#still laughing at the antics of the Greek gods
cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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-She likes a boy-
Pairings - clarisse x fem! reader
An - You like a Boy clarisse likes you
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You laid on top of clarisse as you continued to swoon over her brother. As you continued your love sick antics clarisse had been debating for the past half hour on taking her spear and using it to put herself out of her misery.
“You realize he leaves his underwear around right” clarisse scoffed and inspected her now polished spear with her free hand wrapping itself around your waisr. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “Whatever”
“The other day though henry he came up to me right!” You continued now sitting up on the girls toned waist, she just nodded following along. “He’s like 5’10 right and so I was trying to-”
Clarisse Just tuned you out, she didn’t understand what you saw in her brother. He was loud rude a player and so what if he was 5’9 she was 5’10 big shit. It’s not like height matters anyways. She knew someone like henry didn’t deserve you— shit she was pretty sure no one deserved someone as perfect as you.
“— and then he kissed me! He’s just so- Clarisse your not listening” You complained which brought the girl back to earth.
“I was” clarisse spoke in retaliation.
“Oh yeah? What was I talking about hm”
“Uh.. something dumb about Henry helping you grab a book or something” she sarcastically spoke. You rolled your eyes, “Common lise at least try to be intrested I need your support since this is your brother, I can’t do this without you” you grabbed her cheeks squishing them softly while looking down at her. Clarisse knew she was always gonna loose when you gave her those eyes.
“Fine..” she sighed giving in. Anything was worth it if you smiled, to her atleast.
The following day as clarisse spun her spear in the arena you ran up to her and jumped on her excited.
“Holy shit!” Clarisse yelled as she caught you. “Dude I—” She started to go on a lecture before you squeeled excited. “Clarisse guess what guess what!” You laughed while jumping up and down..
She calmed down and sighed watching you with a raised eyebrow. “Hm?” She responded trying to sound uninterested. “He did it! Henry finally asked me out! Oh my gods it was so romantic” you continued excited.. clarisse tried to be happy for you but the overwhelming sense of dread sat in her stomach. “—And then he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a Kiss!!”
“That’s great babe” she spoke quietly,calming down you gently grabbed her arm your cheeks still flustered. “Did I say something?“ you chuckled worriedly
Clarisse nodded while putting up a façade. “Nah course just thinking of a way to threaten Henry to treat you right” she spoke in her usual aggressive tone. You rolled you eyes and teased the girl to not kill her brother.
You eventually left, she sat down on a bench near by while letting out a deep sigh. She didn’t know what the hell you saw In Henry that she didn’t already have.
The next few months were living hell for clarisse. How Henry talked about you behind closed doors, only sexualizing you. The way you would run up to him in the mornings instead of her like you use to.
How you two snuck off to makeout somewhere after hours. She hated how much she just hated your relationship. Your were a half Greek demigod who had the most beautiful face she’s ever seen, it pissed her off how you wasted your strawberry lipgloss on some boy who liked the chase..
At this point clarisse didn’t even know why she was angry .. you weren’t even her girlfriend.
You were at the nightly bond fire, cuddled up to Henry that you didn’t noticed how he was stairing off at other girls. Clarisse however did. She got up and jerked Henry’s shoulder back making you sit up and him almost fall.
“Clarisse what the fuck!” He yelled, Henry started to fix his jacket rather than check if you were ok.
“Let’s Go we Need to talk” she grabbed his arm not letting him even get a word in.
Clarisse threw her brother against a tree before quickly spinning her spear off her back and stabbing it into the tree by Henry’s head. “You keep on fucking around with y/n and if you break her heart” she turned her spear in the tree starting up it’s electric current— finishing her threat for her.
Henry laughed in response calling clarisses bluff. “Your just mad that she wants me and not you” Clarisse furrowed her eyebrows before giving him a misleading smile.. she backed up pulling her spear out of the tree. She looked up at the spear watching the electricity fly out of it. “Know what, your right.. I am mad” she looked back with a smile before jabbing her spear into Henry’s gut.
Clarisse returned to the campfire, she place she jacked around you once she realized how cold you were. “Thanks” you smiled at her, leaning on her shoulder once she sat down. “Wheres Henry” You asked confused.
Clarisse wrapped a hand around your waist. “Oh him? He got sick needed to go back to the cabin”
“Oh.. we’ll tell him I said love you when you go back ok?”
“Mhm ok”
Reluctantly she let you go so you could return to your cabin. Clarisse watched as you left, sighing she turned around however only to be met with silena.
The daughter of Aphrodite had her arms crossed while looking up at clarisse angrily. “Your not sly”
“Wasn’t trying to be”
“I saw you clarisse” silena gave her a harsh look. Clarisse bit the inside of her cheeks embarrassed and irritated. “Don’t know what your talking about” she continued.
“Stabbing your brother with your spear might make you remeber” she stepped closer to the girl. “Your my bestfriend and so is y/n, if you love her then tell her but don’t hurt her boyfriend and your brother.”
Clarisse looked down at silena not wanting to step down from where she stood. “It’s not That easy silena”
“And Why’s That?”
“Because did it ever occur to you that she likes a boy and incase you didn’t see I’m not a fucking boy”
Clarisse shoved past silena not really caring to be gentle. She was just gonna have to deal with the fact that, she was yours but you weren’t hers.
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❣️!fight for her love!❣️
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Pairing: Daniel ricciardo x femOC (Cherrie!)
Word count : 9k
Summary : in which he’s gonna fight for her love…literally . And drag max and lando into it too because why not?
A/N this is the funniest thing I have ever written. Not serious at all srry but this is what happens when I don’t sleep. I can’t even. This is my favourite oneshot ever lmfao
Daniel wrapped his arms around both max's and lando's shoulder with a loud announcement of his arrival , following their eyesight to see what they were having a nosey at.
His own brow raising at the sight of the love of his life , the same woman who was also very unaware that she was Daniels soulmate (in his words), walking hand in hand with a dark haired man down the paddock.
Feeling his stomach turn, he struggled to keep the same bright smile plastered on his face.
Trying to ignore the looks of pity that he was getting from his friends who knew every single little bit of his infatuation for Cherrie.
"So this is the new boyfriend then?" He mused,  tongue in cheek as they all squinted their eyes at the man by her side . Titling their heads to the side simultaneously as they all thought the same thing.
"Is he a model?" Daniel came right out with it and asked .
There was no way that he wasn't. With a muscular body and a face like a fucking Greek god, Daniel was certain that this was the very same man that was on the front package of the Calvin Klein boxers that he had bought last week.
Lando winced for him "I think so. He's very..." he hesitated.
Not knowing if he was supposed to be honest about how good looking her new boyfriend was or if he was supposed to lie to make Daniel feel better .
Max made the decision for him, blunt as ever. "Good looking. They look good together. It makes sense. Her looking like a goddess and him looking like that.." he mused unhelpfully.
Not one to ever make anyone feel better in their misery.
Lando shot him a look of disgrace .
“Max! That is not helping!" He told him shocked by his lack of sympathy for their friend.
Daniel just snorted as he crossed his arms over his cheek, shaking his head in denial.
“”Nah I don't see it. He's not that handsome. Not as handsome as I am. It's very obvious that I'm the better choice for Cherrie." He informed them confidently , not allowing this little bump in the road to get him down.
He was nothing if not stubborn and determined to make sure that he and Cherrie were going to be together forever.
Both of his friends couldn't help but laugh , shaking their heads at him in amusement . Mostly pity on their faces at his very clear lie about the other mans looks.
"Mate.. I hate to say it but she's dating a Adonis ." Lando said truthfully.
All of them still stood together like a group of mean girls as they eyed the gorgeous couple in front of them.
Daniel shot him an offended look. "Are you saying that He's better looking than me?" He then made a dramatic sweep of his hand over his body as though he was showing off something incredible.
“Me?! The most handsomest man in the entire universe?" He exclaimed , still grinning despite his impending heartbreak.
They both laughed at his antics. Lando giggling "you've got some serious competition mate." Then he added curiously "do you think his abs are real? I can see them through his tshirt." He mused in amazement as he looked at cherries new boyfriend in slight awe.
Daniel immediately shook his head, pulling a face as though he was repulsed by the sight of the man.
"Absolutely not. He's definitely a steroid maniac. A terrible match for the love of my life. She's needs someone to cuddle that doesn't feel like a brick wall." He stated to them.
Max grinned mischievously , nodding his head along to his bullshit.
“Yeah you're right Daniel . She needs me. I'm more than happy to offering my cuddling services to Cherrie-" he couldn't even finish his joke before Daniel had him in a headlock.
Shaking his head with his fist as max tried to get out of his hold while laughing hysterically.
"The only arms that shall hold her shall be mine!" He declared dramatically before finally letting him go .
Max huffing at him with a grin as he tried to straighten out his now fucked up hair again.
Lando snorted at him slyly "well I don't think it's your arms around her now is it? Maybe it's time for you to give up .." he said knowing fully well the reaction that he would get at his suggestion.
Daniel looked at him like he had just shot him up the ass. 
Mouth dropping open in disbelief "me? A quitter? I don't think so mate! This is just a mere .. test that I need to overcome." He told them casually before walking over to one of the flower bushes near where they were standing and plucking off a large daisy.
Max grinned "and how are you going to overcome this exactly? Because the last time she had a boyfriend that wasn't you , you didn't handle it very well." He reminded him. Lando giggling at the memory.
By not handling it very well they meant the way that Daniel had made the man join them for golfing only to run him over with the golf buggy and threaten to do it again if he didn't dump Cherrie.
The man obviously hadn't been there the next day and they had been left to console a upset Cherrie over her missing boyfriend who had dumped her without any explanation.
Daniel hugging her and patting her head as he told her that she didn't need that asshole anyways, ignoring his friends incredulous looks over the fact that it was his fault that he had hauled ass out of the country as soon as he could.
Daniel just shrugged casually , not in the slightest bit remorseful for running over her last boyfriend with a golf buggy.
He'd do it again if he had too.
"I'm going to kill him with kindness. Till he shows his true colours and snaps." He told them simply.
His friends looked skeptical, not believing that was his only plan.
Lando hesitated "well.. at least he's not going to actually kill him. That's a .. plus?" It came out more like a question.
Not trusting that Daniel wouldn't try running over her new boyfriend with a golf buggy as well.
Daniel smiled brightly , nodding his head.
“Yeah! That's plan B. I'll just do plan A first and see how that goes." He casually stated before patting them on their shoulders and sighing loudly.
"Well, I better go introduce myself to her soon to be ex boyfriend! Wish me luck amigos!" He happily exclaimed before hurrying over to the the couple before they could leave .
Leaving max and lando to exchange amused looks between them, also a little weary of their friends plans.
"Do you think it will work?" Lando asked him curiously . As they both watched Daniel throw himself at the couple, startling them.
Max just laughed "he's not going to stop until it works. I just feel sorry for the guy. He stands absolutely no chance against Daniel." He simply answered as they got ready to watch the shit show about to go down.
Cherrie almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a large body push through between her and her boyfriend Matt , two arms wrapping themselves around each of their shoulders as Daniels smiling face popped between them.
"Well hello guys! And hello man that was on the package of my boxers!" He almost sang as he grinned between the two of them, side eyeing her boyfriend a little meanly.
Definitely steroids. He thought to himself as he felt the bulging muscles of Matts shoulders and arms beneath him.
Not a fight I would win. He also thought.
Deciding to scrap the slightly terrible plan of fighting him on the spot in a spar for her love.
He didn't think that Cherrie would find it very hot if she had to watch him get his ass handed to him by an underwear model.
That was not the way to get her to give him a chance.
Cherrie eyed him in slight amusement , her smile growing as she wrapped her arm loosely around his waist and gave him a little squeeze.
Laughing when Daniel leaned down and bumped his nose against hers happily.
There was no way she couldn't smile around someone like him, he was like a personal ray of sunshine that followed her around and made her day brighter.
He was her favourite person in the entire world. No matter how annoying he could be sometimes, she knew that he meant well.
"Hey Danny! How was your break?" She asked him , ignoring her boyfriends look that he was giving her. Clearly not liking the way that Daniel had his arm thrown around him.
He grinned down at her, ignoring model man for a moment as he took in her sun kissed cheeks and pretty eyes. Fighting back a dreamy sigh.
"It was fun! I missed your gorgeous face though!" He told her honestly before hearing her boyfriend clear his throat .
Making him turn his head to look at the unimpressed man, Daniels smile turning a little forced at the sight of him.
"Seems that you've been a busy girl though. Where did you find this one?" He kept his tone light and playful as he dropped his arm from matts shoulder , patting his back instead .
So Did he hit his shoulder a little harder than he should have? It was purely an accident of course!
Cherrie flushed a little, looking between the two very different men that were staring at her.
"Erm-at a club?" Her answer came out more as a question from the pure nerves rushing through her from the way Daniel was gazing at her. His eyes never leaving her face , impatiently waiting for her answer.
It felt somehow wrong to be introducing another man to him like this.
The two of them were so close and affectionate with each other that at some point along their friendship Cherrie had genuinely thought that something would happen between the two of them.
I mean they already acted like a couple! They did everything together! Daniel even had a key to her apartment for when he wanted to let himself in and keep her company.
Where one was the other was never far behind, Daniel always making sure to keep his hands on her at some place or another .
Which was why she had been so hopeful that something would happen.
But it never did.
There had been plenty of times and opportunities where he could have made a move . But he didn't. And the closest he had come to kissing her was when he was drunk and he couldn't keep his hands to himself , kissing her all over her face and around her lips till she had to push him away .
It was why she had decided to herself over the break that she had to move on. She couldn't keep pining after a man that only saw her as a close friend.
Unaware that he was as in love with her as she was him. She had distanced herself from him over the holidays, telling herself that it was for the best when she had met matt at her club and went home with him.
Determine not to get her heartbroken , she just went with it instead .
Daniel rose a curious brow at her, surprised at her actually keeping a hookup around. Recalling the way she had once told him that she would never ever date someone that she met in a club for one thing.
What had changed?
"Ah a club.. the place where you will definitely meet the right person. I mean they might as well have a sign that says 'meet your perfect future husband who definitely wants a serious relationship right now!'" he sarcastically said before he could stop himself .
Matt frowned at him.
Cherrie nudged Daniel in the side with a nervous giggle . Shaking her head at him in amusement despite herself.
"Daniel! Behave! We've just been getting to know each other.." she smiled at Matt feeling a little bad for not warning him about how dramatic and obnoxious her friend could be sometimes.
In fact she hadn't told Matt about him at all. Because most of the time the guys she went out with couldn't understand the closeness they had and the tight bond they shared between them.
In fact, she had lost more than one boyfriend because of the way they had accidentally made them into a third wheel , even though they were just friends. They did act like they were together sometimes .
Which was mostly Daniels fault seeing as he couldn't keep his hands to himself and rarely ever left her side unless he had to.
Daniel just smiled before picking up the daisy that he had picked and sliding it behind her ear, gently pulling her hair toward so it framed her pretty face and the flower.
Cherries cheeks flushed, eyes nervously glancing between the two men with completely different expressions being presented to her.
Daniel was smiling at her while he pulled out his phone to take a picture of her , meanwhile her boyfriend looked nothing less than annoyed at Daniels behaviour.
"Do you know what her favourite flowers are?" Daniel directed his question over to Matt , keeping his voice friendly as he finished taking photos of Cherrie and put his phone back in his pocket .
Facing him fully again so he could look the man in the eye when he spoke.
He had read somewhere that eye contact was a great way to assert dominance in the wild.
Matt smiled a little at Cherrie "roses." He answered confidently. Saying the flowers that he had gotten her one their first date.
Daniel sucked in a dramatic breath through his teeth and pulled a faux look of pity towards him.
"Oooo wrong mate! She actually hates flowers. She feels bad when they die cause she always forgets to look after them." He told him as though it was something that he was supposed to know.
Shaking his head in disappointment at him, despite still keeping his usual smile on his face .
Finding it easier not to fake his grin when he noticed the way matts eye twitched at him, not happy with him at all.
Matt frowned at him "you've just given her a flower!"
Daniel laughed "yeah but that's different. That's just cause she looks cute with it in her hair like that. I wouldn't get her them for a first date. That's not very creative is it?" He teased although he was a hundred percent serious.
Cherrie cringed internally at the way her boyfriend was clearly squaring him up , easily falling for the way Daniel was winding him up.
She pinched Daniels hip and gave him a warning glance , he just laughed and held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Stop it." She muttered to him before smiling sheepishly over to Matt.
“Ignore him . I did like the roses.." she lied to make him feel better.
Daniel laughed even harder , wrapping his arm around her head and hugging her to his side as he swayed them from side to side . Happy to be able to have her within arms reach again.
He felt like he had gone through actual withdrawal symptoms without her over the holidays.
" I heard someone say once that as soon as the roses die then the relationship will too." He made up completely on the spot just to wind up
Matt even more.
Her boyfriend scoffed and rolled his eyes at him, Cherrie just glancing between them nervously.
"Then I'll just keep replacing the dead roses then. Then she'll never have to see them die." Matt countered back to him .
Daniel smirked at him, beyond amused at himself .
This is going to be a piece of fucking cake. He thought smugly to himself , seeing how easy it was to piss him off already.
He gave him another week till shit hit the fan. A fan that he would be holding up above them.
"Keep giving her flowers that she doesn't like? Ooo doesn't sound very thoughtful man.." he smirked, looking him up and down judgmentally.
At that Cherrie let out a nervous laugh and patted Daniel on the back before pulling away from him, taking ahold of her annoyed boyfriends hand instead.
She smiled at the two of them, wanting to get rid of the rapidly growing tension as quickly as possible.
And she had a feeling that if she just stood there and let Daniel wind Matt up some more, that it wouldn't end well for any of them.
"Okay! Well.. we better get going! It was nice seeing you again Danny!" She started to pull her boyfriend away from her friend as quickly as she could.
Daniel was still grinning as he called over to her "are you coming with us for drinks tomorrow?"
Cherrie gave him a guilty smile , hating breaking their weekly tradition of bar hopping with their friends. But she had no choice.
She couldn't just ditch her boyfriend to drink with the man that Matt definitely now hated.
No matter how much she wanted to.
"I can't! Matts taking me out to that new fancy restaurant tomorrow night at seven!" She told him with a little wince. Feeling bad.
Daniel hummed , titling his head mischievously.
"Heart and Soul?" He questioned , thinking of the new overpriced restaurant that had just not long ago opened up.
He had been planning to take Cherrie there himself, just the two of them. But he guessed he had to change his plans again.
But no worries. He was nothing if not Adaptable to new situations.
Cherrie just nodded her head with a smile, feeling Matt tug on her hand impatiently so they could leave .
If possible Daniels grin grew even bigger , a plan already forming in his head.
"Well have fun gorgeous! I'll see you soon!" He shouted to her, blowing her a kiss too. Giggling to himself at the glare Matt shot him over his shoulder.
He almost felt sorry for the sucker. He had no idea what was coming to him.
Serves him right for being anywhere near the love of my life. Daniel thought stubbornly to himself.
He had it coming to him.
Daniel could feel the wary looks of his friends on him as he dragged them out of the car excitedly , looking up at the brightly lit restaurant with a grin.
Even Max looked impressed as he glanced inside the five star restaurant, Daniel leading them straight over to the hostess booth.
"How did you get us a reservation here?" He asked him curiously .
Lando too busy gaping up at the several large chandeliers in amazement . "Wow so much light!"
Daniel just beamed at them as the hostess began leasing them to their table, shrugging his shoulders casually .
"I told them that I was planning to propose tonight. Fantastic publicity for them really!" He informed them casually.
Their heads snapped over to him simultaneously, sharing a worried look between them.
Daniel had simply told them that it was a small dinner between friends. That he was just curious to see what the new restaurant was like.
They felt a little stupid for believing that bullshit now as they watched Daniels head snap around in every direction of the dining hall as though he was looking for someone.
"Who the hell are you going to propose too?" Lando exclaimed , half in amusement and half in worry.
Max was squinting his eyes at Daniel suspiciously as he gave them his best innocent grin, ignoring the questions as they were seated around a red clothed table that was lit up with candles for them.
"Wow this place is fancyyyy! Look at all these couples on their cute little dates!" Daniel said, still searching for a familiar head of hair.
His heart jumping victoriously in his chest when he finally spotted the love of his life sat at a table a few spaces to their right.
Max and lando sat down in their seats, still looking at him in confusion.
"Is there a reason you wanted to come here so badly?" Max asked him, referring to the way he had desperately begged them to come with him. Claiming that he needed the support from his best friends.
Max wasn't sure how much support they could give him eating food.. though they hadn't said anything about his strange reasoning. Never ones to turn down free food that someone else was paying for.
Daniel crossed his fingers together as he smiled at them, glancing over at Cherrie every few seconds to make sure that she was still there and not going anywhere.
"Oh ya know.. just wanted to enjoy a special night with my amazing friends who would support me and always have my back no matter what.." he laid it on pretty thick.
They looked even more alarmed when he gave them a slightly guilty smile , shifting in his seat restlessly .
Lando winced "oh god what did you do now?-"
Max had already spotted the reason for their friends sheepishness a few tables down, groaning loudly in disbelief as he glared at Daniel in annoyance .
"You can't be serious mate! Did you know she was going to be here?!" He then answered his own question bedore Daniel could say a thing.
“Of course you knew she was here! Fucking hell danny!"
Lando followed his line of sight, eyes widening at the sight of Cherrie and Matt holding hands, clearly on a date.
Looking over at Daniel who was shamelessly grinning at them, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh my god!" He giggled while max shook his head disapprovingly . Two different reactions to the situation.
"What are you going to do? They're on a date!"
Daniel just ran a hand through his hair and straightened out his smart white dress shirt with his hand the best that he could .
"I'm just gonna make sure that's she's having a good time." He casually answered them "something that she can't be having without me! I'm going to make her night even better!" He told them confidently .
Lando continued giggling at him, while max just shook his head at him in disapproval.
"Daniel.." he sighed putting his face in his hands knowing that they were about to get dragged into his idiotic plans too.
“Matt is not going to be happy if you crash their date. He already looked like he wanted to smack you yesterday." He stated matter of factly.
Daniel just nodded along uncaringly "that's why you guys are here. For backup." He casually informed them of their roles.
Which made lando promptly stop giggling, eyeing him with sudden worry.
"Mate I hope you aren't expecting me to fight him if it all kicks off! He's massive! He'd crush me!" He almost squeaked , eyes wide as he looked over at cherries new boyfriend worriedly .
Daniel just rolled his eyes as though he was the silly one .
"That's why I brought max as well. He doesn't stand a chance against all three of us against him . We're like the dream team!" He beamed at them.
Max deadpanned at him. Utterly fed up.
Ignoring their expressions , Daniel let his smile fade for a moment . Getting serious again.
"-and anyway I did some digging into this guy and he's not who he says he is." He whispered to them.
Lando , if possible, looked even more worried.
“He's secretly in the mafia and going to kill us?" He blurted out, scared.
Both Daniel and max gave him a weird look.
Daniel just snorted "no. It's even worse.. he's married! He's got a wife in Dubai!" He told them the shocking news that he had found out.
Both of his friends gaped at him in shock.
"Holy shit are you serious?" Max gasped alongside lando.
Daniel nodded his head , face set. "Serious as fuck guys. And judging by the love of my lifes gorgeous and innocent ... so fucking pure and easily tricked- god bless her- I mean look at how cute she looks with her perfect-" he started to get distracted as he gazed at her longingly.
Max clicked his fingers in front of his face impatiently, snapping him out of it.
"What is the plan then? She clearly doesn't know!" Max's own protectiveness for Cherrie shone through. The two having become good friends over the years of driving together.
The last thing he wanted was to see her get fucked over.
"This is terrible .." lando groaned , still worried about the possibility of having to fight a man twice his size in height and width .
Daniel sighed "I know. I was thinking we just go over there and act normal. And I'll just keep bringing up marriage and shit like that to make him squirm."
Max slowly nodded his head , frowning.
“So we're gonna trick him into admitting it?" He said.
Lando groaned again in misery .
Daniel smiled brightly , nodding his head in conformation.
"Yep! Now come on. Lers not waste any time!" He said Before springing to his feet and making his way over to their table confidentially.
Leaving max and lando to trail after him reluctantly , lando looking over at max worriedly.
"This ain't going to end well is it?" He guessed.
Max just pursed his lips and sighed "just remember to duck If you see a fist swinging your way." He muttered to him before plastering a smile on his face as they came to stop beside their table.
"Well howdy! What are the chances of bumping into you two here!" Daniel exclaimed loudly startling them as he grabbed a chair from an empty table and dragged it over to theirs , legs screeching against the marble floor noisily .
Cherrie gaped up at him in disbelief while matts face dropped at the sight of him .
"What the fuck?" She blurted out in shock as max and lando did the same thing, pulling up chairs to join their table casually .
Lando gave her a sheepish wave, too afraid to look her god like boyfriend in the eye.
"You've got to be joking.." Matt muttered, pissed off at the interruption .
Daniel ignored it. Instead he looked over at Cherrie in a glittering red dress and perfectly curled hair, letting out a amazed sigh.
"Wow. You look beautiful cher." He told her honestly before lifting up her hand from the table and admiring her pretty rings.
"Kind of looks like an engagement ring. Or a wedding ring.." he empathised as he side eyed Matt as he said it. Not being subtle at all.
Max and lando grimaced , sharing a look as they watched anger flash across both of the men's faces , though Daniel did a better job at concealing his rage than her boyfriend did.
Cherrie giggled obviously, cheeks flushing as Daniel lifted up her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles .
"What are you guys doing here? We're kind of on a date .." she pointedly reminded them, seeing Matt glaring at them from the corner of her eye and holding back a wince .
Daniel just shrugged "just thought we'd check out the food here! We might as well group together now though. Much funner!" He looked over to Matt challengingly.
"you don't mind us dining with you do you mate? We can all get to know you a little better then.." he eyed him, holding back the urge to scream cheating liar in his face like he wanted to.
Matt gritted his teeth, smiling forcefully back at him.
"Not at all. I'm an open book." He lied.
All of her friends rose their eyebrows at that.
"Is it a book of lies he's talking about?" Max muttered beneath his breath, unamused.
Lando grinned behind his hand , keeping his eyes on the menu in front of him.
Daniel exhaled loudly "fantastic!" He then proceeded to call over the waiter and ordered food for them, explaining that they were sharing a table now.
After they had all put their orders in, Daniel interlaced his fingers together and rested his chin ontop of them as he looked down the table at her boyfriend with a smile.
"So Matt...you like rings?" He blurted out.
Cherrie giving him a weird look while max and lando looked at him in disbelief at his lack of subtly .
"What are you going on about doofus?" Cherrie laughed, feeling Daniels foot knocking against her own underneath the table . Hooking their ankles together like he always did.
