#still bitter about the clothes dresser situation. I did not have my own clothes storage until 8th grade
clannfearrunt · 6 months
The post insinuating people who grew up with siblings are better roommates or good at sharing or whatever compared to only children is rly funny ur experiences are not universal etc etc (Which is fine and why I’m not adding 2 the post) but me personally having grown up with two siblings directly contributed to me being intensely territorial with my space and belongings LMAO you guys shared?? Successfully?? Being forced to share objects didn’t lead to huge and stupid fights that were only resolved when The Father threatened violence??? The world is so wonderful. I want what you and your siblings have.
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
Stripped Bare - Chapter 5
Summary: Eddie gets an offer from his company to work in Barbados over the summer. Beautiful weather, all expenses paid trip, and a stay in a suite at one of the most highly rated resorts in the world. How could he say no? Unfortunately, Eddie soon realizes there were a lot of reasons to say no. His skin doesn’t take kindly to the harsh sun, his suite ends up being the size of a shoe box, and, oh yeah, it’s also a nudist resort. Pairing: Reddie (side Benverly and Stanlonbrough) Rating: E Warnings: Smut, explicit language
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Richie’s room was giant. Not quite a suite, but a definite upgrade from the shoe-box employees were made to live in. Eddie supposed it made sense, leave the nicer rooms to the paying customers, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit bitter as he looked around the immaculate space. There were two king size beds made up with enough pillows to drown a person. The storage in the room was abundant, more than any person on vacation would ever need. Two standalone closets along with the built-in closet when you first entered the room, two dressers, a trunk at the foot of each bed, and two mini fridges that seemed to be stocked with a wide array of beverages. Above the mini fridge sat a basket of snacks, which to Eddie’s surprise, had been thoroughly picked through.
“You have to pay for these, you know.” Eddie said lightheartedly, picking up a chocolate bar from the collection.
“What!?” Richie stopped in his tracks.
“Yeah, they chalk the prices up way high and then flaunt the stuff right in front of you. That’s how they getcha.” Eddie put the chocolate bar back down, searching the area for the menu for the snack bar, and finding it tucked under the basket out of sight. He handed it over to Richie before he continued walking around the living space.
He could hear Richie mumbling things under his breath as he read through the menu, no doubt trying to tally up how much money he’d accidentally spent on what he’d thought were free snacks. Eddie had to fight back a smile, finding the whole thing far too endearing.
He traced his fingers along a row of clothes hanging in one of the closets, the doors having been left open.
“Someone’s really into dressing for the occasion.” He noted, pulling out a particularly ghastly Hawaiian shirt among the fifteen that were displayed.
“Would it scare you off if I said I dress like that all the time, and not just when on vacation?” Richie asked, placing the menu back down on the snack basket as he walked over to Eddie.
“Yes.” Eddie declared.
“Then they’re Beverly’s.” Richie nodded finitely.
Eddie couldn’t help but giggle, which seemed to spur on Richie’s own.
“Come on, you probably wanna wash off. Plus, I wanna flaunt how much better my bathroom is than yours.” Richie joked, leading Eddie towards the bathroom.
Eddie set the shirt down on the bed closest to the door which led into a stark white tiled bathroom with wicker accents. Off to one side was a walk-in shower, off to the other, the Jacuzzi bath Richie had raved about.
Sure enough, it was huge. The frame was lined with various products, some of which Eddie couldn’t even make out from where he was standing.
“Beverly really likes baths, so we’ve got bubble bath, bath oils, bath bombs, you name it she probably has it. Feel free to use anything you want.”
Richie traipsed over to the bathtub and bent down to start the water. Eddie couldn’t help but admire his ass from this angle, a heart shaped wet spot accenting the area where Richie’s wet skin had dampened the denim. That’s when Eddie remembered the state of their clothes.
“Crap, I should have grabbed a change of clothes before we came up here. These are too wet to put back on.” Eddie emphasized his point by pulling his shirt away from his torso, the fabric moving stiffly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave you something to wear outside the door.”
Eddie flushed at the idea of wearing Richie’s clothing, but nodded anyway.
Within minutes, Eddie was submerged in the warm water, tinted purple by the bath bomb he’d chosen and filled with bubbles from the bubble bath he’d added last minute.
Outside the door he could hear the faint sound of music, nothing he recognized, but catchy enough to have him tapping along happily.
Another few minutes passed before Eddie decided to try the jets. That was, after all, the whole appeal of a Jacuzzi tub. He searched for the button for longer than he’d like to admit, finally finding it right under the faucet. One press had the water around him rumbling to life and Eddie couldn’t help but let out an exited little shriek.
