#stiles leaves the pack
takaraphoenix · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale's Pack Members & Stiles Stilinski, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Slash, Post-Season/Series 02, Pack Feels, Alpha Derek Hale, Good Alpha Derek Hale, with a little help from Stiles, Mates, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Falling In Love, Pack Alpha Mate Stiles Stilinski, Pack Mom Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski is Part of Derek Hale's Pack, Rebuilding the Hale House (Teen Wolf), Pack Bonding, Puppy Piles, Hurt/Comfort, Stilinski Family Feels, Fluff, No Alpha Pack, Erica Reyes Lives, Vernon Boyd Lives, Vernon Boyd and Erica Reyes Live, Jackson Whittemore Doesn't Leave, Werewolf Jackson Whittemore, Jackson Whittemore is Part of Derek Hale's Pack, The Hale Pack - Freeform, Set Between Season 2 and Season 03 Series: Part 3 of Phoe's Pride Month Bingo 2024 Summary:
After Gerard, Stiles needs a bit of distance from Scott. So while Scott spends the summer studying, Stiles spends his time with Derek's pack.
Somehow, he ends up helping Derek become a better Alpha. They rebuild the Hale house and the Hale Pack together. And along the way, they fall in love with each other.
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ksbbb · 8 months
I think we need to talk about teen wolf season 5 again. The lack of communication throughout season 5a is insane. It was done on purpose and it drives me crazy because if someone stopped and had an actual conversation to explain what was going on in their head, I don’t think Theo would have been able to manipulate the pack the way he did.
I love the season and it has its flaws, and it’s not perfect by any means, but it also makes me think about how people can become so caught up in their own world. They become lost in their own thoughts that they fail to realize they’re not seeing things from a clear perspective or vision.
It’s wonderful to use in writing because it’s something we all experience, but when it comes down to it, Theo wasn’t the only cause of the pack’s shift to being broken. The cracks that were being made in the McCall pack all throughout season 5 was complex and it was a multitude of factors that caused the pack to become disconnected from each other.
The miscommunication and lack of understanding caused a ripple effect that led to everyone’s inability to make clear and informed decisions.
That’s why you have the Stiles and Scott feud, Liam almost killing Scott, the Malia and Stiles break up, and Theo’s fight with Scott by himself in the library.
I love this show. That’s all.
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
Peter while doing the pack’s grocery shopping cause Pack Mom Stiles is sick and Pack Dad Derek is taking care of their mama:
Peter: *takes two samples instead of just one*
Peter, singing:...I love robbery and fraud, I'm a shoplifting God🤩
Bitch, I'm never gonna teach you every scam that I got 🥰
Watch your purse around me 'cause I'll snatch it up like that🤭
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vivitalks · 6 months
[read on ao3]
"You okay?"
Lydia has her elbows on her knees. Sitting in the waiting room of Deaton's clinic, her blue dress paradoxically bright against the bland color palette of the room, she's a contradiction unto herself. She looks tired and shaken. She looks glad to be alive. She looks unprepared to believe that being alive is going to last.
"I've been worse," is how she answers him. Then, "I've also been better."
Stiles takes the empty seat beside her.
"Feels like we're always hovering in the middle there," he offers.
Lydia nods. "Ethan and Aiden are going to be okay."
"Thank God," Stiles deadpans. "I would have been heartbroken to lose them.”
Lydia gently shoves him. "They did the right thing in the end. They're not that bad."
Stiles only hums, drumming on his knee with restless fingers. A deafening silence crowds them in. Stiles reflects on the events of the last twenty-four hours and finds them alarming when compressed into such a small time frame.
"What's on your mind?" he dares to ask, after the quiet is almost insurmountably heavy. If Deaton is still in the exam room with the twins, they're being very quiet. Suspiciously so. Something for Stiles to check on, once he's done checking on Lydia.
Lydia who is smoothing out her dress with a persistence that could be called obsessive. Every motion creates a new wrinkle, and every time, Lydia flattens it under her thumb.
"Oh, you know." Her tone is light, but her twisting fingers betray just how uneasy she is. "Thinking about how the last time I was sitting in this waiting room, you were dead for sixteen hours."
Stiles takes that one to the solar plexus, though he's not sure how else it could be taken.
"I wasn't…really dead. It was more like a long sleep. A long, icy sleep."
"You stopped breathing." Lydia stares lasers into her knees. "You didn't have a heartbeat. Deaton kept saying it was okay, that this was normal, that if something was really wrong we would know, but he was lying, I could tell. He wouldn't let us near you guys — he said he didn't want us interfering with the process." A fist forms in her lap, creasing the folds of her dress. "Sixteen hours. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. I just sat here. Waiting. Hoping Deaton wasn't full of shit."
"And he wasn't," Stiles says, morbidly upbeat. "We came back!"
"You don't get it," Lydia says, sounding angry and scared and deeply wounded all at the same time.
Stiles frowns. If she would just look at him, maybe he could read her expression, but he can't tell what she's thinking from the set of her shoulders. "So help me get it."
Lydia breathes out, out, out, expelling air like it's a toxic gas.
"Humans have a reflex," she says in a small voice, staring through her palms. "It prevents them from drowning until the last possible second. The survival instinct is so powerful that it overpowers the breathing instinct, even when holding your breath becomes excruciatingly painful. It's called—”
"Voluntary apnea," Stiles says dumbly.
Lydia looks up at him and nods once. Her green eyes latch onto his.
"You told me once that death happens to the people around you," she says, biting her lip. "I can't imagine how it must have felt to be in that ice bath…but can you imagine how it felt to be the one holding you down?"
Stiles is too dumbstruck to answer.
"I killed you. I did that. It doesn't matter that it was temporary. I didn't know that, we didn't know that for sure. I held you in that water until you died, Stiles." Her hands tremble. "You were dead for sixteen hours because of me. I was a murderer. For sixteen hours."
"Whoa whoa whoa, hey," Stiles says. His 'Protect Lydia Martin' instinct is back online and the alarm is blaring. He grabs her hands in both of his, keeping them still and warm.
"Okay, first of all, you didn't murder me. It was consensual drowning! If anything it was more like assisted suicide." Lydia glares. "Not helping. Right. Sorry. Um, but secondly, and— and way more importantly, Lydia, yeah, maybe you temporarily killed me, but you also— you brought me back to life." 
She’s unmoved, he can tell, so he shakes her gently. "Yeah. You did that. Look, anyone can kill me. I'm not even six feet of fragile bones and zero muscle mass, and my best friend's a freakin' werewolf, okay, killing me is not impressive. Bringing me back? That takes something else. Something special, and only someone who—" He tries not to stammer but his tongue sabotages him, "who cares about me enough to bring me back to life could do that, and honestly, those are in short supply, so yeah. Maybe you were a temporary murderer, but you were also a savior. My savior." He smiles weakly. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Lydia holds his gaze. She holds his hands, too — not passively but decisively, clutching them like a lifeline, like she's the one who's drowning. Reflecting once again on the past twenty-four hours, it occurs to Stiles that he is not the only person for whom that stretch of time has been alarming.
"That's certainly a nicer way of looking at it," she yields softly. Then she shakes her head. "But it doesn't change the fact that in order to save you, I had to kill you." Now she weaponizes that arresting stare, seaglass green pinning him to his seat. "I'm never doing that again, you understand? I can't."
"I wouldn't ask you to."
"You don't know what it was like," she murmurs — seemingly talking to herself now, more than him, anyway. "Watching you. And I couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything but sit there."
Something niggles Stiles's brain, that feeling he gets when a few different threads braid themselves into a discernible pattern. The emotional tether. Lydia's remorse. Sixteen hours of sitting and waiting.
"Sitting there was exactly what you were supposed to do," he realizes, also half to himself. It gets her attention anyway; she frowns at his conclusion. Stiles goes on: "An emotional tether, Deaton said, someone to bring us back, I didn't really get it, how that could work, but you just said it. You all just sat there. For sixteen hours. You waited. You stayed, so I had someone to come back to. The way only a tether could do. Think about it, right? If a fisherman casts a line and then walks away from the fishing pole, it doesn't matter whether he hooks a fish because no one is there to reel it in."
"Are you comparing yourself to a fish?"