Daniel just shrugged , eye twitching . "I'm just saying.. you look like a fashionable guy yet I see no jewellery on your hands.." he pointed out, wondering where the asshole put his wedding ring when he was playing Cheater.
Matt paused and eyed him for a moment before answering tensely .
"Rings aren't my thing." He muttered .
Daniel snorted "oh really?"
Max nudged his shoulder warningly once he noticed Matt glaring at them suspiciously.
Cherrie awkwardly laughed when a tense silence settled over the table . Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and picking up the bottle of wine from the table and pouring herself a big glass.
"Daniel stop being weird. He doesn't have to wear rings if he doesn't want to. Not everyone can pull it off." She joked , smiling at her boyfriend apologetically .
He just rolled his eyes.
Daniel thought about hitting him with his car for disrespecting her like that.
"Speaking of rings .. I saw some realty nice wedding rings in a jewellers on our way here." He continued to put empathise on the word wedding.
"Some really nice ones for the wife and the husband .."
Cherrie tilted her head in confusion. "Why were you looking at wedding rings?" She asked him, hoping to hell and back that he didn't have another girl in mind to marry.
She didn't want to share him with anybody else . as soon as the thought passed her mind she felt guilty. Daniel wasn't hers to keep.
Plus , she had a boyfriend . She reminded herself , taking a large swing of her wine to soothe the ache.
Daniel just grinned over at her, admiring how pretty she looked under the chandelier light.
"For our future wedding obviously . Although I was thinking we could get mood rings.. so that every time I was unsure of how you felt I could just look at your finger and be like 'yep she's pissed!'" He laughed, although he was hundred percent serious.
Max placed his face in his hands , wincing at the look on matts face .
Because only Daniel would tell a woman that he was going to marry her right in front of her ripped boyfriend who could easily break them all in half.
Cherrie gasped , laughing at his idea.
“Oh my god that's actually a good idea!" She exclaimed bedore looking to her left and seeing her boyfriend glaring at her , unamused.
Her laughter quickly dying off as she cleared her throat and quickly added "I mean, for your future wife. Not me!" Draining the rest of her glass and quickly pouring herself another one.
Daniel smiled thankfully at the waiter as he put all their plates in front of them. Thanking him as he set down a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of him.
"You ever thought about getting married Matt?" He tested him again.
Twirling the spaghetti around his fork and shoving it into his mouth as he stared him down waiting for his answer.
Matt tensed up, clenching his jaw as he glared back at him .  His eyes flickering away from Cherrie's quickly when she looked over at him curiously.
"Not really." He muttered , getting more and more pissed off by the second.
Daniel hummed mockingly "that's a surprise .. you look like the kind of man that would have a wife already." He bluntly said.
Smirking smugly at the look of fury he shot him. Clearly clicking onto his accusing tone.
Cherrie frowned over at Daniel disapprovingly , completely oblivious to what was going on.
"Daniel! Leave him alone!" She scolded him before eyeing his plate hungrily . Regretting not getting the same thing.
Seeing her eyeing his food, he twirled a large piece of spaghetti and meatball around his fork before reaching over the table and placing the fork at her lips.
She parted them and let him feed her some of his food, humming happily at the taste . Swallowing it down bedore smiling at him gratefully .
"It's good. You wanna swap?" She questioned him
Hopefully .
Daniel just laughed and slid her plate of chicken pasta over to himself instead . Passing her his plate and grinning at the happy little dance she did im her seat as she dug straight into his food.
"I knew she'd want the spaghetti!" He chuckled , shaking his head at how predictable she was.
"You always want whatever I'm having!" He found it both amusing and endearing at the same time. Nine out of ten times they ended up switching plates when they were out to eat.
Cherrie just grinned cheekily back at him "you always get the best food it's not my fault!" She giggled.
Max eyed Matt uneasily , noticing the way he looked like he was going to pop a vein from how hard he was scowling at them.
He nudged lando to look as well, lando inhaling shakily at the sight .
"Shite.." he breathed out sending a quick prayer that they lived to see tomorrow after this.
"Are you two always like this?" Matt almost spat out angrily towards them.
Cherrie froze with her fork halfway to her mouth, blinking at him in confusion.
“Hungry?" She had no idea what he was on about. So used to their closeness that she didn't even notice it anymore.
Daniel answered for her "in tune with each other? It comes around years of love and bonding . We're soulmates." He told him without any shame.
Lando almost whimpered in fear at the balls he had to say that to her massive , muscle head boyfriend .
Matt glared at him angrily "don't you think that's crossing a line? She's with me." He snapped at him.
Daniel pulled a surprised face "is she? I hadn't noticed!" He grinned finding it hilarious .
Cherrie looked betweeen the two of them with wide wide eyes, still eating her food slowly as she wondered if she was missing something.
"He means it platonically." She finally spoke up to her boyfriend . Hoping to make him feel better.
Matt just looked back at her in disbelief .
Even lando and max were looking at her in amusement , wondering if she actually believed the bullshit that she was saying .
She didn’t .
Daniel snorted , shaking his head . "I mean it universally. She's the ying to my yang, the tongue to my mouth, the cheeks to my ass , the pepperoni to my pizza-" he could have went on and on.
Max quickly cut him off before he could , huffing out a amused laugh.
“Okay mate. I think we get it!" Side Eyeing Matt's reddening face cautiously.
Cherrie was giggling to herself as she downed yet another glass of wine, already on her way to being drunk. Having had the full bottle to herself .
She smiled over at Daniel, flattered. "That's so sweet! We should get matching tattoos like those bff necklaces that we used to have." She randomly blurted out.
Daniel grinned smugly "used to have?" Then he pulled down his shirt and pulled out the half heart necklaces that had 'best' engraved on it , waving it at her proudly .
“I never took it off baby!"
Cherrie gasped loudly , laughing in amazement as she got up from her seat and quickly jogged around the table to his side.
Bending down slightly so that she could take ahold of the silver pendant , eyes widening in amazement that he still had it.
"Dude!" She exclaimed grinning up at him happily "I can't believe you still wear it! I feel bad now!"
Daniel ruffled her hair and gently helped her to her feet, wrapping his arm loosely around her hips as she stood next to him while he was sat down.
Looking up at her fondly "of course I did! It's like a contract! A promise! Plus I knew that you would lose your half of the heart , you clumsily idiot!" He blew a raspberry on her side to make her laugh.
Cherrie's giggling was cut short as she felt another hand take ahold of the top of her dress and yank her away.
Head snapping down to look at Matt who was glaring at her , pulling her to his side roughly .
Max inhaled sharply "shit." He breathed out as he and lando watched the smile drop from Daniels face immediately at his actions.
Glaring over at Matt furiously "don't fucking pull her around like that!" He snapped at him, clenching his fist as he watched Cherrie wobble in her heels, clearly drunk.
"It's okay.." she mumbled trying to keep the peace, leaning over the table to pour herself another glass of wine casually .
Daniel scoffed angrily "no it isn't." He spat, leaning forward in his seat so he could see past her to glare at the lying , cheating bastard that dared to touch the love of his life like that.
Matt scowled at him hatefully "shut up man. She's my girlfriend! You have no place to be telling me what I can and can't do." He spat back at him.
Cherrie just stumbled her way back over to her seat , eyeing the leftover piece of Potato on lando's plate hungrily .
Nudging him with her foot she whispered loudly, ignoring the death stares that the two men were giving each other at the table.
"lando? Can I have that potato?" Not caring about the drama surrounding her.
Lando blinked at her in disbelief , wondering how she could be so calm and unbothered while her best friend and boyfriend were about to go at each others throats in a restaurant.
He silently passed her his plate, unable to help the little look of judgment he gave her , before sighing shakily as he looked back over to Daniel and Matt. Not wanting to miss a thing.
Daniel let out a cold laugh "oh really? Your girlfriend is she? How many of those do you have on the side huh? Or is she the only one?!" He gripped the table cloth between his fingertips so tightly that they went white.
Max shuffled his seat away from the table readily , tensing up as he watched them closely . Ready to intervene .
Matt glared at him , his eyes flickering over to Cherrie who was stuffing her face with potato's ,
Not even listening to them. Before he looked back at Daniel threatengily.
"You need to shut your mouth. You don't know what your talking about." He spat at him.
Daniel scoffed hatefully at him "would your wife know what I'm talking about then?" He shot back at him, abruptly getting to his feet.
"Christ." Lando whimpered sinking lower in his seat.
Side Eyeing Cherrie who was still stealing food off everyone's plates while they were preoccupied .
Matt shoved himself to his feet as well, puffing out his chest to make himself even bigger.
Gritting just teeth at him "shut the fuck up!"
Daniel laughed "no I don't think I will! You're not lying to my girl and getting away with it you steroid thumping- cheating bastard!" He snapped at him furiously bedore suddenly launching himself across the table at him.
Making the both of them crash against the next table as people screamed and gasped in shock as they started wrestling on the restaurant floor.
"I'm going to kill you!" Daniel shouted down at him , barely dodging a punch to his nose as Matt threw him off him easily , sending him crashing into another table before he jumped him. Fist swinging.
Max quickly ran over to them and threw himself ontop of matts back, wrapping his arms around his ridiculously large shoulders as he tried to yank him off Daniel. Barely moving him at all.
"Lando some help please!” He shouted over to him in annoyance , grunting as he narrowly avoided a elbow to his face.
Lando winced as he watched Matt manage to land  a nasty punch to Daniels cheek making him groan loudly before he bitch slapped him back the same way that he had watched Cherrie slap her girlfriend before when they got into a catty fight.
Cherrie finally looked up from her plate and frowned at the scene in front of her , eyes widening once she saw the blood on her best friends cheek.
"What the fuck!" She shot up out of her seat, stumbling for a moment , utterly drunk as she pulled off her heels and held one of them in her hand as she stumbled over to them quickly .
Lando hurriedly following her , half hiding behind her as he picked up a plate from the table on his way.
Sending a apologetic grimace to the guests at the table that Daniel and Matt had crashed into.
"Sorry about this guys. He's in love." Lando simply explained to them like that answered everything.
"You fucking dickhead! You think that because you look like a Greek god that you can just treat women like this?!" Daniel screamed at him as he finally managed to push him off him, sending max flying too as Matt toppled over to the side.
Daniel quickly got behind him and wrapped his arm around his head, getting him in a headlock , grunting when Matt knocked his head back and hit him in the chin with it.
"Fucking cunt!" He panted struggling to keep ahold of him.
Before his eyes widened as he glanced up to see Cherrie in front of them , holding her high heel above matts crotch with a pissed off glare on
Her pretty face.
Matt yelling and groaning in pain as she hit him in the dick with her high heel.
"How dare you punch Daniel! You wanker! If that leaves even the smallest of scars I will make sure that you never see the sun again you bastard!" She shouted at him furiously .
Stumbling backwards slightly when Matt somehow managed to launch himself back to his feet, Daniel quickly jumping up as well as he tried to get at him again.
"You're not worth all this shit! You stupid bitch-"
He didn't even get to take another threatening step towards her bedore lando let out a loud war cry and went flying towards him with a plate full of spaghetti held high in his hand.
Max , Daniel and Cherrie could only watch with gaping mouths as lando smacked him over the head with the plate of spaghetti furiously , Matt going down like a sack of potato's as he knocked him
Straight out.
"Don't call my friend a bitch! You-you bitch!" He panted , kicking him in the side as adrenaline coursed through his body.
Max looked around at the shocked restaurant guests , the manager quickly hurrying over to them angrily.
"You go before I call the police! You're banned for life !" He warned them angrily.
Max grimaced  apologetically at him as he took ahold of lando's arm who was still trying to kick Matt who was now out cold on the floor.
Dragging him towards the exit like he was an unruly child . "sorry! We'll pay for any damages!" He promised him.
Daniel quickly doing the same with Cherrie , only he picked her up bridal style and gave a casual nod to the traumatised guests before hurrying them out of the doors.
Lando was already in the car , laughing and crying "oh my god I thought I was going to die!" He dramatically shouted as max started up the car , wanting to get them the hell away before they all got arrested .
Daniel slid into the back of the car , Cherrie leaning against his side as he buckled the both of them in.
Wincing at the stinging on his cheek, laughing despite the pain as he looked over at lando proudly.
"That was amazing lando! Very heroic!" He praised him.
Cherrie dabbed a napkin  that she had took from the table against his cheek in concern , tilting his head towards her so she could see the start of a black eye already forming.
"Oh no. You're beautiful face.." she whined still drunk as she blinked up at him sadly.
More worried about his face than she was about her now unconscious ex boyfriend.
Daniel smiled at her the best he could, wrapping his arm around the back of her neck so that her head could rest in the crook of his elbow. Gently nudging their noses together like he always did.
"I'm okay. It's just gonna make me look even more badass than before." He reassured her casually as max sped down the streets.
Cherrie giggled a little , gazing into his pretty eyes in adoration .
“The way you jumped across that table was really hot." She blurted out honestly, biting down on her bottom lip as she thought about it.
Max grimaced deeply as he eyed them in his mirror, lando still rambling on about how cool he felt hitting Matt with a plate of spaghetti, re-enacting it like he hadn't been there to see it himself .
Daniel smirked down at her , heart racing in his chest at the way she was looking at him.
"Yeah? How hot?" He teased her , pulling her even closer.
She sighed dazedly "pantie dropping hot." She told him unashamedly .
Daniel chuckled as he looked down at her , smiling smugly.
“Hot enough for you to give me a chance now that idiot has been dealt with?" He threw all caution to the wind and went for it.
Pumped up with adrenaline from fighting a muscle head , underwear model. He felt pretty unbeatable then. Like he could do anything.
Cherrie hummed thoughtfully "a chance for what?" She still wasn't getting it.
Max groaned loudly and looked back at her in disbelief as they pulled up to a red light.
"Seriously? Even after that you still don't know?!" He exclaimed in shock wondering how oblivious she could be.
She just shook her head in confusion.
Max almost wanted to shake her.
Daniel was just giggling to himself , already used to her obliviousness to the obvious around her.
God, he loved her . He did. But the love of his life wasn’t the brightest spark.
It was a good job that she was pretty.
"He's wants to be your boyfriend!" Max almost shouted at her.
Wondering what more Daniel could have possibly done to show her how much he loved her.
He had flew across a table and tussled with a muscle man almost twice his size for her! While she just sat back and mugged their plates while they were busy fighting!
He couldn't believe it!
"Oh." Cherrie simply let out . Before smiling at Daniel happily .
“Why didn't you just say so?" She casually answered.
Daniel blinked at her in amazement. "You mean that i could have just asked you out years ago and you would have said yes?" The astonishment was clear in his voice.
Squeezing his eyes shut in misery at himself when she nodded her head yes, looking amused.
"Wow. I wish I knew that sooner .." he breathed out , chuckling despite himself as he reopened his eyes and looked down at her .
Squeezing her flushed cheeks gently between his fingers till her lips puckered , he tilted his chin down and kissed her instead of speaking anymore about his own personal stupidity .
They could laugh about that later .
Nestling his fingers into her hair as she hummed against his mouth, tilting her head to deepen the kiss as she hooked one of her legs over his hip as he twisted his body towards her the best that he could in the cramped space.
Moaning lowly in his chest as she sucked on his tongue , her hand slipping underneath his shirt , making his skin breakout in goosebumps from her soft touch.
"I love you. Fuck.." he murmured over and over again against her lips .
Grabbing her ass with his other hand and giving it a squeeze like he had wanted to for so long.
Cherrie smiled against his mouth as he started kissing down her neck, sucking at her soft skin and making her moan as she rocked against him, tangling her hands into his hair before pulling his mouth back up to her own as they made out like a couple of horny teenagers in the backseat of the car.
"I love you." Cherrie promised him as she pulled open his shirt with one tug, the buttons flying everywhere .
Daniel just groaned blissfully , wondering if he was in heaven as he snaked his tongue into her mouth and pulled her dress even further up
her thighs.
Max looked in the mirror and gasped in disgust and horror at the sight of them practically having sex in his car while he was driving too!
"Stop that!" He snapped at them . Eyeing the giggling lando beside him disapprovingly .
"None of that in my car! Daniel get your hands out of her panties!" He yelled at him frantically , quickly speeding down the highway to get them to Daniels house first. Not wanting to witness them two going at it.
He felt like he might be sick just at the thought!
Lando just grinned as he leaned his head through the seats to look back at them.
"Well done Daniel! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed happily.
Having spent years listening to Daniel go on and on about how she was the love of his life.
Daniel panted breathlessly as he forced his lips away from cherries, face dazed as he grinned lazily back at his friend.
Reaching his free hand out for him to high five while max just regretted his entire existence in the drivers seat.
"Thanks mate!" He grinned bedore leaning back in his seat and attacking her neck again. Not giving a single shit now that he had the love of his life in his lap.
Cherrie tilited her head as he kissed down her neck again, lazily grinning before reaching her arm forward and tapping Max's shoulder to get his attention.
"Do you have any condoms?" She asked him casually just as they pulled up outside Daniels place.
Max just deadpanned at her , unamused as Daniel opened the door and flung himself out of the car, giving Cherrie his hand as he told her to hurry up.
"No I don't. Get out. I have seen more of you than I have ever wanted to." He bluntly said, fed up with the both of them .
Lando pulled out a row of condoms from his wallet and handed it to her with a shit eating grin.
"Here ya go!"
Cherrie beamed "thanks Mate! I'll see you soon! This was fun! We should have dinner again sometime!" She chirped bedore clumsily ducking her head and crawling out from the backseat.
Max inhaled sharply as he reached out and yanked down the end of her dress that had ridden up to show them her ass on complete display.
"Nice thong Cherrie!" Lando giggled childishly as she stumbled out, Daniel immediately scooping her up like a fireman and running to his door with her.
Both of them laughing like naughty kids as they started making out again.
Leaving max to shake his head in disbelief. Making sure that they both got into the house safely before finally pulling away.
"They're unbelievable." He muttered grinning despite himself.
“Fuckin' made for each other.” He laughed.
He was never accepting a dinner invitation from Daniel again!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
RoR characters react to the reader accidentally confessing and trying to deny it? Idk I just think it'd be super cute
-Hercules- You could only smile as he was bench pressing a boulder, you know he was showing off, as he was flexing his muscles slightly, sending you sly grins which made you grin in return. You were lounging on a chase lounge, reading, but you quickly found yourself distracted by the hunky Greek. He lifted the boulder above his head at full extension, showing off good form and you smiled, “Gods I love you~” you didn’t realize you had said that out loud until he froze, the boulder falling and landing on his head, shattering it as he gawked, “You what?!” you instantly sputtered, turning bright red, “I didn’t say anything!!” he quickly ran over, grabbing your hips and swinging you above his head so he could beam up at you, “Say it again!” you were turning redder and redder, trying to deny what you had said before you muttered out, “I…I love you.” He gave you the best hug you ever had, spinning you around, a joyful laugh escaping his lips.
-Kojiro- The snow had made everything freezing! Even inside your home around the fireplace, you still were freezing your ass off! You had a plush blanket wrapped around you and you were sitting right in front of the fireplace, trying to warm up. Kojiro entered, carrying two mugs of hot tea and he chuckled, seeing you bundled up, “Here Y/N, this will warm you right up.” When your fingertips touched the mug you instantly sighed and that first sip seemed to warm every inch of you as he sat beside you, “This is amazing Kojiro, I think I love you~” you both instantly froze as he turned to you, your face quickly turning into a tomato, “I mean- thank you for the tea! I didn’t say anything else!” he chuckled, finding your denial quite cute. He slid a bit closer, “Well since you love me, share your blanket. Open up.” You turned even redder, to the point you were glowing but you opened your blanket so he could slid in and he cuddled up to you. He then surprised you by pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I love you too, Y/N.” you could only make a sound like a deflating balloon, holding your cheek which made him roar with laughter.
-Loki- He had been acting like a gremlin all day to get your attention, playing pranks, constantly popping up all around you, trying to scare you, and just being a little shit. When you collapsed on a couch after dealing with his antics all day, you didn’t even flinch when he popped up again, floating above you, “Y/N!” you rolled your eyes but cracked a grin which made him snicker as he lowered to lay down on top of you, a small ‘oof’ sound leaving you but your arms went around his neck, patting his head lightly as if you were petting a dog. He grinned up at you, “You’re not bored of me bothering you, are you?” you giggled softly, which made his eyes sparkly, “If I didn’t love you, I would have made you stop ages ago.” He froze, eyes wide and you paused before your eyes went wide and your face went red, “You love me?!” You squeaked, trying to push his face away as he got close, elation filling every inch of his body, “I- I didn’t say that-” He hugged you tightly, “You love me!!” his happy face couldn’t help but bring a smile to your own face and your arms wrapped around his head, squeezing him gently, “Yeah- I do.” His feet kicked gleefully up in the air behind him, a gleeful squeal leaving him which quickly got you laughing at him.
143 notes · View notes
It's a highway to hell but, oh the things we do for love (7)
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This fic is a Greek mythology au. This fic includes: betrayal, attempted human sacrifice, violence, choking, character death, cursing, forced marriage, mentions of nightmares, references to Greek mythology, enemies to lovers, and manipulation. It gets a bit suggestive at the end.
Tagging: @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @greep215
Chapter 7
The day of your coronation as Queen of the Underworld dawned like any other.  The only indicators that this day was an important one were the suits of armour scuttling around ensuring that each and every one of the king’s demands for the coronation were met, the constant influx of guests that were arriving in the underworld and the decorations that Abigail, Dave, and Drake had arranged all throughout the underworld.
Word had spread quickly throughout the underworld about Minthe’s fate and your coronation.  Abigail was among the first to hear about Minthe’s fate and the second that she learned the news, she attached herself to your side and refused to be parted from you. 
Speaking of the goddess, Hades had called her into the throne room and had informed her that she was for all intents and purposes, grounded for tearing out a page from one of his books.  Abigail was still permitted to paint but for the next two weeks, she was banned from using magic unless Hades was present.  The goddess sniffled and had pleaded with the god to lighten her punishment with teary eyes but the god had remained firm.
Dave had loaned you some incredibly ancient scrolls that contained instructions on how to master powers and you found it very easy to chat to the older god due to the fact that he had become a god later than Abigail had and there were a few things that you two had in common.
Thanatos was perhaps the most surprising when the news about Minthe and your coronation reached his ears.  He eyed you with wonder (after ensuring that the story about Minthe was true) and then it was like a switch in him had been flicked.  Thanatos stated that you had “earned the right to call me by my mortal name, Drake.”  He also regaled you with tales about him discovering that he had magic before he journeyed into the underworld.
Of the three of them, Drake was the first to journey into the underworld and become Thanatos.  You learnt that he studied magic under Hades and he followed his mentor into the underworld.  You were tempted to ask Drake whether or not he knew what Hades’ mortal name was but you quashed that impulse.  If your time with Drake had taught you anything, it was that Hades would reveal his mortal name when he chose to.
Heavy clanging sounds brought you back into the present and you paused mid-step in the middle of your quarters.  With a dry laugh, you noted the fact that you had been pacing without realising it.  The door to your quarters swung open just as you decided it would be a good idea to run your hands down your coronation outfit and smooth out any creases.
Dave stood on the other side of your door with an impish smile, “Figured you’d prefer a godly escort rather than a tin metal one.”
You shook your head with a smile at the god’s antics once the realisation sunk in that he had used his powers to trick you.  You walked towards him and when you were close enough, Dave held out his arm.  After looping your arm through his, he escorted you through the halls and to the throne room. 
It didn’t take the two of you very long to reach your destination however, just as you spotted the familiar doors to the throne room, Dave drew to a stop and pulled you to the side, out of sight of the crowd, and looked at you seriously, “You won’t be doing this alone.  Take it one step at a time.”
“How did you know what I was thinking?”
“I’ve been where you are.” Dave pointed to himself, “My introduction to the court went pretty well if you ignore the fact that I set the king’s throne on fire.”
Laughter burst out of you as you looked at the god, “You have to tell me the story someday.”
“We’ll have all the time in the underworld after the ceremony.”
Feeling a little more at ease and with a grin on your face you assured the god that you were ready.
Dave led you through the doors and into the throne room.  The throne room was so lavishly decorated that for a minute, you thought you were attending a wedding back on Earth.  Then the guests turned to face you and Dave and you spied a wide variety of demons and other beings from different sections of the underworld.
Your breath hitched as you noticed Hades sitting in his throne at the end of the aisle.  As you approached, he rested his arms on the armrests of his throne and rose gracefully to his feet to greet you and Dave.  Your eyes traced his profile pausing to admire the way he looked in his black ceremonial suit.  Atop his suit, he wore a wrap and the two pieces of the wrap were fastened together by a round silver clip which rested on his left shoulder.
It felt like there was a better word to describe the clothing on top of Hades’ suit but you couldn’t think of it.  Then, without warning, the word appeared in your mind as if it had been there all along. 
“Himation.  It’s a himation.”
Dave stopped again.  This time you withdrew your arm from his and made your way up the stairs to stand opposite Hades on the dais.  The god held out his hands and with no hesitation, you placed your hands in his.  
The god squeezed them and warmth pooled in your stomach at the god’s act of kindness and reassurance.  Hades turned away from you and faced the pathway that you and Dave had walked up.  You moved your head in time to see Dave retreat several steps when he saw Drake and Abigail making their way up the aisle.
Abigail was dressed in a black and green chiton with flickering torches across her sleeves and neckline.  In her outstretched hands sat a smaller version of Hades’ crown.  However there were a few differences between Hades’ crown and your crown.
Your crown.
Somehow thinking the words made this ceremony feel all the more real.
The crown that Abigail was carefully carrying wasn’t made up entirely of gold nor did it have a ruby in the centre like Hades’ did.  This crown was made up of three very different metals.  The majority of the crown was made up of silver moonstone.  The moonstone made up about half of the crown.  The next metal that you noticed was dull silver and your eyebrows drew together when you noticed the symbols on it.  One of the symbols was the head of Medusa and the other was an upside-down anchor with a crustacean at the top of the symbol.  The upside-down anchor also had the letter A on the left-hand side of it.  The last portion of the crown was made up of bronze.
Drake walked three paces behind Abigail.  He stood tall and his clothing was similar to Hades’ although you noticed that Drake had added frosted tips to his hair, eyeliner under his eyes and he was wearing knee high boots that made him look taller than normal.
You knelt as Abigail approached the dais with the crown and you obeyed the instinct that told you to keep your eyes on Abigail while she placed the crown on your head.  The crown was lighter than you expected yet it thrummed with power and responsibility.
“Since I’ve known you the longest, my part of the crown is the biggest.  Dave and Drake added bits to the crown too.” Abigail whispered.
“I love it,” you uttered, matching her volume.
Climbing to your feet, you returned to standing opposite Hades.  This time you were the first to offer your hands to the god.  With a reverent expression, Hades placed one of his hands in yours and gripped it tightly.  He showed you the palm of his other hand and unspoken, a black speck appeared in it.  As you watched, more black specks appeared on Hades’ hand.  The black specks rose to join the others and at the same time, all of the black specks rose into the air.  They swirled around each other building up speed. 
