,” she scoffed, standing while setting a hand on his shoulder. “And just plain sad.” Nami had skipped off to take your hand before Zoro could snap back at her, and he watched from his seat as Nami spun you around, dragging another chuckle out of you.
Sighing, Zoro lowered his gaze and settled on remaining seated the whole night, allowing you to have your fun without dampening it with his useless conversations. 
A figure plopped into Nami’s abandoned seat, and he was prepared for another tease, when your voice loftily inquired, “Zoro, you’ve been sad all night.”
Instantly, his head lifted to look at you and your slight smile. Your chest heaved up and down, still exhausted from dancing circles around the deck. He set his glass down, shifting his knees to face yours. “I’m fine. You tired?”
Your huffed sigh was answer enough, pulling a scant grin out of him. Your face lit up at the sight, and your eyes took a slightly warmer tone. “I know your answer already, but do you wanna dance?”
He nearly said what you expected—no—before it sank in that you had expected it. For him to deny you of something you wanted. Zoro’s eyes flickered all over your pretty face, his heart beating fast, and he nodded, much to your surprise.
“Really?” You tried to hold back your smile. “I mean, you don’t have to—”
“I do.”
You nearly squealed right then and there, settling for beaming at him whilst you scooped up his hand and pulled him to his feet. Your smile was coy and his was stifled, but everyone could see it. You took both his hands in yours and leaned back, spinning the both of you around.
From somewhere nearby, Sanji was scoffing and Usopp was whistling, but Zoro hardly even heard the music anymore. All he was conscious of was you and your snickers, of how your touch ignited his skin, of his stumbling feet, of how you drew him closer with a slight tug on his hand and wrung your arms around his neck.
Brook, as if on cue, began to strum a softer song, something akin to a slow dance. It drew a grin on your face, your eyes fluttering closed. Zoro’s heart jumped and his right foot crushed yours. He apologized swiftly as you winced, somehow still giggling at him. Angel, he thought.
Zoro couldn’t breathe. Not when you looked at him like that. His hands froze at his sides before they inched closer to you, hovering over your sides. Your eyes were shut, and he admired you unabashedly, leaning forward till his nose brushed your own, jerking you from your reverie to find him a breath away. 
His eyes widened after locking with yours, sputtering another apology as he attempted to remove himself from your vicinity, cursing himself. Your hands intertwined around his neck, holding him in place as all sense of caution fled your body. One last look into your eyes had Zoro lurching forward, catching your lips and relishing in the feeling of your thumb grazing his cheek. 
How an angel like you could hold a demon like him so lovingly, he wasn't sure. Zoro vowed to spend his life trying to find out, remaining at your side dutifully till the end of his days. You certainly had no objections, doing your best every day to convince him he indeed deserved your love.
The others never let you hear the end of it. Every “about time” made you that much closer to smacking someone upside the head. 
After your feelings were revealed, not much changed. The dynamic was still there, with the added physical intimacy when far from the prying eyes of the others, of course.
Zoro liked to lay his head on your legs while you read, and he’d never say it out loud, but he loved it when you carded your hands lazily through his hair. He didn't exactly need to tell you though; his contented sighs and following snores were enough.
He’s still not much of a dancer, and you respect when he’s just too tired to entertain your twirling and whirling. But sometimes, on days where he’s been up so long he starts to feel energized, he’ll take your hand and drag you onto the floor of whatever bar he’d brought you to. 
He's terrible, finding no rhythm no matter how hard he tries, and he settles for simply swaying along with you.
(You're in no place to tease him for it; you're just as out of place with a sword in hand).
Funny how you both held such grace in your separate fields of passion, yet lost it all the moment you try the other's craft.
Zoro still short-circuited every time your lips brushed his cheek, even if it became a habit of yours whenever leaving his side. 
Princess. Treatment (Or as much as he can give).
He’ll bully you if you start complaining that your feet hurt, but he’ll let you cling to his back like a koala all the way back to ship while doing it. 
Whilst walking around whatever city the crew was stopped at, he’ll have one arm around you at all times, really only letting you go when you weasel out of his arms to go listen to the little band playing music on the street corner. 
(He stands guard at the front of the crowd, eyes peeled whilst you distract the watchers long enough for Nami to pickpocket each and every one of them. And when he’s inevitably so caught up in watching you, someone notices Nami slinking off with their wallet. The three of you race through the street and around a corner, laughing till your sides ache).
Zoro will help you destroy all your dead pointe shoes from your days on Cerise’s stage, having no need for them on the sea, slamming the shoes by the ribbons against the deck of the ship till Usopp yells at you for leaving scratches on the deck. 
He has a little too much fun with it, and you’re no different, feeling free of all bitterness and anger with each shoe that you snap in two. The others are only slightly concerned about the violence of it all, leaving the pair of you alone when you and Zoro melt into laughter like children.
You try to teach him to waltz one day, because he was hopeless on the dance floor with two left feet. When he tried to escape it, you simply replied, “I want to dance with you… and keep my toes too.” “Hey!”
An hour must have passed, and Zoro still couldn’t process exactly what he was supposed to do, when he was supposed to. He narrowly missed your toe again by stepping forward when he was meant to step back. 
Zoro grunted, dropping his arms from your waist and putting a wide berth between you. “Forget it.”
Grinning softly, you took his chin between your thumb and finger, catching his frustrated gaze that melted once it met with yours. “It’s fine. You’ll get it eventually.”
He scoffed as if to say yeah right, and you took that personally. Raising a brow, you lowered your gaze to your feet, then to Zoro’s, before a grin tugged at your lips. “I know! Here.”
You hooked your arms around his neck, getting up close and personal as you gently stepped onto his shoes. Zoro tried to remain stoic, but it all fell through when you brushed your nose against his and dragged a little chuckle out of him. 
“What’re you doing?” he asked fondly.
“Dancing,” you laughed. “This way, you can’t step on my feet.”
“But now you’re stepping on mine.”
“Hush. Just—spin around. I dunno.”
His hands settled on your hips, his eyes rolling to the side despite the light blush on his cheeks giving him away. Zoro grinned slyly and wrapped his arms around you, tottering from one foot to the next in a swift whirl. You squealed his name into his neck as he lifted you up, spinning the both of you around and around till you could barely breathe, you were laughing so hard.
Your feet touched the floor as Zoro’s sight got too dizzy, his deep laughter rumbling in his chest as he leaned into you for balance. You gripped his shoulders so he wouldn’t take you down with him, running your hand up the back of his neck to card through his hair. 
He pulled back, smiling dazedly, and you shook your head at him. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Eh,” he said, ducking to hover his lips over yours. “I think I’m getting good at this dancin’ thing.”
Your scoff was muffled against his kiss, deep and slow. He grinned against your mouth, taking the first step forward to lead you back to his bed. The door to the boy‘s cabin swung open, instantly followed by a sharp scoff.
You broke away from Zoro to find Sanji standing in the doorway, his eyes narrowed at Zoro’s back. “Whore,” he spat, his eyes softening on you. “Not you, my dear.”
“Thanks for the clarification,” you said with a roll of your eyes, watching as Zoro’s good mood flew out the window as he glared daggers into the cook. “Welp, dance class is over.” 
They were arguing before you ever left the room, their tones escalating surprisingly fast. “Bye, boys!”
There was a lull in the shouting before the sound of Zoro lumbering down the hall (did he just run into the doorframe?) echoed after you. “Hey, angel, wait!”
You turned, giggling as your graceless boyfriend stumbled to a stop before you, one arm resting on the wall beside you to steady himself. He too started to smile after catching the soft one on your lips, his other arms reaching to pull you close by your hip.
"I'll practice," he promised softly, his nose gently brushing your own.
"Mhmm. I'll sweep you off your feet once and for all then."
He kissed you then, softly and full of intention, so you didn't bother to say Oh, but you already have.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @100520s
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demonpiratehuntress · 6 months
helloooo!!! can i ask strawhats reactions with a nakama reader who just LOVES doing her nails and every time they have a chill day she takes her sweet time doing it?
sure thing! :) sorry for the long wait, I've been busy with work, university and soccer, and it's been difficult for me to be online during Ramadan because of the fast and other things i have to do, but i hope you enjoy this!
taglist - @kabloswrld
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader
summary - the ask :)
warnings - none
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It's not often that the crew gets to take a day off and relax, but when you do you take full advantage of it. It's the only time you get to yourself, when you can do anything you want without having the other Straw Hats in your face all the time. Normally you stay in your room and do your nails, but today a certain swordsman was curious to know what you do on days off, so here he was in your room watching you.
"What's the point of that?" He deadpanned, watching the stroke of the paint-tipped brush over your nail.
You looked up at him, beaming, "It looks pretty!"
"It looks-" He sighed. "Okay."
Silence fell between you two again as you continued painting your nails, a (vibrant/dark) shade of (colour). You could tell that Zoro had more questions, probably about the necessity of your hobby, but you pointedly ignored him.
"Are you done yet?" His gruff voice rang out a few minutes later.
"Yes!" You grinned, holding up your hand, "With one hand!"
He groaned, rubbing his face, "This is boring."
"Well nobody said you had to be here, grumpy," you teased.
"i thought you'd do something more exciting. And fun."
"HEY," you protested, "This is fun! For me!"
The swordsman rolled his eyes, and you narrowed yours, "Maybe you should try it and see."
"No thanks."
"Then how about I paint yours too?"
"I can't think of anything I want less than that."
You pouted, but resumed painting your nails. When you were finished with your other hand, you turned to show Zoro proudly, only to find that he was fast asleep. You were disappointed for just a moment before smirking, realising that this was an opportunity for you.
So you painted his nails too, and then hid when he woke up.
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Luffy gets bored when there's nothing for the crew to do. Unlike the rest of you, who enjoy the day off and take time to relax, he cannot sit still. He doesn't understand the concept of relaxing, because he's always bouncing off the walls and begging one of you to entertain him. Which is as difficult as it sounds, because he has the attention span of a goldfish.
"(Name), what do you do on days like this?"
You almost jumped out of your skin when the captain appeared at your shoulder suddenly. You dropped the small bottle of (colour) nail polish and watched as some dribbled out and onto your desk.
"Sorry," he apologised, but didn't sound like he was really sorry. Or look it, since he was grinning like the gremlin he was.
You sighed and picked the bottle up, cleaning the spilled polish, "I'm just doing my nails. Wanna watch?"