"We were underwater, I was thinking about water, it was the first metaphor that came to mind, give me a break,” Stiles says defensively. "My point is, sixteen hours is a long time. Long enough to get bored, to lose faith, to give up and walk away and pronounce us dead. But you guys didn't. You didn't."
"Deaton said—”
"You just told me you thought Deaton was full of shit. But you stayed anyway, right?" Stiles presses, looking Lydia in the eye. "You had a feeling. Or maybe you just believed. Whatever it was, you stayed. That's how you brought me back. You thought you weren't doing anything, but you were doing the most important thing." He squeezes her hands. "You were waiting for me."
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Steter Week 2023
Day #3: Your Enemies Are My Enemies
Stiles squeezed his mate’s hand to soothe the angered alpha and watched Scott puff out his chest in a pitiful attempt to be intimidating. “No.”
“NO?!” Scott growled. “What do you mean no? This isn’t negotiable. You're my pack!”
“Am I?” Stiles asked calmly.
Scott hesitated and nodded firmly. “Yes.”
Stiles shrugged one shoulder. “I love Peter and he loves me. I’m not leaving with you, and you can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet?!” Scott snarled.
Peter’s control was rock solid, airtight, never faltering. His presence alone was enough to drive fear into the hearts of most. It was always a turn on to see the alpha put people in their places.
Stiles was pissed. Here he was bleeding, and in immeasurable pain after saving the asses of his pack once again but did he get any thanks? Nope! He was recovering in the hospital and only three people had come to see him and not one of them was his alpha. That was the nail in the coffin for Stiles. He was done. He was so done with constantly putting his life on the line for people who couldn’t care less so long as they lived even if it meant Stiles was racking up hospital bills like crazy.
That was why as soon as he had been released from the hospital, Stiles vanished into the night. He took only the bare minimum with him. There was some grim humor in the fact that the night he left was the two year anniversary of his father’s death. He made sure to stop by the cemetery to say goodbye to his parents one last time. They wouldn’t want this life for him, and he knew he had to think of himself first now which he wasn’t good at, but Stiles was determined to change that. It hurt to think of his dad even two years later. Noah Graham Elias Stilinski was another casualty, another unnecessary death as a result of the pack’s ineptitude. Stiles had been too late to save his dad and carried the guilt with him every day.
As he stood and brushed off the dirt, Stiles made a promise to his parents that he would never let himself be taken for granted again. Once, when he was younger, Stiles had fallen for his best friend, had fallen for Scott but as time passed and his friend only sought out others, Stiles realized it was forever unrequited. He had only attempted to reveal his feelings once and Scott played it off as a sick joke. Stiles never tried again. Now, when he thought about it, Stiles was relieved as the person Scott now was, was not someone Stiles wanted to be with.
A werewolf wasn’t a turn off for Stiles but being a fucking asshole, whose head was always buried in pussy was. They’d had too many close calls because Scott was thinking with the wrong head. Some alpha he was, true or not.
Stiles shook away the dark thoughts and departed from the cemetery. He couldn't take his jeep with him, knowing it would be a dead giveaway. So, he used a little of his savings to get something he had always wanted. As he mounted his Ducati Corse, a sleek black model and his pride and joy, Stiles felt like he was finally taking control of his life.
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The deep purr it let out when he started it, felt like power bleeding into Stiles’s veins. He revved the engine and then took off, blending perfectly with the inky shadows surrounding Beacon Hills. Only when the rearview mirrors showed the town sign did Stiles feel the weight on his chest release. There was still a long road ahead, but he was ready.
✶ 🩸 𖤓 🩸 ✶
Two Years Later:
Anchor of Selene Bookstore was a huge success with the people in the small town of Oelwein, Iowa. It was nearly two thousand miles from his former home and so small that everyone knew everyone. At his shop, Stiles finally was able to put his spark into play. Deaton had hated Stiles with a passion and with the druid whispering in his ear, Scott had refused to name Stiles his emissary even going so far as to restrict his use of magic. Granted, Stiles never truly stopped using it, just avoided doing so where the alpha could see. Plus, Stiles wasn’t a wolf and despite being the alpha’s beta he couldn’t be controlled like they could. He just let Scott believe he was as it was either that or the alpha would’ve assigned Deaton to supervise Stiles constantly which absolutely not.
Anyway, here in this small town, Stiles was thriving and most importantly, well Stiles had found someone or rather they had found him. There was a small werewolf pack in town and of course Stiles abided by proper protocol and formality. It was important that the spark declared himself to the alpha of the territory. The Hale pack was well known to those in the supernatural community and yet Stiles wasn’t afraid despite their reputation.
It seemed the alpha in particular found him amusing and his spirited demeanor pleasing. So, Stiles was often invited back to see the alpha. What started as a bit of barbed foreplay soon became a genuine respect and level of trust. It may have taken them nine months to reach such a place but that then led to where they are now, Stiles being courted for nearly three months. Speaking of—
“Hello, sparkling,” said the alpha as the door to the store chimed upon opening.
Stiles smiled. “Hello, alpha mine.”
The Hale Alpha, Peter Xavier Ignatius Hale, was a force to be reckoned with and no one got away with giving him anything less than the utmost respect. He was feared but a healthy amount of fear and no one went toe to toe with him, at least not until Stiles arrived and then people, especially the various pack members, loved watching their verbal sparring matches.
They had met more informally when Stiles opened his magic shop disguised as a bookstore. It had been a rough day for the spark. He had changed his number and had only given it to three people, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey and Allison Argent. Jackson was living in London while Allison and Isaac were living in France. It turned out they too could no longer remain in Beacon Hills and had in fact left barely a month after Stiles’s own departure.
It was sad that only three people chose to remain in contact with him. Everyone else had disowned him but really Stiles couldn’t care less. He was happy now, was being courted by the alpha and wasn’t being forced to hide who and what he was.
What Stiles didn’t know about Peter was that he was more than just an alpha. It was only upon their fifth date, during month five of courting that Stiles learned what else his possible mate was. Peter Hale was apparently a world renowned lawyer and businessman.
Of course, Stiles kept this information to himself, not wishing to reveal it to anyone, not even his friends but somehow, the one person Stiles never wanted to learn of his whereabouts, had found out. Scott McCall had been livid when his spark, and Stiles was his, had vanished. He had searched, forced his betas to search and even found a way to use his father’s contacts in the FBI. It was all for naught though as the spark had found a way to evade him.
Stiles had hoped that he would never see the alpha again and for almost a year during which he and Peter grew closer, that hope held fast. However, fate or something out there didn’t deign to give Stiles more than a single year with his soon to be mate before Scott tracked him down and brought his pack to confront Stiles.
Thankfully the wards sent Stiles a warning and he was able to alert his alpha. Peter joined him at the store and the two took up residence on the couch in the alcove facing the door. Not even an hour later, the McCall Pack shoved their way into the store, making Stiles’s magic hiss and his fingers vibrate with the need to protect. Only Peter’s fingers lacing with his own, halted his actions.
Scott McCall hadn’t changed much in the past nearly three years, but Stiles sure had. He had bulked up now that he could run whenever he wanted. He sported a lip piercing, a tongue piercing and more tattoos than a person could count and not all of them visible when he was wearing clothes.
He felt the alpha’s thumb rub soothing circles on the back of his hand and allowed himself to settle further into the wolf’s embrace. He was safe. He was home. Stiles wasn’t going anywhere.
Of course, the fool had never learned proper decorum. He had never listened to what the correct protocols and pertinent formalities were. No, he simply started in on reprimanding Stiles. Peter wasn’t impressed in the least but put on a sharp smile. “Alpha McCall. Well met. What brings you to my territory?”
Scott froze seemingly shocked that he was being interrupted. His jaw clenched as he flashed his eyes, another baby alpha mistake. Peter showed no outward reaction to the pup’s aggression.
Stiles smirked and flicked his tongue out to play with the metal loop in his lip. The McCall Alpha seemed to be expecting Stiles’s interjection, but the spark had no intention of coming to his aid ever again. It was humorous though to watch the realization filter in. Scott had never been able to hide his emotions or reactions from Stiles.
