#stoncy x kalancy
nancykali · 5 years
Nancy is poly and dating Kali who is also dating Robin. And Nancy is also dating Jonathan who is also dating Steve. That’s just my two cents
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ohmuqueen · 7 years
me @ the sweet polyamorous intimacy between my ot4:  👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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Nancy Wheeler Defense Squad
Hey, we’re a new Stranger Things blog dedicated to loving all things Nancy Wheeler and showing her the support she deserves, especially considering the fandom’s attitude towards her recently.
Our main goal is to counteract the hatred she’s been getting by defending her and sharing positive Nancy content.
We support all Nancy ships, as well, and they will be present on the blog as well, but everything will be tagged accordingly.
We track the tag #nancywheelerdefensesquad and would love it if you tagged us in your edits, fics, moodboards, etc so we can spread the positivity and love for Nancy around.
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nancykali · 5 years
I really need 25 year old Nancy Wheeler with unconventional looking long ombre hair to her waist from bleaching it blonde 6 years ago, being a monster hunter and a sharp shooter in post-apocalyptic Hawkins. Both her arms covered in sleeves of tattoos, massive scars on her torso and legs from monster fights, and a necklace with a ring for the pendant. Kali, Steve, and Jonathan wear identical necklaces around their necks. 
Continuation of this headcanon
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nancykali · 6 years
Stranger Things young adults - lesser known things about them
Jonathan Byers is known for being into rock, alternative, and experimental music, and his photography. But what most don’t know about him is he also loves working with his hands—just not to commit violence, like his dad wanted him to. His mom taught him sewing years before Lonnie made him go out into the woods and shoot a gun. He loved building Castle Byers with Will, even though they had to work in the rain. When he was younger he made hemp bracelets for his parents and for Will, but it made Lonnie so angry and disdainful toward him that Jonathan never made anything that could be jewelry after that. He loves gardening, and helped his mom with a small herb garden before they had to move out of Lonnie’s place and Joyce had to work far more hours. He helped her dig the fire pit in their backyard when he was 13, and before getting a part-time job, was able to keep up a small vegetable garden Joyce helped him start. He loves doing carpentry with Steve, and after February 1984 he makes hemp bracelets for both Steve and Nancy. Nancy makes several with him, and on El’s fourteen birthday she and Jonathan each make one for El. Eventually the whole party is wearing bracelets Jonathan, Nancy, and El made for them. A couple years into dating Nancy and Steve, they both encourage him to do a pottery class with them, and Jonathan has the time of his life. The house they all own together nearly a decade later is decorated with Jonathan’s pottery, and a lot of the wood furniture was crafted by Jonathan, or Jonathan and Steve together. And of course Jonathan is in charge of which flowers and vegetables get planted in their yard, when and where, because he knows the most about it.
Nancy Wheeler took ballet until she was thirteen years old, and she ran track in middle school. Her mother and some of her female friends at the time discouraged her from continuing track in high school, so she didn’t. She never got back into ballet because she thought she was too out of shape, and honestly would’ve rather continued with track, if she’d been given the choice. But when her mother gave her the choice of getting rid of her old ballet shoes, Nancy let her do it, and resolved she wouldn’t go back to ballet if she couldn’t be on the high school girls track team either. But when she was closer friends with Jonathan and Steve in middle school (and before) she loved to race them on the track, and she won the majority of the time. She never was a show off, and outwardly very humble, but secretly she was proud of herself for beating the boys. Neither Steve nor Jonathan ever made her feel bad for beating them either. The first time she beat Steve in a race, he’d been so surprised and said several times how that shouldn’t have been possible because he was taller than her. Jonathan and Nancy teased him into a rematch, and Nancy still won. From then on Steve never said anything derogatory about Nancy beating him. Later in their lives, Nancy continues to prove her endurance in other ways. She has a high pain tolerance, can be sleep deprived the longest, and is the only one to run marathons for fun. She also has the sharpest aim with a gun (even superior to Kali).
