#still dark and moody but not black
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roach-pizza · 10 months ago
I never liked those commercials because it always felt like a slight rip off for incredibly mid-low grade food. I remember the jingle and everything but was never convinced that was a good deal.
But I fully believe goth characters need to be more strange. Forget the looking strange, that person should be undeniably goth in any set of clothing.
the "goth mommy" trend has done the same irreparable damage to people's expectations in the exact same way subway's 5 dollar footlong sandwhich promotion did
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ashilean · 9 months ago
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MARN, toa Mangai of earth (8/11)
Adventurous toa of earth, Marn delves deep into the uncharted tunnels beneath Metru Nui in search of strange rahi, natural resources, and new paths between the city's districts. Leaving behind distinctive marks chiseled into the stone, finding one of her trail blazes is said to be good luck amongst matoran spelunkers.
Marn wears the great Kakama and wields a Folding Pick--it's sharp point helping to climb through the winding caves while the blunt head is used to put chisel to stone.
After the dragon was defeated, Marn developed a love of helping the people of Onu-Metru, but was never able to build up her social skills. She took to exploring and mapping the subterranean city so she could provide guidance to her people despite her discomforts.
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gothella · 1 year ago
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Rodarte Fall 2024 Ready to Wear
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insxmniafxx · 2 years ago
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Lil penguin
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lstnrr · 2 years ago
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(via "Elsewhere" by Photographer Francisco Gonzalez Camacho)
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please-destroy · 3 months ago
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader Word count: 4.2k
You found yourself in love with a murderer. 
You preferred the word ‘assassin’. So did Natasha, most days. But there were moments. When her eyes caught on unobtrusive things.
Little girls walking down the sidewalk, holding their father’s hands.
Generic news stories about local fires.
Strangers saying goodbye at subway stations.
Guilt clung to Natasha like a second shadow. You tried to alleviate it. 
It wasn’t your place. It wasn’t your job. It certainly wasn’t your life plan.
You still tried.
It had started one afternoon, with a text from an old friend from high school. Maria informed you about some brief downtime in her usually hectic work life. You made evening plans for some drinks at a bar. 
An hour beforehand, she asked if she could bring along someone else, a friend from work. That was probably why you’d been a little nervous, waiting at the bar with two empty seats ready beside you.
They walked in together, their matching strides showing their friendship more than anything. Maria greeted you with a familiar smile and the beginnings of an easy conversation. You tried not to stare at the stranger she’d brought with her.  
Natasha didn’t take off her black bomber jacket when she sat down next to you. With her dark jacket and dark jeans, her pale face and red hair stood out in contrast. You watched her eyes dart uncomfortably around the room, looking everywhere except at you.
Natasha’s hands stayed deep in her pockets until you offered to buy them both a drink. The redhead shook her head immediately, voice rasping when she assured you that it was fine.
Maria rolled her eyes. Her smirk told you what you’d immediately suspected. This was her attempt at a setup.
You resented the gleam in Maria’s eyes. Natasha’s was obviously less than enthused to meet you.
‘She drinks cheap beer like it tastes good.’ Maria informed you readily. You nodded back with a careful smile, before turning to order the drinks.
‘Fuck you Maria.’ You heard Natasha mutter embarrassedly over your shoulder whilst you tried to get the bartender’s attention.
Natasha drank her beer from the bottle, silently. Her knuckles were bruised a colour that you couldn’t decide.
Maria spoke to you like there wasn’t a moody stranger perched awkwardly between you. 
Natasha leaned forward so that you could talk over her hunched shoulders. She blew along the top of the glass bottle, making quiet sounds to herself as she tuned the pair of you out. Her fingers picked at the paper label.
You wondered how Maria had convinced her to come along to this. 
One part of their compromise became clear when midnight arrived. 
Almost to the second, Natasha checked her watch and coughed pointedly. Maria’s annoyance flashed clearly across her face at the sound. She glared obviously at Natasha, wordlessly chastising her lack of social skills. Natasha shrugged, thumb still running endless circles over the top of the glass bottle.
‘It’s getting late anyway.’ You observed passively, trying to smooth the situation. Natasha was obviously not interested in you or this evening; it felt kinder to set her free.
Maria nodded reluctantly, before leaving to visit the bathroom before you all exited the bar. 
Natasha seemed to find the newly empty barstool on her right more interesting than you.
Maybe it was the drinks you’d had. Maybe it was the weird tension of being set up with someone so disinterested.
‘It’s a shame.’ You said loudly, directing your words at the bright shelves of bottles lined up behind the bar. Natasha’s head turned slowly towards you. 
‘You’re very hot. I would have liked your number.’  You kept your tone light, reaching over and using your nails to scrape the last sticky pieces of label from her empty beer bottle. 
Natasha had made her feelings clear. You felt entitled to do the same.
‘You wouldn’t if you knew me.’ Natasha replied carefully, but you could tell the answer had been ready on her lips. You wondered at her quick response, whether she’d anticipated your interest, or if it was something she’d been thinking about anyway.
‘Too much to handle?’ You prompted with a small smile. 
‘Maria doesn’t tell you stories about her job.’ Natasha stated neutrally. It wasn’t a question, but you answered anyway.
‘No, she doesn’t. She says they’ll give me nightmares.’
‘I’m the reason why.’ Natasha told you seriously. A smirk ghosted over your lips until you registered her tone.
Natasha kicked the bar stool back unexpectedly. She looked smaller than you remembered as she stood facing the bar. Her thumbs pressed against the bottle, you watched her fingernails dig uselessly into the hard, smooth surface of the glass.
Her eyes flickered back to you but this time her gaze lingered, like a piece of thread caught on a thorn. 
Maybe you knew enough about her already. Maybe you enjoyed leaps of faith. 
‘Well, I don’t sleep anyway.’ You told her decidedly. 
Natasha’s focus moved back to the bar top. You watched her eyes skitter over the surface, taking note of every water mark and stain.
‘Don’t.’ She muttered quietly, voice cracking. 
‘I’m not afraid of nightmares.’ You continued, getting to your feet too. 
Natasha met your gaze again. You felt a spark run through you.
You didn’t understand her expression but you couldn’t look away. 
In one cautious movement, you took her hand. Natasha looked down at the motion, suddenly becoming very still.
Her hand was warm, her skin was soft except for the ridge of a scar that cut across her palm. Your thumb brushed over it. Natasha tensed at the tiny gesture.
‘Don’t.’ She whispered again, voice smaller than before. Your thumb stilled. Natasha’s shallow breathing faltered. 
You knew that she was waiting for you to let go of her hand. As if you could only want to drop it, now that you’d held it. 
Maria whistled from the other side of the bar. You recognised the sound and your head swivelled automatically. So did Natasha’s. Maria nodded exaggeratedly at the door. Her eyes were gleaming again.
You held Natasha’s hand more firmly as you led her out of the bar, weaving together between the other customers and the crowded tables.
The icy air stung your face painfully when you left the building. Beside you, you could see Natasha’s breaths emerging before her like plumes of smoke. 
You hesitated when she came to a stop beside you. Gently, you squeezed her hand once, then twice. 
Natasha studied your expression from the side. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. You bumped your shoulder lightly against her own.
Maria watched you both, her arms folded in front of her chest. You glanced up and shared a quick smile. You felt a rush of nostalgia for your high school best friend. She hadn’t changed.
‘I should call us a taxi.’ Maria told Natasha, her head still turned towards you.
‘But we can walk you home first?’ She offered, purposefully neutral so she wouldn’t influence your answer. You waved her off.
‘I’m only two minutes away.’ You reminded her. You knew that was the reason she’d suggested meeting at this particular bar in the first place.
Natasha’s hand was somehow still in yours. Her skin felt warmer against the cold night.
There was a long beat of silence. Maria shared a look with Natasha and then walked away a few steps as she called the taxi number.
You felt a careful squeeze of your hand. 
‘Give me your phone.’ Natasha muttered quietly and your sudden smile grew wide enough that your cheeks hurt. Her hand slipped from yours as she typed in the digits. 
You were starting to shiver when you caught Maria’s raised eyebrow. You kept smiling. Things were falling unexpectedly into place.
When Natasha gave you your phone back, her eyes told you that she was making no promises.
You thought about her reddened cheeks when you walked away.
Natasha told you what her job was on the third date. You’d already sensed her careful avoidance of the subject, you’d already decided not to push.
It was only as she said the word ‘assassin’ that you understood why she’d brought it up. 
If you were to leave. Let it be now.
She wanted it to hurt less for both of you.
Natasha was sitting awkwardly on the overstuffed arm of your sofa when she told you. 
Your three dates had been spread over the last month and a half. They’d been difficult to schedule. Her work was evidently irregular and demanding of her time. Now you understood why.
‘Should you be telling me this?’ You asked, feeling like you were towering over her as you shifted to stand closer. 
The corners of Natasha’s mouth tightened slightly.
‘No. But there are ways to make you forget it.’ She conceded bluntly. The answer seemed logical, if alarming. You tried to feel panic at the acknowledgment that your memory might be altered by an organisation of super spies. 
No overwhelming fear stirred inside you. Maybe it was because all you could picture was Maria’s face. You’d guessed a lot of things about your friend’s job, but managing assassins hadn’t been one of them. 
You felt Natasha scan your face for any hint of worries. 
You knew how you felt but you didn’t know what your face said. 
Concern, sympathy, acceptance.
You still wanted Natasha. 
You reached down and began to play with Natasha’s fingers where they rested unsurely on her lap. At your gentle touch, the tension loosened from her arms. Natasha didn’t blink as she watched you raise her hand to your lips. You saw the tiny white scars that littered her knuckles. You kissed them carefully. 
Self loathing rolled through Natasha’s expression. She took her hand back. 
In a move that had become familiar to you now, you leaned forward to kiss her cheek. Natasha’s hands adjusted automatically to rest on your back. 
You leaned in slowly again and kissed the dark circle under each eye. 
‘I told you I’m not scared of nightmares.’ You reminded her, letting your fingers rest at the base of her neck.
Natasha looked up at you. Her gaze asked you for forgiveness. You wondered if she knew what her eyes said.
You kissed Natasha’s forehead and she closed her eyes. Her forehead found your chest. She leaned forward with a heaviness that felt sad and right at the same time. Her arms tightened around you. 
You ran your hands slowly down the length of her back, tracing the light curve of her spine. You pretended not to feel her shake. You ignored the way her lips trembled with ragged breaths. You hummed to yourself and for her.
You couldn’t give her what she didn’t know how to accept.
Natasha stayed the night in your bed, her body curled away from you. You kept your hand resting on her side, feeling her steady breathing. 
She was gone when you woke up. You didn’t let yourself feel surprised. You texted her as you wandered through your apartment for coffee. 
‘Call me when you can.’
Natasha was a lonely creature. You’d known that from the start.
She called you a week later. 
When you picked up, Natasha didn’t speak. The line was silent.
‘I’m glad you called.’ You said to her simply. You were falling for her. You couldn’t tell her yet.
Natasha exhaled deeply.
‘Okay.’ She said quietly. But it sounded like a thank you.
She invited you out to dinner that night. Told you she was back in town for a few days. You wondered where she’d been. You didn’t know if you wanted to ask.
You met her at the restaurant. You’d dressed up, recognising the name of the place. Natasha’s hair hung in a single braid down her back. 
Your eyes lingered on the small wisps that had broken free. 
Natasha’s eyes caught on your smile. Her shoulders relaxed and she gave you a small wave. She was wearing a white shirt, open at the collar. Your eyes trailed downwards before you pulled them back up. Natasha smirked.
They served good food. You insisted on ordering the cheapest beer on the menu for her. Natasha rolled her eyes but you knew she was hiding a smile. You nudged her ankle with your foot and she nudged yours back. 
There was a candle on the table, the soft light of it reflected in her eyes. You kept losing track of the conversation, watching instead how her lips moved when she talked. The warm air felt sparkling.
Natasha’s arm went around your shoulders when you walked back to your apartment together. 
You held Natasha’s hand as you led her up the stairs to your front door. She didn’t let it go when she pressed you up against your bedroom wall. 
That night, Natasha lay in your bed with her face to the ceiling. Your palm rested against her stomach. You watched your hand rise and fall with her breaths. You fell asleep first, losing yourself in the slow rhythm of her tracing patterns on your bare skin.
You woke up alone, with the sunlight pale enough that you could tell it was still early. This time disappointment flooded you at the sight of your empty bed. 
You heard a noise in the other room and automatically you followed it.
You watched her from the living room doorway. Natasha was putting on her jacket. She was turned away from you but from the way she stiffened you had no doubt that she’d heard you approach. 
Natasha didn’t try to look at you, her jaw was tight with unreleased tension.
‘I have a mission.’ She muttered after a moment. She sounded frustrated.
‘That’s okay.’ You tried to appease. Natasha turned to give you with an ironic smile. 
‘I just wanted to be someone else for a bit.’ She told you suddenly, her voice still rasping with sleep. ‘I hoped - I thought I had more time.’
Natasha must have read the worry in your expression. 
‘Maybe not someone else. Maybe I just wanted to be myself.’ She corrected carefully. 
You tried to shrug casually as you moved across the room. 
‘You were beautiful last night.’ You told her, lifting your hands to fix the collar of her shirt. ‘But you’re still beautiful this morning.’
Natasha huffed with incredulity. Her eyes threatened with sudden, frustrated tears.
You wished that she would stop painting herself as a failure for what she couldn’t help. 
You were falling in love with Natasha. 
You kissed her lips softly, savouring the warmth. Your thumb brushed her jaw. Natasha moaned as you broke the kiss.
Her eyes looked hungry and you knew it was because you tasted like the words you weren’t ready to say.
‘How much time do you have?’ You asked instead. Natasha hesitated. 
‘About an hour before I have to leave for collection.’ She answered slowly. You nodded, not commenting on her plan to leave you early.
You took her hand and led her back through to the bedroom. Natasha’s gaze was carefully neutral when you gestured for her to sit on the edge of the bed. You hated that she was readying herself for sex when she clearly wasn’t in the mood.
You crawled behind her on the bed. Natasha stiffened automatically as you entered her blind spot.
Slowly, you removed the hair tie from her mussed braid. She’d slept with it in. You started to unwind the plaited hair. 
You combed through it lightly, your fingertips grazing the back of her neck.
‘You don’t have to.’ Natasha told you suddenly in a choked whisper. You couldn’t see her face but you could hear the tears in her voice. You answered wordlessly, pulling aside her collar and kissing her just below her ear.
