#still not fully happy with it buuuuut i wanted to release it into the world bc i like how their face turned out
fleouriarts · 2 months
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catsus designated. or something. idk just wanted to draw null based on a census promo pic bc they're a huge jane fan
ref pic is under the cut (warning for blood)
originally finished 7-15-2024
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years
A Recorded Life (21/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 2034 Chapter Summary: After talking with Alya and Nino, Marinette heads home to face her parents. She thinks about what she's going to have to do in the next few days, and realizes that she never turned off her Instagram when the Akuma struck. Adrien decides to leave the house. Author's Note: WOW the response I got from the last chapter was AMAZING! I wrote that reveal right after I came up with this headcanon and I'm glad people liked it (even tho a few want to fight mari) But...without further ado, let the adventures ensue!
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Look Back At The Live Stream
Alya knocked on the door to Marinette's home, and her parents answered within seconds. "Marinette!" Her mom gasped and pulled her into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"
Marinette thought she was going to be okay when talking to her parents, but feeling her mom and dad's arms wrap around her like they thought they lost her, Marinette lost it and began to bawl again. "I'll see you later, Marinette. Let me know if you need to talk," Alya told her calmly, and turned to walk away from the house.
Marinette cried in her parent's arms. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys," Marinette told them.
Her mother pulled away slowly as they dropped the group hug. "Marinette, we aren't mad at you, if that's what you're worried about," She chuckled. "If anything, we are beyond proud of you for all that you do."
"Of course, we are scared out of our minds knowing this is what you do in your free time, but you seem to know what you're doing," Her father comforted. "And you seem to have a good partner."
Marinette smiled lightly. "Yeah, we work well together."
"Have you seen him since then?" Sabine interjected. "I want to make sure he's doing well, too," She said.
Marinette shook her head. "I...I ran off after it happened. We didn't know each other's identities, and it came as a bit of a shock. Nino's looking for him right now," Marinette summarized. "Can...can I take tomorrow off school? I need to think through everything, and I don't think I can handle all the questions from people at school. Or from the world, for the matter," Marinette pulled out her phone, and she shut her eyes tight. "I'm going to have to make a video about this."
"You don't have to," Tom told her. "It's your business. You don't have to share anything with anyone about this."
"That's true," Marinette nodded. "But I'm afraid if I don't, people will just keep asking questions."
Her parents listened to her talk herself through it, but Sabine did cut her off after a few minutes went by. "I'll call you out of school tomorrow, but you need to get some sleep. You've had a long, emotional day," Sabine said. The three hugged once more before all saying goodnight, and Marinette headed up to her room.
Marinette saw her room, back to normal, and everything in place as she left it. She grabbed her phone to see the low battery sign- and the live stream still on and looking at her puffy red eyes. Marinette gasped and quickly shut off the live stream before anyone could say anything about how she looked. Had it really been on all night? And though her mind was saying not to look back at the comments after she ran out, she did anyway.
She skipped the video until she saw the chaos begin when the Akuma ran off with her roof. For people outside of Paris, it must have been crazy and nervewracking for them to see something like this. That was the main reason Marinette read the comments; she wanted to see what her fans were saying before her fans found out about her identity.
did...did something just take off with her roof?
is this what happens in paris? idk after this livestream i blame gabriel agreste for all the shit paris goes through cancel him
ok i know not the best time buuuuut hearing adrien and marinette's concern for each other was adorable i ship them so hard
its crazy to see these people not from Paris and their reactions to akumas. well now they know we aren't making this up and editing videos. Hawkmoth is the worst.
Marinette sighed when she got to the comments about the video leaking, and Tikki flew out. "Oh, Tikki. What are we going to do?"
"Hello, class!" Mrs. Busiter walked in. She noticed two people missing from the front of her room, but she figured that was going to be the case by what she saw on TV yesterday. "Please pull out your books, and we will get started in just a minute," She directed and walked to where Alya and Nino were seated. "I take it they won't be here today?" She asked.
