#friend: joyce x spike
Does anyone want to hear my Buffy and Angel sexuality headcanons?
Well here we go:
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Buffy: Have you seen the way Buffy looks at Faith? She’s bi imo with a strong preference for guys. Also, I loved the Slayer coming out scene to Joyce so much ahh
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Willow: I have always been super conflicted about Willow bc, like, yes it’s bi erasure but also she says that she’s a ‘lesbian now’
So I think she’s abrosexual but constantly likes girls
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Xander: Ik Xander screams hetero energy BUT hear me out
I think Xander’s little freak out about Willow came from a place of Bi curiosity
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Giles: I have nothing to say but Ethan Rayne
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Faith: Faith, my girlfriend for all time, could be bi or pan. I think she’s pan bc she just seems like gender doesn’t matter
go get that Buffy girl
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Angel, Spike, Drusilla and Darla: My little headcanon is that all vampires are bi/pan. I think Dru and Darla show less preference for men, so I thought they might be pan
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Cordelia: Cordy is that straight friend who takes you to pride and twenty (20) seconds later she’s chatting up like 15 men and women, but she’s still straight
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Anya: Same logic as the vamps. She’s a demon. She used to be immortal. She probably likes everyone.
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Wesley: *cough cough* CHARLES GUNN. I see you Wesley.
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Fred: Fred, my gf who will never love me. I just don’t get a queer vibe.
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Lorne: They did Lorne SO DIRTY! He is totally gay. The musicals. The pseudo-coming out storyline. Wizard of Oz. I don’t mean to feed into stereotyped but…
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Andrew: Yes I put him before Gunn. Yes, I did forget him in the Buffy section.
Andrew and his Warren crush are proof enough to me tbh.
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Gunn: Gunn my sweet baby boy please go kiss Wesley ok bye
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Ethan Rayne: He loves Giles. Need I say more
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Oz: Oz gives me bicurious energy. Not fully bi, not fully straight. Just drifting around. Love him
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Dawn: Dawn is just a lovely little straight daughter of two gays. I love that for her
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Tara: Tara is last, but not least, because this is canon! Go her! Also rip
ok thank you for listening bye bye love you x
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lilacliquors · 1 year
❝  don’t be nervous,  i’ll guide you through it.  ❞ with Joyce Byers, she's such a milf I want her so bad
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gentle guide
pairing: joyce byers x reader
prompt: ❝  don’t be nervous,  i’ll guide you through it.  ❞
word count: 867
contents: 18+ minors dni, age gap (reader is early 20s), bottom!reader, top!joyce, praise kink, mommy kink, no plot to be found well maybe a little like if you squint
notes: oh god nonnie she is a milf and i too want her so bad. like at this point it isn't a want, it's a need
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you truly didn't know how you ended up here. you were just stopping by to visit jonathan during your winter break, and you lost track of time. your parents had decided to let you stay over his house for the night, not wanting you to walk home alone in the dark. it was supposed to be a normal night, that was all.
but now, you were naked in joyce byers's bed.
it was no secret that you'd always found her gorgeous, but that was your best friend's mother. it was like an unwritten rule, but you were breaking it, right here and now. and you didn't know what to do with yourself. you'd never been with another woman before.
your nerves were at an all time high, and as she kissed along your neck, you knew she could sense it, too. she pulled back to look at you, and the smile on her lips was so warm, so comforting...
"do you still want this?" she asked you, one hand caressing your face.
"yes, mrs - joyce. yes, i do," you replied, and she let her thumb brush over your cheek, and then across your bottom lip.
she was back to laying kisses on your skin, everywhere she could reach. she moved lower and lower until she kissed just above your dripping pussy, and you whimpered softly.
"such a needy thing, look at you," she cooed, and you gasped as her fingers traced over your slit, and then pressed down ever so slightly on your clit. using two fingers, she spread your folds, then leaned down to tease your clit with the tip of her tongue, chuckling quietly as you whined. her tongue traced lower until she was lapping at your folds, making you gasp and whine some more. you felt her ease one finger, then two, into your cunt, and she thrust them gently, yet deliberately.
you felt the muscles in your thighs, stomach, and pelvis tense, and it was all so overwhelming. one of your hands flew to her beautiful dark hair and you gripped it as she brought you over the edge, faster than anyone ever had before. your free hand covered your mouth as you came, breasts bouncing as your body convulsed. and as you came down from your high, you saw joyce watching you with another soft smile.
"how was that?" she whispered, and you nodded.
"so... so good. wanna... wanna make you feel good. but i've never—"
❝  don’t be nervous,  i’ll guide you through it.  ❞
you could feel your arousal spike again as you switched positions, and you were between her legs, your heart pounding in your chest. you looked up at her, and she again caressed your face, letting her thumb linger on your bottom lip.
"you can start by just gently letting your fingers run up and down, remember how good it felt when mommy did that to you?" she asked, and you nodded. you closed your eyes, feeling your pussy flutter as you recalled just how she touched you, and you copied her movements.
your fingers trailed along her slit, then gently parted her folds, and there she was, exposed just for you.
"now take your tongue and just... there you go," she whispered as you leaned in and flattened your tongue against her cunt. you heard a soft hum leave her lips, so you figured it must've been done right.
"the tip of your tongue... use it on my clit, like a good girl," she whispered, and you obeyed. you teased her clit ever so gently, and the quiet moans that left her lips made your pussy throb.
"such a good girl. now take your index and middle fingers and just slowly slide them in, just like that, there you go," she purred, her back arching slightly as you did what you were told. you felt her walls clench slightly around your fingers, and your tongue continued to toy with her clit as you carefully pumped your fingers.
"oh, sweetie, just like that. right there... such a good girl for mommy," she whispered, holding onto your hair the same way you'd done to her. she took your free hand with hers and brought it to her chest, and moaned again as you began to massage her breast.
"oh, fuck. that's my good girl, gonna make mommy cum... keep steady, you're doing such a good job. you're mommy's fast learner," she praised, and you whimpered, wanting nothing more than to feel her release on your tongue.
her grip was suddenly tight in your hair, not in an non-pleasurable way, and then her hips were bucking against your face. he release coated your lips, tongue, and chin, and yet you kept going. your tongue teased her clit, your fingers worked her through her orgasm, and she had to give your hair a slight tug to get you to finally pull away.
"that's my good girl. you did such a good job," she panted, and then, to your surprise, she held you and rolled you both over so she was on top once more.
"but you still have a long ways to go. and luckily, we have all night."
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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If I Could Turn Back Time by @stevesbipanic | Art by @maikaartwork
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Wayne Munson, The Party
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
"Hide somewhere, somewhere you felt safe."
After the battle the party realises their fallen friend isn't so fallen after all, just a lot smaller.
Eddie likes these new people, especially the boy with the fluffy hair and a nice smile.
Together can they return Eddie to his original body and work through their pasts?
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Here You Come Again by @cranberrymoons | Art by @glitterfang
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Tommy Hagan, Robin Buckley, Robin Buckley's Parents, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan
Vaguely, over the sound of a bland pop song playing in the background, he hears the squeak of a pair of sneakers come to a halt at the other end of the aisle. He turns his head toward the sound… and promptly fumbles the tube of Pringles he’d been reaching for. He bats at it with his hand in a futile attempt at catching it, instead knocking it further toward the ground like a spiked volleyball.
He clears his throat.
“Um.” The tube rolls across the linoleum and comes to a stop at Tommy Hagan’s feet. Steve stares at it for a long, agonizing beat of silence, then he looks back up at Tommy’s face. “Sorry.”
Tommy raises his eyebrows, and Steve’s heart kicks in his chest.
Steve and Tommy haven't talked in nearly three years. After everything, maybe the best way forward is back.
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Sneaking a Peak by @medusapelagia | Art (x, x) by @imfinereallyy
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's Mother, Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Chrissy Cunningham, Robin Buckley
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington's face has always been on the most well-known magazines' cover, but since he broke up with the famous actress Nancy Wheeler he has done his best to avoid the public eye. Or so he thinks... until a picture of him kissing a mysterious boy becomes viral.
“Steven, stop it, ok? I don’t have time to waste. I called to find out the name of the boy you were kissing last night.” His mom says, annoyed. Steve turns toward the mirror and finally sees what caught his attention before: on the lower side of his neck, barely hidden from his t-shirt, there is a big blue hickey. Fuck! “How… how do you know?” “You were at the New York Fashion Week afterparty, right? Well, you know how people are. They love to take pictures and share them on their socials, don’t they? And guess what? No one cares about the stupid boys that were drinking some fancy cocktail they don’t even know how to pronounce, but you were in their picture. You, and a black-haired boy, and either one of you was in need of some CPR or the two of you were kissing. Hard.”
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What a Lucky Man He Was by @nnocres | Art by @artgroves
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper, Scott Clarke, Lonnie Byers (mentioned)
Relationship(s): Joyce Byers/Jim Hopper, Scott Clarke/Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers & Jim Hopper
Summary: When Lonnie leaves Joyce hanging for a ride at their senior prom, Jim is there to help.
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Overnight Sensation by @ilovecupcakesandtea | Art by @pink-luna-moth
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley / Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Two different styles of music, two boys that really don't like each other. What could possibly go wrong?
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More Than it at First Appears by @it-gets-worse-at-night | Art by @hereforanepilogue
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Wayne Munson, Other(s)
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & The Party
Soulmates weren’t something that a lot of people put much faith in anymore. As a kid, everyone is excited to meet their soulmate, they grow up watching movies about finding your soulmate, but the older most people get, the more they realize that the system just isn’t perfect. People meet too young, or too late, or not at all. Sometimes the matches just don’t seem right. Steve, for his part, wanted to believe in soulmates. He wanted so badly to believe, but his parents were soulmates and their marriage was a sham. They didn’t love each other. In fact, most days, they honest to God hated one another. His father was a chronic cheater and his mother followed him around in an effort to salvage her dreams of a perfect marriage. In Steve’s opinion, if it hadn’t managed to work itself out in the 20 years that they’d been married, it probably wasn’t going to. So, as much as Steve wanted to believe in them, he hadn’t tethered himself to the idea of eventually meeting his own soulmate. He’d dated plenty, fucked around, flirted. He’d even fallen in love, though that relationship had blown up in his face. This simple fact though, made the orange blooming over Robin’s neck that much more surprising.
