#stop making him seem to forgive her dammit
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Comparing You to Their Ex-Girlfriend
Featuring Osamu
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Osamu Miya x Fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, arguing, under appreciation, mentions of ex’s, mentions of alcohol, Atsumu being the voice of reason 😵‍💫
AN: I’ve been wanting to continue this series for a while and I figured who better than our favorite Twin, Osamu 🥰
*Atsumu fans please don’t come for me, I adore him I promise 🥺
You and Osamu had been dating for a little over a year and what a year it’s been. Filled with tons of highs and equal lows, you and Osamu had navigated it all together.
When you’d first met Osamu, he had just opened his first Onigiri shop and things were hectic, but you somehow made it work. You’d visit him whenever you could, stop by to support his business and even stay late helping him clean up after close. You were the epitome of a perfect girlfriend and yet, sometimes it felt as if your good deeds went unnoticed.
You knew Osamu didn’t purposely ignore you, he was just busy being a business owner. The stresses of the early mornings and equally long days were hard on him. Still, you wished he’d occasionally throw a “thank you” or a “what would I do without you babe” your way. Nevertheless, you continued to thanklessly help your boyfriend whenever and wherever you could.
On one particularly busy Friday night, you swung by the shop to help Osamu close up, excited that he was leaving the shop in the care of his valued employees so you could spend so much needed quality time together. You pushed open the door, announcing your arrival as you did most everyday, only this time, you were not met with your usual chipper boyfriend.
“I’m here!” You shouted, the door sitting behind you as you placed your coat and purse on the coat rack besides the door, a welcome addition to the cozy little shop. The kitchen door slammed open as Osamu immediately started in on you.
“Dammit Yn you are so late! What took you so long? I’ve been cleaning all by myself!” He shouted as you looked at him, a bit taken aback by his hostile attitude.
“Geez Mr. Grumpy, I’m sorry I’m late but the train was packed, and I had to wait for the next one. I did text you,” you clarified, walking over to the counter as Osamu huffed and turned heading back into the kitchen as you followed.
“Well, I sent everyone home early because I assumed you were coming to help me, but I guess I shouldn’t have because I pretty much did everything myself,” he growled as you stood by the kitchen sink, eyes narrowed on your unusually hostile partner. He was never this mean, never this rude to you.
“Samu, I said I was sorry, ok? Geez it’s not like I don’t come and help you every day after I work a full 8 hours. I even take the train opposite my normal station just to be here to help,” you recalled, trying to keep your cool. Surely something had happened today to warrant this.
“You act like I’m forcing you to be here Yn! Like I’m making you help me out with my store!” Osamu exclaimed as you crossed your arms over your chest. You were done being patient and forgiving.
“I never said that Samu! I offer to help you and I’m always glad to help but you don’t need to yell at me especially when you can’t even spare a thank you half the time for all that I do for you!” You roared, pissed off that he seemed to be blaming you for the free help you offered him.
“Don’t act like you're such a saint Yn! You weren’t here through any of the hard stuff like Amy was! Now she was a real saint!” Osamu hissed as your eyes widened and you took a step back.
Amy was Osamu’s ex-girlfriend and someone you had always felt inferior too. When you had met Osamu, he had told you about how Amy had left him shortly after opening his restaurant, stating that he never had time for her. Osamu was a broken man when you met him, and you worked to help pick up the pieces. He worked long hours, sometimes 7 days a week just to avoid being alone. When you came into the picture, that all changed as you helped him manage his store and make time for himself, cherishing every small moment you had with him.
Tears welled in your eyes as you stood tall, your eyes locking with Osamu’s as you spoke, “Well if Amy’s such a saint, then why don’t you call her up and ask her to come help you close shop because I’m done!”
You pushed open the kitchen door, quickly moving to grab your purse and coat as you swiftly left Onigiri Miya. Osamu stood still as a statue, his mind flooded with guilt as the words he had spoken to you rang over and over in his mind. He snapped from his stunned state, running to the door as he made his way outside to try and catch you.
“YN!! YN!” He shouted, the streets flooded with people as he looked all around for you, only you weren’t answering him, you weren’t there.
You cried as you walked to the train station, your vision blurred from the mascara that flooded your eyes and cheeks. You sat down on the train, pulling your phone out and calling Atsumu.
Your relationship with Atsumu had been relatively strong since he visited his brother's restaurant often with his teammates. You valued Atsumu’s opinion no matter how idiotic it might be at times. The phone rang as you waited for the star setter to answer his phone.
“Hey YN, what’s up?” Atsumu cheered as your voice broke, and you started crying harder.
“A-Atsumu,” you agonized over the phone as the atmosphere of your phone call suddenly changed.
“YN! What the hell? Are you ok? Where’s Osamu?!” He shouted as you began crying harder, surely clearing the entire train car with your blubbering.
“I-I think Osamu is still in love with Amy!” You cried harder, a sigh escaping Atsumu before he spoke.
“Trouble in paradise? I always told you that you were too good for him Yn, but I’m confused, why do you think he’s still in love with that squealing pig? She left him!”
“He-he told me that I’m not as good as she was and that-that I’m not supportive like she w-was,” you responded, snot now running down your nose as you wiped it on your coat sleeve, not even caring how you looked.
“YN, Samu can be a jerk sometimes, trust me but he loves you. There’s no way he would go back to Amy after all the shit you do for him.”
“Well, he never acknowledges all the help I give him, nor does he ever say thank you!” You shouted back as Atsumu sighed again, rubbing his temple.
“Samu adores you YN and he always brags to me how you come after work to help him and how you stay super late just to make sure he gets out at a decent time. He really does appreciate you Yn,” Atsumu countered as you rolled your eyes, frowning angrily that Osamu bragged to everyone about how you helped him but yet never seemed able to spare a single word of appreciation.
“Yeah, well now he’s going to have to figure it out himself because I’m done! And don’t try to talk me out of it Atsumu, your brother is such a fucking asshole!”
“Hey Yn, you ain’t telling me anything new. I’ve been telling people he’s an asshole for 20 some years!”
You talked with Atsumu for a few more minutes before arriving at your home station. You bid him a farewell as you made your way home, swinging by the connivence store to grab booze and drink snacks to drown your sorrows.
Osamu locked up his shop, his mind elsewhere as he made his way back to his apartment. He had been on autopilot since you’d run out, the words he spoke continuously looping in his mind. How could he have said those things? He no longer harbored any feelings for Amy and hadn’t for a long time. He knew shortly after he met you that you were the one for him. You were just as devoted to his dream as he was, and you were always so happy to help him in any way you could.
His phone rang as he entered his apartment. He was hoping it was you but instead he was greeted by the annoying picture of his twin brother flashing on the screen.
“What?” Osamu growled, answering his phone as he heard a chuckle coming from the receiver.
“Messed up big time didn’t ya?” Atsumu laughed as Osamu grew more annoyed by the second.
“What the hell did you call for?” Osamu hissed back as Atsumu cleared his throat, his tone suddenly becoming serious.
“Just wondering how you're going to make it up to her. You really did it this time man. She called me completely heartbroken from the train station,” Atsumu responded as Osamu felt his chest tighten. Sure, he had felt like a jerk before but now he felt like a complete asshole.
“What do I do Sumu? I love her and I really fucked up this time. I brought up Amy which was a fucking low blow and I know it. Worst of all, YN is a million times more supportive than Amy ever was,” Osamu acknowledged, sitting on the stool at his kitchen counter.
“We’ll have you told Yn that?” Atsumu asked as Osamu played with a pen on the table.
“Told Yn what?”
“God you really are an idiot! And here everyone thought I was the stupid one! Have you told Yn how much you appreciate everything she does for you? How she comes after working all day to help you clean up? Or how she makes sure you get out at a decent time? Or even how she stands outside advertising your stupid new onigiri recipes that sometimes taste like absolute garbage?”
Osamu paused, looking up and staring at the picture of the two of you outside of Onigiri Miya. It was one of the first pictures you’d had taken together, and it was right after whirlwind sales day. His mind tried to recall all the times he had thanked you and all the things he had done to show his appreciation. His mind came up blank.
“Fuck! Fuck I haven’t even told her thank you once!” Osamu shouted, grabbing his keys and running from his apartment to the street below.
“Damn not even once Samu? And people say you’re the nice twin?”
“Shut up ya idiot!” Osamu snapped as Atsumu chuckled.
“Go make it up to your girl, ok? But remember who saved your relationship! I want an Onigiri named after me!”
Osamu ignore his brother as he quickly hung up the phone and ran to the station, tapping his feet as he waited for the train to arrive. Thankfully it wasn’t busy as he boarded and waited for your stop.
He ran from the train, booking it across the city as he made his way to your apartment. He took the steps two at a time as he pounded on your door, out of breath as he waited for your answer.
The door opened slightly, your eyes narrowing on his as you slammed the door right in his stupidly handsome face. Alright he definitely deserved that.
“YN please! Please baby- please just listen to me. I know you hate me, and you have every right too. I was a completely selfish jerk, and I said some awful things to you. I’ve taken advantage of all your help and kindness, and I haven’t even bothered to once acknowledge it. The truth is that you’ve done way more for me than anyone ever has, even Atsumu. You loved and supported me and never once complained about it,” he breathed out, tears welling in his eyes as he continues,” I know I don’t deserve you YN but please just know that I love you and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.”
Behind the door, your eyes flooded with tears again as you listened to his words. You loved Osamu more than anything and while his words stung, you knew he said them out of anger. While it still didn’t make it right, he had come all this way to apologize so the least you could do was hear him out. You turned around, opening the door as you peeked at him, his beautiful eyes meeting yours.
“What you said hurt Samu. It gutted me when you brought her up,” you cried as Osamu deflated. He knew what he said stung. He hadn’t met for his anger to get out of control like that. He knew he had to fix this.
“I’m so incredibly sorry for bringing her up Yn. I don’t have any excuse for what I said. Amy never gave me what you give me. She never supported my dream like you do and that’s why I love you so much Yn. You’re it for me,” he whispered as your eyes again flooded with tears and you opened the door, pulling him into an embrace.
“I love you too Samu and I’ve only ever wanted to see you happy. I love helping you and I don’t need praise all the time but sometimes it would be nice,” you responded as he pulled you in right, holding you close as if you would disappear if he were to let go.
“I can do that Yn, I can definitely do that.”
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taesnix · 6 months ago
hear me out: Connor and Mitchell but have their first proper interaction be going on a quest (3rd quester is Lou Ellen because I need more Lou Ellen + Hermes kids shenanigans content) to retrieve a special conch shell that requires the cunning and craftiness of a Hermes and Hecate kid and a connection to the sea that only an Aphrodite kid has. Percy offers them a few pointers on sailing but after that, they're on their own.
not sure what exactly the quest would entail but at one point they stop by a port town and Connor steals a bunch of pearls from an extractor. Mitchell reasonably panics a bit when he finds out because oh gods barely a day in and he already has to charmspeak someone into forgiving and forgetting them but Lou Ellen discovers that the extractor was doing detrimental damage to the sea life, so not being able to profit off of the pearls and harming the business is actually perfectly alright in her books.
Connor: perfectly alright, you say?
Lou Ellen: yeah, why allow some assholes to make money off of animal abuse?
Mitchell, seeing the glint in both of their eyes get brighter: ... sigh. Fine, I guess we can fit ruining their operation in today's itinerary.
They go haywire. Lou Ellen works the mist to give them more cover than usual, allowing Connor to have his fun completely messing with the extractors by setting up (relatively) harmless traps and stealing a little more with each passing second, while Mitchell distracts and deflects any concerns the extractors have
One of the extractors: oh, uh, yes! I can definitely show you where we keep the metal pliers, it's somewhere in the back. Let me just—wait, where the hell are my keys?
Mitchell, leaning in heavy with charmspeak: I think you left them near the back door, right? We can just go there now.
Exactor guy: ... yeah, of course. I always do that, easy access you know? Follow me.
And when they reach the door, Lou Ellen knocks him out and Connor unlocks it, a silver set of keys appearing in his hand seemingly out of nowhere. He winks when he catches Mitchell staring.
The rest of the quest follows pretty much the same: with one of them getting sidetracked and the others jumping in to "have a little fun", as Connor likes to put it. They eventually find the conch shell and return to camp, a little wounded but a whole lot closer.
As soon as Connor is let out of the infirmary, he dashes to the Hephaestas cabin. Mitchell is curious, but no one seems to know anything. Lou Ellen just cackles like a madman when she hears. "Ha, he was so antsy for most of the quest. Glad he's able to do something about it now."
Mitchell has no idea what on earth she's talking about, which takes him more off guard than he'd ever thought it would. Because he really believed that him and Connor had become close friends after everything they'd gone through. And surely, he would’ve known if Connor had something else going on. But apparently not. And Lou Ellen did.
