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grailfinders · 2 years ago
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #15: V1
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today on Grailfinders it’s our first Viewers’ Choice build in Pathfinder 2e, V1 from Ultrakill! the long and short is: he robot, he go to hell, he shoot everything there. he’s like the Doomguy, if the Doomguy ate hell as he went. or if the Doomguy had an official dakimakura of him in a schoolgirl’s uniform.
yeah, Ultrakill gets weird at times. anyways, V1’s a Pistolero Gunslinger to pull of sick trickshots with his pistol, but he’s also getting the Sterling Dynamo dedication to pick up some extra literal arms from his brother and he’s an Occult Witch to pick up some figurative arms from hell.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
unlike wotc, Paizo realized that there’s more than one kind of robot in the world, so we actually have some choice this time around. that being said, we’re making V1 an Automaton, both for its combat capabilities and because it too is the last vestiges of a dying civilization. You get a stat boost in Strength and one ability of your choice like Dexterity, and you also gain access to Low-Light Vision. as Something Wicked taught us many painful times, V1 does not have true darkvision. because of your Automaton Core, you’re not really a construct, and can be healed and damaged like a normal humanoid. while that removes some resistances and immunities, it also means you won’t instantly die at 0 HP, so checks and balances.
on the plus side, you still have a Constructed Body, so you don’t need to eat, drink, or sleep. you still need to take a long rest, but you’re not unconscious for the 2 hours it takes. really frees up the ol’ calendar for some speedrun practice.
while your punches are pretty powerful, this is a first-person shooter, so you’re starting off as a Sharpshooter Automaton. this gives you the Automaton Aim action, reducing the accuracy penalty for firing your gun at a longer range. trust me, nobody wants to be up close and personal with a Sisyphean Insurrectionist.
if you do fight in close quarters, you’re going to want something better than a regular old fist to fight with, right? the Automaton Armament you get gives you a Claw attack, dealing slashing damage and using your dexterity to aim.
at level 5, your Arcane Safeguards let you Resist Magic as a reaction, adding +1 to your save against a spell, and also increasing the odds of a critical success against arcane spells. most of your adventure is in hell, so failing against a plane shift would be really awkward.
at level 9 your wings finally do something, thanks to Arcane Propulsion. once a day, you can fly for up to five minutes. I know you technically can’t fly in Ultrakill, but have you seen some of those speedruns? you can fly enough.
at level 13 you get a Rain of Bolts, letting you fire shrapnel in either a cone or in a circle around you once per day. man, that minigun has a worse recharge time than I remembered…
at level 17 your Astral Blink gives you sick gamer reflexes, so you can Dimension Door once an hour at 4th level. grappling hooks- always cool.
oh, and of course you’re a Warrior. not much else for a literal killing machine to be, really. boosts to Constitution and Dexterity, training in Intimidation, and the Intimidating Glare feat. I don’t think V1 even has a mouth, so this’ll help a lot.
1. okay, first up the proficiencies: trained in Will saves and Class DCs, Unarmed, Simple, and Martial attacks, as well as Unarmored, Light, and Medium defense. you start off trained in Occultism, Acrobatics and Religion to fight demons and know what you’re fighting, and as you level up your intelligence you get training in Athletics, Arcana, Medicine, and Diplomacy. you’re an expert in Perception, Fortitude and Reflex saves, as well as Simple and Martial firearms and crossbows. we’d prefer firearms, but if you gotta fit in, you gotta fit in.
as for your actual level, your Key Ability as a gunslinger is Dexterity. you also get an Ability Boost off the bat for some more Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence. be prepared for 0 boosts to Charisma, V1 just straight-up does not talk.
if you get attacked, you can Hit the Dirt! and leap out of the way, giving you a bonus to your AC and knocking you prone when you land. that’s a combat slide baby!
you’re also trained in the Way of the Pistolero, training you in Deception (though I still want to use Intimidation as the way skill), and giving you a Raconteur’s Reload. that means you can demoralize or create a diversion and reload in the same action!
you can also move Ten Paces as a free action when combat starts. you get a plus 2 to the initiative roll, and you can draw your pistol at the same time. you can also step up to 10’ away as a free action at the start of your first turn.
your Singular Expertise gives you a +1 bonus to all damage from firearms and crossbows, at the cost of reducing your proficiency with other weapons. they’re all trained, and they can’t be improved until your gun skills do. it’s not a huge deal since you don’t use that many regular weapons anyway, but it’s something to keep in mind if you intend to modify this build at home.
