#stop reminding him that hes in such a bad position >:(
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Poly! MoonBerryCake x Reader Pt. 13
AN: Whoever recommended Glimpse of Us, I'm sending you my therapy bill. /lh IT WAS SO GOODDDD OH MY GODDD Also, yeah Im convinced I have the Ao3 curse bc like I was doing okay and now my g.gma is dying and there was a bomb threat at my school like GIRL STOP IM NOT GODS STRONGEST SOLDIER
So, I have a confession. I lowkey-highkey hated part 12 of this, so it put me off writing for a while, but I was on the bus today and Indigo by Sam Barber and Avery Anna came on and yeah. I decided to hurt today.
Part One -> Part Two -> Part Three -> Part Four -> Part Five -> Part Six -> Part Six 1/2 -> Part Seven -> Part Eight -> Part Nine -> Part Nine 1/2 -> Part Ten -> Part 11 -> Part 12
Warnings: idk I'm sad, take that as you will, mentions of past abuse (Ooh, Ciara when we catch you Ciara-), Mentions of being turned into a twisted/ past mentions, Reader lowkey does not have a good time, angst, but with comfort, mentions of vomit
â Cosmo had known you a long time. A very long time. He had known you far before Astro and Sprout had entered the picture He had been in love with you far before he had known what the feeling was.
â The first time Cosmo had met you, he knew he wanted to know you. Just just know of you, but know you inside and out. How you started your mornings, or how you handled your anger, watch you settle down for the night. He wanted to be apart of those aspects of your life. To understand your little habits, your isms, and know your ways of speech enough that he finds himself saying them.
â If you knew you would've called him a hopeless romantic while pinching one of his cheeks with that same cheeky grin you always wore to hide when you were too flustered to think straight. He had no reason to really hide how long he's had a 'big, stinkin' crush' on you, but it felt nice to keep it to his chest for now. Close and safe and a happy little secret.
â Watching you now, he knows that the feeling has always been there, but where it was one an electric thing that lit up his nerves and made his stomach flutter with butterflies, it's now a softer comfort that eases his mind and soothes his weary soul.
â He doesn't really remember when it happened, nor does he care to know. It's always been you for him, only bolstered when he got to know Astro and Sprout. But you were first.
â He remembered more than most of the other toons of the pre-break. Nothing large or substantial, but small moments. Moments spent with you that he would ache to remember fully during his time as a twisted, clawing at his bad eye as he yowled at the pain blooming from the thought of loosing you.
â He remembers learning to bake with you, way before he was worth any nickel with his baking and hearing you laugh over his failed attempts. He remembers the hum of a tune you made while you took great care in placing new sprinkles in his icing every other day. He remembers the weight of your hand as you pull him into another adventure, sneaking past Ciara to pull some sort of prank.
â He remembers the quiver of your back as you sobbed into his chest, burrowed into his sweater to muffle to sounds of your cries as he soothed you to the best of his ability.
â They sit in the back of his head, a constant prodding at him if the quiet lasts too long. It was why he needed the reminder of the several blankets if he went to bed earlier than the rest of you. He needed to be grounded, to have that weight around him to remind him that he was no longer left ambling uselessly, half-blind and doing nothing but thinking, and thinking, and remembering and thinking.
â He groans, rolling his shoulders back before switching his stretching position, laying on his back and pulling his left knee to lay on his right side- feeling at least four things crack, making him groan. You were across the way, headphones on and your feet pounding on one of the treadmills. You were keeping good track of your improvement as a runner since distracting, moreso since your recovery. It seemed almost manic the way you would track every minute, every second, timing yourself and the distance you could make.
â It was both uplifting to see and oh so disheartening.
â it was no secret that Sprout had the most stamina out of all of you, it was a fact you all were very well acquainted with, however it seemed recently you had taken that as a personal challenge. You kept pushing yourself whenever the two of you went on jogs, always yearning to not only be faster but out last Sprout, even if he shot you worried glances.
â Cosmo knew that Sprout had no interest in becoming a distractor. Astro knew this. Sprout had made this explicitly clear to everyone when Vee had tried mentioning that he could do more than the brief save should a twisted become lose. He had no want or interest in becoming a distractor. That would be taking resources from you, he would say. You knew this as well. So none of them could understand this sudden need to just...outdo him.
â Sprout had brought up his concern about this one night while you all were doing your weekly check in and while you gave him a smile that seemed to ease his worries, Cosmo caught the flicker in your body. The shift of your weight. So miniscule and quick, a true blink and you miss it moment, he himself only caught it due to his years of learning you, your body, your reactions.
â It stuck him then and there. It may have been unconscious, but something was bother you. Maybe it had yet to fully manifest, but it was something that your hindbrain was already raising as a red flag.
â But you were so determined to be what you once were, pushing yourself further and further. Anything to be more than what you are. That determination burned so bright, sparking like it's own personal show.
â Ginger had once compared you to a phoenix. He wasn't sure she knew the entire legend of the phoenix, but every time that same scene flashes behind his eyes, of your gaping features as your side was hit, he wonders if she actually knew more than she let on.
â Phoenix's burned out, even if they came back brighter than ever. There's a part of Cosmo that whispers you won't. That you are as ethereal as ever and that turning was a flickering in your smoldering flame.
â Switching sides, he knows better than to believe that something as easy as being turned would make you burnout. No, it would be something much deeper.
â He clocked it in the elevator as well, watching your anger bubble and burn even when they all thought he wouldn't notice. He did. He does. He notices.
â He notices the little things in all of you. Astro refuses to extend all of his arms at the same time and when he cries, he hides his face. He doesn't drink anything unless it has a straw. And he absolutely refuses to touch his own cheeks. The only ones really who are allowed are you, Cosmo and Sprout.
â Sprout's are harder, but no less there. He keeps his right side angled to the other toons and favors said side. He went from a rather ambidextrous individual to right exclusive and keeps the end of his scarf tucked into his sweater- that is, if he wears it at all. Some days it's too much and he simply leaves it behind. He also compulsively watches where he steps and is exceptionally anal if one of you trips.
â But you? Cosmo can see you desperately clinging to the life you previously lived, refusing to let even the smallest part go, even if he sees your hands shake every time you reach for one of the toons.
â Breathing out the last few seconds, he gives a final pull to his stretch before sitting up. You upped the speed, he noticed. It's higher than it's ever been, even at your peak. You look like your struggling but keeping your footing. If barely.
â He should stop you. But the way you're running is desperate. It's like your back in that run and rushing at Vee. You aren't crying, but the visible distress on your face pushes Cosmo to stand and approach, carefully knocking on the control panel. You barely glance his way, waving slightly before continuing. He glances at the clock.
â You've been at this for his entire workout, already on it by the time he came in.
â In the second it takes for him to read the time you've been on the blasted machine, you lose the little control you had. Your hand slaps the arms of the treadmill as your foot falls too far back, the safety key pulling itself free and slowing the equipment as you place your raised foot on the side part.
â Cosmo's right there right away, catching you from collapsing. You lean your weight onto him, and sobs are already choking you before he can even ask.
â Your mumbling an assortment of things too fast for him to really comprehend, but he tries, picking select things out to focus on. You're angry. You're upset. You're frustrated about your lack of progress. You're...scared.
â One thing he manages to pick up is the continuous of "Not again, almost did it again, not again-"
â In a practiced habit that's practically muscle memory at this point when he picks you up, sinking to his butt with a dull thud and crossing his legs to properly cradle you. Your head is tucked into his shoulder, close enough you can cling to the soft notes he hums.
â It's a slow process to ease you back to a state where you can articulate how you're feeling, but one Cosmo is, unfortunately, well acquainted with. Rubbing your back, he waits for your hands to retract from his sweater before daring to utter anything.
â "What's your color?" Is all he says.
â You pause, hiccup, sniffle and wipe your eyes. "Yellow."
â He nods, taking this into account. "Okay." Is what he begins with before taking your hands in his and flipping them so your palm is facing up. One by one, he prods each of your paw pads, gently counting. One he counts all of them, he starts over and does it again. Then again. And again. Then, you join in. You skip a number every now and then, but when you're able to keep up smoothly, he finishes with a kiss to your temple.
â "Color?"
â "...Green." You mutter with a deep breath. He nods at this again, gently rubbing his thumbs into the flesh of your thighs. The muscles are tight and tense, unrelenting which will make you sore tomorrow. "What're you feeling, pudding?"
â You take a moment to collect your thoughts, fiddling with your sportswear. "Frustrated." You finally say. "With myself."
â It isn't a surprising revelation, but still makes Cosmo pause. Before he can even think of something to say though, you're pulling away and scrambling to the trashcan, ducking your head deep enough he worries you'll fall in. He's by your side in a heartbeat, gently pulling anything that gets in the way back with soothing hums and rubbing your back. He'll make a note of this trashcan and take it out later, but for now, he lets you do what you need to do. He's honestly surprised it's taken this long given how long you were running, but he's guessing your internal systems were waiting for your adrenaline to crash.
â It leaves you sobbing again and he picks you up this time, cradling you to his chest as he makes his way to your room. Sprout and Astro are supposedly in there and if nothing else, Cosmo knows the extra people will help him help you, if not help you directly.
â They're cuddled up in the bed with Sprout laying on Astro's chest, playing with two of the celestial's hands while the other flick through Sprout's leaves. Both immediately sit up at the sight of you, easily making space for Cosmo to sit between them. Astro's already brushing a hand along your forehead while Sprout grabs one of your hands. "What happened?" The berry asks, noting the scrapes on your one knee.
â "Hard day." Is what Cosmo responds with, settling enough he can hand you his pillow. You cling to it, holding it to your chest. It takes a moment before you let out a shaky breath. "I-...I'm not-..." You struggle to articulate your words properly for a moment, hiding in the pillow for a long moment before returning. "I am frustrated with myself. I-...I don't think I'm getting better in the way I want to."
â Astro looks at Cosmo for a moment, trusting the cake roll to take the lead since he seems to understand how to help you best. But Cosmo simply let you be, letting you explain exactly what was going on without speaking for you.
â Sprout opens his mouth, not quite having the same manners, but stalls as your own voice cuts through. "I understand it takes time, but I think I'm taking steps backwards. What happened with Teagan the other day, I-" You stall, eyes glazing over for a second. "I shouldn't have done that."
â You all have gone over this situation a number of times, explaining the feelings that were happening during that time, but there was the sense that there was always some piece missing. You weren't quick to anger, and even while the situation was scary, you admitted you felt your reaction was...a lot, even after Astro had been placed in a much safer area.
â "I didn't...feel like myself. I felt like I did when I was-...When I was a twisted. Like I was back in that mind frame and focusing on nothing but the anger." You hold your hands out in front of you. Your nails need to be trimmed. They've been growing differently since. "I think I'm going about this in the wrong way, but I don't know any other one. I'm not... the same. That much is obvious-"
â "Bud," Sprout begins, but your shake your head. "It's not just that. It's a whole selection of things. I still can't see Astro like I used too, seeing Brightney in dark rooms irks me more than I like to admit, I can't even sneak up on anyone anymore!" You exclaim before deflating. "I'm more twisted than any of you. And I hate it. I want to be like I was before."
â You're crying. You're crying heavy, full tears, but they don't seem to be of anguish. They seem to be of relief as you finally explain the heavy stones that seem be a common partner in your gut these days.
â Cosmo continues being a heavy support for you, hushing your wails softly. The pieces begin to click into pace, one after another. You don't feel you are progressing since you were so hyperfixated on being a twisted all over again. It hurts his heart, deeply, and judging by the faces Sprout and Astro are making, they feel the same, but flounder on how to help.
â Cosmo has known you a long, long time. He's known you isms, your dreams, and your biggest fears. Back then, he was the only other one you went to for support other than yourself. You two could only find solace in each other, clinging to each other like loosening your grip would take the other away entirely.
â But this isn't then. It's not longer just the two of you.
â So he looks at them. They look at him. He nods to you. They can't just be him when it comes to supporting you. They need to figure out their own way to support you.
â Sprout opens his mouth again. "I did...notice your eyes, when that whole thing with Teagan. I worried, but trusted you had it under control. Which you did. I'm not...scared of you becoming anything more than who you are now." He explains softly, bringing his leafy tail over so you can play with it. "Nothing ever stays the same. And I don't think we can expect it to. So I think it's unfair to yourself to think it will."
â "I think you've done remarkably, personally." Astro adds, now mindlessly smoothing down your fur. "Honestly, I probably would've done worse."
â "And he doesn't even have the excuse of being turned twice." Cosmo scoffs making you sniffle as you giggle. Astro takes this as a good sign, giving a faux affronted gape as he throws two of his hands up. "If that's what it takes to put Teagan in her place!"
â "You cannot hit Teagan, oh my god-" You snicker, dragging your hands down your face. You can't lie and say you don't feel a little silly about how easily they defuse feelings that have keep you laying away and staring at the ceiling at night. At least now you know there are 49 glow in the dark stars on the roof that you had put up there as a surprise for Astro. You thought there was more.
â With a final breath, you sit up, and Cosmo lets you, smiling as you lean back onto his chest. Normalcy has settled again, even if he's sure there's more that'll come. But just as he was then, he'll be there for you again.
â Still, just to ensure your mind gets off it, he pokes a sleeping bear. "Did you guys hear what Glisten did?"
â You take the bait, eagerly turning to Sprout and Astro, happily exclaiming, "HE KISSED GOOB-"
â Cosmo hides his chuckle in your back at the gasps ring out and the other two are immediately demanding details.
#dandy's world x reader#dandys world x reader#astro dandys world#astro novalite#astro x reader#dandy's world astro novalite x reader#cosmo doesn't have a last name#cosmo x reader#dandy's world cosmo#dandy's world cosmo x reader#dandy's world sprout seedly#sprout seedly x reader#sprout seedly#dandys world sprout#sprout x reader#moonberrycake x reader#moonberrycake
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The fics Iâve read and enjoyed for the month of February. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
DC (Batman)
Light A Match, Pull The Pin (You Are Not Who You've Been) by WakingNightmares
Part 2 of I've Given Every Piece Of Me (And I'm Breathing)
âGames,â Dick says softly. âHe⊠he likes to play games. With your⊠with your head. He wonâtâŠâ He shakes his head a bit, some of the distance in his eyes fading. âHe wonât come at you head on. Thatâs not⊠Thatâs not what he does. He wants you scared, first. Helpless. Knowing thereâs nothing you can do. He⊠He calls it⊠softening up the target. So when he⊠when he actually shows up⊠theyâre so afraid they⊠they panic.â
âAnd if he doesâŠâ Jason swallows. âIf he does, you⊠thereâs no way out. He wonât⊠If you fail, he doesnât care. What you do. It doesnât matter. He wonât stop no matter how much youâŠâ Jason blinks a few times, and Royâs fairly positive heâs trying to blink back memories. âHeâs going to do what heâs going to do. You canât stop him. He doesnât care.â
Roy takes a deep breath. Letâs it out slowly, so itâs only an exhale, and not a sigh, because Jason looks haunted, and Dick looks blank.
Set immediately after Screaming In The Dark.
Captive Prince
Blood, Bones, Voice, Ghost by sunsmasher
Damenâs grip on his arm is painful. His face in Laurentâs is ashy and sheened with sweat.
He says, âThere was something in my drink.â
(Damen is poisoned, Jokaste is framed, Laurent must find them an heir. He's put it off for so long already.)
Miraculous Ladybug
the art of living lies and a fine mingling of letting go by blueh
âMs. Bustier,â Marinette says a little desperately. âI have been fighting akumas nonstop for the past twenty four hours, Iâm running on seven expresso shots right now and I can barely read the words on the board. Can we please reschedule the test?â
Adrien doesnât look up from where his head is buried in his arms but he waves a hand and says, âAgreed.â
Or: the world knows their identities, but life goes on.
Sewing Needles and Cat Paws by SailorChibi
Later, they agree that Hawkmoth did it on purpose.
But in the moment, Chat Noir canât think that far. His head is pounding, possibly from a concussion, and he has just enough time to look into Ladybugâs scared blue eyes before the flash of light overtakes them both. Then, suddenly, heâs looking at Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the journalists around them are screaming. Their names, including Adrienâs real one, are so loud that itâs disorienting.
The Growing Pains Of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13 (+ podfic)
What do the citizens of Paris do, when they realize that their heroes are literally growing up before their eyes? They freak the fuck out.
Or everybody realizes that the heroes of Paris are young teenagers and are a little (extremely) worried about children fighting a terrorist.
Yesterday was plain awful by zipadeea
"WHERE IS LADYBUG? The headlines scream Sunday morning, and Caline Bustier feels her stomach just drop."
After a terrifying akuma attack, Paris and its heroes are left reeling. All most people want is to know what has happened to their beloved Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Marinette and Adrien just want to be okay.
Alternatively: Plagg has a whole lot of feelings, Marinette lies and says she's fine every other paragraph, and Adrien cries more in two days than he has in two years.
Miraculous Ladybug x DC
Bad news, Paris by BlueTee
Part 1 of Paris vs Gotham
Tim: @notTHATtim Are you parisians all right??? #onlyinParis Nathaniel Kurtzberg: @nathanielkart Replying to @notTHATtim hahaha no.
In which Nathaniel only wanted to pass some information but shenanigans issues and he ends up starting a twitter war.
Lay Me Back Down by EightMinutesToSunrise
Mark S. escapes Lumon and finds himself alone in an unfamiliar house. Or, not quite alone--his outie's with him.
Click. Click. by EightMinutesToSunrise
A few days after the destruction of Lumon and the innies' escape, Mark S. requests that his outie take their consciousness, and not swap back for anything. Not even (especially not) for their rebellion's firecracker leader, Helly Riggs.
From Lightswitch AU--a separate but related continuation of my fic "Lay Me Back Down."
As the Elevator Dings by Sdove
Breaking company rules is a form of self care. OR a story about the revolutionary act that is choosing to love yourself. OR the aftermath of the party and Mark S.'s role in it-- part character study, part plot, all angst, baby!
A Light In The Storm by Alooxis
Ever since the court order requiring that Lumon employees be provided with co-neural switches - a modified version of the overtime contingency device - Mark's world had become so much larger than heâd ever imagined.
Unfortunately, with a world of new experiences comes a world of new fears.
I.e.: Mark S. experiences his first thunderstorm. It does not go well. Thankfully, Devon is there to help.
#i know i technically only posted my janurary round up a few weeks ago but that was me just forgetting to hit post ksjdsj#but this one is on time !!#my posts#monthly fic round up#fic recs#ml recs#dc recs#cp recs#severance recs
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â facts about demonknife!reader .á
†she has the inscriptions from the knife going down her spine. sam first saw it when he was bathing her, her back being turned to him so he could wash her. his fingertips immediately reached out to skim over the indented and scarred skin, completely mesmerized by it. her legs also have light handprints all over from being held so much; the sizes different depending on the hand. when her and sam have sex, he loves running his hands on her spine during doggy style, but also loves placing them on his own large prints on her legs in any other position.
†she takes extra time to deep clean the boys' knives because they wouldn't clean her properly and she doesn't want the other knives to get the same treatment she did.
†she's a physical touch girlie!! she loves holding hands or someone's arm, or even just latching onto their clothing. she constantly needs to invade someone's personal space to feel safe wherever she goes because she's afraid of nearly everything; i mean, did you see her when she was turned? she sobbed the whole way back to the motel. bonus points if she can do all of these with sam because she really only trusts him.
†speaking of trust, it took her forever to warm up to dean. simply because he yelled at sam over their new situation when she was crying. plus, he was really standoffish with her and constantly talked about ways they could turn her back.
†she never picked a name because all of the one's her and sam looked up didn't feel right. sam calls her cute petnames because they make her happy, while dean still calls her the knife or sam's girlfriend. castiel simply calls her 'the girl' or 'the woman'.
†she also LOVES cas because she HATES demons. it was her purpose to be against them, alright? but she loves the concept of angels, even though they're huge dicks. the two of them are the self-proclaimed #1 and #2 demon haters. plus they're always learning new things together so they're def besties.
†she likes playing games on sam's laptop because she loves pressing and tapping the buttons on the keyboard.
"can you make her stop? its getting late and we have to be on the road early in the morning." dean groaned to sam from his bed.
"she likes the sound the keyboard makes." sam defended as he sat next to her at the table.
her character died and the game over screen popped up. "no! one more round, please, sammy? just one!" she begged with puppy-dog eyes, giving sam a run for his money with how much cuter they were than his, which is extremely tough to top.
he couldn't help but smile at her. "okay, just one more but then we gotta go to bed, alright?"
she nodded her head frantically, practically jumping in her seat to restart the level.
"try and make it quick, honey. dean's upset." he whispered into her ear before kissing her temple, dean groaning again in the background at the click clack of the keyboard, covering his head with pillows to drown out the sound.
one (sam) could argue that she just loves the sound, but it's really the anger that fills dean up when she annoys him.
†sam, unfortunately, had to talk her into wearing a bra as she began to wear tight clothing after developing her own styleâwhich consisted of his old clothes being fitted to her body. he curses himself for the choice nearly everyday but it makes seeing her chest when they're alone all the more special.
†hates being compared to ruby and is deathly afraid of somehow turning out like her. she used to love ruby endlessly until she was given to sam by her, becoming attached to him because of it. sam has to remind her that she's not ruby and never will be because she couldn't be more different from her. what happened between him and ruby is nothing compared to what he and demonknife!reader have now, he loves her so much and will always remind her of that (while they trash talk ruby).
†has bad anger issues when it comes to hunts with demons involved. she gets this pure, white-hot rage in her veins when she sees one. when she attacks, it's the most vicious thing the winchesters have ever seen, and they've seen plenty in their line of work. she can easily punch through a demon's vessel when her vision gets clouded by her hatred, lights flashing when she kills the black-eyed creatures. afterwards, she'll go back to being the sweetest little thing ever. her innocent looks and soft spoken voice contradicting the amount of blood completely covering her, sticking to her skin and clothing like she stepped into a giant blood bath.
GABS YAPS .á . . . handprints concept is from @sunsbaby's gun!reader!! i hope y'all liked this + lmk what yall think would be other fun facts about her!! likes, comments, + reblogs are very appreciated!!
tags!: @j2archives @dulcescorderitas @deansbeer @bejeweledinterludes @soldiersgirl @bluemerakis @legalmente-loca @immodestly-marina @daylighted (hope it's okay that i tagged you!)
dividers were made by me!!
