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unibytekids · 2 months ago
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"World AIDS Day: A reminder of resilience and the power of science." 🧬💪
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veeremedies · 2 months ago
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On World AIDS Day, we honor progress and strive for a cure.
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vikaaspucollege · 2 months ago
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Join us in spreading awareness this WorldAIDSDay. Educate minds, eliminate AIDS, and create a healthier, stigma-free world.
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brainboxschool · 9 months ago
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🌍 World AIDS Vaccine Day: A Hope for the Future 🌟 Every year on May 18th, we commemorate World AIDS Vaccine Day, also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. This day honors the tireless efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and volunteers working towards a safe and effective HIV vaccine. It’s a day of hope and reflection, acknowledging the progress made and the journey ahead.
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addonhealthcare · 1 year ago
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What are the stage of HIV Infection?
1️⃣Acute HIV Infection: During the initial weeks post-exposure, acute HIV infection manifests with flu-like symptoms such as 🤒 fever, 😴 fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, 🤧 sore throat, muscle aches, and 🌈 rash.
These symptoms are indicative of rapid viral replication in the bloodstream.
2️⃣Chronic HIV Infection: Chronic HIV infection is often asymptomatic, and individuals may remain unaware of their status.
During this stage, the virus replicates at lower levels. With proper medical care and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), this stage can persist for years.
Regular monitoring and adherence to treatment are crucial during this phase.
3️⃣AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome): AIDS represents the advanced stage of HIV infection and is characterized by severe immune system damage.
There is a significant drop in CD4 cells, a type of white blood cell crucial for immune function.
This decline in CD4 cells leads to a compromised immune system, making the individual susceptible to opportunistic infections and cancers.
The diagnosis of AIDS is typically made when the CD4 cell count falls below a certain threshold or when specific AIDS-defining illnesses occur.
It is important to note that the progression of HIV infection to AIDS can vary among individuals, and timely diagnosis and proper medical intervention, including the use of ART, can significantly slow down the progression of the disease.
Regular monitoring of CD4 cell counts and viral load, as well as adherence to medical advice, are critical for managing HIV and preventing the advancement to AIDS.
Early detection and appropriate treatment contribute to better health outcomes and an improved quality of life for individuals living with HIV. 🌟
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fidicushiv · 4 months ago
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
నాకున్న HIV బేబీ కి రాకుండా కనగలనా? How To Stop HIV trasnmission from HIV Mother To Baby | Treatment
Learn how to prevent HIV transmission from mother to baby with effective measures during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding. This video covers key steps, including antiretroviral therapy (ART) for mothers, safe delivery methods, and the importance of medical care. Discover how timely intervention can drastically reduce the risk of HIV transmission and ensure a healthy start for the baby. Watch now to explore homeopathic support alongside conventional treatment!
Dr. Bharadwaz | HIV AIDS | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
#HIVPrevention #MotherToChildTransmission #HIVAwareness #HealthyPregnancy #StopHIV
#DrBharadwaz #Helseform #Fidicus #Clingenious
#ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousResearch
#FidicusHIV #HIV #AIDS #HumanImmunodeficiencyViruses #AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome
#Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve #Medicine #Vaccine
#AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #AlternativeSystem
Specialty Clinic Fidicus HIV highest success with homeopathy Improve Wellness | Increase Longevity | Addresses Questions
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scienceandtechworld · 2 years ago
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puroquore · 6 years ago