He let himself sit back and close his eyes, getting lost in his mind. The sound of the motor that powered the jets drowned out the music from the other room, but Eddie’s mind was still on it. He imagined himself dancing with Richie, letting him spin Eddie around the room with no care for how silly they looked. Their hair would be wild, clothes disheveled, each other’s company the only thing they care about. Eddie thinks Richie could be the type of person he let himself go around.
The feeling of bubbles tickling his face caused him to open his eyes, and he quickly shot up as he took in the sight around him. Somehow the bubbles had grown about three times in size since he let his mind wander off. He parted some of the foam to reach for the button, turning the jets off swiftly and pulling the bath plug at the same time.
Eddie felt dumb, not having realized that the jets would rouse the bubble bath he’d added, but he also couldn’t help but laugh. He found himself in a near-stranger’s bathroom, covered head to toe in purple bubbles, and nearly flooding the resort he worked at.
Normally this would be the kind of thing to cause Eddie to spiral into a panic attack, but surprisingly he felt calm. He wondered if Richie was rubbing off on him already.
 Eddie hoisted himself out of the bathtub, stepping on to the fluffy bathmat and grabbing the towel to the left of him, using it to dry off before wrapping it around his hips.
He walked over to the mirror, wiping away the steam collected on the surface and staring at a distorted version of himself. He felt better after a bath, but he looked worse. All the care that had gone into his hair earlier that evening was gone, and left was a dripping stringy mess. Eddie grabbed one of the hand towels from the counter and started drying it, furiously trying to get it to do anything other than what it was currently doing.
After getting as much moisture out of it as possible, Eddie chanced another glance up at his reflection and deflated. Without his hair products, he was left with a fluffy mess. His natural waves were starting to form and the volume his hair was achieving was award-winning, but not in the good way.
He sighed, resigning himself to looking like a wet dog, and headed for the door. He pulled it open, peaking out and seeing no sign of Richie. What he did see, however, were the clothes Richie had left out for him. He quickly gathered them before disappearing back inside the bathroom.
 “Ha ha, very funny.” Eddie drawled as he re-entered the room.
Richie was laying on one of the beds, arms behind his head as he listened to the same band Eddie had heard in the bathroom. At the sight of Eddie, he hopped up, swiveling around to hang his legs off the bed and give Eddie a proper look.
“I think it suits you.”
Richie had left Eddie a pair of sweatpants to wear, which were rolled up about 5 times at the waist and still just barely fit him. They pooled around his ankles and if he wasn’t careful, they’d slip right down his legs. But on top, Richie had picked the exact shirt Eddie had been eyeing before.
However, the loud Hawaiian pattern did distract from his hair, so Eddie couldn’t complain too much.
Richie, on the other hand, had also opted to change into sweatpants. His, in contrast, hung low on his hips and framed his entirely bare torso.
“Cute hair, by the way.” Richie commented.
Okay, so maybe the shirt wasn’t doing its job.
“Shut up.” Eddie grumbled as he joined Richie up on the bed.
“No, I’m being serious. I like it like this.” Richie turned his body towards Eddie, hiking one knee up on the bed so he could shuffle closer.
Eddie watched closely as Richie raised his hand and ran it through Eddie’s hair, like it was a completely natural inflection.
Eddie held his breath as Richie seemed to pet through his locks.
“Soft.” Richie hummed, finally pulling away.
Eddie couldn’t stop staring at Richie’s face, which he’d once again found himself so close to. Richie was hard to read. Eddie couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and he wasn’t prepared to assess his own thoughts about their situation, so he turned away, forcing himself up off the bed.
He feigned interest in the TV, strolling over and grabbing the remote perched on the table nearby.
“So, have you guys scoped out the range of this thing?” Eddie asked, turning the power on.
The TV roared to life, filling the room with noise which Eddie quickly muted with an embarrassed apology.
“Yeah, you have to pay for most of the good channels.” Richie shrugged, reverting to his previous position on the bed.
Eddie fiddled with the remote, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, Richie was consistently the more talkative one, and filled in the silence.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?”
“Won’t that cost money?” Eddie asked, immediately kicking himself for possibly implying he wasn’t interested.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. Worth it.” Richie sent him a warm smile and Eddie melted.
Eddie walked back over to Richie, hesitantly joining him on the bed. Richie seemed so relaxed, Eddie couldn’t imagine his heart could possibly be beating as fast as his own. The close contact left Eddie’s skin buzzing, and when Richie’s fingers grazed his as he passed off the remote, he swore he saw sparks.
Eddie forced himself to look forward, gluing his eyes to the TV as he watched Richie’s maneuvers bring them to the movie selection.