Alya shook her head. "Marinette won't be. She's going through a lot," Alya explained.
"I talked to Adrien last night. He'll be back tomorrow. We can take them their work," Nino added.
Mrs. Bustier shook her head. "No, that's okay. They should relax. It seems like a lot to go through, and I don't want to stress them more. It's nothing they can't catch up on," She explained.
Adrien wasn't sure how everything worked out so well. Was it a coincidence his father flew out of town right before the whole thing happened? He wasn't sure. But Nathalie stayed behind, and knew to be careful around Adrien. She called him out of school and promised not to tell his father, then left him alone to deal with everything.
"Nathalie?" Adrien called when he walked around the mansion.
"Yes?" She responded immediately.
Adrien took a deep breath. "I need to go out. I've been thinking all morning, and I need some air."
It was lunchtime, but Adrien couldn't eat. He was far too nervous; even Plagg refused to eat his camembert until Adrien ate. "Okay, please be careful," Nathalie nodded. "Call if you need anything, and be sure to tell Miss Dupain-Cheng I hope she's doing all right," Nathalie nodded.
"How did you-"
"You can't not go see her, Adrien," Nathalie said. "Be careful, and make sure to eat something," She told him, and Adrien nodded, then walked out of the house.
Plagg looked at Adrien from his hiding spot. "You really want to go talk to her already?" Plagg scolded. "Isn't it a little soon? Needy?" He snickered.
"I have to go see her. She's probably freaking out! There are fans all over social media talking about this. I'm overwhelmed for her, of course we're going," Adrien said and was headed straight towards the bakery.
As he walked, he scrolled through Twitter, looking at everything mentioning Ladybug.
I can't believe she had to keep being Ladybug a secret, that's crazy. I could never do it.
WOW, who would have thought Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug? I get Adrien as Chat Noir...but I'll never understand how *she's* a superhero. I could never stand her.
Just another reason to love Marinette! A super talented designer, funny person, seems like the nicest person you'd ever meet, AND she's Ladybug! What an amazing person.
Marinette seems super annoying. Why did she get picked to be Ladybug? Should have given it up as soon as she found out.
JAGGED @JaggedStone Guys! I love Marinette. She's fantastic, kind, and caring! It's so obvious that she's Ladybug that none of us noticed, because she's an everyday hero too! I can't believe some of the hate I'm seeing from you rockers, that's not cool. She and Adrien protect Paris every day!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng @MarinetteDC I know a lot has happened. I will be making one video about it. One video, and that's it. This is a very rough time for me. I'll be answering a few questions. Not every one sent in will be answered, but tweet me if you have any questions about Ladybug, and we'll see what gets answered.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng @MarinetteDC I never wanted my identity to be revealed. One video about Ladybug is all that I will release. I've had countless people/news stations/TV/radio reach out to me already, and I declined them all, as I will continue to do.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng @MarinetteDC We have no idea who Hawkmoth is, and this is a very dangerous time for everyone in Paris. I have declined interviews to keep everyone safe. Hawkmoth could dig deep and figure many things out, and that is why I will be making my own video. I know what I can answer safely and not put anyone in jeopardy. After that, no more talk of Ladybug from me <3
Adrien picked up his pace and was practically running to the bakery. He took a deep breath before walking in, and Marinette's mom dropped a loaf of bread on the floor when she saw him. "Adrien!" She smiled and rushed over to pull him into a tight hug. "I was worried about you. I know how Marinette is, and I was hoping you wouldn't be the same..." Sabine sighed. "How are you doing?"
"It's difficult," Adrien shrugged. "But I don't think I'm as bad as Marinette. I've had good and bad press my whole life, this is different. Can...can I go see her?" Adrien asked sheepishly.
"Of course," Sabine said. "Just up the stairs. The door should be unlocked. Try not to scare her; she's really jumpy right now," Sabine warned.
Adrien smiled lightly. "I'll make sure to knock, thank you so much," Adrien said and walked past Sabine to get up the stairs.