You blinked and the specks sped towards each other at a speed that you didn’t know was possible.  The specks merged together creating a black pomegranate that fell back into the god’s palm.  With another unspoken command, the pomegranate was divided into quarters, allowing you to glimpse the reddish flesh that lay inside.
Hades searched your face for any signs of hesitation.  When he found none, he used his grip on your hand to pull you forwards and place one of the pomegranate quarters between your parted lips.  You bit down on the quarter and the juices from the fruit flowed into your mouth.  It was richer than anything you had ever tasted before but there was an underlying sweetness to the fruit. 
“If a pomegranate isn’t a perfect metaphor for the underworld, I don’t know what is.”
You swallowed the quarter and then Hades fed you the next one.  This continued until all quarters of the fruit were gone.  Hades’ finger grazed your lip and for a moment, it felt like the two of you were the only ones that were in the room.   In this moment, you knew that you were seeing the man behind the god again, just like when Abigail had taught you to navigate the corridors of the underworld after her nightmare.   The way he gazed at you with such intensity made you wonder why you considered leaving him and the underworld behind. 
Hades’ eyes lingered on your lips which unbeknownst to you had been stained red from the juices of the pomegranate.  His finger left your bottom lip and traced a soft path until it rested on your chin.  You registered additional pressure around your chin and realised that Hades was gripping your chin with his thumb and forefinger.  Your heart started pounding as Hades dipped his head and pressed his mouth to yours in a forceful and dominating kiss.
You had no idea how long the kiss lasted for but when Hades broke the kiss and moved a tiny amount away from you, you glimpsed many emotions swirling in his gaze.   You were able to identify pride, love, admiration, and a glimmer of lust before he released your chin and grasped your hand again.  The god then used his grip on your hand to turn you so that you were both facing the assembled crowd.
“Behold the Queen of the Underworld!” He commanded and the room erupted in cheers and applause.  The loudest of the cheers and clapping came from Abigail, Drake, and Dave.  Drake even stuck two of his fingers in his mouth and whistled a couple of times but after a disapproving look from Hades, Drake withdrew his fingers, cleaned them with a hanky that he conjured, stuck the hanky in his pocket and continued to clap and cheer loudly.
Hades let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side tightly.
“Look at your subjects.”  He ordered.
“They are your subjects as well Hades,” you reminded him.
“Maxim.”  He corrected.
You frowned at the god that you were happy to call your husband, “I’m sorry?”
“When I was human my name was Maxim Horvath.”  He lowered his head so that his lips grazed your ear.  These words were for you and you alone, “I haven’t used that name in quite some time but I would have no objection if you were to scream the first part of it when you and I are alone together in our new quarters.”
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
A Twist of Fate
Co-written with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon
I can't believe it's finished! Thank you so much for reading all the way through and joining us in this crazy mashup. This was the last story that PJ and I wrote together before life happened. Send some good vibes PJ's way. Maybe someday we'll be able to write more of these fun Blackinnon AUs. Until then, check out PJ's past work on her account, and my two stories Saudade (one-shot Marauders era Blackinnon stories) and Ojalá (one-shot AU Blackinnon stories) which I update at least once a month. Until next time friends. <3
FFN and AO3
Chapter 22
Sirius spun his newlywed wife in his arms and carried her straight from one dance into the next. It was their party, and he was intent on having the very best time in the whole history of wedding receptions. He thought he could probably manage. He was the son of Dionysus and it didn't hurt that he'd just nabbed the most beautiful woman in the whole world as his wife.
"Are you planning on keeping me to yourself all night? I have not yet had the chance to dance with my father, nor your father for that matter."
"I'm greedy when it suits me. I'll not have you dancing with my father."
"No? He seems to be a great dancer. Look." She gestured to the god of revelry dancing on his own, or else with everyone. He did not look lonely, that was certain.
"Obviously. But it would only serve as an excuse for Zeus to cut in."
"Afraid he'll turn into a very dashing flamingo and steal your bride?" Marlene's eyes flashed in amusement.
Sirius scoffed. "Who said I thought he'd want to dance with you? I meant me! I don't want him trying to impregnate me with his eyes. I'm too attached to my figure and besides, I don't know the first thing about hatching an egg."
"You're absolutely ridiculous, do you know that?" Marlene ran a hand into the hair at the nape of his neck and Sirius felt the electricity of her touch down his back.
"I'm charming, I'll have you know," he leaned his forehead into hers.
She smiled up at him before catching his lips in hers. Sirius was rather fond of dancing and kissing, but his wife always had good ideas like that. He was just about to suggest they abscond somewhere for a while when Marlene pulled away. Her eyes grew distant and her moves stilted.
"You're doing it," Sirius gently led her off the dance floor, "The thing with your mother."
"Observant," Marlene gestured to her mother to come closer, so as to converse aloud.
"Sirius, have you any plans to take up an occupation?"
"You're being polite asking. You must know well that I inherited my planning abilities from my father. That's why your daughter is my perfect match. Or… that's one of many reasons. You raised a wonderful woman, Moira. Thank you."
"I will happily take credit. Thank you," Moira grinned fondly at him. "And you're right. I was being polite. The two of you are fated to lift the burden off some nearby farmers."
"You're sending me to help out on a farm? I guess that's logical. I'm quite good with vines! But isn't it a bit cold for that?"
"Sirius," Marlene rolled her eyes, "she doesn't want us to become farm hands. You have to listen to what she means not what she says."
"Ah. Well. There's my problem." Sirius shrugged. He supposed that he had a lifetime to acclimate to the idiosyncrasies of life with Fate.
"I'll spell it out for you." Moira smiled kindly at him. "Demeter is lonely. She misses her daughter terribly. Every year she makes things worse for the farmers closest to her and it's time she find a hobby."
"What sort of hobby?" Sirius found the notion rather strange.
"You'll know when the time is right," Moira turned to Marlene and her eyes grew distant, as did Marlene's. It was slightly unnerving watching them speak in what Marlene had called their foresight. It was like looking at two beautiful statues.
"My boy!" Dionysus appeared out of thin air and threw a long arm over Sirius' shoulders. Sirius wished he had his wife's foresight because his father had nearly given him a heart attack.
"Hello Father," Sirius took a couple deep breaths. "It looks like I'll be able to check in on your followers in Eleusis."
"Eleusis!" Dionysus cried out in a sing song voice. "You must stop and say hello to dear Demeter! Demeter is a bit dramatic and teary but she's a doll the majority of the year and I do enjoy her, when she isn't moping about."
Moira and Marlene turned back to them and Sirius felt his heart flip when Marlene smiled at him.
"I'm going to dance with my father while your father teaches you your next party trick." She kissed him briefly and Sirius had to remind himself that they had time, eons probably, and he didn't need to pull her back, even if he desperately wanted to.
"Next trick?" He asked in confusion. Marlene winked at him before gliding across the room to where Vassilis was seated.
"Dionysus," Moira turned to his father and Sirius was surprised to see some semblance of...calm? Or something akin to it on his father's face. He made a mental note to remember she could do that.
"What does the boy need to know? I rather enjoy," Dionysus broke off as he heard a group across the room cheer.
"Dionysus," Moira called him back and Sirius chuckled as his father flung his head back towards Fate; it was a miracle it didn't go flying across the room. "Dionysus, you must teach Sirius to fly."
"But the boy can only turn into a dog," Dionysus tilted his head in an owlish way and Sirius stared at the way it made his father look rather like he was made of clay.
Moira smiled and sighed, "Do you not rise into the air without wings when it suits you?"
Dionysus turned his head back straight and nodded repeatedly. Then understanding seemed to dawn in his eyes. "Oh! I see! Come my boy, let's get you in the air!"
Sirius was almost certain his mother-in-law was laughing at him as his father pulled him away.
He sighed. Learning to fly was all well and good, but Sirius hoped he'd at least get one night with his new wife before they'd need to leave for Eleusis.
"Don't worry my lad, you'll be back with your new bride in no time. Besides, you've got an eternity ahead of you!" Though Dionysus was hardly paternal in nature, and somewhat baffling to be around in general, Sirius couldn't help but concede that his father had a point.
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osakiharu · 2 years
00:01AM : haruchiyo sanzu 
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff, mentions of blood, attention to injury, swearing, cleaning sanzu’s wound yas, someone trying to give sanzu a taste of his own medicine idk they were tired of his katana antics, sanzu being romantic in his own way… idk he’s a little crazy what did you expect
wc : 533 — ik its short but it’s good i promise :(
notes : i’m really happy with this i hope y’all like it hehe :0
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he was in pain, you could tell; his irregular breathing, the way he bit and chewed at his lip in discomfort when you brought the cloth back to his torso, the hand grabbing at your waist, squeezing from where he sat on the couch, head back, hips forwards. trying not to think about the throbbing gash running across his chest. 
yet he still managed to force out an almost devilish chuckle. “what’re you giggling at?” you whispered, still sniffling slightly as you placed the cloth back on his skin. “’m gonna kill that fucker, y/n… gonna make ‘im swallow his own teeth… might even give you his head on a fuckin’ stick.” the only thing stopping him from doing so was you, settled in his lap keeping him grounded in his place on the couch. it was a struggle to actually get sanzu to sit down in the first place, with him being livid over not executing his opponent. “mikey and kakucho said you need to stay home and rest, haru,” he groaned, leaning his head back further and gritting his teeth, as you applied more pressure to the cut, fuck, “you could’ve been killed y’know? you’re lucky it wasn’t any deeper than—”
“god, what a fuckin’ greek tragedy that would’ve been, honey.” he drawled, sarcastically. you only sighed, not surprised that sanzu was more concerned with the fact that he hadn’t been able to beat his opponent — something that seldom happens. your sigh must have brought him back out of his murderous thoughts, as he lifted his head up to look at you. “what’s the matter, hm? you getting tired of being my little nurse all the time?” his hand rubbed up and down your thigh, soothingly. “i worry about you, haruchiyo,” you brushed his wild, tousled hair away from his pretty eyes, and gave his forehead a quick kiss, “i don’t want you getting killed or something.”
“don’t be silly, angel, the only way ‘m gonna die- ah! fuck me,” he laughed dryly, “the only way i’ll die is if you kill me. won’t die by anyone else’s hands but yours, ‘kay?” he slipped his bony fingers under your much smaller ones occupied by cleaning the remaining stains and splotches of crimson from his body, and raised them up to his lips. you expected him to cringe at how he began to paint and smear his rosy lips with his own blood, but he never once appeared to be phased, too fixated on kissing your knuckles and the tips of your fingers as if you’d fought a worse battle than his own. “okay? y/n?” sanzu’s voice was far sterner than usual, especially when speaking to you. he was serious. “m-mhm, yeah, ‘course, haru.” you said with a slight smile; you’d hardly even processed what he said, let alone came up with a reply. sanzu, however, grinned at your answer. 
“hmm, that’s what i like to hear.” he leaned in to press a delicate kiss to your lips, despite his still being covered in crimson splotches, all while running his thumb back and forth along the bumps of your knuckles. “so good to me, baby, gonna have to reward you, ain’t i?”
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reblogs appreciated <3
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Tamed Seas - Poseidon x Reader
This is the very first post I’m making on this equally new account and also the very first time I am ever using a second person POV for the reader. Let me know your thoughts!
The following story is just for shits and giggles. I do not own any of the characters, they are the property of Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui and Ajichika. I also do not own you, the reader.
Warning: Swearing from my disclaimer.
Tamed Seas
Poseidon x Reader
They were never allowed to stare.
If Poseidon never looked anyone in the eye, deeming them unworthy of even a simple gaze, then anyone other than himself were equally unworthy in looking at his wife.
Just before the meeting had started about a decision to be made on humanity’s fate, Poseidon had entered in his full regalia, his wife walking alongside him. Of course, such a prestigious couple deserved such a special entrance, as Hermes, per Zeus’ request too, played his violin most ceremoniously, a proud smirk on his face upon seeing the royal feet step perfectly on the red carpet he had immediately placed upon knowing of their arrival. Zeus’ older brother held a record of never attending meetings, much more any simple get-togethers unless they were of real utmost importance such as this one.
Shiva’s eyes grew at the sight of the couple. Even though Poseidon’s wife had originally been a mortal who had ascended to godhood, you were glowing and looked as ethereal as Aphrodite. Was he seeing things? He blinked and leaned forward in his seat. The last time he saw you was at the announcement of your wedding, then after the ceremony he never caught a glimpse of you ever again and only heard stories of your new and impressive conquests. Were you always this godlike?
As if reading his thoughts, he gulped upon finding himself at the receiving end of Poseidon’s cold and stoic stare. He shrugged his shoulders. Man, he had heard rumors of his sudden protectiveness towards his wife, but he never expected him to be this overly protective. He was merely trying to figure out if his wife was always glowing like this or not. Both figuratively and literally.
Alright, maybe he was checking you out a little bit.
Unlike the god of the seas, his wife greeted Zeus, and all the familiar gods with a warm smile. It had been ages since you had seen them all together, and the sight brought a sense of nostalgia to the days where you had first earned their favor, then their respect, and then their friendship. Although your story might not be as mighty (and as physically taxing) as Hercules’ was, you considered those ‘young’ days to also be one of your best apart from getting married to the man god who you had given your heart for and will continue to love and cherish for the rest of your life. Since you became Poseidon’s wife, you had not had much time to do leisure outside the palace, and correspondingly after heralding the title of ‘queen of the seas,’ you had taken it upon yourself to help your husband in matters concerning his own kingdom and the vast seas themselves.
“Master Zeus—” Zeus threw you a knowing look. “My apologies, Zeus, it’s such a pleasure to see you again!”
“Same here, little lady! Judging by the frequent calmness of the Atlantic Ocean, I trust you and my brother are faring along quite well?” The father of all gods chuckled, then wiggled his gray eyebrows. “Why, I must say, me and most of the other Olympians have been waiting for some new gods and goddesses to rule alongside us, if you know what I mean! Ehe he~”
Characteristic of your husband, Poseidon simply scoffed before muttering how gods such as themselves need not gossip. Blue eyes never left the Hindu god however, and unbeknownst to his wife, he lingered closer to you than usual whenever the both of you were in public.
This time, Shiva had had enough. He was sure he only looked at the direction of Poseidon’s wife only once, and admired you only once as well, yet he was being skewered by the god’s gaze for longer than what he had intentionally allowed. As if he had openly claimed you as his! He was the god of destruction for heaven’s sake, and would not allow this sacrilegious act, regardless of whoever he had to settle the score with. If it was with another prominent deity, then it would be a lot more fun. Golden eyes narrowed daringly, an equally challenging aura oozing from his form and startling the nearby gods.
“Lord Shiva, are you okay—”
“(Name). How many times do I have to repeat myself? You have no need to refer to other gods with honorifics.” Your attention whipped to your husband, who to your surprise, held a familiar, challenging stance. Unbeknownst to you but the other gods especially Aphrodite, Poseidon simply matched the challenge of the Hindu god. “You are the wife of the seas. All the other gods are beneath you, as they are beneath me as well.”
Upon hearing this, Shiva gripped his concrete armrests too greatly and it crumbled to dust under his strength. Pumped at where this interaction seemed to be heading−the thought of fighting, he stood up, arms on the ready to cause destruction. Despite being in the middle of the crowd and quite far away from the center of the stadium where the couple stood, he caught glimpse of the famous trident he would never be caught dead wielding. Now this was getting interesting!
“My rules are simple: you disrespect me, you die,” He pointed at Poseidon, which the latter found disgusting enough to scrunch up his nose.
“Should we put a stop to this, Lord Zeus?” Hermes asked behind a white gloved hand. Not exceeding any expectations, Zeus laughed after a stroke of his beard and clapped. He always was one to find entertainment in alike situations, especially after the fact that this was the only time, he and all the other gods had really felt Poseidon riled up. The expression on the god of the seas’ face remained calm but it was betrayed by the suffocating, dominating presence he emitted from where he stood.
“And after you die, your wife would become firsthand witness of realizing how your title betrays your strength,” Shiva stretched, but halfway through noticed Poseidon’s quick work of his trident. He took a stance and prepared for the parrying move.
Amidst the unexpected battle that was soon to happen, to everyone’s surprise, a whistling sound echoed along the tension-filled stadium. It was a tune most foreign to the gods, all except one. From your lips, a beautiful melody poured out as a soft gentle breeze seemed to have begun to blow. It was an old tune you had learned from one of your many lifetimes in the mortal world,
And the very same one you had sung to Poseidon that had sustained him in trying moments.
Poseidon came to a full stop, his muscles unmoving as he listened and slowly, put his trident down. What was he thinking? He should not have been swayed by a foolish taunt committed by a foolish god. He was perfection incarnate. His wife would never fall for a foolish antic, so why did he? Now he was both angry and confused with himself. How could he have allowed himself for even a moment, for others to see him angry over this? What even was this?
Without the need to look at you, relishing in your fine tunes reminded him of the initial catalyst to his reaction and an answer to his question. Whenever matters concerned his wife, his emotions, which he learned were out of his control, seemed to defy all rational logic, which, even at the very beginning of your courtship, bypassed his ego. Of course, despite these strong feelings, the one thing Poseidon had control over were his actions. Therefore, he had always had a grip on how he presented himself. Although it was still a slow progress to figuring out this foreign feeling with his wife, the only other being he deemed truly worthy to allow into his life, anyone else will never have a chance of being privy to this side of him−a sentiment that thankfully, his wife shared. Though he never admitted it, he was confused and left mulling over for some time when you had also told him before that you had meant a different thing.
“…Foolish. Gods have no need for wars, we are perfect beings ourselves. You are not the reason for my presence here and are not worthy of my time and attention.” Another long silence fell, finally broken by Poseidon, ignoring the mix of surprised and fearful stares. His legs started carrying him towards the direction of one of the high stage boxes in the stadium. “Come, (Name).”
Shiva, who had his fists out and ready to fight, blinked twice in confusion before grunting, scratching the back of his ear violently in frustration. “You Greek gods have always been boring! And here I thought I’d finally be able to cause some destruction again, this time in Valhalla…”
Other than the Hindu god himself, none would ever understand if he had riled up the Greek god on purpose for the sake of his own entertainment or, perhaps, for something more personal. Zeus, meanwhile, followed the sight of his older brother walking quietly alongside his wife. Aphrodite nodded her head in his direction, affirming his suspicions. He would never fully understand the concept of love, but hey, he did get the message that all would be damned if so much as a single hair went missing on (Name)’s hair. And it seems he was not alone in this thought, as despite Shiva’s aggressive taunting, he also managed to peak into the gravity of the god of seas’ feelings towards his wife.
After Shiva had been calmed down and more gods piled in along with the Valkyries, Zeus set his meeting in motion. From the stands, Poseidon and his wife occupied the two seats that closely resembled their thrones. Eagerly sitting beside the god, (Name) grinned. Every day she had to sit close to her husband or even at times on his lap, she always felt like her body fit snugly against his.
Blue eyes stared uninterested at the spectacle.
“Dearest?” Poseidon turned his head and met your gaze. Any dark smudges had disappeared beneath his eyes, and his mouth that was carved into a seemingly permanent frown softened. His lips went from a thin line to a gentle curve.
“Thank you.”
No more words needed to be said. Poseidon knew what you were thanking him for, and he responded by closing his eyes as though he was swallowing every ounce of serenity that emitted from you. And the taste was sweet…
Above the angry retaliation of the gods regarding the verdict of Ragnarok, Poseidon enjoyed an elusive peace. Even if it was just a simple moment like this, he set his features in calm lines and his shoulders sank−a truly rare sight, a special secret between himself and his wife.
“I don’t care about this. I am eager to go home.” Poseidon whispered under his breath.
A chuckle left his wife’s lips. “We’re going home soon, don’t fret.”
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noteguk · 4 years
bro bad influence! jk and reader are 100% the type of couple to argue mid-sex i love this culture
They are!!!!
Taglist: @ft-multi @cryinginmypromdress @kooafraid @kissestothesky @dianaaviny @ggukkieland
[ ! ] this drabble is for “bad influence” — it can, however, be read as a standalone. 
— words; 1.8k
— contents and warnings; hmmm smut, semi-public sex, oral (m rec and mention of f rec), unprotected sex, dirty talk, mention of cum play, playfully “arguing” mid-sex, the endless adventures of bad boy!jk x good girl! reader
“I can’t believe you, Jungkook,” your voice came out as an irritated murmur against the warm skin of his neck, barely interrupted by a soft whimper. “We’re gonna be late for class.”
His hand grew tighter around your thigh, pushing your leg higher up. Jungkook was buried deep between your folds, filling you up in every way that you loved, and yet you were a bit too paranoid to fully dive into those sensations. “Hmmm don’t care,” he groaned, the slaps of his skin against yours filling that small cabinet in a rhythmic symphony. Twice already, a broom had fallen on top of you, knocking you right on the forehead, and so you refused to let it go. That entire scene was ridiculous. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he moaned. 
You rolled your eyes, amazed at how he managed to ignore everything else but the feeling of your walls clenching around him. The fact that you two were having a quickie in the janitor’s closet, exactly fifteen minutes before your most important class, was bad enough as it was. Your escapade was far from heavenly, with the stiff air impregnated by the nauseating aroma of a hundred different chemical products, the annoyingly flickering lightbulb over you, and, as stated, the paraphernalia that was knocked over every time Jungkook’s thrusts got a little too rough. 
“God, why are you like this?” you complained. 
He hummed, his fingers digging into your flesh. You could tell that Jungkook was starting to lose himself in you, for the roll of his hips started to get slower, less coordinated, as they always did when he was trying to prolong his pleasure. “Like what?” He breathed out.
You leaned your head back against the wall, looking at those devilish eyes of his. Jungkook’s hair was a mess, exploding around his head like a failed scientific experiment, and you knew that one look was all it took to know that it was sex hair. “Why do you always have to pick the worst time to do this stuff?” you clarified. 
He scoffed. “Excuse me, princess, I think it was you who locked us in here,” he said. He wasn’t wrong, but, to be fair, you weren’t expecting that your make-out session would escalate to that. Then again, you were often naive when it came to his antics. “Now stay quiet or people are going to hear you.”
“Fuck off,” you whispered — whispered, because he was right. You had been controlling your moans and whimpers fairly well, but your normal speaking voice wasn’t a good idea either. There was no way to lock the room from the inside, and anyone could open that door at any given second. 
Jungkook smirked like he knew what you were thinking about — that fucked-out, greek god smirk that had your knees weak for a second. His face was bathed by the golden light from the bulb, dripping in shadows and lustful gazes. “Wrong answer,” he teased. “You were supposed to say ‘Oh, Jungkook, I can’t keep quiet when you’re fucking me so well’.”
As if to prove his claim, Jungkook placed his face on the crook of your neck and pressed himself even deeper inside you. The feeling of his cock stretching you open was intoxicating, and the timid moan you let out was enough to make him throb inside you, gasping against the sweet scent of your hair. 
Still, you wouldn’t bulge. “Gooood, shut up, please,” you whined, interlacing your fingers in his hair. There was a thin layer of sweat on his nape, the expected result from fucking in a hot, closed-off enviroment. “Are you close?”
“Yeah, almost there,” he moaned, picking his pace back up. You had to bite your lip to suppress a particularly loud moan after one of his hands slithered up your abdomen and grabbed your clothed breast, playing with it as he continued to seek his own high. His other hand still had its iron grip on your thigh, keeping your leg up as he continued to pound himself in and out of your wet heat. “Fuck, I love these skirts you wear. Easy access.” 
“You’re such a caveman,” you said. Jungkook was breathing heavy against your ear, fighting for air as he mumbled sweet nothings just for you. You were almost overtaken by him — the pounding of his cock inside your pussy, his delicious moans and curses, the praises that he threw your way for being so good for him. Almost. “Don’t cum inside.”
Jungkook visibly tensed up at your request. You could tell that some part of his primitive brain was thinking of repeating one of his past endeavours — one that he came inside you, and made you walk around campus with his cum in you for the rest of the day. It was really hard to keep an upper hand when Jungkook was always knowingly smirking at you from across the room, loving the way that only the two of you knew of that little nasty secret. 
(Miraculously, it was one of the few times that he didn’t feel slightly jealous when he saw you talking to other guys, but you didn’t have to know that). 
Still, you weren't wearing pants that day, so the whole ordeal wouldn’t be so easy to hide. 
A small whimper left his throat as he leaned forward, placing a wet kiss against your lips. You were looking at him with those big, doll-like eyes of yours, and he couldn’t refuse your request even if he wanted to fill you up so bad. “Awn, you’re so mean,” he whined, forehead touching yours. Every shove of his cock inside you had you bouncing up and down against the wall, that stupid broom threatening to tilt once again. “Can I cum in your mouth, baby?”
You hummed, trying to torture him with a fake thinking session. “Don’t know…” You hesitated. Jungkook cursed against your shoulder, his cock throbbing inside you once again. “Do you have gum?”
“Jesus, woman,” he complained, almost choking on his own pleasure. “Yeah, I have gum. Can I do it?”
You smiled. “Suit yourself.” You had to use all the force inside you to place your hands on his shoulders and push him away. Jungkook almost sobbed when he pulled himself out of your heat, his cock glistening with your wetness, swollen and reddened. “And cum quickly or I’ll kill you.” 
You got to your knees before Jungkook had the chance to respond, your hand wrapping around his base and pumping him tentatively. He bucked his hips towards you, hissing at the sensitivity. “Listen, I’m really fucking close,” he told you, “and I don’t think you’d fancy a facial right now, so stop with that teasing.” 
You chuckled at his comment, fumbling closer to him. “You know me too well.” 
With that, you wrapped your lips around his tip, sinking his member inside your mouth until it almost reached your throat. Jungkook cried out in delight, louder than he had the entire time, and you were sure any passing strangers had heard him. 
Yet your paranoia was forgotten when he started talking. 
“Fuck, that’s it,” he moaned, placing his hand on the back of your head and tugging at your hair. Jungkook guided your movements with little force, watching as you had your fun around his cock — sucking and slurping him like it was the best thing in the world, the tears that accumulated at the corners of your eyes looking like a divine gift to him. “God, I love when you suck my cock, fuck—“ 
You moaned around him, the vibrations feeling like heaven to the boy. With a few more pumps of your mouth around him, Jungkook was coming undone with a loud hiss and a desperate buckle of his hips, calling out your name as he released his cum inside you. “Swallow everything,” his voice was hoarse as he told you that, meeting your watery eyes as you fought to drink every drop of his cum that you could. Jungkook smirked at your efforts, fingers caressing your scalp as you finished cleaning him up. “Good girl.” 
You sighed happily at his praise, taking his hand as he helped you back on your feet. You could only hope that your knees wouldn’t be red by the time that you arrived at your classroom.
“Love watching you with my cock in your mouth, baby.” Jungkook leaned closer to you, wrapping his arms on your lower back. He gifted you with a quick peck on the lips, still breathing hard against your mouth. “I hate that you don’t let me snap a picture.” 