Your braid was simple, a basic copy of the one that she’d been wearing the night before. Natasha’s fingers kept brushing the end of it. When your hands were finally free, you reached to hug Natasha from behind. She leaned back into your touch. Her still wet cheek brushed yours.
You walked her to the door.
Natasha hugged you tightly before she had to leave. Her arms felt safe, her hold was strong. You were sure that she didn’t want to let go. Your head rested on her shoulder. 
You kissed her cheek when you pulled apart. Natasha squeezed your hand.
When the mission was over. Natasha didn’t call. She knocked on your front door.
Even irregular patterns are still patterns. 
You never saw Natasha as much as you wanted to. 
There were two more dates. She took you dancing, she invited you to a movie. 
Natasha created warmth around you. You floated through the evenings like there was a glittery haze filtering every moment.
Then, one night, you got a call.
It was 2am and Natasha was drunk. You’d never seen her drunk before, not even close. Her tone was flat but her words were stumbling. 
She told you that she missed you. Then, she told you to ignore her.
You asked her where she was, fear making your insides cold.
‘Our bar.’ She mumbled and your heart leapt and fell before its next beat. You grabbed your keys. 
As you got closer to the bar you could see Natasha already standing outside, leaning against the wall. Someone brushed past her as they walked. They didn’t look twice, her small stature more unassuming than usual. Her empty stare was aimed at the ground.
You took a step forward, interrupting her unfocused gaze. 
Natasha looked up and you watched the streetlights spark into her eyes.
She staggered slightly as she took you in. Surprise and something more filled her expression. She cleared her throat and then she swallowed. 
You took her hand, letting your fingers interlace as your palms pressed together.
‘Come on.’ You prompted her carefully. 
Natasha didn’t move. Her eyes closed and she shook her head once. She squeezed your hand with sudden tightness.
‘Had a bad day at work.’ Her tone was tired, words still slurring slightly. Her skin burned like ice against your hand. She leaned back again, letting her head rest against the wall. 
She breathed familiar plumes of smoke in the cold night air. You moved closer to her.
You squeezed her hand gently. You bumped your shoulder lightly against her own. Natasha’s eyes opened.
‘At least, maybe you can have a good night with me?’ You suggested, raising your eyebrow slightly. 
Natasha’s lip twitched as she fought a smile. She looked away, then glanced back and lost the fight entirely.  She groaned with faux exasperation as she moved away with you from the brick wall. 
Even when you’d returned to your place, you didn’t try to suggest sleep for a few more hours. 
Instead, you lay together on the sofa, a late night movie playing in the background. Natasha laid over you. There was something clingy in the way she propped herself on her elbows and kissed you deeply just to pass the time. You liked it. Your heart settled as you watched her steadiness return. 
Giving her good things wasn’t the way to remove the bad things. But, you knew Natasha found comfort with you. You found it with her too.
It was that night that she told you. 
You’d coaxed her to bed by the early morning. You were lying facing each other. Your eyes had drifted shut but your mind was still running.
Her awful confession hung in the air. 
You tensed automatically. Natasha took a sharp breath as she realised that you were still half awake.
You were sure that Natasha didn’t mean for you to hear her. You wondered if she’d ever told another person before. 
You moved to lie on your back, to stare into the darkness obscuring the room around you. You didn’t know what to say. You could feel the tension in the air, her anticipation in the desperate way she held herself perfectly still.
After a long moment, you stretched out your hand to touch Natasha’s waist. 
She was wearing your old t-shirt and it had ridden up past her ribs. 
Your fingertips made a trail around the prominent scar that lay there. Natasha’s skin felt warm and soft.
How could she have ever killed a child?
‘Tell me.’ You directed her after a moment and Natasha did. Her voice cracked as she started, but then her words came faster and faster. Each detail spilled from her like a desperate body of water finally breaching a dam.
Your hand moved to her shoulder, instinctively trying to anchor her in the sudden onslaught of memories. Natasha’s confession couldn’t stop now that she’d started. Her stories wandered into strange places and then cut corners unexpectedly. You were sure now that she’d never repeated it before.
She told you about the little girl she’d killed. About the little girl’s father, about who he was and what he had done. She told you why she’d been so afraid. The cold words chipped at your insides like rough ice. 
Natasha didn’t call the girl collateral damage, but you understood the decision she’d been forced to make. 
Everything about her begged for forgiveness except her words.
She wouldn’t look at you. You couldn’t read her expression in the dark, only the shadows of something like exhaustion. 
When she finished talking, there was a clear pause where Natasha awaited your verdict.
From a brief moment, you felt the true weight of her past. The pain, the guilt, the nightmares.
The heaviness settled on you and you wondered if it was too much. 
You thought about the little girl who had died, and then you thought about another one.
You finally inhaled a shuddering breath as tears fell messily down your cheeks. 
The heaviness was too much, you wanted to carry all of it for her. 
‘Don’t.’ Natasha murmured worriedly. She leaned forward, her thumbs brushed your cheeks. You closed your eyes. You loved her suddenly and completely. It hit you like a blow to the chest. 
You leaned forward on instinct, curling into her warm body as you settled the new weight of her pain and your love. 
It felt safe, Natasha was perfectly familiar to you now. 
You could tell that your reaction had confused her. You felt it in the way her arms tentatively rubbed up and down your back. 
Sometimes, Natasha’s comfort seemed like a mirror of your own. You wondered if it was because your comfort was the only type she’d ever received.
Natasha hummed quietly into the room, until you finally spoke. 
‘You’re still beautiful.’ You told her softly, because it wasn’t the right time to say the other words.
You felt Natasha's stomach tense underneath you as she pulled herself into a seated position. You moved to sit next to her.
‘I am ugly.’ She disagreed simply. ‘I have murdered children.’
‘You have done terrible things.’ You agreed, knowing you could never find the right words to cover it all.  ‘But, you had terrible choices.’
For the first time you realised that you couldn’t give her the redemption she sought. It wasn’t yours to give. 
Natasha sighed in response and you felt her body tense again with a growing intent to leave. 
You reached and took her hand in yours. This time, your thumb rubbed along each scarred knuckle purposefully.
Natasha looked at you for a long moment. Then, she sighed again. She squeezed your hand back softly.
You kissed her cheek. 
It was a month later when you took her to the graveyard. 
The new gravestone stood alone in a corner, under a cherry blossom tree. There was nothing below it. That was not why you’d done it. 
Natasha brought white tulips with her. Her hands were shaking when she crouched down to place them in front of Antonia’s name. 
Your hand was resting on Natasha’s shoulder when a stumbling apology fell from her lips. She choked on the little girl’s name. 
Her fingers traced the carved letters in the stone. 
‘I’m sorry Antonia.’ Natasha repeated over and over, like a prayer that was meant to be lost to the wind.
She gripped your offered hand when she rose back to her feet. 
Her hair hung loose around her shoulders and the cool breeze blew strands of it across her face. You briefly caught sight of her eyes, rimmed red, before she moved into your offered embrace. 
Natasha felt warm pressed against you.
A minute passed by in the loud quiet of the windy day
‘I love you.’ Natasha told you suddenly, voice hoarse from tears.
You smiled despite the sadness in the air.
‘I know.’ You said quietly. ‘I love you too.’
You took Natasha’s hand then, weaving between the other gravestones as you led her away.
There were always moments. When Natasha’s eyes caught on unobtrusive things. But with time, those things began to change. 
Candles on restaurant tables.
Cheap beer in supermarkets.
White tulips on windowsills.
Natasha’s redemption was her own. But, you would hold her hand through anything.
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saphiccarma · 3 months ago
- Devil Woman
Relationships: Agatha Harkeness x Rio Vidal x Reader
Summary: Based on a request. You had the ability to shapeshift, but as a result you take the life force of the creature you shifted into. Rio Vidal is curious when she can't collect your soul and you somehow cheat death.
Warnings: Nothing really?
A/N: This took forever and I am so sorry. I am currently working through all the lingering requests and I apologise for it taking so long. That said, this was pretty fun to write but also sorry if it's shit.
Your powers came at a price, you've known that since you were little. Life in exchange for death. Power in exchange for weakness. At this point you considered it more of a curse than a power, but it came in handy at certain situations. In an attempt to blend in with society, hide from curious witches and relentless questions, you worked at a diner in the middle of nowhere. Well, not the middle of nowhere, it was still quite populated, especially now as customers flowed in with the sun high in the sky.
You bustled about, a tray balanced on your hand as you passed drinks and food out to your tables. Approaching a new pair of customers, you froze and your eyes narrowed. A woman who wore white clothes sat there. Next to her was a teenager, his clothes a complete opposite to hers, dark and moody. It wasn't their stark contrast that threw you off. Rather it was the subtle pull of magic that you felt. Not only that but her eyes were trained on you, and as you looked closer you knew who it was. Everyone knew those icy blue eyes and confident smirk.
Agatha Harkness.
Inhaling sharply, you neared them, plastering a fake smile on your face, "What can I get you guys today?"
The teenager glanced at Agatha, unsure. The older witch leaned forward. Her hands crossed under her chin as she smirked and caught your gaze.
"Come with us," she whispered, her voice taunting and alluring, "We're venturing the road and we need a full coven."
You scoffed at her words, lowering your pen and paper into your pocket once it was clear she wasn't actually ordering anything. There was an infuriating smirk plastered across her pink lips. You rolled your eyes, you had never believed in The Road, convinced it was something fake. No one came back from it alive. It stood to reason that it may not even exist.
"I'll pass." You settled your hands on your hips, "Now did you want to order something?"
Agatha huffed, leaning back in her seat and waving a dismissive hand. You nodded in satisfaction, about to turn away, when you felt a piece of paper slip into your pocket. Just barely you caught Agatha's hand slipping away. She made eye contact with you, an infuriating sense of confidence radiating off her.
You stomped off the back, yanking whatever she shoved in your pocket out. It was an address, scribbled out in messy, small, handwriting. Despite yourself, you couldn't help contemplate heading there that night.
You ran your fingers along the intricate door, tracing the familiar carvings carefully. The coven, plus Rio, stood behind you, their eyes boring into your back.
"This yours?" Rio asked, her breath warm against the back of your neck. She stood directly behind you, pressing up against you and ignoring your sidestep to get away.
Faintly, you nodded, grabbing the handle and pushing it in. Your heart pitter-pattered at the familiar interior, black and white pictures lining the walls and furniture that others nearly bumped into. It was a cluttered mess, just like when you had first moved in. Despite your inner turmoil, you reached down and picked up a picture, gripping the wooden frame tightly. Your parents stood side by side, proud smiles on their faces as they held baby you - chubby cheeks and just a spot of hair. Your lips were pulled wide into a gummy smile in the photo and your tiny hand was gripping your mother's shirt.
A bittersweet smile danced across your face at the picture.
"Are these your parents?" Alice stood off to your right, her own hands tracing pictures on the wall. The coven was enraptured by the serene house, the only personalized one so far. All the other's had been purely random, but yours was a house you had lived in.
You nodded, your voice soft, "Yeah."
Jen scoffed, her nose upturned as she studied the photos, and you resisted the urge to lunge at her. She had no right to be judging your family. Teen bounced on his toes excitedly and warmth spread through you as he ran a finger over an animal in the photos.
"You guys had a cat?"
You looked at the photo. It had your mother standing next to your father, his arm wrapped around her waist as he held her close, his face leaning down and noses brushing together. It captured their love perfectly. But perched on your mother's shoulder was a cat, one white as snow, that seemed to be chirping indignantly. You remembered that day clear as day, your parents wanting to take family photos, but you had refused to change form.
Shapeshifting was something you had been cursed with since you were born. The ability to change from your human form into that of an animal, any animal you wished. Some people would call this a gift. You didn't see it as such. Every time you shapeshifted, the creature died, it's life force being added to yours. It granted you some form of immortality that you didn't want. You wanted to join your parents in the afterlife, but when your body forced you to turn it kept you alive.
You could feel Agatha's eyes boring into you as you answered Teen, "No, that's me."
"A shapeshifter?" Agatha licked her lips, taking a step closer, "Those are quite rare."
Rio eyed you from behind Agatha, her dagger curling in her hand as she poked her tongue against her cheek. Her brown eyes seemed as if they were trying to find out everything about you in a single look, trying to pry open your soul.
"It's not like I asked for it," you scoffed, feeling awkward with all the eyes on you, "Come on, let's figure out what this trial is about." You could tell that everyone else wanted to ask questions, to implore about your curse, but you didn't let them.
Meandering further into the house, you froze at the sight of a drink on the table. It was a faint pink, the liquid completely still inside the cup as a note sat perched next to it. Agatha picked it up delicately, her fingers curling around the paper and eyes scanning over it. She glanced up with a smirk and the cup in her hand.
"Looks like this is for you," she swished it around, handing it to you. You wrinkled your nose as a potent smell hit you. The rest of the coven was staring at it suspiciously and Lillia was oddly quiet as she stared off into space, Rio too. The woman stood at the back of the group, knife twirling between her fingers as she eyed you up and down. Reluctantly, you plugged your nose and downed the drink, jugging it all down.
Alice crinkled her nose, "If you get poisoned..."
"I am not making another antidote," Jen scoffed.
She rolled her eyes, and Teen hid a small smile behind his hand. Agatha's eyes remained trained on you as you gulped the entire thing down, gagging once you finished. For a moment nothing happened, just a strange tingling sensation that slowly spread through your body.
You knew it was happening the moment your heart stopped beating.
The bones in your body cracked, the sound popping through the room and you could hear Lillia let out a disgusted sound. Your limbs twisted and intertwined as you started shifting against your will. Over time, the process had gotten easier, but this time it was just as painful as the first. Biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood, you squeezed your eyes shut and forced a scream down. It felt like everything in you was on fire.
Your body was shrinking. That was why it was a sharp pain, your bones breaking and reforming as smaller ones, your organs constricting until they were the right size. Once more, you exhaled before the pain stopped and you could feel the rapid beat of your heart again.
Everyone else was so much bigger as they stared down at you, awe and confusion written across their faces. You lifted what would be your hand into your view, only for it to be a paw. A black, fluffy paw. You were a cat. Great.
You tried to force yourself to turn back, but it wouldn't work. Even as you pawed at yourself and shut your eyes, you stayed as a stupid cat. A stupidly small one too.
Letting out a frustrated sound, which was really just a meow, a smirk crossed Agatha's face. She crouched down, her hand reaching out with a taunting coo. You were prepared for her to pick you up, but then your heart stopped again. The animal body you were in died.
Painfully, your human form came back, your body aching and sore. The witches were eyeing you oddly.
"That's weird," you muttered, and the back door opened on queue. It was confusing. Was that the trial? That couldn't be it. But there was a lingering voice in your head telling you secrets weren't meant to be kept. You weren't allowed to have secrets and the road forced yours out.