The options were listed by categories: Romantic Comedy, Horror, Action, Drama, Thriller, Adult-
Woah hold on. Adult? As in…
“Hey, they’ve got porn on this thing!” Richie shrieked excitedly, finding humor in the situation as opposed to the stifling heat Eddie was currently experiencing.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the highlighted selection. Adult content. Porn. Actual full-length movie porn. Obviously, Eddie had watched porn before, but never this kind of porn, and never while sitting in bed with another man who he was wildly attracted to and had seen naked before.
“What do you say Eddie, should we give it a look? Find ourselves a steamy porno to settle down to?” Richie’s tone was teasing, no real suggestion behind it. But still, Eddie responded immediately.
“Let’s do it.”
“W-wait what?” Richie faltered, sitting up as he stared at Eddie’s profile.
“Let’s do it. What, you chicken?” Eddie’s mouth hitched up at one side, a small smile peaking through.
“No, I just, this doesn’t seem like your thing.”
“It’s not.” Eddie admitted. “But nothing about tonight has been ‘my thing’. Consider this another step forward in my experiment. Didn’t you say you were going to guide me through it?” Eddie cocked his eyebrow challengingly.
Richie seemed to take the bait, sniffing loudly as he leaned back against the pillows.
“Yeah, of course. Well, pick your poison I guess.”
On screen Richie clicked through to the adult section which presented them with another three choices.
Gay, Straight, Lesbian.
The two shared a charged glance, the air suddenly thicker.
“Uhm, any preferences?” Eddie asked, the realization hitting him that he didn’t even know Richie’s sexuality.
Jesus, Kaspbrak, this whole time you’ve been getting giggly for a guy who might not even be into guys.
“Nope, up to you.” Richie answered, not giving Eddie any help.
“Well, uh, I’m gay so… Anything other than girl-on-girl I guess. Though, fair warning, if you choose straight porn I’ll be staring exclusively at the man.”
Eddie counted the seconds before Richie answered.
“Girl-on-girl isn’t all that and straight porn is boring and repetitive. In my humble opinion, the gays always win out.”
Eddie chanced a glance over to Richie who was wearing a playful expression.
“Are you, uh-”
“Gay?” Richie supplied.
Eddie nodded.
Eddie’s heart took a nose-dive.
Eddie’s heart soared.
He tried to fake nonchalance, uttering a ‘cool, cool’ before leaning back against the pillow and mimicking Richie’s position.
“How can anyone be straight when guys are so cute?” Richie drawled. Eddie didn’t miss how Richie’s eyes flickered over him as the worlds left his mouth, before he righted his gaze back to the tv where he was making the selection.
The screen lit up with a list of titles, all just as lewd as you’d expect. Eddie’s face began to heat up, Richie’s narration only making it worse.
“Pledging to Paddling: Fraternity hunks haze young twinks.”
Eddie’s brought a hand up to his face, finding it hot to the touch. He chanced a look at his reflection in the standing mirror across the room, finding it just as red as he’d feared. He casually shifted his arm, leaning his head into his palm and trying to cover as much of his face from Richie’s view as possible.
Richie continued reading, completely unaware of Eddie’s minor meltdown beside him.
“Suck and Fuck: Unsuspecting teen finds himself among a clan of vampires, whose only desires are to feed and fuck. What do you say Eddie, you into the fantasy shit?”
Eddie stared straight ahead.
“Uhhh… not… really?”
“Mmm, so not a fan of biting.” Richie noted.
“I didn’t say that.” Eddie muttered, before moving the hand from his cheek to clap it over his mouth. Where had his filter suddenly gone off to?
Richie studied his face, seeing the crimson flush that had engulfed Eddie’s tan skin.
“Cute, you’re blushing.” Richie extended his hand, thumbing at Eddie’s cheek for a moment. Eddie wanted to lean into the touch, but he was frozen.
“All right, Eddie Spaghetti,” Eddie cringed at the nickname but let it slide. “So, no hazing, no vampires, what are you into?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide.
“I… I’m not sure.” Eddie admitted.
Richie seemed to be lost in his mind for a moment. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, a habit that made the skin concave slightly and highlight his already sharp cheekbones.
“Okay, how about we try something simple. Nasty Neighborhood: Boy next door gets a surprise when his new neighbor comes to introduce himself with a special present. How’s that sound?”
Eddie nodded his head apprehensively, eager to go along with whatever Richie picked as long as it would make this moment end.
“Gonna need more enthusiasm.”
Eddie’s brow furrowed. Why did Richie care what he thought?
Seemingly reading his mind, Richie answered his question.
“It’s no good if only one of us enjoys it.”
Eddie felt Richie’s sentiment might have had a double meaning, but he glazed over it too quickly for Eddie to analyze.
“Or we could always go with Stuffed Twinkies: Two blond brothers get their asses rammed by beefy stud-”
“NO, NO, NEIGHBORS IS GOOD. LET’S STICK WITH THE NEIGHBORS.” Eddie shouted over Richie’s faux announcer voice.