And so what if it makes something burn in his chest? To know that Connor is keeping something from him when he thought they'd passed that hurdle long ago. To have that one conversation under the stars, afloat at sea, just drifting calmly and releasing their worries to the wind, that meant so much to him, not hold that same weight?
So what if he had feelings for Connor?
Mitchell doesn't sulk, because an Aphrodite kid will always retain most of their pride in the face of rejection, dammit. Connor seems to be—not avoiding him, but a little distant than he'd grown familiar with, and it hurts a bit. He can admit that.
It isn't until a few days later that there's a tentative tap on his shoulder after lunch and Mitchell turns around to see none other than Connor Stoll with a face so red, Mitchell is genuinely concerned he's going to pass out.
Mitchell: Connor? Are you okay? You look like you're going to explode or something.
Connor, fiddling with something in his pocket: ah ha ha, um, well. I have—something. For you.
Mitchell, completely taken aback: what? For me?
Connor: yeah, I— uh, I had to ask Nyssa for some help and then I had to go steal—I mean, borrow another one of yours because I wasn't sure how many to use and Nyssa wouldn't stop teasing me even though it had to fit perfectly—but t-the point is! This is for you.
And carefully, he pulls his hand out from his pocket and opens it. Laying gently in the center of his palm is a pearl bracelet. It's beautiful.
Mitchell: wait, are those...?
Connor, fingers tapping restlessly and somehow blushing harder than before: the pearls I stole on the first day? Yeah. I saw them on that boat when we were pulling up to the harbour and I just—
He pauses to let out a low, quiet breath, as though steeling himself.
Connor: I noticed your weren't wearing your favourite bracelet when we left for the quest and Lou Ellen told me that it took some damage from the lava wall the other day and you were heartbroken about it— so, I figured... well, you deserve something as beautiful as you.
And Mitchell is just speechless. His heart is pounding so loud and he melts on the spot because it's the sweetest thing he's ever heard and Connor is the sweetest person ever and gods, it was all for him?
Both of their hands are shaking as Connor helps Mitchell with the bracelet's clasp. And of course, it fits perfectly. Snug but not tight, a comfortable weight like it had been there all along.
Connor begins to pull away but Mitchell grabs his hand properly before he can. With hesitant maneuvering, Mitchell interlocks their fingers. The pearl bracelet subtlety reflects the light from the sun, making it look like it's glowing between them. Mitchell softly gazes at Connor, who tentatively matches his smile.
Mitchell: I love it, I really do. Thank you so much, Connor.
Connor: I'm, I'm really glad you do.
Mitchell: I want to take you somewhere. Follow me?
Connor: of course, anywhere.
So Mitchell leads Connor to his favourite spot near the strawberry fields, where there's enough shade under the sturdy tree but still bright and alive with the sun. Somewhere where they can once more lie down and hear the distant waves, free to drift off calmly and release their feelings and dreams, not just worries, to the winds, side by side.
They run into Lou Ellen on their way there. She takes one look at their intertwined hands, the new bracelet around Mitchell's wrist, and she lets out a triumphant whoop!
Lou Ellen: oh let's GO!!! Connor Stoll, bless your little heart, Cecil owes me 10 drachmas now!
Mitchell: huh, so I'm guessing you knew about this?
Lou Ellen: Mitchell, sweetheart. Every time you looked away, he had the worst case of lovesick puppy eyes I've ever seen. I thought it was bad at camp but this guy was clearly holding back. And I had to put up with Solangelo getting their shit together first-hand.
Connor: wh— I— wait. Did Cecil bet against me? Also...Solangelo?
Lou Ellen: Will and Nico, their last names. And Cecil didn't think you'd ever get the guts to properly talk to Mitchell after the quest, never mind enough to give him the bracelet. I, on the other hand, am familiar with what the sheer powers of long time pining can do. Also, having to stare into each other's eyes for like, 5 minutes while holding the conch shell pretty much sealed the deal.
Connor and Mitchell, now BOTH bright red:
Lou Ellen, snapping her fingers with a wild grin: hang on! Connor, Mitchell, conch shell... holy shit maybe this was fate.
And that, folks, is how Conchell came to be.
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clangenrising · 1 year ago
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Month 10 - Leafbare
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Scorch was antsy. The world seemed to be both slipping out of her reach and closing in all around her at the same time. 
Ever since Nightfrost’s funeral, Yarrowshade hadn’t so much as tried to speak to her outside of what was necessary for patrols. A guilty voice in the back of her head said, “this is your fault. You drove him away.” She tried to shrug it off. If she had managed to drive him away so easily then she didn’t need him in her life anyway. Still, her heart sank every time his gaze found her and then moved immediately away. 
After Russetfrond had returned with the news of the mouse tail, new evidence of Razor’s hunters had come in every day. Paw prints in the snow came up to the border but almost never crossed it. They left bits of prey where it could be found, never more than a mouthful but enough to make the point clear - he was going to starve the Clans out until they either gave in to his demands or became weak enough that he could take what he wanted by force. 
She had seen him do it before on a smaller scale. He would forbid cats from sharing food with an individual until they came to him on their bellies begging for forgiveness. It always worked, without fail, and seeing someone suffer like that was a good incentive for other cats to stay on his good side, her included. 
It was only a matter of time before he came scratching at their door, so to speak, and it made her want to head for the hills. If she left in the night, how far could she make it before sunrise? No… She would surely freeze, and that, she told herself, was the only reason she didn’t go. 
Goldenstar crossed the camp towards her and she almost laughed at herself. What a pathetic liar you are.
“Hey,” Goldenstar said, “You doing alright?” Goldenstar seemed nervous, which she had been ever since Scorch had stormed off and come back to camp late at night. It was like she’d been walking on eggshells, afraid that if she said the wrong thing Scorch would storm off again and never come back. Given her prior train of thought, Scorch supposed it wasn’t an unrealistic assumption, but still, it was a little annoying. She almost preferred Razor’s heavy-pawed attempts to keep eyes on her over whatever this was - at least that she understood and could anticipate. 
“I’m fine,” she shrugged. “A bit restless.” 
“Do you want to go hunting?” Goldenstar offered, chewing her lip. Scorch managed to keep her expression impassive but the nervousness was starting to irritate her. 
“I suppose,” she said, glancing away. Goldenstar shuffled awkwardly. What had happened to her? Scorch had no idea what had transformed the brash and careless cat who had welcomed her into such a simpering kit but she didn’t like it. She really hoped it had nothing to do with her connection to Razor. Surely, Goldenstar wasn’t trying to avoid his wrath by treading carefully with her. 
“Um, okay,” Goldenstar said after a beat. “I was thinking we could try the creek, see if there’s anything around.” 
Scorch sighed and stretched, arching her tail over her head with a disinterested yawn. “Sure, why not. Maybe we’ll see a single bird.” Goldenstar gave a breathy laugh and Scorch barely stopped herself from frowning. Ugh, why was she being so insufferable? 
“Hopefully we’ll catch more than that,” said Goldenstar as they started out of camp. 
“We’ll have to see,” shrugged Scorch. “I’d hate to have to fight Fogkit for my evening meal.” Goldenstar laughed again, this time more genuinely, and Scorch allowed herself to smile. 
“Yeah,” she said, “we’d all starve! That Fogkit could take the whole Clan on single-pawed.” Scorch huffed a laugh through her nose and tried to pretend that things were normal again. 
“We could outwit her, I think,” she said. “Our brains together, she wouldn’t stand a chance.” 
“Yeah,” Goldenstar said with that same breathy laugh and Scorch’s smile faded. Dammit. Sighing, she turned her face forward to focus on the cold ground ahead of her. The snow had mostly melted except for where it laid in shadow or had fallen particularly thickly and the world was a stretch of ugly brown grass and frozen mud which did nothing to help her sour mood. 
Goldenstar fell quiet, possibly sensing her annoyance, and, for a moment, Scorch wanted to apologize but she killed that thought immediately. Goldenstar was the one being weird, why should she feel bad for being rightfully upset? 
For a while they walked in silence until Goldenstar spoke up again. “Uh, hey. I’m sorry.” 
“What for?” Scorch glanced at her with an aloof lift of her brows. 
“Uh, I don’t know,” Goldenstar laughed nervously. “For being weird? I can’t help but feel like you’re mad at me.” 
Scorch briefly considered denying it but decided she didn’t have the energy. “I mean, a bit yeah. You keep acting like you’re afraid you’ll upset me. It’s annoying.” She ignored the fact that  she had done the same thing for months. At least she had the good sense to try and hide it. 
“Oh,” Goldenstar winced. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
“Why?” Scorch asked. 
Scorch shook her head with another sigh. “Why have you been acting so weird? Is it because I’m not talking to Yarrowshade?”
“No,” Goldenstar shook her head, “although you probably should.” 
“He seems content to forget about me,” Scorch rolled her eyes.
“Maybe,” Goldenstar said, “But I think he’s just being an idiot.” 
“Him?” Scorch feigned disbelief. “No…” 
Goldenstar laughed and said, “I know, I know, but it's true. He tends to deal with his problems by pretending they don’t exist.” 
“I see,” Scorch hummed. “I didn’t realize I had become one of his problems.” 
Goldenstar blushed and hurriedly tried to say, “Oh, I didn’t mean-” 
Scorch cut her off. “I know what you meant. It was a joke.” 
“Oh.” Goldenstar blushed harder. “Sorry.” Scorch sighed under her breath and flicked an ear to dismiss the topic. She couldn’t find the energy to come up with a verbal response. Goldenstar continued, “But also, I told him to give you some space and I think he’s taking it the wrong way.” 
“Why did you say that?” Scorch tilted her head, intrigued. 
“He explained that you were upset that he chose Nightfrost over you and I told him to just give you some time.” 
“He said that?” Scorch frowned skeptically. 
“Well… Not exactly.” Goldenstar winced. “He said you were ignoring him and he didn’t know why but when he described when it started I kind of put the pieces together.” That revelation made Scorch’s chest tighten. She hadn’t realized Goldenstar could read her so accurately. It made sense but it still made her uncomfortable in her own skin, like someone had suddenly torn away the cardboard box she was hiding behind, leaving her exposed on the cold, empty street. 
“Mm,” was all she said. 
“He cares a lot about you,” Goldenstar tried gently. “He didn’t realize he was being asked to choose, you know.”
Scorch’s ear twitched. “The choices we make unconsciously are often the most revealing.” 
“And sometimes they aren’t actual choices,” Goldenstar said. “Not everything is all or nothing. Yarrowshade loved Nightfrost and he loves you. Those things can both be true at once.” 
Scorch found anger building in her jaw. “I don’t recall asking for a lecture, Goldie.” 
“Sorry,” Goldenstar sighed. “I just hate to see you two fighting.” 
“So don’t watch,” Scorch said. 
“It’s not that simple,” Goldenstar said with characteristic stubbornness. “What am I supposed to do when you decide that I have to choose between you and Yarrowshade? Or you and Russetfrond? Am I supposed to abandon my friends to make you happy?” 
“Maybe,” Scorch shrugged, feeling contrary. She knew that was unreasonable but so what? Maybe she wanted to hear someone would choose her over another every time! Was that so selfish? 
Definitionally, said the voice in her head. 
Fine, she thought back, maybe I’m selfish, then. 
“You don’t really think that,” Goldenstar said and Scorch felt like she was hoping saying it would make it true. 
“So what if I do?” she said, quickening her stride. “Does that make me a monster?”
“No,” Goldenstar said, keeping pace, “I just feel like you would be upset if I asked you to do the same.”
“Then you don’t really know me,” Scorch said. “If you asked me to choose between two people I would choose myself every time.” 
“Scorch…” Goldenstar murmured. 
“I always have,” she pressed on. “Just ask your precious ‘Aldertail’. I am nothing if not consistent.” 
She didn’t know why she was saying this. Her throat was starting to tighten in anticipatory grief, almost like her body was trying to stop her voice from reaching Goldenstar’s ears. Still she continued for some reason. Maybe, she thought, this would be the last straw and Goldenstar would finally show Scorch exactly who she would choose. At least then she would know the truth, be able to be confident that she wasn’t being lied to. 
“People can change,” Goldenstar said, leaning closer. “I’ve always believed that.” 
Scorch laughed in her face. “You have no idea how little you know, Goldie. Cats don’t change.” 
“They can,” Goldenstar pressed, her eyes painfully compassionate. “If given a reason to, they can decide to be different. To be better.” 
“Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree,” Scorch said tersely. “Look, there’s the creek.” Goldenstar turned to spot the little trickle of water running between a few small trees and sighed in defeat. Scorch grinned triumphantly but the victory was hollow. She couldn’t help but wish Goldenstar was right. Sadly, she knew the truth. She could not change just like Ghost could not change, just like Razor could not change. They were creatures of habit, all of them. 
We deserve each other, she thought bitterly. 