He nodded excitedly, curious about what that actually meant. When he saw you brush the paint on your nail, he oo'ed and ah'ed at the sight. To him it was fascinating how the colour settled on your nail when you finished painting.
But after a few fingers, he started to get bored and fidgety.
"(Name), how long is this going to take?"
"I still have the other hand, Luffy!" You laughed.
He pouted, but continued watching nonetheless. He was fascinated by how the colour stayed on your nails, and when you were done with both hands he jumped up excitedly.
"Now we can go do something more fun!" He grinned.
"No!" You shook your head. "I have to wait for it to dry, and then put another layer, and then wait for that to dry."
He groaned and sat back down, putting his chin in his palms like a little kid. He was going insane with boredom, and you were just happily sitting there painting your nails.
"If you want, Luffy, I can paint yours too."
He seemed thrilled by the idea, until he bounded out of your room to show the others as soon as you were done, and came back whining that it got smudged.
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This man is possible the only Straw Hat that could watch you do literally anything, no matter how long or how boring, without complaining. He is the only one who will be happy to sit with you for hours doing the most mundane things, because to him the time spent with you is worth it. So the minute you asked him for company, he didn't even let you finish before he was dragging you off to your room.
"Do you want to choose a colour?" You asked him, laughing as you showed him your assortment of nail polish colours.
He was more than happy to do that, and eagerly showed you a (bright/pastel) (colour) bottle. When you smiled and thanked him, he practically melted.
He's also the most patient of all of them. He doesn't mind that it takes forever to get just one hand done, nor does he mind that after you let it dry you have to apply another coat.
"How does it look?" You asked him, holding your hand up with a smile.
His answer is nothing short of what you expect, and he looks at your nails with heart eyes.
"It looks so pretty (Name)! Just like you!"
He might even offer to do it for you, and if you let him you find out that he's surprisingly good at it. Maybe even better than you. He takes longer, but that's because he wants it to be perfect for you. He honestly has no qualms about spending the entire day doing this with you, you will not hear a single complaint from him.
"Thanks, SanjI! Do you want me to do yours now?" You ask him teasingly, then get surprised when he eagerly holds out his hands for you to do whatever you want with. "Okay, which colour?"
And now that he knows you do this on every free day you guys get, he's at your door before you can even ask anyone if they want to choose a colour.
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Usopp knows what everyone does whenever the crew gets a day off. Everyone but you. You just slink off to your room with a smile and no one sees you for hours. Normally Usopp wouldn't think much of it, but as it happens more and more he gets curious to know what exactly you're doing. It also may be an excuse to get away from an overexcited Luffy who wants to tinker with his explosives.
He doesn't know how to feel about what he discovers.
"Usopp! Great!" You exclaim, pulling him into your room to show him what you were doing. "Would this colour look better, or this one?" You held up two different colours, confusing the poor sharpshooter.
"Look better for what?" He asked nervously, his first thought being that you wanted to paint something on a piece of paper.
"My nails!" You beam, showing him your bare nails. "Which colour matches my skin tone better, do you think?"
He blabbers out some kind of response, then points to the (colour) polish in your right hand. You smile and get to work, and he just stands there awkwardly until he sees you actually applying the paint on your nails.
"You just...paint your nails?" He asked, confused on how that would be fun.
Deciding it was better than being bugged by Luffy, Usopp sat down and just watched you for a few minutes. That's how long it took for him to get bored, but he was too shy to say it.
"So this is why no one sees you for hours on our days off?" He asked, "The reason is way more boring than I thought it would be."
"Hey!" You protested, painting his nose (colour).
Usopp is in between Sanji and the other two. He's not very impatient, but he's not patient either. He will sit there and watch, and get bored, but he won't say anything about it until he either hears someone pass by or has had enough and pretends to cough and come up with another fake illness.
"You know, I have this rare disease called the-smell-is-killing-me-itis, it's pretty contagious so I should just-"
"Sit down," you interrupted him, "Cause I want to paint yours now."
"W-what?! No! Then I'll look like-I mean I'm allergic-"
"Sit down."
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beaulesbian · 8 months
i need to be more insane about zolu.
they know no bounds to how loyal and trusting they are to each other. luffy heard there was a feral demon pirate hunter back in shells town in prison, and he wanted to see for himself if he would be a good guy for his crew! and after finding that yes, he was - literally eating from his hand, more dirt than the riceballs - he decided he needed him on his crew. and zoro agreed because that stretchy guy brought him back his swords and gave him back the purpose and freedom to chase after his dream. from day 1 they saw eye to eye what was important to them.
it didn't matter to zoro that he was luffy's first crewmember, because he knew it wouldn't stay that way for long, after seeing what he was capable of and how sure of reaching his dream he was. zoro was the first one instantly convinced he was in the presence of the future pirate king. drifting on their small boat, just the two of them, hungry and without a braincell with navigational skills between them.
when luffy was in the cage that buggy trapped him in, he said to zoro to run but only with one look between them zoro read that as 'fire the canon', so he did, and nami just looked between them like 'are they insane?' (yes, they are), and then zoro proceeded to pick up the cage with luffy while bleeding out and got him to safety.
in alabasta they were rushing to escape before they drowned and luffy still asked him to save smoker, and zoro wouldn't otherwise do that, but he trusted luffy to know what was he thinking. and when he didn't know what he was thinking (like whiskey peak) they fought but they were on the same strength level, and in the end it sorted itself out.
zoro didn't mind to listen to luffy when he ordered not to fight back (on jaya), but called him out when the situation needed it - when he needed to sit down and listen to his words and respect their crew to their full potential (enies lobby), and luffy did.
traveling from water 7, luffy knew he could call on zoro to cut that train ahead of them, because he always knew to trust in zoro's skills. ever since skypiea - even if their enemy was too strong for zoro - he still tried. so luffy trusted him again and again, to leave some battles just for him. like the dragon on punk hazard, like pica in dressrosa.
yes, zoro could be a captain of his own crew, as many people who encounter the strawhats always seem to think, but he wouldn't even be a pirate in the first place if it wasn't for luffy, and wouldn't be on any other crew, for that matter.
so it was a no brainer for what he did at thriller bark. it was necessary because he wouldn't be able to follow his dream - to become the world's greatest swordsman as he promised both to kuina and luffy - without his captain. that future would be meaningless. he made a promise, so he took his pain, but instead of dying from that burden - he lived. he lived with it and got stronger thanks to it.
when luffy was going through the worst moments of his life, he knew that back on sabaody in two years, his crew and zoro would be waiting for him to come back to them. they needed him just as much as he needed them.
some time later, when they needed to part for short while, luffy would rest easily without worrying about his crew because they'd be with zoro, and he would see them all soon again!
and be it by luck or fate or destiny, it was zoro whom luffy found first of the strawhats in wano, and he could only leap through the air to give zoro the biggest hug, happy to see him again, with zoro grinning back at him.
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goddessofroyalty · 7 months
Fandom: One Piece
Going through my One Piece scribbles to do a final clean up before FF7 takes over my life from probably tonight and found this one that was me playing around with trying to match the more silly tone One Piece can get.
Law is used entirely as a convenient outsider POV.
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg, accidental pregnancy
“Are you kidding me!? Again!?”
Law makes a point of trying to ignore the Strawhats’ antics as he travels with them. Strawhat’s crew is as insane as their captain is and often loudly bicker amongst themselves seemingly just to give Law a headache.
The shrillness of Nami’s voice and way Blackleg practically prostrates himself at her side in pathetic submission has him tuning in.
“What happened?” The Strawhat’s sniper asks as the rest of the crew’s attention is drawn onto the situation as well.
“Sanji’s pregnant. Again,” Nami informs them as Blackleg lets out a pathetic whimper that would perhaps be more worrisome if it wasn’t the exact same candor as the one he gave when the strawberries he was using the previous night for desert weren’t large enough for him to carve into perfect flowers for the girl’s. Law doesn’t try and understand why a man who would happily kick anyone’s head in if they suggested he may be less for being an omega immediately breaks out the keens and whimpers associated with his designation at the first sign of any even slight offence to the women on his ship.
The navigator’s offence is deserved from Law’s perspective. While they had hidden them well the fact of him travelling on the ship with them had necessitated he be introduced to the two other children that had resulted from the unique relationship between swordsman and cook of the Strawhat crew.
“Woohoo! New crew member!” Strawhat himself crows, completely missing the gravity of travelling with a pregnant omega aboard.
Although considering they had already successfully done it at least once before Law supposes the confidence is somewhat justified.
Strawhat rattles off his list of demands following the exciting news. A feast the first, most detailed, and apparently most important, among them.
Not that much attention is being paid to him. Nami still standing with her hands on her hips looking at Blackleg expectantly.
“It’s not my fault my m- the only option I’m stuck with for my heats is a mossy brute!” Blackleg justifies. And Law is sure they all caught the slip in his words. And all know exactly what he was about to say.
Despite the two – soon to be three – children they share and the fact the world knows them as the Monster Mates of the Strawhat pirates, both Blackleg and Zoro’s necks stay bare of a mating bite.
“I didn’t do anything you didn’t ask for,” Zoro says from where he had been napping on the ship. He had had their youngest asleep with him but the boy had woken up with Strawhat’s excitement, running off to join the noise.
Blackleg glares at his not-mate and Zoro moves to quickly block the foot aimed at his gut for it.
“It’s your stupid knot that keeps breaking the condoms,” Sanji says, driving his heel into the sword Zoro has blocking him.
“It’s your fucked up fertility that keeps getting pregnant so easily,” Zoro snaps back, pushing against the food driving down onto him.
“Enough,” Nami says, before they can go into any details of how they managed to conceive three children together. Her hand coming up to massage her temple.
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hitohitonika · 6 months
anything with ace in alabasta!!!
I love writing Ace. He's such a mess. I made it quite gen. I hope you like it! :)
He knew he wasn't being subtle, he just couldn't help but stare at his little brother. The irony was that he had given himself a peptalk before crossing paths with Luffy. He had promised himself not to be overbearing, not to be overprotective. And maybe, only maybe, he was dragging some guilt for leaving the kid alone in the jungle at 14.
Except Luffy was not a kid anymore, he still had some growing up to do, sure, but he wasn't the crybaby he once was, and Ace found it fascinating.
The same scrawny kid that would beg him to go look for cool bugs and cry whenever he lost sight of him was now a full-fledged captain.
