#still need to decide on the name of the orca
Former Italian President and Senator Giorgio Napolitano has passed away today at 98 years old. He's been the first (and for now only) member of the Italian Communist Party to become president of the republic. He's also been the first president to be re-elected after the end of his first mandate. I genuinely believe he, as president of the republic, has saved Italy from crashing down in a phase of profound crisis. I named one of my plushies after him (a dolphin).
Goodbye President 🇮🇹
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chiropteracupola · 9 months
my strategy of acquiring various soft beasts that support specific parts of my body will eventually result in the coveted Stuffed Animal Suit of Armor (suit of armor made of stuffed animals)
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petrichorium · 1 year
the merman is back.
it’s a little weird how used to him you’ve gotten. he’d only shown up for the first time a few months ago, but when you’re largely alone out on the boat or in your oceanfront lab there’s no shortage of ways for him to visit with nobody around.
he’s yet to tell you a name, but after the first few weeks of silence he suddenly revealed a passable understanding of english; when he speaks it's rudimentary, but he clearly understands everything you say, even if he doesn’t listen half the time.
you haven’t gotten the nerve to get in the water with him. in fact, you haven’t gotten in the water at all since he arrived, even when your colleagues are around and he’s notably not. he’s massive, his tail alone being well over two meters long and possessing the torso of a man who would tower over you on dry land (a handsome man, you're begrudged to admit, with those broad shoulders and blood red eyes and that ash blond hair that somehow looks good immediately coming out of the water). he’s assured you in his blunt, curt way that of course he doesn’t want to eat you but you still have anxieties about getting out into the open water you’ve always loved and being pulled under by a fucking sea monster.
he’s getting bolder, though. when you take the boat out today, he follows it, like the dolphins used to back when you operated out of the keys; that sleek black body would be terrifying just from the size, like seeing a fully grown orca bump up against the hull.
and when you weigh anchor, almost immediately, the boat keels aftward when he pulls himself onto the deck.
you shriek and he immediately pins you with a steely glare. he’s never done that before. it’s fucking terrifying, though he’s not managed to drag his whole body up and you’re a little comforted by that. it’s just his arms—two massive, heavily muscled things that are flexed and crossed in front of him, holding his head, shoulders, and much of his human-like torso up out of the water with ease. that enormous tail trails behind him and it’s still terrifying to see, your heart skipping a beat every time the shimmering orange markings catch your eye.
you don’t know what you’ll do if he decides to come all the way onto the boat. he wouldn’t be able to maneuver that well, but where the fuck would you go? into the damn water?
“fucking christ!” you yelp. “don’t just do that, motherfucker!”
“calm,” he snaps as he rolls his eyes.
the urge to flip him the bird is overshadowed by the knowledge that he wouldn’t understand, and you’re too frazzled to explain what go fuck yourself means. instead, you turn back around to clean up the cabin that he’s managed to mess up.
“oi, human, come.”
you huff, shouting your name at him and pointedly refusing to turn away from your task. he’s clearly annoyed at that, and you belatedly realize that perhaps if you’re really that terrified of him coming onto the boat you shouldn’t provoke him. luckily, rather than heaving himself up, he jerks the entire hull.
it’s a smooth motion for him, gripping the stern and rolling his tail so that the boat moves with him. it’s like being out in a storm, and though you’re well aware that it’s just your needy visitor, your sea-hardened stomach still lurches at the familiar feeling.
you stumble out of the cabin, careful not to be thrown over the edge. “i’m out! holy shit, i have a damn job you know, i can’t spend all my time catering to your whims.”
he stops as soon as you get back on deck. “calm,” he tells you again, and you're really starting to hate the word, “too loud.”
“who’s fucking fault is that? don’t rock my damn ship.”
“sit,” he demands rather than apologizing.
there are a plethora of reasons not to. you won’t be able to get away quickly if you need to, you shouldn’t be encouraging his demands by obliging immediately, you really do have a job to do instead of… whatever this is—instead of listening to any one of those reasons, you ease yourself down with your legs crossed a little ways away from where he’s holding himself.
he snarls, baring a mouthful of sharp teeth. “closer.”
“no,” you snap. “not if you’re threatening me.”
his mouth shuts immediately, brow furrowed and lips pouting in an expression that’s less pleading or apologetic and more contemplative.
“not a threat,” he seems to settle on saying.
you roll your own eyes. “yeah. okay.”
“come here.”
“wanna feel you.”
that throws you for a loop. what could he mean by that? you realize that perhaps he’s as fascinated by you as you are by him.
you’ve caught him staring at your body in the past. he’s never reacted like you’d expect—if you’d caught a human looking at you like that and then turning away when you caught his eye, he’d have been checking you out. but when it’s an apex predator of a different species, there’s an entirely different context, one you’re even less enthused about.
you’re standing before you’ve fully thought it through, fully freaked and ready for him to go. you barely get to uncross your legs, however, before he lunges.
it’s far faster than your not-normally-hunted-because-you’re-a-modern-person mind can follow. a cold, clawed hand snaps out to latch around your ankle and yanks you downward, slamming your back into the boat’s coarse deck and then dragging you towards the edge. there’s not even time for you to shriek.
this is it, you think. he’s going to eat you now; he’ll drag you under and rip you apart, or maybe he’ll drown you first as a mercy. you hope he doesn’t want to play with you further, drag you into the water and let go to make you swim because he wants a chase.
the moment your ankle hits the water he stops.
you’re breathing heavily, free leg still braced on the deck, arms finding purchase on a pole nearby. his whole body is underwater aside from his eyes and the very top of his head, but you can still see that massive dark shadow—only little flashes of that pretty orange-gold patterning visible as his scales glint beneath the sun—and it sends a thrill through you. he’s so ungodly enormous.
that hand is still around your ankle, but it’s looser now. his mouth is beneath the waves so he doesn’t speak, but his eyes are soft and almost regretful as he regards you.
“okay…” you move slowly, getting to a better position. it pulls your captive ankle from the water and the movement causes his grip to tighten as if he’s reluctant to remove it—he doesn’t stop you, but he doesn’t let you go. you’re forced to sit on the edge of the deck with your feet dangling over the side.
“let me feel you,” he tries again, as if he’s giving you a choice.
“ask,” you decide upon demanding. his words have made you realize, with a burst of shame and a promise to never tell anyone in the future, that you’re not entirely opposed to the strange rude merman feeling you.
you’re gifted a growl, not unlike the snarl from before but lacking the teeth. he’s learning, you realize, not only in not baring those terrifying weapons at you but also in removing his hand from your ankle.