He had the most charming smile gracing his features as he pressed the order button. It was contagious enough to transfer over to Eddie, despite the nervous curdle in his gut.
As the opening scene lit up the TV, Eddie immediately regretted choosing a film with only two actors. The opening credits were accompanied by small clips from the film, flickering past in beat to the music. Already Eddie could tell this was going to be much more intimate than if they’d chosen any of the other options.
He found himself subconsciously sinking lower into the bed, silently wishing he could be swallowed whole.
Meanwhile, Richie was also settling in, shifting his weight in a way that Eddie could swear left them sitting closer. Richie rested his farthest hand against his abdomen, bringing attention once again to his bare skin. His other hand landed inches from Eddie’s thigh, close enough that Eddie knew he’d be thinking about it the entire time they sat there.
The action began to unfold on screen, a smaller man with chestnut hair stepping out of the shower. The immediacy of nudity hit Eddie straight away. The man was flaccid and waxed bare, water droplets dotting his tan skin.
“He’s hot.” Richie mentioned.
Eddie nodded his agreement, unsure if Richie noticed.
The doorbell rang and the actor quickly wrapped a towel around his waist, sprinting across the house to answer it.
“He shouldn’t run on hardwood floors with wet feet.” Eddie noted automatically.
Richie’s mouth twitched in amusement, watching Eddie out of the corner of his eye.
In typical porn script predictability, neighbor introduces himself, boy next door’s towel falls, and suddenly they’re naked in the living room.
The actor who played the neighbor was much more of Eddie’s type. He was taller than the first actor, but not built quite like a hunk. He had generous muscle where it counted but mostly, he was lean. He had curly hair which he kept short on the sides and longer up top. Eddie found himself beginning to compare this guy’s hair to Richie’s, wishing the actor on screen had longer, fuller curls. Curls fit to have small hands wind through.
The actors began making out, feverish kisses that conveyed desire.
Eddie scrunched up his nose as he watched their tongues slither together. He’d never been a fan of kissing with tongue, it seemed too wet, too messy, too intimate. Sure, he’d had boyfriends in the past who had tried to introduce it, but he’d always shut it down quickly. He wondered why everyone always made it seem so titillating.
 They watched for another few minutes. Things moved fast; clothing was dropped, and parts were groped. The actors found themselves on the couch in positions that Eddie couldn’t imagine could possibly be comfortable.
Then the neighbor spread his partner’s cheeks and gave one firm sweep of his tongue right against the man’s asshole.
“No one actually does this stuff in real life.” Eddie crossed his arms stubbornly, watching the screen with a mixture of arousal and frustration.
“What do you mean?” Richie asked, turning to face Eddie.
“Like, rimming.” Eddie gestured towards the screen. “Or titty fucking, foot jobs, or- or face sitting!? How is someone supposed to breathe through that!? It’s all just manufactured by porn companies to make sex look better than it actually is.”
Eddie could feel Richie staring at him, but now that Eddie was riled up it was easier to ignore. He was being reminded of why he never watched much porn. All it had done for him was get his hopes up only to realize reality wasn’t as good.
“It sounds to me like you’ve just had shitty sex.”
Richie’s blasé tone took Eddie by surprise. He whipped his head around, ready to defend himself, when he was met with nothing but openness.
“How many partners have you had?” Richie continued.
“Uh, two. One boyfriend in high school and one in college. Hooked up with a few others but it never went beyond heavy petting.”
Richie’s nostrils flared as he huffed out an enamored laugh at Eddie’s use of the words ‘heavy petting’.
“Okay, so high school, you were what… sixteen, seventeen maybe?” Richie guessed.
“Sixteen, yeah.”
“So, the sex couldn’t have been all that good. Two kids fumbling around in the sheets trying to figure out each other’s bodies when they barely know their own; it’s usually a recipe for disaster. Or at least, mediocre sex.”
Eddie listened intently as Richie continued.
“College can be better, but it depends on who you’re with. Tell me about college boyfriend.”
Eddie cleared his throat, suddenly feeling vulnerable laying himself out like this.
“He was nice.” Eddie shrugged. “We dated for seven months.”
“How was the sex?” Richie asked, getting to the point.
“It was fine. I mean, he was good, I-I think?”
Richie chuckled lightly. “Doesn’t sound like it was award winning.”
“I mean, I guess we both had our hang-ups. I didn’t like French kissing and he didn’t like to… uh, finger me.” Eddie’s voice dropped to merely a whisper on the last few words.
“Okay, we’re gonna circle back to that first part in a bit, but please don’t tell me he fucked you without prepping you first.” Richie pleaded, genuine worry evident in his features.
