#storm of king art center
sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Wangechi Mutu’s Sculptures in Bronze Populate Storm King Art Center with Mythical Beings
Storm King Art Center is situated on the ancestral homelands of the Lenape, a reference point that Kenyan-American artist Wangechi Mutu returns to for a new exhibition at the outdoor museum in Hudson Valley. Comprised of her signature sculptures of immense hybrid figures, the largely bronze body of work addresses settler-colonialism and the inextricable tie between people and the land.
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antronaut · 1 year
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Mia Westerlund Roosen - Baritone (1985/1994)
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littlekingfox · 22 days
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Storm King Art Center 9/2/24
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stoplookingup · 11 months
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Me, splinched.
Reflection in artwork by:
Mirror Fence, 2003
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labyrinth-guy · 3 months
wrote 4 pages of what will ultimately be my grad school writing sample and it felt pretty fucking good... for better or worse art historical academic writing is my calling and im locking in fr
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jeanthegem · 3 months
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kristymcallister · 4 months
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Momo Taro by Isamu Noguchi, Storm King Art Center, Spring 2024
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octavio-world · 10 months
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Storm King Fall ‘23 Castoffs.
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Storm King Art Center, Cornwall, NY
Part 2
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minnepaulitan · 1 year
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A day at the Storm King Art Center
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milksockets · 21 days
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'crocodylus,' 2020 in wangechi mutu: storm king art center (2022)
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skykidsam · 3 months
Shard Memory: Shattering (and lots of unhinged rambling about lore implications)
Long read ahead - some Sky: The Two Embers spoilers in the block of text toward the end.
I really wanted to get more shots but I literally clipped into Tsadi's cape and couldn't escape ;-;
Anyway, here we go:
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From left to right: Sa, Mekh, Lamed, Teth, Daleth, Tsadi (barely visible in the darkness on the bottom right), Ayin, and floating in the center above everyone else and directly above the shattering stone, the upside-down mask and fading silhouette of King Resh.
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I got this closer shot of the mask. I should have gotten a screenshot while I was actually on it because the details don't translate from far away. The best description I can give is this: it seemed like mostly just the mask, no real substance to the head or body; the mask was two stars stacked on top of one another, the bigger being a four-pointed star with the longest point being the top (but in this case, with it being upside-down, the bottom), and the smaller star having many more points and resting directly on top of the bigger star. And in the eye of both stars is a single spot (a diamond, if I remember correctly), that looks like a small darkstone.
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I find it really interesting that all of the elders were present for the Shattering. I can only assume they were there to stop it - but I wonder how much they were aware of. Darkness was already spreading through the realms for some time. The King had been corrupted. Was the Storm on the horizon? Was the stone already glowing red and showing its cracks? Could they tell what a monstrous catastrophe they were on the brink of experiencing? Or were they there simply to intervene and stop the King?
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And then these guys. I know we still don't fully know what Winged Lights even are. But with the new extended preview of Sky: The Two Embers out, there's one scene in particular that this makes me think of. (I'll save hard spoilers for the end and will give warning beforehand.)
So, my take?
I think we're seeing the moment Resh sacrificed himself to save everyone. We're also seeing that it was too late.
We also know from devs that Elder cutscenes exist in a place outside space and time, but that they still have an effect on the world. I think we're seeing why. The moment this stone shattered, all those present were killed, but were also locked in their own limbo, living out their most notable moments over and over again across probably infinite dimensions (like watching the same scene over and over in the reflections bouncing off shards of broken glass... or crystal). They're stuck. Not here in Sky, not in Orbit, not with The Light - but somewhere In Between. Purgatory.
But... why? How?
Well, the path to Orbit was still blocked - both by the shattered crystal itself, and by the now-demolished castle infrastructure that was previously seated on and above the mountain peak. Even aside from that, most, if not all of the Elders had already been corrupted; aka, depleted of their natural light and/or filled with darkness - who knows if they even had enough internal light left to participate in the natural light/life cycle, even if they had survived.
What about the King?
We also now have confirmation in the art book that, "The Ruler would sacrifice themselves to share light back into the skies, and the light souls would then return as Descendants."
With that information, I have a few theories. He was certainly corrupted, and very likely the most corrupted of all the Elders. So, my first question is, what was his act of sacrifice?
We clearly see him upside-down, seemingly disintegrating or dissolving, with nothing but his (presumably darkstone-imbued) mask remaining.
Was his sacrifice the thing that destroyed the crystal? Had it absorbed too much light, started glowing red and attracting Darkness and Storm to it, and so the crystal is what needed to be stopped?
Or was the shattering itself the cause of the Storm?
Three things we know for certain:
There was already war, darkness, corruption, and pollution before the stone shattered.
The shattering itself caused immense structural damage.
The stone was harnessing light/souls directly from the sacred migration to The Light.
So my theories are:
A) The stone itself had been corrupted and had become volatile, so the King sacrificed himself to shatter the stone and make way for light to enter back into the light/life cycle.
B) The sheer density of light/souls was too much for the stone, causing deterioration over time that eventually allowed darkness to manifest, and that structural deterioration led to the Shattering. The King sacrificed himself to try to contain it/minimize the damage.
In either case, the Elders and King would probably be able to see visual cues that warn them things are about to get bad. In situation A, it would be a change of color from blue to vibrant, violent red. In situation B, it would be the progressive chips and cracks in the stone that would probably let them know when it's close to exploding. In either case, the Elders and King are likely gathering to decide how to handle it, when the King decides that it's ultimately his mess, so he ought to be the one to deal with it. He uses the last of his power to try to destroy or contain it (in whatever way he can), and then it shatters.
And then what happened?
Well, we know that unnatural deaths leave remains, as seen in Forest, Wasteland, and Vault. There are no remains.
Natural deaths mean your light gets recycled back into the soul cycle and you cease to exist as you once did, but that's not quite right either. This certainly wasn't a natural death. We also still see the Elders - not as memory projections like the mantas in Vault and not like the Spirits of our Ancestors - but as actual, tangible Memories, just like the Shattering Memories. When we meditate at their shrines, they still visit us and give us their warnings - the same warnings - time after time.
Like I said earlier, they're stuck somewhere Between, living out those key moments over and over for the rest of eternity.
They even both take place in seemingly the same type of greyed out void space. I hesitate to call it "a void" because Void could very well be its own entity. But also, there's a real possibility this is that entity. (Something like "The Empty" from Supernatural.)
And the King?
Again, I have more than one theory.
He could be trapped in the stone. This isn't my theory, I don't know where it came from, but even this theory has two sub-theories. 1a being that his consciousness is trapped in the Eden crystal, forever shattering and killing the Descendants who attempt to free the souls trapped in the cycle; 1b being that he's the Season of Shattering crystal, that he's reliving those memories and sharing them with us in a similar limbo as the Elders. (My thought, if this is true, is that it's both. I believe the Season of Shattering stone would be the largest piece of the King's consciousness, still capable of memory, and perhaps thought, but not much else - but that that stone is still stuck in the center of the ever-shattering crystal in Eden, simultaneously experiencing the Memories and the Shattering indefinitely.)
He sacrificed himself and returned what was left of his light, and that light became the Descendants. (Also not my theory, the idea that we're fragments of the King has been around a while, I'm sure.)
HOWEVER, upon re-reading the quote, some phrasing stands out.
"The Ruler would sacrifice themselves to share light back into the skies, and the light souls would then return as Descendants."
So... who did the Ruler sacrifice? Does "themselves" refer to both parts of the Ruler (Prince Alef/King Resh)? Or does it refer to himself and the Elders, who were all conveniently present? That theory gets dark fast.
If it's the Ruler sacrificing their own "selves", it may explain the two hugging WL on top of the crystal. Two halves of a whole, re-uniting in a post-mortem act of forgiveness. But that leaves the clip from recent leaks a mystery.
Regardless, I read that hug on top of the stone as a heart-wrenching "I forgive you" moment.
Another theory that I don't know how to neatly fit into all of this text:
The quote explicitly states that the Ruler sacrifices themselves to share light back into the skies.
It does not say whose light. If it was the King's light, you'd think they would have specified that (unless they intended for it to be vague, which would also make sense.)
We know the King and Elders hoarded light. One place we know they hoarded light was the powerstones/darkstones, so it's not a stretch to consider that by sacrificing himself to shatter the massive stone, he was then sharing the light (from within the stone) back into the skies and that light became Descendants.
Another place they could have potentially hoarded light is within themselves. (What if that's the reason they're so tall compared to all other Ancestors?) Especially if they were corrupted, their bodies may act a lot like Dark Creatures in the sense that they have an insatiable hunger for light. In this case, maybe it makes sense for the King to try to sacrifice himself and all of the elders. (Then the question becomes... did they know they'd be sacrificed? Honestly, probably. I suspect they understood their role in the way events were unfolding by that point. It's another question entirely whether they all went willingly.)