“can i… touch you,” he spits out, like the words and your request are insulting.
and again you think there are far too many reasons to give in just like that. you’ve been around enough children to know that rewarding problematic behavior is hardly the way forward, but there’s a certain part of your brain that’s in control right now and it’s not particularly interested in breaking him of his demanding attitude (quite the contrary, to your chagrin, this very annoying part of your brain is enjoying it).
“are you sure you’re not going to eat me?”
“no eating.” he huffs, wrinkling his nose.
“what, i smell bad or something.”
he regards you, approaching a little closer, and you resist the urge to pull your legs up to hold your knees to your chest.
“smell good,” he says, “not like food.”
all right.
“fine, then. if you’re not going to take a bite out of my calf, then… sure. feel me, i guess.”
he’s just as fast as before, not even waiting for you to finish your sentence before he’s lashing out and grabbing your leg again. this time, he’s not looking at your face; he’s focused entirely on your feet, those big hands inspecting them thoroughly.
it’s rough, and you’re a little glad because if he’d been gentle it would have likely been too ticklish. he’s still careful with his massive claws; you’re sure they’re sharp enough to pierce your skin with ease, and he’s clearly skilled enough to avoid it. you’re more than thankful, because you’ve seen how he hunts with them (he’s dropped disemboweled fish in front of you before as strange gifts) and you don’t want your legs to end up like his prey even if he doesn’t eat you.
he moves on from your feet, both hands latching onto one calf and almost massaging it in reverence. his face is even closer now; you really ought to be more worried by the proximity of those teeth to your skin, but the fascination on his face is so enthralling.
by the time he reaches the back of your knee, you're tensing. while before he’d been mostly in the water, he’s very nearly at your height now, holding himself up by his grip on you and an awkward hold on the deck with his spare hand.
and then he’s at your thigh, and your breath is heavy.
because he’s basically laid out on your lap, one arm wrapped entirely around your upper leg such that his large palm rests flush, fingers spread, against the plush flesh of your inner thigh. and he’s no less fascinated, expression no less sincere, as he pulls further up to get closer.
“warm,” he says, more to himself than you. he blinks, as if shaking away a daze, and his eyes jump up from your thighs to look at your stomach. “soft…”
his head drops. you jump, caught up in the strange haze he's brought with him but snapping out of it as he lays his head on your lap. your heart thumps erratically, your breath long bated. he’s not looking at your thigh anymore, and not your face either—he’s locked on your stomach, your loose t-shirt having ridden up slightly to reveal more bare skin.
you ought to see it coming, really, but when that big, cold hand moves from your thigh to your torso, sliding smoothly beneath your shirt and running up your bare stomach, you yelp and jolt back.
he startles, and then he’s gone, slipping back off you and disappearing down into the murky water. you’re left panting, with nothing but a very wet body and the ghost of his touch on your legs…
and the heat of your face at the knowledge that, while you’d been surprised, you kind of wanted him to go further.
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
Silly prompts I decided not to publish
Indications of smut
“I mean it made sense to put you as an assassin, your killing body count is over 60.” “Okay well I have my reasons.” Cody & Sasha
“So what do we do if we get caught by the fbi?” “We won’t.” 2 hours later “State your name & why your in here please” “god fucking damnit seth.”-Marianna & Seth
“Is sasha okay? She came out here limping.” “Don’t worry about it Barbra. You wouldn’t wanna know”-Barbra & Randy
“Be a good girl & sit here, don’t speak don’t think just look pretty f’me kay?” “Fine but I expect you to fuck me later.”-Cody & Sasha
*Cody & Randy seeing one of romans business buildings blow up during a heist & start running by sasha* “Sasha what did you do?!” “Oh my god stop! I made sure nobody was in there! I’m just a girl.” “It’s like 2001 all over again.” “What did she do in 2001?!” “Nothing you should worry about right now.”Cody, Sasha & Randy
“Guys I think I’m lactose intolerant” “You didn’t think about that when you broke the fucking toilet in 2013?” “Shut up.”-Seth & Cody
“Why is Sasha on the kitchen table singing 80’s music?” “She’s drunk.”-Cody & Marianna
*Barbra holding a 70’s house party & Sasha pushing a fake mustache on his face & seth walks in* “OHh shit! Freddie Mercury in the hizzhouse!” “Shut the fuck up Seth.” “C’mon sing! Sing me bohemian rhapsody.” “I’m going to kill you when your sisters not looking.”-Seth & Cody
“State your name & Age.” “I want to speak to my lawyer.” “You blew up an entire bus full of cocaine. We don’t think you should have a lawyer.”-FBI Agent & Seth
“I don’t think you should cuss around a baby.” “Really? I don’t think you should be around a fucking baby.”-Seth & Cody
“Cody & I have decided that we are just gonna be the cool rich Aunt & Uncle because I really don’t feel like tearing open my vagina for a child who’s got a large head like Cody.” “Okay my head was NOT that big as an infant relax” “whatever You say airhead”-Sasha & Cody
“Now who the hell is gonna give me grandchildren?” “Don’t worry mom I’m still seeing Becky.” “The fact becky still wants you is shocking.”-Barbra, Seth & Randy
“Marianna what did you do with Athena’s body?” “Fed it to an orca.” “HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FEED HER TO AN ORCA?” “I have my ways.”-Randy, Seth & Marianna
“I like my women mentally unstable.” “Of course you do, that why you’re dating my sister.” “She does it so well.” “At being a psychopath? Yeah no fuck.”-Cody & Seth
“Bunny where’s my briefcase.” “I set it on fire and dumped it in the ocean.” “Why the fuck would you do that?” “I thought the FBI was going to raid search the house yesterday.”-Randy & Marianna
“guys look I’m a cowgirl for halloween!” “But can you ride me like a cowgirl?” “Cody can you please let me enjoy this costume and get out of my face?”-Sasha & Cody
“Is Sasha okay I hear screaming upstairs?” “Don’t worry about it.”-Marianna & Randy
*Sasha limping a little bit while walking around a mall.* “Sash’ are you okay?? Did you hurt your ankles?” “No but I hurt her va-“ “OOOKAY CODY…Why don’t you look at cigars or something.”-Marianna, Cody & Randy
“Cody where are my panties?” “I ripped them..?” “Why would you do that?!” “Because i was about to rearrange your guts??”-Sasha & Cody
*Sasha, Randy, Marianna, Cody & Seth sneaking into Romans house* “Does anyone know where Sasha Went?” *Gunshots* “found her.”-Randy & Marianna
“Where is Sasha?” *Random screaming in the kitchen & Seth yelling back* “It’s about to get VERY bloody soon somebody stop her.”-Barbra
“Thank you for taking me out to dinner! I really needed it” “I know you did sweetheart, you almost cut off Seth’s hand for breathing near you”-Marianna & Randy
*Randy & Mari at the mall “CAN I PLEASE GET ONE MORE?” “bunny you said that last time to the last 6 other stuffies” “PLEAAA-“ *Randy buying the 80000th stuffed animal* “Thank you :3”-Randy & Marianna
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @jeysbvck
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mk-nightrider · 8 days
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- Earthrealm Special Forces - Outerworld Research and Control Agency -
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Ever since Shao Kahn's failed invasion of Earthrealm, there has been a pressing need to document and study the abilities of species from other realms as well as the rising issue of meta humans emerging across the globe. At first this responsibility is left with Earthrealm Special Forces (ESF) as part of their overall mission to defend the realm. But after the Reiko Accords, it became apparent that ESF were unable to balance this responsibility with their primary directive as a defensive strike force. The key deciding factor being how easily Kotal and his then trusted fighters D'Vorah and Erron Black were able to escape and subvert ESF protocols and then abduct Earthrealm citizens.