“No, no I just, he uh, he always made me do it. He thought it was gross.”
Richie whistled. “Wow… as hot as the thought of you fingering yourself is, and believe me, I’ll be tucking that mental image away for lonely nights, you deserved someone who isn’t going to make you feel gross.” Richie ended by repeating the word Eddie had chosen to use.
Eddie couldn’t believe Richie had so blatantly mentioned his arousal at the idea of Eddie in such an intimate position. He’d thrown it in there like it was common knowledge, even though this thing between them that Eddie had felt growing all night had yet to be discussed.
“Those things,” Richie nodded back towards the TV. “are all very real things that very real people do. You just have to find someone willing to drive you wild, then nothing is off-limits.”
Eddie tried to swallow around the dryness in his throat.
“For example, you said you didn’t like French kissing, right?”
Eddie confirmed with a nod.
“Find the right person and you’ll like it. A good partner can make your inhibitions melt away.”
Eddie twiddled his thumbs, chewing his lip to keep his words from tumbling over. He wanted to ask Richie to show him, teach him, like he’d promised earlier that night.
Things between them had gone silent, the only sound in the room echoing from the TV. The sound of skin slapping against each other, gruff moans and high-pitched pleading, muffled only by the rushing of Eddie’s pulse in his ears.
Richie held his stare. Eddie was hyper aware of how close they’d gotten, unsure of when it happened, but now the only thing in his field of vision were deep blue oceans.
“Can I try something?” Richie asked, breaking through the intensity with a question that seemed to quiver.
Eddie nodded, not trusting his voice.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” Richie whispered as he moved closer, their mouths now breaths apart. Eddie’s heart was chiseling away at his rib cage with every beat.
The second their lips touched Eddie began to melt. He didn’t mean to lean into Richie, to put all his weight in the other man’s hold, but it’d been inevitable. In all his years, Eddie couldn’t recollect a single time he’d been this attracted to someone he hooked up with. The feeling was explosive.
Richie’s arm came to lock securely around Eddie’s waist, pulling him in close and keeping him in place. His other hand slithered up Eddie’s neck, resting against his face. They continued like that for a while, Eddie getting so lost in Richie that he’d forgotten the situation all together. That is, until Richie’s thumb pulled Eddie’s jaw lower, opening his mouth and leaving him pliant for Richie’s next move.
Slowly, Richie licked into Eddie’s mouth. He traced the curves of Eddie’s lips, careful not to dive too deep too soon. Eddie’s mind and body were in a battle for the right to react. His mind was shouting at him, reminding him how filthy and messy this was, but his body was shielding every comment with a pulse of its own. A pulse that lead right down to Eddie’s groin.
Eddie pulled away bashfully, unable to get very far with Richie’s grip on him.
Richie seemed ready to apologize, the words about to leave his mouth when Eddie interrupted him.
“I don’t know how to do this.” He admitted.
Richie regarded him with a soft expression, using the same thumb that had been holding Eddie’s jaw open to stroke his cheek.
"Don't fight with it. Think of it as... flirting."
Eddie giggled suddenly. "Flirt with my tongue?"
“Yeah. Tease me.” Richie’s voice dropped along with his eyes, which locked on to Eddie’s lips hungrily.
“Okay…” Eddie answered.
Richie reconnected their mouths. The first connection of their tongues felt odd. Not bad, certainly not the ‘gross’ sensation Eddie had been expecting, but not life changing.
The life changing moment came when Richie’s moan reverberated into Eddie’s throat, sending shocks down his spine and causing goosebumps to litter his skin.
Eddie pulled Richie closer, his maneuver becoming more aggressive. Just like Richie had said, he made sure not to fight Richie for dominance, instead letting him guide their movements. At their new pace, with the adrenaline running through Eddie’s veins, he began understanding why people liked doing this.
Richie’s tongue was warm and soft, gliding against his own in a way that made Eddie’s toes curl. Every so often Richie would bite on Eddie’s lower lip, causing Eddie to whimper out a noise he’d never heard himself make before.
Eddie was unaware of the fact that his hips had began moving on their own, grinding himself into Richie. The half-chub he’d been sporting since they’d started their movie had grown into something much harder to hide, especially when it was pressing up against Richie’s own matching erection.
When Richie switched to nibbling on his lip again, Eddie panted out a plea.
“Teach me something else.”
“Hmm?” Richie moved to Eddie’s neck, giving him room to talk.
“You taught me how to kiss, now teach me something else. Show me what I’ve been missing.”
Richie growled against the juncture of Eddie’s neck, moving swiftly to flip Eddie on his back.
“Are you sure?” Richie asked through heavy breaths from where he sat above Eddie’s lap.