"Was that Adrien?" Tom peered out to his wife; she nodded in response. "I was wondering when he would show up."
Adrien walked up the stairs and knocked lightly before opening it. "M..Marinette?" He said quietly. "It's...Adrien?"
He opened the door fully and saw her sitting on the couch. "Hi," She turned to stand up. "I'm really sorry I ran away, I shouldn't have done that."
"No, it's okay. It was pretty shocking," Adrien confirmed. "How are you doing?"
"I'm okay. It's really rough, and I've never been this emotional before. There are so many mixed opinions going around on social media. Everyone seems to be so happy you're Chat Noir, but with me, people hate it," She sniffled.
Adrien stood across from her and shook his head. "No one's talking about Chat Noir because he's not as important as Ladybug. I mean, you are Ladybug in and out of the suit! You do stuff she would do all the time. I'm drastically different from Chat Noir," Adrien said. "Did you see Jagged Stone's tweet?"
"That's a lie. Chat Noir is so important...why do you think I take his side in arguments about who's better?" She smirked. "And yes, I did. He actually called me. Penny and Jagged called me to make sure I was doing okay. Apparently, he's known I've been Ladybug for a while...Kind of crazy," She chuckled. "But I appreciated being able to talk to someone that's not my family or friends," Marinette explained. "What did your father say?"
Adrien laughed. "I got lucky. He flew out yesterday before it all happened and won't be home for a few days. Nathalie and I talked for about a half-hour, and she told me she had a suspicion the whole time. Thankfully, she called me out of school today, which was nice, but I can't wait for my father's wrath when he gets back," Adrien sighed.
Marinette looked down. "Do you remember when I thought your dad was Hawkmoth? I'm really sorry about that. I didn't understand why you were so hurt, and I would have been the same way."
Shaking his head, Adrien sat down. "No, if I were you, I would have thought the same thing. I mean, I had his book! Master Fu said things about it, how could you not think it was him?"
"Alya doesn't want to rule him out," Marinette said quietly. "Since Miraculous holders can be akumatized..." She trailed off, getting more uncomfortable.
"We can talk about this later, too. Maybe talk to Master Fu about what he thinks. But Plagg said he has some ideas on protecting my ring, so we should be okay for a while," Adrien explained. "Now, I saw your tweets about making a video."
"You did?"
"Yeah," Adrien nodded. "Would you like some help making the video? I could answer questions with you if you want."
Marinette smiled and nodded. "You know, Adrien, I would love that."
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries
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erobret · 5 years
corny title aside . yeah i’ve had a journey , both online and out in the real world . the whole thing is probably unnecessary buuuuut i don’t really care . fair warning that i’m typing as my thoughts flow so if anything doesnt make sense then yeah ( also grammer and spelling is gon out the window sooooo )
so i started my tumblr life back in 2010 i do believe ( another reason i wanted to write this bc it’s almost been a decade ) . i think i started with an oc of mine that i no longer write nor remember who she was . 2010 tumblr was honestly the best . no one cared about aesthetics or formatting . it was just the writing , interactions , and making friends . the release of brave brought me to my first muse that i still write to this day ; merida . then i think holo followed then my oc ami .  
tumblr rlly started to change in i think 2013-2015 the most maybe ? ppl focused a lot of the graphics and aesthetics of a blog more than anything . ppl began focusing a lot of appearance rlly . . . and sadly i was into it . wasn’t any good at it but i was so desperate to fit in , ya know ? i was fresh out of high school back in 2013 . things were still super chill up until hmmmmm 2014 ? trying so desperately to keep with trends and shit . i was my most childish back then . got jealous and was a bit petty at times esp when things didn’t go how i wanted them to. i cringe at the memory .
then 2015 came and i made a huge decision with my life . i joined the military . took a couple month hiatus while i was training to become a marine . i was so hyped for that to be my life . protecting my country and those i cared about and helping those around the world as well as getting to see the world i lived it . buuuuuuut i got pretty badly hurt and got medically discharged before my first year was even up .