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Second Chances Mixtape by @medusapelagia | Art (x, x) by @maikaartwork
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, The Party (Stranger Things), Nancy Wheeler, Argyle (Stranger Things), Jonathan Byers, Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Original Characters, Wayne Munson, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Terry Ives, Martin Brenner, Becky Ives, Scott Clarke
Relationship(s):Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
It's 1986 and the plan to kill Vecna was a disaster: Vecna escaped, Hawkins was devasted by an earthquake and Eddie Munson is dead. Or so they presume.
“The cassette player broke.” Lucas whispers after hours of silence. “I couldn’t… I couldn’t help her. I was right there, but I couldn’t help her.” Steve holds him tighter, he has no words of comfort for him and he knows exactly how he feels. How hard is he judging himself, how he is playing the entire movie of the night in his head trying to find the point in time where he could have fixed everything. Steve knows all of that because he and Lucas are so similar and he is doing the very same thing, thinking about Eddie. Only…. Only Steve has another thought that doesn’t let him breathe: did he really hate him? Steve can’t deny that he was jealous of Dustin’s new cool friend but… did he let them risk their lives because he was jealous?
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Made of Brick & Stone | Built On Laughter by @maxinemaxmayfield | Art by @doomcheese
Rating: General
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
It all starts with a raccoon. Well, that depends where you want to start from, really. But this particular part of their life, this starts with a raccoon.
In which Steve and Eddie rescue critters, renovate a farm, and love each other through it all.
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Let's Bring This Idiot Home by @ilovecupcakesandtea | Art by @kokoshka67
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley
Pairing(s): Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie's dead, or is he? What happens when a dead friend isn't actually as dead as everyone thought they were.
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(Don't) Hold Your Breath by @ukulilyjane | Art by @glitterfang
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Carol Perkins, Nancy Wheeler, Barb Holland
Pairing(s): Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan
When Steve opens the door, on the doorstep stands Tommy, chewing on the inside of his cheek, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his shorts, backlit by the orange glow of the early evening sun.
Tommy who Steve hasn’t properly spoken to in almost half a year.
Just Tommy. No ‘and Carol’. No other half.
Stay tuned for more incredible works from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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cyarskaren52 · 12 days
R&B Classics: Class Of '92 💿🔥🎶
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1) Remember The Time. Michael Jackson 2.) Diamonds & Pearls. Prince & The New Power Generation 3.) I'll Always Love You. Whitney Houston 4.) My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It). En Vogue 5.) End Of The Road. Boyz II Men 6.) Why Me, Baby? Keith Sweat 7.) The Best Things In Life Are Free. Luther Vandross feat. Janet Jackson, Bell Biv DeVoe & Ralph Tresvant 8.) Save The Best For Last. Vanessa Williams 9.) Come & Talk To Me. Jodeci 10.) In the Closet. Michael Jackson 11.) I'd Die Without You. P.M Dawn 12.) Real Love. Mary J. Blige 13.) Don't Be Afraid. Aaron Hall 14.) Humpin' Around. Bobby Brown 15.) She's Playing Hard to Get. Hi-Five 16.) Don't Walk Away. Jade 17.) Right Here. SWV 18.) If I Ever Fall In Love. Shai 19.) I Got A Thang 4 Ya! Lo-Key? 20.) Baby-Baby-Baby. TLC 21.) Honey Love. R. Kelly & Public Announcement 22.) Quality Time. Hi-Five 23.) Live & Learn. Joe Public 24.) Love Shoulda Brought You Home. Toni Braxton 25.) Sweet November. Troop 26.) Love's Taken Over. Chanté Moore 29.) Giving Him Something He Can Feel. En Vogue 30.) Baby Hold On To Me. Eddie & Gerald LeVert 30.) What About Your Friends. TLC
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What is your favorite song /album from the year 1992?
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mewmewgirl101 · 1 year
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Yes you will buffy you did and you only gave him a little pathetic peck really he got beat up and all he gets a little pathetic peck. If he didn’t say what he said you wouldn’t have kissed him. deserves way more than just a pathetic little kiss he deserves a really kiss like you kiss angel and you to patch spike him up. and you forgot all the times he saved you and helped you and your friends and your sister and your mom. And ask for nothing in return and you treat him like trash.me and my mom think she needs to get over her self and we don’t know what spike sees in her. And don’t feel bad for her about the bathroom we feel bad for poor spike sending him mixed messages and playing with his feelings if you didn’t play with his feelings he wouldn’t have done that. And you know it
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Those two are like me and my mom and dean is a friend who who doesn’t know what it is
#buffy alone till she gets over her self
# Spillow for ever
#Spillow for life
Willow deserve the amazing sweet hot sexy helpless romantic loyal spike and Spike deserves the sweet nice caring willow.he love when she babbles.he’d find ways to make her babble. Hold her form behind and ask her what’s she gonna do now that the big bad has her. Then kiss her cheek or turn her head and kiss her.he’d let her pound on his chest then hold super close and rub her back and shhh her long after she said she was better after Joyce died. And wipe her tears away.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, April 8
BUFFY: (surprised) I'm full of love? I'm not losing it? FIRST SLAYER: Only if you reject it. Love is pain, and the Slayer forges strength from pain. Love ... give ... forgive. Risk the pain. It is your nature. Love will bring you to your gift.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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That Long to Wait (Buffy/Riley, T) by MadeInGold
Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down (Drusilla/Spike, not rated) by Scar_Eve
X: Xander/Spike -Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Xander/Spike, G) by Levi_Rivaille933012
I-5 North (Jenny/Giles, T) by belledamn
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Walking a Tightrope (Buffy/Spike, PG) by honeygirl51885
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dusk Rising Chapter 40 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
The Watcher Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by In Mortal
Truth and Consequences Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, R) by JamesMFan
We're Going to be Friends Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Spike Has A Girlfriend Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
Celebrating You Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DeamonQueen
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A Little Poet in Her Monster Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Desicat
Anything But Ordinary Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
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Ripped Stockings Chapter 1 (Giles/Jenny, E) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
Angel Doesn’t Know Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
Come Hell or Whatever Chapter 1 (Batman crossover, T) by TheActuallyKid
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Tarot cards by isevery0nehereverystoned
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Podcast:Episode 23 - Kendry and Buffa: What's the Flum? (What's My Line Part 2) by thesunnydalediaries
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Interviewing Original "Buffy" KRISTY SWANSON soon - got questions? Please post! by Infinite_Zucchini214
[Fandom Discussions]
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30 Day Challenge: BtVS vs AtS continued by multiple posters
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Elimination Game : Writer's Best BtVS Episode continued by multiple posters
All We've Ever Done is Dance continued by multiple posters
Spike and the First continued by multiple posters
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Discussion of 6.02 "Bargaining Part 2" - Aired 10/2/01 (UPN-US) by Buffy Summers
How long (or often) was Xander considered a potential love interest for Buffy ? continued by multiple posters
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S2 E6 Halloween …..creeps by Queerdooe
3x17 the best scene in all of Angel AND Buffy by ukcountrylover
3x16 …. It happened by ukcountrylover
What if…Buffy had a dad and a female watcher? by ginime_
Could you see the ANGEL season 6, Angel & Faith comics happening on TV? by jdpm1991
Is there anything you like or love about the comics? by jdpm1991
Tara by Slayerette444
Why was Slayers cancelled? by little_moustache
Worst Actor/Actress on the show… by DanTrueCrimeFan87
Which show do you prefer? by brwitch
The Scoobies would not like later seasons Wesley by The810kid
I really don't like Joyce by BusinessResource5324
Season 4 Issue - First Time Watcher by AppropriateYou5011
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royalxenawolf · 2 months
x Reader Writing Info
Writing Info!
Hey everyone Xena here and this is My writing info page/post
This has all the important stuff on who I write for what I will write and what I will not write, and yes requests are open but i do ask that you understand that i will take my time when filling requests so that i do not get overwhelmed
When you make a request if a gender is not specified like male reader or female reader then I will just write the reader as gender-neutral also if pronouns are not specified then I will write that they use they/them pronouns
Also when it comes to requests there is no limit on how many requests a individual person can make at a time all I ask is that you understand that it might take me a little bit to get to each individual request and write something for it but there are no limits so request away I actually really like getting requests and I try to fulfill them to the best of my abilities
a request that includes a prompt is really helpful but not completely necessary
Now on to all the other info
What I will write:
Character x Reader(Female, Male, Gender-neutral, it'll probably mostly be female and or gender-neutral in the beginning because I've only ever wrote female and gender-neutral and never male but I am willing to try, so please bear with me as I learn)
Fluff/cute stuff/really sweet romantic stuff/really cute friend or sibling stuff
Platonic relationships(they view you as a friend, a parental figure, a child(they are parental towards you) or a young/older sibling)
Ploy-relationships(as long as it is not any kind of incest)
Some kinky stuff(if you make a request for something and I'm not comfortable writing for it, then I will not write for it, I am not going to throw away my own comfort and boundaries to fill a request)
What I will not write:
Dub-con or non-con(no, just no)
Knife play or anything involving a sharp object in that type of setting really
Yandere(I have nothing against this I actually do like a good yandere fanfic but I personally just don't think I would be good at writing them)
any kind of romantic or sexual type of fanfic for a character that is underage!!
What I will write for(might add more later):
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Teen Wolf
Who I write for(might add more later):
Marauders Era
Love and Deepspace
BtVS Spike
Rupert Giles
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lads Rafayel
Lads Zayne
Lads Sylus
BtVS Spike
Dean Winchester
Derek Hale
James Potter
Sirius Black
Platonic relationships
Remus Lupin
Lads Rafayel
Lads Zayne
Lads Sylus
BtVS Spike
BtVS Rupert Giles
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Buffy Summers
Joyce Summers
Melissa McCall
Noah Stilinski
Bobby Singer
Jody Mills
James Potter
Sirius Black
And that brings us to the end of the post! happy requesting!
Remus Lupin
Lads Rafayel
Lads Zayne
Lads Sylus
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A Light in the Darkness {Part 01 of 07}
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Hargrove!twinsister Reader
Chapter word count: 1.4 K
Summary: After Billy died, you got stuck in a dark place, where you didn't have to deal with your feelings. Your friends don't know what to do but to drag you away from the many fights you pick. And life was dragging itself, an agonizing day after the other... Until Eddie Munson broke through the very high walls you built around yourself.
Next part (02) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
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Anger Issues
You shouldn't stop. Jason and his minions are trouble, and the last thing you need right now is more trouble.
