#still shadey
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shadestar413 · 1 year ago
I love bullying Chuuya bots sorry
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lesbiansforboromir · 1 month ago
I'm still so annoyed about the whole Warden narrative too. Like why do I, a Warden, have to act surprised that Wardens did something shadey and amoral in order to defeat a blight some hundreds of years ago? That's literally all Wardens do. Even if you have lived a blessed and benevolent warden life from the moment of your joining till now, you at LEAST know that your order lies to it's recruits about what the Joining entails. You at least know that that has cost countless 'honourary wardens' their lives, including some who were simply killed because they refused to drink the soup. Why the HELL would the Wardens expect the order to treat their steeds with more honour than they treat their own members. Like I cannot concieve of this Warden that is unnerved to discover that the Wardens kept a secret vault of all the recovered archdemon remains. WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GOT ALL THE JOINING BLOOD FROM!! Are you all stupid?? 'What are all these numbers above these big doors' 'they're the years a blight ended' 'well thats not ominous' IT'S LITERALLY NOT? WHAT THE HELL IS OMINOUS ABOUT SEEING BLIGHT DATES IN A DARK SITE RUN BY THE BLIGHT-STOPPING-ORDER??! And for that matter, what is so bad about putting all the griffon skeletons here anyway? I mean it's already bizarre that they didn't just burn them, that's the funery practice for most of the continent, but since they've kept these thousands of blighted Griffon skeletons why is it bad to keep them in the Cauldron? It's The Place For Blighted Corpses. It's a research site. Sure it's also where you put the things you don't want the rest of Thedas to know about, you know, like the JOINING? The thing literally all wardens go through!! The first and blackest and most haunting secret that all Wardens must keep!! Isseya is like 'The Wardens abused the Griffons, once proud warriors left in this Cauldron and forgotten' THERE ARE SO MANY GRIFFON STATUES EVERYWHERE!! WITH THEIR NAMES ON PLAQUES NO LESS. THEY REMAIN ONE OF THE MOST REVERED CREATURES IN THEDAS, THEY PAID THE PRICE EVERY GREY WARDEN IS EXPECTED TO PAY AND ARE HONOURED AND BELOVED FOR IT, WHO THE HELL ''FORGOT'' THEM?? Certainly not the goddamn Wardens who use them as their heraldry and emboss them on every piece of armour or scrap of leather they can find! You're saying NONE of these people even think to say 'well hang on, it was tragic that the joining turned out fatal for the Griffons, but the Grey Wardens didn't know that at the time, the fourth blight had been going on for more than a decade, the Griffons were dying from being infected with the blight anyway and this choice DID successfully lead to the end of the fourth blight, which is the single only thing we are here to do! Seems like business as usual in Grey Warden Town to me.' Like!! Why are we going through some moral reckoning with Warden actions from fucking four hundred years ago when Clarel tried to mass-warden-blood-sacrifice up a demon army to invade the deep roads like.... YESTERDAY.
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secretidentie · 5 months ago
For Halloween every year dick dresses up as one of his family members. The year he decides to just throw on a cheap nightwing costume the others plan to surprise him during family dinner.
When dick walks in he's greeted by Bruce in full disco wing costume. Bruce, who has clearly been waiting for this opportunity, does everything from unnecessary flips and catchphrases to pretending to taste heroine of the ground to stay in character. At some point in the night he changed into a different version of the disco wing costume with the longer hair. During dinner he refuses to get off the table or stop smiling the whole night.
Jason shows up a little late driving a taxi cab. Fully in character as Ric, he spends the night asking to play poker and pretending he's at a shadey bar. When dick tries to ask about red hood things he insists he has no idea what he's talking about and threatens to burn down the house. Dick finally agrees to play poker just to shut him up but that inspires Ric to go on about all the adventures he's had at an underground fighting ring.
Tim spends the majority of his night hanging upside down from a chandelier. In the original Robin short-shorts, he gives inspirational speeches and keeps asking where batman is. He goes around hugging everyone except Ric and calls himself the boy wonder. Just like disco wing he refuses to sit still but atleast gets off the table during dinner.
At this point Dick is laughing his ass off and is eager to see what Damian is going to wear. He's expecting nightwing but instead Damian comes out in his little green leotard he wore back when he was in The Flying Graysons. Dick is squeezing Damian into a hug and starts crying a bit when Damian starts performing part of his floor routine.
