#steve mcgarrett and kids
brinleyparke · 1 year
Steve McGarrett as a parent
Steve, *on the phone*: Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Steve: Anyways, you said Freddie is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
I have a headcanon that if Steve ever had a kid, he'd name it after Freddie.
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alea-gifs · 1 month
H50 Season 1, Episode 21 gifs... Part 2...
because Steve interacting with kids is always so beautiful. Give that man a massive family.
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
you know how steve constantly brings danny up even when he's not around? which is a lot on its own but particularly if he's with someone who doesn't know danny or what exactly their deal is, especially since he openly likens their relationship to a marriage to people he barely knows even. that lead me to this particular what if...
every year steve meets up with his former navy buddies, guys he came up with or trained with or went into battle with, between their schedules and as they get out they always try to make a date and catch up.
every year as they get older they start talking about their girlfriends and then their wives and then their kids, since that's a huge part of what's going on in their lives.
steve talks...about danny. his ohana. danny. gracie. danny and charlie. then eddie and the kids: tani and junior. and danny. his partner always comes up and no one questions it, they are used to not asking.
steve doesn't think much of it, until one time one of the other guys corners him, kinda nervous, and says he wants him to be the first of the group to know that he's gay. of course, steve is touched but he doesn't understand why until the guy explains. 'it was you, talking about your danny, and your kids, and the family you built together, with such love and conviction and no hint of shame, that made me believe i could some day have all of that too. it gave me courage to ask my now fiancé out on a date. we would be honoured to invite you two to the wedding, since you are at least partially responsible. we can only hope we are still as in love after 10 years together as you guys are.'
steve is in shock, but he doesn't have the heart to ruin the guy's beautiful coming out speech by telling him danny and him aren't like that. he lets him continue to assume what everyone else apparently had been doing for years.
except...perhaps, it's time to talk to danny. there would be plenty of opportunities when he comes home and tells his live-in partner why they have a wedding to attend to.
(two years later he's the one handing out save-the-dates)
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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Danny’s my favorite character, so I’m gonna go ahead and accept HIS ending to H50
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ltcdrmcgarrett · 1 year
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✨ Character development ✨
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v8mpvrse · 4 months
just won in jeapordy to a question about the gay cops from hawaii five-0. very on brand for me!!!
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kbade · 6 months
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Do you ship it?
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reason: They choose each other over anyone else again and again, they act like a married couple and co-parent Danny's kids.
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Oahu, INT, Day
SCHOOL ADMIN (via phone) …Commander McGarrett, we are trying to reach Detective Williams. Grace is not feeling well and it would be good if someone could come and collect her from school. We are aware that her mother and stepfather are currently on the mainland.
STEVE: Danny’s in court today, he must have his phone off.
SCHOOL ADMIN: No problem, are you available to collect Grace?
STEVE: (a little confused) Um… sure. But how can I ask how you got this number?
SCHOOL ADMIN: You’re listed as a guardian for Grace Williams.
STEVE: What?
SCHOOL ADMIN: Your husband, Detective Williams, listed you as a guardian. Is that not correct?
STEVE: No! I mean, yes, it’s correct. Tell Grace I’ll be there in 15 minutes.
SCHOOL ADMIN: Thank you, Commander McGarrett.
Later that day…
DANNY: Thanks for picking up Grace today, babe.
STEVE: How is she Danny?
DANNY: She’s feeling much better, thanks. Just needed a little rest.
STEVE: Danny, the school has me listed as her guardian.
DANNY: Yeah, I did that with both the kids, just in case.
STEVE: They thought we were married. They called me your husband. Did you tell them that?
DANNY: (chuckling) no babe, I must have said “partner” but they didn’t understand that it was work partners. Did you tell them?…
… Steve?
… Steve.
DANNY: Why not babe? We’re not actually married.
STEVE: (quietly) Aren’t we?