#gabs †writes .á#gabs' †readers .á#demonknife!reader#demonknife!reader by h8aaz#demonknife!reader x sam winchester#sam winchester#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester x female reader#supernatural#supernatural x female reader#supernatural x reader#sam winchester fic#sam winchester fluff#sam winchester smut#supernatural fic#supernatural fluff#supernatural smut#© đđđđđ
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UNLOCKED SCORCHING SUN (sunburst fever) DANTE ! (Spoilers? Here is a short summary of my reactions):
-eiden i live for the cheesy things you say when you wanna bone someone. ehehehehe when the corny roleplay actually works too wellđ¶đ”
-oh um đł eiden getting himself off bygrinding against Dante's leg ahahađŠđŠ ok uhhh đŠđŠđŠđŠđŠđŠđŠđŠ
-oh shir dante lore drop
-oh SGIT DAnte is working even harder than i thought just to make an equal society like,, dude,, that is sO MUCH to take on YOU ARE ONLY A BABY. BUT YOU TRY TO FIX CENTURIES OF INJUSTICE đ
-aawwww...... gentle.....đ„č
-dante is like the Grinch he doesn't know what the dokidoki in his chest is (.it's his heart) but. He'll get it one day
- they're cute đ and funny đđ and eiden's "why do *i* have to go" is so... PETULANT i love them they're bickering idiots đ„ł
ah, correction*: why "THE HELL HAVE" i gotta go. to be fair, that is a mild reaction to dante suddenly cockblocking him from himself(?). yeah. selfish lover moment deserves at MINIMUM that amount of sass đ€Ł
#danei#you know i wondered what the official ship name is for them because dantei was my instinctive thought#but i guess that could be mixed up with someone just trying to type Dante and they made a typo#i guess danei in that case is more PURPOSEFUL. like YES i had to STOP before typing out dante's full name#i was used to seeing eiden all... understanding and gentle and sweet with yaku#that his dante dynamic knocked me slightly askew (positive)#i love being reminded of eiden's range... bc all his clan members are such different individuals......#of course he caters to them differently... so powerful and adaptable#i really just wanna swaddle dante and put him in a restful burrito like srsly that guy needs a break#a break where things will not fall apart without him and everything is fine and he learns to rely on others#honestly i don't know how he's not MORE pissed off all the time. if i had to deal with what he deals with daily...#murder spree. or catatonic learned helplessness. there will be no in-between#anyway i hope these two figure more things out together and help each other be stupid without consequence :)#i want them pushing and shoving each other in the fields like schoolkids and yelling the blandest insult comebacks at each other#too bad neither of them can use the âYOUR MOMâ finishing blow#or maybe it's funnier... if they both learn to use âYOUR MOMâ with perfect timing#that's when their relationship will be in their final form. strong and evolved. beyond mortal comprehension#nu carnival dante#enei
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Top 10 posts customer service workers hate reading
very controversial opinion here, but sometimes customer service workers are the problem đ¶
#once again reminded to be nice to the customers#reminds me of a time a customer wasnât mean but was really overbearing and took like an hour to finish assembling his gift#admittedly a very nice gift for his mother#part of that hour was him coming back to the store and wrapping the box right in front of me#and he was doing such a terrible job i just ended up helping him anyway#i had to ask my boss to stop me if he came back because i couldnât tell this guy to fuck off because he was being nice#but that kind of nice where you say stuff like oh i must be so annoying right now#yeah you are get out i wanna sit down#hate this post especially because i absolutely cant be mean at my job because most of the people who do get on my nerves are parents#who usually have their kids with them#and i always feel bad whenever i have to raise my voice at children or teenagers#like im not perfect and i know my shortcomings but what is this post achieving#not to mention being a little rude is normal we get angry for a reason thats why customer service workers put up with it#that and we need to keep our jobs and pay rent#and deal with 50 more customers for the rest of the day#but then again i guess that customer i got impatient with has to deal with 50 more cashiers today so tough world#I agree with op but its one of those things that is such a little problem compared to the other bigger problem#IM JUST BEING TOLD TO BE NICE AGAIN#if you made it this far you should read Bright-sided by Barbara Ehrenreich#its about toxic positivity in the united states#like why is everyone in this country so opposed to being upset#dont get me started on food service#which is already a high stress environment#with most of the staff in kitchen not even getting the opportunity to have a word with customers#and the ones that do are usually teenagers anyway who should not be judged for giving attitude#like i started these tags from the mind of a retail employee#but now i remember i worked in food service#some of the nastiest stuff you hear from people day to day isnt even from customers but your coworkers#who may have to pick up your slack if you fall behind whether thats your fault at all#anyway cool sentiment but this post reeks of i-never-worked-a-customer-service job or i-did-but-im-complicit-in-worker-suffering
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Starfire teen titans my best friend Starfire id burn alive for you
#the klock keeps ticking#cant remember shit about the show like the story arcs and shit#cuz i watched this show when i was like 16 and had trouble paying attention to anything at all#but decided i was gonna watch a few episodes for shits and i watched the apprentice episodes#hnnnghh it fucking ruled this show is awesome#like i truly cannot remember anything about slade like what his deal was what his motives are but god hes so good in this episode#hes creepy as fuck and like its just really satisfying how competent he is for a kids show villain#like he planted the evil torture devices in the gangs blood and he doesnt hesitate at all to push that button#i was expecting it to be like robin simply never fucked up bad enough to trigger the torture shit#or maybe like its revealed that it was all a lie to mess with him#but nah straight up robin hesitates to fucking shoot his friends and slade just instantly pushes the button and makes robin watch#AND THEN BLAMES HIM SAYING HOW THIS ALL HAPPENED CUZ HE DIDNT OBEY#and then the fucking part where slade is like âi was monitoring your endorphin levels i could tell you got excited when you stoleâ#DUUUUUDE#thats everything to me#and i like how the episode ends its very nice but initially i thought the blood torture devices were like bombs and that pushing the button#would mean instant death for the gang and like. okay imagine what i was cooking here#a controller for that would obviously have some sorta fail safe measure where if its destroyed the bombs go off so like you cant destroy it#and lets just say they didnt have a plot convenient way to remove the torture devices from the blood cuz that sounds kinda impossible tbh#what if like. the conclusion was robin obtains the controller so that he can take away slades power and leave him#but now hes just got the controller and he has this constant anxiety like what if he doesnt watch it and it goes off#what if the controller gets stolen or worse like. robin is in this position where he holds his friends lives in his hands#just like slade did. an evil reminder that he really is no different from slade what if he cant stop himself from pushing the button?#the episode ends with everything back to normal but then we see robin alone unsure with the controller locked away#and its just this looming presence for like the rest of the show or at least until slade is defeated and like robin has severe anxiety#over it he has nightmares of himself pushing the button he constantly double checks to make sure the controller is still there untouched#IMAGINE IMAGINE GUYS godddd i like need this fic now#sorry i got so caught up gushing about robin and this episode that i didnt even mention starfire aldkks i thinks shes adorable and autistic#and i would do anything for her and she and Robin are so cute i love them so much
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If thereâs anything in life that Jake wants, itâs to fuck. All day, every day, itâs on his mind. He fantasizes constantly, watches porn every free chance he gets, and ultimately has grown bored of his own hand to satiate his need. or the one where jake is inexperienced, incredibly perverted, and borderline addicted to sex but cannot, for the life of him, land a girl.
leave feedback and reblog to give jake another boner.Â
minors do not interact.Â
PAIRINGâ jake sim x afab reader
CONTENTâ smut, inexperienced but pervy and dominant jake, he kind of has an addiction to jerking off, im not joking like he has a boner every twenty minutes itâs probably a medical issue but, reader is really sex positive and lets jake go absolutely insane on her
NOTEâ not proof read in the way it needed to be. disclaimer: this is straight up just porn. it had a plot at one point but i deleted all of it and wrote this instead. also this is posted on my other blog [@ncteez] for mark lee. yes, i wrote it for both of them bc they both fit the shoe ok? ok.
smut tags under cut::Â
smut tagsâ jake isnât submissiveâ just a loser, loads of masturbation, also loads of loads lmfao, jakeâs dick is 8 inches in this one, public humiliation, dirty talk, teasing, pussy eating / face sitting, mentions of free use, unprotected sex, wayyyy way too much cum, raw grinding, attempts at deep throat, accidental face fucking, finger fucking, suffocation, riding, squirting, implications to the fact that orgasms are not the end of the fic bc they just keep going, some say theyâre still fucking to this day.Â
âFeels so good! Harder! Fuck m-âÂ
Jake slams his laptop shut in an exasperated sigh. Frustrated, annoyed, fucking horny.Â
Always horny. To the point that nothing excites him anymore. Not his hard-on being palmed at by his own hand, not the make-shift pocket pussy heâs made out of household objects, not the porn on page one or on page seventy-three.Â
Honestly, even as hard as he is now, itâs arguable that he could just start punching his cock and heâd still remain in this state until something changes. And you know what sucks more than not being able to get off? Being hard so constantly that itâs just a state of living at this point.Â
Itâs sad. He could be washing caked ketchup off of a plate and his cock would still lend a little jump. A reminder that his hand is no longer enough. A fucking threat that if he doesnât sink into a pretty hole soon, he might as well just kill himself.Â
The idea doesnât seem too bad anymore, as he lays flat on his back with his cock in hand on his messy sheets. He stares up at the ceiling with another long-winded groan, wondering why he has to have such an insatiable libido and probably twice as much stamina. If he could just get off heâd have at least a little bit of time in his day to feel normal before it takes hold of his brain again.Â
Itâs the fact that heâs grown entirely numb to his own hand and feels like heâs going crazy because he hasnât been able to hook-up with anyone in nearly a year. Porn is boring, he swears heâs seen just about all of the good, bad, and bizarre. Post nut clarity barely exists because there is no clarity by the time he finally gets that hard-to-reach nut. Bad luck, maybe. Awful fucking miserable luck? Thatâs more fitting.Â
For the sake of the girls in this city, perhaps itâs good that he canât manage to land a hook-up. Surely theyâd be unable to walk by the time he gets his fill, that is if he manages to get a fill at all. And itâs gotten to the point that Jake has almost entirely given up on finding a girl at all. One thatâs willing to put up with his near-constant need to get his dick wet, anyway.Â
Almost given up.
A thought crosses his mind as he lazily palms himself with a bored sigh, knowing heâll end up locked up in an asylum somewhere if this doesnât stop. The voice of Jay in his head doing little to make his cock soften, which isâŠnot something Jake is proud to admit.
âDude, you gotta put a stop to this shit. This is your third laptop this year!â Jay had said to him. âItâs only June!â
Maybe Jay was right, and maybe Jake should have downloaded the new app that was mentioned shortly after the scolding rather than immediately going to another, even more, shady porn site. âHeard this one was really good.â Jay had advertised. âEven got Jungwon laid.âÂ
Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try another app despite the immense amount of failure Jake has already faced regarding previous attempts with other platforms. After all, if it got Jungwon laid, surely it could get him laid too.Â
Maybe this one really is better.
And at the end of the day, Jake does download the app. After all, creating a profile is easy, finding a girl though?Â
Weâll see.
Ah. Okay. Nice.
Jake stays glued to his phone all night. He really had no hope that this app would offer him anything more than what the others did. But, oh.Â
The app allows specific features, most of which are not aimed towards users looking for a relationship. Dick and body sizes are out in the open, thereâs sections you can fill out regarding what youâre looking for in a sexual partner, how often youâre willing to see said partner, and if youâre looking for a regular fuck or a one time fuck.Â
Safe to say, Jakeâs profile went a little something like this:Â
you can call me jake, im 24. just looking for a girl either for regular visits or a one night stand thatâs willing to deal with a guy who literally suffers from chronic-boner syndrome.
LOOKING FOR: Female PREFERENCE: One Time Only, Occasional Meetups, On-call, Regular meetups, Permanent Friends-With-Benefits, Secret Meet, Virtual Meet, Audio Meet, Rebound CâŠ[Click to see more] PARTNER REQUIREMENTS: N/A SIZE REFERENCE: 8 Âœâ hard, 4â soft, 5.6â circumference SEXUAL INTERESTS: Vanilla, Free Use, BDSM, Begging, Breeding, Dom/Sub, Dominatrix, CBT, Role Play, Public Humiliation, Edging, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Phone Sex, Virtual Sex, Group Sex, Humiliation, Cock Play, Cum Dump, Religion, Raw, Multiple Orgasms, Androgyny, Genital Piercings, Older Women, Body Art, Wax, Anal, Financial Domina...[Click to see more]
NOT INTERESTED IN: Cuckolding, Voyeurism OTHER: im not very experienced in most of these, i just watch a lot of porn
Embarrassing? Yeah, probably.Â
Looks like a lot of women are into that though if his inbox is anything to go by, anyway. With him checking the app every few minutes to find ten new messages? Yeah, theyâre feeling him.Â
He can only imagine what the fuck Jungwon had on his profile to actually land a hook-up. Couldnât have been any worse than his own, after all, Jake is desperate and so was Jungwon at one point.Â
Apparently girls like desperate guys.Â
Message after message, degrading comments and praise, all from either women clad in leather or sweet looking church girls who must have the app hidden deep within their phones. Thereâs barely anyone in between those two categories, actually.Â
âHi baby boy, you looking for a sugar mama?âÂ
âur dick really that big? lol, what do you even mean by âchronic boner syndromeâ?âÂ
âyouâre so desperate to get laid, might as well just doxx yourself at this pointâŠplease.â
Arguably, these women are very forward and he has a great time sifting through the ones heâs interested in. Scrolling through all of these messagesâŠ.does not help his case regarding his insatiable need to fuck something either so, naturally, heâs also 100% jerking off the entire time heâs doing this.
Still, never quite able to reach the orgasm he needs by this point.
Up until thereâs a message that catches his attention. No degrading, no insults, no borderline-too-kinky insinuations. Which, given, Jake probably shouldnât have selected the majority of the kinks just to pull more girls, but he did.Â
And upon reading the message, he almost doesnât know if this girl is real.Â
âHigh libido, no girls around to help you out, I take it? Rough.â
One look at her profile spikes even more interest. Her sexual interests include a list of things he wishes he didnât fit. But he does, though heâd never admit it. Inexperienced men, losers, virgins, micro-penis, big penis, praise (receiving), body worshipâ
Fuck yeah.
He responds quickly, already feeling the orgasm within him bubble up as he tries to pretend he doesnât go on a war path of responding to everyone after you, but still. Your message box with him remains in his mind as he awaits the response to his message of âyou looking to help me out?âÂ
Every ping on his phone afterwards makes his cock twitch more, makes it dribble out little beads of pre-cum with each pass of his palm, only for him to sigh out of frustration that itâs just another person that wants to devour him whole. Which, heâll take what he can get if his first choice never responds but still. He wants to get off to you.
He finds himself on your profile more often than anyone elseâs too, looking at the same three photos youâve posted, noting how you donât seem super active on the app, but active enough to find him by some beautiful grace of God.Â
Youâre kind of perfect, honestly. Fairly mundane compared to most of the women in his inbox, but cool nonetheless. He can tell you have an eye for fashion but it seems to be more geared towards your real life self rather than the secret fetish/kink app youâve got downloaded.
And thatâs the thing. Most of these women, beautiful or not, are dressed in their best sexual attire just to message a possible fuck, while during their daily lives they probably wear conservative dresses and pant suits. WhichâŠ.arguably thatâs kind of hot. Then again, what isnât hot to him these days?
You though. You have normal pictures posted just like he does. Your tits arenât out, your legs arenât open, you donât have a pile of sex toys behind or beside you and yet still your pictures turn him on more than those who do. Insane how his cock twitches at just these three photos, fucking insane how he grows a near instant obsessed thinking about how youâŠuh, deal with the losers you seem to be looking for. Â
Then again, maybe itâs the mystery of whatâs under your clothes, or whatâs in your stash of sex toys. Oh, whatever youâre hiding has got be so fucking hot. Naturally, he groans at the amount of sexuality you barely give. Thinking far, far too hard about it all, given the circumstances.Â
Donât get him wrong, he can get down with the hoes. In fact, he very much wants to get down with a hoe. But man, the way you stand out because youâre somehowâŠ.boring compared to everyone else?
Fucking pretty please, let him in between those thighs.Â
And just as he scrolls again through your photos, that long-awaited orgasm hits him like a brick.
A mere two days later you find yourself in the inbox with the self-proclaimed boner-god. Heâs since proven his size with photos involving different objects beside said penis, and even a video or two of his frantic hands jerking off to you.Â
Ah, heâs kind of perfect if you think about it. At first you thought that it was just roleplay for him or something. Where he plays a guy who canât get enough, though he clearly probably does. It wasnât until you were woken up at four in the morning with him spamming your inbox that you suddenly realized this dude is actually as desperate as he seems.Â
Normally, being spammed awake by your phone pinging consistently would bother you. But goddamn was he needing it. Just three hours before now it was mostly casual conversation with him, albeit about hooking-up, but still. The two of you agreed to determine on the following day if you were compatible enough for a meet up. He said goodnight to you, and you said it back.Â
Then you woke up to three dick pics, one voice note with a borderline pathetic apology (only because you could still hear him going at it), and then like fourteen messages of him trying to wake you up intentionally.Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message: You awake?
Dick pic #1.Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message: Youâre so pretty, sorry lol
Dick pic #2Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message:Â Wake uppppppppppp!Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message:Â Please? :(
Dick pic #3, precum smeared across his fingers as he grips it.Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message:Â Do you already have me silenced?
JAKE_02 sent you a message: Iâd let you silence me hahahaâŠ.
JAKE_02 sent you a voice memo: âSorry about all this, I really meant it when I said I have a problem. You should probably just block me because Iâm going to end up begging to see you otherwiseâ
Oh, he has an accent.Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message: your profile says you like inexperienceâŠ..well iâve only slept with like 3 girls, is that inexperienced enough?
JAKE_02 sent you a message: do you like to tease guys like that? like edge them and stuff?Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message: oh damn, thatâd be so hotÂ
JAKE_02 sent you a message: do you like it when guys beg btw?Â
And, well, apparently he just has a lot to say. Itâs cute how embarrassed he must feel basically getting himself off with a one-sided sext session with you as you were sleeping. At least, you hope heâs embarrassed.Â
You let his messages simmer for a while, waiting to see if he sends anything else. And when he doesnât, you respond.Â
YOURUSERNAME: that was cute.Â
Itâs the way heâs instantly trying to respond that really gets you going. You chuckle first, knowing already that youâd probably help him out based on this situation alone.Â
YOURUSERNAME: trying to wake me up because you canât stop touching yourself? :( poor baby.Â
JAKE_02: oh god please donât say that
JAKE_02: im gonna end up awake all night trying to get it to go down again
YOURUSERNAME: thatâs good to hear. so you can go for a long time then?Â
Yes, youâre teasing him.Â
JAKE_02: if youâd let me
YOURUSERNAME: you already got off tonight tho, didnât you?
JAKE_02: i donât think you understand just how bad it is. iâm already getting my dick out again
You lend yourself a sly chuckle after a deep yawn, knowing for a fact that youâre about to make him prove to you that heâs either still hard or really did get off only to get hard again by a mere few messages from you.Â
And he does. Similar to the other three photos, only this time he sends a short video with his shorts pushed down his thighs and his cock raging hard and pathetic against his stomach. Again, heâs big, that much is true, but the fact that such a dick is always ready to fuck? To the point heâs desperate? To the point heâs embarrassing about it?
YOURUSERNAME: how bad do you wanna bury that in me?
Oh, shit. Jake could fucking die right now. You seem so willing, which is truly what he needs at this point in his sexual sickness. Â
JAKE_02: iâll come over right now.Â
JAKE_02: let me come over and show you
YOURUSERNAME: letâs wait a bit for that, gotta meet officially before I let you fuck me
And you do intend to make him wait, knowing for a fact that youâre not meeting this guy tonight. Thereâs too much danger in that. Given how desperate he actually is, you can argue that if you changed your mind upon meeting, he very well may not care. Which, thatâs something you need to worry about with any person you meet on such an app, but still.
Public meeting first.Â
JAKE_02: right, right, that makes sense.Â
JAKE_02: so can i see your pussy then
You stifle a laugh as if the man can hear you, heâd probably like that though. But yeah, no. As much as you know heâd enjoy that, itâs best to let him experience it for the first time in real life if all of this goes well. So, you settle with tits.Â
Meaning, he has to settle with them too.Â
And the photo is all but enough for Jake. The ping of his phone was far too exciting with the flash of the image sinking into his eyes. Sure, he wanted to see your hole open for him, he wanted to see your pretty hands spreading your lips for the picture, he wanted to see what he might get to fuck into somedayâ butâŠ
This is good enough for him, honestly. Seeing your tits alone is hot enough, but itâs the fact that you only barely let him see. The plush skin of your lower breasts are peeking from under the shirt you're wearing, one nipple barely out, the other completely hidden.Â
He moans out at it, holding his cock tight and painfully as he glares into the screen of his phone. God, he can almost taste it.Â
JAKE_02: thats so hotâŠbutâŠ.
JAKE_02: pussyâŠ.
JAKE_02: please show me your pussy
Another chuckle at how desperate he really is. You lower your phone just a bit, not at all intending to show him all of it but you do lend a panty shot with your legs spread. Heâll live with it, he doesnât have a choice.Â
And he does live with it because he cums almost instantly upon seeing just your thighs open. He wouldnât have been able to hit climax so quickly had you already had this photo posted for all to see. Itâs the fact that you sent it to him in the dms. Itâs the fact that you presumably just took it for him. Itâs the fact that he can almost see the outline of your folds, and the lines of your pussy that deserves to fucked open.Â
When he doesnât respond immediately, you know it was enough for him. Already youâre preparing to roll back over and get some more sleep, but your phone dings again.Â
JAKE_02: tht was hot lolâŠ.um
JAKE_02: can u come to the mall tomorrow? i work at [redacted store name], u can come see that im actually very normal if u want
You stop for a second through another yawn, thinking long and hard about it. You shrug to yourself because tomorrow is a saturday and thereâs plenty of public spaces to meet him in. And despite how fun it could be to tease him for weeks on end before officially meeting him, you, yourself, have been in a dry-spell lately.Â
And he fits your interests perfectly. In other words, yeah, you could fuck.
YOURUSERNAME: you sure youâre not gonna take me in the back and fuck me on the spot?Â
JAKE_02: âŠ.would u want me to?Â
YOURUSERNAME: no, i wanna bring you home if i think you could make me feel good
JAKE_02: hahah damn
JAKE_02: so youâll come see me?
YOURUSERNAME: yeah, iâll come see you
JAKE_02: ok cool :)
And then itâs silent for a long while. In fact, youâre nearly asleep again when your phone pings one last time. All you need to see is the notification to know that meeting Jake is gonna be fun.Â
JAKE_02 sent you a message: for the recordâŠi definitely will fuck you good
Sounds promising.Â
You knew he was cute but holy shit, heâs like, cute cute.
Fucking handsome and charmingly cute.Â
Perhaps even, hot.Â
You stand from around a shelf to check him out. That same accent youâve heard previously rings loud and clear in your head, and his hair is definitely a stylistic mess, the type of hair you can imagine grabbing and tugging to guide a tongue between your legs. His eyes are pretty and piercing yet equally as filled with some sort of wonder. His hands, his body.
 Oh wow.Â
On any other day, youâd think heâs just some poser emo-guy working a shitty retail job so he can buy his first guitar and play it totally out of tune. But on this day, youâre aware that this is a man with a need that you very much wouldnât mind satisfying.Â
 Seeing him go about his work tasks behind the counter is another thing. Checking customers out both through the register and with his eyes when they walk away. You know he isnât aware that youâve actually shown up, and it feels nice to watch him in his element before he attempts to play himself up as a totally normal, cool dude. Especially now that you can see him secretly be a pervert on the clock.Â
Customer after customer, he smiles at them when he hands them their items, he offers small talk and little chuckles that ring in your ears, and every single time one of the pretty ones walks away, his head turns to watch them leave for a few seconds too long.
Anyone can tell he needs it if they watch him for long enough.Â
Youâre not sure why this guy is getting to you the way he is, but thereâs just something about the way that he carries himself in public that turns you on. You already know for a fact that heâs a horny motherfucker. You know that behind those charming smiles and laughs, heâs got a neglected cock needing to be used.Â
No one else in this store is aware of it. Youâre the only person here who knows he was spamming a stranger last night with dick pics and begging to see her pussy.Â
Itâs hot.Â
And when you approach, Jake nearly doesnât even know itâs you at first.Â
âHi, did you find everything youââ Jake stops mid sentence. âOh, fuck. Youâre here.â He adds, trying to primp his hair into a spot that may look a little better than it did already.
You watch as he studies you for the first time, nervously darting his tongue out and against his bottom lip just for a split second before shifting his eyes behind you, and then turning to look around to see if anyone is within ear shot.Â
No one is paying attention to either of you, and no one is going to hear what youâre about to say to him. Good.
ïżœïżœïżœDo you wanna see my pussy?âÂ
Itâs a joke, mostly. Kinda.Â
You chuckle at his stunned reaction. His hands move to the counter as he clutches it and continuously looks around to make sure no one just heard those lewd ass words from a girl so goddamn hot. Like, oh god, itâs you. You really showed up to see him and already heâs not acting normal.Â
No, no. Youâre the one acting out of pocket, not him.
âIâmââ He tries to start, but his voice cracks in a very, very, embarrassing way. You hear him clear his throat before continuing. âIâm supposed to be showing you that Iâm normal.âÂ
You tilt your head at him playfully, leaning against the counter and pushing your tits together with your arms. You wore this shirt here for a reason, and boy are you glad you did. You watch his eyes go straight to your chest and stay there.Â
âPublic Humiliation.â You echo one of his sexual interests to him from his app profile. âDirty talk.â
Jake swallows around his words in stunned silence, feeling his cock wake up immediately. Fuck, this is the only place he finds peace of mind fromâŠthat. Yet here you are, with that soft and pretty voice reminding him of everything he wants but hasnât been able to have. Standing there like you know he canât bend you over right now and make you stop talking.
âEight and a half inches hard.â You continue, leaning in even closer and moving your hand to the collar of your shirt. Tugging down just a little bit. âFive point six inch circumference.âÂ
Jake squeezes his eyes shut as he leans back with a sigh, pressing his hips against the counter for some sort of relief. To think the âboringâ girl on the app wouldnât be like this? God, he knew there had to be a catch considering you were on that app to find him in the first place.Â
âPleaseââ He groans as his ears redden, lazily opening his eyes to look at your tits again. âPlease donât do this to me.âÂ
âI can imagine youâd fit it in me just right, wouldnât you Jake?â You continue briefly, noting the bulge he blatantly presses against the counter. âCan you say âpleaseâ again? Itâs kinda hot.âÂ
âPleaseââ Jake blatantly groans now, his voice sounding hoarse and low. As much as he wants you to keep going, heâs at fucking work. He canât be doing this.Â
âOkay!â You gleefully agree as you switch up like you didnât just fuck him up, lending him a bright and innocent smile as you lean back and away from him. âSo you donât want to see my pussy then?â
His relieved face falls right back into that of pained frustration as he narrows his eyes at you.Â
âRight now?â He asks curiously, nodding his head without realizing it. Sure, heâs at work but likeâŠ.your pussy is also at his work place right now.
âYeah! Can you show me to the fitting room, actually?â You ask, louder this time in case anyone has moved around within ear-shot by now. Canât make him lose his job, or whatever.
Jake swallows thickly with a nod, his eyes still narrowed at you but his mind racing a mile a minute at the fact that youâre really here right now, and this is what youâre doing to him? Enjoying his pain? Enjoying his suffering? Making it worse?Â
Five minutes ago he was perfectly fine. Youâre using his need against him and god, he loves it. Yeah, maybe he will take you to the back and try to fuck you at this point. Even if you said that you wouldnât let himâŠwhat the fuck is this then?Â
Really, he expected you to show up with an awkward hello and irritating small talk. He wanted to show you that heâs not always thinking about sex. Except he is, and it seems you want him to. You want him to think about fucking you.Â
You really just walked into this establishment and asked him if he wants to see your pussy.
Of course he wants to see it. You already fucking know that. He wants to fuck it too, like, right now.Â
And as he walks you to the fitting room, he has to try his damndest to adjust his growing cock. He nods to each customer as he walks by them, hands repeatedly going back to his lap to hide what heâs packing.