Thus, the Outerworld Research and Control Agency (ORCA) was established. Their mission; the research, cataloging, containment, and control of those with extra-ordinary abilities that are or may be a threat to Earthrealm's safety. The agency is split into two main divisions in support of this mission. Control and Support. Control is the main division and does as one might expect, leading the charge on addressing antagonistic forces, outerworld persons, and meta humans. The Support division focus on the opposite. Their scope being the identification of citizen meta humans to help them live safe and normal lives as well as supporting and augmenting allied outerworld persons and meta humans. As a result, secrecy is paramount to ORCA. With all subjects being referred to only by code names and alpha-numerical designations in their documents, the agency dreads the possibility of their data leaking into the hands of an organization like the Red Dragon. With their penchant for human experimentation, they'd surely use the data to abduct and recruit for their sinister purposes.
While technically subordinate to the ESF, they have their own command structure that stands equal with General Blade. Still a fledgling agency at the time of the Outworld Civil War Refugee Crisis, the narrowly missed destruction of the realm by Quan Chi and Shinnok only helped prove how necessary this agency was and saw a new wealthy of funding diverted to their missions. Now they maintain several high security facilities with the most notable being as follows; The Pod, ORCA's headquarters and dedicated research facility located in an isolated section of North Dakota at a decommissioned missile base. Fort Charles, located in Colorado, it already housed a supermax facility for ESF. Now ORCA manages the it. Using it to contain low level threats and to funnel higher level threats to more secretive locations. Locations such as... Brook's Range. Located in Alaska and sharing a name with the mountain range that contains it. Dug into a mountain side and with surrounding inhospitable icy conditions, this facility keeps mid tier threats well contained. Blackrock. Disguised as a disease research facility off the coast of New England, deep underneath is one of their most secure facilities reserved for the highest level threats.
The system that ORCA uses to categorize what threat level an Otherworld Persons or Meta Human may be is called the Threat Evaluation Conditions (TECONS). Based on the Alert Condition systems such as DEFCON. While the system focuses on powers as a led determination in threat, a persons connections or willingness to cause damage, as well as difficulty to contain can also play a part in their determination. This system is not limited to enemies and is also used to classify allies. Tier 1 - Otherworld persons without powers or low level meta humans who's powers could cause minor damage and casualties. Could be easily subdued or contained by a skilled agent. Examples: Johnny Cage, Kabal, Erron Black, Mavado, and the civil war refugees. Tier 2 - Persons that could cause grave damage and casualties. May require a team in order to subdue or contain. Examples: Sheeva, Baraka, Kenshi, Kano Tier 3 - Persons that could cause exceptionally grave damage and destruction. Containment may be exceedingly difficult. Examples; Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Skarlet, Kotal, D'Vorah Tier 4 - Persons that could cause damage on par with natural disasters. Examples: Tremor, Sindel, Fujin Tier 5 - World Enders Examples: Shinnok, Shao Kahn.
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A very special thank you to @bdfightclub/ @mkdecimation for their help in developing this idea and for the use of their Blackrock location as one of ORCA's locations in the Nightrider universe.
If you like the idea of ORCA and would like to incorporate it into your Mortal Kombat AU, please do! Just remember the golden rule of credit where it is due. Mostly because I would love to see how other people utilize this agency.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 2
"What Nicknames Do They Have?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
Part 1: What Are They Twisted From? | Part 3: Copper's Backstory
While this will pertain to Floyd's and Rook's nicknaming conventions, there's also going to be a second part to this that will be a separate post for additional nicknames from other characters, both canon and others' OCs that have formed a significant relationship with my characters! That'll come later tho.
Copper Benoit:
"Sea Dog" (Floyd) - Initially, since Copper's origin and heritage are rather unknown until later plot developments, Floyd picked this nickname because the wind magic Copper utilizes often has a salty sea tang to it, and because there's a certain irony to it, given Copper has grown up under captivity in a bayou and cannot swim. When it's later revealed he's descended from a legendary pirate captain, Floyd feels vindicated and doubles down on the nickname.
"Petit Brigand | Roi des Brigands" (Rook) - when Copper first visits NRC, Rook pretty quickly clocks that the boy's got no small skill as a thief at the behest of his master forcing Copper to become one. Copper is understandably freaked out when he hears Rook call him "little robber" (how did he figure that out, Copper has looked for every excuse to not actually follow Mr. Stone's demands) and Rook reads him like an open book. When Copper's heritage is revealed, Rook delightedly changes the nickname on impulse.
Mr. Stone and Mr. Lurk:
"Rockfish and Chromium" (Floyd) - according to him, they're placeholder names. Hey, they can't all be perfect right away! However, as time goes on, he sticks with these nicknames for them, deeming both men not worthy of the effort.
Likewise, Rook doesn't believe either of them worth the effort or honor of nicknames.
(Floyd does nickname Augustus and Octavian "the Allibros", just a little portmanteau of "alligator brothers", and it's entirely possible that they might each get individual nicknames in the future if he gets to play with the alligators more after Copper officially keeps them. Same goes for Rook, he's more likely to refer to them with nicknames after Copper makes it clear he's keeping the alligators around in order to free them from Mr. Stone's abusive ownership.)
Wei Renqiao:
"Orca" (Floyd) - people assume that due to WRQ's size and intimidating stature but seemingly amicable nature that this is why Floyd chose the nickname. Sure, that can apply, but early on in their freshman year, Floyd overhead WRQ talking with Riddle about his culture, and the fact that his people used to be nomadic and the way they trace their heritage is matrilineal. This made Floyd say "oh, so like an orca pod" and he's called WRQ "Orca" ever since.