2. a level 2 you can make a timely Pistol Twirl as an action to feint an opponent nearby. if you succeed they’re flat-footed against your ranged and melee attacks, if you critically fail, you’re flat-footed against all their attacks. it’s not quite a charged shot, but you’re more likely to get a critical hit, so I’ll count it.
you can also Cat Fall, reducing all your falling damage. I don’t think Ultrakill even has fall damage, right? Either you live or you don’t.
I guess we’re facing off against V2 now, since you’re already getting your Sterling Dynamo dedication. with this, you can replace a limb or add a new one, though you can’t get an extra hand this way. yes, sadly we won’t be quadruple-wielding this build. I know, now it’s unplayable.
the good news is that it’s silver, so it deals extra damage against devils, and the Power Driver Dynamo you get deals more damage (a d8) than your stock hand while also shoving creatures around. You have to keep a hand free to use this, but you’re not really getting any two-handed weapons anyway. The one other downside is you need to keep the whole thing wound up, spending a minute to wind it for the next 24 hours. this doesn’t sound bad, but enemies can disable the thing to cut down the timer, and later you’ll get abilities that spend windup time. there’s a reason most of your fights only last a few minutes.
3. at third level you become Fleet, giving you an extra 5’ of movement speed. it’s no monk movement, but that does speed you up enough to change your leap to a max of 15’ in a go. you’re also better at Occultism now. it’s not useful yet, but you need to know a lot about hell in order to get down there. without dying, I mean. getting to hell is real easy if you don’t mind being stuck down there.
you’re also Stubborn, improving your Will Saves and you can save more often against being controlled. I doubt there’s that many people in hell with 1337 hacker skillz, but it’s better safe than sorry, y’know?
4. at level four you kind of get your shotgun, allowing you to perform a Black Powder Boost. Whenever you leap, you can spend some ammo to go an extra 10’. so yes, now you can move as much as most player characters can in an action as a reaction. you’re not super-fast, but god are you hard to pin down.
when you land without taking damage, you can make a Rolling Landing as a reaction to step away from your landing point. this will also improve as your acrobatics does- as an expert you can stride up to half your speed, as a master you can move at full speed, and as a legend you don’t trigger reactions.
finally, you tinker around with v2’s arm a bit to make it a Modular Dynamo. I’m sure he won’t mind. now you can swap your power driver for Entangling Barbs or vice-versa as an action, giving you a short-range grappling hook for enemies. we’ll get the real one later, don’t worry.
5. at level five you get another Ability Boost in Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence. your Gunslinger Weapon Mastery bumps up your proficiency with all your weapons, and you’re an expert in Acrobatics for better movement tech.
6. at level six we finally get a shotgun proper thanks to Scatter Blast. I mean you can always just buy a shotgun (and you need to for this action to work) but now it’s Ultrakill-tier, with a longer range and a wider scatter shot. it even explodes now! directly on you, with a critical failure! this is why most people don’t punch their own guns.
you become an Underwater Marauder, preventing you from being flat-footed while swimming, and you can use your fists without penalty. hey, the water level’s going to happen eventually, might as well prepare for it.
you can also Piston Punch with v2’s arm, attacking two creatures at the same time at the cost of two actions and an hour of winding.
7. at level seven you can Skitter while prone, crawling up to half your speed when you move. it’s hard to match Ultrakill’s movement in a turn-based game, but at least you can slide around wherever you want now.
you’re also a master in Acrobatics now, giving you even more space to move around with, and your Vigilant Senses make you a master in Perception. finally, your Weapon Specialization adds extra damage to all the weapons you specialize in. currently, that’s a +3 to most firearms, and a +2 to your unarmed attacks.