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas/Prompts Masterlist
Steve gets a CornerShot for the armory.
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Career day at Grace's or Charlie's school (Grace or Charlie asks Steve to come)
Veteran's day at Grace's or Charlie's school:
Grace or Charlie have to write a letter to a soldier. Grace or Charlie writes one to Steve.
One of Grace's teachers asks her if her Uncle Steve could come and talk about what it means to serve your country and about the meaning of sacrifice.
Nahele tells Steve he wants to join the Navy
Grace tells Danny that she wants to join the Navy bc she wants to be like Auntie Catherine. (McRollins)
Charlie tells Danny that he wants to join the Navy bc he wants to be like Uncle Steve. (Gen, McKono, or McRollins)
Early season 1 – Steve's thoughts on fireworks
After seeing how he reacted when he thought he heard real gunfire (when it was really coming from a video game) in 4x07, I thought about how he'd react to fireworks (especially in season 1), which they seem to have pretty often in Hawaii. Also based on the song "A Soldier's Memoir" by Joe Bachman
Spn x-over: (gen or McKono or McRollins) Maybe John Winchester knew Joe or John McGarrett. While on a case in Hawaii, Sam and Dean notice the name in their dad's journal. Even if Joe never met John W., he knew about him from John M. telling him about him. When Steve and Danny arrest Dean and maybe Sam, too, Joe tells them to let them go.
Spn x-over: Steve is open-minded and trusts his gut and believes Sam and Dean are good guys.
Spn x-over: Maybe Steve's house is haunted, or maybe there's a case that's weird. He remembers seeing something in his dad's stuff. He finds what he's looking for. It's a piece of paper or a sticky note or something that says "John Winchester" with a phone number and says, "Call this number if anything weird happens," or something along those lines.
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
Steve goes to Jersey with Danny (gen)
Renee tries to convince Lou to give Steve a chance, to get to know Steve.
Alicia Brown/Steve
Steve has a son and names him Freddie.
Chin remembers Steve as a teenager.
Slight AU where Steve adopts Nahele.
AU where Chin is Steve's partner instead of Danny (I love Steve and Danny's partnership, but I just think it would be interesting to see what it would be like if Steve and Chin were partners since Steve's dad and Chin were partners.)
Steve and kids from cases/crime scenes
Ellie tells Lynn about Steve.
Season 2: Kamekona notices Steve has lost weight.
Kelly (Freddie's widow) and her daughter come to Hawaii. Her daughter wants to know more about her father. Kelly knows Steve was a big part of Freddie's life, so she wants her daughter to know him, too.
Since they never said what her name was, I think maybe the daughter could be named Stephanie. Maybe Kelly did it as a way to show Steve she didn't blame him for what happened to Freddie.
Kelly (Freddie's widow) gets a new job somewhere and sees or finds something she shouldn't, so now she and her daughter are in danger. Being too scared to call the police and not knowing who else to call, she calls Steve. Steve tells her to get on the first flight to Hawaii. She and her daughter make it to Hawaii. Steve protects them.
NSFW: Steve has sensitive nips (gen, McKono, McRollins, Noelani/Steve, Alicia Brown/Steve, or Lynn/Steve)
NSFW: Steve/Kono/Adam
NSFW: Steve has a nice ass (McKono, McRollins, Noelani/Steve, Alicia Brown/Steve, or Lynn/Steve). See evidence below.
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Songfic/Fan video Ideas/Prompts
McKono Fic Ideas/Prompts
Sick!Steve Fic Ideas/Prompts
Ideas/Prompts Based on Specific Episodes
H/C Fic Ideas/Prompts
Pre-series Fic Ideas/Prompts
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roadtogracelandx45 · 9 months
Paradise Undone| 1| S. McGarrett
Summary: Gracie isn’t the only reason why Danny Williams relocated to Hawaii, his youngest sister Emily is a nurse in the navy and is stationed at Pearl Harbor and is in an on again off again fling with Steven McGarrett.