But one look through the review mirror has you turning the steering wheel violently, making the entire car vibrate, tires scratching the concrete. A second later you're speeding back to where you came from, tightening your jaw when one of the guys punches the other.
“Assholes.“ Not thinking too much, you throw your car to the left, hitting the breaks just before it hits the dark yellow car parked before a van.
“Hey!“ Someone yells, and as you get out of the car, brass knuckle in hand, the guy who was punched takes advantage of the distraction to throw a hard punch on Jason's face.
But the other two are quick to grab the guy's arms, holding him down. “You Freak!“ Jason shouts, a hand covering his cheek. You can see some blood, even through the dim street lights.
“Stop!“ You yell, pushing the car door hard. “What do you think you're doing?“
“Hargrove?“ Jason asks, gasping, still caressing his jaw. “The hell are you doing here?“
Raising an eyebrow, you look at the guy. You know him from school but never spoke to him. “Let him go.“
“Shut up.“ Jason says, walking over to the guy. He tries to set free, but both assholes just tight their grip. “My problem is with this Freak here, not you.“
“I never ask twice.“ You say, stepping forward and grabbing his shoulder. With a handful of his jacket, you pull Jason, elbowing him on the safe place the guy punched him.
“Bitch!“ He groans, unstable for a while. But when he reorients himself, a hand grabs your hair, making a sharp pain spread through your scalp.
“I'd think twice, Jason.“ You whisper, bringing the brass knuckle right up to his face. The spikes above the knuckles shine under the yellow street lights. “These babies will poke right through your cheek and caress your teeth, pretty boy.“ Smiling wickedly at him, you enjoy the uncertainty in his eyes.
“You're not that bold, lady Hargrove.“ He hisses, his voice low. “Your brother isn't here to save your ass.“
The mention of Billy makes you grind your teeth, your core burning with anger. “I can save my own ass.“ Bringing your knee up, you kick him in between his legs. Jason groans in pain, letting go of your hair just enough for you to push him off.
There's movement behind you, and when you turn, you see Jason's friends struggling. One is on the ground as the other fights with the so-called Freak. You're just about to move towards the one who's getting back up when a police siren gets your attention. Two seconds late, the blue and red lights are giving the entire place a new shine.
Jason pulls himself up, and his friends step away from you and the Freak. When the police car stops, you roll your eyes when Hopper himself steps out of it.
“What is going on?“ He sounds annoyed, much like you feel right now.
“They attacked me! Us!“ Martin, one of Jason's friends says. You read the name on his jacket.
“Three against two?” Hopper says, walking over. “Doesn't sound right.“ He looks at you.
You hate how Hopper always has his eyes on you. Pretty much like Joyce has. Or Steve. Or the rest of them. Since the Battle of Starcourt... Since Billy died, they're worrying way too much about you. But you have to admit that it has a good side. It surely does now.
“Three against one, Chief Hopper.“ You say, pushing some hair off your face. “I saw them and decided to come help.“
“It's true.“ The Freak says.
“And why were you fighting before?“ Hopper asks, directing the question to Jason and the others.
“Eddie the Freak started it.“ Jason says, and as you feel a touch on your arm.
“Shh.“ The guy, Eddie, whispers. He pulls the brass knuckle from your hand and hides it. It makes you glance at him, wondering why he'd do that. Hopper knows you carry some... Stuff around. He doesn't approve of it, but he knows...
But Eddie doesn't know he knows.
“Go home. All of you.“ Hopper says after a while. “If I hear of this again, you'll all spend the night locked up. Got it?“
After some muttering and nodding, the jerks get into the yellow car, and quickly drive away.
“(Y/N).“ Hopper calls, just as you're starting to walk over to your car. Sighing, you turn around.
“Don't, Hopper.“ You start, the noise from Eddie's van getting your attention. The thing doesn't want to start.
“You have to stop.“ Hopper says, touching your shoulder. “I know you're angry, but you can't go around doing this.“
“Doing what? Helping someone who's in an unfair fight?“ You snap, sighing at the stupid noise coming from the van. “It's not going to work! Can't you see that?“ Yelling at Eddie, you run a hand through your hair. “I gotta go, okay? I'll give Eddie a ride home and you can fix the van, how about that?“
“That's not my job, you know?“
“Thanks, Hopper.“ Ignoring him, you gesture for Eddie to come with you. “Let's go. The Chief will take care of it.“ Leaving the whole scene behind, you get inside your car, both hands on the wheel.
Eddie speaks with Hopper for a minute or so, and you take that time to think about Jason. You don't like people talking about Billy, not like that... And you have to do something about it. And that reminds you...
“Where's my brass knuckle?“ You ask the moment Eddie opens the passenger's door.
He furrows his eyebrows before searching in the inside pockets of his jacket. “This thing is dangerous. Don't let the cops see it.“ He sits down and hands over the brass before sharing his address.
“The cops don't give a shit.“ You shove it into the glove compartment before speeding off.
“Whoa.“ Eddie mutters, but you ignore it...
Until he looks at you. Well, until he stares, and keeps staring. Taking a deep breath, you take a sharp turn before glancing at him. “What?“
“Nothing, nothing.“ Eddie says and buckles up. “Just, Mhm... A bit too fast?“
“Do you have a trauma?“
Rolling your eyes, you look at him again. “Do you have a trauma?“
“Look at the road!“ He bursts out, and you do look back ahead, out of instinct.
“Could you chill?”
“I'm trying, trust me.“
There's nothing to say, so you just drive. You're not sure how long it takes for you to reach the trailer park, but Eddie points to one of the houses and you stop next to it. “Hopper will deal with the van.“ You say. “I'll tell him to make it quick.“
“You okay?“ The question makes you look at him, the only light coming from distant houses, so you're both in darkness.
But you can see his eyes on you. “Yes. Why?“
“You're... Gripping the wheel really hard...“
You immediately loose the grip, looking at your hands. “I'm alright. Go, I'm tired.“ A lie.
Eddie nods. “Alright. Thanks for showing up. We kicked some ass.“
A small, side smile flashes on your lips. “We kinda did.”
With that, Eddie leaves, and as soon as he's out of the car, you drive away.
But instead of taking the right, the way home, you turn left.
There's too much anger in you, and sleep doesn't come easy when you're feeling like this. And you feel like this quite often. So you do what you love to do. You drive.
With the windows rolled down, you drive through Hawkins, the cold window making you shiver. But you don't mind. You like it. And it reminds you of him, so, in moments like this, you don't feel alone.
It's hard to get used to a life without the closest person you had. You and Billy were always together, from the womb, and now, it's just you... And you don't even know who left who. Was it him who left you when he died months ago? Or you who left him, when you didn't die with him? You don't know.
Some hours later you stop by the quarry. Getting out of the car, you sit by the cliff, legs hanging off the edge. The wind is much colder now, and you didn't bring a coat. But it's alright.
You stay there, looking at the darkness ahead, beneath, and the stars above. You only get back to the car when the morning starts to light up the sky.
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COSMIC - S2:E6; Chapter Six, The Spy - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger, but no one's quite sure how to stop it. elsewhere, steve and dustin forge an unlikely bond.
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"Get him out. Go! Go!"
"God! Hold on, sweetie!"
Will screams in anguish as he is wheeled throughout the lab. He clutches his arm tightly, wishing he could tear the very skin off of his flesh, he feels as if he is being cooked from the inside out. Joyce stays close behind him, her tears clouding her vision, Bob and Mike right on her tail.
When she had left the tunnels, she was faced with the horrendous sight of her youngest writhing in the grass, near unconsciousness.
"I'm right here, honey. Just hold on." She cries, her hand outstretched for him.
They reach a room faster than she anticipates and she feels herself being ripped away from her baby when he is placed onto a bed. Bob is gently pulling her back, but to her, the distance is too great. She needs to be there, show him he's there. But for now, she's stuck, watching helplessly as her son is dying.
"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106."
Several hands are prodding and poking, adjusting and readjusting but one nurse, in particular, leans forward. Her gloved hands gently grab the sides of his face so as to grab his attention - this whole while, his eyes have been closed as he screams.
"Will," she says urgently. "where does it hurt?"
His face is pale and his eyes sunken and dark, but he manages to open them for a brief moment to speak before falling into a fit of groans.
"All over."
"She says he feels like he's burning." Dr. Owen's interjects. "Check for burns."
Will's shirt is quickly cut open allowing them to work but there is no sign of burns to be found.
"I don't see anything!"
Once again, she grabs a gentle hold of Will leaning down to get his attention as the other nurses begin to apply wires.
"Where does it hurt the most, Will?"
"Everywhere!" He screams, launching his head up. "EVERYWHERE!"
His head is thrown back into the pillow in anguish, the doctors swarm his bedside doing all in their abilities. Joyce collapses in Bob's arms, her trembling hand over her mouth and Bob finds himself unable to bear the sight.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all"
The newly formed, unlikely duo of Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington stew in thick silence, nothing but the lilting voice of Freddie Mercury's carrying through the car's otherwise silent atmosphere as Hammer To Fall plays from the radio. Night has fallen and the two ride in silence, the maroon BMW barreling down the streets of Hawkins, clouds of leaves in its path. Dustin had shared his previous encounters with his newest ally which has caused the aforementioned silence. Finally, Steve finds his voice.
"Wait a sec. How big?"
Dustin stretches out his forefinger from his thumb roughly an inch, indicating to Steve.
"First it was like that," he then stretches both hands out wider than his shoulders. "Now he's like this."
Steve rolls his eyes, returning them to the road as he scoffs.
"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"
"It's not a lizard."
"How do you know?"
Dustin turned to Steve with an incredulous look, mocking his confidence and the two begin to speak over one another.
"How do I know if it's not?"
"How you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve said, his voice rising.
"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat." Dustin snapped.
Steve's eyes widened, though his face quickly contorts into an awkward expression. Willingly admitting defeat, he shrugged as he pulls into the Henderson driveway.
The two exit the car and meet at the trunk, as promised Steve opens his trunk to reveal the infamous spike bat from the previous year.
Having ditched his toxic friends, Steve had come to the Byers's house to make peace with Jonathan after their fight. Only to find Nancy there with Jonathan as they set a trap for the Demogorgon the night of Eleven's disappearance. Consequently, Steve had been thrown into the chaos in their battle with the Upside Down where he upheld the infamous bat. The less than pleasant memories came flooding back to him as he glanced down at the makeshift weapon, and he sighs.
