#still have work to do on scars obviously but this is a big step to my collab DMs OTL
dragonsongmakhali · 1 month
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shhhh secret arcadion fighter makhali sneak preview since i finally settled on her glam (top secret) (classifed) (screenshot will detonate after viewing)
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Just a cute, fluffy fic from Wayne's pov
"Hey Wayne, how do you know you're in love?" Eddie asks him as they eat dinner that night. Wayne nearly choked on the pasta he was eating but covered himself by gulping down some coffee.
Shit, he needs something a little stronger for this, like when he had the talk with Eddie a few years ago, that was awkward as hell for the both of them.
Fortunately for Wayne's heart, Eddie kept his love life a secret. There were a couple people that weren't serious, but that's as far as Wayne knew. Eddie asking about love, though? This was new.
"I haven't got time for falling in love, Uncle Wayne, I have way too much shit to worry about, and it's a bunch of bullshit anyway", were the words of Eddie just a year ago.
Wayne knew his nephew craved love but at the same time viewed it cynically, so whoever this person was must be special to change his views.
"Why'd you ask boy?" Eddie's cheeks turn pink and he shrugs, gulps down the warm coffee and almost scalds his tongue. "Ahh shit!" his eyes widen when there's a knock on the trailer door, and Wayne gets up to answer it; he knows who it is even before he answers.
You're standing on the step, a D&D book tucked under your arm, smiling at Wayne with just a little bit of shyness this time which was an improvement.
You hurry inside and tell Eddie you'll set the books up in his room.
For six months, you'd been visiting the new trailer (all paid for by the government, so no questions were asked about the old one), and it took a while for you to relax around him; now that you did, it was like your second home and Wayne was used to you being here.
You had been visiting on your own, but sometimes with Harrington and Dustin, Wayne doesn't know what went on during Spring Break, just that Eddie was injured during the earthquake, and you were there for him every step of the way.
His wounds had healed but left scars, and sometimes Eddie woke up screaming after horrendous nightmares, not when you were around, though. When you were around it helped Eddie, helped the both of you work towards healing.
The fact that both of you were obviously falling head over heels in love with each other, is something that Wayne has kept quiet about, waiting until Eddie approached him about it.
Today was the day.
Wayne smiles gruffly. "This about your girl?" he nods to you as you head into Eddie's room and Eddie's cheeks darken even more.
"Yeah, yeah it is. She's amazing, isn't she, Wayne?" he enthuses; I just wanted to ask. How do you know it's love? I mean shit, I uh look at her, and she feels like home, and I don't want to be with anyone else ever; I feel like I can be myself around her, and she'd never judge me; she makes me tongue-tied and my heart races and she's so distracting and I... I'm in love with her" he sighs content then looks up at Wayne panicked.
"Shit, I don't even know if she feels the same?" Wayne sighs, he adores his nephew, but the boy is completely oblivious at times.
"Son, she looks at you like you hung the moon so why don't you quit horsing around and ask her out" Eddie looks like all of his Christmases have come at once.
"You really think so?" He asks hopefully and his eyes light up when Wayne nods. "Maybe I will talk to her then" Wayne then proceeds to watch his nephew practically melt at the sight of you; that was something that so very rarely happened with Eddie, so he was completely smitten.
Here's hoping that he did pluck up the courage to talk to you.
It's late when Wayne comes home from work; the TV is on, so Eddie is still up, and Wayne would bet that you're here too.
Wayne sees the two of you giggling together, holding hands and exchanging kisses, there's a big soppy smile on Eddie's face and he only has eyes for you.
About damn time. Also, Hopper owes him a glass of his best scotch so he will make sure to collect that too.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Based off of the second reblogg made by this wonderful person @percyisawesome
Taking that idea.
So, the Nasty Burger explosion took place, killing everyone Danny loved an shi, then he defeats Dark Danny but Clockwork doesn't reset time so his friends and family still dead dead.
Then he gets captured by the GIW, experimented on and all of that shebang. Then, the GIW makes the decision to try and split him apart, which they succeed in doing because obviously the Fenton boy might be possessed by phantom instead of phantom pretending to be the boy.
So it works, but since ghosts are beings of pure emotions, Danny is just zapped of every human emotion. Nothing but a shell that runs on pure, undeniable logic. Which puts off the GIW, and causes them to hate Phantom even more, because it's obvious that Phantom did something to this poor, poor child who was forced into this very obviously without his input.
Then they just, drop Danny off in Amity Park. All alone, in a far too big and dangerous house with a dead family that he'll never see again. So, what does Danny do? He learns, going through each and every blueprint and file left behind by his parents before his death, even the unfinished blueprints he delves into, completes, even makes his own.
He learns everything dealing with weaponry against ghosts, then starts to learn how to hack into things, almost of par with Tucker but ever a step below him, he learns about plants and their poisons, from non-lethal to extremely deadly.
He learns, and he learns.
Distantly, in the back of his mind that he's tried to push out, is the overwhelming agony being projected to him through the bridge between him and phantom.
The separation of them may have stripped him of his emotions, but not his ability to make ambitions, nor stripped him of motivation.
When the GIW facility fell, it was the easiest thing in his life. They weren't expecting anyone to even know of their location, nor how to hack through their servers and mess with the security system or the power running through the facility. Their unpreparedness was Danny's gain.
The most logical and easiest outcome for the GIW to not be a threat anymore, would be death. So put to death they were, some parts of the facility were contaminated with toxic gas, other parts their own security system against them, or he exterminated them himself when they managed to encounter him.
He had a multitude of weaponry at his disposal hidden away on his body in the form of small trinkets. Ranging from knives, swords, guns, poison, explosives, gauntlets disguised as gloves, etc, etc. All of which, he used to raid the GIW facility and worked exactly to his calculations, letting him calmly walk through the halls and dispatching the stray few that managed to go his way.
He did not care for other ghosts, they were unnecessary in his calculations, whether they managed to escape or not in the oppurtunity he set was up to them. He only came here for one being, his other half.
When he found the cell keeping him contained and opened the door, he would imagine that if he were still capable of feeling, he would be experiencing a large of rage at what he saw. Instead, he cut off the chains keeping his other half fixed to the wall, tore off multiple strips of cloth to wrap around the various wounds on his body- most notable being a vivisection scar, and picked him up to carry outside, and away from the facility.
He already had everything he could've gotten from the database of this facility, but he would most definitely be coming back. The amount of high tech laying around would be a shame if rusted from disuse, especially when it would be impossible to acquire through his own means.
He might even move everything from the Fenton house over here, if only for shorter access to far better equipment.
A few days later, and he does just that. Cleaning up the entire facility- with added help from Phantom- and establishing it as his new base of operations. It's incredibly isolated, well hidden, and has multiple more defenses than just his parent's ghost defenses, defenses that he could use to make this place into a neigh-impenetrable fortress.
Phantom was relatively 'fine' with the move, after being persuaded by Danny. Though he has a high aversion to certain areas, which is understandable, with what he went through.
At the behest of Phantom, the lab coat he frequently wears is fitted more to be a cloak, and to complete the look, a highly advanced gas mask. Phantom said it was 'cool', and, well Phantom was the only one able to put dents in his logic to get his way when he really, really wanted to. Said lab coat was fitted with a high number of smaller- but extensively powerful- ghost shields, while his gas mask acted as a voice changer, an actual gas mask, and a literal laser (That to activate, it's mouth would 'open' and fire).
After Phantom recovered, he still had the ambition to be a hero, even though the threat of ghosts was at an all-time low. Danny would support him, of course, in anyway he wanted, but Danny would not join him.
His goal was to dissolve the Anti-ecto acts, so if that meant he had to drown his hands in the blood of others to achieve it, then so be it. Unfortunately, Phantom wouldn't allow him to harm the innocent, which he would account as collateral damage if it were to happen, so he would have to use different methods than the hostile takeover he used to claim ownership of their new base.
Besides, the Justice league, and the world of heroes, would be a major problem for said hostile takeover. A very true point, told to him by Phantom.
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
i just read the meddle about smut and what if and this is a crazy idea... reader cleaning Luke's wounds pretty please for a friend obviously not me
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a/n: suggestive content ahead!
"sit still," you giggled, rubbing the rest of the ointment across luke's back. he squirmed under your touch, shivering at the cold feeling of the ointment. "luke, seriously, i can't work like this."
"'m sorry, i'm ticklish," he mumbled, staring at you in your mirror. you smiled at him, placing a kiss to his shoulder blade before continuing to tend to the scratches on his back. "don't do that, babe. that's exactly how we got to this dilemma in the first place."
you snorted, shaking your head, "sorry, sorry. s'your fault really, looking at me like that."
"like what?" he asked, a lopsided smirk on his face as he turned his face at an angle to face you.
"stop it," you blushed, shoving his back slightly. "you know exactly what you're doing."
luke laughed, sitting still to let you finish up. after a particularly rough night, luke was left with scratches down his back. he usually didn't mind them, in fact, he adored them, but when he stepped foot in the shower with you this morning, he hissed as the hot water (which you insisted was not that hot) hit his back. which is why you were putting healing ointment on his back now.
in the moment, luke didn't even feel your nails digging into his skin. it wasn't deep either, just raw and sore because they were so fresh. plus, he liked having you take care of him like this, all gentle and soft with him. it was a 180 change from how you were with him last night. he liked having both sides of you, every side of you. it was like he was unlocking new parts of you that had him falling deeper and deeper each time.
"there ya go, mr. rockstar," you teased, putting the cap on the tube. you rolled down his shirt to cover his skin and sat beside him. "big baby."
he rolled his eyes playfully, wrapping an arm around you to pull you into his lap, "you try showering in boiling hot water with scratches down your back and then get back to me."
"the water was the perfect temperature."
"we're not having this argument again, five star," he groaned, dropping his head to your collarbone. he felt your body shake as you laughed at him. his grip on you tightened as he buried his head deeper into your neck, "hope this shit heals soon so you can give me new ones."
"luke," you whined, blushing as you felt his smile against your skin, "you're ridiculous, you know that? you were just complaining about how much it hurts like ten seconds ago. we're not having sex again until you're fine."
"is that ointment magic cream or something 'cause i feel invincible right now," he said nonchalantly, "would ya look at that? i'm healed."
you smacked his chest, making him chuckle. he looked up at you, goofily grinning as you mindlessly played with his curls. you should be embarrassed that you got too caught up in the moment last night and left him with not-so-gentle reminders of how good he made you feel, but it didn't seem like luke cared.
you two sat there silently, staring into each other's eyes. it was intimate like you were both trying to commit this moment to memory. it was silent in your room, the sounds of campers outside muffled by your shut window. you stroked your thumb across his scar, watching as luke's eyes fluttered shut at your feather-light touch. when he opened his eyes again, his pupils were dilated as he stared at you.
"what?" you asked, biting your bottom lip as he rubbed circles on your hips.
luke shook his head, his eyes softening as you spoke, "nothing."
"hmm," you hummed, leaning down to press your lips against his. the kiss was sweet and short, but it still made luke's heart beat wildly in his chest. "nothing, he says. suuuree."
