#story engine
filmcourage · 1 year
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Crisis Is The Worst Possible Thing Happening At The Worst Time - Jeff Kitchen
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creativeprompts · 1 year
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This is from Story Engine's Deck of Worlds Adventure expansion pack. You choose the adventure card and then go to the Story Engine deck and fill in with the recommended card types.
Image text: A high-profile prisoner (a hidden royal) needs to be escorted to a new facility (a booby-trapped mine). There has been a tip-off that someone (a tactician who wants to find a cult) plans to abduct them en route.
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Check out the site here
The following is my take on AI writing, and the content of this video on Sudowrite.
Sudowrite class
By Eldon Macwood, grimdark/cyberpunk author.
For those who don't understand AI writing, using a platform like Sudowrite isn't all point and click. There's still a lot of work, just different work. For some, this will really help them, as the AI becomes a jr writer, not THE writer. Note the difference.
I still prefer to write my own stories, but I do dig cool tools that can help me out. I have used name generators to help me out. I have picked brains to help me out (not literally, unless AI can help with that, kidding, maybe).
I have played around with different styles to see how a story might work. I have gotten ideas from movies/series, from shit that happens to ppl, etc. I also use story prompt cards that doubles as a game to flesh out story ideas, which right now you can check out the Lore Master's Deck backerkit! Not AI, but the company is called, The Story Engine, it's fucking fantastic!
Point is, I still use the world around me to help write stories. AI is just another tool. There will be idiots who abuse it, fuck those idiots. And fuck anyone who overloads story submissions with AI stories when the rules clearly state not to.
I support Human authors, and funny thing, many who use Sudowrite are actual writers. Hence why this tool helps them so much, because they know enough actual skills to get the most out of the tool. I know it's the trend to hate AI, and hate anyone who uses it, but as a person who hates trends, and hates people looking for fights, I do hope to shed thought on this topic that challenges that tend. I am a natural author. I have been writing off and on for over ten years, had some published. I have shared pages with some great names.
I will continue to write my stories. I will also use the tools available to help me best tell the story. I won't use it to this extreme, as seen in the video above, but I do dig how Elizabeth West really puts a lot of work and thought into her writing.
And like with any book, it all depends on the writer. If it sucks, review it, rate it, and explain the problems. Like with every book. Let potential readers know if the book wasn't well written/edited. This is the thing with self-published books, and everyone of us don't gatekeep self-published authors (I'm assuming reasonable Humans are reading this, ergo, they're not gatekeeping tash heaps). But we still know there are a lot of idiots out there who abuse the ability to self-publish. Be we writers aren't those idiots, are we? We're better than that. No different than with a pro writer who uses AI as a tool.
I will again stress this, it's very different to let the AI do all of the work, which yes, there are writers out there who will do that. Sure, they can if they wish, and I hope if they do, they will make sure the story is still edited well, and give a warning that it is.
I'm not against that if they are upfront. My issue would be, if I see a really interesting book. I decide to buy it. I read it, and I hate it bc it looks like something a toddler would write. THEN, I find out it was all AI written. I'd feel like they didn't even try. I'd feel like they just plugged in some words, let a machine crank out 80k words, and called it book, and then released it. A story is a Hell of a lot more than that.
Sure, in a year, three years, ten years, at some point we will see an AI app that can write any story, make it perfect, and people will indeed use it. They will be able to crank stories just as good as our favorite authors, and release those books as soon as a day apart. Imagine AI stories just as good as a GRRM novel, only without the 10+ year wait in between books. Ten days later, BOOM, sequel!
That is scary. Especially since I adore writing. And those of us who adore it, we will choke on the dust of AI because we won't be able to keep up with the AI writers. BUT, while this is a coming thing to expect, there will be readers who will want to read our books. And this doesn't mean we can't use AI as a tool.
Because if we use it as a tool, and not to do all the writing for us, while we might be a little slower than the complete AI generated stories, we won't be near as slow as those who don't use the tools.
It's up to us all. It's fine to hate the abusers. I fucking hate every kind of abuser. Well, I abuse caffeine, and I don't hate myself, so I do have a few loopholes, but still. Just don't go hating on everyone who uses AI. Because for one, using AI as a tool, doesn't make the author less of a writer. Just like they're not thieves. The topic of AI in the creative world is a lot more complex than what the AI haters think. Hence why I stand by the artists and writers who use AI as a tool. Their voice counts just as much as the haters, and they're way more likable.