You laughed at that, running one hand through his messy hair in an attempt to save it a bit. In the end, you decided it would be better if he just pushed it back. “I’m not an idiot, believe it or not.” You smiled. “Gum?”
Jungkook nodded and reached for his jacket’s pocket. “Here you go.” He handed you the small colorful wrapping. You promptly threw a piece in your mouth, humming at the sweet taste. He pouted. “You’re going to class like this? You didn’t cum, baby.” 
“I’m aware,” you told him, fixing your panties and skirt. Jungkook didn’t seem to worry about the state of his pants, though, because he didn’t follow your movements. “But I’m not gonna be late to this class, today’s topic is half of what’s gonna be on the test. Pick me up after the lesson and maybe you can deal with my delayed orgasm situation. If I’m feeling nice.” 
Jungkook smirked, pulling your body closer to his. “Hmmm, love when you boss me around.”
He kissed you again and, when the kiss started to get a bit too long for your liking, you pushed him away. “Jungkook, listen, I have two fucking minutes—“ 
“Okay, okay, go.” He rolled his eyes, noticing that his attempts at prolonging your little escapade wouldn’t be fruitful. Jungkook stepped back so he could tug himself back inside his underwear, and you turned around to open the door. As your fingers were curling around the handle, he made sure to add, “Don’t exhaust your wrist with all those notes, princess, you’re gonna need it later.” 
And of course he smacked your ass when you walked out. 
Thirty minutes after your class was over, Jungkook was happy to have his face buried between your thighs, eating you out on the backseat of his car. Suddenly, it seemed as if you weren’t so worried about being caught, because he never heard you moan so loud. 
He made a mental note to do that more often.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Nyx
Nyx is a primordial goddess and the Greek personification of Night - the mother of Hypnos, Thanatos, Nemesis, and many more. She's a mysterious figure in their mythos as there's little surviving info about her cult. What is known, however, is that she was portrayed as beautiful, powerful, and feared by Zeus himself.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia, Nyx
What happens when you take a being born from the darkness and place them in a realm of eternal night…?
The answer came when the MC first stepped out of the portal. Everyone in the room was wholly expecting a normal-looking, confused human they could get up to speed, however…
The MC's skin suddenly darkened until it was as black as a shadow, their clothes levitated around them as if they were defying gravity, and glimmering speckles dotted their skin like twinkling stars.
Even their eyes turned a pure, glowing white without irises or pupils… Like two crowning stars locked into a body made from the shimmering night sky...
They weren't human. At the time, Lucifer wasn't even sure he could say what they were... Breathtaking, certainly, but there was something else about them that he couldn't place… something… foreboding...
Diavolo must have had the same unease because Barbatos was put in charge of monitoring them. The butler would send reports to them both and the results would range from benign to nerve-racking...
They kept their distance from his brothers and most people, but their power seemed immense... Barbs would report seeing them making small items float or summoning a meteor shower from their fingertips!
Lucifer ended up actually tasting their powers only once. When they stepped in to protect Beel and Luke and he went to attack them…
The whole House began to shake and the candles of the tomb started going out one by one as the air grew intolerably heavy... He could have sworn he saw a vortex of… something... swirling at their feet...
He backed off immediately and Beel and Luke got off with a warning, mostly because he was trying not to look utterly petrified...
He's never met a more beautiful and dangerous creature in his life… Pact mark or no, this is probably the only person the firstborn will admit he never wants to have to fight because he'd lose, big time.
He was expecting to find a human when he walked into the Student Council room, not an alien!!
Mammon was seriously scared of the MC when they first met because he legitimately believed they were an extraterrestrial sent to probe him!!... Or whatever else those scary movies say aliens do, lay eggs in his stomach?
He straight up avoided them like the plague until the Goldie incident more or less bound them together. But even then there was a distance between them he just couldn't place…
Naturally, it bothers a demon a bit if their master doesn't seem to like them, so he eventually cornered them one day to force them to tell him why they'd been running off!
As it turned out, the MC actually knew as little about their new form everybody else! They had been perfectly normal in the human world, but for some reason the Devildom supercharged them! They could tell that they were powerful, but had no idea how to control themselves yet and it scared them...
So Mammon became their first unofficial "coach." Not that he knew how to train them or anything, but he was the first person supportive enough to even try to help them learn their new powers.
It led to some… interesting misadventures. Like when the MC unexpectedly burst every water pipe in the House or when they got a little too frustrated and ripped the kitchen apart with an accidental twister, but hey, Mammon was always there for them at least.
Of course, because he's who he is, he's not above asking the MC to help him with his schemes for "training purposes…" Infiltration is more fun if you're weightless, after all!
Speaking of weightless… His favorite way to float is when the MC gets excited and hugs him. They can't help but levitate them both off the ground when they're that happy and it makes the whole hug that much sweeter.
It's… it's like he's in his very own Magical Girl anime!!! Uh, "I'm a Demon and this is My New Life with a Magic Starchild!!"-or something like that. 🤷‍♀️
He didn't even think their transformation was real when he first saw it! He really thought it was an elaborate body art cosplay but then their "freckles" rearranged themselves when he frightened them, so it had to be real!!
He'll declare that they're probably (literally) the coolest thing on the planet. They have the looks of an epic fantasy character plus insane powers to boot! 
…though uh… they may need a training arc or two to learn how to control them… 😅
Since their powers are apparently tied to their emotions, Levi's seen them do a whole bunch of stuff that's not entirely on purpose... Like, they can make things float when they're happy and push everything down when they're sad. 
So once he showed them one of those "tragic ending" animes for fun, but they cried so hard that they increased gravity and accidentally sent his bathtub crashing into the basement…
The worst of it is when they're mad, though. He made the mistake of making them play a rage game once and they ended up shattering all the glass in his room! His aquarium wall and Henry's fishtank included!!
They were able to make a zero G sphere of water in order to save Henry's life, but the cleanup was brutal… They were super sorry, but Levi took most of the blame himself anyway.
Honestly, he'd have been more mad but their body is clearly not something they can control just yet. Plus, it's so cool that he can put up with a little destruction anyway, you know?
Well, isn't that an interesting phenomenon?
Meeting a demigod is exciting enough, but one who reacted to the Devildom like that? It was pretty much unheard of!
Though he'd hate to admit it, Satan stalked the MC just as closely as Barbatos for a little while... But only because he was a little unsure of how to approach them…
They kept to themselves and their powers seemed "a little" unpredictable (see Levi's orphaned bathtub). Thankfully, Mammon ended up recommending the MC to him since Satan's one of the smartest guys around.
Satan made a better coach than Mammon, anyway. He was far more knowledgeable and actually able to hypothesize the strength their powers, which came in handy because uh… well…
Look. The whole realm 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' over their appearance but they're all fools - no morons - for not noticing what potential the MC actually has. Satan was positive that the MC is the most powerful being in the Devildom, without question.
They had a complete control over gravity, atmospheric pressure, and even astronomical bodies… If they wanted to, they could literally pluck a planet out of orbit and send it careening into who knows what!
Want more terrifying? They could create near-matterless vacuums at the palms of their hands with the potential to suffocate, crush, or rip apart basically anything they wanted with implosive force….
Does he even need to spell out why that's utterly horrifying??
At least the MC seemed to be a genuinely nice person who wanted to control their powers better… Their emotions often got in the way but they tried their best.
He likes the MC a lot, but he'd be lying if he said that they didn’t also terrify him… They may have been pretty normal in the human world, but give them endless night and they may as well be a god...
Oh… My… Father!!! They're GORGEOUS!!!!
From the moment their transformation completed, Asmo had never seen anything like them! He said that they were like a living droplet of the night sky!
They were magnificent!! They were radiant!!! He was posting pictures of them before they had even said their first sentence!!
So Asmo was pretty much patient zero for any and all rumors and hype about the MC after that... Apparently someone like them only visits the Devildom every one, maybe two, centuries so everybody was bound to get talking.
Thankfully, the MC's habit of ducking out of the House kept them from becoming a full on sideshow. Unfortunately, however, Asmodeus was relentless!
He'd beg them to try modeling or make videos with him because of their unique look! He'd lay on the praises, but it was a little... much. It wasn't until Mammon finally stepped that he backed off a bit.
Asmo sometimes forgets that not everyone puts as much emphasis on looks as he does... Though he meant well, he hadn't realized that the MC maybe wouldn't appreciate him making such a big deal out of their appearance change. Pretty as it was, it was still involuntary to them...
Of course, after they told him this he cooled off and stopped putting them out there so publicly but even still he could hardly keep his eyes off of them... unless he was looking in a mirror, of course. 😘
A fun fact about the MC: when they blush, their skin makes a pink nebula. And thanks to his antics, Asmo has seen their lively pink cheeks many, many times… 🤭
Belphie would like them, wouldn't he...?
Beel's first reaction upon seeing the MC was genuine sadness, as seeing the stars with his twin brother still gone often brought him… 
The sadness didn't last too long at least because Beel tried his best to see the MC more like a person than a work of art or an oddity. Sure, they looked different - like really different - but they still laughed, cried, and ate like everybody else so they couldn't be that different.
Though then again, most people don't end up floating in midair when they laugh… Eh, oh well. It's not like those little details bother him. 🤷‍♀️
He always remained certain that Belphie would like the MC so he told them a lot about him. Since his twin loved stargazing, it'd only be natural that he'd like someone who looked like the stars, right?
Aside from the occasional tangent about his brother, Beel would also help the MC with their training by letting them help him with his training!
Controlling gravity can be pretty nifty for strength/resistance exercises, so there would be days where Beel would just pull a Dragon Ball and walk around at 1.5 or 2 times Earth's gravity thanks to having the MC on his back!
Sure, lifting a glass of milk becane so difficult that he literally broke a sweat from trying, but he felt like he can juggle motorcycles afterwards so who's complaining? Not him!
Was it some kind of joke?
The MC was not human. There was no way in heaven or hell that whatever he lured to the attic was supposed to be a human!!
Really, everything about the MC and their situation seemed directly designed to throw a monkey wrench into his plans...
One: They weren't human so how was he supposed to ruin Diavolo's dream? Two: They were clearly some kind of magical being so they could likely defend themselves…
But third ans most embarrassing of all... he honestly, genuinely, has never seen a more amazing person in his life. Blame it on his soft spot for the stars, but the moment the MC step up to his prison bars, he was smitten...
And. He. HATED IT!
Look, as much as he loved the night sky, he wasn't about to let some random non-human derail his anger! He was stronger than that!
He managed to hold onto his bitterness just long enough to make a halfhearted attempt on their life after they got the door open, but uh…
His brothers found Belphie when he fell through a newly-made hole in the ceiling... Said hole was made when his body slammed to the ground hard enough to crash through the attic floor... 😣
If the damage they caused wasn't enough to change his mind (which it was), then their distress when they thought they might have hurt him certainly did. Even their tears looked like stardust...
After far too long, Belphie got over his denial and began to properly love MC. If he liked stargazing before, he adored it now because he never even has to get out of bed! He can just roll over and follow the "stars" on the MC's body!
Unfortunately, that same love means it also takes a lot to ditch him if they get sick of being his personal night's sky… The brothers have found him floated up and sleeping on the ceiling on numerous occasions so the mortal can get some fresh air (clever MC)...
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folkloreguk · 3 years
🍒Cherry Ice Cream🍒
A/N: Happy July! I planned this almost a year ago and finally got around to writing it...I hope you like it! As always, I appreaciate feedback a lot! Hope everyone has a lovely day <3
pairing: optional bias (male) x reader (gn)
words: ~ 3.7 k
genre: fluff, comedy, lifeguard!bias, reader is the most awkward and chaotic person ever (are we at the public pool or the circus?? seriously I’m so second hand embarrassed for her lmao), bias is the hottest man in existence, the universe has something against the reader apparently (rip)
PART 2 (nsfw, both parts can be read independently)
You approached the front entrance of the public swimming pool. Everything was still going by plan. Ever since the weather had gotten warmer, you’d had swimming on your mind. And every single person in your life had been made aware of it. Despite the friendly asking and the occasional begging, you still hadn’t found anyone to accompany you to the public swimming pool. You had heard all the reasons: Work, already planned vacations, a sick pet, a hatred of water, a hatred of people, you name it. After all the searching you had come to the conclusion that you were tired of waiting. Nothing could possibly rob you of your excitement about swimming pools. You’d go alone and have a wonderful time. It would be a relaxing day with loads of time just for you. So you had told yourself. But let’s face it, nothing could have prepared you for the utter chaos you were about to walk into.
It began before you had even set both feet into the facility. Your steps were light, and you beamed, ready to enter after you had paid. The strap of your sports bag had caught in the turnstile in the entrance area. Stubborn as you were, you yanked on it, instead of turning around and manually freeing the fabric from the steel contraption. You had put your entire weight on the line, tugging and pulling, when the strap finally came loose from the turnstile. As expected from such antics, you tripped and struggled in your flip-flops, blundering into the compound like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. By the time you tried to compose yourself to look cool and relaxed after such a mistake, you noticed him.
He, who looked like a Greek god blessing you with a visit on earth. He was all tan skin, red life-guard swim trunks, perfectly sculped shoulders, pushed back hair, a smile that put the sun to shame and sunglasses sitting on top of his head. Instantly you thanked yourself for not seriously injuring yourself. The young godman crossed the lawn, presumably to take his seat by the pool, watching out for the visitors. Only he made it look like he was strutting on a runway at Paris fashion week. All you could do was pray that he hadn’t seen you entering his workplace headfirst like some impatient six-year-old.
As people passed you, you realized you were standing in the same spot where you had almost fallen a minute ago. Manifesting that this was just the silly beginning to a perfect day, you paraded into the shaded grassy area to find a spot to set up your things. Countless groups of friends, families, and lone visitors like yourself had already settled down, but you managed to find a fine spot. It was the superb balance between sunny and shady and not too far from the swimming pools and water slides. In seconds you had shed off your clothes to reveal your swimsuit underneath. Although you could barely keep yourself waiting, you decided it was best to stay there a short while before you threw yourself into the waves. Just until the sunscreen had absorbed into your skin. Meanwhile, you would unpack the catchy book you had recently begun to read.
Now and then you raised your head and peeked at the cute lifeguard. You seriously had no intentions of coming across like a creep, but you couldn’t stop yourself. The way he patrolled the side of the large pool had more coolness than the prettiest shot of a hot movie star in a film. You allowed yourself a few seconds, then you’d go back to your novel. The sounds of summer floated through the air – children laughing, water splashing, birds chirping above you – and the scent of the sunscreen catapulted you straight on cloud 9. It felt like your own small piece of paradise. Little did you know, the universe had so much more in store for you.
You hadn’t been buried in your book for even 10 minutes when a group of kids ran by. They were passing a water ball from one to the other and giggling uncontrollably. You saw it coming in your peripheral vision but had no time to react. As they had reached your level, one of them punched the ball especially hard. And instead of catching it, the dark blue ball bounced off one child’s hands and straight into the side of your face. It knocked your sunglasses off the bridge of your nose, but more importantly gave you the fright of your life. You dropped your book while the children’s mother scolded them from the side. After the initial surprise you couldn’t accept their apologies quickly enough. Anything if it could spare you from even more attention from random guests around you. Impulsively, your eyes searched for the cute lifeguard. But he was looking into the opposite direction. At least fate had saved you from embarrassing you in front of him. The last thing you wanted was to look like more of a clown than you had when entering the facility earlier. But against your expectations, the train of unfortunate events was only beginning.
Surely things would be more peaceful in the water, you had thought. When you finally entered the cool pool, it felt like heaven on earth. Fearing a case of recurrence, you avoided the shallower areas, where the children crowded and went straight for the deeper waters. Finally experiencing some form of relaxation, you swam and dived a few laps around the pool. Now and then you caught a glimpse of the lifeguard on the far end of the pool. Just to make sure he was still there. Just to make sure he’s still as handsome as when you first spotted him. And you weren’t disappointed. Gesturing kindly, he helped an elderly woman find directions to the restaurant on the far end of the site. From up closer, his smile and his jaw were even prettier – even though it had seemed impossible for him to become even more perfect.
After a while, your limbs became tired and you retracted into less busy waters, close to the exit and entrance area of the swimming pool. As you paddled your way through bodies, a bug startled you. It had by all appearances chosen you as its victim, as it took direct flight into your face. Even when you swat it away and turned around to change directions, it kept chasing you and only you. Like some crazy, obsessed stalker, it followed you to the edge of the pool. Eventually, you became tired of running and turned to it. If some random flying beetle wanted to fight you, so be it. To the untrained eye, you might have appeared like a lunatic, fanning the air, and squinting against the bright sunlight. But it was war, and you would square up against the most annoying of bugs. After a while, you realized that you were waving off the air – no more bug in sight. Only then you noted the little girl laughing in your direction from the poolside. You were way too mortified to turn into his direction at first, but when you found the lifeguard, he was conversing with one of his co-workers. Once again, you were safe.
Your next approach at a good time was the colorful waterslide close by. Certainly, these heights would not include micro-aggressive bugs. Instead, they included something far more unsettling. Considering there were toddlers going down the waterslide, you deemed it safe and fun. Your mind changed in the first sharp turn, when you tumbled over and hit your elbow from the sudden change of direction. Maybe you should have just stayed in the ring with the bug instead of choosing this more than violent escape. But it was too late. Once on the slide, you had to make it through to the finish line – more or less in one piece. Your grand finale composed of a semi-somersault off the edge of the waterslide into the pool. Although it wasn’t intentional, you still hoped it looked somewhat graceful to the audience at the bottom. Hint: No, it didn’t. You looked like a baby monkey that had been sent down a self-constructed-waterslide in someone’s backyard. It was a disaster.
Feeling over-heated and exhausted from the sun and your embarrassing antics, you found a drinking fountain by the showers to refresh yourself. Patiently, you waited in the short line until it was your turn. As fate wanted it, the next messy incident wasn’t long in the coming. In fact, it only took four sips of water before you accidentally inhaled some of it. You stepped back, choking, coughing, and gasping for air all at once. A helpful woman showed mercy with you and your awkward behavior and softly pat your back. “Are you okay, dear?” she asked. Unable to speak just yet, you smiled and nodded gratefully. Great. Maybe you should add “clown” onto your previous professions in your CT. By now, half the visitors probably knew who you were – a walking safety hazard to yourself.
After retreating to your bath towel set-up in the shade for a while, you had almost found new hope that the universe wasn’t against you that day. You managed to lie there, for a whole hour, without any issues. But then, slowly, another idea crept up on you. After all, what was summer without ice cream? By chance, you happened to know the little ice cream truck next to the yellow waterslide sold your favorite brand of ice lolly. So off you went, money in hands and wild determination in your head. The visual of the handsome lifeguard lingered in your mind even after you had passed the chair he was sitting on by the poolside. You acquired your ice lolly successfully and ripped the wrapper right away. It tasted like summer in food format, and you reveled in the cold treat for a while, as you strolled back in the direction of your bath towel.
Fully aware that you would have to walk by the insanely cute lifeguard again, you tried your best to look cool, next to the large pool. In your imagination, you were glowing in the sun, hair slightly flowing in the warm breeze and steps bouncing happily. You were the personification of summer bloom and radiating everything good about the season. For a moment, you closed your eyes and actually indulged in the warmth on your face. That was when the next mishap struck.
You didn’t even understand what was happening at first. Someone accidentally bumped into you – or did you bump into them? Upon the impact, you opened your eyes. Your ice-cream had vanished from your hands. Turns out, you had dropped it and it had landed only two feet from you. Out of balance, you stumbled ahead even after the impact. And of course, only a second later your foot stepped directly onto the ice lolly. Inevitably, you skidded and struggled to stay on your feet by means of flinging and waving your arms in the air. As if you were some stranger, trying to attract the attention of an aircraft whilst stranded on a desert island. One thing was for sure, you had everyone’s observance tied to you. With an involuntary but comedic performance of theatrical extent, you fell and hit the water surface.
The cool hit you so suddenly, you had swallowed a gulp of water before your instincts had time to set in. Quickly, your limbs began paddling to get you back to the surface. At that instant, a pair of arms suddenly linked under your armpits and swooped you up from underwater. Your brain processed what was going on. Without a doubt, someone had jumped after you and was pulling you out of the water. Stubbornly, you tried to avoid the idea of the cute lifeguard helping you out. Christ, that would really be the peak of all your embarrassing moments. No, it was probably the person you had run into, or someone who had already been in the water.
When you were placed by the poolside and blinked against the blending sun, your worst concerns came to pass. There he was, so close you could have touched his face. His worried expression changed when you opened your eyes, and he smiled, relieved. “Is everything alright?” he asked. You’d think this would make you into the most shamefaced person on the planet. And yet, all you could wonder was how two people’s genes could combine so flawlessly, so beautifully, to create such a man. When he got no answer from your moonstruck figure, he furrowed his eyebrows in alarm.
“Oh my- my god,” you stammered. “Yes! I’m fine, I’m sorry!”
You weren’t sure why you were apologizing. For worrying him? For inconveniencing him? For causing another scene? Either way, he grinned, and you felt your cheeks heat up terribly. You had to get away from there before something cringy came out of your mouth. Although you weren’t sure there was any way you could have made this more awkward than it already was.
“Make sure you have no injuries, okay?” he asked, helping you up. “If you need any medical assistance, just let me or one of the other lifeguards know.”
“Um…okay,” you said. Wow. That was no way to flirt with the most attractive person you had ever met. With all this drama you had gone through on that day, the universe could have at least blessed you with a romantic, your-life-savior-realizes-he-just-met-the-love-of-his-life moment. But no. The movies really were one massive hoax.
“It’s probably best you take a little break from the surprise, before you go back into the water,” he advised you. “And don’t hesitate to ask, if you need any more help.”
If only he knew how many times you had already tried to take a break from the surprise after everything on that day. You stood on your feet safely but felt like a cat that had fallen into the bathtub. At last, you managed a smile in the lifeguard’s direction. “Thank you.”
Funny enough, the stares people gave you bothered you only slightly as you walked back to your spot under the trees. Maybe you had used up all your embarrassment for the day. Nothing could intimidate you anymore. That meant, whatever happened from now on, it couldn’t get worse. Somehow after the pinnacle of chaos, you finally felt some inner tranquility. You went back to your novel, now and then keeping an eye out for potential water balls coming your way. But everything was calm. As time went on, you lost yourself completely in the story line and forgot about everything around you. Maybe this was all meant to happen. Perhaps it was a message, that you should have waited for your family to have a free day, or for your friend to come back from vacation. Would the same things have happened? There was no way to tell. Just as you reached a specifically exciting scene in the novel, a figure suddenly appeared in front of you. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Hey,” the handsome lifeguard stood there, smiling kindly. Wide-eyed, you straightened up and greeted him shyly.
“I couldn’t help but notice how happy you were about that ice cream earlier,” he said. “But then you…lost your ice cream.”
“What an interesting way of saying I stomped on it and made an absolute fool of myself,” you smirked. He chuckled.
“However you want to put it, I thought maybe you could use some cheering up,” he went on. “So I got you a new one.”
He pulled two ice-lollies from behind his back. “One for you, one for me.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. “You bought me this? I don’t want to sound rude… but aren’t you supposed to be looking out for the next victim to repeat my foolery?”
“I’m on my break,” he laughed. His eyes crinkled up cutely when he smiled, and it only made your stomach flutter more. “If you want me to leave, I will. I’m not trying to be weird or obtruding. Just making sure you’re okay, because I noticed you’re here alone.”
“Oh. No! Feel free to stay here for as long as you want!” you said, and now maybe you were the one sounding obtrusive. You scooted over and let him take a spot on your bathmat. You thanked him for the ice cream and gleefully unwrapped it. “My friends and family weren’t available today. But I really, really wanted to come here today. Maybe not my brightest idea.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen way worse plunges than yours. You were lucky, really. You got away with a small shock and nothing more. It was pretty impressive, actually.”
“I’m glad I have entertaining qualities, at least.”
“I’m just messing with you,” he laughed. “I’m glad you’re fine. This place gets a little wild during the afternoon, especially on weekends.”
“You don’t say,” you chuckled.
“I recommend coming here in the mornings or late evenings, if you want a little more peace and quiet.”
“Thanks, I’ll probably consider it. Do you work here full time?” you asked.
“No, this is just a summer job,” he said. “It’s great. I get to swim for free and be outside a lot. Not to mention this is one of my favorite places in town.”
“You love swimming too?” you asked and regretted it right away. A lifeguard who hated swimming made no sense, after all. But he didn’t seem to think your words were silly.
“I do! I come here a lot to swim, when it’s not as busy and I don’t have to work,” he said. The thought of seeing him again when you came back in a few days – which you already knew you would – made you feel some sort of way. You had been embarrassed, but his sweet words had appeased you. You could definitely get used to seeing his face all summer long. The two of you talked for some time, while you both finished your ice cream. You learned his name, which was just as beautiful as its owner, and that he thought you had actually looked pretty cute (!) when you fell into the pool. You swore he wasn’t even real. Perhaps he was merely a hallucination, a product of your imagination, to cheer yourself up after your messy day. Either way, your head was up in the clouds as long as he was sitting there, next to you, with his perfect shoulders and charming voice. Soon, he had to excuse himself, though. His break was over and as he had put it, he needed to prevent any more ice cream-murders from happening.
After your conversation, the universe had apparently shifted in your favor. You spent the entire rest of your day without any more misfortunes. Like you had talked to a lucky charm who had done miracles for you, you had a fantastic time. You were even brave enough to face a few more go’s down the ever-so-threatening waterslide. As it got later, more people went home, and just as he had predicted, things calmed down. And you were convinced you would stay until the bitter end. Only when a female voice announced over the speakers that the swimming pool would close in 30 minutes, you slowly started to pack up your things.
As you approached the exit, you scanned the area for your favorite lifeguard. But he was nowhere to be found. You assumed he had already finished his shift and gone home. But as luck would have it, as you neared the bicycle stands to retrieve your bike, you saw him already there. His eyes beamed when he noticed you.
“Wow, you held out a long time,” he said. “Had fun?”
“I did,” you said. You could only be grateful your ice-cream massacre was the sole of your antics he had witnessed that afternoon. Who knew how he would look at you if he had experienced your full chaotic capacity? “Thank you again, for making sure I was fine. And for the ice cream.”
“It was no big deal,” he said. “It’s what I’m here for.”
“To buy random girls ice cream?” you teased.
“No, only the special ones get the ice cream.”
“Define special.”
“To be honest? I was genuinely concerned you would feel down. I’ve seen you almost trip over when you first came in, you got hit in the face by a ball, I’ve witnessed your little quarrel with that bug and your somersault from the waterslide looked pretty rough. After all that you choked on water and then ended up falling into the pool and losing your ice cream. I supposed you could need some serious cheering up.”