"i really like you," luke confessed, suddenly feeling shy. he didn't know if his words did his feelings justice, but that was the best he could do right now. his mind was spinning every time you stared at him like this. you shivered as he laid his palm flat against your waist. "like really like you."
your mouth felt dry. it was like all the air was knocked out of your lungs. you kissed him again, "good, 'cause i really like you too."
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fishsticksloser · 11 months
Since we have sfw mating season turtle's, what about a nsfw one?
(Feel free to ignore if your uncomfortable or your too busy to do it)
Mating Season Pt2
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Future RotTMNT x gn!reader
Warnings: smut ish, fluff, feral turtles, talk about rough sex, talk about biting/marking, wounds mentioned
A/N: I'm not gonna write small little drabbles, but I will go more in depth
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He still had precautions
But you insisted on helping him
Who was he to say no?
He went through everything his species does during mating season
He explains that you will have to be under water for an extended period of time
That he can bite and scratch
Donnie really really wants to make sure you're okay with everything that might happen
This is a huge step in your relationship
It doesn't matter how long you've been together, Donnie would never ask you to be with him during this time
You can tell it's starting because he gets more affectionate
Normally kissing your neck more
He talks about the way you smell
But when the time comes, you're there with him
He made sure there were things for you to do, things for your safety
Like oxygen for you when you're underwater
He made a really big nest for you
When you see it, he grins like a little kid
He made it for you after all
If you don't show that you like it, he'll tear it apart and restart
Donnie bites a lot
He does accidently scratch you a bit, but that was just because he was trying to hold on
He's also fiercely protective
He growls and snaps at literally anything
When he sleeps, he's wrapped around you, not allowing you to leave
You're his
When mating season is over Donnie is affectionate
He feels so bad for biting and scratching you
Being rougher than normal
He'll try to convince you not to join him again
Obviously there were still precautions
Can't have the boss going feral now can we?
Leo tried not to show when it's coming on, opting to remove you from the situation completely
But it doesn't work, he needs you too bad
Leo gets overly touchy
He taps your butt, your hips, your chest, your neck, your face
He whispers in your ears about how good you look, how you smell, how soft your skin is
The few nights before his rut actually starts, he's goes at it with everything he has
He mumbles about how pretty you are under/on top of him
But he keeps it passionate, not rough
When his rut actually starts it's a different story
He's loud
Moaning, whimpering, and... yes, talking
Leo is rough, but tries to make it pleasurable for you too
He's still a talker even when not in the middle of coitus
The tapping becomes a bit harder, more consistent
Mostly tapping your face, hips, and butt
He still whispers in your ears, but its more about what he wants to do to you, how pretty you look while he takes you
Leo bites a little, he still has some control of himself
If he feels like he's going to bite, he'll find something else to bite
The nest he builds is relatively small, but so comfy since he's allowed to have pillows and bulky blankets
When it's over, you better believe this man is worshipping your body
He'll cover any bite or scratch in kisses, making sure you feel loved beyond measure
Since he's gotten older, it's gotten a bit worse
He's still pretty normal, but he can get territorial
Someone touches you (even by accident) or is talking to you?
You might wanna take him back to your room
He gets hot, literally since his ninpo is fire based
Mikey acts pretty normal until something happens to you (like stated above)
It's best if people stay away from you, especially his brothers
Leo has had a scar on his right arm (cause that's his prosthetic now) from Mikey attacking him after he helped you with something
Why specifically his brothers?
Because they're turtles too and they're too much like him so what if they try to steal you
That's Donnie's theory at least
The nest he builds is comfy and warm
He really likes having you in it all the time so it stays warm
He'll crawl in and snuggle with you, letting our tiny chuffs
He's not a biter at all during rut
Mikey does scratch a little, but its more when he's trying to hold on
He still has a lot of control, so he tends to be very loving and passionate
But on his bad days, he's slightly worse than Leo
He defiantly still talks, overall he's almost completely normal except for the territorial and protective aspect
Afterwards, he almost cries
No... He does cry over what he's done to you
He really needs reassurance that you're okay
Mikey will give you lots of cuddles and kisses a little while after they heal
He gets a bit like this
He also gets worse as he grows
Whereas when he was younger, he was pretty chill
Raph gets more territorial
People steer clear of both of you because of how big and scary Raph is
He tends to become a bit mindless, focusing on only you
He sniffs and nuzzles you, chuffing loudly
If anyone so much as looks at you, he growls and pulls you into him
His next is huge to fit his large body
When you see it, he pulls you into the nest, wanting to make sure you like it
It's not as bulky and soft as Leo or Mikey's but not as thin as Donnie's
He is a chaser, he will run after you
It's part of his species mating rituals
Though he does go slower than necessary due to how fast he is
Raph is a biter
The first few times, he bit you hard leaving a scar
Now he tries to get old tires, something else so he doesn't hurt you
He also scratches, trying to keep you close
When it's over, Raph will cry and apologize while he takes care of your wounds
He feels so bad
Like Donnie, he will also try to convince you not to join him again
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so-many-fandoms-here · 3 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
• Warnings: describing birthing (not super detailed)
-Levi’s Pov-
I was already up and preparing breakfast when (Y/n) stepped into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes tired and yawning loudly. „Good morning Levi“, she mumbled and sat down at the table.
I supported myself on the kitchen sideboards, limped over to my pregnant wife and placed a kiss on her head. „Good morning you two.“
She hummed with closed eyes and rubbed her big belly. „Baby kicks just like you.“ I couldn’t help but chuckle. „It’s my baby after all.“ I placed my hand that wasn’t supporting my weight softly on her belly.
„Out of all qualities it could have gotten from you I really hoped it wouldn’t be your kicks“, she sighs dramatically and leans further back in the chair. I grabbed one of the other chairs that stood around the table and sat down in front of (Y/n) who had her eyes closed again, obviously exhausted from the long night.
„You’re not even born yet and already causing mommy sleepless nights?“ I spoke as I leaned further down until my face was in front of her belly. „Believe me, she’s way more pleasant when she slept well.“
For that I’ve earned a light slap on the head, causing another chuckle to leave my lips. Then I leaned up again and placed a kiss on my wife’s lips.
The amount of love I felt for this little rascal that wasn’t even born yet was overwhelming and sometimes left me scared.
„What if they don’t like me?“, I mumbled one of my many concerns against (Y/n)s soft lips. „Don’t be stupid“, she responded. „Our child is going to love you.“ And then placed another reassuring kiss on my lips.
But I wasn’t convinced. „I never had a father, I don’t even know how that works.“ (Y/n) wanted to say something but I just continued. „What if they’re scared of my scars? What if I can’t show my love enough? What if“ (Y/n) shut me up with a loud Shhhh and placed her hands on my cheeks. „Our baby is going to love you“, she repeated, not leaving any room for complaints.
„It’s time we talk about a potential godfather or godmother, don’t you think?“, she switched the topic while she stood up and grabbed herself a cup to pour some tea in it. I responded with a nod and said: „I nominate Armin.“
I could basically hear how her (e/c) eyes rolled. „It’s not a voting Levi“, she answered with a chuckle. „I know. I’m just messing with you“, I responded with a slight smirk. „Still Armin.“
(Y/n) nodded in agreement, her face decorated with the biggest, warmest smile that she always had when we planned anything related to the baby. „I thought about him too. He is so gentle and responsible. I’m pretty sure he will be so happy.“
„He’s least likely to drop the baby.“
The noise that came from my wife was made from the cup which she placed loudly on the cupboard again. „Levi!“
„I’m just saying what we both were thinking. They’re all just big ass kids, no way I’m leaving a fragile little human in their sweaty meathooks.“ I didn’t see the towel coming that flew in my direction and landed right on my face. While I pouted, acting like I was pissed, (Y/n) knew I was messing with her again and started to laugh so loud and long that I almost thought she would choke on her own voice.
Even though we planned everything thoroughly, the day the baby came still felt somehow chaotic. (Y/n) was a mess, I was a mess, everything was a mess.
It was morning when the water broke. I was reading the newspaper and watched the people through the window going to work, taking a walk, whatever normal people do, when suddenly (Y/n) started to whine. It was like a howl, painful and scared. My head turned and I saw her supporting herself on the doorframe to our bathroom in which she went seconds before.
I stood up and got to her as fast as I could, not paying attention to my crutch leaning against the table. It would only get in my way (like always).
„(Y/n)!“, I yelled, clueless what I could do instead. When I was beside her I could see the puddle on the floor. I hoped my fight or flight response would activate itself, like it did on the battlefield, but it didn’t. Instead I stood there with a horrified expression and looked at her. After a few seconds of brain-loss I caught myself again and wrapped my arms around her waist, which was kind of useless when I look back at it. „Come on, let’s get you in the bedroom.“
I had to let go of her immediately since I was no help for her with my broken leg, which I despised even more in this moment, and walked slowly behind her through the hallway into our bedroom.
The thick bedsheets that our midwife gave us where placed next to the bed, waiting for their time. I quickly spread them on the mattress on which (Y/n) sat down right after.
„Breath“, I reminded her (more myself to be honest) and took her hands in mine. For a second the world went quiet.
It’s happening. I am going to be a father very soon.
I quickly got rid of my sentimental thought and limped to the window, which I opened quickly and started to scan the streets, hoping I would see one of the brats.
„Oi!“ I yelled and immediately Armins head popped out of nowhere.
„Yes sir?“ I saw how his hand twitched, still tempted to salute. I‘m starting to believe he will never get used to not saluting.
„Get the nurse!“ I yell and a mix of horror and happiness appears on Armins face. „It’s time?“, he asks to which I nod. „Obviously!“ I yell even louder and watch him with an expecting look.
He took way too long for my liking to find out of his shock, but eventually he started to run to get the nurse while yelling „The baby‘s coming! The baby’s coming!“
I turned back around to face (Y/n) and watched how she shifts in bed to lie on her back. I walked up to her and sat next to her on the mattress.
„She‘ll be here any moment“, I reassured her while taking her hand in mine and waiting for the sound of the front door opening. After what felt like hours, but were probably not even minutes, the door swung open and our midwife, happy as ever, stepped inside the room.
„Well look at that!“, she calls out. „Looks like baby’s ready to see the world her parents made.“
She often told us how honored she was to work with us and she often tended to exaggerate a bit.
She made her way around the bed and asked (Y/N) to help her take off her underwear. She handed me the wet panty, which I quickly discarded on the floor, no way would I crawl away from my wife to tidy up right now.
The nightgown was pushed up over (Y/N)s thighs while the midwife took a look between her legs. „Yep, baby is in a hurry. I can already see the head.“
(Y/N) squeezed my hand tighter. „I’m scared“, she mumbled. I let go of her hand so I could wrap my arm around her. „Me too“, I whispered when she lied in my arms, grabbing my other hand.
„You ready to push momma?“, the nurse asked to which (Y/N) laughed a forced laugh. „I don’t have that much of a choice now, do I?“
A few hours of screaming and crying passed until a different cry cut through the air.
A light, but strong scream.