âHere it is.â Jake says in an unfocused voice, nearly staring a hole through you. âNow show me.âÂ
You dip your head in a smile, heading for the room and opening the curtain. Cheap ass store, really, most places have actual doors, but whatever.Â
Itâs easy to step inside and leave the curtain skewed a bit, knowing that Jake is hovering around the room, knowing that itâs probably protocol that an employee assist this space when itâs in use to prevent stealing and to prevent others from walking in on naked customers.Â
You like the way you see him take peeks, trying to be discreet. You like the way he keeps his hands in front of his lap, hiding that youâve definitely made him a mess of him already. You love the way he whispers a curse to himself when you sit against the bench in this small room and spread your legs wide open.Â
You bet he loves the skirt youâre wearing for him today too. Though this wasnât exactly planned or anything, you didnât expect to be this turned on upon seeing him act as desperate as he sounds. You wore this shirt so he can look, and the skirt tooâŠbut looking this much wasnât in your mind originally.Â
Heâs hot though. The way he needs it is hot.Â
âHurry up.â He groans, trying to make it seem like heâs frustrated but you know itâs just because heâs anxiously horny.Â
And, well, youâre not actually gonna show him your pussy, but at this point you feel bad because he seems really stiff right now, almost robotic in the way he likely feels uncomfortably aroused in his least favorite place. Â
âJake,â You whisper-chuckle. âIf you wanna see it, youâre gonna have to come in here and take my panties off of me.â
You hear him sigh, and see his eyes flick back to you through the small open space in the curtain.Â
âYouâre insane. I canât come in there, Iâll lose my job.â He argues with a hushed tone, eyes fixated on the very panties he wishes he could remove.Â
Even against his protests though, he reaches an arm in as he looks away. As if on extreme watch of other customers and employees roaming around. Probably pretending to grab a garment that doesnât work for you, probably just doing normal, good-employee things.Â
And, well, itâs pathetic really, the way he hopes for more. The way you offer more knowing he canât get exactly what he wants. You actually feel a bit bad for doing this, especially because it wasnât entirely in the plan.Â
You really were just coming to meet him. Itâs not your fault that watching him work turned you on solely because you know what he needs. So, you stand and walk towards the curtain, grabbing his arm and holding it in place.Â
âWellââ You start, pressing yourself against the backside of his fingers, feeling him move his hand slightly against your clit. âTouch it then.â
He goes entirely silent but you feel the way he fumbles his hand, immediately grabbing your panties and moving them to the side just to really feel. And you let him, finding it somehow cuter in the way he doesnât even ask. He does it like he needs to, like itâs instinctual to touch it. He feels for a second or two, probably closer to about five seconds before you step back. Really, itâs enough for him to know youâre wet, enough for him to suffer, enough for him to want more.Â
Jakeâs brain is on fire at it. Touching it before getting to see it? Goddamn, youâre so fucking mean.
And itâs silent for a few more moments after that as Jake keeps his hand in place, seemingly searching for a pussy just out of reach when you slide the fabric down your legs and place them directly into his hand.Â
âWhen do you get off work?â You ask slyly now, ripping the curtain open and moving his hand for him, forcing him to shove your panties in his pocket.Â
âUhââ He stutters, swallowing again around his words before clearing his throat of the moan he really needs to let out right now. âSevenâ I get off at seven.â
You nod with a smile, leaning in real close before patting his pocket.Â
âIâll text you my address.âÂ
And you leave without sparing him another glance, knowing that by the time his shift is over, heâll probably pounce the second you open your door for him.Â
Jake suffers through the rest of his shift aggressively trying not to suck on his fingers. Fuck, he wants to taste you so bad, but to go as low as sucking the remnants for several hours just to hold him over? Truly, heâs at his wits end.Â
Mostly because he absolutely does suck his fingers any chance he gets. Tapping his lips with them as he sees a customer off, licking against them discreetly, trying to make it look normal for him to have his fingers in his mouth so consistently.Â
Itâs not doing anything to hold him over though.Â
He keeps glancing at the clock, and then at the message that reads your address. Just one more hour and he can leave. Just one more hour and he can bury his cock so deep into you that youâd never think twice about letting him do it again, and again, and again.
Oh god, really, he feels like heâs going insane as he checks out customer after customer. Every word they say somehow reminds him that heâs about to finally get laid again.Â
âCan you wrap this up for me?â One customer said to him, nodding to a set of candles.Â
Jake wishes youâd wrap him up in that pussy.Â
âDo you have this in a bigger size?â Another customer had said to him as they held up a plush sweater.Â
Jake doesnât think youâd ever need a dick bigger than his. Heâll fill you up just right.Â
â69.99?!â One customer argues. âThe sign said it was 30% off!âÂ
Jake would sixty nine you all night long if you asked. He bets you taste sweet, you probably get really wet too.Â
And by the end of the night, rain pounding on the roof, his last customer unfortunately has to hear a low groan leave his throat at their comments. Heâs very quick to cover it with a cough.Â
âSorry for coming in right before you close, the rain is bad tonight and I forgot my umbrella, thank god you guys sell them! I didnât mean to drip all over the floor like this, I hope you donât have to stay late cleaning up my mess!âÂ
âI didnât mean to drip all over your floor like thisâ Replays in his head, over and over again. God, heâd make you drip. He hopes you drip all over the floor for him. Heâd get on his knees and lick it right up, god.
He needs to leave. Right now.
âSâall good,â Jake shakes his head after the initial moan and cough cover, trying to remain casual. âItâs my job to clean it up, after all.â He smiles, his brain stuck on the feeling of how wet you were when he touched you. Shiiiit. âHave a good night, stay dry!âÂ
And finally, Jake can close out his register and lock the doors. That, he does. Performing his end-of-night tasks at lightning speed with a cock throbbing so bad that he worries he might have to get off in his car before making it to your apartment. He genuinely needs to get off, especially knowing these pretty panties are in his pocket ready to be soaked in his cum.Â
He doesnât though, no. He holds off, thrusting his hips up and against the inseam of his pants with every passing second as he drives. Heâs practically writhing by the time he gets to your place. Honestly, he moans with each movement because heâs sensitive. Itâs so, so fucking sensitive. Everything feels good, he could genuinely cum the second you open your door if heâs not careful.Â
Careful isnât something Jake can be at this moment though, not when he lands a single knock at your door and youâre immediately opening it, looking at him with that same fucking evil smile you gave to him while he was at work.Â
He looks at you and instantly lets out a frustrated moan before stepping in without another word. You feel his hands grab you much harsher than you originally thought he would, but you let him as you laugh out in a nervous chuckle.Â
âHello to you too.â You pat him on the back as his arms wrap around your middle. You hear him kick back against your door, slamming it shut before his lips hit your neck.Â
He isnât talking but goddamn you can hear what he needs to say through the way he presses his lips against you. Heâs rough with it, kissing all across your exposed skin before slipping his hand right between your legs from the back as if he doesnât have to chase anymore.Â
You were going to jerk your hips back to make him chase, but his grip is too tight and heâs nearly lifting you off the floor entirely to get a feel. You were going to force him to look at you and the outfit you changed into for him, but again, heâs not having it, it seems. He moans when he moves his lips up and against yours, hot breath desperate and needy as he finally speaks.
âDid it turn you on to torture me like that?â He nearly growls against your lips. âGot me so fucking hard.âÂ
Youâre genuinely surprised with how heâs acting and talking. Then again, heâs desperate, that much is obvious if that monster bulge rubbing against your leg is anything to go by. Perhaps he may be desperate, but you guess that doesnât always mean someone will end up submissive as a side effect.Â
âIt did.â You smile against his lips, pushing yourself forward to try and plant your feet back on the ground, chasing the ability to gain control over him. âDid you like that?â
Jake nods before shaking his head, allowing you to push forward, loving the way your hands reach for him and run through his hair before tugging. He did like what you did, but it doesnât change the fact that it was fucking torture to stand there at work like he wasnât losing his mind.Â
âIâd like it more if we skip all the bullshit,â He starts, hand still attempting to reach the spot between your legs and lips landing at the corner of your mouth. âCould go all night.â
You nod to him, gripping his shirt and pulling him back to your living room couch and spinning him around, only to shove him back.Â
âIs that a promise?â You ask, looking at the lazy way he spreads his own legs and rests his head against your couch cushions, eyes staring straight at you and cock twitching in his pants. âYou gonna fuck me all night?â
âYeahââ He breathes as if heâs in disbelief, hand reaching between his legs just to grab himself and squeeze as his eyes trail your body. âYou have no idea how bad I need this.â
âShow me then,â You nod your head to his length thatâs hidden under his pants. âLet me watch you first.â
Jake groans, rolling his eyes back both out of frustration and arousal, but he does as you say. His palm feels better with you watching, at least. He doesnât feel so numb to the pleasure with you promising your body to him, at least. He doesnât mind proving his size to you by shoving his pants down to his thighs and presenting said neglected cock to you either.Â
Itâs heavy, dark in color due to the blood thatâs likely rushing throughout every inch of it. He feels sensitive to even the air in your living room as he twitches and aches to hear you talk again, to see you in front of him watching how he pleasures himself, wishing his hand is yours.Â
âYou wanna watch?â He says in a low-rumbled voice, tracing his fingers along the head of his cock and seething out a breath through his now, bitten bottom lip. âWanna know how tight I want you to feel?â He asks now, bold and in the heat of the moment. You watch him when he squeezes the base of his cock tightly, you can almost feel yourself choke at that alone.Â
âHow wet you need to be to take it?â He continues, dragging his hand back and licking his palm before spitting into it.Â
The wetness against his hand is horrifyingly pornographic. So wet when he reaches back down to his length, allowing you to hear it squelch and slip with ease. His breath is hitched while he does it too, which nearly has you seeing him in tunnel vision.
âYeahâŠâ You tune into him entirely, swallowing around the lump in your throat and feeling yourself drip already. âI canât imagine how goodââ You cut yourself short to moan at the way his other hand holds his pants down while he jerks his hand up faster and faster. âOh god, youâreââ
âWanna see how fast I can cum just looking at you?â He continues, hand only moving faster and faster as his grip tightens more, shamelessly grunting proudly over how he could probably cum now if he wanted to. âI told you, I can go all night.â
You pause, because goddamn. You thought he would be embarrassing, pathetic, needy. You thought he would beg, plead, and cry. ButâŠyou feel like youâre the one who needs to do that. God, youâve never seen a man so desperate to fuck yet be so powerful about it. As if heâs in your face whispering, âYouâre gonna let me fuck you, right? Youâre gonna love it too, right? Youâre gonna let me use you to take care of this little problem of mine, right? Itâs what you want, right?â
If he were to say those things to you right now, youâd nod without a doubt. ButâŠhe doesnât. He simply looks at you now, heaving out broken moans that sound too sexy to be considered pathetic. His hips chase each movement of his hand and goddamn does he fuck his fist hard.
Your mind is spinning watching him, knowing that heâs probably going to fuck you twice as hard as he fucks himself. And itâs not surprising to you at least that you can feel your own clit swell and throb for touch too. You easily move your hand between your legs, standing right there in front of him, toying with yourself as if you donât have the power to ask him to do it for you.Â
âAh, fuckââ Jake groans, thrusting his hips up into his hand one last time before strings of his cum make a mess on his shirt. And it seems to go on forever too, spurt after spurt of it pumping out of him alongside his pretty moans and open-mouthed expression. You can feel your body react to him more than it ever has for anyone else, especially in the wayâŠ.
âGodââ You moan yourself now, watching him spread his legs and slouch more against your couch with a relieved sigh from his messy orgasm. ButâŠhis cock doesnât soften. No, it stays stiff and heavy against his stomach, twitching and dribbling more and more of his cum out in little beads.Â
The proof of his issue is right here, he really can and probably will go all night. And you say nothing else to him after that. In fact, he wouldnât be able to answer you if you did say something simply because you find yourself stepping up onto your own couch, resting your knees against the back of it, and gripping his hair.Â
Jake lets out a half-moan-half-hum, as expected, when he feels your hand drag his face under your skirt. You didnât have to do that, but goddamn does he fucking love it. He loves how he can feel your knees buckle and force you to balance on the couch, loves how your cunt is just as needy as he feels, fucking adores the way you drip all over his tongue when he pushes your panties to the side and starts licking you up.Â
Itâs the fact that he didnât even have to ask you to put it in his face. The slight taste against his fingers all night at work is nothing compared to the way you drown him now. He needs to do this for you. Hell, he needs to do this for himself.
âJesus,â You breathe, rolling your hips on his mouth. Heâs truly eating you like his life depends on it. You can hear his muffled hums at the taste, you can feel his shoulder shake as he starts jerking off again, you can feel the way his tongue goes deeper and deeper, licking each clench of your walls, only to pull back and suck the wet from your panties in a deep breath.Â
He coos at it too, as if heâs in love with the moment, as if he truly canât believe heâs finally got a pussy to lick. And he swallows each mouth full of your slick before muttering curses and promises against your swollen little bud.Â
âPlease,â He moans, nipping and licking against you. âBeen so long since Iâve eaten pussy, rub it on me- fuck-â he continues to babble, heat-of-the-moment-talk coming out as far more arousing than cringe if you listen hard through your ringing ears. âCome on,â He continues, now neglecting his own cock and gripping your ass with both hands, shoving you back and forth on his face in painfully slow and harsh grinds. âCome on, harder.â
As if you can function at all right now with how rough he is about trying to pleasure you? Fucking hell, the words ignite something in you as you pull back and away from him. For a split second, you see his blown out pupils and fucked up hair as he licks his lips and presents that shining lower-half of his face to you.Â
You donât look for long though, no. Because youâre too busy pushing him to the side and forcing him to lay back on the couch instead. You resume your position afterwards, straddling the couch on either side of his head with your knees and planting your pulsing cunt right on his eager tongue.Â
âYouâre too hot,â You moan, feeling his hands go straight back to your ass to force more of those harsh grinds against him. âIf you could see yourself right nowââ Your eyes roll back in pleasure as you feel his moaned out chuckle hit you right in the clit. Itâs like he knows he makes you feel good, but does he really?Â
Does he truly understand how fucking good at this he is?
 âGod, if you could feel how good your tongue isââ You continue, now losing yourself in the heat of the moment, feeling his fingers nearly bruise your ass with the death-grip he has on you.Â
He nods his head in what little space he has as he spirals into heaven behind his eyes. The smell of you suffocates him, the taste of you drowns him, the weight of you is nothing short of sexy as hell. This is all he could ever want. A pretty girl using and abusing his face, much like he wants to do to you. But oh, thereâs so, so much he wants to do after so long of having no one but himself.Â
Eat you out, finger fuck you, slide his cock down that pretty little moaning throat of yours, grip that hair and kiss those tits. God, he wants to do everything right now but he canât bear to push this perfect clit off of his lips. He cannot fathom losing the taste of you and the way you clench around the tip of his tongue.Â
Oh fuck.
âAhh- '' Jake moans open-mouthed against your clit as his brain hits a wall, his cock standing stiff from behind you as he spills out against himself again. Untouched completely, he cums without any effort where as previously it took him hours just to get off because heâd grown so fucking bored of everything.Â
Youâve ignited him. His drive is higher than itâs ever been after being neglected for so long. God, he wants to fuck you so full that you canât bear to leave him.Â
âFuckââ He continues, trying to lend licks between his jerking body to keep your arousal peaked. âSee how bad I need it?âÂ
He finally manages to pull back, feeling you lift from his face just for a moment after noting the way his entire body is shaking. Heâs not having it though, as he cranes his neck in chase of your dripping hole once more.
âWhere do you think youâre going?â He adds now, enveloping his lips around your clit again and using both hands to force you right back down on his face.Â
There, you feel the way he almost passionately makes out with your pussy. As if heâs thanking you for a second orgasm within the past ten minutes. As if he truly canât stop wanting to fuck something, someone, anything at all.
Goddamn, what a fucking deal. All hail the hook-up app that brought this insatiable sex beast to your apartment.
âJakeââ You start, grinding down for him and feeling his hands now move to rub up and down your back. âKeep your tongue in me.â You choke out, gripping his hair to hold his face in place as you sit his tongue inside of you, short and jerky thrusts forward to bump your clit against his nose.Â
Heâs gotten off twice now, itâs your turn.Â
And you watch as he drops his arms from you and grips your outer legs through it, letting you use his face until he canât breathe. Both of you are seeing stars through it, your orgasm bubbling up so quickly that you can barely warn him when your hips halt in a stiffened clench and heâs finishing the job for you.Â
Your legs squeeze around his head, your fingers pull his hair, and still he manages to find the space to tilt his chin up just to tongue-fuck you deeper, just to rub his nose harshly against your clit, up until he feels your quivering pussy spill all over his chin, down his throat, stealing any breath or moan he could possibly give right now.Â
Youâre out of breath by the time you finally slide off of his face, your hands immediately shooting to both of his cheeks as your sensitive clit drags down his stomach for the easy position change. You wince when you lick against his lips at the sensitivity, being sure to seat yourself right against his cock.Â
âHahââ Jake lends a breathy laugh against the way you lick his lips, his hands going right back to your ass and landing a sharp slap to it. âCouldnât even get our clothes off first.â
You take a second to pull back and look at him, noting the redness against his cheeks and nose, likely from your panties consistently getting in his way and then you chuckle back at him. Youâre thankful for the short break the two of you seem to be taking at the moment. Still, you lift up from him just to remove your shirt, exposing your tits in an instant solely because you didnât wear a bra for this exact purpose.Â
Heâs still hard, despite two orgasms. You feel him rubbing it against you every few seconds, right up against your saliva and cum-soaked panties which, mind you, are insanely uncomfortable right now. It feels as if theyâre slicing through your thigh with the force of how Jake managed to keep them shoved out of his way.Â
âJust lay back,â You smile at him, allowing him a longer rest for now as you take it upon yourself to remove the barriers. âLet me take care of you now.â
Jake has hearts in his eyes as he watches you. Normally, a girl would already be falling asleep after all that, leaving him with not enough orgasms and no actual fucking. Itâs not his fault he could do foreplay for upwards of three to four hours before going for the finale. Which, arguably, can and will last several hours longer.Â
Still, you appear to not be finished either, with your breathless smile and gentle hands. He bites his bottom lip through a smirk as he watches you, tits on full display to keep him satiated for now as you move around on the couch to get his pants off of him. He helps a bit with a little kick, his cock still so sensitive and pathetically weeping for more. He feels lucky to have found you, almost baffled that he may have met his match.Â
You lend several glances at his cock, not quite realizing the way heâs blinking at you right now. To be fair, itâs only natural to have your attention on that thing right now. You swallow around your nervousness regarding the size but equally want him to fuck you senseless with it. You already feel entirely fucked out, butâŠthat. Oh, that could change your life, probably. You can imagine he wonât be as gentle as you expected before all of this too. Would probably shove it in all in one go and lose his mind at the feeling.Â
Heâs probably going to split you open and make it feel good for you too. Somehow.Â
Anyway, enough of that. Youâve still got to get his shirt off, your uncomfortable skirt and panties too.Â
You make quick work of it, as you stand to your feet and expose yourself entirely to him. Jake just watches, humming and moaning at each new expanse of skin you show to him. He keeps his hands to himself though, likely so used to feeling of them that theyâd bring no pleasure at this moment if he were to jerk off to you doing this. And you justâŠlook right back at him.
âCome on,â You smile at him again, lending your hand out for him to grab. âBedroom will be more comfortable.â
Right. Bedrooms exist.
Jake follows, cock heavy and sensitive against his thigh with each step as he tries to get up close behind you. His eyes stay on your ass as you walk in front of him, and itâs not hard for him to keep his hands on it. In fact, heâs touching you as often as he can, trying to remind himself that heâs with someone right now who actually wants him.Â
You seem to be willing to let him do what he needs tonight, and hopefully it wonât be the only time.Â
You feel him on you, clinging so closely, hands constantly groping, lips always trying to reach the back of your neck and shoulders, to the point itâs actually difficult to get to your bedroom because you want nothing more than to turn around and shove him against the wall, all to try and take him into your mouth just to see if you can.
He doesnât really let you think about that for too long though, because the second you get to your bedroom, heâs grabbing you from behind and lifting you in his strong arms. You writhe in his grasp with playful giggles, feeling the strong hold he has on you, keeping you in place against him as he stumbles forward with a deep inhale into your neck.
Heâs quick to make his way to your bed, dropping you onto it, flipping you over onto your back, and immediately slotting himself between your legs. He hovers over you for a minute, looking directly into your eyes as his hair falls forward.Â
Somehow, youâre more focused on his face than you are of his cock that heâs sliding up and down your core right now. You reach up to his hair, brushing it out of his face and feeling the sticky sweat at his scalp.Â
âCould eat you out again.â Jake mentions, hips thrusting against you but eyes calm and level with yours. âCould lock me up in here and just use me all day if you want.â He continues, partially being serious about it, but treating it as if itâs some kinky joke instead.Â
Because letâs be honest. If thereâs any job Jake could do better than anyone else, itâs be a womanâs fuck toy. Always ready to go, always stiff and horny, always willing to please.Â
âCould slide in right now and let you feel how hard I am.â His voice gets breathier as he talks, and you can tell heâs just imagining everything he wants to do. He probably worries heâll have to go home at some point tonight only to resume his search for potential fucks to keep his need satiated.Â
He probably thinks heâs going to exhaust you.Â
âCould let you do all of that and more.â You respond, lifting your hips just slightly to press his cock between your bodies, throwing your legs around his waist simultaneously with the way you wrap your arms around his neck. âYou want me to lock you up in here?âÂ
Jake nods with a sigh, squeezing his eyes shut as if he can imagine it.Â
âDo you work tomorrow?âÂ
He shakes his head with another sigh, focusing on the way you keep humping up against his length, sliding yourself in whatever way you can against him.Â
âMaybe Iâll just have to do that then.â
Oh, damn.Â
The heart eyes are back. The very thought of being in this room all night and all day tomorrow drives his cock to pulse and twitch. Foreplay can come whenever, fucking can come whenever, he can cum whenever. Thereâs no need for a to-do list. No need for a specific structure of rules on how this needs to happen. Foreplay, sex, sleep. Not with Jake.Â
Sex. foreplay. sex. foreplay. for hours. Heâll keep you up all night if he can, fucking and sucking every part of you, into the morning hours straight into tomorrow night.Â
Free use with you from now until youâre tired of him. You can do anything you want to him but for nowâŠ
âYeah?â Jake breathes out in excitement, arching his back slightly to let his cock land against your hole, and then he pushes forward slowly. The bulbous head spreads your lips and stretches out your slick pussy with ease as he continues to speak. âFeel that?â
Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation, fingernails already digging into his shoulders at the anticipation as your legs loosen around him. He continues to push forward, inch by inch, painfully slow as if he wants you to feel the burn and stretch even while being as wet as you are.Â
âAhââ He confirms for himself as he watches your face, wincing, mouth falling open. âYeah, you feel it.â
God, yeah. You do. You feel the weight of his size inside of you, stretching you open so good he probably wouldnât even have to move for it to hurt. But he does move, he does continue to slide in, savoring every second of your walls quivering and suffocating his cock.Â
âGoddamn,â He groans, lifting up on both arms and bracing himself as he looks down, only to find heâs only slid half of his dick into you, and already youâre about as breathless as he is. âDidnât realize how tight youâd actually beââÂ
He chokes when he says it, sliding out little by little before fucking back in, pushing just a bit more into you.
âSâokay.â You try to reassure him, but itâs more for you than it is for him. You really didnât think a cock could feel so big that it actually hurts, yet, here you are. âIâm adjusting.â
Jake moans at your broken voice, no longer holding himself back to look at your pussy grip him when he pulls out slightly. He looks at your face instead, witnessing how you take all of it in one solid movement from him. All of it, until he can feel his pelvis rest against your clit and your entire body stiffens in a tight hug around his body.Â
âMhm,â He leans back down now, humming against your cheek as he tries to control the urge to fuck. âTaking all of it, arenât you?â
With those words, he slides out slightly before pushing back in again, trying to force your pussy to relax so that he can stop holding his breath. One hand finds its way to your leg to hold onto, the other holding himself up beside your head, and he justâŠwatches.Â
Little by little, he thrusts. Plunging into you in short-tight snaps of his hips just to watch your tits jiggle with the movements, up until he really, really canât hold back anymore.Â
You feel his cock leave you almost entirely, only to slam right back in and cause your vision to go white with a pang of pleasure. Your loud yelp pairs well with his relieved sigh of a grunt, and it appears that this is what breaks him entirely.Â
That single, full thrust, lets him fall forward and nuzzle his nose against your neck and his body just goes. Instinctually chasing the deepest parts inside of you, hitting your cervix with each thrust only to drag back and make your toes go numb at the way your g-spot feels entirely too sensitive with this alone.
And god, Jake loves the way you cling through it. The way you moan each time he bottoms out, the way your nails cut into his back and the way your legs continuously fail to stay wrapped around him. HeâŠ
Oh no.
âI can go all nightââ He breathes out through his relentless thrusts, almost as if heâs pleading with you. âI swear, Iâm not doneââ He continues to cut off his own words with choked moans as he pulls back and leans up, frantically forgetting to apologize over the fact that heâs already about to cum again.
And you feel him try to slide out, that face he made twice before already alerting you that he really must have so much to pump out of himself at this point. You donât mind if heâs about to hit a third orgasm, in fact, youâre glad.
Your legs hold him in place as he fights to pull out, his eyes snapping to you in realization after the second time he tries.Â
âNo fucking way, youâ you want it?â His eyebrows fall into that of a relieved release as he, too, falls right back down against your chest and lets his hips fuck freely.Â
Heâs not controlling it at this point. You feel him stretch you open more through his orgasm, rolling his hips but not pulling out even in the slightest now. Moving back and forth, as if trying to stuff you impossibly full while he releases those thick ropes of cum. ItâŠfeels so good even with the way the base of his cock continues to swirl and loosen you up in a painful stretch that almost feels like heâs ripping you open. Still, the pain is gone as he shakes on top of you, in fact, you feel your clit throb at the feeling of how big he is, of how hard he manages to stay.Â
He didnât even fuck you that roughly before this, but it feels like youâre already ruined. Ruined enough to want more. Enough to need more.Â
âBet that feels good,â You chuckle against his hair, feeling each pulse of him and loving the way he pants against your ear. âNot having to pull out, knowing you can fuck me for as long as you want.â
That only pushes his orgasm to hit harder. He thought he was nearing the end of it, but instead, his body goes into overdrive as more pulses of cum shoot out of him at your words. Thereâs soâŠso much of it he can give you. And if this is what you want, heâs the perfect man to do it for you.Â
âDonât say that, oh godââ Jake mumbles through the end of his orgasm, keeping himself tucked nice and deep into you as he releases his body weight and makes you feel slightly suffocated under him. âPlease.â
Well, he minds his manners well enough, you shrug under him, clenching around his length unintentionally and reminding him that you genuinely can go all night, just like him.