And FINALLY, what about those two hugging Winged Lights??
Well, I'm sure it won't surprise you that I have more than one theory. Both include at least one of the kids being the King's "soul."
Theory 1 is that both of the kids are the king, like I alluded to earlier. Two halves of a whole, reuniting and hugging in an act of self-forgiveness. Simple. Sweet. Only a little confusing.
- Hard Spoiler Territory -
The second is based solely on The Two Embers and the scene in Orbit, where a dark child that looks like Alef hugs a golden child that looks like Hopeful Steward.
Another moment of forgiveness, but between friends who shared a common interest. They both wanted life, light, and prosperity for their world - but they had different visions. One sought prosperity through community; the other sought prosperity through power and greed. Ultimately, they both paid the price.
But why is Alef dark in the video if, in this memory, he is light?
Well, it depends.
If the first scenario is true, where it's his own two halves becoming whole again, my assumption is that his light/soul was returned from the crystal once it was shattered. If this is the case, his soul likely returned to the soul cycle and we are all little fragments of him. (Which leaves me a little salty about the fates of the Elders, I can't lie.)
That scenario may explain the split between Alef (Prince) and Resh (King). Perhaps his childish innocence and sense of self was absorbed into the stone at some point, only to be freed in the Shattering.
If it's the second scenario, a forgiveness between friends, I believe the Hopeful Steward was the one to return his light - mirroring the scene of skykids in Orbit.
And if THAT'S the case, where is the King now?
I guess we'll just have to find out. Maybe he and the Hopeful Steward merged and were reborn as the first Descendent? Or maybe his soul stayed to contain the ever-shattering crystal, while Steward's soul went on to guide Descendants in their journey.
One thing we can say for certain is that they all die. Lovely. (But we already knew that.)
And we can also see that the Steward somehow found (or made?) Aviary, that they have some authority over/relationship to the Descendants, and that other Ancestors regard Steward with a lot of respect.
I know most of this will be answered in time, but I can't help it, my mind is still reeling with all the possibilities 💭
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blu-ish · 7 months
Seasonal Love💖
PART TWO (read Part One Here ;))
Summary: A couple weeks after Sonic's "Valentines Day" encounter with his rival, he decides it's only fair to teach Shadow about a Mobian Holiday. It's only polite after all...
So why is he suddenly feeling embarrassed about it now?
Tails busied himself with his gadgets. It wasn't often that he'd get the free time to work on something that wasn't "saving the world" related. Don't get him wrong, he loved a challenge, but some of his personal projects needed some tending too.
Wiping his brow, the kit smiled proudly at his work. All he needed was to fine tune it and--
"Hey bud!" a gush of wind engulfed the room, it was kind of refreshing to the sweaty inventor, who held onto his working goggles as the breeze passed. Smiling at his older brother with a brow.
"What did I say about running into my workshop at mach one?"
"And what did I say about working without the windows open little brother?" Sonic ruffled the fox's head, moving passed him to pull the window open, leaning against the frame to enjoy the fresh air that drifted in.
Tails knew how picky Sonic was about windows, it seemed the only time they were ever closed was during a storm. Before he could reassure his sibling it just slipped his mind, he gasped, running up to the window.
"Is that--?!"
"Sure is! I think it's my best one this season."
Hanging just above his window, was a small charm. Tails always thought they looked similar to wind chimes or suncatchers. Small yellow and orange flowers were weaved between fresh blades of grass, two pine cones at their center. All held by a strings and small twigs. It was beautiful.
"That's today?!" Tails groaned, "I completely forgot! Wait a minute--" he pointed an accusing gloved finger at the hedgehog. "You didn't remind me on purpose so you could beat me this season!"
"and I oop--" Sonic wheezed, weakly covering his face as the younger playfully swatted at him. "Do you like it at least?"
Pulling his older brother into a tight hug, he couldn't stop his tails from wagging, causing another small gust. "I love it, thank you Sonic."
Sonic purred, resting his head on his baby brother's. They stayed like that for a minute before Tails pulled away sighing, a bit defeated.
"How am I supposed to top that?! I've only started collecting for everyone last week!" He really needed to rework his scheduling, especially during holidays.
"You still have the rest of today before the festival dude! Don't sweat it." Sonic reassured him. He knew his brother was right, his inventions could wait, and he wasn't just gonna let Sonic have all the fun. "I still gotta hang the rest of them before tonight, but I can help you with yours if you like."
Tails nodded, he was gonna need all the help he could get. The fox was good with machines, but when it came to arts and crafts, well...
"Only if the "charms king" want's to of course." the fox teased, removing his workshop equipment and running up to his brother who had already zipped over to open the door.
"Indubitably dear brother." Sonic bowed. Shutting the door behind them. The charm swayed in the wind, it's twin pine cones turning ever so slightly.
Shadow had never seen the town this busy before.
The one day off he had from work, was the day he decided to visit Sunset Heights, a small Mobian town just a quick run--for him at least, from Westopolis. There was the occasional human here and there, but the buildings themselves accommodated the different species height, so they mostly stood outside and chatted with their much smaller companions.
What caught his eye the most, was the amount of.. hanging like objects? Decor? He couldn't really put his finger on how to describe them, but they seemed to hang on every window within his sight. It was, admittedly, a little strange. But he supposed it was a nice change to how the town was a few years prior, when Eggman sent the place to ruin.
Unwilling to reopen those memories, he instead walked a little closer to a local bakery, where a older goat like Mobian woman tended to what seemed to be baskets upon baskets of leaves, grass, flowers, and twigs.
What on Earth is going on?
He hadn't meant to peer inside of the baskets, but his curious nature betrayed him anyways, catching the attention of the shop keeper.
"Are ya interested in my rare wares youngster?" she laughed. Shadow noticed her windows had tons of those same hanging objects, which seemed to be made out of the same kind of material, he blinked as the lady awaited an answer.
"O-oh, I apologize, I was just curious about... the grass." You would think he would be used to public interactions by now, he mentally cringed at himself. Why was he like this...
"Oh your a grass fan huh? Well I got dead grass, some what alive grass, brown, green, yellow--you name it honey."
Before he could ask-- or better yet, try to understand what was happening, he felt a line build up behind him. The goat looked at him expectedly. How did he even get here? He was NOT going to buy grass---
He bought 2 bags of grass and a single flower.
Pulling out his phone, he sent pictures of some of the hanging decor that boggled his mind to Rouge. Maybe she would know, she always happened too. He had to admit, some of the designs were rather beautiful, while confusing.
He continued to walk through the town, entering the main plaza, he reached down to grab the particular flower he had purchased in his moment of weakness. He sat down near the fountain to examine it.
Each flower the lady was selling had been pressed and incased in a glass like circle container. Like a keychain, it was held by a single string. The yellow rose shimmered in the sunlight, their tips a deep red. He supposed it was rather stunning, he could find some use for it, maybe.
The agent watched as groups moved from one side of the plaza to the other, moving tables, bags, and tools. He felt a little cramped, so much for finding a place to relax--he wasn't a fan of crowds.
Not wanting to get in the way more than he felt he already has, Shadow hastily walked out of the town, finding solace in the nearby woods.
Sonic was on a roll today.
After helping Tails with the charms for everyone, he was quickly shooed out of the house. His little brother wanted to surprise him with his charm when it was finished. Sonic offered to take the few the kit was able to get done with him, it was probably one of his favorite parts.
After all, who was a better delivery boy then the fastest thing alive?
He hit all the stops, as many as he could anyways, he couldn't wait to see all the additions during the festival. He wondered if they'd finally serve chilidogs this season?
After quietly hanging some charms at a certain detective agency, along with a quick run passed Vanillas, the blue hedgehog pulled out the last two charms-- littered with small pink flowers and shiny stones, meant for the one and only Amy Rose.
The pink hedgehogs window was wide open, the sweet smell of--what Sonic could tell anyways, was something in the oven, probably for the festival. This was one of Amy's favorite holidays after all.
But before Sonic could hang the charms, Amy was already opening her froNT DOOR-- NO HIS PEFRECT PLAN FOILED.
Quickly hiding the charms behind his back, he hoped they wouldn't get tangled together too much. He smiled as Amy made eye contact with him. Act natural.
"H-Hey Ames! Cooking up something for tonight? Wouldn't happen to be chilidogs would it?" yeah, he was super cool.
Amy rolled her eyes, but played along. "Nope! It's my world famous strawberry short cake, also its baking not "cooking" Sonic."
