#steve Rodgers fandom
fotibrit · 10 months
Tony, Bruce, Steve, and Peter are all very sarcastic characters but it’s in exceptionally different ways.
Tony is only child sarcastic. about everything, all the time. he’s like a puppy who desperately wants someone to play fight with him (“In prostitution? of course you’re not, you’re a senator” “My least favorite person on earth, Justin Hammer, Hi!” “I won’t join your super secret boy band”)
Bruce is oldest child funny. He dosnt use sarcasm all the time, carefully picking his moments. His timing and delivery are perfect every single time (“You’ve rented my room” “Only when I’ve built a murder bot” “I see this as an absolute win”)
Steve is middle child funny. He’s mastered the art of the deadpan delivery, and he does not in the slightest mind making a joke before kicking someone’s ass. He’s also got a joke that, in his mind, gets funnier each time he uses it (“On your left” “Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?” “secure the engine room, then find me a date”)
Peter is youngest child funny. He cracks jokes effortlessly, and sometimes it wasn’t intended to be a joke but is received as such. (You have a metal arm?! AWESOME!” “I can’t got to germany… I got homework” “BYE! Mr criminal!”)
Anyways, I think each of them is hilarious and deserves more appreciation
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peachesandcreames · 5 months
Just Hold Me (Steve Rogers X Y/N Comfort Fic)
A/N: I've had the worst migraine for 2 days and this is a product of that. Pure fluff and comfort, some angst. A little bit of smut because this is Steve Rogers that were talking about. I didn't know quite how to end it but I hope that you enjoy it!! Likes, hearts, comments and reblogs are definitely appreciated!! No trigger warnings that I can think of. Happy reading! 📚
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The bell above your door chimed, letting you know that your last customer had left for the evening. You followed them to the door and wished them a good night as you flipped the open sign to closed and locked the door behind them. You leaned against the door and let your head rest for a few seconds. Your feet are killing you, you can't wait to go home and take your shoes and bra off. You can feel the migraine that has been building for the last few days getting worse.
You wearily open your eyes and dim the lights hoping that will help with the pounding in your head. You haven't been sleeping well since Steve left a few weeks ago on what was supposed to be a simple recon mission: get the info and get out. It doesn't help that it's been radio silence since he left. You sigh as you begin putting the chairs and stools on the tables and counter tops so that you can sweep and mop and finally go home to your empty apartment. You put away the cleaning supplies and grab your jacket and purse, making your way towards the dimly lit parking lot.
You silently curse yourself for parking so far away but it made sense at the time. You've been skipping the gym a lot lately so you thought you'd get your steps in by parking as far away as humanly possible. You make sure you have your phone open and ready in case you have to call for help. With pepper spray and keys in hand you walk as quickly as you can with your head on a swivel, scanning the nearly empty parking lot for any threat. You do a quick scan of the backseat, making sure that it's empty as you climb in and lock the doors behind you.
You let out a sigh as you check your phone in case Steve was able to get a message out to you but his last message was roughly two weeks ago. A single tear escapes and you brush it away. Driving towards home and the streets are quiet and empty so you make good time. You drag your tired and aching body through the doors to the building and give a warm greeting to the night security guard who lets you know that the elevator is closed for repairs. Just when you think that this day couldn't get any worse, you smile faintly "thank you for letting me know, have a good night James."
"You too, Y/N." You wave goodbye and start the long and arduous walk up three flights of stairs. The thought of a hot bubble bath with a chilled glass of stawberry moscato, garnished with an actual strawberry sounds like heaven and it drives you quickly up the three flights and you let yourself into your apartment. You shrug out of your jacket and hang it on the hook beside your door. You dropped your keys in the dish on the table in your hallway, you slipped out of your black no slip sneakers and groaned a sigh of relief.
Too preoccupied with the thought of a hot bath you didn't notice that your mail was stacked neatly next to the key dish. You stood there rubbing your stiff neck when you felt two big and strong hands grip your waist and pull you back into a hard body. You let out a stunned, quiet gasp as he spun you around in his hands. You gasped as you found yourself looking into Steve's baby blue eyes. "There's my best girl. I missed you so much."
You're overcome with emotions and you feel your throat tightening up with unshed tears. Words wouldn't even begin to cover how much you missed him and how relieved you are that he's standing in front of you and he looks like he got through the mission relatively unscathed. You throw your arms around his neck and you stand on your tippie toes and pepper kisses all over his handsome face. "Whoa, hey. Y/N, I'm ok. I'm here. I'm sorry I couldn't keep in touch with you but I'm here now, ok?"
You find yourself nodding through your tears as you hang onto Steve as if you're afraid of letting him go. He rubs your back with his big, warm hand and you feel yourself starting to relax for the first time in weeks. Steve holds you until your breathing evens out and he kisses your forehead. He thumbs away your tears and gently kisses your lips. You lean into the kiss and grasp his big shoulders.
"I missed you so much." You murmur against Steve's soft lips. You deepen the kiss pulling Steve flush against your body. Your fingers grasp the hair at the nape of his neck. You bite his lower lip causing Steve to moan into your parted lips.
"Stop, stop, stop. Baby girl, we have to stop." You were practically panting as Steve gently gripped your shoulders. You pouted up at him and he smiled down at you. "I'm going to run you a bubble bath, okay? Why don't you get out of your work clothes, I left you a fluffy robe on the bed."
You hoped that Steve could see how much you loved him. "I'm pretty sure that makes you the best boyfriend in all of New York City." You started down the hall towards your bedroom and Steve slapped you on the ass as you passed him. His large hand stinging your skin. You let out a startled gasp and whipped around. You glared at him accusingly and he just smiled at you and winked as he shrugged his big shoulders sheepishly.
You resumed your walk towards your bedroom, stripping on the way. You reached down to pull your skintight black t shirt over your head. Jeans came next as you pulled them down your long legs. You were leaving a trail of clothing but you were just too tired to care. You reached behind you to unhook your bra but before you could you felt Steve come up behind you and you could feel his warm minty breath on your neck causing you to gasp. "Let me, pretty girl."