Reminding him that maybe you really will just lock him up in this room all tonight, all tomorrow. He seems into the idea anyway, right? Both of you just free-use sex dolls for the time beingâŠHell yeah.
And as Jake catches his breath, he finally lifts up, pulling you with him, and sits you directly on his lap now.
âKeep going then, donât let it get soft.â He nearly whimpers, solely due to the sensitivity his cock is now offering and the fact that after that third orgasm, he truly is gaining the ability to go flaccid between orgasms.Â
And you follow his direction, though not entirely how he wanted you to. Instead of rolling your hips, you slip him right out of you and sink your face down between his legs, loving the way his cum spills out of you all the while. You donât even say anything, not that youâd need to. He watches you, a smirk forming on his lips as he raises an arm and throws it over his eyes.Â
âShit, Youâre so my type.â He groans out of the sexual frustration that still bubbles within him. You look so good down there with his cock just inches from your mouth. God, no woman has been able to go down on him for too long despite really fucking wishing they would.Â
His hips always lose control, they donât like face fucking, heâs too big to fit, theyâre gagging too much, their jaw is hurting. What the fuck ever. Look at you, blinking up at him like you want nothing more in the world than to take it all down your throat. Ah, fuck, if you did thatâŠ
His hips buck up on instinct, forcing you to hold him down with your arms as you lick your lips.Â
âYou really live up to your promise, you know that?â You smile with warmed cheeks as you speak, blowing air gently against the head of his cock. Itâs softened up a little, but itâs no longer going flaccid. Youâre sure that the second you work it into your mouth, heâs going to be blocking your airways.Â
âYou say that like Iâm not overwhelming you with all of this,â He chuckles as he moves his arm from his face and down to yours. âMost girls would have already sent me home.â
You circle your lips around the bulbous head, tasting the remnants of both you and him as you gently suckle before popping off and licking your lips.Â
âWell, Jakeââ You look back down and lend his cock a little kiss. âIâm not most girls. Besides, most guys get their nut and leave me hanging. Youâve gotten, what? Three orgasms by now? And youâre still in my bed? Wanting me to lock you up tomorrow too? What a fucking win.â
Jake rolls his eyes because you donât even know the fucking half of it. If he were a normal guy, he probably would have done the same thing. Maybe not to you, but to others? Yeah. The thing is, heâs not like most guys. And youâre right in saying youâre not like most girls either, consideringâŠyour sex drive appears to be just as insatiable as his.
âFuck, let me eat you out againââ Jake groans now, needing to pleasure you again, aroused by the fact that heâs basically met a female version of himself. Even if heâs just exaggerating and making himself believe such a woman could exist close enough to him. âLet meâ AhhâŠâ
You cut off his words, dragging a loud and sensual moan from him as you sink down. Mostly to shut him up, mostly so you can return the favor for him from earlier before letting him have another lick of you. After all, you truly do appreciate him for all of this.Â
âMmfââ You mumble unintentionally, feeling each inch of his length that you swallow up pressing your tongue further and further down in your mouth. Up until youâre entirely open mouthed on him, gagging yourself when he hits your throat only to angle yourself up on your knees to point it straight down your throat instead.
It hurts, but you close your eyes in concentration, breathing through each gag, ignoring the dribble of saliva that runs from the corners of your mouth andâ you swallow.
Mostly because you canât suck. Again and again, you swallow around him just to stimulate his length, the girth stretching your lips out to the point you feel your jaw could break, but it doesnât and it wonât.Â
Within an instant of taking his whole length down your throat, you feel his hands in your hair. Your ears are ringing, otherwise you would also be listening to him choke on his words at how youâre doing this to him. All of it. Youâre taking him in full, not leaving an inch out, seemingly proving that your mouth can be fucked just as good as your cunt.
Heâs in heaven, head spinning as you stimulate him through each gag and sputtered out chokes of a moan. He canât help it when he grabs your hair, he really doesnât mean it when he pushes your head down while pressing his hips up. Essentially choking you and suffocating you in full with a paused hold.Â
You brace yourself on his hips when he does this, squeezing your eyes shut and continuously gagging from the way he abuses your mouth with just that small movement, and thenâ he pulls back.
âAhh,â He groans, snapping his hips back and holding you by the hair to keep you from chasing. âYou like that?â He continues, letting you breathe but not answer at all before heâs pushing your head right back down, holding you there again and fucking his hips up repeatedly into your throat this time.Â
The sounds are pornographic at best, concerning at worst. You, searching for air somewhere between his thrusts, the sounds of wet sputters, drooling, whimpered groans from him, and desperate gasps and gags from you. Truly, Jake is in heaven right now. With you, specifically, youâve brought him to heaven.
For you, it feels like he does this forever. Youâre losing the ability to comprehend what breathing ever was in the first place, thankfully though, Jake can see the tears pouring from your eyes and feel the way you fall slightly limp, letting him do as he pleases before he realizesâ he may actually be overwhelming you now.
He snaps his hips back quickly, pulling you up and off of the last remaining inches of his weeping cock before taking a good, long look at your gasped breath and abused lips. Tongue licking out and eyes stained.Â
âIâm sorry, fuck, Iââ
Instantly you press yourself down on him once again, resuming your original position of sliding him in until you canât stand the feeling in your throat, gagging and swallowing around him time and time again. You feel proud of it, proud of the pain, proud of the suffocation.Â
Fucking proud to not be finished with him compared to every other person, apparently.Â
âJesusââ He groans now, his entire body slouching against your bed as he slams his head back and starts petting your cheeks. âItâs like you were born for this. For me.â
You hum around the gags, growing accustomed to swallowing him up and feeling your jaw strain. And just a few moments later, you pull up with a deep breath, a smile, and you start rubbing your jaw.Â
âMaybe I was,â You try to talk dirty, wanting to drive him insane. âYou taste so good.â You add, dipping down again to lick a long stripe up the underside of his balls up to his tip. âAny girl should be proud to say youâd fuck her mouth like that.â
A twitch, he rolls his eyes back and clenches his jaw.Â
âHow are you soâŠâ He breathes out, reaching his hands blindly for you, only to feel you shift on the bed and essentially sit your tits into both of his hands. âperfect?â
You shrug when he opens his eyes, youâre now hovering over him, both hands covering his on your tits as you force him to squeeze and grope.Â
âMaybe itâs best to not ask questions.â You tilt your head playfully. âBesides, if Iâm lucky maybe youâll stop trying to find other girls to fuck. They canât take care of you like I will, anyway.â
Oh, you damn fucking right they wonât.Â
âYou can have it any time you want.â Jake smiles, relishing in your tits warming under his palms, watching the way you hover over him tall and proud on your knees. âCould play with you every day and never get bored.âÂ
You feel him move his hand from under yours, going straight between your legs and sliding not two, but three fingers into you with ease.
âStill so wet too,â He hums, eyes narrowing at you with that same pretty grin. âYou always this horny?â
You shake your head.Â
âNot usually, you just turn me on.âÂ
Jake feels proud of that. He doesnât feel like the odd ball with a dick that canât be satiated no matter how many pussies he plows through in a night. Which, again, for the past year has been a total of zero pussy. You getting turned on by that makes him feelâŠcapable. Makes him feel like maybe he can be put to use by a pretty girl.Â
Makes him feel like his need is wanted and well taken care of.Â
âSo, I can keep calling you?â He asks now, fucking his fingers up, loving the warmth and slide, anticipating for when he gets to bury his cock in you again.Â
âMhm.â You hum, closing your eyes to enjoy the pleasure of how deep even his fingers reach. Kind of ready for him to stop talking and just focus on what heâs doing to you.
âEven if itâs every single day?â He continues to ask, now using his thumb against your clit. âEven if I need you in the middle of the night?â
Anything he wants if he can keep hitting your g-spot like this.Â
âYes, Jake,â You sigh out of aroused frustration, now wiggling your hips to chase that stimulation inside of you. âIâll give you the fucking key to my apartment if you want. Just let you walk right in and start fucking me.â
His fingers move faster at the image, the implication of not just free-use, but true free use. Real free-use.Â
âYeah? Wake you up with my cock sliding into you?â He urges you to keep talking, now removing his other hand from your chest and circling it around his cock. âJust walk right in and get my mouth on you while all your friends are here?â
You lend a surprised chuckle, but pay no mind to his words past the arousal it brings to you. Youâd tell him about how you have a total of like two friends, and half of the time theyâre too busy to show up anyway. Still, the image is hot at the moment. All of it is hot.Â
âYouâd let me?â He continues pressing every button both physically and mentally, unaware of how easy it is for him to talk as if itâs a normal conversation solely because itâs kind of his general state of living at this point. You, on the other hand, are not used to having a full conversation while your g-spot gets abused. âEven if youâre not home? Let you come home and find me fucking myself for you?â
âFuckââ You groan out at the image, feeling his fingers reach so perfectly, thinking of how it would feel to walk into your apartment just to see this pretty man chasing that tight ring of fingers his fist creates. Probably so turned on and frustrated that youâre not homeâŠso frustrated that all he could do is drop to the floor and start fucking. âGod, yeah.â
So thatâs what youâre into. You love that heâs that pathetic to fuck. And lucky for you, heâs more than willing to continue to be that fucking pathetic.Â
âDoes that feel good?â He hums now, watching how you fuck yourself against his fingers, lifting slightly to lick against your nipple. âCan I use my cock again?â He babbles almost, brain on constant loop of you actually giving him free reign of your apartment someday so he can come andââPlease, do this on my cock.â
This is the second time heâs asked you to ride it, and you think that may be one time too many. You almost feel guilty for taking him down your throat first, but then again, you donât. Your body vibrates knowing youâre about to split yourself open on him again, only this time having full control.Â
âYou want me to sit on it, Jake?â You smile, thrusting your hips down and sinking his fingers into you so deep that you physically can see his brain malfunction.Â
The frantic nod he gives is somehow less powerful than how he lifts his hips, forcing you higher on your knees as his fingers slip out of you and immediately land in his mouth.Â
Man, this guy must love the taste of pussy. The image of him doing that alone is insanely arousing to you as you lend him a short nod and slide back, your pussy sucking in the head of his cock instantly as if the two of you move together so well, that it was only natural to not need a guiding hand for it.Â
He sinks his head deep into the mattress with the way you try to sink down on him. He holds his breath with those same fingers in his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut at how tight you still are, how wet you still are.Â
And heâs shocked, almost, at the way you just keep sliding down. Not letting yourself re-adjust to his size, holding your own breath and bracing yourself on his abdomen just to keep balance and you wince through the stretch.Â
âThatâs it.â Jake soothes your hips as you sit, clenching around each one of his twitches inside of you. âDoing so good.â He breathes out this time, trying to hold back his moan just for a moment as he awaits your moan first.
And it comes quickly when you lean back rather than against him, arms by his knees as you practically present his cock to him buried entirely into you with this position. He lifts his head and stares at it before reaching his thumb to your clit, immediately pressing hard circles against it.Â
âRide it,â He pleads now. âGod, please ride it.â He loses his mind at the image, really, as you do start moving.Â
Pained whimpers falling from your lips as you circle your hips, fucking just an inch of him in and out of yourself, forcing the deepest part of your pussy to take the abuse more than anything else. And you know he loves it with the way his thumb stops rubbing your clit, with the way he canât decide on if he should look or throw his head back and fall into the sensation.Â
Itâs really cute to witness, and youâd lean forward to kiss him if you had the strength to do it, but you donât. In fact, all the strength you have is currently bubbling up inside of you with a sharp, almost burning sensation.Â
You know exactly what this is. Youâve practiced it time and time again alone in this bed.Â
âOh, oh shit, Jakeââ You groan as you frantically start moving your hips through the full and splitting feeling of him inside of you. Your voice sounds so panicked, it almost scares him. And honestly? Had he not have finger fucked you against your g-spot previously perhaps you could last longer on him, but no.Â
âWhatâ Whatâs wrong?!â Jakeâs voice is broken when he quickly leans up, hugging around you as you continue to ride against him, faster now, chasing, chasing, chasing.Â
Pushing, pushing, pushing.
âNo, no!â You moan out, shoving him back against the bed and now lifting entirely from his length before slapping your own clit, fast, rough circled motions before each slap. âOh, shit!â You nearly yell, witnessing it squirt from your body straight against his abdomen and chest.Â
Jake just watches, mouth agape and eyes wide.Â
âOhââ He stares. âOh yeah?âÂ
And youâre not even done when he seemingly takes full control. Allowing all that squirt to fall out of you, ignoring your shaking legs, tipping you straight back and plunging his cock right back into that release of pressure inside of you.
âYou just werenât gonna tell me you could do that?â He grunts against your ear, fucking into you so hard and so fast that your orgasm just keeps coming. It feels too good to speak, too good to breathe.Â
Even as it subsides and youâre trying to catch your breath, he doesnât let you. He just keeps going, grunting incoherently against your ear, snapping his hips harder than you think heâs probably ever done before.Â
Honestly, with each yelp you let out, your sensitivity goes from being unbearably painful toâ
âDo it againââ He urges you. âGive me another one.â Babbling, cooing, fucking moaning all over your neck until his lips hit yours.Â
Somehow, that gives him exactly what he wants as he feels your legs tense up and fall open around him. Your pelvis slamming into his so hard that itâs, quite literally, splashing out of you in loud and painful sounds.Â
âYeah, yeah, yeah.â He nods and whispers against your tongue, sucking it into his mouth before licking into yours, nearly rabid with the way heâs both kissing and fucking you, he canât help it. He forgot words the second he felt the gush rush past his length, trying to force it out of you only for him to go harder. Like hell heâs not going to feel you literally squirt on his cock. âSo fucking messy.â
At one point, you think you might have actually died. Youâre not sure but you swear you saw him fucking you in third person for two solid seconds before being slammed right back into your body. The pleasure genuinely is so overwhelming thatâŠwell, suddenly you understand why girls probably think heâs too much.
But goddamn heâsâŠso good. Like, you remember him mentioning his body count through his one-sided sext session with you and you can argue his inexperience probably made this that much better. Heâs a fucking natural.Â
And as he continues fucking into you, all you can do is lend him a distant smile. Youâre definitely not experiencing real life at this moment, and you know he sees it with the way he lifts and keeps his eyes on your zoned out expression.Â
âLook at you.â He echoes against your walls. âSo, so pretty.âÂ
And he just keeps doing that, whispering praises, working you through his presumed last orgasm of the night because he genuinely canât not fill you up with his cum one last time before letting you rest.Â
The rest didnât last long, but to be fair you didnât need it to. All night, and all day. That promise was kept and Jake remained insatiable throughout all the time he spent with you.
To the point you very nearly felt strange about him leaving. Like youâd grown so accustomed to having someone literally attached to you at the dick that you knew the loneliness and silence would hit you a little too hard once he leaves.Â
And, well, he does leave in a sense, but not completely.Â
Though you never truly meant that offer in the midst of sex-talk, Jake seemed to have clinged to the idea of it. Lock him up, but still give him the key.Â
Never in your life would have imagined giving a person the key to your apartment, and yetâŠthere he goes. Backing out of a guest parking spot in front of your building with your spare fucking apartment key in his pocket right next to those fucking panties.Â
#enhypen smut#jake smut#jake sim smut#sim jaeyun smut#enha smut#enhypen x reader#enha x you#jaeyun x reader#jake x reader#enhypen hard hours#enha hard hours
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â ft. itachi, neji, kakashi, sasuke â
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àŒ á àŒ itachi àŒ á àŒ
âŁ àŒ âŁ àŒ âŁ
Itachi is not someone whoâd be reckless with this decision.
Sure, his cheeks would turn scarlet when you ask. His head would whip to the side so fast his neck would be in danger of snapping, drawing one leg up as his entire body shifts towards you on the couch. He would slip two fingers into the collar of his t-shirt and tug, desperate for a cool breeze to tame the suffocating heat now creeping down his throat, flushing his chest.
His gaze would flicker across your face, hand resting on your thigh, squeezing once. Heâd ask, âYou â are you sure? You donât want me to wear a condom anymore?â His voice would crack on the word condom and his blush would darken. Itachi would take a second to clear his throat, glaring at you without any real heat when you couldnât hold back a laugh.
âIâm sure, Itachi.â Youâd readjust your position, mirroring his, and look up at him through your lashes. âI just, I need to feel you. All of you,â youâd admit, playing with his fingers before lacing them together. The sweet heat building in your belly would remind you of the way it feels to drink a cup of hot chocolate.
Itachiâs lips would part, and youâd be certain you caught his dick jerking in his sweats. Heâd make you wait until youâre on some other form of birth control. No surprise babies in this house.
Itachi would hold his breath when he pushed his latex free cock into you for the first time. His eyes would squeeze shut, a shaky exhale of your name spilling from his lips as he bottomed out and fucking came. Youâd be able to feel the harsh twitching of his dick as he made you look nothing short of a cream filled donut. Heâd be so embarrassed, ready to apologize, but heâd stop short at the fucked out look on your face.
The added slick sensation would turn you on like no other, cheeks hot to the touch as you begged him to keep going. Heâd stay as hard as a rock, rolling you both until youâre perched in his lap. Heâd draw his knees up, tangle his fingers with yours, and encourage you to âRide me, sweetheart. Câmon, take what you need. Iâll let you use me until your pretty little pussy is sore.â
Itachi doesnât have to tell you twice.
àŒ á àŒ neji àŒ á àŒ
âŁ àŒ âŁ àŒ âŁ
Neji loves having sex with you, but heâd be a bit paranoid.
Nejiâs uptight. From the outside, youâd never be able to tell how pussy drunk he gets. Heâs a whiny, breathy mess any time his cockâs inside you.
However, heâd also be hyper aware he could get you pregnant if heâs not careful. He wouldnât be opposed to the idea of having a baby with you, but he wouldnât be ready for quite some time. Heâd wear a condom, no matter how bad he wants your pussy to squeeze him raw. Youâd have multiple conversations about it, convincing him to try just putting the tip in.
Heâd beâŠ.hooked, to say the least. Itâd be by sheer force of will that he doesnât shove his entire cock in your pussy that first time. But, itâd also be the very next time Neji swears âjust the tipâ, when things spiral.
The warm ache in Nejiâs belly would overshadow his concerns. Heâd end up knocking your thighs further apart with his knees, bending forward and planting his elbows on either side of your head, leaving just a few centimeters between you. Heâd whine, âBaby, I canât handle this temptation any longer. Please, can I feel your pussy?â
âFuck, put it in Neji. As long as you pull out itâll be fine, I promise.â Youâd lift your hips to take more of him before he could regret it, and Neji would oblige. Your pussy would hug his cock better than in his dreams, and Nejiâs low, broken moan would light your blood on fire.
Neji would straighten up to sit on his knees, grip one of your ankles and haul your leg over his shoulder, allowing the other leg to hang loosely at his hip. Heâd bend you in half to deepen the angle, hands resting by your shoulders. Just to tease you both, heâd pull out halfway and push back in at an agonizing pace.
Neji would fuck you within an inch of your life, long hair becoming a curtain that cuts you off from the world. Your nails would scratch angry pink lines down his chest, and his cock would start to throb as he toed the line of release. Youâd smack his chest, reminding him with a desperate plea, âDonât cum inside me! Neji, Neji, baby â you gotta pull out!â
Heâd slip his cock free at the last second, letting your body flop to the bed as he stroked his cock. With three quick pumps heâd cum all over your belly.
Safe to say, this would be Nejiâs new favorite way to have sex.
àŒ á àŒ sasuke àŒ á àŒ
âŁ àŒ âŁ àŒ âŁ
Unlike his brother, Sasuke is impulsive.
He couldnât deny the thought would cross his mind every now and then, playing with the idea of fucking you raw and seeing his sticky, white cum cover his cock and spill from your pussy.
Usually when he got the urge heâd jerk himself off. Cool fingers would wrap around his warm cock, shivers running down his spine as he stroked himself slowly. Heâd cum in a heartbeat.
It would dull the ache of his desire for a while. Hell, he definitely wouldnât want to have a baby any time in the near future. But soon enough itâd start to eat at him again. His stomach would clench tight every time youâd have sex, nasty dreams forcing him to wake up hard. Thatâs why, when you beg him to take the condom off, itâs take zero effort to convince him.
Your face would be buried in your pillow, ass in the air, and one hand would fist the sheets. The other would twist behind to smack against Sasukeâs lean lower belly, pushing at him to wait. Heâd be too focused, hands pressing your lower back into a harsh arch, sweat trailing down his temple, over his jaw, dripping onto your back.
âSasuke,â youâd moan, asking for his attention. âWait, Sasuke â ah fuck!â Youâd dig your nails into his belly until he sucked in a sharp breath. âTake the condom off, please!â
His hips would still, pressed flush to your ass. âWhat?â Heâd ask, already be pulling out. âYou want me to fuck you raw?â Heâd tease. âSo spoiled, princess.â
Youâd roll onto your back, cheeks heated, chest heaving. âJust fucking take it off,â youâd demand, reaching to grasp the slippery latex and slide it free. Sasuke would smirk, eyes glued to his dick as it bobs once the condom pops off.
Sasukeâs jaw would go slack once you stroked his cock, the skin soft and slick from leftover lube. Heâd fucking whimper, a noise heâd never made before, when he pushes all the way in. Sasukeâs thoughts wouldnât be coherent after that. Heâd put your knees to your ears and fuck you until heâs cum twice and youâre squirting onto his pelvis.
He would panic the next day, going dizzy with relief when you inform him you started getting birth control shots.
àŒ á àŒ kakashi àŒ á àŒ
âŁ àŒ âŁ àŒ âŁ
Kakashi would be asking you if he could hit it raw.
For your entire relationship, Kakashi would have it known that heâs got a fantasy about giving you a âcream pieâ, for lack of a better word. Heâd never push you to do something youâre uncomfortable with, no, heâd be more than happy to even role play the act.
Thereâs no denying that Kakashi would truly want to get you pregnant. Heâd love to see your belly round with his baby, but heâd be patient and wait for you to give him the go ahead. However, Kakashi has a loud mouth, and heâd voice his desires at least every other time you have sex.
In the end, the idea would get in your head and become more than appealing to you. When you gave in, itâd be when Kakashi least expected it. Itâd be a night when his back is propped up by a couple pillows near your headboard, calloused hands gripping your ass and guiding the slow roll of your hips. Kakashi would be drooling about how well you ride his cock.
Your hands would brace themselves on his pecs, nails digging into his skin, and Kakashi wouldnât be able to keep his mouth shut. No surprise there. âBabygirl,â heâd moan, eyes rolling towards the ceiling when your pussy clenches tight. âLook so pretty when you ride me, mâgonna cum so hard. Youâll let me knock you up, yeah? Wanna see you swollen with my baby so bad.â
Youâd slap your hand over his mouth to stop the stream of filthy words, cheeks blistering. âKakashi,â youâd say through your teeth, voice pitching higher. âTake off the condom.â
Kakashiâs eyebrows would shoot to his hairline, jaw dropping open as the words heâd been waiting forever to hear sunk in. Thereâs no way in hell youâd have to repeat yourself. Heâd shove you off his lap and onto your back, settling between your spread thighs as he all but ripped off the condom. Heâd stroke his cock a couple times before readjusting his weight, taking his time to slide his bare cock back inside you.
Kakashi would whine in back of his throat, pushing your thighs apart until your muscles started to protest. âKakashi!â Youâd gasp, pushing up to your elbows, fisting the sheets as he railed the shit out of you.
âSorry, canât â fuck, canât help myself,â heâd pant, not sounding sorry at all. Youâd catch a glimpse of Kakashiâs sharingan whirling and then heâd be cumming before you realized heâs close.
He wouldnât stop with one round. Heâd wring pleasure out of you until your legs turned to jelly. Heâd cum again after that, making such a mess that youâd both end up in the shower.
#kakashi x reader#itachi x reader#neji hyuga x reader#sasuke x reader#kakashi smut#itachi uchiha smut#neji x reader#sasuke smut#itachi smut#kakashi hatake x reader#itachi uchiha x reader#sasuke uchiha x reader#kakashi hatake smut#sasuke uchiha smut#neji hyuga#naruto x reader#naruto smut
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ânever is a promiseâ | 12.4k
old man!logan x f!reader

SUMMARY: You are everything Logan isnât: sweet, trouble-free, much youngerâand, to top it off, Charles' caregiver.
WARNINGS/TAGS: mdni smut 18+ mentions of drinking. angst. some fluff. old man!logan x caregiver!reader. implied age gap (readerâs in her twenties). miscommunication. slow burn. pining. reader is shorter than logan and has long hair. charles in his cupid era. petnames. minor injuries. wound tending. mentions of blood. virgin!reader. dirty talk. cum shots. fingering. handjobs. oral sex (m receiving). loving sex. sex with a lot of feelings (is that a tag?). unprotected p in v.
