#steroids liquids
corruptedcaps · 20 days
Transfusion Confusion
The following story is inspired by a prompt from the great @misseviehyde
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Emma tossed in her hospital bed trying to sleep but she knew from weeks of being there that it would be futile. It wasn't the bed or the room itself, which was relatively nice for a hospital, that kept her from sleeping. No it was her long prolonged illness that gave her insomnia.
Emma had been in an out of hospitals since she was young. She had a rare condition that would strike at anytime. It wasn't life threatening but it made being a functional adult nearly impossible. She would spend weeks like this alone in the hospital getting her body pumped full of steroids and hormones to return her body to normality.
Her condition made having a social life basically impossible. As a result she didn't have any friends, had never had a boyfriend, and even her parents had ran off when she was four. It was a pretty pitiful existence but it was the only one she knew.
The door creaked open, and Rita, a kind and friendly nurse Emma had known for years, walked in, pushing a bed with a comatose woman on it. The woman, despite her unconscious state, was strikingly beautiful, her features sharp and flawless.
Emma sat up, confused. "What's going on?"
"I'm sorry to wake you Emma. We're running out of space, and I hope you don’t mind if we put Veronica in here for now. She’s been comatose for a while, so she won’t cause any trouble. If she ever wakes up, that's when the trouble would start." Rita said with a tired smile.
"Why? What's her deal?" Emma said looking at the blonde haired beauty.
"You never heard of Veronica Steele before? Well count yourself lucky. She's a real piece of work. A week after she married the richest guy in town, her new husband fell mysteriously to his death. Of course no one could prove it was her but she didn't make it secret she enjoyed inheriting everything he had." Rita said as she hooked Veronica's bed up to the sensors.
"So how'd she end up in a coma?" Emma asked intrigued.
"Oh she partied a little too hard and over dosed. She loved to let loose any chance she could and she did it often. She broke up so many good relationships. That's why everyone called her the homewrecking queen. Although I know some who called her the Whorewrecker." Rita said blunted. She looked over at a shocked Emma.
"I'm sorry Emma, it's been a long shift, I don't know what I'm saying. I'll just hook up her IV and I'll be out of your hair. She'll only be here temporary, I promise." Rita said going back to finishing up.
Emma sighed and lay back down, pulling the thin hospital blanket up to her chest as Rita moved around the room. She closed her eyes as the nurse placed Veronica’s bag in the closet beside her bed and began setting up the IV drip.
Rita, clearly exhausted, fumbled with the tubing for a moment. Without a second thought, she connected Veronica to the same IV bag Emma was already attached to, her tired mind too clouded to notice the mistake.
"There we go," Rita mumbled, stepping back with a satisfied nod before quietly leaving the room.
As the room settled into silence, a soft bubbling sound came from the IV bag. A strange pink liquid began to seep from Veronica's drip, mixing with the clear solution. Slowly, it flowed down the tube, snaking its way toward Emma’s arm, the liquid now entering her bloodstream unnoticed.
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As the minutes ticked by, Emma began to feel a strange sensation coursing through her body. What started as a faint warmth soon blossomed into a surge of energy, filling her veins with a vitality she had never felt. Her frail limbs, once thin and weak, began to fill out, muscles tightening and expanding beneath her skin.
Opening her eyes she watched in awe as her arms and legs transformed, growing stronger, more defined. The sensation was intoxicating, a rush of pure, exhilarating strength, but the best was yet to come.
Emma’s gaze dropped to her chest as a tingling sensation spread through her. Her boobs, once modest and unremarkable, began to swell, growing larger with each passing breath. She gasped as they expanded beyond anything she had ever seen on another woman, full and heavy, straining against her hospital gown.
Emma's eyes drifted to the IV connected to her arm. The pink liquid was pumping in rhythm into her body. She followed the tubing up to the bag and back over to the lifeless Veronica.
She noticed with shock that Veronica’s once voluptuous body had become gaunt and frail. Her once full tits had shrunk to barely noticeable proportions. The life force, the very essence of Veronica’s power, was being siphoned into her.
Instinctively, Emma reached to remove the IV, but just as her fingers touched the line, a seductive voice echoed in her mind saying "Don’t!"
The voice seemed at once comforting and commanding. Desirable and demanding. It continued.
"Veronica has no use for her beauty trapped in that coma. It would be such a waste to not use it, don't you think?" The voice purred in Emma’s mind.
Emma’s hand hovered over the IV, trembling. She knew she should take it out in hopes to reverse whatever was happening but she couldn't deny how increasing good she was feeling.
"She had her fun, isn't it time you had some of your own? Isn't it time you got to feel alive?" The voice continued. She tried to resist, tried to shake off the influence of the voice, but the logic it offered was undeniable. Why should Veronica have a perfect body when she was nothing more than a shell?
"After all the years of being weak and pathetic, haven't you earned this? Don't you deserve this?" The voice hissed pleasantly.
Despite herself, Emma felt her lips curl into a smirk, the seductive reasoning taking hold. The voice was right. She did deserve this. Why not take what was freely flowing into her veins?
Emma let out a slow breath and lay back down on the bed, sinking into the thin mattress, as the changes continued to ripple through her body. Her once dull and lifeless hair began to shimmer with health, growing longer, thicker, and cascading down her shoulders in luxurious waves.
Her lips, which had always been chapped and thin, plumped into a full, sensuous pout. Emma ran her tongue over them, feeling their newfound softness, a wicked smile tugging at the corners.
She held her hand out and watched as her nails, once brittle and short, lengthened and hardened into perfectly painted manicured talons. She ran her hands over her new tits with pleasure, giving them a joyful squeeze.
Her body was red hot with desire for her own form and she needed release. Pushing her hands further south, she slipped them under her hospital gown. Had she'd known how good long nails felt in her pussy she would have had them done every week.
She let out a moan of carnal delight as her fingers got soaked with her own juices. She watched in glee as her all blemishes on her skin started to erase. Her pale complexion began to tan, erasing the years spend inside under fluorescents.
As her body transformed, so too did her mind. Her sweet and caring nature, moulded by years of loneliness and illness, was getting corrupted. Where once she desired human connection now it sickened her. She didn't need anyone, not when she was superior to them.
She felt an overwhelming surge of narcissism, a belief that she was better than everyone else, more beautiful, more powerful. Her thoughts turned mean, dismissive of others. Vanity and arrogance took root, feeding off her new obvious beauty. The voice in her head was no longer an intruder. It was a reflection of her own desires.
"Yesssss! I feel so fucking alive!" She groaned as she continued to pump herself. She watched with an evil grin as the last of the pink liquid flowed into her body. She timed her climax to that moment perfectly and with one swift motion, she ripped the IV from her arm, feeling the rush of her transformation, her orgasm, and the last of Veronica's essence in one.
Emma swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, feeling the solid strength in her legs. She leaned over backwards, catching herself on the ground and flipping back onto her feet with ease. She wasn't just cured, she had evolved.
Each step toward Veronica was deliberate, confident. She stood over the frail, unconscious woman, a sneer curling her lips. Veronica had all the imperfections that once plagued Emma. Thinning weak hair, pockmarked skin, unathletic limbs, unremarkable beauty.
Emma turned to Veronica's closet and eagerly ripped it open. She began rifling through the expensive clothes and luxurious belongings. She pulled out designer dresses, delicate lingerie, and sparkling jewelry, tossing them onto the bed with a satisfied smirk. Each item felt like another piece of the life she was meant to have, now finally hers.
However she found the biggest prize inside a designer bag. Pulling out her wallet, Emma grinned at the plethora of credit cards just crying out to be used and abused. She took out Veronica's ID and stood in front of the mirror with it next to her.
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"Yes of course I'm Veronica Steele, how dare you question me. I'll have you fired for even speaking to me worm." She said with a natural bratty tone that she knew would have everyone convinced she was Veronica in no time.
However out of the corner of her eye she saw something unexpected. Veronica was stirring. The transfer must have some how knocked her out of her coma. However Emma was not about to give up a life she had barely tasted. Picking up the pillow from her bed, Emma walked calmly but coldly over to Veronica.
Rita was having her 7th coffee of her shift, fighting against her drooping eyelids when the code blue alarm started to go off for Emma's room. The shock of the alarm was like taking seven coffees at once.
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Rushing to the room she got in just time to see a blonde bombshell pulling the bedsheet over Veronica.
"I'm sorry nurse but the little urchin girl who was in here with me is gone. I think Emma was her name." Said the blonde, turning around with a face that conveyed no hint of sadness.
Despite her extreme transformation and the fact that she was in Veronica's designer clothes, Rita was not fooled by who the blonde was.
"Emma? What happened? You look…" Rita said before being cut off by Emma.
"Nurse Rita, you are delirious with exhaustion. I am Veronica Steele." Emma said, her voice smooth as silk but carrying a hint of menace.
"I don't know what has happened or what you have done to the real Veronica but it's ok we can fix this." Rita said bewildered but trying to get a grasp on the situation.
"Nurse you forget your place and you forget who you are talking to! I will buy this hospital and turn it into a landfill if you keep talking like this." Emma said, her ire palpaple. And yet Rita could not condone what was happening.
"No, this isn't right, I can't...." Rita said trailing off as Emma slowly approached her intimating her.
"Listen here you fucking cunt. You will report the unremarkable death of Emma Smith. You will also report on my miraculous recovery, Veronica Steele. If you don't I will see you hang for the death of that useless bag of bones laying over there. Understand?" Emma said with a whisper that was somehow more intense than her shouting.