The entire thing set the foreign alpha on edge. He went for the kill, knowing only that Stiles was his and he wouldn’t leave without him. “Do you really think he wants you, Stiles? You’re of no use to him except for your magic. You can’t bear a child. That’s why I never took you seriously. You realize that as an alpha I’m expected to reproduce? Lydia can give me that, but you can’t. Also, we both know he’s paying for everything. You can see that right. He’s just a sugar daddy. He doesn’t love you, Stiles. He just wants your spark. He’ll pay for everything so long as you do what he wants with your magic.”
Stiles had moved on long ago from the feelings he had once harbored for the alpha but his words hurt nonetheless. Knowing that he wasn’t wanted because he couldn't bear children was painful to hear. If only Scott knew—Even more painful was the knowledge that the girl he thought he loved, though he never truly did, was now going to bear children for his ex-best friend, his ex-alpha. This was turning out to be a fucking terrible day.
Despite the hurt he felt, Stiles showed no outward emotion other than to glare at his former alpha from where remained curled up on the couch with Peter. “My relationship with Mr. Hale is of no concern to you. I haven’t seen you or spoken to you in nearly three years.”
Apparently, Scott now suffered from even more delusions if his next words were anything to go by. “You are my emissary and therefore you have to obey me! You did not have permission to leave the pack. You did not have permission to leave Beacon Hills and when we get back home, I’ll deal with you.”
Peter let out a growl at the audacity of Scott to think he would be leaving and taking Stiles with him.
Stiles squeezed his mate’s hand to soothe the angered alpha and watched Scott puff out his chest in a pitiful attempt to be intimidating. “No.”
“NO?!” Scott growled. “What do you mean no? This isn’t negotiable. You're my pack!”
“Am I?” Stiles asked calmly.
Scott hesitated and nodded firmly. “Yes.”
Stiles shrugged one shoulder. “I love Peter and he loves me. I’m not leaving with you, and you can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet?!” Scott snarled.
Peter’s control was rock solid, airtight, never faltering. His presence alone was enough to drive fear into the hearts of most. It was always a turn on to see the alpha put people in their places.
It seemed that Scott for all his stubbornness hadn’t forgotten that of the two of them Stiles was the one who wouldn’t be moved if he had made up his mind. “Fine!!” Scott ground out. “If he loves you so much then he has to prove it. He cannot give you any money for one month. We will stay in a hotel nearby and if he can prove that he loves you, I will give him permission to court you, but I will ultimately decide. Don’t push me, Stiles!”
Stiles looked at Peter who had a gleam in his eye before looking back at Scott with a deceptively sweet smile. “Okay, Scotty boy.”
✶ 🩸 𖤓 🩸 ✶
Scott left after warning the two that he would be watching. After the door to the shop closed, Stiles pressed his lips to the alpha’s and moaned softly. When they parted, they both sported smirks. Little did Scott know; Stiles had never been his emissary. Alan Deaton saw to that. Not to mention that less than four months ago, Stiles had been given the honor of the position as the Hale Pack Emissary. How else would he have gotten permission to ward the territory, though he had originally offered it as a gift of court to the alpha when the alpha offered to pay for it. That was a hard fought compromise for them.
All that being said, Stiles was taken and Peter? Well, Peter was the Alpha. Peter was his Alpha.
“I wish I could say I’m surprised but honestly I’m not.” Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes, nosing at the wolf’s head when said alpha nipped at his throat. “I’m sorry for Alpha Mc-Asshole.”
Peter pulled back and cupped his mate’s face with one hand while still lacing the fingers of the other together. “You have nothing to apologize for. He is not your alpha, and you owe him nothing.”
“He’ll try to take me away,” Stiles said.
The alpha snarled and pulled his mate close, his free hand coming to rest on Stiles’s stomach. The action, both possessive and protective, made Stiles’s heart flutter. Peter wouldn’t let anything happen to him. After all, Stiles’s enemies, and that’s exactly what Stiles viewed Scott as now, were Peter’s enemies. The spark knew without a doubt that if Scott showed his face again or came near Stiles again, Peter would unleash the full wrath of an alpha when his mate was threatened, especially when said mate was carrying the alpha heir.
“I love you, alpha mine.”
“And I you, sweet sparkling.” Peter kissed his mate, cradling the barely there swell of his mate’s stomach. “You and our pup.”
This was what Stiles had wanted when he left Beacon Hills. Though he hadn’t expected Peter Hale, the spark had found what his parents always wanted for him: a home, a partner, safety, a child, a family and happiness.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
PLEASE tell me Parrish is on his way to save Lydia and Stiles.
PLEASE tell me Scott's Alpha-ness is gonna be able to kick into gear and get them all out of this situation (I would also accept Derek showing up to save them, but that seems unlikely).
PLEASE tell me our pack will make it out of this.
...now with all of that anger out of the way....
Can we just appreciate how loyal and helpful and protective Mason is even when he has no idea what the f*ck is going on? Like, he's been begging Liam for answers for weeks, and his best friend hasn't been giving them (for obvious reasons), but despite that, and despite how weird Scott's explanation (or rather, lack thereof) is, he rolls with it, and does his best to do what Scott says to protect Liam and Malia, and I just...I love him for that. Bro is confused and skeptical as f*ck, but in the end, protecting them matters more than getting answers, regardless of how weird everyone is acting (also as an aside, someone explain the music?? Is it a frequency thing? I hope they explain that more later.)
And then can we just once again appreciate Stydia in all of their amazingness? Like, okay, I really wish they had been paying SLIGHTLY more attention to Brunski, because maybe then they wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place, but despite that, I love how protective they both are of each other, and I love how much they care about each other, and I just...
I mean...
The way that Stiles tries to get Lydia to just focus on him.
The way that he screams at Brunski to turn it off.
The way that Lydia whips around so quickly in anger and panic when Brunski punches Stiles.
The way they're both just so obviously keeping constant tabs on each other, even as they have their backs to each other.
UGH I love them so much. And GOD I hope they get out of this sooner rather than later please and thank you.
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(Of COURSE I went with the Stydia sequence, what else do you expect? :'( :'( <3 <3 <3)
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
I have had a dumb thought but like feral cat sterek au but like in the sense that Derek’s the feral cat.
Like in the first or second season stiles get really tired trying to communicate with everyone and no one communicating back. After one last shove from Derek, he’s fed up. Stiles is trying his hardest and nothing is working. He feels a little insecure and frustrated that the pack doesn’t like him but he can move past that. They don’t need to like him to work with him and that will only work if Derek is on board.
Expect Stiles has no idea on how to get Derek to talk to him. Derek barely tolerates him on a good day, let alone actually listens to him about things, especially things about the pack.
He only makes the connection after visiting Scott at work and hearing him talk about a feral cat. Ironic isn’t it. He immediately goes home and researches how to make friends with feral cats.
He begins to visit more often and not just on days where danger is imminent, so Derek doesn’t associate him with danger but rather something good. He takes to running his hands along furniture and leaving his clothes around where ever Derek is staying, to add his scent and familiarize Derek with it. He becomes more patient, well as he can be with his personality and adhd. Ever so slowly things Derek and stiles come to an understanding, and Stiles can really peel back the layers that make up Derek hale.
(Derek also begins to learn how stiles brain works and functions and about adhd; all his reference to humans were mostly the Hales and high schoolers but he can barely interact with regular human let alone, stiles. No one quite sets a precedent on how to interact with stiles, anyway. Derek also learned how stiles loves being human but sometimes it hurts not feeling like pack.)
Stiles is so surprised when it begins works?? Derek takes more of his suggestions if Stiles talks in a more calming and overall gentle voice. They are able to support each other ideas while still pointing out flaws. They work as a team. The pack get closer than before.
Stiles is more aware of the boundaries of skin between them; only laying touch to Derek when he gets permission. But when he can offer hug or a hand resting on Derek shoulder or neck he does.
But most of all the food that Stiles has painstakingly cooked, dropped off, and shared with either just Derek or the entire pack has lead to a better relationship. He should have known that the way to a wolf’s heart was through their stomach.
What stiles doesn’t realize is that he was accidentally both courting Derek and cementing his place as pack mom. 