And he had an impressive crew too. Even Ace, coming back to the Grand Line from the New World, knowing the Strawhat’s were still at the beginning of their journey, could see the potential.
The navigator was scarily smart, the swordsman had a hell of a reputation... and he even got an insanely good cook, with quite a nice butt, if he may add.
The princess - because if someone could recruit a princess, it would be Luffy - had caught him observing the crew interact, again, not subtle, and asked him about it. But she had gotten it wrong.
"Thank you, though. You were worried I was judging them, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Maybe."
"I'm actually glad that he's still an idiot," that made her furrow her brow, "otherwise I would barely recognize him." He admitted.
"Has he changed a lot? I can't imagine him any other way." The navigator approached them, sitting next Ace on the other side.
"Not really, I guess," Ace paused, "he was just as impulsive and selfish, full of energy... but," he scratched the back of his head, pensative, "I don't know, he used to be a crybaby, you know? Always making me worry, clinging onto me whenever he got hurt or something... it's kind of amazing to see him... like this."
"Grown up?" The princess offered.
Ace considered it and snorted, "I guess, yeah. Damn, I sound like an old man, don't I? With an empty nest syndrome."
"Don't worry about it. It's very charming." Nami reassured him.
The three of them stayed quiet for a while, watching the stars and listening to the fire crackling. Then Ace broke the silence, "Oi, do you know if your cook is interested in guys?"
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licorice-tea · 8 months
I’m A Ghost Of You, You’re A Ghost Of Me Pt. 4
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader
Content: strawhat reader, gender neutral reader, drinking in a bar, one mention of virginity (in a jokey way), mainly just reader and zoro talking, brief mention of fighting/canon typical violence, a tiny bit angsty, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: this part is kind of like reader and zoro’s first date! just a lot of talking and some angsty feelings about failure :/ but with comfort! also i’ve never been to a bar or drank a ton (im 19) so im sorry if the descriptions of alcohol are inaccurate (but also zoro canonically drinks an insane amount without actually getting drunk so idk.) also im not really sure where i want the series to go from here so… leave suggestions? anyway, enjoy! <3
Part 3
Reverse Mountain and the encounter with Laboon served to bring you closer to your new crew in a matter of hours. Though you were the last to join in the East Blue, it felt like you’d already known them all a lifetime. Your place on the crew comes naturally to you as you work in tandem with the others to overcome these obstacles.
After the long day and several brushes with death, the Straw Hats arrive to an island called Whiskey Peak. The inhabitants, surprisingly, seem enthralled with your arrival. They welcome you all with open arms and invite the crew to free drinks and a night of fun at one of their bars. It’s a little suspicious to some, but you (being on the more naive and fresh side) see nothing wrong with it. And so, you all happily go along with their invitation.
Which is how you found yourself here: sitting on a barstool with a line of shot glasses before you.
“Gonna drink all that yourself?”
You look up and smile at the voice- Roronoa Zoro. “Nope, it’s for you.”
He sits besides you, “2… 8… You got me 10 shots?”
“I wasn’t sure what you drink. Besides, I said I’d treat you.”
You tell him what each drink is, he picks out 5, then slides the rest toward you. “Drink up, y/n.”
“Oh.. I, uh… I don’t really drink.” Especially not 5 shots at once, at that.
Zoro shrugs, “‘s your tab.”
You watch as he downs all 5 of the drinks he’s chosen, eyes wide in surprise that he was able to do so by the end. Then, he looks at you expectantly. Steeling yourself for what’s to come, you nod with a sense of duty and face your 5 shots. “Here goes nothing.”
The first burns a little, but it’s nothing you can’t handle (despite the look of disgust on your face.) The second has you coughing- only because you took it right after the first, of course. Zoro barks out a laugh and pats your back. You wave him off, “I’m fine, I’m fine…” and pick up the third. Still chuckling, he grabs your wrist (with the hand that isn’t rubbing your back in circles) and lowers it down to the table.
“I was kidding, don’t drink more than you can handle. Takes out all the fun.” He proceeds to down the 3 remaining shots, completely disregarding his previous statement.
“Well, you sure make it look easy.” The annoyance in your voice is evident.
“I’ve got a high tolerance. But you,” His arm is now resting on the back of your seat, and you feel a finger poke you square in the back. “are a lightweight.”
“I- hey! I am not a lightweight. Taking 8 shots just like that isn’t normal, you know.”
“Yeah, I’m better than normal.”
A soft smile spreads across your features. “You sure about that, Zoro?”
“Wh- Of course I’m sure. Why, you don’t think I am?”
You shrug, feigning nonchalance in order to mess with him. “I don’t know… that guy over there just finished his 12th drink of the night, sooo…”
“What guy? You’re kidding, I swear-“
Laughter erupts from your chest, similar to his own fit when you struggled to down the 2nd of your 2 drinks.
“Oh. Ha-ha, real funny y/n.”
“God, you’re so easy to mess with! What happened to the stoic swordsman I met on the beach last year?”
He shrugs, “Same guy.”
“Hm…” You’ve noticed that he seems to get a little defensive when you bring up that night. “Why don’t you want to talk about that night?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Zoro. C’mon, you can talk to me… We’re crew mates, right?”
He doesn’t say anything for a few moments; just looks down at the bar. “I failed. Plain and simple.”
“Oh…. because you didn’t bring me back to my island?”
“I don’t think that’s the same as failure, you chose to-“
“You don’t get it, y/n. I couldn’t force you to go back. I wanted to, I was going to, but I couldn’t.”
“…Not to toot your horn, Zoro, but you’re plenty strong. I would’ve put up a good fight, but I’m not sure I would’ve won-“ You pat your arrow quiver, “especially not at such a close distance.”
“No. I really couldn’t.” Frustration begins to seep into his tone. “I couldn't find the- the strength or resolve. And I still don’t know why, but if things hadn’t just worked out in the end like they did…”
“But, they did, Zoro. And, I still don’t really understand what you mean, but just because you go against orders doesn’t mean you’re a failure or anything like that. You’re your own person.”
“I’m my own person who wants to fulfill my duties.”
“Even if it meant doing the wrong thing?”
“… I have my limits.”
“So then why are you beating yourself up over one task you didn’t carry out, especially one that wasn’t morally right? I’m biased, of course, but still…”
“’Cause I didn’t see anything wrong with it. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn’t have done anything that night if I’d wanted to- it’s like I was…” he trails off, shaking his head instead of finishing his sentence.
“Like you were what?”
Zoro shrugs. “Stunned.” If he were more of a romantic in his manner of speaking, he would’ve added something along the lines of “by you; by your smile and the way you move.”
“Hm. Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad that you were. Or else I’d still be kicking it in a boring old house with boring people.”
He exhales sharply in a dry laugh. “Hmph. My pleasure.”
The rest of the night, which both of you seem to have forgotten is technically your first date, goes by in a flash. Zoro has another bottle and a half of sake, which you pay for while wondering how one person can drink so much and not seem inebriated. Soon enough, most everyone in the bar is knocked out- save for you, Zoro, the bartender, and a few stragglers.
“You haven’t had anything to drink all night.” He observes.
“Those shots were more than enough.”
Zoro shakes his head and waves over the bartender. “What’s your drink?”
You smile bashfully. “A shirley temple, please.”
He pays for your drink and the bartender whips it up in no time. “I thought I was supposed to be buying your drinks tonight.”
“You bought me 10 shots, then 2 bottles of sake; I won’t take offense. And, this non alcoholic garbage is cheap.”
“It is not garbage.”
“Fine, it’s just a kid’s drink.”
“It’s not for kids! It’s virgin.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles, then mumbles under his breath. “Bet you’d know a lot about that.”
You shove his shoulder with a scandalized gasp. “Zoro!”
He laughs once more, loud and bright and so full of joy that you can’t help but giggle along with him.
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blossomslovely · 1 year
Isekai Yandere Strawhats
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Synopsis: You can read them together or separately, I f*cked up the last part but I tried connecting some dots without fully disclosing everything bc I am not yet sure if I want to continue expanding on this story. If you’d like this to possibly become a series let me know !
You had been startled awake gasping for air and completely drenched in a cold sweat. It was the middle of the night, the ship was dark but the light of the moon shone through the porthole allowing your sight to adjust. You sighed to yourself, memories of your family. What a cruel thing the mind can be, you thought.
You were restless and couldn’t sleep any longer, dreaming of distant voices like you weren’t here on purpose was hilarious in a sinister way. You wanted to believe the person you had become was just a simple state of mind so that you wouldn’t go crazy. But you knew better, you knew to everyone else you’d be considered a lunatic.
You’d argue with yourself constantly, in every crevice of your brain, while also being the mediator wanting everything to stop. This was a good life you were living, free of idiotic way of life you lived previously. When you woke from dreams like this, for a minute or two everything was clear.
You could remember how you got here, remember why you left in the first place. And best of all, you remembered why you were so scared of these people in the first place.
You chuckled to yourself as you got out of bed, your stomach now empty and gurgling for a snack. Making your way to the kitchen you saw the light in the crows nest and a shadow passing through the fish tank. Of course he would be up, you knew his schedule.
You wanted to go up and ask if he’d join your for a drink and a snack but, just as you reach the second flight of stairs you stopped yourself. Alone time when you were awake was needed.
Of course there would be times where you were alone during the day but never completely alone. The constant fake concern or the random outburst to grasp your attention when your eyes went blank always reminded you, you weren’t alone.
You opened the locks on the fridge, rummaging around for alcohol, one of the greatest things about this world was how strong it was in both flavor and effect. Back home you were too young to drink but here you could have anything you desired.
That’s what you liked to tell yourself now. Whenever the itch got too overwhelming and started becoming a visible panic attack you knew just how to calm yourself. Deep breaths, look at just one thing, and clear your mind of negativity. It worked but sake worked even better.
You drank too glasses in the darkness, the affect making itself known when you stood up to bring the rest of the bottle up the stairs. Giggling when you almost fell face first only to be caught in the strong arms of the swordsman.
He looked pretty tonight, the moon was a friend who liked to light up the features of his face you wouldn’t notice during the day. Making him out to be a knight in shining celestial armor. You smiled at him and he gave you a small smile back guiding you to the crows nest.
You told him about your dream. He listened quietly sipping directly from the bottle only stopping to pour you some.
“ Zoro.. is anyone listening?” You asked eyes scouting the perimeter of the room. He shook his head and urged you to continue.