“Yes. Please.” Eddie begged, having no willpower left to try and mask his desperation.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” Richie breathed before pulling the shirt off Eddie’s body, followed by his sweatpants. Eddie hadn’t been wearing any boxers, leaving him bare under Richie’s will.
Eddie instinctively wanted to cover up but felt pinned in place by Richie’s gaze.
“I knew you’d have a gorgeous cock.” Richie murmured, causing Eddie’s cheeks to flush along with his dick.
Richie grazed his fingers down Eddie’s chest, leaving light tingles in their wake. They paused when they reached the juncture of Eddie’s hips.
“You know, as much as I want you in my mouth, I had something else in mind.”
Eddie’s quizzical look was wiped off his face as Richie flipped him again, this time on to his stomach. Eddie couldn’t help but be affected by how easily Richie was able to manhandle him, adjusting his lithe body into whatever position Richie wanted.
Richie’s next movements felt like they happened in slow motion. Two large hands cupped Eddie’s ass cheeks, admiring the flesh with a firm grope before pulling them apart to reveal Eddie’s hole. Then Eddie felt something distinctly wet press against him, causing him to flinch away at the unfamiliar feeling.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled in surprise.
“So pink, so pretty.” Was all he got in response.
“Richie you shouldn’t-”
“Why not?”
“Isn’t it, like… gross?”
“You keep using that word, but all I see when I look at you is euphoria.”
Eddie couldn’t think of a worthy rebuttal, and he was starting to wonder why he wanted to argue anyway.
“Are you clean?” Richie asked.
“Yeah, I cleaned myself out a few hours ago.”
“Cool. Does it feel good?”
“…Yes.” Eddie admitted, letting himself relax into the bedding.
“Then I don’t see a problem.” Richie concluded.
Eddie thought for a moment, weighing the words in his head. Richie was right, the only problem were Eddie’s own hang-ups.
As a signal to continue, Eddie propped himself up on his knees, leaving his top half laying against the mattress so his ass was completely at Richie’s mercy.
“You tell me if at any point this doesn’t feel good anymore and I’ll stop. Deal?” Richie asked, his breath fanning over Eddie’s wet hole and causing it to flutter.
Eddie agreed and then Richie was diving back in, skilled tongue working in ways Eddie never could have conceived were possible.
He found himself grinding himself back against Richie’s face, once again no longer in control of his movements. Richie’s tongue swirled around his hole, stiffening to poke inside, only to slip back out and start all over again. It was agonizing, too much and too little all at once.
Eddie gripped the sheets around him tightly, wanting nothing more than to thread his fingers through thick curls and pull.
“Richie.” He moaned into the pillows beneath his head. “More, please.”
Richie kissed his hole before pulling away, entering Eddie’s view as he rummaged through his nightstand for something.
Eddie was grateful for the opportunity to catch his breath. He watched Richie’s profile, slick with a sheen of spit around his mouth and sweat upon his brow, and thought to himself that he might be the most beautiful man Eddie had ever seen.
It didn’t take long for Richie to procure a bottle of lube, which immediately set all of Eddie’s nerves alight. This was really happening; he was really going to get fucked by Richie.
Richie began righting himself, ready to reposition himself behind Eddie, when Eddie’s hands flew out to stop him.
Richie looked down at him softly, a questioning smile in his eyes.
“I… before you get back to it… could I… see you?” Eddie asked, suddenly shy despite the fact that Richie willingly paraded himself around nude on a daily basis.
Richie chuckled lowly, a knowing smirk creeping up his features. He was going to milk this, they both knew it, but Eddie wasn’t about to stop him.
Eddie let himself trace the lines of Richie’s body, really indulging in the ability to stare without fear of being caught. He followed Richie’s hands as they slowly ran down his torso, the move not dissimilar to the things they’d seen on screen earlier.
Richie reached his happy trail; the happy trail that Eddie had thought about every day since he’d first seen it, had imagined his nose pressed into those fine hairs as Richie choked him on his cock. He watched as Richie let the palm of his hand follow the trail right down to the swell in his sweatpants.
He grasped himself lewdly, humping into his hand as he indulged in feeling himself up. Eddie felt like he was watching something private, only, Richie’s eyes were set on him. Eddie was part of this private affair.
Richie finally gave in to his own pleasure, pulling his sweatpants down along with his boxers and letting them pool at his knees where he knelt on the bed. His hand returned to his cock as quickly as it had left. No longer hindered by any barriers, he was able to fully stroke himself.
And boy was Eddie feeling overwhelmed. If Richie had been intimidating flaccid, erect he was Mt. Everest.
“You want this, baby boy?” Richie asked, holding his cock at the base and shaking it enticingly at Eddie.
Eddie’s eyes were wide as saucers, the dirty talk along with the pet-name hitting a button inside Eddie that he hadn’t known was there.