"Grand Génie" (Rook) - credit has to go to my close friend @inmateofthemind for coming up with this one, as a respectful title Rook would use for WRQ. (iirc it means "great genius", though I'm sure it would take a hot second for anyone to puzzle that out)
Wei Xinyi:
"Ribbon Eel" (Floyd) - picked on a whim when hearing WRQ talking about his cousin being genderfluid. Turns out it fits better than Floyd expected when he first sees Wei Xinyi and realizes they're definitely as colorful as a ribbon eel too.
"Monsieur beauté mortelle" (Rook) - Listen. Wei Xinyi is an extremely, breathtakingly beautiful person. Like preternaturally beautiful, and people are often left speechless when they first see him. Rook was no exception and decided to pick a nickname accordingly.
Wei Gang:
"King Salmon" (Floyd)
"Monsieur tradition culturelle" (Rook)
Still working on figuring out how to explain the Watsonian explanation for these ones, as I'm being a little picky; I'll update later as needed.
Chrysanthos Shroud:
"Axolotl" (Floyd) - Chrys makes quite a stark impression when the Octotrio first meets him, but that hardly means that Floyd doesn't take notice of Chrys's limp after he leaves with a flourish. Floyd figures it could be either the result of an old injury that never healed correctly or the sign of an artificial limb. When he later learns the latter guess was correct and Chrys has a prosthetic leg, Floyd delightedly equates him to an axolotl and thus the nickname sticks.
Rook currently has no set nickname for Chrys! He tries to pick one a few different times, though Chrys gently shoots down a number of them with reasonable explanations as to why they might best fit others. The big thing however, is that Rook also winds up getting one of Chrysanthos's lectures and reads where Chrys points out Rook's weaknesses and shortcomings, and tries to offer some advice on what Rook can do to improve. Unlike most other students, who usually take Chrys's call-outs as an attack, Rook appreciates hearing the truth laid out to him, even if it does sting with that delivery. As such, this actually earns Chrys a lot of respect from Rook, so he is undecided on what to actually nickname him as a result (the nickname must be a perfect fit!) so for now, he just calls him "Monsieur Shroud".
Taglist: @blithesharem (thank you for prompting me to do this post in the first place!) @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for stuff about my OCs!)
Also if anyone has any better understanding of French and is willing to (kindly) correct any awkwardness in my selection of Rook's nicknames, please DM me!
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the-chattering-tower · 8 months
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Hi I'm Karak and I care way too much about overthinking Sornieth beasts sometimes
Also Deeprealm Hunters/Spiney Whales are important in the lore of one of my subclans (Whalesrest Town, which is a stop along yearly ocean migration routes, and these cetaceans are commonly shepherds and guards of many other, less physically imposing species during this demanding journey) and I fuckim love orcas. I'm vibing
So! Thoughts
Deeprealm Hunters and Spiney Whales are the same species. The two different names exist much like "orca" and "killer whale" do in English (if you wanna pile on another one that isn't the latin name, my mother tongue for example calls them both "killer whales" and "sword winged dolphins" which is metal as fuck). The different names stem from the two wildly different morphs initially being interpeted as separate species. The distribution of the two morphs isn't a the same, but there is significant overlap
(Whalesrest Town sees both during the migrations, though Deeprealm Hunters slightly more commonly)
You don't need to avoid them, just don't be rude. Yes, they could kick your ass. No, you aren't obligated to give them a reason to
In terms of intelligence and longevity, they're very much on par with dragons. Magic isn't as much of an essential part of their lives though, with calves slowly mastering it on their way to adulthood and not all of them electing to use it in their day to day lives
Still, a lot of older individuals, especially matriarchs, are known to be quite knowledgeble magic users. Some are even capable of shifting into forms that allow them to live on land both short- and long-term
I Wish We Had Any Timeline/Timescale Reference for lore at all for me to figure out reasonably why they've only been popping up more numerously in the past century or so
Current theory: they were always around, just uncommonly sighted at best and not caring to interact with dragons much (the true aquatic dragons, the undertides, had been gone from the collective dragon conscious for generations by then. The Deeprealm however did not forget. Nor did they stop visiting). With BotE shaking shit up (including Tidelord firing himself), they decided to give this whole Talking To Dragons thing another go, bc hey, everything is going to shit a bit, would you like to maybe work together to prevent collapse of oceanic ecosystems due to Whatever The Fuck Just Happened And Filled Everything With An Extra Dose Of Magic Nonsense bc It's Turning The Frogs Gay Doing Weird Shit To The Fish
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humanjeff · 10 months
nobody ever talks about Livyatan Melvillei (named after the biblical Leviathan and author Herman Melville), my favourite murder-whale:
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this fellow, with the teeth, comes from an extinct group of sperm whales that scientists refer to as "mega-raptorial" or "hyper-predatory", because they're not allowed to call them "the bloody-jawed terrors of the ancient deeps".
but I can.
look at that skull, those jaws. those teeth are the largest of any toothed predator ever. that guy ate everything.
Livyatan shared an ocean with Otodus megalodon, but Livyatan was only a bit smaller*, was smarter (I can't find exact figures, but a brain maybe 4-5 times the size of a human), and if they hunted in packs like orcas - they're so big that they probably didn't, but MY GOD - then even somewhat-grown megalodon could have potentially been on the menu.
* the exact size of megalodon is uncertain! Livyatan was likely almost as big as a modern sperm whale.
but mostly Livyatan would have fed on baleen whales, and assorted smaller prey. and it would have needed to eat a LOT.
in modern sperm whales the spermaceti organ (melon) that fits in the weird scoop visible on the top of the skull can produce focused sonar waves louder than a jet engine - potentially loud enough to harm or even kill a human diver. the organ and the surrounding skull are also structured to allow ramming attacks - pissed-off sperm whales have sunk boats five times their own mass. Livyatan didn't have as impressive a dome, but would still have had powerful echolocation, and also appears to have had adaptations for ramming, because I guess that sometimes it got bored of murdering with its teeth alone.
tl;dr we are only able to go in the oceans because the rightful owners died out at the end of the Miocene when they ran out of things to murder. also we should probably be nicer to our contemporary sperm whale species in case they ever decide to evolve back.
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herofics · 2 years
Hello :D I saw that your requests are open so if that's okay with you I got a request just for Gang Orca!! Not a romantic one tho- a platonic one since y/n will be a child- lemme explain, so you see how Eri's situation used to be? Can I ask for a similar thing with F(y/n) where she gets rescued from a dark basement captured by villains? :0 so basically Gang Orca was the one who recuses her and they're kinda like a father-daughter type since she's mostly with him- and yeah- may I have some hcs? ,-, I've been imagining this with my Oc and I'm going crazy about it-
I didn't know if I should include it or if it's necessary but if in any chance you're gonna use it can y/n's quirk be like- water body? She can turn her body into water and manipulate a d control the water that she creates using her body(freezing and turning in to ice for example!)
