#stinky ass shit
cvnt4him · 13 days
Clingy katsu?!
Of course he would never admit to it. He's so quick to call you clingy when you want him to wrap his arms around your shoulder when you walk in the halls or if you want him to hug you occasionally, but this mf never wants to acknowledge how much he clings to you without you asking. Sometimes he'll just walk up next to you in the halls and wrap his arms around your waist, if you're sitting and eating with friends he'll come and sit next to you and cut you or whoever is talking completely off and just start randomly saying shit to you. Don't even get me started on if you don't answer his texts and he finds you talking to someone else. He is gonna be fucking pissed.
"yeah.. It's just been a lot an— oh- "
“why the fuck didn't you answer my texts.”
“katsuki, what the hell??”
He gets so angry whenever he feels like you're blowing him off. He's petty sure but not petty enough to stay away from you. So to get back at you for not answering he ignores you, not saying a single word to you. He would have your face buried in his chest while he plays with your hair, just twirling loose strands around his finger because he's bored.
“katsu, do you want to talk about it?”
You're referring to the texts and why you didn't answer. His once relaxed and soft face now contorting into an angry look, his beautiful features being horribly taken over by rage. You pissed him off when you didn't answer and now you were going to suffer.
“kats— are you seriously ignoring me.”
[wrote this around the time I was having katsu brainrot so erm. Yeah it's ass bc I was supposed to rewrite it but I want this funky shit out my drafts]
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0-crow-carnival-0 · 2 months
More whiteboard stuff.
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Gay and gayer.
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savefrog · 4 months
ok look ive only mostly had a passive interest in the series and only saw some of the older versions as a teen and idk it's relative popularity in anime circles cause i never hear anyone talk about Ge Ge Ge no Kitarou BUT WAS ANYONE ELSE GOING TO TELL ME THAT THEY MADE KITAROU'S DAD
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(Pictured here as a goofy ass lil butt naked eyeball man)
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kizoken · 11 months
i just despise the way some writers think they're all that, yea your writings skills are good. your personality, however, is comparable to a tape worm induced diarrhea. and yall think yall can run with that 'i can mistreat whoever i want' gag and shit won't blow in your face ?? my siblings in christ, get a grip on reality stop being so fucking stupid, its annoying + you're not that important, trust me.
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sunnibits · 28 days
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y’alll her in gortash’s clothes thooo 😩😩
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
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Important photographs
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metaben · 2 months
I hate how Larian has yet to fix tons of content issues and bugs but they'll do shit like patch out the exploit to eldritch blast the spider queen into the void when that was actually just a smart exploit they should have left in for fun and to reward players who thought of it
similar to how they keep patching out the funny and smart ways people find to kill Mizora when they could just add a game-friendly way to remove her from camp and make the players happy
they are so anti-player in their thinking it drives me fucking nuts I think you'd have to pay me to play another Larian game
the only reason I'm playing it now is because of my unhealthy attachment to the squid alien that everyone else hates
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pensiveant · 7 months
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I cannot even begin to explain how much I hate this post
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theswedishpajas · 9 months
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Enjoying the game I was gifted for christmas
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Sorry if you've already posted something like this before, but how well do you think Claude's routes tackle the subject of dismantling prejudice and racism? Because I've seen some recent discourse that's caused some controversy and it was about how Azure Moon/gleam character's and Dimitri handle that theme better with Duscar. And how Claude is a bit redundant as a character in FE3H as the golden deer routes overall don't end up contributing too much to the overall story rather than lore. My personal opinion is that I do see what they were trying to do with Claude and racism because it was there but because of how undeveloped the writing in both of his routes were the message doesn't come off as strong or a bit naive for Claude. (I do have like 3 more chapters in VW I need to catch up on.)
The outright tackling of it, in the base route itself? Somewhat poorly, negl. But the concept of him doing so itself would not be redundant, imo. The two of them tackle the same core issue - trying to dismantle prejudice and allow for peace to fall between differing people - in two very distinct, different ways.
Dimitri, when all is said and done, has the power and the means to achieve this with the power he has as king of Faerghus. Duscur is a land that, while separate from it culturally, still resides in Faerghus, and it is a relatively small land at that. And Faerghus has been its direct oppressor for years - it has direct power over Duscur. So Dimitri taking up the reigns of king gives him a far more direct means of amending that - it's not a "blink and it's over" sort of thing, but he is ultimately the one with the most power in this situation to be able to fix it. And, as seen by AG, him doing so leads to a lot of progress being able to be made. There's still a lot to fix, but to say he's been king for, what, 2 years max? There's a lot he's been able to do.
