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guerrilla-operator · 2 months ago
Lungfish // Straightaway
They all shouted Hallelujah When the jackpot burst wide open Likewise straightaway for a long time They came on in insurrection When the jackpot exploded last night Likewise straightaway for a long time They joined hands to fool the foolish While the jackpot was brimming over Likewise straightaway for a long time They stuffed the gift down their pants While others were deprived of their last fair chance Likewise straightaway for a long time
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artharakka · 7 days ago
If you don't mind sharing (I understand if so) I'd love to know how you do the weathered fresco look! I tried to do smth similar in my own art recently and it... didn't work how I wanted xD
Hi, I don't mind! It's mostly thanks to a couple of cool brushes I happen to have. I tried some other methods of drawing or painting some texture and cracks but in the end just drew line art with my crispy pencil-like brush and colored with flat colours:
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Then painted texture in greyscale with neat oil/acrylic brushstroke imitating brushes and put that on "soft light" layer mode and 70% opacity. Kind of simple but still looking a bit like plaster that has been painted on.
The last mentioned paint brushes are for Krita and HMM I really tried to look where I had downloaded those but they are either a) made into Krita default brushes and not separately downloadable (but Krita is free program and you would get them with that) or b) behind a paywall with a bundle of other brushes you could download with some painting lessons? maybe? But like, I have the brush set with this and five similar paintstroke like brushes if anyone is interested in these and wants me to send them an email or google drive download link etc. whatever would feel least shady link to open.
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 10 days ago
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TFP Skylynx
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fruitpunchnoice · 6 months ago
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lowrezbonuslevel · 12 days ago
i've played these games before!
just pretend i'm posting this on time okay
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(continued under cut)
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markantonys · 2 months ago
my show-first friend has been reading the books for the first time in the wake of s2 and is now on TFOH, but unlike me when i first dove into my readthrough, she knows nothing about the general Fandom Opinions™, so every now and then i like to drop a relevant bad Fandom Opinion™ on her and be vindicated by her utter bewilderment
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and even this was after i undersold it by being like "oh a lot of people think he's dumb / think he's the worse brother of the two" i couldn't bring myself to say "he is the #1 most hated character in the entire series" because that would sound completely insane to someone who is normal djkfjg and would create some very false expectations for her about gawyn's future actions (shoutout to my pre-reading prediction that he was going to murder morgase and fight elayne for the throne or something, just based on the sheer vitriol i saw towards him). i WILL be interested to see if her opinion of him changes as she goes along, but he made it through the coup unscathed in her esteem and she's also thus far been all in favor of him becoming egwene's love interest, and i'm sure his upcoming onesided homoerotic rivalry with rand will amuse and delight her rather than annoy her, so i have high hopes!
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red-moon-at-night · 5 months ago
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"and when thou sawest him thy fancy straight became thy Cypris; for every sensual act that men commit, they lay upon this goddess, and rightly does her name of Aphrodite begin the word for "senselessness"; so when thou didst catch sight of him in gorgeous foreign garb, ablaze with gold, thy senses utterly forsook thee."
— Euripides, The Trojan Women (translation by E. P. Coleridge)
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dandylandon · 8 days ago
ive been listening to a journey for so long that I can feel my ears tingle because of the earphones
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johncon · 2 months ago
"Oh, Johnny~" A familiar low, raspy voice echoed in the penthouse of Lux, the subtle sound of hooves meeting floor following it as Astaroth knocked on John's door. At least the demon was decent enough to not barge in.
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The doorway was tall enough for Astaroth to step through without bumping on the frame, and there came a soft click as the door eased open. This may be Lux, Lucifer's home, but Constantine's room in the place was decorated to suit some of his tastes- dark, rich colors coating every wall, floor, and furniture piece. Everything was also sized up, just a little, to be more comfortable for its visitor. The magician was sprawled artfully on a lounge at the foot of the bed, two hefty bottles of alcohol and the appropriate glasses for each perched upon a small end table nearby. However, he held an open bottle of whiskey instead of a glass in hand, which he used to toast the demon upon seeing him before tipping it back. A smirk rested on Constantine's lips when he swallowed and plunked the bottle to the dark hardwood floors. "Glad to see you've made it," he crooned, a mixture of almost mocking and more genuine teasing combined in his voice. "Well, come in and have a drink or two with me before we break the bed. Got a head start, as you can see."
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aquilathefighter · 1 month ago
Love when the children across the street start screaming and I have to figure out whether they're playing or if some idiot hit someone with their motorcycle
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frodo-baggins · 6 months ago
guys i need ideas for a tolkien-themed name for my first car
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fruitpunchnoice · 1 year ago
My therapist: "They were pigs? And they ran into the water?"
Me: "Straightaway into the water."
Therapist: "I think they drowned."
Me: "No, they triumphed!"
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whistlingstarlight · 2 years ago
Not to be a vampire apologist but I too would be pretty pissed if a bunch of kids broke into my home, killed my brother whilst he was sleeping and then kidnapped my sister(?) and youngest brother. Might wanna cheeky bit of vengeance y'know?
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xorphiicheartd · 2 months ago
Hatefucking as a result of a physical fight between two characters who got sick of trying to argue their point/broke composure bc someone just HAD to hit a rlly sore point only for them to switch shit up halfway bc one/both of them got turned on by the altercation partway through and the other IMMEDIATELY saw it as a way to get a leg up on the other person so eagerly went along with it >>>
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lovemadethemdoit · 2 years ago
me writing jake pov: jake is an idiot and if he let himself, he‘d know it
me writing bradley pov: bradley is an idiot and he knows it
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ishq-itar · 1 year ago
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my boyfriend has such a good relationship with her sister it makes me jealous. he teases her, she buys all the clothes he wears, he borrows money from her, they play fight all the time. he says that his sister saved him he almost worships her. i guess thats what i wanted to be for my younger brother; a god, someone he could look up to but i call my mother and playfully tell him he never never talks to me and he says why should he i never listened to him. i didn't know i was so cruel. i was so busy being a teenager i forgot i was an elder sister too. and im not sure we're siblings according to however they define. if i didn't know him, id never have known him. there's nothing we share in common. he tells me he hates almost everything about me but says i guess youre a better sister in comparison to all the sisters of my friends. he's just a stranger in my house living together because we were birthed by the same woman. and i could rip out my heart for him and hed still say i didn't ask you to. i used to hug him all the time forcefully, squeezing him near me but he'd struggle and shout at me to get away but this time when i left home after diwali, he didn't push me away and for the first time ever he hugged me back. and today i hurt someone, so i remembered him because a part of me knows i used to hurt him all the time.
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