statusinsomnia · 8 years
Tagged by: @aestover91 (ily tho??)
Rules: Answer eight questions, then tag eight people Last Movie I Watched: Lilo and Stitch Last Song I Listened to: Dreaming of You by Selena Last Book I Read: Anthropology Explored (Revised and Expanded) Second Edition (Boy howdy college is fuuuun) Fanfic: All the Stars are Dead by ForrestFox (Honestly don't ask) Last Thing I Ate: McNuggets If You Could Be Anywhere Right Now, Where Would You Be?: At a beach by a bonfire at night. Where Would You Want To Time Travel To: Dunno, personally at this moment I don't really want to see the past and I want to live through to see how the future will happen. So probs to what happens after I die. Fictional Character You Would Hang Out With For A Day: Jean Kirschstein or Viktor Nikiforov bc I'm trash. Hello. Tagged: @understandableloser @cryghi @qpenguin98 @dontbesuchalamp @kimikokat @danksy @storylover8me @constanteunoia (y'all don't have to tho)
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cocktailaunt · 9 years
Saw ur anon's period question, just let them know maybe that there's a number of reasons for missing ur period. If they are usually regular or sexually active it may be something to check with the doctor but if they just started getting their period and aren't regular yet it isn't too strange to skip a month or two.
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racheldoespunkedits · 9 years
Hey can you do the youtuber Lily/Superwomen? If you've already done her, sorry!
Nope, I have not! (Even if I had, I would’ve done another for you haha)
Here you go! :) Thanks for the request, I hope you like it!
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professionalweenie · 9 years
Oh my god Sammy threw the entire box of salt I actually snorted with laughter that was amazing
that was literallydescole‘s idea it was beautiful
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stakemeout2nite · 10 years
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storylover8me replied to your post “watching omwf to make myself feel better”
Not sure what happened, but I hope it gets better :)
just a very emotional day. thank you that it so sweet! (^▽^)
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katthedemonslayer · 10 years
storylover8me replied to your post: galaxial: katthedemonslayer: My pred...
Nononono maybe a different clone was impersonating Beth and Beth is just in hiding Please let it be true
That's the other theory, but my original prediction stands
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lisathevampireslayer · 10 years
1. Fiesty redhead 2. Computer savvy 3. Unwillingly introduced to the supernatural world 4. Lesbian 5. Considered an almost sisterly figure (COULD BE ONE OF TWO CHARACTERS)
Willow Rosenberg!
Charlie Bradbury!
Send me 5 clues!
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softgaycontent · 11 years
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Well I heard Clone Club was friendly and from those who happened to have followed me already it delivers.
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coto524 · 11 years
storylover8me started following you
Thank you for the follow, hope you enjoy! And if you don't mind me asking... which story lover 8 you?
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thebuffyfandom · 11 years
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My name is: Cricket
My url is: storylover8me
I have seen every season
My favourite character(s) is/are: Giles, Wesley, Cordelia, Willow, Tara, Anya, Darla
My OTP(s) is/are: Willow/Tara, Angel/Cordelia, Buffy/Angel
I ship: Angel/Darla, Anya/Xander, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia, Buffy/Spike
My favourite friendships are: Spike/Joyce, Giles/Buffy, Tara/Buffy, Xander/Willow, Angel/Spike
My favourite season(s) is/are: s3, s5, s6
I don’t roleplay
I don’t make my own graphics
I don’t post my own gifs
I don’t post my own fanvideos
I don’t post my own fanfiction (i might in the future)
I don’t take requests
I don’t post buffy exclusively
I do make personal posts as well
I have seen Angel: the series (I think most of my OTPs are from here)
I do post about Angel: the series 
I post on Tumblr: every day 
Other TV shows I like/blog about are: Firefly, How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory, can’t remember any others. Also, I might make gifs or roleplay or write fanfics in the future who knows.
Additional comments: Talk to me everyone!
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katthedemonslayer · 10 years
storylover8me replied to your post “ne0lution replied to your post: My sister told me that to prepare...”
Oh my god... have fun and let us know how it goes?
I absolutely will :D
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katthedemonslayer · 11 years
storylover8me replied to your post: I want tonight to be a OMWF livestream...
if there is a livestream, im up for joining
It's most likely going to be OMWF but there's no set time right now
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lisathevampireslayer · 11 years
I don't really like giving out my name online, but I usually go by Cricket online, because she's one of my favorite characters from Sammy Keyes. I'm 15, from the US. Storylover8 was taken so I added a me at the end but now I think it sounds kind of cool. Single. Love reading, watching tv, writing (though I havent done much lately), singing, and gymnastics. I think you were one of the first people I followed because WHEDON. If cavemen and astronauts got in a fight, who would win?
Hi Cricket! :)
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Someone asked cavemen vs astronauts last night and I told them that i genuinely dont know but it was pointed out to me that this fight was during 'a hole in the world' and that ep was all about the old vs the new (fred and science vs an old god) and that ultimately the old won and so they cavemen win and i thought that was a really cool interpretation!
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lisathevampireslayer · 11 years
Is really bad at singing, but sometimes has to do it anyways in order to save the world.
hmm...... Angel? :).......... possibly??
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lisathevampireslayer · 11 years
not sure if this has been done: from I Have Eyes Only for You (Season 2) when Buffy and Angel and possessed by the spirits and reenacting the argument between the student and teacher. It's a pretty long scene, but I kind of liked the part around "A person doesnt just wake up one day and stop loving someone!" and throughout the arguement it switches between Buffy and Angel and James and Grace? Could you maybe do this or find one like this if you have time? Thanks!
yeah I should be able to do that for you, i'm pretty sure it's been done but i don't know where so i'll make it anyways :)
it'll be a few days cos people really jumped on this request thing :P
(which is a good thing i'm not complaining!)
but i'll tag you when i post it!
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lisathevampireslayer · 11 years
There's a shy dude married to a girl who used to be a badass witch and i think she's kind of gay for their friend who is a bird
omg why can't i get any of the ones you describe! 
i think my brain is fried cos this sounds so damn familiar
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