Sonic groaned, what was she the word police? It should've been chilidogs.. NO ONE BRINGS CHILIDOGS-- before he could continue his mental war over the fact he was getting strawberry short cake AGAIN, Amy gasped. Crap he forgot he was supposed to be hiding the--
"Are those--?!"
"NO AMY SAVE YOURSELF DONT LOOK ITS BAD LUCK S T O P." He stammered, quickly running inside her house to hang them out her window letting out a long sigh of relief. "There we go, I saved your life you owe me now."
Amy snorted, holding her ribs as it quickly turned into a laughing fit. Sonic couldn't help laughing with her. It was nice, it really brought out the kids in them both. She walked back inside to look at them, wiping the tears from her green eyes. "Your a dork, ahh they're beautiful!"
"Thanks! Tails was really hoping you'd think so, I mean, mines a given but--" Amy nudged him playfully, stopping him mid sentence. "Alright we don't need another "Pro Charms" maker speech. You won that competition one time! one!"
"Sounds like something a beginner would say." He smiled smugly, Amy only groaned moving back to grab her bag.
"I was just on my way to hang some charms myself, I just set my cake to cool so I should be able to finish it when I get back." She put her hand on her hip, glaring at the hedgehog knowingly. "and you ARE going to have some young man, it was made with love!"
Sonic put a hand over his chest, "I will endure it for you Ames, always." It wasn't Amy's fault, her cake was always a hit, he was just a hater.
"Sounds good," she chuckled, "oh, and if you wanted someone to bring chilidogs why not just talk to Shadow about it? You didn't stop talking about how good his were for a whole week." Amy smirked, "come to think of it, has he ever been to the festival before? I don't think there are any in Westopolis.. I meant to ask Rouge, maybe they could come this season!"
Something in Sonic snapped, a tight knot built up in his chest.
He forgot about Shadow.
Amy noticed Sonics sudden change in demeanor, puzzled. "Everything okay Soni--?"
"CANT CHAT MY REPUTATIONS ON THE LINE--" and without another word, the blue blur was out the door, the gust of wind following him. Amy blinked, looking back at her cake, which was miraculously still standing and cooled to the perfect tempature.
"Oh come on!"
Shadow smiled to himself. Now this was much better.
The hybrid sat by a small pond, watching the frogs do their daily business, which he concluded was a lot of croaking.
The sun was beginning to set, just a little, he'd have to report back in the morning. The "joy" was almost overbearing... Taking a breath, he refused to let such a small thing ruin his quiet moment with the frogs. They didn't deserve to hear his grumblings anyways.
Just then, his ear twitched, the agent picked up a slight disturbance in the forest--it could've been easily mistaken to the light rustling of the leaves in the breeze, but his advanced hearing knew better. Standing up, he quickly moved out from the open.
What now?
Suddenly, a flash of blue zoomed passed where he hid behind the greenery. The whirlwind left behind ruffling Shadow's quills, causing his breath to hitch, just a little.
He didn't know when he started to chase him, he also didn't know why he did so... all he knew was that his heart needed to catch up.
He wanted too.
They zoomed around the trees, up the slopes and over mossy boulders. He wasn't sure if the blue hedgehog noticed him yet, but Sonic seemed to pick up speed, dashing under fallen trees and making all sorts of sharp turns.
Almost like he was trying to lose him.
Shadow growled, he was not going to lose.
He was so close, too close, but Sonic still stayed quicker and ever more nimble then the hybrid. They began to occasionally circle one another, again, and again, for no other reason but to glance at the other.
What was Sonic holding?
Sonic's foot got caught under a root, causing whatever dance was going on between the two to be cut abruptly. Shadow saw the item get flung out of his hands. The agent swiftly catching it before it could fall to the ground. He eyed it curiously before--
He couldn't believe it.
Shadow heard a small chuckle coming from the trapped hedgehog, who was working on freeing his foot.
"Ya know, it's bad luck if you see yours before it's hung." He smiled, walking over to the ebony hedgehog as he gently handed it back to him.
"I don't.." Shadow groaned, "understand?" Sonic eyed him curiously.
"I've been seeing those," he pointed to the wind chime like object in Sonic's hand. "all around town, what are they exactly?"
The hero hummed, quickly putting the pieces together at last, snapping his fingers. "Oh! Holy Gaia you really don't know do you?!"
Sonic's face never looked more punchable, but he just grumbled through it. Crossing his arms annoyed by his rivals endless teasing. How was he supposed to--?
Sonic raised his hands a bit with a laugh, careful with the mesh of unfinished weaved flowers and grass.
"Alright, alright, my bad," he and the hybrid started to walk through the woods, a complete one eighty from their previous chase. The noises of the forest slowly humming back to life.
"Amy mentioned you probably didn't know about the festival, but I had no idea you also didn't even know about one of Mobius's oldest traditions."
"Did you happen to forget that I was raised above the planet, not on it." Shadow corrected, "also if I recall, you didn't know what one of my holidays were either." Could this hedgehog be any more scatter brained?
Instead of the utter embarrassment the hybrid was expecting out of the hedgehog. Sonic instead looked right at him with a smile that rivaled all the stars. He attempted to step away, but his legs wouldn't move. They seemed to have a mind of their own today anyways...
"That's right! We made a deal, remember? I'm pulling my "teaching Shadow about a holiday pass" today!" he smirked, pulling the agent along as they jogged around the trees.
Shadow supposed it was, only fair, it's not like he had any plans. Rouge hadn't responded to his text in hours anyways.
"You were running somewhere? Here?"
Sonic nodded, "I have a secret place I like to make charms at." he looked back at the other behind him, "buuut you gotta promise not to tell anyone Shads. It's our secret now~"
Ignoring the wink sent his way, Shadow only nodded, and the duo disappeared into the brush.
"Hey! Your picking this up quick Shadow! You sure you haven't done this before?"
"Hush, your going to make me lose my place."
There was a meadow, a meadow right in the center of the forest. It looked like something right out of a painting, or one of the nature textbooks Maria would have in her room and stare at for hours, wishing that it was in color.
She would've loved it here.
The hedgehogs sat under a giant willow tree, a flower bed surrounded them with different shades of small flowers. Tall green grass pressed below them under the shade, it took all of Shadows willpower not to stare at the scenery around him, instead it was just as Sonic instructed-- one loop through the next, and tighten, then again.
He finally understood now. These "hanging trinkets" were called, Mobian Suncharms. Through Sonic's crude-ish history lesson, he learned that at the end of every winter, Mobians would weaved together their own Suncharms to give as a gift, a "promise" to friends and family that they would be with them in the spring.
Sonic explained that, when you were done, you were traditionally supposed to hang them right outside said persons window. Without them seeing of course. The person would collect how many SunCharms they'd received at the end of the day, bringing them to a special festival where you would combine them to one big SunCharm, where you would then keep everyone's "promises" in your home until the Charm wilted.
"The food, games, and music was kinda added later I guess." Sonic explained, effortlessly weaving around the small green and red flowers in his hand. "Tails and I had ran into a festival when we were younger," he breathed a laugh, "we were so lost, no clue what was going on either."
Shadow hummed, listening as he glanced over to Sonics hands before readjusting his own weavings.
"I didn't really have any interest in it at first, we were just there for the free food mostly, but Tails, he begged me to try. His village had excluded him from it.." Sonic gripped his charm slightly. Shadow noticed and subconsciously leaned a little closer to the blue hedgehog.
Sonic glanced back at Shadow, his face... a little closer than he expected. He cleared his throat, sighing. "ah, well, you probably didn't know but.. his old village was convinced his Tails brought "bad luck" or some crap like that..." Sonic mumbled the last part, Shadow could tell he didn't like talking about it much. So he only nodded.
"I see, a shame, I always thought they were rather unique."
The hero blinked, chuckling a bit, "Man, Tails would freak if you said that to him." The hybrid chuckled back, glad he was able to lift Sonics spirits, just a little.
"Well, I am a bit of a hybrid myself." Shadow concluded.
"Hey so am I," Sonic snorted, referring to what Shadow could only guess was his abnormal speed. "We should start a club."
The silence was comforting, whatever sunlight was left peeping through the trees branches fell onto Sonics cobalt quills. It reminded him of the pond. Not that Shadow was staring-- no.
"The festival is gonna start soon." Sonic's voice broke the stillness, he didn't realize the blue hedgehog could sound that soft before.
Standing up, Sonic dusted himself off, looking down at his rival. "Can I see you there?"
"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." he smiled, "I'll finish mine and meet you tonight."
"Sounds like a plan." the hero gave him a quick thumbs up, holding Shadow's charm close to his peach chest and zooming away. Shadow supposed he'd get to see the finished product later then. They were running a little short on time, hanging them on the windows was out of the question now.