Oh my god. If only you could have opened a portal straight to hell, you would have taken the chance on the spot. All this time he had been watching you? It couldn’t get more mortifying than this.
“Sorry, I sound like some creepy stalker,” he said. “I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just you-“
“I looked like a clown in a neon suit?”
“You’re really pretty,” he said. Your cheeks warmed up and you could have yelled out loud.
“But you have to admit, at least the clown part is true.”
“Maybe,” he joked. “Don’t be embarrassed. I thought you were – are – adorable.”
“Thank you,” you managed to say. What the hell were you doing? The most handsome guy was complimenting you. You had to take your chance. “Maybe sometime I could buy you some ice cream too? If you feel like it-“
“I’d love that,” he smiled. It was only the beginning of summer, but it was a glorious one. You already knew it could only get better. Instead of cursing the universe, you had to say your thank you’s now. Without your string of bad luck, things would have never led this way. Perhaps fortune was on your side, after all.
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jungblue · 4 years
aphrodite in war | 02
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: comedy, fluff, angst, eventual smut / greek life, fake dating, roommates, lovers to enemies and back to lovers au
word count: 14,243
description: Everyone knew about the war that had been brewing on the edge of campus for the past two years. Sorority versus Fraternity; a showdown for the ages. However, when the escalating antics between them yields the consequence of possible suspensions for both chapters, the presidents of each house must come together to try and figure out how to end this battle... Which is kind of hard, considering they were the ones responsible for it in the first place.
note: here is an audio post of a beautiful song with lyrics inspired by AiW, which was written by one of my lovely readers!
→ part 01
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Red, hot anger had curled its way around your bones, forcibly moving your limbs until you somehow found yourself standing in front of the Lambda house with a single pair of heart-covered boxers in hand; murderous intent leaving Jungkook’s voice indiscernible in the distance as you’d left him standing in front of the defiled Tri Delt house. Maybe he was telling you to wait for him while he began to pull down the rest of the countless pairs of boxers that were plastered along the outside of the sorority. Or maybe he was telling you to not go inside because it would only make it worse to have the furious president of Tri Delt waking up dozens of Lambdas at seven in the morning. You genuinely couldn’t tell what he was shouting as you ripped the front door of the fraternity open and stomped inside. 
It had been over two years since you had stepped foot inside of your neighbor’s house, but it was exactly as you remembered. Red solo cups and crushed cans of beer scattered around the floor as a telling sign that it was indeed the morning after a night of partying, two Lambdas passed out on the couch because apparently the staircase that led to their rooms had been an impenetrable obstacle in their drunken states, and the scent of weed encasing the entire house that seemingly never went away. It was all the same, and you hoped as you went down the hallway to the left, that held a portion of the bedrooms in this house, that a particular person’s room was also the same as it had been before. You banged your fist against the door, scowling as you waited for the person on the other side to answer. 
“What the fuck?” You heard someone say. The voice was scratchy from just being woken up but still recognizable as the person you were looking for; Jimin. 
You banged on the door again, your patience level laying at zero. 
You heard the bed creak and then footsteps began padding across the floor. “Uh, is this the cops?” He asked, probably to know whether he should hide a few things before opening the door. 
You rolled your eyes. “No, I’m not here to confiscate your coke. Now. Open. The. Door.” You spat each word out through gritted teeth. 
“Y/N?” Jimin asked before ripping his door open, revealing a mop of messy bed head framing his bewildered expression. He stood there shirtless, adorning only a white pair of tight Calvin Klein boxers that were doing absolutely nothing to hide his morning wood. 
“Oh, god.” You threw your hand up to try and block out its unavoidable presence. 
Jimin glanced down at himself before raising his head, smirking as he leaned against his doorframe, not even attempting to hide the piece of him that you were trying to avoid looking at. “You’re not exactly decent yourself there, Nips.” He pointed toward your chest. 
Your eyes widened. In your rage you had completely forgotten about the attire you had decided was appropriate to storm the Lambda house in. You immediately crossed your arms over your chest to hide the fact that you were wearing the flimsiest tanktop of all time in combination with no bra. 
“Plus, I’m in my own house,” He started again. “What’s your excuse?”
“Trust me. I would’ve loved nothing more than to never had to of stepped foot in this place ever again. But,” You paused, holding up the pair of heart covered boxers you had ripped off the Tri Delt house because you thought they were the most recognizable among the sea of plain solid blacks, whites, and maroons. “I have a motherfucking bone to pick with someone in this house.”
Jimin studied the piece of fabric that you held up before him before his mouth dropped open. “Fuck, did you sleep with Taehyung? I’m gonna knock his ass out if Jungkook doesn’t get to him first.”
Your face wrinkled in disgust. “Ew, no. There are about a million pairs of boxers all over the Tri Delt house and I’m trying to find out who did it, so thank you for letting me know. Now where is Tae’s room?” 
“Oh, thank god.” Jimin’s expression softened, as if he was relieved that his friend didn’t sleep with you; who they thought of as the devil incarnate. “But no, I’m not telling you. I had nothing to do with that. I went home early last night. But Jungkook can deal with it, just like you can deal with what your girls did.”
“What’re you talking about?” You asked, eyes narrowing. 
“Oh, you don’t know?” Jimin smiled. “Some of the guys texted me before I fell asleep last night saying that when they left Pub they found their cars with words written all over their windows in lipstick.”
Your eyes screwed shut, tongue jabbing at the side of your cheek as you tried to calm the colossal wave of anger that flooded through you for a second time in the fifteen minutes you had been awake. 
What a fantastic day this was turning out to be. 
“Are you serious?” You finally asked, voice a little bit louder than you’d intended.
“Yeah, so you might wanna check your own people before you come into someone else’s house and accuse them of things.” He shrugged. “Might save you some embarrassment next time.”
Heat rushed to your face. You were pissed, but that was only because you agreed with him. “Look—” You started, not really sure what was going to come out of your mouth, but it was the squeak of sneakers running along the wooden floor boards that stopped you. 
Jungkook was suddenly rounding the corner, a mountain of boxers filling his arm. “Y/N, what the hell?” He hissed before dropping them to the ground. 
“What? I was just trying to get to the bottom of this.” You held the heart boxers up one last time before tossing them into the pile next to Jungkook’s feet.
“Yeah, and how’d that go for you?” He pointed towards Jimin. 
“Well, I found out who those boxers belonged to… But…” You trailed off, not wanting to admit what you just found out. 
“But?” Jungkook asked.
“But, she found out that it was only payback for some of her members participating in a little bit of lipstick graffiti on Taehyung and a few other people’s cars.” Jimin smirked next to you as he revealed what you were too embarrassed to say. 
There was a small pause, and then Jungkook was laughing, like he couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. That even after the threat of suspension to these people, they just didn’t care. And you just wanted to understand why. Was it truly because they didn’t care or was it due to the fact that the failed relationship that had acted as the catalyst to this war still held hostility and therefore still felt unresolved. Either way it was an issue that you and Jungkook needed to figure out how to fix. You were already trying to think of other possible solutions to this mess when another door a few feet away opened, and the sleep-deprived face of Taehyung poked its way out. 
“The hell’s going on out here?” He slurred before his eyes locked with yours. “Whoa, seriously what the hell is going on out here?”
A few more doors throughout the hall began to open. Clearly this little altercation had been a little bit louder than you’d anticipated. All of the Lambdas faces twisted in confusion as they found you standing in their hallway for the first time in years. 
“We found your little boxer exhibit,” You finally answered. 
Taehyung threw his hands up. “Hey, I only did it because of the—”
“—Lipstick,” You finished for him. “Yeah, yeah, I got that part already.”  
“Some of us had been drinking and it pissed us off.” Baekhyun shrugged, as he had been one of the guys to join in on this little morning confrontation. “Sorry.” 
“I can’t deal with this. I have a million other things to worry about today.” You rubbed your palms over your eyes in frustration as you remembered the other issue you had to handle once the financial aid office opened for their half day, since today was Saturday. The mystery of your less than lucrative bank account and the implications that it had on your living situation hanging over your head. 
“Well, as a sign of my immense regret and an attempt to repair this terrible relationship between our houses, I do have to say you look great this morning.” Baekhyun motioned towards your minimally covered body. “If you ever wanna hang out—”
You rolled your eyes, deciding to not listen to the rest of the garbage he decided to spew, but it turned out you didn’t even need to tune him out because suddenly a voice sliced through the air like a razor. 
“Watch it, Baek.” Jungkook sounded cold, mouth set in a firm line as he stared daggers down the hallway. 
“Uhm, I’m…” Baekhyun started, an awkward air encasing everyone. “I just woke up. I’m mildly delusional. My bad, Kook.” He tapped at his head and raised his hands as an apology before shutting the door. 
There was silence, a palpable silence that had Jimin, Taehyung and a few of the other Lambdas that had opened their doors grabbing the back of their necks as they stared at the floor. But Jungkook kept his stance, arms crossed over his chest as he continued to stare at Baekhyun’s door. 
After only a few moments of this you just couldn’t take it. You clapped your hands together, trying to let the sudden burst of sound break the tension. “Come on,” You said, pulling at Jungkook’s shirt. “Let’s talk outside.” 
He nodded, finally breaking his glare down the hallway before turning towards Jimin. “Do you think you could give me a ride back to my place in a minute. I don’t have my car.” 
“I can, but why’d you Uber back here last night instead of your place?” Jimin asked, clearly not privy to the events that had transpired between you and Jungkook last night. 
Jungkook’s eyes found yours for a split second before returning to Jimin. “I met a girl from Chi Omega. I was gonna meet her at her place, but it fell through.” He shrugged, a lie so on the fly that it made you wonder how many times he’d done that to you since knowing him. 
“Gotcha.” Jimin nodded, seeming to perfectly understand. “Just let me know when you wanna go.”
“Thanks,” Jungkook said as he joined you in stepping over the pile of boxers still strewn across the floor. “And make sure everyone picks this shit up.” 
“Will do, boss.” Jimin saluted before shutting his door behind him.
After that you made a straight line through the house, not wanting to stand inside this place that held too many memories. You breathed a sigh of relief when you pushed the front door open, letting the fresh air wash over you — albeit the hot, muggy fresh air that reminded you of the fact that it was the end of summer and rain every single day was a constant. 
“I got all the boxers,” Jungkook finally said. 
“That’s great, but it still doesn’t change the fact that my members fucked up first. Plus, I have this financial aid bullshit to deal with.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to flush the stress from your body. “What the hell are we gonna do?” 
Jungkook shook his head and sighed, because like you he apparently also didn’t have any solid answers, but before he could try to offer anything his phone began to ring. He pulled it from his pocket and eyed the contact on the screen. 
“Give me a second. It’s my new roommate that’s supposed to be moving in this week,” He said before answering. 
“What’s up?” He began. 
You stood there for a minute, watching the way Jungkook’s face began to slowly devolve as the person on the other side of the line spoke, and from the expression on his face, it did not seem like it was good news. 
“Are you serious?” Jungkook finally said, grabbing at his hair. “Like I’m happy for you guys, but rent is due next week and you were supposed to be moving in and paying half.” 
It seemed you weren’t the only person having issues involving living situations. 
“I doubt I’ll be able to find anyone this short notice. And if I can’t there’s no way I can pay rent in full this month and have enough to last me the rest of the semester.” 
After that the conversation on Jungkook’s end was mostly just grunts and short responses as he was clearly frustrated and already had his mind focused on possible solutions. 
“Alright, alright, bye.” He hung up the phone, pressing his hands against temples. 
“Well that didn’t sound good,” You said. 
“Yeah, my new roommate apparently worked things out with his ex-girlfriend, so instead of moving in with me, he’s moving back in with her. So now, I have no one to split rent with and am basically fucked.” 
That was actually very unfortunate, but even though you and Jungkook had experienced a somewhat understanding moment last night, it still wasn’t enough to completely erase the hostile relationship the two of you had engaged in for the last few years. So the comment that you replied with was already halfway out of your mouth before you could even think to stop it. “I’m sure it wouldn’t be too difficult to convince some of your harem of girls to play roomie and split rent with you.” 
Jungkook turned to look at you, eyes narrowing into slits. “Yeah, I might do that actually.” He sounded pissed, clearly not finding any amusement in the comment that you admittedly shouldn’t have made. “And when you get kicked out of the Tri Delt house you should ask that guy from the soccer team if you can move in with him. What was his name? Hoseok?” 
You deserved the response, but it still didn’t make your blood boil any less. “Whatever, we can deal with our fucked up living situations later on. For now just try and think of a way to get our idiot friends to stay in line. We’ll see who has the best idea at Kappa Sig tonight. Did Yoongi tell you about the party? Are you going?” 
Yoongi was a mutual friend of yours and Jungkook’s from high school. He was also in a fraternity, but instead of Lambda Phi Epsilon it was Kappa Sigma, which was located a little further down Greek Drive. When the relationship between you and Jungkook ended he somehow managed to stay impartial and remained friends with the both of you, thankfully. 
“Yeah, I’m going,” He said simply, clearly still embittered from your joke. 
“Good, better start thinking then,” You said and then turned to head back towards the Tri Delt house; any progress you and Jungkook made last night seeming to snap in half as you left him behind. 
Yet, somehow you could feel him staring into your back, the lingering feeling not disappearing until you closed the front door to your house behind you. 
You had spent the past half an hour nervously fidgeting in your bed as you waited for the financial aid office to open. As soon as the time on your phone read eight a.m. you immediately dialed their number. However, it was the first week of classes, and that meant that everyone and their mother needed to talk to financial aid, because unfortunately situations like yours were completely common. So even though you called the second they opened it was still a twenty minute wait before you finally heard a voice that wasn’t pre-recorded and asking you to press various numbers depending on your issue or question. 
“Hello. This is financial aid. How can I help you?” The woman on the other side of the line chimed.
“Hi, I have a question about my refund.” Your voice was high-pitched as it shifted into a mode that was more professional. “I received my refund on Thursday, and it was the correct amount. However, when I checked my bank account yesterday my refund had been completely taken out. I was just trying to figure out why that is.” 
She hummed in understanding. “Could you give me your student I.D number and we’ll see what’s going on.”
You rattled off your number and there was a few seconds of silence as the woman on the other side pulled up your information. 
“Okay, it says here…” She paused, presumably reading through whatever she was seeing once more. “That you will be getting your refund deposited back into your bank account, however, it had to be taken back out to adjust the amount. One of your scholarships informed the university that you and a few other recipients did not meet the new community service hours minimum they implemented to receive the scholarship this semester.” 
You felt the blood drain from your face, anxiety making your hands go shaky. “New community service hour minimum?” You asked, trying to understand what that was even referring to, because you knew nothing about the change in hours you were supposed to obtain. 
“Yes, they upped the amount. A few other students have already called to complain about this situation, but the office for that particular scholarship said that they sent an email out last year to inform you guys about the new amount that would be needed.” 
Email? You didn’t think that you ever received an email with any information about that. “Oh… okay… Uhm, I guess I’ll try and figure out what’s going on. Thank you.” 
You hung up the phone and immediately opened up your email app and began to scour through any undeleted messages from last year that you might have overlooked. And after a few minutes of scrolling, there it was, sitting in the depths of your inbox like some monster that was going to destroy you. You clicked on it as some sort of masochistic gesture. You already knew what it was going to say, so you didn’t know why you were even bothering to read it. And yes, there it was, written in bold print at the bottom of the email. A message that relayed the raise in community service hours needed. 
“Fuck my life!” You yelled, throwing a pillow over your face and screaming into it. 
Living in a sorority or fraternity was different than living in a regular apartment or house that wasn’t associated with the university. Instead of paying a monthly amount like a normal living situation, in order to live on campus you had to pay the full amount for the semester up front. Which basically translated to needing to fork over a couple thousand dollars all at once. Which, unless you were rich or incredibly well disciplined at saving money, scholarships and loans were the only option. That had been one of the reasons Jungkook decided to live at an apartment this year instead of at Lambda Phi Epsilon. 
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You continued to yell into your pillow until your bedroom door was suddenly swinging open; a concerned Sana standing before you. 
“I’m sorry,” She said, walking to the side of your bed. “You totally could’ve been having sex in here, but the expletives sounded more like frustration than fun, so I wanted to make sure.” 
“It’s beyond frustration. It’s devastation.” You threw your pillow across the room to make your point.
“What happened?” She asked as she sat next to you on your bed. 
You took a heavy sigh and explained the entire financial aid situation to her, and ended with the consequence of your entire scholarship debacle. “So I’m not going to be able to stay here this semester. I’m gonna have to find a new place to live.” 
Sana’s mouth dropped, hand twisting into her hair. “Seriously? You’ve gotta move out?” 
You, Sana, and Jennie were best friends that had lived less than ten feet away from each other for the past three year, and you had all hoped for your final year to be the same. But hope was like that. It gave you so much to look forward to, only for it to end in a way that you didn’t at all expect. You had experienced that many times, unfortunately. 
“Yeah, looks like it,” You whispered, arm coming up to cover your eyes.
“No, it’ll be okay.” She squeezed at your arm. “I’ll text around today and see if anyone knows about people needing roommates.” 
“Thanks,” You said, offering a weak smile. 
“It’s not even something to stress over honestly. It’s gonna work itself out.” You could tell Sana was trying to be upbeat for your sake.
You nodded, but there were other issues besides where you were going to live. “But something that is apparently not going to work itself out is the failed peace treaty between us and next door.” 
Sana cocked her head to the side. “Wait… Did something happen? What did they do?” She sneered, having the same reaction as you from earlier this morning. 
“Plastered boxers all over our house.” Sana was about to go on a rant, but you informed her of the whole story before she could. “Because some of the girls wrote shit in lipstick on their cars at Pub last night.”
“You’re kidding me?” She slammed her palm down on the bed. “Who was it? I’m gonna kick their asses.”
The image that brought to your head actually made you laugh, which you were thankful for. You needed some sort of humor in your life on this miserable day. “I have no idea. I got a call from Jungkook this morning about the boxers and ran outside. I haven’t even had the chance to try and figure out who did it.”
“Wait… You were already here?” She asked. “You weren’t at Hoseok’s.” 
Oh yeah, you forgot Sana had left Pub last night expecting to not see you until some time later today when Hoseok brought you home. She still had no idea about Jungkook and that entire emotional disaster from last night. 
“Yeah, about that…” You definitely weren’t going to hide what happened, but you decided that you were going to sugarcoat it a bit. You didn’t like talking about your insecurities, even with your friends, so you decided painting it in a more positive light was for the best, because relatively speaking that actually had been a less hostile conversation compared to others that you and Jungkook had experienced over the years. “Because my bank account got emptied out from the whole financial aid thing, I just felt like going home instead of over to Hoseok’s, but I also didn’t have any money to Uber, so… Jungkook walked me home.”
Sana’s eyes widened, hands cupping either side of her face. “What?!”
“Yeah, he offered to walk me home.” You shrugged, trying to make it seem as though it wasn’t a big deal, but you knew that was going to do nothing to stop the onslaught of questions about to be thrown at you. 
“Wait, wait, wait, so did you guys talk? Did you argue the whole time? Was it just awkward and silent? Like tell me.” She moved closer to you on the bed, curiosity beaming off of her. 
“It wasn’t, uhm, bad actually.” You sat up, avoiding as much eye contact as you could manage without looking like a complete liar. “We talked and cleared the air on things. It was… enlightening.” That wasn’t a total fib. Certain feelings had been revealed, and yes, that might have ended up with you crying, but in the grand scheme of things that was a totally miniscule detail, right?
Sana’s expression twisted into that of bewilderment. “...Enlightening? What does that even mean? What became enlightened?” 
You shrugged, buying yourself time to try and think of some way to fumble through any sort of half decent explanation. “Just our feelings on everything that happened and how we felt. Nothing crazy.” 
She squinted her eyes, finger tapping at her nose. “I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.” 
“There isn’t. We just understand each other a lot better now.” You knew the longer she pushed the higher the possibility of you cracking, so you decided to bring up the one thing that you knew would flood her mind with thoughts completely unrelated to you and Jungkook. “You’ll see at Kappa Sig tonight. We’re better with each other now.” 
Pink flushed to Sana’s cheeks at the mere mention of Kappa Sig, because in her mind Kappa Sig directly correlated to one of its members; Kim Seokjin, or one of Yoongi’s good friends. 
“I almost forgot about the party tonight,” Sana started. Mission success it seemed as she completely dropped the conversation from before. “Maybe love is in the air, and Jennie’s luck with Namjoon will rub off on me tonight with Jin.”
“Maybe it is.” You smiled. 
Sana gave you a strange look at your response, and you weren’t sure why, but you didn’t get the chance to find out before she dropped the expression and moved on to something else. 
“I’m gonna text Jennie and see when she thinks she’ll come home.” She began typing on her phone before looking back up at you. “You wanna go get lunch or something in a few hours? Get your mind off of the whole financial aid thing while we wait for the party tonight? My treat since you don’t have your refund back yet.”
“That actually sounds great.” Sana leaned in, hugging you before jumping from your bed and heading back to her room directly next to yours. 
You fell back flat against your bed, eyes wandering around your room. The pictures plastered across your walls of all of your friends and family. Posters of your favorite shows and movies. You couldn’t help but think about how in a week or so this wasn’t going to be yours anymore. 
Where you were going to wind up at in the end, well, that was a complete mystery.
Jungkook climbed into Jimin’s truck, slamming the door behind him. He pressed his forehead against the dashboard, palms pressing at his temples to try and relieve even the tiniest amount of stress that was currently running amok through his head. 
Jimin jumped into the driver’s seat a minute later, whistling at the sight of his friend in such a rough position. “You good, man?” He asked. 
“Do I look good?” Jungkook asked, sitting up against the seat. “I’ve gotta find a new roommate in the next week, act like a goddamn babysitter between forty-two grown adults, and worry about Y/N storming around the Lambda house now apparently.” He paused, clenching his hands into fists. “So, no, I’m not good.”
“Kook, just take it easy.” Jimin reached over, squeezing at his friend’s shoulder. “There’s gonna be a ton of people at that party tonight, and I guarantee you at least one person there needs a place to stay or at the very least knows someone who does.” 
Jungkook nodded because he agreed that there were always people looking for places to stay. “What about the other two things?” 
“Oh, you’re fucked on those. I don’t know what to tell you.” Jimin laughed as he hit the gear into reverse. 
“You sound surprisingly calm about that, considering the chapter will be suspended if me and Y/N don’t figure out a way to make things okay between everyone.” 
Jimin shrugged as he pulled out of the driveway. “If I had come out last night and seen my truck covered in lipstick, would I have been pissed? Sure. But, I would’ve just told you so that you could tell Y/N, and she could deal with it. The fact is, that’s how I am, but everyone’s different and you two can’t control that many people without some sort of miracle.”
Jungkook sighed, banging his head back against the headrest. “A miracle, huh?”
“Yeah, a straight up miracle,” He repeated as he drove past the Tri Delt house that was no longer covered in boxers. 
Jungkook’s eyes drifted to the far right window on the second story, a small twinge budding inside of his chest. Words from that night almost two years ago pushed their way to the surface as they never failed to do. 
“It’s nothing that you did… I’ve just been having these… thoughts.”
“Thoughts? What, thoughts of cheating on me? Of being with other people?”
“No! I mean, it’s not how you’re thinking. It’s just… You’re the only person I’ve ever dated, Y/N, and I don’t know if…”
“Oh, I’ll finish it for you, Jungkook. You don’t know if there’s someone better. Just fucking say it instead of going around it like you have been for months now.”
“I don’t think there’s someone better. I’m not ending this because I met someone else. I’m ending this because I can’t look at you and say I love you everyday when I’m having these thoughts, because it just doesn’t seem right. And I’m not saying that I don’t love you. I still do, but that doesn’t stop me from having these feelings of doubt about whether this is the last relationship I ever wanna have, when it’s the only one I’ve ever been in. I can’t just sit there and look at you when I know I’m thinking these things. I can’t do that because I care about you so fucking much, even if you’re looking at me right now like you hate me. I don’t want you to hate me.”
Jungkook wished he could permanently scrub that night from his head. There was so much crying, so much blame, so much anguish, from having to end things with someone that he truly did love. He hadn’t stopped loving you. That wasn’t why he broke up with you. He ended things because he wanted to be sure that the one experience that he’d ever had was the right one. And he knew when he took that risk that he could be throwing away something that was perfect. But he couldn’t be sure until he knew.
He had dated a few people in the two years since that night, and he had found some great relationships with some great girls — but nothing that had lasted. None of them ever felt as if he could see himself with them for years and years to come, and wasn’t that the whole point of dating? And of course, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he had never ended things with you. He thought about it every time he saw you actually. You wouldn’t know that, and no one around him would know that, because there was always something hostile coming out of someone’s mouth. Jungkook had hurt you, and he understood that, but it still didn’t excuse some of the things that you had accused him of over the years, and after a month or so he had gotten tired of playing polite and matched your antagonism; insult for insult, sneer for sneer. 
He wasn’t sure if they could ever fully reconcile. The words had been said and there was no taking them back. He thought last night was actually a step in the right direction, with you revealing why you acted the way that you did. But still, he wasn’t sure if things could ever be civil between the two of you. The embitterment ran so deep on both sides that it seemed almost impossible to even try. 
Jungkook remained lost in these thoughts when through his haze he heard Jimin speak a name that had him fearing for half a second that his friend could read his thoughts. 
“Y/N?” Jungkook asked. 
“Yeah, what actually happened last night?” Jimin glanced over, one brow arched. 
“Uhm, what do you mean?” 
“When I asked about why you were at the house and not at your apartment, you looked at Y/N.” Jimin slapped one hand to his chest. “Don’t think I didn’t notice.” 
Well, he had only looked at her for all of half a second, so yeah, he had kind of hoped that no one would notice. But unfortunately, someone did, and that happened to be his nosy ass best friend. 
“Y/N got stuck at Pub last night with no ride because financial aid fucked up her refund, and she couldn’t get a ride, so I walked her home. That’s it.” Which was true. He had done exactly that, but simply failed to mention the crying and sentimental admissions. 
“So why didn’t you just say that when I asked?” 
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair. He really didn’t want to reveal any of the details from what you’d told him last night, but he knew Jimin wasn’t going to stop asking until he at least told him something of substance. “Because there were other people in the hall listening, and I didn’t want them getting the same ideas as you right now.” 
Jimin smirked. “Oh yeah, and what am I thinking?” 
Jungkook shook his head, turning to look out of the window. “I’m not even gonna say it.”
“Any talk of feelings or gushy bullshit?” Jimin chuckled, clearly joking, but Jungkook hesitated before answering, and that was all his friend needed to assume whatever theory was being crafted inside of his head. “Oh, Jesus, did you guys actually talk about your feelings? Oh my god, did you guys kiss? Fuck?” Jimin was looking at Jungkook frantically now, like he needed the answers to the questions being proposed in his favorite TV show. 
