#story based on a meme
autisticbritishcowboy · 10 months
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The Florida man looked upon what had once been the Everglades but was now nothing but a baron waste not much I'd changed then but at least they used to be like animals and plants and stuff. Now it was nothing but dryer and the ever looming silhouette of a city that was once Jackson's ill but was now nothing but a sky stretching slab of sheet metal and decay. It had been 2 days since he pride himself out of the cryogenic chamber. He have no idea how'd even fallen into one let alone why set for the year 40,000 but here he was. He figured his best option was to head for the looming silhouette of the hive City. Didn't know what he would find there but he figured it was his best option. Two days had passed and he had not seemed to get any closer still trudging his way across the endless landscape of baron nothingness. It was bad in the day but worse at the night he could hear sounds in the night of horrible horrific things that he did not wish to know the name of. He started walking again and he went onwards as he had following the somehow still standing highway that hadn't been used in millennia. He went over a pile of rusted metal that had been formed of falling concrete and debris and about a thousand other things that he didn't want to know about. On the edge of the small hill he could see a group of what looked like crocodiles but they were four times as bigger walking on mutated mammal legs and one of them had to heads. The Logical thing would be to ignore these and go around as they were blind and seemingly more interested in whatever it was they were doing. But he hadn't eaten in two days and he was from Florida. He looks around and saw that on the pile was a decrepit dying piece of wood surrounded in barbed wire that looked roughly like a baseball bat. He picks it up and charged at the crocodile mutants yelling Florida as full Force as he did. He caught them off by surprise smashing the first one on the head sending it down before swinging at the third one knocking out it's nose causing it to freak out in pain. The third one then approached him again but with his left hand he punched it giving it an uppercut sending its wallowing away in fear before turning back to the second one. It was not where he had left it and it had sneaks behind him as he only realized as it gripped its head around his body however he was not going to let this be the death of him he grabbed the crocodiles tongue and squeezed it until letting him go. He then used the tongue as a leverage point slamming the crocodile down on the other side Killing It. The next 12 hours was him consuming the mutated beasts desperate for food before carrying on his way to the hive City looming over what had once been the Everglades
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diadoescomics · 9 days
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Glare IV
WHM mains make some noise I love it when a class upgrate makes you die repeatedly on week 1
Light Party ft @concaviddavid
All my comics are made possible with the support of my patrons so if you'd like to support me and get early access and bts of my work consider subscribbling for just a euro and a half. Link in pinned!
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asklesbianonceler · 2 months
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Trust me. I was there.
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nohardfellings · 4 months
Me right now:
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hero-i-am-not · 30 days
Peter: So about the car...
Tony: Yeah! How was driving?
Peter: It was um
Tony: Fun? Exciting?
Peter, tearing up: I got honked at
Tony: Who honked at you?
Peter: huh?
Tony: Who. Was. It.
Peter: I dunno...
Tony: NYC is going down on flames tonight
Peter: Wha-
JARVIS: Suit ready, Sir.
Tony: Help yourself to some ice cream, kiddo
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gg-ladybug · 6 months
I’ve been thinking nonstop about a post @nouverx made on March 3rd where Alastor asks “what country” the ace aro flag was, and my brain naturally made a meme about it.
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Rosie jump-scared him with it one night in the December of 2016, and he said yes for the sake of his sanity (post 1933 world maps are hard, okay)
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
[discussing partners]: yeah they get me so many gifts! Haha, sometimes I can't eat the candy quick enough boomer boss: singular "they" is incorrect. I try to be respectful but it just hurts my brain. It was drilled into me in school My polyam ass: yes! Singular they! That is what I was using just now.
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valentimmy · 9 months
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douxie holding pochita like jesus holding the lamb
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Puts a flower crown on your head :)
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*Confused but gentle burbling sounds*
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kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
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30 days of Harvest Moon day 23 - wedding / rhythm
these are the genders apparently i don’t make the rules (natsume and xseed rock makes the rules)
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kaedynce-is-a-writer · 10 months
my characters when I write them going through the angstiest moment they’ll ever have in their lives:
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grassoftunnel · 23 days
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My greatest wish is for Natsuhi to be happy and indulged okayyyy
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kibu-me · 3 months
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rider kogatas!
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raintellix · 2 months
Solipsism attack
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xlien3 · 3 months
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primary school was wild
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