lilthya · 1 year
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between worlds did darkened limbo exist. that desolate bridge that would allow gods & primal entities alike to gain passage if they so desired. it was the very path heaven & hell sought in attempted entry into sanctuary. the daughter of hatred, now anew, was aware of all and any that stepped into her creation, especially one that holds unimaginable power. it was a force that didn't come familiar, neither a prime evil nor lesser. it was nothing in nature of heaven, either. the demoness had found herself looking upon @stolememory, an entity with a form that could only be described as uncanny. & yet, she wouldn't falter, but embrace it with such callousness.
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❛ i know the essences of heaven and hell, and you're neither. ❜ lilith stated loudly, ❛ from the endless you've traveled, and it was sanctuary you choose to set upon. i may so boldly lay forth the question as to why. what is it that you seek here? ❜
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stoledreams · 1 year
Next time I catch you in my Realm it's on sight.
With Loathing, Hermaeus Mora
dearest mora,
my my.. is that a threat, or a promise? perhaps next time i shall sneak in undetected. i’m sure you’d just love that, dear. admit it, you love having me around! it’s better than being all alone, after all.
sincerity yours, dreamweaver
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muutosarchive · 1 year
☽𖤐☾ @stolememory 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
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"𝐅𝐀𝐀𝐅𝐎, 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ---" he speaks, edging up against his headboard. "uh, fuh -- fuck around & find out. i'm not.. i'm not taking no shit."
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airxn · 1 year
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The Amihan vieled as a Dæmentré doesn't twitch a false muscle or allow a single hum to slip past his lips. In the presence of another diety means there's no room for humor. That is reservered for the mortals and ill-mannered immortals that he has the displeasure of hunting. The One Who Knows will not be met with such shameful behavior.
                           –only... curiosity.
" I offer no mirror, nor do I offer insight. " Xavier remains perfectly still. Hands slack in his pockets as his mind's eye focuses on the strong lifeforce the Daedric Prince contains. " Simply... curiosity, as arrogance is also a trait of believing one is invincible. "
He tilts his head a fraction. " Even us Gods know not to believe such things. "
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@stolememory continued from here.
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the27percent · 1 year
atieno knows that mora's presence - there's so much to him. so much that shouldn't be touched, shouldn't be engaged with. and yet he has always been around - they have always been around. in passing, in passing - the crossing of their interactions forging something strange, peculiar.
for all the seeking they did, atieno recognized that his appetite was definitely more.. focused, voracious beyond measure.
they've been thinking about what he wants from them. and vice versa.
did they want anything from him? did they?
some of the answers often sent them into quiet places, moods of utter silence.
it's a question that has been floating around atieno way too much. and somehow, somehow they got the feeling that he would be aware of such .. inclinations. or at least he would find out.
"i don't even know if you want to know some of the things that rise up whenever i run into you lately. " it's a weird kind of honesty, one that they probably shouldn't share and yet.. "anyway... i think i've found some things you might end up wanting.. "
right, just diverge into that knowledge, into what actually can be shared here.
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vaermines · 1 year
“ i  want  to  spend  all  night  learning  every  sound  you  make. “ // oop
there’s a flustered look of surprise as vaermina looked up at mora’s vessel, lavender eyes widened at such a direct approach from their companion. even the prince of nightmares could not deny the flush of red that began to form across their cheeks and up her neck. for once, the prince was . . speechless, not quite knowing how to go about such a topic as this.
a delicate hand raising to rest upon the vessel’s chest, no heartbeat or breathing under vaermina’s palm. still, it was.. calming to be able to touch some form of hermaeus. to be able to be close to him, almost as if they were both simple mortals wanting to spend the night together. for once, maybe they could even pretend. sucking in a breath she knew she did not need, vaermina inched ever so closely as the prince stood up on tippy toes - their lips ever so dangerously close.
“ mora . . “ they began, flushed lips parting as violet hues flickered up to the prince of knowledge’s own. “ this is a dangerous game you are playing, my dear.. once we start this, i- “ a huff of breath as they spoke, almost as if they were trying to withhold herself. “ i will not be able to stop . . i will become so much more annoying about my affections, i fear. “
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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The creature before him is convincing, not that Orel had actually needed much convincing to begin with. He had assumed it one from the bible itself. Why angels were complicated. None so simple. Many heads, eyes, sometimes one big prominent eye as this creature has.
Hermaeus Mora is saying all the right things and Orel is focused, listening and standing to attention.
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He's amazed. ❝  You know my name- golly I mean of course you do! ❞ He is elated, feeling a little bit of adrenaline from natural fear. It wasn't unbearable. He was just so small here. Be not afraid.
❝ Oh, what shall I do to make sure I do not stray from the path of righteousness? - ❞ He hesitates.  ❝ Sorry what is your name? I feel rude. You know mine.❞ / @stolememory cont
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listenermage · 1 year
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               The path Estrid walked was one of knowledge and power, could be seen as two different things but so often they entwined. But, as far as she was concerned, you were insane to not want to know things. Knowledge was power and it gave you the ammunition one would need come out on top.
After a busy day in the court and going out of her way to send Farengar on small jobs to keep him out of his own quarters, Thane helped herself to his desk and the various volumes he had on him.
Already on the verge of exhaustion from being on feet all day, she was so deep within her readings that when shadow ruined her light, she didn't think twice to look up to see who it belonged to.
"Farengar, if it took you that short of a time to fine all the Nirnroot I asked for in the wilds, I'll be impressed."