„There she is“, the nurse announced and took a towel in which she wrapped our child after cutting the umbilical cord. „A beautiful little girl.“
(Y/N) stretched out her arms, silently demanding the woman to give her the tiny being. Once she held our daughter in her arms she fell exhausted against my chest again.
Too stunned to speak I looked at the little human in her arms, looking just as exhausted as her mother.
(Y/N)s struggles weren’t over yet, since the placenta had to come out too, but after that was managed, the nurse gave us some time to ourselves while she would prepare some tea and something to eat.
Thankful for both, the peace and the fact that she would make something for us I nodded and watched how she closed the door behind her.
„She’s beautiful“, (Y/N) whispered. „Yeah“, I answered. „Just like her mother.“
I earned a tired smile from my wife and felt how she rested her head against my shoulder. „Do you want to hold her?“, she asked after a while.
„Of course!“ I said way too excited but got hesitant right after my statement. „But what if I do something wrong?“
„You won’t“, (Y/N) reassured me. „Take off you shirt.“ She giggled at my confused look. „Skin to skin“, she simply said and I remembered what the nurse told us. It’ll help bonding.
So I quickly got rid of my T-Shirt and then took my daughter as gently as possible into my hands. Her head was supported by my biceps and her little hand reached out and touched my chest lightly.
In awe I studied her face. The tiny eyes, the even tinier nose, her sweet cheeks and her lips that I just knew would carry the most warming smile the world would ever see.
(Y/N)s hand sneaked on our daughters stomach, not ready to give up every last bit of skin contact.
Suddenly my eyes filled with tears and my heart felt like it was about to burst from this immense and intense love I felt when I looked at my baby.
„If this is what the war was for“, I whispered with a shaky voice. „Then I would do it all again.“ The tears that at first just lingered in my eyes now streamed down my face. „Every last bit of it. I would do it all again for her.“
I glanced at (Y/N) and saw how she nodded, knowing exactly what I meant and knowing she would do the same.
„You still like the name Mary?“ I asked her to which I earned another nod. „Yes. But to be honest, she looks more like a Mary Isabel, don’t you think?“
My already endless stream of tears just got worse. Mary Isabel. (Y/N)s tears fell on my shoulder while we stood silent in agreement.
„Mary Isabel Ackerman“, I mumble after a while, my chest filled with love and pride. „My daughter.“
And suddenly I knew what peace felt like.
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chuuyaswifeandhoe · 6 months
You shouldn't trust your shadow
Pairing: Chuuya x femreader
Warnings: angst, swearing, mention of death
Not proof read
Third part of the series: I Not today; II If only
Both voices spoke at the same time. You sighed but didn't say anything else, waiting for Mori to decide what was going to happen next. Chuuya on the other hand was fuming. He didn't want to have a conjoined mission with you. No, actually scratch that, he didn't want to have you here, in this room, in this life. Well, you certainly did not expect him to be excited about the change of events, but your plan was working. Mori putting you two together was just the cherry on top and made you almost happy. Obviously, you weren't going to disobey an order from your direct boss. 
You came home from the mission two days ago, had two days off and you were called in an urgent meeting. Opening the door of Mori's office your eyes met the back of your ex-lover. For a few seconds, a wave of emotions hit you, questioning if it was a good idea to be there, eyes widening. But you put your icy mask back on “You called, Boss?”. 
Chuuya was annoyed at the fact that Mori wanted him to be paired with a new recruit. It didn't matter how good she was and what an outstanding evolution this girl had. He couldn't find any information about you, it was like you vanished, so his mind was worrying just about this problem. Dazai only knew that you visited the apartment you both lived in at every six-month mark of the break up then disappeared without a trace. But he didn't expect to hear your voice here. No, it couldn't be, it was just a coincidence, it was just a similar one. His heart clenched in his chest and suddenly it was hard to breathe. He slowly glanced over his shoulder to see the person who spoke, praying all existing Gods that his mind played a trick on him and just mistook your voice. And then he saw you. For the first time in a long time, he saw his beloved and his heart shattered all over again like the day he had to break up with you. Big blue eyes scanned over your features, taking in the scars over your legs, the deathly stare you were carrying, the emotionless voice. Even though he was sure Y/N was in front of him, it was like he did not recognize you. Where was the light in your eyes, your kind smile, and just that warmth you had in yourself? 
“Shadow, you'll be paired with executive Nakahara for the following missions. Do you have any complaints?’’
‘’ No, boss.’’ your voice was empty, with no emotions, no cracking, you almost surprised yourself.
‘’Wait a minute boss, this…’’ It was the first time the executive’s voice cracked and he lost his composure. He did not want to do this. Have a mission with you? No, this must be a nightmare, you couldn’t be in the mafia, your place was not there!
‘’Yes, Chuuya-kun? Do you have any concerns?’’
‘’You said she was a new joiner boss, I don’t want to babysit during the missions. I don’t think she’s trained enough to have missions with me or any other executive for that matter.’’
‘’Oh, is that so? I must admit, she is indeed a new joiner compared to any other assets of the mafia, but you have near you one of our finest assassins Chuuya-kun’’.
You saw how his eyes widened in shock, a smile almost appearing on your lips. You hoped it hurt him to his core. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
‘’Chuuya-kun, I see that you still have some doubts about it. Why don’t you see how the next mission goes, then, if you are not satisfied with Shadow’s abilities, I’ll not pressure you two to work together.’’
Chuuya groaned in exasperation but then just accepted his fate. There was no point in arguing with Mori and maybe making the situation even worse than it already is.
‘‘Fine, Boss.’’
‘’You’ll receive the file for your next mission later this day. Don’t disappoint me’’.
You just bowed your head and turned on your heels, getting out of the office. You heard Chuuya’s steps right behind you, but you were set on getting away from him as soon as possible. He followed you for a while, not wanting to approach you so close to Mori’s office, so when he pulled you back by the left shoulder, your reflexes kicked in and your right hand reached for the dagger you were keeping inside your coat and put it next to his throat, now fully facing him. His eyes were big, he did not expect such a reaction, for sure.
You squinted your eyes at him and pushed the blade into his skin.
‘’My name is Shadow and you’ll address me as such. Y/N is dead.’’  You saw his expression change from angry to surprised, then sorrowful. He was conflicted, you could see the hurt in his eyes, how the joy of finding you was transforming into regret, in sadness. Ah, you had him exactly where you wanted. But it was not enough. You would destroy him the way he did to you. Break every fiber of his being, until life is no longer an option. 
‘’ I’m sorry…’’ These were the only words that left his lips. His voice cracked like he wanted to tell you so many things but he couldn’t. You just looked at him with a blank expression, making him so desperate for answers. He breath deeply and continued ‘’Why… why the mafia?’’
‘’An eye for an eye, a broken soul to break another. Your actions have consequences Nakahara-san. That’s why.’’ you kept your voice cold, trying so hard to mask the anger and the way you just wanted to scream at him for what he did. For how he humiliated you, how he broke you.
‘’I’m sorry, I was a fool. That’s not what I wanted, I just wanted you to move on. I did not know if I would come alive from that mission and you being associated with me would’ve just made you a target.’’ The only thing you were hearing were cheap excuses.
‘’Next time you try to touch me without my consent Nakahara-san, the dagger will not stop just to bruise your neck, understood?’’ You slowly retracted your arm and placed the dagger back in his spot. You did not have anything else to tell him. You already made a choice and his apologies will not change your mind. ‘’We’re colleagues from now on, I’ll do my part of the job, you do yours, executive Nakahara. Don’t get in my business and I’ll not get into yours. And don’t get in my way, I have no mercy towards anyone for that matter. I'm not and will not be in the light anymore. I chose for myself to step in the dark, to understand your motives, but the only thing I got is that you were a coward. People are not born with the fear of the dark but they learn to fear it. Don't trust the night, don't trust the dark, and mostly, you shouldn’t trust your shadow Nakahara-san’’
‘’So you expect me to just get used to this? To you being one of the most skilled assassins? And how the hell did that even happen? You are not able to kill!’’ Chuuya’s voice was getting louder, he wanted answers. No, he wanted redemption for both him and you. You were not a cold killer in his eyes. You were his ray of sunshine, everyone's ray of sunshine. You had bo place roaming in the shadows. He wanted to delete your smug smirk when you were saying your new name. You did not belong in the dark, lurking in the shadows of evil.
‘’ Everyone can kill with the right motivation, Chu.’’ You saw his expression change again at the use of his old nickname. But being in the same phrase as the word kill made his stomach revolve. ‘’ I expect you not to trust me or my words and I expect you to act professional. Whatever assumption you have about me is based on an old version of myself who was killed one year and a half ago in our apartment.‘’
‘’Y/N you can’t be serious. I can’t, this is madness. You’re not… you were not capable of murder. You were supposed to stay away from this blood-coded life’’ He was in denial and he was bargaining for his sanity.  ‘’You should be happy and involved in whatever activity but not in the Mafia.’’
You stayed silent for some seconds. Then, before turning around and walking away from him you left him one last message.
‘’You should learn to fear your Shadow, Nakahara-san’’
Chuuya remained petrified on the spot. How could all this happen? He pondered your last words and it only made it worse. Your message was loud and clear, going on repeat in his head, like the last thought before an imminent death: ‘’You should learn to fear me’’. 
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zyonsay · 1 year
Monarch Butterflies
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You're a rook that Ghost grows fond of
Reader: Male
Warnings: Smoking/Vaping, Scars? (Not sh)
Now playing: Trash Magic by Lana del rey (unreleased song)
AN: Its 1:50 am here and the fic gets shittier the more you read but im more pleased with this one than i was with the old one. Also i renamed this one! I might rewrite this again in the future... Have fun pookies! [:
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The deafening noise of the helicopter blades overrode every other sound at the base. The hair of the young man descending from the Helicopter stairs was swirling in the stirred-up air, making it hard for him to see anything at all. The pilot chuckled at the rookies obviously intimidated posture. “Go on, make yourself at home!”, he yelled. The youngster felt a bit more confident now, even if it was only a tiny bit.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and began walking towards the entrance, since you were told you’d be greeted there. You were meant to be at this place, but your low self esteem made you feel as small as a mouse. But you did graduate at the top of your military training, so you packed quite a punch. Other people would describe you as ambitious but sweet, which some dickheads saw as an invitation to pick on you.
“Soldier, Welcome!”, a man with a quirky fisherman’s hat greeted you. You offered him a warm smile, inhaling deeply before you spoke. “I’m assuming you’re Captain Price?” The air smelled fresh and was slightly cool, running a chill down your spine.  The bearded man grinned at you, “Yes, indeed. And you are L/N F/N?” You saluted hastily, “Yes sir!” His grin widened a tiny bit. “At ease soldier, let me introduce you to my boys.”, stepped to the side, revealing a group of soldiers, all of them looking very unique.
