silverchronicler · 1 year
Prime Report for October 2023
Hey there, I know it's not October yet but after the Devstream yesterday I felt the need to look at how the primes are shaking. So let's cover some things!
Prime Access
Wisp is currently on Prime Access! She is accompanied by the Fulmin Prime and Gunsen Prime.
During the Devstream yesterday they announced that the next prime, Grendel Prime, will be coming with the Abyss of Dagath update on Oct 18th. Coming with him are the Zylok Prime and Masseter Prime. So, if you want Wisp Prime Access, there's 2 1/2 weeks left to get her!
When Grendel Prime Access launches, that will also mark Harrow Prime going into the vault. Harrow Prime is next in line for vaulting along with his weapons, Knell Prime and Scourge Prime. Relics with them will be rotated out from the drop tables on the 18th when the Grendel relics are added.
The next warframes up to be vaulted after Harrow are first Garuda Prime (with Nagantaka Prime and Corvas Prime), then Khora Prime (with Hystrix Prime and Dual Keres Prime), and then Revenant Prime (with Phantasma Prime and Tatsu Prime). If you're still planning to get Garuda (like I am), now's the time to make a plan to obtain her and her weapons!
Future primes after Grendel Prime are currently unannounced, but by the release dates the next one should be Gauss Prime by all accounts, followed by Protea Prime and Xaku Prime in some order. That rotation will be strange, since Xaku is of course nonbinary, but it means there's no way to fit them into the order without breaking the male-male-female-female cycle they follow with primes. Likely Xaku will be paired with Protea because they're right next to each other in release order, and the next female warframe is Yareli, who was put out significantly after them. But Xaku is comprised of several different warframes of likely different genders, so arguably they would fit in any spot they were put. Fun to think about!
Also, I can't wait for Ballas to go 'wtf' in Xaku's prime trailer. Or maybe we'll get a different presenter! I'd love for Grandmother to introduce Xaku Prime as if it's the most natural thing in the world and throw shade at Ballas.
Prime Resurgence
Right now Equinox Prime and Wukong Prime are gracing Varzia's stall, with their weapons Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime, and Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime respectively.
But the stall says that they are due to rotate out on Oct 5, and will be replaced by Chroma Prime (with Gram Prime and Rubico Prime) and Zephyr Prime (with Tiberon Prime and Kronen Prime).
In addition, there are some special guests at Varzia's stall! Mag Prime (with Boar Prime and Dakra Prime) and Frost Prime (with Latron Prime and Reaper Prime) are also available to buy and in relic form at Varzia's, and have been since their Heirloom Collection was announced at Tennocon. The timer at the stall says that they will be available until Dec 30th, according to my math. So, you have until the end of the year to get them if you'd like!
This is still prime news (technically) so I thought I would mention it.
At the very end of the Devstream yesterday, the team mentioned that the Gotva Prime that was given out at Tennocon would eventually become part of Baro Ki Teer's stock, like other Tennocon and event weapons. No date or anything, but expect to see it there in the future if you missed it or want another.
Anything else you can think of? Anything I missed? Want to be excited about primes? Feel free to let me know!
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cephalon-crow · 5 years
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Tipedo Prime: Not a good shovel.
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sharky857 · 4 years
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I... think I accidentally called out a semi-scammer. Whoopsie daisy.
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cephalon-celaeno · 5 years
got all the parts to Equinox Prime in just two days
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swiftasacoursing · 6 years
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gonna lose my MIND I’ve been waiting for this for so long
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sophi-s · 5 years
I went on a mission in Warframe and...
All of the sudden the lights started to flicker red and black. I thought "Awe, shiet. Really? On my survival mission??" and prepared to fight the Stalker.
:ATTENTION!: Anyone who hadn't played Sacrifice yet, there are some spoilers in this post.
Usually to beat him I go Operator and blast him with the lil' shiny amp I made. This time it was exactly the same. I exited my frame bit before I turned around to face the edgelord I heard few gunshots.
And I went "Wait. I picked Umbra on this one. He can still do things without me." When I looked back, I saw Excalibur just friggin' full-auto from Stradavar right into Stalker's goddamn face.
I was like "OH, my GOD!" He literally destroyed the poor Stalker without much interference from me XD
And then he looked back at me expectantly. He did a good job back there. I'm not surprised that Stalker didn't give me even Dread after that. That was just sad for him.
I'm really glad that Space Dad cares about me. I've been going around with him for a while and I've never seen him go on a rampage like that 😂
I still love him so much :blows a kiss:
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big-robot-fan · 6 years
Stradavar Prime: *is confirmed*
Me and everyone else with a useless stradavar riven:
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aerospace-agenda · 5 years
Let’s see, things I’m missing...
Chroma Prime release; Chroma prime systems bp
Mesa Prime release; 1 Akjagara prime parrel, Mesa Prime systems bp
Equinox Prime release; Stradavar prime barrel, Tipedo prime handle, 2 Tipedo prime ornaments, Equinox prime Systems.
...bloody systems.
Welp, off to the reliquary.
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moss-sauce · 5 years
ok i'm calmed down now because i got the hardest parts for equinox/stradavar prime and also when i went to pet babby she went awoooo
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cephalon-artaise · 7 years
Cephalon Seginus here - Frost, Harrow, Mag, Nova, and Volt
Frost- what mission types are your favorite?
I really love doing endless mission types if I’m with a good team of other players, but I think I have the most fun when I’m doing a public run and my squadmates end up being friendly and are enjoying themselves, too. The sense of “we can do this together” is so great, and getting hit up with a friend request or two afterwards makes my whole day.
I don’t think I have a specific mission type that I love the most; what I really enjoy are the mission types that require teamwork because I prefer to be a social player. Difficult boss fights or unique quests are fun too!