His new partner. And Danny is dead set on keeping them apart as much as he wanted his sister happy, the last person he wanted her to be with was Steve McGarrett
@prettyinpayne @marycorleone
This wasn’t the first time that Emily Williams had been asked to come see her brother Danny, a police detective first with the New York Police department and now with the Honolulu police department, to patch him up and it wouldn’t be the last but this was the first time that the man she had been sleeping with on and off with was sitting on the rolling chair next to the desk. “Shit.” She cursed herself before she stepped into the office, “Danno? What did you do now?” Danny, who had been lecturing Steve, paused and smiled seeing her. “It was all him Em.” Emily finally met Steve’s dark eyes and was glad to see the surprise in them. The last time they had seen each other, they had been in Japan and she was getting ready to ship back out to the states.
“And who is he?”
Danny was oblivious to the uneasy stare between the two, he was eager to start another long bitching session about his new partner and his sister usually listened. “Steve McGarrett.” Danny asked as she started looking at the wound on his shoulder.
“As in the McGarrett case?” She glanced over at Steve who was putting two and two together, Emily had told him stories about her siblings, especially her stuffy older brother.
“Yeah. He got me shot Em? Can you believe that?” The older Williams sibling questioned turning his head to watch his sister work.
“Not really, you got held hostage before, and had to have knee surgery after that case with Libby went wrong. So this doesn’t surprise me at all.” She answered, “didn’t you have the paramedics look at this?” “Why? When I have a nurse on speed dial?” Danny asked, “Em here is in the navy too but her contract is up soon.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve asked, folding his arms, eyes never leaving the siblings, curious. Emily was the exact opposite of his new partner, she had always been quick to laugh and enjoy herself while Danny wasn't that.
“Supposedly she wants to stay. God knows why.”
“Three things Danno, beach, warm weather and you and Gracie.” Emily paused as she opened an alcohol wipe, “and there is no Clara,” Clara was their mother who along with their two sisters Bridgett and Stella were very interested in when Emily was going to settle down and have kids.
“That is our mother.” Danny started before wincing when she dug her gloved thumb into the wound in annoyance . “I know that Daniel but she doesn’t harp on you. “When are you going to have kids Emily? You are such a young and pretty girl.”
Unable to help himself Steve coughed out a laugh, he had heard that impression one too many times which caused Emily to laugh. “Do you two know each other?” Danny asked after a heartbeat, “you can’t know each other.”
“We know each other.” They both answered.
“No, no Emily! Wait, this isn’t the guy you shacked up with in Cuba is it?” Emily pressed her lips together in a tight line so she wouldn’t start laughing outright.
“Emily Anne! Tell me the truth.”
“No comment.” she risked a glance over to Steve who was studying her every movement. “Do you need me to pick up Gracie after school?” Being able to have a relationship with her niece was part of the reason why she jumped on being stationed at Pearl Harbor.
“Emily! Tell me the truth.” Danny had glossed over her question like she had expected him too and he was furious. Like Matthew, their brother, he was fiercely over protective of Emily and their other sisters.
“Yes, okay?” she snapped back as she started bandaging the wound. “But you have no room to talk, Daniel. You are the one who ended up marrying someone you pulled over.” Another quiet laugh escaped Steve, he had heard all about her brother’s ex-wife after she found out that she had filed for divorce causing a smile to twitch on the corner of her mouth. “You told a total stranger about my personal life?”
The younger Williams sibling smiled then, “Well yeah, he's a good listener and I had to have someone to talk to. And I was not going to use the satellite phone to call Clara.”
Groaning Danny dropped his chin to his chest, “You two are going to put me in an early grave.”
“Don't be so dramatic Danny.” Emily rolled her eyes, “We both know that it will be Rachel and step Stan.”
“Step Stan?” Steve stepped in, unable to help himself, now that he was putting faces with names, things started making sense and he wanted to try and diffuse the situation mostly for Emily’s sake.