After a few more minutes, the hedgehog stood up, one arm holding a bundle of SunCharms. While the other, one Sonic helped him with earlier, he hung on the willow tree. It's light blue and yellow flowers perfectly weaved together. A blue stone at it's center.
"I promise, Maria." Through the spring, and for the rest of time.
The festival was going just as planned, people from all over Mobius seemed to join together under the lights of the Sunset Heights plaza. Sonic waved toward his friends, who were all dressed up for the occasion. They held their individual SunCharms in bundles, some already started trying to find a way to piece them together, laughing and joking all the way. It warmed his heart.
"Sonic!" Tails called, giggling as his brother pulled him up into a hug. "Look how many Charms I got!"
The kit enthusiastically held up what seemed to be hundreds of SunCharms, Sonic could tell the kid was already figuring out a way to fit them together in his little genius brain.
"That's awesome bud! Maybe you could help me with mine next." Sonic held a whole bundle of SunCharms, being the literal hero of Mobius without a literal window FOR SunCharms ended with him being handed all of them at once as soon as he entered the plaza. Tails couldn't help but wheeze.
"Good luck with that Sonic." he winked. Cream and Charmy came running over as well.
"I can take those for you Mr. Sonic! We set up a table for us all near the fountain!" the rabbit smiled, helping Sonic walk over to set the SunCharms down.
"As emperor of Charmy Day, I herby also offer my assistance to you!" Charmy added, flying over to take some as well. Sonic smiled, these kids were awesome.
Vector sighed, "Charmy for the last time it's not Charmy Day." he chuckled, "Wow Sonic, you sure got your hands full there!"
Espio nodded from where he sat near the kids table, Sonic could only guess he self appointed himself as the child watcher as the other adults partied around. "Glad you could make it Sonic, and thank you for your charms."
"Thanks guys, no problem!" after setting his stuff down and finally resting his arms, he started to greet the others. Amy was already handing out slices of her strawberry shortcake. While Charmy had pulled Tails and Cream away to play games. Even Knuckles was here, and he looked like he was being "tormented" by a certain white bat.
"Rouge?" Sonic blinked surprised. "I didn't know you celebrated!"
"She didn't," Knuckles huffed, "But someone has big ears and heard me talking about it, now she won't leave me alone." Knuckles's muzzles was almost as red as his quills. Sonic assumed that was Rouge's doing.
"Heya blue," she took a sip of her drink before gently patting the echidnas head. "He invited me here since I was trying to get answers for a certain someone who didn't know about the holiday."
"Yeah, while you were on my island trying to steal my emerald!"
"Oh relax red, we made a mutual agreement to put aside our differences for tonight." she hummed, taking another sip out of her drink before Knuckles could put in another word.
Sonic never really thought about it, but Rouge was almost always in the city, probably for her whole life. He wondered if she was like Shadow, and was simply unaware of a part of Mobian culture because of it. Like Sonic was with, with.. oh yeah! Valentines Day!
"Well, either way, glad you guys are here! Wouldn't be the same without ya Knuckle head. Your gonna love it Rouge, everything's free tonight!"
"Now that's my kind of holiday!" she laughed, raising her glass to the hedgehog.
Leaving the couple to it, Sonic grabbed a drink, walking around the fountain greeting more people before eyeing a familiar dark hedgehog under the lights.
"Well, look who finally decided to show up." he couldn't help his tail from wagging, or the dumb smile that was probably on his face. Because oh my Gaia did Shadow clean up good.
The end of the winter brought its last chilly breeze, so many people had light coats or sweaters on. But Shadows collared shirt, leather jacket, freshly brushed quills, and eyeliner. Looked... nice. Yes, very nice.
"I said I'd be here." he said, in his, "did you literally forget I just told you" look. Sonic just sighed, "And I'm happy you are, because I get to give you this!" he pulled out a SunCharm from his quills, Shadow stared in awe at the sight.
It looked even better from when he watched Sonic make it under the willow tree. It was embedded with small black stones, the red and green flowers curled around them perfectly. There was even a few pressed flowers on there too, dangling from thin strings. A green rose, and a purple one too. He was definitely keeping those after his charm wilted for, educational purposes.
Shadow gently took the charm from him, holding his carefully to examine each little detail. He hoped his tail wasn't wagging too much...
"T-Thank you, Sonic." he forced out, still infatuated with his gift. Sonic only smiled dumby in response, he wanted to make sure Shadow's first SunCharm was extra special.
"Here..." The hybrid pulled his SunCharm from his own quills, not really watching Sonics expression as he handed it to him. He wasn't expecting much of a response other than a "Thanks Shadow!" or even "Aw for me? You shouldn't have."
But he was met with absolute silence.
In fact, Shadow hadn't even realized until then as well, but the whole plaza was, in fact dead silent.
Heart picking up pace fast. Shadow looked around confused out of his mind, which wouldn't be the first time that day anyways. He shifted his attention to Sonic, and he was going to ask him what the hell was going on but--
Sonic's face was beet red.
"Sonic? What's wrong?" Why was it that every time he tried to celebrate anything it ended up going horrible and utterly wrong in his favor--
"S-Shadow, you gave me a E-Eternal Rose.." Sonic swallowed, gesturing to the Yellow Rose, the one with the red tips. That dangled innocently by a string. Shadow didn't know what else to add on Sonics' SunCharm so he just-- he just added it? What in the world is happening right now.
Shadow bit back a hiss, trying so hard to not let all the eyes scare him away. He was stronger than that, right? Whatever offence he just caused Sonic and all of Mobius apparently could be solved with a simple apology and a swift move to a different continent and--
"It's a declaration of an eternal love, to like your.. uh, l-life partner?" Sonic chuckled awkwardly. Watching as Shadows face twisted from anguish to pure flushed embarrassment.
"I-It's okay! You didn't know! It's not a big deal or anything--" Sonic was stammering, people were whispering. People were watching.
He wasn't strong enough.
He took a hold of the traitorous rose and snapped it from the SunCharm, pulling his chaos emerald before the whole plaza was engulfed into a green light.
Why couldn't the rose have meant nothing. Absolutely, nothing. He could've been enjoying himself with everyone else, in the back, probably in the corner. But still, nonetheless better than this.
But no, it had to mean something, and that something was the most prominent something of all.
A declaration of love of all things.
He gripped the rose in his hand, unwilling to shatter it, because what good would that do? Why didn't that lady tell him it meant something like that before he went ahead and bought it along with her two bags of grass.
Maybe he should just sleep under this willow tree for the night.
Suddenly, he heard a voice call to him. The last voice he wanted to hear right now...
"Shadow! Dude?! Where did you go!?" Sonic called to him from somewhere within the forest. Shadow knew it was cowardly to hide, it was weak to hide. He would be severely scolded for this behavior back on the Ark.
But he wasn't on the Ark.
And no amount of testing prepared him for this.
Maria's SunCharm seemed to make the most noise, the blue stone he had placed in the middle mere hours earlier made a whistling noise through the cracks around its uneven sides in the breeze. He grumbled at it, begging for it to stop--
"There you are!" Sonic peered under through the long hair like vines that hung from the tree, separating them like curtains.
Shadow yelped, quills sticking up protectively. "L-Leave me be.." he sped walked around the tree, a determined Sonic behind him.
Kicking up his air shoes, Shadow blasted away, the forest blanketing him in darkness from the moon. The blue light that bounced off of the trees following him..
They raced once again, similar to earlier, but instead of it being filled by curiousness, it held the unknown-- something that only filled the hybrid with dread.
He hated it. He hated not knowing, he despised running away, to many complicated emotions... gritting his teeth he swerved around. Face to face with the hedgehog, who wasn't expecting him to stop.
"Fight me."
Sonic blinked, "What?! Now--?"
But he was already blocking a kick, and it was Shadow's turn to play chase.
They duked it out for what seemed like forever, kicks and punches coming left and right. Swerving under and over trees and rocks. They gave it their all, occasionally circling... just to glance at the other.
Sonic would lose him in the darkness, and Shadow would seemingly reappear from it, tackling him to the ground. The blue hedgehog in return would light up the forest in a dazzling light, chaos energy flowing through him.
They rolled down a hill, gripping the other tightly before they stopped. Breathing heavily, Sonic and Shadow collapsed side by side before looking up into the starry night. The moon greeting them in its pale light.
"S-Shadow?" Sonic panted, looking over at the coughing hedgehog. Who used to rest of his energy to look away.
"I-I'm" Shadow swallowed heavily, "I'm sorry."
Sonic laughed, but it sounded more like a gentle wheeze. "That you lost? I mean you said it not me-- OW!" He hissed, as Shadow elbowed him.
"You know what I meant.."