A/N: i just want to fall in love with him. thatâs it. thatâs the reason why i wrote this long ass fic đ while doing so, i had ânever is a promiseâ by fiona apple and âcool about itâ by boygenius on repeat. give them a try if you havenât listened to them (your lives will be CHANGED) (also, thank you for reading <3)
No matter how often you play chess with Charles, you never manage to beat him.Â
âYouâve been staring at that knight for five minutes. Itâs not going anywhere, I promise.â
Chuckling at his sarcasm, you fold your hands in your lap, lifting your eyebrows in mock surrender. âOkay, I get it. Youâre the master of chess,â leaning back in the chair, you cross one leg over the other. âCan we play something else?â
âIâm quite entertained, thank you,â Charles says, sliding the board closer to you across the table. âYour turn.â
âHow is it that you donât get tired of this game?â you mutter under your breath, eyes fixed on the board as you weigh your options, hovering your hand indecisively over the chess pieces.Â
âPlease do something before Iâm forced to make a dash for the toilet.â He hangs his head, pinching the bridge of his noseâa telltale sign of one of his irritable days.
His words spur you into action, encouraging you to finally slide the knight into position. You glance up, meeting his gaze with a hint of challenge. âYou go now.â
Charles doesnât hesitate, and he moves a bishop. âCheck.â
Fuck. You hadnât seen that coming. âIâd prefer to walk away with my pride,â you joke, pushing your chair back and pretending to lose interest in the board.
That makes him smirk, a barely there grin dangling on the corners of his wrinkled lips. The truth is, you wouldnât stop playing for anything in the worldânot even if this old man kicks your ass every single time he suggests playing chess. âYouâre not out of the game yet.â
Quietness settles over the tank while you allow yourself some time to come up with a new strategy. After a moment, you decide to go for a pawn, using it to block his bishop.
He doesnât stop grinning, studying your move with an amused glint in his blue eyes. âNot bad, but youâve left your king exposed.â
You gape at the board, your fragile confidence faltering for a split second. "I still have some pieces in play."
Charles nods, his brows drawing together in thoughtful consideration. "True. But sometimes, itâs not about how many pieces you have leftââ He reaches out, carefully sliding his queen across the board. "Itâs about where you place them.â He relaxes, hunching over, his eyes searching for yours. A smile thatâs all teeth welcomes you. âCheckmate."
âDamn.â You blow out your cheeks, your gaze tracing the path of his queen. Somehow, heâs trapped your king with no easy way out.
He leans back with a satisfied grin. âThatâs three games in a row. My suggestion is that you start rethinking your strategy.â
âOr maybe youâre just a better player,â you admit, a mix of frustration and admiration palpable in your tone. âNo more chess for today, though.â You stand up from your seat, gathering the board and chess pieces. As usual, they find their place under Charlesâ bed, and you turn back to him, beaming with delight. âI think you owe me one after all this.â
âYouâre a terrible loser, my dear,â he says, his eyes twinkling as they take you in. âReminds me of someone I know.â
At that exact moment, you hear the familiar creak of the tankâs door opening, followed by a cough you immediately recognize.
Without thinking, you straighten your back as Logan steps into the room. Charles notices it, but says nothing in return.
It was an infatuationâor at least, thatâs what you try to convince yourself of. Logan is a very good-looking man, probably the most handsome youâve ever laid eyes on.
The fact that you live with him doesnât help at all. You think that if you only saw him occasionally, thisâthis anxiety that grips you whenever heâs around or when you hear his voiceâwouldnât happen in the first place.
Whether itâs good or bad luck, youâve been sleeping under the same roof as him for over a year, and the crush youâve had since the first time you exchanged words with him only seems to grow stronger with each passing day.
What you figure out over time is that men like Logan arenât the dating type. Heâs never brought anyone home, and for that, youâre secretly grateful. The last thing you need is to see him with another womanâthank you very much. Still, the thought gnaws at you: he could easily be meeting someone elsewhere.
In fact, itâs more than likely that heâs hooking up with other people. It doesnât have to be atâ
Alright. You donât need this either.
Loganâs heavy footsteps resonate even louder, his presence more imposing, and he seems especially pissed off. Then again, he always has that demeanorâangry, grumpy, locked in a constant battle with life.
But today⊠today, you havenât seen him this troubled in weeks.
âLook whoâs joined us,â Charles mumbles, steering his motorized chair to meet him halfway. The chair bumps against Loganâs legs with a thud that sounds almost cartoonish, and Charles scrunches up his nose, his nostrils flaring in disgust. âYou smell like shit.â
âYeah, I missed you too, Pop,â Logan grunts, shoving his hand into the pocket of his suit, searching for something. Thatâs when you notice the bloodstains on his shirt, smeared across his chest, and the missing buttons at the top. Your breath catches in your throat, and you bite your tongue to keep from asking any foolish questions. âThey gave me new ones,â he mutters, looking you in the eye as he tosses the pill bottle at you.
You leap forward to catch it mid-air, your heart skipping a beat. Logan holds your gaze for a moment longer, his expression unreadable, before giving a slight nod and turning on his heel to storm out of the tank.
When your attention goes back to Charles, you see how his eyes remain locked on the pills youâre holding, his head lowering in defeat. âHeâs waiting for me to die.â
âDonât say that.â You squat to be at his eye level, momentarily hiding the meds from his view. Still, you struggle to make him shift his gaze. âHeâs taking care of you, which is something completely different.â You place your hand on top of his knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Youâve had this same conversation innumerable times, yet each time feels like the first. He offers you a melancholic but knowing look as you softly say: âYou have to take them, Charles. Iâm sorry.â
He raises a hand, his trembling fingers curling around your wrist, examining you, trying to find an answer in the lines. âDonât be. At least youâre here.â
âIâm sure Loganâs tired; thatâs why he doesnât stay any longer. Havenât you seen him?â You rise to your feet, moving behind him to guide his chair. The tank sort of has a chill in the air, metallic walls that seem to press in around you both. âBesides, you wouldnât want to play chess with him. Rest assured Iâll always let you win,â you murmur next to his ear, succeeding in eliciting a chuckle from him.
After that, you help him with his daily routine. Charles isnât heavy, and you manage to get him onto the bed, his frail body yielding to your gentle support.
You slip the rest of his body beneath the blankets, tucking him in carefully before handing him two pills and a glass of water. âAll the way down, okay? And I wanna see that tongue after you swallow them.â
If looks could kill, youâd be six feet under, covered in dust and dirt. Charles sticks his tongue out, putting the glass down on his nightstand. âHappy?â
âYouâve got no idea how much,â you say, adjusting the covers. The silence of the tank surrounds you both, and you can sense his gaze lingering on you. You flick your eyes up, furrowing your brows as you sit in the small space beside him on the mattress. âWhat is it?â
âYou fancy him, donât you?â
Freezing on the spot, your eyes narrow. âIâI donâtââ you trail off, pushing the words out with some effort. âAre you trying to read my mind?â
His whole chest rumbles with laughter under your touch. He finds your hand once again, intertwining your fingers with his. âDonât be so naĂŻve. I donât need my abilities to see the way you get all flustered when he passes by. Why do you think they say older people are wiser?â he inquires, his lips forming a straight line. âWeâve lived too much not to notice the most common things, my dearâand let me tell you that you do a horrible job at pretending.â
âOf course I like him. Loganâs a good man, he keeps us safe.â You glance down at your handsâhis, weak and delicate, in evident contrast to your own. âIâm not in love with him, Cupid.â
âOh, you shouldâve seen him years ago,â Charles says, his eyes glazing over as he drifts back into the past. His body remains here, within the confines of the room, but his mind is elsewhere, somewhere far away. You give his hand a gentle tug, trying to bring him back. âWhen we took him in, he was pursuing a career as a cage fighter. I had never seen anyone like him in all my years of educating mutants. He was so⊠different from the rest. Reserved, didnât talk much at first. But I gave him a family, Iââ His voice falters, overcome by his own emotions.Â
Thatâs when you realize heâs no longer with you, his gaze unfocused, looking around the tank as if seeing it for the first time. It pains you to see him like this, completely disoriented and disconnected from reality.
âWhy are we here? What has happened to the rest? Has he told you anything?â
These are the questions he asks every day without failâquestions that you canât, nor want, to answer. Since youâre not exactly sure the explanation would soothe his troubled mind, you feel forced to play dumb.
âI donât know, Charles. We donât really talk that much, Logan and I.â You stand from the bed, not without pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead before. You smile at him, hoping he doesnât realize the gesture lacks authenticity. âWhy donât you get some rest? Iâll let you know if I hear anything worth sharing.â
Once you close the door behind you, you settle back into it, releasing a shaky breath. Being Charlesâ caregiver was a challenging task, especially in moments like these, which required immense internal strength not to crumble in front of him.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you adjust to the harsh sunlight, fighting to regain your composure. When you finally scan the area, the only thing that meets your eye is the deserted smelting plant you now call home.
You open the sliding door, the noise breaking the stillness and forcing Logan to look up from his plate. Heâs eating like a starved man, casually drinking from a small bottle of whisky on the table, already half of it gone. After those long drives through the nights and the early hours, he always returns hungry.
You pour yourself a cup of coffee, setting it on the stove to heat. Neither of you says anything for a few minutes: he eats, and you sip your hot coffee in silence, not wishing to disturb the breakable peace that hangs by a thread.
Thinking this is how the noon will continue, you begin to walk toward your room until he clears his throat, stopping you in your tracks. That simple gesture makes you whirl around, anticipating something.
âThis is delicious,â he acknowledges, pointing to his plate with his fork, the rice with veggies and meat you cooked last night nearly gone. Dipping his chin, he adds in a low voice: âThank you.â
Youâre taken aback by his unexpected willingness to engage in conversation. Moments like these are as rare as seeing Halleyâs Comet, so you proceed with caution, as if youâre approaching a skittish animalâone wrong move, and the opportunity is lost.
Setting your mug down on the table, you sit on the chair opposite him. Deep down, the hammering of your heart echoes in your ears, and you hope his sharp senses donât pick up on it.
âIâm glad you liked it. Charles ate two bowls of it,â you explain, unable to suppress a smile. Logan hums, tilting his head to the side as he keeps devouring his meal. You take another sip of your coffee, blowing on it in a futile attempt to cool it down. âHe wants to talk to you.â
âCharles. Heâhe asks to see you a lot,â you begin, carefully choosing your words. âI know itâs none of my business, but I think it would make him feel better if you spent more time with him.â
The sound of a distant train rumbles through the walls, amplifying the silence between you. Logan doesnât utter a word; instead, he puts down his fork, the clinking noise making you jump slightly, the intensity of his stare becoming overwhelming.
âYouâre right about one thingâwhat I do or donât do is none of your goddamn business.â
Just like that, the buildup dissolves in a matter of seconds. You bite down on the inside of your cheek, nodding absentmindedly. âIâm sorry,â you murmur, feeling a wave of shame wash over you. How stupid were you to think he might want to talk to you? âI justâI want to be of help.â
âJust take care of Charles. Thatâs all you gotta worry about, all Iâve ever asked you to do,â he barks, clenching his jaw, and you can tell he means each word.
When he talks to you in this tone, it makes you think more rationallyâit reminds you that you donât really know him, and yet you agreed to work for him in exchange for a roof over your head and food on your plate. Heâs not your friend, and heâs excellent at making that crystal clear every time you cross the line.
Logan pushes you away like youâre nothing, like youâre just another of the many burdens he has to deal with.
It should be enough to send you running to your room, but despite the knot tightening in your belly, you somehow remain rooted in place, your eyes sharp like daggers.
As another train echoes in the silence, you come to terms with the knowledge that one more question will drive him away.
And sometimes, you speak before you think, as you do now: âWhose blood is that on your shirt?â you ask, voice steady and cold. Perhaps itâs you who wants him to leave this time.
He shakes his head with offense, frustration crinkling his eyes. âI donât need this shit,â he groans, his gruff voice loud enough for you to hear it. He gets up from the table, placing his plate in the sink without much delicacy. At last, he heads to his room, slamming the door with a deafening thud that reverberates through the entire place.
Itâs not a crush, that voice deep inside you insists as youâre left alone in the kitchen. And itâs valid: a mere crush wouldn't cause this kind of pain, wouldnât make your chest feel this heavy and your limbs numb.
Whenever he leaves, he takes a part of you with him, never to be returned. By now, youâre certain heâs stolen all those missing pieces from you, and youâve got no idea how much longer you can endure before you shatter completely.
You seem to have won this battle, but what you end up losing is far greater than any fleeting gratification.
Loving Logan is maddening, to say the least.
To this day, you still recall every detail of the night that altered the course of your lifeâthe night you met Logan.
The memories are rather vivid in your mind, and you revisit that moment on nights like these, when you canât sleep and the past appears to be much more appealing than your present.
Pressing your cheek against the cold pillow, you let your eyelids drop, reconstructing the full scene behind your sealed eyes.
It was your third week working at that restaurant, and you were still getting used to its daily rhythm. Waitressing was working wonders for youâyou had a good memory, and people often gave you generous tips.
Everything was going well: you were the only waitress on shift, and your boss had left for a brief errand, promising he would be back soon.
During this lull, a group of men entered the restaurant, already drunk or highâprobably both. They sat at one of the empty tables, immediately calling for you.
One of them, a tall blonde, was the loudest. âCome here, baby.â He pointed his finger at you, gesturing for you to approach him. The nickname felt wrong rolling off his tongue, and as you obliged, he shoved a handful of bills into the front pocket of your apron. He clutched your waist, dragging you nearer. âIâm getting married tomorrow. Think you can do something special for me?â
His friends cheered him on, laughing and pounding their fists on the table. You managed to slip from his grasp and asked them what they wanted to order.
While they took their time deciding, you noticed a limousine parked in the distance, probably the vehicle that had brought these morons here. The driver rolled down his window, hanging his arm from the armrest.
Though you couldnât see his features, the interaction alone was enough to make you look away.
An hour went by, and the men refused to take off. Theyâd eaten, drunk, and dancedâand driven you crazy in the process. The rest of the customers had decided to leave once they realized the night was far from finishing for the noisy group of friends. You apologized, feeling incapable of doing anything to change the situation.
Your sanity felt threatened as you turned off the TV, ending the sixth round of karaoke, their shouts and hoots ringing in your ears.
âWeâre closing in ten minutes,â you informed them, starting to collect their dirty plates and glasses. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the blonde man standing right beside you, his piercing blue eyes burning holes through your skin. He attempted to graze your shoulder, but you quickly stepped back, keeping a safe distance between you. âHow do you plan to pay? Cash or credit?â
âHow about with a kiss, huh?â He inched forward, his face dangerously close to yours. Unaccustomed to being approached in this manner, you ducked your head, unsure of your next move. His breath reeked of beer and vodka, a horrendous combination that had you nearly gagging on the spot.
As he backed you against the counter, one of his large hands cradled your face, urging you to make eye contact with him. âI swear I can be very, very nice. You havenât given me the chance to show it yet.â
âHey, pal. You said one hour.â
The first time you heard his voiceâlow and husky, the kind that could send shivers down your spine.
Your eyes locked with Loganâs, your pleading gaze seemingly stirring something in him as he got a grip on the situation. His brows bumped together in a scowl, and you didnât miss how he limped as he made his way into the restaurant.
There was something about himâhow he moved, his stanceâthat felt strangely familiar.
âWeâre busy in here, chauffeur,â the blue-eyed man protested, slightly losing his balance while still holding your cheek.
Your rescuer squared off against him, their noses practically brushing. He worked his jaw, his half-lidded, tired eyes taking in the sight of you. âIâm no fortune-teller, but I donât think sheâs into you, bub.â
âCome again?â the blonde guy released you, much more concerned with defending his bruised pride. âWhatâs the matter, Grandpa? Is it past your bedtime?â
âI want you to pay me for the ride, and for waiting a fucking hour and a half for you and your friends,â the older man spat, jerking his thumb toward the limousine. âIâm not taking you back to the hotel. You might want to start lookingâ for another driver.â
The group of men closed in around him, their anger bubbling. âThatâs not cool, dude. We had a deal,â another voice snapped, but Logan couldnât seem to care less.
âWell, the dealâs off. And leave the girl alone, will you?â he retorted, his tone dripping with disdain. âSo, whereâs my money?â
He couldnât have predicted it. One of the men behind him swung a plate, striking him in the nape and catching him off guard. Logan collapsed to the floor, clutching his head in pain. The others took the opportunity and began to pummel him, kicks and punches landing wherever they could.
You screamed at the top of your lungs, desperately trying to intervene. You grabbed at their clothes, digging your fingernails into every patch of exposed skin you could find, but they shoved you aside with brutal force. Your back slammed against the nearest wall, a jolt of sudden pain making you wince.
The blood in your veins turned to ice as you watched, paralyzed with fear that they might kill him. But thenâ
Three metallic claws emerged from his knuckles, and he used them to push himself upright. Despite the blood smeared across his nose and mouth, he managed to stand, his quickened breathing coming out in short puffs.
The men backed away in shock, leaving him alone amidst the chaos.Â
You stared at him, your hands trembling as recognition dawned: it was The Wolverine.
The familiarity, the sense of having seen him before, all made sense now. It all flooded back in a rushâthe comics, the news, the rumors.
âGet the hell outta my sight,â he growled, pressing his claws against the fabric of the blue-eyed manâs jacket, making him flinch.
You couldnât make out what you were feeling. It wasnât fear, but intrigue. Even as the group of men fled the restaurant, you couldnât tear your eyes away from him. At first, he avoided your gaze, focusing on his shoes as he retracted his claws.
Once the immediate danger had passed, he slumped forward, groaning. You gently draped one of his arms around your shoulders and helped him into a nearby chair. His weight felt like a thousand bricks, but you accomplished to get him seated.
He rubbed a shaky hand over his graying beard, his face twisting in pain as you pressed a makeshift towel of napkins against his lower lip, where blood continued to flow.
Taking the towel from you, he continued tending to himself. You scanned his features, scrutinizing him.
âYou areâŠâ you began, the words feeling inadequate at the moment.
Logan nodded hesitantly, his silence confirming your suspicion. âYeah, thatâs me,â he tugged at his shirt collar, exposing some of his chest hair, fresh blood staining his work clothes. Your gaze fell there, and you quickly chided yourself.
The poor guy was bleeding, and you were checking him out. Jeez.
Kneeling by his side, you introduced yourself. âThank you for stepping up for me,â you said afterward, and he shook his head dismissively. âThey were a pain in the ass. I donât know how you even managed to drive them here.â
âMoneyâs money, darlinâ. Doesnât matter where it comes from, as long asââ he was interrupted by a coughing fit, and your concern deepened as you continued to spot more of his injuries. âIâll heal,â he reassured you, his expression softening in an attempt to calm your anxiety.
Your eyes pierced his with an intensity that seemed to unsettle him. Warmth crept into your cheeks as a question surfaced in your mind: âIs there anything I can do for you?â
âYou donât owe me anything, kid,â he replied, a hint of gruffness in his voice.
âBut I could help you,â you persisted, your voice betraying a touch of eagerness. Stifling a cough, you tried to mask your enthusiasm, and sighed. âAre you hungry? I could cook you something, or pour you a drink. Weâve got plenty of liquorââ
Logan interrupted you, placing the towel down on the table. âHave you ever taken care of an old person?âÂ
Tilting your head, you considered his question. âHow old?â
You nodded, memories of the events from years ago surfacing. âI lived with my grandparents for most of my life. When they fell ill, I spent a lot of time with them. My mom had to work long hours, and Iâwell, the point is, I did take care of them,â you paused for an instant, his expression unreadable, though you perceived a slight relaxation in his posture, as if your answer had put him at ease. âI like being around old people. They have stories to tell,â you added, a genuine smile breaking through, âand Iâm a good listener.â
âThen I suppose there is somethinâ you can help me with.â
And so began a new chapter in your life.
The very next day, you were moving in with him and Charles. It took several weeks for the latter to warm up to you and get used to your presence.
Initially, he was hopeful that you might also be a mutant, but his disappointment was palpable when he discovered you lacked any supernatural gifts. Leaving that aside, he valued your company.
âThe shots mellow the seizures. The pills keep them from happening,â Logan had once explained, detailing the medications Charles needed. You recalled the psychic attack from a year ago and its consequences, but that wasnât a topic to be discussed with Logan, and you understood why.
âWhere do you get these?â you asked, examining the bottle of pills with a curious glance. âWithout a prescription, I mean.â
âOh, you donât wanna know.â
Soon, you got adapted to the whole package: his unpredictable temperament, his mood swings, and his nightmares. Logan Howlett was a puzzle box of surprises, one you could never quite unlock.
Fast forward to the present day, you realize it must be already late, because Loganâs heading to work. You stand on your tiptoes, peering out of your bedroom window. Your humid breath fogs the glass as his eyes find yours, and then he slips into the vehicle, blending into the shadows of the night.
The distant rumble of his limousine signals his departure, your forehead pressed against the glass, as if somehow that could take you with him.
There goes another piece of you.
You find yourself shaving Charles the moment worry takes over your senses.
Heâs retelling a familiar story: that one time Logan, Scott, Jean, and Storm saved Rogue from Magneto.
On any other day, you wouldnât mind listening to his stories, despite having heard them countless times. This one in particular is your favorite.
But today, itâs hard to focus on it, even more when one of its main characters is missing in action.
Logan hasnât come back home yet.
Itâs been an entire day, and heâs usually back by morning to rest. Now, after having cooked dinner and helping Charles shower, youâve run out of distractions. Thereâs nothing left to occupy your thoughts, nothing to ease the building anxiety gnawing at you.
You texted him multiple timesâno answer. You even calledâalso nothing. Every time Charles asks if Loganâs at work or sleeping, the knot in your chest tightens. Thatâs when your mind starts to spiral, and youâre convinced youâll burst any moment.
After putting him to bed, you pace the kitchen, picking at your nails and biting the raw skin around them. The sting of pain is there, but itâs faint, not enough to overshadow the real fear clawing at your insides.
All these what-ifs that storm through your mind make you feel nauseous: what if heâs dead? What would you do with Charles? How would you provide for both of you without a salary?
Just as youâre about to dial his number again, Logan materializes out of thin air through the sliding door.
Heâs got a dark bruise under his right eye, and his once-white shirt is littered with bloodstains. You stare at himâheâs limping harder than usual, each of his movements slower.
Walking towards him, your hands cup his face. His skin feels rough beneath your fingers, and he lets out a grunt as you graze his split lip. âWhat happened?â
âThey were followinâ me. Had been doinâ so for a few days now,â he says, making no effort to pull away.
âDid you kill them?â you wonder out loud, still inspecting his injuries. The pad of your thumb hovers inches away from his bruised mouth.
Covering your hands with his, Logan ducks his head, closing his eyes for a brief second and swallowing thickly. âSomebody had to do it, sweetheart.â
You limit yourself to a nod, because you know thereâs nothing you can reproach him for. You were no stranger to the idea of him killing. It was an implicit truth between you.
âI thoughtâI was so scared, and Iââ your voice wavers, and you feel your eyes watering, the tears prickling at the corners. âI thought youââ
He doesnât let you finish, already knowing how it would end. âHey, look at me,â heâs the one touching you now, tilting your chin up. Your eyes keep flickering over the cuts and old scars you spot on his cheeks, his neck. Logan forces a pained smile, unable to hide his discomfort. âItâs fine, Iâm alright. Just a bit fucked up, but nothinâ you havenât seen before,â he jokes, trying to lighten the mood, and it works. You bite your lower lip, suppressing your grin. âI always come back, donât I?â
âBut you can barely stand,â you whisper, not sure why youâre speaking so softly. You make him turn his back to you, helping him shrug off his coat. As expected, remnants of dried blood decorate his shirt like highlights. âLet me help you.âÂ
âI donâtââ
âThere are cuts all over your back. And your chestâyouâre not healing properly,â you say, turning him to face you again. The look on his face suggests only one thing: heâs about to throw in the towel. âYou donât have to do everything on your own.â You think youâve never been this close before, his proximity both intoxicating and comforting at the same time. âPlease.â
He ends up giving in to your persuasion, allowing you to guide him to the bathroom. Logan sits down on the toilet, watching you gather supplies to clean his wounds. When you come back, heâs still staring at you, his eyelashes fluttering together each time he blinks.
Starting with his cheek, you press a damp towel to his skin, and he hisses. It takes everything in you not to flinch in sympathy.
âHowâs Charles?â he asks, probably trying to distract himself as you continue to clean his wounds, the towel darkening with his blood over time.Â
âHeâs doing great. Asked for you a lot, actually,â you take a look at his jaw, where one shallow cut is already starting to fade away thanks to his healing ability, something that never fails to amaze you.
Logan hums, tilting his head. âIâll check on him in the morning,â he murmurs, and you flash him a quick smile, finishing with his face. Heâs now free of dirt and blood, his brows furrowing as he pauses to collect his thoughts. âThe other day, when we talkedââ
You cut him off, turning to the sink as you rinse the towel, watching the water get red. âForget it.â
âNo, it wasnât okayâhow I acted,â he stands up from the toilet, and you feel his presence behind you, the alarm inside your head going off as the space between you shrinks. âI know you just want whatâs best for him. For us. Iâm sorry I was a jerk,â his voice comes out even huskier at this time of the night, sounding afraid of waking someone, even though itâs just the two of you here.
âApology accepted,â you swirl around to meet his gaze, only to find yourself nose-to-nose with him, and you lean back against the sink, your spine pressed into the cool surface.
Logan places his hands on both sides of the vanity, caging you with his body. Like the most beautiful tree, he stands tall in front of you, and you take a deep breath, getting drunk on his distinctive scent. âAre you⊠okay?â
You watch as he lowers his head, pursing his lips before muttering: âImma need you to do something more for me,â he says, almost pleading, and you canât avoid the amount of thoughts that rush into your mind.