The coven exited and it wasn't long before a fire was set up, all of you huddling around it, most of them asleep. Rio was the only one awake, her brown eyes piercing from across the fire. You met her gaze, tilting your head. Memories of your parents replayed in your head every time you closed your eyes. Your mom's soft smile and dad's tender words. It made sleeping difficult.
"You died." She stated bluntly.
You blinked at her owlishly for a moment, "How do you know that?"
"Your heart stopped, you stopped breathing, you died," She squinted her eyes, a knife twirling in her hand, "You're not supposed to be here."
You had heard myths that Death took on a human form. You never believed them, but now you were starting to think they were true. There was no other way that Rio could have known that and there was always something odd about her. A certain air that drifted around that just reeked of death.
"You're death, aren't you?" You tilted your head in a dog-like gesture.
Rio shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. She stood from her spot on the other side of the fire, rounding around to you. Crouching in front of you, Rio tilted your chin up with her knife, leaning close.
"Smart," she whispered, her breath right up in your face, "I should be able to collect you, yet I can't." Her fingers trailed up your legs, nearing your thighs before slowly tracing their way all the way up to your neck. "Why's that?"
Your breath caught in your throat, and you just barely managed to choke out, "I don't know."
Her knife was cold against the underside of your chin, and you flinched when she pushed the tip closer, a sharp, small, pain pricking there. You felt a droplet of blood form. Rio smiled at you, her lips curling upwards tauntingly.
"If I killed you now, would you come back to life?" She mused, pursuing her lips. You tried to flinch away, but Rio just chased you with the knife.
There was an annoyed throat cleared, "Leave her be Rio."
You didn't dare move, but you knew it was Agatha and you saw her move out of the corner of your eye, but you stayed focused on Rio. Death rolled her eyes, pushing the knife in just a bit deeper, before pulling back. She sat back on her shins with a pout. The younger witch studied you, her blue eyes icy and piercing. You blinked right back at her.
"You are certainly interesting," she mumbled, her eyes never leaving yours.
A sudden movement from Rio brought your eyes back to hers. She grasped your chin, tilting your head towards her, "When this is all over, would you let me study you?" Although it was phrased as a question, and the suddenness of it caught you off guard, you nodded hesitantly.
Your entire body ached as you sat in Agatha's backyard. You were splayed out, hands at your sides, as Agatha and Rio were somewhere. You honestly weren't sure. Their fight was intense, one that was brutal and you regretted being in the middle of it, and it ended with Billy being taken.
As much as you were sad about, you knew it was the natural cycle of life, but that didn't stop the guilt. According to Rio, you disobeyed the laws, but she couldn't collect your soul since you were still alive. You only died when shifting, and even then, it wasn't long enough for her to gather your soul. Squinting, you stared up at the figure obscuring the sun - Rio smirked down at you, her brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I've dealt with the child," she said flippantly, her hand extended down to you, "Now time to deal with you."
You had agreed to let her study you, although you weren't quite sure what that entailed, and she was holding you to that promise. Reaching up, you grasped her hand and the moment you did, the world swirled around you. Green mist was dispersed as you gathered your bearings, suddenly standing, and not in Agatha's backyard.
Large dark walls loomed over you, going well above your head, and Rio's hand was cold in yours. The air was musty and chilly as you shivered, drawing your arms close and studying the area. Rio leaned in close, her breath hot in contrast to the cool area, "Let's get started, shall we?"
Turns out being Rio's "study" was an excuse for her to mess with you. She had been "studying" you for several years, and in all that time, not once had the two of you made an interesting discovery. Agatha liked to help out, often visiting Rio's abode with some sort of trinket for you and assisting in the "studies."
The three of you studied more than just your abilities.
You were sitting at a desk, scribbling on a piece of paper as you concentrated. None of it made sense. While you hadn't thought about it much before, and offhand comment from Rio the other day got you thinking. She said that she didn't collect animal souls. For a moment you thought that was why she couldn't collect yours, but Rio waved that away, claiming that she felt your soul die. The human one.
Was it something you should have thought of earlier? Yes. Did you? No.
There was a pair of hands placed over your eyes, "Guess who?" A voice chirped.
"Hi Rio," you greeted, gently prying her cold hands from your face, placing a tender kiss on each of them. Your girlfriend smiled as she dropped herself into your lap, arms wrapping around your neck and grinning up at you happily.
"What are you working on?" Her voice was low as she leaned close, pressing a kiss to your lips before you could respond. She tasted of fresh flowers and smelled of the earth. You wanted to melt into her touch, absorb the warmth she was giving you, but your mind was still spinning. Returning her kiss for only a moment, you pulled away gently and ignored her pout.
"Is it possible for a human soul to fuse with an animal soul?"
Your question caught her off guard, you could tell by the slight widening of her eyes, and she pursed her lips. Rio tilted her head, squinting her eyes, before shrugging.
"Never thought about that," she said flippantly, trailing her fingers up your chest. You sighed in exasperation, leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.
"Is Agatha going to be home soon?" Rio hummed against your lips, a very faint answer to your question, and this time you let her kiss you until you had to pull apart for air. Still, you were trying not to get distracted.
"Is it possible," you began, trailing off as you bit your lips, "That my soul fuses with the animal's? And that's why you feel me die, but can't collect it?"
When Rio realized, you weren't going to drop it, she took on a thoughtful expression. It took a moment before she slowly responded, "I believe so."
"You believe what?" Agatha's sudden voice startled you, and you wiped your head around. She stood in the doorway to your office with a small smile. Striding over to you, Agatha bent down and placed a kiss on your forehead before doing the same with Rio.
"Our darling girl has a new theory," Rio informed her. Your face flushed a delicate pink at the term of endearment.
"Not really," you shrugged awkwardly, still not used to their attention after all these years, but after Agatha's prompting look, you continued, "I think that my soul may be fusing with the animal's when I shift, and then like de-fusing when I return."
Agatha smiled pleased, "You're so smart," she praised, pressing another kiss, but this time to your lips, "We can explore that some more, alright?"
You nodded, happy with her response. Both of them looked at you with so much love, so much praise, so much care. You adored it. They didn't care that you had a weird ability. They were only curious and only loved you.
"I love you," you whispered, "Both of you."
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sayoneee · 1 year ago
“miss her, kiss her, love her, wrong move you’re dead, that girl is poison” - bell biv devoe (2.2k)
contains: luke castellan x daughter of aphrodite! reader. acquaintances to friends to secretish lovers. silena + drew mentions. during tlt.
kashaf’s note: u cant tell me a group of teenagers lived together at summer camp and no one had secret parties. dont @ me for the 90s music references (+ i imagine avantika vandanapu as silena, and momona tamada as drew)
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i. and if there was a problem / yo, i'll solve it
“CASTELLAN?” YOU APPROACHED him slowly, tone cautious as if you were speaking to a wounded animal, although in this case, maybe you were, as you reached for his bruised knuckles, remaining persistent, even as he tried to withdraw his hands out of your grasp. “why’d you do that?”
“did i need a reason?” there is a forced jocularity to his words, a well-practiced mask he is never seen without, and you cringe slightly, your gaze catching the grimace that twists his lips. his attempt at a ‘roguish’ grin falls flat, the expression a discordant note against the backdrop of his injuries. luke’s already busted lip splits open, a thin line of crimson carving a river down his chin. he moves to wipe it off the back of his arm, but you’ve already pulled off the bandana tying up your hair (a birthday present from a half-sibling) and begun rubbing at his face.
luke’s eyes widened at the gesture.
despite being tentative acquaintances since your arrival, you’re still annoyed that luke castellan continues to underestimate just how much of his heart he wears on his sleeve — or rather, just how well you manage to see past his facade. his blatant lie hangs in the air, unacknowledged. instead, you deliberately shift your gaze to the purples and blacks that mar his knuckles, setting about wrapping them with your bandana, obscuring the damage.
“i could’ve done that myself,” luke says, amused, his words lightly appreciative. still, at your answering glare, he tosses his hands in the air in surrender as ‘ice ice baby’ continues in the background, uninterrupted, “but thank you, though.”
“i’m no apollo kid, but it’ll do,” you shrug instead of accepting the gratitude, tugging him to his feet, ensuring to grab his uninjured hand, and hauling him outside. 
“you’re no apollo kid, and you decide to take the injured man away from where the apollo kids are actually gathered,” luke muses, once again entertained with himself (was there any other emotion this boy could experience besides amusement?), once the lights of the apollo cabin are so far behind you, neither of you could fully see each other.
“you’ll live,” you say, scowling at him through the darkness, forgetting he couldn’t actually see you.
“and you’re moody for a daughter of aphrodite,” he says, still holding onto your hand as he trails after you.
you stop in your tracks, pinch the bridge of your nose, count to three, and finally turn to luke, who still has his stupidly pleased-with-himself expression on his face. “luke castellan, if you don’t end up dying of some tragic fate or the other i will hunt you down myself.”
“duly noted.”
“holy hera, do you even want to know where i’m taking you?”
“nah, i think the mystery really adds some suspense.”
“that’s it, i give up,” you say, before beginning to drag him back to the apollo cabin, when he plants his feet in the dirt ground firmly, grinning crookedly at you as the moonlight finally shines through the clouds, suddenly bathing him in a luminescent glow.
“nah, c’mon, let’s go to your spot.”
you glare at him, watching how his stupid grin only seems to grow in size, an annoyingly endearing trait. with a sigh, you continued to drag him along, scowling each time he tried to make a quip.
“what if we get to your spot, and i find out this was all just a ploy to murder me?” luke muses out loud, looking thoughtful for once.
“do you seriously believe that if i was gonna murder you, i wouldn’t have done it by now?” you say, pausing when he shrugged in agreement, “we’re here though, whiney baby.” 
luke’s eyebrows rose as he took in the secluded area near the dunes, finally meeting your gaze again. “aw, i can’t believe you just planned out our first date.”
“i seriously don’t know what any of my half-siblings see in you.”
“so you’ve discussed me then.”
“shut up, i dragged you all the way here, because even though i know you like attention, i don’t think you wanted the attention you were getting from punching that poor hephaestus kid in the jaw,” you say shockingly sincerely, startling both yourself and luke.
luke doesn’t say anything, letting what seems like a confession hang in the air, instead, sits down near the water, and rubs a hand across his jaw, watching you as you follow suit, sitting next to him. 
after spending what seems like minutes in silence, watching the waves lap at the shore, luke finally speaks, staring out at the horizon, his tone slightly hollow, and devoid of all things you have come to label as luke castellan, looking eerily similar to the night he had returned from his infamous quest, “heroes aren’t meant to be happy.”
you drew your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and resting your head. “i know — achilles, orpheus, theseus…” you trail off.
“and hercules,” luke adds, almost melancholy. 
“i think i’ve pretty much accepted i’ll die young,” you say, your words coming out in nothing but a whisper despite the two of you being alone.
luke nods in solidarity, lost in thought. “it shouldn’t have to be like this,” he finally says, voice hardening.
ii. talking sweet and looking fine / i get kinda hectic inside
“okay, for this technique, i’ll need a partner,” luke says, looking straight at you. “can you come up here?”
deciding to oblige him, you rolled your eyes good-naturedly, smiling as you joined him in front of the other campers, who had begun whispering when he called out to you. in the crowd, just past your half-siblings looks of shock, you can see the stolls passing around a wad of cash. 
luke addresses the crowd once more, “i need everyone to be paying close attention here, we’ll be demonstrating how to parry, or counterblock for the newcomers.”
as both of you get into position, luke smiles, “don’t forget to go easy on me.”
you laughed, “don’t bet on it, castellan.”
your demonstration ends up feeling like eons, as the two of you continue to dance around each other, parrying and jabbing, and lunging, and striking, and parrying. both of you are panting, your faces flushed as you continue, and just when it seems like you have the upper hand, luke side steps, and easily parries your finishing blow, disarming you in the process.
you laugh as you yield, loving the exhilaration from the fight, but when the two of you face the campers once more, more than half of the crowd is slack-jawed. 
luke, ever the showman, can’t resist a grin, “not only was that your lesson to not underestimate aphrodite cabin, but also to show you the level we’re trying to get you guys to. now, partner up and spread out.”
before you can turn back to address luke again, drew is suddenly at your side. 
“what the fuck was that?” drew hisses, grasping your elbow and leading you away from the training session in full swing, pulling you into your cabin, where silena sits on your bed (still in her armor), clearly awaiting this impromptu confrontation.
“what was what?” you choose to feign innocence, examining your nails before glancing up to see the twin expressions of horror on both silena and drew’s faces. 
“do not act dumb,” drew eyes you coolly, “it’s so beneath you.”
“i’m not acting dumb,” you rolled your eyes at the both of them.
“yes you —”
“you and castellan,” silena interjects, “we want details, now.”
“what details even are there to give?”
silena grabs drew’s arm, pulling her back from apparently nearly pouncing on you. 
drew rolls her eyes at the hand on her arm, and then focuses on you, “you’re literally our next head counselor and you and castellan had never so much looked at each other until this week and now he’s asking you to help demonstrate training techniques, like hello?”
silena snapped her fingers in agreement, “c’mon, you can’t deny that something didn’t happen.”
“nothing did,” you crossed your arms across your chest.
“you know what,” drew says, “if you wanna be like this fine. come find me when you finally decide to — i don’t know — talk to your sisters?” she storms out of the cabin, leaving you alone with silena, who sighs, gives you an apologetic look and goes after drew. 
“well, that was a shit show.”
you whirl around to see your head counselor standing at the entry of the cabin, poised as ever, not a hair out of place as she stood, examining her manicure, looking bored, as usual. 
“couldn’t agree more,” you sigh, sitting on your bed, head in your hands. 
your head counselor takes a seat beside you, “look, i don’t care for whatever petty drama just unfolded, you’ll get over it, daughters of aphrodite and all,” she waves a hand in the air, “— but for now, we have more pressing issues. i’m gonna leave for college soon, and the entire cabin knows you’re my successor.”
you nod as she paused, meeting your gaze, and you can’t help but examine the perfect shape of her eyeliner, scanning her entire picture-perfect face in an attempt to discern her mood.
“i don’t care whatever it is you have going on with castellan, but you need to complete the rite of passage, before you become head counselor.”
“the rite of passage?” you asked, having only heard the phrase in hushed conversations around camp, the knot in your stomach tightening as she continued.
“no child of aphrodite is a true child of aphrodite without having broken their first love’s heart,” is all she offers as an explanation, completely straight-faced. “castellan is perfect for your rite of passage.”
your eyebrows furrow as you consider her words, and with a final nod, and gentle squeeze of your arm, she leaves you with both her legacy and your mother’s legacy in your hands. 