"Y-yeah.. I know."
They stayed silent for a while longer, the night filled with nothing but their breaths. This time, however, Shadow broke it.
"I didn't know.."
Sonic smiled, "No kidding."
Shadow grumbled, holding his face in his hands remembering the moment. He dragged them down his muzzle before hesitantly looked over to Sonic, who was covered in branches and leaves.
"I had purchased it this morning.. a older woman was selling some I supposed." he recalled, the flower was rather pricey now that he thinks about it.
The hero hummed, "Those flowers are extremely rare, couples usually put them on their SunCharms when their expecting to marry in the spring." he explained, "It's just for good luck or whatnot, the fact she just happen to have one is crazy."
"That would've been nice to know.." The agent looked away, face absolutely flushed.
Sonic sat up, reaching a hand out to help the other up. They sat there for a minute before the blue hedgehog held his hand out again. "May I see it?"
"S-sure.." Shadow handed him the flower that singlehandedly ruined his night. But Sonic looked at it with utter awe.
"It's beautiful."
The hybrid hummed, staring at Sonic for a while as he examined the flora.
"I should've explained the flower color meanings to you man.. I'm so sorry. Guess It just slipped my mind."
"Wouldn't be the first time you've forgotten something." Shadow minorly teased, correcting his gaze away from the hedgehog.
"Har har," Sonic nudged him, coming a little closer to show the flower to Shadow. He smelled like wet grass, or the air before the rain.
"You see the yellow? That could mean multiple things, but usually, it means happiness, or friendship." Shadow nodded along, looking at where Sonics gloved fingers pointed on the glass.
"The red tips signify that friendship becoming, something more," He chuckled, awkwardly, "Like, falling in love, I guess."
Shadow pulled his own legs closer to hug himself, looking away once again, he didn't know why he felt so.. vulnerable. When he let himself become this way around Sonic specifically, it happened over time he supposed.. he didn't care, he just wanted to be.
"I didn't.. mean to embarrass you, on your holiday no less." Shadow cleared his throat. "and I shouldn't have left so suddenly.. that was very rude of me and--"
"Dude," Sonic placed a hand on top of Shadows. "It's okay.. I promise."
He was so close, too close, they ended up resting their foreheads together. Closing their eyes and just sat there. Something inside of him wished it could last forever.
Sonic hummed, breaking the contact, "You never finished your SunCharm by the way.." emerald eyes stared back at him in the night. Shadow couldn't help but stare back.
Pulling out the SunCharm Shadow made for him, he pointed at the broken string with a smile. "Think you could fix it for me?"
Shadow blinked, "But I thought--"
"It doesn't have to mean anything Shads, who cares! It's just a pretty flower," Sonic rolled his eyes, "You made it and I want to keep it, I don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks."
There was something about Sonic that had always fascinated Shadow... he supposed he'd never fully understand, and for once, he was fine with that.
He tied the Eternal Rose back in place, the moon reflecting off its surface. Sonic glimmered with a happiness that Shadow momentarily thought rivaled even the flower. He knew somewhere, Sonic was right, that what the flower meant was just a means of symbolism... nothing more.
But he supposed it was true in a sense, Shadow knew he was eternal.. and, as much as he didn't like to admit it--even to himself, he found himself caring, a little too much about this stupid blue hedgehog that just so happened to run right into his life.
And if Sonic saw a promise of anything in that flower, Shadow would keep it, until the end of it all.
Sonic chuckled, glancing toward Shadow, "What? Do I still got dirt on my face?"
The agent grumbled, looking away, "We should head back." He stood up, he had some apologizing to do after all.
"You mean you still wanna go? Even after--"
"It's like you said, it doesn't have to mean anything." Shadow smiled, happy that Sonic smiled with him. Helping Shadow dust himself off and fix his collar. "Happy to hear that Shads." He winked.
They stood there for a moment, before Sonic playfully shoved him to the side. Taking off, "You owe me a dance! And chilidogs, faker!"
Shadow grunted, recentering himself before blasting off after his rival back to Sunset Heights. Maybe the night was full of unsaid promises, and maybe now wasn't the right time, but whatever the two had was special.
That was a promise.
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stalkerofthegods · 9 months
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Zeus Greek god, deep dive
Zeus is the Greek god of weather and many things, He is a kind a merciful God, as long as you don't speak unwell or lie. he is a god, and I may add, the king of the gods.
Herbs • Holm oak, olive tree, star anise, dandelion, almonds, pine, vervain, oak in general.
Animals• cuckoo-bird, swan, bull, satyr, eagle, wolf, woodpecker, ants
Zodiac • Sagittarius and Pisces, maybe cancer.
Colors • Silver, blue, white, gold 
Crystal• White and yellow diamonds, Lapis lazuli, Blue and yellow sapphires, turquoise,  celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Symbols• olive tree branch, throne, Lightning bolt, a crown, scepter, the Aegis
Diety of• sky and weather, the Greek gods, cities, the home, property, strangers, guests, and supplicants, law, order, justice, hospitality, Kings
Patron of• the sky and weather, men, the Greek gods, cities, the home, property, strangers, guests, and supplicants, law, order, justice 
Offerings• Wine, Whiskey, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Small cakes, Breads, Red meat, Scaled fish, Fruit, Rain water, Silver, blue, white, gold candles, Figures of eagles and bulls, Symbols of a thubderbolt, The scales of justice, Crowns, Statues of Himself, eagles, or thunderbolts, Cinnamon, Laurel, Art or pictures of eagles and bulls, Eagle and bull plushies/toys, Oak, Pine, Toy crowns, Imagery of thunderbolts (ex- art, keychains, pictures, toys), Photographs or art of storms, Golden oobjects, Blue, white, or gold flowers, Assignments you got good grades on anything you are proud of (ex-art, writings, a dance you made or perfected, your songs, your favorite toy that you’ve taken care of for years.), the fat on the bones of the animals, a scepter, throne photos &, etc, fruit juice, rainwater, wedding rings, White wine, medals, hammers, acorns, cotton balls, coins.
Devotional• Check the weather for the day, Learn to recognize the different kinds of clouds, Speak out if you see an injustice (do not speak over those actually receiving the injustice), Dance in the rain, Examine ideas on fatherhood, examine how any paternal influence you received may have impacted your life,  your parents for the good parenting you received, Listen to storms and bask in their glory (whether its a real storm or you’re just listening to a recording of one), Learn to appreciate different kinds of weather, learn the property lines of your house, Take care of yourself, Learn a little more about politics and the current political state of your country, fight for what you believe in (only if it is not harming others), Help sort out a conflict or an argument, Also learn about your country’s legal system, Be hospitable, Take leadership in a project that you’re doing, Destigmatize sex work and homelessness, Practice divination, Learn about your local hawks/eagles/birds of prey,  learn ornithomancy (divination from the flight of birds), study meteorology and climate change, study local and national politics, practice good citizenship, vote, volunteer to register voters, support issues and candidates, collect rainwater, support your family, help your grandparents, help people move, donate to charity & homeless centers, worship his family in his honor, singing his praises (he likes being complimented)