Gone was your decency when you had to deal with him.
Thatâs when he looks up to find your eyes, his harsh expression evolving into a more vulnerable one. âHave you ever removed a bullet?â
If you thought listening to Loganâs nightmares was painful, nothing could have prepared you for the sounds he makes while you pull several bullets from his wounds.Â
He sits shirtless in front of you, grunting at each of your careful movements. As you remove one bullet lodged near his ribs, Logan practically yells, and you rest your cheek against his, desperate to ease his suffering.
âIâm sorry, Iâm sorry. Almost done,â you whisper into his ear, hoping your words might bring him some relief. He lets his head fall forward, resting it on your shoulder, trusting you enough to tend to his injuries, his thoughts drifting elsewhere.
It takes you half an hour to clean both his chest and back, but Logan doesnât complain. When youâre finished, he goes straight to his room, flopping onto his bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. You see the way his chest rises and falls rapidly, his breathing still labored.
You wish you could lie beside him, even just for a few minutes, but your last shred of self-control stops you from doing such a thing.
âGet some sleep,â you say leaning against the doorframe, your advice sounding more like a plea. He looks exhausted, dark circles sunken beneath his eyes.Â
Logan lets out a bitter laugh. âDo I look that bad?â
You roll your eyes at that, your fingers curling around the doorknob. Glancing back at him over your shoulder, you catch something in his lookâa glimmer of something you struggle to put into words, but you decide not to look further into it. âGood night, Logan.â
âGood night, darlinââand thank you,â he murmurs, holding your gaze until the door shuts between you.
Then you sprint to your room, gently closing the door before biting back a smile, replaying the last hour in your mind. How close to you he had been, how comfortable he seemed around you.
You hadnât just crossed linesâyouâd broken them. You almost pinch yourself to make sure you werenât dreaming.
Somehow, your racing mind calms down, and you fall asleep, one hand tucked beneath the pillow, the other resting against your chest.
Youâre a light sleeper. The sound of something shattering wakes you, leaving you startled and disoriented.
Dawn is just breaking, the first rays of sunlight slipping through your window. You sit up, pricking up your ears as you scratch the back of your head, listening attentively.
Loganâs voice filters into your roomâhe lets out a string of profanities, and you stifle a giggle, throwing off your covers and putting on a sweatshirt that matches your pajamas.
Barefoot, you walk down the hall, stopping at the kitchenâs entrance. Logan is kneeling beside the table, gathering the shards of a broken mug. It seems like heâs just gotten out of the shower, tiny droplets of water trailing down his neck.
âThat was my favorite one,â you say in a low voice, teasing him. His back muscles flex under the material of his shirt, and he turns to look at you, his expression a silent apology. âI take it youâre not using your glasses?â
âIâm gonna stop you right there.â Rising to his feet, he grunts, digging his fingers into his lower back with a grimace. âTheyâre called readers for a reason.â
You decide to let him have that one, grabbing a new mug from the shelf and handing it to him. He accepts it, thanking you, and fills it with freshly brewed coffee.
âWas it a nightmare?â you ask, watching as he sinks into the couch, spreading his thighs apart with a sigh while you take a seat at the table instead.
Logan gives a nod, sipping some of his coffee. âAt least I slept for a few hours.âÂ
âAre you really going to stay up? Itâs pretty early.â You stretch your arms over your head, a yawn escaping you before you can hold it back.
âWouldnât be the first time.â
You hesitate for a moment, but then comes your question: âCan I join you?â You prop your elbows on your knees, any trace of sleepiness now gone with the wind.
He squints his eyes, his unrelenting stare boring into you. âFeel free.â
So here you are, studying him as he drinks his coffee, his fingers wrapped tightly around the ceramic. There are so many things you want to ask himâabout how heâs feeling, if his wounds have healedâbut it seems youâve entered a silent staring contest without even knowing it.
Not that you mind him looking at youâyou just want to know the reason why.
You snort, and he arches a brow. âDo I have something on my face?â You decide to ask him, straightening your back.
âI guess I canât help but wonder why you agreed to all of this,â he says, setting the mug down with a soft clink. By this, you understand heâs referring to being Charlesâ caregiver and leaving your old job behind. âI meanâyou could be doing better things with your life. Why would you choose to do this?â
âI told you before: I wanted to help you,â you shrug, trying to keep your tone light even as your stomach tightens with nerves. You watch as Logan folds his arms, the muscles of his biceps becoming more visible. âPlus, I love being around Charles.
âI donât think people your age would be that interested in spending their days like this,â he says, and you toy with a lock of your hair, wrapping it around your finger.
âWell, good thing Iâm not like most people my age then.â
His silence hangs heavy in the air until he speaks again. âWhat do you mean by that?â
âYou know that feeling when life seems like a race? And you just have to keep up with certain things that everybody else is doing, or youâll be left behind?â You pause, the words falling more naturally than youâd expected.
Logan nods, making it seem like he understands what youâre trying to say. Whether he truly does it or not, you donât know.
âWhen my friends started going to parties, getting boyfriends⊠I couldnât. My family wouldnât let me. And even when I could, it felt like it wasnât really what I wanted.â
Inhaling sharply, you stop yourself. The conversation suddenly feels far too personal.
âYou never had a boyfriend?â He gets more comfortable on the couch, his voice gruff as he rubs his chin, waiting for a reply.
A familiar heat settles between your legs. âI went out with some guys, but it never led to anything serious,â you say, your cheeks getting warmer the more details you share with him. âI guess I wasnât the kind of girl they were looking for,â you add, not missing the way his lips twitch momentarily.
âHow could they not want you?â
âThey didnât think like you do.â
âThatâs because they were boys, not men,â he mutters, his gaze dropping to your hands before returning to your face. âDid they treat you right, those boys?â
Swallowing hard, you can hardly register the uncertainty in your own voice. âI mean⊠yes, I think they did. They were nice to me.â
There it isâthe faintest hint of a smirk dancing on his lips. âNice doesnât mean good, though.â
You dig your nails onto the table, your pulse quickening, trying to hide how affected you are by his words. âWhat is it that you want to know?â
âCome sit with me, doll.â
Doll. Doll. Doll. Inside your chest, your heart gallops, your legs trembling as you get off the table, moving closer to him.
Feeling lighter with every step you take, you plop down beside him, and Logan sits straighter, his knees almost bumping into yours.
You canât bring yourself to look at himâthis is happening, just like in your filthiest dreams.
His hand slides up to yours, not applying any sort of pressure. He scrutinizes your skin, bringing your hand to his lips, and he presses a kiss to the inside of your wrist.
It tickles, it burnsâit ignites a fire inside you, one you know you canât ignore. A gasp attempts to escape you, but you suppress it.
âDid you let them touch you?â he whispers, attaching his mouth to your neck, brushing the sensitive spot where your jaw and ear meet.
This time, you moan, any possible rational thoughts turning into putty, melting with the way heâs touching you. âLogan,â you purr his name, begging for something, anything heâs willing to give you. Your thighs, once shoved together, spread of their own accord, and you hear him click his tongue.
âI asked you something.â His teeth graze your pulse point, forcing you to close your eyes.
âI didnât. They wanted to, but IâI wouldnât let them,â you answer, and as if heâs rewarding you, his fingers begin to tug on the hem of your sweatshirt, rolling it up your body and over your head. He tosses it to the floor, admiring you.
âBecause I was waiting for the right guy,â you manage to get out, grasping his hand and positioning it on top of your right breast, encouraging him to go on with what he had started. His pupils widen further, and he squeezes your tit roughly, eliciting a moan from you. âI think Iâve found him.â
Logan scans your face, searching for any sign of repentance in your expression. âIâm going to hell for this,â he murmurs under his breath, his hard-on noticeable through his tented sweatpants. âLay down.â You obey his command, easing yourself onto the couch, and sinking into the cushions as he presses himself to your side.
He peppers your neck with kisses, playing with the waistband of your shorts. âIâm not gonna kiss you, but Iâll make you feel good. Just this time, âkay? And we donât talk about it.â
You accept his offer, knowing that youâll probably regret it in a couple of hours. Right now, it doesnât matter. You need his electrifying touch, his fingers, hisâ
With a swift motion, your shorts are yanked down your legs, and his calloused hands part your thighs even wider. A damp spot on your underwear sells you out, and his thumb rubs gentle circles over that area, causing you to lift your hips.
âSo this is what you look like when you touch yourself, huh?â He edges his fingers closer to your clit, his breath tickling your ear, and he dips his tongue into your collarbone. âI hear you all the fuckinâ time. Youâre not as quiet as you think.â
It should embarrass you, the fact that he has listened to you pleasuring yourself. But in a moment like this, it only succeeds in fuelling your desire. âPlease. You said youâd make me feel good.â
âAnd I will, but youâre greedy as hell,â he says, his movements more deliberate now. You feel hot all over as he pulls your panties to the side, exposing your glistening cunt.
Loganâs on the verge of drooling all over you, reaching for your folds and spreading your wetness. âMen arenât strong creatures, honey. Youâve got no idea how hard it is to hold back.â
âD-donât hold back,â you stutter, losing your composure when he returns to your clit, his fingers coated in your arousal while they flick your swollen bud. âOh, LoganâŠâ
âYou make the prettiest sounds,â he rasps, mouthing at your jaw, though as you try to kiss him, he slows his pace. âWhatâs wrong? Am I not giving you enough?â
âSorry. Iâm sorry,â you whisper, fascinated by how big his fingers look in comparison to your pussy. âIâm justââ
âNeedy, I know,â he finishes for you, and he picks up his merciless rhythm again. Heat pools in your lower abdomen, and you canât help but arch your back every time he teases you, grazing your entrance with his middle finger. âDonât get ahead of yourself.â
You dig your nails into his arm, relishing the way his body responds to your touch. He grinds his cock against your hip, his teeth nipping at the column of your neck. âI want to come. Please, make me come,â you sob, letting out a shaky breath.
A thin sheen of sweat covers your forehead, and Logan locks eyes with you after what feels like an eternity. âPlease, Lo.â
The nickname snaps something inside of him. His fingers circle your clit with a fervency you hadnât experienced before, your pleasure seemingly being his primary focus. âThe shit Iâd do for you.â
You warn him, telling him youâre closeâso so so closeâuntil the fire in your belly flares, and blood rushes to your ears. You collapse against him, holding his hand firmly against your core, hips jerking as you ride your orgasm.
The world narrows down to thisâthis moment, your most desired fantasy.
Logan holds you as you go limp in his arms, rubbing your clit ever so slightly, murmuring soft praises. âYâdid so good, sweetheart,â he whispers, planting a kiss on your temple, burying his nose in your hair. Youâre still out of breath, the pulsing between your parted legs persisting long after your release. âTold you you werenât quiet.â
A giggle bubbles up from your chest, his beard tickling you as he slides his hands up under your shirt, finding your nipples.
âIt was n-nice,â you tell him, your voice faltering the more he toys with your hardened peaks. Your skin heats up again, heart racing at the thought that he isnât done with you yet.
âJust nice?â One of his hands makes its way back into your pussy, ghosting his fingers over your hole, and he smirks when he feels you squirm. âYou surely know how to hurt a manâs pride.â
âI wasnâtâI didnât mean toââ You canât structure a proper sentence, not when heâs playing with you like this.
Logan rubs your arousal between his fingers, as though he wants you to see how slick you still are, even after coming. âAre you going to touch me again?â
He hums, feigning uncertainty. âWhat do you think, baby? Should I make you come with my fingers now?â
Itâs like a switch flips in your mind. He knows exactly how to make you beg and which buttons to push, using that power to his advantage. âYes, please. I want it,â you plead, intending to buck your hips into his touch, impatient for more.
âDo you fuck yourself with your fingers?âÂ
âSometimes, but I can never finishâOh my God.â He slips one finger inside you, causing you to curse, your voice barely above a whisper. You clench around the intrusion, your head falling back onto the cushions. âFuck me.â
âIn a minute.â He begins to thrust his finger in and out, gathering your juices every time he goes back to hammering that sweet spot in your interior. Soon, one finger becomes two, and he reduces you to a panting mess.
Tears threaten to swell in your eyes, and you whine as he involves his other hand in the matter, furiously rubbing your clit. âYour fingers feel much better than m-mine, Lo.â
âI can tell.â He curls them just right, and you push back against his thrusts, tilting your pelvis to meet him halfway. âThere you go. Take what you need, sweetheart. Iâm right here, Iâve got you.â
Everything feels frenzied, fast, the way your inner walls spam and contract around his fingers as you chase your second climax.
Once you come down from your high, your blurred vision catches him tugging the waistband of his sweatpants down. His cock springs free, and he fists himself, stroking his length angrily.
You watch as some pre-cum dribbles from the head, and you lean forward, watching it closely.
âYou look goddamn beautiful when you come, darlinâ,â he murmurs through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched tight. Hovering over you, he rucks your shirt up until he can see your tits from above. He alternates between your breasts, squeezing them while he continues to stroke his girth. âWant to see these all dirty.â
Logan truly loses it when your hand reaches out to him, tracing a bulging vein near the head of his cock. You meet his lustful gaze, batting your lashes, and then you feel his come splashing against your bare chest, a choked moan escaping Loganâs throat, spurts of his hot seed landing on your skin.
âFuckinâ hell⊠fuck,â he grunts, still tugging at his cock, enamored with the masterpiece heâs created. When itâs finally over, he lies beside you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You run your fingers through his hair, and he nuzzles further into your touch with a groan. âIâm too old for this.â
Minutes pass as both of you seem to grasp the gravity of what has just happened. Eventually, Logan rises to his feet, disappearing for a brief moment before coming back with a towel to wipe his come off your stomach and chest.
Heâs gentle with you, his gaze trained on his task until his eyes flick up to meet yours.Â
âDonât look at me like that,â he says, pulling your shorts back up.
âLike what?âÂ
âLike you want to see right through me.â He adjusts your shirt to cover your body again, but the towel remains in his hand, a reminder of the previous events.
Iâm not gonna kiss you, but Iâll make you feel good. Just this time, âkay? And we donât talk about it.
You donât have to talk about it. You definitely donât.Â
Two days later, heâs the one who comes looking for you.
Youâre nearly asleep when he knocks on your door. âCome in,â you mumble, a bit of drool having dampened your pillow. You dry your mouth with the back of your hand, your back turned to the door.
He steps into your room cautiously, as if navigating a minefield. The mattress dips under his weight. âWere you sleeping?â he asks, caressing your leg over the covers.Â
You shift onto your back, your body responding before your mind. Thereâs no blood on his clothesâthat makes you feel a bit better, and you shake your head.
âGood.â He looms closer, fumbling with his belt. His thumb applies little pressure to your lower lip, and your mouth parts to let him in, salivating.
This is just like Pavlovâs dog experimentâexcept that Logan isnât an experimenter, and you arenât a dog.
Yet, when he approaches you like this, you canât help but respond, settling into a routine where you both take take take from each other.
Logan doesnât fuck you, even when you beg him to. He gets you off with his fingers, his thigh, his mouthâbut his cock remains out of the equation.Â
âJust the tip,â you plead, voice laced with pure need, when heâs got his face nestled between your legs.Â
As he stops eating you out, his beard shiny with your arousal, heâs still got that angry look on his face. Your cries donât get to him.
âThat lieâs older than me.â He slips his fingers back inside you, aiming to make you drop the subject. âCome on, baby. Gotta get ready for work, but you need to come first.â
Nor does he stay the night after telling you youâre the most gorgeous girl heâs ever seen in his life. Just when you think heâs fallen asleep, his legs intertwined with yours and one of his large hands under your head, you drift off.
By the time morning comes, heâs gone. You just know that when night falls, heâll be back for more, drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Despite all that, Logan wonât kiss you. He keeps his promise, and you hate how determined he is.Â
âNot even once?â you ask him one night while going over the scars on his back. Youâre in his bed this time, and he has his nose buried in his pillow, moments away from dozing off.Â
âNo,â he answers, squirming slightly under your touch. âIâm tired. Stop doing that.â
âHow did you get this one?â You trace one scar thatâs close to his shoulder, resting your chin just inches from it.
He turns his face to see your eyes. âWell, I was doing Pilates, and IâHey!â He laughs when you pinch the skin near his ribs, tickling him. âI donât even remember. Mustâve got it a long time ago.â
âDid it hurt?â Itâs a dumb question, but he doesnât mention it.
His index finger grazes your cheek, and he chuckles at the way your eyelids flutter. âIn the past, they all did. But not anymore,â he replies, though you wish you could believe him.
You know heâs in pain most days. That when he goes down on you, and heâs on his knees for too long, he has trouble standing up without cursing. That no amount of alcohol, or his healing ability, helps him with it.
You kiss each of his scars before curling against his side, brushing your nose against his. âAnd now?â Your eyes fall to his lips, silently hoping heâll say Yes.
Instead, he sighs. âI think we should go to sleep.â
So despite the lack of kisses, the miscommunication, and the fact that he wonât fuck you even though you knowâyou feelâhe wants to, things are good between you.
Charles notices it, openly expressing his recent realization. âHe looks happier, doesnât he?â he asks says after winning two games of chess in a row, startling you.Â
âLogan, you mean?â
âYes, my dear.â
You glance down at the board, fidgeting with the pieces. âI guess so.â
âYou guess so?â he parrots your previous words, raising an eyebrow in doubt. âLook at me,â he says, and as you do it, he points a shaky finger toward your neck. âI assume mosquitos have taken a liking to you.â
Heat rises to your cheeks, your hand flying up to cover the hickey you had completely forgotten about in the first place. âCharles, Iâmââ
âAre you happy?â he interrupts you, and you nod, because you are.Â
A nagging thought lingers at the back of your mind. You donât know if youâre asking for too much, but it still feels like somethingâs missing.
One morning, you accidentally overhear a conversation between them. The door of the tank is ajar, and right before you step inside, you recognize Loganâs voice in the distance.
âCharles, Iâm fine, alright? I donât need your advice.â
Thereâs a pause before Charles responds. âYou know, Logan⊠this is what life looks like. You should take a moment and feel it. You still have time.â
Logan doesnât say anything in response to that. And if he does, you donât stick around long enough find out, because youâre already turning on your heel.
A poet once said: âBlowjobs are fucking amazing.â
Actually, you might be wrong. Those may not have been a poetâs words, but your best friend Keiraâs from high school.
You remember the sleepovers at her placeâshe had a boyfriend at the time, a boy she had met at a party you hadnât been invited to.Â
âWelcome to blowjobs 101,â she had declared one night, holding a hairbrush like a microphone. âDonât worry, sweetie. Iâll tell you everything you need to know when the moment comes.â
Luckily, many years later, that moment arrived.
Just ten minutes ago, you were cooking dinner, sniffling back tears while chopping onions, so lost in thought that you didnât realize Logan was already home.
He tossed his keys onto the table, hugging you from behind seconds later. You leaned back against his chest, enjoying the scratch of his beard against your sensitive skin, his lips planting soft kisses wherever they could.
âHow was work?â you dropped the knife, wiping your tears as you turned to face him, throwing your arms around his neck. Logan pulled you in tighter by the waist, giving your ass a firm squeeze.
âHell, as usual,â he looked into your eyes, finding them all glossy. âYou miss me so much you started crying?â
Of course, you didnât talk about itâbut words arenât the only ones who can convey meaning.
Youâre not sure how, but one thing led to another, and now youâre on your knees, Loganâs cock filling your mouth. Your lips, swollen and red, suck hard at his tip, pulling the foreskin back, and his hips jerk deeper into your throat. âThatâs it, fuck. Doinâ so good.â
Your movements are far from graceful. As a matter of fact, itâs all too sloppy and desperate. Saliva drips down your chin, some of it coating his balls, and you fondle them at the same time you bob your head.
Keiraâs advice plays on repeat in your mind, and you pull out every trick you know to make Logan roll his eyes.
So far, you think youâre doing pretty great, judging by the way heâs gripping the back of your head.
âH-how is this your first time suckinâ cock?â he slurs, more to himself, his voice strangled as you make eye contact with him. He brushes your hair out of your face, bewitched by the sight of him disappearing into your wet mouth. âGod, I fuckinâ love you.â
Taken aback by his sudden confession. you involuntarily gag around him. He pulls you off his cock, not even sparing you a glance, tucking himself back into his briefs. âWait, Loganââ
âNot now,â he mutters abruptly, withdrawing into his bedroom and shutting the door behind him.
God, I fuckinâ love you.
God, I fuckinâ love you.
God, I fuckinâ love you.
But still, he doesnât want to talk about it.
How bad is it to tell somebody you love them and then avoid them?
Yeah, itâs absolutely terrible, right? Tell that to the idiot himselfâLogan Howlett.
Itâs been over a week, and no matter how many times you press him for an explanation, he keeps dodging it.
Things go back to how they were before you two started fooling around, and Charlesâ questions donât take long to come: âI thought you two were getting somewhere.â
âMe too,â you admit, your voice quieter as you try to appear indifferent.
You have no answer for him. Not that you donât want to discuss your relationship problemsâitâs just that you donât know what went wrong.
When evading you isnât enough, he works longer hours, which only adds to how little you see him. At least he lets you know if heâs going to be late, sparing you from waiting up.
But apart from that, your interactions have dwindled to nothing, and itâs eating you alive.
Youâre madly in love with him. You thought you knew that already, but now that heâs distant, the depth of your feelings has become clearer than ever.
Heâs everywhere you go, just not physicallyâhe has conquered your mind.
And it should be funny, loving someone who used to be no more than a myth for you. Though Logan is realâmaybe too real for your own goodâand he hasnât been the mutant you once read about for quite some time.
This morning, heâs having breakfast at the table when you walk into the kitchen. You hold your breath as your shoulders brush for a microsecond, his gaze following your steps.
Youâre no longer accustomed to sharing the same space with him, so it makes sense that you stay as far away as possible.
After an awkward silence, he stands up and mutters something about checking on Charles and giving him his meds, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Itâs infuriating, how collected he seems. Why isnât he miserable like you? Doesnât he miss you? Didnât you two have something⊠special?
Iâm not gonna kiss you, but Iâll make you feel good. Just this time, âkay? And we donât talk about it.
The shit Iâd for you.
God, I fuckinâ love you.
Not now.
The memory of his words lingers, seared into your unconscious, though the sound of his phone jolts you out of your thoughts.
Itâs ringing beside the coffee machine, and you try to ignore it, determined to be the bigger person.
But after five minutes of the relentless ringtone echoing in the empty kitchen, youâve had enough.
Unknown callerâinteresting. What could he possibly be hiding?
Charles, you better keep that asshole busy, you think to yourself, swiping right to answer the call.
Before you can say anything, a womanâs voice fills the line.
âJames! Thank God. Itâs Gillian. You didnât reply to any of my texts, and I was starting to get worried,â she lets out a giggle, the sound grating against your nerves.
As your grip on the phone tightens, your knuckles start to go white.
âLook, I know you said you werenât available, but I havenât been able to stop thinking about you since that ride. I didnât see any ring on your finger, so what do you say, huh? Will you let me take you out?â
Red. Youâre seeing red.
âJames? Hello? Cat got your tongue?â
At last, you clear your throat. âHey,â you greet her, pacing around the kitchen. âIâm deeply sorry, but James canât talk right now.â
âExcuse me?â she snaps, her high-pitched voice echoing through the speakers, and you pull the device away from your ear. âThis is Jamesâ number. Who the fuck are you?â
âOh, Iâll tell you who the fuck I am, you intolerant piece ofââ
Before you can finish, the phone is yanked out of your hand, the call hastily ending.
There is no use in playing dumb, not when Loganâs standing right in front of you, observing you like youâre a child whoâs made a severe mistake.
His deep, brown eyes pierce your soul, shattering any chance you had of coming up with an excuse.
âWhat where you doing with my phone?â Itâs the first thing he asks you, his voice still steady, the calm before the storm.
Perhaps youâre not as mature as you thought you wereâyour forehead furrows, unwilling to back down, and you fall silent. He takes a step forward, as if he canât believe your attitude. âThink I asked you somethinâ. Why did you answer?â
âGillian sounds like a lovely lady. Tell her I said âHiâ the next time you see her,â you croak, attempting to walk past him, but he doesnât budge, his solid frame blocking your path. You collide with his chest, and it feels like trying to move a brick wall without success.
âWeâre talking. You canât just leave.â
The nerve of this man.
âYou canât be serious,â you retort, staring at him, wishing the emotion in your tone could capture even a fraction of what youâre truly feeling. âWerenât you the one who walked away first? After telling me you loved me?â
You search for any sign of the man who once held you close, but he feels miles away, hidden under all these layers that smell like cheap whiskey and gasoline. âYou didnât mean it.â
âI did. I meant every word,â he growls, his fists clenching at his sides, and you donât miss the exhaustion in his eyes, the dark circles that expose the fragile façade of control heâs so desperate to maintain. âGoddamit! Youâre doing that thing again!â
âWhat thing?â you exclaim, your mouth hanging open in frustration. âWhat the fuck are you talking about? Iâm not doing anything.â
âYes, you are! Youâre trying to see through me, like you can read my mind.â
âWell, sorry to disappoint, but Iâm not a fucking mutant. I just have eyes, Logan.â You throw your arms up, exasperated. âPeople actually look at each other when they have a conversation, in case you havenât noticed.â
âYouâre testing my patience,â he mutters, rubbing a hand over his face.