Tossing his keys to Dustin, he grabs his bat, twirling it in his grasp and he can't help but notice the spark of adrenaline that comes with it. The feeling of the weight in his hands, knowing he needs to be prepared at any moment. And he is.
Slamming the truck, Steve follows Dustin's lead into the backyard. He finds himself standing in front of a chained up cellar and Steve waits in hushed silence for any signs of movement. The flashlight beam dances across the steel as he waits, but the pair is only met with more silence.
"I don't hear shit."
"He's in there." Dustin shrugs.
Cautiously, Steve leans forward, his bat outstretched and he gently taps the wooden end of the bat against the steel. Again, no other sounds can be heard. Testing his luck, he steps forward again and whacks the doors with the bat creating a larger sound. Still no reply.
Steve turns hotly on his heel and shines the flashlight directly in Dustin's eyes with a less than impressed look on his face.
"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."
"It's not," Dustin argues, wincing from the harsh light.
"All right?" Steve pressed.
"It's not a prank." He urges. "Get it out of my face."
Steve reluctantly replies, lowering the flashlight and he gestures to the cellar.
"You got a key for this thing?"
The cellar doors are ripped open with an ear-splitting squeak and Steve peers deep into the darkness, his bat at the ready. Dustin stands behind him, flashlight in his shaky hand and Steve gladly takes it. He shines it further into the cellar, the milky white beam reached the bottom of the steps and dances across the cold, grey concrete.
"He must be farther down there," Dustin says uncertainly. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape,"
Steve looks up at the boy with a deadpan expression before back into the dark abyss with a supposed cat-eating monster. He shakes his head, unable to believe the dramatic, unforeseen turn his day has taken.
He sighs once more, not bothering to hide his unease as he looks from the boy to cellar once more.
"You have a brother, don't you? Why isn't he helping out?"
Dustin shifts uneasily.
"Yeah, about that," Dustin says, causing Steve to sigh. "He's with Byers. Also, he has no idea I found Dart after we lost him at school, or that our cat's dead so I'd rather not lead with that..."
"Jesus, I- Fine. Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Both bated breath, Steve descends into the darkness, his bat gripped tightly in hand, flashlight in the other. His body is tense and he is ready for any sign of movement. He reaches the last step, and his flashlight quickly scans the area though it finds nothing but a metal chain hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. Deeming it safe, his guard lowers ever so and he steps forward turning on the light, the chain dangles around his head and for one blissful moment, he finds nothing but a regular cellar.
That is until his eyes land on the peculiar sickly pale green shape on the floor before him. In the dark, his vision had mistaken it as an old plastic grocery bag. But now, with the light illuminating the surface, it had a bright pale sheen and he could see it certainly wasn't anything normal. Extending the ends of the bat, the nails hooked into the strange wet substance and held it up to examine it.
The beam of the flashlight shone through the substance. After moments of contemplation as he watches it drip with mucus-like slime and is met with a horrid stench, he realizes it had once been skin.
His gaze wandered to a spot on the wall just beyond where he had found the shredded skin and he looked on in shock, his stomach plummeted as if he had dropped ten stories.
From above the surface, Dustin waited less than patiently, growing nervous for the Harrington boy.
"Steve?" He called uneasily.
The cellar light had been turned on but no other sign of life had shown itself. Fear crept into Dustin's heart and his unease festered.
"Steve, what's going on down there?" He asked a little louder.
Dustin jumped back in surprise when an unexpected beam of light hit his face so suddenly. His heart leaped into his throat and he was thankful he hadn't screamed. Behind the beam of light was Steve, looking up at him worriedly.
"Get down here." He ordered.
His voice sounded shaky, a factor in Steve that did not comfort Dustin at this moment. But reluctantly, he obeyed. Dustin descended the cellar steps to find a familiar substance dangling from the spiked bat, and his stomach twisted into knots.
"Oh, shit."
Without a word, Steve pulled the bat away and shone the flashlight towards the far corner of the cellar revealing his second discovery. A large trail of slime was strewn across the concrete leading to the far left corner of the cellar. Dozens of discarded bricks, broken remnants of splintered wood sprinkled the area as well as of mounds of dirt all flowed in from the gaping hole in the wall where Dart had escaped.
"Holy, shit!"
The duo stepped forward, bending down to examine the tunnel. The small beam of light was redirected once more and the two gapped at their microscopic view of the infinite tunnel that wound its way throughout all of Hawkins.
The currently vacant Byers living room is bathed in the pale moonlight, the only evidence of life is Will's abandoned maps that travel through the house like veins. An abandoned glass of water on the kitchen counter vibrates in only the slightest as the growing rumble of engines surrounds the house. A fleet of men flood routinely from the identical swarm of HAWKINS WATER AND ELECTRIC vans and storm the Byers porch. Within moments, the house is flooded with agents, dozens of flashlight beams dance across the floors, walls, and ceilings as they dissolve across the perimeter.
Light switches, remotes, doorknobs - apart from the front door - go untouched avoiding any trace they were ever here, only doing that which was necessary with gloved hands. They were quick and thorough, and apart from the brief but blinding flashes of cameras documenting the maps and the fleet of flashlights, the house is illuminated only by the moons soft rays. A pair of hands confiscate the videotape from Halloween night, that had previously remained tucked into the player, while another takes several photos of Will's drawing of the shadow monster that sits in his room, undisturbed.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Will's small and weakened frame lays unconscious on the medical bed. The color in his cheeks that gave him his usual warm and pinkish hue withered and was almost nonexistent, his skin now paled a sickly white and covered in a sheen of sweat from the long night behind him. Bob and Mike sit at his side, their eyes trained on him for any signs of disturbance as his body shakily rises and falls in a feeble attempt at stabilizing.
Meanwhile, Joyce sits at the head of the conference table among the lab's finest doctors and agents. She - much like Bob and Hopper - had traded their regular attire for scrubs during the night and she is in a heated discussion with Owens and his team.
"That thing, it..." she gestured over her shoulder. "It did something to him."
"Okay," Owens thoughtfully scratches his head, his mind scrambling to catch up and understand the situation. "And these now-memories, as you call them, how long has he been experiencing them?"
The impatience grew in Joyce at the repetitive question and fights a huff.
"I told you, since Thursday. Since I found him in the field."
"And why wasn't he brought in?" Asked an unnamed scientist to her right.
Her sharp and hostile gaze snaps to the man and she gives him a cynical glance, her palms hitting the surface of the wooden table.
"I have been bringing him in, and what have you done?" She spits coolly. "Nothing. Nothing!"
Owens nervously jumps in with an unintended stilted tone, his movements stiff, all in a pathetic and useless attempt to minimize her concerns.
"These are new symptoms, Joyce."
Joyce shook her head profusely, jabbing her finger in Owens's direction. Her promise to Will burning protectively in her heart.
"No. No, he has been telling you over and over that something wrong, and you said it was all in his head."
Owens squirms uncomfortably in his seat, his composure cracking under Joyce's fire. His mouth opens and closes, though his voice fails him.
"You said, 'Be patient.' Those were your words."
As she leans back into her seat, shifting restlessly Owens finally finds his voice. Her adrenaline and unease find a small and temporary outlet as her fingers drum against the wooden conference table.
"I understand that you're upset, okay? I get it. And I would be, too, if I were in your shoes." Owens gestured around the room. "But we are all in the same boat here, and I just need you to try--"
"What? Stay calm? Trust you?" Joyce looks around the table in disgust before shaking her head. "No, I want him transferred to a real hospital."
Dr. Owens's eyes shift to the papers in his hands, and while his voice is firm his nervous actions give away his discomfort.
"Well, you know that's not possible."
Another doctor joins in much to Joyce's bewilderment and chagrin.
"He really will get the best treatment here, Mrs. Byers."
"He really will." Another interjected.
She looked between them, utterly baffled, unable to believe the blinding negligence in themselves. She merely scoffs.
"And what are you treating him for, exactly?" She shrugs exasperated when she is met with no response and she rises to her feet. "Can anyone tell me what's wrong with him? Can a single person in this room tell me what is wrong with my boy?"
No one spoke, and she was met once more with dozens of eyes that avoided her gaze. Several men squirming uncomfortably in their seats and it only fuels the flames in her chest and her voice rises with her anger.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Oh, He-Man, thank you for saving my life. What strong muscles you have."
Erica smirks at the dolls in her hands as she is splayed out across her bed. In one hand, her favorite Barbie doll, Christie. In the other, Lucas's He-Man action figure she had lifted from his room. She brought the two together in an embrace, their plastic faces touching as she made exaggerated kissing noises. The door was thrown open by Lucas and she looks up at him distasteful. His eyes fall to the doll in his hands and he glares at her.
"I knew it!" He scoffs, stomping in and ripping He-Man from her hands.
"Hey! They're in love!"
Lucas turns in her doorway, rolling his eyes.
"No, actually they're not. They don't even exist on the same planet."
"Aren't you too old to be playing with toys?" She quips.
Words die on Lucas's tongue and another rough sigh escaped him. He shakes his head, ridding himself of the comment.
"That... That's not the point. The point is to stay out of my room." He fires back, marching off into the hallway.
Erica calls after him, unfazed.
"Then tell your little nerdy friend to shut his mouth."
Lucas backpedals and returns to her doorway, giving his sister a quizzical look.
"What are you talking about?"
Erica merely shakes her head slightly and exaggerates Dustin's previous cries.
'''Code red, Lucas. Code red. Code red.' Bunch of nerds."
She rolls her eyes, reaching back for a nearby stuff animal, missing the horrified look on Lucas's face. He runs quickly to the end of the hall, not caring if he crashes into his door. He grips the doorframe as he scans his room, a frightened mantra slipping from his lips.
"No, no, no, no, no, no."
Sure enough, on his bed is his walkie, completely shut off. He rushes to his bed, flipping the dials and extending the antenna as quickly as he can.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The steel buckets hit the concrete with a decisive smack, and a container of gasoline is placed next to them. Dustin and Steve unload the trunk of monster hunting supplies they had scraped together for their plan against Dart. They had procured buckets and buckets of raw meat from the butcher shop and managed to gather the other supplies from Steve's garage. Dustin's comms come to life and immediately he recognizes Lucas's voice.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." Dustin feigns a smirk, gloved hands on his hips as Steve continues to unload the trunk behind him.