Ephithets• ABRETTE′NUS/Abrettênos-surname of Zeus in Mysia, ACRAEUS/Akraios-given to various goddesses and gods whose temples were situated upon hills, AEGIDU′CHOS/AEGI′OCHOS/Aigidouchos/Aigiochos- surname of Zeus, as the bearer of the Aegis when he strikes terror into the impious and his enemies, but also a surname of Zeus being fed by a goat, AENE′IUS/AENE′SIUS/Ainêios/Ainêsios- surname of Zeus when he was worshipped in the island of Cephalenia, AE′THIOPS/Aithiops-the Glowing or the Black, AETNAEUS/Aitnaios -an epithet given to several devine beings connected with Mount Aetna, AGAMEMNON/Agamemnôn- A surname of Zeus, under when he was worshipped at Sparta, AGATHODAEMON/Agathodaimôn/Agathos Deos-Good God, when Greeks drank a cup of unmixed wine at the end of every repast, AGE′TOR/Agêtôr- surname given to several gods, AGO′NIUS/Agônios- a surname or epithet of several gods used in the sense of helpers in struggles and contests, AGORAEUS/AGORAEA/Agoraia/Agoraios-epithets given to several divinities who were considered as the protectors of the people in agora, ALASTOR/Alastôr- surname of Zeus, describing him as the avenger of evil deeds, ALEXI′CACUS/Alexikakos- the averter of evil, AMBU′LIU/AMBU′LIA/AMBU′LII/Amboulia/Amboulioi/Amboulios- surnames when the Spartans worshipped Athena, the Dioscuri, and Zeus, APE′MIUS/Apêmios- a surname of Zeus when he had an altar on mount Parnes in Attica where sacrifices were offered to him, APESA′NTIUS/Apesantios- when zeus had a temple on mount Apesas near Nemea, where Perseus was said to have first offered sacrifices to him, APOMYIUS/Apomuios- driving away the flies, AREIUS/Areios-  either the warlike or the propitiating and atoning god, ASBAMAEUS/Asbamaios- protector of the sanctity of oaths, A′SIUS/Asios- surname of Zeus, from the town of Asos or Oasos in Crete, ATABY′RIUS/Ataburios- surname of Zeus derived from mount Atabyris or Atabyrion in the island of Rhodes, ATHO′US/Athôos - a surname of Zeus, derived from mount Athos, CA′RIUS/Karios-where he had a temple at Mylassa in Caria, CA′SIUS/Kasios-surname of Zeus, derived from amount Casion not far from Pelusium, CATAE′BATES/Kataibatês-who descends in thunder and lightning, CATHA′RSIUS/Katharsios- the purifyer or atoner, CENAEUS/Kênaios- derived from cape Cenaeum in Euboea, CHRYSAOR/Chrusaôr- The god with the golden sword or arms, CLA′RIUS/Klarios- the god who distributes things by lot, CO′NIUS/Konios- the god who excites or makes dust, CORYPHAEUS/CORYPHAEA/Koruphaia -the highest or supreme god, and is, CROCE′ATAS/Krokeatas- derived from Croceae, near Gythium in Laconia, CRO′NIDES/CRONI′ON/Kronidês/Kroniôn- a patronymic from Cronus, and very commonly given to Zeus, the son of Cronus, CTE′SIUS/Ktêsios - the protector of property, DICTAEUS/Diktaios- derived from mount Dicte in the eastern part of Crete, ELEUTHEREUS/Eleuthereus- used in the sense of the deliverer, and occurs also as the surname of Zeus, EVA′NEMUS/Euanemos- the giver of favourable wind, 
GAME′LII/Gamêlioi theoi- divinities protecting and presiding over marriage, GENETAEUS/Genêtaios- derived from Cape Genetus on the Euxine, HETAEREIUS/Hetaireios - the protector of companies or associations of friends, HOMAGY′RIUS/Homagurios- god of the assembly or league, HO′RCIUS/Horkios- the god who watches over oaths, or is invoked in oaths, and punishes their violation, HYES/Huês- the moist or fertilising god, HYE′TIUS/HYES/HY′PATUS/Hupatos-the most high, ITHOMATAS/Ithômatas- derived from the Messenian hill of Ithome, LABRANDEUS/Labrandeus derived from a temple he had at Labranda, LAPE′RSIUS/Lapersios- derived from the Attic demus of Lapersae, LAPHY′STIUS/Laphustios- derived either from Mount Laphystius in Boeotia, or from the verb laphussein, to flee, in reference to the human sacrifices which were offered to him in early time, LARISSAEUS/Larissaios- derived from the arx Larissa at Argos, LECHEA′TES/Lecheatês- the protector of childbed, LEUCAEUS/Leukaios- when he was worshipped at Lepreus, in Elis, LIMENO′SCOPUS/LIME′NIA/LIMENI′TES:LIMENI′TIS/Limenia, Limenitês/Limenitis, Limenodkopos- the protector or superintendent of the harbour, LYCAEUS/Lukaios- a surname of certain divinities worshipped on mount Lycaeum in Arcadia, MAEMACTES/Maimaktês- the stormy, MECHANEUS/Mêchaneus- skilled in inventing, MEILI′CHIUS/Meilichios-the god that can be propitiated, or the gracious, MESSAPEUS/Messapeus- derived when he had a sanctuary between Amyclae and mount Taygetusm, MO′RIUS/Morios- the protector of the sacred olive trees, NEMEIUS/Nemeios- when he had a sanctuary at Argos, with a bronze statue, the work of Lysippus, and where games were celebrated in his honour, NOMOS/Nomos-a personification of law, OGO′A/Ogôa- the Carian name of Zeus at Mysala, when he had a temple where a sea-wave was seen from time to time, OLY′MPIUS/Olumpios- the Olympian, occurs as a surname of Zeus and in general of all the gods that were believed to live in Olympus, O′MBRIUS/Ombrios- the rain-giver, PANHELLE′NIUS/Panellênios- the god common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes or Greeks,, PARNE′THIUS/Parnêthios- derived from Mount Parnes in Attica, PATROUS/PATROA/Patrôios/Patrôia- all the gods whose worship has been handed down in a nation or a family from the time of their fathers, whence in some instances they are the spirits of departed ancestors themselves, PHY′XIUS/Phuzios ex- the god who protects fugitives, PI′STIUS/Pistios- the god of faith and fidelity, POLIEUS/Polieus- the protector of the city, SOTER/Sôtêr- the Saviour, STHE′NIUS/Sthenios- the powerful & the strengthening, XENIUS/XE′NIA/Xenia- masculine Xenios are epithets of Athena and Zeus, as presiding over the laws of hospitality, and protecting strangers,
ZYGIUS/ZYGIA/Zugia/Zugios-  surnames of Hera and Zeus, and as them as presiding over marriage, Ομβριος/Ombrios- Of the Rain,  Ὑετιος/Hyetios- Of the Rain, Αφεσιος/Aphesios- Releasing (Rain), Σκοτιτας/Skotitas- Dark, Murky, Κεραυνιος/Keraunios-Of the Thunderbolt,!Αστραπαιος/Astrapaios-Of the Lightning, Καταιβατης/Kataibatês-Descending, Λαβρανδευς/Labrandeus-Furious, Raging, Ικμαιος/Ikmaios-Of Moisture, Κονιος/Konios-Of the Dust, Μαιμακτης/Maimaktês-Boisterous, Ευηνεμος/Euênemos-Of Fair Winds, Λιμενοσκοπος/Limenoskopos-Watcher of Sea-Havens, Βασιλευς/Basileus-King, Chief, Ruler, Ὑπατος/Hypatos-Supreme, Most High, Ὑπσιστος/Hypsisto-Supreme, Most High, 
Κορυφαιος/Koryphaios-Chief, Leader, Κτησιος/Ktêsios-Of the House, Property,Ἑρκειος/Herkeios-Of the Courtyard, Βουλαιος/Boulaios-Of the Council, Αμβουλιος/Amboulios-Counsellor, Τελειος/Teleios-Of Marriage Rites, Μοιραγετης/Moiragetês-Leader of the, Fates, Κλαριος/Klarios-Of the Lots, Σημαλεος/Sêmaleos-Giver of Signs, Μηχανευς/Mêkhaneus-Contriver, Κοσμητης/Kosmêtês-Orderer, Θεος Αγαθος/Theos Agathos-The Good God, 
Επιδωτης/Epidôtês-Giver of Good, Πλουσιος/Plousios-Of Wealth, Φιλιος/Philios-Of Friendship, Ξενιος/Xenios-Of Hospitality, Strangers, Ἱκεσιος/Hikesios-Of Suppliants, Φυξιος/Phyxios-Of Refuge, 
Παλαμναιος/Palamnaios-(Punisher) of Murderers, Καθαρσιος/Katharsios-Of Ritual Purification, Προστροπαιος, Prostropaios-Turner of Pollution, Απημιος/Apêmios-Averter of Ills,  Σωτηρ/Sôtêr-Saviour, Deliverer, Μειλιχιος/Meilikhios-Gracious, Merciful, Πανελληνιος/Panellênios-Of All the Greeks, Λαοιτης/Laoitês-Of the People, Πολειυς/Poleius-Of the City-State, Σωσιπολις/Sôsipolis-City-Saviour, Ελευθεριος/Eleutherios-Of Freedom, Χρυσαορευς/Khrysaoreus-Of the Golden Sword, Στρατιος/Stratios-Of War, Warlike, Αρειος/Areios-Of War, Warlike, 
Σθενιος/Sthenios-Of Strength, Strong, 
Τροπαιος/Tropaios-Turns to Flight, Defeats, Φυξιος/Phyxios-Puts to Flight, Banishes, Ὑμηττιος/Hymêttios-Of Mt Hymettus (Attica), Παρνηθιος/Parnêthios-Of Mt Parnes (Attica), Ανχεσμιος/Ankhesmios-Of Mt Anchesmus (Attica), 
Απεσαντιος/Apesantios-Of Mt Apesas (Argolis),Λαρισαιος/Larisaios-Of Larisa (Argos acropolis), Νεμειος/Nemeios-Of Nemea (Argolis), Κροκεατος/Krokeatos-Of Croceae (Laconia), Ιθωματος/Ithômatos-Of Mt Ithome (Messenia), Ολυμπιος/Olympios-Of Olympia (in Elis), Λυκαιος/Lykaios-Of Mt Lycaeus (Arcadia), Κιθαιρωνιος/Kithairônios-Of Mt Cithaeron (Boeotia), Λαφυστιος/Laphystios-Of Mt Laphystius (Boeotia), Κηναιος/Kênaios-Of Cape Cenaeus (Euboea), Ολυμπιος/Olympios-Of Mt Olympus (Thessaly), Δωδωναιος/Dôdônaios-Of Dodona (Thesprotia), Αινησιος/Ainêsios-Of Mt Aenus (Cephallenia), Πελασγιος/Pelasgios-Of the Pelasgians (Tribe), Πελασγικος/Pelasgikos-Of the Pelasgians (Tribe), Δικταιος/Diktaios-Of Mt Dicte (Crete), Αταβυριος/Atabyrios-Of Mt Atabyris (Rhodes), Καριος/Karios-Of Caria, Λαβρανδευς/Labrandeus-Of Labranda (Caria), Λαβραυνδηνος/Labraundênos-Of Labranda (Caria), Καπετωλιον/Kapetôlion-Of the Capitol (Rome), Βουλαιος/Boulaios-Of the Council-Hall, Αγοραιος/Agoraios-Of the Market-Place, Σκοτιτας/Skotitas-Of the Dark (Oak-Forest), Λευκαιος/Leukaios-Of the White-Poplar Grove, Λυκαιος/Lykaios-Of the Wolves, Απομυιος/Apomyios-Averter of Flies, Λεχεατης/Lekheatês-Of the Childbed, Κλαριος/Klarios-Of the Lots, Τελειος/Teleios-Full-Grown, Αρισταιος/Aristaios-Of Aristaeus (hero Ceos), Μεσσαπευς/Messapeus-Of Messapeus (hero Sparta). 