âAnd you are testing mine.â You rest your back against the table, raising your chin. âSo, who is she?â
Logan drops his shoulders, slamming his eyes shut. âI drove her once, last week. It was a long ride and she⊠wouldnât stop talking. Didnât shut up for a single second. She hit on me, but I told her Iâm off the market.â
âWhy? âCause she talked too much?â
âNo. Because I love you,â he says, pure awe transforming his expression, like he doesnât believe he has said it out loud. âI donât know when I started feeling like this, or if Iâve always felt it, butâI do. I love you.â
You had heard those words slip through his lips before, but now they sound different. It might be that keeping him at arm's length has felt like death by a thousand cuts, or perhaps itâs the realization that this is the first time someoneâs declaring their love for you.
Fuck. He loves you. As in, heâs in love with you?
âThen why do you keep running?â You edge closer to him, your eyes trained on his. âIâm done with the chase, Logan. Itâs tiringâI am tired. Iâve been sleeping like shit, trying to figure out whatââ
His arms surround your body, cutting you off and pulling you close. The hammering of his heart matches yours, and you return the hug, nuzzling your nose against his neck.
You fear that this might be all youâve ever needed, feeling as if the pieces he took from you in the past are finally falling back into place.
Logan holds you as if in a past life he lost you, but now, heâs decided to never let you go.
This profound sense of completeness, of being where youâre meant to be, makes you realize youâve found home in the warmth of his embrace.
âIâm sorry. This⊠this scares me, alright?â he murmurs next to your ear, raking his fingers through your hair. âYou make me feel things I didnât think I could feel anymore. Thatâs what Iâm running fromâthe part of me I thought was gone. But you⊠you brought it back.â
You feel a deep urge to curl up and cry, wondering why on earth he would ever think he was unworthy of being cared for. âLogan, IâŠâ
âI sound pathetic, I know. It sounded way better in my head.â
âDonât you dare say that.â You retreat a bit, looking him in the eye. He stares down at you with a tenderness youâve never seen before. âItâs not pathetic to voice how you feel. I want to know it all, want to know everything about you.â
âYes, everything. But I need you to promise me that you wonât run away anymore. I know itâs difficult, but itâs not fair to any of us.â
His eyes peer directly into yours, and he gives a nod. âI promise to do my best.â He presses your foreheads together, and thatâs when his mouth turns into a grin. âYouâre not going to say it back?â he teases, gripping your waist. âCome on, I said it first. Twice, for the record.â
Lifting your shoulders in a half-shrug, you find it hard to conceal your smile. âI may need a bit more convincing.â
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Before you know it, his lips are on yours, almost making you lose your balance. You whimper into his mouth, tightening your arms around his neck as his tongue wastes no time in finding yours, stroking it sensually.
The wait had been definitely worth itâyouâd do everything all over again if it meant having him kiss you like this at the end of the day.
He tilts your face so that he can deepen the kiss, and a whine gets caught in your throat when his fingers pull gently at the hair at your nape, nibbling at your bottom lip.Â
âI love you, too. Very much, to be honest,â you blurt out against his mouth, pleased with the way he laughs at your reaction, squeezing your hips. âBut I still have some ideas in mind.â
âIâm all ears.â
Here goes nothing. âFuck me like Iâve been asking you to.â You cup his cheek, guiding his lips into yours one more time. âPlease,â you mewl, standing on your tiptoes. âWant you to be my first.â
If it were up to you, you wouldâve begged him to take you right there on the kitchen floor. But Logan, ever the gentleman, insists on moving things to his room.
Each of his movements is slow, igniting your skin with a burning heat, leaving his name imprinted where his teeth sink into your soft flesh.
Youâre left in nothing but your underwear by the time he murmurs: âLet me take my time with you.â He trails his lips down your chest, your stomach, until heâs planting several kisses along your ankle. âI donât know how I got so lucky, baby. Look at you.â
Under his gaze, you feel shy, your eyes snapping to the ceiling instead. âShut up,â you say, tugging at his shirt to undress him, your fingers tracing the lines of his abdomen before you pull him into a bruising kiss, sucking on his tongue.
He strips out of his black slacks and hovers over you, his clothed cock grinding against your throbbing core, eliciting a moan from both of you. âSo goddamn beautiful. Canât believe youâre mine.â His tip grazes your entrance through the fabric, making your toes curl in ectasy. âIâm gonna make you feel good, I swear.â
At first, heâs extremely careful, making sure to stretch you out with his fingers while you stroke him, pumping your fist to match his rhythm. âKeep that up and thisâll be over sooner than expected,â he warns, taking one of your nipples into his mouth.
It doesnât happen like it does in the books or movies. No foreplay couldâve prepared you for the moment he enters you.
You move clumsily beneath him, your nose bumping into his forehead as he eases the first inch of his length inside.
For a moment, youâre not certain which hurts most: the dull ache in your nose or the way heâs splitting you open.Â
Logan freezes, his eyes wide in concern. âShit. Iâm sorry, sweetheart. Are you okay?â His hand cradles your face as he props himself up on one forearm, pushing your hair back while you adjust to his size. You laugh despite the sting, and he wipes away your tears with his thumb. âYouâre laughinâ?â
âIâm just happy,â you manage to get through the lump in your throat, raking your nails down his back, feeling the rough texture of the scars beneath your fingers. âI love you. Since that day at the bar, Iââ you pause for a second, gasping at the sudden wave of pleasure when he twitches inside you. âIâll always l-love you. Forever.â
As you wrap your legs around his waist and tell him youâre ready, something inside him shifts.
He feels like a madman, his eyes fixed on your face the whole time, searching for any hint of discomfort, though he occasionally glances down at the place where your bodies meet and become one, entranced by the sight of you taking him in, slick coating his length.Â
Your heels dig into his lower back, pulling him back to the presentâback to you, with your pretty tits bouncing each time he pistols his hips, the intensity of his thrusts increasing.
âAll those times you took care of me, when youâFuck,â he groans, nipping at your jaw to regain some of his composure, his humid breath dampening your skin. Your scent drives him wild, and he reaches for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. âYou made me feel loved when no one else did. My girl, love you so f-fucking much.â
His pace is nothing more than a voiceless testament to everything he feels but canât find words to express.
With each minute that passes, your dripping cunt grips him tighter and tighter, his thrusts losing finesse. He needs you to come firstâwhy does he feel like a virgin?
When you tell him youâre close, the world around him turns into a musical. You cling to the sheets, the mattress creaking noisily as he clutches the headboard, determined to find that angle that will push you over the edge.
âThatâs it, sing for me,â Logan mutters from above, hypnotized by the crease forming between your brows. âCome on, let go.â
Time seems to slow down as your muscles tense and you clamp around him, your body sagging against him. His name spills from your lips in breathy whimpers, like an endless prayer, and your mouth engulfs his, tongues and teeth clashing in a fevered kiss.
Soon after that, he surrenders to the coiling tension deep within him, pulling out just in time to stroke himself once, twice, before emptying his hot load across your mound.
You gently thumb the head of his cock, coaxing out every last drop of his hot seed. Heâs panting as he comes down from his high, his brain foggy and blissfully blank for a while.Â
Logan loses track of how many times he tells you he loves youâhe does it when he pulls you into his chest, when his lips press against your temple, and when you crack that smile, the one that resembles the very purpose of his existence.
âSo this is what it feels like.â His voice sounds low like a murmur near your ear, and you stir, half-asleep.
âNothing, baby. Just thinkinâ aloud.â
You donât have to talk about it, at least not now. Deep down, he knows that whatever thoughts run through his mind will somehow find their way into yours.
This is what life looks like. You should take a moment and feel it. You still have time.
And God, is he feeling it.
dividers by: @cafekitsune thank you!!! :)
#logan howlett#wolverine#wolverine x reader#logan howlett x you#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x you#deadpool and wolverine#logan howlett fic#logan howlett fanfiction#logan x reader#logan howlett smut#james logan howlett#james howlett#logan howlett xmen#logan howlett x fem!reader#wolverine smut#the wolverine#wolverine x men#wolverine fic#wolverine fanfiction#logan wolverine#x men wolverine#smut#fanfiction#fluff#angst#old man logan#fic: never is a promise#x men movies#logan james howlett
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đđ°đ·đŠ đąđŻđ„ đ„đŠđŠđ± đŽđ©đąđ§đ”đŽ âËâčâĄ

Pairing: ᎹáŽÊÉŽáŽ, sÊÊáŽs, áŽáŽÊáŽÊ, xáŽáŽ ÉȘáŽÊ, ÊáŽê°áŽÊáŽÊ x ê°áŽáŽ!ÊáŽáŽáŽ
Tags: shortform, drabble, daddy kink et al, nasty back-shots, men begging, nothing too crazy but all smut. MDNI I swear to GOD dfwm
Notes: The LaDS and their cocks, thatâs all this is. I canât stop thinking about them, Iâm lost in orbit. I may never make it back. âXoxo, Dollie
ᎹáŽÊɎᎠhas a thick cock you can barely fit your lips around and makes your jaw ache. Itâs a feeling youâre seemingly addicted to, so heâs contented to let you suckle on the tip with tears in your eyes for as long as you need. Zayne is observant, acutely aware of when your eyes get glassy and your bottom lip trembles ever so slightly. He knows just what you need. Heâs a not-so-secret freak with iron-clad composure so heâll keep you down there for hours humping his leg and blowing bubbles on his tip. Your face and chin are shiny with spit and tears, pupils blown fat as saucers when two fingers lift your head to meet his even and positively adoring gaze. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip, tapping twice before you suck it into your mouth obediently.
Ëâ· ÍÍÍÍâłâ„ âSuch a pretty girl. Daddyâs pretty cock whore, so desperate for anything I give you.â
sÊÊáŽs has a long, curved cock that curls right into your g-spot, veins pulsing prominently on either side that you can feel distinctly. And even though it hurts going in every time, once youâre stretched around it you physically canât stop yourself from cumming on it repeatedly and milking him dry. He canât help wrapping his long, lithe fingers around your throat, fingertips pressing in just enough to remind you whatâll happen if you stop your desperate bouncing. Your legs ache, your head is swimming, but you continue with a sloppy wet rhythm. Tears prick at your eyes for Sylus to thumb away, gentle for only a beat before something sinister curls around his lips. You yelp at the mean pinch to your clit, your final warning.
Ëâ· ÍÍÍÍâłâ„ âWeâve barely just begun, sweetheart. I thought you were my big girl? Thatâs it, baby, cum around it againâ
áŽáŽÊáŽÊ has such a stupidly big cock âcoke can thick and slaps his belly buttonâ that heâs worried might kill you one of these days, especially with how fucking insistent you are that he gives it all to you at once. He takes hours working you open before heâll even unzip his pants, shaking his head at the way you plead against your own best interests. Youâre squirting against his chest and abdomen once he pulls your ass up and gives you what you say you want so bad. Your pussy stretches around his almost-impossible shaft and leaves a creamy ring around the base. Caleb swears he feels a vein in his temple burst when youâre reaching back to slow the abuse of his hips. You complain that he babies you, then you cry that itâs too much? With both of your wrists in one hand and your jaw in the other, heâll teach you a lesson in follow through.
Ëâ· ÍÍÍÍâłâ„ âMmf- Messy-plap-Fucking-plap-Brat. Canât make up your mind, huh? Donât worry, Iâve always known whatâs best for you.â
xáŽáŽ ÉȘáŽÊ has a disastrously sensitive cock. Even through his boxers, his sweats and your leggings, he can feel how warm your little slit is. Each haughty rut of your crotch against his is making the air around him feel thicker and harder to swallow. A wet patch is forming on the tent in his lap, precum and the leaking of your pussy. Xavier feels dizzy, his twitching dick so painfully hard that your movements border on torture. He needs some kind of relief, but you just look so perfect grinding down on him like this. He canât stop you now, when youâre whispering how close you are into the shell of his ear. Your back arches sharply, cunt pulsing against his shaft until heâs shooting into his pants- but he doesnât mind. Heâll just flip you over and lick another orgasm out of your poor pussy until youâre screaming yourself hoarse and heâs ready to go again.
Ëâ· ÍÍÍÍâłâ„ âGod, baby, you made such a mess of me. No, no, noâ weâre not stopping until I return the favor.â
ÊáŽê°áŽÊáŽÊ has the most beautiful cock youâve ever seen. Itâs perfect in every way, like it was made just for you. Long and just a bit thicker at the base, with a deep pink tip that always blushes under your awestruck stare. Your favorite place to kiss and nuzzle is the twin freckles on the underside of his shaft. You love curling up in between Rafayelâs legs on the floor while heâs sat spread on the couch. You kiss every inch of soft, delicate skin- covering his balls with your nipping and sucking first, then up his length and across his perfectly trimmed pubes. Rafayel, never one to deny youâ even at the cost of his own sanityâ might just pass out from the lack of blood in his brain. The only thing you love more than slathering spit and sticky lipgloss all over him, is the way he moans for more. So fucking pretty, so perfect.
Ëâ· ÍÍÍÍâłâ„ âAh- ah- FUCK, youâre going to be the death of me, I need you so- ah- I need you so bad.â
. Ęâ âč . Ę âĄ Ę . âč â Ę. Ęâ âč . Ę âĄ Ę . âč â Ę. Ęâ âč . Ę âĄ Ę . âč â Ę. Ęâ âč . Ę âĄ Ę . âč â Ę. Ęâ âč . Ę
#lads smut#lads x reader#love and deepspace#lads sylus#lads rafayel#lads caleb#lads zayne#lads xavier#caleb x reader#sylus x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader#rafayel x reader
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Love of my Life
summary: the dagger squad meets hangman's best-kept secret
jake seresin x reader
word count: 1490
warnings: no editing, fluff
a/n: this popped into my head the other night... enjoy! also this gif makes me CHOKE ohmylord
song rec: love of my life - harry styles
It wasnât on purpose. Nights when you and Jake ended up at the same bar were never planned, mostly because your friends from work always wanted to go somewhere downtown, and Jakeâs friends from work always wanted to go to the Hard Deck so there was never a chance for the two groups to intersect.Â
Tonight, however, your friends had enough of hearing about all your nights at the Hard Deck with your fighter pilot husband who drops by work every once and a while with lunch or a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. They decided to venture out to the Hard Deck tonight for your monthly get-together and you werenât going to miss an opportunity to ogle at your husband from across the bar while he played darts and pool with his Dagger Squad friends who just so happened to be in town visiting.Â
And thatâs exactly where you found yourself on this lovely Friday night. Your friend walked over to your standing table with another drink for you and you thanked her with a smile. She immediately started diving into some workplace gossip, keeping her voice quiet since so many of your colleagues had managed to make it out tonight. You half-listened to her go on how bad the break room refrigerator smelled the other day but your real focus was on Jake who was playing pool with Phoenix, Fanboy, and Bob. He had Bob on his team and you were surprised to see him actually give the man a chance to play without correcting or coaching him.Â
You knew all about the Dagger Squad, when Jake was first sent out here you followed him, even knowing this wouldnât be a permanent duty station, and he talked about everyone he was competing against non stop. From the moment he came home after training you were getting a full rundown of the days happening (you were sworn to secrecy of the top secret events, of course). You learned quickly who was who, even if you never got the opportunity to meet them.Â
After the mission, you were pulling out boxes and getting ready to move what little belongings you brought over to the island when Jake came home and surprised you to your core. He accepted a teaching position here on the North Island and you were staying for the foreseeable future.Â
You were shocked but over the moon. Jake would be in one spot for at least a couple years and wouldnât be off on deployments and missions so often. You could start a family and he could actually be there for all of it.Â
âHello? Anybody home?â A hand waving in front of your face brought you out of memories and a trance you hadnât realized you were in. You laughed and smiled at your friend, but not before catching the eye of Phoenix, who totally caught you staring at Jake.Â
âSorry, sorry, got a little lost there.â You waved her hand out of your face and took another sip from your drink.Â
âIâll say,â she laughed, âI mean, I get it.â Her eyebrows wagged and you laughed heartily, throwing your head back. She was always complimenting your choice of husband and you had to agree with her, he was fine as hell.Â
âFuck, I think one of his friends just caught me staring,â you said once the laughter died down.Â
âRemind me again why he doesnât tell them about you?âÂ
âIt started off as a joke,â you start, âhe wanted to see how long it would take one of them to notice, and now itâs just an ongoing bet we have.âÂ
âA bet I am about to win, by the way.â Jake suddenly appears behind you and youâre happy to see him until his words sink in.
âYouâre not allowed to interfere!â You point at him and he just laughs.Â
âNo interference, I promise.â He leans on the table you two are standing at and you almost forget about the bet for a second because his green eyes still captivate you even after all this time.Â
âWell, what are you doing over here then?â
âSee now, thatâs where it gets interesting because someone caught you looking at me,â he tips his beer over in the direction of his friends, who scatter like chickens when you turn your head to look at them, âand they bet me $20 that I couldnât walk over here and get your phone number.âÂ
âHmmm, seems like fair play to me.â Your friend interjects, looking contemplatively between you and your cheating husband.Â
A noise comes out of your mouth, somewhere between disbelief and betrayal. You only had one month left before the bet was yours and you could claim your prize and now this happens, the perfect opportunity falls right into Jakeâs lap.Â
âDid none of them notice the giant ring on my finger?â You hold up your wedding rings, which glint even in the dim bar lighting and Jake takes your fingers in his hand, bending them towards himself before placing a kiss on your knuckles. You swoon. Itâs impossible not to. âDonât try to distract me, youâre in trouble.âÂ
âCome on darlinâ,â His hand fell away from yours but moved slyly around your hip, where it curled around the belt loops of your shorts, and just then, while his face was inching towards yours, your wedding song came on.Â
âWhen did this song get added to the jukebox?âÂ
âI may have put in a special request.â His smile did you in. You met him halfway and when your lips met that familiar kaleidoscope of butterflies took flight. Jake pulled away just to smile at you some more before pressing a few quick kisses to your lips. When he backed away enough, you took the chance to look over his shoulder and see what his friends thought.Â
The entire group was standing around, completely gobsmacked at what just occurred and you could only imagine what was running through their minds.Â
âAfter you, Mrs. Seresin,â Jake whispered in your ear. You gave him the best glare you could but he just laughed and grabbed your hand to walk you over to the group of people you already felt like you knew.Â
Jake chuckled as you got within ear shot. âEveryone, Iâd like you to meet someone,â he pulled you under his arm and you automatically slid your own across his back, âthis is my wife.â He said it with genuine pride, a stark contrast to his usual cocky tone everyone was used to.Â
âWife?â Rooster repeated, dumbfounded.
âPick your jaw up off the floor, Bradshaw.â
You ignored Jake and introduced yourself to everyone with a quick wave. âItâs nice to finally meet you all.âÂ
There was a beat of silence while you watched everyone process what was happening, but Phoenix broke it with a laugh. âYouâve been holding out on us, Bagman!âÂ
âYeah, what the hell, man!â Rooster seemed downright offended that Jake would keep such a secret from them and you couldnât help but laugh.Â
âItâs not all Jakeâs fault,â You come to his defense, âwe had a bet going, which I just lost.âÂ
âWhat bet did you two have?â Bob asked, coming forward to introduce himself to you properly.Â
You shook his outstretched hand, smiling. âWe wanted to see how long it would take for someone to figure out he was married.â
âYou⊠you donât wear a wedding ring?â Rooster seemed to be having the hardest time with this revelation and it was cracking you up.Â
Jake pulled his dog tags out from under his shirt, proudly turning them around to display his gold wedding band that perfectly matched the one around your finger. They both belonged to his grandparents and he was so proud to give you his grandmother's band on your wedding day.Â
Phoenix studied the two of you for a moment, watched the way you started to sway to a song and Jake immediately joined in, watched how his attention always drifted back to you, and how his entire cocky dimenor melted away as soon as you were near.Â
âSo, whatâs the story? How did you manage to bag Hangman?â Natasha asked, leaning her hands on the pool cue in front of her.Â
Jake pretended to be offended. âIâm not that wild.âÂ
You roll your eyes affectionately before diving into the story of how you and Jake met. It was nothing spectacular or anything you would want to make a movie about, but it was a whirlwind romance that ended in the two of you married in the Seresin familyâs backyard three summers ago.Â
When you finished your story, all smiles for your husband, Rooster raised his beer in a toast. âWelcome to the family, Mrs. Seresin.âÂ
Jake couldnât help but smile. It felt good to let the team in on his best-kept secret, even if he was gonna pay for her losing the bet later on tonight.Â
thanks for reading ily
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#top gun maverick#jake seresin#hangman#seresin#top gun#jake seresin x reader#hangman x reader#reader insert#top gun x reader#fanfic#top gun fanfic#fanfiction#top gun maverick fanfiction#top gun maverick fanfic#glen powell#top gun imagine#top gun fanfiction#Jake hangman Seresin
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⥠babydaddy!rafe and pogue!sweetheart!reader go to her first prenatal appointment
warnings: super sweet fluff, pregnancy, descriptions of pregnancy symptoms, reader is emotional (she canât help it, okay?!!), crying, reassurance, comfort, some brief medical terminology
a/n: creating an official au introduction for this little universe of mine <3 just a reminder that pogue!sweetheart!reader is only pregnant in this pairing unless stated otherwise in the authorâs note!
wc: 1.9k
âray, i canât hold it!â you shrieked, heavy tears rolling down your cheeks, âyouâre going to make me pee, iâm not kidding!â rafe was currently tickling your sides, your once hysterical laughter soon turning into breathless pants as he continued ignoring your pleas for him to stop. âaw, come on..â it wasnât until the smile dropped from your face that he took the hint and got off of you, quickly helping you up to your feet so you could run to the bathroom.
you found yourself doing that a lot more now, your ability to âhold it inâ was long gone by this point. that, along with crying over the smallest things like rafe rubbing your tummy despite you not really showing yet, his attentiveness and care never failing to make you sob in his arms. thankfully, your morning sickness wasnât as bad as you thought it would be. now that you were approximately eight weeks, sailing was becoming more smooth, both you and rafe finally catching a small break from the wrath of your raging hormones.
you never got angry in the first few weeks, but annoyed and irritated? definitely. a few times you had to flash rafe a warning smile before he could take the hint that you didnât want any of the food he was trying to feed youâ the smell of certain meats making you feel queasy. âdo you want me to projectile vomit into your lap?â youâd ask sweetly, your eyes slightly wide as rafe frantically shook his head before taking the forkful of steak away from your lips.
heâd been a good sport about absolutely everything. even now as he helped you out of his truck, rafe was quick to sling your purse over his shoulder, his hands staying glued to your hips until your pretty pedicured feet softly landed on the ground. you wasted no time in scheduling your doctorâs appointment the same fated day you and rafe looked down at that positive pregnancy test. you couldnât believe a whole month had already flown by that quick.
âiâm a little nervous..â your whispered, taking rafeâs arm with your own, the height difference easily making you feel comforted as he held your hand. âah, donât be, i read that theyâre just gonna run a few tests and ask you some questions, thatâs all, sweetheart.â oh, you could cry right now. scratch that, you were crying right now. âyou looked up how my first appointment would go?â rafeâs head shot down as soon as he heard your crying voice, both of you stopping just right outside of the doctorâs office.
âhey..â he turned, cupping your cheeks, âbaby, i didnât mean to make you sad.â he stroked the side of your face, thumbing away any stray tears that managed to roll down your cheeks. âno, you didnât make me sad, itâs justâ youâve been so good to me, even before all of this, i just feel so lucky to have you. youâre so sweet, and youâre so helpful, and you even put up with me when i have an attitude sometimes, andââ rafe stopped your rambling when another couple came walking up to the entrance.
flashing awkward smiles at each other, rafe scooted you over before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. âwhat did i tell you when you were panicking, flipping through that calendar book of yours?â you laughed at the memory. you were so scared that day. âyou said you were going to take care of us.. of me.â rafe nodded, lifting your chin so you could look up at him. âi meant that, y/n. thereâs nothing to be scared of, alright? everything that iâm doing for you isnât even the tip of the iceberg for what you deserve, you understand that?â you blinked, wrapping your arms around his waist as you two stood there in silence for a few moments.
rafe held you until you were ready to go inside, your boyfriend holding the door open for you as you were hit with chilly air and the smell of antiseptic. âiâll get the sign-in sheet, just go ahead and sit down, baby.â you listened, clasping your hands together in your lap as you took a look around the other women in the waiting room. everyone seemed so calm, like there really wasnât anything to worry about. you figured youâd just been overthinking on your way over here, worrying yourself to death for no reason.
rafe came back with a clipboard, quickly filling out your information and handing it over to you when there was a section he didnât know the information to. âhey, how about we get something to eat after this? we could get those subs you like down at the sandwich shop.â it was as if rafe read your mind, a small smile forming on your lips before you pecked his cheek. âwith those spicy kettle cooked chips?â rafe hummed, taking the clipboard back from your hands. âyeah, whatever you want.â
you two waited for your name to be called out for no longer than fifteen minutes, your heart dropping to your stomach once a woman in pink scrubs smiled at you brightly. rafe could tell by the slight shake of your hands that you were back at square one. âlook, everything is alright, letâs go check on this little one, yeah?â you swallowed nervously, allowing rafe to guide you inside the double doors, his large palm resting in the small of your back as you two followed the nurse to your room. the walls were painted with all kinds of animals, the woman who was going to do your ultrasound welcoming both of you in.
âhello! how are we feeling today?â she helped you up on top of the chair. âiâm on edge a little bit..â you told her truthfully, your eyes finding the probe for your ultrasound. âaw, thatâs completely normal, i promise you youâre in great hands. is this dad?â she glanced over at rafe, the poor man turning red at the name. "yes, that's me.. dad.." the nurse laughed, grabbing a hospital gown from one of the cabinets. "still really new, huh? is this your first?" both you and rafe nodded. "oh, how exciting!" she squealed.