Without another word, the two of them split off to go hunting along the creek bed. It was unpleasant work, especially in places where the mud was less frozen than expected and squelched in between her freezing toes. 
Goldenstar managed to catch a vole and Scorch felt sick when she turned around to grin proudly at her before she remembered their argument and the smile fell off her face. It’s alright! she wanted to say, Forgive me for what I said! Please love me again! Some prideful stubbornness kept her lips sealed. 
She wandered southward along the creek, her mouth open to the scents of water plants and little beasts. Yarrowshade and Barleypaw had been here recently, Sagetooth and Pantherhaze sometime before then. She turned away from the creek, towards the EarthClan border, hoping to find a space free from reminders of her Clanmates. 
“Hey, don’t go too far!” Goldenstar called but she didn’t listen. She wanted to be alone. Maybe Goldenstar would take her own advice and give her some space. The sound of pawsteps behind her implied the opposite. She quickened her pace. 
As she walked, a new smell reached her jaws. It was familiar and meaty, the kind of meat that humans liked, with vegetables and sauce and a funny aftertaste. The familiarity drew her in like a warm blanket. In all of the frustrating novelty of her situation, some cheap familiarity seemed just the thing to ease her mind. Ahead of her, on a little blue dish in the back of a silver trap, she located the source of the smell. She padded up to it, pacing around the trap, sniffing at the food from the other side of the bars. The smell was so pungent it made her mouth water. 
“Scorch!” Goldenstar cried, bounding up beside her. “What are you doing?!” 
“Hunting,” Scorch purred smugly, eyes locked on her target. Tentatively, she poked at the back of the trap. Every so often, she had been able to pry the back off just enough to scatter the food on the dish and get a bite. 
“That’s not hunting, it's one of those things that took Toadpaw!” Goldenstar hissed quietly, glancing around like a human would swoop down on them any second. The back of the trap was solid and, not wanting to get her leg stuck, Scorch began stalking towards the entrance of the trap. 
“It’s got food in it, doesn’t it?” Scorch asked. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with these before, I know what I’m doing.” She poked her head inside and sniffed around. Sometimes, there was a trail of food leading you deeper but it seemed like the folk had been sparing with their lure. 
“W- Don’t go inside it!” Goldenstar squeaked in distress. 
“You’re adorable,” Scorch laughed, causing Goldenstar to blush deeply. “Look, as long as I don’t touch the ground in the back, I’ll be fine. Watch and learn.” Carefully, she crept into the trap, sniffing cautiously at each step before she took it. 
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“Scorch, please come out,” Goldenstar begged, hovering nearby. 
“No, I don’t think I will,” hummed Scorch. She craned her neck forward to try and reach the dish. Sometimes the food was close enough you could snag the whole dish without getting caught but it seemed like the folk who set this trap had thought of that too. She frowned. 
“It’s not worth it,” Goldenstar fretted. “We’ll catch more prey, we don’t need the two-leg food.” 
“Can you please be quiet and let me think?” Scorch snapped, turning her head to glare at Goldenstar. Instantly, she knew she had made a mistake. The foot she had been carefully lifting had come down on the paper covering. She had been closer than she’d realized. The trap had been triggered. 
The cage rattled as it closed and both she and Goldenstar leapt in fright at the sound. Somewhere off to the side, Scorch heard the sound of humans chattering. She grit her teeth and sighed through her nose. Stupid. Careless. Why had she done that? Something about Goldenstar managed to slip right past her logical brain and it had finally come back to bite her.
“Oh, no,” Goldenstar mumbled, staring with the most miserable expression. “No, no, no, this is my fault! Scorch, I’m so sorry, I- I didn’t mean to-” She pressed her paws up against the cage, searching its bars for a weakness to exploit or a way to get her free.
“Shut up, you moron,” Scorch sighed, pursing her lips against a bitter-sweet smile. Goldenstar looked up at her, tears beading along the bridge of her nose. 
“Scorch, I-” she swallowed. Her mouth formed the shapes of several words before it settled on, “I’ll get you out of here. I promise, okay? I’ll find a way. I’m not going to leave you.” Scorch’s gut twisted when she realized she believed that Goldenstar meant it. She struggled to keep her own eyes from welling with tears. 
“I know,” she lied with complete confidence. Her mind raced as a plan began to form. “You should go back to camp. Find someone else, someone strong. We might be able to pry it open if we have enough cat power.” 
“Okay,” Goldenstar sniffed, smiling through her tears. “I will. I’ll be right back, just sit tight, okay?” 
“Okay,” Scorch said. “I’ll be right here.” Goldenstar nodded and raced away, paws pounding over the dead grass as she disappeared up the hill. Once she had vanished from sight, Scorch let out a sigh and hunkered down to wait. The humans would be upon her soon. They were never far from the traps, especially in the winter. She could already hear them approaching from the trees that marked the border with EarthClan. At least, she thought, Goldenstar was long gone. She knew she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if her mistake got the Clan's leader taken as well. Unlike Scorch, Goldenstar had cats who needed her.
Two humans arrived, crooning to her gently and talking softly between themselves. Scorch looked up at them and tried to smile in the most inviting way she could. 
“Please,” she begged, the image of a polite and gentle cat, “have mercy.” 
One of the humans produced a blanket and threw it over her cage, plunging the world into darkness. She sighed and braced herself for whatever was to come. It was nice while it lasted, she thought.
UPDATES: - While hunting with Goldenstar, Scorchplume is caught in a two-leg trap and taken away.
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thelancer27 · 1 month ago
Part 2/2
Balor! Balor! Balor! Break contact! Keep your distance, we've trained for this people! Fuck whats it doing?!
-It is not done forming. Reading claims... Balor pattern group. Size three.
Fuck! Alright, we can handle this. Just need to-
{The Balor smashes Whitehorse to the ground. The nanite swarm that makes up its form beginning to spread across the frame, ripping it apart}
Dammit! Lemon, send me in!
{Sevak is picked up by Lemon's Enkidu, and thrown towards the Balor, the Caliban lands and immediatly lays into the Balor, emptying his shotgun, reloading, and repeating, to little affect}
Nothing I'm doing does anythi-
{Sevak is launched back as a whip of nanite energy slashes him across the chest}
No! Prism tell me you've got a shot on the pilot!
-Negative. Swarm is too thick, aim impeded, and armor too strong. Current rate of fire is unable to deal meaningful damage to Balor.
FUCK! It's trying to breaching my cockpit!
Ash! Do something!
{Ashlyn's mech steps forward, but freezes}
I- I- I can't! I can't get close to that thing!
Why not?!
Because if I do I'll die again! For real this time, I don't know why but I just- I can't fight the Balor!
My friend I hate to suggest it, but...
Dammit. Lemon! Can you-
Yes. {Audible shaky breath} Do it.
{Emergency Sedative flush confirm? Y/N? Y.} {Emergency Sedative flush confirmed.} {Combat Stimulant injection confirm? Y/N? Y.} {Combat Stimulant Injection confirmed.}
God forgive me, Activation Phrase [REDACTED].
{Silence permeates comms for a moment, before the sounds of feral snarling and gnashing fill the airwaves. The Enkidu gets on all fours and pounces into the Balor's nanite swarm. The reactor begins to glow white as it slashes and bites wildly through the storm, melting every nanite that comes into contact. The following brawl is blurred, and difficult to see through the swarm of nanites}
{ENEMY COMMS INTERCEPTED} [Windvale: What is going on?!] [Decimal: It's... It's losing.] [Windvale: Impossible! Jacking into it's frequency. Listen to me beast, kill. Don't let that thing take you down now. I did NOT come this far to lose to a dog! I CHOSE YOU FOR A REASON! I AM NOT GOING TO-] {ENEMY COMMS LOST}
Jesus- What did you do to her?!
-Lemon is-
Set her loose. Really loose. Her old handlers, her old... whoever the fuck had her before we found her. They put something in her. That isn't our Lemon anymore kid.
It's the beast they trained her to be.
Prism, Ash, keep moving. We're... Me and Sevak are gonna need to be here, once she's done.
Fuck no! I won't just leave her like this!
-Agreed. Lemon is clearly unable t-
Thats an order soldiers! We have a mission, and that is to stop Windvale! I will keep Arthur safe, and I swear to you. Lemon will come to no harm for as long as I am here.
{There is a scream, as the swarm flutters for a moment, half of the original swarm has been turned to slag, the Enkidu can be seen ripping the cockpit from the nanites}
I- we-
-Ashlyn, Prism... agrees. But we must move. We-
That was worse then the last ones... Alright, we're moving. But this conversation isn't over.
I know kid, now go, stop that madman.
{Ashlyn and Prism leave the three to approach the Horus base. As they enter, screams of [CASTIGATE THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD!] and [PIERCE THE VEIL!] are heard from enemy Comms. The base is dark, night vision is required as the two chassis stomp through the dingy, ruined base.}
God, does that thing ever shut up? Well well well? It seems like Adam and Eve enter my garden. Hope your ready to bite the apple.
You. It's over Windvale, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
-Surrender is recommended.
{The building shakes, tossing both mechs off balance}
Ah, I can almost see through it! The Veil is being pierced, the Needle charges. I suppose I'll be seeing you two in the next world pretty soon.
{The two mechs race towards the epicenter of whatever this is. The surroundings feel as if they are folding in on themselves. It's like watching an NHP cascade, if the NHP was the moon itself. Realspace begins to blur as the two get closer to the end}
Prism I- can I tell you something? If we don't get out of this.
-Prism does not accept any outcome of this battle other then our survival... But yes.
God why does this have to be the scariest part of things so far. I- I like you! A lot!
-Prism likes Ashlyn too, but-
No Prism I like like you dammit. I'm in love with you! I'm in love with you and Lemon! I don't want to die without getting that out. I'm sorry if you don't feel the same and I-
-Prism... Loves you too. Prism loves Lemon, and has known her for very long. Bonded over all we have suffered. But Prism loves you too, bonded over kindness, and shows. Prism is sure that Lemon loves you too. Knows, actually.
Wha- I-
-Nobody dies but Windvale. Prism will not let you die. Prism protects what Prism loves,
{Sniffle} Thanks... Lets end this.
{The two step into a massive room, at the end of the room seems to be a massive machine. The Horizon Needle. Windvale is in their goblin, working at a control station}
I KNOW!! SHUT UP! Stupid Ra damned machine- Ah, CorpsePilot, I see you brought a friend?
What- My systems-
-Systems unresponsive. Tech attacks rendering them useless.
Catch on quick I see. Good, you two have got front row seats my friends! This is it! All the money, all the bodies. It's all led up to this. All the years of planning, of getting the manna, buying and building, and gathering my allies. It's finally coming to an end.
[Plan.Omnif recieved]
Best I can think of.
This is the end, by the way. I'm piercing the veil! Meeting Ra on an equal playing field! The entire system is about to see what its like on the other side! Congratulations on being chosen last minute!
[Cockpit controls unlocked]
-Are you sure this is a good idea?
Nothing to do but try. Together?
{Cockpit unlocked}
{Multiple gunshots ring out, as the cockpits of Ashlyn and Prism open, ejecting the two pilots onto the field. The two of them, quickly taking cover as the building shakes again. Windvale grabs an SMG from the table and spraying bullets across the room.}
{Windvale smashes a fist against the computer, now forced to try and find the two pilots with one hand and type with the other.}
{It would be then that both pilots tackle the goblin frame down. Prism placing a knife in the right spot to forcefully eject Windvale from their frame. They had messy blond hair matted in sweat. Their eyes black where there would normally be white, and eyes bloodshot, with a few scars littering their face and body}
No! My frame-
{Prism takes the SMG and strikes Windvale across the head, before Ashlyn pounces onto them, and strikes them continually.}
{Windvale spits out a tooth, and laughs}
HAHAHAHA! It doesn't matter!! None of it does- hrk!
Why not?
{The footage distorts, as the Horizon Needle activates. For a moment, Real space, Blink space, the firmament, and everything in between begins to swirl together, colors invisible to the naked eye fly through the eye of the Needle as something reaches towards them. Anyone on the surface would be able to see the world begin to splinter and shatter, stars go dark and reappear, closer, and farther and closer again, colors changing, the sun dying. Windvale's cackling can be heard through it all until-}
{Everything stops, and the Horizon Needle shuts down, and the effects vanish as if they never even started.}
No... No No NO NO NO!!! NO!!!
{Windvale forces themself from under Ashlyn, and throws themself onto a terminal, hastily typing}
Come on!
Come on!
{Windvale slumps over onto the terminal, sobbing}
Not now PLEASE not now! I was so close! How could-
{A gun cocks}
Hands where I can see them.
{A gun barrel rests on Windvale's head}
{Windvale is motionless for a moment, before chuckling.}
It's funny.
Hands. Where I. Can see them.