8. at level eight you can Leap and Fire when you hit the dirt, letting you take a shot at whoever triggered the reaction mid-leap. this is about as close as we’re getting to a true parry system, but you deal more damage with your guns anyway, so… close enough.
we’re not done upgrading your reactionary dodges though, since with Kip Up you can stand from prone as a free action without triggering attacks. now you can finally boost dodge, something you could do since… the first level in-game. this is going a bit out of order, sorry about that.
we also finally get your Witch Dedication, which will let us start filling out the rest of your arsenal. we’re picking an Occult patron, since that’s probably what devils count as, right? At least I assume it’s some kind of devil leaving guns all over the place in hell…
you get trained in occult spellcasting, and you also get trained in Survival. to be honest, most of these skills aren’t really something we need for the build- turns out a silent murder machine isn’t that complicated. still, we had to pick something.
as a witch, you get a familiar, which is basically a living spellbook. they come packed with a couple cantrips, but you can only pick one per day, so we’re only going over one or two spells per level. Warp Step will greatly increase your speed, giving you an extra five feet of movement for a turn and letting you stride or fly twice as part of the two-action spell. if you’d rather focus on looking cool, Musical Accompaniment will give you that sweet sweet Ultrakill soundtrack in the background, giving you a +1 bonus to performance checks for a minute, and possibly some other checks as well, as deemed appropriate by your DM. all this comes at a cost to your stealth checks, which- yeah, duh. it’s hard to sneak with a boombox on your back
9. at ninth level your advanced deed, Pistolero’s Retort unlocks. with this, you can react to someone nearby critically failing an attack on you to take a shot on them. again, not quite a parry, but the spirit is there.
you also have Gunslinger Expertise, which does what you’d think, and you’re now a master in Occultism. we’re still not at the point where we can invade hell yet, but we’ll get something nice next level for your trouble.
10. finally, tenth level is here! bump up your Strength Dexterity Constitution and Intelligence again, then grab Deflecting Shot to parry a wider range of attacks- if a nearby ally would get hit, you can fire a shot to add 2 to their AC. and don’t worry, you’ll know if the +2 will make a difference, since you can use this after the attack is declared.
your sliding also gets boosted thanks to Nimble Crawl. Currently, it’s the same as skittering, but as you improve in acrobatics, you can crawl at full speed, and as a legend you won’t even be flat-footed, allowing you to finally have a proper shootout sliding around like a greased pig, just the way god intended.
you also get access to Basic Witch Casting, giving you one spell slot per day for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells. Gravitational Pull is a first level spell that pulls a creature up to 20 feet closer to you if they fail a fortitude save, knocking them prone on a critical failure. sadly, this doesn’t pull you towards them on a success, but that would be cool, huh? you could also grab a Kinetic Ram to push creatures away from you like v2’s arm should.
for your second level spell, Inner Radiance Torrent is a must have for your railgun. you can spend two actions to two rounds on this spell, making it either a 60’ or 120’ line. if you spend two whole turns charging it up, you deal extra damage and irradiate yourself for a minute. you can also Shatter for your shotgun’s alt fire.
finally, your third level spells! Vampiric Touch is a must-have, finally letting you drink the blood of your enemies for healing! you deal negative damage to an enemy in melee range, gaining temporary HP out of the deal for 1 minute. you can also grab Ghostly Weapon to fight Mindflayers. I think they’re ghosts? I don’t know.
11. eleventh level gunslingers get Evasion, mastering your reflex saves and improving your successes with them. you can also Siphon Life by spending two actions now! I know you have to get dropped to 0 HP by a negative enemy first, but I mean. it’s hell. there’s going to be negative enemies there. and if you’ve managed to do a deathless run of Ultrakill so far, that’s as impressive as it is unlikely.
still, this means you can deal extra negative damage when you punch a living creature, forcing a fortitude save against them and healing you based on how much damage takes.
you’re also more Athletic now, congrats.
12. at level twelve, your Ricochet Shot finally lets you bounce a bullet off a coin to ignore cover. I know this is the second gun you get in the game, but to be fair you don’t have to buy it right away.
you can also Quick Jump, so now your black powder boosts can be added to your High and Long jumps as well, while also packaging everything into one action.
finally, you take a Basic Lesson in Witchcraft, learning the Lesson of Calamity. you learn the Stumbling Curse hex to mess around with your enemy’s movement via creative usage of grappling hooks, while your familiar learns Ill Omen. if their target fails a will save, they get disadvantage on at least one attack roll or skill check next turn. this way you can still mess around with the grappling hook, even if your enemy is too heavy to move that often.
13. at lucky level 13 you become a Gunslinging Legend, improving your training with all weapons once more. you also gain Medium Armor Expertise, improving your armor training. you’re also an expert in Intimidation now. I mean you can basically intimidate for free every time you reload, you might as well be good at it, right?