Rita looked up at fear at the woman she had taken care of for years, seeing no part of her left.
"Y-yes... of course." Rita said trembling.
"Yes what?" Emma said starting to smirk.
"Y-yes... Ms. Steele." Rita replied. Emma satisfied and more than a little bit aroused at hearing her new name, stood back from Rita in triumphant.
"Good. Now go order me a fucking car." Emma said, turning her smirk into a cold pout. Rita quickly scurried out of the room.
Emma walked over to the closet and picked up the bag that contained the begins of her new life. She stepped over to the door and took one last look where the real Veronica lay.
"I wish I could say I was sorry, but that wouldn't be very Veronica of me." She said with a cackle as she left the room.
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himbofan4444 · 10 months
Greg had been dying to become popular, but his slender frame and lack of friends heavily detracted from that. He joined the wrestling team as a last ditch effort to gain attention, but he was exceedingly poor at it. One day he went to the coach to ask for help.
“Coach, I think I’m going to quit the team.”
“Why? You have so much potential.”
“To be honest, I don’t care if I have potential. I just want to be popular.”
“Oh you do? Well wrestling should help with that.”
“Not if I never win.”
“What if I made it so you did win?”
“How would you do that?”
“Listen Greg. Nobody knows about this but I have a steroid to help you grow overnight. Would you be interested?”
“What? Overnight? Can I have it now?”
“Hold on tiger. I wanted to give it to you at the lock-in next weekend just to make sure you don’t die. You interested?”
“Of course, sir!”
“Great I’ll see you next weekend then.”
After a week of anticipation, Greg went to the school for the lock-in. He was quickly pulled aside by the coach.
“Here kid. You have to inject it in one of your buttcheeks. Now go.”
Greg shakily pushed the needle into his buttcheek and injected the mysterious liquid. There was no instant effect. He walked to sit in the coach’s office as instructed. The coach sat seated in front of Greg to observe the changes.
“When is it supposed to start working?”
“It takes about twenty minutes I believe.”
They sat in silence until Greg felt a pulsing throughout his body.
“Oh I think I can feel it working.”
He felt his legs and back stretch quickly, his previous 4’11” self left as a 6’4” giant.
“Woah. I’m huge!”
“Oh kid this is just the beginning.”
His face changed rapidly. His once youthful face was replaced with a much more masculine one. His jaw and chin grew massive, his chin gaining a noticeable dimple. His lips grew plump and juicy. His nose grew wider and more prominent. His eyes got smaller and changed to a crystal blue. His eyebrows got thicker and shifted to rest lower on his face. His hair became blonde and grew into a curly mullet. He grew a dense pornstache as well.
His body was the next target. His neck widened significantly and his adam’s apple grew much larger. His shoulders widened and grew more muscular. His traps swelled and started to swallow his neck. His biceps swelled along with his triceps and forearms. His hands grew to double the size and his fingers grew thick and meaty. His once nonexistent pecs changed into huge muscle tits. His nipples got thicker. His lats and back swelled, his whole silhouette gaining significant size. His stomach formed a six-pack. His thighs grew huge, perfect for wrapping around his opponents. They were so large he could not comfortably walk. His calves swelled. His feet changed into an absurd size 20. They were so big he would constantly trip over them. His butt grew fat and fuckable, so that they would jiggle when he walked. His penis grew massive. It expanded to a monstrous uncut 12 inches with huge balls.
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“Oh fuck that feels good…”
Greg flinched at hearing his voice. It was comically deep as he was comically large.
“How am I supposed to pass as a middle schooler? I’m huge!”
“You are a middle schooler, but you’re not 12 anymore.”
Greg tried to understand what he was just told but then the mental changes hit him all at once. His once high intellect shrunk to almost nothing. He couldn’t focus on anything except for his dick. He is now coach’s son and star player. He couldn’t pass 7th grade even at 19 years old. He has an IQ of 60 now, too stupid to do anything except wrestle, jerk off, and get fucked by his dad. He grew thick body hair all over, mostly around his armpits, balls, and chest. He gained a strong musk so strong his dad started to gag. Greg, or Gavin now, is the most popular guy at school, even if everyone has to plug their noses when talking to him. Coach hands him his a large hoodie, sweatpants, and huge shoes.
“Go put this on.”
“K Dad.”
Gavin pulls the clothes over his thick muscles, his huge dick and ass accentuated due to the tight fabric. He stomps his foot, causing his thick ass to jiggle hypnotically.
“Dad… I’m hornyyyyyy… Please fuck meee…”
“Gavin you know I can’t right now. I’m on duty. Maybe you should go play with the other kids.”
Gavin smiles and waddles away back to the gym, stumbling over his giant feet. He paws at his monster cock and pulls at his ass. He lifts his buff arm and sticks his face into the dense forest of hair in his armpit. He collapses on the floor and starts to masturbate to his obscene odor. He quickly realizes it’s impossible to smell his pits and wrap both of his hands around his huge cock, making him frustrated. He awkwardly stands up and forces his dick into the wall. He aggressively thrusts into the wall while lapping up the sweat accumulating in his hairy pits. He loudly pants and moans as he approaches climax. He releases copious amounts of cum, not even emptying his huge balls. He howls in pleasure as he falls back onto his fat jiggly ass. He passes out, his cock still sticking straight up.
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Jason was cursed. That was all he really knew.
Stalking through the shadows was second nature to him thankfully. He didn't know how the others would react if they saw him like this but he needed help to reverse whatever this was.
Maybe if he took out some criminals the other bats would realize he wasn't exactly what he seemed and prompt an investigation. Luckily for him there was an armored vehicle being robbed nearby.
He enjoyed the screams of terror let out by the two remaining robbers once they spotted him. Taking out the first few had been easy but now he needed to play with them until one of the other bats appeared. Jason was playfully dodged bullets, prompting one of the robbers to swear, "I was expecting sassy bats, not Tony the Tiger on steroids!"
"Forget the money man!" The other said as he rushed on top of a nearby dumpster "I don't wanna be eaten!"
Dumpster guy went down with a thud as Red Robin landed nearby, bo staff at the ready. Great! Tim will probably notice the unconscious but very not dead people at Jason's feet...paws...and understand that Tigers don't just do that. Especially ones big enough to place a saddle on and ride like a horse.
Fortunately thats exactly what happened, unfortunately tim came to the assumption that Unnaturally large tiger + targeted attacks + enhanced intelligence = escaped animal experiment. It makes sense and Jason is mad he didn't think about it which lead to him having to run from Tim as his little brother tries to sedate him from a distance so he can take the giant tiger to the zoo.
A zoo! They were actually going to put him in a zoo! Jason whirled around, finding himself cornered by Tims gadgets and cunning, only for Tim to stop, appear confused and start looking for Jason even though he was right in front of him.
A tapping on his paw had him looking down.
There, next to the furry orange of his foot looked to be a liquid shadow with Lazarus green eyes. I can explain. The shadow said, but we need to get away from the bird first.
Once they were safe from the bats the shadow introduced himself as Phantom and revealed he had been cursed by the same person who cursed Jason and proposed they they worked together to remove thier curses and defeat the person who did this to them.
Jason had no objections and Phantoms powers were very useful, even if he was stuck as a liquid shadow. Jason's curse was difficult to break but they managed to get it halfway so where Jason could shift between man and beast like a werewolf, Phantoms wasn't so easy.
Phantoms curse actually removed parts of his spirit and embedded them into precious gems and jewelry across the globe. It sounded like a hassle but from what he gathered about Phanton was that he was a recently deceased teen and Jason wasn't about to just abandon him.
Aka Twilight Princess with a batpham twist
Also Damian is hellbent on adopting the rideable Tiger, much to Jason's mortification
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
Truth- B. Barnes
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader Warnings: truth serum, ooc (its so hard keeping bucky and a truth serum in the same fic?) About: truth serum, request. (ph1+df31) Forgive for mistakes. why do i kind of hate this now
“Where’s this thing supposed to be again?”
Not missing a beat, you continue to survey the wide lab table in front of you, deft fingers careful when they tilt small vials at an angle so you can squint at the contents. “Things. Where are these things supposed to be.”
“Things, then,” Sam mutters, a fragile clinking noise following.
“Be careful,” you chirp, cocking your head at a thick tube with thick, dark liquid. You hold it up to the light, finally able to read the contents. “Whoa.”
“Did you know Hydra made hair nutrients, essentially? This is, like, the evil solution to baldness.”
“You’re kidding,” Sam crows, stepping closer to examine what you’re holding.
“High amounts of minoxidil, some weird fungus, and something that sounds like finasteride on steroids. Also, probably steroids.”
“Bet they could make a fortune on it.”
“If it works in a way approved by the FDA. Like I said, evil solution.” You grimace and set it back on the desk. “Did you find anything yet?”
“No. There’s slime and weird little liquids everywhere but no big-ass, weirdly-shaped tube marked deadly,” Sam grumbles, nose wrinkling as he catches sight of a limp plant. “Do you think that’s a normal dead plant? Or something freaky and poisonous?”
“Probably the latter,” you hum. “And I really, really doubt Hydra would be so stupid as to have the most cliched image of a toxin representing their mysterious poison.” You pause at a large, bumpy glass. “This one is pretty weird,” you say contrastingly, carefully picking it up with two gloved fingers. “Von innen brennt,” you read.
“What does that mean?” Sam asks.
“Burn from within.” You inhale sharply, and tuck it into your chemical storage container. “I really don’t think we should be leaving this in here,” you reason.