I really got beat by the CorpsePilot... Ab well, you win some, you lose some. Plan D motherfucke-
{Windvale is cut off for good as Ashlyn fires her gun. Killing Windvale instantly, and splattering blood all over the terminal}
Bet they didn't have a contingency for that.
[Connection established]
Hey, it's Arthur, we... we calmed Lemon down. She's asleep right now, but we gotta get her back to a proper medical facility soon. So I gotta ask, is it over?
-Yes, With Windvale dead, and the Horizon Needle deactivated, the rest of the Horus cell should be defeated within the hour. It is over.
Christ-the-Buddha on high, it's over. We're en route to pick you up. I'm glad to know your safe.
Thank god. I think... I think I want to just take a nap, with you, and Lemon.
-Prism would like that, very, very much.
{The two lock hands, and begin to walk back to their mechs}
End recording.
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joeyleesblog · 2 years ago
Sorry brother (from the series You made me hate my reflection)
Miles was paying for his sins against Pandora and her people. Officially.
"He's going to be fine, kids. Yes, he will because he's a tough kid. – Neteyam kept muttering non-stop, for whatever reason, imitating his father's voice, but it got weird. – Ah yes, how well he turned out, father!!"
Ah, should I be offended? Miles thought absently. I'm definitely better, but nobody accepts that fact. Idiots.
Neteyam moved suddenly, Miles automatically tensed and prepared to defend himself, but the Na'vi boy did nothing but glare at Miles...
No. Not Miles. Spider.
"I wanted to come after you – we all did, I swear. We wanted to rescue you, Spider, I swear."
Oh, for God. Why didn't he just walk away and pretend he didn't see anything? Now he has to deal with a drunk guy spewing excuses for a dead kid. Excellent.
All very well. Just this once. Miles decided.
"Then why didn't you? If you cared, what stopped you?" - There was no judgment or accusation in his tone, just pure questioning. Which caught Neteyam off guard, but it took a few seconds for him to recover and respond.
""Daddy said you'd be fine... you were one of them and you were, you were a child - they would see it - they should see it!" – The sudden anger in his voice, an outrage flared in his yellow eyes. Miles ignored it.
"He is your father, it is natural for you to believe and trust what he says."
"“I shouldn't – Neteyam explodes – I shouldn't – not at that moment, I shouldn't! I should have, I should have...”
"What should you?"
""I should have gone after you. I could have at least tried, dammit! I should have tried, fought harder for you! You, you were my friend, my brother, it was my duty to protect you. I, I... "
“I, I failed you. – regrets Neteyam. “No…not just that night, but before, I left you alone, when we were younger. I walked away and believed you would be fine because your had Loa'k and Kiri. I... I never thought about how you understood my withdrawal or how you felt. I did not do. I'm sorry, Eywa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Spider... Sorry"
Neteyam starts sobbing and wailing, Miles lets him cry all he wants, thinking how shitty this situation was for both of them. Neteyam shouldn't be apologizing to Miles, but to Spider. Miles shouldn't get that apology, but Spider does. Nothing was right, but it was too late to change things.
When Neteyam finally calmed down and seemed more in control of himself, Miles grabbed his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes.
"I can't forgive you. – His tone was calm, serious. – I'm not him, Neteyam. I can't give you what was his right. And no matter how many times you ask him for forgiveness, you get nothing from a dead man."
Neteyam's eyes widened at his words and when he opened his mouth to probably protest, Miles didn't let him.
"I'm not him. Spider died in that interrogation and I was born in his place. I am Miles Socorro and I have my own experiences, memories, my own life, Netayam. – he let Neteyam process the words for a moment before continuing. – "Besides, you would have been captured and unlike Spider, you was going to die or be used as a bargaining chip. Your family would have tried to save you and possibly die too. In other words, it would have been all for nothing. Chasing ghosts won't make him come back. It's time to move forward and not be left behind."
Tears come out of Neteyam's eyes.
"But I can not. Remembering him is all I can do for him."
""I'm not asking you to forget him, but that you stop chasing his ghost as a form of punishment for not being able to save him. Answer me one thing, would Spider have a grudge against you or another member of your family?"
Neteyam blinked at the sudden question and after thinking it over, replied with a sad smile.
"Spider was never one to hold a grudge. Not for long, anyway. He was such a good kid, too."
And too afraid to be alone. Miles decided not to share the thought, not when Nateyam finally stopped crying. And anyway, he suspected it wasn't necessary.
"Then stop punishing yourself. Spider would get sick of you."
Neteyam laugh.
Post 1 , Post 2, Post 4
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obsessedwithlute · 11 months ago
Cherrisnake lover here! Can we see what a first date might be like for them?
I am certain that by this ask, you did not mean "Modern AU where Emily pays for their whole date because she's sick of seeing them dance around each other for years and they go see Hamilton".
Alas, I cannot control myself.
Contains swearing, queerphobia (specifically transphobia), slander of religion, people using religion as an excuse to discriminate and possible implications of child abuse and anxiety.
Pentious’s hands were shaking as he stood at Cherri’s apartment door, trying to work up the courage to knock. I’m still five minutes early, he told himself. I’ve got time. He clutched the bag with two priceless tickets to Hamilton inside, reminding himself that Cherri had agreed to this and he had planned it to perfection and really, what’s the worst that could happen? Hmm, I don’t know. I could be humiliated forever and cry myself to sleep for the next month.
Cherri doesn’t like cowards. She’s into bravery and all that. I’m only lowering my chances by hiding out here.
Pentious lightly banged his fist against Cherri’s door and waited for a few seconds that felt like eternity.
The door clicked open and Cherri stood in front of him, lightly smirking. Don’t blush don’t blush don’t- Goddamnit, he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. After some awkward silence, Pentious uncovered in himself the otherworldly determination it took to whisper, “Hi.”
He cursed himself.
“I mean, um- hello!” he blurted. Stop stop stop code red you are actively making this worse-
“Hello to you too,” Cherri responded, a sarcastic but kind smile stretching across her face. She grabbed Pentious by the arm and dragged him into her apartment. He fumbled in his bag for the tickets and handed one to Cherri.
“H-here,” he stammered. “Please don’t think this is, like… too much for a first date… Emily gave me the tickets so…” Jesus Christ, Pentious what are you thinking don’t tell her that!!!
“Are you kidding me?? You know I love musicals, don’t apologize… But you will be sitting through my terrible Angelica impression on the way back so… just wanted to warn you.” Cherri smirked again.
Pentious smiled. “I am well known in my friend group for my horrid George Washington voice.”
Cherri nodded and turned her back to remove her coat from the hook it sat on. “Hm, well I must say I find horrid George Washington voices very sexy.” Before Pentious could respond to that, she held up a finger and hissed, “I said what I said.”
Cherri and Pentious walked to the subway station and after a twenty-minute wait due to some hold-up, collapsed into the comfortable train seats.
Pentious reached in his pocket for the cards he had prepared. The first read, in last night’s tired, drunk scrawling ASK HER FAVORITE COLOR.
He obeyed himself, turned to Cherri, and asked, “What’s your favorite color?” 
“Red, you know, like blood,” she said absentmindedly. “Why?”
“Oh, um no reason, just, you know, get to you know shit and all that, even though I mean, like, we've been friends for years, I should probably know your… OH FUCK! I mean, dammit! Um- Sorry for swearing… There are little children here… fuck it…”
“You’re capable of swearing?” Cherri asked incredulously. “You seem so… innocent… like one of those people who apologizes for saying, like, heck.”
“Um… it’s something that I accidentally do whenever I’m nervous- I try to work on it but often fail, and you’re referring to Emily, not me.”
“Don’t remind me…”
“Of the time she basically got on her knees and begged forgiveness for saying gosh?”
“Blame her upbringing,” Cherri scoffed. “And Sera. And the church.”
“Mostly the church,” Pentious agreed.
“A-hem,” a brunette woman coughed from across the train. She stood up and began to march over towards Cherri and Pentious. “I will not hear the good god-fearing community slandered in the vicinity of my young, impressionable children. And I will certainly not tolerate that propaganda pinned to your shirt, ma’am.” She pointed to the transgender flag and he/him pins on Pentious’s shirt, clearly taking a look at his visible hips.
Cherri stood up. “Hello, what are your name and pronouns?” she asked, a fake-sweet smile on her face.
“I have very strong words to say to you, but unlike you young miscreants, I won’t allow them to taint my mouth,” she said.
A second woman, this one in a leather jacket, left the herd of children the brunette had been ushering on the train and stepped next to her. “Sis, we both know your mouth is already tainted. And if you can’t stand these people insulting your ‘good community’ in front of your impressionable children, why don’t you go spend some time with those children, instead of just insulting their clothing like you have all night?”
The brunette turned to leave, but before she did so, she eyed Cherri, Pentious and her sister, and told them, “You should ask God for forgiveness.”
She turned on her heel and stalked off.
“I am so sorry,” the woman in leather said. “She was completely out of line.” “Please make sure she doesn’t rub off on those kids too much,” Cherri told her at the same time Pentious said, “Forget about us, just worry about those poor children.” The woman smiled. “You too are such a cute couple- don’t worry; I’m not making some stupid ‘people of opposite genders in public- ooh, they must be dating’ assumption. You’re just obviously compatible!”
“Oh, um, well-” Pentious blushed. Again. Fuck.
“It’s just our first date,” Cherri finished.
“I see,” the woman in leather said, nodding. She removed a small notebook and pen from her pocket, ripped out a page and scribbled something on it.
She handed it to them and smiled. “Here’s my number. Call me when you get engaged so I can show up at your wedding.” “Our what?” Cherri demanded. The woman just smiled and left.
After their stop was called, Cherri and Pentious looked at each other, simultaneously shrugged and just laughed.
Suddenly, Pentious gasped. “We’re going to be late, we need to fucking run!”
“Okay, then let’s run!” Cherri yelled, grabbing Pentious by the wrist again and basically dragging them out of the station.
Once they’d finally made it to the theater and dodged death a few times, Pentious was gasping and Cherri was barely breaking a sweat.
“How… are you… so fast?” he demanded between breaths.
“I did cross-country in high school. Come on, we can’t miss anything!!” she yelled.
Finally, they managed to make it to the theater and settled into their seats. Somewhere between “The Schuyler Sisters” and “Right Hand Man”, Cherri and Pentious’s hands found each other.
After the show, Cherri and Pentious bought pretty much their weight in Hamilton merch (Emily was sponsoring their whole date, anyway, what did it matter?) and called an Uber- they were not in the mood for another wonderful subway experience.
Waiting in the dark, they talked about a lot of things they just hadn’t had time to discuss before, smiled, laughed, and got a little emotional.
Their Uber arrived and dropped Cherri off at her house, then drove Pentious the rest of the way to his.
The next morning, Pentious’s phone lit up with one text from Cherri: So, what flavor cake should we have? Wouldn’t want to let the cool aunt down.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year ago
I couldn't stop thinking since your post about wxs parents, or more specifically the tenma parents, bc they actually interest me a lot
Because like, the tenma mom DOES actually come up sometimes in saki and tsukasa's side stories and an area conversation. And not just the fact she taught them to play piano, i mean more familial situations. She even appears by herself and it's usually when they're at the house and she seems really sweet and caring actually
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And also whenever Tsukasa brings her up (which he seems to do more often than Saki? Or at least from the stories I've read, i might be wrong) he speaks of her in a way that seems quite fond and might imply that she is around at the house at least usually
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In contrast, though, the tenma dad almost NEVER comes up. Like the only time I remember him being mentioned (that is NOT about tsukasa bringing up That Show they watched as kids or the family visiting saki at the hospital bc that's obvious they're there) was once in the hinamatsuri event about how he bought the doll stand and some helmet when they were little? smth about how he impulse buys things
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And that was it. He didnt even appear
He's never actually appeared by himself at the house or any side story to my knowledge (do correct me if I'm wrong) and he doesn't SEEM to be around the house on a daily basis at all
Even in the past when tsukasa stayed at home alone it was tenmama he got calls from, at least the one they showed us
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Tenpapa's job is also never mentioned unlike tenmama's. And like tenmas are implied to be at least somehow recognisable or respected of a family, or at the very least by people like the Aoyagis since they are always stated to hold them in such regard, but is it just about tenmama playing the piano? Or maybe there's smth more about the dad that we don't know?
He's just. Such an enigma. We barely have any crumbs. Even in that image of baby tenmas seeing a show for the first time from the beginning of wxs main story shows a little bit of tenmama, like we can see her hair and all, but we can only see tenpapa's hand
It's just... where is he?? At work? What does he do?? Why don't they talk about him that much??? Why won't they show him in side stories??? Am I reading too much into it???