“oh, and before i forget, whoever doesn’t do it always ends up cursed.”
iii. now let me pray to keep you from / the perils that will surely come
luke’s shoulder brushing against yours has turned out to be extremely distracting, and now you can understand why your cabin is more notorious for breaking hearts, rather than falling in love. you can’t seem to focus on anything except how close his hand is to yours, even the golden hue of the fire or the sing-alongs can’t divert your attention. 
the distance between the two of you grows imperceptibly smaller when luke suddenly clears his throat, on the verge of saying something, when a twig snaps behind the two of you, causing you to jump apart and look at the intruder. 
annabeth is standing behind the two of you, looking faintly apologetic, but also terrified. “sorry if i interrupted you guys,” she offers, rubbing her arm.
you share a glance with luke, nodding at him. “you weren’t — luke can always talk to me later,” you say, offering her your trademark smile.
annabeth nodded, “thank you,” as luke gently squeezed your hand before getting up to comfort her.
“don’t thank me, sweetheart.”
you’re at your usual spot when luke rejoins you, running a hand through his curls. “sorry,” he says, “someone left a spider in athena cabin, and no one could kill it.”
you chuckled, “if it wasn’t a total accident, i’d bet money it was travis and connor.”
the corner of his mouth quirks up at the mention of his siblings, “i think you’re spending too much time around them to pick up on their habits.”
“or maybe, i’m spending too much time around you,” you offer, smirking at him, trying to ignore the funny feeling in your chest as he smiles genuinely at you.
“i like to say i’m an acquired taste,” luke shrugs, sneaking a glance at you as you laugh at him. 
“i think i’ve acquired that taste,” you say, without thinking, before realizing how phenomenally stupid that sounded.
luke smiled widely, “y’know, if you weren’t a daughter of aphrodite, i would’ve told you how corny that was —” you shoved him here, “— ow, let me finish, but i actually am really glad to hear that.”
“no wonder,” you smirked, “i can practically hear your heart beating out of your chest.”
“okay, look who’s confident all of a sudden.”
you shut him up with a soft kiss that has him seeing stars. 
iv. i know what’s weighing on your mind / you can be sure i know my part
“again, what the hell is going on with you and castellan?” silena asks one early morning before breakfast, birds chirping as she’s lining her eyes with kajal, glancing at the mirror in her hand as she sits at the top of her bed.
“i literally saw you guys making out and had to scrub my eyes out with soap,” drew adds, looking extremely disgusted at the thought of relieving that experience, as she paints a fresh coat of nail polish. 
“fine, you’re right,” you concede, curling your eyelashes. 
“don’t you have to do the rite of passage, though?” drew asks, pausing to look up at you.
“i’m not doing the rite of passage,” you say slowly, setting the eyelash curler down on the vanity.
“excuse me?” your head counselor has her hands on her hips, the annoyed expression on her face marring her perfect features, towering over you as she stands in front of your bed.
“i said, i’m not doing the rite of passage,” you enunciate, looking up at her, maintaining eye contact.
the temperature of the cabin seemed to drop ten degrees, and for a minute or so, your stare remained unbroken until she shrugged. “your decision... but don’t say i didn’t warn you,” before dramatically whirling around and heading to the pavilion.
silena gave you a look as drew arched her brow, and you simply shrugged in response.
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 17 days ago
Charm Me | Jeon Jungkook | Two Shot | Part One
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Summary: Your best friend's boyfriend's best friend is not someone you had planned on falling for, and honestly you hardly admit it to yourself most days but maybe, just maybe there's something you can do to test those waters... Pairing: f!reader x Jungkook (semi friends to lovers lol) Word Count: 7k~ Warnings: Some curses here and there but nothing major. a/n: Kay so this was supposed to be a one shot but I didn't finish it in time and I wanted to get something out for Valentine's Day so I hope you guys enjoy it 🥰 p.s. barely edited per usual so please excuse any mistakes. I legit decided last minute to make this a two shot lol.
"Come on y/n let's go!" Sadie pleads practically dragging me through the parking lot. "Someone's excited" I laugh, dragging my feet a little to make her task even harder, eventually yanking me through a heart littered archway. 
"You finally agreed to come with me to the Valentine's Festival after I had been begging you for years! How could I not be excited?" she says as though her degree of excitement is warranted but with her, excitement is always easy to conjure.
"I've never had a reason to come since I've been single for years" I roll my eyes, the whole thing seemingly pointless if you ask me. "Yet here you are, still single and gracing me with your presence" she says accompanied by a dramatic curtsy, very fitting this time since she happens to be wearing a dress. 
Her cute coquette style mismatched with my dark and moody nature is a laughable dichotomy. 
Her pink ballet flats walk next to my all black combat boots, the ribbons swaying in her hair stand in stark contrast to the way the light catches on my silver chains, leaving us quite the odd pairing.
"You know, if you keep on hanging on my arm like that people are gonna think we're lesbians" I sigh, not making an effort to pull away. "Is that your way of asking me to be your Valentine" she teases and I roll my eyes. 
"Pretty sure Jayson would have a problem with that" I say, pealing her off of me leaving her pouting before grabbing my hand instead and pulling me over to the first of many stalls that line this festival. 
"Just because Jayson is my boyfriend doesn't mean he has to be my Valentine...plus he hasn't asked me yet" she sighs dramatically for the fifth time today, a common theme for the past couple of days whenever this topic is brought up. 
"You know you could always, I don't know... ask him" I say and her brows furrow leaving me poking the wrinkle on her forehead to make her stop. 
"What a ridiculous thing to say" she scoffs and walks off to the next stand leaving me shaking my head and following after her. 
Sadie is someone I've been friends with for as long as I can remember. Long enough to have known each other before we made the dramatic split in our senses of style. I'd love to burn the pictures of me in Abercrombie skinny jeans and brightly colored Hollister polos but alas they will forever haunt my memories. 
At least I had Sadie though. I wouldn't leave her in the past no matter how many embarrassing stories she's in possession of.
"No way!" she squeals and pulls me over to another stall that's caught her eye. "If you keep on yanking on my arm like that you'll eventually pull it off" I say while rolling my shoulder, making it a point to prevent her from doing so again. 
"Sorry" she laughs awkwardly and tries to check on me but I assure her I'm fine, choosing to direct her attention to the table she decided to pull me towards this time.
"Love potions? Really? Jayson is already head over heels for you Sadie, I doubt you'll need help keeping him around" I roll my eyes and try to move onto to the next stall but she pulls me back, gently this time thankfully, clearly enthralled with the concept.
"Not for me silly, for you!" she justifies and takes a closer look, making the mysterious and lowkey sketchy woman behind the table hopeful that she'll get another sucker to fall for her tricks. 
"Why would I need a love potion? Last time I checked there's not a man in my life that I'd want to fall in love with me" I say and she cocks a brow at me. "Bullshit" she says, using language that I've hardly every heard from her. 
"Someone's feisty today" I chuckle making her expression sour. "What? There's literally no guy I could think of that I'd want to use that on" I reiterate but we both know I'm lying. 
But I'm not gonna give that information up though even if she tries to beat it out of me.
"Whatever you say" she huffs and moves onto the next stall.
The rest of our time here is spent doing the same thing over and over again with Sadie trying to find something for Jayson and me just following along getting hungrier by the second as we inch closer and closer to the food stalls that are annoyingly full of food items that look like hearts and roses but I couldn't care less when they smell that good. 
"Alright come on dude I'm starving" I say when she's finished paying, still engaged in a conversation with the shop keeper that has been convincing her to buy too many useless things but it's no skin off my nose if she wants to use her daddy's money to buy that nonsense. 
"Hey! I was still talking to her" she whines but follows since after my not so subtle mention of needing sustenance she's starting to realize she's just as starving if not more than me when she see's that they're selling heart shaped waffles. 
"Okay but afterwards I want to check out a few more stalls!" she compromises and switches to pulling me along again to get in the ever growing line of hungry customers.
After we've each successfully gained a food baby each Sadie pops around and looks at a few more stalls with me very much ready for a nap. 
But let's be honest, I'm always ready for a nap.
"Hey why don't you pull the car around and I'll check out the last few stalls on my own" she suggests but I know she's up to something. 
"Why?" I question watching her eyes shift over to a certain stall in particular. "That way it'll safe us a little bit of time and we can get out of here sooner" she explains but I sigh and agree, knowing the faster we get out of here, the better from my perspective at least. 
"I'll call you when I get closer to the entrance" I say and she smiles and waves me off while I make the trek back to her car on my own, having brought her car so I would have no means of escape.
When I finally pull up she hops in with at least two or three more bags than she had when I left. "What did you buy?" I ask but all I'm granted is a little giggle accompanied by a no where near suspicious 'Nothing' leaving me rolling my eyes for the last time tonight, knowing that her childlike excitement when it comes to these things truly is endearing to me, but she'll never know that. 
Once Sadie unlocks the door to her apartment we both head over to the table to set down her countless purchases. 
"Did you really need another perfume?" I ask, holding up the pink ish stained glass bottle to the light leaving her taking it out of my hands and putting it back on the table. "It's not perfume it's room mist. It's supposed to make the space feel more romantic" she says, giving a shortened version of the sales pitch she no doubt got. 
"Right...romantic" I chuckle knowing that it'll probably just be a cheaply made lightly scented mist that's supposed to be all natural with health benefits too but I won't burst her bubble on this one since I know there's enough romance to spare when it comes to her and Jayson. 
I swear I can barely stand being alone with them but luckily that's gotten a little better lately. 
"I should probably get going soon" I say looking at the clock after I've helped her put everything away for safe keeping, code word for away from Jayson's prying eyes. "Wait why?" she pouts, "I thought you were gonna stay for movie night" she says as if I just told her that she can't wear pink on Wednesdays. 
"I don't wanna watch a movie with you and your boyfriend" I cringe at the idea of being left in a room with those two. "Yeah but he's bringing J-" she starts to argue but is cut off by a rhythmic knock on her front door making her expression go from sulking to smug.
"Can you get the door?" she asks and goes back to the kitchen to get the movies snacks ready. "I'm not your butler S" I call back out but my only response is her happily humming and completely ignoring me. 
I walk over to the door and open it with Jayson's hand raised up about to knock again which he luckily doesn't because he wouldn't knocked on my forehead instead. 
"Impatient are we?" I ask and lean against the doorway, making his efforts of seeing Sadie last a little while longer. "Hi y/n, is Sadie around?" he chuckles, glad he didn't accidentally make an enemy of me tonight. "I mean this is her apartment" I say and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. 
"Yeah I guess you're right" he says making me smirk, knowing I'm playing to scary best friend role perfectly. Looks like he took the threat of me castrating him if he ever hurt Sadie pretty seriously still. "In the kitchen" I say and widen the door, letting him slip past me but when I go to close it I'm met with another person trying to come in right behind him.
"Hey y/n" his deep voice says, no doubt trying to play it cool since he's probably heard that story before as well. "Didn't know you were coming" I say, my tone neutral as I widen the door for him. 
"Yeah Jayson said something about a movie night? I heard you were gonna be here so I thought I'd tag along...if that's alright with you of course" Jungkook say, backtracking and clearly embarrassed for admitting that he wanted to see me.
"I mean it's a free country" I shrug my shoulders and close the door, with him waiting for me to lead the way even though he's been here quite a few times already since Sadie and Jayson got together. "Right" he chuckles, not adding much more than that, letting the conversation die.
"Hi baby" Jayson says making Sadie giggle and I avert my eyes before I have to witness another kiss of theirs leaving me bumping into Jungkook's chest, not having expected him to be that close. With him as a result wrapping his arm around me to make sure I don't stumble from the impact. 
"Sorry I-" he says but I just unwrap his arm around my waist. "It's fine. I was just a little too dramatic in trying to save myself from witnessing their love" I roll my eyes leaving Sadie pouting but I can tell she's clearly satisfied with seeing Jungkook and I so close. 
"Makes sense" he said and rubs the back of his neck and watches as I make my way over to the couch with him soon following my lead. 
He's been like this almost since the beginning once he realized that my moody exterior wasn't aimed at him just because he was a stranger but was just a part of my character. Although I'm pretty sure I still make him nervous, he doesn't seem to mind it anymore.
Just like clockwork he sits on one side of the couch while I sit on the other, never crossing spacial boundaries unless necessary or out of convenience like that one time I got roped into sitting in the middle in the backseat next to him on our trip to the beach since we needed more space for the stuff we brought with us. 
Curse you Sadie and your tiny car. 
I don't even know why we ended up taking her car since it's the smallest out of the four of ours but alas. The result of which was Jungkook's arm draped across the back seat to offer me some more space with me eventually falling asleep on him. Resulting in me lowkey avoiding him after the fact until I realized how ridiculous I was being.
Sadie had also been guilt tripping me at that time about how sad he had been and how lonely he looked hanging out with just her and Jayson and so I finally gave in, knowing I couldn't do this forever. Plus it wasn't like it was his fault or anything. Swimming always makes me sleepy and I should've warned him about that. 
He didn't make it a big deal about it when I came back thankfully since I already had to deal with enough teasing from my often merciless best friend so we were luckily able to act as though it never happened. Although ever since then it's happened quite a few times...
"Hey Jungkook do you think you could let me use the arm rest tonight?" Jayson calls out sounding not in the slightest bit suspicious but all of us know what he's doing and Sadie clearly has clearly put him up to it.
"Oh um" Jungkook starts but when he not so subtly glances over in my direction I decide to just put the boy out of his misery. "You can use mine. Sadie and I can sit in the middle" I say resulting in me having to sit next to Jungkook for the next two or so hours.
When I glance at him I can see how the new seating arrangement has made him nervous and so I decide to torture the boy a little. "As long as that's okay with you Jungkook?" I ask, tilting my head at him which has him nervously glancing back over at me before clearing his throat and practically squirming him his seat before nodding 'yes'. 
"Perfect!" Sadie says and with the help of Jayson brings over all the snacks and presses play on the pre approved movie from our group chat debate.  
As the movie drags on I watch my vision go in and out of focus, leaving me shaking my head in an effort to try and wake myself up. "You okay?" Jungkook whispers and I hum. "Just a little sleepy" I respond assuring him I'm alright. He hums back and adjusts his posture, draping his arm around the couch, as a not so subtle invitation for me to lean on him.
The corner of my mouth turns up at that and I can tell that he noticed it, making him not as nervous about his offer anymore.
The dynamic between Jungkook and I has been...peculiar to say the least. 
