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monriatitans · 2 months ago
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
"I'm sick and tired of red ribbons and the Names Quilt. There's something 'nice' about a red ribbon for AIDS awareness. There's nothing 'nice' about AIDS. Leave it to some design queens to transform a plague into a fashion statement. As for the Names Quilt, I don't want to end up a rectangular rag, however suitably decorated. The textile responses to the AIDS crisis leave me cold. I prefer to wear my ACT UP button that says 'ACT UP, FIGHT BACK, FIGHT AIDS' and have people on the subway cringe when they read the last word on it." - David B. Feinberg
Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here! Wanna know more about HIV/AIDS and what's being done about it? If so, check out The Global Fund! For the curious, the purpose of this series of quotes can be found here! The quotes are also in the December Cause of the Month Quotes Ko-fi album! Like what you see and wanna know when there's more? Click here to Subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via the WGS Ko-fi!
For more about me, click here! My videos are available on Twitch, YouTube, The Titans' Discord, Steam, Rumble, and Odysee!
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sheetalinfraahmedabad · 10 months ago
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A vaccine is our best shot against AIDS. Support research, support hope.
AIDS has taken too many lives. But a vaccine could change everything. Get informed, get involved on #WorldAIDSVaccineDay
Vaccines save millions of lives every year. An HIV vaccine could save millions more. Imagine a future without AIDS. Hope for an AIDS-free world.
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brandsnap · 2 years ago
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💉Let us stand up and make a difference. Let us create more awareness for a 🎉 happy future on 🌏World 🎗AIDS Day! 🌏
🌐 Visit our website: brandsnap.digital ☎️ Call us: +91 9909991075 ✉️ Email us: [email protected]
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trentvanegas · 4 years ago
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#ACTUP / #FIGHTAIDS @theaidsmemorial @aidshealthcare @stophivtogether @greaterthanaids #worldaidsday (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIQvK7khU8k/?igshid=miornih1c5bb
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lifeshouldbemore · 5 years ago
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🥵🚴🏼‍♂️ It might not look it, but all this biking has got me feeling better than I have in quite a while! Getting amped for 40 miles this weekend 🙌🏻 as always, you can use the link in my bio to donate and help me reach my goal for @Aidslifecylce this summer! . . . . . . . . . #ALC #AIDSLifecycle #cycling #sweating #fitness #fundraiser #fightAIDS #hashtag #ridin (at Marina del Rey, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B79xRXzhPTi/?igshid=1j6mao5htz5ya
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justkeepruminating · 6 years ago
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New blog post up! I’ve been a supporter of @red for some time. I started following @javiermofficial because of his performance in @hamiltonmusical #Hamilton as well as @shadowhunterstv #Shadowhunters but continue to follow him because of his heart, his activism, his passion and his absolute positivity. ❤️❤️ Tomorrow is the first official #JavierMunozDay in NYC! To celebrate I wrote my first blog post in months. I finally had the initiative to put my thoughts on the blog. Link is in my bio! Also, follow #JavierMunoz here and on twitter @jMunozActor and don’t forget to follow #Red and @globalfund ! #EndAIDS #ProductRed #JaviDay #FightAIDS #Pride #PrideMonth #HappyPride #LGBTQ https://www.instagram.com/p/By7yKSlnIpI/?igshid=rcq4b8186wfg
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veerjimalaichaapwaley · 2 years ago
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We appreciate efforts to fight against AIDS, which is a global problem.
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sensacore · 3 years ago
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It is a Day to Celebrate Those People Who are Working Hard to Create a #Vaccine that could Fight #HIV and Eradicate #AIDS from the Planet.
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randomagus · 3 years ago
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Hoy es el día internacional de la lucha contra el SIDA. Con la esperanza de que toda la investigación contra COVID haya ayudado a comprender y luchar contra el resto de virus y pandemias del mundo. Recuerdo la primera vez que conocí a alguien con SIDA. Fue en Londres, en 1999. El tenia mi edad y caminaba con la ayuda de un bastón. Tras tomarnos un café me preguntó si me podía dar un abrazo. Claro que si! Y me estuvo contando la cantidad de gente que no quería ni tocarle debido a su condición. No hace mucho un amigo dio positivo y me contó que le pasaba lo mismo. Me impresiona y me entristece. Falta información. Falta investigación y sobre todo falta una vacuna. #collage #art #vih #hiv #fightaids https://www.instagram.com/p/CW7jrkrDYvj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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piinkskyes · 4 years ago
I always tear up when I think about Freddie.
I hope he knows just how much people still love him.
luv you for eternity, Fred🏳️‍🌈💜
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Freddie Mercury at EMI offices in London – February 12, 1974 Photos by Michael Putland
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morningcamille · 7 years ago
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zebraonegallery · 7 years ago
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What a wonderful evening Guildhall, London, thank you to the amazing charity Ubuntu Pathways for the amazing work they do and for putting on such an amazing evening, and to our artist @artbydom for donating a piece for the auction. The whole evening went on to raise a fantastic sum of £600,000 on the night, Thank you once again @bethhonig #ubuntupathways #ubuntu charity #guildhall #southafrica #healing #childrenseducation #fightaids #doyourbest #education #zebraonegallery #giving
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frontrownow · 4 years ago
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Bring out the very queer side in you on World Aids Day • • • • • #queer #fightaids #asexual #aids #love #pansexual #worldaidsday #actup #red #smile #transgender #lesbian #genderfluid #polysexual #nonbinary #pride #equality #questioning #fashion #transgenderlgbtq #lgbtpride #lovetobeawoman #genderfluid #genderqueer #lgbt #transgenderpride #transfemale #transmodel #girlsdoitbetter (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRAruHpmdM/?igshid=1kyzjdrxrarqc
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#fightaids #fight #hivawareness #hivpreventioneducation #photography📷 #shotoniphone (at Mar Gregorios College of Arts and Science, Chennai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5PuWRHHpD/?igshid=yfw9fhgvu6fw
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lifeshouldbemore · 5 years ago
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🧟‍♂️🚴🏼‍♂️Likely my face after the 545 miles of wind burn... but it’ll be worth it! I’m riding from San Francisco to LA in June to raise money and awareness to fight HIV/AIDS with @aidslifecycle and I would love your help! Find the link in my bio to donate!! Thanks y’all!!🚴🏼‍♂️🧟‍♂️. . . . . . . . . . . . . #ALC #AIDSLIFECYCLE #Training #545miles #challenge #fightAIDS @lalgbtcenter @sflgbtcenter #hashtag #streetart #photography (at Ballona Creek Bike Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b0vxuB1lC/?igshid=j105bkfcippj
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queenforeverblog · 5 years ago
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Questa immagine vi farà male come lo ha fatto a me tante volte. Ma è anche necessaria. Perché non possiamo dimenticare né sottovalutare la pericolosità di una malattia che uccide ancora, nonostante non se ne parli più con l'allarmismo di un tempo. Ma in tutto il mondo si muore di aids, tanto nei paesi più poveri quanto qui, nel nostro Occidente che troppo spesso nasconde la testa sotto la sabbia. Proteggetevi, fate l'amore e abbiate cura di voi stessi e di chi amate, fosse anche per una sola notte. E se potete sostenete le attività del @mptofficial #worldaidsday #freddiemercury #aids #fightaids #stophiv #makelove #mercuryphoenixtrust https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hmkN2h6mv/?igshid=1vwyjvc3xo3fq
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