#stitched anti
huffle-dork · 9 months
Heyyy so one of my fav parts of SITCV just got posted and it’s my fav cuz of this guy :)
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A fucked up fusion of Alt and Stitched Anti me and Cry started calling Backstitch! He’s so fucked up I love him and his part of the fic sooo much!
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georgethebarbarian · 2 years
Important hot tip for literally anyone purchasing art
If an artist you rly like doesn’t have a public commission sheet or perhaps you have an odd but reasonable request your best friend will be “I will gladly compensate you for your time.” Literally the moment an artist sees that you’re actually going to pay them for whatever weird request you’ve got, they’re like a million percent more likely to respond positively to whatever your weird request is. For example: I love birds, and I was seeking out a nice state bird cross stitch pattern that wasn’t too complicated. I found one I liked on Etsy, but it was actually selling the finished product (a gorgeous quilt for about $2000) and not the charts, which was what I wanted. No problem! I messaged the seller and said “hi! I love your beautiful quilt, but I am actually interested in the cross stitch charts. Do you still have them? I would be more than happy to compensate you for the trouble.” I have no doubt that this lovely woman has been demanded for free labor countless times. It has happened to every quilter on planet earth. She told me that she would mail me HER ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN CHARTS for about $30, since she drafted them herself and wasn’t planning on making another quilt. I gladly sent $50 her way and told her she could just scan them for me if that was easier for her. Artists are, by and large, lovely people who want to help you. Please, just promise them that you will fucking compensate them for their time and labor.
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
Steve, in the middle of Eddie’s live-stream: Do kids still say swag? Is that still cool?
Eddie, who hasn’t heard anybody say swag in the last ten years: Yeah. Totally.
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harringroveera · 1 year
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AU where Billy escaped the Vecna’s curse because he’s not a hurt kid anymore & he’s already found his family
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tsastrogirll · 19 days
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Currently making patches, collecting pins and can tabs for my jacket (got it cheap at an op shop was so excited finding it, even has pockets!) and thought this would be the perfect place to show when I stitch them on! These are what I've done so far✨
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 10 months
nothing worse than losing a mutual to the other side. like nooo what abt your theory that every time rhys puts his hands in his pockets he was manipulating whoever he was talking to. or how gloves symbolize concealing things and feyre’s tattoos are permanent gloves she can’t take off. come baaaackkk😔
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chemzee · 2 months
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Interesting to see people comparing Aang to David from Lilo and Stich. I mean, David was helpful and respectful of Nani. When she told him she wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment, he understood and backed off. No forced kisses, no violent, angry outbursts. He backed off gracefully and continued to accept their friendship for what it was. He was empathetic to both Nani and Lilo, who was struggling to find her place. And when he went to have fun with them, he considered what they wanted, not just his own idea of fun.
Meanwhile, Aang added to Katara's burden, but occasionally took her to ride the mail chutes in Omashu (which was actually pretty stupid. They could've gotten hurt. The postal workers would've had to deal with it. There would've been all this unnecessary paperwork). Just because Aang and David are both cheerful, it doesn't mean there's any comparison between them.
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beevean · 6 months
I think I can finally pinpoint what bothers me so much about the Lenector ship - not even how it was treated in the show, but the very idea of making it "nuanced".
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Long story short, I found an author that promised to flesh out the Lenector storyline in the show, including getting a better insight into Lenore's thought process and rewriting some of the dialogue (I appreciated that they fixed the "interrogation" in S3 to make Hector specify that he never cared about a reward, it made him look less stupid)
Author never rewrote the rape scene, which disappointed me but oh well, but they did write Hector and Lenore finally talking about the ring, a discussion sorely missing in S4. It was more or less what I would have written: Lenore swearing that she had no choice and it was for his own good and protection, and Hector lamenting that she still tricked him and made him into a pet and she could have been honest because he would have agreed to work with them.
... but he's still in love with her. He kisses her gladly. And his "conflict", his anger at the betrayal, is framed as something in the way of his love, an obstacle that he'd have to get over it.
And there it is.