"I'm sorry, man." Lucas sighed. "My stupid sister turned it off."
"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgan."
All Lucas could do in that short moment was blink as he processed the truckload of information.
"Wait. What?"
"I'll explain later," Dustin answered. "Just meet me and Steve at the old Junkyard."
Another wave of shock hit Lucas abruptly.
"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket."
"Steve Harrington?"
Behind Dustin, Steve had finished packing his bag and he closed the trunk. His voice barely echoed through the mic and into Lucas's ears, but it was undeniably Steve's.
"All right, let's go."
Dustin grabs the remaining bucket - the other in Steve's hand - and quickly falls in line.
"Just be there, stat," Dustin ordered into his headset. "Over and out."
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One thing that annoys me about some of the ships in the Buffyverse, is how a character will start dating someone who bad mouths a previous love interest of theirs that they still clearly care about.
And I just... maybe this is just because I don't like anyone putting other people down, ever. (And, for instance, I remember one time when one of my RL friends was insulting another one of my friends that she didn't like, and I kindly asked her to stop.)
But for me personally, this would not endear me to the new love interest and make me want to date them. The opposite, actually.
But we see this with Angel and Cordelia. Eventually, these two form a romance, but Cordy had often put Buffy down in the past.
(Also, I feel like Cordelia and Wesley mocking Buffy and Angel's romance--when the two were meeting each other right after she'd come back from the dead!--was not good, even though they were just teasing and it was all supposed to be in good fun.)
Likewise, Bangel somewhat starts up again in the comics after Cordelia's death. And Buffy wasn't really around when the Angel/Cordelia stuff was happening to be saying hurtful stuff about Cordelia really at all, or around Angel. But there is a moment in the comics where Buffy dreams that they're all back in their high school years and that Cordelia is bullying Willow. And to cheer Willow up she tells her something along the lines of, "Some day you might be a super powerful witch and she might be dead." :( And I feel like if Angel ever found out about that, he wouldn't be happy, of course. (To be honest, I think Buffy in the comics is pretty OOC, and this is an example of it. Though that really isn't the point here.)
We have Spike putting down both Riley and Angel when he's wanting to get with Buffy.
And also Angel saying bad things about Spike when he clearly still wants to be with Buffy when she's later with Spike.
In a similar vein, friends of the Scoobies putting down one of the Scoobies' love interests also happens quite a bit.
Xander cutting down Angel because of his jealousy. And after the Angelus stuff, no one is really comfortable around him. Which is definitely justified. Though one might argue that at some point it's like, "Why are you willing to forgive X character for this, but not Y character for that?" And Giles letting Fred die because of what Angel did is just... too much. And in the books, some of the way Giles treats Angel after the Angelus stuff--even if you do get it's because of the trauma there--is quite petty.
Spike... to be honest, I feel like Buffy and the Scoobies are justified in how they treat Spike, for the most part, when he doesn't have a soul. And I think after he gains one, pretty soon they accept him and start treating him pretty well (like in the comics) Maybe the closest I can think of of when they maybe went too far, is when he wanted to give Buffy flowers after Joyce's death.
Cordelia with Xander: this one is really quite sad. Both Buffy and Willow really didn't like Xander dating Cordy (even while somewhat becoming friends with her during it? So it kind of feels a little bit back-stabby, maybe. Though, to be fair, I think maybe some of this dies down as they do spend time with Cordelia and befriend her more and more). And I do get it: Cordy bullied Willow for years and Cordy's also been mean to Buffy for most of her time in Sunnydale thus far. But still. What's even worse is that Xander even seems to agree with them, and even badmouths Cordelia some himself, while dating her!
Anya. Poor Anya. Buffy and Willow really don't like her at first and say some mean things, really just because she doesn't understand what it's like to be human again, which isn't her fault (people have even argued this about Xander. And if you think that, that's fair. But I think it's moreso that Xander is trying to help her understand the human world that she doesn't quite get. I really don't think he's talking down to her. But if you do, I definitely understand your side). Eventually, however, I do think they do become friends... but when Xander leaves Anya at the altar, Buffy and Willow mainly take Xander's side. And this must have really hurt Anya, since Buffy and Willow were her bridesmaids. She then even confronts them about is, saying in an angry and hurt tone that she gets it: Xander is their friend and she isn't. But in season seven, we see how this isn't true, when Buffy informs her that it's really dangerous and she doesn't want her friends out there right now. But then- but then we get a scene where Anya tells Buffy she's not her friend. And why? Ugh, some of the S7 writing with Anya and in general. I find that hard to believe, when earlier she was hurt that Buffy and Willow didn't think of her as her friend: it clearly seems to indicate she saw them as friends and wanted to be their friend. Is it that she maybe didn't believe Buffy when she said she was her friend? Does she think that bridge has burned now? What?
When Oz starts dating Willow, Xander at first doesn't like it... because Oz is in a band and stuff, and he thinks he's too dangerous or something. LOL This is added to when Oz becomes a werewolf. This is largely because Willow and Xander have been friends for years and he's so protective of her. And also because Xander is starting to get romantic feelings for Willow at this point and is somewhat jealous. But he does get over this quickly and the two become friends.
...These are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. But I wouldn't be surprised if I'm forgetting something.
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greensaplinggrace · 2 years
buffy the vampire slayer for the TV show ask game?
favorite male character: Spike alskjflksd. You cannot even begin to fathom the impact his character had on me when I watched this show as a teenager
favorite female character: Buffy Summers, who is probably one of the only characters in the world that can make me feel for them as much as I do. Everything about her is so understatedly tragic that it makes me want to cry almost constantly.
least favorite character: Xander :/
prettiest character: Willow's definitely the cutest and hottest imo, but Tara's the prettiest hands down
funniest character: Spike lol, I adore how chaotic he is and how insightful his comments always are. On top of his actual comedic lines, legit just his existence is funny.
favorite season: Seasons 1 & 5 are tied for me
favorite episode: Fool For Love. School Hard. Prophecy Girl. Once More, With Feeling. The Body. Touched.
favorite romantic ship: Spuffy!!!
favorite family ship: The Scooby Gang?
favorite friend ship: Buffy & Willow. but also Spike & Joyce
worst ship: Bangel
leave a tv show or movie in my ask box (x)
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Who I Write For
Abbott Elementary: Barbara Howard, Melissa Schemmenti
Absolutely Fabulous: Claudia Bing, Edina Monsoon, Lulu, Patsy Stone // Eddy x Patsy x Reader
Alice In Wonderland (2010): Iracebeth, Tarrant Hightopp
American Horror Story (Seasons 1-5 & 8): Constance Langdon, Countess Elizabeth, Dandy Mott, Elsa Mars, Fiona Goode, James Patrick March, Jude Martin, Stevie Nicks, Wilhemina Venable
A Series Of Unfortunate Events: Count Olaf, Esmé Squalor, Georgina Orwell, Justice Strauss
Big Sky: Alicia Corrigan, Beau Arlen, Ren Bhuller, Sunny Barnes
Bosom Buddies: Henry Desmond, Kip Wilson, Ruth Dunbar // Henry x Kip x Reader
Bridgerton: Agatha Danbury, Anthony Bridgerton, Portia Featherington, Queen Charlotte, Simon Basset, Violet Bridgerton
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Anya Jenkins, Drusilla, Joyce Summers, Rupert Giles, Spike
Call The Midwife: Chummy Noakes, Jane Sutton, Patrick Turner, Patsy Mount, Shelagh Turner, Sister Hilda, Trixie Franklin, Valerie Dyer, Violet Buckle
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina: Ambrose Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Lilith, Mary Wardwell, Zelda Spellman // Hilda x Zelda x Reader, Lilith x Zelda x Reader, Lilith x Mary x Reader
Cinderella (2015): Fairy Godmother, Lady Tremaine
Clue: Blanche White, Jocelyn Scarlet, Wadsworth // Blanche x Jocelyn x Reader
CSI: Catherine Willows, David Hodges, Gil Grissom, Heather Kessler, Sara Sidle // Catherine x Sara x Reader
Dark Shadows: Angelique Bouchard, Elizabeth Collins, Julia Hoffman // Elizabeth x Julia x Reader
Dead To Me: Jen Harding, Judy Hale // Jen x Judy x Reader
Death Becomes Her: Helen Sharp, Lisle Von Rhuman, Madeline Ashton // Helen x Madeline x Reader
Doctor Who: Donna Noble, Eleventh Doctor, Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler, Jacobi!Master, Kate Stewart, Missy, Ninth Doctor, River Song, Simm!Master, Tenth Doctor, The Maestro, Thirteenth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor // Missy x Simm!Master x Reader
Downton Abbey: Cora Crawley, Edith Crawley, Elsie Hughes, Isobel Crawley, Joseph Molesley, Mary Crawley, Thomas Barrow, Violet Crawley
Enola Holmes: Eudoria Holmes, Miss Harrison, Sherlock Holmes
Evil: Bishop Thomas Marx, Kristen Bouchard, Leland Townsend, Sheryl Luria
Frasier: Daphne Moon, Frasier Crane, Niles Crane, Roz Doyle // Daphne x Roz x Reader, Frasier x Niles x Reader
Friends: Janice Litman, Joey Tribbiani, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green, Richard Burke
Game Of Thrones: Brienne Of Tarth, Bronn, Catelyn Stark, Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Melisandre, Petyr Baelish, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister
Ghosts (BBC): Fanny Button, Julian Fawcett, Kitty, Mary, Pat Butcher, Thomas Thorne
Glass Onion: Benoit Blanc, Birdie Jay, Claire Debella