Dick forces everyone to take a bunch of family photos, including Alfred who is dressed as The Target. He keeps this photo hung up in his house and remembers this as "the year his family was a bunch of dicks for Halloween. "
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sixerstanley · 3 months ago
Because Ford clings to what he knows when he's conflicted, he clings to the facts and the statistics and the statistics say being a homeless teenager is dangerous and potentially lethal, so he watches TV to see Stan's shadey commercials because that means he's alive and he's fine and he's making the most of that charisma Ford always admired and taking everything he can and leaving nothing left. But. The commercials are always coming from somewhere new, with a new name, and a different style, and it was easy to think it was just Stanley lying and cheating his way through adventures across the country but it wasn't easy to hear the worry in his Ma's voice whenever she said Stan only ever calls her from payphones and can never give her an address. But when he's between dimensions he has a lot of time to wonder about what he left behind, and he wonders why he as the weaker twin, running on fumes and half-dead, could knock his brother around. And he wonders why he sent his postcard to a motel. And he wonders why great successful Stan was still driving the old beater he'd cobbled together when he was 15. And he wonders if Stan had beaten the odds, or if the odds had beaten him. And he wonders if Stanley's still living like that, back in their dimension, or if that life killed him. He tries not to think about it, because he didn't think he'd ever know
anon im going to go crazy ur so smart and have wonderful ideas that HURT ME SO MUCH BUT IN A GOOD WAY. OUGH.
it literally drives me so so crazy. ford refuses to think about that stuff because he really, really doesn't want to acknowledge the horror stan had to face. plus, ford was dealing with a lot of shit too! albeit, he was dealing with it later, when he was dealing with bill + pushed into the portal, but ugh. i imagine when his thoughts would wander while he was really tired after pulling all-nighters at backupsmore, hed just shake himself out of it.
I think there's a part of him that finds comfort in the anger. And i don't mean that that means he's evil or a bad guy or anything--he's just human. He reminds himself that Stan wronged him and that knowing him, he's fine. he's fine. he's fine.
I feel like there's a stubbornness within ford that wants to stay angry. to stay mad. And he knows that if he found out or knew what stan actually had to go through, he wouldn't be as mad anymore, so he convinces himself that stan is fine
(also, this is making me think about a ghost! stan au that was swirling in my mind lmao, but ill make that a different post)
anyways i hope any of this made sense LMAO
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rosiegardenlove · 7 months ago
SHADEY! I can't believe what that guy did! Fuckin RUDE!
I bet I can uh... pull some strings and get some sort of bodyguard demon beast for you if you want? I'll make sure it's a friendly one.
...damn I just realized how weird that sounds. You being a Star Warrior and all... whatever lol, offer still stands!!
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-These were sent around the time of the Apple Incident-
Shade: "O-Oh! Gosh! You two don't have to go through all this for me! Things have calmed down a lot so everything should be al-"
???: "Excuse me!"
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Say hello to our two newest friends gang! Give Shade moment, he needs to mentally catch up from a few weeks ago
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what does kyle think of the Shadey hooded guy (Gesthu) he plays D&D with? also how does he get along with his fellow d&d players? since he is fairly unpopular
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he definitely recognizes that he doesnt know this guy. he'd definitely recognize him if he did. but hey, the isles arent the smallest place you can live! maybe he just hasnt noticed him before?
he even tries to write with him, he knows hes new and wants to give him an in to feel included. ESPECIALLY since he kind of sticks out a little bit. hes just not a social guy at all, which kyle figures may be because of the aforementioned differences. maybe he was picked on? maybe its just some form of anxiety? regardless, he's willing to back down if he needs to. he wants the guy to feel welcomed, but not overwhelmed.
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he's just glad he seems to have a friend in hopps.
and yeah, maybe kyle isnt the most popular guy, but he's still friends with the other tree friends. he gets along well! he's a sort of peacekeeper for the party, if not a little bit of a rules lawyer. what matters is having fun, of course, but he's there to help settle things if sniffles needs help doing so. he has fun here. why else would he keep going?
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alexissara · 7 months ago
My Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes OCs.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is one of my biggest fandoms ever, generally speaking Fire Emblem is probably one of the only fandoms I'd consider myself to be in or have ever been in. Everything else, I feel like i'm more on the outside of things I like, not as into it as people who are "in fandom" are or have since grown uninterested in. Even for things I barely enjoy sometimes I like to make OCs for the universe just for fun cuz I enjoy it as a writing experience and an expression of creativity so of course I have made my fair share of OCs set in the Three Houses universe.