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Pride and Awareness. #stopstigma #stophiv #undetectablehiv #mrleatheritalia2017 #mrleatheritaly #leateherman #brotherhood #pride #safe #gayfather (presso Siena, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqvUZAFlZOR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xc3a2mje05h5
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thealmostbear · 7 years ago
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tagspodcast · 4 years ago
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On this #worldaidsday #tagspodcast recognizes those we’ve lost to the virus and those living #uequalsu plus we continue to fight stigmas and promote prevention! #prep #wad2020 #stophivstigma #stophiv #stophivtogether #gay #gaymen #gaylife #gaylife🌈 @jrosslopez @madlincoln https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRbzY2Bj-R/?igshid=1t9n0mwrrsiu8
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sheiskyra · 7 years ago
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FOLLOW @getting2zeromia ! ・・・ Have you seen this mobile unit around your neighborhood? Miami is Getting 2 Zero! FREE HIV/STD testing at Flamingo Park tomorrow from 2-7PM. Visit TestMiami.org to find a testing event near you. #Getting2ZeroMiami #StopHIV #MiamiDade #ProtectYourself #SpreadingAwareness #Gettested #KnowYourHIVstatus #StoptheVirus #zeroStigma #zeroHIVinfections #zeroAIDSsrelateddeaths #thisispublichealth #KnowtheFacts #KnowledgeisPower #GetTreated #TestandTreat #HIVTreatmentWorks #LOUDDistrict #StayHealthy #MakeHIVHistory (at Miami, Florida)
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queenforeverblog · 5 years ago
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Questa immagine vi farà male come lo ha fatto a me tante volte. Ma è anche necessaria. Perché non possiamo dimenticare né sottovalutare la pericolosità di una malattia che uccide ancora, nonostante non se ne parli più con l'allarmismo di un tempo. Ma in tutto il mondo si muore di aids, tanto nei paesi più poveri quanto qui, nel nostro Occidente che troppo spesso nasconde la testa sotto la sabbia. Proteggetevi, fate l'amore e abbiate cura di voi stessi e di chi amate, fosse anche per una sola notte. E se potete sostenete le attività del @mptofficial #worldaidsday #freddiemercury #aids #fightaids #stophiv #makelove #mercuryphoenixtrust https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hmkN2h6mv/?igshid=1vwyjvc3xo3fq
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beto1berto-cf88 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @doutormaravilha (@get_repost) ・・・ 😝😝😝 Não, ânja! Não é assim. Quanto mais tempo de esfrega-esfrega maior a chance de transmissão de IST’s. O ideal é substituir o preservativo e, caso a parceria não tenha testagem recente para HIV ou seja apenas um lance casual com alguém que nunca mais vai ver na vida , voc�� deve iniciar a PEP (profilaxia pós-exposição para o HIV) assim que possível. A PEP (profilaxia pós-exposição)  utiliza medicamentos antirretrovirais (os mesmos que a pessoa vivendo com HIV usa) que agem evitando a sobrevivência e a multiplicação do vírus no organismo e, por  isso, deve ser iniciada o mais rápido possível, preferencialmente nas 2 (duas) primeiras horas após a exposição e no máximo em até 72 horas. O tratamento dura 28 dias e a pessoa deve ser acompanhada pela equipe de saúde por 90 dias. Geralmente é disponível nos CTA's, SAE's e nas UPA's 24h (que são as únicas abertas no fim de semana!). Lembrando que não é vendida, é tudo pelo SUS. Pode ser utilizada para qualquer tipo de exposição sexual (se o paciente desejar), mas geralmente é indicada para casos de mais risco como penetração anal e/ou vaginal. O novo esquema (tenofovir + lamivudina + dolutegravir) possui bem menos efeitos colaterais (você não fica amarelinho mais) e facilita muito a adesão. Essas medicações funcionam apenas para o HIV mas existem também profilaxias para as outras IST's. Faça também se for o caso. Pessoas com útero: não esqueçam da pílula do dia seguinte se for o caso. Você faz um teste de HIV antes (para descartar infecção atual), com 30 e 90 dias (janela imunológica). Mais informações aqui neste vídeo maravilha, ânjas: https://youtu.be/ir0YprKACRE #doutormaravilha #wonderdoctor #hiv #aids #stophiv #endaids #lgbtqi #gaypride #gaydoctor #medicina #saudedamulher #saudepublica #saudecomhumor #gaysp #infectologia #dezembrovermelho #infectologista https://www.instagram.com/p/B5JYHMyBA_x/?igshid=8wn3ih8unzzc
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smart-squad · 6 years ago