“Rachel's new husband. He seems nice.” The younger sibling returned. “You only say that because he tried to buy your affection too.” Steve and Emily exchanged a look with furrowed brows. “Are you still bitter that I attended the wedding for Gracie’s sake?” Danny huffed as he stood up and went into one of the glass offices. “Grace begged and pleaded for me to go, I was on leave.” she informed as she started gathering up the used supplies to throw them away, “I tried to talk Rachel out of it, including offering to be her getaway driver.” “Does he know that?” Emily shook her head, “He wouldn't listen, probably never will.”
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
no thoughts just Steve automatically looking at Danny when Danny talks about acting crazy out of love and doing big insane gestures because he is that person for him, the one that makes him crazy in love
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just so you know, Danny doesn't talk about love in general like love of family etc but specifically being stupid and gullible and desperate to believe what you want to believe even if logic dictates otherwise and being willing to do anything to gain the favour of the person who is the object of your romantic love ↓
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all those times Danny called Steve out on acting crazy, all the things Steve has done (and will do) that seemed like too much, Danny has never made the connection, he's still out there talking about how Steve isn't a romantic and doesn't want commitment.
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(imagine Danny one day going on one of his usual rants 'why would you do this?? it's not like you are in love with me, are you?' and Steve just looks down and, finally, Danny has that lightbulb moment 'oh...you are'.)
I know the show wasn't trying to portray Steve as canonically madly in love with Danny but they succeeded anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sunny-mercya · 3 months
Vows of Love
Steve McGarrett x Male Reader
Fandom -> Hawaii Five-0
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Witnessing Steve McGarrett dancing—more like a waltzing, which resembles, of either a shaky baby deer or an trampling Elephant—through his office to another song of Elvis, was just a rare and unusual sight to experience—that it does causes a bit of concern, confusion and speculation throughout the Team.
The voice of Elvis—rich and deep, so lovely and mellow soft, like an Angel welcomes you into heaven—rung through the headquarters, not all too loud, but enough to hear the melody—which creates an ambiance of old nostalgic melancholy and feelings, oh so sweet, the heart suffers through love—and the bass echoing, chorusing like a symphony, through the building.
The team watches from the sidelines of the hallway, watching with disbelieving amusement the little show Steve presents—without seeming to realise or he simply doesn't care—to them.
It's just—as they all voiced their own opinions of theory, about why Steve is acting like this, like some lovesick fool—Elvis Presley and Steve McGarrett—who can be a scary man if required to be and whose the imagine of a strong tough guy—doesn't really match together, not when they all know Steve listen to way different genres of music.
And while they discussed their speculations under one another, Danny dropped the explanation—in his nonchalantly usual blunt mannerisms of yapping annoyance—that Steve was mere practicing some dancing for tonight as Steve wanted to ask you out for a dance—which had been long overdue—and finally having the guts to propose to you.
A unison of „what“ chorused through the hallways—with Tanis voice being the loudest and almost drowning out the voice of Elvis and potentially alerting Steve of their watching—as confusion crossed both the faces of Tani and Junior.
Both had thought—Junior especially as he lives with the McGarretts family after all—that [Name] and Steve are already married, after all they have a dog, a cat and children—adopted, but it's the principle which counts.
The still newest members—besides its being two years already of them being in the Squad—didn't know, like Danny—especially him, because Danny keep having discussions about this topic with Steve for 10 years now—or Adam or Lou, about the fact that besides Steve and you wearing Wed-Rings over years now and being obviously an married couple with Kids, Steve and you just never gotten official married.
So Danny—after Tani asked for some more background information—elaborates further, telling how Steve and you being a couple—way before he had meet the two of you—and during his first year on Hawaii, Danny nagged Steve to no end about his dumbness and drove him into what's as of current—a simple hawaiian ritual of marriage.
