#steve lawler
mucdj · 6 months
(Hot Since 82)
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superchilled72 · 1 year
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machobusta · 1 year
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badvibethewebcomic · 1 year
Does any character hate the Loud House?
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"No seriously what the hell is that?"
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mothytheghost · 2 years
Deleted scenes
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ballerinepunk · 9 months
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cryptocollectibles · 11 months
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Age of Apocalypse The Chosen #1 (April 1995) by Marvel Comics
Written by Ronnie Lawler, drawn by various.
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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The House of Representatives has voted to effectively conceal the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza.
On Thursday, lawmakers voted 269-144 on an amendment to prohibit the State Department from citing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry. The measure is part of the annual State Department appropriations bill. It was led by Democratic Reps. Jared Moskowitz, Fla., and Josh Gottheimer, N.J., and Republican Reps. Joe Wilson, S.C.; Mike Lawler, N.Y.; and Carol Miller, W.V.
In total, 62 Democrats joined 207 Republicans in supporting the amendment.Here are the 62 Democrats who joined 207 Republicans to ban giving funds to the State Department to cite the Gaza Health Ministry, undermining the organization’s death & injury figures. https://t.co/n7DveMQaPQ pic.twitter.com/Nas0Fgm4Ag
— Prem Thakker (@prem_thakker) June 27, 2024
While party leaders often push their members to vote “yes” or “no” on any range of proposals, Democratic leadership gave “no recommendation” to its members on how to vote on the amendment. After the House passes the full bill, it will head to the Senate for consideration.
Mohammed Khader, policy manager at the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, told The Intercept that the amendment is part of a trend of anti-Palestinian sentiment in Congress since the start of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. “By preventing any recognition of the number of Palestinians killed since October, this amendment is a clear example of genocide denial and is no different from what was done towards victims of genocides in Rwanda and Armenia.”
On Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., the only Palestinian member of Congress, took to the floor to make a similar argument. “This is genocide denial,” she said.
After reciting the death toll and other statistics about casualties, Tlaib said she intended to introduce the list of Palestinians killed in Gaza to the congressional record. “It is important to note this to everyone here: The list is too long that I can’t even submit it because of the text limit,” she said. “That’s how many have been killed.”
The Ministry of Health is the only official entity tracking the death toll in Gaza; its figures have been cited broadly, including by the U.S. and Israeli governments. Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.
“It’s despicable but not shocking that 62 Democrats joined Republicans to refute the Gaza death toll,” one Democratic staffer told The Intercept. “Democratic leadership should be ashamed for refusing to take a stand and call out the blatant anti-Palestinian racism and genocide denial in our party.”
Moskowitz and Gottheimer are among several Democrats who have repeatedly worked to undermine the movement for Palestinian rights and pro-Palestinian speech.
In April, the pair joined Republicans to lead a resolution condemning the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as antisemitic. In December, the duo joined Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise to lead a resolution condemning university presidents and calling for their resignations for allegedly tolerating antisemitism on campus. In November, the two Democrats joined 20 others in censuring Tlaib, for reasons that included posting a video calling for a ceasefire that contained the phrase “from the river to the sea.”
Gottheimer has gone even further, calling Democrats who don’t support Israel a “cancer” and suggesting that Muslims in America are “guilty” of Hamas’s attack on October 7. Along with Lawler, he headlined a call hosted by No Labels, in which he spoke with university trustees about how to push the FBI to take a bigger role in investigating campus protests. During that call, Lawler suggested that student protests for Palestine were the type of activity that inspired the TikTok ban.
The pair also joined 60 other Democrats in expressing their “disgust” at South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide and praising White House spokesperson John Kirby for calling it “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basic in fact whatsoever.” Not long after, the International Court of Justice concluded that Israel is plausibly committing genocide.
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mojave-pete · 11 months
Here Are The 22 Republicans Who Voted Against Jordan: 
Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon voted for Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.
Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan voted for Florida Rep. Byron Donalds.
Colorado Rep. Ken Buck then voted for House Majority Whip Tom Emmer.
Oregon Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer voted for McCarthy.
New York Rep. Anthony D’Esposito voted for New York GOP Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin.
Florida Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart voted for Scalise.
Texas Rep. Jake Ellzey voted for California Rep. Mike Garcia.
Georgia Rep. Drew Ferguson voted for Scalise
New York Rep. Andrew Garbarino voted for Zeldin.