Also, have a nice day and thanks for your time <3 sorry if I broke a rule :') and it's completely alright if you don't wanna do this request :]
A month is a pretty standard time for what it takes me to do requests, at least if I don't get an idea for it that I want to pursue immediately, but I'm still sorry this took so long. I don't write about other people's OCs, but you framed this just generally enough that I don't think of it as writing about an OC, it's just a request. I tagged this as mha x reader, since I don't have a separate platonic tag but it's still x reader
•You had been so sure you would never get sure for the villains that had taken you
•They had taken you because your parents were rich and the two villains were hoping for a pay day in the form of a ransom
•But your parents never paid, they didn’t want you back and you were left with the two villains who had no idea what to do with a kid like you
•But pretty soon after you parents denied to pay for you, you were rescued by a pro-hero and his sidekick
•It was Gang Orca, he carried you out of that basement, and you felt the sunlight in your face for the first time in weeks
•You were crying and clinging onto his jacket for dear life
•Since you’re so young, you still have a bit of a hard time controlling your quirk, so your body turned into water
•You still managed to keep your shape, but you apologized to Gang Orca profusely, because you were scared he would get angry with you
•But he just told you not to worry about it, and that you were safe now
•You never once thought he was scary, even though other people might
•When Gang Orca learned that you had no place to go, since your parents were arrested as well for severe child neglect
•He decided to take you in, because he knew what it felt like to be alone and scared and having no one to turn to for help
•So he brought you home with him, after you got some of your things from your former home
•You brought your favorite plushie, books and some toys, along with clothes and stuff like that
•You set up in his guest bedroom while Gang Orca made you some dinner
•As the days go by and you get to know each other a bit, you seem pretty meek and quiet
•You start calling him Mr. Sakamata after you ask him his name
•He notices your quirk responds to your emotions so, he asks if you’d like to learn to control it better
•You tell him no, and that your parents always told you you didn’t need to control it that well, because you’d never be a hero anyway
•Gang Orca tells you that of course you can be a hero and that even if you didn’t want to,quirk control is always important
•So you start training to control your quirk and he’s helping you to the best of his ability
•When you go out to a store or to the park, he carries you on his shoulders or you hold his hand, because you’re a bit scared of people after your kidnapping experience
•He comes to consider you as his kid and he’s like a dad to you
•He supports you as you go back to school and he’s there to help you with your homework and to cheer you on
•Gang Orca is a pretty strict parent, but he also let’s you learn from your mistakes, as long as it’s a pretty harmless mistake
•He’s not overly protective, but he is protective still, like a dad should be
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t4tozier · 1 month
answering this ask but cutting out some of it sorry anon <3
Anon here that had the Jace did porn in college idea (also just to be absolutely clear I meant to say “lost half elf twink gets railed by group of viscous half orcs”, not orcas, bloody autocorrect).
Kinda going off that but how about Jace being a pretty popular Cam model like on only fans or something in order to make a bit of extra cash during college and just not stopping once he starts teaching, he also definitely finds it fun and enjoys reading all the comments and feeling wanted.
[rumors start spreading about it when he starts at aguefort and one of the teachers is like it's just a rumor it'll die down] And Jace without even looking up from whatever he’s doing just casually replies that oh yeah it’s all true, they’re my videos (poor Henry hopclap whos worked at aguefort for less than a year and just wanted a drink in the teachers lounge almost choked to death when he hears that).
Porter suddenly makes it his life mission to find those videos. Also to go with Porter having a paladins upbringing and still having a bit of that mindset, he thinks that anyone who does sex work must be desperate and forced into it in some way.
He begins to fantasize about being Jaces knight in shining armour almost and ‘rescuing’ him from it, only for Jace to turn around and be like ‘lol why would I stop I enjoy it plus I get payed?’
Alternatively before Jace became a teacher, Porter during a particularly bad dry spell ends up coming across Jaces video and becomes somewhat of a fan.
And not long after the new sorcery teacher turns up, and holy shit, it’s him (I’m not even sure Porter new Jaces real name at that point and instead only by the online allies he used)
Porter with an almost celebrity like crush of Jace and the knowledge that he’s seen him naked fucking himself with a extra large Goliath sized dildo along with a number of other stuff, just sort of short circuits and completely ignores Jace.
Everyone takes this as Porter being rude and overly gruff, instantly deciding that the young fresh overly friendly sorcery teacher isn’t worth his time, including Jace who then makes it a goal to befriend Porter and takes every opportunity to try and chat and ask him about himself. Xx
okay love this. i love porn/sw aus where they don't stop after getting in a relationship because like. they like doing it and it's not something they need to be "saved" from. i can see jace continuing to make videos even after starting at aguefort and kind of coming down from his club era because like you said, it's some extra money on the side and he has a soft spot for some of his regular fans. i love freak porter hunting down jace's onlyfantasy After finding out that he has one. he's fucked coworkers before what's the harm in jacking off to their page? or subscribing,,,
but also porter being that one tumblr post that's like "i had a crush on a girl and didn't know how to handle it so i slipped a note in her locker that just said 'get out of my school'." that's porter in the second option. jace is also a little freak though and casts detect thoughts one day just out of curiosity and sees That video of him where he used his mage hand to open himself up for a DP. fully just porter's surface thoughts because he glanced at jace when he bent over. perv <3 and then jace starts being all coy and teasing because now he Knows why porter's being the way he is and it's fun to pretend like he has no clue while simultaneously giving this man blue balls.
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Hiii this might sound stupid, but regarding your Kaiju AU- would the ORCA (or whatever they called it in the godzilla movies) exist on the island? The one where they combine sounds to communicate with the Kaiju.
You can ignore this if you're uncomfortable answering it lol
Ooooh this isn't stupid or uncomfortable at all, Nonny! 👀 In fact, you've given me information that I hadn't found on my initial searching for ideas! (I still need to rewatch the Godzilla movies, but I'll get to that. Right now, I'm focused on the monster vibes versus the human/researcher vibes~!)
You are right in that it's called the ORCA in the series, by the way! :D
Now, as for the Kaiju!AU...
I'd have to say yes, there were attempts to create a system that would mimic the sounds made by kaiju to try and communicate with them. Tests were relatively unsuccessful in the earlier days (which led to another incident where Crystalflayer got offended and impaled the facility with giant crystals--no one was killed, but more than one person needed a change of clothes afterwards!), so the researchers went through a lot of trial and error to try and find the right combination.