His big fingers struggled to grasp the little hooks but he finally got it and you leaned against him and groaned in relief as he slid the bra straps down your arms. He trailed his fingers up your sternum and his callused palms gently began massaging your full, heavy breasts. "Feels so good, Steve." You quietly murmured as you arched into him. Pushing your breasts into his hands and your ass into his crotch, causing him to groan into your ear. "Fuck, sweetheart."
That caused you to smile, "language, Captain." He pinched your nipples. "Brat. Go get in your bath and I'll be right there." You turned to face him and gave him a salute. "Aye aye, Captain." You turned on your heel and made sure to put an extra sway of your hips in for his benefit.
You opened the bathroom door and a gust of steam came rolling out. You slipped out of your panties and slid into the hot water. You groaned in relief, you could smell lavender and citrus from the bubbles and the candles Steve had lit everywhere. You could feel the tension leaving your body as you sensed Steve looming over you. You looked up at him and smiled, holding out your hand.
He gently took your hand and kissed your soapy knuckles. You watched as Steve pulled his grey tshirt over his head and tossed it into the hamper. His toed his boots off and he kicked them to the side as you watched him as he took his jeans off and black boxers off and you scooted forward, making room so that Steve could slip in behind you. You let out a groan as you felt yourself relax against him. He's here, he's safe and he's with you.
Steve began by lathering up his hands with your lilac body wash and began rubbing your shoulders. He began working the knots out and you felt yourself melting against him. You felt your eyes begin to droop shut as you felt the warm sudsy water cascade over your hair and shoulders. You felt Steve shift behind you to grab your shampoo and you heard the click as he popped it open and poured some into his hands and started massaging your scalp. Your migraine began to dissipate and it brought tears of relief to your eyes.
He rinsed your hair clean and you reached forward to pull the plug and the water began to slowly drain. You scootched forward so that Steve could step out of the tub and wrap a fluffy towel around his sculpted waist. You looked at him admirable and said wistfully, "that really is America's Ass." He looked over hid shoulder at you and shook his head.
"That's where you're wrong, Doll. My ass belongs to you and only you." Steve leaned over and gently grasped your chin and pulled you in for a quick kiss. It was over before it began and you whined at the loss of contact. "Stay here, I'm going to get your towel out of the dryer."
You nodded as you looked up at him. "I love you Steve." That stopped him in his tracks. You two have been together for a year and a half and it just felt like time. He turned back towards you and he smiled and said "I love you, too. I always have and I always will."
He came back with your favorite towel, warm and toasty from the dryer. You held out your hand to him and he gently grasped your fingers as you stood up he slipped the towel around your shoulders and he picked you up bridal style and carried you into your bedroom. He sat you down on the edge of your bed and you noticed that he turned your sheets down and had the lights on dim with a few candles lit sporadically around. It felt so calm and peaceful, just what you needed after a long day. Steve had changed into a pair of red flannel sweat pants and a black t shirt.
He walked over to you, it looked like he had a pair of black sweats and a grey t shirt with your favorite fluffy socks in his hands. Steve dropped to his knees in front of you and picked up your right foot and set it on his thick thigh. He squirted some lotion into his hands and began rubbing your aching feet. It was instantaneous relief as he switched to your other foot. He slid on your socks and he helped you stand up as the towel fell from your shoulders and to the floor.
You grasped his shoulder as you lifted one foot and then the other as Steve helped you into your pajama pants. His warm lips grazed your belly button and it brought butterflies to your stomach and a gasp escaped your lips. He kissed his way up to your lips and you felt yourself becoming aroused. He kissed you gently and turned you around, you couldn't feel him behind you and the anticipation was killing you. You felt his warmth return as he sprayed your damp hair with some spray and he gently began working the tangles out of your hair.
It felt amazing and your head lolled to the back as Steve finished brushing your hair he put it in a loose braid and he kissed your shoulder and you arched your back into his groin and you felt his cock jump against your ass causing you both to groan at the same time. He pulled away from you and you mourned the loss of contact. He rubbed some lotion into your shoulders and he helped you slide into one of his old t shirts. It was worn and thin but it was your favorite. It smelled like Steve. You turned around and slide your hands up to his shoulders and he grasped your hips and began walking you slowly backwards to your bed.
You felt the back of your knees hit your mattress and you collapsed with a giggle. "Someone's loopy," Steve chuckled at you as he held the covers up for you to slip under. You slid under the cool sheets as you watched Steve blow out the candles and walk back towards you. He made sure that your apartment was secure for the night and he partially shut your bedroom door and crawled in next to you. You felt the mattress dip as Steve settled in next to you.
You draped yourself over Steve and he held you in his arms. You could hear his heart beating through his Tshirt and you murmured "this is the best sound." You felt yourself drifting off as Steve kissed the top of your head and began gently stroking your back, the warmth of his hand seeping through your (his) shirt. You let out a deep sigh and Steve felt your breathing even out and before you could drift off you looked up at your beautiful boyfriend and thanked him for turning your day around and making it infinitely better. "You don't have to thank me, sweetheart. I love you always and forever and you deserve it."
You put your head back on his chest and snuggled into his side. His warmth began seeping into you and you both began drifting off together. Falling asleep in your boyfriends arms after the longest day of your life was the best way to end your day. As you fell asleep you felt like the luckiest girl in all of New York City.
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rogerswifesblog · 7 months
2 - The Devil I Desire
Series Masterlist
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A/N: hi! The second chapter is here-warning, it’s literally just smut with plot.
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Warnings: age gap, Steve is a dick, dom / sub, no safeword discussed, Sir kink, daddy kink, use of good boy/ pretty boy/ little slut, choking , protected sex, anal, anal fingering, size kink, bondage (belt use), subspace, domspace, domdrop (idk what else)
When they entered Steve’s home he helped Bucky take off his jacket and hang it up, doing the same with his own afterwards. „It’s a nice place“, said Bucky, looking around a bit, before letting Steve lead him to the living room.
When they sat down Steve immediately sat closer to Bucky, letting their thighs touch, his arm lazily draped over the couch rest and with that around Bucky.
Not that Bucky minded.
Steve felt warm, solid and smelled incredibly good, rich and sweetly in a way that he couldn’t describe.