Florida Rep. Carlos Giménez voted for McCarthy.
Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales voted for Scalise.
Texas Rep. Kay Granger voted for Scalise.
Michigan Rep. John James voted for former Michigan Rep. Candice Miller
Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly voted for former Speaker of the House John Boehner.
Virginia Rep. Jen Kiggans voted for McCarthy.
New York Rep. Nick LaLota voted for Zeldin.
New York Rep. Mike Lawler voted for McCarthy.
Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks ended up voting for Granger.
Florida Rep. John Rutherford voted for Scalise.
Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson also voted for Scalise.
Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber voted for Arkansas Rep. Bruce Westerman.
Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack voted for Scalise.
These RINOs (democRats) need to be un elected!
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blowflyfag · 10 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : JUNE 1996
Shawn Michaels 1996 Royal Rumble Winner!
By George Napolitano
On January 21 in Fresno, California, Shawn Michaels accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he outlasted 29 other competitors to win the 1996 Royal Rumble. Going into the Rumble no one knew how Michaels would fare as he had been advised by doctors to retire from the sport due to complications from injuries he had sustained in an unprovoked non-wrestling-related attack outside a Syracuse, New York, nightclub. But Michaels was undaunted. He was determined to continue his career and his quest for the WWF title despite numerous pleas from his doctors and close friends (Ed. Note: See related story on page 16), and despite the great odds “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels accomplished his dream.
To win the 1996 Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels had to withstand a barrage of punishment from quite a few very tough men. On his way to victory Michaels personally eliminated Vader, Yokozuna, the 1-2-3 Kid, Jerry Lawler, Owen Hart, Dr. Yankem and the British Bulldog. After everyone else had been eliminated the only man left was his good friend and former champion. Diesel. Then, using a swift side karate kick, Michaels sensent the seven- foot ex-champion sailing right out of the ring. With This Shawn Michaels had done the seemingly impossible: He won the Royal Rumble for the second straight year. 
With his victory in the 1996 Royal RUmble, Shawn Michaels earned the right to wrestle the WWF champion on March 29 at Wrestlemania XII in Anaheim, California. 
ROYAL RUMBLE 1996 Order Eliminated : By
Bob Backlund : Yokozuna
Henry Godwinn : Jake Roberts 
Mabel : Yokozuna
Omiri : Jake Roberts
Dory Funk : Savio Vega
Jake Roberts :  Vader 
Doug Gilbert : Vader
Squat Team #1 : Vader
Squat Team #2 : Yokozuna
Savio Vega : Vader
Vader : Shawn Michaels 
Yokozuna : Shawn Michaels
1-2-3 Kid : Shawn Michaels 
Hakushi : Shawn Michaels 
Aldo Montoya : Tatanka 
Jerry Lawler : Shawn Michaels 
Tatanka : Diesel
Bob Holly : The Ringmaster: Steve Austin
Hunter Hearst Helmsley : Diesel
Barry Horowitz : OWen Hart
Owen Hart : Shawn Michaels 
Marty Jannetty : The British Bulldog
The Ringmaster : Kama
Fatu : Dr Yankem
Dr Yankem : Shawn Michaels 
Duke Droese : Kame and Diesel 
The Bulldog : Shawn Michaels 
Kama : Diesel 
Diesel : Shawn Michaels 
[Goldust won the Intercontinental Championship on the Royal Rumble card by defeating “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon. 
Shawn Michaels won the WWF Royal Rumble for the second year in a row, despite suffering from a “post-concussion syndrome” that threatened to end his career.]
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faerie-hideaway · 10 months
U.S. users email your representatives this, and make sure to include your zip code:
I am your constituent. I am strongly in favor of defunding Israel. I want my opinion logged on every single one of these pieces of legislation. It is an atrocity that the USA is sending our taxpayer dollars, weaponry, and other support to Israel in order to aid in the genocide of the Palestinian people. It does not reflect the will of your constituents, and I demand that you correct this by voting for/against the following bills, resolutions, and legislation.
To be frank, I will be basing my vote for you in upcoming elections on this issue. I will be watching closely to see how you vote on issues regarding funding to Israel. I will not vote for you in the next election if you vote to send any money, support, or weaponry to Israel. I will be voting for you if you vote to block money, support, and weaponry to Israel.