“ My dreams remind me that I’m not insane— well that I’m not completely insane. I want to say they ground me as much as they hurt me.”
The tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall in giant droplets of sorrow. He stopped drinking to give you his full attention as you went more in detail about the things you’ve bottle up.
You were like a scroll unraveling before him, if he were bold he make a joke saying that you were the one piece they’d been searching the sea for.
He understood completely why the crew was enamored with you. The little fighting fish trapped in a tank, who could only give without take, the colors of your scales vibrant and full of life while your tail flashes trying to ward off the parasitic infection dwelling all around and within.
He finally spoke up, startling your rambling about every little topic on your mind, “ I didn’t want to interrupt but I have something interesting to tell you.”
You nod eager to listen.
“ I know we’ve been waiting a while and this since is a golden opportunity now that we’re alone. On the last island I spoke to an old man, there isn’t a name for it yet but there are other like you. Travelers.”
You threw yourself into him and held him tight. This was the break through you’ve gone through hell waiting for.
“ There have been quiet a few others, over the last few years he’s said. Some trying to be discrete and others making grand entrances, they speak how you speak, using the same slang and everything I knew they were linked to your situation.”
“ This is incredible ! I knew there were others like be but… I always thought they’d be- Zoro?”
He suddenly yanked you off of him, picking up the bottle of sake and walking to the door. Just as you were opening your mouth to speak the floor started creaking, someone else was awake.
Panic set through you.
Do they hear anything? Did they hear your excitement? Who was coming closer?
Zoro opened the door revealing Robin. How could you possibly forget the other equally dangerous night owl on the ship. She smiled at you and waltzed in sitting on a stool.
“ I didn’t know you woke up Y/N, I would’ve joined the two of you earlier.”
“ Oh yeah I didn’t really want to check for anyone but I just— I seen his shadow and I couldn’t sleep so I figured… why not.” Your nervous laugh creeped in towards the end of your sentence.
You silently damned yourself and looked over to Zoro who sat right back in his spot drinking the almost empty bottle like nothing happened.
The three of you talked about little things, souvenirs from islands, Zoro about swords he looked at, and Robin went on about a foreign scripture she has yet to completely figure out.
Zoro’s presence kept you at ease and before you knew it you fell asleep again. The rest was short and you woke in your bed by the booming voices of your crew mates. Making your way to the kitchen you were greeted continuously upon entry, the captain patting a seat between him and Zoro.
The handsome Prince handing your orange juice in a wine glass to accompany your eggs and bacon. You ate silently till Luffy started stealing off Ussop’s plate causing a ruckus on the table.
The morning came and went and you were playing card games with the boys till lunch. The excitement creeped in when you were handing your cleared plate and heading off the the crows nest once again.
Watching from the upper deck was Nami accompanied by Ussop and Chopper holding baskets of tangerines and pop green. A keen eye was needed in order to be a navigator and that eye noticed your 180 when you were around Zoro.
“ They’re close those two..”
The others agreed watching you leap up the stairs into the crows nest. It was hard to not notice when no one else really bothered the grumpy swordsman in his little sanctuary.
The woman hummed then directed her little helpers to continue picking fruit while she went to investigate. She heard your cheers and giggles as she got closer to the door, daring her to press her ear on the door.
Intently listening to you laugh about a story from your childhood she failed to notice the blonde creeping up behind her with a tray of drinks. With a hand to her chest to keep her from punching him she pulled him close to listen along with her, much to his delight of course.
Although when the cook heard the joy a familiarity being shared with the swordsman he almost barged into the room. Nami having to physically hold him back so that their cover wouldn’t be blown.
It’s almost like they forgot the swordsman can dodge knives in his sleep. Zoro alerted you the moment Nami was walking up the steps. Yes, she was as stealthy and as sly as a cat but there was more in fooling a man like him. The topic of conversation changed and you had suggested writing notes while you spoke the next time around.
The itch was back but you didn’t want to alert Zoro. He was doing his best in keeping your endeavors discreet and telling him would out more on his plate. That night you were reading and the navigator invited you to sit with her while she drew up new maps.
“ Y/N, you’re pretty close with Zoro huh.” She spoke up.
Your eyes left the pages to look at the woman gracefully creating lines and squiggles on the large lithograph. “ Yeah, I enjoy telling him stories and he just listens or laughs.” You shrugged.
She hummed and continued, “ I was heading over to you to ask if you wanted to help peal some tangerines for Sanji to make marmalade.”
“ Oh crap you should’ve asked me during lunch. I can help tomorrow if you’d like.”
She looked over to you from the corner of her eye and smiled agreeing.
“ I didn’t mean to listen in but… you seem very relaxed around him, more relaxed than with the crew.”
“ He.. he just seems to put me at ease I guess.”
“ Why aren’t you at ease with the rest of us?” She inquired tilting her head and placing the ink pen in the corner of her desk.
You quickly rebutted hoping to ease the sudden tension beginning to bubble up. She was full of questions today and you felt like you were in an interrogation room without a door. She chuckled at your stuttering, it was so cute when you were nervous. She continued her work and changed the topic to not cause you anymore visible worry.
Laying in bed that night you finally felt at peace, before your interruption earlier Zoro had told you he knew a way for you to get back home. It would take some time and you would have to get the others off your radar.
Your thoughts quickly shifted to Nami and how she approached you earlier. To a non trained eye your conversation just seemed like small talk or curiosity among friends though the threat of something more was obvious to you. You were sure she did that purposely, looking into your eye, raising and eyebrow, and giving you that sly smirk.
Just to see what type of reaction she could coerce out of you without making things too transparent. You knew eventually they would look into your newfound closeness with the swordsman. You turned to the other side of the bed where the pillow was cold and the light didn’t hit your closed eyes. Shaking the thoughts away to sleep and deal with another day tomorrow.
The ship was still lively while you were resting, everyone doing their own little tasks and routines. In the room next to the crows nest Robin was bathing, she was enjoying her peace till a small knock came from the door.
“ Robin could I come in?”
Nami opened the door and waved sitting on the edge of the tub. “ I think we should tell Luffy about Zoro and Y/N.” She said letting her fingers graze the steaming water. Robin hummed and leaned over to her, “ We should eventually of course. However, don’t you think we should also go to Zoro separately first as well? To completely assess the situation.”
Nami agreed and decided now would be the perfect time since you were asleep and he was completely alone.
She knocked twice and opened the door peaking in, “ Zoro are you busy?”. He looked up at her with a weight lifting over his shoulder and shook his head. She waltzed in sitting in the booth seat hitting her lip, the nerves of trying to get a straight answer out of him settling in.
“ I wanted to talk to you about Y/N, you’ve been pretty close yeah?”
“ I guess? They just come in and ramble while I work out.”
“ Well I hope you aren’t forgetting that the crew also wants to get close to them.”
“ What’s that supposed to mean exactly?”
He was as standoffish as always but if this wasn’t done who knew what the two of you could do. It’s not that she even wanted to question the first mate but no one else has been able to break the barrier with little Y/N… and of all people to it was the grumpy swordsman?
“ It means that whatever you’ve been promising them… isn’t going to make them..”
“ Rebel? I’m loyal to my captain, whatever ideas you’re having are wrong. They came to me because the rest of your are idiotic and overbearing.”
Nami huffed angrily at the assumption that she was overbearing and idiotic. She knew that at certain moments the entire crew would make you uncomfortable but her? She walked out slamming the door and the swordsman’s eyes hardened.
If Nami decided to personally ask him then someone more dangerous was involved.
Back in the bathroom the archeologist was humming quietly to herself as she drained the tub and let the steam dwell around her. The slam of a door from down the hall brought a smirk to her lips, Zoro had ticked Nami off and now she was going to play her part.
Robin knew from the moment you joined their journey you would be valuable. From the way the crew took a liking to you immediately and especially the way the captain would light up in your presence. Robin was extremely loyal to Luffy, she was going to do anything to ensure his happiness was preserved.
She knew you were scheming something with the swordsman. Just as she knew that the swordsman was aware of her presence whenever she’d try to lurk into the room. It’s not that she was doubting Zoro’s loyalty, but he obviously cared about you enough to even consider helping you get back home.
There were times where she questioned herself, she knew that keeping you here basically hostage was wrong. She lived her life running in fear and to keep you here against your will went against everything she stood for but… her captain was her number one priority now, and if making you cry yourself to sleep every night was the sacrifice then so be it.
The ship had finally settled and the moon was now at its peak, the boys room was filled with voices but surprisingly Luffy was quiet. Sanji took notice and eyes the swordsman from the corner of his eye. Without even looking towards him Zoro shrugged and turned the other way. He rolled his eyes and held his tongue not in the mood to argue, he was more concerned about his quiet captain who stared blankly at the wall.
Luffy wasn’t usually one to think too much about one thing for too long, so it was right to be concerned. Sanji stood tall peaking over into his cot and the boy met his gaze.
“ Something on your mind?”
A crack of a smile spring onto the captain’s face, he liked that his crew knew him so well. “ I’m just thinking of Y/N.” He sighed.
As of late you’d been running rampant through his mind. Every time he gets close you get farther and he doesn’t know how to fix it. You keep reminiscing about your old home and life, when you first got here you were ecstatic to be with him, he doesn’t know what changed.
You’d been more than happy when he welcomed you into his crew, you got along with everyone, and you fit so perfectly like his last puzzle piece. Then one day he woke up and started spewing things about wanting to leave. To leave him.
That thought angered him and he shot up from his cot startling Sanji. “ Why have the changed? We’ve been so kind. I don’t understand-”
“ They’re just homesick… we all get homesick.”
“ Yeah but it’s all the time with Y/N. She’ll laugh and play with us then started getting all sappy. It’s annoying me.”
“ Maybe it has something to do with this green moss ball sleeping underneath you— you seen how damn close they got. WAKE UP MOSS BALL!” Sanji hissed.
He kicked the swordsman’s cot waking him up and bringing the attention of the others in the room.
“ I have to watch in an hour what are you talking about in the middle of the night?”
“ How about you tell our very annoyed captain how you and Y/N have become so chummy.”
“ I don’t know why you’re all acting like this, isn’t it good that we’re friends? You guys need to evaluate your approach— and leave me alone.”
With that he fell right back to sleep the entire room thinking to themselves.
After that night the entire crew morphed into these disgustingly saccharine creatures. Catering to your every need like you were an infant who couldn’t be let out of sight for a moment.