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our-sin · 1 month
Stiles is a wildlife biologist and one day stumbles upon a wolf pack during a hike through the national forest he works for. They weren’t gray wolves so at first he figures another species has finally made its was back to california but after an hour or so of studying them from a far he realizes they aren’t typical wolves and appear to follow many of the theorized versions of dire wolves.
Thinking he might have discovered a new species and a possible descendant of dire wolves he stays for the rest of the day and studies them further. He only leaves when the sun starts to set and keeps coming back to study them. He grows rather attached to the pack, especially when a particularly curious wolf comes up and introduces itself and eventually drags him by his sleeve over to meet the rest of the pack. He talks to them, tells them about how important they are and how lucky he is to be the one to have found them.
He keeps trying to publish his findings but no one else seems to be able to find them and whenever he brings a photographer out they’re always hiding. One day he brings his own camera, thinking the wolves are used to him and just scared of everyone else and he finds one of the pack dead. He doesn’t take a picture of course, feels it would be disrespectful to the creatures that so readily welcomed him. Instead he goes back to his jeep grabs a shovel and a knife before coming back to dig the poor thing a proper grave and putting down a marker with a big rock and doing his best to add an engraving. While placing the wolf in its grave he notices bullet wounds and cuts on the body and figures out someone had killed one of HIS wolves.
The next week he spends looking for a tracker that can help him find who hurt his pack -figures if they went after one they might have been going after the others too and are still possibly camped out somewhere. That leads him to Derek who agrees oddly quick considering Stiles can’t offer him much in the way of payment.
Day one Stiles leads Derek to the grave and where he found the wolf. The man does his tracker thing and starts leading them even deeper into the forest. It takes a couple of days before they find the hunter’s now deserted camp that has some bullets and gear left behind, even a gun. Derek seems even angrier than Stiles that they had only missed them by a day or so given the remains of a campfire. They stay there for the night before moving on first thing in the morning. Takes another few days before they find an active campsite with several hunters.
They try to lay low but at some point Derek loses his cool and gets them caught and subsequently captured (he had heard them talking about the pack mate they killed, not that Stiles knows that). The hunters tie them up and do their typical hunter thing which is how Stiles not only finds out about werewolves but that the dire wolf descendants he thought he discovered were really the pack fully shifted.
Anyway turns out the pack had been following their entire journey from a far and the night after Stiles and Derek are captured they attack the hunters camp. Both Stiles and Derek are seriously injured but Stiles being human is the more pressing issue. Stiles wakes up like days later in a super fancy house next to a wall of heat. The wolf that had introduced him to the pack initially which is, of course, Derek. The man had refused to leave his side since they left the camp. And once everyone is sure Stiles is alive and mostly well the pack introduce themselves as humans.
Then happily ever after and all that jazz.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Any fics where Stiles goes to Derek for help or to stay with Derek because he has nowhere else to go? Either he’s been pushed out of his friend group or has a fight or misunderstanding with his father?
I think so.
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The Promised Land by StaciNadia
(1/1 I 1,952 I General)
Pushed away from the pack, Stiles has had enough of Beacon Hills.
A Growl-to-English Dictionary by churkey
(4/4 I 14,866 I Teen)
In which Derek finds his words and Stiles learns to growl.
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific
(2/2 I 82,866 I Explicit)
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
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messylustt · 1 year
hii since u said you’d do something for stilinski can i request a fic where the alpha twins were just introduced and stiles and reader (best friends) like each other (everyone in the pack knows but them) and reader thinks stiles doesn’t like her so they start hanging out with the twins more and stiles gets jealous and it’s like a angry love confession and maybe smut?
++ thank u so much for taking the time to read & write this!! your writing is actually making me happy as sappy as that sounds💗💗
you’re my friend, not theirs — stiles stilinski + reader ( teen wolf ) : stiles getting jealous over the blooming friendship between you and the twins.
contents : jealous!stiles. kissing. sorry no actual p in v. i need to watch teen wolf again — that shit was gooood, and thank you so much ur actually so sweettt
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"I want one." Lydia said, eyes focused behind you and Allison.
You both turn in your chairs to see the two new twins talking by a bookshelf. "Which one?" Allison asked, turning back. You kept your gaze on the twins, mainly for the fact that they were said—by your strange friend group—to be alphas.
Why they chose to go to school you could only guess. Most likely not to actually enjoy classes, but to keep an eye on said strange friend group.
"The straight one." You answered for Lydia. "I'd hope." You turn back in your chair to see Lydia narrowing her eyes.
You smile, just as Stiles slumps in the free chair beside you. Scott taking one beside Lydia. You glance back around at the twins, tilting your head in a slight observation.
Then you feel a poke on your arm. You turn your head to face Stiles, who is eyeing you with furrowed brows. "What are you looking at?"
"Our new classmates." You say, gazing back.
"You know they're alphas, right?" Stiles asks, making you nod. "Like, deadly...scary alphas?" He re-asks narrowing his eyes, as you chuckle.
"I heard they can shift into...like...one big werewolf." You say, in slight awe.
Stiles scoffs. "It's not that impressive."
"It kind of is." You mutter. Then you hear your seat scraping against the floor as Stiles jolts you around to face away from the twins.
"Do you know the distinction between friends and enemies?" Stiles asks, making you scoff. "Scott, did you know that y/n's rather stupid?" He asks Scott, making you elbow his arm.
"Yeah. She thinks the twins are cool." He continues, as you try to shut him up with your hand.
"I'm not the only one." You say defensively, before gesturing to Lydia, who is still eyeing up the straight twin.
"Well that's...Lydia." Stiles grabs your wrist, removing your hand from his mouth.
"Wow, your reasoning is impeccable, Stiles."
Stiles tilts his head at your sarcasm, the edges of his lips curving up a fraction. You get your wrist out of his grip before looking at Lydia—Allison and Scott caught up in conversation. "It's called having taste, Stiles."
Stiles raises his brows. "Taste?" He nearly exclaims. "Did you get hit in the head?"
"Alright...I'm gonna head to science." You say, ignoring stiles, standing, as the others spare you 'goodbyes'.
Stiles calls to your leaving form. "You have zero taste, y/n. Nada!"
You chuckle as you walk out into the hall. Stiles has been your best friend for almost forever. You enjoyed his jokes and even his incessant sarcasm. But you hated the fact that whenever he smiled butterflies would swarm your stomach. Whenever he would look at you a certain way your cheeks would pinken.
You had to brush it all way, knowing he wouldn't feel the same. And ruining such a long friendship would be horrible. Your mind is caught as you nearly collide with someone.
"Shit— sorry." You say looking up, holding a tighter grip on your notes.
One of the alpha twins stares back at you, a small smirk edging his lips. You quickly take in his appearance and the way he holds himself. "And I'd take it your the...straight one?"
He chuckles before beginning to nod. "Aiden." He introduces.
You nod. "Nice to meet you."
He raises his brows awaiting your own introduction. You go to speak, opening your mouth, but pause, seeming to remember exactly who Aiden is. "Will I be in danger if you know my name?" You whisper ask.
Aiden leans down to whisper back. "You might be safe."
"I might?" You ask, raising your brows.
Aiden smirks. "A pretty face usually makes it far."
Your mouth partly opens in slight shock. "Ha. So, you are a flirt." You straighten up. "Lydia's gonna love you."
"Mm, and what about you?" He asks, brushing a strand of hair away from your shoulder.
You chuckle. "Again—Lydia's gonna love you." You then step around him, walking into your class.
Stiles had seen one of the alpha twins follow you out. And of course, with a narrowed gaze—he followed him. He stopped upon seeing the twin speaking to you. Stiles' grip on the doorway was tight as he watched. A scowl formed as he saw the twin brush your hair over your shoulder, you chuckling about something.
What the hell were you talking about?—Stiles wondered, wishing he had scott's hearing. His stomach had tightened the moment he saw you with him. Hating seeing you smile at the enemy. But it wasn't just for the sake that it was the twin you were talking to. Stiles would feel like it no matter what dude it was. He wanted you to smile at him like that. Not someone else.
When you passed the twin for your class Stiles saw the way he eyed your form before leaving for his own class. Stiles scoffed to himself, glaring holes into the back of the alpha's head. No way was that beast getting you.
