#stop kidney dialysis by ayurveda
Best Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda -Best Ayurvedic Hospital For Kidney Treatment without Dialysis IN Ranchi Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
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Ajay Kumar Yadav, a kidney patient from Jharkhand, faced a challenging journey. After consulting multiple hospitals, doctors advised him to undergo dialysis due to his high creatinine level, which had reached 11.4 mg/dl. Desperate for an alternative, Ajay learned about BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi, renowned for its Ayurvedic treatments.
With hope, Ajay traveled from Jamshedpur to Varanasi. Within just seven days of treatment at BK Kidney Care Hospital, his creatinine level significantly reduced to 8 mg/dl. The hospital has a strong reputation for helping patients stop dialysis permanently through effective therapies and Ayurvedic medicine.
BK Kidney Care Hospital has successfully treated many patients, allowing them to overcome kidney disease without the need for dialysis. If you're seeking a natural and effective solution for kidney treatment, BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi is one of the best options.
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bkarogyamhospital · 1 year
Is it possible to cure kidney failure in Ayurveda ?
Yes, Ayurveda has various types of medicines and natural remedies available for the treatment of kidney diseases. According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas in the body called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and kidney problems can also result from an imbalance of these doshas. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney diseases may include the following methods: Relaxation and Yoga: Taking rest and adopting yoga asanas can benefit the kidneys. Pranayama and meditation can also help in improving health. Panchakarma therapy: There are five special healing methods called Panchakarma in Ayurveda, which help in the purification of the body. This may include virechana, vamana, basti, nasya, and raktamoksha. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): Due to the properties of Punarnava, it is a well-known medicine for kidney diseases. It helps in increasing urine excretion and is helpful in reducing urinary problems. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): Gokshura helps in the protection of the kidneys and is helpful in curing urinary disorders. It is also effective in removing stones from the urethra. Pashanbhed (Bergenia ligulata): This herb helps in breaking down and passing out of kidney stones. Shilajit: This natural pulp is useful in kidney diseases. Its properties especially help with urinary problems and kidney protection. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Amalaki is rich in Vitamin C and hence beneficial in fibroids and kidney related diseases. Cow urine: Cow urine is considered useful in the treatment of kidney related diseases in Ayurveda. Its properties help in removing urinary problems. Herbal medicines: Many herbs are used in Ayurveda to treat kidney problems. Herbs like punarnava, gokshura, pashanbheda, shilajit, and amalaki are commonly used. Natural Diet: Eating a balanced diet and cooking in earthenware is important in Ayurveda for kidney related problems. You should avoid spicy and spicy foods, and drink plenty of water.
Contact for more information :- 8081222333
Fore More Information Click Here :- BK AROGYAM
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BK Kidney care is providing information about kidney failure, kidney dialysis, Chronic kidney disease. we are treating kidney failure without Dialysis and kidney transplant with the help of Ayurveda.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 1 year
Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Ayurveda
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Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) or Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a progressive condition, where kidneys stop working slowly and permanently. This condition becomes a life-threatening issue when kidneys are unable to function from which a lot of complications arise within the body. The final complication faced by most often is a kidney transplant or Dialysis. But both of these are not a permanent solution. There are many reasons why Chronic Kidney Disease happens, and it damages tiny parts in the kidneys called nephrons. This makes those parts get bigger and harder, which eventually leads to kidney failure.
In this condition, Ayurveda treatment is found to be more practical and result-oriented because Ayurvedic treatment helps in the revival of the kidneys in a better way.
Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
In many cases, the primary contributors to chronic kidney disease are:
Uncontrolled Diabetes. People who are suffering from diabetes are at high risk of kidney damage
High Blood pressure
Heart disease
Kidney stone problems
Inflammation of Blood vessels (vasculitis)
Drugs used for the treatment of cancer
Analgesics like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen
Excess use of Antibiotics
Clot formation in the Urinary tract
Alcohol consumption
Dyes used in imaging test
Additionally, lifestyle factors such as addictions, diets high in animal protein and animal fat, consumption of acid-producing foods, and alcohol intake play significant roles in its development.
