#stonathan fluff
harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Jonathan Byers and Steve Harrington
➻Betrayed- series Masterlist
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faithfulcat111 · 10 months
Stonathan Sunday
"Alright, who am I beating up?"
Jonathan couldn't help but smile as he watched his boyfriend try desperately to follow along with the kids' overlapping answers and defences to that question. It seemed he still hadn't learned that you must pick one to specifically answer or it was just utter chaos.
"But why were you guys harassing this James-kid anyway?"
Then again, Steve was always the best at somehow following along with what the kids were saying. Probably all the practice he got from listening to Robin and Vicki helped.
"Sounds like you brought that on yourself, Dustin."
Jonathan tried to tune back into what the kids had started arguing about. Something about a biology class and betrayals when it came to lab partners. Probably stemming from the fact that only five of them were in the class. Which meant someone had to pick a non-Party member to be their lab partner. And apparently, Dustin had drawn the short straw. Which had led to him being shuffled through multiple lab partners because none of the other students could put up with him in a science class like the other Party members could. Jonathan had felt sorry for him the first couple of times. He knew what it was like to have to be shuffled around on a partner project or in a lab class because no one wanted to work with the creepy kid. Then he realized that Dustin had sort of brought it on himself.
"Look, there is only a couple of weeks left of the semester, right?" Steve was rubbing at his brow again. "You guys agreed to re-draw straws after Christmas Break last summer. Whoever gets Dustin as their partner, just stick with him. And whoever gets the short straw, behave." He focused his glare on Mike and Max, which fair.
The kids wandered away, exploring the woods behind the Byers house, and Jonathan shuffled closer to Steve, "I think we should head inside."
Steve turned in confusion, keeping his voice low to match Jonathan's volume, "Why? You getting tired? Feeling alright?"
"Just tired," Jonathan lied, his eyes focused on the tension he could see building in Steve's shoulders and neck. They had a huge talk last summer themselves about actually reaching out when they needed help or weren't feeling well because they both tended to push it down. Jonathan wasn't sure how Steve hadn't picked up yet on Jonathan's tendency to only mention anything when he noticed Steve wasn't feeling well, but he was sure Steve was doing the same somehow. So, really, fair was fair. He let Steve lead him inside, out of the nippy cold that always came before it snowed.
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messrsbyler · 1 year
any fluffy / angsty stonathan hcs?
even though there's tension between them that neither can explain (it's attraction and everyone else can tell it is attraction), jonathan and steve get to know each other better since steve continued with his job at family video after they stopped doomsday and since jonathan decided to skip a year to spend at hawkins and really figure out what he wanted to do next in life without having anyone intervene in that decision.
since jonathan is back at hawkins and since movie night becomes a tradition in the byers household once more, jonathan makes a routine to go one day a week at family video searching for new films to watch. at first he asks steve for any recommendations but steve's movie taste sucks in jonathan's humble opinion, so the tables turn and it's now jonathan who is recommending movies to steve
each week steve is more than proud and excited to report to jonathan that he did watch the movies jonathan recommended and they have a nice little chat of the things steve liked, the things he found to be perturbing, and a new list of recommendations they can discuss the upcoming week.
when a really awaited movie makes it to hawkins' theaters, steve buys two tickets. he wants to attend with jonathan, something about the idea makes him feel funny inside, but he also doesn't know how to ask because... well, he and jonathan get along just fine and they've become something close to once-a-week acquaintances now, but going to a movie together is more of a every-day friends thing and maybe they aren't there yet, even though steve, oddly enough, wants them to be there because he enjoys spending time with jonathan and he wouldn't mind if their usual weekly meetings at the family store grows to be more of a daily thing outside steve's job. so, when the time comes, steve plays it cool because he is cool and collected and this isn't a big deal at all, so no reason to be nervous (he is immensely nervous) and blurs out something about buying to tickets for the movie for a date but the girl cancelled last minute so now he is stuck with two tickets, one for him and one for a plus one and maybe jonathan could be that plus one if he has nothing going on or, you know, whatever. it's not a big deal and steve is cool and collected and totally not nervous.
jonathan looks amused but also taken by surprise. "so, you are asking me on a date, then?" he says which is meant to be a joke and everyone and their mother knows it's meant to be joke. steven knows it's a joke by the laugh that follows jonathan's words and the grin on his rather handsome face but for a second steve's brain stops working and goes oh, well. that wouldn't be so bad, now, would it?
from there they go in these not-dates more often and steve even gets invited to one of the byers' movie nights. steve and he get closer and closer until steve can't really deny it. he likes jonathan. in a friend way, sure, but also in a way where he wouldn't mind if jonathan slipped an arm across his shoulders or maybe... even kiss steve, or something...
steve also gets to see what a family looks like. dinner at a table that's not empty, inside jokes, and this cozy feeling that warmth his stomach whenever joyce smiles kindly at him and asks him how work was today. it's nice to not be in a huge and empty house for once.
steve also breaks through jonathan's shell and propels him to do things he wants to do and even be a little selfish at times. steve insists jonathan should live his life however he wants to live it since no one else will do it for him, and this really inspires jonathan to not be so afraid of going after the things he wants for once.
jonathan is quickly adopted by robin and they have a blast making fun of steve, robin in more of an upfront way while jonathan does it in a more sarcastic and quick-jab type of way. both of them keep a layer of fondness in their snarks, though, and steve only pretends to be angry at them but everyone can see through the surface at how much steve loves seeing his best friend and his... uh, friend-who-he-would-totally-kiss-stupid getting along
finally they dare to explore more in depth what their relationship means to each other. jonathan loves to see how well steve fits with his family, how he cares for will and el and has a good time helping joyce at the kitchen when it's her time to cook, how he learns where everything is around in every cabinet and how he now has a spot at the table that no one else can take.
steve is more the kind of reaching out to show his live in little touches; a hand on jonathan's hair, a pinch to his waist, a peck on his cheek. jonathan is a bit shy in that front, but whenever he gathers the courage to start skinship steve is left a little dizzy with a bunch of butterflies flying around his stomach.
whenever they are together, jonathan makes sure to pay extra attention to steve's scars, running a thumb across them and dropping a quick kiss before he gets too shy to continue being so damn soft for no other than steve harringtom himself.
they talk about everything. steve learns about lonney and how hard it was on jonathan when he left, how he had to take on the role of a parental figure for his little brother and become a stable support for his mom. how guilty he still felt some nights for not being there when will was first taken. how he had to adapt to receive a new member to their family while his mom mourned hopper and they all tried to get used to being away from their home. how jonathan finally got his first friend, a real one he could fit with. how he learned to cope with his trauma, maybe not in the best way.
jonathan learns about steve's parents, how they've never been around, how they thought the most expensive gifts would replace love and care. steve learns that steve is not a stranger to loneliness, and how even though he was the so called king of hawkins school he was so alone and lost thinking popularity would give him what his parents denied him, love and respect. but it was all shallow. he learns about robin and how she became steve's best friend, learns about how much dustin actually means to steve, like a little sibling he would do anything for. and they both understand how similar they actually are.
one night during movie night, it gets too late for steve to drive back to his house and joyce offers him to stay which steve happily does. they throw a sleeping bag next to jonathan's bed that is quickly discarded when jonathan tells steve to just climb up (mind you, this after steve complaining over how he is not used to sleeping in sleeping bags and how he could still feel the floor being so damn hard beneath him. jonathan got tired of hearing him whine about it and told him to join him in bed). ever since, steve learned how much he enjoys sharing a bed with jonathan, who at first looked annoyed at steve for not shutting up and for now taking half of his bed but that later into the night rolled over and hugged steve closer in his sleep.
okay, i have more and more and more but that's it for now! i love all type of stonathan headcanons, but those that explore how they got closer and then started dating are my FAVORITE! hope you enjoy and see my vision!!
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
Can you do 26 on the regular prompts and 6 on the smut prompts for Stonathan x reader? Please and thank you
Sometimes friends just isn’t enough - Stonathan x reader
WARNING ⚠️- SMUT, daddy kink, sir kink, oral sex (both f and m receiving), unprotected p in v (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT PLEASE), vaginal fingering, slight breeding kink, mommy kink. All three of them are consenting adults, this is much longer than I expected. BTW: they have clothes at Steve’s because they all often stay at Steve’s house
It was nearing the end of your group hangout as the kids left with Nancy and Robin, Eddie taking half the kids and nance and Robin taking the other half. Leaving just you, Steve and Jonathan at Steves house. You start picking up trash and cups as Jonathan suggest’s pulling out the alcohol. Steve of course quickly agreed with Jonathan and also told you to stop cleaning, which you promptly ignored and continued what you were doing.
“Are they coming back later?” You ask as you move some cups into the kitchen. “No I think nance and Robin said they were going home after dropping the kids and Eddie said he had a deal to do” Steve said taking the cups from your hands.