“Hi, I’m Kyle but you can call me Gaz!”, the young man with an incredibly beautiful face smiled at you. You offered him a small nod while you were wondering what the hell his skincare routine was. “Soap MacTavish! Lookin’ fahrward to working with ye!”, his thick Scottish accent very apparent. He held his hand to you, giving you a hearty handshake. You eyed the next man carefully, examining his clothed face, which only revealed his dark brown eyes to you.  “Ghost.”, his words felt like a cold hand crawling up your back, gripping your soul and ripping it right out of you. Your knees felt weak, and your posture shrank ever so slightly.
The rest of the team has introduced itself to you, each and every individual letting their character shine through. But that clamming, cold feeling still hasn’t left you. “So, rook. You can’t just fuck around and find you, so I’ll assign you a mentor. We don’t want to waste your potential, now do we?”, he paused quickly, looking at you intently, smiling. “…And maybe that bastard will learn something too.” He then directed his smile towards Ghost, causing him to roll his eyes at his Captain. “Lieutenant, would you please show our rook around?” Ghost only responded with a sigh and began walking away, not waiting for you to catch up. You quickly scurried after him, not before quickly saying goodbye to the others.
Ghosts’ steps were big, your smaller form was struggling to keep up, but you’d never admit that out loud. “Here are the barracks.”, he curtly nodded towards a big entrance, numbered with some ungodly long cipher. He also showed you the multiple gyms that the base offered, peeking your head in to check out all of the machines available. The washrooms were pretty close by, allowing you to quickly use the toilet, since you didn’t get the chance earlier.
Your mentor has proven himself extremely important to you, even if he was a bit gruff sometimes. “AIM STRAIGHT YOU ASSHOLE” or “GODDAMN IT, ROOK. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED” could often be heard over the radio during your missions. But the more time passed, the closer you two got.
“You want one?” Simon offered you a cigarette as you two were standing outside of the base, a cool gust of wind passing through. You shook your head, thinking it might just be impossible to even light one with this wind. “Nah, got my vape.”, your voice was barely above a whisper. Your Lieutenant shrugged indifferently, picking his lighter out of the pockets of his jeans. He’d never tell you that, but he cared deeply about you. To him you were like a younger brother and he’s willing to defend you in any situation.
This day came way too fast, ripping you out of the daily routine you’ve been following for over a year now. A heavy, awkward silence fell over the base. The one-four-one knew what would happen, today you’d be joining the Forze speciali italiane (Italian special forces) and would be permanently deployed there, meaning you won’t be part of the 141 anymore. Most of the guys have already said their goodbyes, some of them had a pained expression on their face, others (Soap lol) were bawling their eyes out. But someone has been avoiding you all day. Simon. You urgently wanted to talk to him, knowing it would eat you up from the inside for eternity if you didnt.
You hesitantly knocked on Simon’s door, waiting a bit too long for a response. A muffled “Come in” could be made out over the steps of some soldiers down the hall. You entered the room, carefully closing the door. Your friend was sitting at his desk, writing something on a piece of paper. You sat on his bed, like you’ve done many times before. You two were silent for a while, both not sure what to say. Then you slowly began. “So… how are you?” Simon turned around in his chair and looked at you intently. “Shut the fuck up.” Just a few seconds later and you were pulled into a tight hug. This was all that it took to make you cry like a little child, sobbing in your friends’ arms. You were surprised to hear Simon sniffling too, was he crying? As you two parted, you saw that he was indeed crying as his eyes were red and his blond eyelashes stuck together because of the tears.
You looked at your shiny wristwatch, standing up again. “I really gotta go. I’ll miss you Si.” You offered him a warm smile.
And with that you were gone.
The smell of fresh cut trees adorned the air, leaving you content. Your hair was dancing in the wind, looking a lot like the flames of a hungry fire. For the past five years you’ve been part of the Italian special forces, being an important asset. You’ve worked your way up the ladder and could now proudly call yourself a Lieutenant.  In the past years you have collected a lot of experience but not all of it good.
“We’re here L,t.”, the pilot pulled you out of your thoughts. As soon as the helicopter had landed, you jumped out and moved towards the all too familiar entrance.
“Rook! Or rather Lieutenant!”, Price greeted you warmly, patting you on the shoulder in a dad-like manner. You laughed, chit chatting with him as you continued walking. You met Gaz, Soap and Roach, making idle small talk with them, when Simon appeared out of thin air, as usual. He stared at you, not believing his eyes. “Y/N…?”, he whispered hesitantly. You walked up to him, happy to see your friend again. Tears were welling in your eyes, you thought you might never see him again. Simon hugged you with his strong arms, gripping you tightly, scared that you might just be a phantom of his imagination. You looked different, more mature, but also like you’ve seen some shit. You were still his friend from back then, but there was a hint of seriousness in your aura. Maybe it was also the gigantic scar across your whole face, indicating a serious injury, as it barely missed your eye. You guys definitely had a lot to catch up on.
"I missed you, idiot."
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@steddie-week Day 3 - mutual pining
i'm challenging myself to keep each of these at 660 words; see day one for more of an explanation!
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Eddie's campaign notes:
Broad-chested paladin named steve stephano stevas with immaculate golden skin and chestnut hair, oath of the crown watchers, who decides to come along when he finds out the party is heading to
young rogue meets the party and wants to tag along but their overprotective older brother stolas (stop with the st names!!) insists on coming along in order for the rogue to join
jeeves carrington, eventual big bad who butles for the party while they're at the
Asshole King prince stefan havisham (great job getting away from an st name, idiot) who wants to join the party on their quest and get out of the palace for a while
He’s part of the kingdom of the sun so he takes his family’s heirloom, the Sun Blade along with him (he's trained as a knight and is already proficient in long swords) ((1d8 +2 bonus to attack and damage, radiant not slashing undead = + extra 1d8 rad. damage.))
He butts heads with all of them at first but learned a lot from the party and becomes actually a good dude)
The prince ends up falling for a tiefling bard they meet in passing on the road
Prince would’ve been an asshole to the tiefling at first, but when the bard saves him from a very obvious trap, he starts to back off “Watch where you’re stepping, sunshine.”, “Why do you call me that?”, Edmund (needs to be something different or they'll catch on!!!), who’s fallen head over tail for the prince already: “Because i’m a creature of the night and hate the sun, obviously”
him and Stefan butt heads the whole time he's along for the journey but when the bard is gravely injured it’s revealed how much he cares for the prince. The prince too has fallen for the bard and rides off with him to the nearest village to a healer
The prince and bard get married and live happily ever after
ugh, gross. too much, eddie
Steve's (L to R, top to bottom):
May 25th
It’s been a couple months since spring break and Eddie and Max are finally out of the hospital. We got lucky, I think, our plan working out and all, but seeing them both there really sucked.
Max’ll get her cast off eventually, and Eddie's “heroics” cost him a pound of flesh but they’re alive and so is Hopper.
Now we just gotta get Eddie's name cleared.
July 18th
I think there’s something wrong with me.
The assholes were over again today and that meant Eddie was too. Shirtless... In the pool.. Wet.. tattooed…
You’d think that seeing his scars would make me sick, make me think of the blood, the crying, that goddamn place.. But there was a whole different kind of swirling in my gut about it
Ew! Gross!
Robin, stay out of my journal
Oct 11th
Ok. yep. I definitely want to kiss him.
I want to kiss Eddie Munson on that stupid pretty face of his.
Robs and I went to indy and found this bookstore heading back to the car from that cafe we like and it was a gay store. it had books and pamflit pampflet brosures booklet things about gay stuff and the cashier was super nice.. we spent hours there. 
I’m bisexual.
Nov 5th
Ok, this isn’t fair.
Every single thought in my brain recently is about him. How would he kiss me? Would I make the first move or would he? What would it feel like if it was his hand instead of mine? Would his rings hurt? Nope. they’d feel amazing.
I want to hug him, i want to hold his hand, i want to fuckin marry him..
Steve Munson Theodore Harrington? ❤ (<- can you believe that’s actually his first name?? I couldn't believe it when Wayne told me).
Wait. You can combine names when you get married (no, I haven’t been researching anything, shut up) So Harringson? Munington?
We’ll have a fall wedding.
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it was still 660 words on wordcounter.net too 😌
on AO3 here!
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lynnimini · 1 month
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₊⊹ 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘵2₊⊹
Description: angst with a happy (?) ending ⋆ fluff ⋆ oneshot
In which y/n and taesan receive closure about life, death, and a little bit of love.
Pairings: reincarnated!leehan x gn!reader
Words: 938
Warnings: heavily based off of the manga "when sato-kun died" ⋆ mentions of scars
it’s been about 10 years since leehan disappeared for good. you still see him in your dreams quite often. after all, you grew to love and care for him so so much.
you were going back to your hometown for a work trip, and your mom was urging you to come visit while you were there, to which you reassured her that you will.
you got off the bus and saw an elementary school boy sitting on the bus stop all by himself, which was odd because 1. he was really young to be without his family, and 2. there were no more buses for the day.
“hey, you know there isn’t gonna be another bus today right?”
the kid looked obviously startled so you quickly apologized and asked “where are your parents? it’s gonna get dark pretty soon”.
“i think we got separated”
the kid said calmly, as if it was no big deal at all.
“that’s not good! there’s a police station right here. i’ll take you so they can help you find your parents, okay?”
you extended your hand out to the boy, who took it gently. you couldn’t see the expression on his face because of his hat, but you took him taking your hand as a fairly good sign.
“hello? is anyone here?”
you called out as you pushed open the doors to the police station.
“yeah? oh it’s you”
taesan’s voice called out as he turned the corner. taesan had become the town’s cop after high school. you weren’t surprised, he fit the role really well.
“this kid got separated from his parents”
you said as you gently nudged the kid in front of you. he timidly stepped forward underneath the intense stare taesan was giving him.
“stop staring at him, he’s getting scared”
you scolded taesan, to which he looked taken aback.
“i didn’t mean to. he just looks really familiar”
he said. a gust of wind blew into the station just as someone walked in, blowing the kid’s hat off his head. the moment you saw his face, you knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
the kid suddenly took off outside the police station, to which you immediately followed. if you didn’t, you might have never seen him again.
taesan got caught up with some coworkers asking him for favors, to which he declined and started chasing after the two of you.
you thought you were dreaming. it just wasn’t possible. leehan disappeared years ago, so why is it that you’re chasing so hard after the impossible?
you tripped and fell. by that point, you were so tired you didn’t know if you’d ever catch up. that was until the boy stood in front of you, who was kneeling on the floor. he knelt down next to you and gave you a perfect view of his face for the first time.
you asked, voice barely above a whisper. the boy had flushed cheeks and gentle eyes, extending his hand out to you.
he said as you took his hand, pulling him into a hug rather than standing up.
it felt like a dream. had it not been from the contrasting warmth radiating from the previously cold boy and the pain in your ankle, you would have truly believed it was a dream.
taesan, who was behind you, got a clear view of the boy’s face which was resting on your shoulder while you hugged him tight.
the boy called out, mouthing ‘help me!’. taesan just smirked and let you have this moment. you’d been in so much pain for so long after leehan disappeared, he knew you needed this. and leehan, no matter what he said, looked like he was enjoying your hug.
when you let go, the boy told you and taesan the truth.