Symptoms associated with Chronic Kidney Disease
Urination at small intervals in larger amounts
Less urination than usual with dark color
Blood in urine
Pain or discomfort around the kidney area
High blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Sensation of coldness
Irregular heart rhythms
Nausea and vomiting
Chest pain
Swelling in the hands, ankles, or feet
Ayurvedic Outlook for CKD
In Ayurveda, Kidney problems are related to a system called “Mutravahasrotas.” This system is like a network in our body. In this network, the kidneys are crucial, and if they get hurt or diseased, it can be very serious.
Our body takes in food, and some parts are important for our health (called “Sara bhaga”), while others are waste (called “kitta bhaga”). The kidneys help get rid of this waste by making urine. In kidney diseases, three things play a role: pitta, which affects digestion; Kapha, which can block channels in our body; and Vata, which can damage the kidneys.
The problem often starts with the build-up of toxins (called “Ama”) from unhealthy food and habits. These toxins block the channels, causing kidney diseases.
In Ayurveda, it’s said that urine is made through a system called “mutravahasrotas.” This system uses two forces, Vyana vayu and Apana vayu, to make and remove urine. When something goes wrong with these forces, it disrupts the whole urine system.
Ayurclinic Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease
Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease is not organ-based. It takes into account the Tridosha, Saptadhatu, and Agni vichara. During the first phase of the treatment extreme care has to be given in controlling the blood sugar level as well as the blood pressure level if prevailing. The line of treatment for the management of Chronic Kidney Disease as per Ayurveda is Virechana, Swedana, Mutrapravartaka, Raktaprasadaka, Agni Deepana, Rasayana Chikitsa and Sarva dhathu poshaka, accompanied by strict pathya- apathyas.
Individualized Treatment Plans: Ayurclinic recognizes that every CKD case is unique, and therefore, they begin with a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s constitution, the stage of CKD, and any underlying factors contributing to the condition. This individualized approach allows them to tailor treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient.
Herbal Formulations: Ayurclinic formulates customized herbal remedies, leveraging the power of Ayurvedic herbs to address CKD. These herbal formulations aim to rejuvenate kidney function, reduce inflammation, and manage blood pressure effectively. The use of natural remedies ensures minimal side effects and promotes overall well-being.
Dietary Guidance: Diet plays a crucial role in managing CKD. Ayurclinic provides personalized dietary recommendations designed to support kidney health. Specific foods, spices, and dietary habits are suggested to mitigate the progression of CKD and maintain optimal kidney function.
Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle factors can significantly impact CKD. Ayurclinic offers guidance on lifestyle modifications that help manage stress, improve digestion, and promote overall well-being. Stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation may also be recommended to contribute to overall well-being.
Regular Monitoring: Ayurclinic closely monitors the progress of CKD patients under their care. This includes regular check-ups and assessments to track improvements and make necessary adjustments to treatment plans. This proactive approach ensures that patients receive the most effective care tailored to their evolving needs.
Panchakarma Therapies: In some cases, Ayurclinic may recommend Panchakarma, a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. These treatments aim to eliminate toxins from the body, improve liver function, and balance kidney-related factors contributing to CKD.
Key Take away
Ayurclinic’s commitment to holistic care extends beyond symptom management to address the root causes of CKD. With our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners and patient-centric philosophy, we focus on slowing down the progression of the disease, enhancing kidney health, and improving the overall quality of life for CKD patients.
To avail of Online consultation for the Ayurvedic treatment of Chronic Kidney or Renal Diseases in Melbourne from our highly experienced and qualified Ayurvedic doctors, you can contact us via call, at +61 3 9078 2940
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Introduction to Diabetes and Types  
Studies have shown that India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic, with 77 million people with diabetes. Of these, 12.1 million are aged >65 years, which is estimated to increase to 27.5 million in the year 2045. There are two most common types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes
With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin as the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed. In this condition, a person must take insulin injections daily to regulate blood glucose levels.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease where your body may not respond to insulin, or the body makes insulin but not enough or does not use it well, and thus the sugar levels could go haywire. Thus, sugar steadily builds up in the blood, eventually leading to the blood vessels hardening, causing heart attacks, kidney failure, and stroke.