This is the current legislation I am for, and the current legislation I am against. I would like your office to record my opinion for each bill, and I would like you to take this into consideration when you vote.
I am FOR the following, and expect you to vote for this and co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
H.Res. 786: by Rep. Cori Bush
H.Res. 388 by Rep. Rashida Tlaib
H.R. 3103 by Rep. Betty McCollum
I am against Joe Biden’s proposal to spend billions of dollars on Israel via a package for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the US border. Biden is asking for $100 BILLION for this package and it is only 1 YEAR'S worth of funding. This is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, and I am against you voting for ANY bill that spends even $1 on Israel. I do not care what else is in the bill. If it gives money to Israel, I am against it.
I am AGAINST the following, and expect you to vote against this and not co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
S. 3083 by Sen. Bill Hagerty [R-TN]
S.Res. 417 by Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer [D-NY]
H.Res. 797 by Rep. Cory Mills [R-FL7]
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines [R-MT]
H.Res. 796 by Rep. Ernest “Tony” Gonzales [R-TX23]
S.Res. 413 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 552 by Rep. Lance Gooden
H.R. 5959 by Thomas Tiffany
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines
H.Res. 789 by Rep. Jefferson Van Drew
H.Res. 771 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.R. 5932 by Rep. David Schweikert
H.Res. 768 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.Res. 770 by Rep. Zachary (Zach) Nunn
H.Res. 701 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
H.Con.Res. 61 by Rep. Janice “Jan” Schakowsky
S. 2587 by Sen. Jon Tester
H.Res. 606 by Rep. Andrew Ogles
S. 2413 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
S. 2438 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4709 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
S.Con.Res. 14: by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.Con.Res. 57 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 4665 by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
S. 2265 by Sen. Dan Sullivan
S. 2226 by Sen. John F. “Jack” Reed
H.Res. 581 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 2240 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4564 by Rep. Claudia Tenney
H.R. 4365 by Rep. Ken Calvert
H.R. 4076 by Rep. Chris Pappas
H.R. 3932 by Rep. Michael Turner
H.R. 3907 by Rep. Lois Frankel
S. 1802 by Sen. Gary Peters
H.R. 3792 by Rep. Joe Wilson
S. 1777 by Sen. Jacky Rosen
H.R. 3393 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
H.Res. 409 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
S. 1637 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 3266 by Rep. Brad Sherman
S. 1504 by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.R. 3099 by Rep. Michael Lawler
S.Res. 188 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
H.Res. 346 by Rep. Randy Weber
H.R. 2973 by Rep. Cathy Anne McMorris Rodgers
S. 1334: by Sen. Jacky Rosen
S. 1300 by Sen. Benjamin Cardin
H.Res. 311 by Rep. Ann Wagner
H.R. 2670 by Rep. Mike Rogers
H.R. 2531 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
S. 1143 by Sen. Jerry Moran
H.R. 1777 by Rep. Joe Wilson
H.R. 1218 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 1102 by Rep. Chip Roy
S. 510 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 489 by Sen. Rick Scott
S. 430 by Sen. James Risch
S. 431 by Sen. James Risch
H.R. 987 by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
H.Res. 92 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
H.Res. 76 by Rep. Max Miller
H.R. 687 by Rep. Gregory Steube
H.R. 211 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 224 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 189 by Sen. Marco Rubio
I am against any legislation that allows troops to deploy to the Middle East in support roles for Israel, as proposed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
I am against Netanyahu’s ground invasion of Gaza, which will inevitably lead to mass killings of Palestinian civilians and escalate violence. If there are any future bills supporting this, you need to vote against them and not co-sponsor.
The U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Act stipulate that only Congress can authorize the president to use military force in a foreign war, except in cases of self-defense. Previous administrations from both parties have ignored this, with unauthorized strikes in places like Syria and Libya. I want you to stand against ANY use of military force that supports Israel or hurts Palestine.
And of course, I am against the usual funding of $3.8 billion PER YEAR to Israel. This 10-year agreement began in 2016. I do not want a renewal in 2026, and in the next election, I will vote for representatives who WILL NOT VOTE TO FUND ISRAEL. I will be keeping track of how you vote now, and I will not vote for you if you decide to fund Israel in any way.
