ryusxnka · 4 years
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           @stormfated​ said: ‘ i had a question for you captain. you may think it a useless            one but I have to ask... what keeps your spirit strong? ------ why do you fight? ‘ 
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              I nquiry pose withheld the capability of transferring the adolescent’s consciousness onto narratives of the past --- of memories throbbing with aching realities --- he promptly perceives himself at his grandmother’s forefront with knees bent and knuckles laid bare ‘pon splitting wood - Naught but a slight diminutive child with abnormal powers, wintry Reiatsu stirred in fervent calibers, potent enough to influence the air’s climate at night - to subdue the heat of sheets to the extent the elderly women adjacent of he could not sustain. Trembling excessively whilst hurdling her entirety. She was aware that he had been the cause of her sickness - of her deathly cold repose and yet still - she forgave -she adored. Reassured that all was well, he ought not be so dolorous. A benign, caring, palm rests atop his mane, and she tells him to leave. To pursue his own path ... enticing innumerable tears. Heavy sobs at the unfairness of this so-called life. Sans her guidance, where would he be this very present day?
                           Would she still be alive amidst this stagnant village?                                                or would she have died by his ever-growing presence?
                Everything then goes tentatively black in the similarity of a starless twilight sky. Voided of beautifying portraitures - the atmosphere contorts into stifling frigidity. His heart skips a palpitating beat whilst his breath hitches. He is then relocated, offhandedly so, into his office, seating on the furniture aside Hinamori whilst fronting his semi-plastered lieutenant. They were conversing amongst themselves, laughing gratifyingly, irradiating the expanse with blazing warmth and familiarity. He smiles, it is crafted with utmost authenticity, a seldom occurrence. These robust women have undergone through hellfire and back multifarious of times and yet, still, they persevered with confident strides; it's intoxicating, he thinks, as they perpetually reminded him that there’s everlasting light within all forms of darkness. 
                   Remember Hitsugaya, Remember. Self-centered Men, traitorous louts warranting naught but insufferable agony, have once endeavored to purloin him of this embracing light - of its affections, reverence, and fellowship. Since those disquieting days, he’s trained vigorously. Endlessly in forsaken caves, beating skin and crushing bones. He will not provide infliction the opening to remotely touch them anew. Never again. - Surplus Heartbeat. He exhales. Piercing eyes forthwith aligned ‘pon Deiru’s mien. Lips quirking ‘fore they partitioned with an answer. “ Others. “ he muses out loud. Uncaring of who hearkens. “ They are the imperative backbone of my strength. - My motives to keep battling. To keep moving forward. To protect those who keep me strong ... Is the reason I wield my blade. “ curt suspension of utterance ensues. 
                                                                  “ What about yourself?  ---  Why do you fight? “
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aisumadoushi · 4 years
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stormfated sent: gray ur bobbies
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                      !!  mm best bobs
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blooming5th · 4 years
     as the fifth’s Lieutenant steps closer to the storm’s child with the harmony of silvery laughter, blooming from within her scarred ribcage. bubbly & perpetually filled with a childlike sense of glee, Hinamori encompasses thin arms around the boy’s shoulders & favours him with an embrace as warm as the fire ablaze in her fortitude. it has been so long since their souls have crossed paths; yet... here he stands: right before her eyes, still in one piece.   ❛ Years have yet to change you, Deiru-san. ❜   the brunette daughter obtrusively states, a whimsical grin gracefully tugging at each corner of her roseate lips.
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     ❛ It has been so long since I’ve last seen you! How have you been?! ❜
// @stormfated​ !! ♡
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ofspark · 4 years
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@stormfated​ said: ‘ ah , forgive me for not properly introducing myself. ‘ the ravenette smiles before snapping a few small blue sparks between his fingers in a way that can clearly be visible. ‘ my name is deiru , and i’m quite the fan of your name. ‘
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          CRACKLING PROWESS DISPLAYED by the most minimal of means serves only for the most minor in buckling of her gaze. This buckle signifies only that she is critical of what she sees; not overly so, but rather that she analyzes the moment && picks it apart. Is it sourced by mana or is it second-hand via some device unseen? Oh, but from what she can gather at the fluidity && responsiveness to its willed presence, it’s as natural as the air that cycles through their lungs && the creaking of bones when form shifts. Distribution of weight wavers from right to left foot---an absentminded maneuver, unimportant. 
          However, despite being able to piece together the authenticity of the arcing ‘twixt his fingertips, there’s still that which begs the question of why approach in the first place. && thus, she is as forward as the sharpness in her gaze. “So that was reason enough to spark up a conversation?” A brow lifts, incredulously. “Sounds like you’re overextending, but to each their own.”