“Do you want to have a drink? Maybe something stronger than at the bar?”, the blond asked, watching Bucky shake his head.
For a second Bucky felt a bit anxious. Was Steve trying to fill him up? “It’s fine, I’d rather just…spend a nice time together talking”, he smiled, making Steve internally roll his eyes. God, he really didn’t need to know everything more about Buckys degree or that damn cat that he had been talking about all the time.
No wonder the young man couldn’t find a good partner if he talked about a cat all the time.
But he’d manage to finish what he started. Ha. Finish. That definitely.
On the other way he noticed he couldn’t sweet talk Bucky into bed, which meant he needed a different approach. It might hurt the young man a bit after, but come on, who thinks leaving a bar with someone you just meant ends in a night of talking and not…doing other stuff? He couldn’t really have hoped it’d be something serious. Especially considering the age gap.
A relationship between them would be laughable.
“So, what do you think, when can I meet the famous Almine?” Bucky immediately looked up with a bright smile. “Maybe we can go tomorrow after breakfast to my place and you can meet Alpine”, he pronounced the name a bit slower.
Right. Alpine. Not that Steve needed to remember it.
Once again Bucky pulled out his phone, showing more pictures of alpine dressed in ‘cute Christmas outfits that she got from her auntie Wanda’. “Very sweet.” Steve mumbled, leaning a bit closer to Bucky under the impression of wanting to see the picture better.
When Bucky lifted his gaze his eyes met Steve’s blues, making his own breath hitch quietly. They were so close, the younger man noticed. So close to kiss…
And as if Steve knew what Bucky thought about he leaned forward and kissed him.
Bucky enjoyed it for a moment before collecting his thoughts and moving a bit away. “Steve I…haven’t done such things, I don’t know how-“ “don’t worry, I’ll treat you real good…and tomorrow we’ll go on an official nice date in a really nice restaurant”, he whispered in Buckys ear. “Tho I can’t promise you I’ll wait for the dessert till after the meal”, he bit gently into Buckys earlobe before suckling at it gently.
A quiet moan escaped Buckys lips as he listened to Steve’s words. God, he really tried to be strong. Really tried to resist this man’s charm, but in the end he was the one who pulled Steve back in for another kiss, grabbing at his collar like it was the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Maybe it was.
Steve’s hands slowly roamed along Buckys midsection, before pulling him with one smooth movement over his lap, before deepening the kiss.
His hands grabbed onto Buckys ass, squeezing harshly and making him jump in surprise, accidentally pressing his already hard cock against Steve’s midsection. A raspy chuckl escaped the older mans lips. “I see, you’re not as shy as said in the bar, hm?”, he grinned, slowly kissing down Buckys throat, before pushing up his shirt, taking it off with one smooth motion.
“Hm, how cute…so smooth”, Steve kissed Buckys chest. The younger man looked good. He had some muscles, but still seemed lean with only a little bit of fat around his stomach, but his chest was nicely sculpted. His gaze fell onto his shoulder and then the rest of the arm. Ah. Bucky said he had scars, but he hadn’t expected them to be so bad. A rough texture of scartissue that was-
“So…yeah, welll…”, Buckys whispered a bit anxious and self conscious not knowing what to say while trying to cover himself when he felt Steve’s gaze on himself. The lights were dimmed, but he still felt bad having himself half naked, especially with Steve’s hand slowly stroking from his side to his shoulder. The left one.
But he let him touch the scars. Steve was gentle.
And he could see it in Steve’s eyes-pity, curiosity and also some kind of…interest. Steve wanted to know more about it. But he knew he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t feel interested in Buckys backstory. In Buckys life. He wouldn’t see him again, so why bother?
He grabbed onto Buckys hair and pulled him in for a rough kiss, before standing up with him and walking with Bucky on his hips to the bedroom, while Bucky clinger onto his with his arms and legs, moaning when his hardness pressed against Steve’s body, “where are we-ah”, he gasped in surprise when Steve threw him onto the bed.
Before Bucky could process what was happening Steve unbuttoned his shirt, throwing into onto the floor, doing the same with the white undershirt-not even giving Bucky time to sprechen the view . Jesus. This man looked good in a wife beater shirt-that was impossible. And should be illegal, seeing how huge his biceps looked. Bigger than Buckys head.
But seeing him shirtless was an even better view.
Damn. This guy couldn’t be 40, right? Not with that body…
“You like what you see?”, Steve chuckled confidently, before opening his belt and throwing it onto the bed next to Bucky. Maybe he’d use it too.
Bucky looked at the belt for a moment before back at Steve, blushing a deep red. “Yeah..” “that was a rhetorical question. I know you like it”, he grinned, opening his pants, but not taking it off yet. First he wanted Bucky to be naked.
He leaned over the younger man, opening his pants and pulling them down to his ankles. „Can we kiss again?“, he asked, his cheeks blushing a deep red. Steve chuckled, kneeling onto the bed and kissing Bucky for a moment. He trapped his arms around Steve’s neck, sighing when Steve’s hard crotch pressed against Buckys.
“Please take it off”, Bucky whispered, pushing against Steve’s jeans.
So much for he wasn’t someone who’d have sex after the first meeting, Steve thought amused while taking off his jeans and boxershorts, his hardness not even being able to stand straight from the weight of it.
Bucky swallowed hard, “maybe we can just keep it simple with a bl-“, he thought about his chances of swallowing that dick or choking on it- “with a handjob?”, he decided would be smarter.
Steve only chuckled, wrapping his fingers around his hardness and stroking over his length. “Now come on, underwear off”, he didn’t leave any room for discussions.
Not that Bucky wanted to discuss. Hearing Steves demanding voice was making him…
It was really doing something to him.
“Yes”, he whispered, hesitating before pushing his boxershorts down. His cock was hard and leaking, leaving a pool of pre-cum on his lower belly.
Steve smirked, leaning over him and kissing him on the lips passionately. “From now on you address me with Daddy or sir and nothing else”, he whispered in his ear, biting down on his earlobe till Bucky whined quietly.
“Yes…Sir”, Bucky felt a bit shy saying it out loud, not being use with anything that was happening right now. (Tho he had watched enough porn to know Steve must be seriously into BDSM. He was mostly curious about the belt that was brushing against his thigh.)