“Oh, so it’s just us tonight then?” You ask moving to sit down. “Yup” Jonathan said popping the p. “Steve do you need helping doing the dishes” you ask suddenly feeling a little stressed that you were left with your two long term crushes. “Nope sweetheart, I told you, you don’t have to clean” he replied over the running water. Sweetheart. Something about being called a pet name by one of the loves of your life making you blush. “You okay y/n/n? You’re looking a little red” Jonathan asked as he came and sat next to you. He passed you a glass of whatever alcohol was mixed into the leftover pop.
“I’m fine Jon, it’s just hot in here” you replied shifting in your seat a little. “You’ve got something under that sweater right?” You nodded, “take it off then” he replied turning toward you instead of the kitchen.
“Jonathan I only have a bra on” you replied shaking your head. “Go ahead, we don’t mind” Steve called from the kitchen. You turned to look at Jonathan who just nodded his head at Steve’s statement. “Alright then” you replied pulling the sweater over your head. Now your bra was in full view. It was new, you bought it the other day with Robin. It’s light pink and has lace flowers on it. When you caught Jonathan staring you blushed and looked away. You heard something hit the counter in the kitchen and looked up to realize Steve was also staring at you. Once Steve finished the dishes he moved to sit on the opposite side of you than Jonathan was. 
“Are we gonna drink now or what?” You asked sipping your drink. They both nodded and drank their cups. After about five cups you were all pretty drunk. “Geez Steve, what alcohol even wassss that?” You slurred, leaning into his shoulder. “I don’t know but it’s pretty strong” he laughed, the motion shaking you too.
“I wanna climb something” Steve said jumping up. “Climb what Stevie? There’s nothing to climb in here” you said jumping up too albeit a little less gracefully then Steve. Jonathan stood up after you so you leaned onto him for support. “Actually there is, there’s a treehouse in the backyard” he shouted as he ran out of the house through the patio door. “Steve, oh my god!” Jonathan shouted after him. You both ran outside just in time to see Steve fall off the third rung of the ladder and onto his back. “God Stevie are you okay?” You yelled as you ran to him. Once you stopped by his side you kneeled down next to him.
Jonathan quickly followed you and kneeled on Steve’s other side, “Being friends with you is like being friends with a five year old” he paused before he continued, “… who drinks” Steve must have found that hysterical cause he burst out laughing.
“Steven” you chided, “let’s get you inside” you said pulling him up and wrapping your arms around his shoulder. You started walking and then noticed Jonathan wasn’t following. “Jon, a little help here?” You called back so Jonathan quickly ran to grab Steve’s other side. You both took him inside and all but carried him up to his bedroom. “Steve, you’re bleeding” Jonathan said, pointing out the cut on his forehead. You left into Steve’s bathroom and searched underneath his sink for the first aid kit. Once you found it you walked back to Steve and tilted his chin up. You pulled out the wipes to clean his cut and quickly cleaned it before sticking a bandage on it. You didn’t realize how touchy Steve was being until you tried to pull away, but couldn’t due to Steve’s hands on your waist.
“Don’t leave, please” he said leaning his head onto your stomach. “I won’t leave, I just need to put the kit away” you said running your fingers through his hair. “Be quick” he requested as you left to the bathroom. As asked of you, you quickly put the kit away and moved back in front of Steve.
He laid his head back on your stomach so you returned to running your fingers through his hair. You were so focused on Steve that you didn’t realize Jonathan was staring at you again. You looked down and quickly remembered you still weren’t wearing a shirt. “You having a nice time with your crushes face on your bare skin?” Jonathan asked from behind Steve. “Jonathan!” You basically yelled as he smirked. “What? It’s not like we don’t see it. Steve knows too, he’s just pretending like he doesn’t cause he wants you to keep holding him” Jonathan replied cockily. “God! I can’t stand you” you shouted into the large space of Steve’s room. You felt Steve laugh on your stomach before Jonathan replied.
“Then sit on my face” He replied while smirking. You felt your heart pounding against your chest. “Y-you don’t mean that” you replied nervously. “Oh but he does sweetheart” Steve said, finally moving off your stomach.
“What.. what are you talking about” you said taking a few steps back. Jonathan got off the bed and moved to stand in front of you. He looked to your eyes and then your lips and then your eyes again. “Can I kiss you y/n/n?” He asked as he leaned slightly in. You nodded, “I need words sweetheart or this can’t happen” he replied. “Yes, yes god yes, you can kiss me jon” you said, pulling his lips down to meet yours. Your tongues moved sloppily against each other’s. You moaned into Jonathan’s mouth as Steve came up behind you and sucked on your neck. “That feel good baby?” You heard Steve whisper in your ear. “Yes daddy, so good” you replied as you grinded back again him. You could feel his cock against your ass so you shifted more. He groaned as he placed both hands on your hips to stop you.
“I thought you were gonna sit on Jonathan’s face first baby” Steve said as he kept his grip on your hips. “Yeah, you don’t want to leave me wanting do you honey?” Jonathan asked, slightly pouting. “No sir sorry” you said shaking your head.
“Good girl, I’m gonna lay on the bed and you’re gonna sit on my face okay honey?” Jonathan said moving to the bed. “Yes sir, I understand” you said, moving to sit next to Jonathan. “Go on then, sit on his face” Steve said from the end of the bed. “I can’t daddy. I still have my pants on” you replied shifting. “Oh? Does my little girl need help taking her pants off?” Steve said as he walked behind you. You leaned back into him, “yes daddy, please help me take my pants off” you whined pushing further into his stomach. “Okay baby I’ll help you, be a good girl and stay still for me” he said as he hooked his fingers into your waistband. In one quick pull down your shorts were on the floor. “What do you say?” Jonathan said tapping your thigh. You looked from him back to Steve. “Thank you daddy” you said as you looked at Steve. “You’re welcomed sweetheart now sit on Jon’s face” he instructed as he moved you onto Jonathan’s chest.
You moved till your core was hovering directly over Jonathan’s mouth. Not one for patience, Jon pulled your thighs down till you were fully on his face. You moaned as Jon licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit. “Does that feel good baby?” Steve asked coming to stand next to you. “Yes daddy feels so good” you moaned tightening your thighs around Jon’s head.
Jonathan reached his hand between his face and your pussy before slowly inserting a finger. You moaned as his finger slid into you. “Oh god! Sir” you moaned out. “You think you can take more honey?” You heard him ask from below you. “Yes sir, please sir” you replied grinding down onto the finger he already had in you. He slipped two more fingers in and you moaned at how full you felt. He moved his tongue back in to suck on your clit. “How’s he feel baby?” Steve asked moving your hair off your neck. “So, so good daddy” you replied shifting your hips back down onto him. “I know right, has such a nice mouth on him, doesn’t he lovey?” He asked you as he kissed your neck again. “Yes daddy, such a nice mouth” you moaned out. “Come on, use me, use my face baby” you heard from below you.
So you did, you grinded down onto his face and simply used him for your own pleasure. You heard moans come from both boys as they watched you finally take what you wanted.
You came shortly after and Jonathan lapped it up. You got up off of his face and he moved to kiss you. You moaned as you tasted yourself on him. “Baby, it’s Stevie’s turn, we’ve been getting all the fun so I think you should let your daddy fuck you” Jonathan whispered in your ear. “Yes sir” you whimpered, as you moved to kiss Steve. “Hi baby” he smiled into the kiss. “Hi daddy” you smiled as you kissed him and then kissed his neck. You ground down onto his lap and he groaned. “Baby, Stop teasing me” He choked out. “Sorry Stevie it’s just so fun” you said as you did It again. You did it a few more times till he was whimpering underneath you. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes before whimpering out your name. “Do you need something baby?” You asked innocently. You looked at Jonathan who was behind Steve, he just smirked and went back to kissing Steve’s neck.
“Yes mommy, n-need you please” he whimpered pushing his hips up into yours. You heard Jonathan snicker before kissing Steve’s neck again. “Yeah baby boy? You need me?” You asked as you pulled his pants down.
“Yes mommy, I do” he said, lifting his hips to help you get his pants off. You lowered yourself till you were sat on his shaft. You grinded against him, slicking his shaft. “Please, mommy, need to be in you” he whimpered pulling you flush against him. “Alright baby” you said as you lined him up with your entrance. You lowered down onto him and you both moaned as he bottomed out. You started to rock yourself back and forth while Jon went to kiss you over Steve’s shoulder. “Does he feel good honey?” Jon asked wiping your hair off your forehead. “Yes sir, feels so good, so big” you mumbled as you rode him. “Mommy please let me fill you please” Steve whimpered underneath you. “Go ahead baby, fill mommy up” you said, kissing his forehead. Steve came quickly after that and so did you.
Jonathan moved out from behind Steve to wrap his arms around you. “You wanna suck my cock pretty girl? Hmm?” Jonathan said as he kissed your neck. “Yes sir, wanna help you” you whined as he sucked on your neck.
“Okay honey come kneel in front of me” Jon said so you slid off of Steve with a whine. You got up and kneeled in front of Jonathan. “Good girl” Jon said rubbing your cheek. “Thank you sir” you said as you leaned into his palm. “Take my pants off for me baby” Jon said, as he unbuckled his belt. You pulled his pants down, including his underwear and stroked his cock. “Open up for me, sweet girl” he said tapping your jaw. You opened your mouth and he slid his cock in. “Remember baby, two taps of you need me to pull out okay?” He said as he brushed your hair behind your ear. You nodded so he pushed his dick further into your mouth. You started to bob your head back and forth taking him further each time you went.