"are you aware of what we're going to do for this first visit?" rafe grabbed the chair from the corner of the room, moving it up to where he could sit next to you. "not really." you shook your head, letting rafe's hand envelope your own. "so even though the pregnancy tests you've taken are positive, we're still going to draw blood and run a few tests just to be sure," she started, "i'm going to be asking you a few medical history questions, checking your vitals to make sure everything with you is okay, and we should also be finding out your due date today!"
you took everything in, your tummy fluttering in excitement at the prospect of getting to find out when you were having your baby. "does that sound okay?" she began typing something on her computer as you hummed. "alrighty, first and foremost; when was the date of your last missed menstrual cycle?" you wracked your brain for an answer, trying your best to remember what your calendar book said. "uhm.. i don't know the exact day but i wanna say it's been five weeks since i found out i was pregnant, and before that i was late three weeks." she typed quickly as you spoke.
the questions continued as she took your vitals, along with recording your height and weight. âare you taking any prenatal vitamins?â you were about to say yes before rafe blurted out. âsheâs taking the best ones on the market.â he smiled, both you and the nurse laughing as he took the bottle out of your purse. âyeah, those work wonders,â she agreed, âremember a healthy diet is also key to keep both you and the baby healthy. plenty of water, too.â rafe made a mental note to start bringing your stanley everywhere.
the nurse took your blood, instructing you to change into the hospital gown before she left with the viles to take them for testing. âi think sheâs gonna put that thing inside of me.â you pointed at the probe on the side of the ultrasound machine, a shiver running down your spine as you sat back down on the chair. rafe couldnât help but snap some pictures of you, his smile reaching ear to ear as you posed for him. âi hope she doesnât take long, iâm hungry.â you pouted. just then, the nurse came back in with a some papers in her arms.
âso just as we expected already, your bloodwork came back positive, and everything else looks really good. all we have to do now is your pelvic exam and your ultrasound to get that due date!â you settled into your chair, stirring uncomfortably as she placed your feet onto the stirrups. rafe was watching everything intently, making sure you werenât in pain or anything as she began your exam. thankfully, she was making small talk with both you and rafe, asking you two questions as well as giving you advice since you were first time parents.
âyâall are going to be just perfect, i promise you that. loving parents create happy households, and by the looks of you two, your home will be overflowing with happiness and love.â she smiled, finishing up your appointment with a satisfied hum. âeverything looks good! although your blood pressure is a little bit up, that comes from the nerves you felt earlier, so we definitely want to be more careful with that, but everything else, baby included, looks healthy.â you sighed in relief, your shoulders relaxing as rafe nodded in understanding.
âwhen will we be able to actually see an ultrasound?â you asked, kind of sad that you didnât get to see the little bean today. the nurse took her gloves off before checking something off on her clipboard. âi was actually hoping youâd be able to come in two weeks from now? we should be able to see the contraction of a heartbeat since youâll be ten weeks by then.â you gasped softly. âoh, i would love that!â you nodded frantically, looking up at rafe just to confirm. âyeah, that sounds amazing.â he smiled, stroking your arm before the nurse adjusted the glasses on her nose.
you couldnât help but feel antsy because of how excited you were, everything hitting you all at once. you were really going to have a baby. with rafe especially, you couldnât imagine anyone else in his position. âwell, iâm going to go set that up then and print out your overview for the appointment. you could go ahead and change back into your clothes and once your done the receptionist will have your paperwork to take home.â you and rafe thanked her and bid her goodbye before she stepped out.
you took everything in once it was just you and rafe, both of you sitting in silence as you gathered your thoughts. now that all you wanted to do was see that sonogram, you knew these next couple of weeks were going to get here agonizingly slow. âletâs get your clothes on.â you let rafe dress you back up, the two of you making your way up front and getting the papers. you were jumping excitedly on your way out once you saw the due date, rafe taking his camera out and getting what felt like the hundredth photo of you today.
âi canât wait to find out the gender, weâre going to have the cutest nursery!â you squealed excitedly nearly tripping over your feet before rafe rushed over and got you in the truck. âso how about those sandwiches?â
#â€ïžâ âč works#âËâč⥠rafe#âËâč⥠pogue!sweetheart!reader#âËâč⥠babydaddy!rafe x pogue!sweetheart!reader#outer banks#outer banks smut#outer banks imagine#outer banks fanfiction#rafe outer banks#obx#rafe obx#obx smut#obx imagine#obx fanfiction#obx x reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron prompt#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron imagine#rafe fluff#rafe x you#rafe fanfiction#rafe smut#rafe x reader#rafe imagine#drew starkey
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that 141 x reader you just did was so good! i need to know what happens next. like after reader is better, do they stay in the military? stay in 141? or do they take a discharge? Iâm not the original ask but it was just so good.
love your writing btw!
thank you! hereâs part two :)
you were beginning to hate the infirmary.
the white walls. the moans of pain. the smell of bleach and blood.
the reminder of why you were here. of who put you here.
your friends. your family. your team. john. johnny. kyle. simon.
youâd told the doctor to not let your teammates in, and she had tried, but there was only so much she could do. she couldnât monitor the door all the time, and so a week after waking up from your coma, john price is sitting at your beside once again.
his hands are clasped together, knuckles white with the intensity of his grip. heâs leaning forward, elbows resting on the bed, hands under his chin. his position conveys his regret and worry. he looks like he should be in church, knelt between the pews and spewing silent prayers to a god that isnât listening.
you havenât spoken to him since he sat down ten minutes ago. the second you saw him step inside the infirmary, you knew he was there for you. there to try and speak to you, to apologize.
fuck him and his apologies.
you turned your head to the side, eyes staring at the white curtain separating your bed from the next. you studied the stitching while you listened to him breathe next to you. he hadnât spoken eitherâ just sat down and watched you.
it made your skin crawl, how he thought this was okay. how he thought this would be the way to get back into your good graces.
he clears his throat then, a sound youâve heard a million times before. it makes you want to gag now.
âlove,â his voice is soft, caring. you want to hit him in the jaw.
âcan we talk? please?â
you donât turn over, donât even spare him a glance. you keep your gaze trained on the curtain. the only giveaway that he has your attention is the fists you clench at your sides.
he takes the silence as an invitation, that bastard.
âwhat happenedââ he begins, then grunts. stops. takes a second, then begins again.
âwhat we did,â he says, and you roll your eyes. âit wasnât right. the intel was from a trusted source. weââ he sighs then, and you can tell heâs rubbing his temple. he did that when he was stressed. when he was anxious.
âwe were wrong to believe them over you, love. and imâ im sorry.â
silence ensues. you donât give him any indication that youâve heard what he said. he sighs again, inhaling deeply.
âyouâre still part of this team. johnny and gaz, theyâve been sitting outside this damn room like sentries. can barely pry âem away for drills.â he chuckles then, but itâs sad. pitiful. mournful.
âthereâs nothing we can do to make this right,â he tells you. youâre still mulling over what he said about johnny and gaz. still hung up on the fact that he didnât mention simon at all.
simon, who did the most damage to you, both psychologically and physically. simon, who shared your bed. simon.
simon, who is too much of a coward to face you for his crimes.
âbut we want to try,â price is speaking again. âif youâll let us.â
he stops talking. waits a beat, then two. then, you hear his chair scrape. heâs getting up, and thatâs when you turn your head to face him.
he looks bad. bags under the eyes, skin pale, beard overgrown. you think he deserves this. deserves worse than this. his eyes meet yours, and they widen the tiniest bit at the attention youâre showing him.
your voice is full of venom as you speak.
ânothing,â you seethe, angry tears blurring your vision. âwill ever undo what you did to me. what he did to me.â
price knows youâre talking about simon. the whole team knew you were a thing. hell, when theyâd strapped you to that chair and debated who would âinterrogateâ you, they hadnât even thought to include simon. why would he want to torture the person he loved?
to their surprise, he had volunteered to take point.
âwhen i get out of this bed,â you continue. âim gone. and i never, never, want to see any of you again, or else im putting a fucking bullet between your eyes.â
the captain doesnât speak. you can see the remorse on his face. you couldnât care less about his feelings.
he gives a short nod, and without another word, he turns and leaves the room.
after johnâs visit, no one else tries to visit you. you no longer catch glimpses of kyle or johnny outside the infirmary door. youâre glad theyâre starting to get the hint.
but youâre still getting flowers. you donât know where theyâre coming from. sometimes theyâre dropped off by a nurse, other times they appear in the morning after a restless sleep. thereâs never a note. never anything to suggest who would be leaving them.
you know itâs one of the 141, but you donât know exactly who. you feel certain itâs not simon.
but, unbeknownst to you, it is him. he knows you donât want to see himâ to see any of them. price had told them all about what youâd said to him during your talk.
price had also told them that heâd already started preparing your transfer papers. that had caused an uproar from soap, whoâd quickly been quieted by a saddened price.
simon had expected it. expected worse, actually. he knew that if the roles had been reversed, he wouldnât have been as merciful as you. it made him hate what theyâd done to you so much more.
there had been the tiniest doubt in his mind when all the evidence pointed to you. he hadnât believed it at firstâ and then things became damning. everything pointed to you. trusted sources were pointing their fingers at you, and everyone listened. he had listened.
he had volunteered to torture you because heâd been angry. rage he hadnât felt in years bubbled to the surface of his skin, and he wanted to tear you limb from limb. how dare you come into their livesâ his lifeâ and betray them so substantially?
simon didnât trust easily. he was battered and broken and scarred. shattered and malformed pieces hastily glued back together. he let the team in. let you in. let you see his face. let you into his bed. let you into his fucking heart.
and you turned around and drove a dagger into him. or so he thought.
he thought his anger and actions had been justified. thought he was doing the world a favor by butchering you. but he was wrong. the team was wrong.
he finds himself regretting how he hadnât listened to your pleas, but thereâs nothing he can do about it now.
he knows the chances of you forgiving him, of letting him back into your life, are slim to none. but how could he not at least try?
youâd know each other for years. been together for years. all of it thrown away because he still knew the hurt of betrayal all too well. because it was too easy to fall back into the mindset that it was him against everyone. that the only person he knew, the only one he could rely on, was himself.
so he left flowers. your favorite ones. and he did so without making you face him, without apologizing or groveling. it was the least he owed you.
a month after your coma, you were finally allowed out of the infirmary. you were still healing, skin still tender and bruised. pink, jagged scars lining your skin; eternal reminders of the pain youâd been subjected to.
youâd been given a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which youâd pulled on with much fuss. every time you struggled or stumbled, you found yourself getting angry. angry at the men who did this to you.
the anger was going to eat you alive, at least thatâs what the psychologist that had been dropping by to see you had said. sheâd told you you need to let it go, and youâd laughed in her face.
how do you let something like this go?
you didnât know. you didnât think you were strong enough to do that. not a good enough person to forgive the men that had carved into you.
once you had dressed, you shuffled out into the hallway. youâd profusely denied an escort, and the doctor had reluctantly acquiesced. sheâd let you go, with just the promise that youâd keep your iv hooked in.
so here you were, trudging down the halls of the base, iv pole rattling along behind you.
you could feel eyes on you, but no one dared to get too close. you were glad. you didnât want more empty apologies and sympathetic words.
you still remembered the way to priceâs office like the back of your hand. you doubted youâd ever forget it.
time and time again youâd found yourself here. sometimes, getting reprimanded. others, congratulated. a few times youâd shown up in tears, and price had let you in without a word.
now you were standing outside his door, trying to contain the rage in your veins.
you raised a hand. knocked once, firm and loud.
âcome in!â price called from inside.
you were already twisting the door knob, pushing into the room.
your eyes found price first. he was leaning against his desk, arms crossed over his chest. his hat was absent from his head, instead resting beside him on the desk.
and then you noticed simon.
he was wearing all black. his hands were covered, bones decorating the black gloves. gloves youâd seen many times before. gloves that had been pressed to gunshots, trying to stop the bleeding.
the lower half of his face was covered, allowing you to see from his eyes up. his sandy blonde hair was ruffled.
you quickly turned your attention back to price.
âlove, what are you doinâ here? you should be in bedââ he began, but you waved a hand as you stepped further into the room. you pulled your iv pole in behind you, then kicked the door shut.
âdonât talk, just listen. i still mean what i said when you came to visit. the only reason im here right now is because you havenât put in for my fucking transfer.â you hissed.
the captainâs eyes widened, his face taking on a sheepish expression at the revelation that heâd been caught. simon stood quietly beside him, eyes trained on you. you ignored him.
âlove, i didnât want to do anything before you were readyââ he began. you cut him off.
âbullshit! you didnât want to do anything because you donât want me to leave. you want me to forgive you, right? hear you all out? come back and be a happy little family again?â
the room fell eerily silent as you stared at the captain. your heart was roaring in your ears.
âput in the fucking transfer, john.â you finished.
he reluctantly nodded. he inhaled, his eyes glancing at his lieutenant briefly, before he spoke again.
âof course, love. âm sorry.â
you didnât say anything else. you turned to go, your back to the men, when simonâs voice cut through the air.
âyou should be respectful to your captain, sergeant.â
you froze as you took in his words. was he fucking serious?
you didnât turn around. you trained your eyes on the door as you spoke words through gritted teeth.
âyou should watch your tongue, lieutenant, before I fucking cut it off.â
with that, you pulled open the door and stepped into the hallway, slamming it loudly behind you.
authorâs note:
apologies for the wait! I hope everyone enjoyed! (this is being posted before proofreading, so I hope itâs okayâ Iâll read through it later, itâs just late and im tired lol)
#simon riley x gn reader#simon riley x you#simon ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#simon ghost riley#simon riley#price cod#captain john price#john price#simon riley angst#angst#ghost angst#ghost x gn reader#ghost x you#ghost call of duty#ghost x reader#ghost cod#task force 141#johnny soap mactavish#johnny mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#kyle garrick#141!reader#call of duty fic#gaz call of duty#soap call of duty#call of duty modern warfare#call of duty#simon ghost x you
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BabyâŠ. I am OBSESSED with everything you write!!! Can we get married?
So many thought about being Prices lil wife. Does wifey ever come to base to drop of anything? We all know the recruits would be droolingâŠ.
First of all the 'baby' im flustered. never been a 'baby' type but did i leave this in my asks to come back and look at it? maybe definitely. Also baby from someone younger than me?? please marry me sweetheart.
Ok ok ok I think Priceâs lil wife used to stop by the base often maybe back when they were engaged or freshly married, before Price was put in charge of the 141. The first time you were there, he brought you. Wanted to show his missus where he works and spends his time when heâs away from her. So the first time anyone ever saw you, was arm in arm with Captain Price, a lil against regulations to show pda in uniform but heâs the Captain afterall. Then after that when youâd stop by to bring your husband some lunch, when you walked the halls alone, the recruits would fight each other to be your guide (no civilians walking alone). Alone time with a pretty girl? Please. Get in the good graces of the Captainâs wife. God yes. Maybe the 3rd or 4th time Price had to remind whichever young buck was staring at you in his office that they were dismissed (get the fuck out kid) Price decided he needed to be the one to come to the gate to get you. But that's no fun, you liked watching the young soldiers stutter over their words around you, nothing wrong with a little ego boost. Price was possessive, not jealous he didnât care about that. But then you were there a couple times a week and now everyone knew you, not necessarily a bad thing until Price overheard some low rank losers talking about the many things theyâd like to do to you in bed, he had enough. They were punished to the point they requested a new position away from him and your husband banned you from coming to base. Boooo. (He may or may not have fucked you in everyway he heard his soldiers describing that night)
#prices lil wife#cod x reader#tf 141#john price#captain price#price x reader#blurb#cod modern warfare#price x you
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Continuation of this. A bit suggestive at the end.
Loser yandere was on his knees, begging for forgiveness. He got ahead of himself. Sucking your fingers like a perverted freak. He looked up at you with glassy eyes, pouting just slightly. He didn't mind your pity. In fact, he wanted it. The worst he made himself look, the more you let things pass.
You sighed, ultimately having no choice but to forgive him. He looked so sad, so lonely. Like a stray puppy begging for attention. Why wouldn't you spare his feelings? He had no real friends. It made sense that he didn't know how to act properly.
Except he did. He was just manipulating you, saying the right things to make you cave and hang out with him. He would speak with a certain depressed tone that would melt your heart, and when you agreed, he would become extremely happy. Cheering and overreacting. A great excuse to excitedly hug you. Throw his arms around your shoulders and get lost in your scent.
He was strangely smart. Using both negative and positive reinforcement. Getting you to say yes to avoid making him sad, and making you feel content by his contagious smile. All part of his plan that'll eventually end with you two happily engaged.
Even if that strategy didn't work, he'd just whine and beg. He knew you couldn't take it. You would glare at him, and he'd feel a strange sensation through his body. Sometimes, he wondered how being hit by you would feel like. Or maybe with your hand wrapped around his throat.
Given how much he bothered you, it was a miracle you were still friends with him. It wasn't all that bad. You somehow had fun hanging around with him, laughing at his silly jokes. He'd take you to so many places. Always making sure you were enjoying your time so you'd come back for more!
When you weren't in public, he'd get clingy. It was obvious he was touch-starved and a big attention seeker. He wanted to have you touch him, get close to him, and pay attention to him. Only him.
"I can't get this stupid button undone... Can you help me take this shirt off? Come onnn, it's way too hot in this room..."
"Look how good I smell. Come on, sniff my neck. It's a new thing I bought. It smells like your favorite!"
"I'm so hungry, and my hands are all tired. Ughh.. Can you feed me a snack? I'll open my mouth wide for you. Aaah~"
He'd still bug you about the kiss. Not ever talking about the incident afterwards. Those few months of reinforcement should've made you softer to him. He should've been able to get you to agree. But you stayed determined to deny him.
"I want a kiss already... Why can't you, my bestest friend, show me how it feels~? All of these movies have one. I'm being reminded of how much of a loser I am every single day." He grumpily said to himself as you both watched a weird horror movie. The scared couple on the screen made out to relieve their stress... or something. It was a strange movie he (purposely) picked.
"Can't you fucking understand?! It'll change this whole relationship. I told you that a million times." You crossed your arms, darting your gaze from the movie to him.
He sighed. You sighed. Then you exchanged a look. "Alright. Fine. You're not gonna stop asking, are you? Just promise me you won't act all awkward after it."
He lit up, nodding eagerly. "Really?! Oh, wow! Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You're the best! Seriously. A life saver~"
"Shut it." You groaned, watching the last bits of the movie with the characters escaping.
"Yes, ma'am. You got it." He climbed on your lap. That made you stiff a bit, looking at him with a confused look. He set his legs on your sides, his arms wrapping around your neck. "How is this gonna work? Can you please do it very slowly?"
"Eh...? Okay. Whenever you're ready." You wrapped your arm around his waist, not knowing what else to do with them. He hummed happily. His face came closer to you, and somehow, you felt nervous. You shrugged it off, letting him kiss you at his own pace.
"Here I go..." he whispered, his nose rubbing against yours.
He pressed a small peck on your lips as if to test out how it feels. Before you could correct him, he kissed you again. This time longer and harder. You squeaked at the suddenness, forced to lean back against the couch as he began to lick your lips, asking for entry.
You reluctantly opened your mouth, and he wasted no time. Pushing his tongue inside your mouth. Lapping at anything he could find. Your tongue brushed against each other, eliciting a moan from him. His hand held the back of your head to keep you from pulling away. Shifting a bit on your lap, whimpering against your lips.
He kept licking your tongue, sucking on it. He moaned again when you finally returned the kiss. His movements were clumsy, making it easier for you to take control. After a minute, he pulled away, panting as he buried his face into your neck. He seemed embarrassed, and so you hugged his waist tighter.
He moaned against your neck. "Ah.. that felt so nice. Mmh, shit..."
"Yeah... you got a little ahead of yourself, y'know. It was supposed to be a simple kiss. I never said tongue was allowed." You pointed out. Rolling your eyes, because you knew he didn't care.
"You never said it wasn't." He sat up to look you, tilting his head innocently. "I would've listened to you if you said it."
"No, you wouldn't have." You mumbled.
"You also didn't say I can't go for another one~!" He leaned in again and captured your lips in another kiss. You protested, hands gripping his shoulders now to push him away. He whined, sucking your lips as if that would change your mind. "But, please, just one more. I still haven't learned the proper technique yet."
You were beginning to understand that he had a different reason for overstepping boundaries. The way he kissed you, the way he tried to savor your taste, the way his pressed his body against yourself. It was like he was trying to devour you. Trying to be one with you.
He moaned loudly when he pulled away. His body was shaking a bit, his eyes dilating. Something pressed against your stomach. You didn't need to look down to see what it was. "Um... Oops?"
#desperate yandere#obsessive love#yanblr#yandere#yandere oc#pathetic men#pathetic yandere#yandere boy#sub yandere#male yandere#male yandere x you#yandere x reader#yandere x you#loser yandere
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the morning after
summary: you want zayne to stay in bed with you for longer.
warnings: idk they're down bad for each other so it's implied sexytime. rated t if you squint
âYour eyes have specks of gold in them.â
âOh, really?â
The sunlight streams through the curtains of Zayneâs room, falling softly on your entangled forms. Zayne runs his fingers through your hair slowly, deliberately, surely. His touch is gentle. You look up at him, fighting sleep in your mirth-filled eyes.
âMhm.â You sigh, words falling out of your mouth before you could stop them. âCanât tell if itâs gold and green⊠green and hazel, maybe jadeâŠâ You cup your loverâs cheek before pressing your thumb over his eyelids, and his breath hitches. âJust looks nice.â
He takes your wrist, presses his lips on your palm, and whispers, âHow could you tell?â
Roses bloom on your cheeks. Flustered by the innocent gesture, you snuggle closer to his chest to cover your face. âMaybe I like your eyes, Zayne.â
You breathe in his scent. His cologneâcedarwood notes and a hint of leather, you thinkâhangs thick in the air. Your head spins, the scent reminding you of his discarded black button down, your lips on his neck, his hands holding down yours on the sheetsâŠ
Your heart thumps in your chest. You gulp, worried heâd notice your increased heartbeat through your skin.
Zayne chuckles, running his hand down your side and tracing circles on your hip. âWell, I like your eyes, too.â
You let out a breath, snaking your arm around his waist. You didnât want to face him, not because your face felt hot, but because your control might slip from your fingers and never let him get out of the bed.
Not that you mind, really.
âDonât hide from me.â You can almost hear him pout, his hand trailing up to your arm and purple-adorned neck before tucking your hair behind your ear. Your ear heats up from his fleeting touch. He then shifts his position to dip his head down to meet his lips with your forehead. âWill you show yourself to me?â
You shake your head, pressing yourself into him further. It isnât that you havenât shared moments like these before, no. Youâve slept together, multiple times, and yet you couldnât resist feeling weak at the knees.
Last night wasnât at all special. You ended work without any scratches on you. Zayne finished his shift too, and was able to pick you up afterwards. You had dinner together. You cuddled on the couch after your night routines. Two kisses turned into more, before making your way into the bedroom.
Normal, domestic, and yet he made you quiver.
âI donât want to, Iâm shy.â You mumble, lips dangerously near his collarbone. You feel his heart skip a beat. Heâs remembering how youâve made sure to place love bites right where youâre nuzzled.
âYouâre shy?â He asks calmly, grazing his finger along your cheekbone and softly touching your lower lip. You stiffen, feeling your senses heighten at his icyâyet fieryâtouch. âHow could you be shy now? You werenât shy at all when you moaned my name last nightââ
âHey!â You pout, smacking his back and looking up at him. He smiles down at you with eyes so lovestruck, you forget any semblance of a comeback on your tongue.
Finally showing your face to him again, he places another kiss on your forehead. âThere you are, my aurora.â
You feel your face tingle as he peppers kisses on you. âZayne,â you giggle, flailing your arms a bit, âthat tickles.â
He continues through it, your laughter filling the room. He rolls you both over as he presses you against the bed with more of his love. You squeal when his lips finally meet yours in a soft kiss, his arms caging you under him.
After a while, you gasp for breath when his tongue darts out to graze your bottom lip. âWait, ZayneâŠâ
He pauses as he takes a breath too, jade green eyes scanning your face. âDid I hurt you?â
âNo, no.â You shake your head, averting your gaze. You donât realize youâve been tracing the scars on his back. "I don't think you could ever hurt me."
The clock on your bedside reads 6:00AMâyou should be out of bed already. You almost shrink when you ask the inevitable: âIt's just... arenât you going to work?âÂ
You almost wanted to plead, but with his nature of work and yours, you couldnât be glued together all the time. Itâs just been a while since you shared an intimate moment like this with him, and if you could freeze time, you would.
âWork?â He runs his thumb over your cheek, âI am working. I have a patient to take care of at home.â
You raise an eyebrow. âIâm not in pain.â
âYou have hickeys, which are bruises, on your neck. You also said you canât feel your legs when we washed up last night.â
âWhose fault is that, then?â
âApologies.â He looks away, embarrassed. âLet me take care of you.â
You chuckle, cupping his cheek. He looks back at you with those gold-speckled eyes of his, and he immediately nuzzles his face into your palm. âI love you,â you sigh.
Like a blizzard of emotions slowing into falling snow, Zayne brings you into a mind-melting kiss. His hands linger here and there as both your hearts beat in unison. There is no sign of stopping now, not when he whispers "I love you," back into your skin.
Perhaps mornings like these constitute what normal should look like. No one watching your movements, no responsibilities. Just you and your lover spending time together without a care in the worldâand itâs all that you could ask for.
đȘ: hope you enjoyed! i finally got to finish this after whatever the fuck happened in my final semester. jesus
#*. đȘ⧠â bedtime story#zayne#zayne love and deepspace#lads zayne#l&ds zayne#lnds zayne#love and deepspace#lnds#zayne x reader#zayne x mc#zayne fluff#zayne x you#1k
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