Steve let go of his own cock so he could play with Buckys instead. The younger man’s moans were like music to his ears. Even it was only for tonight, he loved pleasing other people. It was always giving him so much pleasure.
„Good boy, looking so pretty“, Steve mumbled, stroking the younger man’s cock a few times, watching him shake beneath his palms.
Before Bucky could come-which he was pretty close to doing-Steve grabbed his hips and turned him around, pulling his hips up in the air, but pushed his head back down when he wanted to lift himself on all fours.
“Steve-I mean Sir-I have never…-“ “I know, I know. Don’t worry. I’ll make it good for you”, he interrupted Bucky, giving him a kiss on his lowerback.
Bucky could hear Steve open the drawer next to his bed before throwing lube and condoms onto the bed. It immediately made Buckys heart pound. So it was really happening? He’d have his first time with a man he met only a couple hours ago?
Tho he really felt like it meant something. Everything they’d done tonight was special. They met for a reason.
A gasp escaped his lips when he felt a lubed up finger rub over his tight ring of muscle, making him shrink away in surprise. Steve clicked with his tongue, “where you goin’ pretty boy?”, he teased while grabbing both of Bucky's wrists and holding them behind his back with one of his hands.
With the other hand he took the belt before wrapping it smoothly around Bucky's wrists. “Good?”, he asked, pulling a bit at the belt, making it even tighter. “G-good”, Bucky answered quietly, feeling completely exposed in this position. He wasn’t able to do anything besides just accepting whatever Steve wanted to do to him.
“Good, Sir”, he repeated, this time adding a quiet Sir at the end like Steve had asked him to do. “That’s good, because I wouldn’t have changed it anyway”, Steve chuckled before slapping Bucky lightly on the butt. It was more like a pat, in his opinion, but Bucky twitched surprised anyway.
He pushed Buckys legs further apart, not seeing the deep red blush that crept onto Buckys face. Steve rubbed more lube along Buckys hole, slowly pressing the tip in, before pulling out again and massing the muscle more. His other hand kneaded Buckys meaty ass. He had such a pretty round peach.
Gasping Bucky pressed his face into the pillow, feeling incredibly exposed and shy-but he wasn’t able to move away from steve…not that he wanted to. Especially not when Steve’s finger pressed deeper into his hole, curling against what seemed to be his prostate.
“Fuck”, he whispered in surprise, precum dripping onto the sheets when Steve started to move his finger, intentionally pressing against his prostate over and over again. It was such an unusual feeling. He had never felt like this before-of course he had tried to finger himself a few times, but he had never managed to find his spot.
When Steve added a second finger Bucky felt like he might burst any minute, even though he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to come without having his cock touched. (Which Steve wanted to achieve of course.)
“Such a good little slut, already drooling”, Steve watched Bucky close his mouth quickly, turning his face into the pillow, only making Steve push against his prostate harder and quicker. “Come on, don’t be shy. Let daddy hear how much you like it”, with that he rubbed against Buckys spot, hearing a quiet moan against the pillow.
Steve knew he should’ve used one more finger to prepare Bucky but he just couldn’t wait anymore to stuff this virgin ass with a real cock. So instead he pulled his fingers from Buckys hole, chuckling when Bucky whined in protest. “Don’t worry sweetheart you’ll soon feel something much better”, with that he ripped a condom open and rolled it over his hard cock.
He stroked himself for a moment before coming closer to Bucky, pressing his tip against Buckys fluttering hole for a moment. But before he could push in he thrusted between Buckys round globes, watching how big his cock looked compared to the counter man’s ass. When he placed his hands over his ass he could grab his cheeks in one hand each, even though Bucky had a nice juicy ass.
Jesus. Bucky wasn’t a small guy-he wasn’t what you’d call a twink, he had some muscles, some fat and was quite tall…and yet Steve was huge compared to him.
And Bucky felt it too. He knew Steve could pin him with his body weight. Cover him completely with his broad frame. And with those arms? He could choke him with his bicep.
Then he felt Steve’s tip pushing into his hole, not stopping until his thighs were flush with Buckys. Even though he tried to do it slow, Bucky was panting and shaking just from this alone. Fuck. He was so responsive.
“Good little slut…so hungry for my cock. This virgin ass is taking me like a champ. Like you were made for me”, he moaned while slowly starting to move, listening to Buckys quiet whines and moans, “already cock drunk baby? Can’t talk?”, he chuckled deeply, quickening his peace when Bucky didn’t answer but only drooled over his pillow.
He grabbed onto Buckys wrists with one while holding his hips with the other one, this way he was able to move Bucky against his own hips movements, pounding him even harder than before, slowly losing himself in pleasure. “Feels so good”, Bucky whined, not even noticing it himself.
“Yeah, I can tell. Look at your pretty cock. Making a mess all over the sheets, so good for me”, he moaned, grabbing Buckys hips harder. Both of them could tell it’ll leave bruises but they didn’t care.
Bucky didn’t care about anything anymore. It’s like his brain was…mush. He had no idea when it had happened. Or what had happened, but he wasn’t thinking about anything anymore. He was just enjoying everything. The tightness of Buckys hole, his quiet whines whenever he grazed his prostate.
Fuck. It felt so good. And Bucky was so sweet, shaking and drooling over his pillow, sometimes biting into the material.
When Steve felt close to coming he grabbed Buckys throat, pulling him up with one hand and pounding into him harder, quicker, while still holding his neck and squeezing more.
And Bucky took it. He couldn’t do anything else. Just take whatever Steve wanted to give him-and it was a lot. “Come for daddy, little slut”, Steve grunted under his breath, wrapping his free hand around Buckys hard cock and stroking it quickly.
Bucky slowly felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen and blood flow from how strong Steve was squeezing his throat, using and moving him like a living sex toy. It made his brain even foggier than it had already been-making him not noticing his own orgasm.
Mewling Buckys cum shot all over the sheets and himself, somehow even hitting his chin. He felt overstimulated when Steve kept on stroking and squeezing his cock, but he couldn’t even say anything, already feeling how he was close to blacking out, “fuck, so good for daddy”, Steve moaned, letting go of Bucky and pushing his head into the pillow, now chasing his own orgasm.