A few days had passed and through the halls you had caught yourself talking to the twins. It started off brief, just passing nods and a few hello's. But then you started picking up conversations where you'd left off the next time you'd pass eachother.
Stiles saw as you would wave at them or smile, them cracking a joke or a compliment. On the occasion that he would walk with you, Stiles' expression couldn't be more gloomy. You'd bump his shoulder making a comment on the "glare" he'd mastered, but Stiles' couldn't laugh, only hearing Aiden's compliments on your outfit or hair.
At first he didn't want to acknowledge that he was jealous. Because then he'd have to remember his large crush on you. He had had to push it away, knowing you wouldn't feel the same. You were freinds, and Stiles hid behind that concept, forcing himself to reason his glares to him just being a good friend, not wanting you to date someone like Aiden.
But once the days drew out, you and the twins seeming to grow closer, Stiles finally accepted his jealousy. You were his friend not there's. So, when he saw you smile and blush at a compliment Aiden gave you, he couldn't help himself but grab your wrist and pull you somewhere secluded.
You swiftly turned to face Stiles as you stared at him in confusion. You both are in the boys locker room, it being empty—the laccrosse team not practicing today. "What the hell-"
"What the hell is that?" Stiles cuts you off angrily. You stare at him, brows furrowing.
"That." Stiles gestured to the now closed door. "Them. The twins."
"Aiden and Ethan?" You ask.
Stiles scoffs at the first name basis. "Yeah, Aiden and Ethan."
"What about them?" You slowly ask, never really having seen Stiles so mad.
Stiles clenches his jaw, all the past days annoyance bubbling up. "What about them? Really, y/n?"
Your still displaying confusion, as Stiles steps closer. "Why the fuck are you talking to them?"
"You're mad at me becasue I've said hi?"
"Oh, you've said more than hi." Stiles scoffs. "You keep talking with them in the halls as if your the closest of friends."
"Look Stiles, I know you don't like them. And I know they aren't particually saints. But if you spoke to them you'd realise how not in control they are. Deucalion—"
"I don't care for their sobstory, y/n. And you shouldn't either. You barely know them." Stiles has progressively gotten closer, before he's backing away, running his hands through his hair in annoyance. "God." He mutters.
"Stiles." You say, making him meet your gaze. "What is this?" Your tone has stayed calm, not wanting to start an arguement with Stiles of all people. "Are you okay?"
"No, y/n. I'm not." He finally says, fully stepping closer. You slightly stumble back at how swift his movement was. "Why do you want to talk to them?"
"Stiles, they...they're nice. They make me feel good, strangely enough."
"They make you feel good?" Stiles asks, eyeing you.
"They make me laugh. They are quite funny." You mutter, seeing how close Stiles is getting.
"Oh." Stiles chuckles, though the humour is lost. "Aren't they just amazing. Making you laugh and smile. You even blush around Aiden."
Your cheeks begin to redden on embarrassment as you cough. "No, I don't."
"Yeah, you do. And it's really annoying." Stiles says. "You know what else is annoying?" You meet his gaze, pressing your lips together. "The fact that you're blushing for him right now."
You scoff. "I'm not."
You can feel Stiles' breath hit your face. "I really hope that's true."
"Stiles, why are you so angry about this?"
And he cracks. "Because I don't want you to like some rabid wolf, I want you to like me!"
Stiles freezes, processing what he just revealed. Fuck. You stare at him, mouth beginning to open.
"What..." You drift off, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
"I-" Stiles begins, stepping back, shocked and incredibly nervous at his own words. "I didn't-"
"You...like me?" You slowly ask.
Stiles goes to shake his head for fear of your rejection, but then he thinks of Aiden, and switches to a small nod.
Now your shocked, confirmation that his first confession wasn't a slip up. Silence has engulfed the locker room and Stiles can't bear it. "Say something...please."
"I didn't know...you liked me like that." You mutter, your life long crush's words having taken a toll on you.
He couldn't let you date Aiden and now you knew why. But your moments of silence were crushing his heart. He began to step farther away, thinking he just ruined your friendship, when you quickly grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him.
Stiles eyes widened, before they became hooded, the feel of your soft lips making his stomach do somersaults. But then your pulling away far too soon, eyes wide, your own shock at what you just did easily visible.
But Stiles doesn't waste another moment, smashing his lips back to yours. You slightly stumbled back at the force as Stiles began to lick and eat at your lips. He groaned into your mouth when he was able to finally push himself against you, your back hitting a locker.
"Oh, god." Stiles muttered against your lips. "This means you like me back...right?" He asks as he began to kiss your cheek and jaw, leading all the way to your neck, as his hand slipt around your waist.
"No, Stiles." You sarcastically say, making him chuckle against your skin. You grab his face, bringing him back to your face. "Kissing you doesn't mean I like you." You kiss him, your tongues eagerly meeting.
"I'm glad you've picked up my sacrasm." He says, continusously kissing you. "Otherwise that would hurt."
You smile into the kiss, your head buzzing with this reality. You had begun to unbutton his jeans, making his breath hitch, but he quickly grabs your hand, making you meet his gaze in question. "I didn't like hearing that the twins make you feel good." Stiles says, putting your hands over his shoulders, as he lead one of his hands back down.
He unbuttoned your jeans, slipping his hand inside making you grip his shirt. "I want to make you feel good." Stiles kisses you, as he reaches your panties, pushing them aside as he finds your wetness. You jolt when his fingers find your clit. "Much better than them." He whispered as he began to rub your pussy, circling around.
"Christ." You whispered into his neck, before your head hit back against the locker.
Stiles trailed one finger to your hole, pushing inside, making you whimper. "At first I was hurt, because you were my friend not theirs." Stiles said as he pushed another finger inside you making your hips stutter. "But now that doesn't matter, because you can be their freind all you like." Stiles littered kisses along you collerbone and neck. "As long as I can kiss and touch you like this." He grinned against your skin as you moaned, his pace quickening.
"Oh, god— please." You breathe, finding your hand in his hair. You kiss him, letting your lips bruise as he laps at your tongue. Stiles then kisses your cheeks. "You look so cute when you blush."
Your cheeks had heated due to the actions given by Stiles. "I thought you got annoyed when I b-blushed."
Stiles chuckles, curling his fingers inside you. You pant, sweat forming across your forehead. "That's only because you were blushing for Aiden. But now your blushing for me." Stiles smiles. “All for me."
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Writing Teen Wolf fanfiction is honestly so funny because this fandom is like THE most cultivated I have ever seen when it comes to additional tags. There is a specific tag for every single thing I enjoy.
Posting Teen Wolf fics is like "okay here are the 10 tags that set the perimeter of basically all my stories. And THEN we get to the specifics of this story".
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chloe-skywalker · 6 months
They Were There - Peter Hale
Peter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 635
Summary: Derek and Cora know about Y/n and Peter because they were there when he proposed. Everyone else in the pack? Surprise.
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Welcome to the family.” Derek smiled, hugging Y/n as she and Peter entered the loft having just got back from their honeymoon. Y/n and Derek had been friends since junior high but now she was his sister in law and Derek wasn’t disappointed. “Cora sends her congrats and welcome but she had to leave.”
“Its okay. I already talked to her.” Y/n smiled, waving it off, her and Cora had already talked a few days before. “Its great to finally be apart of the family.” Y/n groaned back at Peter along with Derek.
“Sorry I didn’t want to rush things.” Peter narrowed his eyes at the two.
“You have been in love with her since you were 14. I think you took your damn time.” Derek raised his brows looking at his uncle with an exaggerated look. Even if he was somewhat commatoused for a few years, his uncle still took his damn time.
“I’m just glad you did it to begin with.” Y/n let out a laugh, it was a long time coming.
“It's been a longtime coming.” Peter pulled Y/n, his wife, into his side and kissed her. He could be soft with her.
“There's a pack meeting tonight here at the loft.” Derek told them after their little moment, Y/n is good for his uncle. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t kill him again to protect her, but she did make him a better person.
“I’ll be there.” Y/n told him.
“Will you?” Derek asked his uncle knowing how much he did not care for the pack.
“Since my wife will be there, yes. I gotta know what I’ll have to protect you from when their plans go wrong.” Peter stated sarcastically. Y/n and Derek just looked at eachother and rolled their eyes.