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Xel is a young woman from Duscur who witnessed her fathers death at the hands of Dimitri when he participated in the genocide of her people. She is the last living member of her bloodline, even family friends were all killed who were of Duscur. She was forced to live on her own as a child, ending up fighting in the shadey underground arena of Fargus where the allegedly civilized nobles came to bet on what warrior would win or lose in bloody combat. She took some merc work from time to time the arena tiring on her soul but eventually it was at the Arena where she met the two women who would lead to her going to the officers Academy, Catherine and Cornella. At the arena she also got into sex work as she got older having people asking for a night with the buff warrior woman and accepting the money given her dire need for it.
Xel has a total contempt for Faerghus as a nation and wishes to see it burn to ashes regardless of who's hands it is at. However, her rage and cynical side stay mostly hidden as she attempts her best to present as feminine, delicate and soft. Xel is a trans woman who was accepted by her family and culture but lost her resources and acceptance with the death of her people. She was already not keen on fighting and wished to study magic but instead had to hone her arms for the arena becoming a world class brawler. Still she attempted to present feminine and did her best to salvage for what she could to continue a transition. She is my most dysphoric trans OC and often finds herself struggling between what she is good at and what she wants to be.
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Xel is childhood friends with Byleth, both of whom were young and trans and met up together with their partners both seeking to support their child who knew their gender early. Xel's mother was a merc who had worked with Jearlt a few times so they had let the two have play dates and spend as much time as they could stationed there together. Xel learned Archery from her mother as well as the fundamentals of how she would later fight with her fists while she got her inspiration for magic from her studious father who worshiped the spirits and saw magic as a means to be closer to him.
She ended up working in the same company as Shez for some time before returning to the Arena making her connected to both mercs. Her connection to Cornelia started as a private engagement in sex work, a rare woman who wanted the lesbian and actually treated her as a woman. Cornelia assisted in funding her stay at the officers academy while Catherine was impressed with her skills in the arena and recommend her to the school getting her enrolled. Catherine see's Xel as a potential apprentice who can carry on her legacy whenever that time came although Xel disinterest in the faith troubles her.
I am still exploring Xel's arc and where it might go, she may get a buff to her faith magic spell list after some experiments from Cornelia who wants to take her as a long term lover once she can get her ascended to a higher status. Xel has her heart set on Byleth and Shez but Shez wants Byleth dead and it places her in a very complicated situation. Xel is a Black Eagle but the older women in her life both eventual enemies of Edelgard. Xel is in school with the boy who murdered her peace loving father and can barely contain her rage around him. A lot of fun hooks are set for her in the future.
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From my sweet girl with a lot of potential paths, let's go to my most problematic gal of the batch Queen Arte of the Agarthians. Sister of Epimenides the twins were equal in skill and talent but differed in their abilities. Epimenides was a master of magic and power while Arte crafted the shapeshifting and stealth of her people which would become vital after Serios's bloody retaliation to her people's fight for freedom from the dragons. Arte is mostly hands off with Those Who Slither In The Dark allowing them their actions across Fodlan given they advance her eventual goal of reclaiming the surface. She however, does not trust Thales and excepts his eventual betrayal in a power play for her throne simply awaiting one wrong move to kill him and remove him all together from the chest board.
Arte is one of Shez's mothers and the reason for Arval's creation inside of her. Publicly she wished for her brothers return but truthfully Arval was created to be a thing capable of removing her brother from the table all together. Arte did not want her brother competing for her position in power nor to share it equally. However, the woman she paired with not knowing that she never intended to have their daughter consumed by her brother ran away with Shez hoping to let her grow up and be her own person. Arte would hunt down her former lover but wouldn't find Shez until she was a young adult.
Arte is a morally complex character who mostly cares for power but does wish for the best future for her people and does not want wanton human death either seeing any worshiper of the church as tainted and worthy of death but anyone who doesn't worship Serios as a lost sibling to her own people. The culture in Agartha is complicated, there is a mix of freedoms and oppression that suit Arte's grand design. Queerness is allowed, there is no poverty, there is public education but also the nation requires a lot of the people's bodies and lives in service to the continued existence of their people. She's intended to mirror Rhea in a lot of ways.
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Taking a break from Slithering to talk about Zara my first major Three Houses OC that I used in a short lived Three Houses roleplay. Zara came after my first OC idea was rejected and I cooked up this terrible disaster instead. She has an OC crest, the crest of Herzefeld. Zara von Herzefeld is a mixed race Almyrian and Lester woman. She was raised in secret by her mother who hide her pregnancy from the noble man who had on some nights taken to her before she moved away near the border. In a little town Zara was raised, a happy girl but her crests healing abilities manifested, something that her mother would beg for her to suppress. Yet, one day a friend of Zara's was injured and she healed them, they told everyone about her powers and rumors came that someone else had the Crest of Herzefeld. So her father came to town. Her mother was killed for keeping her secret and Zara was taken in, given a cover story and raised by the man who killed her mother.