Harrow - what are your favorite primary weapons?
Oh man; let’s see. Well, an old favorite is definitely the Vectis/Vectis Prime. It’s a sniper rifle I’ve been using for a long time, and more recently it’s seen good use in taking down some teralysts. It’s also just really pretty!
I also fell in love with the Stradavar pretty soon after I picked it up; it’s one of the rifles I use the most, as I really prefer weapons that focus critical damage to weapons that focus elemental damage. 
However, when the Arca Plasmor came out, man did I ever fall hard for that thing. It packs a powerful punch and it’s so god damn fun to use. It was the first shotgun I really got into as well.
More recently, I picked up the Corinth, and I like it well enough. With some practice using it, and maybe some experimentation with mods, I think it’ll end up being another mainstay in my arsenal of primary weapons.
Mag- are you drawn to any particular questline?
All of Warframe’s cinematic quests are amazing, but I actually love the Chains of Harrow quest the most! It’s a major part of Regulus’ story progression, and it’s given me so many ways to explore new aspects of not just him, but other operators as well.
I will make a note of TWW, though, because there’s a scene in one of the cinematic cuts that’s just really well done. I love the part where you first confront Teshin; the scene does a great job of illustrating Teshin’s point and the whole theme of the quest. Your operator reacts to being belittled by smacking the sword out of Teshin’s hand - a childish motion, really, which just underlines his point. I wish I could better explain these thoughts and feelings... but I just love that scene so much and I could go on forever.
Nova- crowd control or single-target damage?
Definitely crowd control! Pretty much all of my favorite frames are geared towards crowd control and AOE capabilities, and I just feel the most productive if I’m wrecking the shit out of everything around me in some way. Volt, my very first frame, is a good example of that. Just spam Discharge repeatedly and watch the numbers tick all around you - very satisfying.
Volt- what is your favorite frame design?
Of the non-prime Warframes, Harrow has got to be my all-time favorite design; especially with his alt helmet. I just love everything about it - the distribution of color, the metallic parts, all the shapes and patterns; everything.
Now, as for the prime Warframes; that’s where picking a favorite gets tough. Saryn Prime is absolutely gorgeous - she looks like a goddess and I want her to step on me. Nova Prime’s default colors are so pretty I tinted her weapons and accessories to match her. I even copied her colors and applied them to my Harrow; that’s how much I love them. Then, Volt Prime is near and dear to me because, well, Volt was my starter frame, so there’s that.
Vauban Prime, Hydroid Prime, and Nekros Prime all deserve a shoutout as well because they are really neat in my opinion.
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cephalon-crow · 5 years
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Stradavar Prime: The Tommy Gun of the future.
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tennochic · 7 years
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Nidus shows off in Blackberry Wood with Stradavar, Aksomati, and Dominion Galatine, accessorizing with the Avia ankle plates and Ki’Teer Razza syandana.
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sharky857 · 5 years
Me: Hm, I think I need a more difficult planet to rank up this level 22 Stradavar a tad more effectively. 🤔
*goes on Saturn, picking a chill exterminate*
Me, by the end of the exterminate: Well, everything went sm--
*sudden laughter while hack-disabling an alarm*
Me: ... The feck was that?
Sudden Manic: H̻͔̤ͅE͕͇̕ͅL͕͖̣̱L͈̠͡O̶͈̻̱͈̦̼̤, ͈͙̫̙̬̀N̡͎̮A̛̖͍͉͚̲U͖̰͉̬͉͔͢G̤̞̳H̝͈̫̺̠̪͝T̨̙̭Y̲̗̤̬̦̼̟ ̳̱̝̻̗͢C͖͓̖̤͈H̷̲I̩̗͚͢ͅĻ͎̻D̛̙͙̫̙̭̗!
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thebugvolt · 7 years
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I finally got the Vectis Prime! With it, I was able to complete my “prime” collection. My beautiful Prime Volt now has the Vectis Prime, the Aklex Prime, and the Orthos Prime, plus Carrier Prime as their sentinel.
There are two variants of my Volt Prime, however. The very Orokin-looking one is my “prime collection” version; all prime weapons, accessories, and companions. The black and silver version, however, is kind of like... well, I have a black and silver version of all my warframes, so it’s like the “universal” color scheme, so to speak. Unlike my other warframes, however, the black and silver variant also has a tweaked loadout. Currently using the Stradavar and the Zenistar in place of the Vectis Prime and Orthos Prime, respectively.
Anyway, thought I’d get a similar shot of them with the white and gold theme. They’re not exactly the same, but that’s fine; I like them both. I’ll probably edit them into a new header for my blog. It’s about time I changed it.
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years
Equinox Prime heads to Warframe next week
Digital Extremes has unveiled a new Prime Warframe head to, well, Warframe, early next week. The latest Frame to receive the Prime treatment is Equinox, whose pimped-out new version will start rolling out from April 2. As you might expect, Equinox Prime will have more armour, health, and energy capacity than Equinox herself. Surprisingly, however, despite the frame’s usual complexity, the Prime version will reportedly be easier to craft, requiring only four parts, rather than the eight components required to build the more basic model. Digital Extreme’s announcement of Equinox Prime reveals that the frame will maintain its balance between its night and day forms, and will come with two newly empowered weapons. Stradavar Prime will let you “call down a devastating finale,” while Tipedo Prime will offer an approach with just a little more finesse, letting you “sever your foes with this lithe and lethal staff.” There’ll also be prime accessories, granting Isabeau Prime Syandana and Navarr Prime Armor, as well as 90 day credit and affinity boosters. from https://www.pcgamesn.com/warframe/warframe-equinox-prime
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