What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Risk factors that can increase diabetes include
obesity and a sedentary lifestyle,
uncontrolled blood glucose synthesis in the liver,
hereditary causes
Dysfunctional beta-cell in the pancreas
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?
You may have diabetes if you have
Blooded vision
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Slowed healing of wounds, red, swollen, tender gums, and
Tingling hands and feet. If you experience such symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
What are the complications of Type 2 Diabetes?
Long-term untreated diabetes affects the nerve, kidneys, heart, and eyes.
Nerve damage: Diabetes damages the nerves in the legs and arms. These cause numbness, pain, and tingling that start with the fingers and toes and spread along the legs. If this is left untreated, a person can lose all sense of feeling. Diabetic neuropathy is a family of progressive nerve disorders.
Kidney damage: Long-term uncontrolled blood sugar leads to kidney failure that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Heart and blood vessels: For people with diabetes, who have high blood glucose cause blood vessels in the body to become damaged; when this happens, plaque can form in the blood vessels, making it difficult for the blood to flow.
Eye damage: Diabetes, if left untreated, can damage the retina of the eyes, which may lead to blindness.
Nutrients and vitamins:
Diabetic patients tend to have less nutrient absorption for vitamins like Vit C, D3, calcium, and Vit, herbs. Defective insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity cause metabolic disorders.
Ayurvedic Approach for Type 2 Diabetes
In Ayurveda, diabetes is described as ‘Madhumeha’. Diabetes mellitus is described as Vaat Pramehaand Diabetes insipidus is described as Kaph Prameha
According to Ayurveda, imbalances of kaph dosh, pitt dosh together with vaat dosh are the main cause of Madumeha. Vaat, kaph, and Pitt block the pathways connected to the mamsa (muscle) and meda (fat) tissues.
Eating too much, not exercising, being overweight—all these factors aggravate the vaat dosh of the body, where the body does not make enough insulin or does not use it well, and that leads to diabetes.
Ayurveda suggests Jamun and its seeds are highly effective herbs against diabetes. Known as jamboline and jambosine, the fruit seeds slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream and increase insulin levels. Diabetes symptoms such as frequent urination and thrusting can be reduced with it since it converts starch into energy. In addition to reducing serum glucose levels and insulin resistance, the herb also reduces dyslipidemia and enhances the function of B cells. As a result, the herb rejuvenates the pancreatic cells at the cellular level.
What is the Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?
Treatment of type 2 diabetes focus on the combination of diet and lifestyle changes along with medicines.
Lifestyle changes: Yoga has shown to be a great option in the treatment of diabetes. Regularly practising yoga can help to control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity in the cells. In addition to helping reduce blood sugar, yoga benefits by reducing stress levels and reducing the risk of heart problems by protecting cardiac health. Regular yoga helps to improve nerve function and boost metabolism, thereby improving nerve health.
Diet changes: It is recommended to consume low-fat foods, avoid any dairy-based products, and incorporate certain foods, such as bitter ground, Bengal gram, and fenugreek seeds, to control blood sugar.
Blood sugar monitoring:  Regular blood sugar monitoring is beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Although it is now one of the most common yet challenging health issues that people face, a rooted approach plus modern technology provide Meta medicine in the form of DiabGavyam, which is effective and consists of some of the best herbs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
DiabGavyam activates the pancreas, stimulates the secretion of a balanced amount of insulin, and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates. The formulation is blended with the herbs Jamun Beej, and Madhunashak that protect the nerve cells in the retina, thus fortifying the blood vessel, and promoting blood circulation, thus lowering the chance of diabetic retinopathy.
While medicine helps in the control of blood sugar; it does not have any side effects after taking a tablet. You can take 1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by your physician.
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panchgavyam · 1 year
Ayurvedic Approach To Type 2 Diabetes
Introduction to Diabetes and Types  
Studies have shown that India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic, with 77 million people with diabetes. Of these, 12.1 million are aged >65 years, which is estimated to increase to 27.5 million in the year 2045. There are two most common types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes
With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin as the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed. In this condition, a person must take insulin injections daily to regulate blood glucose levels.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease where your body may not respond to insulin, or the body makes insulin but not enough or does not use it well, and thus the sugar levels could go haywire. Thus, sugar steadily builds up in the blood, eventually leading to the blood vessels hardening, causing heart attacks, kidney failure, and stroke.