“Good, good girl, taking me so well baby” he moaned above you. Steve came behind you and started rubbing your clit. You moaned around Jonathan causing him to push further into your mouth. Making you gag as he hit the back of your throat.
Jonathan threaded his fingers through your hair and pushed your head back and forth. “Breathe through your nose honey you’ve got this” you heard Steve say from behind you. Right as Jonathan came down your throat you tapped his thigh twice. “Are you okay pretty girl?” He asked, fixing your hair. “Yeah m’okay, just tired” you mumbled against his thigh. “Come on honey, let’s get you into a bath” he said as he scooped you up. Steve had already left to start filling the tub. Jonathan kissed your head as he lowered you into the steaming water. They turned to leave the room when you called out to them. “Stevie, Jon, will you get in the bath with me” you called out before they fully exited the bathroom. “You get in with her, I’ll change the sheets and then come back” Jonathan said, so Steve slowly lowered himself in the giant tub behind you.
“How’re you feeling baby?” Steve asked kissing your shoulder. “I’m alright Stevie, just floaty” you replied leaning back against him. “When’s Jon coming in?” You asked, looking out to the bedroom. “I’m right here y/n/n” he said as he walked back into the bathroom.
“Get in please Jon” you whined reaching up to him. He slowly got into the bath next to you. Steve washed your body as Jonathan washed your hair. You leaned back and started washing Steve’s hair. After you finished Steve’s hair you washed Jonathan’s. “What do you wanna do now baby?” Steve asked from behind you. “Wanna cuddle and watch a movie please” you said as Jon got out and wrapped himself in a towel. He handed one to Steve, and then went to the dryer to pull yours out so it was warm. “Your pajamas are on the bed honey” Jon said as he passed Steve his. We all changed and then laid on the bed. While you were changing steve had put in heathers. “I love you Stevie” you said as you kissed him. He mumbled a love you too as you turned to kiss Jonathan.
“I love you Jon” you mumbled into the kiss. “I love you too sweet girl” he said kissing your lips and then your forehead.
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thaliaisalesbian · 7 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 20: when you see it's me
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21
Nancy’s stuck in her head at lunch, but Jonathan knows he is, too. His grades have never been the highest—his average is probably a B, honestly—but with everything going on he’s let them slip a little more. He’s been pulled aside by both of his teachers today so far.
He needs to pick up his grades again, or he might not get a scholarship like he needs to in order to go to NYU for photography.
He doesn’t try too hard to draw Nancy into conversation; he managed to get a couple of extra credit assignments, and he’s going to be doing make-up points on a test tomorrow. He can get his grades back up, and then when he’s going into exams he won’t have to worry as much about getting an A in order to keep his Bs in his classes.
If he wants As, he’ll have to try a little harder.
He hadn’t realized that all the time he’s been spending with Steve had been affecting his schoolwork this way. Given how much time Steve has been spending on his own schoolwork, he probably should be doing better.
“What time did you want to leave today?” Nancy asks, as they’re walking out.
“I’ll be in the dark room,” He says. He hadn’t had a set time in mind. “Just whenever you’re done, I guess.”
“Okay. I’ll try not to take too long.”
She walks away, like she’s got a plan in her head; at least more of one than she’d had this morning.
It’s then that Jonathan realizes he hadn’t even asked her how her test went.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
He’s got a lot of film that he needs to work on, with all of the pictures from the other Saturday, and a few that he’s taken for his portfolio.
It doesn’t help that he hasn’t been in the dark room… probably since before Steve went missing. He hadn’t had any pictures to develop and look at like he had when Will had gone missing.
He’ll have to remember which ones he needs to make multiple copies of, too.
It’s nice to fall back into the easy rhythm of processing the negatives; he’s practiced enough at it that he can almost zone out as he works.
By the time Nancy knocks on the door, he’s got a couple rolls of film hung up to dry. Since he booked the room for the night, no one’s going to disturb them, so he leaves them up. He’ll get them in the morning before he goes to class.
“Your mom won’t mind me staying for dinner?”
“Never, you know that.” She’s got a little crease between her eyes. “Find anything?”
“A little. Our best bet is still probably talking to Steve, though.”
“Should we stop at the public library?” It’s a lot bigger than the one here, and it might have something else.
“No, by the time we get back to your house it’ll be dinner time anyway.”
Will and Mike are at the table when they walk in; that probably means that Steve is in his room.
“Mom called and said she’ll be home soon.” Will pauses the conversation to tell him. “And I already put dinner in the oven!”
“Good job, Will.”
“I was just following Steve’s directions. He’s in your room, he was out here but when Mike came over he left.”
“Thanks, Will.” Jonathan ruffles his hair, just to annoy him. Mike’s making a face at him, but that’s nothing new. He stopped being cool as soon as he started dating Nancy, apparently. 
He wonders what Mike would think if he knew that Nancy was dating both him and Steve now. He knows that Mike had had more than a few things to say about Steve at first. He’s cooled off now, which is probably for the best.
Steve’s got some of his work spread out on Jonathan’s bed; he doesn’t look up when they come in.
“Hey,” Mom probably won’t say anything with Mike here, so he shuts the door. “Anything fun in there?”
“No. Is there ever?”
“Probably not.” Still, Steve’s gotten almost all the way through his make-up work. Jonathan would have taken the year off, but he knows that Steve doesn’t want to hear it again. He just thinks it’s really impressive, how much work Steve has gotten done.
“I have bad news for you, Steve.” Nancy sets her bag down and pulls a folder out. “They gave me more work for you today.”
“I’m not even done with everything they gave me last time!”
“You’re pretty close, though.” Jonathan sits next to Steve, careful not to disrupt his papers.
“You want to talk about last night.” Steve guesses, before either of them says anything. “I don’t know why it happens, it doesn’t happen a lot, and I can’t control it. I wasn’t ignoring you, Jon, I wouldn’t do that on purpose. I just… couldn’t talk.”
“I looked a few things up.” Nancy launches into what Jonathan’s sure is going to be a long description, filled with psychological terms, more clinical than personal.
It’s what she tends to do, when she’s worried or scared. He doesn’t know how to talk to her about it.
“Nance,” Steve stops her after a few minutes. “Thanks for looking that up, but it’s all going way over my head.”
“Steve, I’m trying to find an explanation!”
“I know you are.” Steve soothes, and Jonathan doesn’t think he’s seen this particular side of Steve and Nancy before. “It’s nice that you want to help.”
“I can help! We can figure it out and we can stop it, or make it easier for you. We can have a plan for what we’re going to do when it happens again, a signal or something.” She looks like she’s about a second from stomping her foot on the floor. If this weren’t supposed to be a serious discussion, Jonathan would laugh at her.
“And we can do that. But, Nancy, come on. We don’t need a reason why it happens, we don’t need a bunch of fancy words right now. We can have a plan without those.” Steve holds up a hand before either of them can say anything, taking a breath and letting it out slowly. “Besides, I’m pretty sure it’s just a trauma thing. It’s not, like, tied directly to anything happening, but sometimes everything’s just too much and I shut down.”
That… could be right. It’s the best explanation they have, at least. Or at least it’s part of it.
“You did this before the Upside Down, Steve.” Nancy accuses, like that really matters. “You can’t just brush it off like that!”
“I’m not brushing anything off. We can come up with a signal or something, for when it happens, but I don’t think you need to be looking into that much.”
“What if we can stop it? What it’s something we can fix?” Her voice cracks on the last word, and Jonathan looks between Nancy—arms crossed tight over her chest, fingers twitching, and tearing up because she’s so frustrated—and Steve—sitting straight up, very stiff and still, and with an eerie blankness in his face.
He feels like he’s just learned something, about both of them, but he can’t describe what it is.
“I’m not a project for you to fix, Nance.” Steve says softly, shaking his head, and there’s a little warmth in his voice, breaking the frozen image.
Inexplicably, Jonathan’s fingers itch for his camera.
Nancy visibly stops herself from saying something. “I just want you to be okay, Steve.”
“I know.” When Nancy sits on Steve’s other side, not as careful of his work as Jonathan was, Steve pulls her into his side and then reaches for Jonathan to do the same. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier, Jon. I didn’t think it would happen.”
“It’s okay.”
“How long do we have until Will and Mike come looking for us?” Steve leans in a little. “We could clear off the bed, and it’s not like your door is open…”
“Steve.” Jonathan says. “No, my mom is coming home soon.”
“Not even a little making out?”
“No.” Besides, Jonathan’s not sure why Steve wants to do anything right now; while he’s healing, they’ve been told very firmly by Owens, Irene, Mom, and Hopper (that one had made Jonathan want to crawl into a hole and never come out) that until Steve’s cleared for more vigorous activity, they can’t try anything.
“But it’ll be a good distraction!”
“From what?”
“We can be distracted from our homework and not be making out.” Nancy rolls her eyes, looking at him for backup.