Even with the acknowledgement that what Lenore did was horrible, there is the assumption that Hector, after a good talk, is bound to forgive her. That it still makes sense that he'd be attracted to her. That it's okay, because she meant well. That it's okay, because she didn't technically lie, only twisted the truth to wear down his mental defenses (already worn down by imprisonment and abuse)! Oh, I guess I must have dreamed Lenore saying that she wanted to run away with him before kissing him :) to be fair, it was a terrible piece of writing. Good thing it wasn't real, apparently!
Yes, Hector's forgiveness should have taken time, but it should have happened. Because Lenore is not a bad person and they deserved to be together. Because what she did, which was deliberately push her prisoner in a delicate mental state into having sex with her so that she'd put an enslaving ring without his consent, was just an honest mistake and doesn't speak at all of her morality.
She's the best he got. She's nice to him, because she makes cute dick jokes and goes to whine to him. She's better than Dracula, who lied to him (Lenore never did), and better than Carmilla, who was violent with him (Lenore never was). This is not to be taken as a sign of how horribly this man has been treated in life, and how he'd be happy with the smallest of crumbs because he has been broken that badly. Lenore is the happiness he deserves. Ignore how "your life could be worse" is literal textbook abuser logic, it's true in his case.
The problem with S4 is not that it excused Lenore's rape by deception. It's that it rushed the forgiveness that was due and didn't allow them to be together. Lenore's suicide was Ellis hating this character that completely overtook Carmilla's already established role and was treated far more magnanimously than the similar Japanese not-twins, clearly!
And this is the impasse I cannot get over. Every time, every damn time, even when fans agree that S4 was a disaster, all arguments funnel to this one part: Lenore raping Hector for her plans is not a moral event horizon. Hector loving her makes perfect sense and it is a tragic, "nuanced" romance that should have ended with the two kissing in the sunset, finally having in their arms someone who truly respects them.
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^ the face of someone who only wanted to protect and take care of the prisoner whom she tricked into sex. She should have been happy with him forever and ever, really 🥺
I'm not judging the shippers' morality, obviously, I don't know any of these people. But the arguments they use make me sick to my stomach, which is made even worse by the fact that the show itself pushes this narrative, just in a way that was so shitty that even the fans were like "bruh".
I won't bother rewriting this trash, because I can do better with the gameverse. But if I ever did, I'd only ask for Hector to at least be conflicted until her sunning (which is not as nonsensical as fans seem to think lol, it just needs to be worded better). Like he recognizes that she did improve his life, but she used unforgivable means for no good reason. You want a tragic romance between two kindred souls? Remove that despicable, cruel act. The Lenore of S3 and the Lenore of S4 are irreconcilable and trying to do so always degenerates in rape apologism whether you mean it or not.
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goosemagician · 1 year
New Scars
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huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 6: Stitched
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Stitched | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched Taglist: @brokentimewatch  
Alt flies as fast as he can down the street, despite the spots in his vision warning him he’s near his limit. Except in his panic he’s running into things and tripping over himself. Usually he’s not this much of a coward- usually he fights, usually he lashes out. He doesn’t give up- he stands his ground. But now he’s scared- he’s scared he’s scared he’s scared!
Anti's laugh trails after him. "Someone's s̨lo̵w͞i̧n̡g d͟o-own͡~!" He sings, sounding almost playful. The old streetlights overhead randomly flicker on and off. "Save your eńe̢rǵy͡! Maybe you can t̨r̕y̨ to fight me! I'll win, but you might have ̧a͟ ̧c͞ḩan͡ce͞!"
One of the lights up ahead bursts, showering the ground with broken glass. Anti appears underneath it, grinning, a knife in his hand that wasn't there before. He throws it right at Alt.
Alt chokes on a terrified sob, trying to glitch but only being able to fizzle. He yells out as the light bursts and skids to a stop then shakily backs up , eyes wide. He tries to dodge the knife but it slices through his calf sending him crashing to the ground. He groans then desperately tries to claw his way back up. “No no-! Nononono!!”