In their minds you were their sweet Y/N and they were just helping you settle into your new home. Luffy’s annoyance spread to all the crew members, accept for you and they had a newfound determination.
Zoro decided it was better for the both of you to stop meeting too often, the outburst of Sanji let him know his efforts weren’t working. They were still hot on your tails and it was a matter of time before Luffy himself came to the two of you.
You were distraught, sitting in the kitchen eating a piece of cheesecake Sanji set out for you. You were finally so close and you had to be put on hold because for reasons Zoro wouldn’t share with you.
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Enjoy ! 🍨 if you’d like a post specifically about Y/N and how she got here I’d be willing to do so, thank you for all the support.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Breaking Up with Zoro(ANGST)
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Word Count: 1.7k
Black Fem Reader
CW: Lots of cussing, Arguing, Law is involved, Bad ending, All in All Angst
You guys actually are known for arguing in your relationship
You both argue at least once a day over something petty and everybody on the Sunny has come accustomed to it
However one day you believe your argument may have turned for the worse.
You and Zoro have been actually having less interactions since you all met back up .
Zoro taken his role as the swordsman of the crew way more seriously and though you respect it and even admire it, it’s just you barely even communicate anymore. Not even petty arguments.
When you do start to try it he just breathes out his nose and finishes what he was doing as if he didn’t care to retort back
It just wasn’t the same between you and Zoro
And you even questioned If you and him were still together
Granted you both didn’t have much time to settle where your relationship was before separating, but you still wanted to at least talk about it, but you both never had time to do so
Intimacy has been long gone. When you seen him again he didn’t even hug you back he just patted your head
He doesn’t sleep in your room anymore. If he does it’s when you’re not in there and busy on watch
It started to get to you.
You wanted to wait and give it time but it’s been weeks now and it’s almost as if he subconsciously just broke up with you over the two years
You tried getting your mind off of it seeing as now there are bigger fish to fry and stronger enemies to defeat
Eventually you and the crew meet Law again and surprisingly you two hit it off better than him and anyone else on the crew.
He didn’t find you annoying—you were level headed and relatively nice to talk to so you managed to keep him company sometimes when he wanted to separate from all of the Strawhats
The attention he gave you was platonic but it was nice none the less—-you even managed to crack a smile out of him a few times
“Y/N-ya. Come help me with this, yeah?”
You both have amazing combat skills together too and it bought you some brownie points with him
Zoro However began to notice this friendship develop immediately
But he didn’t have time to ask you about it he needed to train more
Today though, he had some time
Zoro being Zoro was lost in the forest again but managed to somehow find you and Law sitting across from each other talking. You were laughing with him not even noticing the green haired swordsman approach you from the side.
“Lost again?” Law shot at Zoro still giving you eye contact.
Zoro Just grumbled, “NO! I just happened to find you both…we’re leaving this place soon so you both should wrap up your little date.” You frowned a bit at his tone. Date?
“Date?” You got up to follow him with Law a nice distance behind you both. “We were talking.”
“Yeah you two love doing that—“
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t mean shit. Keep walking.”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a tiny bit happy seeing that Zoro at least noticed and felt jealous about you and Law’s closeness. In reality though you actually didn’t do that to get back at Zoro you enjoyed Law’s company and was refreshing to be around.
You and Zoro bickered a bit walking around the forest not even realizing you three were walking in circles because ZORO was guiding y’all.
“So if you see me talking to another woman what you’re ganna think I’m gay now?!”
“Go ahead and be gay for all I give a fuck—“
You both appeared in front of the Sunny not even realizing it still arguing.
“HEY!” Law yelled getting both of your attention walking in between you both, “We’re back. Come find me when you’re done, Y/N-ya.”
“We’re done Talking actually.” Zoro Shot back heading to the training room.
“Says who?! I ain’t finish asshole the hell is all this passive aggressiveness towards me?!”
“Oh, Shut the fuck up!”
It got awkwardly quiet on the ship. Sanji, and Nami gasped, Robin covered Chopper’s ears, Luffy and Usopp stopped playing, and Franky & Brook just paused.
Zoro looked like the vein in his head was about to explode. He was irritated beyond belief and the patience he barely had was already ran out.
“Go the fuck up the ladder now.”
You squinted your eyes at him. His teeth was gritted at yours and he began to breath a little harder. If he were to hit you you honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point. You felt the rage coming from his body, he never got this angry with you and you never got this angry with him.
“If we aren’t ganna resolve our issues then I’m not going no where with you.”
“Resolve what exactly? The fact that you can’t be alone? Or the fact that you got bigger tits and you wanna flaunt them around to every guy you see because you crave male attention —-“
“Ain’t this a bitch— THAT’S what you think I’m doing?! You think I’m being some kind of slut or something?! I don’t need nobody’s mothafuckin’ attention if anything I’d like yours but it seems like your swords have all of it!—“
“Y/N..” Nami whispered, and walked over behind you to grab your arm since you started to approach Zoro as if your were ganna hit him.
She and Robin seen the hurt in your face for a while now when Zoro ignores you, they haven’t said anything about it but they had a feeling a fight like this was bound to happen.
“At least my swords don’t go around cheating.”
“IM ONLY CLOSE WITH HIM BECAUSE WE HAVE GOOD CONVERSATION. WE. COMMUNICATE. UNLIKE. YOU. AND I.” You pointed your finger back and fourth looking as if you were ready to shoot Zoro right then and there so Nami ran over out of worry and held you back by your arm and Usopp and Brook ran over to hold Zoro back because he had the same angry look in his eyes.
“IF YOU KNEW HOW TO SPEAK I WOULDN’T HAVE TO GO TO TALK TO OTHER MEN. Ever thought about that? Roronoa Zoro?”
Zoro stopped moving and just sighed pulling away from the two and walked the opposite way.
“Then keep communicating with him because we’re through. He can have you.”
It was almost as if none of your points were being heard. Your stomach dropped to your ass hearing him wanting to be done with you.
You scoffed.
Sanji was about to go and beat Zoro possibly to death for how he was speaking to you but you stopped him. It didn’t matter it wasn’t going to change anything.
“Sanji!” You Held him back fighting any slick of tear to fall down the rim of your waterline. “It’s fine….leave him.”
Weeks have past since the argument, the entire energy of the crew has changed. You and Zoro stayed Your distances and never even spoke a syllable to each other once. You don’t eat with the crew anymore no matter how many times Sanji tries to kick Zoro out, but you just try to avoid the trouble.
The girls tried making you feel better, even Luffy tried by doing stupid faces but you haven’t cracked a smile in you don’t know how long. Your face is deadpanned now but your eyes constantly look sad.
You don’t talk much at all either and it hurts, a literal pain in your chest. You’ve been having headaches and a bit of sickness as well. Usually when you feel bad Zoro pokes fun at you for not having his immune system and holds you all day making Sanji bring you soups and teas. But that’s in the long past and now you’re alone in your room. Eyes were puffy, hair was wrapped in a tight scarf, and you had on nothing but a loose shirt and shorts as everybody except you, Franky, and Chopper were out on some new land. Nothing but the sounds of the crashing water and your subtle sniffles fill the room. You wasn’t sure if it was sniffs from being sick or sad but you didn’t care to figure out which
You sat up and decided to just read a book until you fell asleep again. You rummage through your stuff and found a picture. From two years ago. It was the first time you kissed Zoro and Luffy managed to sneak a lot of pictures, from when you both were caught, to Sanji looking pissed, to Zoro chasing Luffy and Sanji chasing Zoro. It was the first night Zoro confessed, how much you meant to him, how much he loved you, but didn’t “like” you, how much you drove him crazy—
And how much he wanted to be with you even after you both achieved your goals.
All the wonderful memories of you and Zoro pulled out some tears blurring your vision, you laughed at yourself with your cheeks now being stained, how stupid could you be to fall for him so hard?
Your chest hurts again. More than it did before it nearly felt like you couldn’t breathe, you hit the back of the wall and slid down crying in ache and pain in silence. Even moreso because now when you see Zoro from the times you mindlessly glanced at him, he looks happier to be without you than with you.
Is this what a heart break felt like?
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
Angsty Zoro x Fem reader! S/O was so kind and sweet before, but after the time skip, she’s grown emotionless and quiet. Sure, she helps out her crew mates in need like cleaning or sewing clothes, even helps train them, and most importantly, has grown insanely powerful, but…it seems she’s lonely and depressed. When Zoro questions her over and over, she confesses and laments that she lost their child and feels utterly ashamed of herself. Zoro is shocked of his fatherhood but comforts her.
This topic is very sensitive so I tried to tread over as cautiously as I could and not use any direct words that may be insensitive or triggering
Major Triggers for Child Loss
Missing Piece
Warning: loss of child, timeskip spoilers, very brief mention of sex, breakdown/crying
Summary: Unbeknownst to Zoro, the time skip was less kind to his girlfriend than the rest of the crew. After questioning her unusual behaviour, he is surprised to find the news of fatherhood, and the terrors that clung to his exhausted girlfriend.
Word Count: 1,800
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Upon your arrival to the Strawhats, your life carried in a whirlwind of treacherous and exciting adventures. Entangled in such ravenous seas you quickly grew close to the swordsman, fitting easily with his rather withdrawn character. It was known among the crew how light and kind you were to everyone, and Zoro was no exception to that. At first he found your characteristics to be tiresome, between yourself and Luffy he thought his mind would explode from the mindless chatting and nagging from you both. However, over time, he grew fond of you, picking up on little cues and habits that turned his sour view on its head; something nobody saw coming.
Only after a few months being apart of the crew, Zoro drunkenly confessed for something more between you both, starting your relationship in a typical fashion. Your relationship started at a loving and easy-going pace, acting the same way as you did friends, however, grew intense over time.
After the events of Thriller Bark, Zoro changed, becoming more protective and attached to you; afraid of the possibility to lose someone he loved. Caught up in his own rational fears, Zoro made the first steps to have sex, for the first and only time before the crew inevitably split at Sabaody.
Unaware to you until months in isolation from the crew, you became pregnant, fixating your entire life for the safe arrival of your child. Everything ran smoothly through your pregnancy, landing on a small island equipped with essential items and care, preparing you for a new life of motherhood. Your goals had shifted, knowing you wished to raise your baby with loving and devoted parents, sailing the seas and having many adventures with your friends and new family. However, the day your child was born was far from what you had experienced for the last nine months, turning your dream-like state into a frightful nightmare.