Steve also looks at him, but he’s doing an exaggerated pout, and somehow it doesn’t even look all that funny on him.
Jonathan does want to kiss him now, actually.
“I don’t know, Nance, Steve might have a point.”
“Not you too!”
“But it’s fun, Nancy! Don’t you like kissing us?” Steve must poke her side from the way she jumps.
“That’s not the point! We have things we need to be doing, and talking about, and two little brothers just outside in the living room!”
“Your brother being in the house has never stopped you before, Nance, don’t pull that card. Holly being in the house hasn’t stopped you, at least Mike knocks thirty percent of the time.”
“Will knows how to knock, and you really think he’d let Mike come in without knocking?” Jonathan says, just to get a rise out of her. It works.
“If you don’t want to kiss, that’s okay.” Steve tells her, leaning a little more into Jonathan’s side. “Jonny and I can entertain ourselves.”
Nancy buries her face in her hands and mumbles something. Steve laughs, close enough now that Jonathan can feel his breath on his face. It’s just a light kiss, at first, but when Jonathan pushes a little harder, Steve follows his lead.
When he needs to breathe, he pulls back just a little; he can’t even really see much of Steve’s face.
“What was that, Nance?” He knows he sounds just a little breathless; it’s what he was going for.
“You’re going to kill me!” She says, looking up at the end of her sentence, right in time to see them kiss again.
Jonathan feels the bed shift as she moves, but he’s more focused on pressing Steve down into the pillows, carefully settling his weight over Steve’s hips.
They’ve just gotten comfortable with it—he doesn’t think he and Steve have actually kissed quite like this before—when Nancy steals a pillow and whacks him with it.
“I thought you wanted to do homework?” He asks, a tad too innocently. “What’s with the pillow, babe?”
“It’s my turn.” She’s got her arms crossed again, but’s a little looser than it was earlier.
“With who?”
“I don’t know! Both of you! Move, Jonathan.”
“If you don’t know, why does he have to move?” Steve gets hit this time. Jonathan would kiss him again, but Steve’s laughing too hard for it to work.
“Mom’s home! She says it’s time to eat!” Will calls through the door, and Nancy huffs.
“Do you think she’ll let us eat in here?”
“No, not when Steve and I look like this.” Jonathan says, and Nancy’s eyebrows draw in as she gives them both a once-over. Steve’s hair is more of a mess than usual; he hasn’t been styling it lately, but it’s noticeable, and Jonathan’s sure his is too.
“My turn, then. I mean it.” She kisses him first, and he lets her take the lead.
Before they’d started dating Steve, Jonathan had never gotten her wound up like this on purpose. Probably couldn’t, not in the same way, at least. But god is it fun.
She doesn’t shove him off of Steve, just lays down so she can grab his face and turn it towards her.
It’s probably a good thing that his mom knocks when she does. 
“Don’t make me open this door, I know you heard Will. You’ve got five minutes.” She says sternly, but underneath it she’s laughing a little.
Maybe they can get her to tell a story about her teenage years tonight. Jonathan doesn’t know much about what she was like at his age. 
“Coming, Joyce.” Nancy pulls away to answer. “Fix yourselves up, boys.” She says it like she’s not red in the face either, her lips a little swollen.
“Oh, shut up.” Jonathan tells her, if only because he can’t think of anything else to say. 
Jonathan climbs off of Steve, and he sits up a little too quickly if his wince is anything to go by.
“You good? Do you want your crutches?” Steve’s hardly been using them, even if he’s still supposed to. “Nah, I’m fine. Hey, how much footsie do you think we can get away with under the table?”
“Don’t even start, Steve.” Nancy warns.
“Well, yeah, we’re not at the table yet.”
“Steve. Jonathan, control our boyfriend.”
“I dunno, it sounds fun to me. Mom won’t care. Unless we kick her.”
“I am going to sit far away from you. I’ll sit next to Mike.” Nancy threatens, but Mike would probably kick her if she did that and she knows it.
“No, you won’t.” Given that she beats them to the table, she easily could have, but instead there’s a spot for Steve across from her and a spot for Jonathan next to her.
Will makes a face at him behind Mike’s back, and Mom gives him a look, but other than that, no one says anything.
The air around the kitchen table feels lighter than it has in a long time.
It almost feels like it did during the kids’ sleepovers, before the Upside Down stuff started.
Jonathan doesn’t know much about psychology, but something about it feels a little like healing.
<;- 19 21 ->
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ao3snowbutterfly · 1 year
Stonathan Sunday Ficlet
for @stonathanweek’s Stonathan Sunday Ficlet challenge (367 words)
Rated G, pure sweetness and fluff, lol
“Everyone’s staring at us,” Jonathan grumbles, resisting the urge to bury his face in Steve’s shoulder.
“Let them,” Steve says simply, still carrying his boyfriend in his arms. “I’m not having you move anymore than you need.” Jonathan scoffs, rolling his eyes. “And since when did you care about what people think?”
“Since when do you not?” Jonathan says back.
“Since I got the best boyfriend in the world.”
A few days ago, Jonathan was a little too daring on his skate board while trying to show Max a few tricks, tumbling head over heel and tasting the pavement. He was mostly fine, but he twisted his ankle bad. And he needs an ankle brace and a crutch for a while. It’s annoying but manageable.
However, it doesn’t take long for the injury to become almost unbearably painful, especially with the amount of walking Jonathan tends to do in a day. And after seeing one too many winces of pain as Jonathan hobbles around, Steve took it into his own hands, scooping up the boy princess style.
“You’re insufferable,” Jonathan mutters, turning his increasingly red face into Steve’s shirt as yet another student points at them, whispering.
“I try my best,” Steve beams, the smile in his voice. He leans over, pressing a big, overdramatic kiss onto Jonathan’s head. Jonathan sighs to himself.
“And here we are!” Steve says after a moment, setting Jonathan down in front of his math class. “I’ll be back when you’re done.”
“Steve, you don’t have to.”
“I want to, babe. You know I hate seeing you in pain,” Steve says softly, hitting Jonathan with his pathetic, puppy-dog eyes. It only takes a moment for Jonathan to break.
“Well, thank you,” Jonathan says, grinning despite himself, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Steve coos, leaning forward and kissing Jonathan’s forehead than lips, making sure he’s steady on his crutch before shooing him away to sit down. He waves before he goes, blowing a quick kiss, which Jonathan tiredly catches out of the air. Several people are staring at him as he goes to his own class, uncaring if he’s late, but with how he feels lighter than air, he barely even notices.
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foreverautumn89 · 1 year
Camping [ 15 / ? ]
When it was time to head back and they left the swimming area, even though it was smarter to use the camp road, the teens and kids would go back through the trail using their flashlights to see and playing flashlight tag.
Getting back to the campsite was more chaotic partially because they were in a hurry to get back for a different kind of party to begin and partially because the kids were with them and Steve would always play their games with them usually because they'd rope him into it and Jonathan would watch Steve adoringly while he played flashlight tag with the kids. Sometimes darting off to tag them, but mostly he'd tried to walk beside Jonathan holding hands with him and just trying to win the game from there while talking to Jonathan.
Some nights the moonlight would be shining down through the trees
When the trail ended and they could see campsites again and were back on the camp road, they'd look at the campfires and string lights along the way. There are string lights [similar to Joyce's christmas lights] hanging from campers/RVs [or even from trees/or poles on either side of peoples tents] including theirs because of course they need light to see.
Jonathan also loves walking through the park at night when returning from the trail because he loves the pretty lights. Steve will joke to him that maybe they put up their lights to have a warning light for when the demogorgons show up too.
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 days
✨️ Hello! 25 year old ST fan looking for other 18+ writers to play against my Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things in any setting. When it comes to ships, my top choice is Jancy, but I'm also down for Jargyle or Stonathan. Honestly? I'm flexible! Bring me the ships you'd be interested in writing with my Jonathan!
Aside from ships, I'd be down for something platonic with a Will or a Joyce and we can build from there.
I tend to favor (found) family, pregnancy, babies, slice of life, kid-fic style plots, a healthy balance of fluff and angst!
I typically write 3-6 paragraphs per reply, so something similar would be great! A friendship ooc isn't required but encouraged. I love gushing over our characters and plot together. Please only interact if somewhat active! At least one reply per day would be wonderful. Discord is my method of rp! Please only interact if interested in something longer term! I'll reach out asap! Thanks!
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clownrosary · 2 months
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My stonathan fic for @strangerthingsbigbang is up! I was partnered with @karadanverss for this project, who made an incredible moodboard (and the banner above)! Her art is linked both on her blog, and in the fic notes- be sure to check it out!
Tags (and a snippet) below the cut:
Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Female OC(s), Past Tommy Hagan/Steve Harrington, Past Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers & Joyce Byers & Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Jonathan Byers & Female OC(s)
Early 2000s, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Coming Out, Domestic Fluff, Aged-Up Character(s), Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Jonathan Byers-Centric, Parent Steve Harrington
The next Thursday, there’s a blip in their routine.
Instead of offering the usual coffee and tea, Steve sheepishly brings out a few pints of ice cream. They all sit back and begin to wind down, and he turns to Paloma, fingers drumming anxiously against his bowl.