14. as a 14th level gunslinger you can perform a Dance of Thunder, spending all three of your actions to just viciously abuse the action economy. You can now step, strike a nearby enemy, and reload, repeating the three actions each time you successfully hit your target up to two more times. all this comes at the cost of making your fatigued for a minute afterwards, reducing your AC and saves, but it won’t matter much if your enemies are all dead, right?
you know what we need? better boosts. with Powerful Leap, your leaps can move five feet vertically, or an extra five feet horizontally. that means you can now move further than most people can move in an action as a reaction, shoot the guy who tried to attack you, and finish it all off standing. now I’m pretty confident we’re matching ultrakill in terms of movement. maybe not the weird momentum stuff, but we’ve still got six levels to go.
you also learn some Expert Witch Spellcasting, improving your occult spell training and giving you a fourth and fifth level spell now, with a sixth level spell to come. with your fourth level slot, we can finally use everyone’s favorite weapon, the drill! Dimension Anchor can keep an enemy from teleporting for up to an hour, but if you’d rather have a bunch of blood and damage the Vampiric Maiden can help out. it deals damage, gives you temporary HP, and can immobilize an enemy for a round.
for your fifth level spell, grab Repelling Pulse to really knock a creature around and deal damage at the same time.
15. another Ability Boost, this time into Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom to shake things up. you also become a Titan Wrestler, allowing you to shove and grapple creatures up to two sizes larger. I’m pretty sure this means King Minos is still out of your weight class, but I’m sure we’ll figure out some way to parry him later.
you now have a Grim Swagger while wielding your gun, making an intimidation check against the will dcs of all creatures in 30’, frightening them or making them flee on a success. I know it’s tempting to use an Ultrakill meme for this, but fight the urge! you can do it, I believe in you.
you also have a Greater Weapon Specialization, and the greatest skill in Acrobatics. you now take no falling damage from any height, can move up to 30’ when you hit the ground without causing an attack, and you can slide around at full speed with no downside.
16. at level 16 you can parry ranged attacks with an Instant Return, catching a bullet out of the air and firing it back at the poor son of a bitch who tried to shoot you.
you’re also better with speed tech now thanks to Aerobatics Mastery helping you maneuver in flight.
you can also use Murksight to see through fog, mist, rain, and snow. you’re just as accurate in Wrath as you are anywhere else, and given how much blood you get on you on a daily basis, that probably counts as rain too.
you also get that sixth level spell slot I was talking about. Suspended Retribution lets you get a real counterattack off if you read your target right. You pick a specific trigger, and then for the next minute the target will take 70 points of damage whenever they activate the spell, though they can also waste a whole turn to remove it. either you restrict the enemy’s attack pattern, or you get a free turn. either way, a fun spell.
17. you’re now a Juggernaut, making you a master of Fortitude and improving your successful saves. robots! pretty tough. they should make armies out of the things.
your Shootists Edge makes you a master of your Class DC, and your mastered firearms can now completely ignore the range penalty when firing them. that’s the great thing about robot gunslingers- no breathing or heartbeats to affect their aim. you’re also Legendary in Occultism now- it’s a secret tool that’ll help us later.
18. it’s later! you now know Master Witch Spellcrafting, improving your spell power again and giving you a seventh level spell! there’s just one we want this time- the spell Plane Shift. Now you can finally invade hell, just like you always wanted! So I guess we haven’t played any of the game yet? Kind of makes sense, Hell is a tough place to invade. don’t ask where we got the arm though.
you can also use Bizarre Magic to make it harder for people to recognize or identify spells you cast. turns out, it’s hard to translate binary on the fly, who knew?
you can now Reach for the Stars when you use a black powder boost. for each dose of power or piece of ammunition spent, you can add another 10’ to your leap, up to five times in a single jump. that means you can leap up to 80’ as a reaction, changing direction with each piece of black powder used. now we have matched Ultrakill in terms of stupid momentum bullshit.
19. for your 19th level, your True Perception gives you a permanent True Seeing spell. now you see the world for what it truly is, a… visual novel? weird. you can get that thanks to your Incredible Senses making you legendary in perception. you also have Medium Armor Mastery, improving your armor training to master. you’re also a master in Intimidation now. I know this isn’t as ridiculous as last level, but I wanted you to have plenty of time to enjoy blowing yourself up.