Steve Harrington didn’t know how to swim until he was eleven years old, and Jonathan and Nancy had to teach him. It was the summer before his sixth grade year, and Nancy and Jonathan’s fifth grade year. They were all hanging out at one of the lakes, Karen their chaperone, with six year olds Mike and Will there too. Steve was extremely embarrassed that he couldn’t swim, and wouldn’t admit it until Nancy and Jonathan encouraged him to come swim with them. He’d planned to just stay on shore helping Karen with Mike and Will, and helping set up roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, but Nancy and Jonathan would not let him stay on shore until he finally confessed the truth, whispering so Karen and the two younger boys didn’t hear. Nancy and Jonathan were surprised but understanding, and Nancy yelled to Karen that they were going to walk through the woods for a bit, and Karen just told them to be back before sundown. On a more secluded stretch of beach Jonathan and Nancy taught Steve how to swim. And Steve takes to the water like nobody’s business - within a couple hours he’s swimming like it was second nature to him. Neither Jonathan nor Nancy are surprised when Steve takes a lifeguard job in summer of 1984, and every summer after until the three of them move out of Hawkins together. When he doesn’t have the time to be a lifeguard, he still goes swimming at the indoor pool just for exercise. 
Kali Prasad has many secrets, so really everything about her is lesser-known by her small group of friends. She’s a survivalist with leadership skills and remarkable creativity because of living a dangerous, precarious existence nearly her entire life. Every day had been a test of endurance, necessitating taking calculated risks and coming up with solutions to live through another day, mentally and physically. Kali doesn’t discover her more leisurely interests until she’s well into her teens. She loves Star Trek. She likes drawing, but it will be several years before she discovers the particular art associated with tattooing. She entertains the idea of becoming an engineer for a long time, but even then that’s a far off dream, in a universe where the remnants of the lab are no longer a danger to her. She likes singing, but has never performed or touched an instrument. After dating Nancy for four months, her girlfriend gifts her a sketchbook. She helps Steve fix up motorcycles just for fun. She learns how to shoot different firearms alongside Nancy. She shares art ideas with Jonathan. And she and El discover a lot of their interests together; painting, watching dramas, reading fantasy and science fiction and literature focusing on women. El and Nancy’s first trip alongside Kali back to Chicago involves graffiting and Kali and El visit a tattoo parlor to explore the idea of getting their wrist tattoos covered. Only then does Kali really acknowledge her passion for art becoming something she could explore, rather than just a fun pastime.
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nancykali · 6 years
Jonathan is the big spoon, Kali and Nancy are the middle spoons, and Steve is the little spoon and that’s just facts
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nancykali · 5 years
i know you like stoncy, but what do you think of a possible ot4 where kali is also included?
My time has come
Their ship name is staloncy!!
I have a tag for them!! (multiple tags actually but #staloncy is the most straightforward one) I have written a lot of headcanons for them but sadly not much fic. This is the staloncy headcanon I’m most proud of.
I would post about them so much if I knew more than 2 other people who ship them (but aren’t active in the fandom much)!!
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nancykali · 6 years
Nancy Wheeler goes to the mall for retail therapy a lot. She does this only after she gets her own job as a diner waitress. She buys gifts for Jonathan and Steve a lot but doesn’t give them the gifts except as bday or Xmas presents so they don’t feel obligated to return the favor. She gives all of the mix tapes Jonathan makes for her a place of honor next to her favorite books on her bookshelf. Steve gets her rings and bracelets and earrings most often and she wears them almost every day, switching it up obviously. Kali gets her makeup and her favorite snacks the most. They all get each other weed and cigarettes that’s just A Thing they do.