“Did I ever tell you about how I met your aunt Robin?”
Paloma rapidly shakes her head, eyes shining in anticipation.
He begins telling an abridged version of the story. One without Russian spies, or any mention of the supernatural. Jonathan watches them with quiet satisfaction, smiling around a spoonful of vanilla while Paloma and Joyce listen to the tale. Steve flushes deep red when everyone laughs at the mention of his old sailor uniform.
Jonathan turns to Paloma during Steve’s blushing to reveal, “You know, I think I’ve got a photo of it lying around somewhere.” He adds, “Buckley might be somewhere in the background, too.”
Steve’s head whips around. “Wait, really?”
Paloma squeals with excitement, clasping her hands together. “Oh my god, this is the best news I’ve heard all week- you have to show me!”
Joyce helps him dig through old boxes the next day, sorting through yellowed photographs. An old Beatles record keeps them company in the background, a shared favorite of he and Joyce.
It’s the most normal he’s felt alongside her in a long time.
She coos at the photos of everyone all tiny and baby-faced, especially Will and El. It takes them a while to find what they’re looking for, enough that Jonathan fears he may have made it all up. But there it is, tucked away in an envelope labeled Summer ‘85.
A quick snapshot taken in Starcourt Mall’s food court, focused on Will and Dustin, both doubled over in laughter. Dustin is not-so-discreetly pointing in the direction of Scoops Ahoy, where Steve is attending customers, completely unaware. He’s fully decked out in his sailor uniform, stupid hat and all, leaning over the counter with a charming grin. A group of women are gathered in front of the waffle cone display, unimpressed. Robin stands nearby, out of focus and only halfway in the picture, but she’s somehow glaring directly at the camera.
That Sunday, Jonathan quietly places the photo into Paloma’s unexpecting hands. The gasp she lets out is loud enough to have Steve jumping in his seat, on edge until he sees what she’s holding. Panic fades away into an embarrassed groan, his face once again flushing red at the attention.
“Dad, these shorts are short.” Paloma sticks the photo in his face, tapping at it emphatically. “You’re standing behind the counter and I can still see your thigh- it looks more like you’re selling your body than the ice cream!”
Steve squawks at her comment, and the rest of them fall into laughter. It feels warm, bright. And even through Steve’s embarrassment, Jonathan can see the happiness pouring out of him in waves.
It’s a good look on him.
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stonathandreamer · 3 months
🔸 Masterlist
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Synopsis: Jonathan and Steve exchange gifts on their first Valentine's Day.
A/N: It may not be Valentine's Day in your country, but it is in mine! In Brazil, "Valentine's Day" is celebrated on June 12th, the eve of St. Anthony of Lisbon's day, who is known for his reputation as a "matchmaker saint." So it's the perfect excuse for me to write a Stonathan Valentine's Day fanfic! And also, I'm having a shitty week and I need some Stonathan fluff in my life to cheer me up. You know what they say: Stonathan is the best medicine!
There's no date more romantic than Valentine's Day. You shower your loved one with flowers, chocolates, a handmade card expressing your deepest affection, romantic dinners, and other special plans for two. That is, of course, if you have someone special to share Valentine's Day with. If not, it's just another ordinary day. For Jonathan, Valentine's Day was just another day. An ordinary day.
Until it wasn't. This Valentine's Day is special because it's his first.
Anyone else would be freaking out on their first Valentine's Day, worrying about what to buy their loved one, what flowers and chocolates to get, and where to take them for dinner. But Jonathan is not just anyone. He has a perfect schedule.
He invited Steve to his house, where they will exchange their gifts. Afterwards, a short session of cuddles and kisses, after all, it is Valentine's Day; and finally, a beautiful home-cooked dinner.
Unfortunately, being a gay couple in Hawkins in the 1980s means they can't do anything that straight couples do in public — and that includes having a nice Valentine's Day dinner at a fancy, upscale restaurant. But that's okay, homemade food is better because it's special — and Jonathan doesn't want to brag, but he's a great cook.
Jonathan is sitting on the couch, tapping his foot on the floor so much that there is definitely a hole in the floor with the imprint of the sole of his sneaker, waiting for his boyfriend to arrive. The ticking of the clock is the only noise that echoes through the house.
What an annoying noise!
How many more times will this damn clock make that noise before Steve arrives?
In addition to time apparently not passing, with each tick of the clock, Jonathan becomes more and more anxious. He was so confident this morning with the gift he made for Steve – yes, he didn't buy a gift from some regular and boring store, he made one. He thought it would be more special and romantic to make a gift than to buy one. Not that buying a gift isn't romantic, but he wanted to do something special for his special boyfriend.
It seemed like a good idea until this morning, but what if Steve doesn't like it? After all, isn't it an expensive gift, neither branded nor chic. It's just... One thing he did.
His mind is flooded with stormy negative thoughts that only serve to make him even more nervous. What if Steve doesn't like his gift? Then it would all be ruined! Their relationship would be ruined! Does he still have time to fake his own death and flee to South Dakota? It's better than staying and seeing the unhappy face Steve will make when he sees his gift and...
Three knocks on the door bring him back to reality. He swallows hard. Time to experience the magic of Valentine's Day for the first time. But he didn't answer the door. He's still sitting on the couch, staring at the front door, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Three knocks on the door again. He needs to answer it! But...
Maybe it's too late to escape to South Dakota, but if he leaves through the back door, he'll definitely make it to Michigan...
“Jonathan?” Steve's voice catches Jonathan's attention. His name is spoken in a cautious tone, as if Steve is afraid of the response he will get. Is it possible that Steve is nervous too? Impossible. No way THE Steve Harrington is nervous about Valentine's Day. “Are you there? It's me... Steve...”
Jonathan can't help but roll his eyes at Steve announcing himself, as if he didn't already know it was his boyfriend who was knocking on the door the moment he called him. “If you’re there, can I come in? It's kind of cold out here...”
After taking a deep breath, Jonathan gets up from the couch and walks towards the door, becoming more and more anxious with each step he takes.
He opens the door slowly, unable to contain the small smile that forms at the corners of his lips when he sees Steve.
He is wearing a red polo shirt and a black jacket – which, according to himself on a previous occasion, are some his best clothes, which he only wears for “special events”. Another thing that catches his attention is the bouquet of flowers, the heart-shaped box of chocolates, and the two gifts that Steve carries in his hands. My God, did he buy all this for Jonathan? And the only thing he's going to give him in return is a stupid homemade gift?! Jonathan is officially freaking out right now.
Steve smiles when he sees Jonathan. An almost blinding smile. “Hi... You're here.”
Jonathan gently tilts his head to the side as he raises an eyebrow. “It’s kind of like my house… And we agreed to meet here...”
"No... I mean, YES! I mean… It's just…” Steve sighs, “I'm just… I'm happy to be here… With you.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here too.” He closes the door and guides his boyfriend to his room, where his homemade gift waits to be delivered.
“Here...” Steve shoves the bouquet of roses and the box of chocolates in his face, “I... I don't know if you like flowers... Or chocolates...” He scrapes the back os his neck as he looks at Jonathan sheepishly. “I went kind of automatically... But I hope you like them.”
He couldn't help but smile at Steve's gesture. Sure, he's never been big on flowers and doesn't care much for sweets, but the fact that these things were given to him by Steve makes him want to cherish them forever.
“Thank you,” he gives his boyfriend a soft kiss on the cheek, taking him a little by surprise, as Steve wasn't expecting Jonathan to like receiving flowers and chocolates on Valentine's Day, as that's something you do “to a girl”, at least that's what society says. Ah, to hell with society! He just gave his boyfriend flowers and chocolates and he loved them, and that's what matters.
As soon as they arrive at Jonathan's room, Steve immediately sits on his bed and hands him one of the gifts - the smallest one. “I hope you like it.” He hands it to Jonathan and immediately looks away, suddenly finding his Evil Dead poster very interesting, afraid of his reaction.
Steve's reaction brings a little calm to Jonathan; after all, if his gift is bad, that means it won't be a problem for him to give his homemade gift to Steve, because they'll both be bad, and the two will be even!
He carefully unwraps the paper, his eyes widening as he sees that it's...
“A Thumper plush…” The rabbit from the movie Bambi. Steve blushes as he runs a hand through his hair - a habit he has when he's nervous. “Y-Yeah... You once said that... You liked Thumper... And I saw this plush and immediately thought of you. But when I got home I noticed it was a ridiculous gift and...” He swallows hard and turns his gaze to Jonathan. “It's stupid, I know... You don't have to keep it if you don't want to... I can go to the store and return it...”
He reaches out to grab the stuffed rabbit, but Jonathan moves it out of his reach. “No!” He blushes at his own scream. “I mean... I liked it... Thank you...” Steve's eyes widen, both because of the fact that Jonathan screamed (something that happens once every time Halley's Comet passes) and because of the fact that he liked the present.
“Serious? Don’t you think it’s silly or ridiculous?”
“No, I think… it’s sweet and thoughtful of you.” He looks at the stuffed bunny in his hands and then at his boyfriend. “Thanks, Steve.” And with that, Steve is smiling like a child who had just woken up on Christmas morning!