He makes me so mad pls Sega tell me more about the tenma family im insane about them
ANYWAY sorry for writing almost an entire post in your asks it was supposed to be shorter but I accidentally spiralled deeper
Anyway tsukasa and saki definitely love their parents and at the very least the mom seems like a rly caring and overall present person in their lives. They never say anything bad about the dad either if they ever do. They seem like good parents overall. The whole tsks neglect thing, yes, of course it wasn't a good decision to leave him alone at home, but it doesn't make them bad. Tsukasa never even mentioned anything that could imply he holds it against them and ik he is stupidly forgiving sometimes and sometimes forgets about himself but still. You get me. Besides we don't really know the extent of it all so shsuhd
We just need more tenma lore dammit
do not apologize for long asks they make me very happy to read :3
i didn’t know all that abt tenmamom though!!! i practically never read side stories so. yeah no wonder i missed her fjbsjdbajdn
sega please give us more tenmadad content. or any at all really…..
and yeah!!! i can understand wanting angst but the tenmas are genuinely a happy family and they make me happy :3 i don’t think of his parents as bad even with tsukasa’s childhood bc like, it wasn’t something they wanted to do yk. doesn’t mean what happened with tsukasa wasn’t Bad ofc. either way i love the tenmas. sega can we get more tenma lore. please
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 2 years ago
Quick Thoughts on Miraculous Awakening
Warning: Spoilers. And I can't let go of the fact that they changed the name.
It's a musical!
The criminally insane difference between Marinette's speaking voice and singing voice. But then again, I am a huge fan of Lou and she sings so beautifully
What happened to Adrien's modeling career?!?!?!
Alya is a real one for befriending Marinette despite the rumors (the other kids are jerks)
Speaking of which, Max steals hats now?!?!?!?!?
Still hate Chloé. She still reminds me of my bullies.
THE LIBRARY SCENE!!!!! I love how they just casually met and there was no intense drama
The foreshadowing of Adrien being Cat Noir when Marinette held a book to her face
Honestly, Adrien's personality of being aloof initially is valid considering his mom died*
They meet
Apparently, Tikki and Plagg don't get along, which somehow influences how Ladybug and Chat Noir did not like each other at first and why they initially did not see themselves as equals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
The Cherry Blossom Garden scene after the fight! Gotta live for their banter IN FRONT OF MASTER FU
Dammit Tom! We love you for being a great dad, but why are you following your daughter and interrupting her conversation with Adrien right after she says great things about you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Glad that Ladybug and Chat Noir got along mid fight
Nino's last words were that he loves Alya, but Alya interjecting him with "Ladybug" was for some reason so funny to me
Will never forgive the loss of Ce mur qui nous separè, but the rooftop scene makes up for it (somehow)
Noooo, now Hawkmoth knows that Marinette is Ladybug 😵
He actually stops his madness after realizing that Adrien is Chat Noir? He is more respectable than his show counterpart? I gasp they actually fixed the show in a movie
Chloé, Adrien does not seem into you, have you not noticed this by now?!?!?!?!?!? Nobody is getting in your way
And they kiss?AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Gotta give credit to everyone who worked in the movie for making it much better than the show! I feel like the show would be so much more enjoyable if they took the set storyline from the movie and expanded it without all of the inconsistencies and controversies that the show has, because this would be a show I want to see. I laughed, I happy stimmed with glee, I cried, and repeat. Overall 100000/10
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tumblingxelian · 8 months ago
Aware AU, 2 things:
I think I have a general idea of the— idk, build up? To the Summer Breakdown? Would like some feedback, but in general, Emilie goes "missing". Audrey flies in from wherever to Paris, ostensibly so she can "support Gabriel" - here's where my first confusion comes up, is this an AU where Audrey's aware of all the Sentimonster crap? Cause if she IS, then her showing up is more about protecting an investment, & if she ISN'T, then this is more about PR, which. Ya know, would probably be how she sees it anyway, but regardless. So, Chloé, who is in the midst of doing her damn best to support Adrien (she might not be doing great, but she is trying, & that matters), at first thinks her mom is there to support her own friends, but quickly realizes that Audrey is actually indifferent to Emilie disappearing. Which shakes her, because Emilie WAS seen as Exceptional, shouldn’t her mom be upset? 1 thing leads to another, there's some event Audrey wants to drag Chloé to, for the photo opportunity, Chloé snaps, there is screaming, Chloé stays in with Adrien, the "Our Parents Suck Club" starts to get founded.
I am more & more a fan of the idea of Chloé, after her 2nd Breakdown, realizing her parents really AREN'T ever going to change, & just. Deciding "Ya know what? Fuck it. HEY EVERYONE, DAD TRIED TO BUY MY FORGIVENESS, SO I'VE GOT HIS CREDIT CARD, WHO WANTS AN ALL EXPENSES PAID TRIP TO DISNEYLAND!?" Like, I do think she'd start selling any gifts her dad (or even on occasion, her mom) try to give her. Maybe set up a separate bank account for the money, make sure she has a financial safety net in place just in case (depends on whether her parents have any say in her current bank account, but anyway). But, Chloé is, often, despite her best efforts, a bit petty and spiteful at the best of times, so I can see her just. Taking Daddy's credit card (not like he's going to stop her) & just treating all her friends to expensive entertainment on his dime. Donating extensively to charity (usually in the name of his political rivals). Buying herself something lavish, just to sell it later. Chloé is never going to get what her parents "owe" her, so she might as well take what she can for herself, and cause as many headaches as she can.
Oooh I am intrigued @rachelsshowerthoughts
Quick thing regarding the idea of a Summer Break, but the school year runs from early September to early July. The longest school break is called the Summer Ete but Emilie has been missing for six months at the start of the series, hmmm, not sure how well it can fit time wise XD I may be misunderstanding or overthinking though, anyway!
1: I think this works well and I very much like the summary regarding Chloe not doing great but she is trying dammit XD
I think the writers themselves don't know if Audrey knew because she was among those ominously watching the temples return like she knew what that meant then nothing was done with it. I think one can argue she and even Andre know, or are at least partially aware if not of all the specifics, but there's wiggle room either way.
My general read tended to go much the same as yours, with some specific details along the lines of:
Emilie vanishes, Adrien is 'OK' at first, she's away, she's busy, stuff came up he gets it, he does. Then there's people asking questions, fathers acting colder and more distant than ever with no Emilie to offset it. Even Nathalie's stiff as stone & he is suffocating.
hloe starts making more overt appearances as him being stressed becomes more obvious, weaving in stuff like visits to arcades that [piss Gabriel off but his focus is ever shifting. Its.. its not OK, he's not OK but he will be, right?
Then Emilie's declared missing. The police show up but barely seem to do more than the bare minimum, as they "Don't want to cause a scene" and as usual when he asks for answers he gets nothing. More and more of the staff have disappeared as his father & Nathalie grow more isolated and then... They vanish too.
(They are off securing the Butterfly, but Adrien's essentially been left to his own devices due to Gabriel firing the last remaining staff in a mixture of pique and to cover up his oncoming plans.)
Adrien... Adrien kind of collapses in a heap, everything is usually tightly scheduled & controlled, he didn't often like it but it made sure he knew hat was coming. Now he's in a big empty manor and feels even more hollow.
When he stops eating, drinking or responding to texts, Chloe shows up.
She can ell he's sad, she can get why, Emilie was nice, too nice but that is what Gabriel & Nathalie were for, just like what she was for Adrien. Save that now Adrien is alone and there is no one 'nice' so she has to try.
& try she does, first with gifts or offers of outings which at best get nothing & at worst seem to offend Adrien. So then, in a gamble she tries following Emilie's examples the same way she does Audrey's but this mostly serves to freak Adrien out. But it does show out, well, out of her depths she is & how Adrien is not just 'sad' but spiraling utterly.
Chloe's father is no help as far as advice goes, & mother isn't returning her calls as usual. So she just ends up awkwardly going down a list of what amounts to well-ness checks, "Make him eat, get sun, ETC" its clumsy and rough.
But again, the sheer effort shows as she's running herself into the ground to keep Adrien's head above water & its enough to get him back and moving again.
After that the sequence of events is muddied, but the stage is set for Adrien to feel his father doesn't care. All it takes is one very badly situation. Similarly, Chloe's frustration with her parents indifference is reaching a fever pitch.
Cue Gabriel returning from his mysterious sojourn & being unwilling to take responsibility for being irresponsible but just wants things to pick up where they left off , like Adrien is a doll he can just ignore till he needs him.
Audrey chooses this time to come by as well, so Andre is not completely checked out on Chloe in favor of her. & Audrey is very evidently only here to hassle Gabriel about his new Christmas line & the like.
Any effort to engage them on the whole "Adrien suffered and you weren't here" or "I needed help, my friend needs helps, please be a parent." Fall on deaf ears in place of whatever businesses and societal events are coming up.
The fact that in Gabriel's mind he's doing the heroic, good, responsible thing for his family so Chloe's chastisement & Adrien's 'complaints' are insulting to him doesn't help. While Audrey is overtly stick of this child she does not care about nagging her endlessly like she has the right to demand her time and focus. & Andre as usual, does not actually care outside of pretense. The missing mon and depression stuff bums him out, its not fun. its not something he can easily fix so he'd rather just ignore it until the kids get over themselves.
Unsurprisingly the tension finally hits some kind of boiling point leading from one explosion & an implosion, followed by the ashy aftermath. One that leaves both of them acutely aware that their parents are actually horrible fucking people and don't care about them at all (Chloe) or only care about them as tools (Adrien)
Cue "Time to rebuild my identity from the ground up/ & rebel".
2: I can definitely see that happening, I really like the phrasing around:
"Chloé is never going to get what her parents "owe" her, so she might as well take what she can for herself, and cause as many headaches as she can."
& yeah, just in general I think it makes sense. Though I imagine once or twice someone needs to emphasize to more outsider people "The money is nothing to Andre. Its the equivalent of throwing a chocolate bar at your Childs head every time they cry. It might be a lot to us, but to him its nothing."
Also definitely a nest egg, 100% a good idea. Though given they are 14, who can say they'll think of it.
Gosh if Zoe turns up things would get fuckery fast cos Andre would probably try and swoop in hard to get a more low maintenance 'doll' that doesn't hate his guts.
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divorcingjimmatthews · 2 years ago
season 2 episode 5 reactions as i watch
huge spoilers obviously
(this is mostly for myself to have somewhere to scream as i go, its LONG AF youve been warned)
(straight up cant watch the rest of the episode because i paused it and cant bring myself to unpause lmaooo. from ends here for me i guess)
ok its over thank god
JADE STOP DRINKING SOMEONE HELP THIS MAN. hes even sleeping with the fucking journal like please he needs 20 interventions
also dammit he actually moved to the bar i accidentally manifested it LMAO
can the show please stop torturing this man with the hallucinations please and thank you
boyd defending sara... knowing what happened to his wife and what she did... oh man. this hurts. knowing tabitha also lost a child before turns the intensity of all this to eleven millions
LMAO ok someone calling tabitha out for her basement hole and its consequences at long last. i love tabitha but like it has to be acknowledged
"That part i cant help you with" dang Good Line
honestly cant even imagine how sara is feeling i dont know what id be doing in her situation like just watching it stresses me so much.
ETHAN BABY :'(((( im sobbing
KRISTI IS SO PRETTY oh my god i am so bisexual right now. she cant just do this. the shirtttt. i think im seeing the sweetest and most beautiful woman in the world
dhsjfhsh marielle doing the same thing with the shirt that i had the reader do in my fic i cant even
"For a long time it smelled like you. Now it just smells" i laughed so hard
"Youre still you" 🥺
oh its her house ok god i thought she'd gone to the matthews'
cant belive an extra got one of the few houses this is so funny to me for no reason
this scene gosh. ouch. ouch. im taking 2 damage per second watching this episode
JADE. the bottles. jade my beloved this is point of no return level stuff. mrs Liu please come get him home
"You dont look good" im losing it
thank you victor
victor 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love him. the sweetest
"WAIT" i fucking cant i love this man
"This took me all fucking night" jade never stop being the funniest mf on the planet please
jim calling tabitha tabby is so sweet it got me
"Faith. In you" oh boy. Oh man. Oh boy oh man. This scene. How is this show hitting every singe fucking note.
donna brought up abby omgomg
(arghhhh this is so hard)
"only monsters live in the woods" ethan i love everything you say. go my boy
(sara voice) okay
"The trees theyre changing" i love how victor is 100% harmless but could NOT be any more ominous lmaooo
"When i was alone i moved the cars because i didnt want to see them. Theres a lot more behind the rocks but those were already here" GODDAMMIT
no but victor is literally the sweetest man on earth. you were rightfully angry victor !! jade now you apologise.
"okay" ill kill him
victor sitting on the car 🥺🥺🥺🥺 im going to cry
what a scene. my god.