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nancykali · 6 years
An Aesthetique™: Nancy and Steve and Jonathan smoking a joint together while Depeche Mode plays in the background, talking about Kali’s next visit to Hawkins and how sexy they all are to each other because theyre fuckin high as kites and poly af
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nancykali · 6 years
I can’t imagine Kali in the same verse as stoncy without Kalancy existing also like Nancy is definitely earning her slut status but she doesn’t think it’s a bad thing because she has three wonderful loves in her life and honestly that’s what she deserves. And Kali deserves a family that wasn’t forged in tragedy okay. El is her sister but they share awful trauma and while they’re all five of them traumatized, Kali feels like Nancy and her boys are more independent than El, at least in the beginning, before El graduates high school. Kali will always be violently protective of El, because she understands exactly what El is going through. But with Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve she feels like she can be more carefree and powerful without so much the bitterness of vengeance.
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nancykali · 6 years
Jonathan: sweater bi
Steve: tight jeans bi
Nancy: bi haircut bi
Kali: punk bi
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nancykali · 6 years
i’m starving for Nancy/polyship content so here we are
Nancy wishes she could always cook for her partners. It’s one of her favorite things to do in the world. Making something she knows will make someone she loves happy. Watching them enjoy her food and getting to kiss them after they’re so satisfied with her work. Kali and Steve prefer spicy food, but Jonathan is very small town, and loves his traditional home-cooked meals. When they all move to New York City together (tho Kali’s life remains primarily nomadic, she likes to settle with them whenever she can) it’s mostly Jonathan and Nancy who cook. 
Nancy spends many Saturday and Sunday afternoons on the phone with Joyce, asking her about old recipes, having copied several from Joyce’s mother’s cookbook before they’d moved away. Joyce sends her faxes and letters of them too. 
Nancy is actually not as obsessed with makeup as most assume her to be. She doesn’t wear makeup every day, and sometimes goes weeks without wearing anything besides mascara and/or lip balm. 
Nancy never got to have a pet growing up because Ted was allergic. When they move to NYC she works more overtime than she ever had so she could save up the majority of the funds needed to adopt a cat. They pick up a gray tabby from the shelter and argue over names for three days. They finally narrow it down to Cleo (Jonathan was reading a lot about Greek myths that week; Waffles was a close second choice). 
Nancy loves to have her hair played with and Steve happily obliges her. Steve gets a day job as a hairdresser at a middle class hair salon and has the time of his life, often coming home to teach Nancy something he wanted to try out on her.
The three of them love walking the city together, Jonathan with his camera, snapping pictures of Steve and Nancy together, but also the cityscape itself. Nancy and Steve work together to convince Jonathan to give up his camera to one of them so they can have pictures of him. Nancy cozies up to his side, sticks her hand in his coat pocket to intertwine her bare fingers with his gloved ones, whispering in his ear. Steve slings his arm around Jonathan’s shoulders and says his long arms will allow them to take a picture of all three of them, finally convincing Jonathan to give up his camera for “one picture”. 
Ten minutes later Steve and Nancy are giggling like children, thrilled they got at least a couple decent pictures of Jonathan. Nancy knows how to develop photos without Jonathan’s help so she and Steve develop the photos of that session together without Jonathan there and then invite him to see their favorite pictures of him first. Jonathan’s bright red but he’s smiling and tugs them both close to rain kisses on them, before getting serious and asking where the rest of the photos are because he wants to see if he did a decent photo session.
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nancykali · 6 years
Nancy is thin gold chains, soft sweaters, glittering wet lip gloss. Gentle curls, natural looking makeup, pale lace, slipper socks. She’s also small hands with a strong grip, the cold hardness of metal, the steel gaze of eyes locked on a target. Snapping words and indignant anger, determined intelligence beneath a veneer of demure unassuming grace.
Kali is the chill the goes up the spine in a dark room, a vise-like grip on the arm, commands spoken with stern confidence. The smell of leather, combat boots, oil stained clothes. Kali is also a warm touch on the shoulder, instilling comfort and strength. The heat of a fire in a cold night. The feeling when the reassurance of shelter comes in the form of a person.