Claude, however, is not in that sort of position. For starters, he's not even guaranteed to become king, unlike Dimitri who always would once he became of age (as Rufus was only a regent in place of king until Dimitri was old enough to be coronated). He has to deal with the struggle of attaining the power to be able to make change at all, unlike Dimitri who had to fight Rufus to keep his already attained right to the throne, which immediately differentiates the two stories by a fairly large degree. But aside from that, Claude is trying to amend the relationship between two entire continents worth of people. As king of Almyra, he would not have power over Fodlan - Almyra isn't oppressing Fodlan, like Faerghus was with Duscur, nor does Fodlan physically reside within Almyra. Therefore he has far less direct access to change than Dimitri does - he has to rely on his connections to Fodlan's people-in-charge far more than Dimitri does (who, mind, still does do that, but it wouldn't be to the necessary degrees Claude would have to go to).
The relationship between Faerghus and Duscur and Fodlan and Almyra are fundamentally different, therefore Dimitri and Claude's approaches to the issues of them would similarly be different at their cores. Dimitri has more direct power to change things, but the things that need changing are horrific and involve giving power back to a people who've had theirs stolen from them. Claude doesn't have to deal with a history of oppression per se, but he has to deal with a long-standing feud between two fairly-equally powered continents that he can only potentially have direct power over one of. The stories of how these two fix these relationships - as in, achieving their goals that are, at the end of the day, somewhat similar - wouldn't be redundant because of the important differences they do have.
HOWEVER. That's mostly conceptually. In practice, Dimitri does achieve his goals (or gets far closer to them) than Claude ever does, in either games, because both games cared more to give Dimitri a character-driven story. All Claude was ever given was a bootlegged BE route in both games, with Hopes going further and making Claude himself a bootleg of Edelgard. Not much of a chance for Claude to do much, given those facts lmao.
As well as that, the writers only cared to have any story centered around Fodlan and not much else - Duscur gets a pass for, again, physically residing in Fodlan, but as we can see anything else gets The Boot. Almyra is barely talked about, Brigid is barely talked about, Dagda is barely talked about, Sreng is barely talked about; despite having characters that come from those places (or in Sreng's case, having characters otherwise connected to it somehow), they have almost no information given about them at all, and they have pretty much no narrative focus. Which is somehow better than Albinea or Morphis, who both get pretty much nothing at all.
And not to be a bringer of wild and wacky news or anything, but centering a main character around a place that you deliberately give no information about save for the smallest crumbs... isn't going to lend itself to a good story if you try to make that character's story have much to do with that place. Which is Claude's biggest problem in that aspect of his writing. Duscur is allowed to have an important role in both Dimitri's story (and other characters' stories) as well as the plot of 3H itself (as it's connected to the reason Lambert is dead and thus Faerghus is weakened as much as it is, which makes Edelgard's invasion of it easier) - Almyra is not. Almyra, at its core, is only really allowed to set up Claude's character, but doing anything more with it - directly interacting with Almyra the same way that Duscur is directly interacted with? Not... really. It says a lot that the writers decided to make Claude's paralogue centered around Fodlan and not Almyra in 3H - and Hopes, technically, though for once it is slightly better there by having Almyra at least be involved somehow.
I'll say this, end of the day: Claude was never going to be able to focus any attention on amending Fodlan and Almyra's relationship in 3H in any sort of similar way that Dimitri was able to focus any attention to amending Faerghus and Duscur's relationship given the nature of 3H's narrative priority to Fodlan's issues. And while he did have a really good opportunity to do so in Hopes, that was impossible because for the majority of the game it's his dumbass evil Edelgard-wannabe twin Clyde that's in the game at all. While Claude ultimately is fairly redundant against Dimitri in execution regarding their goals, it didn't have to be on a conceptual level - hope that makes sense lmao
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giantkillerjack · 10 months
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"Oh, Jack. You silly boi. You know that help at the top of the stairs is no help at all."
Art piece i may delete later about my parents offering money to me and my sisters to pay for either grad school (a thing I don't want and can't do with my disability) or my wedding (also a thing I don't need/want), but not for anything that would actually help me escape poverty and find stable housing and income.
Like, I recognize the privilege of being able to complain that my parents have offered me a bunch of money but in the wrong way.
But also if that money is on top of a flight of stairs that I can't climb (but my sisters can), then I haven't really been offered money, so much as I have watched money I need be placed somewhere I can't reach it. Which tbh feels worse than if it was never mentioned to me in the first place.
I was gonna send this art to them and i wrote this big long message to go with it, but then I decided to wait until my therapy session on Tuesday to talk it thru with her first, since I've literally never regretted doing that.
Besides, both of my parents are lawyers and right now they're providing me and my friends with a lot of free legal advice about this property we're trying to buy together, so I don't want to rock the boat currently.