On shaky arms, Eddie crawled the few inches across the bed until he was face to face with Richie’s cock, staring it down like a predator trying to intimidate its prey. It seemed to weep at its head, and Eddie counted that as a victory.
Eddie darted out his tongue experimentally, licking up the bead of pre-cum and letting the taste seep into his tongue. He’d given blowjobs before, he knew his way around a dick, but he’d never tackled something quite so… big, before.
He heard the cap on the lube pop open above him but ignored it in favor of lavishing the cock before him. It was so pretty; smooth and paler than Eddie’s own skin where he grasped at its underside with gentle fingers. He cradled it delicately, examining its faint blue veins that strained to attention.
Richie bent over Eddie’s body and began teasing a lubed finger around his hole, his other hand petting the hair out of Eddie’s face as he continued to marvel at the new sight before him.
Eddie gulped loudly, taking the plunge and engulfing as much of Richie’s length as he could before his throat constricted. He got about half way down before having to pull back, breathing heavily as his airway was cleared from the intrusion.
Eddie’s not sure when Richie managed to slip a finger inside him, but now he was distinctly aware of it wiggling around and pressing up against a particularly delicious spot within him.
A moan slipped from Eddie’s lips before he preoccupied them with Richie’s cock once again, his desire increasing tenfold from the stimulation Richie was giving him.
It took a while for Eddie to relax his throat enough to take Richie in all the way, likewise, it took Richie a while to get Eddie stretched enough to take three fingers. Once they were both there, however, neither wanted to stop what they were doing.
Spit was dripping down Eddie’s chin as he bobbed his head up and down Richie’s girth, a slurping noise accompanying him when he popped off the top to catch his breath once again.
Richie’s fingers were cramping from their continued assault on Eddie’s prostate, but he couldn’t care less when it elicited such beautiful noises from the boy in question.
“Don’t know if I’d rather cum in your mouth, or this pretty little ass of yours.”
“Mouth- mouth next time?” Eddie stuttered out, already praying there would be a next time.
Richie seemed to like that answer, retracting his fingers with a schlick and maneuvering Eddie up to his level with a single finger under his chin.
“You promise?” Richie asked with a sly smile. Eddie could sense something akin to shyness hiding behind his bravado.
Eddie nodded, locking in the guarantee that they would do this again. They weren’t even done with the first time and Eddie was already getting goose bumps at the thought of a second.
Richie laid down on the bed, encouraging Eddie to lay down parallel to him so his back was flush to Richie’s chest. It felt unfamiliar to face away from the person he was about to have sex with, a bit odd if Eddie were being honest, but then Richie began to connect them in other ways.
His lips ghosted against Eddie’s neck down to the juncture of his shoulder, doing the same with his fingers along Eddie’s stomach. Light touches that mapped out patterns for Eddie to follow with his attention while Richie lined himself up behind him.
“Are you ready?” Richie’s voice echoed against the shell of Eddie’s ear.
Eddie confirmed with a choked out ‘yes’ and then Richie was pushing in.
It was unlike anything Eddie had ever felt before. Not by his own fingers, not by any of his partners, not by the single sex toy he owned in college. This was something entirely new.
Richie filled him up perfectly, melding to every new curve and divot. He was hot too, an odd sensation, but a pleasant one, arousing even. His body heat warmed Eddie up from the inside out. Eddie could feel a stretch from the shift of fingers to cock, and it only aided to remind Eddie just how big Richie actually was. Eddie had never considered himself much of a size queen before, but Richie might just spoil him for anyone else.
“You doing okay?” Richie asked quietly as he finally bottomed out.
Eddie nodded, biting his lip as his head began to empty of any coherent thoughts.
Richie lied back slightly, pulling Eddie with him so he was resting a bit more against Richie’s body rather than on his side. In this position it took less effort for Eddie to crane his neck when Richie locked their lips together.
Richie began moving, beginning with slow drags to let Eddie get acclimated to the stretch. He distracted him from the slight burn with talented tricks of his tongue.
Soon Eddie began getting impatient. The rhythm was nice, but he wanted more. Needed more. He began pushing his hips back to meet Richie every thrust.
Richie reached under Eddie’s leg and hiked it up, opening him up wider. In the new position Eddie could feel Richie even deeper; nearly stirring into his gut. The feeling had Eddie dangerously close to drooling.
When Eddie’s hips began moving faster, so did Richie’s. He let Eddie set the pace and met him thrust for thrust. As Eddie became more frantic, as did Richie.
“F-f-fuc-ck.” Eddie stuttered out while Richie rammed into him, his voice coarse and breathy. His head was spinning, and when he closed his eyes, he could see stars. Never had he been fucked like this.