What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Risk factors that can increase diabetes include
obesity and a sedentary lifestyle,
uncontrolled blood glucose synthesis in the liver,
hereditary causes
Dysfunctional beta-cell in the pancreas
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?
You may have diabetes if you have
Blooded vision
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Slowed healing of wounds, red, swollen, tender gums, and
Tingling hands and feet. If you experience such symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
What are the complications of Type 2 Diabetes?
Long-term untreated diabetes affects the nerve, kidneys, heart, and eyes.
Nerve damage: Diabetes damages the nerves in the legs and arms. These cause numbness, pain, and tingling that start with the fingers and toes and spread along the legs. If this is left untreated, a person can lose all sense of feeling. Diabetic neuropathy is a family of progressive nerve disorders.
Kidney damage: Long-term uncontrolled blood sugar leads to kidney failure that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Heart and blood vessels: For people with diabetes, who have high blood glucose cause blood vessels in the body to become damaged; when this happens, plaque can form in the blood vessels, making it difficult for the blood to flow.
Eye damage: Diabetes, if left untreated, can damage the retina of the eyes, which may lead to blindness.
Nutrients and vitamins:
Diabetic patients tend to have less nutrient absorption for vitamins like Vit C, D3, calcium, and Vit, herbs. Defective insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity cause metabolic disorders.
Ayurvedic Approach for Type 2 Diabetes
In Ayurveda, diabetes is described as ‘Madhumeha’. Diabetes mellitus is described as Vaat Pramehaand Diabetes insipidus is described as Kaph Prameha
According to Ayurveda, imbalances of kaph dosh, pitt dosh together with vaat dosh are the main cause of Madumeha. Vaat, kaph, and Pitt block the pathways connected to the mamsa (muscle) and meda (fat) tissues.
Eating too much, not exercising, being overweight—all these factors aggravate the vaat dosh of the body, where the body does not make enough insulin or does not use it well, and that leads to diabetes.
Ayurveda suggests Jamun and its seeds are highly effective herbs against diabetes. Known as jamboline and jambosine, the fruit seeds slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream and increase insulin levels. Diabetes symptoms such as frequent urination and thrusting can be reduced with it since it converts starch into energy. In addition to reducing serum glucose levels and insulin resistance, the herb also reduces dyslipidemia and enhances the function of B cells. As a result, the herb rejuvenates the pancreatic cells at the cellular level.
What is the Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?
Treatment of type 2 diabetes focus on the combination of diet and lifestyle changes along with medicines.
Lifestyle changes: Yoga has shown to be a great option in the treatment of diabetes. Regularly practising yoga can help to control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity in the cells. In addition to helping reduce blood sugar, yoga benefits by reducing stress levels and reducing the risk of heart problems by protecting cardiac health. Regular yoga helps to improve nerve function and boost metabolism, thereby improving nerve health.
Diet changes: It is recommended to consume low-fat foods, avoid any dairy-based products, and incorporate certain foods, such as bitter ground, Bengal gram, and fenugreek seeds, to control blood sugar.
Blood sugar monitoring:  Regular blood sugar monitoring is beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Although it is now one of the most common yet challenging health issues that people face, a rooted approach plus modern technology provide Meta medicine in the form of DiabGavyam, which is effective and consists of some of the best herbs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
DiabGavyam activates the pancreas, stimulates the secretion of a balanced amount of insulin, and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates. The formulation is blended with the herbs Jamun Beej, and Madhunashak that protect the nerve cells in the retina, thus fortifying the blood vessel, and promoting blood circulation, thus lowering the chance of diabetic retinopathy.
While medicine helps in the control of blood sugar; it does not have any side effects after taking a tablet. You can take 1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by your physician.