Static fills the air as Anti's grin widens. Suddenly he's standing right above Alt, leaning down over him. "Did that hurt? G͢ò̡̡o͟͠d͝҉.̡" He grabs Alt by the wrists and pulls him up. "You were in our br̡a̵͢i̡͡n, Alt. I know w͢h̵at ̶s̶c̕a̷res͝ y̢ou. And you h̸ątȩ losing control." Suddenly he lets go--but Alt can still feel a tight grip around his wrists. It's strings. Green strings, with Anti holding the other ends. "You hate p҉u͠p̷pe͝ts̷."
Alt squeaks quietly as Anti appears before him and tries to run as he’s grabbed. He squirms and weakly struggles as he heaves in panic. He yelps as he drops then looks down to see the strings. He looks up pleadingly to Anti and tries to scramble back, screaming internally as he feels the strings go taut. “P-Please- don’t do this…! Please I-I’m sorry- I’m sorry just leave me alone!!”
"'S̶ó͟͏r̶̢ry̸' isn't enough." Anti's eyes burn blue and red. "It's n̛̛̕ę͞v͝ȩ̨r̡ been e̵͠n͠óu̵͞͏g̨h̵." He doesn't say anything more, just yanks on the strings. The static is inside Alt's skull. It's getting louder but he can't cover his ears to block it out.
Alt gets pulled and he tries to fight against them but then the static comes. And he freezes even more, static always sets his nerves on fire- he’s scared of the noise. He sobs, trying to fight against the static but he can feel himself losing quickly.
"That's it." Anti's face is bright with triumph. "Like th͏̧̨a̢t͢͠."
This is different than his usual approach. He is pouring static waves into Alt's mind to overwhelm him. Even as his body relaxes, Alt is dimly aware of what's happening.
Alt screams as the static hits him over and over, writhing and wanting to claw out of his skin. His insides are turning to static- his mind is too. But- there's no peace of forgetting... no he's still there, agonizing in the static that has enveloped his entire being. He falls to his knees and lets himself slump to the floor, looking at the ground with wide static leaking eyes.
A cry rings out, not too far away. Anti's head snaps towards it. He'd recognize that voice in any universe. "Just in ti̷m̵̨e̛. Let's pų̷t ͟o̧͞n͞ ̷̛a s̸̀h̸o̴̴w̢, shall we?" He laughs madly. Though his body disperses, the strings remain, and Alt can tell he's not far.
A blue disk spins down the street. JJ, Jack, and Chase run after it. Bro is there too but he is not nearly as winded as the rest of them.
"Look!" Chase shouts, and points. Schneep is slumped at the base of a building.
"Oh shit!" Jack breaks off from the rest of the group first, crouching down to shake Schneep.
"Hen--" Schneep's eyes immediately fly open and he sits up straight, gasping. "He is going after Alt!" he shouts.
Bro is probably the one keeping the best pace with the tracker, determination keeping him going. Bro stops when Jack stops and then stares at Schneep wide eyed. Then he doesn’t waste another second as he continues to run towards where the spell is going. “Alt!!”
"Chase! Wait!" Schneep scrambles to his feet and immediately runs after Bro. "He will make you two fight!" The other three follow right after.
“I don't care!" Bro shouts, desperate tears in his eyes. "He needs me! I promised him I'd always be there for him!"
The four others all exchange a look--even Schneep joins in, knowing how the others will react. They do not leave people behind.
"Just--be prepared!" Chase says. "You know what to expect."
As Bro--the others behind--turns a corner and comes into view, Alt hears a voice in his ear. "That's h̵i҉̨ḿ͞," Anti says, delighted. "You know w͠hat͞ ̸t͝o͞ d̵o͟."
Bro rounds the corner and he skids to a halt as he sees Alt on the ground. More tears come to his eyes as he breathes easier for a second. "A-Anti...!"