But he still has the other gift. “I bought a second gift, just in case you don't like the... Rabbit...”
“Thumper.” He corrects him.
“Yes, Thumper,” Steve takes the gift and places it in front of Jonathan. “I'm absolutely sure you'll like this one!” Again, he's smiling like a child on Christmas morning, eagerly awaiting Jonathan's reaction to opening his second present.
Meanwhile, Jonathan is at war with his own mind. If this second gift is as good as Steve says it is, then that means his half-assed homemade gift isn't going to be good enough. Damn, he should have bought something...
Jonathan's eyes widen when he sees what was hidden beneath the wrapping paper.
“Ta-da! It’s a photography kit!” Steve throws his hands up and smiles. “Look, I don't understand much about this photography thing, but the guy at the store assured me that this is the best one available on the market! There's a... Err, standard spare lens, an ultra-wide-angle lens, a wide-angle lens, a short and a long telephoto lens, a zoom lens...” Steve is reading the product description on the box, as even a week ago he only thought there was one type of photography lens.
He was so distracted explaining about the kit that it took him a while to notice the look of panic on his boyfriend's face. “Hey… What’s wrong?” The happiness in his voice was completely replaced by worry and a bit fear. “Did you not like it?”
Jonathan's eyes widen, and he shakes his head. “N-no! I mean, yes! Yes, I liked it... It's great, thank you. Your two gifts are... Amazing. It's just…” He sighs and looks away at his desk, where Steve's gift is hidden inside the top drawer. “Your gifts are so good... And mine's... It's not that good...”
Steve raises an eyebrow and tilts his head to the side. “Why do you say that?”
“Because I didn’t buy it, I… I made it…” Jonathan suddenly gets up from the bed. “But don't worry! I'll buy you something real quick! There must still be some stores open! I'll be back soon…” He takes his wallet from the nightstand and a jacket. But before he can get close to the door, Jonathan feels a hand grab his wrist tightly, keeping him frozen in place.
“Did you make me a gift?” Steve questioned, still sitting on the bed but leaning forward to prevent his boyfriend from rushing out of the room. Jonathan looked at him with a shy, embarrassed look and nodded. “That's great! It means that my gift is unique and special! Where is it?” And the excitement returned.
Honestly, Jonathan is sometimes surprised by how excited Steve can be about pretty much anything.
He took two steps back, until he was next to the desk, and opened the first drawer, removing an object carefully wrapped in dark blue paper. “I hope you like it,” he muttered, sitting down on the bed again and handing the gift to Steve.
He was amazed at the speed at which Steve grabbed the gift and started tearing up the paper, making him even more nervous. Part of him wants to see what Steve's reaction would be, while the other part wants to jump out the window and run away so he didn't have to see Steve's reaction.
His boyfriend's eyes widen when he finally sees his gift, and this makes Jonathan even more nervous. “It's a...”
“It’s a scrapbook,” Jonathan says, preferring to look at the sheet on his bed than his boyfriend's expression. “I put all the photos we took together and some other things... And Will did a drawing of us on the first page. He said he wanted to contribute to the gift...”
Steve flips through the pages. He can't help but smile as he looks at Will's drawing – Steve has one arm around Jonathan while the other holds some hairspray aimed at his exaggerated hair, and Jonathan is smiling and holding his camera towards Steve. This boy will become a famous artist one day, Steve is sure of that.
The second page has a photo that Jonathan took of Steve; he's on top of a park bench, almost losing his balance. Steve remembers that day. It was one of the first times they hung out together as friends. He accompanied Jonathan on one of his photography sessions to the park; he had to take a photo of something as part of an assignment for the photography club or something - he can't quite remember the specific details, all he remembers is wanting to spend some time with Jonathan.
There is a caption next to the photo: "When I started to fall in love with you."
Steve carefully analyzes each of the photos; there's one of him trying on his Scoops Ahoy costume for the first time, an unhappy look on his face, both because of the stupid uniform and because Jonathan was taking a picture of him wearing that stupid uniform; another of the two of them sleeping on the couch, Jonathan's head resting on Steve's shoulder while his was resting on top of Jonathan's head (it was definitely Will who took this one); one from when their plan to spend a quiet night at home was ruined by the arrival of six noisy kids who begged them to play some board games with them – in the photo (certainly taken by Joyce), he can see Jonathan sitting in front of the coffee table playing Monopoly with the kids while Steve is sitting on the couch behind him, his arms crossed and face turned away with a slight pout on his lips.
There are so many photos, each one better than the last.
“Wow…” Steve mutters.
Jonathan takes this as a sign that he doesn't like the gift. “I know, it’s ridiculous and stupid and…”
“I loved it.”
“... What?” He quickly looks up to Steve. That's when he notices the sparkle in his eyes, the almost blinding smile on his lips, and the slightly flushed cheeks. “R-Really?”
“Are you kidding? It’s the best gift I’ve ever received in my entire life!” He places the scrapbook next to him on the bed and leans forward, wrapping his arms around Jonathan's shoulders. “Thanks. You are the best boyfriend in the world!”
Jonathan can't hold back the sigh of relief that escapes his lips as a smile forms.
“You’re also the best boyfriend in the world, Steve.” He responds, resting his hands on Steve's back.
They pull away from the hug, but Steve takes Jonathan's hands in his.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jon.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
They lean forward simultaneously, their lips meeting halfway.
Best (first) Valentine's Day ever – at least for now, because they're both planning to outdo each other next year.
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spicysix · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @missberrycake thank you lovely ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
115,027!!! that's so many words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently, only Stranger Things. before, i've written for a bunch of RPF - McFly, The Maine, One Direction. don't think i had ever written for a show/movie before
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
crush crush crush - steddie X reader
fuck-marry-kill - steve X reader
it feels like i'm going home - eddie X reader
now i'm ready to start - eddie X reader
love sneaked in with the smell of you - eddie X reader
i find it very funny that my top 5 (actually, my top 9!!!) it's all reader inserts. didn't think they'd be popular at Ao3 hah
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do!!! currently i have a lot of comments to answer to, because i've been a little away from fandom and specifically from writing since last year, and haven't found it in myself to answer them. but i will!!!!! someday
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
me and you (we can't lose) [eddie X reader] definetely. canon compliant. that's all needed to understand lmao but some of the drabbles for my Forever Halloween Challenge are also very angsty and gory
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
basically all my other fics have happy endings, so that's a hard thing to answer lol i think it's relative
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never did, thankfully!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i've only ever wrote one smut scene for going home and nothing else in english. in portuguese, i've had a series of three short smut fics that i never finished lol. it's not my thing and it's hard for me to do it because of the language barrier in english, i feel insecure about it. i just prefer writing pure fluff in general
10. Do you write crossovers?
never did, no, cause it's usually not something i like to read as well
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
also not that i know of but that would be so nice if done with permission!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also no. i think i'd have a bit of a hard time, but wouldn't be opposed to it
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i'll say that nothing has ever got me as much as Steddie before. i've always been a reader insert girlie, besides the first fics that i've ever read (Jemi - joe jonas X demi lovato) fics, i'm pretty sure Steddie was the only characters ship that i've read and got completely obsessed over
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
your sweater (up over your head) [stonathan]. this fic is very special to me and a personal challenge in many ways, and i'd love to finish it someday but i'm not sure i'll get back to writing ST, so it's a hard chance
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd say dialogue! it flows very naturally to me
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description. haaaate describing things, scenarios, clothes, faces, animals, whatever. i think i'm really mediocre if not entirely bad at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if it's through someone's specific POV, i'm in favor of writing as the character understands it - so if they understand the language, keep it translated and just describe that it was in another language; but if they don't understand, then don't translate either. then you can either put it on a note or make the character who said it translate it. but also, if it's too big of a text, i think it can be annoying. so, mostly short phrases it's good
19. First fandom you wrote for?
McFly rpf reader insert
20. Favourite fic you've written?
ahhh that is such a hard question, i love all my fics so dearly. but i'm gonna go with going home because it's my first and only finished long chaptered fic, and all the research i did for it and everything else involved in writing it that made it a bit more special
Tagging (no pressure): @marvel-ous-m @hbyrde36 @stellarspecter @starryeyedjanai and anyone else who sees it and wants to join in!