In the end, the others came to the agreement that it was—in this particular sense—Danny fault, which the man denies and keep insisting that's Steve at fault—because his friend is a dumbass.
Junior—whose a former Navy Seal and shouldn't really (at all) have any sorts of fears, concerns or doubts to feel, because Navy Seals are meant to be unbreakable and tough—cowers, with increasingly nervousness, under the look you giving him—this specific parental glance it was, which makes every child hesitantly.
Junior did tried to appease you with a small smile, to take away your growing irritation and slight forming frustration—because getting told by Steve via SMS, to meet up at Kamekona's Food court around lunch and then being stood up to the late hours of night—when you should be home with the kids, instead of letting the oldest keeping watch over the youngest—just to have the disappointment, in a sort of way, that Steve isn't actually going to show up—wasn't really all that pleasing to feel.
»Steve is coming, soon, him and the others are just held up with an ongoing case....«
»And that gives him the right, to basically order me to go out and waiting all those damned hours? Yeah, well, I don't think so.« you scoffed, crossing your arms and fixating Junior with a glare—which softened soon enough.
»I'm sorry, Junes. I'm lashing my frustration out on you, when you ain't at faults here and that isn't fair.« sighing, you uncrossed your arms again, starting to play some Candy-Crush on your phone.
»It's alright, [Name]. I know what I've signed myself up for, when I got into Five-0 and being unofficial adopted by you and Steve.«
Juniors smile widen, when he heard you laughing in slight amusement to what he had said.
»Silly boy, now don't tell your siblings, but you're my favourite son.« you joked, making attempts of a fist bump which Junior gladly returned.
But even if Junior keeps you company during the wait—although you're pretty sure, Steve told him to—there's still boredom lingering around and you were close to just get up and going back home.
But also, then again, Steve rarely ask for a meet up—not when you two living together anyways and the few dates you two occasionally do, are more a spontaneous weekend thing—so whatever Steve had planned or wanted to tell you, it must be pretty important or akin to it—otherwise he wouldn't' have send you a SMS, especially during a Case—so you decide to wait for him.
It's around sunrise—Junior half asleep, nodding off every few minutes, before taking some big sips from his Black Coffee—which you brought, once you knew some Coffeeshops are open around such early hours—when Danny came jogging towards the two of you, looking beat up and lowkey annoyed.
»Thank god, you're still here [Nickname]! Because I ain't gonna drive with our local dumbass anytime longer.«
You looked at your friend unimpressed, knowing all too well how Danny means it and that he spoke more hot air than actual bullets.
Shaking your head, you grabbed Danny's hand and leading him to the table—telling Junior to get the first-aid kit from your car—examining some of his wounds.
»Ah. And where is our local dumbass now? Because I for sure, really not so keen on to wait another whole day, just too he stood up again.« you said, raising a brow at Danny and thanking Junior—once he came back.
»McGarretts on the way, please give him some more minutes, [Nickname].« it was Adam who said that, coming towards your table—Tani and Lou behind him, carrying coffee and baked goods.
You sighed loudly, giving them all pointed glare—the one a nurse would give, when a patient was being reckless—shaking your head at their shared passion for danger and with how beat up the whole team—you didn't want to imagine how Steves gonna look like, knowing your husband, he probably had more wounds and damaged than the others—looks like, you guessed whatever Case they had finished off before, had been rather intense and rough.
»My Ohana is so fucking injury prone, maybe I should resume to my nurse job.« you said offhandedly, voice lacing with amusement and eyes crinkling from the smile you gave them—the others, while taking a seat and spreading out the breakfast, laughed in agreement.
When the sun had begun to rise even higher, sunset slowly transcending into the sky's blue, Tani—while scrolling through her phone—had started an playlist of Elvis songs—and you looked her in surprise, didn't thought that Tani—like you—would listen to Elvis.
