datenarche · 4 months
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bumpylines · 4 months
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In which Barnaby Brooks Jr. realizes he's a dad lmao
Kaede is his lockscreen 😌 he was just so proud she won her competition
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banitai · 1 month
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scandiacamoons · 2 years
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Pp water collection (~2022.11)
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peachii-pao · 6 months
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my pieces for the @tigerandbunnyfashionzine zine!! i had so much fun with these pieces!!
leftover sales are also open so check it out while you still can!! ✨
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kitamars · 2 years
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in which i take the aa-tnb pipeline and shove it into the hadron collider
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rrogueamendiares · 2 years
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Power couple!!
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thevoiceofthanatos · 27 days
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kotetsuandbarnaby · 1 year
Tiger and Bunny is so amazing 'cause it got Nathan. Like imaging the many many queer kids tunning Sternbild City fav show just to be validated by Nathan. They are good, they can protect the city, the people they love and their home, they are powerful and beautiful and funny and popular, they are loved, seen, heard, every hero loves Nathan, they can be influential, they deserve to be taken seriously to be respected.
Nathan build it all from the ground, gave all those kids a person to look up to, a place to belong, made an agency to receive all those queer kids desperate to help, for a chance.
Nathan did that. Tiger and Bunny did that.
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aa11ex · 11 months
….tiger and bunny…..🗣️🔥
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santa-lilio-sangre · 2 years
"i hope you go to hell" is a weak insult. "i hope your favorite character gets an ending that does an awful job of wrapping up their storyline" is real. it's possible. it's out there
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starlighnes · 1 year
promt: forehead kisses. or kisses on the crown of your head esp when you're not expecting it
Als Leo seinen Kopf auf Adams Schulter ablegt, kann der das Lächeln, was sich auf seine Lippen stiehlt nicht aufhalten. Es ist schön, endlich wieder so beieinander sein zu können. Ohne all die unausgesprochenen Sachen, die wie eine Mauer zwischen ihnen standen. Jetzt und hier, denkt Adam, ist eigentlich alles so, wie es sein sollte.
Es ist mittlerweile schon ein paar Wochen her, dass diese Mauer irgendwie explodiert ist. Anders hätten sie vermutlich nie vernünftig miteinander geredet, aber angenehm war es trotzdem nicht. Nachdem sie beide komplett ausgelaugt nebeneinander auf Adams Sofa gesessen hatten, haben sie gemeinsam beschlossen, die Dinge zwischen ihnen langsam angehen zu lassen. Sich erstmal wieder richtig kennenlernen, auf Dates gehen. Bei dem Gedanken daran, wie unsicher Leo geklungen hat, als er das vorgeschlagen hat, macht Adams Herz einen kleinen Hüpfer. Niemals hätte einer von ihnen erwartet, dass sie das haben könnten.
Und doch sitzen sie jetzt hier auf Leos Balkon, auf den gerade so zwei Stühle passen, neben den Terracottatöpfen, in denen Leo seine Kräuter wachsen lässt. Schon seit einer Weile hat keiner von den beiden mehr etwas gesagt, nachdem sie die Pizza, die sie auf dem Weg vom Präsidium bei ihrem Lieblingsitaliener geholt haben, hier gegessen haben. Als die Sonne untergegangen ist, sind sie angenehm müde still geworden, jeder ein bisschen in den eigenen Gedanken versunken.
Adam kann nicht glauben, wie angenehm die Stille zwischen ihnen ist und gleichzeitig ist es undenkbar, dass es jemals anders sein könnte. Es ist genau wie damals, als sie stundenlang zusammen im Baumhaus saßen und gemeinsam die Sterne angeguckt haben.
Auch jetzt sind nur wenige Wolken am Himmel, der mittlerweile fast komplett dunkel geworden ist. Und so kann er zwei helle Punkte erkennen, von denen Leo ihm bestimmt erklären könnte, welche Sterne sie sind. Aber er entscheidet sich einfach, die Nähe seines Freundes zu genießen, anstatt ihn danach zu fragen. Als er den Blick ein wenig nach links gleiten lässt, fühlt sich sein Herz so leicht an, als könnte es jeden Moment aus seinem Brustkorb springen und nach oben fliegen, bis zu den Sternen.
Das Sternzeichen, was er knapp über dem Horizont entdeckt hat, ähnelt einem verbogenen Kleiderbügel. In diesem Moment kann Adam nicht anders, als eine Kuss auf Leos leicht verwuschelte Haare zu drücken.
All die Jahre, in denen er den Nachthimmel angesehen hat und der Anblick des Löwen ihm einen Stich in der Brust versetzt hat, sind augenblicklich vergessen. Denn jetzt sitzen sie endlich zusammen hier, er und sein Leo.
Der richtet seinen Kopf auf und sieht ihn leicht verwundert an, aber Adam entgeht das Funkeln in seinen Augen nicht.