“You’re truly the biggest gossip I’ve ever met.” He leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as Jimin pulled into his apartment complex. “It’s sad.”
“Your lack of answers is making me lean towards you guys fucking. And if that happened,” He let go of the steering wheel for a second to motion at his head as if it was exploding. “I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind. Like I get it, sex is sex, but after everything she’s said about you since you guys broke up, I just…” He trailed off, shaking his head in disappointment like he had already decided that the two of you had definitely hooked up.
“She said that shit in the beginning because I made her feel terrible about herself, so she wanted to make me feel terrible too. I’m not saying that it’s right, but at this point we’ve both said shit we regret and didn’t mean.” He tried to make it seem more casual by shrugging. “And we didn’t sleep together. Chill out.”
Jimin’s expression was skeptical as he pulled into the parking space in front of Jungkook’s building and unlocked the doors. “Still, something definitely happened, because otherwise you would be talking about how she was acting like a bitch, but you’re not, which means that you weren’t acting like an asshole, which in turn means that something went down, because the last time the two of you were anything less than pissy to each other was when you were still dating.”
Jungkook simply placed a hand on Jimin’s shoulder, forcing a smile. “Your conspiracies are unmatched, my friend.” And then he was climbing out of the truck, shutting the door, and waving his friend goodbye without even looking back. 
However, that didn’t stop Jimin from rolling down his window as he began to back out of the parking space, throwing his final sentiment to the wind. “You guys getting back together was the kind of miracle I was talking about.”
It was currently ten p.m. and the scene on Greek Drive was about two dozen or so Tri Delts making their way towards the most well known party frat on campus; Kappa Sigma. 
Kappa Sig was the blueprint for the types of fraternities that you see in various movies or TV shows. There was never a time when your shoes weren’t sticking to the wooden floors due to the constant barrage of alcohol being spilled by various drunken patrons. Each member had an actual mini bar set up in the corner of their room, which in the next few weeks, once football and tailgating started up, would be the most popular place to score some free drinks — if you were a girl that is. Kappa Sig was also fairly stereotypically frat in who it allowed entrance into its castle of alcohol and sex. Basically, if you were a girl, you were good. If you were a guy, well it was complicated. Usually it was a no go, or you were asked to pay such a ridiculously high cover at the door that no one in their right mind would pay it, or the easiest way: have a friend who had sway within the house. 
So fortunately for you, Sana, Jennie, and the rest of the Tri Delts, it was a non-issue. However, unfortunately, Yoongi, a good friend of yours and Jungkook’s, happened to be the president of Kappa Sig, and therefore Lambdas were allowed free reign. No cover charge and no being turned away, which meant tonight was bound to be interesting. 
“Jennie, hold my hand until we get there.” Sana didn’t even wait for a response and instead opted to simply interlock their fingers. “I need good luck in the crushes-actually-approaching-and-showing-interest department.”
Jennie laughed, swinging their arms back and forth between them. “Well if you can get even half my luck, it should be a good night for you.” 
“Oh, wow. Way to brag, bitch,” Sana said, throwing a hand over her heart. “We’ve got Mrs. Already Dick Whipped over here.” 
“I am not!” Jennie yelled. “He just…” 
“Lasted longer than sixty seconds?” You finished for her with a purse of your lips. 
She pointed at you. “That he fucking did. That and so, so much more.”
Sana groaned next to the two of you. “Ugh, I want that. I haven’t had good sex in months.”
“Well, even if things don’t happen with Jin tonight, there’s gonna be plenty of guys here,” You tried to remind her. 
“Uh yeah, lots of Lambda guys,” She reminded you right back. 
You shrugged. You didn’t like that it had become this sort of unwritten rule that Tri Delts and Lambdas couldn’t get together, but when everyone was pranking or fucking with each other’s stuff, it was kind of difficult to look past that just for the sake of a hookup. 
“Well, Kappa Sig boys for you tonight it is then.” You motioned towards the top of the driveway, the party seemingly already completely started. 
The music was blaring and there was a fairly long line of people waiting to get in, but it only took a couple minutes for you to move through the line and pass over the threshold and into the scene of dimmed lights, packed bodies, and endless alcohol. 
You knew you had a lot of things to worry about, but after the absolutely horrendous two days that you’d had to endure, between suspension threats, disastrous house meetings, crying in front of your ex, the boxer and lipstick fiasco, and financial aid meltdowns, you just wanted to be able to relax and have fun for a single night. You didn’t think that was too much to ask for, and the vodka bottle currently staring at you from the kitchen, seemed to be calling you and saying they were the perfect place to start in order to make that fun, relaxing night come true. 
Once everyone got into the house, the girls broke up into their mini groups of close friends. You motioned to Sana and Jennie to follow you to the kitchen so you could get some drinks. It took some effort but the three of you eventually managed to make your way through the crowd that couldn’t bother to idle anywhere else besides around the counter of various alcohols and plastic cups. Each of you quickly made a sufficiently strong cup of vodka combined with whatever random mixers were available. 
“Okay, now let’s find a comfy couch that isn’t covered in vomit stains to camp out on and get plastered.” You pointed towards the living room, where a majority of the party goers were. 
“A couch without vomit stains?” Jennie clicked her tongue. “That’s a tall order for Kappa Sig.”
“Indeed.” Sana giggled, pointing towards some of the few empty places to sit in the back corner. 
You made your way over there, exchanging hellos with a few people that you knew before plopping down on the couch, all three of you spilling a few splashes of your drinks on each other; not even a drop of alcohol in your systems yet. 
“Well this is a great start.” You laughed, taking a large gulp from your cup that had you grimacing. “Jesus, this cheap ass Pinnacle. Come on, KS, get your shit together.” 
“Well excuse the fuck out of me.” The voice came from someone you recognized immediately. 
You turned around, a wide grin plastered across your face. “It’s okay Yoongi. I still love you even though you’re making us suffer with cheap booze.” 
He sauntered over, sitting down on the armchair beside you. “Well, you’re lucky you’re one of my very good friends or I wouldn’t bless you with my own personal stash.” His smile was devilish as he pulled up a bottle of Tito's vodka.” 
There was a collective gasp from you and friends. “Wow, keeping the good shit all to yourself.” 
“Hey, didn’t I just say I was gonna help you out?” He twisted the cop off and motioned for the three of you to hold your cups out, and one by one he filled your cups up to the very top. “Be wise with this power, friends.” 
“You know, Yoongi,” Sana said from across the couch. “I’d be totally willing to not take advantage of your hospitalities if you’d wanna help me out in another department.” 
“Jesus, Sana!” You already knew where she was going with this. “You’re willing to drink rubbing alcohol instead of Tito���s just to get a good word in to Jin?” 
Sana simply shrugged, zero shame in her methods. 
Yoongi laughed. “Put a good word in? I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Appreciate it.” She raised her cup to his and they cheered in the hopeful union of Sana of Jin. 
Yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but something near the front of his house caught his eye. “Also, can we try to have no brawls in the house tonight?” 
“Huh?” You were confused until you followed his line of sight, a mob of Lambda boys entering the house one by one; Jungkook leading them all. 
“No fighting,” Yoongi reiterated. “Or no more Tito’s for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip from your drink that was currently ninety percent vodka. “You haven’t heard? We’re cordial now.” 
“Cordial? A Greek Drive miracle, I guess.” He stood up from the armchair and motioned towards the guys. “I’m gonna go say hey to Kook.” 
You nodded. “Okay, I’ll catch up with you later.”
Yoongi had managed to stay good friends with both you and Jungkook throughout this entire process. You hated the fact that the three of you never got to hang out together anymore because of the tension between you and Jungkook, but, hey, that was life. 
“Don’t forget our deal, Yoongi!” Sana shouted as he started across the living room. 
“I got you, girl. But just so you know our bedrooms are right next to each other so be mindful.” He lowered his hands to the ground, silently saying to keep the volume down. 
“You’re the best!” She said, kissing her hand and throwing it out to the party host. 
“Someone might be getting lucky after all.” You squeezed at her thigh before standing up. “So while you celebrate that, I’m gonna put more mixer in this drink so I don’t blackout by midnight.” 
“You act like you don’t do that every other week.” Jennie laughed. 
You squinted at her. “Rude.” 
“Love you,” She said, making a heart shape with her hands as you made your way back towards the kitchen. 
You gave small smiles as you passed more people that you knew that had just arrived at the party. You glanced towards the door, the Lambda boys still congregating there. You couldn’t help your eyes from catching on Jungkook. He was standing there, grinning at everyone who approached him. He was the type that could be friends with anyone. A bright light that everyone gravitated towards, that no one ever found boring. You bit the inside of your cheek at the gnawing though that never failed to enter your head anytime you saw him. And it was like he could sense that pull, because then he was looking at you, giving a small nod of acknowledgment. 
A tiny, insignificant nod. At its very best, that was what your relationship was now, and that made you feel incredibly empty. 
You screwed your eyes shut for a second, shaking your head, trying to force those things from your head as you finally made it to the kitchen and poured a little bit of the first soda you could reach into your cup; just a little bit. 
And the party continued on like that for the next hour or two. Laughing and smiling with your friends and then hunting Yoongi down to steal some of his personal alcohol, all while catching random glances of Jungkook. It was fun and your buzz was well in effect by the time it was once again the moment to go find Yoongi.
You asked Sana, who was currently talking to Jin in the corner of the living room, if she had seen him. Apparently a very good word has been put in and two seemed to be hitting it off. 
“He went out back.” She motioned towards the sliding glass door. 
You offered a hum of thanks and left them to mingle alone as you made your way to the door and pulled it open. You searched the tiny groups of people that were standing around, not able to find Yoongi anywhere until you noticed two occupied chairs sitting in the distance. One was Yoongi and the other… Well, of course it just had to be Jungkook. 
You took a deep breath, taking a sip of your drink before walking out to the secluded area beneath the giant tree where they were chatting. You did a little run in the last few feet of approaching them before kneeling down next to Yoongi’s lawn chair. his body slightly hiding Jungkook’s. 
“Hello, my spirit bearing friend.” 
“And if it isn’t the spirit stealer herself,” Yoongi said as he grabbed your cup and poured a shot or two inside. “I already had to get another handle of Tito’s from my room. You’re killing me tonight.” 
“It was a bad day.” You poked your bottom lip out as an apology. “I’m sorry.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad.” He motioned towards your cup that he had filled up multiple times already tonight. 
“Well, I fucked up something with one of my scholarships, so now I’ve gotta find a place to live by the end of next week because I can’t afford to stay in the Tri Delt house.” You shrugged, the alcohol making the daunting situation seem less serious than it actually was. “So yeah, bad day.”
“Are you serious?” Yoongi said at the same time that Jungkook leaned forward with this concerned look on his face before saying, “Wait, what?”
“No… It’s, uhm, fine.” You glanced at the ground and began awkwardly scratching at your temple. “I don’t wanna ruin the mood for tonight. I’m gonna start looking for roommates tomorrow, so if either of you guys know of anyone.” You pointed your cup towards both of them with a shrug, trying to make it seem casual. 
Yoongi nodded, and then suddenly a smile was creeping across his face. You knew that expression well. It was the expression he’d made when you were all sixteen and drunk and decided that going to the rope swing down by the lake (the alligator infested lake) in the dead of night was a perfectly sane idea. Or when it was your senior year prom and he convinced you and Jungkook that an impromptu beach trip a few hours away would be fun, and it might actually have been if any of you had thought about money, hotel reservations, or just any sort of planning in general, but you didn’t, so it essentially became a three drive only to end up at a  Denny’s in a beach town instead of your hometown. The point was, you had seen that expression many, many times, and it was one that he made when a bad, impulsive idea started creeping through that brain of his.
“Whatever it is, no,” You said as you pushed some of the leaves and sticks off of the grass so you could sit down. 
“You don’t even know what I’m gonna say!” He exclaimed. “It’s a brilliant idea actually.” 
“Yeah, we know that face anywhere.” Jungkook moved his chair forward slightly so that the three of you were now sitting in a triangle, facing one another. “Ideas that come from that face are never brilliant.” 
Yoongi smacked his lips. “Well, that’s offensive.” 
“What’s offensive is almost getting eaten by alligators because you convinced us by using bogus gator attack statistics,” You pointed out, and Jungkook chuckled at the memory. 
“But, we didn’t get eaten, so it’s fine.” He shrugged. 
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. “So what’s this plan cooking in your head right now?” 
The devilish expression returned once more as he began looking back and forth between you and Jungkook. Oh, this was not good.
“Well, you said that you need a place to stay, right?” 
“...Right,” You said hesitantly, not completely sure where this was going until he turned his sights towards Jungkook; the phone call you’d overheard from earlier in the day flashing through your mind. 
“Yoongi, you idiot—” You started to say, but he was already spewing the other half of his grand plan. 
“And Jungkook needs a roommate!” He shouted, clapping his hands together like he’d just invented the surefire way to cure a hangover. “It’s perfect!”
There was a pause between the group, complete silence save from the chatting going on closer to the house — and then there was uncontrollable laughter. You and Jungkook doubled over at the most ridiculous proposal that you’d ever heard in your entire lives. 
Because it was totally ridiculous… Right?
“Why are you guys laughing?” Yoongi asked, looking genuinely confused. “That solves literally all of your problems.”
You caught the tear that was escaping out of the corner of your eye. “Yeah, it’s a great idea in theory Yoongi, if me and Jungkook didn’t have issues.” 
“I mean you guys are sitting here right now with each other.” He motioned between the two of you. “And there’s no fighting going on like there usually is. Plus, you said your houses were cordial now. I thought that meant you guys too.”
You and Jungkook glanced at each other, the amused smiles from Yoongi’s scheme faltering slightly. It had been a long time since you guys had been like this with each other. There was the talk after Pub last night and now you were here, just sitting and laughing with a mutual old friend. It was nice, you had to admit. But living together? That was just totally absurd. 
“Yoongi, that’s…” Jungkook trailed off, shaking his head, but not saying anything concrete. “And it doesn’t actually solve all of our problems… Our houses aren’t as cordial as we were hoping they’d be, even after we told them about President Kwon’s suspension threat.” You had texted Yoongi about the suspension fiasco yesterday and you were sure that Jungkook had done the same. 
“Wow, your members really are fucking idiots.” Yoongi laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “You guys have way more pull than you realize.” 
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” 
Yoongi held one finger up as he sipped from his cup, like he was about to drop some serious knowledge on the two presidents who had no control over their houses. “College kids are like toddlers. They need guidance. Before you guys were sort of like their big brother and sister whose lead they followed because they liked you and thought you were cool — that’s how you guys became presidents after all. Which means now you’re essentially like their parents.” 
You snorted at the idea, but it wasn’t the craziest analogy. You remembered when you were a freshman and first joined Tri Delt. The president back then felt like this motherly figure who you could go to for anything. It was hard for you to think that other people now saw you that way, but maybe they did and you hadn’t fully noticed yet. 
“You’re laughing, but I’m serious,” Yoongi started again. “Okay, so you guys told them they needed to get their shit together, right?”
You and Jungkook both nodded.
“And like I said, you guys are like their parents — their divorced parents who they respect but feel the need to defend depending on whose side they're on.”
Again, you and Jungkook just looked at each other, a tiny piece of understanding falling into place. You and him had just been two people who didn’t work out. You thought it was a simple issue, but you just never realized what the consequences of that would be. People choosing sides. Defending each other’s actions. Getting even. 
It was a mess. A mess that needed to be fixed somehow. 
“Well that’s nice to know,” Jungkook said, breaking you from your thoughts. “But it doesn’t actually help us fix anything.”
That was true. Just because you knew why everyone had so easily fallen into this feud didn’t change the fact that something needed to change. Something had to be done… And as you glanced over at Yoongi, his expression that signaled bad ideas returned once more. It let you know that he had an idea or two about what could be done. 
“Well, maybe you guys could reverse the divorce.” He shrugged. 
It took you a second to grasp what he was trying to say, and then you were sputtering and ripping the bottle of vodka from your friend’s hand. “You’re cut off.”
Jungkook scoffed, an incredulous look adorning his features as well. “Seriously, what the fuck did you smoke, dude?” 
“Nothing!” He grabbed the bottle back from your hand. “Strictly liquor tonight.”
“Like the roommate idea was one thing—” Jungkook started. 
“Oh!” Yoongi cut him off. “So you didn’t think Y/N moving in was the worst idea ever.”  
“I… I…” His mouth was closing and opening, like he truly didn’t know what to say. “Like as a last option it wouldn’t be the end of the world.” 
“What?!” You said, a little louder than you’d intended, but you couldn’t help it. He was actually considering the idea of the two of you moving in together? “Us? Living in the same house?”
Jungkook shrugged. “I mean it’s better than you being homeless and me being broke.”
Your head was spinning, and you didn’t know if it was from the alcohol or that this insane idea was actually being proposed in a semi-serious manner. 
“See, this is perfect!” Yoongi sat the glass bottle down on the grass and reached out to grab at yours and Jungkook’s arms, yanking you closer together. “Just pretend to get back together. If you just said it, no one would probably believe you, but if you guys actually move in together, no one would think that you’d go that far just to get everyone to stop fighting. The Great Greek Ruse! It would be the best story of all time!”
This was crazy. This was absolutely fucking crazy, and you knew Yoongi was half-joking with all of this, but you could tell that there was little bit of hope gleaming off of his eyes. 
You grabbed Yoongi’s face on either side, forcing him to look at you. “You. Are. Fucking. Plastered.” You said each word slowly and deliberately to try and penetrate through the haze of drunkenness to get to the part of him that held actual common sense.
“Yes, I am in fact plastered.” He grabbed your wrists, his excitement only seeming to multiply. “But I would argue that the most logical solutions to problems come from being drunk. There’s no hesitation that an idea seems ridiculous, because everything seems less ridiculous when you're fucked up.”
You fisted your hands through your hair. “You’re crazy. Literally crazy. Jungkook, tell him he’s crazy.” You looked at him for confirmation, but he just sat there, pursing his lips like he was… thinking. Like he was actually considering it. “Are you serious?” 
He threw his hands up in a defensive position. “No, it’s completely crazy. It’s just… Do you have any better ideas?”
“I can’t believe we’re even talking about this right now.” You scoffed, falling back flat against the grass and throwing your hands over your face. “Even if we did try to be that stupid and lie to everyone, they would never in a million fucking years believe that we would ever get back together. We fought in front of them literally yesterday!” 
You peeked through your fingers and Jungkook held an expression that made it seem like he wasn’t so sure that was true. “I don’t know about that. All I did earlier was tell Jimin that we talked last night and two seconds later he had gone off on some tangent about how disappointed he was in me for sleeping with you again — and I corrected him that we didn’t, by the way.”
“Oh, fuck Jimin then,” You hissed, going off topic from this insane fake dating ruse. 
“Come on, you know how it is. Sana and Jennie would act the same way. It’s like Yoongi said, the Lambdas defend me and the Tri Delts defend you. That’s literally how this entire mess started.”
You sighed, sitting back up and raking any stray pieces of grass out of your hair. You didn’t say anything, because you truly didn’t know what the correct response was. Sure, you knew that you needed to figure out a way to not get your chapters suspended… But this idea of pretending to get back together? You tried to imagine the reactions, but you just couldn’t, because again, this was fucking absurd. You were about to verbally reiterate this point once more when Jungkook continued. 
“Look, all I’m saying is that when we broke up they saw how bad our relationship got and they decided to defend us. Maybe if we pretended to get back together, just for a little bit, they’d finally back off because the entire reason they started fighting in the first place wouldn’t even be an issue anymore.” Jungkook shrugged. He fucking shrugged. 
“Do you even understand what pretending to get back together entails?” You began waving your hands around and pointing at your head, because maybe it would help get the point across somehow. “It means acting like we actually want to be together in public. It means no flirting or going home with people on campus or at parties because someone we know might see us. Would you actually be willing to go through that much effort?”
There was a pause and Jungkook just stared at you for a second, and then he started… smiling. This small, sad sort of smile. “What could it hurt to try?” 
You scoffed, and scoffed, and scoffed, because you just couldn’t form words. You had explained it as best as you could, but neither he nor Yoongi seemed to get it. This meant… hugging, touching, kissing, just to prove to people that this was real. That you weren’t lying. That you wanted to be with him… And that he wanted to be with you. 
You knew you hadn’t said anything in a minute or so, just lost in the details and implications of this scheme. You were only brought back to reality by Yoongi, speaking his piece once again. “Y/N,” He started, his voice quieter than it had been when he was excitedly explaining the idea before, “The worst thing that happens is they don’t believe you. But if you actually pull this off, you guys could save your chapters.”
Your mouth went firm and straight. The worst thing that could happen was the members not believing you? You had to stifle a laugh as you glanced towards Jungkook. No, that definitely wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. Not by a long shot. You knew why Jungkook didn’t see this as a terrible idea. He had nothing to lose, but you did.
However, in the end, you thought maybe the risk was worth it. Maybe this fucked up scheme could save you guys somehow.
“Uhm,” You finally started, clearing your throat to try and push your emotions back down into your chest. “So in the scenario that we actually tried this ridiculous plan… How would we go about telling everyone?”
You were staring at the ground, so you didn’t see what expression Jungkook’s face shifted into. You weren’t sure you wanted to know. Was it relief from having a shot at mending the relationship with your members? Or was it regret from you feeding into this idea that he hadn’t actually been taking seriously? 
“Well,” Jungkook started, and you still refused to look at him. “First of all, did you say anything about our talk last night to anyone?”
“Not really. I told Sana that it was ‘enlightening,’ and basically said the same to Jennie. What about you?”
“I told Jimin that we talked about our feelings.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I’m sure he took that very well.”
“He was surprised…” Jungkook paused. “And I think that’s a good thing.”
You finally turned to look at him. “Why’s that a good thing?”
He stood up from his chair and held his hand out to you. You just stared at it for a second, confused at the kindness of the gesture before grabbing it and letting him help you up. He didn’t drop your hand even after you were standing up right, less than a foot of space separating you. 
“Because I think if our best friends look genuinely shocked by what we’re about to do, then it might be a lot more believable.”
Your face twisted in confusion. “Uhm, what’re we about to do?”
Jungkook pursed his lips, hesitant as he opened his mouth to reveal what he was thinking. “I think if we’re gonna pull this off, we need to… show them, not tell them.” It was instant, the way your hand trembled in his. Immediately he was squeezing around your fingers, silently trying to reassure you. “We don’t have to do this. It’s probably not even gonna work… But again, it’s just something to try.”
You knew you didn’t have to do this. You knew it was probably smarter not to do this. But some small part of you wanted to do this. Some stupidly hopeful part of you. 
You sucked a deep breath in through your nose and gave your bottom lip one hard, painful bite. “Fuck it, Kook.” You shifted your hand in his and interlocked your fingers. “Let’s do this.”
His eyes widened, the nickname slipping past your lips like the past two years never even existed. And then he was smiling, this pleasantly surprised smile that you hadn’t seen directed at you in what felt like an eternity. 
“I know it was my idea, but I can’t believe this is actually about to happen.” Yoongi was standing next to the two of you, hands holding either side of his face, like he was about to witness the ruse of the century. 
“Ready?” Jungkook asked. 
“I guess I am.” You shrugged, motioning towards the house. “Let’s do this.”
“Deep breath,” He said before inhaling, and you followed without hesitation. 
“Deep breath.” You nodded after you let the air slide past your lips. 
And then he was pulling you towards the house, hand in hand, the only thing keeping you from devolving into a panic attack was the way he kept squeezing your hand. 
You were approaching the fractured groups of people that stood outside of the sliding glass door, and all it took was one person to notice the two of you, and then suddenly people were pointing and staring, confused expressions appearing like a line of dominos, but you didn’t see any Lambdas or Tri Delts yet thankfully. Though, you knew that wasn’t going to last very long. 
You ignored the attention as best as you could as Jungkook opened the door and led you in through the back of the house. 
“So what exactly are we gonna do?” You whispered to him as you got closer to the living room; the main room of the house, with the most prying eyes. 
He slowed his walk and dropped your hand before placing his palm on your lower back as he continued to usher you forward into the wild circus the two of you were about to create. 
“I’m…” He paused as he pushed through the brush of people blocking the hallway until you were standing in the heart of the party. The lights in the house were all dimmed, but you still felt as though there was a bright, blinding spotlight on the two of you. 
“You’re gonna what?” You asked, looking around to find Lambdas and Tri Delts lounging in every corner. You started to fidget, wringing your hands and gritting your teeth until you felt someone lightly grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look at them. 
“I’m gonna kiss you,” He whispered, hand dropping to cup the side of your face. “I’m gonna kiss you right now, okay?”
Your eyes widened a little, mouth parting. You knew earlier that was what he’d probably meant when he said to ‘show them,’ but now that you were actually here in the moment, with him so close to your face that you could feel his breath hitting your skin… You were freezing up. 
“I’m going to,” He said, leaning in closer. “If you changed your mind just push me back, because I’m really about to kiss you.” 
A small voice in your head replied that you really wanted him to, as sad as that was. But you kept that thought to yourself as you closed your eyes and said, “Do it.” 
His gaze dropped to your mouth and then he closed the gap, a gap that hadn’t been closed in over two years. His lips warm and soft, just like you remembered, suddenly pressing against your own. His hand slid to the back of your neck, the other coming to rest on your hip, the familiar motion in familiar places tugging your fingers like a magnet until they were twisting at the front of his shirt. 
You knew that this kiss needed to be believable. It couldn’t be over the top, like you were trying to put on a show, but it also couldn’t be stiff, like the two of you were forcing it. Which technically, you were forcing it. It was pre-planned and clinical… But it didn’t feel that way. 
You knew every tilt of his head before he decided to move, every light brush of his tongue before it met your own, every touch of his thumb before it grazed along the column of your throat. You knew everything. You remembered everything. And you wished you could say that there was at least one thing that was different. You wished you could say that when he hummed against your mouth, your stomach didn’t twist. But unfortunately, you couldn’t say that. Because it didn’t just twist — it warped into this undistinguishable, untangleable shape; one that you didn’t think anyone could ever hope to be able to unravel. 
It was getting tighter and tighter, tying a knot around your lungs. You thought you’d have to pull away, gasp for air, and maybe ruin this whole charade the two of you were putting on, but all you needed to do was try and focus a little less on Jungkook kissing and touching you, and you’d be able to hear the buzzing chatter that was already surround you on all sides. Your names being shouted in unison breaking you apart.
You pulled back, breath heavy and uneven as you stared at his mouth, and you were at the very least happy that he looked just as uneasy, his eyes dark and hooded and reflecting something that you couldn’t pinpoint. But you weren’t able to just sit there and stare at him forever. You had to face the consequences of what you’d done, and when you turned to face the congregating mob of Lambdas and Tri Delts, complete shock resting on every single one of their faces, you knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
“Y/N?!” People were shouting your name, dozens of them, and you couldn’t tell who they were, but your eyes were locking with two particular people whose voices pulled you straight to them; Sana and Jennie. 