I wouldn't consider him a close friend or even a friend really. Maybe more like a friend by proxy since we do end up spending a lot of time together. With both of our best friends insisting that the two of us tag along with neither of us having the real desire to tell them no. 
We've had a good conversation here and there when Sadie and Jayson are wrapped up in their own little world but I won't lie to you when I say that there have been some days or nights where we just sit in silence, watching the love birds do what they do.
If you ask me though it's never felt awkward. Has he been awkward and nervous? Yes. But it doesn't really bother me either. 
I wouldn't say that I seek out his company but I can't say that I don't feel a little disappointed when he's not around. More like there's something missing because obviously someone is missing, plus I'm forced to pay more attention to the two of them if it's just me.
It's times like that when he works up the courage to text me. Explaining why he wasn't able to make it as though he felt obligated to do so but he makes sure to offer me an ear when I want to complain about the nonsense those two get up to or what they managed to rope me into.
He sends funny memes to cheer me up, somehow knowing my sense of humor perfectly or complains to me in return about how boring and monotonous his job can be making me smile when he tells me he has to go because his boss is watching. As though he was a nervous teenager that couldn't spend a second away from his crush.
He couldn't have a crush on me could he? No, no that's not right. 
I let my thoughts of Jungkook drift off, the low hum of the TV soon lulling me to sleep resulting in me leaning against him, with him adjusting his posture to make it more comfortable for me, his arm soon migrating from resting on the back of the couch to loosely around my waist.
Something I've always noticed when I wake up though is that he's so comfortable. As though being this close to him feels natural. I will admit that when I've partially stirred awake and realized what I'd done I don't make an effort to wake up or pull away, indulging in the comfort for just a little while longer.
I feel bad though for the times that I wake up and he has to leave right away or when Sadie pulls me over and let's me lay on her lap to continue sleeping, making it a little easier for him to head out. It's as though he waits until the very last minute just to let me sleep a little while longer, not wanting to disturb me for as long as he can.
Tonight isn't one of those nights though, the ones where he has somewhere to go or some place to be. 
He just stays there, being as still as he can, letting me cuddle up to him as little or as much as I want to, eventually helping me lay my head down on his lap once Jayson and Sadie turn in for the night. The position being the slightest bit more comfortable this time with me eventually waking up three hours after the movie had finished.
My head is resting on his upper thigh, with my face basically buried into his torso but he doesn't seem to mind when I turn onto my back and see him absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. 
"What time is it?" I mumble, slightly startling him but he smiles at my groggy state soon after. "One thirty" he mumbles back, keeping his voice down so he doesn't force me awake too quickly. 
"You could've woken me up" I say, slowly sitting up and stretching before straightening out my appearance just the slightest bit. "I didn't have anywhere to be so I thought I'd just let you sleep" he shrugs and I hum. "Plus you seemed pretty exhausted so I thought you could use the rest" he adds and I can't help but give him a soft, hardly conscious smile. 
"Thanks" and he just smiles back at me. We sit there for a little while, and he eventually hands me a bottle of water that's on the coffee table to hopefully help me wake up but after a while I sigh and rest back back against the couch again. 
"What?" he chuckles, sensing my struggle. "Sadie was supposed to give me a ride home" I huff, realizing the predicament I've been put in, just because I wanted to get some shut eye. 
"I can give you a ride" he chuckles, seeing the clear solution but I shake my head. 
"I can't just keep you here and use you as my human pillow then have you give me a ride home as well" I counter but he just smiles. "It's really not a big deal" he counters and I sigh again, knowing he's probably not gonna take no for an answer. 
I can't help but get this...this indescribable feeling in my stomach that I so desperately want to ignore when I think about being alone with him. We are alone right now but that somehow seems...different.
"I have to go somewhere on your side of town anyways so your place is on my way" he says making me smile at his blatant lie. "At two in the morning?" I chuckle, checking my phone and quickly turning down the brightness so it won't blind me anymore.
"Yeah it's uh...open for twenty four hours" he say, making excuses to fit his claims. "You're lying to me aren't you?" I say, calling him out making him look down at his lap, slightly defeated seeing his excuse didn't work this time. 
"Yeah" he mumbles making me smile. "You could always just say that you want to give me a ride" I chuckle and from the way he clears his throat and looks away I can tell that that sentence has a completely different meaning to him than I had intended. 
"I um...I want to give you a ride...home. A ride home" he stammers, the whole interaction quite amusing to me. "Sure, I'd like that" I say and stand up with him getting up immediately, patting his pockets and making sure he has his keys. 
I grab my purse and make sure I have everything I need as well and when he sees that I didn't bring a warm jacket he gives me the other one he brought that he had put aside when he came in. "What's this for?" I ask, taking it suspiciously and draping it over my arm. 
"We're just walking to your car right? Pretty sure I don't need this for that short of a walk" I say and try to hand it back to him. He takes it back but instead wraps it around me and helps me put it on regardless, even going through the effort of zipping it up for me. 
"Trust me, you'll need it" he smiles softly after seeing how it fits me, clearly satisfied seeing me wearing something of his. 
"I look silly don't I?" I say, turning towards the full length mirror Sadie has in her entry way but he chuckles and shakes his head, standing behind me and looking at me through the reflection. 
"It looks perfect on you" he says just as soft as his smile and opens the door, urging for me to go in true gentlemanly like fashion leaving me rolling my eyes but going along with his efforts nonetheless. 
I lock up the apartment with my spare key and follow him as he leads me to what I had expected to be his usual black BMW but what I'm met with is an equally as black Harley Davidson with him unlocking the compartment in the back and handing me his spare helmet. 
This item although I don't take so willingly.
"You're joking right?" I scoff and cross my arms, the longer sleeves from his jacket by design giving me sweater paws making my stance a whole less defiant than I wanted. A pouty aura now stands in it's place.
"What? Never ridden a motorcycle before?" he smirks and walks over to me, choosing to put it on for me since he's pretty sure I wouldn't do it from my argument against this whole idea to begin with. 
"No I haven't and I don't plan to" I huff and try to take it off but he chuckles and holds it down against my head making me accept defeat with this part at least. Just because I put on the helmet doesn't mean I actually have to ride it. 
"You scared?" he chuckles, adjusting the strap under my chin and making sure it fits just right, smiling, satisfied with his work, amused with my soured expression. "I am not scared!" I argue and he smirks. 
"Then what's the problem sweetheart?" he says, his first time even daring to use a pet name with me catching me off guard. 
"The problem is, sweetheart, is that I don't wan't to. Those things are dangerous!" I argue and he smiles before putting his helmet on as well and taking my bag to place it in the back seat compartment and closes it. 
"Hey!" I argue when I realize what he's done, trying to get it back but it seems it locks automatically leaving my efforts sans key useless.
"Do you trust me?" he asks and my brows furrow, honestly not knowing the answer yet making me look away. "Y/n" he says, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and urging me to look at him leaving me ultimately relenting.
"Do you trust me?" he repeats, all the times I've let him in even in the slightest rushing through my psyche. Hell even just moments ago when I had been asleep and in a vulnerable state I trusted him to watch over me and so I nod my head. 
Admitting to him and myself that I've let him in, that I've let him break down these walls that I've built up even in the slightest making the sides of his eyes crinkle, the mask like helmet making it impossible to see his complete expression. 
"Good, now get on"
I hold onto him as tight as I possibly can while he safely swerves between lanes and warns me when he's about to go around a bend and I can tell that everything about this predicament amuses him. 
"You know you can relax a little when we hit red lights" he calls out to me over the roar of the engine but my only answer is a quick 'Nope' while I grasp onto him tighter, his reactions always a dark chuckle that I can feel through his back that's pressed impossibly close to my chest the tighter I cling to him. 
At those red lights though he tends to remind me to keep my legs spread just a little wider, making sure I don't burn my calves on the hot metal of the bike. Placing both of his hands on my knees and spreading them a little wider. The act alone in this case is innocent but in others that I curse my mind for wandering to is anything but that.
"Hey" he calls out, the roar of his Harley no longer audible making his voice seem that much louder. "Yeah?" I ask, still completely clueless as to what he's trying to alert me to. "You can let go now" he chuckles, the sound no longer just felt but heard makes me pull back, so thankful his back is turned to me still.
"Sorry, I didn't realize we had gotten here already" I say and he shakes his head and pulls off his helmet before getting off and leaving me sliding down a little on the seat, loosing my balance and grabbing onto the handlebars. 
"I thought you said you didn't like motorcycles" he taunts and I huff. "I don't" I roll my eyes making him even more amused. "Really? Because you look like you're about to steal it from me" he points out, nodding towards my hands that are very much still on the handle bars. 
I let go of it as though I had burned myself and quickly getting off the bike, losing my balance and making Jungkook on instinct grabs my hips to keep me on my feet. 
After regaining my composure and realizing the predicament we're in leave me the one to call in back to reality. My hands although are still very much holding onto his biceps with his hands still gripping my hips with an almost bruising strength. 
I look up at him, seeing as he's looking down at me, an unreadable expression written on his face as though he was struggling with something leaving me really having to break him out of his train of thought. 
"Jungkook?" I say, loosening my grip on his arms. "Hmm?" he hums, still clearly lost in whatever thoughts had been holding him hostage, still looking at me but almost as if he couldn't focus on one feature. 
"Jungkook?" I say again, this time smiling and that breaks him out of it a bit more. "You can let go now" I laugh, leaving him blinking and letting go, taking a step back making both of our arms fall at our sides now. 
"Sorry um...are you okay?" he asks, remembering the fact that I almost fell on my ass. "I'm fine, are you?" I tilt my head at him leaving him looking away, a rosy tint deepening on his cheeks even in this twilight surrounding us. 
"Can you help me with this?" I ask after trying to struggle and get the helmet off leaving his mouth utter a inaudible 'oh' before stepping closer again and unbuckling the intricate strap under my chin. 
"See, home safe and sound" he chuckles after putting the helmets away and giving me my bag back. "Slightly traumatized but safe nonetheless" I say making the corner of his mouth turn up. 
"It wasn't that bad was it?" he asks with him now tilting his head at me, now understanding his reaction to when I do it. "Never make me do that again" I huff and turn to walk away and when I hear the sound of two sets of foot steps instead of one I turn around and watch as his steps stutter and come to a halt. 
"What?" he asks when he's met with a confused look. "What are you doing?" I ask and he's now the one rolling his eyes at me. "Walking you to the door?" he nods towards my front door making me cross my arms over my chest. 
"Why?" I cock my brow, "I'm perfectly capable of walking there myself" I argue but he looks down and chuckles. "I know, but I want to" he says when he looks back up at me, something about it making my heart flutter and therefore making me more susceptible to the whole idea. 
"Fine" I say and it's at that point I notice the fact that he had in fact planned this. Him having parked in a visitor parking space and going through the effort of taking his helmet off as well. Clearly showing me he had no intention of leaving right away making me turn around to hide the no doubt embarrassed expression on my face.
His footsteps trail behind me as I walk over to the stairs, choosing to not take the elevator because the thought alone of being in that small of a space with him seems intimidating enough. 
It's not like I'm on the fifth floor or something...just the third, making both of us slightly winded by the time we get to my door. 
He waits as I unlock my door and when I turn around he still doesn't look like he's in much of a rush to leave. "You gonna head home?" I ask, tossing my keys on the hooks next to my door and he smile. "You're not gonna invite me in?" he asks, nodding inside and I look back assessing the state of it and decide it's in an okay state to have visitors. 
"Do you wanna come inside?" I ask and he again clears his throat and looks away. Damn this boy has an even dirtier mind than I do. "Yeah um sure" he says, rubbing the back of his neck, the tips of his ears pink as if he wasn't the one that suggested this making me smile and walk in, leaving an open invitation. 
He follows soon after and closes the door behind him, quietly since it's about to be three in the morning so he doesn't feel like contributing to me getting an eviction notice. 
"It's been a while since you've been here huh?" I ask, grabbing both of us waters from the fridge with him nodding and taking it from me, making it a point to brush his fingers against mine before I pull back. 
"Yeah. It looks a little different" he says while taking in some things he hadn't noticed before, one of which being my little black cat that does a big stretch before walking over to him, smelling him and circling around his legs as if he was sizing him up. 
"I didn't know you had a cat" he says, leaning down and offering his hand down for him to get a little bit more familiar with his scent. "What's his name?" he asks, looking back up at me after having crouched down to pet him, seeing that he's taken a liking to him which surprises me to say the least. 
"Shadow" I say and I can't help but smile at the sight. "Hi Shadow" he coos again leaving me caught off guard when Shadow starts purring. "He really never takes a real liking to strangers, or at least not this quickly" I say and he smiles before standing back up, leaving me looking back up at him again. 
"I guess I'm just a likable guy" he jokes making me roll my eyes and sit down on the couch with him following after me. "You've got some pretty heavy duty curtains there" he points out, seeing my very dark, very black curtains to match my whole aesthetic.
"I have trouble sleeping sometimes so it's easier for me to keep as much light out that I can if I end up having to sleep during the day" I shrug and place my water down on the coffee table with him soon following after. 
"Is that why you're so sleepy all the time?" he asks making me hum, "Yeah, sorry about that" I apologize but he smiles and shakes his head. "There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm just glad I'm able to help you get some sleep sometimes" he says, his smile soon turning shy making him look away. 
His act of going in and out of shy to confident makes him that much more entertaining to me. With him although practically squirming under my gaze one second to practically giving me butterflies in the next. It's an interesting dynamic but one I don't put much thought into.
"Are you gonna have trouble sleeping tonight? You know with that long nap that you had" he says sheepishly as if he wasn't the one I had fallen asleep on. 
"Maybe, but I'm used to it" I shrug my shoulders and he nods, clearly trying to think through what he wants to say next but before he's able to a loud thunder clap resounds through my apartment, making me almost jump into his lap, the sudden sound catching me off guard.
"You alright?" he asks and I clear my throat awkwardly, and sit back, going back to my respective side of the couch. "Yup totally fine, completely fine actually. How are you doing?" I babble, clearly giving myself away which now is amusing him. 
"You're afraid of thunderstorms aren't you?" he asks, tilting his head at me and I nod, giving in right away because there's no use hiding this obvious answer. 
"Are you gonna be able to sleep through it?" he asks and although I know what he's gonna offer next I don't want to take advantage of his kindness especially since I don't want him to end up thinking I led him on because I can't make up my mind in the future.
"Probably not" I admit and he hums, thinking about it for a second before saying what I knew he was going to. "I could stay...if you want?" he asks, not wanting to overstep but sensing from my body language alone that I might need someone. 