Equivalents• Jupiter (Roman), Rigyeda (Hindu), Di Pater (Oscan), Ioues Patres (Marrucinian), Iupitar (Umbrian), Tina (Etruscan), Mitra / Varuna (Vedic, probably syncretized), Mithra (Old Persian), Dei-Patrous (Illyrian), Dyaus Pitar (Indian), Debess Tevs (Latvian), Attas Isanus (Hittite), Dievas (Baltic), Tatis Tiwaiz (Luvian), Papaeus (Scythian), Thor (Norse), Odin (Norse)
Signs their reaching out• Sudden signs of his animals, his statues, art of him, his mythos, a sudden pull to him. 
Vows/omans• His wedding vows.
Morals• Morally dark.
Courting• Hera/Juno, they are married.
Past lovers/crushes• I couldn’t find all of them, and please cut me some slack, but some are, Semele, Demeter, Europa, Eurynome, Métis, Callisto, Leto, Mnemosyne, Thaleia, Themis, Electra, Leda, Aegina, Alcmene, Ganymede, Persephone, Dione, Maia, Metis, Nemesis, AIX, Alkmene.
Personality• I heard he is funny, mercifully, calm and collected, and obviously father like.
Home• Mount Olympus. 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal
Fact• He led a rebellion with all the Olympians except Dionysus because he wasn’t born yet, against his own father, and won.
Curses• bad flying conditions, storms, lightning, thunder, justice, Eagle poop all over your car, marriage issues
Blessings• good flying conditions, good storms, good lightning, good thunder, having justice, help in creating an eternal fire, no marriage issues, help in legal matters
Roots• Crete, raised by the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida, daughters of Melisseus, nursing Zeus, with the milk from the goat Amalthea, given to them by his mother Rhea.
Parentage• Rhea and Cronus
Siblings• Hestia, Hades, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, and Chiron.
Attendees• Kratos (Strength), Zelos (Rivalry), Nike (Victory) and Bia (Force), he is often seen with Hermes, his high councilor is Themis, Hestia in hall, and Metis in his stomach (the Greeks thought the stomach held knowledge, and wisdom) or mind, Harpies and Hebe and Ganymede
Pet• A golden eagle named Aetos Dios
Children •AGDISTIS (born when Zeus accidentally impregnated Gaia the Earth),AIGIPAN/Aegipan (son of Zeus and Aix or Boetis), ALATHEIA (daughter of Zeus)APHRODITE (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione, most say she was born in the sea from the severed genitals of Ouranos), APOLLON/Apollo (son of Zeus and the Titaness Leto)
ARES (son of Zeus and his wife Hera.), 
ARTEMIS (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Leto), ASOPOS/Asopus (son of Zeus and Eurynome, however most call him a son of Okeanos and Tethys), ATE (daughter of Zeus, others say she was born fatherless to Eris), ATHENE/Athena (Titaness Metis and Zeus), 
BRITOMARTIS (daughter of Zeus and the Nymphe Karme), DIONYSOS/Dionysus (son of Zeus and Semele or of Zeus and Demeter or Dione), EILEITHYIA (daughter of Zeus and Hera), EIRENE/Irene (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), ERIS (daughter of Zeus and Hera, most say she was a daughter of Nyx), ERSA (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), 
EUNOMIA (daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), HARMONIA (Zeus and the Pleiad Elektra, usually a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite who was only fostered by the Pleiad), HEBE (daughter of Zeus and Hera), HEPHAISTOS/Hephaestus (son of Zeus and Hera, though many say Hera conceived him without the assistance of Zeus), HERMES (son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia), HORAI/Horae (Dike, Eirene, and Eunomia--were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), KABEIROI/Cabeiri (sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope, but call them sons of Hephaistos and Kabeiro), KAIROS/Caerus (youngest divine son of Zeus.), KENTAUROI KYRPIOI/Cyprian (sprang from Gaia the Earth when Zeus accidentally impregnated his failed attempt to make love to Aphrodite),
KHARITES/Charites (Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thaleia are daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Eurynome), KORYBANTES SAMOTHRAKIOI/Samothracian Corybantes (sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope), LITAI/Litae (elderly goddesses of prayer were daughters of Zeus), 
MELINOE (She as a daughter of Zeus and Persephone), MOIRAI/Moirae (Atropos, Lakhesis and Klotho, who are daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis, others say they were daughters of Nyx, Ananke or Khaos), MOUSAI/Muses (Kalliope, Terpsikhore, Kleio, Euterpe, Ourania, Thaleia, Polyhymnia, Melpomene, Erato, were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne), NEMEA (minor goddess-nymph, daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), NYMPHAI/Nymphs (Nymphs in general were sometimes called the daughters of Zeus), NYMPHAI THEMEIDES (Three goddess-nymph daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis), PALIKOI/Palici (Twin gods of Zeus and Thaleia, but others say they were sons of Hephaistos and Aitna), PAN (son of Zeus and Hybris but others invariably call him a son of Hermes), PANDEIA (devine daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene), PERSEPHONE (Devine daughter of Zeus and Demeter or, according to one account, of Zeus and Styx), PHASIS (devine son of Zeus, other say he was a son of Okeanos and Tethys like the other Rivers), ZAGREUS (divine son of Zeus and his own daughter Persephone), 
AIAKOS/Aeacus (son of Zeus and the Nymphe Aigina), AITHLIOS/Aethlius (son of Zeus and either Protogeneia or Kalyke), 
AKHEILOS/Acheilus (son of Zeus and Lamia), ALEXANDROS/Alexander the Great (son of Zeus born to the Makedonian Queen Olympia), AMPHION (He was a twin son of Zeus and Antiope), 
ARGOS/Argus (He was a son of Zeus and Niobe.), ARKAS/Arcas (son of Zeus and Kallisto.), ARKEISIOS/Arceisius (son of Zeus, or according to others, of Kephalos and Prokris), ATYMNIOS/Atymnius (He was a son of Zeus and Kassiopeia), 
DARDANOS/Dardanus (He was a son of Zeus and Elektra), DIOSKOUROI/Dioscuri (Twin princes of who were hatched from an egg laid by Queen Leda. Polydeukes, was fathered by Zeus, but the other, Kastor, was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus), EMATHION (son of Zeus and Elektra), ENDYMION (He was the son of Kalyke, either by Zeus or her husband Aithlios), EPAPHOS/Epaphus (son of Zeus and the much-suffering Io), GRAIKOS/Graecus (son of Zeus and Thyia), HELENE/Helen(daughter of Zeus by Leda or the goddess Nemesis), HELLEN (son of Zeus and Pyrrha, though others say his father was Pyrrha's husband Deukalion),
HERAKLES/Heracles (1) (Alkmene who was seduced by Zeus in the form of her own husband.), HERAKLES/Heracles (2) (A son of Zeus and Lysithoe), HEROPHILE (daughter of Zeus and the Libyan queen Lamia), IARBAS (Zeus and an African Nymphe), IASION A prince of the Island of Samothrake (son of Zeus and Elektra), 
KEROESSA/Ceroessa (daughter of Zeus and Io), KOLAXES/Colaxes) (son of Zeus and the Nymphe Hora), KORINTHOS/Corinthus (He was a son of Zeus but, according to others, of Epopeus), KRINAKOS/Crinacus (He was a son of Zeus.), KRONIOS/Cronius (Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia.), KYTOS/Cytus (Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia), LAKEDAIMON/Lacedaemon (son of Zeus and the Pleiad Taygete.), LATINOS/Latinus (son of Zeus and Pandora.), MAGNES son of Zeus and Thyia but some say he was the son to Aiolos and Enarete), MAKEDON/Macedon (He was a son of Zeus and Thyia), MANES (a son of Zeus and Gaia), MEGAROS/Megarus (son of Zeus and a Sithnid Nymphe), MELITEUS (He was a son of Zeus and Othris), MINOS (He was a son of Zeus and Europa.), MYRMIDON (He was a son of Zeus and Eurymedousa.), ORION (He was conceived by three gods--Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon--who urinated upon a bull's hide and buried it in the earth, to grow an earth-born infant), PELASGOS/Pelasgus (He was a son of Zeus and Niobe, but others calls him a son of Poseidon and Larissa or an Autokhthon), 
PEIRITHOUS/Pirithous (son of Zeus and Dia, most authors say the father was Dia's husband King Ixion), PERSEUS (son of Zeus and Danae), POLYDEUKES/Polydeuces (his twin brother were known as the Dioskouroi, the son of Zeus and Leda, while his twin brother was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus), RHADAMANTHYS (a son of Zeus and Europa), SAON (he was the son of Zeus and a local Nymphe, but others say he was a son of Hermes and Rhene), 
SARPEDON (1) (He was a son of Zeus and Europa.), SARPEDON  (2) (He was a son of Zeus and Laodameia), SPARTAIOS/Spartaeus (one of three sons borne to Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia), TANTALOS/Tantalus (son of Zeus and the Okeanis Plouto), TARGITAUS (son of Zeus and a daughter of Borysthenes), 
TITYOS/Tityus (a son of Zeus and Elare others say he was a fatherless son of Gaia the Earth), ZETHOS/Zethus (He was the twin brother of Amphion and a son of Zeus and Antiope.)