“honestly, i’m not leehan from back then, but i do have lots of memories from when i was leehan. it’s hard to believe, but do you believe me?”
leehan confessed and looked up at you two nervously. you and taesan looked at each other. he was the spitting image of leehan and he knew who leehan was back then without you two mentioning him. it was definitely leehan reincarnated.
“we believe you”
you finally said, and he smiled.
“thank you. i’m happy i get to talk to you two again, even if i am little and not the leehan you knew before”
leehan said sheepishly. as if he had been holding it back for years, taesan let out streams of tears and knelt down to the boy’s level.
“you can’t say things like this. don’t die”
taesan wailed while you and leehan looked on in shock. you let them have their moment this time before it was time to head back to the police station. he was still a missing boy after all.
“it’s my first time being a lost kid”
leehan said cheerfully. he seemed a lot brighter now, being full of smiles like he was when he was alive. taesan gave him a light smack on the head and just told him to fill out the forms.
you looked at his arm and saw a scar on it.
“leehan, that scar on your arm..”
you trailed off as you remembered the way leehan had faintly smiled at you 10 years ago, sewing his arm back on. leehan turned to you with a sweet smile and mysterious look in his eyes before filling out the forms again.
you wondered if the boy had all his memories from when he was leehan, and even the memories from after his death. either way, seeing him again made you happy, and you were just grateful to see him happy again.
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quinloki · 1 year
hello i'm eating up everythink this kink game is soo 😋😋😋
could you do branding, breeding and collar for Eustass Kid and Killer? (im a sucker for kid pirates what can I say, if you wanna add a third c of your own choice i'm all ears 🤭)
\o/ I'm enjoying doing these - I'm so glad people are enjoying them.
Branding, Breeding and Collaring - make talk about the Possessiveness Trifecta. Sucker for yandere that I am, I am not complaining, but a fair warning to everyone reading, I may go a bit hard on this.
Also - I 100% have some yandere Kid Pirates stuff I want to go balls to the wall toxic on, so I'm going to do these particular head canons from a healthy view point (save all my deep dark shadows for the multi-chapter stuff.)
Hmm.. I'm tempted to add Heat since I did Wire not too long ago, but I'm not feeling it so I'mma step outside the Kid Pirates for my wild card choice and go with hmmm...
(I've done breeding kink for : Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Rayleigh, Marco, Newgate, Jinbei, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Lucci, Law and Kaku.)
Oh I was going to pick Sir Crocodile, because why not, but you know what, let's go with Smoker.
Eustass Kid:
Branding - Oh god you don't even know - Eustass isn't going to suggest this to you, but if you bring it up (tattoos, actual branding, cell popping) he'll be all for it. Safe and painless as possible - well, okay, I mean, sometimes the pain is the point, but my statement still stands. Cell popping is generally not-permanent but most other forms of branding are. Style, design, brand or tattoo, he's going to talk all the details out with you, and how you're going to go about getting it.
Strapped to a custom chair, completely naked, as either he - or someone trusted - does the work (hey if you head canon Kid as a tattoo artist, rock on). He'll tease, please, and praise you the entire time, probably record the entire thing for posterity too especially if it's a tattoo. If you're up for it, he'd be all in for you to have a couple tattoos - at least one everyone can see, and few for his eyes only.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Man's got a specific piece of furniture for this. It's designed to be adjustable (It goes from 4'00" - 12'00" just because he could), and can be used with or without straps. It's got a few other addons, and it's multiple body type friendly.
Hey, Eustass makes things with his hands - not just metal stuff, the man's leather working and wood working skills are on point and I'm not even speaking in double entendre xD It's designed to keep from having the sub/bottom that gets on it from being too exhausted to be, well, bred. (Designed with their pleasure in mind cause some of these addons vibrate).
Thing of it like a comfy saddle with a sybian built into it (google that at your own risk).
Collaring - Oh god you don't even know - Obviously less permanent than branding, but there's a real "You gotta earn it" process to this for Kid. You don't just go around collaring people - putting someone in irons because they're a legit prisoner (or your role playing that sort of thing) isn't the same as this.
If you're okay with it he'll have a collection for you before long. From almost subtle chokers you can wear every day if you want, to ornate metal ones strictly for playtime, to fur-lined leather ones you could wear publicly if you wanted to. You can be sure all of them were made by Kid, and they're all going to be comfortable. The more comfortable you get wearing them, the more likely Kid is to loop a finger through them and pull you into a rough kiss without much warning.
Branding - No - Tattoos are an exception to this, but permanently marking/scarring his partner is a big no for Killer. Careful temporary marking yes, but he's the one with the scars, and he doesn't want to cause you to have any (or any more than you already have). It's not that he needs your skin to be flawless, it's that he doesn't want to be the cause of any of your scars.
Killer's job is protecting - the Captain, you, the crew - and probably in that order if we're being legit. Now tattoo(s), something he designs, something you can each get (that not exact matches, but matches style), he's all for that if you are. He wants his somewhere he can easily see - and maybe even that can be easily seen. >.> He wants yours somewhere that only you and maybe the ship's doctor will ever see.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - I mean, have you see that breeding bench that Kid built?! Of course he enjoys using it, and this is a style of marking/possessiveness he can get behind. (ah, heh accidental pun there. get behind... xD) It's not just filling you up over and over that he enjoys, sometimes letting others fill you up too, but it's having you shudder and cum on his cock over and over too. He's into it just as much for your continued pleasure as his own.
The number of times your body tries to curl on that bench is going to be at least twice as often as Killer satisfies himself.
Collar - Oh god you don't even know - it's blue and white with a double row of spikes on it and somehow it is crazy comfortable to wear.
Well, at least that's the first one he gifts you. Killer won't force you to wear any collars, but he'll talk about them and their importance to him and what they mean, and when he gives you the first one he even reiterates that you don't have to wear it. But if you put it on yourself, or present your neck for him to put it on, it'll certainly have an effect on him.
And if you're willing to own/wear more, he'll be gifting a small variety to you. Though the first time he notices you wearing one outside of playtime, you might find yourself over his shoulder and on your way to the bedroom - or the nearest available secluded spot. He'll cool off a little with time (or learn better restraint), but that first time is going to hit him like a ton of bricks.
Branding - Rather not - Cell popping maybe, but branding or tattoos aren't really Smoker's vibe. You could probably convince him to get matching tattoos for say, like, your tenth wedding anniversary or something, but he'd be a little skittish about the idea before then. He certainly has a possessive streak, but it's more of you knowing that you're his, and not necessarily a need to make sure everyone else knows.
I mean, everyone else will know, but he doesn't need a tattoo or brand to get that point across.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Pressed against the wall, bent over the couch, screaming muffled pleasure into the comforter on the bed, and trying to stifle your moans as you hold onto the balcony railing while getting railed. Smoker is going to take you rough and without a condom - your body's begging for his to be buried in you, who has time for anything else?
Wrapped in his smoke you'll swear you smell like his cigars no matter how much you wash. It's not unpleasant, but it also feels embarrassingly obvious to know that anyone else who knows what his cigars smell like is gonna know. Not that you're asking him to stop, you agreed to the arrangements after all.
Collar - Starts as a Sure turns into FUCK Yes - You're the one telling him about collars, and some of the meanings behind them in bdsm and all that, and he's not against it. He lets you pick out what you want, and reads up on safety about them, and you two incorporate it into your playtime.
At one point though, you greet him at the door after his shift, either in little more than the collar, or with it being visible along with what you're wearing (sexy surprises galore under the clothes, of course). The whole evening riles him up more than usual, and he becomes a lot more attached to collars. Eventually he even collars you almost ceremoniously during a session, having gotten a custom piece made for the occasion.
Kinky One Piece Head Canons
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
Confession (one word WN prompt)
for @possibilistfanfiction
beatrice talks to mother superion in a way you don't really understand. it's serious and solemn but not forceful. like there's space around the words to breathe, space for something extra. to your untrained ear, it sounds a lot like respect. or, the phone calls always start that way but toward the end, beatrice answers questions more slowly. with more thought. with more hesitance. and then you doesn't know exactly what it is. trust, maybe.
you're eavesdropping, of course, tucked up at the kitchen table with a book of writing exercises that beatrice had bought for you, presented to you without fanfare because you'd been struggling, quietly, with gripping a pen and getting letters to come out the way you meant to shape them, which normally wasn't a big deal but there were some words that seemed important enough to be written down and you'd like to be able to do it, you'd like the option. you've been working diligently at it (will insist that you have, even when the page goes missing, ripped out of the book, because the lines you were copying transformed at some point to your name and beatrice's nestled side-by-side and that's. something to think about later.) but there you are, ankles hooked around the chair legs, pen clutched tight between stiff fingers, and you stop pretending to work and stare through the narrow window of the doorframe as beatrice begins to pace the little box of your apartment. her meticulous steps. three, from her side of the bed almost to the wall. then a slow, smooth turn. then comes the breath, the space around her words, the openness you've been waiting for since superion's last call, since the first time you heard it.
'yes, mother. i will, mother.' beatrice stops. turns toward the kitchen. she doesn't seem surprised to find you watching, so you don't pretend guilt. just wink at her. beatrice lifts her eyes to the ceiling for a split second—a nun's version of rolling her eyes—and then back to you. 'now?' she tilts her head like she's sizing you up, like your next training session is here and now. you grip the pencil hard enough that it creaks. 'of course. she's right here.'
me? you mouth.
beatrice nods.
you shake your head. no.
the choice—obey superion, be kind to you—presses beatrice's mouth into a flat line. 'may i mute myself, mother?'
beatrice lifts the phone from her ear and shows you, mutes it obviously. she sets it down flat on the tiny coffee table you'd found and picked out. it had a white and black chessboard feel to it; you'd thought beatrice would like it. it's too small, even for the awful low couch, but beatrice always takes her coffee there when she goes over the bar inventory or to read.
'you don't want to speak to her?'
'why not?'
god. she actually sounded confused. 'because she hates me, bea. duh.'
'she doesn't.'
you snort. 'uh yes she does. i'm the halo bearer who isn't fit to wield it, blah blah blah.' there's a flash of memory—dust in the catacombs, dust in your hair, your nose, the warp of a scar tucked out of sight. the surprisingly warm skin of a cold woman. a miracle, she had said, of the highest order. her voice had been shaking but her hand was perfectly still because when the world is breaking, she had a task, a path straight before her to walk. she was like beatrice like that (and you feel your fear give way a little because if she's like beatrice then she can't be all bad, can't be very bad at all). she had faith in their cause, in her own purpose. but surely she didn't have faith in anything vincent said anymore because vincent - vincent and adriel - and shannon - and so she couldn't possibly think that you were—
'yeah,' you hear yourself say. 'yeah, okay, i'll talk to her.'
beatrice frowns before she can stop herself but she picks up the phone and brings it to you. sets it in the centre of the table. what a bitch. if you want to take it, you'll have to reach out and actually take it. and then she says, 'i'm going to the store. do you want anything?'