I just wish I knew if I had access to that money as a poor person in need of stable housing and quality disability care, and I wish my parents weren't world-class hLepers who have a long and triggering history of engaging me in rigorous debate about the kind of help I should be allowed to receive from them as a disabled person.
Nothing like having to provide an argument that would hold up in court every time I'm sick and need help! Love that! Love that I can't even talk about money with them now without having invasive thoughts about it for days to come due to past incidences in which this repeated behavior of theirs literally endangered my life!!
Not like I need that mental capacity for working on the largest and most exciting opportunity of my life that also happens to line up with my hopes and dreams for the future!! It's fine!! What do I even need mental capacity for anyway?????
This wouldn't even be the first time this little Distrust Fund has caused problems for my relationship with my parents. They are very opposed to that money being used to help my disability and it has caused PROBLEMS for us that we have never quite recovered from.
It's just difficult to be reminded that although our relationship has gotten better (mostly thanks to me setting boundaries), that doesn't mean they now actually believe what I need for my disability when I tell them.
They really do love me, and they have only ever acted with the best of intentions . But good intentions cease to matter when the impact is harmful and repeated. And they have proven to be repeatedly incapable of providing non-ableist support for me again and again and again. They've even genuinely tried to learn; and sometimes it really seems like my mom has made progress with her therapist (who is disabled), but who knows when I can so jarringly be reminded of how quickly that toxic ableist thinking can show its ugly face.
It's so clear to me and they don't even know it's there.
It feels like I'm in a horror movie when I try to get them to understand their own ableism, and that is a good good sign that I may want to consider an approach that minimizes my mental damage instead. Even if it means I don't get their stupid, deeply-conditional-and-yet-the-conditions-are-SO-vague-and-they-won't-admit-it money.
#original#diary#ableism#ableism cw#if they actually trusted me they'd just give me the fucking money but WHATEVER#maybe it's cause of all those times i was really reckless and irresponsible with money-- OH WAIT. THAT HAS LITERALLY NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED#I GRADUATED BUSINESS SCHOOL WITH HONORS AND HAVE NEVER HAD ISSUES WITH OVER-SPENDING#maybe they subconsciously think I'm stupid w money bc I'm poor. but i doubt my sisters could just get the whole lump sum either.#I HAVE BEEN LIVING FRUGALLY MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE YOU BASTARDS#I would say there's a 5% chance they pleasantly surprise me but I have to be careful not to spend too much energy on it#the invasive thoughts around my family's ableism are super aggressive and constant when they start#and so i would rather have no help than that stinky-ass hLep that hurts my brain and heart so bad for days after#hLep#anyway i don't want their help paying for a wedding bc i am housing insecure with no income and so is my wife#and besides that wedding planning is hard and stressful and involves either including or snubbing relatives i don't like#so like if you offer me thousands of dollars i would be like Great! More savings means more safety and security!#i would NOT be like Okay time to spend $2000 on fucking flowers I have SHIT GOING ON#if i have a wedding then the cost will be the cost of pizza for all the guests.#also govt says i can't get married or i lose my disability payments so ryan and I just decided we are married years ago#i need SO much disability care equipment that i don't have and i am unable to hold a standard full time job#but yeah sure maybe I'll go get another DEGREE despite my interests being completely non academic. fuck OFF.#i have been writing or making art about this all evening this is not how I wanted to spend the evening it is past 4am#hopefully this processing and drawing and journaling will allow me to remove this issue from the very forefront of my mind#it's a careful line to walk between processing and obsessing. but good processing helps you stop obsessing#hopefully I can save some of the more painful parts of this for therapy so I can focus on other stuff for the next couple days#listen if interacting with someone in a certain way makes you feel like you're in a horror movie then something needs to change#and sometimes the change is that we need to make literal and emotional distance between us and those people bc they aren't learning#okay okay time for edibles and a shower i fuckin earned it and even if i didn't I can do whatever I fucking want 👌#and also I deserve nice things by default#and so do you
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fishslappping · 2 years
Simon Vance narrating TotBT: Dehvid. Dayvid! Deived…Dévid! Daved? Dahveid!!……….the organ…………..Dâvīd. Devēd!
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
had like... three dreams with dabi in it tonight and i don't know what to think or how to react like...
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mephilver · 2 years
you are literally insane if you have all the culinary options in the world at your fingertips and you choose to eat a tuna salad sandwich instead
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coffee-elemental · 2 years
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what if I,,, queued a bunch of posts with my old crap from 2019-present when I wasn’t posting on here
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blorbofrommyshows · 2 years
laundry is SUCH a struggle
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