          She’s not so much judging as she’s just simply matter-of-fact.
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pyrhass · 5 years
can u just like die
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flowersofpoision · 4 years
@stormfated​​ hearted for a starter~
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     How the hell do random people keep coming into the Soul Society. Somehow there is always a new face, and he’s never sure on whether or not to kill on spot. “Hey, you there! What are you doing here?”
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
                 @stormfated​   💖 ‘d for a one liner !
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❝ ━ hey....give me a kiss. ❞ a needy feline? of course. what better way to get her daily dose than from her boyfriend?
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donner-katze · 5 years
' well look what the cat dragged in . '
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               “ Trust me, I’m looking at him right now, and he doesn’t look like much. ”
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verticordiia · 5 years
@stormfated​ sent:
‘ yeah, baby, i am an animal in bed. more specifically a koala. i can sleep for 22 hours a day. ’ ( this ask meme has me straight up dying lmfao )
sherry blinked twice, then a third time. for good measure. her eyebrow seemed to have found a new best friend in her hairline and the sigh that was rising in her throat could not be deeper. it was too early for this sort of nonsense, she determined. far too early. her own sleep had continued to evade her --- it had allowed her to finish up the letter for jura, certainly, but it also meant that she did not have much patience for people who, according to their own words, slept more in a day than she did in a week.
( her own lack of sleep might be making her --- irritable. the healers had said this would happen. )
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‘‘ well, dear, ’’ she crooned as she threw him a sharp glare, once more wondering why she even bothered with some guilds, ‘‘ this is surely a truly amazing accomplishment. alas --- not something i am looking for. ’’
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despairforme · 5 years
proceeds to play welcome to the black parade on nnoi’s teefers. ( i am so sorry )
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      When I was a young boi—
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orihimex · 5 years
arrives with headpats. :D
Affections to Orihime || @stormfated
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            Deiru’s presence was welcomed with a bright grin on Orihime’s face. She giggled as she felt his hand touch her crown gently. It was enough to warm her heart and send it fluttering too. Momentarily, she closed her eyes, as she let the relaxing feeling of being patted on the head course throughout her body. Once she opened her eyes, Orihime gave him a soft smile, “That was really nice of you, Deiru-kun,” then she tiptoed and tried to reach the top of his head only to have her face hit his chest. Her cheeks immediately turned red and she looked up at him wide-eyed. “Ah, I am so sorry, Deiru-kun. I wanted to pat your head too, but you are too tall for me to reach,” her hand touched the back of her head as she let out an awkward giggle.
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combatpetals · 5 years
give me ur toes
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blooming5th · 4 years
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@stormfated​ said: nerd :/
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     ❛ And just who do you think you’re calling a nerd, eh? ❜   the little peach fiercely retaliates with hands closed to fists precisely in front of her fragile frame. with a light-hearted chuckle & a tiny jump on her heels, she blithely threatens:   ❛ I will fight you, Deiru-san! ❜
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jocraze · 5 years
@stormfated​ said: smacks him upside the head :^/
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      one  would  say  he  did  well  in  holding  a  calm  stance.  however,  that  was  only        from  a  distance.  what  dwelled  inside  him  was  anger  that  he  began  to  feel  in  his  fists.  he  turned  around  &  sent  his  hand  flying  to  the  collar  of  deiru’s  shirt.    “   how  many  fuckin’  times  do  i  gotta  tell  ya  to  watch  the  hair?!   ”   it  was  enough  rage  to  cause  quite  the  scene  in  a  matter  of  seconds.  the  right  side  of  josuke’s  lip  was  tugged  upward  in  the  same  irritated  fashion  he  normally  wore  it  in  previous  situations.
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ofspark · 4 years
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@stormfated​ | X
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          A FAMILIAR FACE doesn’t compensate for the tension in the situation at hand. Where her blade is drawn && raw crackling energy envelops it in a halo of damnation. But it goes without saying that the threat has long since been dealt with in the passed moments. That, however, does not dismiss the fact that her bones still scream in the need to tear asunder any && all that would so much as consider becoming an obstacle of her path. It does not dismiss the way her flesh seethes && the grip upon her blade tightens to the point of knuckles losing their color to the bone beneath flesh; white as snow. Marrow does not waver && neither would her mind. 
          However, even she is capable of reeling in that calculated rage at mentioned familiarity. Though she bears no true hospitality, acknowledgement is given verbally. No turn of the head, no falter of roseate crown so that her eyes might befall he. Simply acknowledgement via detachment. “---What? Now you’re following me?”
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pyrhass · 5 years
give me ur toes
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