20. finally, you hit level 20. you get one last Ability Boost in Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom, and your Slinger’s Reflexes give you an extra reaction each turn for counterattacks.
now that you’ve filled out the in-game encyclopedia, you have Assured Identification, making it easier to identify magic. thank god.
one last thing before you go- you learn the Lesson of Death as your final witchy bonus. sure, the Curse of Death is cool, dealing tons of damage and killing an enemy in 3-4 rounds, but the real reason we’re here is so your familiar can learn Raise Dead, because Gabriel knows you aren’t getting through this game without it.
oh right, one last thing before the pros and cons- your eighth level spell, Devour Life. force a fortitude save on a target, dealing 60 negative damage and healing you for half that in real HP. excess is temporary, and if this takes a target to 0 HP they instantly die.  simple, effective, and very, very bloody.
Pros & Cons
your positioning on the battlefield is super important in Pathfinder, and V1 is one of the best builds we’ve done to date when it comes to controlling his own position as well as his enemy’s. He’s relatively fast, can slide around and fly, and most importantly he can move reactively, which saves his actions for attacking while also giving him a better idea of where to move, and that’s all before we talk about how he can push and pull enemies like he’s taking their turns for them.
He’s also great at abusing the Action Economy, with Hit the Dirt effectively giving him an extra move and attack action from pretty early on in the build, plus his Dance of Thunder letting him take three turns in one go to cap off a fight.
a lot of times, damage focused characters have issues with longevity, especially when it comes to healing themselves. V1 does not have that problem, with his vampirism allowing him to patch himself up without losing out on damage.
unlike Ultrakill, you have limited ammunition in Pathfinder. maybe. obviously it depends on your DM, but when you’re using five bullets per reaction they’re going to cut you off eventually. you also have limited ammo in terms of your spells- only having one slot per level seriously limits how often you can cast stuff.
you’re great in combat, but you’re practically a dead fish when it comes to socialization. you have almost no skills except for threatening people, and even then you have the lowest charisma score possible. there’s a reason you’re a silent protagonist. and alone.
a lot of your abilities don’t become useful right away. we barely use intimidation at all, and your occultism uses up a lot of skill improvements despite the fact that we use it for almost nothing beyond unlocking spells in the second half of the build.
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rangersfc-1872 · 7 months ago
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Rangers 0-2 FC Dynamo Kyiv 13th August 2024 Hampden Park
Pikhalyonok (82'), Voloshyn (84')
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ravenluckarts · 9 months ago
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Current D&D Pathfinder character art :)
Her name is Anne and she's an inventor with a slight obsession for ships and bad luck in regards to getting her arm ripped off by a T-rex
still trying to figure out a better design for the Sterling dynamo she got as a replacement but I really wanted to draw her tonight anyways
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voiddaisy · 1 year ago
The Victors of the Hunger Games
So when I get obsessed with a new thing, I literally need to know everything about it, even if that means making shit up. Thankfully, that means I can produce some decent, accurate content, so here that is! I made a list of all of the “known” Hunger Games victors. The canon ones are bolded, but the rest of them are named based on their district (I got the name inspiration from this naming guide). 
Huge credits to @one-mopeyboi for this idea!
I know that canonically Districts 1 and 2 have the best chance of having a lot of Victors, so I made sure that was represented, as well as when the career programs began (I have a headcanon that after the career programs were implemented, Districts 1 and 2 went on a winning streak for years). This is similar to District 4, though I think that their “career system” is hugely different than the first two districts, so they probably had fewer victors. I included statistics at the end (how many victors came from each district, genders, ages, etc..).
During the first ten games, even though District 2 didn’t have a career program, I think they still had a lot of victors due to them being the defense and masonry district -- possible peacekeepers-in-training could have been reaped, or just kids who grew up around weapons and fighting. That’s why they appear so much in the first ten years, even though the first ten years were so disorganized! 
I also gave some of my favs last names based on my interpretation of their characters, much like Suzanne Collins put a lot of time and effort into naming other characters! I’ll explain their last names when they come up!
A lot of canon victors had a range in which they could have won their games, so take any victor marked with an asterisk (*) is an up for interpretation -- add or subtract five years from their set date in this list and you should still be in the ballpark in which they won their games. Also, the ages at which they won their games are speculated and headcanons mostly, so do with those what you wish!