If you're still a hater, and you look down on me, I will assume you're no different than a self-publish hater. You might as well be. I will also assume you don't bother to look outside of your opinion, which is sad. For those of you more open minded, and at the very least, curious how this all works, here's the site! I like the Story Engine (not the prompt cards I mentioned earlier) plugin they use. It's a sweet tool, and there are various ways you can use it.
Love me, hate me, whatever, just remember, I never, ever, support abusing AI. I don't support tools replacing Humans, I support tools being used to help Humans. Note the difference.
I wish you farewell, and may your wordsauce be plentiful! Except for the haters. I wish a GRRM level of writer's block on them, because I'm a cruel fucker. lol.
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breakingjustxn · 10 months
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well i mean, not wrong // credits: @screamingemonight on Instagram
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mightymur · 2 months
[ISBW] Deck of Worlds: Unleashing Creativity in Fiction
S20 Ep19: In Which Mur Explores the Deck of Worlds and Story Engine “You know, if you use the word ‘modified,’ you can get away with anything.”– Mur Transcript (This post went live for supporters on July 1, 2024. If you want early, ad-free, and sometimes expanded episodes, support at Patreon or Substack!) Hey, are you lost? Check out the video! Join Mur Lafferty as she dives into a live-streamed…
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sporadic-maunderings · 3 months
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There is a road that's built from bone, from what none alive knows, 'tis ruined now, the bones near-dust, you can follow if you look close.
A cabin lurks at the road's end, its logs do not look right, more bones, some say, and look away, avoiding the grisly sight.
The cabin has a colossal mirror, its surface shiny and bright, and every time you look in it, you nearly die of fright.
It shows you things that cannot be, From future and from past, And when you turn around to leave, Those things will come to pass.
Variations in Bone and Glass (Urban Legend)
Some say the road only appears on moonless nights; others say the moon must be full and gleaming bright in the sky. Both versions agree, though, that the road is nearly impossible to see, and that you might find yourself walking on it without realizing it.
There is supposed to be a cabin at the end of the road (which is reported as anywhere from half-a-mile to ten-miles in length), possibly made of bone, or possibly of some very pale wood that resembles bone. On entering the cabin, a room familiar to the pilgrim will appear, but in a ruined state. Most commonly people report seeing their childhood bedroom, but classrooms, church sanctuaries, and suchlike, are also common. Somewhere in this room will be a very large mirror, whether or not the original room had such a mirror, so large that it inevitably draws the viewers' gaze.
At first, the mirror will reflect the room back as it is, but then the view will change. Sometimes it is a modification of a scene that took place in the original room. Sometimes it is something from a different location entirely. Either way, the stories agree that if you watch for long, whatever you see in the mirror will come true, usually to your detriment.
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madame-vera · 7 months
Yay! I got the Deck of Worlds and it's so much. I can't wait to try the story and lore boxes. So excited for them.
But first, my first World's attempt using the cards on the top.
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I have the Hissing Spires, a grassland named after the hissing sound of the wind through the rows of spires. They're known for their seasonal great floods that cover the plains, a dangerous but beautiful sight as it reflects the skies above. They also have unique carnivorous plants like eating the mosquitoes and other bugs drawn by the floods.
The unique expansive spires and low grasslands were caused by a series of epic storms which wore down the mountains. It's a historic natural sight with no settlements (largely due to the flooding).
Scientists fear that the Great Storm is coming again due to a natural phenomenon seeming to hide the stars beyond sight. Now they must determine if their fears are true and what to do afterwards. Surviving the worst case scenario vs determining whatever's actually going on if it's unrelated.
I love this 💕
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badolmen · 3 months
They don’t even attempt to assassinate US politicians anymore. You notice that? Not since the anthrax scare back for… who was it, Barack? And even that… pathetic. This new generation has no respect for an honest hitman. I’m not sure this new generation has any honest hitman - you see that shit with Boeing? Sloppy, fucking disgraceful - you kill the whistleblowers before they get halfway to a lawsuit. What kind of fucking amateur is doing faked suicides the night before testimony? Goddamn greenhorns. Back in my day someone tried to shoot Ronald Reagan in broad daylight. There used to be bomb threats to Congress. I took out a few union leaders in the utilities sector myself. Today’s generation? Won’t even threaten to throw a punch - not even over on that - what’s it now, ‘X’? They got no guts. None! And they don’t even have poor impulse control to boot! Too much of that - that panopticon anxiety bullshit. “Oh what if I get a called out post???” People used to send the president letters full of bioweapons. In the mail! Today’s generation? Not a chance. All because of woke.