I am a single-issue voter for this. I want you to defund Israel. I do not want a single dollar spent on supporting Israel. I will be paying attention to how you vote in the upcoming weeks and months, and if you vote to fund or provide weapons, troops, or intelligence to Israel, I will NOT vote for you in the next election.
We are paying attention to the budget. We know when you're giving aid to a country committing genocide instead of helping your constituents in the USA. Both myself and tens of thousands of other constituents have spent years saying that we don’t want our hard-earned taxpayer dollars going to Israel. The lack of willingness to fund anything for American citizens, but the quickness with which you take action for Israel is telling. It is unacceptable.
As an elected official, you have the opportunity to listen to the public and stand against genocide. Israel is currently committing war crimes against Palestine. You can stop this by defunding Israel. THOUSANDS of Palestinian people have been killed, 1/3 of them children, in just a couple of days. One child every 15 minutes is being killed. YOU can prevent this by refusing to send additional weapons and funding to Israel.
We are currently spending BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR on Israel. I do not want my money going towards the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. Not a dollar more.
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Shawn Michaels x Fem Reader- "Crowded Table"
Some famous wrestling commentators used to be professional wrestlers, such as Jerry Lawler, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Gorilla Monsoon, Larry Zybyzko and Bobby Heenan.
There also have been professional wrestlers who have stepped in and done wrestling commentary themselves---"Macho Man" Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Jeff Hardy, Chyna, Lita, Val Venis, you name it.
You've been a World Wrestling Federation/WWE superstar and you've done some commentary occassionally yourself, and you love it.
The good thing about when wrestlers and commentators do commentary, they sit in front of a table.
But have wrestling commentators ever done something like this?
On a "Sunday Night Heat" episode that aired in August 1998, Shawn Michaels was sitting at the commentary table while you were standing next to the ring.
Shawn had his long hair hanging down when he sat at the commentary table, he looks so good with this new hair he had during the summer of that year.
You were dressed in a typically skimpy outfit, not to mention didn't do much in the match except for distract the opponents.
While you were standing next to the ring, there were times you were standing several inches in front of the table Shawn was sitting behind with your back turned in front of him as well as this table.
You were leaning your chest forward and resting your forearms on the corner of the ring, not doing this to seduce, but watch this match.
Shawn's eyes were focused on you during this match, but how could he not be distracted over you?
Luckily, Shawn's legs and especially his lap was underneath the top of this commentary table so people wouldn't see what he was about to do.
His chair he sat in was pushed as close to the table as much as it could, so he could hide his hand and his lap.
As you were standing several inches nearby the table Shawn was sitting by, and while his lap was hiding under this table, one of Shawn's hands reached under the table and slipped underneath his pants.
Thankfully, the camera didn't seem to catch his hand under the table sliding under his pants.
Despite that Shawn and these commentators are sitting in front of fans, hopefully the fans sitting behind Shawn won't see his hand sneak under his pants.
Shawn has been sitting in between 2 other commentators while he sits at the commentary table as well as his hand enters under his pants.
Now that his hand was under both of his pants as well as his boxers, Shawn's hand grabbed his penis and began to masturbate it, stroke up and down it.
Blood was forming and rushing to his dick from seeing you near the ring, making his cock grow harder.
Shawn wanted to you to stay in the spot you were standing so he could focus on looking at you and masturbating to you, but even you walked to another corner, he'd still jack off to you.
Wrestling as we all know it is staged and scripted, so Shawn Michaels masturbating to you was something you already knew about.
Shawn would love to unbutton his pants and pull his dick out to jack off, but his penis would be exposed on television.
While he may be secretly masturbating to you, his hand jerking his erection isn't being filmed by the camera.
His hand has been underneath the table this entire time, and some people in the audience are wondering and thinking "Why is Shawn's hand under the table?".
Hopefully precum won't fall out of his slit from masturbating.
During this match, you walked in different corners around the ring.
However, Shawn still had his eyes focused on you.
Shawn may be jacking off to you, but he isn't just obsessed with and focused on you.
He also said a few things during the match that weren't related to you, not to mention his eyes sometimes watched this match.
Some people in the audience saw his hand slip under his hands and stay there, where the fans could see his hand moving about under his pants in his crotch area looking like he's jerking off.
These fans who saw what his hand did (and what it's currently doing) got a huge rise out of this, their eyes growing wide and their eyebrows raising while their mouths spread from ear to ear in either shock or amusement.