Returning back to the Thousand Sunny felt like a nightmare you couldn't awake from. Every moment reunited with your crew, with Zoro, was a painful sting that there was someone missing from your life; someone who needed to be here. It felt a personal insult that everyone around you took no notice of their absence, carrying on with their lives as if it never happened.
But it did.
You couldn't help feel robbed of your potential, observing how everyone grew stronger from their time away, knowing your time wasn't so kind. Physically and mentally the crew had grown, except for you, tied to your own gnawing loss of someone you loved. It baffled you how Luffy could stand so tall after his own personal loss, but it occurred to you the difference your connection was; a mother's love was something undesirably different to other love.
Zoro easily caught onto your shift, once the roaring dazzle of light in his life now suddenly flicker dark. He was met with countless blows of dead-end answers to his questions, heightening his concerns for your safety. You looked different; eyes so thick with a haze as if you were sleep-walking, your body all but caving into itself as if the memory was eating you alive. Zoro barely recognised you anymore, and he wasn't the only one who took notice.
You became a shell, still carrying your duties and hobbies through the ship to help your friends, giving up everything to distract you for a moment. But inside there was nothing but the vicious cycle of regret, playing on an endless loop with no escape. You had distanced your life before the loss, not recognising who that person was anymore. Desperately, you wished for the life back but you knew it was hopeless, the added weight of guilt looming over you with nowhere else to go.
You felt stuck.
And as the cycle continued day after day on the ship, you couldn't help but feel a part of you chip away every time Zoro spoke to you, asking pointless concerns he knew you wouldn't answer. But Zoro had to try. With each question he could sense you loosening up, growing just a bit more tethered, like a rope about to break. A part of him hated what he saw, not wishing to push you, but he was afraid if he didn't something worse would happen. His deepest fear of losing you might come true, and he couldn't risk that.
"Oi!" Zoro called after you, following behind as you ventured inside after meal time.
Since your return you created a routine through crew activities, knowing there was some form of order you could control; keeping you occupied in steps through the day. After your nightly meal you would return to your room, tidying and organising anything in sight until another sleepless night graced you; listening to the sickening rock of the waves around you.
"Oi, (Y/n), can ya wait up?"
Ignoring Zoro's persistence, you walked on, lost to the call of routine to keep you thinking of them. A strong hand around your arm stopped you from moving, his body shuffling to your path to keep from continuing further. His brow furrowed upon looking at you, reading your tired and pale expression like the back of his hand. He knew you better than this continuous facade of routine.
Easing his grip, he waited, half expecting you to say something, but all you could do was look at him. You could see so much of your child in Zoro it was too painful to watch. But you couldn't look away. How could you?
"Something's wrong" Zoro's hands cupped at your face. "Can you tell me, please?"
His usual rough palms suddenly felt like silk at his touch, giving you the most soothing comfort since your loss. You kept everything together for so long you almost forgot how Zoro first made you feel, how he held you, how he loved you. There was so much you wished to tell him in that moment but the words strained to come out, merely a whisper as he waited for you.
"I lost him..."
"Lost who?"
Your body felt heavy, your eyes struggling to fix on Zoro as you spoke, your words seeming almost too tiresome to say out loud. But you had to say them. The gut wrenching look on Zoro's face curled your stomach, knowing that he sensed something had happened while you were away. And that something happened to you both. Shrugging off his questions wasn't working anymore, his tone only growing more agitated. It was time he knew the truth. It was his child, too, after all.
"Our son..."
With those simple words you slipped from Zoro, collapsing into a heap on the floor. A curdling cry ripped from your throat, as if saying it aloud made you relive the ordeal once again. Struggling to claw at the ground you fisted your hands, grounding yourself with a searing pain as your nails dug into your palms. You could envision it all again, how that day went, scene by scene, feeling your whole body grow numb.
Zoro kneeled onto the floor, letting his large arms scoop you into his chest, struggling to say something. He listened to your cries, shocked of your words, unable to grasp how long you kept this to yourself, unaware what a painful period you had endured away from him. He still had so many questions for you, wishing to pry more about his son but he held back, knowing your safety was more important.
Harsh shushes parted his lips in an attempt to ease you both, knowing it would help to think clearer with you both level headed. He couldn't deny he was shocked from your words, shaken by the knowledge of his lost son. He also knew from past experiences he had to assure you he was strong, both mentally and physically, holding you together when things became tough. You were his girlfriend, the person he cherished more than anything, knowing the second you returned there was no spark in your life anymore; he had to guide you to be okay once more.
Running his hands over your back he listened to your breathing, waiting for the eery whimpers to fade into hush gasps and sniffles. Your body, what was once stiff in his arms, became more pliable, easing into the deep breaths of his chest. Taking his cue to speak, he gently cleared his throat, waiting for any protest before continuing on.
"It's going to be okay, (Y/n). We will get through this together" Zoro craned his neck, pressing his lips deep against your forehead. "You don't have to deal with this alone anymore, I will mourn him for the both of us, and when you're strong enough we can share his memory together"
"It isn't that simple, Zoro, it's all my fault! I couldn't even bring myself to name him, I needed you with me! I wouldn't have lost him if you were by my side, I know he wanted to meet you!"
"That is not true at all, (Y/n), and deep down you know it, too. Nothing could have prepared you for this, this isn't the way it is supposed to go; nobody expects their child to go before them. We will work through this every day; just you and me. I'll be here every day and every night until you have strength to talk, or to sit with the crew, or even make it through the day without guilt. I'm not going anywhere"
Zoro let you sit in his arms, guiding you to breath steady once again, rocking you slightly against his chest. Your eyes stung from tears, feeling too heavy to keep open, drooping shut as you listened to his breathing. Feeling you melt in his arms, Zoro moved you up, carrying you through the hallway, a slight swing in his step letting you relax. He hoped for now this was what you needed, some reassurance things would be okay and he wouldn't leave you. He knew he had never been good with words or showing his emotions until he met you, the time away making him feel almost out of practice. There was a lot more he wished to say to you, to ask you, but the weeping cries of exhaustion filled the room with a fog of mutual understanding.
You needed to rest.
Placing you down gently into your bed, Zoro tucked you both in, cradling your body close to him as he listened to your soft murmurs. He hoped to hold you like this again, under different circumstances, without the lingering pain you both felt so deeply; but tonight he would push his wishful thinking aside to help you rest at last.
"Now" Zoro moved you up, resting his lips against your temple. "Get some rest for me, and tomorrow we can start thinking of a name; anything to help you heal, (Y/n)"
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sillypiratelife · 9 months
The more I think about it, the more insane the first Mihawk and Zoro encounter is.
Mihawk adopted Zoro right in front of Zeff and went directly to tell Shanks about it???
No, but seriously. There's no way Zeff didn't feel a bit invested in the chaos. He saw Zoro giving his all for his dream and he knew that's how Sanji was too, it's just that Sanji gave up for some reason guilt. It was not only Luffy who convinced Zeff that he needed to kick Sanji out of the Baratie and sent him sailing with those idiots, but also freaking Zoro.
Zoro addressing Luffy as the pirate king in front of everyone??
Fever whenever I think of how you could say Mihawk proclaimed Zoro as Luffy's first mate on the spot. He really said "you two came in the same pack. good". It's like? Oh look, the kid I just adopted is besties with the kid of one of my friends. How convenient.
Mihawk's tiny baby knife. It reminds me of the knife Luffy cut his cheek with when he wanted to prove to Shanks that he was ready to sail with him. Except both Zoro and Luffy gained their mentors' respect, meaning that Shank left Luffy with a hat that identified him from there on, while Mihawk left Zoro with a giant scar all across his chest as the promise Zoro must fulfill to Mihawk.
The fact Mihawk identified Luffy from Shank's stories and he judged Luffy also based on his compatibility with Zoro??????? Sure, only the pirate king would be worthy of having the greatest swordsman in his crew.
Sanji. Sanji's reaction to the whole thing. The desperation in his voice. I still can't believe it was the way Sanji was truly introduced to Zoro. Of course they are not normal about each other. Sanji was screaming for Zoro to give up so he wouldn't die and Zoro was asking for death so he wouldn't be defeated.
There were already two swordsmen following Zoro?? Calling him big brother?? There were five young men around Zoro's age there and he absolutely didn't disappoint in guiding by example? It was a Zoro masterclass on how to be a strawhat. What a time to be alive.
I just love that everyone was losing their mind over Mihawk and his powers and Zoro just. Jumped to face him. Mihawk told him YOU ARE A KID and Zoro proceeded to impress Mihawk so hard, the man became a fan. It's? Simply?? Idk, idk!
Sanji's family remembers Zoro and Luffy like that. Do you understand what that means? Ussop was kinda there and Nami didn't make the best of first impressions, but Luffy and Zoro made a total show. At that point, Zeff was the kind of dad who almost forced his kid to befriend the other kids he thinks that will be a good influence.
Which again. Insane.
Luffy ready to throw hands over Zoro did not surprise me. The intensity of his panic? The hurt on the way he screamed Zoro's name? He was sweating, using all his willpower to control himself and not interrupt Zoro's fight, he was cursing Mihawk and going wild and— I cannot breathe whenever I remember how Luffy met Zoro, how their friendship started. No one else knows that Zoro was on a Marine base CRUCIFIED. Some freaking pulling this Jesus out of the cross and taking him with me to see the world shit going on here.
The whole Zoro basically crucified image and the whole cross imagery with Mihawk and— I'm not going that route today, sorry.
The way Sanji calls back to the vow when he criticizes Zoro in Alabasta for being worried about Luffy losing. The Zoro Sanji knows is the one who raised his arm and called Luffy the pirate king, the one who vowed to never lose again to not worry Luffy. Sanji was not happy to see Zoro so out of himself and in a weird (their) way, he was reassuring Zoro. Ugh. My brain hurts.
But then again, Zoro was acting exactly how Luffy acted before. The first fight of Luffy vs Crocodile is clearly paralleling the Zoro vs Mihawk first encounter. I'll need a therapist after this.
I'm just now reading the version of the manga and not the anime and wjdnkdbfjej I just—
The end(?)