»To set the mood.« was all Tani had said, shrugging her shoulders, bashing you a smile—when you looked at her in confusion.
And when Danny said something along the lines of; part of Steves plan to own up for his dumbness and finally swooning you high off—and the others all saying in unison; Danny's at fault for this too—you weren't even able to reply, about to ask what they meant, when someone grabbed your waist firmly and flung you off from the bank you're seated on.
A shout of surprise escaped from your lips, looking like a deer caught in the headlights—those moments of being spun around in the air, had probably gave you a good scare.
Once you were put back on the ground, feet safely planted on the grass, you turned around—almost giving yourself a whiplash—ready to admonish whomever that person is, who thought it would be funny to do.
Your vows of curses died on the tip of your tongue, when you came face to face with Steve—whose face looked absolutely bloody, decorated with lots of small cuts and skin tearing—who greets you with a smile, before leaning down and capturing your lips with a kiss.
When pulling away, leaving you breathless for a moment, Steve started to sway you to the melody and voice of Elvis song—dancing in small circles with you through the grassy ground—all the while the others whistling and shouting in jubilation.
»Do you want to marry me?« asked Steve, twirling to the left.
And you looked at your husband in confusion—expression morphing into a smile.
»Steve, we are already married,« you reminded him, finding amusement in your husband silliness.
»I know. Though, I do ask again, will you do me the honour and marry me, again?«
»I do. I absolutely do!«
And this time it was you, who kissed Steve—and the hollering of jubilation cheers from your family was louder than the waves.
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Some of my favorite characters have tattoos. Some happen to be from popular enough fandoms that MAYBE I’ll find their iconic tattoo for sale. (Though now adays you can customize temp tattoos so that’s an option too. Though for quality, even in tempt tattoos, it can get a bit pricey) So when I stumbled across these at my local Walgreens I bought them! The only hurdle then was my own artistic talent...
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And that’s a work in progress. 
Anyway, my Domestic and Parental McDanno headcanon is that Charlie finds some footing in the arts. Something both Danny and Steve encourage a lot. During one stint when Danny was over in Jersey and something wasn’t right but no one really knew much...and as much as Steve would have bolted to NJ the moment he could, he had Charlie in his charge and needed to focus on him. There was just a lot of waiting. A lot of waiting where words sometimes failed him because he didn’t want to worry nor lie to Charlie. It first happened with washable markers and no clean paper in sight. Steve asked Charlie for ideas about his next tattoo and it ended up drawing a ‘sample’ in washable marker. It helped them remain calm and still until they got news that Danny was okay and would be on his way back!
In the mean time Steve goes to buy Charlie more art supplies to always have at hand when he spots the temp tattoo markers...and he gets them. 
The night before Danno’s back, Charlie works on Steve’s arms with more concentration and carefulness. Though now that they know Danny’s safe and on his way back to them, they talk a bit more. Steve has something to focus on and staying as still as he could in the chair of any tattoo artist. 
When they pick up Danno from the airport, after a tight embrace to both his boys, Danny points to Steve’s arm, “Growing out the sleeve?” 
“Found a new artist that accepts ice cream and Scooby Doo merch as payment.” Steve replied,flexing his arm to showcase Charlie’s work proudly. 
The habit doesn’t stay with Charlie. After one of their cases goes south and their lives were at stake again...mostly Steve’s, Steve offers some of Charlie’s markers to Danny to write on him with. Symbolic branding, an anchoring as well, and a way for them let tension ebb away when words aren’t good enough but they need to do something(that because of their injuries can’t be strainous activity)
Steve for his part, always walks around proudly with his temp tattoos.
(Though he and Danny make a date of getting tattoos together not long after this little habit starts)  
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panicatthediaz · 23 days
Fuck it Friday
I still have an hour of my Friday, ok.
Because I've been writing and I wanna share some of it. This is one scene of a prologue that I'm sending to, like, a few different people because I'm nervous about the whole concept. But it's fine.