'from the store.' she looks at the phone. says quietly, the first few words reluctant, like she's still deciding whether to speak them or not, 'mother requested to speak with you privately.'
'oh.' the call time keeps ticking up. superion hasn't hung up. you wonder if you leave her waiting for a few minutes whether she will. 'chocolate. icecream. pads.'
beatrice nods. takes her wallet and the keys from the bowl by the door and slips outside.
you look at the phone for another thirteen seconds and then snatch it up, shooting to your feet. you move toward the front door and shuffle into the corner, press your back up to it. unmute yourself.
there's a brief pause, then,
'ah. ava.' superion sounds the same as always. cool and clipped. you try not to feel extremely fond of it because she isn't beatrice and probably talks like that because she's got a stick up her ass, not because she's a very repressed lesbian. well. fuck, she could be.
'sup.' you wince. bad start. 'uh. be-atrice,' your tongue rolls over her full name, spitting it up, because what's gods rules about having a favourite nun? is that, like, bad? what about feeling fond about a nun? bad, right? 'she said you wanted to talk.'
'i did, yes. firstly, you should know that these calls are made on protected lines. you should never call me from another phone.'
there's no fucking risk of that, you think, and you say it too. 'yeah, there's no risk of that.'
'is that all?'
'no.' she paused. then, carefully, 'we haven't had much occasion to speak privately.'
'aside from when you tricked me into thinking the convent was under attack and then told me i killed myself? i think you said everything you needed to say.'
if you were hoping—and you definitely were—that being snide and bitchy would put her off, you are unsuccessful.
'that was wrong. i was wrong,' she says. 'you proved that when you returned to help our order. you proved that, though you should not have been asked to. i am sorry.'
your hand trembles. you want to break the phone, or yell at her, but there's only one safe phone and beatrice would be pissed and you don't think that you can yell right now with your breath all caught up in your chest. you wish—you wish you could breathe like beatrice had. you wish you could talk like beatrice did with her. instead, you just say, 'okay,' kind of awkwardly.
'okay,' she repeats. then her tone sharpens and you realise that she's been speaking to you this whole time sort of gently and that's. weird too. 'you returned to aid us in our task, which is not over. is more dangerous than ever. this is a difficult time even for those of us trained in the order. if you are having any difficulties, i want you to know that you can talk to me.'
'no, i'm good.'
'there is nothing you are struggling with?'
struggling? well. you took a train through beautiful countryside all the way to switzerland. you've seen so many beautiful things since you came back to life but this is so beautiful you forget to blink and your eyes go blurry trying to drink it all in - sky and lakes and trees and mountains that climb and climb and climb to the sky and you go breathless, which beatrice had told you was the altitude adjustment but you knew was love, tight in your lungs, for getting to see this. you'd taken her hand excitedly and she'd gone stiff and cold. you'd let her go, and she hadn't unfrozen. the announcement that you had arrived in switzerland had made beatrice look like she was going to puke for a few minutes—she picked it, she planned the trains, and she'd done it because it was far away and safe and secluded and you both needed to hide. you're coming to terms with the idea of life, a little terrified that it's going to be like this for a while (forever?). a weird mix of really fucking great stuff—dancing, feeling your body move and get stronger as you learn to fight, getting to train with bea, writing, sex, climbing rocks, swimming, stuffing your face with flaky buttery pastries, the feel of different fabrics on your skin—and really fucking awful stuff—betrayal, adriel, nightmares, falling, the tug in your gut when you sense a wraith and have to move on, leave it to hurt some innocent because you're undercover and you can't help—and then the just sort of uncomfortable stuff—beatrice telling you she organised her own train to boarding school and going quiet for an hour, the numb prickle in your fingers and toes when you wake up before the rest of your body.
'there's only one bed,' you hear yourself say, because there's a lot going on, apparently, and humour is your default. 'and beatrice is hot.'
you can practically hear her eyes slam closed like steel doors. 'temperature wise, i hope you mean.'
'yeah, sure. of course. temperature wise. it's summer. she wears a full pyjama set to bed. flannel. it might as well be a waterbed, i'm sweating so much.'
'very well. i'll arrange funds for you to expand your wardrobes now that you have found a place to settle. is there anything else?'
do you still think i'm a miracle? what am i doing here, training? i fucked everything up. why don't you take it out? why don't you tell beatrice to take it out? have you told her to do it, is she disobeying? the thought makes you shiver. would beatrice disobey to protect you? do you trust me with the halo or am i just out of reach?
'all good.' you can't bring yourself to call her by her title. 'i'm training hard,' you offer, because she hasn't hung up yet.
'that's good. that's very good. you will need that in the days to come. there are trials ahead of us, my daughter.'
the phone in its clunky military-grade protective case creaks in your grip. 'i'm not your daughter.' she doesn't apologise, or take it back. she also doesn't say it again, so. whatever. 'say hi to camila.'
'of course. i will speak with you again next week,' she says, briskly, and then, 'goodbye. stay safe,' and hangs up, which is a bitch move because you think it would have been really satisfying to hang up on her.
you shuffle out of the corner, by the door. the conversation has you all knotted up and, like, weird. you toss the phone all the way into the next room—safely onto the bed because, safe phone line, beatrice would be pissed, whatever—and fold yourself back into the chair at the kitchen table.
the page is blank and white, the letters are big connect-the-dot looking things that you're supposed to trace over with your pencil. house. mother. father. sister. brother. daughter. son. you rip that page out too and shove it deep into the rubbish bin beneath the vegetable tops-and-tails you'd thrown out, prepping a stir-fry together with beatrice in the tiny kitchen you share.
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anime-grimmy · 2 years
Trigun hyperfixation has an iron grip on me and I desperately need to get my head to think of something else. Especially cos I crave so much for good stories but to my suprise, a lot of (vashmeryl) fanfics I read are extremely samey, especially the post-anime ones.
That being said, while reading, I was actually suprised to see a few scenarios or themes never explored? So I thought, since I can't get my brain to focus anyways, might as well drop some vashmerly hcs and prompts.
the one I'm most suprised has not been explored at all is Meryl and Milly trying to teach Vash how to actually talk/flirt with women. I still dunno how Vash came to be known as a womamizer in the og anime cos he is abyssmal when it comes to flirting. So, after an especially embarassing rejection, Meryl picks a fight with Vash as usual and he's all like "yeah, then you show me how it's done." Not one to chicken out on a competition (and with avid encouragement by Milly) they set up a fake date. I can totally see it going really funny, Meryl trying her darn hardest to act like an actually interested date but can't help herself from cringing and and scoffing at how stupid Vash' approaches are. So basically, it would be a mix of silly flirting and a lot of bantering. By the end Meryl admits that he's not half bad if he just turns down the goofiness a bit, mentioning if he just ties up the night nicely he might even score a second date (she means in general, not realizing that it sounds like she's implying a date with her). Cue Vash doing the only smooth move in his life and stealing a goodnight kiss, asking "well, did it work?"
less of a prompt or headcanon, but in all the scar-centric fics Ive read, not once is it mentioned how Vash has a literal cage over his heart? Ive always loved this little design aspect, since it so obviously shows Vash fortifying his heart and keeping everyone out. I can also see Meryl being all smug like "well, im small and nimble, and the spaces between the bars are wide, I can easily slip through"
another funny thought about the metal grids on his body would be them cuddling but Meryl's hair gets caught on the metal and now they have to akwardly maneuver out of this situation
Meryl uses any and all situations to be taller than Vash. Since she is so much smaller than him, she usually stands when he sits, especially when they argue, tries to be just a few stairs above him or walks a few more steps up a slop so she can peer down on him. Not that her presence isn't big enough already, but she for sure tries her hardest to assert dominance.
To her dismay, Vash likes to use this moments to pick her up. I dunno why, but since Meryl is so small I can see Vash just enjoying it to pick her up and twirl her around. Lugging her around like a pretty looking sack of potatoes.
Vash is a human pretzel. He will contort his body in ways to hug as much of Meryl as possible.
Meryl becomes incredibly good at ignoring Vash if she needs to work. She could be sitting at her typewriter, only noticing Vash has her in a vice grip when Milly asks if she isn't distracted.
Despite how spiky it looks, Vash' hair is actually pretty soft and fluffy, and once Meryl finds out she uses any opportunity to run her fingers through it. Vash doesn't mind cos he totally digs the head scratches (humanoid typhoon? more like humanoid doggo)
when traveling together, they usually share a thomas cos Vash can't ride for shit. Vash likes to be dramatic and complain about it (cos he's a big boy thank you very much) but he can't deny that he wholly enjoys being cuddled up behind Meryl for hours on end.
Welp, just some food for thought cos my brain is in Trigun overdrive. These are specifically based on the 98 versions of them but I have a whole lot for Stampede as well haha
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writing-ca-ira · 1 year
Akito Shinonome x Reader
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Sometimes, when the very thing that was your escape starts feeling like a chore, you have to find new outlets to jumpstart your creativity. Akito finds his in an unconventional form of art.
Reader is gender neutral.
Contains: graffiti art, vandalism (if you don’t vibe with that), mentions of scars (can be translated as from Ena, but may not canonically make sense in terms of the timeline), brief self-depreciating thoughts, can be romantic if you squint, reader is Akito’s graffiti mentor, they both wear face masks cuz breathing in VOC fumes is dangerous as fuck.
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“Nasty scars you got there.”
Akito felt his pointer press down harder on the spray can’s nozzle. “Don’t want to talk about it.”
“Didn’t ask,” you replied with no sort of menace, shaking up your own can to mix its components together. Then, sparing a quick glance at Akito’s handiwork, you added, “let up on the pressure. Short bursts, remember?”
A curse slipped out from under the ginger’s breath when he realized his “i” was running from too much propellant buildup. Immediately, he relieved the nozzle from further abuse of his finger, staring disapprovingly at his semi-ruined tag. “Right,” he mumbled. A rookie mistake.
As if sensing his thoughts, you let out a breathy chuckle. “Don’t worry. Finding the balance between enough coverage and heavy-handiness is hard.” A short pchit from your can interluded your words. “You’ll get used to it. Just takes practice.”
He felt his furrowed brows relax a bit. Ah, that’s right… he’s still new to this. Considering that only a few weeks ago was the first time he even touched a spray can for the very first time, it was a ridiculous expectation to be a natural at this. Practice, he echoed in his brain. Just takes practice. That’s all.
And not the kind of practice that makes his voice hoarse and limbs feel like led.
Admittedly, he never thought he would be doing something like this. Sure, he always found himself admiring the graffiti in alleyways and old venues, but his father made it clear to him that this was no form of art. He recalls being a young primary schooler in the local art and supply store, his father ranting to himself about the spray cans being on full display and on sale. “Just making it easier for talentless fools to vandalize everything.”
Welp… god only knows what his old man would think about what he’s doing now.
“Saw that you updated your old tag in Vivid Street,” Akito commented, shaking up his can to start on a new letter. “I like the new style.”
You didn’t provide an immediate response, instead opting to scan over your progress as you adjusted your face mask. “Did it just last night. Not sure how I feel about the colors.”