"I-" "How about this. I don't really like the idea of riding my motorcycle in the middle of a thunderstorm so do you think you could offer me a place to stay for the night?" he asks, making me see that although I know he's doing this for me he does end up benefitting from it at least a little bit...or a lot a bit.
I think about it for a second and although I know I'm gonna say yes I can't help but hesitate. The thought of letting him stay making this whole thing I know we're starting to feel for each other that much more real.
"I guess it would be pretty shitty of me to kick you out in the rain huh?" I smile, wanting to add a little humor to the tension I clearly feel growing between us. "I mean it's your choice but I would really appreciate it if you didn't" he jokes making me smile. 
"You can stay on one condition" I say and he hums at that but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way. "You have to sleep in my bed. My couch is too short and I'd feel horrible if you woke up with a kink in your neck or something because of it" I say and he gives me a cheeky smile. 
"It would defeat the purpose if I slept anywhere else but with you. You know, so I can keep you calm through the storm?" he chuckles and I nod, glad that we're on the same page although for different reasons.
"Did you wanna borrow some clothes? I have some baggy sweats and your waist is pretty small from what I remember so they'd probably fit you" I ramble and I know at that point that I've said way too much when he gives me a wicked smile. 
"Have you been checking me out y/n?" he asks and scoots just a bit closer. "No, no I just remember from the few times we've gone to the beach together. You know, with Sadie and Jayson?" I make excuses but he's not buying it. 
"So you haven't been checking me out now but you did then?" his smile never leaving his face. 
"Did you want the clothes or not?" I scowl making him even more enticed to keep teasing but he hums in agreement and watches as I jump up from the couch. 
"Wait here" I say and he nods his head, resting his arm across the back of the couch and spreading his legs just a little wider than necessary with him shamelessly checking me out as much as I am with him. 
I scurry off to my room though, the thought of crossing anymore lines with him than I'm about to already is something I'm not ready for yet...yet? No! I'm not ready for period! I'm not ready for anything like that and I don't want to put a strain on our relationship if something ends up happening. 
I change and take some very much needed deep breaths before going back to the living room with the baggy set of clothes I had offered to him and see that he's started to explore. He takes a closer look at the pictures that I have hung up and zeroes in on one on my desk of Sadie and I in those aforementioned pictures I had mentioned. 
"You looked really different here" he chuckles and I walk over and put the picture frame face down, not wanting him to have to see that image for any longer. 
"I didn't have much of a choice back then. Plus you know that was the style back then" I explain and hand him the clothes before resting against the desk, making sure he doesn't try to look at it again.
He hums and takes the clothes making my eyes furrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask but he smiles and shakes his head. "Nothing" he says and places the clothes on the desk next to me. 
"What do you mean it's nothing? It has to be something if you're acting like that" I huff and glare at him as he looks away, clearly more amused at this situation than I can comprehend. "I just had an image in my head of you always dressing like you usually do" he says and looks down at me, making me realize just how little space is left between us.
"How do I usually dress?" I ask, knowing the answer but wanting him to elaborate, wanting to know exactly what he thinks about the way that I dress. "You know, all dark and scary" he smirks and places both of his hands on either side of my hips on the desk, leaning down to my height making me back away from him. 
"You think I'm scary?" I scoff and look away, trying to hide how much his close proximity has caught me off guard. "I used to" he hums making me look at him, his honesty although obvious is peculiar to admit at this point. 
"And now?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper making the corner of his mouth upturn but before he's able to respond another roar of thunder smashes us out of our "Moment" if you could even call it that. Embarrassingly forcing me to cling onto him as if my life depended on it, with him on instinct wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me steady, now realizing just how scared I truly am.
"Hey, it's okay, you're okay" he says in a hushed tone, pulling me even closer, him feeling the rapid beating of my heart through my chest. 
He rests his head on top of mine with me practically trying to crawl into his chest with how close I'm trying to be and he finds it endearing to say the least. "You're safe, I got you" he says, after another one roars, making me cling onto him, practically shaking at this point. 
"How do you know?" I mumble against his chest and he pushes me away and leans down so he could be at my level. I look away again, this time trying to hide how completely embarrassed I am for being so scared of something that I know is silly but I can't help it. 
He tilts his head trying to catch my glance and when that doesn't work he cups my cheek and brings me back over to him but even then in my stubbornness when I still won't look at him he tilts my chin up and I finally relinquish to his efforts. 
"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he says softly and I nod before going back in, knowing that at the end of the day he's the one who's gonna keep me safe. 
No matter what he's always gonna be there for me...and that's what scares me.
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @coralmusicblaze @whoa-jo @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater Taglist continued in the comments 💜
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rhyrhy · 7 days ago
more Ellie Abby hc’s PLEASE
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Masc’s and Mascara
⋆. ࣪𖤐.ᐟ Warnings: none, fluff, established relationships! My two favorite M’s. Mascs and makeup. Based on this
♡ A/n : doing Ellie/abby/vi’s makeup (yum) | dividers by fairytopea
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Costume party—Gf! Vi
“Ugh. Sorry—hold on, let me just…” you sighed deeply.
This would’ve been the third time you redid her eyeliner. The ink simply refused to work with you. You’d been moving around each other in the shared bathroom, getting ready when you took the lead on doing her vampire makeup for her. Duo costumes were a must. You were going as Princess Bubblegum, and Vi was stamped on being Marceline. Her Powder blue eyes watched your face twist in frustration. She could have done it herself but had always been a stickler for physical touch. She wanted it to be dark, moody, and dramatic enough to suit her.
As the makeup wipe brushed her skin again, she unfolded her arms and held her hand out. You gave her the liquid eyeliner pen.
“Here, let me.” Her reddish-pink hair swayed as she tilted her body toward the mirror on her left.
Wrapping your arms around her waist, you watched her in the mirror. She closed one eye, swiping the liner effortlessly. And before you could sulk, she turned back to you with a small smile.
“See? Teamwork.” She kissed the top of your head, laying the pen down.
“Didn’t know my girlfriend was a MUA. But I still get to do the rest,” you said, pulling back. Standing between her thighs, you reached back into your makeup bag. The conversation continued as she listed off who all was coming out tonight but halted when you pulled out tweezers to clean up her eyebrows. Her head leaned back, away from your hands.
“What? These bad boys are perfect,” she said, holding a hand up. Then she pointed. “Put those down.”
“Vi,” you protested.
“No way.” She waved her hand.
“Violet, just let me—” you whined, laughing at her reluctance.
“Nope,” she finalized as she lowered your hand gently.
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Makeup trend— Gf! Ellie
“Shh, stop. If you laugh, I will.” You scolded, tilting her straight on her pillow once more.
Ellie was already giggling when you showed her the trend. Though she didn’t wear any herself, having had previous girlfriends, she was aware of the basics. occasionally letting you put brown mascara on her to complement her emerald irises. Black eyeshadow on a small brush, you carefully drew out the lines on her cheeks.
“Okay, okay,” she huffed, her thumbs gently stroking the skin under the hem of your shirt, steadily holding your hips as you sat on her lap. She kept her head still for you. The light tickle of the brush strokes had her biting back more laughs. Scanning over her room, then back to your focused face—one she always found cute. But she knew what face she enjoyed even more… a smile.
You tilted your head, carefully outlining the black once more, making sure it didn’t bleed onto the faded orange on the contours of her face.
She was letting you work in peace until—
“Rawr!” she growled, wiggling her fingers into your sides as she tickled you in the spots she knew too well.
“Els! Stop it!” you yelped, jerking away as she cackled.
You narrowed your eyes at her through your laughter, pointing at the smudged makeup. “See? now I have to redo it.”
Ellie smiled and shrugged unapologetically. “Oh no, whatever will you do?”
“You’re so annoying.” You chuckled, putting your face in your hands.
“Mhm, and you love me.” She wiggled her brown brows before grabbing the brush from your hands. “Alright, now it’s my turn. Let me mess up your face.”
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Curiosity — Gf! Abby
Her strong arms relaxed, draping over the back of your plush vanity chair. Leaning forward, she brought her head closer to yours, following your movements in the mirror as you worked on your makeup.
“Okay, just tell me what it is first,” she said as you held up a product, a small smile on your lips.
“Highlighter.” You pointed to your small Revlon palette of glittery tones.
“Why would anyone want to put that on their face?” She raised a brow, glancing to the lettering.
You sighed. “To look glowy, Abby. A little shine.” You did jazz hands for emphasis. She laughed at your dramatics but let you continue. It started with you just putting some clear mascara on her, telling her she’d barely notice the difference. But then, you managed to convince her to let you go a little further. She laughed the entire time, shaking her head as you carefully blended out the concealer you’d sneakily applied. One leg rested on hers as she sat in the chair with you, pressed together comfortably. You happily swiped highlighter on her brow bone.
“This is ridiculous,” she muttered. Of course, she didn’t pull away. leaning into your hands instead.
“You’re ridiculous,” you teased back.
She gave you a look. “You’re literally putting stuff on my face right now.”
“And you’re letting me,” you shot back at her. Abby rolled her eyes, but she didn’t stop you. “Now shh,” you soothed, knowing she loved when you pampered her despite her fake protests.
A content sigh, her eyes fluttering shut as you continued.
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I might make a jinx/Dina/Caitlyn Ver of this!
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888888-88 · 10 months ago
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Still WIP 🚧 🎨 (being SO SLOW bc every time I draw him I get bashful😩😫🥴pls send help)
I hc him with dark gray eyes that can be black or blue depending on lighting 🥹🙏🏻👁️🧿
Moody stormy gray⛈️ seems so perfect
*sorry for the frequent edits 🙇🏻‍♀️ still trying to figure it out how to use tumblr properly 💦
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nuyhado3o · 1 month ago
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Gong Yoo x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: A photoshoot with Gong Yoo takes an unexpected turn as you’re asked to pose together, bound by tape marked DANGER. What begins as a bold concept soon turns into a slow-burning moment of intense attraction, blurring the lines between professional and personal.
wc: 2k
You always knew dating someone like Gong Yoo would come with certain surprises. Unexpected schedule changes, whirlwind trips, long months apart. But when he casually mentioned Marie Claire wanted you in his upcoming photoshoot, you realized there were still some things you weren’t prepared for.
It was early morning when he told you, your body still wrapped in the warm cocoon of his sheets, his fingers lazily tracing circles on your bare shoulder.
"They want to do something different this time," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.
You made a soft, inquisitive sound, not fully awake yet.
His fingers paused. "They want you in it."
That jolted you upright. "What?"
Gong Yoo turned onto his back, one arm tucked behind his head, watching your reaction with an amused expression.
"They think a shoot with both of us would be interesting," he explained. "Something raw. Intimate."
Your brows furrowed. "I’m not a model, Yoo."
His lips twitched. "You don’t have to be. You just have to be you."
You sighed, leaning against the headboard. "And what exactly do they want us to do?"
He hesitated, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his gaze. "The concept is… bold."
You narrowed your eyes. "How bold?"
Gong Yoo finally sat up, reaching for his phone. He scrolled for a moment before turning the screen toward you. The mock-up reference photo showed a man and woman, their hands bound together with thick black tape labeled DANGER. The pose was intense—like they were caught between resistance and surrender.
You swallowed. "That’s… dramatic."
He chuckled, dropping his phone onto the nightstand. "It’s just an artistic concept."
You weren’t sure if just artistic was the right way to describe it. The image practically pulsed with tension. The way the models leaned into each other, the way their bodies curved instinctively toward one another, as if drawn by an invisible force. It wasn’t explicit, but it felt deeply, unmistakably intimate.
"Are you sure about this?" you asked quietly.
Gong Yoo reached for your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. "Only if you are."
You sighed. Trusting him had never been difficult.
"Fine," you murmured. "But if I look ridiculous, I’m blaming you."
He grinned, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Deal."
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You arrived at the studio early, your nerves barely contained beneath the cool exterior the stylists had given you. The outfit was sleek—minimalistic but striking—something that made you look like you belonged in a high-fashion spread. You barely recognized yourself in the mirror.
Gong Yoo arrived shortly after, effortlessly magnetic even in something as simple as a fitted black shirt and dark pants. The moment he saw you, he stopped mid-step, his gaze dragging over you in slow appreciation.
"You look…" He exhaled a soft laugh, shaking his head. "Incredible."
You rolled your eyes, but your pulse stuttered at the way he was looking at you.
Before you could respond, the photographer clapped his hands together. "Alright, let’s get started!"
The set was dimly lit, moody shadows cast against concrete walls. A large chair sat in the center, its dark leather contrasting starkly with the bright white DANGER tape being prepped by the crew.
"We’ll start separately," the photographer explained, adjusting his camera. "Yoo, sit in the chair. Look at her like you need her. Like she’s the only thing keeping you from breaking."
Your breath caught at the instruction. Gong Yoo only smirked, slipping into character effortlessly.
And God, was it unfair.
Even just sitting there, with his legs spread slightly, one arm draped over the chair’s back, he looked like temptation itself. His eyes, dark and smoldering, locked onto you with an intensity that made your stomach tighten.
You swallowed hard. How were you supposed to survive this shoot?
The first shots were easy enough. A few moody, distant poses. You looking away, him looking at you. Then came the DANGER tape.
They started with his hands first, wrapping the black and white strips around his wrists, then threading it between his fingers. You watched as he flexed his hands, testing the restraint, his jaw tightening just slightly.
Then it was your turn.
The stylist wound the tape around your wrists, careful not to make it too tight, but snug enough to look real. The photographer stepped back, tilting his head.
"Good. Now, sit on his lap."
You stiffened. "What?"
The photographer chuckled. "It has to look natural. Like you’re trapped together, but neither of you really wants to escape."
A muscle in Gong Yoo’s jaw twitched, but he said nothing, simply waiting for you.
You exhaled, stepping forward. He spread his knees slightly, making room for you, his hands still bound.
"Come here," he murmured, his voice quiet but firm.
And just like that, the tension changed.
You hesitated for only a moment before settling onto his lap. His body was warm beneath you, solid and steady. His bound hands rested on your waist, fingers flexing slightly.
The camera clicked.
"Now, lean in," the photographer instructed. "Just a breath away."
You obeyed, your face inches from his. Gong Yoo’s eyes flickered to your lips, his fingers tightening ever so slightly.
The air between you thickened.
The camera kept flashing, but the world outside this moment didn’t seem to exist anymore.
"You okay?" he murmured, low enough that only you could hear.
You swallowed, nodding. But you weren’t sure it was the truth.
"Last one," the photographer called. "Yoo, tilt your head—almost like you’re going to kiss her, but don’t."
He moved, so, so close that his breath fanned over your lips. Your pulse roared in your ears.