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bkarogyam · 7 years
बढे हुए क्रिएटिनिन Level को कम करने का अचूक इलाज़ || Ayurvedic Treatment For KIdney- How TO Reduce Creatinine Level Naturally
बढे हुए क्रिएटिनिन Level को कम करने का अचूक इलाज़ || Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure #Ayurveda is an ancient science of treating(#बढे_हुए_क्रिएटिनिन_Level_को_कम_करने_का_अचूक_इलाज़ ). #Ayurvedic_treatment_for_creatinine_level makes use of herbs that have healing properties and have proven to reverse the kidney failure functions. BK Arogyam has been one of the best centers for Ayurvedic treatment in Asia. It has successfully treated millions of kidney patients and has created a brand name for itself and #Reduce_Creatinine_Level_Naturally. BK Arogyam is treating patient for many years and one of the #best_Ayurvedic_Hospital_In_India and full of Asia #Best_Kidney_Specialist_Doctor
See More Videos On Youtube Channel: BK Arogyam
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Asparagus is not just any other plant in your garden but a great health provider in disguise.
. #AsparagusForKidneyDisease #Asparagus #SolutionForKidneyDisease #naturalkidneytreatment #StopKidneyDialysis #KidneyCare
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karmaayurveda · 7 years
कुछ ही दिनों में कीजिये किडनी के बीमारी को सही - आयुर्वेद का चमत्कार – M...
Тhе соmbіnаtіоn оf hеrbs іs ехрlаіnеd bеlоw. Тhеsе hеrbs wоrk іn а sуnеrgіstіс mаnnеr tо rеstоrе thе іmbаlаnсе оf vаtа, ріttа, kарhа еnеrgіеs аnd hеlр іmрrоvе thе kіdnеу funсtіоn. Тhеsе hеrbs аrе nоt оnlу аn еffесtіvе #Aуurvеdіс_Kidnery_Trеаtmеnt (आयुर्वेद का चमत्कार – Miracle of Ayurvedic Medicine) fоr kіdnеу fаіlurе аnd аvоіd kidney  dіаlуsіs but аlsо gооd fоr суsts іn thе kіdnеуs, kіdnеу stоnеs аnd hуdrоnерhrоsіs duе tо аnу rеаsоn.
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roshny1306 · 5 years
How Karma Ayurveda reduced serum creatinine levels?
Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care center that is located in Delhi, India. Here Dr. Puneet Dhawan, with his team, is working diligently to help kidney patients. Usually, people take dialysis to get rid of their kidney disease. But, in this post, you will get to know how a kidney patient reduced his serum creatinine level, which was 12mg/dL without dialysis.
Miss Anita is a native of Patna. She is doing mass communication from a reputed college in Patna, and she is a very brilliant student and always ranks first in everything. But, she is careless towards her health, which is why she is fragile and thin.
It was about six months ago when she visited Karma Ayurveda for her treatment. At that time, she was suffering from the following health problems.
Shortage of breath
Puffy eyes
Poor appetite
Heavy stomach
Pain in the back and legs
Along with these problems, sometimes, Miss Anita observed foamy urine and frequent urination, especially at night. All these problems affect not only her but also her parents. She was not able to concentrate on her studies, which became a reason for her depression.
Yes, a kidney patient can go into depression if he does not get treatment on time. When you’re not well physically, then it can also affect your mental health.
Miss. Anita started taking treatment from an Allopathic doctor. She consumed Allopathic medications for four months but still didn’t observe any positive changes in her body. One day, one of her friends showed her the YouTube videos of Karma Ayurveda and insisted that she should take Ayurvedic treatment.
After discussing Karma Ayurveda to her parents, Miss Anita came to Delhi and started the treatment.
It might be unbelievable for you, but it is true. After taking treatment from Karma Ayurveda, Miss. serum creatinine level came down to 6.57, 4.8, and now 3.45mg/dL, that too in just five months.
Now she is not observing improvement in her physical health, but also feel energetic and more enthusiastic while studying. It is hence proof that Ayurvedic treatment has the potential to terminate your kidney disease as well as to rejuvenate your damaged kidney.
There’re lots of survivors of kidney disease who stop taking dialysis and take Ayurvedic kidney treatment. On the YouTube channel of Karma Ayurveda, You can see the stories of lots of kidney patients who are now living a healthy life.
On the off chance, you or anyone in your known is facing kidney-related issues, then consult Karma Ayurveda.