“I don’t think we should be leaving anything in here,” Sam adds, pointing to another bottle. “Weltschmerz,” he recites. “What’s that?”
“It’s… it’s apathy. There’s no good translation but it literally means ‘world pain,’” you frown as you grab it, too, twisting it in your fingers. “Bruce and I are going to have a field day.” You tuck it inside the container and purse your lips. “In a morose way.”
Sam shoots you a quick look. “Right.”
You bring your index to your ear and connect to Bucky’s channel. “Hey, how’re you doing?”
“I fuckin’ hate Hydra.”
“Yeah, it’s not great over here, either. We still have that huge lab to check over; are you done with yours?”
“Yeah, I’ll meet you there.”
You confirm, scanning the room once more and sighing softly. “Be careful, okay?”
“I am.”
“Then continue,” you quip, narrowing your eyes at a fat bottle with a tiny opening, translucent candy red sticky inside of it. You poke it to teeter so you can see the label, seeing something unintelligible but missing the necessary ideogram. “We’re not even sure what this stuff is yet.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out the moment you see it,” Bucky comforts. Your face heats up, lips pulled to one side as you avoid Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“Right,” you mumble, straightening up. “Uh, we should probably head over there now.”
“Right,” Sam parrots, long and curved with a smile.
You shoot him a look over your shoulder as you walk out, disconnecting from Bucky before responding. “Shut up.”
“I’m not doing anything!” he argues, hands up in surrender. He follows you out chuckling.
“You know exactly what you’re doing,” you murmur, shooting him a final glare as you turn a corner into another dull hall. Grimly, you observe the doors you pass them, perking up when you hear familiar muted footsteps ahead.
Bucky catches your eye, lips turning up a little at the sight of you. You catch his pupils flicker down your figure once you’re closer, snagging on a darkened spot right above your right knee.
“I spilled some water,” you explain, fingers dipping unconsciously to brush against the purported area. “No harm done.”
He moves and the ruby tucked in the crevice of his thumbnail catches your eye. Like an instinct, you reach for his hand, a frown pulling on your lips as you observe the small gash on his thumb. 
“Hangnail,” he responds to your silent question, rubbing small circles into the side of your palm. “M’okay.” 
You’re pleased to affirm so, bumping his shoulder gently after you sneak a glance at Sam. “Okay. How’re you doing, hangnail aside?” 
His eyes constellate among your features and he manages some sort of comfort in his expression. “Bored.”
“Great.” Your voice is soft and pleased. He agrees.
You fall silent once again when the intended lab comes into view, Bucky’s large frame stepping half in front of you to prevent you from getting to it first. He pushes the door open before you can, left hand hovering above his weapon as he scans a room already cleared before letting you in, the same fingers that reached for a gun now grazing the small of your back.
Sam raises an eyebrow but remains silent, watching Bucky’s eyes follow you as you head toward the other side of the room to look through a multitude of vials. They don’t waver even after you spare him a reassuring glance crinkled with a tiny smile.
Quietly, he walks over to Bucky, who’s definitely aware of the movement but startles when he leans in close and taps his shoulder. “Strange man-made horror to find,” he reminds. “You can stare later.”
Bucky squares his jaw, metal fingers moving to graze uselessly along the glasses. “I’m aware, Sam.”
“Uh huh.”
It’s nearly silent then, tinged by brittle clinking and quick glances so heavy they seem loud.
Bucky is tired. Sam is tired. Most importantly, you’re tired—and it makes someone like Bucky a little careless.
He’s very sure he won’t be the one who finds the culprit matching Bruce’s description, which means he isn’t as careful as he should be when he ducks his head and inhales something so pungent it’s startling. He flinches back, making the steel shelf teeter. Both his hands shoot out to steady it, flesh fingers bending close to an undulating liquid that spills little bubbles onto his skin, burning sharply into the broken crevices of his nails.
What follows is worse. Clandestinely, a smudged window closes around his brain. It’s subtle and awful, like his mind processes become blurry and slow while outwardly remaining consistent. He keeps himself from stumbling but is sure his eyes round dismally, blinking owlishly as he struggles to catch up with himself.
It all happens in the quick span of a second before he opens his eyes and everything seems normal again, although something tugs thinly from the back of his mind. Super-soldier sanity, he guesses. He looks down at the cause and sees a match, vial open and a dizzyingly clear liquid stationary inside. A red symbol stamps the label, unnamed.
“I think I have something,” he says, cringing at how far away he sounds. Just when he feels the prickling of doubt, everything clicks into agonizingly perfect place. “This might be it.” Unthinkingly, he curves a finger around the neck of the bottle and holds it up.
“Whoa, there,” Sam warns.
You’re next to him fast, taking it away carefully.
“It was open when I found it,” Bucky supplies.
You nod at him distractedly, producing a lid from your pocket to close the beaker and observe it, thankfully protected fingers twisting it around in the light. 
“It matches the description,” he adds.
“Yes,” you mumble distractedly, half in response to him and half in thought. “This is it,” you lower it into your transfer box and grin up earnestly at him when you close it, “good job, Bucky.” It’s very sweet.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. “S’what is it?”
“I’m not that smart,” you laugh.
Bucky disagrees.
“It’s probably not too dangerous. Not airborne, at least, since it was uncapped like that.” you contemplate a little more, looking back up at Bucky. Your pupils set in a way more calculating. “How close did you get to this? Did you inhale it?”
“No. I don’t think so. I smelled something, but it wasn’t that.” Bucky juts a finger behind him. “Maybe the rotted plant. Probably.” 
“Okay.” You say it rounded, edged with lightly veiled concern. “Tell me if you feel weird at all, okay?”
“Of course.”
Sam comes up from behind you, annoyed. “Okay. Are we done here? Can y’all flirt on the jet? I’m hungry.”
“You get so bitter when you’re jealous,” you bite, shooting Bucky a final, doubtful glance before tugging on his hand to leave.
“Am I so transparent,” Sam deadpans.
Bucky contemplates his strange state as he trudges back to the jet, taking quick notice of how dry his mouth has become, his tongue voluble. What he’s hazed with reminds him of oak bar tables and smoke, drunk confidence summery in his chest. He feels fine, he’s sixty-three percent sure. He thinks.
He’s in front of the jet before he can process the journey over, trying to shake away what feels like a creasing tug to his cling film mind. Your eyes are on him, and it looks like it’s not the first time, lashes kissing anxiously. Sam clambers inside, and you wait for Bucky right next to the doors.
“Are you okay?”
“Tired,” he tells you.
You’re about to respond when Sam shouts for you to hurry. Bucky scowls in his general direction, although it dissolves at your amusement.
“It’s okay, c’mon.” You guide him inside, seemingly unbothered as he follows you around like a puppy. “Do you want to take a nap on the way back?”
“Can I sleep on you?” he asks too rawly. You startle subtly with it, but recover quickly, a pale beam on your features.
“Yeah.” You smile at him, entirely saccharine. “Let me just get everything into the containment units.”
He sits in the seat next to your usual spot and stares after you as you walk away, appreciating the concentrated point of your expression as you fiddle with the storage settings.
“Maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance,” Sam cuts in, slumping next to him.
“I do talk to her,” Bucky argues. “I talk to her all the time. It’s just… she’s pretty.”
Sam struggles for a response for a second. “Oh-kay.”
“Do you really think I’d have a chance?” Bucky finds himself saying, unsure where his mouth has gotten permission to voice his thoughts. He clutches the suddenly few tendrils of control and tries his best to filter his thoughts. It’s too bad he can’t take things back.
Sam gapes. “What?”
“Nothing,” Bucky forces through his teeth, feeling like he wants to puke. Unexpectedly, words feel so much easier to spill out than silence.
Lovely warmth touches his knees. He doesn’t need to look up to know it’s you, your presence something deftly familiar.
Up close, you’re even more captivating when he finally meets your gaze. He holds back from reaching for you, digging his fingernails into his palm to restrain them from curling around your wrist. He wants you closer.
Your sweet features furrow, sparkly eyes catching on his heated forehead and dilated pupils. “Bucky, are you okay?”
“Can I touch you?” he asks, a little desperate from gating the inclination.
“He’s acting weirder than usual,” Sam provides.
“Bucky, sweetheart,” unauthorized, he softens at the nickname, “did you inhale anything? Do you feel okay?”
“Some of it got on me. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. It got on your skin?” You pull on gloves. “Show me where?”
He raises his right hand for you to examine, inhaling sharply when you take notice of the small gash on his thumb again.
“Okay,” you breathe, slowly and then assured. You grab his hand. He blinks. “Come on.” You say, tugging him to the sink and spraying water up to his elbow. “It might’ve entered your bloodstream, we have to wash it out. Sam, call the team, get Bruce working on exactly what it is.” You push Bucky into an isolation unit. “Probably not contagious, probably not deadly,” you mutter to yourself. “We found it nearly half an hour ago. More severe signs would have started by now.”
“It was a level three at worst,” Bucky says, but stays willingly, watching you. “It’s probably one or two. I feel fine, just… uninhibited. Reminds me of getting drunk back then.”
You shake your head, confused, edging on frantic. “Drunk?”
“It hurts to not tell you things.”
“It hurts?” You’ve never felt more helpless, only able to repeat his symptoms in an attempt to inspire some helpful memory from your research.
“More than usual.”
“Bruce says isolation!” Sam calls. “I quote: ‘There’s probably no need, but better safe than sorry.’”
“She knows!” Bucky shouts, eyes on you.
“He sounds fine. Just as annoying,” Sam chatters away to Bruce, and Bucky tunes him out, concentrating on the concerned lines of your face.