"Do you live here in town" ELGIN i love you
poor julie if she knew her crush is out there flirting with the local murderer
"I like what i like and i like owls" based. thats me writing 300 jade posts per day
oh boy this scene (me about every scene)
"Did you do something that needs forgiving?" elgin my sweet boy
jim rightly proud of his badass kid
"you put hate inside me" :'(
is she gonna give her her stuff damn shes too nice
a part of me is feeling like shes gonna smash it tho lmao
i am starting to assume that everyone forgot about tobey so jade is never even gonna know that it was sara lmao
oh my god kenny
im hurt seeing him so hurt
oh elgin
elgin youre too sweet
everyones gonna hate you elgin 😭😭😭 i am suffering for you
now please do jade
i love her so much
"People liked him, then he changed" dont do this to me
"I am at the end of my rope" oh god
holy fucking shit im going to die of heart attack
this doesnt have captions i dont know what the creepy ghost children are saying
i knew jim would not vote box lets goo
Randall ????
OKAY that tabitha and marielle scene from last episode was bothering me so much i cant believe i didnt think of this
what an episode my god
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dragonsarecool · 1 year ago
Febwhump Day 16 - Came Back Wrong
A/N: Marty's thoughts while in Biff's tower during Part II.
If that was the easy way, thank God they didn't do the hard way…
Marty groaned as his head rolled to the side. The pillowcase and sheets beneath him smelled somewhat familiar, but the texture just didn't seem right. Regardless, they were comfortable, and he was content to rest for the moment. So I'm not at home then…maybe? "Mom?"
To his surprise, the voice he desired for answered him. "There there, Marty. You've been out for almost six hours now."
Hang on, what's with that clinking noise?
A cool cloth was delicately placed on his forehead, and he instantly felt his body relax as the discomfort in his head dulled. Oh, thanks Mom…you're an angel.
"You're okay now, back on the good old twenty-second floor."
What the shit?!
Marty's eyes shot open as he bolted upright, indifferent to the dizziness and cold sweat that followed. "Twenty-second floor?!"
The room around him came into focus as the lights were switched on, revealing Lorraine to be perched on the side of his bed, a gentle expression adorning her face. She was draped in expensive jewellery and a skin tight dark purple dress, with Marty realising the metallic noises he'd heard earlier was from her multiple layers of necklaces. Her face was plastered with so much makeup that Marty questioned for a split second whether it was even his mother.
Geez, this whole thing is more a little deja vu.
What he couldn't ignore, and what he was ashamed to have noticed, was the noticeable change in her chest. But it was hard not to look with the insanely deep neckline she was sporting, and it left almost nothing to the imagination. Damn that's gross… oh God, please forgive me…
"M-Mom! You're so…y-you're so…big!"
Stop looking, McFly! STOP IT! She's your mother, focus!
"Are you hungry, Marty?" Lorraine asked politely. "I can order room service!"
Wait a minute. Marty rubbed his head, hissing at the discomfort the motion brought. It took him a moment to process his mother's offer. "…Room service?!" What the hell?
The instant change in his mother's demeanour was startling. She dropped the wine glass she had picked up, ignoring how she tossed it into the nearest collection of pillows. Her face paled even more than what Marty was physically possible. "Oh my God, it's your father…"
"My father?" Marty's head was dizzy, both with questions and a possible concussion. "B-But Dad never yells like that!"
The doors to the bedroom suite were thrown open, cracking against the walls as they revealed a towering and intimidating Biff Tannen. Adorned in a luxurious dressing gown with gold chains draped around his neck, he pointed at Marty with a level of aggression in his face that he'd never seen. "YOU'RE supposed to be in Switzerland, you son of a bitch!"
Shit shit shit! "My father?!"
"What the hell are you doing here, kid? Did you get kicked out of another boarding school?" Biff roared down the stairs at Marty. He threw his hands up in frustration before setting his sights on his wife. "Dammit, Lorraine! Do you know how much PERFECTLY GOOD dough I blow on this kid of yours?!"
"What the hell do you care?! We can afford it!" Lorraine retorted. "It's the least we can do to provide a better life for our children!'
Biff scoffed indignantly, glaring over in Marty's direction as he spoke. "Uh, let's get this straight! Marty's your kid, not mine! And all the money in the world wouldn't help this lazy bum!"
Lorraine looked on the verge of tears as she refilled her glass, her hand trembling as she brought it to her lips. "Stop it, Biff! Just stop it!"
Marty tried to resist the urge to shrink back as Biff approached him, the powerful cologne emanating from the man making his eyes water. This Biff seemed more…intelligent, if that was even possible for a Tannen. Even the original Biff he'd grown up with never intimidated him or his father in such a manner; he'd always resorted to brute force or aggressive threats.
The daggers in this Biff's eyes said all he needed to know about how screwed this timeline was.
Biff grabbed a chunk of his hair, eliciting a yelp from the teenager. The tycoon only laughed as he pulled up sharply, allowing a few tortured strands to fall to the floor. "Look at him. He's a butthead, just like his old man was."
From Marty's perspective, it looked like something inside Lorraine snapped. She set her drink down and stared at Biff as though he was the devil himself, her voice low and threatening. "Don't. You. DARE to talk about George that way," She paused as if to summon strength, squaring Biff up as best she could with their height difference. "You're not even HALF the man he was."
Biff's punch of retaliation came so fast that Marty had no time to stop it. He watched in horror as his mother tumbled to the ground, an angry red mark quickly spreading across her cheek where Biff had struck. It was a miracle that she didn't break her ankle, given that he now realised just how tall her heels were. No wonder she's been scuttling around-
"DAMMIT BIFF!" Lorraine screeched. She struggled to her feet, a fresh determination in her eyes as she stomped upstairs towards the exit. "That's it! I'm LEAVING!"
Biff laughed in response. "So go ahead! Who's gonna pay for your jewellery? Your liquor? Your clothes? Who's gonna pay for your cosmetic surgery, Lorraine?!"
What an absolute asshole! Marty wasn't brave enough to voice his thoughts, for fear of invoking Biff's wrath against his mother. So that explains the breasts…and the hips…and the everything.
Lorraine yelled at her husband from the staircase, gesturing at her chest. "YOU were the one who made me get these…things! If you want them back, you can have them, 'cause I don't!"
Marty was relieved that she didn't rip her bra off in protest like he thought she was going to. I don't need any more mental scarring related to her. He watched with bated breath as she clapped her fingers around the door handle. Go on, Mom! Show the asshole-
"If you walk out that door Lorraine, I'll not only cut you off, but I'll cut off your kids!" Biff roared angrily.
Lorraine span around, gripping the staircase as her resolve crumbled before Marty's eyes, her voice trembling as she answered. "You wouldn't!…"
Marty's heart sunk. He watched nervously as Biff slowly approached his mother, climbing the stairs like a stalking animal as he ranted about everything he would do if she left. He heard something about a jail, but found his attention was purely focused on his mother.
She seemed so…hollow. Empty.
The fire that had briefly been ignited during her argument with Biff was just as quickly extinguished. With every word Biff spoke, she became more and more submissive. "Alright, Biff," Her voice was dripping with dejection and hatred. "You win. I'll stay."
Why the hell did she have to marry this guy?! What happened to Dad?
The fact that she was compelled to stay with Biff despite all of his abuse was inconceivable to Marty. He thought about yelling at her for not standing her ground, but found he didn't have the heart to do so when she looked this defeated, descending the staircase with a slumped posture.
As soon as Biff slammed the doors shut, he sprinted over to Lorraine, throwing his arms around her. He quickly realised that his version of his mother was much skinnier in certain areas, and hugging her somehow felt wrong.
The fact that she didn't stop him from hugging her made him feel even worse.
"Oh, Mom…what happened to you?" Marty whispered to himself. What have you let Biff do to you?
I'm gonna fix this, Mom.
I'm gonna fix everything.
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megapandas · 3 years ago
The thing I can't shake from 3x07 is that they had ALEX reference 2x06 just before another character references his love for Michael in an episode directed by HEATHER 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬
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ris-multi-fandom · 2 years ago
Here’s day 7 of Housevember22!
Fandom: House MD
Pairings: Gregory House x James Wilson
Characters: Gregory House, James Wilson, James Wilson’s parents.
November 7th: Medicated.
Wilson jumped as the door to his office swung open. He wasn’t surprised when House limped through the door and kicked it shut behind him.
”Come in House,” he muttered sarcastically, “please don’t feel the need to knock or anything.”
”Why are you no longer talking to your parents?” House asked. Wilson’s head snapped up to look at him.
”How did you know I’m not talking to them?” He retorted.
”Your mother called me, she said you’re not answering her calls and that you’ve blocked your dad’s phone number,” House replied.
”What did she want?” Wilson questioned.
”Your dad has been in a car accident, she said that they don’t know if he’s going to make it,” House told him.
“Well tell her to let me know if he makes it or not,” Wilson said. House raised an eyebrow at this.
”Well now I’m really curious, you used to talk to your mom at least twice a week and now you don’t even want to go and see your dad who could be dying,” House said, “what’s going on Jimmy?”
”Don’t call me that House,” Wilson muttered.
”And now you don’t even like the nickname your parents call you, interesting,” House mused.
”It’s not interesting, we had an argument and I don’t really want to talk about it,” House looked at him, considering probing further but decided against it.
”So you’re not going to go a visit them?” House asked.
”Nope,” Wilson replied.
”Ok,” House said and opened the door, this confused Wilson, he’d never seen House give up so easily so he wasn’t surprised when he heard glass smash on the floor and the door shut quickly.
”Dammit House!” He yelled as he stood up and rushed to the door, he tried to open it but couldn’t, he turned around and spied the small broken bottle laying on the floor, “you’re an ass,” he called out and less then a second letter he fell to the floor.
When he woke up he was sitting in the passenger seat of a car, he looked around and spotted House in the driver’s seat.
”Good morning!” House called out cheerily.
”Piss off,” Wilson replied.
”Oh so you can drug me to go to my dad’s funeral but I can’t drug you to go see your potentially dying father?” House said, “seems like there are some double standards here.”
”I drugged you for your mother’s sake not just to meddle in your business,” Wilson argued.
”And I’m doing this for your sake, I know what you’re like, you’d never forgive yourself if your dad died and you weren’t there,” House countered. Wilson ignored him and stared out of the window, they pulled up to a traffic light and Wilson saw his opportunity, he undid his seat belt and grab the handle of the door, he pulled a couple of times but it remained shut and he sat back defeated.
”I hate you,” he muttered.
”I thought you might try to pull a stunt like that so I put the child-lock on the door,” House told him. Wilson thought for a minute before rolling down the window and putting his arm out of it. He’d almost got the handle on the outside of the car but stopped when he felt something sharp being stuck in his leg. He turned towards his friend and saw the syringe that House was holding.
”I really hate you,” he said.
”Sorry, couldn’t take any chances,” House replied as Wilson passed out again.
“Gregory House, what have you done to my son?” Wilson started to open his eyes when he heard the familiar voice.
”let’s just say he’s a little bit- medicated,” House told her.
”I swear to God Gregory if you drugged my son,” she replied.
”Would I ever do that Mama Wilson?” House asked.
“I don’t even doubt it,” she said.
“Mom?” Wilson muttered, looking out the window and seeing her standing there.
”Jimmy, darling, are you alright?” She asked.
”Yeah,” he grunted.
”Good then why haven’t you been answering my phone calls Mister?” She questioned.
”You know why,” Wilson responded.
”Oh you had a little argument with your father Jimmy, I’d have thought you’d have gotten over it by now, it’s been nearly a month.”
”It wasn’t just a little argument Mom,” he argued, “and you took his side so you can’t start getting all high and mighty with me.”
”Because he’s my husband!” She said.
”And I’m your son!” He countered. Mama Wilson looked down at the ground when he said this before looking back up at him.
”But he was right James,” she said quietly.
”No he wasn’t,” Wilson replied softly, voice breaking, almost flinching when he heard his mother use his legal name instead of the nickname she had been using for years.
”Anyone going to fill me in on what’s going on?” House asked.
”He didn’t tell you?” Mama Wilson questioned.
”No,” Wilson replied, “now if you don’t mind we’re going to go to the hotel that I’m sure House has booked.”
”You know me so well,” House said, “but I am curious as to what’s happened.”
”Drive House,” Wilson commanded and House turned on the car.
”Bye Mama Wilson!” He called out.
”Bye Gregory!” She called back as he drove off.
“So you going to tell me what that was about?” House asked as the two men walked into their hotel room.
”Nope,” Wilson replied, heading over to his bed and sitting down on the end of it. House stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of him, studying his friend.
”It must have been a big argument for her to start calling you James,” House said.
”Just drop it House,” Wilson snapped.
”What was it about I wond-“
”I said drop it!” Wilson shouted, “this isn’t just one of your mysteries! This is my life House, this is between me and my parents! This isn’t something that you can use for your entertainment!” Wilson now had tears slowly falling down his face and he looked down at his hands.