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jaegerisim · 1 year
⚘ My fics
It's Just Us:
✎ Byler Modern-Day AU
✎ No UD
✎ Enemies to Lovers in High School
✎ Preppy Artist Will Byers and grunge-y musician Mike Wheeler
✎ Ongoing. 3/? Chapters
Everything We Could Have Been:
✎ Byler Modern Day AU
✎ No UD
✎ Lovers to Strangers to Enemies to Lovers
✎ Painter Will Byers and Writer Mike Wheeler
✎ Hopeful Ending
✎ Finished. 5/5 Chapters
What If The World Could Be Ours Tonight?:
✎ Byler Modern Day AU
✎ No UD
✎ Strangers to Rivals to Lovers
✎ Tax Evader and fraudster Will and Casino owner Mike
✎ Will has tattoos
✎ With a side of Stonathan, Ronance and Elumax
✎ Ongoing. 9/? Chapters
Why Would You Ever Kiss Me (I am not even half as pretty):
✎ Byler Fantasy AU
✎ Cleradin vibes
✎ Cursed Prince Will Byers
✎ Little Shit Will Byers
✎ Prince Mike Wheeler
✎ Ongoing. 3/4 Chapters
Well, I Got Down On My Knees (and I pretend to pray)
✎ My take on S5
✎ Lettergate
✎ Flickergate
✎ Birthdaygate
✎ Will has a gun
✎ Will has powers
✎ Angst and fluff
✎ Ongoing 3/? Chapters
Say You Want Me (back in your life)
✎ Byler Modern Day AU
✎ No UD
✎ Will Byers is a freshman who just moved in from Lenora
✎ Mike Wheeler is a sophomore
✎ Everyone is Queer
✎ Heavy Byclair (NOT endgame tho)
✎ Dark topics
✎ Elmax and Stonathan
✎ Beta read by the wonderful Lex! 🩷✨
✎ Ongoing 1/? Chapters
I Played My Part (and you play your game)
✎ A really gay Harry Potter AU I did just to spite Joanne
✎ Possessed Will Byers
✎ POV Mike Wheeler
✎ Madwise
Screaming And Crying (and kissing in the rain)
✎ Actor!Byler
✎ NOT foah (ew)
✎ Willelmax friendship
✎ Based on a moodboard
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lovipop2049 · 2 years
My favorite Stranger Things Fics
Here are some of my favorite Stranger things fics. I love these all very much. I put appropriate TWs but please read the tags in case I missed any.
Jargyle (Jonathan x Argyle)
Nothing's Birdhouse (Full of Sticks) by BowieBond (Angst and Fluff)
Since I Met You by Empstrikesback (Angst and Fluff)
Amber is the Color of Your Energy by Evrybodysdarlin (Fluff)
Can I Stay Like This With You? by Lonely_Raindrop (Angst and Fluff)
Angel From Indiana by SnowButterfly (Angst, Fluff, and Slowburn)
God, the Kid Looks So Sad by InvisibleAce (Angst and Fluff)
Bad Trip by Scubbins (Angst and Fluff)
How Unreasonably in Love With You I Am by Kontent (Fluff)
Pumpkin by Iwannabebrilliant (Fluff)
You Are Afraid (That You're a Pizza Boy) by HalfTheSpice (INCOMPLETE, Slow Burn, Angst, Fluff, Self Harm TW)
Sorry For Staring by Astral_Bees (Fluff)
Dirty White Vans by Ghostwriter3 (Fluff)
Kisses and Confessions by Ghostwriter3 (Angst and Fluff)
Heaven Knows We'll Soon Be Dust by Jokerajax (Fluff)
The Only Bright Spot by Ghostwriter3 (Fluff, Meet-Cute)
Byers Boy, Breathe by Melophic_Sights (Platonic, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attack TW)
Let the Summer Sun Find You (Warm You) by Kanxie (Fluff)
My Favourite Pizza is You! by Kritleft (Fluff)
Low and Slow by Pinkg_Nu (Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Pre-relationship)
Coming Out (One Way Or Another) by Allstories (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort[???])
Eddie's Death, But Make It Jargyle by Fruitsteww (Death, Angst, Suicidal Thoughts TW)
Family Line by LuWe21 (INCOMPLETE, Fluff, Angst)
I'm Drowning (I Need a Helping Hand to Breach the Surface) by Sterekawesomeness (INCOMPLETE, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Abuse TW)
Movies and Tamales by Allstories (Fluff)
Smoky Confessions by SnowButterfly (Fluff)
High Achievers by Linoleumground (INCOMPLETE, Slow burn, fluff)
Anxious Thoughts by AreYou_Serious (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse TW)
Bridging the Gap by Mywritingisokatbest (INCOMPLETE, Amnesia, Angst, Slow Burn)
Dawning by Tsurai (Pining, Angsty)
I Need Fun in My Life by ClaraCivry (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Injury)
Kind Souls by ClaraCivry (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Injury)
Cool and Lonely Breezy Afternoon by LesbianRobin (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse TW)
Stonathan (Steve x Jonathan)
You Like Me and I Like it All by Holographiccs (Angst and Fluff)
Your Name, Like Ice Into My Heart by Molassesveins (Hurt/Comfort, Self Harm TW)
The Real Jonathan Byers by Bigbadlittlered (Angst, Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort)
Hold Me Close (and My Heart Closer) by ThreeFortySixAM (Fluff)
It's Not Just a River in Egypt by Cammerel (Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Abuse TW)
B-Side by Anonymous (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slight sexual content at the end but nothing too bad)
I'll Light the Night With Stars by NeroAnne (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks and Suicidal Thoughts TW)
For Always and Ever is Always For You by Molassesveins (Light Angst and Fluff)
Wish You Were Sober by Oerver (Hurt/Comfort)
We Can Stay Like This (For Now) by LavenderLow (Angst)
Oh My Angel, My Darling by LavenderLow (Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Suicide TW)
Made of Ivory (Not a Weapon, Are You?) by LavenderLow (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Suicide Attempt TW)
I Think Your House is Haunted by MerryHolidays (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse TW)
Cute Customer! by Honckity (Fluff)
Just Us? by Honckity (Fluff)
Notes by Honckity (Fluff)
5 Letters Steve Harrington Didn't Send to Jonathan Byers (+1 He Did) by Attackonomelas (5+1 Things)
What's the Frequency, Kenneth? by Kypros (Fluff, Crushing)
There is a Light that Never Goes Out by Shark_Gay (5+1 Things, Fluff, Angst)
The Party Doesn't Start Without Him by Orphan_Account (5+1 Things, Fluff, Angst)
Eminence by The_Fangirl_264 (Angst, Unrequited Love)
Bruises That Won't Heal by Witchjeons (Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Breakup, Homophobia)
Henderhop (El x Dustin)
You're the Starry Skies Above Me by FentyBeauties (Fluff)
Working on it! by Winterxisxcomingx (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
Peanut Butter (In My Hair) by Anonymous (Fluff)
Gen (No Ships/Open Interpretation)
Note to Self: Don't be Trans in Indiana by FelixFelicissimae (Jonathan Byers Centric, Angst, Transphobia TW)
The More You Say the Less I Know by ThinkingofBananas (INCOMPLETE, Jonathan Byers Centric, Angst, Laced Drugs TW)
Someone Who Loves You by HeavenlyShadows (Jonathan Byers Centric, Byers-Hopper Family, Angst With Happy Ending)
Long Day (But You're With Me) by Aki_Of_Eyluvial (Platonic Steve & Jonathan, Angst With Happy Ending, Abuse TW)
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
prompt list
prompt list two
rules for requesting :)
Fluff, Smut, Angst
• Steve Harrington
- The letter, The letter pt 2
- Are you with me?
- Building a snowman
- I wanna be the one you’re guiding
• Headcannons
- dating steve
• Jonathan Byers
- pay attention to me
- hospital stays
• Headcannons
- dating jonathan
• Stonathan x reader
- sometimes friends just isn’t enough
• Robin Buckley
- well that’s one way to deal with trauma
- midnight baking and life talks
- you’re mine, you’re mine pt 2
• Nancy wheeler
- presents
- nightmares
- babysitting
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thaliaisalesbian · 4 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 27: give me some tips to forget you
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28
When Nancy and Mike bike home, he keeps looking at her funny.
“What do you want, Mike?” She barely keeps herself from snapping, her mom’s voice in her head reminding her that she’s older and knows better, so she has to be the ‘bigger person’.
“Why are you so weird around Steve and Jonathan?”
“I’m not weird around them.”
“Yeah, you are.” He rolls his eyes. “You fucking made us bike all the way to Will’s house because Steve got sick. Big deal, he’s not gonna die!”
But he almost had. 
They had come so, so close to losing him. Not today, maybe, but she’d felt like it for a while. The whole day, sitting in class without Steve or Jonathan and not knowing what was going on with them.
She never wants to be that close to losing him ever again. Or Jonathan. Or Mike and Holly, even if Holly is just a baby and Mike is a little brat all the time. Or… any of them, really.
She knows Mike didn’t see that the way she had—they had kept the kids away on purpose—but she wants to get off of her bike and shake him. He’d seen enough, he knows it was bad, and he still talks about it like this. 
“Are you gonna start dating Steve again? Cause I don’t want you to.”
“Liar.” She says, because it’s true. “You ate his cookies all the time and begged me to ask for more.”
“You mean the cookies his neighbor made?” That’s the excuse Steve had given at the time, at least. She hadn’t known him well enough to call him on it yet.
“No, he made them, he just didn’t want you to make fun of him.” It’s not the whole truth, but it’s probably part of it. Mike is such a little shit to Steve, and now to Jonathan, sometimes. They both handle it well. Jonathan has more than enough practice with Will. Steve probably has dealt with lots of bratty little siblings, and she’s pretty sure that he likes to try and endear himself to the families of the people he’s dating.
(It worked a little too well on Mom and Holly, and not at all on Mike.)