Zara at first tried to rebel, tried to fight back but she couldn't defeat the older war tested man even if he was mostly a healer. Then she tried to run away but his men would always catch her and he would get more agressive eventually having shackles placed on her. The reality was Zara was a valuable asset. He had failed to pass a crest onto any heir so he simply pretended he had non but he had, many, many children and non had gained the crest, so Zara had to be the answer. Eventually Zara learned to play him, to be the perfect daughter for her father with an intention, a goal, to kill him one day, not just kill him but to tear away his legacy, to ruin his family, to end nobility itself, she wanted to see it all in flames. In secret she studied fire magic but actively she practiced faith magic. Zara was set to be married off but convinced her father to wait until after she graduated the officers academy and that she would go hunting for a proper man of even higher status she might be able to seduce to bring their family higher wealth and power. He agreed but assured her he would keep his looking for suitors. Her father knows Zara's attraction solely lays with women but he cared not about that, never seeing her as more than an object to be used. Although in the time he started to truly see her as a daughter, as Zara stroked his ego and made him think they were ever more alike, he even began to search for whispers of young women in noble families perhaps looking for a mistress or ones his daughter might be able to take. Yet, it still was mostly to twist his own ego. Ultimately the goal remained the same and he'd do anything to get her to fill his goals even the worst things one could imagine.
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Zara's personal skill allows her to gain extra damage when she does not heal an injured ally in rage and instead attacks with her fire magic. This represents her hatred of the noble class she is at school with at the Officers Academy and those of positions of power. She is in school the year before the Events of Three Houses, the same year Monica was enlisted and therefore lacks connection to most of the cast until the war begins regardless of Houses or Hopes timelines. Regardless of the timeline, the intended route for her as a character is to kill her father, join Edelgard but have some friction in her wanton desire for violence. Zara is unlikely to drop the guise though that she is a simple cleric stereotype, one who loves her friends and wants to heal everyone and that she is devote although in truth she hates the church nearly as much as the nobility. Can Zara be fixed, be open, will she end her path concluding that she too is a noble and must also face her own fires? I'm not sure I didn't get to explore everything but I really think she is a fun compelling character and I think about her often.
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The final two face of my batch of Three Houses women. Heca is an Agrathian woman sent to live deep undercover by Queen Arte as a young Noble to be her spy on both Edelgard and Thales. To Thales she is a report on Edelgard but to Edelgard she is a noble she has no idea has any ties to Thales she's known since they were young. To Arte though she is here to ensure Thales stays in line although she is rarely ever to report to him only giving him updates every few moons. Heca is Kronya's girlfriend, they started dating young but were called apart when Heca was sent off due to her amazing aptitude for shapeshifting and roleplaying. She contained no other magical talent, unlike most Agarthians she had no magical aptitude at all except in her ability to shapeshift, even requiring a mystic stone crafted by Arte to do the Agthain's signature warp. Heca happily agreed to sign up having thought herself and the Agrathan's as future liberators of human kind of the churches oppression, it being pitched to her and many others of the nation as a means of giving liberation to the people to let them live as they were at the cost of the lives of those in power and those who would defend them. That they would end Sexism, Homophobia, and more that the Church created and placed in man.
Heca is a Wyvern Rider, something she hides from others in her role as a Student and noble, she saved a young Wyvern's life who was at the edge of the underground when her and Kronya were playing exploring the limits of where they were allowed to go and she nursed her back to health. Since then her and Medusa have forever been linked together. Medusa flies near where ever Heca works ready to be her escape at any time an the two meet in secret to play and enjoy each others company. She is a firm believer in Queen Arte and in the Agarthian cause but she feels bad for spying against Edelgard as a fellow queer woman, she has no love for Thales and hopes one day Arte will give her the order and let her kill him so Edelgard can be free of him but she is a good solider so she doesn't. When Shez appears at the monastery her goals are expanded to observing her and the Ashen Demon and to learn more about both their abilities by Arte.
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Heca for her role was given to a noble man who's wife and daughter had died in a crest beast attack, "revived from the dead" before anyone even knew they were dead other than him. Arte gleefully positioned herself a necromancer when in truth they had simply extracted his dead daughters Crest of Earnest and placed it insider of Heca and Heca's exceptional abilities allowed her to copy the daughters memory and personality. Heca understands the weight of her deception but there a small loss of ethics in the grand scheme of the goals, in the end the man who believes her to be her daughter would likely need to be killed in order for Agatha to flourish above anyway. Although Heca advocated for the idea he may remain loyal given they had given back his daughter so long as she continued to live her life as his daughter until his natural death.