„Wofür war das?“, fragt Leo nach und sieht dabei so schön aus, dass Adam direkt noch einen weiteren Kuss auf seine Haare setzen will. Und noch einen. Und noch einen. „Einfach so“, erwidert er stattdessen und blickt in die Augen seines Gegenübers. „Weils schön ist. Hier mit dir“, ergänzt er dann leiser und Leo brummt zustimmend. Als er seinen Kopf wieder auf Adams Schulter ablegt, kribbelt dessen gesamter Körper vor Glück. „Finde ich auch.“
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thekuraning · 11 months
oh boy oh jeez oh man i hope you guys are ready for kura's tiger and bunny thought of the evening bc i ran across two-year-old comments on the Blue Rose page of the T&B fan wiki and i have OPINIONS
its actually a really benign old comment chain about USD versus Stern Dollars, but everyone pretty much says "yeah but it's still in the USA" and BUDDY BOY NO IT AIN'T. NO. IT. AIN'T.
"But Kura, the creators literally said it's in New York and—" yes they did, this part is very much true and the aerial shot we see of Stern Bild is always around Tribeca/Manhatten area with a really nice shot of the Hudson, but that's not the point (though it does make it much easier to chart the various districts, more on that coming soon)
Something we know about Tiger & Bunny is that it is set in an alternate universe New York, and never once is the United States mentioned by name. In fact, there isn't much about world nations mentioned in general in T&B—the one time I can think of off the top of my head where "country" is even mentioned is in Dragon Kid's flashback of her parents sending her off to Stern Bild, where they tearfully say she is going to become "the pride of [their] country," so I guess we at least know the concept of countries exists. But is Stern Bild in a country? Is Stern Bild a country?
Actually, all evidence points toward Stern Bild being a city-state. It meets all three qualifications of being such: it's an independent, sovereign city that is "the center of political, economic, and cultural life" over its surrounding territories. We see these qualifications met across all three seasons, first and foremost starting with something you've heard characters talk about pretty dang often but probably never thought too much about: the Stern Dollar.
The Stern Dollar (SBD from here on out) has to get its name from somewhere, and the most likely candidate is Stern Bild itself, which means that Stern Bild mints its own currency. Often shortened to "dollars" by the characters, it's used even in neighboring towns like Kotetsu's hometown (i.e., Muramasa charging him "two dollars" for a whiskey in season 1.)
We also know Stern Bild has a very localized culture based on the events of The Rising and a few character scenes in S2. In The Rising, the backdrop to the story is the time leading up to and the day of the Stern Bild holiday of Justice Day, which celebrates the time our lord and savior Jesus Christ appearedunto man in crab form and was unfortunately eaten, resulting in the Goddess bringing her wrath down on the ancient people of Stern Bild. (hello mutuals who haven't seen Tiger & Bunny and are reading this anyways, THIS IS CANON I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP THIS FUCKING HAPPENED, CRAB JESUS) This is a holiday that is, again, celebrated outside of Stern Bild, as Kotetsu's family celebrates Justice Day despite hailing from his hometown. By extension, it's likely the same goddess is worshipped in the territories surrounding Stern Bild.
We also know based on S2 that other cities have their own hero programs, all of them ran wildly differently. However, again, we look to Kotetsu's home town—no mention of other heroes. Just Hero TV heroes. Both the religious and secular mainsteam culture are exported from Stern Bild to its outlying territories.
And finally, political life: the politics of Stern Bild are interesting af because we know basically that we have the mayor and the mayor's cabinet, which includes prominent industry figures and judges from the Justice Bureau. We typically only see them making decisions about the governance of Stern Bild, and it's true that politics exist at all levels in a nation, but the reason why it seems to me that Stern Bild is a center of political life is (SEASON 2 SPOILERS LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY NOOOWWWW)
Well, mostly it's because of the concentration camps, which seem to exist decidedly outside of Stern Bild's city limits. Stern Bild proper is always shown to be a bustling megalopolis. It's very dense and doesn't have a lot of extra wide-open spaces laying around. However, the mayor of Stern Bild was able to have these NEXT concentration camps set up on short notice in seemingly the middle of nowhere.... Which would very likely be an outlying territory, again, like Kotetsu's very rural hometown. This one's a little bit tricky because we can't be absolutely certain, but for all intents and purposes it seems to me that Stern Bild has some political relevance to its surrounding territories.
So, is it TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE that Stern Bild is in the United States? Yeah, sure, it could be I guess. But it's much more likely that it's an independent city-state, especially since it mints its own currency.
anyways that's my tiger & bunny thought of the night, dont mind me, i just wanted an excuse to rant about this bc the stern dollar's been on my mind for a few days
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werewolfcandy · 2 years
Ryan has to go out of town and begs Karina to take care of his iguana bc you’re my partner you have to do it pleaseeeee. and she’s like ugh fine. it’s a lizard how hard could it be. and then Ryan leaves her 5 pages worth of notes on Molly’s daily schedule that he insists needs to be followed to the letter. her custom built tank takes up half of Karina’s room. Karina is like there’s no way a lizard needs THIS much care, right? and then a 4 hour long online search later teaches her that yes, lizards do in fact take that much care.
But she does take really good care of Molly and even gets her a new perch. She and Ryan spend 20 minutes arguing over the placement for it.
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Sternbild's Mayor: Do you take constructive criticism?
Agnes: No, only cash or credit.
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peachii-pao · 1 year
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it's everyone's favorite tiger cub!! here's a little preview of my second piece for @tigerandbunnyfashionzine
preorder while you still can at
 ❤ https://sternbildstyle.bigcartel.com/  ❤
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