Alt's head snaps to look at Bro, static pouring out. An unsettling grin pulls at his lips as he pushes himself up and starts to limp forward. He giggles quietly, arms swaying by his side. "C̴̛͑h̸͈̐ä̴͜s̵̟̾e̶͉͐ ̶.̷.̶"
He holds out his hand and in a collection of glitches and static, a green and blue knife appears. It glitches with red. Alt's eyes widen with madness as he barks out a laugh. He launches at Bro, trying to slice down his chest again. "W̸h̶a̸t̷ ̴h̷a̴p̶p̵e̸n̸e̴d̸ ̶t̷o̸ ̸t̴h̷a̵t pr̶e̷t̷t̴y̷ ̶w̷o̷u̴n̴d̸ ̷I̸ ̶g̴a̵ve you?"
Bro braces himself and then rolls to dodge out of the way, as Alt cracks the knife into the road. "Alt, c'mon please! Snap out of it!" Bro pleads.
The others gape in shock at Alt. Chase, in particular, winces. Is that worse than what happened to him? Well, if it is, hopefully they can make sure it doesn't last as long.
"He has to be somewhere nearby," Chase mutters. "He always was."
"I cannot feel him nearby," Schneep says.
"Doesn't mean he isn't." Jack closes one eye, activating his soul vision. Where? Where? Wh--There. The collection of broken shards and string that represents Anti, floating not too far behind Alt. "There!" he points. JJ sends a wheel spinning in the direction Jack points. There's a flicker of static as Anti glitches out of the way, becoming visible--if not physical--a few feet to the left of where he was.
"Nice tri͞c͟k," Anti snarls. "But you c̢an̡'̡t̷ eǹd̕ this. Try a͠ga͡in, Alt! As m̕a̶ny ͞t͠i҉mes as it ta͝k͡e͝s."
Schneep takes a step backwards--suddenly disappearing. He does not reappear.
Alt is screaming in his head, banging against the static walls as he feels his body move without his say so. He wants to warn Chase, the others- but he can't!
The glitch giggles and pushes himself up, glitching and breaking apart for a second before trying to slash at Bro again.
Bro ducks again, his brain fumbling for some way to get to his brother.
Alt tilts his head at Bro and grins wide, "I̸ ̵w̷a̴n̴t̴e̶d̸ ̷t̶o̴ ̸k̶i̸l̵l̸ ̷y̶o̸u̴ for so ̶l̴o̴n̷g̴.̴.̴.̶" He whispers. "N̶o̵.̸.̷.̶ ̸m̷a̵y̷b̵e̴ ̵n̷o̴t̵ ̸t̸h̸a̶t̸.̸ ̴B̵u̶t̶,̵ I wan̶t̵ed y̵ou̴ ̸d̷e̷a̷d̶.̴ ̵" Bro's eyes widen,
"A-Anti... c'mon... this isn't you!" Alt's head gets thrown back with mad laughter.
"You don't know that! Maybe it is! M̶a̴y̵b̸e̷ ̴I̴ ̶w̴a̶s̸ ̸m̴a̶d̴e̴ ̷w̸r̵o̸ng̵ ̷b̵e̴f̷o̴r̶e̸!̴ ̷" He then glitches, though its mostly made of static, and manages to grab Bro by his hair and then slam him to the ground. He pins him down with his shoe and grins, static tears dripping down on bro and the street as he leans over.
"H̷e̸y̵ ̶B̸i̸g̷ ̴B̵r̵o̵.̷ ̶Y̵o̸u̸ ̶t̶r̵i̷ed t̴o̴ ̴d̵i̷e̴ ̵b̷e̴f̷o̵r̶e̸ right̴?̷ ̴W̴hy d̷o̴n̴'t̴ ̷I̶ ̵f̶i̶n̴i̴s̸h what̶ ̸y̸o̴u̸ ̵s̷tar̷t̷e̵d̶?!̶" He flips off Bro's hat and then braces his hands on his knife. The point hovers over the scar on Bro's head. Bro freezes.
"NO!" The response is instant and terrible. Chase starts running forward, but JJ grabs him and holds him back. "Let me go JJ, you don't get it I need to--"
"You need to go for the source!" Jack says urgently. "Do you remember the last time we went there?"
Chase is confused for only a split second. Then his eyes widen. He whirls around, raising his gun, and-- BANG!