Heca begins to struggle with faith in her queen as she finds more of what Those Who Slither In The Dark had done through Kronya and as she finds more and more people who might need to be sacrificed she cares about. Her arc has her strugglingly between loyalties, realities, believes and dreams never totally sure that the path she choses is right and knowing every choice has the potential to hurt someone she loves.
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That will do it for now, I considered talking about the Three Houses version of my OC Lena but I did talk about my longer term roleplay with here over here which was in my Thirsty Sword Lesbians campaign Four Houses, so not in Fodlan but a world with it's own lore and stuff but she was a very similar type of character as a Three Houses OC although not as important to the world as she is in Four Houses.
I hope you enjoyed this look at my OCs, if you like it you can always shoot me some cash over at patreon or ko-fi which helps me be alive so I can cook up new OCs and share them with the world, sometimes in the form of stories or as art in TTRPGs or as comic characters or whatever. I am deeply curious if if fandom inspired OCs are something that tickles people's fancies and if it is, what world should I cook up OCs for that you'd like to see me bake some lesbians in?
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fr4nc1s-f0r3v3r · 16 days ago
Welcome To Our Blog!
Just to not clutter it much, we won't make our main blog public, but in this blog you can call us the Hope Collective!
This is a blog for a LOT of Non Canon Homestuck fictives, we do not expect anyone to remember us as we are all based on a unpublished fan session, still, anyone from Homestuck Canon or Not can interact if so desired.
We do not really have a DNI because those never work, but if you are someone we do not want here you'll know inmediately because we simply won't respond to you and block you.
A lot of us already have some of our quadrants filled so if you want that kind of relationship ask first, also keep in mind we are 18 bodily and almost collectively lesbians.
Since it is extremely long the list of members will be under the cut:
Tomcat Wilwud - She/Mouse
Temple Wilwud - She/Her
The Hermit (Beta Temple) - She/Her
The Assasin (Alpha Tomcat) - She/Mouse
Desjay Serial - She/Her (Do NOT use "it", has trauma with it)
Desehn Serial - He/They (Same as Desjay)
Culling Aparatus Series 2 (Beta Desehn) - It/Its
Culling Aparatus Series 1 (Alpha Desjay) - It/Its
Random Letter - She/They/Bit
Heitte Letter - They/It
The Historian (Beta Heitte) - They/It
Domina Inanis (Alpha Random) - She/Her
Eiyght Wonder - They/Them
Zourah Wonder - She/They
Sundial Bountyhunter (Beta Zourah) - She/They
The Cryptid (Alpha Eiyght) - They/Them
Dareal Shadey - Any/All
Sleehm Shadey - Any/All
The Instigator (Beta Sleehm) - Any/All
The Rebel (Alpha Dareal) - Any/All
Munlit Nights - She/Star
Starly Nights - She/Its
Me Dreamer (Beta Starly) - She/Its/Dream
Star Maiden (Alpha Munlit) - She/Star/Sky
Gimeur Paspor - She/They/It
Haveno Paspor - He/Him
The Bodyguard (Beta Haveno) - He/Him
System Breaker (Alpha Gimeur) - She/They
Blaike Syntus - She/Fushcia/Glub
Clasic Syntus - She/Her
The Big Bad Spider of the West (Beta Clasic) - She/Her
The Good Spider of the West (Alpha Blaike) - She/Her
Laceys Angels - She/Justice
Candle Angels - He/Him
The Prosecutor (Beta Candle) - He/Him
Lady Justice (Alpha Laceys) - We/Us
Graape Souhda - She/Her
Fizzee Souhda - She/Her
The Oracle (Beta Fizzee) - She/Her
High Priestest (Alpha Graape) - She/Her
Aquama Rinnah - She/Her
Baille Rinnah - She/Her
The Royal Traitor (Beta Baille) - She/They
The Wayward Commander (Alpha Aquama) - They/Them
Louvre Giever - She/They/Him
Pluuck Giever - She/Hit
Will Inheretor (Beta Pluuck) - She/Hit
Her Gentle Guidance (Alpha Louvre) - She/They/It
Judy Jensen - She/Her
Ruby Lalonde - She/Smokes/It
Dean Strider - Any/All
Jaye English - He/It/Wrench
Dad Jesnen - He/Him
Mom Lalonde - She/Her
Bro Strider - He/Him
Grandma English - She/Her
Ghost - It/Its
(Random) - She/It
Sugarr Straby Berry Lalonde Giever - She/Her
@inland--empire for you to see it
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primedayart · 1 year ago
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A season 4 character poster I made for Amaranthae. ♥
I act so casually about this thing, despite it being the single greatest thing I've ever painted in my life. :') Like, nothing else compares. I'm not a huge painter, I'm very much a cel-shadey kinda girl, but I knuckled down for this one and I still *adore* the end result.