“Sam’s worried,” he thinks out loud. “So are you.”
“I am. You’re sweating, Buck.” You examine his face, fingertips bumping into the panel.
“Don’t worry,” he tries to soothe, his own fingers thumping against the separation barrier when he attempts to touch you. “If anything, this is a little bit of a relief. I don’t need Thor.”
You snort lightly. “You’re insane.”
“A little. Not stable, definitely,” he admits.
You hum lowly, biting your bottom lip, pupils quickly inspecting his features. Before Bucky can comment on it, you voice your thoughts. “Okay. I’m gonna test out a theory. I’ll ask you some questions and you just have to answer. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes,” he answers, then, unnecessarily: “I don’t think it would be if it were anyone else.”
You graciously ignore it, only ducking your chin. “What’s your full name?”
“James Buchanan Barnes. But Steve’s right, that sounds a little snotty, doesn’t it? What do you think?”
You laugh. “I like your name. When were you born?”
“March tenth, nineteen-seventeen.” He frowns. “Damn. Just when I was reeling you in with the name thing.”
“Where do you live?” you ask, ignoring his comment.
He prattles off the address to his apartment. “Also you.”
“Me? I’m not…”
“You are,” he interrupts, glancing up at you anxiously. There’s so much he wants to tell you on the tip of his tongue, so much he doesn’t want to be forced to. Not right now. Not like this.
You catch his meaning and move on, eyes thinning accusatorily. “Are you the one who broke my mug?” 
“Yes, I knocked it off the table. But it was Sam’s fault, he pushed me into it.”
“I knew it,” you mutter bitterly, leaning back, limbs less tense. “I’m pretty sure we’re dealing with truth serum.”
“That’s not too bad. Considering the options,” Bucky says. “It makes sense. I feel… I want to tell you everything.”
“Thank you for not asking anything too invasive,” he says.
“I wouldn’t,” you respond.
“This shouldn’t be affecting me,” he continues. “The serum stops the effects. They must have made it stronger.”
You pause. “What?” Then, remembering his situation. “Nothing. Never mind. Do you have any pets?”
“A cat. You know Alpine, she loves you. But I know you like dogs.”
You tilt your head, wanting to ask further, but you stop yourself. “I do like dogs.”
“That’s why I’m getting you a dog for your birthday.”
You beam in surprise. “You are? Wait—”
“I keep looking but I can’t find the right one. I was thinking maybe it’d be better for you to come along, but I was supposed to think about that for a little longer.”
“Sam!” you call. “I feel like I shouldn’t be hearing this,” you confess to him, wringing your fingers in wait for the neutral party.
“No, you’re not supposed to know that.”
“I’m sorry. It’s weird it’s affecting you so much, it must be made for enhanced.”
“You figured it out?” Sam asks. 
“Truth serum, I’m pretty sure. Really strong truth serum, from the looks of it.”
“You have to leave,” Sam says immediately.
“What?” you ask, confused for what seems like the millionth time. “No. I want to stay with him.” Your face twists in concern again.
“I want her to stay with me, too,” Bucky adds.
“No, you don’t,” Sam commands. “Who knows… what you might say in front of—” he points at you, enunciating your name with an italic and a gesture. “You should leave,” he turns to you.
“You’re going to take advantage of me,” Bucky accuses.
“Have you been lying to me?” Sam questions. “I am only interested in confirming. Like: did you or did you not break Redwing two months ago—”
“Sam!” you interrupt.
“Come on. Do you know how much food has disappeared? Water bottles dented?”
“I told you that wasn’t me,” Bucky grumbles, leaning against the wall.
“That’s true. That’s what you told me, but what’s true and what you said can be—”
You glare at him. “Stop it.”
He hmphs. “Fine. I’ll settle. He owes me thirty bucks.”
“Whatever. Go make sure everything’s okay up front, I have to give Bucky some meds. Friday, did you activate isolation protocol?” She affirms as you open the door to Bucky’s unit. It’s cold when you step inside, but when you reach Bucky, he’s burning. “Bucky, how are you feeling?”
“Fine.” He looks up at you, pupils dark and blown. He can’t stop his hand when it lands on you, but you don’t seem to mind, leaning in close enough to his face for him to catch the little details of your face. He clears his throat. “Now I’m a little hot.”
You wipe hair from his sticky forehead, taking a small napkin from your pocket to wipe sweat from his brow. “I can see that. Friday, can you lower the temperature in here?”
“You’re gonna get cold.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“I always worry about you. You can’t ask me to do that.”
You stare down at him worriedly, thumb rubbing gently at his temple. There’s a hiss nearby, and three pills in a little cup stand on the table. You grab them and hand them to Bucky.
“Take these.” You point to the pale tablets, three in a single container. “They’re a precaution and the blue one,” you pinch it to show it to him, “should make this pass a little quicker.”
He takes the blue one first.
“Five minutes ago, we didn’t know what it was,” Bucky says. “You’re amazing.”
“Friday’s amazing. All I do is hand things to you.”
“You’re amazing.” 
You chuckle, observing his eyes. Purely clinical. “Okay. You are, too.”
Bucky bites his lip. “You don’t believe me.”
“I do.”
“You don’t. You’re amusing me.”
You look genuinely offended. “Absolutely not.”
Bucky cracks a smile. “You have a tell.”
“Bucky Barnes.”
“It’s in your lips. You purse them a little. Like even you can’t believe yourself.”
You pinch his lips closed with your index and thumb. He stares up at you with wide, blazing eyes.
“I won’t complain,” he says, muffled.
“You should! Don’t be so nice to me, Barnes.”
“I like it better when you call me Bucky.”
“Really? Everyone on the team calls you Barnes.”
“I said you, not the team.”
You let go of him, eyes sorry. Your thumb bends, the bone tracing along his bottom lip. You’re so close. He wants to echo his realization so badly.
“You’re so close.”
“I’m sorry.” You move to take a step back.
“No,” he protests, reaching for you again.
“What?” You laugh.
“I’m in love with you.”
The very first thing he feels is great, overwhelming relief. Like something had been interfering with his breathing and his feeling and his being and it was removed.
And then came the panic, thickened with fear of the consequences of his honesty and very thinly edged with something nicer.
You haven’t moved since he admitted it, pretty features contorted in neutral shock. He wants to know you so well, he can tell if it’s good or bad.
“I didn’t mean to say that.” He gulps, wanting very badly to let go of you but unable to do so. “Does that blue pill make it a lot worse before it gets better?”
You stare at him.
“Say something, please. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t want to—I never wanted to tell you that.”
“Why?” you ask finally. Your brows are knitted, the edges of your features dipped in pain.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
You don’t say anything, but your lips part, the sorrowful border of your features softening. “I… I really want to kiss you right now.”
Bucky freezes. “What?”
Your face heats, pupils flickering away from him. You clear your throat. “But you’re in a vulnerable position right now and I don’t want to take advantage of that. I want you to tell me because you chose to.”
“You’re saying…”
Bucky really wants to kiss you too. “Why?”
“Because I think you deserve honesty.”
Bucky really, really wants to kiss you. He cracks an unfiltered smile, although it’s not entirely because of the serum. “Damn.”
“What?” you ask uneasily.
“I’m really fuckin’ lucky.’
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Peak Musclenity
Josh was your average skinny american blonde. Average grades and average life. There was nothing remarkable about this guy... besides maybe one thing.
Josh was gay. Very very gay and was trying to get big like the men he admires over the internet waves. And against all odds he managed to make a friend at the gym! A czech bodybuilder named Alois. Unlike Josh, Alois was as straight as can be and understanding gay people was the least of his problems, but Josh was failing at using a workout machine so bad it led to the two to meeting and becoming workout buddies.
Josh was never one to give up and despite his currently lacking frame he continued to workout even after weeks of no results. Alois noticed this and was starting to get worried Josh's body just wasn't able to get big like his. Alois wanted to do something so do something he did and it was going to be drastic...
"Hey Alois! My man, my big burly man! How's it going?" Josh ran up to Alois mid-flexing routine.
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"Oh hey kid, what's up?" Alois replied back.
"Nothing much! Just excited to work out with you!" Josh smiled.
"Great, great...." Alois frowned.
"Is... something wrong?"
"Be honest with me Josh, I've noticed you haven't been gaining muscle for weeks now and you keep that damn smile like nothing's wrong. Your lack of muscle has to be bothering you!" Alois put his hand on Josh's shoulder
"I'm just concerned for ya-" Josh politely removed Alois's hand.
"Don't worry about me! I've noticed this myself actually... and I don't mind at all! I'm just glad to be doing with you!" Josh smiled again.
Alois looked down to his pockets. Alois knew that he had to do this. He needed to give Josh what he DESERVES.
"Look Josh, you deserve to get big like me so I got this supplement for you." Alois grabs a bottle from one of his shorts pockets.
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"Don't worry. It ain't no steroid. Just lather it on your face and the effect should spread to your body." Alois put the bottle in Josh's right hand.
"Please, for me." Alois said sweetly.
Alois's deep voice was always something Josh adored so despite his reluctance to accept the gift he did keep it.
"Alright then... uh... are we going to work out now or-"
"Nah. Let's go to your apartment. Just us two."
"Oh! Ohohohohohohoh!" Josh started to blush a beet red.
"A-Alright let's go then!!" Josh quickly turned around as Josh led the way to his apartment.
After a 30 minute drive for both of the men they both arrived at Josh's apartment. Josh unlocked the door with his keys and put his arms towards the apartment living room as if to showcase it.