Anti had gotten careless. He thought none of them would be able to stand up to him without Schneep, whose scissors were the biggest threat. But he'd forgotten. Magic is slower than bullets.
There's a spray of static-tinged blood and Anti gasps, staggering backwards as it leaks down his chest. His concentration immediately weakens.
The effect is immediate. The static dies down in Alt's eyes before he can even move to try to sink the knife in. He immediately scrambles away, dropping the knife and dragging his wounded leg painfully on the ground. He's heaving, terrified, getting tangled in the strings around his wrists. Bro pushes himself up and tries to reach out, " Anti-!"
"No! D-Don't touch me!" Alt sobs, curling up on himself. "Just- Just leave me alone! I'm only ever gonna hurt you!!"
"Anti please, that's not true!" Bro cries, distressed at seeing his baby brother so broken. "And- e-even if it was, I don't care! I don't care what these fucking universes say you are! You're not them! You're you! And I promised you I'd never leave you again!"
"You just got fucking mind controlled, bro!" Chase shouts. "Trust me, the guilt gets old!"
"Oh do͟e͠s ́i͢t̕?" Anti growls. Suddenly he's in front of Chase. "Then how about--" And then Schneep reappears right behind Anti, eyes glowing turquoise. His scissors are open, and he tries to slash them across Anti's throat.
Bro and Alt stiffen and then Alt looks at Bro and quickly whispers, "Chase- throw me."
He grips onto the strings on his wrists. Bro hesitates for half a second before nodding, picking up the shorter boy, and yeeting him at Anti. Alt grabs the strings and then tries to wrap them around Anti's neck and uses the momentum of him going towards the ground the drag the glitch down with him.
Anti stiffens as he realizes Schneep is behind him and starts to glitch away--and then Alt hits him and he shrieks as he gets pulled to the ground. Chase steps backwards, shocked.
"Thank you!" Schneep says hurriedly. And before Anti can get up again he leans down and slashes his scissors across his throat, cutting the strings.
Anti screams. He glitches away, then back. He tries to grab Chase but Jack pulls him back--maybe a bit too fast as the two of them lose their balance and fall. Anti glitches away again, clawing at his neck. Glitches wrack his head and torso, squares of blue and red static as his head snaps back and forth. His features are... shifting. Chase and Jack aren't looking, Schneep can't see, and the shifting features mean nothing to JJ. But Bro and Alt--they might recognize the faces that Anti's becomes for a split second.
Alt watches in horror as Anti's face splits. Bro hurries over and tries to throw himself in front of Alt in case Anti tries to attack.
And then there's an electric snapping sound, like a fuse blowing, and Anti disappears.
Bro deflates- and looks ready to scoop Alt up in a hug- but Alt shudders away and curls up, breaking down into quiet sobs. Bro is at a loss for words as he sits back, watching his brother with worried eyes.
Schneep lets out a shaky breath. He'd had that theory for a while, that the strings were somehow keeping Anti together. He starts to tell the others about that... but then Alt starts crying.
"O-oh..." Chase sits up straight. "Alt, I... I know. I-I know." It's all he can say.
Do you need a moment? JJ asks, signing gently.
"Or... anything else?" Jack adds.
"i... i want it to stop...." Alt's voice breaks, "I just want it all to stop....!" He wails, digging his fingers into his hair and curling up smaller. He's shaking like a leaf.
Bro's mouth opens and closes, trying to find something to say. But, he falls short. He closes his eyes and feels himself crying too, aching for Alt.
"Oh..." Jack whispers. "Y-yeah... It's.... you went through a lot just now." He pauses. "Look, I... don't know if this helps, but if anyone knows what you're going through, it's us. I mean, I guess not exactly, I mean we can't know what it's like to be in another dimension, but... We've all been fucked with by Anti in different ways. So... I-I get it. We all do."
"He's a real bastard," Chase mutters. "And he's good at getting in people's heads." JJ nods, reaching up to touch the spot on his mask over his mouth. "If we need a moment, we can wait," Schneep says quietly. "Sometimes you... just need a moment."