“You told them you were gay,” House stated and Wilson looked up at him, a quizzical look on his face.
”How-“ he began to question.
”We’ve been best friends for years Wilson, I know you’re gay, no matter how many women you date or marry, they never work out because you’re a bit fruity,” House explained and Wilson chuckled lightly at his phrasing.
”And there I was thinking I was doing a good job of keeping it a secret from you,” Wilson said, “well from everyone really, I thought if I just kept hiding it it would go away but I’ve known since I was a teenager.”
”Why hide it? There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to bang dudes,” House said.
”Thats not what my parents think,” Wilson replied, “my dad told me I was a disgrace to the family and that he was disappointed in me.”
”And now he’s laying in a hospital bed, maybe there is a God,” House said causing Wilson to laugh.
”My Mom decided she’d rather have a homophobic husband than a gay son so she took his side,” Wilson told House, “it’s funny, I always thought of her as the understanding one, I knew my dad wasn’t keen on LGBT people, he never tried to hide that, but my mom was always kind, she used to let me do ballet with the neighbours daughter when my dad would tell me that boys shouldn’t dance.”
”Wait you used to do ballet?” House questioned.
”Really, I’m telling you about my family hating me and you’re focussed on me dancing?” Wilson responded.
”You’re right, sorry, continue,” House said.
”Thank you,” Wilson replied.
”But really? You did ballet and your parents still thought you were straight all this time?” House asked.
”You’re an ass,” Wilson told him, but he was smiling as he said this, “yes, my parents wouldn’t let me take classes but my neighbours daughter did and she would teach me in the front yard when we got home from school.”
”This is definitely some information that I’m storing away for later,” House commented.
”Just remember I have your Mom’s phone number, I can call her and get some dirt on you,” Wilson reminded him.
”Alright, fine, I won’t use it against you,” House assured him, “maybe,” he added. Wilson rolled his eyes and laid back on his bed. House came over and sat on the edge of his own bed, “you know, we could go and mess with your parents.”
”And how do you propose we do that?” Wilson asked.
They found themselves at the local hospital less than an hour later, they were standing outside Wilson’s dad’s room, looking in and seeing his mom sitting with him.
”You ready?” House asked.
”No,” Wilson replied, “but let’s do this anyway,” the two men walked into the room and Wilson’s parents immediately looked up at them.
”What the hell are you doing here?” Wilson’s dad asked.
”I called them,” Mama Wilson replied.
”Why? I couldn’t care less if this fag was here or not,” Mr Wilson said.
”Dad,” Wilson said quietly.
”What? You’re not my son anymore James, unless you’ve come here to tell me that you’ve found a nice woman I don’t want you here,” Wilson tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes when he heard this.
”Actually, Mr and Mrs Wilson, we’ve come here to tell you that we are in love, we’re going to go to Vegas to elope, I’ve already got the Elvis impersonator ready for it,” House told them.
“We know when you’re lying to us Gregory,” Mama Wilson said.
”Does this seem like lying to you?” Wilson replied, turning around and grabbing House’s face, planting a kiss directly on his lips. The two men stood there making out when they heard Wilson’s dad speak up.
”Someone get these two homo’s out of my room!” He shouted. The two pulled apart, Wilson walked out of the room and House looked back to the other two in the room. He smiled at the looks on there faces, Mr Wilson looked mad and Mama Wilson seemed to be in a state of shock.
”Call me when he kicks the bucket Mrs Wilson,” House said, “I’d love to come and piss on his grave,” House turned around and limped after his best friend.
“You alright?” House asked as he and Wilson walked back into their hotel room. Wilson didn’t reply, he just went over to the window and looked out of it, “Do you think we messed with your parents enough cos I could go back and get down on one knee or something?” House joked, hoping to cheer up his friend, he went to say something else but noticed the slight shake in the other man and the quiet sob he let out. He headed over to him and put a hand on his shoulder before turning Wilson to face him, “you don’t need them,” he said, “if they can’t accept you for you then they’re not worth it.”
”They disowned me House,” he said quietly, “no matter how they felt or what they said they’re still my parents and this still hurts,” House squeezed Wilson’s shoulder before pulling him in to a hug.
”I know, but you’re a good man, I mean you kind of have to be to put up with me,” House felt Wilson’s body shake slightly as he chuckled at this, “and hey if you want you can share my mom, I’m pretty sure she likes you better than me anyway,” Wilson let out a laugh before pulling back slightly to look at House. His friend smiled back at him and he found himself leaning forward slightly, “are we about to have a repeat of what happened at the hospital? Cos if so I should probably take a breath mint, you didn’t give me a chance last time,” House said.
”Shut up,” Wilson replied, placing a hand on the back of House’s neck and pulling him towards him. Their mouths met and the two of them shared a kiss, it was soft and slow, the sort that was hesitant as it was new but also full of familiarity. It felt as if they’d never done it before and done it hundreds of times all at once. It was full of comfort and longing and hope for the future and Wilson found himself melting into it as House brought a hand up to the back of his head, playing with the hair that sat there. They broke apart moments later, both panting slightly.
”Well that was fun,” House commented, “same time next week?”
“Are you unable to take anything seriously?” Wilson questioned.
“Not really,” he replied. Wilson rolled his eyes and turned towards the window again. House put an arm around the other man’s waist and planted a kiss on his temple. Wilson smiled up at him before laying his head on the taller man’s shoulder and they both stood there looking out at the sun that was beginning to set outside.
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loveaurdeepression · 3 years ago
Jealousy-Pin Hawthorne x reader
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This is Part-1
Warnings- Jealousy? Insecurity, wanting to stab someone, sad reader, sad Pin, language, death of a horse (not graphic. part of backstory), this is a bit dramatic for a Free Rein fic. not proofread.
A/n- This is a self-indulgent fic and does not follow the timeline of the show, i’m pretty sure I don’t know what I’m doing.
Summary- Y/n is jealous of Zoe
Tag: @thatfangirl42​
Damn her, damn her for being so perfect. Damn her for getting everything you ever wanted.
Damn her for taking away Pin, your best friend.
Damn her for taking away Raven, the only thing that reminded you of Diana.
Damn Zoe Philips.
It seemed as if the world stopped moving.
Your mare, Diana broke her leg.
She had to be put down.
“ Y/n, we have to.” Pin said, “ Diana is in too much pain, do this for her.”
You couldn’t, how could you? The black mare was the one thing that made you happy. She was the sweetest, most loving creature, even Raven liked her, and he hated everybody.
Pin knew how much you loved Diana, and how much she loved you. It broke his heart, because not only was he devastated over Diana, he knew how much she meant to you. You never had the best relationship with your parents, so you decided to come here, to live with your relatives. Diana was there for you, she made you laugh, she’d chew your hair, and she trusted you, more than anyone.
“ Pin, I can’t! She can’t die! She won’t! She’ll heal and we’ll all be fine.” you replied.
Sighing, he came over you and took your hand.
“ Y/n, Diana is in pain, if you love her, you have to let her go, I’m so sorry Y/n/n. Please do this for her. Relieve her from her pain.” 
Sobbing, you nodded and he pulled you into a hug.
“ Shhh, cry all you want sweetheart. Let it all out. Everything’s going to be alright.” he kissed your head.
Pin helped you get over Diana’s death, bit by bit. He introduced you to a new horse Shadowfax. That was when you realized you loved him.
You thought he loved you too, after all, he was closest to you. Always defended you from Mia, you both always rode together, and he liked having you around.
How wrong you were.
Everything changed the day Zoe found Raven.
Raven, who liked you the most, went and bonded with Zoe. 
Pin seemed to hate her at first. But you saw the was he looked at her when he thought no one noticed. 
You thought you could physically hear your heart break.
So you distanced yourself. From Pin, from your relatives. From Becky and Jade. 
You only focused on riding. 
“ Y/n’s acting strange lately. Have you noticed Becky?” Jade asked her best friend as they were hosing down Bob.
“ I’ve noticed Jade, we should talk to her.” Becky agreed
“ She’s been getting better and better at riding everyday. She’s going to make the under-18 team. I bet you.” Jade nodded towards you, who was practicing , “ and she’s not talking to Pin either. I found that so strange! They’re so close! and Pin really likes her!”
“ Let’s talk to her after she finished practicing.” Becky suggested.
“  Yes, let’s.”
“ Well, that didn’t go well at all.” Becky grumbled.
“ Agreed.” Jade replied.
You gave short answers and when they prodded you, you snapped at themm clearly angry.
“ Pin’s the only one who’ll be able to talk to her.” Jade said.
“ What’s up guys?” Zoe came up to them.
“ Y/n.” they said in unison.
“ Oh. what happened?”
“ She’s not talking to any of us.” Becky explained.
“ Yeah, I found it weird. Pin keeps talking to me about her, he’s getting worried. She won’t talk to him.”
“ He needs to go talk to her!” Jade exclaimed, “ I can’t see my friend like this! She’s only focusing on riding, tiring herself out everyday and not talking to any f us!”
“ Pin needs to talk to her! I ship them so much! I can’t let that ship sail!” Becky groaned.
“ Becky! Jade! Calm down. I’ll talk to Pin and tell him to talk to Y/n.”
God, you wanted to stab Zoe, like just lodge a knife in her stomach and watch the-
“Woah! Getting a little ahead of myself there!” you said to yourself. But what else was there to do.
You felt bad for snapping at Becky and Jade and wanted to go apologize to them. So you made your way to the stables and there you found Pin..and Zoe.
They seemed to be talking quite seriously and Zoe looked around before whispering something in his ear.
You couldn’t take it.
Head up, chin out and fighting back tears, you walked past them to Shadowfax’s stable to tack him up. 
“ Shit.” Pin whispered.
“ Go! Talk to her!” Zoe pushed him towards you.
Taking a deep breath, Pin made his way to you.
“ Hey Y/n/n.” he said, coming to pet Shadowfax.
“ Hi.” you reply.
“ Are you okay? You’ve been distant lately.” 
“ I’m fine, thank you for asking. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go practice.” you lead your horse out and quickly made your way to the training area. (i don’t what it’s called).
Pin followed you and took your hand, you pulled away and didn’t look at him, missing the hurt on his face.
“ Shouldn’t you be with Zoe?” you ask him, voice bitter.
“ Zoe? Is this what all this is about?”
“ Like I said Hawthorne, I have to go practice. Good day.” you walked away..
“ Dammit!’ Pin shouted after you left.
After your practice and rubbing down Shadowfax, you made your way to the cafe. You were pushing yourself a bit too much, and walked home tired and on the verge of fainting everyday.
You went inside to find Becky at the register. Good, you still wanted to apologize to her.
“ Hey Becky!” you call out, making her eyebrows go up.
“..Hey Y/n.” she replies.
“ I just wanted to say, I’m really sorry for how I snapped earlier. I don’t know what’s gotten into me these days. I hope you can forgive me.” you apologize.
Becky smiles before reaching out and giving you a small hug from across the counter.
“ I forgive you, now lemme get you a cupcake.” 
“  I just want to know, why are you not talking to us anymore? What have we done? What have I don-”
“ Pin! Stop talking to yourself in the mirror and come down! I need your help with dinner!”
“S-sorry coming dad!” Pin yells and runs down to the kitchen.”
“Y/n, please just tell us!” Jade coaxes.
Clenching your jaw, you refuse to look at them. They started prodding you with questions again and you almost snapped at them.
“ Please, we just want to know what’s going on with our best friend.” Becky puts her hands on your shoulders,
“ Me?” you scoffed, “ isn’t Zoe your best friend.”
Becky glanced at Jade.
There, That’s the reason
“ Y/n, we like Zoe a lot, but she could never replace you. You’re our best friend too! and Zoe’s really nice, but she isn’t you, no one is . We love you!” Jade hugged you from behind.
Tears start forming in your eyes and you hastily blink them away.
“ I’m so sorry. I was such a bitch to both of you.” you hold their hands.
“ Hey, it’s ok, we forgive you.” they sandwich you in a hug.
“ So, what’s the deal with Y/n? She isn’t coming over anymore?” Ted asked Pin,
“ I don’t know dad, she isn’t talking to me, she just glares at me and tells me to go play with Zoe instead of wasting my time.” Pin grumbles.
Ted starts chuckling, clearly understanding what’s going on.
“ Dad, why are you laughing?” Pin questions, unamused.
“ Oh son.” Ted gasps, “ you’re so oblivious.”
“ What do you mean?”
“ Pin, Y/n likes you, and she’s jealous. The same way you were jealous of how much time she spent with Marcus, she’s jealous of the how much time you spend with Zoe. Go now. Talk to her.”
“ What?” Pin asks, a little stunned.
“ Go Pin!” Ted shoves him out.
“ I was jealous, I thought that you didn’t want to be around me anymore. I thought you preferred Zoe and I wouldn’t be surprised, she is lovely. But the truth is, I love you Pin, god I love you.”