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BK Kidney Care Hospital: Best Kidney Disease treatment In Ayurveda In India
Established in 2000, BK Kidney Care Hospital is committed to providing affordable, high-quality healthcare. We specialize in Ayurvedic treatments, offering therapies like Panchakarma, Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (pouring liquids over the forehead), Nasya (nasal treatments), and herbal remedies.
Our approach is personalized, ensuring that each patient receives care tailored to their needs. We combine traditional Ayurvedic methods with Yoga, Meditation, and Dietary Therapy to promote overall well-being.
One of our main goals is to help kidney patients stop dialysis permanently and reduce high creatinine levels. We focus on treating the root causes of kidney problems, aiming to improve kidney function and enhance our patients' quality of life.
Our dedicated team of doctors and therapists work together to provide the best care possible. At BK Kidney Care Hospital, we are committed to helping our patients achieve long-term health and wellness through natural and holistic treatments.
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helloyashikasharma · 5 years
To keep you updated on how Karma Ayurveda is helping kidney patients worldwide; we brought the experience of kidney patients who received kidney treatment by Dr. Puneet Dhawan.
In the above video, we shared the Ayurvedic journey of a kidney patient Mrs. Razia Sultana who came straight from Uttar Pradesh to get creatinine treatment in #Ayurveda from Dr. Puneet Dhawan. The patient was facing many health-associated complications being at the stage of kidney failure. These complications include:
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Kidney treatments without dialysis and transplants, results from first week. STOP Kidney Dialysis Naturally With the Touch of Ayurveda.
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gshourya50-blog · 5 years
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This is a success story of whose patient who got better result from the treatment of B.K. Arogyam. if you also wanted to remove your kidney problem so meet doctor B.k Chaurasiya who is best ayurvedic doctor for kidney disease treatment in India.
You have any type of kidney problem and you want to free from dialysis than B.K. Arogyam is one the best choice for you. It is an Ayurvedic hospital where you can recover kidney problems without dialysis and transplant.
Call Us: - +91-8081222333
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kidney-diet-blog1 · 5 years
8 common Kidney Failure Symptoms & Causes (2019) - Hindi
Symptoms of kidney failure :
Every disease or health disorder is found to be linked with some symptoms and so that kidney failure. Our kidneys play many important jobs to keep our body healthy. Kidneys filter the waste, toxins, and excess water from the blood in different stages. #Kidney_failure is that stage of health at which kidneys of a person are not able to perform its functions. This stage of health is increasing the mortality level worldwide.
In the above video, we explained the major kidney failure symptoms. It is important for every individual to stay aware of these #symptoms because #kidney_disease is turning out to be a common health condition worldwide.
#Major_symptoms of kidney failure are:
1. Swelling of different body parts- This is one of the most common symptoms of kidney failure which occur due to an increased level of waste and excess water in the blood which the damaged kidneys are not able to excrete out from the body. It is important for the patients to get the right treatment while noticing swelling of ankles, legs, and eyes.
2. High blood pressure level- Managing blood pressure level is one of the major functions of our kidneys. High level of blood pressure can be a sign of damaged kidneys and hence the patients are advised to locate the right reason associated with it.
3. Anemia and weakness- Patients can also face anemia and weakness like health situations at the stage of kidney failure. Patients are advised to get the right diagnosis and treatment if these health conditions persist.
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Besides these, 4. Sleeplessness, 5. Frequent Urination, 6. Dry or Itchy Skin, 7. Stomach ache, and 8. Less or more urination
can also be some warning signs of kidney disease. People who are facing many of the above-mentioned symptoms are advised to take an early treatment.
Here it is also important for the patients to note that dialysis and kidney transplant like modern procedures never work as the right cure for your damaged kidneys.
Patients can get free from kidney failure like dangerous health situation by following the way of Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment.
So, if you or anyone around you is diagnosed with kidney disease or is in need to get the right treatment for kidney failure, then we at Karma Ayurveda are ready to help you out in the right manner. Get the right treatment from us and be a part of our ultimate aim i.e. “STOP KIDNEY DIALYSIS”.
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ayurvedanature-blog · 5 years
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