Alt's voice is so quiet, "...its only a matter of time... isn't it...?" He laughs, hardly louder than a whisper and full of pain. "...i... i felt that there were other ones... worse ones but....i..." He starts to cry between weak giggles, "i never thought i'd... i'd actually see them... that'd i... i'd be-"
He hides his face against the ground, then spasms and screams, body threatening to break completely apart as he screeches so loud it tears at his throat. "WHY ME?? Why did it have to be ME?! I didn't want this- I DON'T WANT THIS!! Ȉ̶̘ ̸̠̍J̴͈̔U̶̠̚S̶̥̈́T̶̳̓ ̶̀WANT IT TO ͇STOP!! ̸͕̓" He tries to dig his nails into his scar again- as if its the reason he's suffering.
"ALT!" Bro shouts and then finally grabs his brother and hugs him from behind, squeezing him tight and pulling his hands away from him. "P-Please... don't- you're okay..." He lets go of one of his hands and hides his face against the glitch's shoulder. "... just... breathe- please..."
Alt trembles in Bro's grip, eventually hanging his head to cry silently.
A figure watches the scene from the shadows clutching at bleeding wounds. But- he doesn't intervene. He... doesn't feel remorse. He can't but... He doesn't move to break up the scene. He just watches.
The others watch quietly for a moment, realizing that the two of them need this moment. Then, once he's sure that Alt has calmed down enough, Schneep crouches on the ground next to him. "This will not be what you want to hear," he says quietly. "But it cannot stop yet. You... you have to get home." He takes a deep breath. "So... if you need a break, take it. But..."
I don't think this is the time, Schneep," Chase mutters.
Bro nods slowly against Alt, "I know its hard Alt... but we have to keep going... we can't give up. That's how they win... we can't let the bad guys win."
"Look. Alt... it gets better. Even if you think it won't." Chase hesitates, then reaches down and pulls off his wristbands. Beneath are strings...green stitches going into his skin.
Alt doesn't look at the others at first- until Chase shows his wrist. On instinct- he grabs the purple tattoo like marks on his arm.
"I tried... so hard to get these out. I wanted to get rid of everything that reminded me of what happened. Of what... still happens, sometimes. A-as you probably guessed, hah. I want it all to stop, too. But... then these guys come in. JJ really helped, actually. When you're.... when it all feels like too much, that's what others are for. Friends... and family. A-and it looks like you have some pretty good family."
Alt looks slowly around at the others and feels his chest ache. He... he misses his friends. He wishes they were here... but he's also so glad they aren't. He glances back at Bro and his brother smiles, going to hold Alt's hand instead of holding it back. "... i haven't been the best but... I'm here Alt. And no matter how these... things or us-es or universes try to tear us apart, I will always find you. Just keep an eye out for the light, okay?"
The younger Brody is quiet as he holds a hand over his heart. Trying not to imagine the string that was there before. Feeling the beat of his heart- the pulse of his magic. There's... light in there somewhere... right? He slowly breathes, and then nods, "Yeah... o...okay...."
Jack smiles. "We haven't known each other that long, but I know you guys will be okay. You're those sorts of people, if that makes sense." He takes a deep breath. "And not to ruin the moment, but we are just sort of sitting on the sidewalk out in full view of people."
Wonder what they thought of everything that just happened, JJ says. "If anyone was even nearby," Chase adds. "These places don't exactly look... habited."
"You mean inhabited?" Schneep asks.
"Eh, you get what I mean."
Suddenly there's a quiet cough before Magnificent lets himself step out of the shadows. He doesn't look angry, just- resigned. He clutches his shoulder and stares evenly as the swaptics. "...I believe its time we ended this chase." He says evenly.
"Holy fucking shit!" Chase scrambles to his feet and quickly backs away. JJ instinctively covers them all with a shield while Schneep spins his scissors into an easier-to-stab-with position.
"Jesus!" Jack stares at him wide-eyes. "Wh-what?! What the fuck do you want?!"
Bro jumps and then goes to push Alt behind him, baring his teeth. "Fuck off Mag! Alt has been through enough!" Alt tries not to look at Mag and hide how he wants to shake.