Some people covered their appalled mouths with their hands, whereas others pointed to his hand and laughed and others cheered and roared.
There were many moments where the camera was filming in front of the commentary table Shawn was sitting behind while he was masturbating, where the camera didn't film his hand jerking off.
If the camera did film him masturbating, it probably would've gotten him arrested for lewd behavior, but it would give him some attention, even if it's negative publicity.
Eventually, Shawn's hand let go of his penis and left his pants, where he didn't masturbate to you anymore.
Masturbating at the commentary table seems like something Val Venis would most likely do, since his wrestling gimmick is a porn star.
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Call the CLOWNS & tell them to vote for Jordan or RESIGN
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BREAKING: Jordan LOSES Second Bid to Become Speaker - Here are the 22 Turncoat RINOS Who Voted Against Him and Defied We the People | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
Don Bacon (NE-2nd)- Kevin McCarthy
Linda Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th)- McCarthy
Anthony D’Esposito-(NY-4th) Lee Zeldin
Vern Buchanan (FL-16th)- Byron Donalds
Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd) -Zeldin
Jake Ellzey (TX-6th) – Mike Garcia
Jen Higgins (VA-2nd) – McCarthy
Drew Ferguson (GA-3rd)- Steve Scalise
Ken Buck (CO-4th)- Zeldin
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th)- Scalise
Nick Lalota (NY-1st)- Zeldin
Kay Granger (TX-12th) – Scalise
Mike Lawler (NY-17th)- McCarthy
Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd) – Kay Granger
John James (MI-10th)- Candice Miller
Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd)- Scalise
Carols Gimenez (FL-28th)- McCarthy
Mike Kelly (PA-16th) – John Boehner🤦‍♂️
John Rutherford (FL-5th) -Scalise
Mike Simpson (ID-2nd)- Scalise
Pete Stauber (MN-8th) – Bruce Westerman
Steve Womack (AR-3rd)- Scalise
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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djs-party-edm-italia · 11 months
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Circus beatclub Brescia, 5 party a fine ottobre ’23: 26/10 Dj Endrixx (Rehab), 27/10 Offbeat, 28/10 Crush, 29/10 Albert Marzinotto (Panorama), 31/10 AE is Screaming!
Ben 5 party animano l'infinito weekend di Circus beatclub Brescia che inizia con 24 ore di anticipo, la sera di giovedì 26 ottobre e finisce solo all'alba dell'1 novembre 2023. Andiamo con ordine, perché raccontare i party tutti da ballare non è facile.
Si parte come dicevamo giovedì 26 ottobre ancora con il ritmo potente di Rehab, che questa volta in console insieme a Jay-K, sempre scatenato con il suo sound hip hop (è, tra l'altro, il dj ufficiale di Guè), porta anche il top dj francese Endrixx. Considerato da molti il dj in maggiore ascesa a Parigi, si è già esibito con star come Dj Craze, il celeberrimo rapper Travis Scott e Rick Ross. Il suo sound mette insieme, R&B, tracce old school, trap 'sporca e non manca un tocco di reggae. 
E al Circus beatclub Brescia dopo i party di venerdì 27 ottobre (Offbeat),  sabato 28 per l'evento Crush in console sono protagonisti Dr.Space e About Gala, professionisti del mixer capaci di far ballare chiunque. 
Ecco poi in programma una grande novità per domenica 29 ottobre. Parte infatti la domenica firmata Circus beatclub Brescia: è Panorama, che quest'anno ha un resident dj d'eccezione, ovvero Albert Marzinotto. Atipico, divertente e spensierato, ecco come si descrive l'artista, nato a Venezia nel 1989.  Nel 2015 vince il format TOP DJ andato in onda su Sky Uno, e questo gli permette di aumentare la sua popolarità e i suoi sostenitori, nello stesso anno realizza il suo primo singolo "Safe and Sound" dalle sonorità Deep/Tropical-House ed inizia a far ballare la gente in diversi luogo noti, come il Muretto di Jesolo, gli MTV Digital Days a Monza, la Praja di Gallipoli. Ha poi aperto più volte concerti di Jovanotti.  Recentemente le sue tracce sono state suonate dai migliori dj della scena underground tra cui Loco Dice, Marco Carola, Nic Fanciulli, Luciano , Steve Lawler e molti altri. La sua musica è un equilibrio perfetto tra lo stile Old School rappresentato dai vinili assieme agli strumenti elettronici che utilizza ad ogni sua esibizione come computer, controller, Synth e Drum Machine.