Appearance in astral or gen• regal, mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard.
Festivals • Diasia, Epulum Jovis, Hetairideia, Lykaia
Day • Tuesday 
Status• Greek major god, as the king of all gods, part of the Big three. 
Planet• Jupiter 
Tarot cards• the Emperor, Justice, Wheel of Fortune, King of Swords, King of Wands
Reminds me of• Vapes (my dad vapes), cloaks, marriages, and Dad jokes.
Scents/Inscene • Frankincense, myrrh, or rain sceneted incense, Vervain, Sage
To attract more eagles 
Zeus, king of the Theoi, god of the sky, father of gods and men, Zeus, the one that holds sacred the sharp-sighted eagle and far-flying hawk, I come humbly before you with a single request. I ask for the friendship of your cherished eagle and hawk, The symbols of your power and grace, Gentle reminders of your ever-watchful presence and protection. I shall revere them as I do you. Great Zeus, Father Zeus, I thank you for this newfound friendship.
In general
Father Zeus, protector of the weak, help me to be strong against my fears. Father Zeus, protector of the wronged, help me to do right by all I meet. Father Zeus, protector of the home, help me to safeguard those within my walls. Father Zeus, help me to do what I must, be with me as I walk in the world.
Links/websites/sources •
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zeus https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Zeus.htmlhttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/ZeusFamily.html https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zeushttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/ZeusFamily.htmlhttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/626464048642408448/zeus-offerings/amp https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638693970789138432/zeus-devotional-actshttps://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638790200476221440/tuesday-is-zeus-day https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/638790200476221440/tuesday-is-zeus-day https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/650165209920651264/acknowledge-the-duality-of-the-godshttps://honorthegods.tumblr.com/post/159458931171/what-offerings-would-you-recommend-for-zeus-and/amp https://www.theoi.com/articles/where-was-zeus-born/#:~:text=Greek%20mythology%20states%20that%20Crete,significant%20deity%20in%20ancient%20Greece.https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologies https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologieshttps://mythopedia.com/topics/zeushttps://www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/creation.html#:~:text=When%20it%20came%20time%20to,a%20handsome%20youth%20on%20Crete.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_(nurse_of_Zeus)#:~:text=According%20to%20Apollodorus%2C%20Rhea%20gave,were%20the%20daughters%20of%20Melisseus%22.https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-equivalents-to-Zeus-in-other-god-mythologieshttps://www.havefunwithhistory.com/facts-about-zeus/https://www.tumblr.com/alder-bos/669862051714318336/deities-and-their-tarot-cards-long-post https://star-of-zeus.tumblr.com/post/640511172666392576/prayer-to-zeus-for-hawkeagle-friends diana-thyme
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This deep dive is a payment to my friend Bri @briislame, May you look up and find Zeus looking down with smiles.
~I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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desimonewayland · 5 months
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Lookout, 2023 - Brick, concrete, cobblestone
Martin Puryear
Storm King Art Center
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classic-maya · 1 year
When do you think Brian fell in love with Justin?
Omg, a QaF fan??? In my DMs??? It’s more likely than you think. Ok I have many a thought and I’m going to work backwards. It might be controversial b/c I think it happened early on in season 1 because…
By 1x10 Brian is so whipped he drives all night to New York to find Justin and even though he is beyond pissed the second Justin gives him puppy dog eyes Brian is falling over himself to get inside him.
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Look at Justin’s smug little face! He knows that he has Brian wrapped around his little finger. He starts stripping and Brian doesn’t do anything but Justin is so confident he teases him and asks if he needs help taking his clothes off. Justin is the king.
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Before that in 1x08 after Craig beats Brian up outside of Babylon and gives Justin the ultimatum to go home now or never again; Brian storms off yelling an emphatic “fuck!” He thought Justin would go home and in that moment he was mourning the relationship. I think Brian was already in love. It hurt him to see Justin being asked to choose between his family and Brian but really between his true self and being accepted by his family. Brian knows this pain and it’s why he had not yet come out by this point in the show and it tears him up to see Justin go through that.
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Two episodes before, 1x06, we see Brian looking at Justin’s drawing while someone under the covers is giving him head. This scene is the first time we see Brian have sex with someone else while actively imagining they are Justin instead. Also he goes to the art show at the center in this ep and he would not have done that just for Lindsay. He is there for Justin and he is sooo in love.
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In 1x05 Brian kicks a trick out because the guy was rude to Justin. At this point Justin is already much more meaningful to him than a one night stand. After this Brian tells Justin not to rely on anyone else and the only person you can trust is yourself. I think this scene is so telling because ostensibly Brian is talking to Justin but really he is desperately trying to remind himself of this belief. He is already in love but he is also afraid of what that means.
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I think Brian fell in love as early as 1x03 when Justin had the gall to steal two tricks from him. It was a like-recognizes-like moment. Brian for the very first time respected Justin and saw him as more than just some kid. In a scene at Woody’s in this ep Brian defends Justin to Michael and says “Leave him alone…he’s actually kind of sweet.” Justin’s move at the end of the ep was far from sweet and it not only turned Brian on, it had him head over heels. The way he smiles while kissing him on the dancefloor that night and holds him up in his arms like a trophy. I’m certain Brian took him home and couldn’t keep his hands off him the rest of the night.
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For the rest of the season we see the tension between Brian’s love for Justin and Brian’s love for his lifestyle. Falling in love with someone is entirely discordant with Brian’s idea of himself and as we know he feels he can’t be trusted to love someone and have them love him in turn. He is terrified of that vulnerability and he doesn’t want to be hurt especially by someone he has allowed to get this close to him.
This follows them until season 5 when Brian finally allows himself to tell Justin that he loves him. He says it’s because of the bomb, but Brian already had to consider losing Justin once before, and instead of telling Justin that he loved him after the bashing he instead pretends that he didn’t even show up to the hospital despite visiting him every day and watching him sleep. Brian loved Justin from the beginning but he had so much work to do healing from his childhood and the walls he built up before he could even consider letting himself be vulnerable enough to admit it to Justin.
Finally, I just want to say that Justin is god’s strongest soldier. Was he perfect? No. Did he leave Brian and misunderstand him a few times? Yes. But jesus Brian did not make it easy on him. It takes a lot to love someone unconditionally even when they refuse to tell you what you both know is true.
Ok, stepping off my soapbox.
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