The final click of the camera sounded deafening.
"Perfect," the photographer exhaled. "That’s a wrap."
You barely registered the words. Gong Yoo’s gaze hadn’t shifted, his hands still resting lightly on your waist.
Slowly, he leaned in—not quite a kiss, but close enough to make your breath catch.
"You should do photoshoots with me more often," he murmured, his lips just brushing the corner of your mouth.
Your heart stuttered. "I think that would be dangerous."
He smiled against your skin.
A/n: woah woah woaaaah, yei yei yeaaah
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eternalguk · 2 months ago
Pink Hearts & Black Clouds | jjk. — teaser
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Love me at my lowest, I’ll love you when you’re barely holding on
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↠ Pairing : Jungkook x Reader
↠ Summary : Jeon Jungkook is the epitome of a brooding grunge. Moody, distant, and always a little too sarcastic. A grumpy, tattooed college student who barely tolerates anyone… except you. Somehow, the girl who’s a whirlwind of pink hearts and strawberry lipgloss is the one who keeps dear Jungkook on his toes.
But you must admit… behind that gruff exterior, there’s a side of him only you get to see—gentle, caring, and ready to spoil you in his own way. Everyone else may see him as the tough guy with a permanent scowl, but you know better. Jungkook’s heart? It’s all yours.
↠ Genre : established relationship au, college au, grunge!bf x bimbo!gf, angst, fluff & smut
↠ Word count : tbc.
↠ Warnings : each drabble will outline specific warnings (the teaser has slightly suggestive content at the end)
↠ A/n : Hi there ; here is the official teaser for PHBC 🫶🏻! A small snippet to provide you a glimpse of our strikingly different, but beautiful couple. I hope you can follow this series with me 🤍 I will be trying my best to actively update, so you don’t have to wait too long between each drabble 🦢.
↠ Song : ‘Closer’ by Jungkook / ‘Good for you’ by Selena G
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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It was hard to miss the two of you, even in a crowd.
First? Let’s talk about Jungkook first.
Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook with his tattooed arms and eternal scowl, which is carved so intricately into his beautiful face, looking as though he belongs on a concert poster for an underground band.
And next? Next, there was you.
Y/L/N Y/N. Y/L/N Y/N who is a vision in baby pink. With your sparkling, innocent eyes and glossy lips, you are a walking daydream who is entirely too bright for the man standing beside you.
Together? Together, you don’t just turn heads. You stop traffic.
No one can deny that you are a good-looking couple, even if most people couldn’t figure out how it all began let alone how it works!
A moody grunge college student and his bubbly, glittering girlfriend? It was the kind of contrast that had people whispering behind their hands. The kind of contrast that got you second glances and furrowed brows wherever you went.
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“Are you done staring at me like that?” Jungkook grumbles, his tone flat as he catches your gaze lingering on him for what felt like the umpteenth time that evening.
The two of you were studying in the library. Well… Jungkook was trying to. You? You had busied yourself with organising your makeup bag following the TikTok you had just watched.
You don’t even blink. “Nope,” you say brightly, popping the “p” far too much for Jungkook’s liking.
“You’re too pretty not to look at, Koo,” you croon. “It’s a problem, honestly. What are the rest of us supposed to do when you look like that?”
You sigh, dreamily gazing at the man before you.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, the sharp piercings along his brow catching the light, but there was no hiding the faint pink creeping up his neck. “You’re irritating.”
“You love it,” you shoot back, shifting your chair inevitably closer until you were arm-to-arm with him.
Jungkook gulps, his dark gaze dropping to your lips, like he couldn’t help himself. He stands up, gathering his things as well as yours so you could head home.
There was no way he was going to get a single thing revised here, and you would eventually end up distracting other students around you as you always do. The fact that you still weren’t banned from the library simply shocked Jungkook.
Furrowing your brows, you follow Jungkook’s moves, lips forming a pout as you notice him packing away.
You weren’t making it easy for Jungkook. You never did.
“I don’t want to go home,” you begin, tilting your head as you try to figure out why Jungkook was packing everything away. Organising your pastel highlighters was next on your list of things to do.
“Didn’t ask,” Jungkook mutters.
Leaning up on the tips of your toes with a slow, mischievous grin. “Oh! Are we going home to do… you know what?”
Jungkook chuckles at your use of language. The day you would openly say sex in public? Well on that day, Jungkook… he had already decided that he would buy you all your makeup wish list.
He was currently torn between letting you win or pushing you away just to make a point, but in the end, you always won.
The small, almost shy grin tugging at the corner of your boyfriend’s lips told you everything you needed to know.
“Come here,” he mutters, giving in as his hand slipped behind your neck, his thumb brushing against your jaw.
Jungkook kisses you softly at first, like he wasn’t sure he should be doing it here in the middle of the crowd.
However, you are quick in helping him forget his surroundings the second you make a sweet little sound against his lips.
When Jungkook pulls back, just slightly, your lips are slightly less glossy and swollen. your lashes flutter as you blinks up at him, eyes glistening with need. He exhales sharply, like you’d knocked the air out of his lungs.
“You’re impossible,” he says in a low tone, shaking his head and laughing, knowing you’re turned on. “Can never go even an hour without wanting to be fucked.”
“And you’re smitten,” you tease, not even acknowledging Jungkook’s comment because there simply was no denying.
Instead, you press a kiss to his cheek, just to push his buttons further.
Jungkook’s scoff is immediate. He pulls back and starts slowly heading towards the exit.
Your brows knit into a tangle of furrows again and the infamous pout returns. Where was Jungkook going… without holding your hand?
“Come on then, doll,” Jungkook begins, pausing to turn around and beckon you towards him. “Standing there isn’t going to make you cum.”
You giggle, skipping towards your boyfriend as your mind begins to drift towards filth.
Oh, how you can’t wait to tie your delicate, baby pink bow around Jungkook’s bicep, his strong arm coiling possessively around your neck as you ride him, completely at his mercy.
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I can’t wait to share more of this series with you <3 please comment below / send an ask if you’d like to be on the taglist !
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hamiltonells · 2 years ago
pieces of us~max Verstappen
pairings:max verstappen x reader
warnings: pregnancy,swearing,smut,max bring a simp, time skips,bad writing, please note that the time it takes place is kinda everywhere. literally bad bad bad smut writing
summary: you always wanted to become a mother, now the time has come.
also, please request any dad!max universe ideas:)
side note: I hate my writing so much, I think I need to do it from different pov, but it’s horrible, so enjoy this crap writing
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you always dreamed of becoming a mother, watching your own mother doing such a good job probably didn't help, you would always find yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to have a mini you running about.
you met max through Daniel, max was and still is everything you looked for in a man, you don't think you met anyone quite as prefect than him, that was five years ago.
now, your eight months heavily pregnant and let's just say you didn't think pregnancy or motherhood was going to like this, you can't walk, you waddle, half of the time your confused on what your feeling with you hormones messing you about, moodiness, also the constant hunger.
still saying that you loved it, nothing comes close to the feeling if you little of kicking around inside you and let's just say max? he more than loved it.
“fuck” max grunted as he rounded the corner of your living room “fucking stupid wall” he grunted again as he hit his toe on the wall, he could hear your laugh when he finally reached you.
“you won’t be laughing if I dropped you ice cream would you” he sweetly smiled at you sarcastically as you smile dropped as he passes you the bowl of different flavours of ice cream.
it was incredibly hot, too hot for you liking as you was spread out on the sofa in maxs shorts and a crop top, showing your belly the heat was killing you let’s say hot weather and pregnancy didn’t go together,the small fan max found in your guys loft pointing at you.
max sits down next to you, in nothing but his shorts his shirtless body showing each of his little freckles that he has.
“hello you” max puts his his hands on you bump, your little one immediately kicks, maxs leans down and kisses you stomach, his beard rough against you belly and you let out a giggle as he kisses all the way up you body, untill he gets to you lips and double kissing them.
“don’t forget we have the red bull party this week” you hum to your love as he drops his head cuddling into you bump, max sighs “ we don’t have to go, your eight months y/n/n, don’t want you to be on your feet long and get tired” he explains, “max we’re going” you laugh as you put your hand through his hair.
“Je ziet er prachtig uit”max says while wrapping his arms around your waist, soothing the silk dress you have on.
(you look beautiful)
max has a all black suit on, the white crisp shirt underneath his tie around his neck he looks handsome as always, you have a dark deep blue silk dress on perfectly hugging your stomach.
“can you do my tie for me please love” he asks as you turn yourself to face him, you reach around his neck to do it, you smile widely when he smothers kisses all over your face.
“please don’t tell me you wearing them” he sighs as he sees the stiletto heels on your bed you just smile at him.
max doesn’t seem to understand why you wear heels while pregnant they hurt you and you always complain that you feet ache without the stupid heels but to you, heels make you feel beautiful still and that you can show people you not actually letting you self to while pregnant.
“don’t complain please max” you state not wanting to get into another argument about the heels.
“we’re going to be late” you rushed and you slipped you heels on ans done then up and around you ankle.
“max y/n welcome” Christian welcomed you as you step in to the restaurant, it was only supposed a small party get together, friends and family but Christian had rented out a fancy restaurant.
you greet him, giving him a side hug, you belly slightly getting in the way, “not long to go now eh” he glimpses at your stomach.
“hopefully, can’t wait to meet the little guy” max chuffed, your head spin around to him “sexiest, how do you know it’s a boy?” you joke with him, you wanted it to be a surprise, you wanted a home birth with just you and max and midwife you trusted deeply.
the music was quite loud, you could see Daniel rushing to get to the two of you “there you are” he expressed as he went in for a hug “my favourite verstappen” he said as he presses a kiss to you cheek, “aye” max snapped “what about me” he said.
“close third” Daniel mumbled, to impressed and busy rubbing at your stomach “my favourite is really the little one” he said as he bent up straight again, going over and giving max a brotherly hug.
“let’s get you sat down” max said when you winced at the aching pain in you feet “zei dat je die verdomde dingen moest dragen” he rants to himself as he guides you with an arm around you waist, to you seat at the table, seeing you names on the nicely decorated table.
told you not to wear the fucking things
he softly sat you down on the chair, bending down to undo you heels “mmh you need a haircut” you softly speak as you dive your hand into his hair, he carefully slipped you heel off “I wanna keep them on” you mumble to yourself and max “and I want you to listen to me” he grunted, max always knew what was best for you and what you wanted it.
you hum when he starts to massage you swollen and aching feet, “max no, people are here” you say embarrassed “I don’t care, if people have a problem then fuck them” you smiled as a warmth spread through you.
he slipped them back on “keep them on for a bit while we are sat down” he looks up at you and smiles you give him a peck on the cheek, “I love you”
truth be told, even though you always wanted a baby and experience motherhood you and max didn’t plan it, at time max won his second world championship you both agreed that it wasn’t the right time, but in reality it was the perfect time.
you remember the night it happened as it brings a smile to your face “what you smiling about” you hear maxs rough but soft voice next to you snap yourself out of your memory, you laugh “the game room” those three words out a devilish smirk on your lovers face.
“the night this one happened” you could hear the smirk through this voice as his hand goes from your thigh to your bump.
Y/N pulled away, a string of saliva connecting them as she looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. max picked her up and held her on his hip, pinching her thigh.
"What did I tell you," dropping her on the small sofa max had put in the room,and crawled on top of her, "about being a brat?" His eyes were wild with anger and lust and love.
you had been teasing him all night while he had been streaming, “neuk me, je bent zo mooi” his dutch coming out of his naturally while his hand goes don’t your thigh and pushing himself down so that he’s between your thighs.
fuck me your so beautiful
groaning when his fingers hovered over the damp material of your underwear, pressing lightly against it as he inspected how wet you were, pressing a kiss to them then removing them roughly.
your hands went flying to his hair for something to pull when when he licked up your folds without warning chewing on you lip to hold the moans, he added his finger teasing your cilt, curling his fingers then max’s mouth covered your clit and you trembled.
“this for me baby?" Y/N nodded, her lips parting, "Tell me who's it for “know you can do it." your back arched, “yours, you max”
“that’s my girl”
“Need you maxie“ that’s all he needed to hear, pushing himself so he can reach you, burying his mouth against your neck as he reaches between you, guiding his thick cock into your heat.
“oh mijn verdomme”he bites down on your shoulder,he mutters a few curses, you once again arch your back running your fingers down his back your nails drawing blood on his back.
oh my fucking
his thrusts became more rough grasping your waist for support he deeply pushes him self into before your both come undone at the same time, his hole body dropping down onto you.
“that was a good night” his smirk growing wider, you lean so your side so that your head lays on his shoulder, your arm wrapped around his, you had finished you meal and was just chatting.
“come and dance with me” he whispered into your ear you looked at max surprised “max babe, I’m eight months pregnant and I waddle when I walk I also struggle to hug you” you said while sniggering.
“shush stop complaining”he got up and pushed his chair out of the way while bending down to undo your heels for the second time this night and leaving them on your seat.
he pulled you up to the little dance floor where the soft music was playing. a couple of familiar faces smile at the two of you, you felt the little squeeze he gave you as he held the way stoping when he pulled you into him your arm immediately going around his waist and your hand slotting into his”can’t wait for our little family” you hear him whisper into your ear,you smile up at him “we love you so much” you speak for yourself and you little one, you can’t wait this is what you dreamed of when you was a little girl.
you give him a look when he slightly stretches his arms out making you do the same, he gives you a twirl and pulls you back into him and his hands land in you hips to pull you up so you give him a kiss.
“it’s been a long night let’s go” he says when you both pull apart, him directing you though the crowd of people to get your stuff and heels, you say your goodbyes to everyone, max puts his jacket over your shoulders, heels in his one hand while you walk out of the restaurant, the first thing you expect to hit you was the chilly air but you was far wrong, the first thing that did hit you was bright flashes, max moves so your behind him, covering you.
when you do finally make it home you sit straight down onto the sofa, you noticed a slight pain in your stomach your hands go straight to your bump.
yell for max who comes rushing down stairs with a pair of his shorts and shirt in his hands “what’s happening” he looks so panicked, “think we’re going to have this baby” as you explain about the contractions “oh my, fuck,shit” he looks around for his phone, he’s now in a comfortable pair of shorts and a black shirt.
he helps you get changed in to your well his comfortable clothes.
your walking around the kitchen while max is on the phone to the midwife, Eva,saying that your contractions are now six minutes long.
you look at him, as he smiles you looks down just as the same time he does to feel a wet feeling down your legs.
max is there though quick to rush down and take his shorts of you and clear the mess that’s on the floor.
