#still figuring this out ✌️
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languageroom · 2 years ago
K nagu Kihnu ülevaatamine - 1
note: I am making some K nagu Kihnu review posts this summer! I worked through the book but feel like I haven't gotten the most out of the material. So to keep myself accountable and make some progress, I will go through one chapter a week and review some of the vocabulary (which I will definitely post here) and do the writing exercises (...we'll see). I plan to go through at least chapter 8, but may change it up or find different things to post as it goes. If you have any questions about the book or the material that I can answer as a student, please don't hesitate.
kummitus/kummituse/kummitust/kummitusi - vaim või kollitav olend (ghost)
kummut/kummuti/kummutit/kummuteid - peamiselt pesu panipaigana kasutatud sügavate sahtlitega mööbliese (chest of drawers)
põrsas/põrsa/põrsast/põrsaid - siga; noor siga, kes ei ole veel kesikueas (piglet)
sisukas/sisuka/sisukat/sisukaid - sisult, mõttelt väärtuslik, huvitavat ainest pakkuv (meaningful)
sõrg/sõra/sõrga/sõrgi - sea, hirve, veise vm sõralise varba otsa kattev kõva nahamoodustis (hoof)
lünk/lünga/lünka/lünki - koht, kust miski puudub, on vahele jäänud või jäetud, ununenud vms; puudus, puudujääk (gap or space)
meeleheitlik/meeleheitliku/meeleheitlikku/meeleheitlikke - ahastuse, lootusetustundega seotud, sellest tulenev; meeletu, pöörane (crazy, desperate)
puhas/puhta/puhast/puhtaid - (I always forget the correct genitive)
serv/serva/serva/servi - eseme kitsas äärmine osa; mingi eseme väline piir ja selle juurde jääv ala (edge)
varu/varu/varu/varusid - miski, mis on olemas, hoiul, et seda kasutada hiljem või (häda)vajaduse korral (reserve)
tuletis/tuletise/tuletist/tuletisi - sõna, mis on moodustatud tuletusliite abil (derivative)
tunnetus/tunnetuse/tunnetust - psüühiliste protsesside (nt taju, tähelepanu, mõtlemine) abil vaimse pildi loomine väliskeskkonnast ja iseendast, tegelikkuse kajastumine teadvuses (cognition)
valdama/vallata/valdan - mingeid oskusi, teadmisi omama, millekski võimeline olema, millegagi (ladusalt) toime tulema (to master)
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ghostfish-cookie · 15 days ago
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"So! How's it feel, 'nilly? All you coulda hoped for and more???"
"C'mon, no need to be shy! Just little ol' me here...!"
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snowiwyvern · 8 months ago
pride month starts today!!! time to talk about my totally epic labels
i usually just call myself queer when i want to be vague, but im specifically aroace and nonbinary and i use they/them pronouns cuz i am awesome like that
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swiftmitsu · 11 months ago
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how he has one attack how are you weaker than normal sans moss how tell me whats your secret i have to know moss
ehehe good question friendo
i definitely thought about this beforehand mhm—
his attack is close to 0.4 now </333
he is still a Sans and is still strong, also still has the karma poisoning on certain individuals :)
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willkimurashat · 2 years ago
Me irl:
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Me with pixels:
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spheroz · 7 months ago
why do I feel bad asking for thingsssssss 😭😭😭😭 likeeeeeeeeee
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jeepers-scoob · 10 months ago
I was 14 years old and heavily into budgeting videos (specifically the cash envelope systems) and yet I still question whether I'm lying when I say I'm autistic
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dan-crimes · 1 year ago
I embrace my edgy 14 year old self that would wanna be an overpowering all-encompassing mass of black smoke that simply floats around with no human characteristics besides bright glowing eyes and a flowy cape that's ragged and burns like fire
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butchdykeorpheus · 2 years ago
sometimes i wonder if many non-lesbians understand that Realising You're Into Women and Realising You're Not Into Men are often two completely different processes and, at least in my experience, the latter was a LOT harder to come to terms with than the former. like i realised when i was about 19 years old that i'm attracted to and interested in dating women, but it took me about five more years after that to very, very slowly disentangle myself from cisheteropatriarchal expectations that Women Should Be Available To Men to realise that i'm, like, not interested in dating or sex with men (or that i'm not a woman but that's a different can of worms). at all. and in a society like that, it's often not enough just to love and prioritise your relationships with women/other sapphics, you have to be firm about your boundaries and explicitly Not Want Men. like your lesbianism HAS to be, in part, about Not Being Available To Men. and even then the pressure is so often there to try to make you drop that boundary. of course not every lesbian experiences their sexuality in this way, but it's not uncommon
i always think about that when i see people claim that it's inherently "restrictive" to explicitly exclude men from your sexuality/romantic or sexual life. there's this increasingly prevalent attitude floating around which echoes traditional lesbophobic stereotypes that there's something inherently "bitter" and "man-hating" about making a point of not being available to men, as if any lesbian who makes a point about their sexuality, dating and sex lives not including men MUST be a Mean Radical Bitter Lesbian Separatist
which is just.......................not anywhere closer to my experience, and also A Hell Of A Leap. my not being sexually or romantically available to men doesn't mean i live in deliberate isolation from them, it means I Am Not Sexually Or Romantically Available To Men. if anything, it's improved my ability to relate to and connect to men!!! i've been able to better contextualise the discomfort i once felt around unfamiliar men, and to see men as potential friends rather than as people who i might be expected to cater to in my appearance or in intimacy, and to assert my boundaries without guilt if a man approaches me with that sort of intent; and if the man is shitty about those boundaries, i know i have no responsibility to placate him