His thrusts made the whole bed shake, the squelch and sound of skin slapping against each other filling the room. “My perfect boy toy”, Steve moaned, watching his own cock disappear in Buckys puffy hole, abused from the rough fucking. And Bucky was still sweetly whining from pleasure.
“M gonna fill your pretty ass till you’ll be leaking”, Steve wasn’t even listening to his own words anymore, not noticing what he was saying at all, since it didn’t make much sense-but in his foggy brain it was all he was thinking about. Filling Bucky. Making him his. Marking him. Bucky was his. Only his. He didn’t even see the barrier of the condom between them anymore-he just wanted to come.
His mouth fell open in a silent moan when he finally reached his peak, still pounding into Bucky before dropping his whole weight over Bucky, covering him with his broad frame, panting and leaving kisses against Buckys neck behind. “So good”, he whispered, only now feeling the younger man’s wrists still being tied behind his back.
He undid them quickly, but not even moving away from him for a second. Bucky sobbed quietly while Steve kissed all over his neck and back, comforting the younger man in a way. “So, so good for daddy”, he whispered into his dark hair, slowly pulling out, quickly throwing the condom into the trash can next tk the bed, before laying onto his back and pulling Bucky over himself. He didn’t care about the mess between them. He didn’t care about anything.
He didn’t even want Bucky to leave.
So he didn’t say anything. Actually…he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to say anything, he just whispered comforting words into Buckys hair while hearing him still sob against his chest. “You did so well. So perfect…perfect for daddy”, he kissed Buckys forehead, now feeling his own eyes being filled with tears.
Steve had no idea what was happening to him. Everything was so much. Too much. He wrapped his arms tighter around Bucky, pulling him even closer against his chest, Buckys tears wetting his skin.
Feeling Buckys tears only made Steve’s tears pour quicker over his cheeks. He felt awful. And incredibly good. He didn’t know what he was feeling.
He didn’t even know why he cared about Buckys well-being. It was only sex-but it was-but-fuck
Steve let out a quiet sob against Buckys hair. He felt like he had hurt him, like it was all too much-especially since it was Buckys first time. Fuck. He had messed up.
But he shouldn’t care about it. Why did he care about how Bucky felt?
But then Bucky looked up at him with his teary eyes, pupils blown wide and a goofy smile on his lips before kissing Steve softly. “Thank you Daddy”, he whispered, quickly hiding his face against Steve’s neck.
Even though it was a lot, Bucky felt euphoric. He had never felt as good as he did now. He felt light. Loved. Cared for.
Steve was holding him in a tight hug, kissing and whispering sweet nothings in his hair, while they slowly fell into a deep sleep.
Steve never let anyone stay the night at his place after a one night stand. He really hadn’t planned to make an exception, but…it just happened.
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Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate some feedback ❤️
What do you think why Bucky knows Steve’s surname?👀it’ll be important later on….👀
Taglist: @ozeriterchick @guiltypleasureisfun @ayronren @gracescor3 (I’ve decided to tag some people that might be interested! )
All posts taglist: @rogersbarber
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bluesunshine21 · 10 months
Y/n : I think it's time for plan B
Steve : we have plan B ?
Y/n : no but it's time for one
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fairyrosepetals · 1 year
💌Super-powered Valentine💌
Part 1, Part 2
- TW warning: Slight suggestiveness!
⭐️Steve Rogers⭐️:
We all know this man is old-fashioned, I mean he was literally born in 1918, today’s dating culture still throws him for a loop! 😵‍💫
If you’re seeing this man, make no mistake that he’ll be the one to make the first move. He’d do his best not to stumble over his words and try not to make a fool of himself, but if he’s already madly in love? Forget it
You’ll watch him get pink in the face as he stutters and mumbles, avoiding your concerned gaze as he prays the floor beneath him would swallow him whole. Despite women throwing themselves at his feet, it never was like that when he was skinny and small. The positive attention you give him is something he definitely has to get used to.
Dating this man would involve him bringing you flowers very often! Once the first bouquet died, that was his signal to go out and get you a new one 💐
He will spend so much time rearranging the flowers, determined to gift you the most beautiful bouquets money can buy. When he gifts them to you, he has the biggest smile on his face when you take the flowers from him, happy to know he made you smile!
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, his date ideas definitely make his old dating culture stand out more to you.
As mentioned before, he’d definitely gift you flowers, the classic bouquet of roses and heart box of chocolates. What can I say? It’s a classic Don’t fix it if it’s not broken.
HOWEVER. If you’re against most cliche or overdone Valentine’s Day gifts, don’t worry, Steve’s got you covered. Whether it be that perfume/cologne you were eyeing a few days back, an outfit you’ve been dying to buy for yourself, or maybe something related to a hobby of yours, he’s definitely been paying attention.
He’d never want you disappointed in the gifts he gives you, always making sure you’d love them and that they’re special to you. Even if you aren’t much of a gift person, he still wants to find some sort of way to show his love and devotion to you.
He’d definitely take you to a dance hall if there are still some around. You two would both be laughing and smiling as Steve spun you around, keeping your body close to him as he dipped and held you. The music that was so familiar and dear to him made you feel like you could dance for hours, holding him close as a slow song played. The two of you gently swaying to the music in each other’s arms.
Movie drive-in dates are definitely another date idea of his. Bucky had certainly been on his own fair share of drive-in dates and made sure to tell his best friend every detail about them. While it embarrassed him to learn that many couples didn’t actually go to the drive-ins to watch the movie, it was something he still wanted to do with you.
He loves being able to hold you close, a blanket shared between you two as you snuggled up to watch the movie. If it’s a horror movie, even better! It would just give him an excuse to hold you tight as you cling to him for safety.
And also try the classic yawn-and-stretch trick
Steve Rogers absolutely adores his SO, sending them tender looks their way, holding their face in his hands, gifting things that reminded him of them, and Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to spoil you silly.
🔧Tony Stark🔧:
Unlike Steve, Tony is definitely not old fashioned.
When you’re dating the famous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, extravagant gifts and dates are definitely not a problem for this man.