Eventually, they did accomplish this by observing the reactions of the kaiju to recordings of their alphas (though these "songs" didn't work on Nevermore and the other ancients). The first test involved replicating Ragebloom's calls to his pack mates on Slyfang and Bruiser, which resulted in the two of them falling in line. An unusual reaction, but promising for research potential!
...of course, just like the ORCA in the Godzilla series, it wouldn't be long before someone decides to use it for their own selfish desires.
As of now (translation: until I figure out how to incorporate this into the plot/lore and what to name this thing), no one knows what happened to this device or if it's even still functioning. All that is known is that using it unleashed unspeakable horrors slumbering under the island...and they will stop at nothing until all have been consumed by the inky darkness within.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
So I have a dragon related question, since I’ve been entirely consumed by that AU lately. It’s magical.
Do all dragons have scales? Do any have feathers? Or fur? Are there sea dragons?? Do any of the other bloodlines have distinct traits like the gold scales that the Royals have?? I’m just obsessed with this AU and I want to know everything you can tell me. 👀
Okay I sat on this for a couple days partially because I am forgetful but also partially so I could decide how much to tell you.
So! Dragons! Below the cut because this uh got away from me
There is exactly one furred family of dragons. They live in the south pole and are extremely shy. They're smaller and stockier than other dragons, with shorter wings that are more for gliding than actually flying. They also have semi-webbed feet - swimming is not their favorite thing, but they can do it. As long as there aren't orcas around.
Now, this family has only been seen by humans a handful of times, mostly by scientists down there for some other species and getting an accidental glimpse of dragons.
One time, however, was much different. A ship very nearly got stuck as the water they were in started to ice up overnight. The crew was, admittedly, panicking a little, because you do not want to get stuck in the ice. It's a very long wait for the ice to melt. The crew was debating what to do when one of them spotted something. A dragon. Padding across the thin ice towards the ship. Two slightly smaller dragons followed it, and between the three, they broke up enough of the ice that the ship could push through. In later reports, some of the cre claimed to have seen a fourth dragon on dry land keeping watch. (One man claimed he saw a fifth, a huge dragon, behind them, ensuring they left. However he was generally considered to be a drunkard and unreliable, and so most disregarded his word.)
And those are the only fuzzy dragons in this 'verse.
There are in fact other lines, yes. I think I referred to the Jade line in China, which has less to do with color and more to do with the shape at the end of their tail. Unlike other dragons, the Jade line has a hooked tail - the last bit of it curves back up and over. Nobody knows why. It just does. (The fact that this line often comes in green is probably where the name came from.)
The French have a line known for their scarlet bellies. However, red is a fairly common color among dragons, so you can imagine there's a lot of joking about how diluted the French line is, etc etc.
Seeing dragons in the wild is unusual. They tend to keep away from humans. Oh sure if you're out hiking where they live, you might see one or two in the distance, but there's no way you're going to approach one on foot and have that end well for you. Multiple national parks and state parks have warning signs, pamphlets, ranger safety talks, to keep people away. "PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH THE WILDLIFE" is a very common theme.
One curious youngster tried to investigate a TV reporter, sneaking closer and closer while her mother watched from a wary distance. The reporter later had to be rescued from his van, where he and his cameraman had holed up while the youngster napped in the road.
There is also a slight size difference between wild dragons and domesticated. (Well. "Domesticated." They're about as "domesticated" as they're going to get.) Wild dragons tend to be smaller with longer wingspans, whereas domesticated get larger and have broader, heavier wings. Domesticated dragons have been used to haul things around for long enough that they've actually adapted to accomadate, whereas wild dragons are still built primarily for speed and stealth.
Dragons tend to nest away from people. So in areas that are overpopulated, or have a lot of urban sprawl, you tend to not find wild dragons. Even domesticated dragons need a lot of space. They're not always the most cost efficient option - for example, dragon freight can be bloody expensive, but it is also one way to move things without going through legal channels.
There are only a handful of ways for your average person to see a dragon up close: at a sanctuary (like Jack's), in a show (there are some circuses and at least one Vegas show), occasionally at a shipping depot, or through means of questionable legality (mostly this method is safe... unless the dragon is having a bad day. There have been a handful of deaths from this).
The use of dragons in militaries has been questioned a lot in the last 20 years or so, and so they're being scaled back a lot, as we saw with Champ. They're big, they're expensive, and they're not bullet proof. Yes, they are very good for scaring the shit out of your enemies if you need quick cover or an evac. But there have been some Incidents. Mostly not since WWII, though.
I know there's more rattling around in my brain for this universe, but I think mostly it pertains to various stories. Although if you still somehow want more after this brain dump, come ask! I'll happily ramble on about dragons literally all day if anybody even hints at wanting to know. 💖💖
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I think it chapter 206 pony made fun of shouji and said something like I don’t like looking at you and call him an octopus and he responded with he used to people being scared of him and mineta and another classmate call him a sexy octopus he didn’t respond if there more I don’t remember and as for others the civilian lady who told Deku they wouldn’t let her in for shelter but I think hori was going back and forth with this storyline and decided during vh arc to bring it back
Is this in response to my wish that Hori had shown us more anti-heteromorphic discrimination from the pov of heroes? If so, yeah, I kept that in mind. It's why I mentioned that Shouji wears a mask for other people's comfort. He doesn't do it because he likes wearing one, but because he doesn't want people to find him scary. Like I was arguing, I think that's a case of quirked society asking heteromorphs to fit in rather than working towards integrating them properly and giving them rights.
But anyway, if I'm honest I don't find Shouji a particularly groundbreaking character. What he adds to the story is just worldbuilding information, but nothing more. Like, we already knew from other characters that heteromorphs are seen as subhuman, and that mutations that take after animals get called slurs and/or seen as scary. Again, think of Shouto and Dabi using the words "lizard" "chicken skewers" "mutt". Think of Gang Orca being perceived as a villain because of his appearance.
I wrote that post because I was trying to point out something different. What we're missing are not more cases where that prejudice resulted in name calling. What we're missing is a non-villain character reflecting on all the roadblocks they had to face to be on the same starting line as non-mutants, and giving us a first-hand pov of how this prejudice still affects them as they move forward. Past the slurs and the stereotyping them as villains. Aside from Spinner, there is no major character (with a personal arc!) who openly criticizes hero society for the way it treats them. When this discrimination affects heroes, what we see is always much milder. Spinner was chased out of town with rocks. How did Shouji, Kouda, Gang Orca and all the others get into a hero school? Why did they decide to be heroes? How do they feel about being part of a system who considers them subhumans? Did they have to sacrifice something (even some dignity) to get what they wanted? If so, was it worth it? Did being there, under the spotlights, change anything for fellow heteromorphs, or are they still expected to work twice as hard to be on the same starting line as everyone else? How do they feel about needing to "tone down" their mutations to fit in?