Mag sighs dramatically, "You all misunderstand me... I mean to say... I cannot continue this if my cub is close to falling apart." He looks at Alt through the shield. "...do you still have the device, Alt?"
Alt hesitates and then slowly nods, pulling out the TRVLR. "... can it still operate?"
Alt looks down and experimentally tries to shoot some electricity back into it.
The TRVLR lights up immediately, showing the same three-option menu as before. JJ leans over to look at it. Strange that such a simple device can do something so... great, he says. Schneep narrows his eyes at Magnificent. "Do you two trust this?" he asks Bro and Alt without turning to them. Even if he can't see that doesn't mean he can't level Magnificent with a bright turquoise glare.
"Yeah, is this... something he'd normally do?" Jack adds warily.
Alt stares up at Mag with a steady glare too, probably matching Schneep’s expression. He doesn’t take his eyes off him as he responds to Jack. “…kinda.” He remembers the moments he thought Mag cared about him when he worked as impulse. But, now he has the scars that show what trusting him did.
But, he’s tired. And so is Mag… he can still feel pain. And whatever that.. thing him and anti were- it did a number on him. If he tries anything… bro can probably handle him. Bro doesn’t move from being in front of Alt, glaring mag down too.
“…I hold it, Mag. No funny business.” Alt bites out coldly.
Magnificent just nods.
Alt purses his lips then opens up the options on the map- looking for what could be home.
The others all glance at each other. Their Anti would never offer an olive branch to them. But... it's best to trust the guys who know Magnificent. "Okay," Jack says quietly.
"I guess this is goodbye, then," Chase says.
"We should never say for sure," Schneep adds. "The world and the spaces between are infinite, and so are the possibilities."
Once you know where you're going I'll drop the shield, JJ says.
There's a slight difference in the TRVLR map. Obviously the code of their Current Location has changed, but also, the code for the last universe is in gray text instead of white. There's a little home icon next to it: obviously so that the user will never forget which world they came from... or at least, the world the device came from. Choosing one with the exact same prefix didn't work, so maybe choosing a slightly different one would be better? UA-0807022PN... That looks promising.
Alt nods slowly and then looks at the gaggle of septic boys surrounding him and Bro. He looks away and tries to keep his tears back. “…I’m sorry… for all the trouble.” Bro is about ready to lightly smack him before alt looks back up and adds earnestly, “But- thank you. Your guys’ words I… I’m gonna try to remember them. I promise…” He especially looks at Chase and attempts a small smile.
Bro smiles and lightly pats Alt’s shoulder. Then he helps them both get up, letting Alt lean on him as his injured leg flares with pain. Bro smiles at the others. “I know this was crazy but- you guys are… really strong. The fact you can keep going through all of this? Metal as fuck. You have my respect- and… I wish you all luck. It was an honor to meet such brave lads.”
Magnificent rolls his eyes, “Can we get on with it? I can still bleed out, you know.”
“Maybe you should get on that then.” Bro deadpans, flicking a glare his way.
"Awe." Jack smiles. All of them look touched.
"Happy to be of help," Chase says, grinning back. "And... thanks. That really means a lot."
JJ drops the shield. Discreetly, so that Mag doesn't notice (and get pissy) he brushes against Alt and heals his injury the same way he healed Bro's. Good luck. You're both very 'metal' as well.
"I hope you get home soon," Schneep says.
Alt jumps slightly at being healed but then smiles at JJ and Schneep, "Thanks..."
"Schneep! if we can ever come back- we need to train or something!! You fight like a bat outta hell! Its crazy to see from someone who's blind!" Bro adds quickly.
Alt's eyes widen and he looks between Bro and Schneep quickly before gaping at Schneep comically. "wait, you're BLIND?"
Bro blinks, "...did I not say??"
Schneep bursts into laughter. "Yes, it is a long story, but yes. I would be happy to, ah, train with you both if you return."
"Why do you think I was repeating everything JJ signed when we all know BSL?" Jack asks. "Because you can't see sign language if you can't see shit at all."
Alt opens his mouth- and then closes it with a confused expression. ...did he not notice that?? "...i guess i didnt really think about it..."