Già definito anche il programma di Halloween. Martedì 31 ottobre al Circus beatclub Brescia la festa è AE is Screaming! L'evento è in collaborazione con AF Staff, il divertente e colorato Student party di Brescia e Soncino.
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
ingresso a pagamento con consumazione
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1996
We’re rumbling into 1996.
Spoilers for past Rumbles.
Sunny, from her bathtub, warns us viewer indiscretion is advised. The Attitude Era doesn’t officially begin until 1997 but hints of it began way back in 1995 with the Pamela Anderson skit and continues with Sunny’s vignettes.
The undercard:
Jeff Jarrett vs Ahmed Johnson. Meh.
The Bodydonnas (Chris Candido/Tom Prichard, accompanied by Sunny) vs the Smoking Guns (Billy & Bart) for the WWF Tag Team titles. More meh.
Billionaire Ted skit with a fake Hogan, Savage, and Mean Gene. We’re wasting pay per view time on this?
Recap of the Razor Ramon – Goldust feud. Mr Machismo doesn’t appreciate Golddust’s flirtations.
Golddust (accompanied by Marlena) vs Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title. Was this Terri Runnel’s debut for the WWF? The commentators refer to Marlena as an “unknown woman”. Golddust and Marlena’s gimmicks are forerunners to the Attitude Era. Marlena causes a distraction as the 1-2-3 Kid attacks Razor, allowing Dustin to pin Ramon and become the new Intercontinental champion.
Hype vignettes for Royal Rumble participants: Owen, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Vader, Shawn,
For the first time the Rumble does not end the pay per view – we still have a Bret/Taker match for the World championship. I never like when the Rumble itself doesn’t end the pay per view.
The entrants, in order of appearance:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Henry Godwin
Bob Backlund
Jerry Lawler
Bob “Spark Plug” Holly
Mabel (accompanied by Mo) Mo remains at ringside – there doesn’t seem to be year to year consistency on whether seconds are allowed to remain at ringside.
Jake “the Snake” Roberts
Dory Funk Jr (Vince notes Terry was also invited but is watching the ppv from Germany)
1-2-3 Kid (spends his first few minutes in the Rumble attempting to avoid an angry Razor)
Takao Omori (Vince actually mentions All-Japan by name!)
Savio Vega (formerly known as Kwang)
Vader (accompanied by Jim Cornette)
Doug Gilbert (Henning & Vince mention both USWA and Eddie Gilbert, Doug won a tournament in Memphis to qualify for the tournament)
Squat Team Member #1 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Squat Team Member #2 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Owen Hart
Shawn Michaels
Aldo Montoya
“The Ringmaster” Steve Austin
Barry Horowitz
Isaac Yankem, DDS
Marty Janetty
Davey Boy Smith
Duke Droese
 Winner: Shawn Michaels
Longest performance: Hunter Hearst Helmsley
First-time Rumblers: Hunter, Dory Funk Jr, 1-2-3 Kid, Omori, Vader, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers, Hakushi, Aldo Montoya, Steve Austin, Barry Horowitz, Isaac Yankem
Surprise Entrants: Dory Funk, Omori, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers
We have two “clear the ring without eliminating everyone” spots: Henry Godwin with his slop bucket (Backlund and Lawler are the recipients) and Jake Roberts using Damian (his snake) – Lawler gets covered with Damian. Was Lawler on someone’s shit list?
Vader does the “eliminate everyone” spot but as he was previously eliminated none of his eliminations count.
Lawler is the first participant in a Rumble to hide under the ring.
1996 is the first year all participants receive entrance music. Finally! A small thing but it adds to the presentation.
The pay-per-view ends with Bret Hart vs the Undertaker (accompanied by Paul Bearer).   Diesel causes a disqualification, costing Taker the match. The match was fine but I’m not a fan of Taker.
Interviews with Gorilla Monsoon, Shawn, Diesel, Vader, and Jim Cornette.
Rating: 4 out of 10
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Curt Hennig, Chris Candido, Razor Ramon, Mable (Visera), Yokozuna, Vader, Owen, Paul Bearer, Gorilla Monsoon
Total number of deceased individuals: 10 (down 5 from the previous Rumble).
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