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley, Madame Tracy, Shax // Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
Grace And Frankie: Brianna Hanson, Frankie Bergstein, Grace Hanson // Grace x Frankie x Reader
Green Wing: Caroline Todd, Guy Secretan, Harriet Schulenburg, Joanna Clore, Mac Macartney, Sue White // Joanna x Sue x Reader
Grey's Anatomy: Addison Montgomery, Amelia Shepherd, Arizona Robbins, Catherine Fox, Cristina Yang, Derek Shepherd, Erica Hahn, Mark Sloan, Meredith Grey, Miranda Bailey, Teddy Altman, Tom Koracick // Cristina x Teddy x Reader, Derek x Mark x Reader
Halloween: Laurie Strode, Lindsey Wallace
Hannibal: Bedelia Du Maurier, Frederick Chilton, Hannibal Lecter
Harlots: Lady Repton, Lydia Quigley, Margaret Wells, Nancy Birch // Lady Repton x Nancy Birch x Reader
Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr, Bellatrix LeStrange, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Rita Skeeter, Severus Snape, Sybill Trelawney // Bellatrix x Narcissa x Reader
His Dark Materials: Lee Scoresby, Maggie Costa, Marisa Coulter, Mary Malone
Holes: Kate Barlow, Louise Walker
House MD: Gregory House, James Wilson, Lisa Cuddy
House Of The Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen
I Dream Of Jeannie: Amanda Bellows, Evil!Jeannie, Jeannie, Roger Healey
Insatiable: Bob Armstrong, Coralee Armstrong, Regina Sinclair // Bob x Coralee x Reader
Just Shoot Me: Dennis Finch, Nina Van Horn
Killing Eve: Carolyn Martens, Eve Polastri, Villanelle // Villanelle x Eve x Reader
Last Tango In Halifax: Caroline Dawson, Gillian Greenwood, Judith Tyzack // Caroline x Gillian x Judith x Reader
Legends Of Tomorrow: Damien Darhk, Gideon, John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Martin Stein, Mick Rory, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Zari Tarazi // Leonard x Mick x Reader
Mamma Mia: Donna Sheridan, Ruby Sheridan, Tanya Chesham-Leigh // Ruby x Tanya x Reader
Marvel: Agatha Harkness, Ayesha, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Eleanor Bishop, Everett Ross, Hela, Helmut Zemo, Jeri Hogarth, Kilgrave, Loki Laufeyson, May Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Wanda Maximoff // Everett x Stephen x Reader
M*A*S*H: BJ Hunnicutt, Charles Emerson Winchester III, Francis Mulcahy, Hawkeye Pierce, Henry Blake, Margaret Houlihan, Maxwell Klinger, Radar O'Reilly // Henry x Radar x Reader
Merlin: Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Merlin, Mithian, Morgana Pendragon, Morgause, Uther Pendragon
Mom: Bonnie Plunkett, Jill Kendall, Natalie Stevens
Mrs. America: Gloria Steinem, Phyllis Schlafly
Mrs. Brown’s Boys: Buster Brady, Cathy Brown
Nanny McPhee: Cedric Brown, Mrs. Blatherwick, Nanny McPhee, Selma Quickly
NCIS: Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo
New Amsterdam: Elizabeth Wilder, Iggy Frome, Lauren Bloom, Max Goodwin
Nine Perfect Strangers: Frances Welty, Masha Dmitrichenko
Ocean's 8: Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller, Rose Weil, Tammy
Once Upon A Time: Archie Hopper, Cora Mills, Cruella DeVil, Killian Jones, Maleficent, Regina Mills, Rumplestiltskin, Victoria Belfrey, Zelena Mills // Regina x Maleficent x Reader, Regina x Evil Queen x Reader, Regina x Zelena x Reader
Only Murders In The Building: Charles Haden-Savage, Cinda Canning, Loretta Durkin, Oliver Putnam // Charles x Oliver x Reader
Orange Is The New Black: Aleida Diaz, Alex Vause, Carol Denning, Gloria Mendoza, Judy King, Linda Ferguson, Lorna Morello, Natalie Figueroa, Nicky Nichols, Red Reznikov
Peaky Blinders: Aberama Gold, Alfie Solomons, Arthur Shelby, Luca Changretta, Polly Gray, Tommy Shelby
Penny Dreadful: Evelyn Poole, Vanessa Ives
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow
Prodigal Son: Edrisa Tanaka, Jessica Whitly, Malcolm Bright, Martin Whitly, Vivian Capshaw
Ratched: Betsy Bucket, Edmund Tolleson, Gwendolyn Briggs, Lenore Osgood, Mildred Ratched // Gwendolyn x Mildred x Reader
Rizzoli & Isles: Angela Rizzoli, Jane Rizzoli, Maura Isles // Jane x Maura x Reader
Sanditon: Alexander Colbourne, Arthur Parker, Charles Lockhart, Sidney Parker
Scandal: Mellie Grant, Olivia Pope, Sally Langston
Schitt’s Creek: Alexis Rose, David Rose, Moira Rose, Ted Mullens
Scream Queens: Cathy Munsch, Gigi Caldwell
Sex Education: Colin Hendricks, Erin Wiley, Hope Haddon, Jean Milburn, Maureen Groff
Shameless (US): Claudia Nicolo, Frank Gallagher, Helene Runyon, Lip Gallagher, Monica Gallagher, Sheila Jackson, Svetlana Yevgenivna
Sherlock: Irene Adler, John Watson, Martha Hudson, Mary Morstan, Sherlock Holmes // Sherlock x John x Reader
Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn
Supergirl: Alex Danvers, Brainy, Cat Grant, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Nyxly, Winn Schott
Supernatural: Abaddon, Amara, Bela Talbot, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Lucifer, Mary Winchester, Pamela Barnes, Rowena MacLeod
Sweeney Todd: Judge Turpin, Nellie Lovett
Ted Lasso: Jamie Tartt, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton, Roy Kent, Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm
The Addams Family: Debbie Jellinsky, Morticia Addams // Debbie x Morticia x Reader
The First Lady: Betty Ford, Eleanor Roosevelt
The Good Doctor: Audrey Lim, Shaun Murphy
The Good Place: Janet, Michael, Tahani Al Jamil
The Magicians: Eleanor Lipson, Eliot Waugh, Fen, Margo Hanson, Zelda Schiff // Eliot x Margo x Fen x Reader
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Midge Maisel, Rose Weissman, Sophie Lennon, Susie Myerson
The Nanny: CC Babcock, Fran Fine, Maxwell Sheffield // CC x Fran x Reader
The Parent Trap: Chessy, Elizabeth James, Meredith Blake
The Politician: Dede Standish, Dusty Jackson, Georgina Hobart, Hadassah Gold // Dede x Hadassah x Reader
The Prom: Angie Dickinson, Dee Dee Allen, Karen Greene
The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: Adrienne Maloof, Camille Grammer, Eileen Davidson, Erika Jayne, Kim Richards, Kyle Richards, Lisa Rinna, Lisa Vanderpump, Sutton Stracke
The School For Good And Evil: Clarissa Dovey, Leonora Lesso
The Tudors: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Catherine Of Aragon, Margaret Tudor
The Umbrella Academy: Five Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, The Handler
The Witcher: Calanthe Of Cintra, Geralt Of Rivia, Jaskier, Tissaia de Vries, Yennefer Of Vengerberg
Three's Company: Helen Roper, Jack Tripper, Lana Shields
True Blood: Arlene Fowler, Bill Compton, Eric Northman, Ginger, Jessica Hamby, Maryann Forrester, Pam Swynford de Beaufort, Rosalyn Harris, Russell Edgington, Sarah Newlin
Two And A Half Men: Alan Harper, Charlie Harper, Evelyn Harper, Judith Harper
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Andrea Baydon, Jacqueline White, Lillian Kaushtupper // Jacqueline x Lillian x Reader
Wednesday: Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill, Morticia Addams
What We Do In The Shadows: Lilith, Nadja, Nandor // Lilith x Nadja x Reader
Will & Grace: Beverly Leslie, Jack McFarland, Karen Walker
Xena: Warrior Princess: Alti, Aphrodite, Ares, Autolycus, Callisto, Gabrielle, Joxer, Xena // Xena x Gabrielle x Reader
Yonderland: Debbie Maddox, Imperatrix, Negatus // Debbie x Imperatrix x Reader
3rd Rock From The Sun: Dick Solomon, Mary Albright, Sally Solomon, Sonja Umdahl, Vicki Dubcek // Mary x Sally x Reader
30 Rock: Diana Jessup, Jenna Maroney, Kenneth Parcell, Liz Lemon, Lynn Onkman, Nancy Donovan // Jenna x Liz x Reader
Other Miscellaneous Characters
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myriadimagines · 3 years
Hello love,
Could I please request the prompt “I know it’s the middle of the night, but can you come over, please?” with Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things and, preferable a female reader?
Thank you ♡
Characters: Reader x Jonathan Byers
Warnings: mentions of violence
Prompt: 24. “I know it’s the middle of the night, but can you come over, please?”
Word Count: 335
A/N: im writing this in class rn ajksdhasd the way that my productivity for requests spikes when i’m supposed to be doing something else..................
want to request a drabble? Read this post!
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You’ve been sitting by the phone for a while now, debating about whether or not you should call him. You’ve been up for half the night, unable to sleep, your heart pounding in your chest at every creak and small sound. Even the smallest things startle you — ever since facing the Demogorgon, you’ve struggled to feel safe in your own home. 
You finally pick up the phone, dialling Jonathan’s number. You have his number memorised, a result of being friends for years, and you anxiously tap your foot as you wait for Jonathan to pick up.
Finally, after a couple rings, his voice comes through the speaker, “Hello?”
“Jonathan?” your voice is quivering, and on the other end, Jonathan’s eyebrows furrow in concern. Taking in a shaky breath, you ask, “I know it’s the middle of the night, but can you come over, please?”
Jonathan glances over his shoulder to the living room, where Joyce and Will are passed out on the couch, having fallen asleep during their movie. Jonathan smiles to himself, deciding that they’ll be safe together for the night, before turning his attention back to you. “I’ll come over now.”
You smile gratefully into the phone. You didn’t know what you’d do without Jonathan, and you anxiously wait in your room for him to arrive. You perk up as you hear a car engine quietly rumble onto your driveway, and you peer out your window to see Jonathan getting out of the car. Rushing down the stairs, you open the door for him, and Jonathan flashes you a small smile as he asks, “You okay?”
You let out a deep breath. “I’m better now that you’re here.” 
Jonathan’s smile widens, and to your surprise, he opens his arms. You instinctively fall into them, smiling to yourself as he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to him. You may not feel safe in your bedroom, but here, in Jonathan’s arms, you feel as though no danger can come to you.
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ex-vengeancedemon · 2 years
Buffy and the Lost City of the Dead
Pairing: Buffy x Spike
Rating: R
Summary: The Mummy (1999) meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Need I say more? Well I will: When the next portent of doom points to a lost city in the middle of the desert, Buffy and pals are sent on an expedition that will unearth secrets long since lost to the sands. Turns out, some things are better left buried. 