When it comes to pursuing you, like most people, you may be irritated of his cocky attitude. Especially if he can’t take the hint.
Over time, he’ll get it and back off, the both of you starting over as you begin to see his true colors. Despite the constant sarcasm and his massive ego always showing, he’s grown to be a sweetheart after taking up the mantle of “Iron-Man”
With Tony’s anxiety, it may be hard to do more public dates. However, he’s not opposed to taking you somewhere secluded and having an expensive dinner date with you. A beach at sun set, a candle lit dinner on the roof of his home, he just wants to be with you in peace.
He absolutely LOVES showing you off. He can get a little jealous with others trying to flirt with you, knowing that you’re definitely way out of their league. That won’t stop him from keeping you by his side during the entirety of a party or at a bar.
Definitely the type to have you on his lap, his hand on your waist as he traces patterns on your hip.
A very touchy man, Can hardly keep his hands off of you whenever you’re around.
He wouldn’t be against leaving hickies on your neck either, not being shy as he leaves them in the most hard to hide spots just to show others that you’re officially taken.
However, if you’re against touch than he gets it and he’ll respect his space even if there are times when he forgets. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable at all and will constantly remind himself not too pop your personal space bubble.
Being in a relationship with this man screams “bougie couple”, even if this is the same man willing to wear a Dora wrist watch.
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, you better believe this man will be going all out.
Expensive jewelry, clothing, perfume/cologne, hell he’d go as far as buying you a new car. He just wants to be able to spoil you and show you how much you deserve the world.
He’d love to take you to an expensive restaurant, somewhere where the both of you would get dressed up all nice and enjoy each other’s company. He’d reserve the entire building if that’s what you wanted to do.
If you seem overwhelmed by this, he’s fine with a night in too. A date with both of you in sweat pants and just lounging on the couch with a pizza is also a great date in his eyes.
Overall, Valentine’s Day with this man is very extravagant and quite expensive, but in his defense; He’s never had someone stick by him besides you, even with his snarky attitude. Tony just wants to cherish his SO and give them all the good things you deserve.
⚛️Bruce Banner⚛️:
Bruce is a total sweetheart. Depending when you two met could determine how your relationship established.
If you met him when he first joined the Avengers, be patient with him. If you show him any sort of kindness, he may become skittish, afraid of scaring you off or possibly even hurting you.
He’d be shy, wondering how someone as kind as you could be so unafraid around him. Not to mention how gentle and tender you are, even when he has the strength to snap you in two.
I think you would have to initiate first. The reason being he’s afraid of hurting the one he loves the most, and would most likely love you from a distance. He would be hesitant with starting a relationship, but Bruce wouldn’t miss this opportunity if it meant being with you.
You spending most of your time in the lab, bringing him his coffee and making sure he gets the necessary rest he needs is a common practice within your relationship. Most of the time, he really needs those breathers but gets too consumed in his work to notice.
Somehow always touching you, whether the both of you hav your pinkies linked together, or him holding onto your sleeve or your shirt, it brings him safety because of how much it grounds him. When you’re alone, he loves being able to hold you. He’s so afraid of accidentally breaking you that it’s taken a lot of convincing before he was comfortable enough to touch you.
When he’s able to hold you to his body, he just melts, immediately addicted to your hugs and just the way you treat him so gently.
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, he’s a bit inexperienced in that field. He wants to be able to show you that he appreciates all that you’ve done for him, even if it’s a little difficult for him to do so.
When it comes to Valentines Day gifts, he’s definitely a lot more simpler. He’d give you your favorite flowers in a bouquet, or even gift you a necklace or book you’ve been talking about for awhile. His gifts involve him buying something he thinks you’d adore, but still be able to use rather than the classic Valentine’s teddy bear or box of chocolates.
Date ideas are a little more reserved in nature. You both would end up having dinner-date nights inside your home, the two of you cooking together in the coziness of your home as you catch up with each other.
I can see Bruce liking the classic idea of slow dancing in the kitchen late in the night. The thought of the both of you just swaying to music, just the two of you as he holds you close to him. The feeling makes all his worries and stresses melt away from him knowing he has someone like you waiting for him at home.
Bruce just wants to love and protect his SO. While sometimes he thinks you made a mistake pursuing someone like him with his condition, over the years he begins to realize that he is just as worthy of love as anyone else. He will begin to open up more, and show his love through acts of appreciation for you supporting him through all his ups and downs.
⚡️Thor Odinson⚡️
Thor is definitely more excitable than the rest of the men in the Avengers. During the time he was still trying to understand Earth culture, the both of you made fast friends as he got used to Earth.
Teaching a God how to use the kitchen as well as the bathroom was chaotic to say the least, but he made sure to show his appreciation as much as he could when given the opportunity.
As he began to get used to Earth, he began to take notice of his feelings for you. The way you make him feel as he sees you smile, or how you throw your head back as you laugh at him for him doing something unintentionally funny. He loved seeing how happy he made you just by being himself.
Dates on Earth would be a little chaotic. Considering he is an almighty Norse God, he still has a lot to learn when it comes to human dates. Roller rinks, karaoke bars, or just going to the park for a stroll are dates Thor would happily go on with you if it meant understanding the dating culture better. It would also give him a better opportunity to understand your likes and dislikes.
Before Little Asgard, dates would be much different when Thor would take you back to his home. He would shower you in riches and all the splendors that his home has to offer, but if you take interest in something else within Asgard that isn’t as luxurious as his family riches, he is not opposed to getting you that instead or doing a more simpler date.
Thor is a very affectionate man. Similar to Bruce and Tony, he is always touching you somehow. Whether it’s more subtle like hand-holding or more obvious such as having his hand around your waist. He just loves having you near him and loves when you reciprocate his affection.
Absolutely LOVES trailing kisses on your face, whether it’d be multiple in just your cheeks or just a trail down your neck, he wants to show you that he loves and cherishes you if he’s felt he’s been neglecting you with his “work”.
When Thor finds out about Valentine’s Day for the first time, he’s a bit confused. However, upon googling what the holiday is about, he is surprised that such an old and ancient festival such as Lupercalia was still being celebrated. However, he is a little disappointed that this ancient fertility festival is no longer the same thousands of years ago.