^     ^     ^
“Your back!” Scott said with a smile rushing over to hug Y/n once the pack entered the loft and saw she was there. They had all missed her.
“You’ve been gone so long.” Allsion said having missed her older friend. Y/n was older than the group of teens, she was the older sister figure of the pack.
“Where’d you go?” Stiles asked.
“Is that a ring on your finger?” Lydia points out having caught the shine of it catching the light.
“You got married?” Allison questioned in shock, having looked down to Y/n’s hand like everyone else after hearing Lydia.
“Yes.” Y/n nodded.
“Without us?” Scott gave her his sad puppy dog eyes.
“We plan on having a reception with all of you sometime in the near future.” Y/n smiled at them and she saw her words lesson their sadness.
“We? Who’s the dude?” Stiles raised a brow.
“Peter as in Peter Hale?!” Scott’s eyes bulged out of his head. 
“As in Derek’s uncle?” Allison was less shocked but more surprised.
“Yes, she's a Hale now.” Derek smirked proudly.
“I am.” She smiled.
“Peter Hale?” Stiles squinted his eyes, still not believing it.
“Is there something wrong with me?” Peter raised his eyebrows pretending to be innocent. He spoke up for the first time since the pack arrived from his spot on the couch.
“You're a psychopath for starters.” Stiles stated addressing the oldest Hale.
“He’s different with her. I’ll defend him on that. He has always been different when it comes to Y/n.” Derek spoke up.
Y/n walked over to Peter, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“That's because she’s different. She’s mine.” Peter growled the last part possessively.
“And you're mine.” Y/n smiled at him leaning over to kiss him.
“Oh he’s been yours since he laid eyes on you.” Derek teased and he got satisfaction when his uncle flashed his eyes at him but couldn’t deny his nephew's statement.
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hedwig221b · 6 days
Do you have any Stiles kicked out of the pack recs?
Leave It All Behind by asarcasticwitch
A coil of panic tightens in his chest as, after just three short rings, Derek’s voice—raspy as if barely awake—echoes through the speaker. “Do you know what time it is?” he grumbles, and at any other time, Stiles would’ve made a joke or retorted with something so sarcastic it would’ve undoubtedly earned him a huff in return. But right now, he can’t think of anything to say.
The One You Choose by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
It seems wasted now by DaaroMoltor
It's been months. Months of lonely days and lonelier nights. And Stiles can't understand what he did wrong.
Stiles, Wait! by Sivan325
5 times Scott tried to kick Stiles out of the pack, but Derek defended him, and 1 time Stiles and Derek left together.
Lone Wolf by Kikileduc
Stiles feels forgotten, he feels left out. So he does something about it, while getting reacquainted with nature he stumbles on to something else. If the pack doesn't need him, if his dad wants him to stay out of it all, well, maybe he just needs a distraction in the form of 3 adorable wolf cubs!
Sparks and shadows by Nival_Vixen
Stiles has to figure out a way to maintain a balance between his spark and the darkness inside of him.
No one called, until someone did. by queen_of_OTPs
Stiles found that he hadn’t spoken more than necessary since August. Gone were the rambling rants, extravagant gestures, and range of vocal tones. Monotone sentences that were cut with sharp edges, words like knives and tone like venom. No one had called.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | hurt/comfort | magical Stiles | mafia | BAMF!Stiles
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mrspasser · 7 months
I'll lay my head down here
Sterek fanfiction Stiles needs a place to sleep. He chooses Derek.
Also available on A03.
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“I’m not sleeping on the floor again, you assholes!” Stiles throws a balled up burger wrapper at the infuriating werewolves who took over his intended sleeping space. 
Isaac bats the greasy paper ball away with a quick flick of his hand, hardly having to look at it. “You snooze, you lose, Stilinski,” he says meanly, as he snuggles deeper inside the couch pillows to drive his point home. “Besides, I gave up my bed, I shouldn’t be the one to sleep on the floor.”
Stiles perks up when an idea crosses his mind. Upstairs, in Isaac’s room, are Lydia and Cora. Maybe he could -
“Don’t even think about it, Stilinski!” Jackson cuts his unspoken thought off with one sharp remark. He glares at him from his spot on the couch he’s sharing with Isaac: one asshole werewolf on each side. The guy is extra touchy because Lydia picked Cora as a sleeping partner over him - which is more than fair, if you ask Stiles, both Lydia picking Cora over Jackson and Jackson being sour over getting the cold shoulder from his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry, Stiles, I don’t think you’ll fit,” Allison offers apologetically from his right. She’s squeezed in the large armchair with Scott, who’s already fast asleep and snoring softly. 
He waves her offer away. If he’d try to squish himself in the chair with them, neither one of them would sleep a wink all night. Same goes for the couple in the other available chair, although Stiles is more sure to survive the night with Scott and Allison than with Boyd and Erica. That only leaves - 
“You could try Derek?” Allison blinks innocently at him. 
Stiles huffs a laugh, letting the sarcasm bleed through in generous helpings. “Yeah, right.” He leaves it at that, too tired to hope to put up the proper facade of pretending to dislike the Alpha werewolf. Hey, we all deal with our crushes in our own way! Stiles has to do what he can when literally living with a pack of wolves, who can smell pheromones and who knows what else.
Eventually, he settles for stretching out on the rug that Lydia made Derek buy a while back. It’s not overly cushiony, but it’ll do the job. It’ll have to. Besides, he hasn’t had a proper night of sleep in four or maybe even five days, staying up researching and worrying most of the night. The Big Bad is dead, the worrying is over and his research paid off: he should be able to sleep now, right?!
At first, Stiles uses his hoodie for a pillow, yet after about twenty minutes he gives up and pulls it back on because he won’t be able to sleep if he’s cold. Derek patched up most of the holes in his loft and it’s actually resembling a nice apartment these days, but it’s still the middle of the night in February and Stiles is lying on the floor without a blanket or a pillow. He misses his own bed. His comforter. His pillow. His other pillow, the one that’s older than him and oddly lumpy, but it was the one that was in his mother’s bed until the day she died. It hasn’t smelled like her in a long, long time. Stiles has also washed it a couple of times during the years, he’s not that much of a pig, despite popular opinion. But it’s familiar and comforting and he still takes it with him for sleepovers with Scott. 
He considers whether or not he would’ve brought his pillow if this impromptu sleepover had been planned in any way. He’s known Scott since kindergarten, he’s his best friend. He wouldn’t say or even think anything bad about Stiles still needing a special pillow to sleep even when he’s almost twenty one years old. And while he knows most of the people in this room for five years or even longer and trusts them with his life, that doesn’t mean that they’re not a bunch of dickheads who will tease him every chance they get.
It’s a pointless thought exercise, because nothing about this sleepover was planned. They were supposed to kill that wyvern during the day, when it slept in his creepy little cave. That's what all Stiles’ research was for! He even found a way to kill the beast without having to hack it to pieces, which was nice because in the end he was against animal cruelty, you know? But then there were witches, two of them. They weren’t planned, neither was the ensuing fight in the woods. The unexpectedness of it all had left everybody antsy, especially the werewolves. And even though they recouped with a movie night and a nice pack pile, nobody wanted to be very far away from the others. Hence the impromptu sleepover that had Stiles sleeping on a rug, between the coffee table and the couch. Which wasn’t fair, because he totally knocked a witch out with his bat! He did his fair share and pulled his weight and what not. The least he deserves is a nice night of sleep.
Another hour later, Stiles is sore all over and chilled to the bone. There’s no way he can sleep like this. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” he whispers to the leg of the coffee table that he knows has Isaac’s claw marks on it. 
As quietly as he can he makes his way upstairs on the rounding stairs. On the landing there’s three doors to choose from: the one on his left leads to Isaac’s bedroom, where Lydia and Cora are sleeping. The one in the middle is the bathroom - with a bath, for heaven’s sake, Derek has a tub! - and that leaves the master bedroom on his right. The Alpha’s den. Stiles has never been inside it. He even doubts if Isaac has set foot in the room very often, besides for cleaning purposes.
Stiles never really intended to go into Derek’s room, because despite what the others seem to think, he actually values his life. And his dignity. He thought it better to take a chance with the girls, take on the risk of Jackson wanting to kill him the next morning when he discovered Stiles had slept in the same bed as his girlfriend.