“ You know, if you want to practice confessing your love, it’s best not to do it where someone else can hear it.” Marcus’s voice comes from behind you.
“ Oh shit.”
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mieteve-minijoma · 3 years ago
Take Me Back (To The Night We Met) - Coming Soon!
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“So why did you wait so long, huh? That night, when I came and apologized to you for our fight, that was why you were crying, wasn't it?” Betty sucked in a breath and nodded. She felt her heart crack as he yelled, “So why didn’t you tell me right then?! If you really loved me, you would have been honest!”
“GOD DAMMIT, JUG! I WAS SCARED, OKAY?!” she shouted back before collapsing to the floor and bawling, the weight of everything hitting her all at once. 
She hugged her body tightly, desperately trying to keep herself from breaking further as she whimpered, “I didn’t want to lose you too...” 
Jughead felt his fury plummet to the ground with him as he sank to his knees in front of her, gathering her into his arms and allowing her to cry into his neck. She clung to the flannel he wore, whispering words, begging for his forgiveness. He stroked her hair and shushed her, rocking her as she cried.
“Shhh. Betts, don’t cry... I know-- you made a mistake... I know you didn’t want to hurt me... We’ll get through this, I promise. I love you so much... it’ll be okay... we’ll be okay,” he murmured into her hair, soothing her pain despite his own. 
After what seemed like an eternity, her tears finally slowed but her grip on him never loosened. He could hear her breath evening out, small hiccups escaping her as she tried to calm down. She trembled in his arms, his words soothing her tortured soul. 
He still loved her, despite her horrifying mistake, he still loved her...
“I don’t want you to hate me, Juggie... but I wouldn’t blame you if you did...” she murmured honestly. “I hate myself, so it’s okay if you hate me too...”
“Hey, Betty... I could never hate you, ever. Am I angry? Yes, but it’s not even so much about the kiss. Look at me,” he lifted her chin and gazed into her swollen tear-stained eyes, “I understand you weren’t thinking straight, okay? We’d both just been through a shit load of trauma and, as fucked up as it is, I can see how that would cause you to cling onto something familiar. Archie represents something from before our lives turned into a badly written teen drama,” he paused and sighed, pulling her back into his chest. “I’m more upset that you felt the need to hide it from me for so long... I thought we were past keeping secrets, Betts?”
“I wanted to tell you as soon as it happened, Juggie. And I tried a million times, but I was just so afraid of what would happen. I couldn’t bear the thought of you hating me, or thinking that it was in any way your fault, or because I didn’t love you. I was stupid and I messed up...” Betty felt the tears falling again but she didn’t want to stop them. She needed to get it all out, she couldn’t hold onto it anymore.
“I understand that you were scared, Betts. I just wish you had told me sooner. I can’t promise I will be able to get past it quickly - and I’m definitely gonna kick Archie’s ass when I see him again - but I don’t want to lose what we have over a meaningless, trauma-induced kiss. I already told you that once and I still mean that, Betty,” Jughead lifted his hands, cradling her cheeks in his palms before kissing her forehead. “I mean it, I love you and don’t want to lose you. We can work through this, but I just need some time.” 
“I’m so sorry, Juggie. I will do anything to make this up to you, anything,” Betty laid her head on his shoulder and sighed heavily. She was grateful for the chance to make things right and move past this together but she knew it was going to take a lot of work. She was fully prepared for this to be an uphill battle, one that would hopefully make them stronger in the end. 
“Betts, I have to ask...” he murmured, causing her to brace for the worst, “Does Veronica know about this?”
“No,” she breathed a sigh, “I wanted to tell you first. And I’m almost certain that Arch-- I mean, I don’t think he told her either. God--” she choked, “she’s never going to forgive me for this...”
“I’m not gonna lie, Betty, that’s a strong possibility. However, she might not hate you. Either way, she still deserves to know about the kiss. She’s your best friend, she needs to know what happened between you and Archie. Especially if Archie was the one who instigated everything after and wanted to take things further,” Jughead remarked, a small growl escaping his throat when he said his name. 
“Hey, hey, hey... I love you, Juggie. Only you,” Betty whispered and leaned up, kissing him softly to show him that he is the only one she has ever wanted. “It’s only ever going to be you, Jug.”
“I know.”
Chapter One Coming To AO3 Tomorrow!
This story is a complete canon divergent (starting after 4x17) that negates everything we know so far. No crazy superhero powers, obsessed serial killers, rabies fever dreams, or anything of the sort.
Now, I'm warning y'all now: this fic handles some heavy topics that could be triggering to some people and is angsty AF, but I’m hoping that once it’s complete, y’all will love it. (Don't worry, I will throw up a trigger warning at the beginning and will put them in the tags.)
Listen, I seriously poured my heart, soul, and even a butt load of tears into this one guys, so coming soon: My take on how the S5 time-jump should have been…
-Bina 💜
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todomochi-uwu · 4 years ago
Of Unspoken Troubles & New Threats (2.5/3)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Warnings: Angst, and pls don’t kill me
Author’s Notes: Some of yall are going to be real pissed off and I can feel it in the back of my mind, but I didn’t want to cut it out, I wanted to build up the tension to the maximum! Don’t worry, tomorrow the next and FINALE part will be published, for now enjoy this. (I had already published this, but it wasn’t showing in the tags, and I’m about to cry)
“Take it, not so much of a threat, but as a warning.”
Previous parts: First Second
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Since the very first second Ushijima had noticed the sudden raising friendship between you and the Nekoma captain lots of ill-mannered thoughts had started forming in the back of his head. Like, what would happen if he were to spike right into Kuroo’s head when he turned around? Or would it affect much his opponent’s game if he were to, I don’t know, break every single one of his fingers? Fumes seemed to come out of his ears, his spikes were harder than ever, his voice became even lower and the pressure he was putting on his team was becoming a little too excessive.
“What the fuck is up with Ushijima?” Semi said, hand on his knees, barely being able to breathe. 
Reon sat on the floor, trying to stabilize himself, “That’s what I want to know, what has got him like this? None of these teams is a threat to us.”
Tendou let out a giggle while throwing his head back in exhaustion, “It appears manager-chan has stroked a nerve in our dear miracle boy.”
“What do you mean?” Shirabu said while trying to crack his spine without causing even more damage.
“Look over there.” The red-haired man pointed to the other side of the gym, where you sat analyzing some of the game plans and notes you had made, while Kuroo sat next to you, chin resting on top of your head, casually caressing your back.
Goshiki furrowed his eyebrows, “What is Nekoma’s captain doing with our manager?”
“I didn’t know they were that close.” Tendou said, “But this new ship seems to be stressing the fuck out of our captain, the poor boy doesn’t know how to react to jealousy, I don’t think he has ever experienced it before, at least not to this extent.”
“Wait! Ushijima san likes Y/N-chan?” Goshiki looked wildered, expressing himself louder than he should. 
“Shh, man keep it low! We don’t want lover boy hearing us!” Shirabu smacked the back of the next inline ace.
“So, what’s the plan? Are we going to help them out? Like get them together or something?”
“Nope.” Tendou simply said. 
Everyone looked at him confused, did he not want Ushijima to go back to normal? “Don’t get me wrong, all this training is killing me, but I think our ace needs to learn how to take care of his significant other, to know Y/N has a limit no matter how much they love him.”
Goshiki eyes widened in shock, “Wait, wait, wait so they are already…” The harsh smack of a ball made them all turn around, Ushijima was there looking directly at them, the stern look in his face said everything.
“God fucking dammit, I hope all of this is worth it,” Semi said under his breath, everyone agreeing with him in his mind.
Things hadn’t gotten any better, every hour Ushijima only seemed to be getting worse, more laps, more blocks, more sets, it wasn’t until the sound of a whistle was heard all across the room that the entire team sighed in relief.
“Hey, boys! Good job today, I think we have improved, I don’t have any commentaries other than to tell you to please enjoy your meal and rest well, you guys deserve it.” You smiled with sympathy, by the looks in their faces they were about to pass out. Oh Ushijima, what in the hell are you doing? You thought. 
As they started scattering around and leaving the gym you noticed that Ushijima was not going with them, “Do you need anything, Ushijima-san?”
“Are we meeting outside at midnight?” He said. 
Your eyes lighted up for a second, butterflies flying in your stomach, but the reality was quick to hit you and bring you back to earth, “I don’t have any notes for you to revise, the boys did well today, nothing left for me to say, so no.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m not talking about that.”
“Then why would we meet later? There’s nothing for us to discuss.” You grabbed your things, making sure not to leave anything behind.
“Y/N…” He attempted to stop you.
“Ushijima-san, I highly suggest you going to the cafeteria, you need to recover, they are serving rice and curry today.” You gave him a slight smile.
“Y/N…” He tried again, but this time, someone else entered the scene, interrupting him, “Chibi-chan…” His tone was melodic. 
“Kuroo-san.” You greeted him.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were busy.” He said, in faux innocence. “I can come back if you want.” 
“No, I was just telling Ushijima we were done with today’s work.” You said rushing out the door, no looking back.
Kuroo could only follow you. 
The night was restless, Ushijima kept turning and squirming, anxiety was now invading his dreams, trembles ran down his body, his breathing was agitated and his heart running down miles per hour, his thoughts could not be appeased and he didn’t know what to do. The idea of you leaving him would not abandon his mind; seeing you with another man, laughing, smiling, had taken a toll on him; and to top it all you had rejected him. His mouth was dry and his hands wouldn’t stop shaking, maybe a quick trip to the bathroom would help him calm down. 
As quiet as possible, he opened the door, hoping to control his anxiety, only to be met with something that only made him even more nervous. You and Kuroo. In front of the manager’s room, talking quietly but so closely, the sole scene made him want to gag. He stared at you for a couple of minutes before Kuroo finally left you to go inside, and made his way down the hall, to meet with Ushijima.
“Hey Ushiwaka, didn’t see you there, it’s kind of late, go to sleep you must be tired.” The smirk on Kuroo’s face was like a slap in the face to the other captain.
“That manager of yours sure is a hard worker.” Kuroo said, staring directly into the ace’s eyes, “Must be nice to have her, it would be such… a shame if someone were to steal her away, right?” Kuroo said, his tone was dangerous, his words dripped in venom.
Ushijima could only glare at him, no words came out of his mouth.
“Take it, not so much of a threat, but as a warning.” With that, Kuroo left.
The same thing was repeating the next day, no matter how sore Ushijima’s muscles felt, he wasn’t planning on stopping. His head wouldn’t stop repeating last night’s scene. You and Kuroo. Kuroo and you. Late night. Close. Together. It was getting under his skin and he didn´t know how to deal with it, not when you were distancing yourself from him.
“Ushijima I think you should talk to her, this isn’t healthy.” Tendou knows he kind of deserves it, but he couldn’t help but worry for him.
Ushijima didn´t know what to say, “I tried, she rejected me.”
“Make an effort, follow her around just like she always does, you can´t expect her to forgive you if you don´t even try.” Tendou nudged him, trying to cheer him.
Ushijima sighed, conflicted, he knew he had done you wrong, but he wasn’t aware of how bad he had fucked up until now. He was sorry, there was no doubt, but he didn’t know how to express it. 
“Gather round boys!” You called out for the team, “For today’s schedule you will be going against, mmm let me check… Oh, Nekoma.” And to this, the entire team had tensed up, even more, fuck, this was going to be a very bad idea.
Nekoma approached, gathering up and stretching out before the “friendly” match, checking out the system they were going to follow throughout the game. Kuroo jogged to your side.
“Should I expect your captain to go all out?” He said.
“Please tell them to be careful, Ushijima is so tense, just as the rest of the boys, so be careful.” 
“You sound like you think I’m not capable of blocking out his spikes.” He teased.
“Kuroo.” You warned him.
“I know, I know.” He cracked the back of his head, “Okay, let the match begin.”
Tags: @samanthaa-leanne @missalienqueen @anime-weeb-bnha @minnieminnie00-got7 @ama-suhen @iiwah @saeranoppa @4ambagelbites @sunaswife @puma-d-a @lionhearteddame @ix-elastix @dudejuststop @pruemania @salty4tsukki @wonderblogger @animexholic @kenmascateyes @aralynxo @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle @tsibba01 @softkookyy @nnessworls @xxitsaeonxx @hallothankmas @sinex @shinhiromi @killuaking @icedberrytea @foreverdebbie​ @nati-08​ @amoursa​ @lilolpotato​big @bigtitmisfit​ @itzgabz22​ @holographicwriter​ @aonenthusiast​ @flmshneverbreaks​ @yeolliedokai​ @cyber3lf​ @lyrxbz​ @nikkiandherrandomshits​ @josieveli​ @ryk-iok​ @lueurdeespoir​ @vee-77​ @keiwaii​
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