“Jungkook, what the hell?!” Someone else said in the distance. 
“Okay, literally what the fuck is going on?” Everyone was saying something along these lines to the point that it was just a sea of expletives and confusion, but it was Jimin suddenly climbing on top of the one of the couches that caught the entire room’s attention. 
“I fucking knew it!” He yelled, shirt half-unbuttoned and clearly intoxicated as he jumped up and down on the cushions. “I knew something happened with you two last night, you bitch ass liar!” The upside to that proclamation was that it made this entire scene seem a whole hell of a lot more believable. 
“What happened last night?” Jennie asked, concern embedded in her features as she and Sana pushed to the front of the crowd. 
You couldn’t blame them for these over the top reactions, especially your best friends. They figured that you would tell them anything, and you would. If you actually managed to pull off this ruse, you were going to tell Sana and Jennie the details immediately. But you had to admit, Jungkook was right. Having your best friends raw reactions was making this seem more realistic and not as far-fetched. 
You glanced at Jungkook for a second, giving a small nod that said they were just going to have to improvise this as best as they could. 
“We… There was more to the talk last night than I told you,” You said, finally responding back to the random questions being thrown in every direction. 
“Yeah, I wanted to tell you, Jimin,” Jungkook started. “But it happened so suddenly, and I knew a lot of you guys weren’t going to understand, so we wanted to talk about how we were going to go about telling you guys about this,” He said as he grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers once more. The small gesture had people gasping as if that was more damning than making out. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sana rattled off, hands tangling in her hair like her head was about to overheat. “You guys are back together? Y/N, you didn’t say shit about this when I talked to you this morning.”
“I… we’re not back together… yet.” You squeezed his hand, silently telling him that you knew what you were doing. You thought saying you were completely back together was less believable than saying the two of you were simply talking again. “We’re just working through things, and I didn’t wanna jinx it when I was talking to you this morning, but I was going to tell you.”
You could see the hurt flashing through her eyes at you not telling her the truth, even though it wasn’t actually the truth. You wanted to pull her in and apologize, but she would know the actual circumstances soon enough.
“This is in-fucking-sane,” Taehyung said as he also stepped to the front. “Talking? If you’re doing that, you’re basically already back together.”
“Fuck, is that why you got pissed at me for making that comment about Y/N this morning, Kook?” Baekhyun shouted from the back. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know!”
This was actually going a lot better than you had anticipated. All of these tiny coincidences of what you had told your friends or the way the two of you had acted since yesterday were building up to be a pretty convincing lie. 
“You’re fine,” Jungkook shrugged. “You didn’t know — but now you do.” That last part came out a little more harsh; a believable act from the Lambda president. 
“I just don’t get it,” Joy said from somewhere in the middle of the crowd. “You just called him a lying piece of shit literally yesterday.”
Your jaw clenched. This was the part that had worried you the most, the fact that only yesterday the two of you had portrayed a relationship that wasn’t even slightly cordial, and now you were trying to say you had jumped right back into almost being in a relationship? It was a leap, but you were going to have to convince them to take the jump. 
“I know I said that,” You started, clearing your throat to try and sound louder and more confident. “But I only said that because I was feeling hurt. We ran into each other after everything that happened yesterday and apologized. We ended up hanging out the entire night and texting all day today, and… and we talked about things that we haven’t talked about in a really, really long time.” That part was true at least. “Honestly, we weren’t going to say anything for a while, because we thought it would be too sudden for you guys, but we’ve been drinking and we kind of just forgot about how you guys might react. I’m sorry it happened like this.”
Everyone was quiet for a second. You looked around and found a slew of people that belonged to neither house recording this entire debacle. You weren’t sure where the two of you should go from here. Should the two of you stay together for the rest of the night or should you go talk to your friends? You didn’t know the best route to take. However, you and Jungkook had to be the luckiest people in the entire world, because you had a friend like Yoongi, who not only gave you ideas that were so crazy that they just might work, but also could get you out of any hiccups that his said crazy plans might run into.
“So everyone knows about the happy couple now?” Yoongi threw his arms around you and Jungkook, a beaming smile staring out at the crowd of stunned Tri Delts and Lambdas. “Perfect, because I’m shit at keeping secrets.”
“Wait, you knew?” Jennie asked. 
“Yeah, they were both texting me this morning about all of their gross, mushy feelings.” He faked a gag for good measure. “You guys know I’m friends with both of them so they wanted an impartial opinion. Plus, as their very good friend I’ve wanted them to get back together since they broke up, so I may have pushed them along in the right direction.” You weren’t sure if that was what Yoongi actually felt or if he was just saying it for whatever reason. Either way, you were actually happy because it was only adding to the air of believability. “So instead of standing there like you’re devastated, maybe seem happy for this newly rekindled love?”
“Give us a minute,” Johnny said, his tall head poking up from the crowd in the back. “We’re in shock.” 
You finally let yourself look at Jungkook again. He was already waiting for you with a small upward tilt of his lips. To everyone else it probably just looked like a smile between two people who were reconciling, but to you it was a sign of victory. The two of you did it. They believed you — at least for now. 
“Okay, can we at least talk to you in private?” Sana asked, now that the crowd was starting to disperse to simmer over this newfound information. 
“Yeah, let’s talk.” You nodded and then turned to whisper into Jungkook’s ear. “I’m telling them the truth, but no one else.”
“Yeah, I’m telling Jimin and that’s it,” He murmured. 
“Okay,” You said and then quickly pressed a small peck to his lips before dropping his hand and immediately getting dragged away by your friends before you could say a single word. 
You spent the next half hour explaining to them every detail of the Great Greek Ruse Yoongi had cooked up, and by the end of it they were completely slack jawed before disintegrating into a fit of laughter at just how insane the two of you must have been to try and pull off something like that. 
Your only response to them being that there were only a few things in life that could end a war that was saturated in as much hostility as the one between the Tri Delts and the Lambdas; love being one of them — even if it was fake.  
The party continued on after that. Your friends not allowing you out of their sights as they bombarded you with every idea that danced through their heads about how to keep the ploy of yours and Jungkook’s fake relationship up for as long as possible, and how the two of you were going to go about hooking up with people without everyone finding out. You were actually thankful for that, because you and Jungkook hadn’t gotten a chance to work out the logistics of how you were going to act in public. 
You simply listened as Sana and Jennie amused themselves with this situation that their best friend had gotten themself involved in when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You pulled it out, Jungkook’s contact flashed across the screen with a text. You should probably get around to changing his contact name from ‘Jungkook the Jackass’ in case anyone ever caught a glance at your phone. Meet me out front, the text said. 
“I’ll be right back,” You told Sana and Jennie as you lifted yourself off of the couch. “I’ve gotta talk to Jungkook.”
“Tell your lover I said hello!” Sana chuckled, no longer having that hurt like in her eye from earlier now that she was in on everything. 
You quickly moved through the crowd of people that was now beginning to thin as the night got later and later before stepping past the front door. You looked around for a second before you noticed Jungkook standing at the base of the driveway waiting for you. He spotted you, motioning for you to come down. You wondered what he wanted. Probably to just gloat in relief that their idiot plan actually succeeded. 
“Hey,” You whispered as you decided to stand a little bit closer to him than you normally would just in case anyone was watching. “What’s up?” 
He looked around, presumably to make sure no one was in ear shot, and when he found that the coast was clear he turned towards you, an ecstatic grin staring at you. “I can’t believe that actually worked.” 
“I can’t either. Yoongi was right. They really are like toddlers.” You laughed. 
“Yeah, I mean we don’t know for sure yet if this is actually gonna stop them from fighting, but I saw some of the members who I know have had issues in the past actually talking, so I think that’s a good sign.”
“Yeah, I saw them too.” Lambdas and Tri Delts who had pulled some pretty spectacular pranks on one another seen speaking in what looked to be a respectful manner? A complete miracle. “How’d Jimin take the news?”
“Oh, he thinks it’s completely hilarious.” Jungkook chuckled. 
You smiled. “Sana and Jennie think the same.”
“I figured they would. Though seeing them that pissed off was kind of funny.” He paused, looking off into the distance before shoving his hand into his pockets. “But anyways, the reason I called you out here was to give you this.” He pulled his hand out of his pocket and made a fist in front of you. You opened your palm to receive whatever he was trying to give you; a single key suddenly falling into your grasp. “I have a spare in my car, but that’s the key to my apartment — or I guess our apartment now.” He laughed, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck. 
You had been so focused on the fake dating aspect of this predicament that you had almost forgotten about your living situation. You held it up between the two of you. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. You were about to move in with your ex, while everyone except for your best friends believed that you were back together. 
“Are we really gonna do this?” You finally asked. 
“I don’t see why we wouldn’t be able to make it work. I think the past two days showed that we can be around each other and not act crazy.”
You agreed that things had definitely shifted, and not just because you had to pretend to be in a relationship now. You wanted to think that you could make it work, that you could put your petty, bitter ways behind you.
And when you told Jungkook that you felt the exact same way about making things work before leaving to go home for one of your last few nights in the Tri Delt house, you truly meant what you had said to him… But sometimes situations happen, and as they say, old habits die hard. 
three days later
You were completely out of breath as you climbed the stairs to your new apartment building, about a dozen duffle bags filled with your various belongings were wrapped around your body as you tried to keep your phone smashed between your shoulder and your ear. 
“Why’d you decide to move out early?” Jennie whined from the otherside of the line. “Did you wanna get away from us that bad?”
You tried to muster a laugh as you attempted to make it up the final few steps without passing out. “Of course I wanted to stay longer, but both of my classes got cancelled, and I’d rather just get it over with than have to deal with it on a Friday like I was going to.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” She huffed. “But I’m still not happy about you having to live with the devil’s spawn.”
You tsked at her. “Hey, we’re all trying to get along now, remember?” 
“I know… But I’m still acting like a bitch to Jimin, I don’t care,” She added quickly. 
“Well, that one I’m okay with.” You chuckled. “But I just got to my apartment, so I’ll call you back in a little bit, okay?”
“Okay, talk to you later.” And then the line went dead and you were fishing for the key that Jungkook had handed you outside of Kappa Sigma on Saturday night. 
You couldn’t believe it had only been three days, but in those three days things had been going okay, actually. There had been no incidents involving either the Tri Delt or Lambda house, and after the everyday, non-stop antics from the past few years, that was as close to divine intervention as you could get. So yes, you could say that maybe you had developed a slight bit of optimism. Everything was working out at the sorority, you actually had a place to live — things truly were going well. But you should’ve known that when things were going well, Jeon Jungkook was always there to throw a wrench in your happiness, because as you wiggled the key inside of the lock and pushed your way inside, the last thing you had ever wanted to see in your entire life was staring right back at you. 
Your ex-boyfriend, who publicly was once again your actual boyfriend, whom you still had occasional feelings of longing for, was currently balls-deep in a girl on his living room couch — which was now also your living room couch.
The door slammed against the wall before you could stop it, both of their terrified faces suddenly turning to you as they immediately yanked a blanket over their naked bodies. 
“Jesus Christ, Y/N!” Jungkook yelled. “You said you were coming Friday!” 
You couldn’t help it. The tiny, petty demon you had tried to squash down in size over the past few days was suddenly bubbling over at the flare of emotions ricocheting inside of your head. Your teeth gritted together, eyes cutting daggers across his skin as you forced a saccharine smile as fake as this relationship. 
“Well, honey, I’m home now.”
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Finally; Monty Green (The 100)
a/n: i can’t stick to one fandom. i write for whatever my hyperfixations are based on. this month, it’s the 100.
description: friends to lovers, giving each other things you like idk
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You sighed at the warm breeze wafting through the open door to the supply room. The Rovers had left a while ago, out on some mission surveying the land. You were going through the boxes of books Gina was slowly collecting for you from Mount Weather. You were a teacher’s apprentice on the ship before you were imprisoned for stealing medicine. Now that safety and immunity was granted in the form of Arkadia, you were back under the wing of Matthew Gunner. There weren’t many kids left, but they still needed taught.
Jasper, who wasn’t allowed out on missions yet, lazily worked beside you. You had forced him to help you, seeing as he had nothing else to do but drink all day. Music played from the speaker they had found in Mount Weather, at a soft volume after you forced him to turn it down. He needed a lot of forcing these days.
Jasper had had a soft spot in his heart for you since you were introduced to him and Monty when the drop ship first landed three months ago. The three of you got along well and you had been roped into their’s and Clarke’s reckless gang. After recovering from your sustained injuries in Arkadia, you decided against being involved in those antics. You finally safety and you didn’t want to experience near-death experiences willingly.
Jasper, humming and flipping through a picture book, was sat beside your seat at the steel table. You set another book on the shelf and went back to said-seat.
“How long you gonna make me do this today?” Jasper handed you a book.
“You have legs, Jasper,” you hissed and stood to put it on the shelf. You decided to just stand from now on. “And, I’ll make you stay here until you tell me one thing that made you happy yesterday.”
Jasper threw his head back and a guttural groan resounded from his hollow cheeks, “God, stop talking to Monty about my feelings.”
“Your feelings need to be talked about,” you insisted. “Plus, gratitude exercises are good for healing trauma.”
Jasper sassed, “Trauma? Oh, you mean when Monty and Clarke murdered my girlfriend and her people?”
You had never played into his pity party, always biting back with an equal level of sass. “Yeah, that trauma.”
Jasper opened his mouth to respond when the humming sound of a Rover cut him off. You both watched as Monty, Bellamy, Raven, and Miller stepped out of the parked vehicle. Octavia tied her horse up outside before strutting past everyone, probably on her way to find Lincoln.
Raven limped over to you, a wide smile on her face. “Anything interesting?”
The others, except for Miller, slowly followed her. You shook your head, “It’s been mostly textbooks because they started itching at the classrooms.”
You shuffled through the pile you created of books you thought your friends might like. “Oh! Yes, Bellamy, I found a copy of Greek tragedies.”
You handed him the thick novel and his face lit up. He rounded the table to give you a tight hug, “Thank you so much. I just finished the Iliad and was hoping you had something new.”
“Of course,” you grinned up at him. He stalked off to find his girlfriend as Jasper snuck away, thinking he was off duty. Monty sat in Jasper’s empty seat and Raven took yours.
“Raven, here’s a textbook with a bunch of computer coding bullcrap that I genuinely don’t understand. Thought you might like to get into that more,” you used both hands to give her this heavy book.
She, much like Bellamy, lit up. She opened her arms, wide, and you came around to hug her. “I’m gonna go get changed and crack this bad boy open. See you guys at dinner.”
You turned to Monty, who you were closer to now. Both, literally and figuratively. Back in Mount Weather, the two of you had grown a bond that tightened whenever he saved you from getting killed by the bone marrow extractions. You were weak and hurt and he comforted you.
“Anything for me?” He rested his chin in his palm, watching you as your hands reached for the thinning pile.
You nodded and slid into the seat beside him. Your knees touched his as you turned towards him. “This ones about Aerospace engineering. You probably already know a lot about it, but the pictures are pretty.”
You thumbed through it and found a glossy photo of the galaxy. Monty was looking at you, but you didn’t notice, when he said, “It’s beautiful.”
“And then there’s this,” you closed the book and set a smaller one on top. The book was a sage green with leaves all over it. The title read, in big, white letters, “It’s 4:20 Somewhere.”
Monty mumbled the title beneath his breath and gasped. “You’re awful.”
“Hey, I’m not the stoner,” you teased, leaning in to catch his eyes.
Monty smiled, nose scrunching up as he tried to insult an angry expression. He reached for your waist, giving a gentle shove to your side. You slid across your seat slightly before respositioning yourself. You leaned into his hand, which was still hanging in the air, but the inexperienced flirter pulled away.
You frowned at his shyness, but shook off the yearning for more than gentle touches and shushed smiles. A beat of silence paused the conversation, then Monty jumped up with a gentle, “Oh! I just remmebered. I got you something, too.”
You turned in your seat and watched him jog back over to the Rover. He opened the side door and reached in, pulling out his bag. You met him at the Rover and he set his bag onto the hood. You leaned against the side, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
“What could you have possibly found out there in the wilderness,” you laughed at your own words.
Monty, who was digging in his bag, chuckled. “Just wait and- see!”
With his final, exclaimed word, he presented a rusted, golden necklace with the letter ‘M’ dangling from the chain. You turned deep red, your hands becoming clammy and heart jumped through your ribs.
“Monty, is-“ you cut yourself off, unable to form a comprehensive sentence. “That’s...”
Monty gently dropped the necklace into your hands. You eyes flickered up to him and then back down to the gift you were fingering. He was watching you intently, waiting for you to say something.
“Where did you get it?” You asked.
He shrugged, “We stopped at a trading post ask for directions and I saw the Grounder wearing it. Traded my rations and a belt for it.”
Your hand automatically slapped his arm, “Monty! You must be starving.”
He grabbed your hand before you could pull it away from his arm. “It was worth it. Here, let me put it on you.”
He turned you around by tugging on your arm. You handed him the necklace, gathered your hair into a make-shift ponytail, and waited. His nimble fingers brushed against your skin as he clasped the jewerly around your throat. The cold metal settled onto your chest and you turned back around.
You looked up at him, “See, there’s an M on this necklace. My name starts with a [idfk what your name starts with, fill in the blank].”
Your brow quirked at him and he turned sheepish. Monty glanced at his shoes, hands wringing against one another. “What ever could that mean?”
You smiled and touched his hand. He let go of himself and let your fingers move between his. Both of you looked up at the same time and your eyes bore into one another. You pressed forward and he stayed where he was. Your chest hit his and his free hand finally landed on your waist. You carefully grabbed the back of his neck, intertwining your hand into his hair.
“Please kiss me.”
“Yeah, okay, I probably should do that now,” he rambled on. He shut his mouth firmly, then caught your lips.
You heard a cheer resounding through the room and pulled your lips off of him. Monty and yourself looked over to the noise, watching as Jasper bounced up and down, a glass in his left hand. His other was shaking in the air, a wide grin on his face.
And he was looking at you.
You blushed and shoved your head into Monty’s neck. He hugged you completely, chucking into your hair.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #76
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Dani (Trio) 
It starts after band practice one day, when Dani has the most innocent of suggestions.  “Hey guys, since Rachel couldn’t jam with us today, why don’t we go out on a double date?  There’s a funky new Greek place that opened a few blocks from here.”
Of all the reactions that could have happened, the least expected (though it really shouldn’t have been) is from Santana, who dramatically holds a hand up.  “Whoa, babe!  Did you really just ask for a double date?  Like, you and me and the two of them?”
Dani shrugs.  “Yeah, I mean, I’m assuming we’re all hungry, and I’m craving a good gyro.”  
“Yes, but do you realize what a date insinuates?  Something romantic.  And you know why something romantic can’t happen?”  Santana leaps halfway across the room to grab at Kurt’s hand.  She pulls it up, pointing to the ring on his third finger.  
Kurt rolls his eyes at her.  “Pretty sure Dani knows I’m engaged.  I doubt Dani was being literal.”  
“I wasn’t,” Dani confirms.  
“And friends can go on dates,” Elliott adds.  
Dani definitely knows about Kurt’s fiance, Blaine.  In fact, she probably knows too many personal details about Blaine, like the fact that he apparently has a cute birthmark on his hip or the fact he only has a ten step evening moisturizing routine and refuses to follow Kurt’s fifteen step plan.  And, oh god does she remember the forever seared in her brain conversation about those weird, ribbed condoms that apparently Blaine actually enjoys.  The point is that Kurt never misses a chance to throw out some fact about ‘his fiance’, so Dani really hasn’t had the chance to forget that he’s engaged.  
Santana, however, remains indignant, shaking Kurt’s hand at her.  “Yes, but do you know the story of the ring?”
Dani bites her lip, trying not to laugh.  “Does it involve some hobbits and a dragon?”
“There actually wasn’t a dragon in Lord of the Rings.  That was in The Hobbit,” Elliott corrects.  
“Okay, thank you lore master,” Santana snaps.  “And yes, this does involve the tiniest of Hobbits, who magically falls in love with the bitchiest of Elves.  And thus creating the gayest of love stories ever told.”
“Oh god,” Kurt chokes out as he pulls his hand away.
“You know, Santana, you keep using gay as a negative qualifier - but we’re all gay, and this isn’t 1994, so I don’t know why you keep doing it,” Elliott says.  
“Hush,” Santana says, snapping her fingers at him.  “You aren’t the one telling the story.”
Dani isn’t sure whether to be intrigued or scared.  Santana can be a bit much at times.  Hey, she loves the hot sex and the fun companionship of Santana, but she’s well aware that they’re not going to be some, long term couple.  And Santana’s strange antics like this are one reason Dani’s not upset that things are cooling off.  Still she listens, bemused.
Santana throws her arms out wide.  “Once upon a time, there was a sad and depressing Elf, who used to lament his lot in life as he draped himself over the furniture -- pianos in particular.  So, one day, after being told that a feather boa would only tone down his eccentric taste in fashion, he stole away to the gayest version of Hogwarts.”
“That’s Harry Potter,” Elliott interjects.
“No one cares,” Santana says, waving him off.  “The Elf manages to ensnare the most over energetic of little Hobbits for his very own.  And three years later, the awesome, yet terrifying sorceress,” Santana pats herself on her chest, “is still having to hear about that damn magical staircase of love.  And even though her heart has grown three sizes, or maybe I’ve become brainwashed - it’s hard to tell what is magic and what is the breakdown of sanity, I feel like it is my personal duty to protect the sacred ring of destiny against the evil, guy-liner wearing Troll-Wizards.”
Elliott throws her an annoyed look, but keeps quiet.
“Babe, you’re laying it on a little thick,” Dani says.  
“Oh, she hasn’t even gone into the fact that the gayest thing about me is the fact that I’ll have some rainbow colored wedding,” Kurt jokes.  
“No, no, no,” Santana says, wiggling a finger.  “I distinctly remember you telling me once that the gayest thing about you is, and god knows why anyone would actually enjoy it, preferring an erect penis in your mouth instead of your ass.”
Kurt’s eyes bulge, though he’s speechless for a response.  Elliott’s jaw drops in shock.  Dani tries to control her snicker.  She does appreciate Santana’s ability to lay it right out there.  
“Okay, who’s ready for some Greek food?” Kurt says quickly.  
“Yes, let’s get this platonic double-date on,” Dani says, grabbing Santana’s hand. 
Santana throws her head back with a satisfied cackle.  
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calaofnoldor · 4 years
Dean, Don’t
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Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 1,906
Summary: You’re heavily pregnant and highly irritable. Luckily, Sam Winchester is the sweetest moose to ever moose.
Warnings: pregnancy (and all its related symptoms), ill-fated attempt at humor, disgustingly sweet fluff (seriously, you’re gonna need a tooth brush)
A/N: this might be my first ever attempt at this genre, so please don’t judge me too harshly :)
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“Wow… geez, you look ready to-“
“Dean,” Sam shot his brother a warning glance as he guided you into the kitchen, a giant palm held gently against your aching lower back, “Don’t.”
Dean quickly raised his hands and the gesture, together with his wide eyes, seemed to say ‘I wasn’t gonna say anything!’, although you knew that was far from the truth. In fact, you knew exactly what he was thinking because you’d been thinking it too – every hour of every day. It was safe to say you really didn’t need any reminders of your current condition.
“Y/N’s already having a rough time with the twins keeping her up all night, and she’s been extra sore lately,” your moose came to your rescue as always. Sam had been doing that a lot recently, not only by shielding you from Dean’s crude comments (and consequently protecting Dean from your wrath as well), but also by comforting and distracting you from the woes of your third trimester.
“Well at least it’ll be over soon, right?” Dean tried again.
“Not soon enough,” you grumbled in reply, before attempting to stretch out your spine with an unfiltered groan of discomfort.
“Aaand, that’s my cue to leave!” Dean announced, grabbing his plate of bacon to go and sauntering off, though not before sending his little brother an exaggerated ‘good-luck-with-that’ expression.
Sam rolled his eyes despite feeling somewhat relieved by his brother’s departure, then turned back to you. “Come on, baby. Let’s get you off your feet.” He wore a sweet sympathetic smile; it was one he had been donning often as of late, but it only worsened your mood.
“Sam, I’m fine. I can’t be constantly sitting or lying down!” You barked irritably, but when you noticed the sad puppy dog look on your boyfriend’s face, your attitude instantly withered.
“Look, I’m sorry. I just hate this so much.” Your fingers began to massage your temples as your mouth continued to utter the words that took you beyond the point of no return, “I’m a hunter, you know? I’m supposed to be able to take down monsters with the swing of my machete! I used to be able to roundhouse kick those inhuman bastards when I wanted to, and now I can’t even put my own socks on!” That much was true. Sam had helped you with your socks earlier that morning.
“And sometimes you being so overprotective only makes me feel more useless,” you added with a defeated huff.
Sam waited patiently until he was certain your little tirade was over. “I know exactly what you’re capable of, Y/N; you never have to remind me. And I can guarantee that you will still be able to do all those things… after you’ve given birth to our beautiful babies, and your body recovers from this drastic change it’s endured.”
He moved closer to you and extended one hand to caress the side of your face, while the other splayed across your immensely swollen stomach. “But baby, right now, at 39 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re not supposed to be able to do all that. I wouldn’t want you to be doing all that,” he chuckled lightly with the afterthought as he pictured your heavily expectant form attempting one of your famous round house kicks.
You raised a brow at him, knowing how his mind worked, and he immediately sobered, “Y/N, my point is you don’t realize how incredibly strong you are already, even without all the pregnant kung fu fighting you seem to be so keen on.”
Although you were tempted to roll your eyes at his teasing, the boyish grin he cast you couldn’t be resisted, and the corners of your lips begrudgingly lifted. But a sudden lurch in your belly wiped the smile promptly from your features.
“Oh,” you breathed in a gasp, placing your hands upon the area of assault.
“What? What is it?” Sam questioned worriedly, as he too moved both his hands to your baby bump. His eyes flickered frantically between your face and stomach, trying to read the situation for himself.
“Nothing, just a really strong kick, I think,” was your reply after a pause. You looked up at him with what you hoped was a reassuring smile. He returned it with a certain tinge of apprehension, so you grabbed his hand and placed it where one of your wayward twins was moving erratically within you.
No matter how many times Sam felt it, he couldn’t help but beam with pride and elation at the thought of his children growing stronger each day, and the fact that you were the one fostering their development made him truly believe he was the luckiest man alive in that moment.
“Wow, I guess they’re really ready to come out, huh?”
“Maybe,” you mused, “Or maybe they’ll choose to torture me for another week. I’m not getting my hopes up.”
Still fondling your belly with one hand, Sam used his other to turn your face towards his. “I am really sorry that you’re hurting. I wish I could make it stop.” He said it with such sincerity, you were almost inclined to forgive him. Almost.
“I would say ‘it’s not your fault’, but it kinda is,” came your playful response, which happily earned you a loving kiss.