Read on EF
I've been working on this fic for months and finally got over the halfway completion point so I decided to start posting it because I got really excited! I love the Mummy and Buffy, so the next best thing is to combine them, obviously. I forgot to add this to my fic list earlier and lost the other post so here we go again. Chapter 2 is now posted!
Preview below cut
The British Museum, London, 1924
Buffy was extremely bored. Her Watcher, Rupert Giles, was droning on about demon this and prophesy that and going over the latest portents of doom. She was pretty unfazed by it all at this point. She had been living in London with Giles for the last decade, ever since she was Called at the tender age of 15. The Watcher’s Council had had her shipped all the way to London under the pretext of attending a prestigious boarding school. Her mother had been all too thrilled with the idea, hoping she might land a particularly advantageous marriage overseas among London’s upper class. No matter that it meant only seeing her daughter every couple of years… or that the world descended into all-out warfare a couple months later. No, Joyce had been content to stay in New York while her brother, Alexander, accompanied her across the pond. The letters had been infrequent before stopping altogether.
During those ten years in London, Buffy had seen more than her fair share of peril and end of the world doom and gloom. She was happy to note that her accent, at least, remained more or less unchanged; nothing else about her had. Spending the first four years of her Calling in a war zone would do that. She had seen enough to already have three major apocalypses under her belt and was constantly on the lookout for her fourth… or, at least, Giles was. 
“Buffy, are you even listening to me?” 
“Yes, Professor Giles,” she replied, waving a dismissive hand at him. “You have my full and rapt attention.”
She knew he hated when she called him Professor. She wasn’t entirely sure why; he sure felt like her professor. She was supposedly attending Girton College, after all; a result of her tip-top education at “boarding school.” Her time with Giles was like Cambridge for Slayers: the Slayer Academy, the University of Slaying and Demonology, Slaybridge. Not to mention, he was standing in front of one of the British Museum’s chalkboards that he had already managed to cover in notes while she sat at a worn wooden desk with a notepad he had forced in front of her and a few “textbooks” besides. It certainly felt lecture-esque, which probably explained her lack of attention.
“And what did I just say?” he replied, clearly unconvinced.
“Something about a curse?” she ventured.
Any moment now. She waited. He removed his wire-framed glasses with a sigh, pulling a small cloth from his pocket and polishing up the lens. There it was, his go-to move when confronted with any small irritation. It was the second time he had done it tonight, but she wouldn’t start to worry until he got to three. She straightened out the folds of her dress resting in her lap while he finished up his ritual. 
This was not how she wanted to be spending her night, locked away at the museum after hours with no one but her Watcher and his books for company. Well, him and the many, many corpses that the museum seemed to love so much. Thankfully, these corpses were all extremely old and at no risk of waking up as vampires. That didn’t stop her from being creeped out by the Egyptian Antiquities portion of the museum. She wondered what Willow was up to. Probably having fun with her witchy friends. Lucky.
“I was saying,” Giles went on, “that the Watcher’s Council has received some disturbing reports of late.”
“Oh no!” She feigned a gasp, her hand flying to her mouth. “Are they failing their mathematics exams?”
Giles moved to remove his glasses again and Buffy tensed. Then he stopped and shook his head instead, seemingly willing to overlook her latest bout of sarcasm. 
“No,” he replied, frowning at her. He set a small wooden box down in front of her, intricately engraved with the paint long since faded. “There was an expedition. One that never should have happened.”
“That sounds positively thrilling,” she replied distractedly, eyeing the strange patterns of the little box that looked so familiar to those of the hieroglyphs she was forced to see every day. “What’s in the box?”
Giles let out another long sigh, seemingly sensing her lack of focus on the matter at hand. “A map.” He pressed the side of the box, compressing a concealed trigger, and the lid popped open. Inside was a piece of frail parchment, rolled up into a tight scroll. “The problem is, no one can decipher the damn thing.”
“Mr. Giles!” she gasped. “Language!”
The glasses-polishing was repeated and she made a mental note to bite her tongue the next time she felt like making a snarky remark. Her Watcher would surely punish her with homework if she didn’t. She suppressed a shudder at the thought. 
After replacing his glasses, he said, “We were only recently made aware of this expedition by chance.” He massaged his forehead as if trying to hold off a migraine. “And you wouldn’t believe how. Alexander… acquired the box on his latest trip to Cairo.”
“I’m sure you’re not telling me that my brother, Xander, was the one who tipped off the all-knowing Watcher’s Council about the latest world-ending threat,” she scathed. She paused for a moment, letting her expression of contempt for her benefactors fade. “Is it world-ending?” The last words inflected upward in hope that he would deny it.
“I’m afraid it’s entirely possible, although a bit unclear,” he replied. “That,” he pointed to the box, “is a map to the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra, roughly translated to City of the Dead. Where the earliest pharaohs were said to have hidden the wealth of Egypt. It was largely thought to be a myth… that is, before now.”
“Sounds ominous,” she replied with a frown. “And a little treasure-hunty.”
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
All I want for Christmas is you
[This is a (late) part of my 12 Days of Chirstmas fics]
Pairing: Spike x fem!reader
Request: Hi! A spike request angst for the holiday collection. Where spike and the reader get into a massive fight and he says some really hurtful things. So its really awkward leading into Christmas and the reader considers leaving him. But then spike gives the reader a present on Christmas like a sorry present that changes her mind :)
Requested by: Anon
Warning: Spike and reader fight and say mean things. Swearing. Very light sex references.
A/N: I use the ambiguous phrase ‘jewellery’ rather than explaining what the object is because it’s a reader insert and some people like certain items and some people don’t like any jewellery (blame Buffy and Dawn sorry)
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You and Spike loved each other, you knew this. But you and Spike also argued. All the time. You had broken up and got back together more times than you could count. It was a ‘can’t live with him, can’t live without him’ situation. And you were just going in circles.
This particular time, finds you and Spike finishing decorating the crypt. It had been fun, by all accounts. You had even got a tree. He had managed to distract you a lot, making an hour’s task lasting the entire day.
When you were loved up, it was bliss. It was fierce passion. Often languid and sensual. Even giddy and fun at times.
He hugged you from behind, closing his eyes as he inhaled, kissing the back of your head. His hands started to wander from your hips and you closed your eyes in delight. Pressed against him felt so right.
“Did you hear that?” You said, your eyes snapping open. It was bells. Little, twinkling Christmas bells. It was eerie, not cheery. You hadn’t bought any bells.
Spike groaned in frustration and looked around as if you had gone mad. You were always doing this. Driving him wild. Teasing him so.
“What in the buggering hell are you goin’ on about?”
“There’s something…” You said cryptically as you looked around, which irritated him to no end.
“It’s nothing, just- come here”
“Spike! Why don’t you listen to me?” You pouted slightly, hoping it was entice him to take you seriously, check if there was a threat. But it did the opposite.
“Oh, right, and what’s your plan then? Why don’t we scream and run away. That’s about the form of your fighting skills anyhow ain’t it?”
“Just shut up – it’s Christmas” You snapped, looking at him as if he needed to drop it. But this just irritated him, as if you were chastising him. Like he was someone you could control. Emasculate.
“Poor little y/n, making things up for a scrap of attention again” He stuck his lower lip out and tilted his head to the side, in a way that nobody would describe anything other than patronisingly, “You don’t know who you are, not without me” He added the end after a pause.
“You’re the one that followed me around for months on end before I agreed to date you!” You bit back. This is where everything tended to go south. Fast.
“Yeah? Well we’re only together after last time ‘cause I took pity on you and took you back – saw how I left you wantin’ thought we might as well. You’re attractive at least” He leaned in and took your chin, moving you to face him as he insulted you. You held back tears. He was supposed to love you, why was he always so mean?
“Fuck you, Spike!” You shouted, grabbing his wrist and moving him from touching you before adding, “You’re such a self-assured pig!”
“Yeah, you love it” He purred.
“I hate you”
“No, you don’t” He stated. Before dragging his voice out almost sing-song like but in a humourless way, “You want me. You need me” He bit his lip, moving closer and closer, making you shiver. He was trying to charm you into submission. Again.
Well, it wouldn’t work… not this time anyway.
“You’re the one that wouldn’t leave Buffy’s doorstep until I came back with you! You’re obsessive! You’re a slave to love, no - to pain, Spike!” You stated, moving away from where he had started to back you against the wall.
“Slave to you” He offered, that look in his eye. Offering to forget about it, although he had been the one that had been cruel. His look offering making up. In bed, wherever you wanted. He would even apologise if it meant you wouldn’t leave him again. But you were still mad, still angry at the way he spoke to you.
His look almost made you back down, he was hard to resist. You were addicted to each other. Even when you were fighting it could switch to sex so easily. To hot passion.
But not today.
“No. You’re not. You don’t want me. You want drama, a fight. I’m sick of it! Forget it” You shouted, continuing, “I mean it this time, Spike! We’re done!”
“Love, you don’t mean that – we’re-”
“Finished!” You ended his sentence for him, “Get out!”
“No- I’m the one with my name above the door, you don’t bloody pay the rent” He said, backing away from you as you had that look in your eye. You could be downright vindictive.
“Neither do you - it’s a crypt, you don’t pay shit!”
“You wouldn’t throw your fella out just before Christmas, would you, love?” He tried as you had walked him out of the front door, throwing his leather duster at him. He caught it in a ball and clutched it to his chest.
He sighed exaggeratedly. He really didn’t want to have to rough it somewhere, exposing himself to possible sunlight. He wanted you again. He cursed himself. Wished he had just kept his mouth shut.
But you weren’t so innocent. If he hadn’t created an argument, you would have done. It had been in the air. Building up over weeks.
“Bloody women!” He screamed at the door you had unceremoniously slammed in his face. He heard you slide the bolt across the door and he kicked it for good measure, howling in pain and hobbling away.
To add insult to injury, as he stalked through the streets trying to find a suitable crypt it had started to snow. The first bloody snow here in centuries and he had been caught up in it. It couldn’t get any worse.
Shit. Why did he have to think that? He rounded the corner and almost ran straight into the Slayer. He had been dragging his feet, kicking a stone until he looked up and saw her.
“There a reason you’re terrorising the sidewalk, Spike?”
“None of your business”
“Y/n’s kicked you out again hasn’t she?” Buffy’s face lit up as his face gave away she had guessed correctly.
She enjoyed seeing him like this. She was your best friend and she thought (no, knew) that you were too good for him. She told you all the time. But you were both too swept up in the animal attraction. In the possessive, heated entanglement you couldn’t escape if you wanted to.