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According to research by @CDCgov, a person living with HIV can take medication so that they reach an undetectable viral load. When an individual living with HIV becomes undetectable, there is effectively NO RISK of transmitting HIV during sex – in as long as they maintain adherent to their medication, which means they continue to take their medications as prescribed by their doctor. In other words, Undetectable = Untransmittable. U=U    #UequalsU #UndetectableIsUntransmittable #Undetectable #HIV #HIVPositive #NoRisk #LGBTHealth #Health #TheMoreYouKnow #KnowledgeIsPower #StopHIV #EndAIDS #EndTheStigma #KnowYourStatus #ChooseToBeHealthy #GetTested #NationalLGBTHealthAwarenessWeek https://www.instagram.com/p/BveyBvsnvks/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9guqj4ax6c2w
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anonymouslypoz-blog · 8 years ago
The Company
Im on my fourth day of ARV now and I think that the dizziness or drunkness side effects gradually diminishing, its not as bad as the first night and the day after. Luckily, I met new friends in town from Spain. Man, this guys a robot! He climbs walls, jumps walls, does double back flips, joined american ninja warriors, into photography, slack lines, extreme sports and loves to work out. Before I started the ARV, we started to see each other in the gym, where we’d talk more and work out less, NO not in a flirting kind of way, we were both just so excited to meet someone with the same interests in the suburbs as theres no one really here.  
After hanging out and eating out days after, I told him that I was on a new medication for my high blood condition that makes me really dizzy and sometimes gets me off balance for a few hours, when the typhoon came and the power went out in the whole town due to a collapsed tree that hit the main power line, knowing that I was going to take my “Pill” he came over to check in, to make sure I didnt burn down the house and myself, well not really watch over me but just to make sure I was in bed comfortably before he went back home. 
One of the reasons I think I’m not feeling so much of the side effects of the ARV is that he’s been there to get me motivated, makes me get up in the morning to do stuff, and most importantly makes me not smoke! Just like last night when I tried to smoke one cigarette at the back of the house, I didnt know he came to follow, the moment I lit that cigarette, I hear someone goes, “You wouldnt wanna do that” “You know you’ll die...”So I just ditched it and laughed it off. 
Just like yesterday when we went to the mall to get me a back roller, I didnt really want to leave the house as I was kind of still feeling tired and lazy but the moment I stepped out of the house and got my blood flowing, I started to feel energetic again. He probably got tired of me borrowing his. Right after lunch, I decided to take him to my secret beach spot to show my appreciation and he loved it, he loved it so much that we stayed the whole afternoon and didnt get to notice the time went past so fast. 
Now, for my imaginary readers, here are some tips on how to overcome those side effects from the ARV. Once you take the pill, go straight to bed, get atleast 8 hours of sleep and and when you wake up feeling it still, dont move too fast, go on a gentle pace, do your regular routine, and immediately hydrate. Always bring a thermos of cold water with you, or some fresh fruit juice with chia seeds it helped me alot the past few days. Dont get yourself hungry! Worse enemy of your body is that, eating all away your energy with no fuel and for me it gets you way more nauseated. Last but not the least, the most important tip of mine is for you to find yourself a bait too an eye candy that’ll inspire you to step up and stand up! For me, its this guy from Spain! Hahahaha 
But in all honesty, I will tell him the truth in time.  Not now, as he’s picking me up to go for a trail run. Laters! 
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addonhealthcare · 1 year ago
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🔍 Know Your Status: HIV Awareness 🔍
Every symptom tells a story, and early detection can change the narrative. 🌐 If you suspect you've been exposed to HIV, here are some symptoms to watch for:
1️⃣ Fever 🌡️ 2️⃣ Headache 🤕 3️⃣ Muscle aches & joint pain 💪 4️⃣ Rash 🚨 5️⃣ Sore throat & painful mouth sores 👄 6️⃣ Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck 🦠 7️⃣ Diarrhea 💩 8️⃣ Weight loss ⚖️ 9️⃣ Cough 🤧 🔟 Night sweats 🌙
🌈 Remember: The power to change your story lies in knowing your status. Get tested for HIV today!
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