"But thank you, I try very hard," Schneep says. "It took me a while to get oriented to jumping everywhere without facking seeing anything. In any case. Do not let us hold you up any more."
"Goodbye, guys!" Jack waves. "Sorry about pointing a knife at you, Alt."
Alt grins and waves at Jack, "hey no problem! maybe- try to get a pocket knife or something- just in case something else glitches out at you."
Bro waves, "Bye guys!" Alt waves bye as well. Bro then helps Alt over to Mag, even though Alt can walk fine he's still exhausted. They all glare at each other before Alt offers his hand. Mag bares his teeth slightly and then grabs it. Then, Alt breathes and presses the jump button.
The guys all nod and wave their goodbyes before the jump happens. Then, to Alt, Bro, and Magnificent, there is a split second where they area falling--it is dark, and there are balls of green light all around them--and then they are no longer here.
"They are gone, aren't they?" Schneep says.
"Yeah." Jack sighs. "I hope they get home. And that Magnificent guy doesn't cause any more problems."
"He's like Anti, of course he will," Chase says. "Well, I hope that they're not too big of problems, then."
We should get home as well, JJ says. Though I'm not too keen on going back to the flat now that Anti has been there.
"I...know somewhere we might be able to stay," Chase says slowly. "If she'll let us."
"You mean Stacy?" Schneep asks.
"Well, it is an emergency, I'm sure she will understand," Schneep says. "While we go there, I should tell you all about something I thought about with Anti. About those strings of his..."
The group turns and begins walking to the nearest bus stop.
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a-strawberry-mouse · 9 months
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This is the back of the big pink/red/purple patch area. A smaller patch covers an area that looked a bit threadbare.
Solved a current problem and prevented a future problem. My favorite kind of fix!
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fansplaining · 1 year
We’re seeing all of these people push back at fans of color, especially Black Americans, who they are reacting to with common narratives that we’re seeing in popular politics, of entitlement, and assuming that pro-Blackness is anti-Asian or anti-white, right? We’re seeing this play out in fandom, and fandom is so much worse than before, and no one cares, in fandom. The same people are talking about it, and the same people are being shouted down, and that’s because fandom has a really big racism problem, where everything is personal—except for what they do to people of color who talk about racism. Then it’s justice. 
— Stitch in our anniversary episode, where the past year's guests discussed trends they'd observed in fandom over the past year. Click through to listen to their full voicemail or read a full transcript.
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gojuo · 2 years
The audience manipulation is almost hilariously pro-Black in every way. Otto sends his daughter to the king: ‘wear your mother’s dress’. Corlys does the same thing: no scene where he coaches Laena on what to say. The divine right to rule white hart. The fact that the show seemingly doesn’t realize they wrote a rape scene between Rhaenyra and Criston. The quick gloss over the ‘questioned sharply’ line so that people would have no idea she meant torture. Aemond ‘stealing’ a dragon and threatening murder to justify Jace and Luc. The total and utter absence of the political context which makes it crystal clear that Aegon has the superior claim and Rhaenyra’s bastards aren’t eligible for anything. The murder of an redshirt framed as LGBT allyship. Meanwhile Alicent gets implicated in the murder of fave fave Strongs despite having nothing to do with it and waves a dagger in Rhaenyra’s face while screaming about how jealous she is. And what they’ve done with Alicent is actually insulting because if you’re going to make a character ‘nuanced’ by giving her a backstory of forced child marriage and rape, you cannot then turn around and frame her as the primary oppressor of a far more privileged character.
I was actually planning on writing a post on how the show's framing absolutely sucks ass and tacitly never punishes Rhaenyra's side in the same way they do to Alicent's, but you literally said it all right here 💀💀💀
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mcjimc · 4 months
gross how disney has isolated stitch from lilo to make money, but keeps the 'hawaiian' parts that came with the lilo and stitch franchise and thus has created an alien creature with no genuine connections to hawaii to make money off of hawaiian culture. There is now no need to contect hawaii with genuine people, when you can connect it soley with disney's intellectual property
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