Steve is nails in a baseball bat, athletic strength and speed, cocky words and rash decisions. Scattered freckles on tan skin, soft untamed hair that begs to be touched, large hands that beg to be held. He’s also the steady constancy of loyal friendship, arrogance masking the fear of rejection. A bundle of contradictions wrapped in a warm, disarming smile.
Jonathan is the sleek intricacy of a camera, the quiet consideration of an artist, the cool distance of an outcast. Sloppy, flat hair, an unwavering assessing gaze, long silences spent in contemplation. He is also the determined confidence of someone who has known worse pain than most, and survived with anger and kindness becoming close companions. Both are his guides, and he knows how to control one without losing sight of the other.
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nancykali · 6 years
linked: an ot4 ficlet (Kali/Nancy/Steve/Jonathan)
It is a very firm Headcanon for me that the ot4, Kali and Nancy and Jonathan and Steve, fall into their polyamorous relationship so gradually it happens as an accident almost, the closeness between them. Of course the four of them didn’t have sex early in their poly relationship whatsoever. It had been just Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan for so long that the idea of including Kali in that respect didn’t occur to any of the three, and not to Kali, for months and months.
But the intimacy and close trust that developed between Kali and the trio is so strong after just a few weeks and takes all of them by surprise in different small moments, just knocking them over mentally.
For Nancy it was when Kali and she held hands for the first time at the mall. She’d held hands with Steve and Jonathan so much for over two years by then, she forgot what it was like touching a girl that wasn’t family. And Kali was a different kind of family to her – like Steve and Jonathan. And it hit her.
For Steve it’s when Kali goes to swim with the other three in a lake for the first time and Steve embraces Kali from behind while they’re treading water. And yeah he gets a fucking hard-on and has to swim away seconds later but it wasn’t just the hard-on (he swears, when he finally tells Nancy and Jonathan this story very far in the future. Jonathan chokes on his drink.)
For Jonathan it’s when just he and Kali sleep in Jonathan’s bed for the first time. He misses Nancy and Steve, of course, he always misses them at night the most. But Kali doesn’t feel wrong or strange being there, at all.
And for Kali, it’s three completely different moments than the other three’s moments. But it all comes much faster for her, like dominoes dropping one day after the other, clink, clink, clink, in the back of her brain. Physical touch was a big deal to Kali, but like Jonathan, it was other things that made her realize how much she’d let the other three in. She didn’t have her guard up completely, like she was so used to, and it scared her, for a long time. She would refuse to think about it. So the full realization hit her like a freight train.
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nancykali · 6 years
A High School in Hawkins, Indiana, in the fall of 2016
Nancy had known of Jonathan Byers and Kali Prasad since her freshman year. They were always hanging around each other, it was no surprise when they started dating. But Nancy had known Jonathan since they were both in diapers. And ever since they were 13, Jonathan Byers had avoided her like the plague. Like he didn’t like her anymore.
Then in their sophomore year, he started dating Kali Prasad. The jealousy that hit her the day she first saw them together was like ice in her stomach. It took seconds to realize it was more hurt than jealousy. And she couldn’t get Kali out of her mind. They had two classes together. Chemistry and History. History was second period, and with the morning chill still on her shoulders, Nancy would have to sit behind the girl dating her first and oldest friend and smell her shampoo and study the purple highlights in her hair. She’d have to hear her low voice and captivating accent whenever she was called on, or chatted with the girl next to her, a slim black girl named Mick.
And in Chemistry, fifth period, Kali sat in the back, in the middle, against the wall, as if she wanted the best view but to remain inconspicuous. Nancy wanted to talk to her, and she didn’t know why. She should hate Kali Prasad.
But Nancy was also fifteen and couldn’t understand most of what she felt or thought. She hadn’t even kissed a boy yet.
Then Steve Harrington, a junior, started paying attention to her.