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bladedwoe · 1 year
( Astrid ; continued )
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        𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝. When she took the contract, she knew the target had cultic inclinations. She assumed he burned a bridge or angered the wrong man, the one who sent her on this hunt, but to see Hermaeus Mora slink in from the shadows? Astrid stood in place, not realizing the way her bloodied dagger dug into her skin. 
        ❝ I presume you’re already made aware that the Dark Brotherhood pledges their loyalty to Sithis. ❞ The Night Mother? That was another topic entirely. Yet as Astrid grasped for what to say, her voice managed to come out even as if she wasn’t bothered or disturbed by this finding. Of all of the Daedric princes, perhaps toying with this entity wouldn’t be the worst scenario. She watches as his tendrils snaked their way into the brain, his large eye staring into Astrid as if this was a mundane thing. Every arm of this beast sunk into every open hole, draining the knowledge of this fallen foe until he was nothing but a pale husk. Or so, she figured.
        ❝ I’m familiar with these deals, you’re right. ❞ It's as if he could see her every thought, every plan, and every shred of her memory. It was only recently she left behind the abandoned shack near Solitude for her true home in Falkreath. ❝ But I’m afraid, as far as Sithis is concerned, the contract has been carried out as intended. A Dark Brotherhood member answered a client’s call to Sithis and we followed their instructions. This man will be with Sithis now in the Void. ❞ Astrid had to watch what she said here, even if she knew him as the seeker of knowledge, not death. 
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dovaeh · 1 year
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midnights prompts. "there were pages turned with the bridges burned." @stolememory.
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"it was our deal. if protecting tamriel means getting your 'pages', i don't regret burning the bridges." let them burn. even if it meant sacrificing a good man who had only wished to protect his people, or giving in to the whim of a daedric prince. is she proud to do it? no. but she doesn't have to be. she is willing to take the consequences in her hands and hold them, feel the weight and pain of them, and that's all that really matters.
though she is feeling even more pressed now, more than ready to be done with this foul quest and the prince's horrible realm. she doesn't meet its great gaze even as she feels it peering into her, this consuming feeling. "have you anything more for me? the time to confront your champion approaches."
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stolesanity · 1 year
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ingolds · 1 year
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favorite color(s): green :) always. mostly the color of the trees around here in the summer. grass. the green-blue of the ocean. ferns in the rain. the like song stuck in your head: skeleton, set it off. idk why it's so catchy to me but it showed up on my spotify discover weekly and here we are haha last song you listened to: blood, cult of helix. this song constantly has me in a VICEGRIP. i think it's so fun 3 favorite foods: homemade gnocchi, sushi ( any kind but especially spicy tuna ), starfruit dream trip: i've always wanted to go to italy! my dad's grandparents were from there and i'd like to see some of the sights. go to the town where his grandmother was born, if i can anything i want right now: a new motorcycle.... sweats. my current one is older and it runs fine but i want something bigger and sleeker. alas, these things cost money
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tagged by: @enypneon ( thank you!! ) tagging: @chateautangerine @godpyre @burningsky @fasciinating @stolememory @ripjulie @ohshadow and uhh whoever else wants to!
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stolememory · 1 year
The corporation behind stolememories has removed the lgbtq+ from Mora. We thank you for your business during the month of June
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abyssfate · 1 year
Also those following this blog, Mora was moved to @stolememory
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the27percent · 1 year
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Legal True Name: likely nameless to be honest. Dark Matter or rough equivalents is their 'formal' name in some respects. Nicknames: Atieno, Ati, the hidden power, the elusive cosmic, 'deity' of dark matter, various other names as applied to them. Date of Birth: Before the formation of the universe. [possibly has remnants from previous universes within them] Gender: don't be fooled, they are very genderless. and look it too. they/them are primary pronouns. but would use other neutral ones. Place of Birth: vast darkness of the universe. Currently Living: tends to travel around, has a number of hideaways based in several hidden clusters. Spoken Languages: very much multilingual, the exact extent of their ability remains unknown. Education: have been to varying universities as part of their travels. but generally has access to vast amount of knowledge as a result of their experience and connection to most hidden aspects of the universe. Hair Color: technically none. but in the form most people interact with - black/blue/purple Eye Color: usually completely black. with only a bit of silver for one to know they are being looked at. Height: 6'ft at their smallest. their height does tend to fluctuate, especially if they are off of Earth. can get to be pretty big. Weight: 210 lbs at their smallest. but as their height grows - they may take on a more disperse presence, so they can be very dense and oddly light at the same time. it's weird.
Siblings: may consider other cosmic darkness related beings as kin, but only if agreed to by the other party. Parents: unknown. Relatives: has been known to look after one Z. Andrews and their species of interdimensional beings as distant relatives of sorts. there may be a rumor of them being related to certain rebellious individuals. is not true. but is a fun rumor. Children: none known. Pets: their latest one is a cosmic kitty created by the brother of a friend. the cat's name is Oto,
Sexual Orientation: bisexual (there abouts). open to connections, if only to work on not feeling rough about having these impulses from time to time. Status: multiverse, multiship. hey.
tagged by ;@stolememory
tagging ; hey you. do it.
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stoledreams · 1 year
         a private and mutuals only blog for vaermina from the elder scrolls. written by nadia   ,   non binary , twenty two   ,   minors dni.     activity may fluctuate between low and medium.   established in 2022 , revamped on june 11th , 2023.     a͟f͟f͟i͟l͟i͟a͟t͟e͟d͟  with  :    @stolememory , @stolefate , @timewound
           [¹]   carrd      ,     [²]   interest tracker .
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