and that's SO freeing to me!!!! THAT'S freedom!! it's so wild to me when people say that excluding men from your sexuality is "restrictive" when i used to feel trapped by expectations of cisheterosexuality and femininity for the male gaze. being able to say No Thanks, Not Men has given me so much freedom to explore dating, sex, fashion and gender expression in ways that feel authentic and good to me; i've been able to not care about whether men find me attractive and instead find joy in being GNC and butch and making myself attractive to other sapphics. i am genuinely so happy to not be interested in men and i'm not going to be apologetic about that. (let me stress this: It Is Not A Slight Against Men To Not Want To Date Them Or To Enjoy Not Wanting To Date Them. i don't have to want to fuck a man to see him as a human being or treat him with respect. unless you genuinely think we like, owe that to men for some reason, in which case i'd like to redirect you back to the Feminism Beginner's Course)
of course, none of this happened overnight — it took me a LONG time to unpack all of this and to internalise the idea that i really don't have to be attractive or available or appeasing to men at all, and tbh even now i find myself struggling with it sometimes, because a lifetime of patriarchal socialisation will do that to a bitch. it's only recently, after a lot of work, that i've started being able to show my body hair in public and not give a shit if a man (or straight woman tbh) finds it gross. it took many, many years of deliberately choosing, over and over and over again, to not give a fuck about what men think of me, to tell myself "No Thanks, Not Men". again, not an uncommon lesbian experience. the reason many lesbians enjoy not being attracted to, interested in or available to men is that we've so often struggled against shame for that aspect of our identity, so we choose to take joy in it instead, and that joy is hard-earned
and yes, i do get frustrated with men still. i DO sometimes make jokes about being a misandrist, express my frustration with cisheteropatriarchal expectations and with men who Don't Get The Memo. many lesbians do. many women who are into men do the same. it's how we cope with the lesbophobia/misogyny lmao. but to flatten us to those moments of frustration/venting as if they define our entire lesbian experience and refuse to consider the sociocultural context of our "mean misandrist dyke moments" strikes me as kinda obtuse, deliberately or not, and also lowkey reminiscent of Respectability Politics
i've also seen the take that lesbianism should be about "loving women, not rejecting men", as if my lesbianism can only be one thing. my lesbianism contains multitudes. my lesbianism IS about loving women. it's about community and relationships with other sapphics. it's about my gender identity and expression and connecting to other trans and nonbinary sapphics. it's about my connection to and place within the wider queer community. it's also about No Men, Thanks. lesbians are like onions we have layers etc etc please refer back to paragraph 1 of this thesis for more on the topic
of course there are many people out there who DO find freedom and joy in being attracted to / available to men - i know tone can be difficult to judge on the internet so believe me when i say that, sincerely, i'm happy for everyone who does. it's just not an experience i share. and that's fine!!! my joy at not being into men isn't a slight against your attraction to men, either (and if you have experienced shitty/biphobic/panphobic behaviour from a lesbian over your attraction to men, i'm sorry, and know you didn't deserve that). just because excluding men from your sexuality sounds restrictive to you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone else, no one's experience is universal, etc etc etc
idk at the end of the day i'm just one lone genderweird lesbian on the internet and i do not speak for, like, the Global Shadow Council Of Evil Lesbians or whatever. i'm also lucky enough to have far less trauma surrounding my interactions with men than many other lesbians do (which is why i cannot demonise any lesbian who does personally choose not to nurture any relationships with men, platonic or otherwise). i can only speak for my own experience and the trends and experiences i've personally observed from being in this community. it's just strange to repeatedly see my lack of availability to men characterised by people online as something that makes me Mean, Angry and Bitter. i'm actually much happier and more chill than i've ever been lol
(begone T3RFs this post isn't for you 🔪🔪🔪)
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 1 year ago
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donexmiras · 1 year ago
I have a bed fully set up, frame and all, and it took me all of three hours of sleep for me to be awake
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casiavium · 2 years ago
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iridescentis · 8 days ago
can't believe the best transition edits i have made and will ever make aren't even on the internet anymore truly devastating
like im never paying for alight motion again and relearning it now would be painful but like i made some good shit and it's just gone 😭
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animazed · 3 months ago
fck showers and fck essays too
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ellcrys · 1 year ago
so my errand was to run to soluna garden farm at the boston public market bc i wanted to buy a tea sampler for my person in this secret santa i'm doing. turns out, the boston women's market was having a pop up at quincy market so i'm glad i decided to make a pit stop there afterwards! picked up some business cards for a couple shops, and then decided to walk to charles st bc i wasn't convinced black ink had permanently closed. spoiler alert: it's permanently closed :( and then i was like. well. i'm right by beacon hill books so might as well finally check that place out too. it was cute. very, very aesthetically pleasing. but it's a tiiiiny bookstore so their collection was very underwhelming. i probs won't go again unless i'm in the area. like if you actually want to browse for books you're better off at a larger bookstore.
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queenii-llama · 1 year ago
talking to therapists about my issues is tragic and so so funny bc i tell them everything and theyre just like. man. not a lot to be done about that situation huh. Lmao
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