This won’t stop Thor from treating the holiday as an excuse to try and give his love the most lavish gifts he can find. With the help of his mother, and a little bit from his brother, he was able to spoil you like the prince/princess you are on this special day.
Chocolate covered strawberries, your favorite flowers or plants, he made sure to grab all your favorite things and present them to you with a big, proud smile on his face, even if some of his gifts began to take up space within your house. While he did go a little bit overboard with his gifts, you couldn’t help but laugh and give him a kiss from how much thought he put into it.
The next Valentine’s, he now has a general understanding of how to be a good Valentine. Now opting for gifts and food that you love and enjoy rather than grabbing a gaudy Valentine’s Day gift in the aisle of Walmart.
This included dates that hold a more meaningful tone to them, rather than being influenced from the cheesy romantic comedies that are always being played around this time.
While it isn’t perfect, you won’t find anyone else who tries harder than Thor. He wants to be with you forever and always, loving you no matter what life throws at the both of you, and one day, hoping the both of you could start a family, and you becoming his King/Queen.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I thought I’d pump something out really quick! I will be writing more characters, but for now thought Marvel would be a good start!
Feel free to take a look at my fandoms list and make any requests for any of your favorite fandoms!
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spaceyeehaw101 · 6 months
Okay so this is just random and off topic for my posts but bro HOW ARE STUCKY SHIPPERS STILL ALIVE AND THRIVING???? Like obv no hate! (I was an HUGE Stucky Shipper in Middle School and still Love the ship) But like oml BRO maybe it was just me who abandoned ship lol💀💀💀But like if ur still in the Stucky fandom my hats off to you! Right on!! Ngl I thought it was gonna be a ghost town, but then again Stucky was one of the BIGGEST ships in the fandom and may or not still be lol. Ngl I miss scrolling through the tag like all the time, it was my biggest comfort ship and I drew art of them CONSTANTLY, like I had entire AUs dedicated to them. Guess hurt/comfort never dies😞, I'm just rambling at this point but still, Stucky shippers u rule.
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macverse · 6 months
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It's Christmas and you finally have time alone with your super soldier
A/N: Thank you's too @empty-sigh(18+), @moderndaymystic, @sarahdonald87 (18+), and @babyjakes (18+), @daddyneeds-you (18+), @serephineh, @bloodbending, @fucktoyfelix (18+), @fandomfluffandfuck (18+), @quinnandersonwrites for inspo, motivation and reference content.
I do not write smut y'all. I was blushing all the way through this. Not because of the smut. Because I was writing it. I read things like this all the time. Writing it was an experience! But the idea had to let out and here we are. I'm glad all of these beautiful people's pages exist and help me through this fic. Thank you.
“Y/N, come here,” Steve calls you from the living room, “What is this.”
You’d spent most of the afternoon making the living room in the rented cabin nestled in the woods feel cozy and inviting. It had been a while since you and Steve had had any time alone together and you wanted to make it special. You found an abundance of candles in the store closets and piled every cozy blanket and pillow over every seating surface and on the floor. You imagined Steve would have you moaning and writhing all over the room and couldn’t wait to feel the soft chunky knit pillows and faux fur blankets on your overstimulated skin. 
You transformed the living room while Steve was outside chopping firewood. While you raced around the cabin for supplies, you stopped for a moment to watch him through a window that looked out over the yard. You felt your breath quicken as he swung the axe up and over his head as if it were nothing, easily gliding through log after log, the large snowflakes steadily falling around him. Something about the steady and repetitive thwack of the axe caused your attention to hone in on the space between your thighs. Nothing about the simple act of chopping wood should have made you feel aroused but your body tingled in all the right places as you watched Steve’s muscles work under the tight, long-sleeved shirt he wore as he worked through the pile of wood. 
When Steve came back in, you’d pretended nothing was going on as he placed the basket filled with the large pile of wood he carried inside. You handed him a steaming hot cup of coffee and diverted him from the living room by telling him you’d started the shower so that it would be nice and warm. He kissed you sweetly and headed off to the shower none the wiser to what you’d been up to. You were supposed to be making Steve an apple pie while you’d been purposefully redecorating. You tried to make up for lost time weaving the lattice top and didn’t hear him as he snuck by, finding your surprise before you had meant to reveal it.
“With the way that snow is coming down out there, I thought we could spend some time together however you’d like,” you said feigning innocence, “You’ve just finished a long mission, Steve. I thought maybe I could help you relax.”
Steve looks around the room, taking in the near fire-starting amount of candles and all the plush items before turning to look at you, “You did all this for me, dollface?”
You nod sweetly in reply and slowly unbutton the thick cable knit cardigan you’d had on to keep warm. Underneath, you had on a cropped wrap top that gently cupped your naked breasts and a long peasant skirt that would easily slip from your body the minute you unbuckled the belt from your waist. You shivered slightly as the warmer material fell to the ground. When you saw Steve's eyes darken as he took in your exposed skin you knew that you’d be warm enough soon. It wasn’t just the sight of your exposed body that was turning his mood. It was the sight of every tattoo on your skin. 
The first time you'd done anything sexual with Steve, he'd paid special attention to the places where your original tattoos were. When you’d met him, you’d only had a few simple, small tattoos. The change in his mood over the few lines of ink surprised you. He gripped your hip almost too roughly where you had an outlined heart. He licked and nipped at your skin with his teeth, alternating between your sensitive nipples and catching your skin just below the swell of your breasts where you had a line of text. His large hands securely held down and stroked your wrist where you had your favorite book quote as he drove into you. Long gone was the good ‘ol boy routine that had swept you off your feet. It was replaced with something primal, darker, and hungry. 
Afterward, he’d asked you about them. It wasn’t just curiosity. Steve wanted to know what they meant. Wanting to know why you got them. Wanted to know how you felt when you were getting them. It made you feel as if he was making sure that your tattoos were not connected to anyone other than you. That was when he confessed to you how much he liked tattoos. Told you about how it made him feel, to see the ink permanently there on someone’s skin. How hard it made him to see something he’d drawn on someone's skin. How uncontrollably he felt when he saw it if he’d put it there himself. How much the idea of permanently marking someone like that turned him on.