Like, Shouji works fine as just a background character. But he's not fleshed out, so I am very skeptical of the major role he's being given currently because he simply lacks the depth to make it impactful. We don't know his motivations, his goals; we don't even know his backstory. And sure, we'll probably get one now that he's apparently the focus of a subplot, but it'll still fall flat because it lacks the set up. When you compare the screentime and depth in Shouji and Spinner's respective cases, it's clear that Spinner is much more fleshed out. That's where our sympathy falls by default. Putting Spinner against a hero kid who barely says 10 lines in all the story and expecting it to have emotional depth is... A debatable choice. It's just a disservice to Spinner and to the whole heteromorph plotline imho. It feels like even now that it's become a major theme in the final battle, Horikoshi still couldn't cook up something to give Spinner a real challenge, and instead sent two (I'm adding Kouda there too) of the blandest of his side characters to face one of the villains he already gives little focus to.
Idk, I'm probably salty here but imho that just makes it unsatisfying and lame when Spinner will eventually lose bc of plot reasons. The least Horikoshi could've done was facing him with a hero who had some internal narration and the bare bones of a character arc.
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ylimekpa · 6 months
My MC from Our life: beginnings & always
FULL NAME: Adam Smith AGE: 8 (Step 1) 13 (Step 2) 18 (Step 3) 23 (Step 4)
Male gender
Noelani (Adoptive Mother)
Pamela (Adoptive Mother) Elizabeth (Adoptive Sister) Lee (Cousin) Unknown and deceased biological father and mother
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Step 1:
A very enthusiastic, respectful and kind boy, always trying to include everyone. Very close to his family, especially Lizzy. Very emotional, she cries at the slightest situation. He loves to hug people even if they are strangers. He quickly empathizes with people even without knowing them (that's why he didn't accept the money that Cliff was going to give him since he felt bad for Cove). He loves to draw and collect beach objects (mostly so he can draw the details). He loves sports like beach volleyball and handball. He fell in love with Cove at first sight (he even heard the wedding bells). He never denied her feelings, but at the same time he wanted to be Cove's friend and supporter.
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Step 2: Preserving many things from childhood, in this new stage he began to excel in his studies with minimal effort. He continued to improve his drawing and learned to play the bass. Also, he grew too big for a kid his age and started getting acne, but those little things never bothered him. His biggest confidant was Lee since he had no friends other than his family, Cove and Derek (it should be noted that he has a special ability to socialize, but being an introvert he prefers to be in small, trusted groups). Here he is more open with his feelings for Cove and certainly lets her know it. He even tries to make moves to confess her sincere love for him (although they go awry). When he finally kisses Cove, they mutually decide to make their courtship official and public in a couple of years (although that didn't stop him from telling Lee).
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Step 3:
Despite being in a relationship with Cove for two years, he is still very demonstrative about his feelings. He never lost contact with Derek (as he promised since they were children) and became very close to Miranda and Terry. He always remained on the sidelines regarding Baxter, but he still considers him a good friend-neighbor. He joins ORCA to keep Cove company, but he also loves helping care for the marine ecosystem. He works selling his paintings on the internet and at festivals, and has a band called “The Wagon of Memories” being the bassist and second vocalist. At this age he loves to wear dresses and even bikinis since it fits him well with his height and he also feels “divine” and is not ashamed of anything. He begins to want to become independent from his family and plans to live with Cove in the future (he even mentions the idea of having children).
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Step 4:
After studying various art and health courses, he bought a tattoo studio at age 21 and is less active in band activities (but always attentive to the team's needs). He lives with Cove (he proposed to her at the age of 22) and has Cove's fish and her cat as pets. He is bolder than he was at 18 and takes advantage of any situation to embarrass Cove (always in private)
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3ofpents · 1 year
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100 Palette Challenge // Palette #19 // Beautiful Margate
Today's palette comes from a fabric pattern designed by Constance Irving in 1918.
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I admit, I was super excited about the blues and decided that whatever cryptid poster I was doing next, it needed to be an ocean-dwelling cryptid. I got a few suggestions over on Inkblot, but the one that both resonated with me and fit the palette was from TheDragonAuspex, who, among others, suggested Trunko.
Trunko hails from gorgeous Margate, South Africa. Seriously, look up photos of it, the beaches are stunning and have these very cool rocky outcroppings.
Trunko is alleged to be a whale-type animal with two major distinctions: Its trunk (hence the name), and its wooly coat. After Trunko washed up on the beach, someone claimed to have spotted it from their boat on their way into the harbor, saying that they saw Trunko fighting with some orcas.
I didn't really look into the theories behind why Trunko has a trunk or hair because honestly it's pretty obvious when you see the picture(s) that it was just a whale carcass. Really, even the claim that it was "fighting" some orcas backs that up — orcas are very energetic eaters, I can believe that someone saw them chowing down and thought their dinner was still alive.
But honestly, who could resist a fuzzy whale?
The one thing I did find interesting is that when I was looking up reference photos, most of what I found was artwork, most of which depicted Trunko straight up as a whale with an elephant head.
As much fun as I had figuring out the water and the way it interacts with the rocks, and getting the fur right on Trunko? This was a motherfucker of a project. Not because drawing it was particularly hard (though I did have a time figuring out the rocks), but because I lost HOURS of work, MULTIPLE times.
First Corel crashed and I lost everything. Then Photoshop crashed my tablet and while I didn't lost the file, I did lose the palette. Then I downloaded Clip because I found out they were bullied into not pivoting to a subscription model, but I had already done like an hour of work before I realized that I had already used up my free trial last year and I wasn't allowed to save anything. "Just buy a license!" you say. I did! But I couldn't convince the version that was already downloaded on my tablet to acknowledge the license and the baby had woken up from his nap. It took me another couple of hours this afternoon to figure out that I needed to uninstall it completely and re-download it. Which was a pain in the ass! But at least now I have it.