When his lips left yours, you continued, “Also, as if the fact that two of your swimmers managed to make it to my eggs wasn’t enough, did you really have to make both of them Winchester-sized too?” You motioned vaguely to the wide expanse of your front side.
Sam said nothing, but rewarded you with a hearty laugh and a second kiss.
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Later that day, as you sat snuggled between Sam’s lengthy and outstretched limbs on the bed, the two of you absent-mindedly watched an old classic movie play out on the television. His lips grazed your hairline every few minutes and his hands rubbed incessant circles on your extended stomach.
“How do you know our babies will be beautiful?” You questioned Sam abruptly, your eyes never leaving the screen.
His chest rumbled with a deep chortle that resonated through your back and caused you to smile in turn. “Well, they’ve got you for a mother, don’t they?”
“Psh! You forgot to mention that they’ve also got a father who looks like he was sculpted by the Greek gods! But that’s not the point; genetics is based on chance.” You craned your neck to look him in the eyes.
“Fine. I just have a feeling then, OK?” Sam shut you up with a quick kiss to the lips and you of course assented.
“Do you still think they’re going to be girls?”
“I hope so,” he replied with a pensive smile.
You studied his elegant features for a minute before feeling a smirk form on your own face. “Well too bad, they’re both boys.”
“What? How do you know?” Sam’s brow furrowed in that way you always thought made him look unbelievably adorable, especially for a man of his stature.
“I just have a feeling, OK?” You quoted back at him. “They call it mother’s intuition.”
Sam’s grin returned and you couldn’t remember feeling better in the past month. Dean hadn’t disturbed you all day since the incident in the kitchen, and the support of Sam’s solid torso pressed against your back seemed to be alleviating some of the strain from your body.
But alas, nothing is ever what it seems when you’re living with the Winchesters. A sudden splash of fluid upon the sheets interrupted your scarce and apparently fleeting moment of peace.
It took you a moment to register the wetness between your legs, although Sam was already one step ahead of you. “DEAN!” he hollered towards the hall.
“Sam, I think my water just broke,” you told him in a slight trance.
“Yeah, I know, baby. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and changed.” Sam’s voice was soothing and you began to follow his lead, slowly rising to your feet as he supported you from behind.
Just then, Dean came barreling in, brandishing his gun as his eyes searched frantically for any potential sources of peril. His green gaze turned befuddled upon finding no clear cause for distress.
“Dean, go get the Impala ready. Y/N’s in labor.” Sam’s voice held that composed and assertive edge which it often did when he took the lead on hunts. You would have found it awfully attractive under different circumstances.
As it were, a fresh contraction tore through you when you reached the dresser, and you were forced to bend over to weather the impact, your breathing becoming a little uneven. Sam’s arms were instantly around you, while the sight of your hunched and gravid form awoke Dean from his stupor.
He cleared his throat and his voice seemed a little gruffer than usual, “Uh, OK. Right. So… the bags? What do I need?”
“I’ll get the bags. Just get the damn car ready, Dean.”
Still the older Winchester stood transfixed in his spot, his eyes were somewhat unfocused. “Wow. So this is really happening…”
“Yeah! On it! Got it! Uh… fight the fairies, Y/N! We got this.” And with that, he finally took off for the garage.
You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself, “He’s right, you know? This is really happening.”
Sam turned around and held your gaze with such reverence and fondness, you nearly melted right then. “I know,” he stated simply, before he crashed his lips to yours in a rushed yet zealous smooch.
“Ow! Yeah, OK, I think the twins are sick of our antics already,” you gushed through gritted teeth as another tightening of your middle took over.
Sam cupped your stomach gingerly on either side, as if he could somehow abate the pain with his touch. “Right, let’s hurry it up then. I think all that soreness you felt before and the twins’ heightened movement might’ve been a sign of early labor.”
“You’re such a nerd, you know that?”
He only responded with knowing smirk, then continued to help you get changed so he could usher you out the door.
Dean met you outside, where he stood by the shiny black car, looking a little more prepared for action than earlier. “You guys good?”
“Yeah, are you?” Sam asked, a bit dubiously.
“Hey, I’m ready to get this show on the road!”
“Am I gonna fit?” You eyed the Impala with slight apprehension. You had always been a fan of the classic car before, but now that Sam had fertilized you so thoroughly, the backseat seemed a lot more daunting.
“Of course, my girl can handle anything. She’ll get you to the hospital in no time so that you can have my nieces.”
“Nephews,” you corrected, but nodded anyway and allowed Sam to help you inside the vehicle.
The boys stood outside for a moment longer. “You alright, Sammy?”
Sam was glowing and Dean couldn’t have repressed the surge of love and pride that rose within him if he tried, despite his ‘no chick flick moments’ rule.
“Yeah, I’ve never been better, Dean.”
“Speak for yourself, asshole!” You would later blame the contraction for your foul language, but it was your shouting through the window that ultimately got you on the road.
“Yeah alright, we’re going! Just don’t be having any babies in my Baby!”
“Dean,” Sam’s bitch face revealed itself once more, “Don’t.”
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A/N #2: thank you so much for reading! btw, if any of you sam girls wanna show off your love for the giant adorkable moose man, there’s a ‘sammy the moose’ print now available at lexicolor.redbubble.com!
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also available in various styles, as well as on mugs, notebooks, phone cases, and a bunch of other stuff! and if you’re more of a dean girl, i got you covered too 😉❤️
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
A Twist of Fate
Co-written with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon
FFN and AO3
Chapter 19
The two days journey back to Athens felt like a dream. It was amazing how the euphoria seemed to permeate everything. She couldn't even be bothered by the fact that most of the crew looked at her like she was Medusa. Having Sirius there with her made all their fear a bit easier to swallow. Sirius was proof not everyone would feel that way about her.
She stood with Sirius' arms wrapped around her waist as the crew prepared to dock in Athens port. There was a crowd gathered, and King Aegeus of Athens stood at its front.
"What do you say," she looked up at Sirius with a sly smile, "that once we get everything sorted out with the Aegeus down there, we go find an inn or something for a couple of days before making our way back to Dion and Olympus?"
Sirius chuckled and pulled her tighter. "I thought the couple was supposed to escape away after the ceremony."
"For being a son of Dionysus, you have a strong streak of conventionalism." She laughed at him as he pinched her side.
"We all lose something to our mortal nature," Sirius whispered into her ear before placing his lips against her neck.
"I'm calling that answer a yes," She arched back into him and sighed.
Sirius went to say something, but he was interrupted by the captain's trembling voice.
"Dreadful Daughter, Son of Dionysus, we're ready to lower the gangplank."
"Wonderful news!" Sirius smacked the man on the back. "Let's get everyone on dry land!"
The captain looked at Sirius with almost as much apprehension as he did Marlene, for very different reasons. Marlene chuckled as the twelve eagerly lined up, calling out to family members who had heard the black ship had returned. It brought tears to her eyes to see the youthful faces reunited with their parents and loved ones. She and Sirius took their time to make their way off the ship. When they finally stepped foot on the dock, King Aegeus was waiting for them.
"Daughter of Fate and Son of Dionysus, our kingdom is forever in your debt!" He was nervous, but he seemed bolstered by the fact that that Fate had favored his kingdom this day.
"The feud between your Kingdom and the Kingdom of Crete is at an end, Aegeus. The Minotaur is dead. No longer will you send tributes, in lives or monetary means, to Minos." Marlene tried to give a softer display than the one she had in Crete. Aegeus would do whatever she commanded right now, he didn't need to also fear her entirely.
"Our deepest gratitude to you!" Aegeus cried. "My palace will always be a home to you both! Forever will the Kingdom of Athens make space for the Daughter of Fate and the Son of Dionysus!"
"Really old boy, Sirius and Marlene are fine. You'll get tongue tied if you keep trying to call us that way, plus I don't think Father even knows how many sons he has, so…" Sirius smirked and Aegeus seemed to relax a bit.
"I would be honored," he inclined his head to them. "Please," he gestured towards his palace, "Stay this day with me. I will prepare a feast and wine and we will celebrate your heroic journey!"
Sirius perked up at the word wine and Marlene was about to accept the invitation when she saw Helios touch down on the water.
"There you two are!" He yelled. "Moira said you'll be needing a ride home. She said she'd have Dionysus there when we reach Olympus."
Marlene sighed, "We will have to postpone our stay, Aegeus. Fate has called."
Aegeus looked very nervous, "Of course, of course, our door is always open to you both."
Marlene took Sirius' hand and walked towards the water.
"Helios, I am not wading into the ocean for this," Marlene gave Helios a pointed look.
The god sighed and rolled his eyes, "Only because I have a schedule to keep." Marlene felt herself lifted into the air with Sirius and set gently down on the bench of Helios' chariot.
Marlene sighed as they flew over Athens, "At least we don't have to figure our own way back to Olympus."
"I could have really done with that wine though," Sirius lounged idly on the bench, much as he had when they traveled down to Athens.
"How was mine, by the way?" Marlene leaned into him.
Sirius played with her curls, "Impressive, but it had a bit of a kick to it. Was that intentional?"
Marlene chuckled, "No, but like I said, the fruit doesn't grow far from the vine. Let's just say, never accept a goblet from my mother."
Sirius chuckled, "Noted, any reason why?"
"It knocked Zeus on his rear," Marlene laughed. "He suggested to Mother that she might feel better about her parting of ways with my father if she found someone new. Mother handed him a goblet and said it was by way of thanks for his advice. He coughed so hard he caused a wind storm."
Sirius laughed and pulled her closer. "That's my new favorite Zeus story!"
"Because it involves wine?" Marlene chuckled.
"Because it involves my family making a fool of him," Sirius whispered against her cheek.
Marlene turned to kiss him soundly. She was quite content to kiss him for longer, but the chariot went into a dive and they looked down to see her parents and Dionysus standing near the entrance to Zeus' palace.
"To be continued," Sirius placed one last kiss against her lips before sitting up.
"Welcome home, my beloved daughter," her mother's voice sounded in her foresight as the chariot touched down.
"You lived!" Dionysus flailed his arms around Sirius as Marlene climbed down from the chariot. "I was almost certain you would!"
Marlene turned to her mother and wrapped her arms around her.
"Thank you, for everything," Marlene held tight to her.
"I love you, Marlene. And I'm so proud of you!" Her mother pulled back and smiled. "He's been distraught without you."
Marlene smiled and turned to her father. She flew to his arms and let the tears fall as she held onto him.
"I've been so worried," he choked out.
"Here," Marlene pressed the pouch he'd given her into his hands. "We did it, Sirius and I, we killed the Minotaur."
He tucked the pouch under his cloak. "I'm so glad you're safe." He cupped her face in his hand. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Father," Marlene pulled herself back into him.
"Do you see it?" Her mother's voice sounded.
And then she did, she saw her father's unhappiness at her choice to be the Daughter and Instrument of Fate.
She sighed and pulled back. "Father, I know you want me to become mortal and marry Giannis, but I've chosen differently. I'm going to be Mother's Instrument, and this," she turned to Sirius, "is Sirius, one of the sons of Dionysus. He's asked me to be his wife, and I've accepted. Sirius, this is my father, Vassilis."
Sirius smiled as he came to stand next to her.
Vassilis' shock was apparent on his face, "But, but Marlene, you've suffered so much because of the abilities you inherited from your mother."
Marlene nodded, "I know, but I love Sirius, and he loves me. We are equals already, neither of us needs give up anything to be together. And he makes me happy, Father." Marlene could hear the pleading in her voice - as if that could change the reality she saw.
"I'll do everything in my power to make her happy," Sirius wrapped an arm protectively around her waist. "You have my word that I would give my life for your daughter."
Vassilis shook his head, "What am I to tell Giannis?"
"Leave that to me," Moira stepped forward, "That is my responsibility."
Vassilis huffed, "I'm sorry, I think this is a mistake." He turned and started down towards Dion.
"Father!" Marlene cried, "Please, Father!" He didn't turn back.
"Do you see it?" Her mother asked. But Marlene saw nothing this time.
"No, Mother," Marlene felt hot tears stream down her cheeks.
"Take comfort, my daughter," there was a warmth in her mother's mind that helped soothe the hurt Marlene felt.
"Well, that's quite a downer," Dionysus sounded from behind them. "So sorry he's being stubborn about this. But know that I'm thrilled! Confused, but thrilled!" He wrapped Marlene and Sirius in a hug.
"Dionysus," Moira chuckled, "Why don't you go start making plans for the party?"
"Wonderful idea!" Dionysus cried and summoned a goblet out of thin air.
"Father, where's James," Sirius turned from her.
"James? Oh your little mortal, he's with your sister somewhere, probably at one of our regular spots." Dionysus shrugged but it looked more like he was attempting to keep from jumping in the air by pulling his head into himself. "I'd best be off! So much to do!" Without further ceremony, the god of revelry popped out of sight, leaving Marlene clinging to Sirius' arms as she watched her father walk down to Dion.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Finding Home
Pairing: Terushima x Reader
Prompt: Mythology
Genre: SFW, Fluff, Slight Angst, Greek Mythology AU, Dionysus!Terushima, Human!Reader
Summary: Terushima has never liked winter, the land too barren to produce his prized grapes, the weather too harsh for the merrymaking he’s known for. But maybe, just maybe, a certain mortal can help change his perspective.   
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s SFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this prompt. (Masterlist goes live Friday, March 12th!) 
Terushima has never really belonged here and even after centuries and lifetimes, he doesn’t feel any more a part of Olympus than when he first joined the ranks of the gods and goddesses above as Dionysus, protector of misfits. 
He scoffs at the title. How fitting when he himself is a misfit among the beings of Olympus, the son of a mortal mother, a “human-lover” (a title he’s actually quite fond of despite the disdain and judgement tainting it when spoken by those around him). Ironic when he dares say most of his fellow divine beings have had more than their fair shares of “loving humans”. It’s how he was created himself after all and he scowls at the thought of the handsome brunette who he unfortunately is forced to call father. 
One would think that with all the affairs Zeus, or Shittykawa as he prefers to refer to him as, nickname courtesy of Poseidon, is off and about having, the king of the gods wouldn’t be so stringent and watchful over his kingdom above. But as free with his affection as he is, Oikawa is a stickler for tradition and Terushima sighs as he enters the gates of Olympus, plastering his trademark cocky grin on his face as he greets his family. 
It’s ironic really how Oikawa insists on these family reunions considering how they hardly really consider each other family. But no one dares to disobey and they all force themselves through the polite small talk, extravagant meals, and elegant parties, everything so detailed and beautiful yet cold, much like their organizer, and Terushima skin practically crawls at how different this is from his much more impassioned festivities, never used to how restrained the manners of Olympus are despite how many of these he has attended. 
But it’s not all so terrible and this time he doesn’t fake his wide toothy grin when two beings burst into his quarters late at night. 
He’s not foolish enough to believe Apollo and Ares are the strapping gods they’re portrayed to be, knowing too well just how monstrous and terrifying the two can be, knowing the atrocious acts they’ve committed. But as brothers? As fellow gods? They make Olympus bearable and that’s more than can be said for anyone else. So he sets aside their differences temporarily, humming along to the sound of Apollo’s music, laughingly joking that his talent for songs is the only reason women and goddesses look past the rooster-like mess on top of his head. He drinks goblet after goblet of mead with Ares in an attempt to see who can outdrink the other this time around, not stopping until his vision is so blurred that he can hardly tell if it really is Ares in front of him or a large owl with vaguely human features. 
But as soon as sunlight begins filtering in marking a new day and the end of his forced return, he’s quick to bid farewell, nose diving back down to Earth and immediately feeling more at peace as he lands in a flourishing rice field, slowly making his way to the quaint home just ahead. 
It’s an admittedly strange camaraderie, the friendship between the God of Chaos and a demi-god son of Demeter, but Terushima’s heart swells with fondness when he sees Kita sifting through the grains of his latest harvest, chuckling at the slightly quirked lips on the other’s usually impassive face when he sees the blonde making his way towards him. 
He knows the other Olympus immortals find it strange how he prefers to spend most of his time on Earth, whispering and spreading rumors about the strange god who so easily casts aside the splendor of Olympus for the humble life and home of a farmer, who prefers to idle his days away with humans and a demi-god rather than his own much more powerful and esteemed family up above. And he knows even Kita has his doubts and disagreements with the wild debauchery and havoc he wreaks upon the mortal world, preferring his mother’s more wholesome ways of providing and caring for humans. 
But both of them are tied by their kindness and benevolence towards mankind, frowning upon the hostility, cruelty, and selfishness the other gods and goddesses subject humans to. And Kita never says a word against Terushima, knowing that even if they aren’t methods he understands or condones, Terushima’s rituals and revelries bring joy, provide an escape, take away the suffering of mortals, even if only temporarily.    
Besides, the demi-god is far too busy with helping Demeter prepare for the harvest to really pay much mind to Terushima’s antics, flitting here and there as he helps ensure the earth is fertile, making sure grains and seeds are plentiful, working seamlessly alongside Terushima as the god of wine cheerfully goes about making sure there’s more than an adequate amount of ripe grapes and fruits for wine making and merriment. 
As far as Terushima is concerned, Olympus can keep its cold splendor. Here is where he was meant to be, thriving in the heat and brilliant light of the sun, sighing in content as he pops grape after grape in his mouth, the sweet juices coating his mouth as he watches the humans in amusement as they excitedly crush the small fruits, making the beverage he had shown their ancestors long ago how to create.
And then the harvest is officially upon them and Terushima joyfully cheers as his followers indulge in the delicious nectar of their hard work, wine sloshing from cups as music blares, the earth resounding with raucous ecstatic celebrations and the stomping of feet as mankind wildly dances and jumps around. 
It’s a wild frenzy and Kita slightly winces at the chaos that has overtaken the world, but it’s hard not to look on in affection and amusement as the humans and his dear friend enjoy themselves, finding temporary freedom and escape from the restraints of society. So he lets them be, spending time with his mother as she also enjoys the festivities of her followers (albeit much more demure), glad to see both Terushima and her in high spirits, knowing the hardest part of the year for both of them is just around the corner. 
A practical person might scoff at Demeter’s extreme reaction every time Hades comes to retrieve her daughter, but there’s nothing rational about a mother’s love and the world turns dead and cold as the goddess grieves and mourns the loss of her daughter, even though she knows it’s only temporary. 
Terushima sighs at the cold white snow and ice that blankets the barren grounds, feeling his own vitality drain from him when the majority of the revelries come to an end as the humans prepare for the harsh winter months ahead. He hates the mortal world when it’s like this, finding the cold quiet far too similar to Olympus and he sulks, retreating and staying put inside his shared abode with Kita, impatiently waiting for Persephone to return to her mother so that the world can defrost and resume. 
Kita is patient at first, alternating between checking in on his mother and Terushima, ensuring both great gods of the Earth are alive and well. Although “well” is a relative term and the demi-god sighs at how both their depression and grief permeate throughout the world, adding an icier edge to the already brutal atmosphere. However even his patience has a limit and though he doesn’t dare disrespect his mother, he shoves at least the god of the vine out the door, shooing him towards the nearest town and telling him not to return until he’s in a better mood. 
The blonde listens, albeit reluctantly and with a few muttered grumblings, but it’s a nice distraction, wandering around and masquerading as a human. And although he’s not in the mood to join in, he appreciates how advanced civilizations and technology have become, allowing those brave enough to face the harsh frigid weather to frolic at bars, even if it means being bundled in layers and layers of winter clothing. It isn’t anything near as rambunctious and lively as the harvest season, but he feels his mood lighten as the streets are roused by drunken and rowdy crowds, laughter and cheer filling the cold air. 
Feeling more himself after a few hours of amusedly observing from afar, a steaming mug of mulled wine in his hands, he begins to turn around and make his way back home only to be interrupted as someone crashes into him and instincts have him catching you as you tipsily stumble and giggle in his arms. He can smell the sweet scent of wine rolling off of you in waves and he fights back the urge to laugh as you sloppily smile, clinging onto him for dear life as you try and steady yourself on wobbly legs while you simultaneously thank your hero for saving you. 
Humans really are the most adorable things sometimes.
He’s a bit apprehensive about just leaving you when you’re in such a state, but he relaxes when your friends rush to your aid, profusely apologizing to him as he carefully hands you over to them and he just waves them off, telling them to have fun as he makes to walk away again. But he’s stopped by your hands still holding tight to him. 
“Come party with us!” 
This time he does laugh as one of your friends angrily admonishes you for your behavior and he gently tries to loosen your grip on him, telling you empty promises of “maybe next time”. But he freezes when one of your hands he’s managed to unhook from him softly rests on his cheek and he chokes at the genuine concern in your eyes despite the drunken haze in them. 
“You look so sad...Please stay? Maybe it’ll make you feel better.” 
The words are childish and slurred, yet Terushima is moved by the pure intentions he can sense in the syllables, drawn in by the heart and love he can feel pouring from you. All his life he has cared for others, cared for the world. But when was the last time someone had cared for him? When was the last time he had allowed someone to care for him? 
So in a moment of weakness he allows himself to let go of his responsibilities, his duties, his own walls and rules he had created to maintain a distance from the mortals he oversees in an effort to avoid dragging them into the messes caused by diving beings, to make sure no one else is subjected to what his own mortal mother suffered through because of Oikawa’s selfish desires. 
It’s ironic how little a god known as the liberator allows himself to be free, usually preferring to watch from afar and not partake in the frenzied chaos of his followers. But tonight he joins in, entangling himself among the throngs of bodies moving to the vibrating pulses of echoing music and beats, submitting to the wild energy around him, pretending just for a moment that he’s finally found where he belongs. 
You make it easy for him to believe he’s found a new home, a place he’s accepted, and even amidst the blinding lights and smoky haze, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever met, your liveliness, energy, and humanity far outshining any of the gods or goddesses he knows. There’s nothing reserved or distant about you, no feeling of someone keeping up pretences or a front. You’re just...you and he knows even without the help of liquid courage you’ve generously doused yourself with tonight, that you wouldn’t be all that different. 
Maybe a little less handsy and definitely quieter (he subtly winces when you practically shout in his ear asking if he wants another drink). But the genuine warmth and kindness he can feel radiating from you? Your easy and uninhibited acceptance of him? That’s just who you are and he allows himself to find temporary comfort in this new sense of belonging you make him feel.  
Despite how he’s sworn to never rope a human into the twisted world of immortals, for the first time in his life, he feels the temptation to break the promise he had made to himself all those centuries ago. 
But it’s a pipe dream and as dawn’s light begins to peek through the night sky and clubs and bars close shop, reality comes crashing down on him. He remains steadfast in his beliefs, promising himself that he’ll leave and forget all about you as soon as he’s made sure you’re safely tucked in bed despite the desperate pleas and cries of his heart. And he grits his teeth as he fights to ignore his desires. 
He’s stronger than this. He’s better than this. Above the immoral lust his family is infamous for. Above the preying ways of Oikawa. 
Or so he’d like to believe. 
But he can’t help himself from sitting at your bedside, gazing down at your peaceful face, finding comfort in your deep even breaths as sleep overcomes you, telling himself that he’ll be just another minute, over and over again, until he’s forced to his feet hours later as you begin to rise. And as he makes his escape before you can awaken and see him, he knows that he’ll never be able to fully forget you.
Sometimes Kita is far too observant for his own good and Terushima groans when he’s immediately pinned down by curious knowing eyes as soon as he walks through the front doors. But he’s never been good at keeping his thoughts to himself and he rambles, spilling every little detail (probably too many details) to the demi-god who patiently listens and brews a pot of soothing hot tea that Terushima greedily grabs and indulges in as he recounts the night. 
Kita holds his own cup to his lips, hiding the smile playing on his face as the god talks about you, sharp eyes noting the unusual softness in Terushima’s eyes and quietness of his voice as he speaks about you, describing you so perfectly Kita can almost imagine exactly what you look like from his words alone.
But his smile turns into a thoughtful flat line at the sadness in the usually exuberant voice as the blonde tries to lightly wave it off and convince himself that it’s all in the past now, just another mortal he’s happened to interact with in his long life before breaking off into an awkward silence. 
“Terushima, not all relationships between gods and mortals are doomed and cursed.” 
Kita rolls his eyes as the other begins to squawk and flail his arms as he recounts some of the most tragic relationships in Olympus history to prove him wrong, quickly cutting him off after another languid sip of his hot beverage. 
“So do you think the union between my parents was also a mistake?” 
The demi-god smirks as Terushima squirms in his seat, floundering for words, weakly clarifying that he meant the majority, not all. 
“Exactly. Not all relationships between gods and mortals are destined for failure and we all know you’re certainly not like most gods. So if anyone were to beat those odds, I’d say it would have to be you.” 
Kita Shinsuke does not mince words. He does not care to flatter even the most supreme beings with unwarranted and undeserved pleasantries. He only calmly speaks his truth. So despite how casually the words are thrown, as if the demi-god was just mentioning the weather or how his day was, Terushima gapes at his long-time friend, letting the true weight of their meaning sink in. 
Not like most gods. 
Terushima has been called an outsider by both gods and humans alike his entire life, but for once, the title feels like something to be proud of, to hold his head up high and triumphantly proclaim, and he blinks back the tears threatening to slip from the corner of his eyes as he shakily returns the warm smile on Kita’s face, choking out a laugh between his sniffles at the demi-god’s next words.
“You’re not your father, Terushima. Don’t let Zeus- What does Poseidon call him these days? Ah yes, don’t give Shittykawa the satisfaction of ruining your chance at love and happiness.” 
It’s startling, absurd really, to hear the foul nickname from Kita’s usually polite and mannerly mouth, but it drives home his point that much more and almond eyes glint with steely resolve. 
If Kita notices how Terushima rarely spends the night in their shared home anymore despite how he’d practically hibernated in his room during past winters, he doesn’t say anything.
If he notices how much more energetic and boisterous the god is despite the barren lands and frigid weather that would normally have dampened his spirits, he doesn’t comment on it. 
And if he just happens to accidentally meander around town and see a familiar blonde figure whose hand is interlaced with a mortal woman’s hand, he chalks it up to pure coincidence and certainly not because his curiosity had gotten the better of him. 
Kita Shinsuke is not nosy, even if the pictures he secretly takes of the couple and proudly develops, frames, and gifts to the god of wine during the holidays that year say otherwise.
It’s Terushima’s favorite and only gift he’s ever received during the human holiday season (although that quickly changes after he makes things official with you) and the first thing he hangs up on the walls of your shared bedroom years down the line when you move in together. 
And as he holds you in his arms and fondly smiles at the photos on the wall, reminiscing on the beginning of this joint journey with you, he thinks that winters aren’t so bad after all, affectionately kissing the top of your head as you snuggle and squirm closer to his body heat, slightly jostled by him adjusting and retucking both of you back in your warm and cozy blanket cocoon protecting you from the chilly air.  
He waits for you to settle back into a restful slumber before letting his own eyes drift shut once again, melting into the bedsheets and embrace of a place and person he can finally call home. 
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