“I think they’re fine.” The ginger finished his “r” much faster than he anticipated, pleased that there was less dripping than his previous letter. It was a bit wonky, but he found a bit of charm in the way it turned out. “A gradient was a good choice. Shows off your skill real well.”
“I’m just worried people are gonna laugh at the irony of KURO being colorful,” you chortled.
He thought about it for a moment, then let out an amused hum. Yeah, it was a bit ironic, but he found the technical aspect of the graffiti overriding that detail. Besides, it was a big improvement from the simple thin black letters that barely popped out from the wall. The color made it more than just a normal meaningless piece of vandalism; it was now art.
Now on the “o,” he offered a shrug. “I don’t think it matters that much. Still looked cool.” After grimacing at the weird overlap his circle had, he stepped back and observed the final product. It was an obviously amateur tag: the coverage was blotchy, a few of his letters dripped from over-spraying, and the block letters had inconsistent thicknesses. A friend tugged at his lips as he studied every glaring imperfection in his work.
Compared to yours…
“Hey, that looks good.”
His head snapped in your direction at breakneck speed. “Hah?”
“I said it looks good,” you repeated. You had just finished outlining your own “o,” a can of orange now being shook in your hand to assumingely begin a gradient. “Considering it’s only your third tag, and your first trying out block letters, I’m super impressed.”
All he could do was dumbly blink at you for a few seconds. You were… impressed? At his hotchpotch of a graffiti? Surely, you had to just be saying that to make him feel better. There’s no way a pro like you thought it looked anything above subpar. Hell, it barely even looked like he took it seriously, half-assing it like some punk who only wants to spray paint a train just to look like a cool kid. Nothing about his tag resembled anything close to art.
“I could definitely do better,” he huffed, looking back at his finished product with distaste.
You hummed. “Yeah. You definitely could.” Before he could even begin to wonder if that was supposed to be a snide remark or not, you continued. “But so can I. There’s a lot of stuff about my own graffiti works that I wish I could improve on.” You shook up the orange, your eyes trained on the your work. “S’why I go back and update my old tags. Like the one I did in Vivid Street. It was one of my first.”
He tried his best to remember the details of the old KURO in Vivid Street. The letters had a unique style, but were too thin to be easily readable. He had initially mistaken the “r” for a “b” for how runny it was. Looking back, he probably shouldn’t of been surprised that it was your first tag, especially compared to what you can do now. Throwing you a curious glance, he stuffed his freehand in his pocket. “Do you update all of your old tags like that?”
“Nah.” You didn’t elaborate for a couple of seconds, your can hissing as you began filling in the negative space of your letters. “Only the ones that get passed by a lot. Wanna have my art look presentable to people, y’know?”
He thought about your response. It made sense; any artist would want their most seen work to reflect their best work. Plus, there was the added bonus of making the environment feel more lively. Before the style update, the KURO in Vivid Street admittedly looked boring, and even distasteful. Just any other graffiti you would barely even spare a glance towards as you go on your merry way. After you went back to do a much-needed revamp, however, he found himself admiring every detail for a solid 10 minutes. The blue to pink was very eye-catching, white highlights boldly contrasting the black outline. Bubble letters replaced simple stick characters. He felt himself becoming inspired the more he took in every meticulous detail. It was amazing how one graffiti update could completely change the vibe of an alleyway.
Shifting his weight from one leg to the other, he fiddled with the nozzle of the spray can in his grip. “So, what about the tags you don’t redo?”
“I leave them like that.”
“How come?”
A fond shimmer sparked in your eyes. It held a sense of nostalgia to it; the kind that comes with reflecting on good times. “Tells my story as an artist. Might not be an exclusive interview or anything, and KURO’s sure as hell not famous outside of the local street art space but those who see my novice KURO tags get to see a journey.” You reached down to grab a can of yellow. “Besides, I like to go back and look at them, so I can see how far I’ve come.”
Huh… Akito wasn’t expecting that response. Sure, he was a fellow artist (admittedly, he was too much of a rookie graffiti artist to consider himself as such, but he was still a performing artist), but he never thought that way about his own art. The whole point of wanting to improve was, not only to one day make an event bigger than RAD WEEKEND, but to also distance himself from his old shitty skill level. He wanted nothing to do with his old singing and dancing, and just looking at recordings of his old performances made him feel sick. They only serve as a reminder to get better, or else he’ll be stuck in the same box for the rest of his life as an artist.
But… when you put it like that…
“So,” he awkwardly began, trying to dispel his thoughts about Vivid BAD SQUAD. “You ever gonna come back and update this one?”
There wasn’t an immediate answer. You seemed to engrossed in probably blending the orange and yellow to even think of one, so he patiently waited. This gave him a perfect opportunity to examine your technique, watching how you angled your extremely light sprays upwards to mingle the colors together (huh, he’ll have to keep that in mind). It was at this point that he took notice of the paint fumes, but rather than finding it disgusting like he initially did, there was an odd sense of comfort that came with it this time… of course, it probably helped that he came prepared with a face mask. During his initial chance encounter with you, you had warned him to stand a good distance away as to not breathe in the toxic VOC fumes.
The clacking noise of your spray can snapped him out of his thoughts, your eyes still staring intently at the still wet tag. You still had the “r” and the “o” to finish blending, but he knew it wouldn’t take long for you to do. Instead of continuing to work, however, you straightened your up posture, turning to fully face him. “You kidding me? Definitely am.”
… Huh—?
Your declarative delivery threw him for a loop. Were you not satisfied with the way this KURO turned out? His brows furrowed at the thought, eyes studying every detail of the tag. It looked amazing; and while he’s definitely no stranger to the concept of being your own worst critic, this felt ridiculous. Especially when it’s side by side with his own frumpier work. It reminded him too much of the growing gap between him and his fellow Vivid BAD SQUAD members, the familiar weight of self-doubt and envy pressing against his chest… ah, yeah… of course he had to be reminded of his own shortcomings every day. Such is the life of a talentless, worthless—
Your voice cut through his spiraling thoughts. “After all, you gotta come back later and update your very first box-letter tag, right?”
… Oh.
Suddenly, all of those self-deprecating mantras fell upon deaf ears. His chest felt lighter than before, and he couldn’t fight the radiant warmth that filled his heart. Something about your implied promise of progress was… oddly freeing. It recognized his current novice status, but again, this was only his first time doing box letters. As long as he kept practicing, he could only get better. Along with that, your promise also held a deeper meaning; that you two would be working alongside each other for a while longer. Though he was too stubborn to say it out loud, your presence was calming, and he appreciated how he didn’t have to be hard on himself when it came to graffiti.
By pure chance, you helped him discover a new outlet.
He was grateful for the mask, because trying to keep the big smile off his face was damn near impossible. He tried to play it off cool by offering a humorous huff and shaking his head. “Sounds like a plan. If you think you can stand me for that long, anyway.”
“Well, you’re not the worst person out there,” you mused, getting to work on your last two letters. “Now pick up the black paint, will you?”
Quirking a brow, he couldn’t help but skeptically posing, “what for?”
Your answer came after a good shake to your can. “Gonna teach you how to properly outline. The white pops on a darker surface like this, but in most alleyways, white tags get a bit lost on the brick. Plus, it can look pretty bland.”
Ah, a lesson. He could definitely use those. Sure, he’s picked up a lot of good tips from you over the past few weeks, but if he ever wants to get better at this, he’s always down to learn some more. Graffiti took his life by storm, activating his creativity in ways he didn’t even imagine before, and the thought of being able to create it with his own hands gave him the same high that events did.
He looked at your KURO, and then his SHIRO.
Yeah, there may have been an obvious gap in skill, but with your guiding advice, this is one he was sure he could catch up on.
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offbrandkyoya · 8 months
89 star
previous | masterlist | next
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[] = flashback
[Kaeya and Albedo had the typical high school sweetheart love. They were pure and honest and the perfect pair. Kaeya encouraged Albedo to pursue his talents and in return, Albedo encourages his.]
[“I got scouted to be in a band.” Kaeya tells him one day in his room. Albedo looks at him in surprise. “Woah really?!” “Mhm.” Kaeya was always shy when it came about expressing his accomplishments. Albedo scooches closer to him and kisses his cheek. “That’s great!” “Thanks.” Kaeya rubs his neck. “They heard some songs Diluc and i made so…”]
[Albedo pulls him into a hug. “I’m very proud of you, Kaeya.” “Thank you but..” He pulls away, “But what?” Kaeya looks down at his feet. “What if I don’t do good?” Albedo frowns and caresses the scar that was imprinted on Kaeyas eye. “You will do good, love. You’re super talented! You don’t give yourself enough credit. Everyone’s going to love you.” Kaeya puts on a small smile and rests his head on Albedos shoulder. “Thanks.” “Of course. Did you tell Diluc?” “Yeah. They scouted both of us, though I’m a little nervous since we’re entering our college lives soon.”]
[Albedo looks up, “Ah that’s true.” He looks back down, smiling. “Don’t worry. Everything will work out.” Kaeya smiles too and they share a kiss.]
[Such an unfortunate turn out it became to be.]
[Now freshman in college, Kaeya has been busy with the band lately. They haven’t debuted yet but he’s still got work to do. So much work that he’s barely able to make time with his boyfriend. Albedo sits on his couch with a huge frown. He was visiting home for a while and today was going to be a date night. Obviously, that wasn’t happening as Kaeya was 20 minutes late.]
[Klee walks to her big brother and hugs his legs. “Where’s Kaeya?” She asks with a pout. Albedo smiles softly at her and ruffles her hair. “He’ll be here soon.” Klee’s frown grows. “You said that twice already!” Albedo frowns too. “I know.” Was all he could say. Disappointed, Klee goes back to her coloring activities in her room.]
[Albedo slumps on the couch and throws his head back. “Where are you?” He asks to seemingly no one. After a few minutes, Albedo takes out his phone and checks his messages. Kaeya hasn’t even read the couple he’s sent in those 20 minutes. He frowns even more and distracts himself by going on social media. What a mistake that was. His stomach drops when he sees Kaeya’s post of himself, hanging out with his brother and members.]
[Albedo grunts and clicks out right away. He gets up and rushes straight to his room. Albedo slams the door shut and throws himself onto his bed. “That asshole…” He mumbles into his pillow. The door slowly opens with Klee sticking her head in. She fully enters with a big tears welling into her eyes. “He’s not coming, is he?” Seeing his sister in pain was enough for him so burst out crying. He shakes his head sadly.]
[Klee runs to his brother and hops on the bed, immediately hugging him tight. “Don’t cry.” She tells him even though she was crying too. Albedo lays her down with him in sobs. They held each other for a long time and in the end, fell asleep.]
[“I think we need to break up.” Kaeya stops dead in his tracks.]
[The two were on a date and Albedo moved on ahead, back facing him. Kaeya’s hands start to shake. “W-What? Albedo, why?” Albedo sniffles since he couldn’t hold in the tears any longer. “Because Kaeya!” “Because??” Kaeya takes a step forward. “You can’t break up with me! Not before I’m about to debut tomorrow!” Albedo grits his teeth and turns his head around.]