Anyway! If there are any cryptids you think need a little more love and attention, let me know! I've got 81 more palettes left and I haven't run out of steam yet on these designing these travel posters!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Did you have a moment there are several other things in Charlotte county
-you have about 50 pukes per person it's terrible. And that was Tommy f and he said he caught mutivore which is it's a different creature but this is a version of it it's really a venom creature called venom and is taking the form of a shark cuz he eats a bunch of sharks and I was eating orca and he caught it because it went into the muck and got stuck and turned into a petrified wood and it was last week no a few weeks ago and it bit his leg off so he kept following it. And it's impressive is he got it to somehow stop and we think he used his ship so he tried to do it to our son and didn't work he's done trying to hit him in his machine was failing and people wanting him don't do it again and someone hit him and he just get here a few times and he moved so his buddy's saying you didn't do it and he's going on saying you did trying to find someone who cares really though it's kind of something to talk about it's a feat and then it was mad of course and we'll probably get even and in the movie venom he wrecks Tommy F like five times
-there's a huge number of people who are trying to find out what he saw and why the thing is petrified it's going on right now tons of questions and he's becoming famous and he does have a name from it and it's Jonathan entwood and that's not what kills him what kills him is death ray and it's because he hit it with the emitter we think and someone says it's not exactly right on and we agree it is something else so it might not be his name and it's true. Usually they are petrified like Trump in the muck. And that was Trump with him arguing it
-some of the things happening in Charlotte county the head Chiefs are putting up a fight in the front and they are refusing to give up their posts easily and they have decided to fight the oncoming onslaught of macaroni and others they say and they are adamant that people should not join them and help them it's going on right now there's a lot going on but the temperature change is not that rapid it's already 5:20 and it's still hotter than Hades out we see the plume and where it's going it's kind of passing by but it's expanding and a slower rate hours and it will be there in a moment probably 10 or 15 minutes he says it's cooler but not much maybe three degrees now that's about right but boy is still hot and crispy other things are happening here and they're going to watch your attack in about 10 minutes that is going to be very very big strike and we do want our son out of the way but it's already a little bit late and we need to clear it so we're going to go ahead and do it it will heat up a little slower than right away but it's big
-today we had something happen with a stan he began to sell his properties and he sold about 50% of them and in punta Gorda and 20% in Port Charlotte and he is opening a new business now he's closing his businesses shuttering his doors and leaving the area and he's going to meet Sherry and Sarasota and she doesn't want him to. . They always do it and they always follow but she's got an idea and he has to his ships are in limbo he doesn't have any bases or areas to speak of in the moving out on it you're trying to get the idea going and they think that our son could jump start it and her son says he could tomorrow at about 11:00 a.m. right next to the Walmart market come incognito and see if the Chinese can pick up on you and what's going on they said they will and you eat like a pig this is my stomach's big and my bones are big my muscles are big and it's natural I have gigantism and it discriminating LOL so the laughing and say you always ate that much and instead of always been genetically what I am I said what happens to it active I burn it off and they're going to try and do it but he has lost more ships and they're waiting him where he sits 5 million gone 10 million remain they're going after the games but gangbusters to fight Tommy f and they did take over the clan stuff and they are going to take them up there to get out the AI and they did lock the signals and they blocked the signals and Friday antennas and some were very big 100 miles by 10 miles huge antenna and underground so here we go other things happening
-there's a huge temperature change coming here it will cost storms but they'll be a moment and then it will start. And I did ask people. Probably about 20 minutes there will be some storms but he's trying to see if the temperature change it's not really and it shouldn't about 5 minutes so good he'll leave in about 10 minutes it'll be just just inside it
-there are other things happening people are getting fired from their jobs even though we said they're holding it 20 they're still doing it and it's because they're from out of town and their federal employees and they're getting fired from different jobs and different states some are Governor summer lieutenant governor it's all over the place and all over the world and it's going on now there is a huge huge amount of them getting fired from just about every occupation that you can name and including the clergy and including the Vatican and they are getting heated up and they want to start the program you don't they want the empire to have something else to do. All this is happening today and yeah all over the world
-there's a few more things happening Mac Daddy found out that he's unnotice and he needs to get his brain fixed they told him and he forgot and people have been reminding him even our son is and he's moving out pretty soon he's going to try and get it done and they have this game and they're going to play it and I think it'll work he thinks it's the movie and a lot of people do and I said nailed it and he forgot already he said that's westboro and it wasn't there ever so he gets it and feels better and it's not a great symbology for our son because it says they ruined back there and they're going to fix him but really they put her son in there and it didn't really help him and there's no real way to fix it by putting him back in there see what we're saying and it was reform school so we don't like what they're doing and that smells really bad and it doesn't taste good and it's not really just the max other people doing it there wasn't really an accident it was Tommy F and it and it reeks so we're going to stop him there's other things happening they're not as big but they are interesting
-people running around and giving themselves body piercings and getting infections getting earaches and not treating them and getting sick they're getting sick and getting sicker and spoiled and they're not going to the doctor and they are treating themselves and it's not working they're using old medicine and getting sick and they're dying and there's a lot of natural causes deaths because the doctors are simply not treating them and they turn them away and it's horrible they can't help it they hurt so many of theirs and it's happening day and night here and it is tough for our son he says it's okay though
-it's a huge number of people who feel bad about how they treated her son and they should they treated him like s*** and they still are and it's going on all the time they keep doing it and doing it and they're not stopping so requested this morning a list of individuals who refuse to stop harassing and and we test the coding to it and some of them were brought in questions and they said they assumed it was okay anyway and it was going to equipment center completely be lying and all the stuff about why they're doing this live it's a lie. They found out that the morlock are doing it as a plan and it is to be smirk the max and to see that they're in the horrible ones and if they're the ones with the paper closed and then they're the ones who are holding the money and all this stuff and our son says you are sincerely and absolutely absolutely a waste of your own time and I said why I said I can't use the money it's coded the reason why I can't use it is you guys don't have a countercode it does anything and you can't figure out what to do and is it by holding on to the money and that's her style so Dan turns around and he says would be smirking ourselves because we are saying that we're the ones who are doing it but in fact we don't know what to do about it except for what we're doing and he says it's not it's not what you doing it's what Max Max what you do they don't want you doing anything with it at this time and they flicked out and they say that we can't stand it anymore why are you talking that way so go ask the max I've been saying this for months and recently to Dan a few times and he gets it and some others get it and he's horrified and he got into trouble with me and that's why. They ran around today asking some of them figured it out he said I'm in trouble cuz I figured it out he said if you figure out how to make this secret stuff I think someone's going to be after it and they said yeah I was very similar so I figured that out too and it is on they said and so forth and it's going on now that tons of people are figuring it out and yeah there's some storm clouds and I figured out that it just is not as easy as they said and these guys were in our mind and they couldn't get the Intel and still can't and they interview and it doesn't work and you're not asking any questions it's complicated but the code is everywhere so they decide to try and do it a certain way because all the people can't figure it out and bja said to him is working but in the end DJ did not figure out the code himself and really a big piece of it too late and yeah the clouds are coming in and the cold is not and sometimes that happens it's not that bad but it's being held out by the heat it's going to be pushed aside in a few minutes but then the clouds are going to move in real quick he thinks and probably so more shortly Thor Freya Olympus Zeus Hera
And us Nevada Ariana and we're working very hard and diligently and we deserve that it's going to rain
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