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
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realized i left it out of my a/n last update but, after every major arc in one piece, there will be a "[name] wiki" that will just highlight information that might have been missed/not so obviously stated about [name] as well as bonus infomration on relationships, fun facts, etc!!! anyway, enjoy this little filler update before skypiea <333
link to original fanfic where thsi wiki is based from :D
full name: [REDACTED] D. [NAME]
age: 20, departed from foosha village at 17 — it’s been three years since then
— connection with Shanks/Red Hair Pirates in some way
— [REDACTED] Pirates, temporary member, mutual gain
— Straw Hat Pirates
epithet: [REDACTED]
The Cursed Orphan
birthday: [xx/xx] ← this is your own birthday LOL
height: 6’5
there is a reason he is so tall, please trust me he is not insanely tall for no reason. like there are plot reasons as to why he built like a beanstock.
- related: i forgot that his height was lowkey a plot point (a teensy teensy tiny bit) so i forgot to mention his height until very very very very very recently in the chaptesr LMFAOOA
— 200,000,000
— 250,000,000
japanese va: junichi suwabe … or … yuki kaji … or more like kenjiro tsuda (i cant decide unfortunately lmk in comments bc i like all of these vas a lot) 
— has a giant tattoo expanding over his shoulders/back. they look like wings (minus the figure in the middle). they don’t look like the typical tattooed angel wings going downwards, they more-so stretch across his back and the tips end at his deltoids.
— keeps a black cloth wrapped around one of his wrists, at all times. this cloth was torn from shanks’ cloak and [name] keeps it as a safe keeping
— always is wearing a silver necklace. it’s a simple, thin chain that is almost unnoticeable, but he is never seen without it.
— has scars all over his body. they’re not battle scars. they start from his face and go all the way down to his feet. if you were to see his entire body, you would see that most of the scars are single lines that do NOT disconnect from their starting point. they run almost continuously. for example, the scarred line that starts at his face goes all the way down to his feet, without being “interrupted.” origins are unknown.
weapon: a sword that was passed down from shanks and given to him as a gift. he doesn’t know the proper name of it, but it looks like a regular katana. he has never drawn his sword in the series yet, seeing as he only reveals the blade when he is out to very seriously maim, torture, or kill his enemies. the katana radiates an intimidating aura and anyone around [name] can feel it.
standard outfit: just jeans and a t-shirt, nothing crazy goes on here LMFAO or whatever you wanna envision him to be wearing.
abilities: have not been completely revealed, but it does have something to do with water. this explains his ability to control people’s bodies, seeing as their blood and overall body mass has a high percentage of water.
— he has some control over sea water, but only for short bursts of time.
— he is not completely immune to the effects of sea water, though. if he is submerged in it for a long enough period of time <a couple of minutes>, then he will begin drowning and sinking just like a devil fruit eater would.
— did not eat a devil fruit. the origins of his powers are unknown at this time.
— skilled swordsman, source: trust me bro. but seriously, he doesn’t just swing around the sword, even though we’ve never seen him use it, he’s generally very good with weapons of all kinds — but has a specialty in blades.
— has been seen using geppo, soru, and shigan. 
favorite food: COFFEE BEANS + SEAFOOD :) cheese
fun facts:
likes: all the strawhats, animals, bitter flavors
dislikes: the world gov + navy, anyone that isn't a strawhat, anything sweet flavored
— the name the government gave him was due to how they could not find any family lineage tied to him
— considers dadan and makino as his mother figures!
— the song he is always humming is for fruits basket <333
— its not that he only drinks coffee and not anything else — like booze, its just he doesnt like the taste of booze. he can drink it, but he wont like it.
— if he were to live in the real world, he would have a job in child protective services. he cares a lot for children. plus he feels the natural instinct to be protective of those around him.
— he can tell if there is anybody nearby due to how he is able to see water concentration to a certain extent. that is why whenever he squints in the distance or at the water, he is looking for something to pop out and is expecting to see someone/something.
— is really offstandish when it comes to strangers. it takes a lot to get trust out of him, but if it’s someone that luffy or the others trust, then he’s quick to lower his guard.
— finds it really amusing whenever chopper, nami, or usopp run to hide behind him when they see any enemies. he doesn’t mind it, but still thinks its really funny whenever it happens.
— he enjoys pissing off zoro, but never brings up their past fight. to him, it was a silly thing that happened in the past so he doesn’t hold it over zoro’s head, plus he saw how much it affected the swordsman.
— hates manspreaders → has a chronic, worst case of manspreading anyone has ever seen
— has the highest debt to nami in the entire crew (somewhere in the 300-400,000)
— the tattoo over ace’s heart are words that he and ace shared with each other (”together in chaos”) when they were children (LOOOREEEE)
— wants to start working out with zoro, but due to their recent adventures hasn’t had the chance to :(
— unlike luffy, he has no qualms in killing his enemies. he wishes he were like luffy in this sense, but he is paranoid that these people will come back for him, or worse — the crew, so he eliminates them when he can.
— [name] really, really wanted vivi to come along. but he didn't verbalize it so as to not pressure her or manipulate the decision of what she herself wanted.
— whenever he wakes up from sleep, he’s in one of three odd positions: 1. luffy and him somehow end up cuddling, 2. he’s on the floor, or 3. he’s (not maliciously aka they're not actually dying.) choking either zoro or sanji with his arm.
— feels particularly protective of nami — not because she is a woman, but because he saw how sick she had gotten and was scared she would die. addtionally, he trusts her and her ability to fight, but if she requests for his help in a battle, he wouldn’t hesitate to go and help her.
— if him and sanji can't sleep at night, they go out on the deck and smoke together until one of them gets tired and they go back to bed.
— rather prideful in being strong. at the same time, he doesn’t really enjoy the nature of his abilities
— [name] had a bad history with the people on whiskey peak, which explains his hostility to them in the beginning chapters (they fooled him by giving him a lot of food, then they tried attacking him while he was sleeping, and he had to fight them.) doesn't like being lied to.
— vivi wishes she could have knighted [name] into holding a formal title as a guardian in the kingdom of alabasta, but igaram rejected the idea. her father and pell were close to agreeing, but ultimately decided that they couldn't and shouldn't seeing as [name] was too infamous for being a lethal pirate. vivi sulked about this for a while.
love language : acts of service and physical touch
— the more comfortable he is with someone, the more likely he is to crack jokes around them. it means hes relaxed and can feel comfortable being himself rather than being on edge and guarded.
— vivi often times hums the song that [name] always hummed, smiling whenever she remembers the amount of memories she had made with the crew. that song has now become her favorite despite her not knowing where it was from or if there were even words that went along with it.
— animal representation: crow
— who would he be if the strawhats were a family? the one younger cousin that keeps running around shouting about how he wants to fight/do something that requires a lot of energy from everyone else (or, cool uncle)
— he actually naturally has a very sweet scent, but since he is always brewing coffee/eating coffee beans, he masks that scent with coffee since he hates it :)
personality type : ENFP
→ characters that are ENFP: jinx (arcane/league of legends), hu tao (genshin impact), harley quinn (dc universe), and ellie (the last of us)
how would [name] describe his relationships:
with luffy: captain, dearest person in his life, partner in crime in annoying the rest of the crew, personal backpack since luffy is always climbing him
with zoro: most reliable crewmate, best first mate to luffy, good friendly competitor 1/2 strongest swordsman in the world
with nami: smartest crewmate!! admires her navigation abilities, enjoys her company when she isn't yelling bloody murder at him </3 1/3 of his priority people to protect
with usopp: fun to tease and joke around with, enjoys the way usopp lies even though he hates liars, 2/3 of his priority people to protect
with sanji: the best chef in the world, genuinely a very kind man, sees eye to eye with him more often than not, thinks his rude persona is just a front LOL good friendly competitor 2/2
with chopper: cutest mascot, thinks he is genuinely very strong, admires his mental strength and his story, 3/3 of his priority people to protect
with vivi: worrisome princess, braver than she gives herself credit for, very close friend he hopes to reunite with in the future! a crewmate in his mind even if she is not sailing with them
with ace: idiot, but also a very cute idiot <3 freckles, sees a lot of their childhood in ace’s eyes which makes him slightly emotional, reckless, misses him a lot right now
playlist !
his theme songs are: chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, i know ? by travis scott, here comes your man by the pixies ← will add more songs in each wiki !!!
— cotcc : “it’s beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me. i’m not bored or unhappy, i’m still so strange and wild. you’re in the wind, i’m in the water. nobody’s son, nobody’s daughte,”
— i know ?: “tell me, is you still up. it’s 5 a.m. and i’m drunk right now. tell me, can we still fuck. // i know, mami, i know, it’s 2 a.m., don’t stress. at 3, that bullshit kick in, in thirty, you’ll feel your best”
— here comes your man, “take me away to nowhere plains. there is a wait so long (so long, so long). you'll never wait so long. here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man”
luffy & [name]: video games, “it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you. everything i do — i tell you all the time. heaven is a place on earth with you. // it’s better than i ever even knew. they say that the world was built for two. only worth living if somebody is loving you.”
zoro & [name]: married with children, “i hate the way that you are so sarcastic and you’re not very bright. you think that everything you’ve done’s fantastic. your music’s shit, it keeps me up all night, up all night // and it will be nice to be alone, for a week or two. but i knew then i will be right, right back here with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you”
sanji & [name]: right side of my neck, “the right side of my neck still smells like you. the right side of my neck still smells like you”
nami & [name]: LOYALTY, “tell me when your loyalty is comin’ from the heart. tell me who you loyal to. do it start with your women or your man? do it end with your family and friends? or you’re loyal to yourself in advance?”
usopp & [name]: my way, “for what is a man, what has he got? if not himself, then he has naught. to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels. the record shows i took the blows. and did it my way”
vivi & [name]: happiness is a butterfly, “if he’s a serial killer, then what’s the worst thing that could happen to a girl who’s already hurt? i’m already hurt. if he’s as bad as they say, then i guess i’m cursed. looking into his eyes, i think he’s already hurt. he’s already hurt.”
chopper & [name]: live and let die, “when you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live. but if this ever changing world in which we’re living, makes you give in and cry — say live and let die”
ace & [name]: my love mine all mine, “nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love, mine, all mine, all mine. // nothing in the world is mine for free, but my love mine, all mine, all mine”
taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s, @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @kaulitzer, @notplutos, @cheetosins
[ .ᐟ ] PSA ! DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS  (older version of this) STORY ON WATTPAD I REPEATTTTT DO NOTTT BECAUSE ! MY OLD VERSION OF THIS STORY IS STILL PUBLISHED bc i dont rlly want to take it down tbh bc a lot of ppl still read it AND IT IS SPOILLLERRRSS FOR WHAT I PLAN ON DOING WITH THIS STORY !!! because this is re-written and a much much much much much improved version of that oldddd story + it is still following that original plot line i had all those years ago just like 10000x better bc idk what drugs i was on when i was writing that ff all those years ago bc that shit is crazy LMFOAOAOA i beg, i BEG, of you to not read it i want this experience to be so fun with all the plotwists and motives of characters like pleaseeee do not read it (also ??? its jus so cringe worthy jus dont read it LFMAO) 
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antibioware · 1 year
ok i'll bite. have you read any one piece fics, and are there any you would recommend?
you're so damn lucky One Piece is a fandom full of shit fanfictions because last time someone asked me a question like this, they ended with a 50+ fanfictions rec list.