The door to Derek’s bedroom is cracked.
Stiles can see inside. 
He can’t see that much, with it being the middle of the night and the only light coming from a gap between the curtains in front of Derek’s window. But the moonlight is just right, illuminating the sleeping form of the Alpha in the bed. A bed that is more than large enough for two people and Derek is neatly sleeping on one side of the bed. If Stiles is quiet enough he might even be able to slip into the bed without waking Derek. The werewolf got hurt pretty badly today and healing always takes a lot out of him. There’s a pretty good chance the guy is sleeping like a log.
Stiles takes a deep breath. He’s gonna risk it.
He didn’t think he’d actually do it, but after a few minutes of indecisiveness on the landing, Stiles quietly tiptoes into Derek’s bedroom. He rounds the bed to the unoccupied side of the mattress and gingerly lifts the tip of the blanket.
“You’re not getting in with your jeans on,” Derek says, without opening his eyes.
Stiles yelps and he’s already stammering halfway through an apology when he suddenly shuts his mouth. His back teeth actually click together. There’s a few seconds of silence and then: “You’d let me into your bed?”
“Not with your jeans on,” Derek repeats. Usually he wouldn’t do this, but he’s been listening to Stiles toss and turn downstairs for a while now and with all of his pack members sleeping peacefully, he’d like the last one to get some rest too. Besides, Stiles would continue to keep him up with his restless behaviour otherwise; Derek just can’t seem to tune him out. It’s been that way for years already, maybe even from the beginning.
“O-kay.” He can feel Stiles staring at him in the dark and he patiently waits for the decision he knows the boy is gonna make. No, not a boy. Stiles will be 21 this Spring. Derek has seen him grow up, literally and figuratively, along with the rest of his ragtag pack of teenagers. Stiles still wears jeans and plaid most of the time, but the garments don’t hang as loose on him as they did when he was 16. He’s grown into a handsome young man, with a good head on his broad shoulders. Derek counts himself lucky to have Stiles as part of his pack, to have him close. Not as close as he sometimes might wish, yet Derek is always conscious of not playing favourites. So he usually keeps Stiles at an arm length and takes care to treat him just like everyone else. It helps that the two of them elevated snark and banter to an effective communication style. Despite all the sarcasm and barbs, Derek is pretty sure there is no-one in his pack who sees through him like Stiles does. It was scary at first and it made him lash out, but Stiles stood firm. Derek is immensely grateful that he did.
There’s the rustling of clothing hitting the floor, jeans and a shirt, then the blanket lifts and Stiles scoots underneath. Derek feels him settle in behind his back, a foot or so away. “Thanks,” Stiles whispers in the dark.
“Go to sleep,” Derek grunts, eager to go to sleep and not think about the young man who is sharing his bed.
Derek’s bed is pretty comfortable, Stiles thinks to himself as he digs himself in. Oh, who is he kidding?! Derek’s bed is amazing. The mattress is just the right combination of firm and soft, the pillow hugs his head and shoulders just right and the comforter is warm but still light to the touch. It’s a million times better than his bed at home, even when he’s not counting the fact that he’s sharing the bed with a hot werewolf.
Yet Stiles can’t sleep. 
Yes, the pillow is heavenly. Yes, the mattress allows his tired body to finally relax. Yes, the comforter hugs him nicely. But there’s something missing and Stiles knows exactly what it is. His pillow.
He needs to hold something. He needs to be able to curl around something. Or someone, his traitorous brain suggests as he feels Derek move across from him.
“Why aren’t you asleep, Stiles?” Derek asks in that long-suffering tone he uses when Stiles is doing something to annoy him. Which is pretty often, although Stiles knows the annoyance is mostly for show these days. He has turned onto his back, his eyes glinting in the moonlight where they are looking over at Stiles.
“Can’t,” Stiles laments, trying to catch the comforter between his arms in lieu of his dearly missed pillow. It doesn’t really work, because the comforter also has to cover Derek’s bulk and there’s little left to use. Little to none, especially when Derek snatches the comforter back from where it was probably leaving a cold gap on Derek’s other side. The sudden move has Stiles sort of falling over from where he was laying on his side. He’s more on his front now, filling up the space that was between them at first. He can feel the warmth of Derek’s body from just a few inches away. It’s actually kind of comforting.
“Try harder,” Derek commands and he closes his eyes again.
Stiles thinks of answering ‘Yes, Alpha’, but thinks better of it. It might make Derek move again, to push Stiles out of bed instead of pulling him in to have a cuddle. So he stays quiet and closes his eyes, focussing his mind on the almost tangible presence of Derek’s bare shoulder mere inches away. Derek is warm and smells nice and if Stiles was a werewolf, he’s sure he’d feel even better about having his Alpha so close. Yet even though he’s not a werewolf, he still enjoys it. A lot.
He falls asleep.
He knows that, because he wakes up at some point, at an unknown hour of the night. He’s warm, so warm. And comfortable, even though his pillow is a lot firmer than he remembers it being. It also moves a little, because his pillow is Derek and the Alpha werewolf gently moves his arm in what Stiles suspects is a more comfortable position. He would panic about sleeping half on top of Derek if he were not so damn comfortable. It’s hard to keep his eyes open. Surely if Derek wouldn’t want him sleeping on him, he’d push Stiles off. Instead, Stiles feels Derek’s arm wrap around his back, accompanied by a soft sigh from the Alpha.
Stiles sleeps.
Derek is not the first to wake up, although he is certainly not the last. He becomes aware of the world with Stiles wrapped around his torso, his head pillowed on Derek’s chest. He’s only a little surprised by how good it feels to wake up like this and it takes a while before he brings himself to carefully move out of Stiles’ embrace. The boy mumbles a little, but doesn’t wake up. Derek watches him for a moment, standing beside his bed. He’s not sure how to feel about this, except for some embarrassment about wanting to crawl back into bed and slot himself back into Stiles’ arms.
Downstairs, most of the pack is still asleep. Isaac has his arms wrapped around Jackson’s lower legs, as if he’s cuddling a particularly bony teddy bear. Jackson is still asleep, even snoring softly. Scott snores too, curled around his girlfriend in the large armchair. In the other armchair, Boyd is watching him carefully, his arms wrapped around his sleeping girlfriend. 
“Morning,” the dark man rumbles quietly, not to wake Erica.
“Morning,” Derek answers, keeping his voice down as well. “Coffee?”
Boyd inclines his head in thanks and Derek ambles on to the kitchen, where he finds Lydia, immersed in a science journal. She has a cappuccino sitting in front of her, the cup half empty. “Good morning, Derek,” she says, briefly glancing up from her reading material.
“Morning,” he repeats, busying himself with the coffee maker. He brings a cup to Boyd when he’s done and returns to join Lydia at the table. He sits back in his chair, his coffee in front of him, to catch the rays of pale sunlight that slant through the high windows. It’s quiet in the loft, with most of the people still sleeping and the ones that are awake quietly starting up their day.
He sips from his coffee, listening to the sounds of Cora waking up and going into the bathroom. She comes downstairs not long after, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt - same as her brother, her bare feet hardly making a sound. He points to the mostly full pot of coffee on the counter when she enters the kitchen and he gets a hair ruffle as thanks from his little sister. She pours herself a cup and leans against the counter, enjoying the sunlight on her face just like he is. 
It’s Stiles who comes down next, although Derek can hear from the way he drags his feet that he’s barely awake. Why he’s not sleeping in like he should be, is anyone’s guess. He expects Stiles to stop in the living room, to wake up Scott or maybe even Jackson if he’s feeling particularly cheeky, but he doesn’t. The footsteps pretty much make a beeline from the stairs towards the kitchen. Derek opens one eye from where he closed them against the sunrays to see Stiles shuffling towards him in his boxers and T-shirt, rubbing a hand over his face and yawning soundlessly. His hair is standing up on one side. He’s wearing socks, navy blue ones with a red line near the toes.
The werewolf opens his mouth to point his packmate towards the coffee maker, but before he can say anything, Stiles has reached his chair and slings a hairy leg over his lap. He plonks down unceremoniously and lays his head on Derek’s shoulder, arms wrapping loosely around his waist. 