"Here it is!!! It's not great, but it works!" Josh said with confidence.
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Just looking at the place tightened Alois's resolve to go through with his plan.
"Yes... very. Say Josh, how about you apply that supplement now?" Alois gestured to the bottle in his pocket
"Hm? Why now? We're not even at the gym plus I don't think we're gonna be at the gym again until-"
"Just apply it for me please." Alois interrupted Josh again.
Josh was getting really confused at this point, but if the bulging man is asking you to do something you might as well. At least that was Josh's reasoning. So Josh unsealed the lid to the bottle and removed the foil covering the liquid inside and dipped his fingers in and out of the bottle before applying it to his face all over. The substance was a bit thick and a very dark black and it made Josh's skin crawl, but somehow Josh could feel the liquid seeping into his skin leave his face clean again.
"Woah... that was weird! Hopefully it actually works..." Josh looked at Alois for some affirmation only for Alois to be deep in thought.
"Alois? you good?" Alois jumped at the mention of his name.
"Yes, yes! I'm fine!!"
"Okay then, so now that we're at my apartment do you want to do anything?" Josh asked a bit nervous.
"Oh, sure! Though there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Josh,"
"Yeah?" Josh gave a really curious look this time.
Alois opened his mouth only to pause for a second... only for Alois to shake his head before speaking again.
"Josh, when did you have such a beautiful manly beard?" Alois knew there was no going back from this.
"A m-manly what?!?" Alois implying Josh had a beard certainly wasn't something that Josh was expecting.
"Yeah, that beard of yours is thick like mine. a real item," As Alois spoke little by little hairs began to grow on Josh's clean shaven face.
The growing didn't stop for a long while and before long a beard that looks to have been growing for years was now on Josh. Unexpectedly though the facial hair was a deep black and Josh's blonde hair was now black to match the beard. A quick pain went through Josh's head before Josh's confusion turned into confidence.
"Oh thanks, I did always pride myself on not ever shaving it! Doesn't really fit my frame but my genetics blessed me!" Josh smiled as he caressed his beard.
"Of course! Can't forget that almost shaved head of yours too!" Alois continued his trek across Josh's body.
"What are you talking about Alois? I love my curly locks!" Alois stopped messing with his beard and grabbed his hair to show Alois that he did have the locks he said he did.
"No need to lie to yourself, Josh. That shaved hair is a good look with your beard!" And just like Alois planned Josh's hair began to fall off and melt into the floor like it wasn't even there until there was barely any hair on Josh's head.
Josh was still grabbing his hair but his mind caught up with the new reality and smiled again.
"Silly me! You're right! I love the kind of masculine look it gives me! Still no muscle though haha..." Alois knew that last comment wouldn't last long.
"That masculine look really suits you, Josh. Especially with those big muscles and tattoo of yours," Now Alois was the one to smirk.
This absolutely flabbergasted Josh. There's no way Alois was telling the truth. Wasn't it just an hour ago Alois was worried about his muscle gain. Josh was a stick!
"Alois I appreciate your compliment but it's simply untrue... I'm a twig and I definitely have no tattoos. I hate tattoos!!"
"That was what you thought years ago, but look at you now! Gruff and tough and just as old as me!" This was the big one and Alois was ecstatic to see Josh's frail body begin to grow.
Before the growth could start, all of Josh's clothes evaporated off his body. The growth now began in Josh's chest as he developed two large pecs that were dying to be popped. Next was Josh's stomach as it became a strong gut and slight hint of abs being there. Josh's back expanded like a large map meanwhile his stick arms were sticks no more as they were now more like tree trunks and his hands grew into sausage like fingers with very rough texture after years of lifting weights. Josh's legs weren't far behind in growing until they were two thick rocks of pure muscle. Josh's flat ass ballooned up into the perfect bubble butt and his feet grew a couple sizes too. Josh's face was next up to bat when it began to physically age and become much more gruff and masculine. Josh's neck thickened as his adam's apple became more prominent. Josh already looked like a completely different person at this point and Josh was none the wiser, but the show still wasn't done. Out of nowhere ink began to surface on Josh's skin with various patterns running all over his arms, back, fingers, pecs, and chest. The most unique one being one that was just "5%" etched on his left pec. While this was happening Josh's dick became quite the well endowed one with a generous 9 inch schlong. The final change wasn't too major with Josh's body being flourished with body hair all over his now huge frame. Josh didn't speak through the whole ordeal, but with a quick change of Josh's memories he just smiled.
"Yeah... you're right. I am BIG and I am a true man!!" Josh flexed his bulging arms and with a shiny gleam a ring appeared on his ring finger.
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Alois was quick to notice the accent and deep voice Josh now had. Alois supposed the "just like me" comment changed his birthplace. He also noticed Josh's face being more like his own as well. Alois couldn't believe the black liquid worked. That purchase from the black market was worth all the money he spent. Alois just wasn't sure what to do now-
"Hey Alois, do you see this ring on my ring finger? I don't remember putting this on... Did you pull a prank on me? Pretend we're married? Haha!" Ah right, Josh was still as gay as ever.
Alois thought for a moment. Should a gruff and tough guy like the new Josh be gay? Alois was straight as an arrow and didn't feel like he had the right to change Josh's sexuality.
But... imagining Josh in his current state as gay didn't seem right to Alois. This Josh belongs with marrying a woman! Atleast that's what Alois reasoned. So Alois readied his response and spoke.
"Oh come on, Josh you know full that-"
"Wait we're actually married? I thought you were straight," It was time for Josh to do a little bit of rearranging.
A wedding ring appeared on Alois's ring finger and memories were injected into both men. Memories of meeting way earlier than they actually did. Memories of falling in love through the power of bodybuilding. Memories of their wedding as they kissed under the altar. It wasn't before long after the memories of their lived changed as they passionately kissed right in Josh's apartment which slowly changed into their joint home.
"Babe, у тебя скоро фотосессия..." (Babe, you have that photoshoot soon…) Alois spoke after the kiss ended.
"I know... I have to take a shower.." Josh spoke back.
Josh was still naked and wasted no time hopping in the shower. Josh turned on the showerhead and hopped in letting the cold water lay waste on his large muscular body. Alois while watching his beloved get in the shower realized they were no clean towels in there oh no! Alois quickly grabbed one and rushed to the shower.
"You forgot a towel!" Alois slammed the door open right as Josh finished his shower. Guess it was a quick one.
"Thanks babe, but I can get my own damn towel next time alright" Josh grabbed the towel and started to dry himself.
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Before he continued drying himself off he flexed to his husband just to make sure he knows that he loves his man. Josh even did a little pout with his lip!
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After Josh finished drying, Alois handed his husband the clothes for the photo shoot later today. Josh quickly put on one of the American flag branded shorts and underwear then went straight to grooming his beard for the shoot.
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"Удачи в фотосессии. Я тебя люблю!" (Good luck with the photo shoot. I love you!) Alois said to Josh as he started to leave.
"Тоже тебя люблю!" (Love you too!) Josh left his house completely different than when he entered it moments ago.
Josh became the man of his dreams and Alois was along for the ride as his husband. Josh's photo shoot showed off the new Josh in a glorious way.
First picture by the pool...
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Second picture with a cat...
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Third picture lifting some mad iron...
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And the final picture by the local beach...
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As the shoot finished Josh couldn't help but flex in triumph. This was the life! a huge husband, a huge him, and a promoter for products! Josh was a true man. Always has been and always will be with a muscular husband by his side.
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braincake666 · 2 months
Batman Beyond does not get the credit it deserves for how respectfully and realistically they portrayed a lot of the issues they touched on, especially for a show that came out in 2000.
Babel portrayed someone going deaf and resenting their reliance on hearing aids to fully perceive the world. Spellbound showed a high school counselor exploiting students by getting them hooked on drugs. The Winning Edge has a coach pushing his athletes into doing steroids because he only sees them as pawns for victory. In Disappearing Inque and Eggbaby the main antagonist was explicitly abusive toward their henchmen.
And don’t even get me started on THAT scene in Black Out that was a pretty obvious assault allegory. A depiction of an attractive woman restraining, kissing, and then physically forcing her body down the throat of a teenage boy, leaving him dry heaving and coughing up the liquid she left behind? Being shown as a horrific and disgusting and traumatic experience?! In THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND?!
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Lying in bed thinking about the conversation I had with my mother tonight. I called her to let her know the GI doctor seemed good, and we'd be going ahead to schedule the colonoscopy + endoscopy, and how I'm hopeful I'll finally get some answers and maybe start a treatment plan that might help alleviate the excruciating pain I've been in since May.
Her reaction was catastrophic devastation. "Oh no, how awful, those procedures are so horrifying, this is devastating. Are you sure you have to do it?"
And, I'm just like... as opposed to what I'm dealing with now?
I can't eat solids. I am barely tolerating liquids. Everything hurts. I can't sleep. I can't focus. I've dropped 40 lbs since May. I am barely functional right now. And I know neither procedure is pleasant. Name a single medical procedure that is. But if shoving a camera on a roto rooter from one end of my digestive tract to the other tells them what the fuck is wrong with me (chrons is suspected + MCAS complications), then it'll be worth not dealing with this anymore.
And there's a small, jaded part of me that knows her and knows how she thinks and the way she used to control my food intake that can't help but wonder if she's just glad I'm thin again.
Maybe I'm being cruel. Maybe I'm projecting back the childhood trauma she gave me. But I also can't help but recall how she saw a picture of me holding my niece at Christmas, both of us beaming and laughing, and the only remark she made was, "Are you still on the steroids? They make you gain weight, you know."