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bubblesbinxs · 6 months
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it’s currently 2am where i am so technically 4th of april.. Happy 2 Years ISWM !!!!!!!
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jackedknife · 6 months
Could you draw a tf2 character lineup?
The slowest drawer on this website reports on duty🫡
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First time drawing the whole team together woo!
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filmcourage · 1 year
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How Writers Can Create A Powerful Dilemma - Jeff Kitchen via FilmCourage.com.
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creativeprompts · 1 year
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Prompt: There is a metropolis known colloquially as the city where no rain falls due to its towering skyscrapers and protective field that protects the city from the acid rain. In this metropolis, there is a tree, the last remnant of a sacred druidic site. This site, the last remaining pure link to the before times, is now the hiding place of a piece of tech that could end the world. Due to a data leak, it's only a matter of time before this tech is found.
This is an example of a simple microsetting from the Deck of Worlds deck from Story Engine. You pull 1 each of a Region (main terrain type), Landmark (geographical sites and points of interest), Namesake (what people call this place other than its true name or what its true name means), Origin (significant events in the areas past), Attribute (highlights present-day features of the area and its people), and Advent (introduce events that may change the area's future).
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chantireviews · 2 years
NaNoWriMo or Not, here comes November!
NaNoWriMo or Not, here comes November!
Time to start your engines because, NaNoWriMo or not, you’re a writer and ideas are key to jump-starting your writing! Inspired by Editor and Friend of Chanticleer, Jessica Morrell, let’s dive in! For those who may not know, NaNoWriMo is a community effort where people around the world join together, each trying to write 50,000 words of a story in the month of November. For some, 50,000 words is…
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cheerfulomelette · 2 years
Even though I'm still editing last year's NaNo draft, I wanted to try writing something this year.
Each week in November, I'll be drawing a hand from the Story Engine deck and working it up into a short story.
No word target, no pressure; if I get stuck, I get to move on.
This week's prompt is:
An elemental first responder wants to find hope in an ever-burning egg, but also wants to unmask the conspiracy of a masterwork carving
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bberetd · 3 months
Been thinking about this tweet for a while now, and then this beautiful piece by the super talented @peaches2217 came along, so I got to work 😋
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a father’s love trumps all
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mermazeablaze · 1 year
This video is doing numbers on TikTok, but I wanted to share it here because I am so proud. The man being featured is my uncle Steve Smith.
Steve has been building drag racers & custom cars his entire life.
My grandma before passing away would tell the story of how when he was 10 or 11 years old - she came home to him taking apart the engine in her secondary vehicle (reserved for fancy outings).
She asked him why & he said he wanted to know how it worked outside of a schematic. & she told him that as long as he put it back together the way he found it, it was fine by her. & what's more - he put it back together from memory without even looking at a diagram!
If anything went wrong with the car, my grandma had him fix the car & it was that way until my grandma passed away. She never paid for a mechanic in her life again.
When Steve was a teenager he spent most of his time at the OKC Racetrack & raced with drag racers he built himself.
Also, as a teen he won the Bethany, OK wheelie championship by riding over a mile nonstop on his motorcycle on a single wheelie position.
All throughout my childhood he always had cars around in various stages of fixing up.
The city of Bethany refused to sell him the property next to his house to open his own auto garage. He had worked for Diffee Motors most of my life up until then. So he moved out in the country & opened his own garage.
Steve has been on several mainstream auto shows being featured for his custom work. He also built a custom car for one of the guys on Duck Dynasty. He was also offered a permanent role on an auto TV show, but he turned it down because it required moving out of state.
My uncle Steve is one of the sweetest, kindest & most generous people you will ever meet in your lifetime. He's as smart as a whip, has never met a stranger & gives the best hugs!
It just makes me so happy to see him getting the recognition he deserves.
The picture below is of him at a family function sitting next to his wife, Nancy.
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