“awe okay” you say breathing heavily “it’s hurting a lot more now” leaning on the kitchen side, max comes behind you slightly rubbing and giving you back a relief “she’s on her way, won’t be long angel”
“whooh that one hurts” as you lean back into him, holding the side.
max guides you to the living room and onto the sofa “you ok, you comfortable” you completely ignore him “you look handsome” you softly express “thank you” he laughs and pulls you into a kiss.
the door bells pulls you both apart as max rushes to get the door “see how quick that was”
is little while later, max is behind your on your bed,sheets underneath you with everything that your midwife needs around you.
“oooh I can’t do it” you half cry and half whine as you push, “ don’t talk stupid, your the strongest women I know baby, let’s meet our little one yeah, you need to push” max softly strokes your cheek.
“attagirl, that’s good” the midwife explains.
you push you everything you have, as you grip maxes hand, you groan in pain.
your met with a cry, the relief comes over you,, “she’s perfect” the midwife tells you both.
you look up at max, a little girl.
“oh my god, a little girl, my little girl” max speaks as he kisses the side of your head.
your little girl is placed right on your chest.
“got both of my girls now”
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writingsbychlo · 16 days ago
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SUMMARY: regulus thinks his long-distance girlfriend might've forgotten him on valentine's day, but he couldn't have been more wrong. WORD COUNT: 2510 NOTES: valentine's day post number three! I hope you guys are enjoying these, I promise the other's aren't as angsty as these first three have been!
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Drunk and miserable, Regulus kicked shut the door of his small London flat. He smelled like his childhood home, he felt like the darkness of it was still crawling over his skin from dropping off his brother to bed. He shucked off his coat as fast as he could, as though shedding the layers would scrape away the sickly feeling. 
It wasn’t often that he let himself get this drunk, or intoxicated at all, actually, but it had felt necessary. As the day had chugged on, his mood had grown more sour, until it was so bitter his face was scrunching up at the darkness brewing in his soul. 
Luckily, he’d found a kindred spirit in his brother. Not much did they have in common, anymore. Not since they were kids, in their matching shorts and suspenders, hiding behind the greenhouse to play with the frogs and escape their tutor had they had so much in common. But today, they did. 
Regulus had waited all day for word, for a card or an owl or anything from you, something to prove it wasn’t as dire as he thought, something to prove you hadn't forgotten the first Valentine’s Day spent apart. But nothing had come. Almost a year ago, your parents had decided to send you to a prestigious Wizarding university in the South of France, dropping the news on you just before graduation and shattering your shared ideas of a future. Your summer of plans had become a frantic, condensed two weeks of pretending like your separation wasn’t looming before you’d slipped through his fingers.  
Then you’d been gone, and he’d hardly seen you since, a few stolen days and a couple of secret visits over Christmas, but that had been it. You’d tried to give him an out, but he didn’t want it, he’d refused it point-blank and told you your relationship was strong enough to survive this distance. Now, alone on Valentine’s Day in the cold and dark of his flat, he couldn't help but wonder if you’d wanted the out for yourself. 
He hated to think that about you, but if you weren’t thinking of him, who were you thinking of?
At least Sirius had understood. Sirius, too, had been alone on this day. Unable to spend it with his boyfriend Remus, due to a number of reasons, he’d been just as miserable and moody as Regulus was. They’d gone bar to bar in London, and when they’d become too drunk to be conceivably inconspicuous in Wizarding London, they’d made their way to Muggle bars too.
Sirius had tapped out first, much to drunk Regulus’ thrill, throwing up in an alley somewhere in Soho, and he’d taken Sirius home and put him into the trustworthy hands of Kreacher. Sure, it was Sirius’ home now, and he’d stripped it away of everything that their family home as children had once been, but Regulus felt like the darkness was in its very foundations, he didn’t know how his brother could stand to live there. 
He’d been too drunk to apparate, and far too drunk to find a Floo safely, and so he’d taken the laborious Muggle way. Stumbling his way to the nearest Underground station, and patting down his pockets for the little plastic card with his Muggle funds on, until he could clear the security gates. 
With his head rested on the dirty windows and eyes closed, he’d let the rhythmic chugging of the Tube soothe the spinning of his mind, focusing on his breathing until he felt less like throwing up. The cold and rain of a British mid-February night had sobered him up considerably, until only a dull buzz was left in his veins, and a headache was threatening to start any moment behind his eyes. 
He stared at the coat on the floor, entirely having missed the coat rack he’d tried to hang it on, but he couldn't even be bothered to pick it up. He kicked off his shoes too, stumbling to the couch in the cold living room, but detouring the trolley holding enough bottles to put down a Hippogriff, to grab one. What better way to save himself a miserable hangover tomorrow morning, than to just get drunk all over again?
Sinking into the couch, he stared at the empty fireplace in front of himself, trying to will it into lighting, but he was too far gone to muster even a flicker of wandless magic, never mind a whole fireplace. 
Where was his wand, anyway?
A question for another time. Now, more whiskey. 
Popping the cork of the bottle, he let it roll to the carpet, staring into the dark fireplace again as he brought the rim to his lips and took a heavy swig. He was just going in for his second gulp when the fireplace roared to life. 
Hot, green flames licked through the room, sparking brought light that burned his eyes for a moment, before retreating just as fast into ash and smoke and leaving behind the blurry figure of someone standing in the dark. He rubbed at his eyes with a fist, a little too hard, leaving his eyes throbbing as he tried to clear them. 
Oh. He knew that voice. Snapping his head up, he listened to the soft click of heels across the floor, until a warm hand was brushing wet strands of hair out of his face. The room illuminated a second later, with real fire this time, warm and comforting, and the hazy glow of it lit the room enough for him to pull your features from the dark. 
“Mon amour,” He slurred, words blurring at the edges no matter how hard he tried to speak them clearly, “And here I thought you forgot about little old me.”
“Regulus.” You sounded disappointed, he hated that tone of your voice. So, he lifted the bottle to take another drink. The bottle never made it to his lips, he felt you slip it from his hand and heard it clink back into place on the trolley before your hands were back on his face. 
He liked that. 
“You’re freezing to the touch, Reg. And wet. Why are you sitting here like this in the dark, you’re going to get sick?”
“I was feeling—” He cut himself off with an ungentlemanly burp, chuckling to himself about how appalled his mother would have been to hear it, “Poetic.”
“Poetic, or stupid?”
He frowned at that, his mouth tightening it to a scowl, “Hey. You can’t call me stupid right now, this is your fault!”
“My fault?” Your lips twitched in amusement as you offered him your hands, and though Regulus was sure that somewhere inside he should’ve been embarrassed by this state, he couldn't find it within himself to care. This all felt a little too surreal as it was, perhaps it was just an alcohol-induced vision, and he’d come around from it soon. Might as well make the most of it. “How, pray tell, does that work out?”
You tugged him to his feet, and Regulus felt his stomach turn uncomfortably as he found his footing. You led him through his flat like you knew the way by heart, a painfully endearing action that he would tuck away to rehash in the morning when he was sober enough to hurt again. 
You placed him down on his bed, and he sat on the edge of it, watching you open and close the drawers to his dressers, searching for something. Fresh clothes, he reckoned. So long passed by in silence as you found him a change of clothes that it seemed you’d forgotten the question you’d asked, but it was still bouncing around in his whiskey-addled brain, echoing in his ears. It was only as you were pressing a kiss to the damn waves atop his head that he managed to find his voice enough to answer;
“You forgot about me.”
You reared back, re-entering his line of vision, and he choked down the swelling ball of emotions that followed the words escaping. It was little use, not as hot tears stung at his eyes, and he sniffled with his next inhale. “Reggie, what?”
His lip wobbled, and you crouched before him, cupping his cheeks so tenderly that it shattered his heart all over again. Your thumbs wiped across his cheeks, clearing away tears that were falling heavily, and he took a ragged deep breath. “You forgot about me. It’s Valentine’s Day, and you didn’t even send me a note. You have owls, patronus, and even the Floo! And nothing. We promised each other it wouldn't change things, but you forgot about me! You forgot about the person you’re supposed to love, on the day of love!”
Sobs were breaking free, and then your arms snaked around him, holding him close. Even though you were the cause of his pain, he was a weak enough man to concede that you were also the cure. He pressed his face into your neck as you played with his hair, and he cried. 
He cried for the raging, turbulent emotions of the day. 
He cried for every night he went to sleep alone, in a half-furnished home, because you were supposed to be here with him. 
He cried for the relationship staggered to a halt that seemed like it would never get back on track. 
He cried for his long-distance lover, who was supposed to be by his side, whom he missed every second of every day like a missing limb. 
He cried for every part of his pain that he normally suppressed, every emotional thought he’d never given voice to. 
“I’m so mad at you for leaving, do you know that?” He croaked, when the tears finally stopped and all that was left was his raw voice and the painful truth, “I know it’s just for a few years, but it’s killing me, mon amour. I wasn’t made to be apart from you, I was made to be by your side.”
You sniffled too, and it was then that he realised your pretty makeup was smeared, your cheeks were splotchy with colour like he imagined his own would be, and your eyes were rimmed with red. Raising a trembling hand, he brushed a lingering tear track from its shiny river along your cheek. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it when I blamed you.”
“I hate it too, Reggie.” You finally said, settling onto the floor in front of him, kneeling on the carpet and taking his hands in your own. You kissed his knuckles, each one slowly, and he felt a weight slip free from his chest. “I miss you every day. I think of you every moment. It doesn’t matter how long passes, I still look for you by my side every time I hear a funny joke or have a thought, and I still catch myself saying goodnight to you when I’m alone in bed each evening. I reach for you every morning before my mind catches up with my body. I miss you too, please know that.”
Your words simultaneously healed something within him while shattering something else, they settled a weight in his stomach but freed one from his shoulders. You were both struggling, but it helped to know his misery had company. 
“I didn’t forget about you today, Reg. I planned to come to you earlier this morning but couldn't. I’ve been working on this surprise since Christmas, since the last time we had to say goodbye and I almost couldn't leave again.” His gaze snapped up to find yours, lips parting to release a breath, and his heart skipped a beat at the smile that crawled over your face. “The Floo I had booked travel collapsed during the night, the whole chimney fell in on itself and it took hours to clear. And by the time it was done, you clearly weren’t home. You know the Floo doesn’t open if you’re not home, Reg. I’ve been sitting in the pub waiting hours, trying every thirty minutes!”
His jaw dropped, the cogs turning in his mind, even if they were operating at a lower functioning pace than usual, and his cheeks bloomed with heat. “You didn’t forget about me.” He whispered, more in confirmation to himself than anything, as he lifted a hand to tuck hair out of your face, and you smiled sadly at him with a sigh. 
“Forget about you, Regulus Black? How could I ever do that? Your soul calls out to mine, you are tattooed onto my very heart. I don’t know who I’d be without you.”
“Now who’s being poetic?” He whispered, sliding a cold hand onto your neck, and pulling you in. Finally, your lips met his, and everything in his world felt like it shifted back into place. When you kissed him back, a resounding click seemed to echo through his body, as it all locked back into place. 
You stood, he no longer had to look down at you, but up at you instead, as he kept up with your kisses, even as you moved. Your hands went to the hem of his damp sweater, tugging it up in a bundle with his shirt and dropping the pile unceremoniously to the ground. Your hands were hot against his skin, and he groaned at the loss of your mouth on his once again, as you directed him into a new, dry hoodie. 
Between kisses and reassuring touches, you had somehow managed to coerce him into dry clothes, tipping a hangover potion to his lips, before he even knew it. Because the next time Regulus found himself possessing clear thought and legible inner dialogue, was hours later. 
His lips were kiss-bitten and swollen, and his heart was steadily pumping in a way that reminded him of how happy he was to be alive. He was warm, uncomfortably so, wrapped up in layers of clothing and bedding, with your body smothered atop him, but he wouldn't move. No, he would stay where he was, he’d die of heatstroke if he had to, just for the chance to hold you a little longer. 
It would hurt him, cut him deep when he had to say goodbye to you once again after the weekend was over, but it didn’t seem so bad now. His heart wouldn't be the only one bleeding, he wouldn’t be the only one struggling. Soon, you’d be gone again, but it wouldn't be forever, and you wouldn't forget him.
It just meant delaying those plans for the future a little longer, but he could cope, he thought. 
Maybe not all of the plans had to wait, after all. He could have a home and a life waiting and ready for you when you graduate. He could get the ball rolling, and when you were ready, he’d be right here waiting for you. 
How happy he could make you, he thought, if you both just waited a little longer. You were worth the wait, that much he knew. 
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I just realized something.
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Crowley is very protective over his car, something that represents him and his identity and his control over things.
Aziraphale gets in the car, and changes EVERYTHING about it, from the music to the horn to the color of the car to the travel sweets.
And then Crowley calls and sharply informs him, "You know I can feel that, right?!"
It's not just a car, it's him, it's CROWLEY. He's taken charge and changing everything about it that was Crowley, making it his idea of better. He literally tells the car, "There, now that's better isn't it?"
And this was after Aziraphale had said, "It's OUR car."
This is foreshadowing the end, and everything Aziraphale says to him.
"Well of course you said no, you're the bad guys." -- Of course the Bentley isn't going to want to speed, that's bad.
"I can make you an angel again, it will be just like it was before, only even nicer!" -- Oh, but Crowley, why the black when the yellow is so pretty?!
It really drives home (heh) how off-kilter everything is without Heaven and Hell. Before, they knew where the other stood. Perhaps they thought knew WHY the other stood where they did (e.g., "Well of course you're all dark and moody, you're a demon.") And now that that's gone, they suddenly don't have this backdrop.
Crowley seems to not realize that Aziraphale is silently screaming that he wants to be together, he's still stuck in the Heaven-era version of him saying "we can't really be an US". Even at the end, he tells Aziraphale, "We could have been us," and he only seemed to have barely recognized just moments before that they HAVE been an "us" for the last few years.
And Aziraphale seems to have trouble parsing the difference between what Crowley was because he was a demon, and what Crowley was because he was Crowley. At the end of the season, he's asking Crowley to hand over his metaphorical keys to join him in Heaven, so he can change everything about him in ways Crowley doesn't want.
It's THEIR relationship, but Aziraphale wants to change the terms, change everything about it so it can fit his bright and cheerful picture of how everything should be. And when Crowley angrily rejects this (just like he did when it was the car), Aziraphale is just as surprised he feels that way.
For there to truly be an "us", for the car to be theirs and not just one or the other's, they're going to have to learn who they really are on their own, and relearn who the other one really is deep down, then learn what they really want from each other (and what concessions they're willing to make) moving forward.
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