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
maybe reader is like shang tsung’s prisoner and mavado accidentally found reader after ambushing shang tsung (kinda inspired by the smol reader fic 😭)
Caged Bird
Yip notes: Please...pleek...pleek
Pairing: Mavado x Gn reader
Warning‼️: The only red flag I see is that man but if I take my glasses off I don't see anything
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Making a deal with a sad Satan would be easier than making a deal with Shang Tsung. That never stopped Mavado’s drive to capture Kano. The Red Dragons need to get their hands on that filth of a man. They want all Black Dragons to be exterminated.
Mavado kept up his end of the deal. He fought tooth and nail to capture Kenshi and bring him to the sorcerer. In return, he received Kano. He took care of him by torturing him endlessly. It was a treat after all the shit he had to go through. But there is still one mess he needs to clean up. That mess would be Shang Tsung.
He’s no fool. Mavado knew of Shang Tsung’s deceptions and trickery. As if he would walk into a deal without thinking ahead. As soon as he was done with Kano he sent Hsu Hao to take care of his unfinished business. Shame on him for trusting Hsu Hao, he never got a response back. Never trust a jobber to do your job. Mavado had to close this alliance now before things went to hell. Unbeknownst to him, this last interaction with the sorcerer will give him something else.
Cowards! That’s all Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were. They’re cowards who can’t handle Mavado and his hookswords. One man was outdoing them. He had amazing control over the swords and he used his grappling hooks to avoid their attacks. They need to stop underestimating their opponents if they ever want to succeed.
Shang Tsung nearly met his end when Mavado swung his hookswords near his throat. This was too risky even for a 2 v 1. Quan Chi helped Shang Tsung by casting a spell. Mavado was hit in the face with this cloud made of green smoke and skulls. He blocked his face and slashed at the cloud. Only when it cleared did Mavado realize that they were running away. He can’t let them leave.
He ran after them, bolting down corridors as he kept his eyes on the sorcerers. Twists and turns slowed him down until he was completely lost. The halls echoed the sounds of their footsteps too much. It was difficult to figure out where they were running to. As much as he hated to admit it, he was lost. He kept his cool but he couldn’t help but huff in frustration. Giving up is not an option. He should at least try to find them and end this unwanted escapade.
He wandered around the place to track down his targets. He only managed to stumble into what could only be described as horrific. Abominations made from god’s creations and altered without his permission. Chains swayed in the ceiling, rattling every time a disfigured body tried to free itself. Tanks full of mysterious liquid held the remains of people. The cages held many horrors. Mavado recognized that the creatures inside of them were tarkatans except they were mutated. Their skins were more reddish and had more spikes coming out of their bodies. The foulest ones were bulky like they were pumped full of steroids. He’ll pass on that. The last cage must hold the worst of them all. A being with no light left in their eyes, one who would relinquish any speck of humanity from themselves, one who would—oh, wait, it’s not bad at all.
In the last cage, your body laid on a filthy mattress. The metal frame of the bed looked as rusted as the metal chains that kept you in place. You had your back turned to the bars so you never saw Mavado staring at you.
He was staring for a minute or two. Out of everything he had seen in that room, you were a sight for sore eyes, at least from what he could see. He could only see your back but there didn’t seem to be any spikes coming out of you or discoloration in your skin. He wondered why someone so normal was in this cursed place. Curiosity drives people and it drove Mavado to knock lightly against the bars. They rang out and alerted you that someone was there.
“I thought you said no experiments for today since you had a supposed guest.” You replied in a tired and blunt tone.
You mistook Mavado for Shang Tsung. It did surprise him that you were being experimented on. You don’t have any signs on your body to show you were altered. Not even a blood stain on you.
“You are mistaken.” He put it simply.
You flinched when you heard a mysterious voice. You turned around slowly, suspicious of who was behind you. You worried that this was another one of Shang Tsung’s tricks and he was disguising himself as someone else. The man you turned to was unfamiliar. You took in every detail you could such as his clothes, the tattoo on his arm, his hookswords, and his face. As you did that, he did the same to you.
Mavado examined the way you looked at him. You showed no fear in your eyes not even when you looked at his swords. You looked confused but curious at the same time. Now that he had a better look at you he can confirm you were not mutated or altered. You looked as regular as him. Though he did find you to be quite stunning. He might be thinking that because out of everything he has seen you are the one who doesn’t hurt his eyes.
“By any chance, did your jailer come running by here?” He asked.
You nodded your head no before speaking, “I never heard his footsteps. You were pretty quiet coming in here.”
“That’s because I wanted to take my time…” He looked around the place to emphasize his next point, “Observing Shang Tsung’s creations.”
“Mhm, yes, quite the scientist. Sooner or later I’ll look like one of these freaks.” Your nonchalant attitude soon became somber. You were clearly unhappy with your predicament.
Look, Mavado isn’t a saint. He’s part of a criminal organization but you don’t know that. But if he were in your shoes he wouldn’t want to be turned into a tarkatan. Their lives are full of pain. It’d be a shame if a gorgeous person like you were to be turned into something so wretched. It’d really piss off Shang Tsung if one of his experiments were set free or even stolen. You know what, Mavado has a good set of reasons to let you out. It’s not like you’re gonna argue with him about setting you free.
“Well, you could always leave.”
“Do you not see the chains and bars? I can’t leave.” You looked at him like he was crazy.
“Not without my help.”
You tilted your head in confusion. You were unsure of what he was hinting at. It’s not like he had a key with him.
“I’ll make a deal with you. I help you get out of here, and you come with me. The Red Dragon clan could always use another set of hands.”
He made you curious. You never heard of the Red Dragon clan. You have a bunch of questions as to how this clan is associated with Shang Tsung. You don’t even know the man in front of you. Will that stop you from getting your possible freedom? You have nothing else to lose it’s either this or growing teeth that resemble a piranha.
“Humor me. I’d like to see you try when you don’t have the key with you.”
Watch and learn.
Mavado took his time observing the bars of your cage. They were rusted and they shifted from a light push. They aren’t up to date. A few kicks should do the job but that would be too loud and alert the sorcerers. He better give it one hell of a kick to break it.
He stored his hookswords behind his back before pulling out his grappling hooks. He threw them down, the hook sinking into the hard ground. He gave a test yank to make sure they would stay put. Yup, they ain’t moving. He turned to look at you and he gave a face that made you feel some hope. Mavado had a smug look that said “Are you ready for this, I don’t think you are ready for this”.
“Cover your ears. This is going to be loud.” He warned.
He took steps back and stretched his grappling hooks. The band grew thinner the farther he went back. You stared blankly at the spectacle before you. You covered your ears as he instructed and waited for the solution to come flinging.
Mavado couldn’t back up any further and found that this would be enough. He jumped up and he was flung at the bars at high speeds. They never stood a chance. A loud clashing of metal echoed as the bars fell to the ground hard. It cracked the stones beneath it. There, Mavado stood before you, dusting himself off like what he did was casual. Your mouth fell open.
He retracted his grappling hooks and took out his hookswords to help with your chains. He slashed both of them at the same time. It was so quick and effortless that you didn’t realize he did it until your arms fell to your sides. You looked at your wrist to see the shackles still on you with a small length of chain still attached.
You felt like you could breathe for the first time in a while. That bland attitude you had changed. You were lively instead of acting like a corpse ready for examination. You took a step off of your rancid bed but almost fell. Mavado was quick to catch you and help you stand. He had you move your arm so it could wrap around his neck. His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you balanced.
“Don’t push yourself. Shang Tsung had probably weakened you too much to walk.” He advised you as you two slowly walked out of your cage.
You didn’t care that you were weak. You were just happy to be out and moving. Though it may be cut short with Mavado bringing you to his clan, you will at least bask in this moment.
All that ruckus would of course alert Shang Tsung. He ignored Quan Chi’s advice to not investigate and ran to find that one of his experiments was missing. Mavado was pushing all of his buttons.
As Mavado tried to find an exit he heard rapid footsteps coming from behind. When he peaked over his shoulders, he saw Shang Tsung coming for you both. He was so angry he used his magic to shoot flaming skulls at you two. You would have been hit if Mavado didn’t pull you away in time. Oh NOW he wants to fight.
“Wrap your arms around my neck tightly.” He instructed in a serious tone.
“Because it’s going to be rough for you.”
You had no idea what he meant but you did as he said. You stared at Shang Tsung in horror as he came closer. You didn’t watch Mavado as he used his grappling hooks once more. You heard a snap and after that the only noise left was you screaming as you both were flung into the air.
Good riddance, Shang Tsung.
“Mavado, why do you always bring random people back to the stronghold?” Daegon asked as he rubbed his forehead in frustration.
“I don’t see any downsides to adding more warriors to our clans.”
“They are not a warrior, they are an experiment.” Daegon corrected Mavado.
“They were an experiment before I recused them. They could easily become a warrior if you let them stay.” Mavado had that same smug look on his face because he knew Daegon wouldn’t deny having more people in his clan.
The demigod sighed before saying, “Fine, but they are your responsibility. If Shang Tsung comes looking for them you take care of that yourself.” Daegon walked off after giving Mavado the go-ahead to let you join.
Hsu Hao just finished getting your shackles off when Mavado came back. He told Hsu Hao to get more supplies to clean you up. He then took your wrist to check for any wounds since the skin seemed damaged.
“So, your name is Mavado?” You asked.
“Yes. I forgot to introduce myself officially. But now you know.” He sat down next to you and began to clean your wrist with an alcohol wipe.