“So warm, so tight- Want you on the table- Finger you open all day- Your soft hair-” Richie had began babbling disconnected thoughts, only vocalizing snippets of the visuals running through his mind.
Eddie could feel the familiar coil beginning to build in his belly, the tightening in his balls a sure sign that he was approaching his peak. He reached for his dick, ready to help himself over the edge, when a hand stopped him
“Want you to cum from just my cock.” Richie moaned, holding Eddie’s hand back.
Eddie wanted to scoff. That was impossible, right? People can’t actually cum just from prostate stimulation… that was just a myth. There was no way he was going to cum unless he got a hand on him.
Eddie whined, the pressure building with no release in sight.
“Do you trust me?” Richie asked, his voice soothing to Eddie’s heightened nerves.
Eddie nodded frantically, hoping his compliance would earn him some relief.
Richie intertwined their fingers, placing their hands on Eddie’s lower belly and pushing lightly. Eddie could almost swear he felt Richie moving inside of him.
“Richie, please.” Eddie begged, tears springing to his eyes. The coil inside him was burning now, sending flames up his spine and down his neglected cock. “Need to cum.” He added in a whine.
“Go ahead.” Richie responded, his voice cocky in a way that both aroused and infuriated Eddie. He tried to pull his hand out of Richie’s grasp, but he held tight.
Eddie’s tears wet his ruddy cheeks, his pants coming out in quick succession between wanton moans.
“You can cum any time you want.”
“No, I can’t-”
“Yes, you can.”
“I need to-”
“Baby, I’ve got you; I promise.”
The repeated use of the pet-name swam right through Eddie’s head and down through his body, building charge as it reached his core and finally ignited him.
Eddie’s entire form tensed as he came, the feeling washing over him in waves that seemed never ending. He could feel himself releasing on to his chest, could feel the unrelenting movement within him, could feel warm breath against his neck, but it was all drowned out by the overpowering pleasure that filled him.
He’s not sure if he was loud or quiet, if his eyes were open or closed. He believed he might have left this plane of existence for a moment, floated through the abyss where nothing existed except bliss and contentment.
But he couldn’t live there forever, and eventually he floated back down into the gentle caress of Richie’s skin. His mind still felt hazy, but he was becoming aware of a new sensation within him.
“Did you cum in me?” Eddie asked blissfully.
“Yes…?” Richie answered, a lilt at the end that made it sound like a question, as if he was suddenly unsure if he had been supposed to pull out.
Eddie found himself surprisingly elated at the idea of being filled with Richie’s cum; as if they were somehow more connected because of it. He knew regular Eddie would be grossed out by that prospect, but fucked-out Eddie was absolutely enamored.
“Good.” Eddie decided aloud, letting Richie know he was happy with the outcome.
Richie laughed lightly, leaning forward to kiss Eddie’s temple as he slipped out of him slowly.
Eddie was so filled with excited energy he didn’t even notice Richie moving behind him. Now that he’d had his first mind-blowing orgasm, all he could think about was the next.
“Next time I’m gonna eat YOU out.” Eddie declared, blissfully unaware of how Richie all but stuttered to a halt at his sudden declaration. “And we should try bondage. Maybe I’d be in to that, who knows, I’ve never tried it! Oh! And we should try face sitting, since, you know, apparently that’s actually a thing. And maybe some time I can fuck you, if you’re into that. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to be a top.”
Richie just stared at Eddie as he rambled off about all the things he wanted to try. With Richie. Eddie wanted to do this a second time, and by the sounds of it, many times after that. Despite their little exchange that had suggested a round two, Richie had assumed that was just a mid-coitus promise. There was no way someone as handsome and smart and quick-witted and bright as Eddie would want to sleep with him on a consistent basis.
But… apparently, he did. And Richie would be an idiot to turn him down. If Eddie wanted Richie to be his sex guru, well then Richie would be the best damn sex guru there was.
“Yes.” Richie blurted out, unsure of what he was even saying ‘yes’ to. He’d interrupted Eddie talking about shower sex and now the boy was gazing at him with those big doe-eyes that Richie was already done for.
“Yes, to all of that.” Richie clarified, reaching a hand up and thumbing at Eddie’s pinkened cheek.
“I take it that was a little bit better than your average?” Richie asked, a coy smile accompanying his question.
Eddie giggled, slapping Richie playfully on the chest before settling down beside him, resting his head against Richie’s pec and letting himself be wrapped up in the warm arms that encircled him.
“Yeah, just a little bit.” Eddie joked back.
They laid in silence for a while, Eddie content to listen to Richie’s heartbeat while they both let the threat of sleep overcome them. It was just as Eddie was beginning to give in to his unconscious that he heard Richie’s gruff voice speak up again.
“So, have you ever been milked?”
“… like a cow?”
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