depression really hit then --- on top of the ptsd i had gotten from my time in service . i had lost my calling . my dream . and do u know how hard it is to go back into every day civilian life after the shit i went through ? it was hard . went back to working in a deli and it was bad . someone would drop some pans and i’d flip out bad . i was irritated . i was short tempered . i’d snap at any little thing no matter how hard i tried to keep calm and pretend to be happy. this actually went on until sometime this year .
now from 2016-2018 regarding tumblr . for a little while i had what going on back in 2010 . it was nice . buuuuuuut drama and callouts were starting to become more evident on the dash . honestly ? kinda lived for it and it’s awful . rlly the only drama i find entertaining now is youtube/beauty guru drama . i would read every call out and any little thing . i loved it bc it took me away from my own problems . i got into a bit of drama myself but then i caught myself and i didn’t like what had happened so i stepped back . took some time for myself . that was back in 2017 ? got into a bit of drama again in 2018 about the same thing really . 
that’s when i fully stepped back and took a hard look at myself . i’d finally quit my old job and got a new job . i still wasn’t happy tho . my main issue was my horse . she was over a hour away from me and my horse has always been my outlet bc i could just talk to her and care for her and calm myself . i didn’t have that . i knew i had a huge issue and i hated myself . on top of that i was actually going through some physical and emotional abuse at home . so what did i do ? i got help . i found a therapist . did it for a few months until i found a place only 30 mins away from both my work & home . i could see my horse every day . so i quit therapy .
then my grandmother moved in not too long after and it was nice but had it’s own drama within the family . there was a lot of tension . i think she was with us for half a year . things were steady i think ( this is where things have gotten blurry for me bc so much happened all at once )
i ended up taking a 6 month hiatus . took a step back from tumblr . mostly bc i had lost internet again ( still don’t have it but i do have hotspot on my phone ) . during that time i focused on bettering myself as a person . i focused on my main hobby which is cosplay . i started rlly getting into doing princess parties . recently i have come back with a whole new outlook on everything regarding life as well as social media .
i’m gonna do what i like . i’m not here to impress anyone or keep up with trends or anything . drama ? over it . it’s in my rules that basically i no longer care about any of it . to me ? it’s in the past . i’m over it . it never happened bc what i’ve started on this blog is a new start . don’t come to me and bring up my past like ppl do to jeffree star every so many months . i won’t respond and i’ll keep doing what i enjoy doing . i’m honestly happy where i am . i’ve started doing chairty work and volunteer work as disney princesses . i’ve done hospital visits and walks and fundraisers . 2020 is gonna be such a good year for me . why ? i’ll be paying off my car . i’ll be able to focus on paying off my credit card . and once those are outta the way i’ll be finally able to focus my finances on getting a place of my own instead of living with my parents . my poly ass is currently happily in a poly relationship . i have a job i like and i get to see my horse every day and get paid to take care of everyone else’s horses . i have 2 new puppies and i know that maybe next year i may loose both my older dogs but i’ll be okay
i’m at that point in my life where tumblr isn’t my main focus but a small hobby i can do when i’m laying in bed and give me smth to do on a day off of everything or b4 i head to bed . i have so many responsibilities and things going on with my life . i’m moving on . what i may or may not have done in the past is there in the past . and though i won’t look back on it i’m glad to say i’ve properly learned from all of my social media mistakes . there are so many more important things in my life than petty internet things like who hurt who’s feelings and such . i refuse to let any of that negativity take over my life again .
anyway not sure if i went the way i wanted with his or if i got everything out but i do know i got most of it out . if anyone has any questions just dm me . no anons no asks . don’t hide . just come to me “face-to-face” and lets have a talk as equal humans , yah ? anyway thanks if u read this i love y’all so very much . you are my special precious jellies and u mean the world to me . hope the rest of 2019 is great for u and i hope 2020 is even better .
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