[“Is that all you care about?!” Kaeya immediately swallows and shake his head. “No! No, of course not! I just want you to be there! To see me in action!” Albedo looks to the side. “I’m sorry, Kaeya, but I don’t think being together is working.” Kaeya’s lips tremble. “Albedo…” “Kaeya, you have bigger things to worry about. It’s clear that I’m not at the top of the list.” Kaeya doesn’t know what else to say.]
[He stands there frozen which doesn’t help Albedo at all. The blonde lets out a shaky breath, “Goodbye, Kaeya.” “No!” He runs to him and held his hands. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to leave you alone! I was busy and-“ “That’s always your excuse and I’m tired of hearing it!” It took everything in Albedo to pull away from him.]
[“I’m happy for you but I think we need to stop seeing each other and do our own thing.” He didn’t stay to listen to Kaeya’s response. Instead, he ran away.]
[Diluc sits on his bed, reading a book he was assigned to analyze. It had started to rain and he decided to stay up a while longer to wait for Kaeya. A knock at the door and the redhead immediately puts his book down. “Finally.” He mumbled and heads to the door. He opens it, “Seriously, Kaeya. Stop arriving late-“ He paused as he sees his little brother drenched with a miserable expression. The raindrops blending into his flowing tears.]
[With a hushed voice, Kaeya says, “We broke up.” Diluc gasps and his brother starts to cry. Diluc pulls him into a tight hug. Kaeya grips onto him for dear life and continues to cry. “I’m sorry.” Diluc spoke. At the time, he didn’t know what else to say. He wasn’t with anyone at the moment but as his older brother, it’s his job to provide him comfort.]
[Diluc shared no words but he knew and Kaeya knew, that being in each other’s arms was enough.]
Albedo continues to sob outside. What a pathetic guy he looks. Kaeya pushes open the doors and spots Albedo right away. He rushes to his side but doesn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if he was even able to touch him. Kaeya gulps and continues to stand right next to him, letting Albedo cry his heart out.
“I think that moment was my favorite too.” He whispers. “A bright day until it started raining but that didn’t really stop us.” Albedos cries start to slowly quiet down. Kaeya looks up at the sky. “You remind me of stars. So bright and shiny. You’re small but you’re still able to showcase what you want people to see in that big brain of yours.” Kaeya chuckles. Albedo sniffles and wipes his eyes. Finally, he looks at him.
“Why’re you here?” Kaeya shrugs and smirks at him, “I guess I just wanted to see you.” Albedo blushes but turns away. “Kaeya, we’re not together…” “I know.” “I broke up with you.” “I know.” “I hurt you.” “I know.” “So then why?” Kaeya tilts his head. “I already told you why.” Albedo shakes his head and another set of tears starts to arise. “No! Why’re you being so nice to me?! Why are you acting like nothing happened?? Like we’re friends?!” Albedo wipes his eyes again.
Kaeya faces his whole body toward him and grabs his chin, lifting his face to see his eyes. “Albedo, you shouldn’t act like you don’t deserve to be cared for.” “But-“ Kaeya squished his face to stop him from speaking. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. You were sad that I wasn’t giving you the attention you needed. I left you alone and I’m sorry.” Albedos eyes water again and grabs Kaeya’s wrist to pull it away from his face.
“I shouldn’t have said that. I regret it so much.” Albedo begins to cry. “I should’ve talked to you about it but instead I broke things off with you! I did it because at that moment, I truly thought you didn’t care. If told you, you would’ve continued to ignore me anyways but I know you’re not the person to do something like that! I was just so sad…” Before Kaeya can answer, Albedo hugs him, clutching onto Kaeya’s shirt like it was necessary.
“Oh Kaeya, I’m so sorry! I’m sorry for not talking to you about how I felt! I’m sorry I broke up with you instead of hearing you out! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! It hurt me seeing you on TV all the time because I wanted to be with you! I wanted to congratulate you for your accomplishments but that never happened! I let you down! Im sorry, Kaeya!“ He dug his face into his shirt with tears staining it. Kaeya’s heart beats fast at hearing those words. He smiles, tears coming out of his eyes too.
“Albedo, I’m sorry too.” He wraps his arms around the short one. “I should’ve made time for you. You were my boyfriend and you deserved to spend time with me even if it wasn’t for a long period of time.” He tightens his grip and plants a small kiss ontop of Albedos head. “I love you, Albedo. I never stopped thinking about you. I’m glad you’re still doing art.” Albedo slowly lifts his head and smiles, “I never stopped thinking about you either.”
The boys let go for a moment to wipe their tears away. “You still love me?” Kaeya asks with flushed cheeks. Albedo nods, “I still love you.” They both smile. “This time, let’s not be shy about what bothers us.” Kaeya states, holding his hand out to him. Albedo nods and holds it. “It’s a promise.” Kaeya smiles wide and they hug each other again.
“Let’s not kiss yet.” Albedo says. “I want us to go slow.” Kaeya nods. “Of course but can I at least kiss you on the cheek?” Albedo laughs, “Yes. You can kiss me anywhere but my lips.” “Anywhere?” “Don’t ruin the moment.” “Okay okay!”
Kaeya pulls Albedo away from him a little and rubs his cheek. “Thank you.” Albedo smiles more. “You’re welcome.” “Albedo!” The boys jump and turn to the entrance and see the instructor with her arms crossed. “First Yn, now you! No making out with your boyfriend till this is over!” Albedo turns red and nods. “Y-Yes, ma’am! I apologize…” She walks back inside.
Kaeya stares, starstruck. “Wow, we’re boyfriends again…” “Uh huh. Klee is going to be very happy.” They hold hands and walk inside. “I miss her. She’s doing well?” “Mhm. She might come.” “Sweet! I can’t wait!” Kaeya kisses his cheek as Albedo leads him to his painting.
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- I feel like I’ve been writing sm it’s not even a smau anymore…
- also im not sure WHY but my inbox says I received an ask but it’s not showing who…maybe it’s a glitch or something but if you asked me something: it’s not showing up and saying I have no messages
- kaebedo nation you’re welcome
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epiclamer · 2 years
@save-the-villainous-cat I miss you, Princess.<3
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Missing You
Everything played out like a regular day, cars drove past, people walked by, dogs barked and birds chirped. To anyone else this day was the same-old, same-old. Except, to Villain it wasn’t that at all.
Today was the first time Villain had seen Hero in months. Opening their door at the bright and early hour of six am, just to find their missing nemesis standing with a bouquet of flowers on their front steps.
Oddly enough, the first thing that Villain did was slam the door on their face. It was early, they must’ve been seeing things. Hero hadn’t been seen for almost a whole year, and here they were? Standing completely unannounced with flowers?
It didn’t make any sense.
But when the familiar three raps at the door rang out once more, Villain was starting to believe that what they were seeing wasn’t just a mind game. They opened the door once more, their lifelong enemy swaying slightly side to side as they awaited Villains second—and hopefully kinder—response.
Hero was in luck. After a solid three more seconds of shocked disbelief from Villain, they rushed forwards and wrapped the hero in a hug. The unsuspected pressure causing Hero to stumble back and almost lose balance on their shaky legs, but Villain caught them against the entrance wall at the very last second. Holding them both steady as Villain poured every last emotion they had left into Hero’s shoulder.
“Well, I didn’t think you’d miss me that much.” Hero joked, but it rang flat. Villain clutched, knuckles white and hands shaking, at Hero’s torn suit. It had dried blood and countless lashes across it. It hung loose on Hero’s frame, if it could even be considered clothing at this point.
It was definitely not suitable for the increasingly colder weather and most definitely not suitable for a well-renown hero to be sporting.
Villain finally pulled back but they didn’t let go. They didn’t think they could. It all seemed like a dream and the last thing Villain wanted to do was let them go.
Not again. They couldn’t handle the hero leaving again.
“Where the hell have you been.” Villain shouted, any decency towards their neighbours was completely forgotten. They were still crying and between their steadying breaths they let their eyes scan over their nemesis.
Hero huffed, they were probably going for a laugh, but they strained too hard and it caused them obvious pain. “Remember when I told you I was onto something big? All those months ago?”
The villain didn’t have the capacity to go filing through all their past encounters with Hero, especially not the ones where Hero had said they were “onto something big”. Considering that it seemed to be every other week that the hero would make a big breakthrough in some new top secret case.
However, Villain nodded anyways, they just wanted the story, they didn’t need details. Hero had enough cuts and scars on their body to write a trilogy of details if they needed to. Right now, the villain was too high strung to deal with that.
“Well, turns out this time, I was actually onto something big. “Something big” being that my boss and your boss have been conspiring together for years.”
“Let me guess.” Villain didn’t even need to hear what happened next, the sinking pit in their stomach and the bile in their throat proved they already knew. “Superhero gifted you over to Supervillain for a fun little vacation.”
“Pfft, obviously Superhero came to visit and bring me refills on my piña coladas too. They team worked pampering me and assuring I had the most comfortable stay.” The strained wink and smile at the end of their sentence shattered the villains heart even more.
Hero had been at the mercy of the two most powerful beings on earth for months and Villain had no idea. Making up constant excuses to fill the void of their missing hero instead of going out to search for them.
It felt cowardly. It felt stupid. Villain felt useless.
“Hey.” Hero’s voice pulled Villain from the depth of their thoughts. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m okay now! We’re both okay now!”
The hero smiled and it tugged one across Villains lips as well, they couldn’t help it. Hero always managed to cheer them up, even if just a little.
“I didn’t even know… I thought… Maybe you just, didn’t want… Maybe I was too—”
The one in question lifted their eyes meekly to meet Hero’s soft gaze. Hero looked tired, they looked exhausted, but they also looked peaceful, happy. Even after everything they had just been through.
“I know we ended on… strange terms last time we talked. I just, I wasn’t ready. I was worried. I was worried that something was going to happen to one of us and that it would never work out because of our jobs.”
Hero held out the flowers, they were Villains favourites, a beautiful soft blue and white bouquet with a gorgeous lavender stem wrapped in forget-me-nots. Both of their favourites strung together to create a lovely display.
“But when I was… gone… I realized that it was foolish of me to flee after you poured your heart out to me. And that no matter how bad the torture got, I only ever wanted you by my side. You kept me going.”
The hero leaned back a little further against the wall as they took in a deep breath that caused them to wince and whine slightly, but they pressed on. Using one hand to cup the villain’s gently and the other to press the flowers to Villains chest.
“I love you too, Villain.”
In that moment, the villain’s whole world collapsed. They embraced the hero without any further thought, releasing their crushing pressure when the hero let out a guttural noise from the feeling against their open wounds.
Both of them were crying, not from pain anymore, but from being reunited after so long and finally being together.
Villain didn’t waste anymore time in dragging the hero inside to scold them lightly and care for their wounds. Something they had done many times before, but this time it had never been so intimate. They could fight off Superhero and Supervillain after Hero got better.
For now, Hero was confined to sleeping on Villains chest and in their bed for the next century—or at least for as long as Villain could keep them off their feet.
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