I did kinda mess up by giving her that ring, though...I had no reason to do it, and told myself I'd come up with some lore surrounding it at some point to justify it...and then never did. :')
(I understand it can be jarring to see old art reuploaded on a new profile, I promise it's not deja vu, you have been to this place before. :') I just moved to a shiny new profile. ♥)
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shadestar413 · 10 months ago
So basically everyone after the newest chapter
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angrelysimpping · 3 months ago
Have you ever said what you think avery does for a living? I tried looking on your blog but tumblr search 💩
Just to sum up, I really think they're just a buisnessperson. Tho, like, there's probably some shadey bits they're involved with. Like, not insider trading or stealing from the company. But, the company they work for itself is into some shady shit. I mean, look at the town where they operate? And then the weird party thingy with Remy...that I still haven't seen in person myself lol
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moltensmusings · 1 year ago
Fantasy high spoilers ahead:
So the party episode was a lot of fun. So many new characters that were so incredibly entertaining. Brennan's ability to make engaging NPC's always delights me.
Oisin and Mary Anne are shaping up to be my favorite of the Rat grinders. I'm fully aware they're all probably shadey and intentionally acting to take down the Bad kids who they consider their rivals, but I also kind of hope some of them are just genuine.
I like many am one of the people torn between AroAce Adaine and enjoying the concept of Oisin potientially having a crush on her since freshmen year/something happening. Very excited to see where Siobahn goes with her.
Fabian's rejection of Mazey and decision to go for the socially cool option hurts but it tracks from what we know of him. I just know Lou and Brennan are going to stress me out with his arc this season and I'm so nervous about it.
Riz goes full force into trying to do everything he possibly can for credits and I'm so stressed thinking about his timeline while also wanting him to do so well.
Fig becoming more open and honest in connecting with others like Mazey is a favorite part of mine.
Kristen's shift into chaos presidential candidate has been so insanely enjoyable to watch and yet we still get those emotional moments of reality biting like with the tracker call.
Honestly they're doing a great job of portraying how stressful and packed junior year feels in high-school, I'm taken back to being a highschooler in the worst way possible.
Everyone had scenes that made me lose breath laughing this episode, so despite the stress it was so much fun. Can't wait to see what's to come.
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methylphenidatedreams · 6 months ago
I had a dream where phineas and ferb were adults and phineas was a woman (she had like a reallly thick ponytail sprouting from the corner of her head and the three little dots still) and she had changed her name to Finn. Finn and Ferb were dressed in leather like spies and were hired to do something shadey I’m not sure what but at one point they were attacked by a yacht filled with K-pop girl groups who could fly but only if they were in formation with the other women for what had been choreographed for their dances. Finn and Ferb also had powers because they were favored by Zeus (i think he wanted them to betray his evil grandkids who they were working for) and they could phase through walls into parallel universes/memories but it was really difficult and some of their like soul or body was stuck behind in the wall so they turned into ghosts when they pushed through to the other side. Anyways, they became highly wanted by the police so Finn faked her death and they went to a biker bar where Finn admitted this wasn’t the life she wanted and that she wanted to be an actress and Ferb made fun of her because in this universe Ferb was the one who could talk whereas Finn used Morse code by making clicking noises with her mouth
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sixerstanley · 3 months ago
I gotta ask - how does Stanley die?
And because you know I can't send an ask under 100 words I gotta present some options
Murdered by someone in his shadey past:
Explains why no body was found and reported to the parents
Ford could, feasibly, get revenge
Probably a gorey ghost, Mabel might be more alarmed to see him
Could have happened anywhere at any time
He could have been found and only logged as a John Doe because he had several fake ids
Probably died from sleeping in his car either trying to make his way south where it's warmer or possibly north trying to either go to Canada or visit Ford or his parents or Shermie
Probably died when he was early-to-mid 20s, late 20s would be a little more cautious
Very clean ghost for Mabel to see, she probably wouldn't even notice that he's bluer than the average ghost
Would probably go hand in hand with either hypothermia or murder, it's very hard to starve without other elements at play because if you're hungry enough you can punch a cop and get fed in jail. Was stranded somewhere or kidnapped and forgotten.
I think this one would affect Ford the most just because starving takes weeks. He was dying for weeks.