“Betty the do-good…-er” Spike floundered. It wasn’t his best line. He was ridiculously sad. Mourning the loss of his relationship with you again. He craved you, he wept for you. There was a deep aching in his chest the further he walked from the crypt. The further he walked from you.
“That was tragic. You weren’t kiddin’ when you said you were bad” Buffy said, not able to hide the smile at her own joke.
“Yeah, well, just lost the love of my un-life here. Give a bloke a break” He snapped, sniffing and trying to wipe his eye on his sleeve subtly. Buffy rolled her eyes but for some reason, before she went over to the crypt to collect you and the overnight bag you had packed and re-packed more than you can count, she turned back to him.
“You know she feels the same. Maybe it’s time to let go, Spike. Or buy jewellery. I hear girls like jewellery” Buffy shrugged.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t know” He muttered, luckily she didn’t hear it or she would have spun back and staked him on site. She only hadn’t before the previous interaction because she knew you would never forgive her.
Your relationship was infuriating. And not just to you and Spike. It had a ripple effect, it was a part of your friends lives too. One day you would be shouting and screaming, the next passionately making love on the nearest surface. It was exciting and painful, like whiplash from a rollercoaster. The rollercoaster that was y/n and Spike.
It had been a few days now. You were staying at Buffy’s. She was a good friend to you. No matter how many times you and Spike yo-yo’d between love and hate she was there for you. With as little judgement as she could.
She comforted you while you cried, heartbroken despite Buffy being sure you would manage to find it in your heart to forgive him yet again. You clutched the mug of hot chocolate she had made, complete with marshmallows. She had learnt well from Joyce.
Dawn had slipped you some of her freshly baked sugar-cookies that she had made specially to cheer you up. She had decorated them with little Christmas characters which made you smile at her.
The girl adored your relationship with Spike, whether rightly or wrongly. She looked up to you, wanting to emulate a passionate relationship like that herself when she was older. It was like you were in a romance novel or something.
What you and Buffy didn’t know that since you had moved in, Dawn was Spike’s spy. She was, for the price of $5 and scary stories from his past, she told him all about what you said and how you were feeling. He now knew you were upset, missing him. Wallowing the same as he was. Well, good. But now, he had to make it up to you. He made Dawn help him brainstorm into the night.
She wanted to do it, she was sure it was for a good cause. In the name of true love, obviously.
Spike walked her back to Buffy’s where the Slayer was pacing and you were watching out for her to come home. You were going to give her the heads up that Buffy wasn’t pleased that she had gone awol. The snow had fallen thick now, anything could have happened and Buffy was scared Dawn was hurt.
You saw her then, with him. Your heart rose and your eyes glistened. You watched him trudge beside her, the white glow of the snow lighting up his face, making his cheekbones more prominent. He took a final drag of his cigarette before throwing it away, his eyes finally meeting yours through the window.
You walked to the door and unlocked it, whispering to Dawn that Buffy was gunning for her before turning back to Spike.
“Love…” He started. You just shook your head, you were still hurt.
“Goodbye, Spike” You said pointedly, closing the door on him once more. This time you turned with your back against the door, sliding down it as you started to cry. Dawn worried that it would take more than the Christmas gift they had been planning to win you back as Buffy scooped you up. She suggested that there was plenty of Christmas films you could watch, to take your mind off things. You nodded, leaning against her shoulder debating yourself whether to run after him or not. Buffy decided against any heavy romance-based films as you continued to sniff.
Eventually, Christmas Day came and it was the first that you spent without him in years. You usually made up before. You spent the entire day with a fake smile plastered on your face, not just at the slightly misjudged present from Anya (it was a vibrator, because you were on your own. You opened it in front of Dawn not realising and Buffy had to cover her eyes).
You thought about him the entire day. You ached, pined. You almost braved the thick snow, that you had almost been snowed in by, more than once before one of your friends distracted you with something.
As night fell, you gave up hoping. That was, until, there was a sharp knock at the door. His knock, you knew it. You had slammed the door in his face too many times not to know that knock. You sprinted over there, swinging the door open.
“Spike” You breathed, smiling. You had felt his absence so painfully.
“I know, I’m not stopping, wouldn’t wanna interrupt the touch-feely bollocks I’m sure is in full swing about now” He said and it made you smile, You loved the way he spoke. His accent. The way he phrased everything as if he had crafted it just for your ears.
He handed you a surprisingly well-wrapped gift as you smiled down at it, “It’s- for me? But I didn’t have time to get-”
“You know the only gift you could give me worth anything would be you” He admitted, which was how you felt for him. You didn’t need this, but you knew this was his way of apologising.
You opened the present and gasped, smiling wider. It was jewellery, just the kind you adored with a little gem that sparkled in the moonlight. You looked over at him, how could you ever have doubted him? He did his best by you, he always did. You knew who he was when you had started dating, just as he had known who you were.
“Spike, I’m sorry for how-” You started, but he shook his head, taking your hand.
“This- the way we- it’s not right, I know it” he admitted that the way things were, the bad seemed to take over the good. He lived in hope, though. He was convinced that this time it would be all love, “But I want you, I burn for you – it’s why the gem’s that colour, see? You’re the only one for me, the only one I could ever love through it all” He said it so honestly. So sincerely.
You invited him in after you whispered your own affections, much to everyone else’s chagrin. You showed them the gift and Dawn cheered, telling you she helped. You grinned at her and Spike had to convince Buffy not to stake him again. You both stayed in the living room for a moment, listening to the rest of them talking and just gazing into each other’s eyes.
Then you were kissing. His lips on yours hotly, you had missed this so bad. His lips were made for yours. He drank you in, all of you. Your flaws and your perfections.
He loved your everything. The good and the bad. And you matched his message. He felt it, deepening the kiss. Forgetting where you were for a moment. Until he heard your friends mutter insults at him.
He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. All the while, you had barely stopped for breath. You never wanted to part from him again. You were pressed close to him, willing him even closer.
His lips caught any exposed skin on your neck, your jaw as he carried you without word upstairs. You looped one arm around his neck, the other against his jaw so you could catch his lips again with heightened desire.
The others just watched you leave, trying to ignore the way you were all-but grinding against Spike in anticipation. None of them were surprised by the turn of events but they weren’t exactly pleased either.
Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles all shared a look as you and Spike thudded against the walls as you walked along the corridors upstairs trying to find a room to slip into.
They all wondered how long it would last this time as you gave yourselves a very merry Christmas.
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, March 29 - PART TWO
BUFFY: (smiles) Hey! SCOTT: Hey, Buffy! Uh, Faith has been telling me tall tales. BUFFY: (smiles big) She's funny. (takes her arm) And she's leaving. We have to go. SCOTT: (disappointed) Oh... FAITH: Bye. Buffy pulls her away and down the hall.
~~Faith, Hope and Trick~~
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [Buffy comics art panels created by Georges Jeanty] via g33k_gal (various, worksafe)
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Artwork: [Let's watch shark boy and lava girl. buffy x willow] by pzyii (Buffy/Willow worksafe)
Artwork: Good times by isevery0nehereverystoned (Anya, Faith, Tara, worksafe)
Icons: [Sarah Michelle Gellar icons] like/reblog by brolasuite (worksafe)
Gifset: {Xander&Spike} by starryeyesxx (Xander/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: there's my girl :) by redcheekdays (Star Trek Voyager parallels, Buffy, Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Levitating by Dua Lipa by andremichaux (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: The Worst of the Worst: IMDB’s 10 Worst Ranked Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by clarkgriffon (ensemble, worksafe)
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Fanvid: buffy & angel | hits different by lostlcve
Fanvid: Cordelia Chase | Long Story Short by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: vampire with a soul | ats + btvs by Moriah McInerney
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 4/1, Part One [The Freshman to Wild at Heart] by QualifiedApathetic
BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 4/1, Part Two [Sense & Sensitivity to Somnambulist] by QualifiedApathetic
Anyone go to the Buffy comedy show in London last night? by Prudent-Memory-6129
Season 6 gets better and better after every rewatch by Kindofaddictedtotv
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PODCAST: 1.12 Prophecy Girl by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
PODCAST: Buffy S7E1: Lessons by Booze & Buffy
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: FrenchButHygienic seeks Angel-BtVS [similar] vibe shows
[Community Announcements]
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Round one of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tournament has started by bestepisode
[Fandom Discussions]
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buffy summers is aro/ace i think but you guys aren't ready for that conversation yet by starlit1daydream
... Angel is cursed to never experience true happiness?? by spikes-left-eyebrow
buffy the vampire slayer gif makers are truly the best at their craft because how are you producing gifs at a higher quality... by mikaelson-hope
[He has a soul parallels gifset.] Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 7.18 and Angel | 5.02 by andremichaux
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What do you think Spike would have done with the Gem of Amara had he been successful? by sushibananawater
Who needs enemies when your friends are assholes [Revelations and other eps] by J_n_Space
the body as the worst episode to watch + grief by Kindly_Ad2280
Show me your Worst, best, saddest/hated, btvs episodes. I’ll go first by melaniemoth13
POLL: What episode worked best as a series finale? [S5 The Gift vs S7 Chosen] by nessaaldarion
Episode(s) of Buffy or ATS that would make a great movie? by PristineSituation498
Only reasons of why Angel takes over Wolfram&Hart? by Commercial-Sink8444
You know what makes Willow and Tara's relationship more tragic...? by Belthezare
Best Willow Tara moments! by Slayerette444
Favorite bit of continuity by BiggTS
Spike and Joyce having cocoa with mini marshmallows is such a brilliant scene. by Soulless--Plague
Confusion about Fool For Love [Spike as narrator] by Slayerette444
Ruined episode [Conversations with Dead People and Joyce and The First in S7] by Full-Dome
Is anyone else bothered by this plot hole? [ghost Joyce and The First and Dawn] by mvandemar
Non-fiction books about Buffy? by Lillydragon9
POLL: "Buffy is not at any point even remotely similar to Faith" [and discussion] by sadhungryandvirgin
Should Angel feel remorse? by Aracoth
Angel's worst look? by _behindthewheel_
after finishing the series [ATS], I fucking hated what they did to Gunn and Wesley by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
the [ATS] finale was seen as divisive cause the "big battle" was not portrayed, thats surprising as hell to me. by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
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PODCAST: [James Marsters] 02 - Clowns, Nudity, and the Red Planet via dontkillspike
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