Anyway, I'm gonna divide the list between gen/pairingless fics and fics with a romantic pairing.
for all the love and gold (don't just do as you are told) by guiltylights
Nami asks Sanji to reduce the amount of money spent on grocery shopping.
Blood of the Covenant by kiite
Zeff never wanted a kid. A restaurant, sure— but he hadn’t planned for the kid. (Or: a brief look at Sanji’s childhood, through the eyes of the man who raised him.)
triskelion by razbliuto
Sink your fangs in, sister, and don't let go. — The Boa Sisters, still breathing despite all odds.
[this one is insanely good, literally made both me and my girlfriend cry]
UV by razbliuto (Viola/Doflamingo, Viola/Monet)
There's only a one letter difference between ultraviolet and ultraviolent. — Viola, and the art of unforgetting.
[while this one does have pairings, it's less a romantic story and more a deep dive into traumatic relationships in Viola's life. This is my absolute favourite OP fanfiction and it's heavy, be warned]
that certain calmness by grainjew
Because Sanji's rebellion has always been service, and there is nobody he would rather bow to than his captain.
you are not immune by pheenick
It starts with a rather gut-busting sneeze that’s concerning enough to bring all conversation juddering to a halt. Sanji blinks, absently patting his chest before furrowing his brow at a strange thickness congealing in his throat. Another sneeze. Fuck.
Customer Service in the Food Industry by Maldoror_Chant
They were starving. That was reason enough for Zeff to open the Baratie's doors and feed them, whoever the hell they were. Then he offered them a job, because the waiters and most of the other cooks had all jumped ship again and these guys looked kinda tough and not likely to scare easy. He didn't care if they were refugees of the World Government, he didn't care about their past, he didn't care what else they could do as long as the dishes were cleaned, the soup served, the vegetables chopped and Zeff's rules respected. Oh, and the pigeon had to stay out of the kitchen. That was a must. Give the Health Inspector the wiggins otherwise. Oddly enough, it did not turn out to be a complete and utter disaster. Strange things happen on the seas.
[CP9 post-Water 7 start working at the Baratie, the concept is so funny]
nothing to do (with you) by guiltylights
Judge thinks that Sanji is a failure of a son. Zeff doesn't think that much of Judge at all.
the mortality of kings by guiltylights
Zoro and Sanji, the right and left-hand men of the future Pirate King.
breathlessly, live (there's a place for us) by guiltylights (modern AU)
'You don’t have to prove anything, you know,’ Nami says finally. Sanji frowns, puzzled. ‘I’m not proving anything?’ ‘No Sanji, I think you are. It sometimes feels like you’re doing this more for your own sake than for mine.'
we slept on the ocean last night by Origamidragons
It starts like this: Luffy can’t sleep alone. (Pirates have nightmares, too. The Strawhats, as always, find a way through.)

Burning Man by neonglaceon (Zoro/Sanji, multiple chapters, M rating for sex scenes)
“You’re lucky, Zoro,” she had spat, eyes turned up towards the sky, like she was trying to hold in tears. He'd never seen Kuina cry before. He’d never seen any expression on her face other than her teeth gritted in determination or her grinning in victory. “I want to be the greatest swordsman too. But girls grow up, and their bodies become weaker than men's. I’m never going to be the greatest.” Kuina tells him this, and Zoro can barely comprehend the words she’s saying. He thinks of the countless hours he’s spent training by the river bed, the green locks of his hair left on the floor after Koushirou helped him shear it all off, of the people he thought of as family a lifetime ago calling him by a name he despised. Zoro puts a hand to his chest, where he’d hastily wrapped bandages earlier that day, remembering how his body had begun changing and he didn’t understand why- “You’re lucky to have been born a man, Zoro,” Kuina finishes lamely. Zoro sees red.
[This is THE trans man Zoro fic and one of my favourite zosan fanfics, I suggest to pay attention to the trigger warnings before reading]
and then the sun came out by demonzoro (shrinewreck) (Zoro/Sanji, M rating for sex scenes)
Maybe there is something to be said that the first time they kiss, they kiss on a sinking ship. As if to say: this too, is inevitable. The waves are gnashing above the sea’s bottomless maw, and the timbers of the sinking galleon groan their own dirge – as far as this space of sea is concerned, the world is ending. Then there they are, balanced on the cusp of it, concerned only with how they exist relative to each other. There’s an awful devotion to it, and it shouldn’t be romantic. But Sanji is hopeless. He’s always wanted a love like this.
Be Hungry For Me byJacknessofHearts (Sanji/Usopp)
It takes more than years for Sanji and Usopp to confront their feelings. It also takes a lot of good food.
Don't Look Back byJacknessofHearts (Nami/Vivi)
Nami and Vivi and saying good-bye.
[This is the best namivivi break-up fic]
Like Ink Through Her Veins by grainjew (background Nami/Vivi)
Vivi manages, away from her crew. Usually, managing means ruling a country, reading the newspaper, and checking up on her father. Sometimes, though, it means sneaking out of the palace at midnight and getting drunk with passing pirates.
[while this isn't a pairing fic as much as it's a Vivi-focused story, the romantic pairing is important enough to the story to finish on this side of the list]
poison and wine by Origamidragons (Nami/Vinsmoke Reiju)
Nami isn't expecting to run into Vinsmoke Reiju plotting a murder at the same high-society party where she's planning a heist, but, well. Two birds, one stone.
You, Drowning Between My Arms by ginger_snappin (Sanji/Usopp, M rating )
Again and again, Sanji is forced to relive the day after he rejected Usopp.
[God I fucking love "stuck in a time loop" fanfictions, especially if they have characters as well written as this one]
salvage by hongmunmu (background Sanji/Usopp)
Franky offered Usopp a place in his family. Leaving Water 7 on the Thousand Sunny, Usopp considers who he is, why he left, and why he's there now.
[fic focuses more on Franky and Usopp's student/mentor relationship than romance, but as before, it falls more on the pairing fic side of the spectrum]
free and alone, together bysrididdledeedee (Alvida/Boa Hancock)
In which Alvida arrives on Amazon Lily, and everything changes.
Easy as Anything, Simple as That by Trixree (Sanji/Luffy)
“Luffy? What’s the matter?” “We’re gonna’ have a wedding,��� he says incomprehensibly. Which—no. Absolutely not. Haven’t they had enough of weddings, lately? Nami's certainly had enough for a lifetime, thanks. “What are you talking about? What wedding?” she demands as coherently as she can while running on only two-and-a-half hours of sleep. “Mine and Sanji’s,” Luffy declares.
a glance that holds the world and all its seas by JacknessofHearts (Sanji/Usopp)
It's the big party after defeating Hody Jones. Usopp gets Sanji away from all the mermaids. (Honestly, Sanji, these nosebleeds are disgusting.)
Inevitable by LibbyLune (Zoro/Sanji, M rating for violence)
A closer call than usual makes Sanji give a precipitously timed confession, and waiting for Chopper to let him out of the infirmary makes waiting for a response much worse than he could have anticipated.
To Argue and to Cherish by modeoheim (Zoro/Sanji)
On a small island, on a lovely night full of music and fun and food, Zoro and Sanji accidentally get married. It is as ridiculous as it sounds—or at least it is at first, until Zoro finds being married to Blackleg Sanji isn't as bad as one might assume.
Variations On A Theme by rainsometimes (Franky/Nico Robin)
Four short interconnected pieces in which Franky does not save Robin from drowning. Although he’d like to.
stolen things by Origamidragons (Nami/Vivi)
A catalogue of things stolen by, for, and from Princess Vivi of Alabasta with regards to a certain thief, as documented by her long-suffering captain of the guard.
But Patience Boasts by Augment (background Zoro/Luffy)
Sanji and Zoro have very different love languages.
NSFW/Just Porn:
Little Things by KuriKuri (Zoro/Law, NSFW)
“Yeah, well,” Zoro says, “I thought you’d say no.” “Why would I say no?” Law asks, the corners of his lips tugging down in a frown. “Because you’re a control freak,” Zoro snorts, looking away from the sake bottle to meet Law’s eyes instead. “I thought control freaks didn’t drink.”
eager baby, blue by torkz (Nico Robin/Jinbei, NSFW)
Jimbei is training, and Robin is not immune to huge, handsome men in blue.
go back to sleep by itsmylifekay (Zoro/Sanji, NSFW)
His skin tingles with an unfamiliar sensation and he shifts, mind becoming more alert as he takes in his surroundings and the strange, lingering warmth on his arm. If he concentrates hard enough, he can feel the fading shape of long fingers pressed into his skin. “Go back to sleep, stupid marimo,” he hears. Sanji is standing close by, pulling on the last of his clothes and straightening his tie. His voice is low in the softness of the early morning and Zoro grunts at the words.
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charkyzombicorn · 2 years
Kizaru Luffy should get to slowly build the strawhats, probably under a different crew name, and help them to their goals while figuring out what he's doing with his life.
Yep! Completely different name: The long-nose pirates, with amazing crewmembers such as:
- A teenage captain who's friend died in a mysterious housefire and he couldn't convince his village the murderer is the current mayor
- An ex-marine teenager who genuinely doesn't understand fear and is being hunted by the marines for some reason
- A washed up depressed swordsman with a heavy limp and half of his upper lip missing from just barely surviving a firing squad
- A navigator with a deeply scarred arm and a perchant for hoarding
- A cook with too much honor, a missing eye and weirdly-conditioned anxiety
- An orphaned reindeer-beast doctor who doesn't leave his 7" tall human-ish form for anything
- A princess of a dead kingdom
- An archeologist with a questionable past and her flamboyant shipwright husband
- A clinically insane skeleton musician
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