Skinny ghost, could explain if Mabel doesn't recognize how similar he looks to Ford, possibly gore if he was kidnapped.
More likely in early 20s but could happen any time
Also could explain why a body wasn't found
Ford would probably be angry at this before breaking down because he's old and an asshole
Pleasantness to look at as a ghost depends on method but he would probably try to hide any ghost wounds from Mabel
More likely he was in his late 20s, he was still somewhat hopeful in his early 20s
These are just the 4 I can think of I really wanna know what u think
ooh i didnt have my mind made up but!! I'm leaning towards starvation. i think, like u said, that would really fuck ford up. i think he'd even get angry and lash out "Why didn't you push aside your pride and call me if things were that bad?" and shit like that before realizing that he was dying for weeeeks
i do also like the hypothermia way because i can v much see him dying alone in the cold in his car. very very sad stuff ough
oh and yeah just to make it clear a lot of this au is still not like. set in stone in my head--some of it is, but a lot of it I'm still thinking about! thanks for the ask!
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senseigarmfan · 2 years ago
a grey siblings au small fanfic by charmcaster ! takes place during the events of lego ninjago season 9: hunted. (writers note: please be nice, this is my first time writing a fanfic here! i think it’s good and i’m sure others will like it!)
The Resistance, most of them were elemental masters. Amber, Poison, Mind, Metal, Light, Speed . . . and . . .
That’s who was going to show up and fight, Shade, the elemental master of Shadow. He used his powers sneaking into the shadows of where the S.O.G roamed across the building, taking out a few goons, he made his way up more stories until he reached . . . there.
Ultra Violet was recording her show, ‘Ultra Hunt,’ the sudden noise made her flinch causing her to fall down from the platform she stood on. Skip Vicious and Chopper Maroon gasped, “It’s one of them, don’t worry! We got this!” But as soon as they brought their fists and weapons up, Ultra Violet stepped forward her sai in her hand. “Oh, yeah! She’s gonna beat him up!” Getting a clear view of who it actually was, she dropped her sai, letting the weapon fall making a loud metal clank. Chopper Maroon cheered, “okay! fists!yeah!” Ultra Violet slowly made her way toward Shade, stepping closer and close but what she did next was unexpected . . .
She wrapped her arms around him tightly, though he was taken aback by the sudden gesture, he calmly hugged back. Ultra Violet wanted to cry but she couldn’t, that would ruin her reputation. Shade could tell she missed him, he could tell she just wanted to break down because she missed her older brother. “I’m sorry . . .” She spoke, eyes getting teary, shaking. “It’s okay . . . I’m here.” The older sibling rubbed her back as she let go of the embrace, eyes wet from the tears, Shade sighed. Chopper Maroon and Skip Vicious slowly exited the room making sure Ultra Violet couldn’t spot them.
“Why aren’t you mad ? Why aren’t you angry at me ?” Ultra Violet asked, getting upset again. “Vi, you’re a criminal, you’ve done things that are terrible . . . but you’re my family. And family and friends always comes first.” He smiled at her, “I—I love you, Shadey. One last hug before you go?” Ultra Violet asked, opening her arms up.
“Okay, Vi.” He gave her a hug, Ultra Violet buried her face into his shoulder, making a small pouting noise. Shade could tell that something was wrong, sure she missed him, but there was more to it. “Hey . . . Vi ? Is something wrong ?” He asked and the other shook her head, a lie. She wasn’t okay. “. . . Please, Vi. Tell me, tell your big brother what’s going on.”
Her face still in his shoulder, she finally fully broke down in tears, “I—I don’t want you to leave! Please! Please . . . I’m sorry for crying. I’m sorry.” She said, shaking, this was met by Shade gently handing his sister a dirty yet adorable teddy bear. “You remember him, don’t you? Mr. Fluffy, the stuffed bear from your childhood that I got you ?” Ultra Violet nodded. “So, whenever you feel lonely and I’m not here, you can have this for comfort.”
The biker held the teddy bear in her arms, it’s been so long since she held it. She felt safe. “T-Thank you.” Shade made his way to the door but stopped before he made his exit. “Vi?” He said, “Yeah?”
“It’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to cry.”
Hearing those words, she broke down, falling to her knees.