“It only would have been for a little bit!” Mike protests.
“And that makes it better?”
“Fine. You can date him again, I guess. Then Holly can stop asking about him all the time. What about Jonathan, though? You’re still dating him!”
“Mike.” Nancy can’t let him say anything to Mom about this. She’ll get in so much trouble.
Forget leaving the house, she’ll never be allowed to leave her room again.
“Mike, you can’t tell Mom, okay?”
“Why not?”
“Because, Mike,” she keeps her voice low, almost ready to pull him away from the road to talk about this. If the wrong person hears… it’s dangerous. She should tell him to shut up until they get home, but that will just make him louder. “I’m dating both Jonathan and Steve now, okay? And they’re dating each other, we’re all dating, all three of us. And you can’t tell Mom, because she’s already upset at me.”
Mike stares at her for a minute, putting his foot down to stop his bike.
“That seems like too much work.”
“It’s a lot of work, yeah, but I like them both.”
“I won’t tell Mom.” He says. “Wait, so this is why you’ve been so weird about them? Does Will know?”
“Will and El both know, yeah. They kind of have to know.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Mike’s quiet for the rest of the ride, and Nancy doesn’t want to bring it up again.
“Do you think you can talk Steve into making those cookies again?”
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Mike kicks at her ankle. “Yeah, you can ask him yourself. Weren’t you just telling Mom the other week that you’re not a little kid anymore? I think that means you’re big enough to ask for some cookies.”
“Nancy!” Mike whines, and she catches Holly watching them walk in.
“Nancy’s right.” Holly agrees. She’s been going through a phase where she’ll agree with one of them for a while, and then switch sides when no one’s expecting it. Mike had done the same thing, though he doesn’t remember it.
“You don’t even know what we’re talking about!” Mike stomps his foot, and Nancy turns to the stairs before he can see her trying not to laugh.
“Nancy’s right.” She repeats, before going back to her toys.
finish on ao3 or continue reading
Nancy knows her mom overhears some of it, and for the first time in weeks, she’s not scolded for going to Jonathan’s—something that’s been happening even when she has Mike with her.
She knows there’s no fixing what soured as she’s gotten older, especially these past couple of years, but maybe things can get a little better.
“He’s fine.” Jonathan tells her, before she even has to ask. “Either that or he’s really good at faking it. He’s still got a fever, but he hasn’t thrown up since yesterday.”
Lucky. Nancy always throws up, like, three times when she’s sick. It sucks.
“Think he’ll be able to come back tomorrow?”
“Probably. He seems determined to, at least.”
She really hadn’t thought that Steve would be determined about anything that has to do with school, but he’s proven her wrong before.
“How are things with your mom? Did she say anything yesterday?”
“No, she didn’t.” Nancy lowers her voice. “Mike knows. He was on his way to figuring it out and I had to make sure he wouldn’t tell her.”
“That’s okay.” Jonathan says. “It’s not like El and Will don’t know, anyway.”
“Do you think we should tell all of the kids?”
“Maybe. We’ll have to talk to Steve first.”
She hadn’t told Mike not to tell the rest of them, that might be a problem. Hopefully he’s got enough common sense to just keep his mouth shut. He’d had enough to keep El hidden in their basement, so he should, but it seems to be a day-by-day thing with him.
“I’ve got to talk to Carol today.” Jonathan takes her hand. “But I don’t know when, or how.”
“She’s got Steve’s car. She just took his keys out of his pocket, yesterday morning, and said that she’d make Hagan park it as his.”
Interesting. Nancy opens her mouth, ready to tell him about her strange interaction with Carol the other day, but thinks better of it.
The hallway is getting a lot more crowded, and she doesn’t want anyone overhearing, which they certainly will.
She doesn’t know how many people saw Steve yesterday, but the news will have spread if even one person saw him. Him not being in his classes yesterday, and not being here today, will just spark more rumors and more attention on them.
It’s a lot, she’ll admit that. It’s somehow heavier than it was before, when Steve was missing. Now he’s been seen, and people know he’s alive and relatively okay, and that he’s been with them.
She’s not planning on telling Steve, because she doesn’t know how he’ll take it, but he was right about the gossip.
She and Jonathan can handle it, though. They’re okay. Especially since none of it has been coming from Carol or her circle, at least not yet. 
If it did, they’d really be in trouble.
But for some reason, they’re not her favorite targets. Nancy doesn’t know if it’s because of Steve, or if Carol just doesn’t care enough about them anymore to start anything.
“How many times do you think we’re going to get asked about Steve today?” Jonathan asks, voice low.
“Should we keep a tally and show it to him?”
“That’d be funny. See you at lunch.” Even though Jonathan’s left her at her classroom, no one approaches her about anything.
Her already-seated classmates don’t even glance up when she takes her seat, and that’s new. Or, well, not new, but different from how things have been lately.
Maybe Carol has started something going around about them.
Nancy can’t even begin to fathom what it might be that would cause such a rapid switch in behaviors.
It’s more likely that people are just tired (not that it’s stopped them before.)
Ignoring it, as she’s been doing when everyone was whispering about her and watching her wherever she went, seems like the best solution.
Jonathan’s not really expecting Steve to make it back into school on Wednesday. He’d been ridiculously sick on Monday, and though his bruises have started fading a little bit, they’re still very prominent. There’s no way of hiding them, though no one would believe Steve if he’d tried. Jonathan’s done his best to avoid getting cornered or overhearing any of the talk in the halls, but there’s only so much he can do. 
Also, he doesn't think that Steve will hold up against Mom and Hopper at the same time. Jonathan’s half-expecting to get a call from Hopper telling him that they’re moving Steve into the cabin no matter what Steve says.
Steve doesn't have a fever, but he’s still pale, and he’s using his crutches today, had said that he ‘didn’t want to risk anything’ for his first full day back, but Jonathan’s pretty sure that’s just code for ‘my ankles hurt and I don’t want to tell you about it.’
Will and Steve keep each other talking the whole drive, and by the time they’ve gotten to school, Jonathan’s lost track of how many topics they’ve gone through.
“Oh, hey, Steve,” Will pokes his head back into the car, “Mike wanted me to ask you about making cookies? I don’t know why, though.”
“Tell him he can ask himself.” Steve says, immediately.
“Did Nancy tell you to say that?” Mike yells—Jonathan can’t see him from this angle, is he behind the car?—and Will repeats the question.
“No, she didn’t. Maybe this weekend, we’ll have to see.” Jonathan rolls his eyes. Of course Steve’s going to agree, even if he shouldn’t.
They meet in the library like they’d planned to on Monday morning, where Nancy has managed to get their surprise set up.
“You guys didn’t have to do this.” Steve says, glancing around to make sure no one is watching. It’d taken all of ten minutes to put together, but Jonathan wouldn’t know that from Steve’s reaction. “Seriously.”
“It’s just something to help you get back on your feet, metaphorically, at school.” Nancy explains. “We know you’ve been worried about it, so we wanted to help a little.”
In the basket—Jonathan doesn’t know where Nancy got that—there’s a collection of Steve’s favorite candies and snacks, a set of pencils, and all the work he’s turned in through them that’s been graded.
Jonathan hasn’t looked through it, but hopefully they’re good grades.
“How much work did I do?” Steve mutters, flipping through it. “I didn’t think it was this much… But my grades are mostly passing grades, so that’s good, I guess. I still have a lot to catch up on though.”
That’s an understatement. 
Still, Steve’s probably done more schoolwork than Jonathan and Nancy combined since they first brought him the packets, and some of it has to have paid off, right?
But he has so much to catch up on, and all of the new stuff, too, so it’s going to get even worse.
If Steve were playing sports right now, he probably wouldn’t have time to sleep.
“Think I’ll get a lot of homework on my first day back?” Steve tries to joke, but it falls a little flat. “Or maybe I should start by being on time for my first class of the day.”
“Yes, you should.” Nancy agrees, a little too quickly.
“Want me to run the basket out to my car?” Jonathan offers; with his crutches, Steve won’t be able to carry it.
“Yeah, please.” Steve leans in a little before pulling back quickly, making it look like he overbalanced.
“Later.” Jonathan promises, knowing what he was going for.
Fuck, he hadn’t thought about how hard this part would be. He and Nancy aren’t huge on kissing in public, but they can still hold hands, at least.
Once they get home, they can do whatever they want, and the only consequence will be Will throwing pillows at them if they’re on the couch.
<- 26 28 ->
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ao3snowbutterfly · 11 months
Stonathan size difference for the wip title game?
Sure thing!
TBH, this one's mostly a concept, but this gist is a fluff fest about how much tol Steve loves his smol bf Jonathan with many examples, obvs including:
-Steve resting his chin on Jonathan's head as he holds him from behind
-Steve taking any and all excuses to have Jonathan in his lap, curling around his smol
-How perfectly Jon's hand fits into Steve's
-Them sleeping, curled around each other with Jonathan feeling so safe and loved and Steve so happy he can hold the one he loves so close... just... such tenderness
-Steve can and will pick up and carry his boyfriend at the slightest excuse.
Jon loves it too, but he doesn't say it. (Steve knows)
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