This is an entire scene of a thing. A Hawaii Five-0 thing. Different First Meeting, canon divergence, all wrapped in a nice little Alternate Universe package, I guess? Set in the beginning/during season 3. Danny's not on the team.
Overall, blame @corvid-cryptidd. He's a horrible enabler.
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Steve wasn’t sure what to think of all of this. He hadn’t believed Joe when he said he was Shelburne, but all the lies were starting to get him. The fact that he’d been in Suruga before, that Joe had been moving Shelburne just hours before Steve got to a location, stung. Moving and backtracking in order to avoid Wo Fat — and himself — was smart, and exactly what he’d have done. Joe did know how he operated better than anyone else.
His old commander had had a change of heart somewhere along the way, though, deciding to bring him back to Japan after his failed search just last week and take him to meet Shelburne, but none of it made all this secrecy easier to swallow. Whatever this was about, whether it was Wo Fat’s father or something even deeper, his father was executed for it.
They approached the seaside village mostly in silence after Joe’s explanations, but some noise ahead caught Steve’s attention, as if it was being intentionally made. Joe stopped walking, and Steve followed suit.
“Commander White,” a rather short man greeted. He extended a well-toned arm to Joe for a handshake that Joe quickly met. The vest and equipment — including the M16 rifle over his shoulder — made it easy to place him as military. With a nod towards Steve, he asked, “This is?”
“Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett,” Joe introduced, and Steve extended his own hand to the man. “Steve, this is Major Daniel Williams.”
Now slightly closer, Steve could see the American flag on the vest, though no real indication as to what branch the man — Major Williams — was part of.
Eying him up and down with a frown, Williams shook his hand and threw a glance at Joe that Steve couldn't begin to decipher. He shook his head softly.
“You gotta be kidding me,” he muttered, turning around to head back the way he came. “Come on, then.”
Steve could spot more well-armed personnel as they walked, none of them Japanese, all of them carrying themselves in the same way as Williams. The same way Steve saw several other operators move. None of the locals paid any mind to them, though. “What’s with the Army escort?”
“Got a problem with the branch choice, McGarrett?” There was a challenge in his voice, clear even if he didn't turn around to face them. 
“No problem,” he said, easily enough. “I'm just curious." Williams glanced back at him, but didn't say anything. “Wo Fat’s still looking, isn’t he?”
“Wo Fat is in Yakuza custody,” Joe answered easily enough. It explained why Joe had decided to bring him to Shelburne now, at least.
“Whether he stays there,” Williams added, gesturing wildly at the world around them, “Remains to be seen. While regrettable, Anna Douglas’ death at least served as a wake-up call.” There was annoyance in his tone, directed, Steve supposed, at the powers that be. “The CIA no longer wants anything to do with him, the Yakuza wants a piece of him.”
“The man who killed Agent Douglas has been arrested,” Steve said, uselessly. Williams nodded, but his shoulders remained tense. This man clearly knew that Hiro Noshimuri was dead, why else would the remaining Yakuza families be gunning for Wo Fat?
“Good for them.” Williams muttered, stopped from saying anything further by the man approaching them with easy, unhurried steps, interrupting their walk to talk with Williams. Steve couldn't hear what they were saying, could barely make out lip movements, and a glance at Joe told him he couldn't either.
Instead, Steve’s focus went to the man’s vest. The UK flag and S.A.S.-like emblem only added to Steve's apprehension.
“Just get moving, MacTavish.” The man avoided Williams’ swat easily enough, giving him a mock salute as he stepped back. “Go.”
“Aye, sir.”
MacTavish walked between the shacks toward the treeline, finally letting them move on. It wasn't long before the three of them came upon what looked like an abandoned shack, but Joe and Williams stopped well before they reached the door.
“Joe?” He questioned, glancing backwards.
“Go on,” Joe nodded toward the door. “You deserve some answers, Steve.”
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