“You were gone,” Stiles mumbles disapprovingly, his mouth moving against Derek’s collarbone. And just like that his heartbeat evens out and he’s fast asleep again.
Derek sits frozen in his chair, his heart beating loudly inside his ribcage. If Stiles were awake he could probably feel it pound against his own chest. His hands hover uselessly on either side, not knowing whether to wrap around Stiles or pick him up and toss him to the floor. 
Stiles is oblivious, his sleeping body moulding easily against Derek’s. He’s warm and pliant, just like he was when they were sleeping together in Derek’s bed. 
When he chances a look at Lydia across the table, she’s already watching him steadily with a sly smile playing around the corners of her lips. “Glad to see you two finally got your heads out of your asses,” she comments eventually, before primly taking a sip from her cappuccino and going back to her reading.
Behind him, Cora snorts quietly in amusement. She comes up at his back and puts a hand in his hair again, running her fingers through the short strands. It’s grounding and Derek only notices how much he needs that when she lightly scratches her nails across his scalp. 
“He’s cute like this,” his sister remarks and even though he can hear the humour in her voice, he can also hear the truth in her heartbeat. “Best not wake him up, big bro.” She runs her hand through his hair one last time and then she wanders off, leaving him to carefully wrap one arm around Stiles’ lower back.
Slowly, Derek feels himself relax. The loft is quiet and peaceful and Derek is in his own little bubble, with the sunlight on his face and Stiles in his lap. Almost automatically, he starts to rub his hand slowly up and down Stiles’ back. Aside from some sleepy snuffling, there’s no real response. Derek picks his coffee back up and slowly drinks it, tilting his face towards the sun. It’s a nice morning.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Steo Day 2023: Fighting for Love
Happy Steo Dady 2023 Everyone!!!
Scott stared at Stiles like he had never seen him before. “So that’s it? You love him and therefore you condone his actions?!” “Better to condone than condemn. Some of us have to get our hands dirty when others of us…” he sneered, giving Scott a significant look. “…refuse to dip their toes into the morally gray area. It’s where I live Scotty and if you can’t accept that, then I guess yeah, that’s that.”
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Stiles sat at his desk, feeling numb. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, but he knew he wouldn’t forget it any time soon. He closed his eyes and let the conversation from not more than an hour ago echo in his mind. 
“How can you defend him, Stiles?!" Scott demanded. "Your so called boyfriend tried to dissemble when I asked if he had killed Donovan, but the blood on his hands gave him away despite his denial."
With a serious expression on his face, paired with a sharp smile, Stiles looked up and didn’t cower in the face of Scott’s rage. "Why do any of us do anything? For love of course and Theo killing Donovan saved my life. So, of course, I'm glad he killed him and he told me right after he did it. What were you hoping to achieve by telling me this huh? Did you think I'd leave him or condemn him? Well, I won't because love is a battlefield and sometimes you pay with the blood of others or with blood of your own.”
Scott stared at Stiles like he had never seen him before. “So that’s it? You love him and therefore you condone his actions?!”
“Better to condone than condemn. Some of us have to get our hands dirty when others of us…” he sneered, giving Scott a significant look. “…refuse to dip their toes into the morally gray area. It’s where I live Scotty and if you can’t accept that, then I guess yeah, that’s that.”
Both teens were silent, the tension stifling until Scott flashed his eyes and shook his head as he took a step back. “Fine. I know how stubborn you can be. So I know you’ve made your decision but when the day comes where he breaks your heart, just remember I told you so and I won’t be there for you. For all I know he may kill you too.”
Stiles’s hands balled into fists and he snorted. “He won’t. You don’t know him.” Stiles scoffed, letting out a bitter laugh. “I think out of the two of us, we both know you’re not the one who’s there for people, Scott.”
Scott roared at him and in the blink of an eye, the pack bond snapped, leaving Stiles to cry out in pain. He collapsed to the ground shivering and shaking at the hollow feeling in his chest. “Scott?” he said, barely audible had it not been for the alpha’s supernatural hearing. 
“You’re no longer a member of my pack, Stiles. I won’t have someone in my pack who is in love with a murderer. I won’t endanger them. You made your choice. This is mine.” With that, the alpha disappeared out the window, ignoring his former friend’s tears and whimpers of pain. He had a pack to look after and to protect. 
Stiles felt a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing, and let the feeling anchor him to the present. His mind left the memory behind him as he turned in his desk chair to meet blue eyes full of concern. “Theo.”
“Hey, Bambi,” Theo whispered. He stepped forward when Stiles encircled his arms around the coyote’s waist and kissed the amber eyed teen’s forehead. “I’m not sorry I killed him but I am sorry about Scott.”
“Scott’s an asshole.”
Theo huffed. “No arguments here but he’s an idiot as well. That pack won’t last without its heart.”
Stiles looked up at the man he loved and tilted his head, resting his cheek against Theo’s stomach. “Its heart?”
“Mhm. You. Stiles, you’re the heart of that pack, the glue, the one who brought everyone together and kept everyone together. They’ll learn that the hard way and by the time they finally figure it out, it’ll be too late.”
“Did you hear back from Brett?”
Theo nodded. “Yes. He and Satomi have a place for us to stay and we are already enrolled at Devenford Prep.”
Stiles chuckled. “Look at us, going to a fancy private school all because I’m in love with you and my best—ex-best friend—won’t accept it.”
“His loss, my gain,” Theo replied with a smirk though his eyes held understanding and empathy. 
For a moment, Stiles hesitated to say the words on the tip of his tongue, but he chose to be brave. “I love you, Thumper.”
Theo inhaled sharply, his breath hitching almost painfully and he cupped Stiles’s cheeks, using his thumbs to brush the tears away. “Oh Bambi. I love you too.”
“Yeah?” Stiles said, his voice breathy and shaky. 
They stared at each other for what felt like hours, eventually migrating to the bed and curling up together. As Theo slipped into a doze, he heard the man he loved singing under his breath so softly that he could barely make out the words but he heard enough to understand a lot about the other teen’s state of being. 
Why does love always feel like a battlefield? A battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield  Why does love always feel like a battlefield? Guess you better go and get your armor. 
Theo pressed a kiss to Stiles’s forehead, his nose, the corners of his eyes and then hovered an inch from pressing their lips together. 
Stiles’s honey eyes were glistening with tears as he met Theo’s eyes, a shade akin to light and pale Lapis Lazuli gemstones. “I never meant to start a war,” he whispered, his breath rattling in his chest. “You know I never wanna hurt you.”
“I know, Bambi,” Theo said, enveloping the mole spotted teen in a fierce and protective embrace. “I know.” 
Since they were transferring schools, neither of them had to go to school tomorrow and then it was the weekend anyway. So, after texting his dad, Stiles curled into Theo’s chest and sighed. He was determined to stay in this bubble of safety and love for as long as possible. 
Stiles felt rubbed raw, drained, flayed and exhausted. His heart hurt and his chest was empty of all but a single pack bond, a pack bond with Theo. Hot tears kept burning his eyes and he had to close his eyes in order to let the tears finally fall. He was grateful that Theo didn’t bring attention to it and simply held him tighter. He owed Theo a new shirt for how snotty and gross this one was getting but right now neither of them cared. 
Everything was going to change now, well almost everything. They’d be going to a new school, joining a new pack, moving to a new house—Sheriff Stilinski remaining here—making new friends and more. However, as Stiles slowly fell asleep, he knew one thing wouldn’t change, and that was Theo. He loved Theo, had fought for that love and as he told Scott, love was like a battlefield. You either pay with your own blood or someone else’s blood. Both Stiles and Theo have paid with blood. They’ve paid with their own blood and with the blood of someone else. 
✶ ⚔️ ❤︎ ⚔️ ✶
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homemadesterekpie · 13 days
Derek fucking Stiles before a pack meeting and Stiles spends the entire meeting sitting with cum up his ass and by the end of it, it has leaked down his thighs.
Stiles knows full well the other wolves can smell him, can smell exactly what him and Derek had been up to before they all got here but he doesn’t care.
all he cares about is for the meeting to finally end so everyone will leave and Derek will bend him over again and fuck his cum right back into him.
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