“What should I expect to happen now?”
“For one, you won’t be put into a cage. I don’t think someone like you should be trapped away and left to rot. Second, you’re with us now. And if you don’t want that then too bad, you know too much now.” His tone was joking but he was full-on serious.
You cracked a small smile and rolled your eyes, “Don’t worry, I don’t think I can leave with how weak I am. Plus, I need to repay you back for getting me out.”
“You’re starting to get it now. Soon you will be in good shape and I will make you into a warrior. Maybe then you and I can exact our revenge on Shang Tsung.”
“I’d like that actually.”
Maybe your time with the Red Dragons won’t be so bad. You already have a liking to Mavado, it can’t be hard to like everyone else. Plus, he is quite the looker. Better looking than those tarkatans you were surrounded by that’s for sure.
Yap notes: I will forever see him as Guatemalan and Dominican. Y'all can say he is Puerto Rican or Spanish (From Spain I mean) but imma stay in my silly little word and believe he is like me fr fr. Now If you don't mind imma bite the back of his neck and drag him away like a mother cat would. Adiós!
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lastoneout · 5 months
so we get to add medical adhesive to the list of things I am apparently mildly allergic/sensitive to alongside *checks notes* jalapeños, gabapentin, compazine, reglan, softsoap brand liquid hand soap, oats, ginseng, most deodorants, steroids, and the sun
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rubberizer92 · 5 months
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The room was filled with the intoxicating scent of sweat and musk, the air thick with anticipation and desire. A dozen rubber-clad bodybuilders stood shoulder to shoulder, their chiseled physiques glistening with a sheen of perspiration. They had just finished a grueling month of intense muscle growth routines, pumping their bodies full of steroids while enduring endless hours of workouts and continuous mind control sessions that kept them in a perpetual state of arousal. Now, as they surveyed the room, they couldn't help but feel a thrill coursing through their veins.
The centerpiece of the room was a long, polished table adorned with an array of intricately designed toys. At its head, a tall, commanding figure stood, their face obscured by a full-body latex suit that gleamed like liquid mercury in the dim light. The figure raised a gloved hand, signaling for the bodybuilders to approach. With a collective gasp, they all knelt down on the plush red carpet, their massive, rippling muscles straining against the tight latex as they obeyed the unspoken command.
A row of kneeling, sexy rubber gimps lined the edge of the room, their supple bodies encased in shimmering, form-fitting suits. Their heads were bowed submissively, hands clasped behind their backs as they waited eagerly for the bodybuilders to arrive. The tension in the air was palpable as the bodybuilders slowly began to make their way down the line, each one taking in the sight of the gimps with hungry eyes.
As each musclebound behemoth reached the end of the line, they paused for a moment, taking in the submissive figure before them. They could feel the power emanating from their massive frames, the unyielding control they wielded over these helpless beings. And then, with a low growl, they reached out and grasped the gimp by the collar, pulling them roughly towards them. The gimp eagerly arched their back, offering their lips to the bodybuilder as they were dragged closer. The anticipation of what was to come hung thick in the air, making the room feel electric with desire.
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followthebluebell · 7 months
hello! my cat was recently diagnosed with asthma, and her vet says her treatment will be steroids indefinitely (shes currently taking 1ml twice a day, but the goal is to get down to 0.5ml 1/day, as long as that dose is still effective). overall im lucky shes fairly docile, i know my other cats would be a lot more difficult to medicate, but im still struggling with getting the medicine in her mouth. she jerks her head away quickly, and a lot of the time the medicine either misses and gets everywhere, or she'll open her mouth and dump some of it back out. i cant seem to be quick enough with the syringe to get all the liquid in her mouth and have her swallow it.
do you have any advice to make this easier for the both of us? i know itll never be Easy easy, since i cant explain to her that its for her own good, but im stressing that shes not actually getting the medicine since its hard to tell how much got in her mouth and got swallowed. thank you so much for your time, i really really appreciate it even if you dont have any tips.
as payment i present: The Penguin in question. shes such a sweet girl. i just want her to feel better ):
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Hello! I'm sorry to hear your kitty is ill--- asthma is tricky to handle, so it's good that you've got a treatment plan already in progress.
so, it really depends on what kind of medication she's taking. 'Steroids' is a pretty broad group and there are several steroids commonly used for asthma in cats that can be compounded into a tastier form, like small tabs that are much easier to crush and hide in food. Some steroids can even be made into a transdermal paste that just goes on their ear. Personally, I find that transdermal medications don't work as well as oral, but it's something to talk to your vet about.
I strongly encourage you to discuss other options with your vet to see if this is a possibility. Absolutely keep those lines of communication open and explain that you've been having problems dosing your cat.
Another alternative is to try hiding the liquid medication in an especially tasty treat, like a churu or baby food. A LOT of cats absolutely love chicken or ham baby food and it's perfectly safe as long as the baby food doesn't have onions or garlic in it. I know it's VERY controversial but I've also hidden particularly bitter medications in whipped cream--- some cats have very violent stomach upsets from dairy, so it's a VERY calculated risk!
Roomba is pretty difficult to medicate. Due to her various food sensitivities, it's not really an option to compound her medication with flavors. She's also very difficult to burrito, she's too tiny for my typical cat restraint methods, and she won't eat her food if her meds are mixed in. I typically just load up her syringe with SLIGHTLY more medication than is called for and administer it quickly, hoping that most of it stays in her mouth; since pred is very cheap, I'm willing to risk losing some. It's also important to aim for the upper mouth, towards the back, without actually getting it IN her throat directly, because that's a choking risk.
Picking her up quickly by her armpits encourages her to swallow. I don't let her feet leave the floor when i do this, because it's uncomfortable for cats to dangle like that. Just the quick pick-up seems to do it. Gently blowing air in her face also seems to work.
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djdangerlove · 2 years
Found this in the bottom of my drafts and thought why not...
Buck opens the passenger door and takes a moment to memorize the way amber rays of sunset fall across his best friend’s face, highlighting faint little marks and scars telling a story in smooth, tanned skin. Eddie is beautiful in the raw sense of the word, effortless on the surface and artfully sculpted by the world beneath.
Buck reaches out with slightly calloused fingers brushing against a stubbled jawline, thumb tracing the curve of a fever colored cheek. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty. You’re home,” Buck says with a gentle tap of his fingers. Eddie shivers into wakefulness, smearing drool down Buck’s open palm that he doesn’t retract fast enough. 
“I think,” the older man starts, but clears his throat when it comes out too close to a Kermit the Frog impersonation. “I think that doctor gave me a horse tranquilizer. I’m so tired.”
He blinks up at Buck, one eye a fraction of a second behind the other and makes no move to get out of the jeep so Buck reaches across his lap and unbuckles his seatbelt all while explaining with an amused chuckle, “They gave you a steroid shot and in case no one has ever told you before, you’re dramatic when you have a sinus infection.” 
More awake now, Eddie scowls at Buck while slowly sliding out of the car. “Yeah? Well, what’s your daily excuse then?” 
Buck shuts the door and falls into a snail’s pace shuffle towards the front porch of the house beside his best friend. “I guess you could say that a childhood with emotionally neglectful parents-“
“Cut it out,” the side of Eddie’s face struggles to choose between amusement or sympathy so it ripples adorably with both. “You’re not guilt tripping me into losing this…whatever this is.”
“I don’t have to,” Buck says, moving to unlock the door when they finally reach it. “You’re gonna fall asleep as soon as you lay down and probably forget this entire conversation.” 
“I’m not going to forget that I love a dramatic dork or that your parents are assholes who should have loved you better,” Eddie replies while dropping haphazardly onto the couch, coughing into the dead silence that suddenly fills the living room. 
Buck hovers between the back of the couch and the kitchen, unsure of what to say or how to say it so he drops the bag of supplies near Eddie’s hip and offers a quiet, “I’m going to go make some soup.”
“You’re doing a lot of talking for someone who wanted me to buy four packs of throat lozenges,” Buck stops in the entry way of the kitchen to offer a reassuring grin at Eddie peeking up over the back of the couch, nervous, fever-bright eyes blinking back at him under rumpled hair across his forehead. “I think I remember how Pepa made her famous soup for Chris last time so just rest while I fix it for us, okay?” 
Eddie rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, but nods all the same. 
“I may have put too much cumin. No, I definitely did, but with the way your nose is stuffed up it shouldn’t make a difference in taste for you,” Buck winces at him from across the table. “Please just don’t tell Pepa I messed up her recipe.” 
Eddie tilts his head, ignoring the painful pressure in his face to enjoy the way Buck tenses worriedly. “I won’t if you delete that picture you took of me asleep in the car.” 
“Wha-“ Buck starts around a slurp of soup and hurries to catch it with his napkin before it can drip onto his shirt. The liquid still manages to soak into the pink cotton threads and he blots at it with a frown. “How did you know about that? You were dead to the world!”
Eddie’s face oozes into a smile, relieved that they can fall back into easy banter as if he hadn’t overstepped before. “I didn’t. Not for sure, but I figured you were looking for blackmail because of the infamous collection I have of you. A crime of opportunity.”
Buck scoffs and pulls out his phone to set the picture as his lock screen before turning it around to show Eddie. “Pepa adores me. I’m not worried.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Buck,” Eddie warns even though both of them are grinning. “When I’m not two seconds away from falling asleep I’ll get you back for this. I have plenty of ammo.” 
“Okay, G.I. Joe,” Buck mocks with a salute before standing up from the table. “Let’s get you back to the couch before you fall asleep in the soup and another crime of opportunity happens.”