He’d confessed how badly he’d wanted one himself but never could because the super soldier serum running through his veins was constantly healing him and erasing any ink he’d put on his skin. You’d asked him if he wanted to do that to you, to mark your skin. That was the first time you’d seen his mood turn like this, a dark lust building in his eyes. They burned with the desire that heated you to your core. He was back on you before you realized, filling your already aching cunt with his quickly hardening cock, his voice several octaves lower cut right through you as he said over and over again ‘yes’, ‘mine’, ‘gonna mark you’, ‘all fucking mine’.
That was when he started lovingly mapping out the tattoos that adorn your skin now...
Read the rest on my AO3.
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willowsages-blog · 2 months
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Stress reliever: Andy barber
The beach: Ari Levinson
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milady-pink · 5 months
Question for all my minority readers:
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stuckyrogersbarnes · 9 months
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Bucky x reader
So this was random and at some point I may rewrite this because i feel like it might be crap. Idk, but definitely putting a warning for fluff and angst. So, hope it’s okay :,-)
Pls don’t steal work thanks much love
Its said everyone has a purpose in life. A true calling that’s discovered at some point during one’s life span. Some find out early on, some late.
You? You found out on a random Saturday afternoon on an open jet.
You found out with the harsh wind blowing my hair and stinging your eyes.
You found out when my teammates eyes shed tears and mouths released screams.
You found out the second he smiled at me when we first met.
Your destiny, my calling…was him.
It was loving him in every moment because the man couldn’t seem to fathom he was adored.
It was listening to his deep thoughts when his thoughts plagued him too much to sleep, so you decided to lose sleep too.
It was holding him tight and whispering calming words as the screams and sobs wracked his body after yet another terrible nightmare.
It was helping him do his hair because sometimes his metal arm just made it impossible, and he always said he loved how soft your touch felt on his scalp. It calmed him, he said. That was enough for you to do it whenever he asked, no matter what.
It was letting him have his space when he needed it yet also simply sitting on the couch watching old reruns of his favorite show when he craved your company.
It was getting up early to make his coffee when you knew he has a rough night. The warm cup making his blue eyes a little more alive.
Today though?
Today your destiny was to save him.
And as his best friend screamed as he was pulled of the jet by the enemy you heard him sob, “I just got him back.”
So you didn’t think twice. Like it was almost a reflex that you grabbed the parachute device and simply threw yourself off the plane right after then.
There were yells after you but they fell to deaf ears.
You were dead set, no doubt in your heart as you fell towards the hostile holding him.
His eyes found yours as he wrestled his assailant and you saw the alarm set in. “No! Y/n what are you doing!!”
As you nearly reached them you grabbed your knife from your side and yelled back, “saving you, what does it look like?!” You reach out as all three of you fell towards the ground, the hand holding the knife now reaching to meet the assailants chest, killing instantly. Only then did you notice that he didn’t fall away.
No, because Buckys hand gripped the only thing stopping the bomb hidden on the man from going off. If he let go, that was it and would die either way hitting the ground.
Looking down you saw you didn’t have much time before hitting the ground happened, gripping the parachute device and slapped it on his back without him noticing.
With tears in your eyes you yell over the loud air, “I love you!”
Tears gather in his eyes as well as he yells back, “I love you too!”
Gripping his vest you pull him in for a kiss.
The last kiss you would share.
Your fingers replaced his with speed on the detonator to not set it off at the same time you pressed on the parachute device, sending him floating upwards and away from harm.
You saw his eyes widen as he screamed but you couldn’t make it out as you fell even farther towards the ground. At peace you closed your eyes and let go of the detonator.
Destiny fulfilled.
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Is there anymore Midnight Sun coming out?
I thought the end of the last book was so good - all the angst and I felt like she won!!!
Hope to see the rest of her story
Midnight Rain? YES!!
I'm working on it. I'm having surgery in a week so I'll have about 3 weeks of more downtime to get lots written and queued for posting :)
Thank you
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I felt like she got the justification she needed.......but I can tell you now after you read that first Midnight Rain ch. 1, their world is upside down ;)
Read Chapter 1 here ;)
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ᴀᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀꜱ/ᴍᴄᴜ - ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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deanscherrypie69 · 2 years
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All I ask of people. Is to read warnings on my fics. Before engaging. It’s really not that hard. I think since I’ve been getting a lot of comments. Mostly hateful ones, On my Pervy Neighbor Steve series. I have come to the conclusion, that I will not. Be writing for it anytime soon….
This is why I haven’t been posting as much. And it sucks. Because peoples comments don’t ever got to me. But lately they have been. Which sucks. I haven’t had the inspiration to write in a wile because of this.
I just don’t know why it’s so hard for people not to interact with certain fics, I’ve put many many. Warnings on ANYTHING I write. They could’ve easily scrolled but they just had to comment.
I just don’t get it.
Im sorry for ranting…
I’m gonna be trying to get back into writing soon. I have a lot of new stuff planned and I hope y’all read it!
Hope y’all understand.
As always, with much love, Rosie.
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bluesunshine21 · 10 months
Y/n : how did you break your leg ?
Steve : did you see those porch stairs?
Y/n : yes
Steve : I didn't.
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mariessecretcorner · 2 years
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 𝓔𝓿𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
Masterlist Keys:
🔞= SMUT 😈= Dark ⚠= Trigger Warning 💖= Fluff
⛓=Non/Dub Con 🐺= AOB ⭐= Personal Favorite
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(Divider made by me)
I Do Not Consent to any rewrites, translations, or use of this story. To do so is plagiarism.
I don’t own any of the characters/actors in these stories.
 All characters are above 18. This is all a fanfic/Au reality so don’t take it seriously. Please be kind and respectful if you have any comments, questions, and thoughts on this story.
Respect works both ways and I will not tolerate any hate towards others, I accept criticism and expect some from my work like most people do.
If my work isn’t to your taste, just don’t read it. Simple enough.
Otherwise Enjoy you horny fuckers!
Currently working on the masterlist
📌Chris Evans
📌AU Masterlist
📌Steve Rodgers/Mavel
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