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kieradumpzz081927 · 2 years ago
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Yingzi Ren Personality: Calm, Anti-hero, yet friendly Age: 24 years old Immortal age: 524 years old Species: Six-Eared Elf-Monkey Height: 187 cm / 6'2
Yingzi Ren facts: 1) Ren died like 6 times and was immortal (Due to the shadow puppet had made ren consumed it and ren became that shadow and the shadow puppet was an escaped creation by the one and only six-eared macaque which macaque didn't know about it before finding out and meeting with ren and the shadow puppet.)
a) ren's 1st death was being killed by some demons who we're assigned to kill ren and his brothers (which are MK and Reiki). b) Ren's 2nd death was being killed by some half zombified bandits but ren came back alive in their shadows to finish them off. c) Ren's 3rd death was suicide well not exactly suicide but ren was only testing his abilities to his new found immortality which resolves being back alive from a random shadey place after was returned back to the shadow realm. d) Ren's 4th death was being killed by a celestial warrior who thinks he was an enemy but ren ressurrected from the dead.The celestial warrior was very shock but in the end the warrior understood ren's past and became friends with him. e) Ren's 5th death but before ren died he finally met macaque before macaque had died by sun wukong. Macaque finds ren interesting and familiar but just randomly having ren a conversation even offered him to train ren which the results for ren to agree macaque's offer and that turned ren to be macaque's successor but when macaque experienced ren's death. You could say macaque was mixed with shock, fear, sadness in his face making macaque to mourn over to ren's death because macaque was too attached with ren so much just also because ren is like a son to him. Their bond are very strong than how macaque bond with sun wukong, this made macaque also took a certain item from ren to always remember ren. f) Ren's 6th death was by ren's corruption and dark chi he had recieved from the necklace which gave him the results of being controlled by the corruption but ren didn't want it to happen while he already just found his 2 young brothers. So, he decided that he'd killed himself WITH the corruption and sealed himself in his oblivion with the corruption as well until the time comes that he was saved by MK and Reiki from his death sleep.
2) When ren came back from his 6th death also being saved by MK and Reiki then ALSO met macaque during the ' Shadow's play ' episode. Macaque did find familiarities to ren while having a battle but also shocked when ren controlled shadow and light chi including the corrupted and the dark chi, mostly shocked of ren controlling shadow chi since macaque thought he is the only one after ren died. So, that makes macaque very interested and impressed. 3) Ren's disguied name was just being called 'Shadow' but MK and Reiki tends to call ren 'Big bro' or 'Cool bro' but mostly 'Gēgē' 4) Ren is the son of the GOD OF CREATION ( Also no birth mother by the way which ren jokingly finds himself motherless also doesn't care about having a mom since he knows his dad's past with his ex lover ) 5) Ren is like deadpool so why not? Cuz he's body parts gets sliced and ripped off but no problem it regenerates. 6) Also can trick his enemies easily but sometimes he can manipulate since he is not like how his mentor (which was macaque) do.
Now for the fun facts :
1) Acts like sans because of the puns and almost being lazy 2) Makes flavored cigarettes that doesn't damage your lungs but it doesn't mean all people liked it cuz they'll just coughed up with colored smokes since it doesn't adds up good to their body cuz they are not just born to do it. 3) Being a responsible big brother he is. 4) Lol you could say he'd never dies by any murdering or something could kill him. He'd still get back alive like a deadpool he is.
Yingzi ren lost two of his other 2 brothers who we're named ' Yang ' and ' Xiang '. They we're the older ones and Xian died for being overpowered to save the world from corruptions while Yang had transfer someone's illness to himself and that illness couldn't be cured which was called heart cancer. (Sadly, Yang and Xiang wasn't immortal yet.) So, you could say yingzi ren had MK and Reiki on purpose since MK and Reiki are the reflection of Yang and Xiang or being as their reincarnation. Yingzi ren's name means ' man of shadow ' Yingzi ren's (favorite) hobby was only just strolling around the city or other places. (psst, other worlds too!) Yingzi ren used to have white hair and red eyes. But, he changed it because people in his time thought his family is a bunch of rabbits (or that ren is racist) which made ren uncomfortable and a bit annoyed. Yingzi ren is officially 24 years old! Rarely can show his anger while his cries and sadness can be mostly showed when his dad and his deceased brothers we're back (spoilers!) or if MK and Reiki are in danger and seriously hurt. Yingzi ren most likely to tease or sometimes brag his siblings that he is the tallest one among of them. Yingzi ren finds pigsy as his godfather and finds tang as his uncle. Yingzi ren is also very fond with Chang'e the goddess of the moon and Sun wukong (since MK introduce yingzi ren to sun wukong about yingzi ren as his oldest brother which wukong finds yingzi ren a good ally and a good person. But, he didn't know he was macaque's successor, yet.) Yingzi ren's height is around ' 187 cm / 6'2 ' ( UPCOMING CHARACTER: Reiki [ Will be out tomorrow 6AM] )
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