If Eddie minds the hovering, he doesn’t say as Buck walks with him to the couch and fluffs some of the pillows. Eddie leans his head against the back of the couch when he sits and closes his eyes, listening to Buck move around the house for a few minutes before he feels him hover once more. 
“You’re going to hurt your neck like that,” Buck says from where he’s standing behind the couch looking down at Eddie. 
“It’s helping with the sinus pressure, honestly.”
“I know of a better way, hang on.” 
Eddie hears Buck move away and down the hall towards the bathroom and pries his eyes back open when he feels his tall shadow cast over him once again. 
“Here,” Buck murmurs, holding up a warm, damp washcloth. “Close your eyes, okay? This will help.”
Eddie does so, trusting Buck with whatever he’s about to do and feels himself lower into the couch with relief as the heat from the washcloth fights against the tightness in his face when his friend gently drapes it across the bridge of his nose. 
“Wow, I almost feel bad for all the times I sent one of those photos of you drooling like a baby in the group chat now,” Eddie says, smiling up at Buck standing over him even if it’s obscured by the towel. 
“Uh huh. Sure.” Buck lifts the towel to refold it and place it across Eddie forehead. 
“I do,” the sick man says, grin slipping as his words begin to sound more serious. “But not as sorry as I am for…overstepping earlier. I-“
“Hey, no. Don’t do that,” Buck says as he moves around to stand between the coffee table and the couch to straighten up the medicine and tissues and make sure the tv remote is within reach. “You didn’t overstep.”
“Buck, I-“
Buck fumbles with the remote, thumbing over the buttons with an audible soft tap, voice barely carrying over it. “My parents are assholes and…I wish they had loved me better.” 
“They should have,” Eddie leaves no room for argument, picking his head up making the washcloth fall into his lap. 
Buck nods, agreement more so that they can move on rather than fully believing it. “And maybe…maybe I am a dramatic dork.”
“I said-“
“And if you… if you love me then… I’m okay with that,” Buck says, chancing a glance at Eddie and smiling when the other man grins back. “Really okay with it.” 
“Good,” Eddie nods and for a moment they are caught in a standstill of staring at each other as the axis of their friendship begins to shift towards something else. The moment however is broken by Eddie coughing into his elbow. “But maybe we wait until I’m feeling better?” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Buck agrees, going back to straightening up and picking up Eddie’s discarded tissues. 
“You don’t have to do that,” Eddie scrunches his nose and holds his hand out like he has the energy to get up and throw them away himself. 
“I know I don’t,” Buck says, pausing just behind the couch to lean over and place his first kiss to the crown of Eddie’s head. “But I think it’s a thing people do when they love somebody.”
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My appointment went well overall. It seems I'm on the right track, for surgeries and appointments and follow ups.
We're working on getting me a CPAP, and a different medication that should help me breathe better (a steroid inhaler).
I tried looking for other people who have gone through what I have last night, and I couldn't find anything. It felt really heartbreaking, and just... reinforcing the loneliness of all this.
My doctor was saying that all of this— my stenosis symptoms, my epiglottis, that I speak with my false vocal cords, that I'm better with crunchy foods than liquids, my stridor when I sleep or do heavy activity, etc etc— is pretty normal for the situation. (I should ask him if he has are other adult patients with the same symptoms etc, when I see him again.)
I had expected to spend the day writing to process all the stuff that's going on, but it was too much. I did do some laundry and vacuum, and write a book review, so at least the space is cleaner.
All of this information, and seeing me on scope, is new to N, and they're so so overwhelmed. I think they're still kinda freaked out by it all, currently. I wish I could help them process it better.
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Eager to please
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Pairing: Young! Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ explicit smut, Tony being a puppy. Sub! Tony?
Word count: 800ish?
Tony Stark Masterlist
Tony placed a fourth cup of coffee next to your computer, glancing at your eyes which were glued to the glaring white screen, focused on the task at hand while your shoulders were drooped in exhaustion.
“I know it’s rich coming from me but, you need to go easy on the coffee, babe. And you probably should think about sleep.”
He kept his voice soft, moving behind you to place his hands on your shoulders, trying to work the knots out. After a few moments, you actually registered Tony’s gentle touch on your back while your mind was still preoccupied with the files open in front of you.
“That’s great honey, thanks.” You murmured monotonously, never taking your eyes off the screen as your already trembling fingers reached for the mug of coffee.
Before the hot liquid could touch your lips, your chair was swivelled away from your computer, making you come face to face with your worried boyfriend.
“Alright time out, Y/N. Give yourself a break, I’m sure this can wait—”
“It really cannot! I have a deadline, leave me alone!” Your voice was harsher than you meant it to be, regretting yelling at Tony as instantly you turned back around.
Sighing, Tony crouched to your level behind you, gently exposing your neck to him to place a soft kiss against your skin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap like—”
Your apology was cut short as Tony continued to caress your skin with his soft lips, kissing up the side of your neck and behind your ear.
“Shh..it’s okay. I know what stress on steroids looks like. You know I’m worse.” He murmured, sensing a smile on your face that mirrored his, making you melt against him.
You let him massage your shoulders, relaxing your tight muscles for a brief moment before work demanded your attention again.
“I really need to get this done, I’m sorry.”
Tony simply hummed in reply, leaving you be after a final kiss against your temple. You had been ignoring him for the past few days, not intentionally, never, but work had taken over so much of your time, it was filling you with equal parts regret and stress.
It wouldn’t be Tony Stark if he weren’t upto something always, your concentration was broken yet again when he got under the table in front of you, his big brown eyes full of mischief.
Splaying his hands on your thighs, he coaxed your legs open, shuffling ahead on his knees as he littered your inner thigh with small kisses and nips.
“Puppy…” you shot him a warning look, shaking your head when he gave you a wink in return. The pet name you had for him only spurred him on.
“Give me five minutes?”
There wasn’t a soul on the planet who could resist Tony Stark’s pleading eyes. You were no exception. Watching as he slotted himself between your legs, making your sleep shirt ride up while toying with the fabric of your panties before sliding them aside.
“Looks like someone’s been wanting this…”
He teased your folds open, smirking as slick gathered on his fingers.
“Tony I swear to God—”
Yet again, you had to swallow the rest of your words as Tony dove nose first into your core, latching onto your bundle of nerves without warning and eliciting a gasp from you.
Holding your thighs in his arms, he pulled you forward and wasted no time in delving his tongue through your folds, imploring you to give in to his caresses.
Your head rolled back as his tongue teased at your entrance, keeping your core exposed to him with his deft fingers.
The visual itself was enough to make you come; Tony Stark on his knees with your legs resting on his shoulders, mouth glistening with your arousal as he focusing on bringing you pleasure, moaning softly.
“Look at you baby…making me feel so good.” your fingers found purchase in his soft, fluffy hair, using it to grip and push yourself impossibly closer to his wicked mouth. The man let out a muffled grunt to your praise, opening those doe eyes to gaze up at you before getting back to work like the good boy he was.
You began rocking your hips against his face, his nose rubbed against your clit as he ate you out expertly, drawing out sinful moans and cries from your lips.
All of your pent up stress gladly travelled down to your belly, tightening up in a coil that wound with every lick and nudge. The muscles in your legs twitched as Tony continued his assault.
“I’m not going to last, Tony.” You murmured, steering his face the way you pleased while he happily obliged, letting you use him like your personal toy.
Readjusting his position, his fingers teased your folds, mouth latching onto your clit once again before intruding your entrance, slow at first, moving them in a ‘come hither’ motion. 
You sighed as his finger stretched your walls, letting you know how much they had missed him. Adding another finger, Tony ran his tongue in circles around your clitoris, making your heart beat wildly around it as all blood travelled towards your core.
Your orgasm wasn’t far away as you felt your legs tremble, belly tightening before the coil finally snapped and you came.
The man relentlessly drove his fingers in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm and making way for another one that quickly approached. Your face was flushed as was your body as you tugged on his hair with both your hands now, unsure if you were pushing him away or pulling his face closer.
Your heels dug into his back as you wriggled, crying out in pleasure when Tony added a third finger, the dirty and sinful squelching of your arousal sounded through the room combined with your moans.
It felt as though every cell in your body was alive as you came for the second time that night, harder than you remembered you had in the past. Arousal gushed to your core as your walls fluttered and spasmed around Tony’s fingers, soaking them and the chair.
Your bundle of nerves echoed your erratic heartbeat as your mind slowly floated back to reality; still out of breath as a dopey smile formed on your face.
It was everything you needed in the moment, a time out, a distraction. And your boyfriend knew just the right tricks.
“You should be illegal, Tony Stark.” You sighed happily, giggling as he crawled back up to meet you halfway for a kiss.
“How many orgasms is it going to take to get you to come to bed, Miss Y/L/N?” He smirked against your lips, pleased at how relaxed your body felt as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Hmm…just maybe couple more? I’m sure he wants it.” You smirked back, palming his erect cock through his pants.
“You know I’m eager to please.”
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vanalex · 8 months
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One of the awful decisions in my TON life being:
Took some steroids and adrenaline
Finlandia vodka, hallucinogens
Mixed it with blood and orange juice
Liquid protein and ice cubes
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spadefish · 4 months
hi everyone i'm back from the ER. they think it's cellulitis which i had never even heard of til now. they put me on a steroid treatment and told me they can't drain it right now bc it's too solid. i'm supposed to keep taking the steroid + the antibiotic and go see a dental specialist person on wednesday to see if it's liquid-y enough to be drained by then
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