From the beginning, her best friend Barb told her Steve was bad news. Barb and Steve were both in Nancy’s Algebra class. Steve would pass her notes and Barb would frown over her glasses as if she could rip the note from Nancy’s hands. She never did. And Nancy kept all of Steve’s notes, unbeknownst to Barb. Though she knew if Barb knew Nancy kept them, she wouldn’t be surprised.
Nancy got her first kiss after a football game in October. It was drizzling and cold as hell, and Steve had given her his letter jacket to wear. His lips had been dry and warm, and Nancy had wanted to burrow into him and had had to content herself with holding his hand tight when he walked her to her front door (her mother peeking through the blinds in the front sitting room, no doubt).
Some nights Nancy wanted to stay at school and never go home. Not even Barb would understand that. Sometimes she daydreamed about what it would be like to run around the school hallways in the dark, like in her favorite movies, The Neverending Story and The Breakfast Club combined. Mostly she pictured herself with Steve, his big hand grasping hers, pulling her along. But other times she saw Jonathan, his shy smile and soft hair and quiet voice, and her heart would always start pounding.
It was the times she daydreamed of being alone with Kali that confused her more though. Something about her made Nancy think her touch would be harsh but thrilling at the same time.
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nancykali · 6 years
November 1985
Nancy and Kali and Steve and Jonathan at the junkyard building a bonfire, all of them various stages of drunk or high. Kali and Nancy are crossfaded, because they’re the only ones who hadn’t had to drive at all that evening, and Jonathan gave them first dibs on the weed he’d brought. Jonathan had worked until 6pm and Steve had picked up the girls, from work and the bus station respectively. Jonathan had driven to the junkyard separately after work, finding his two girlfriends and boyfriend already tipsy on cheap beer, courtesy of Steve, and vodka, courtesy of Kali.
They do this as often as they can. Nancy is always the one coordinating, because phone calls don’t bother her as much as they do Jonathan and Kali. And Steve has major phone anxiety. So Nancy is the one arranging which house they’re supposed to be at while they’re at the junkyard. Karen is usually the only one who takes actual work to fool—Joyce doesn’t care that they hang out and drink and smoke, as long as she knows where so she can find them if they don’t get home the next morning. And Steve’s parents couldn’t care less.
Kali is playing with Jonathan’s Zippo lighter, which Steve had “stolen” again, and lit a cigarette for Jonathan when he arrived without him even asking. He kissed her before inhaling, and kissed her again on the first exhale. She smelled like leather and alcohol and wood smoke.
Steve was his loud, sloppily drunk self, draping a long arm over Jonathan’s thin shoulders and pressing short but needy kisses to his neck and cheek, missing his mouth several times before Jonathan held him still enough to kiss his lips. Steve’s tongue tasted like vodka, and after kissing two such beautiful people Jonathan felt half-drunk already.
Nancy kissed him too, before taking the pipe, her vivacious thank you colored with alcohol and invigorated by the late fall chill. It was the hardest month for Nancy, the month Barb had died. And also the month of her birthday, ironically enough. She would be turning 18 in less than a week. Steve had been calling this gathering her early birthday present for the past month, as soon as Kali had told them she’d be coming to visit in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. She’d been saving up for a bus ticket, still refusing to accept any financial help from Hopper, or even Joyce. But Nancy would eventually push some money on her, earned at the highway diner Nancy had been working at since last summer. Kali only took money from Nancy because Nancy knew things about Kali no one else did, not even El. It wasn’t blackmail, but a different sort of trust between them.
Jonathan could see it now, as Nancy took a hit with Kali standing right in front of her, sharing the Zippo lighter and Nancy wrapping one arm around Kali’s waist as she handed the pipe to her girlfriend. Kali seemed not to notice the close contact, but to those who knew her, she was clearly happy. It was in the relaxed angle of her shoulders, the lack of stiffness around her eyes and mouth, tense lines that always seemed to be there to everyone else. Except a few.
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