Ominis Jing / D1 / M18
Indigo Andrews / D8 / M16
Severus Florez / D2 / M17
Hercules Caine / D7 / M15
Atticus Gomez / D2 / M18
Vizio Everest / D3 / M18
Beatrix Regime / D2 / F17 (First female Victor)
Selerate Vega / D6 / M17
Nucleo Lamont / D5 / M18
Lucy Gray Baird / D12 (Covey) / F16 (MEMORY ERASED)
Mags Flannigan (nee Navarro) / D4 / F18 (Possibly implemented the career program in District 4 a few years after her win, and after Districts 1 and 2 implemented theirs. This is a headcanon of mine!)
Mercury Chow / D1 / M17 (Marks the beginning of “Career Districts”)
Remus Prasio / D2 / M18 
Sterling Ryfe / D2 / F18 (First time a district had a Victor two years in a row)
Victoria Argyros / D1 / F17
Cicero Shale / D2 / M16
Woof Damask / D8 / M15 *
Makari Perch / D4 / F17
Pompeii Rhine / D4 / M18
Octavio Pyrite / D2 / M17
Nyx Maelstrom / D4 / F15
Night Raleigh / D7 / F17
Ardor Maron / D1 / M18
Ting Harta / D1 / M16
Celestia Dean / D5 / F17
Seeder Harrow / D11 / F15 *
Aphrodite Penz / D1 / F18
Ceres Tritt / D9 / M16
Parsley Citron / D11 / M18
Aquarius Mokosh / D4 / M17
Spruce Hawthorn / D7 / M17
Willow Elwood / D7 / F15 (First winning streak of a non-Career district)
Olympio Knight / D6 / M16
Elixer Dynamo / D1 / M18
Lazurus Yuki / D2 / M17
Twix Serratos / D10 / M15
Tanzanite Valor / D1 / M18
Porter Millicent Tripp / D6 / F15
Tameo Swift / D5 / M16
Ciabette Pizelle / D9 / F17
Denver Propel / D6 / M16
Phyllite Hatch / D2 / F16
Beetee Latier / D3 / M16 *
Broze Aegis / D2 / M18
Chaff Pitaya / D11 / M17
Marrow Banker / D10 / M18
Wiress Latier (neē Neith) / D3 / F18 * 
Thetis Firth / D4 / M16
Cloque Madder / D8 / M17
Haymitch Abernathy / D12 / M16 (“First” D12 winner)
Brutus Castor / D2 / M18 *
Brasilia Cadillac / D6 / F17
Vestis Thompson / D1 / M18
Lyme Rabe / D2 / F18
Blight Page / D7 / M16 *
Emmer Graham / D9 / M18
Mirabelle Ortega / D11 / F17
Dahlia Celsius / D5 / F17
Eloquence Fleur / D1 / F18
Lennox Rodriguez / D10 / F17
Celia Khampan / D8 / F17 *
Enobaria Calypso / D2 / F15 (Calypso means hidden or concealed -- as an Enobaria lover who definitely sees past the whole “brutal�� teeth thing, I definitely think that she has a lot of hidden rage towards the Capitol, even though people in District 2 notoriously side with the Capitol. Not only this, but she was seen running with Finnick during the breaking of the arena in Catching Fire, which I definitely interpret as she was either secretly working with Finnick or had some type of solidarity with him to be able to not attack him while running -- meaning she hid this tolerability from her district and the Capitol. I could make an entire post about Enobaria, but I’ll leave it at that.)
Gloss Mirat / D1 / M18 (Mirat means mirror -- Gloss and Cashmere were mirrors of each other -- two siblings going into the games seperately, then immensly regretting it as soon as they won for the same or different reasons. Then, they had to reenter the game together, knowing that one or both of them would die in the arena, but showing the Capitol excitement, anyway, because that is was District 1 taught them to do. They mirror each other and what their district wants them to be.)
Cashmere Mirat / D1 / F17 ^^
Finnick Odair / D4 / M14
Maze Targaren / D10 / M15
Augustus Braun / D1 / M17
Maida Pondaro / D9 / F18
 Cable Denoir / D3 / M17
Annie Cresta / D4 / F18
Johanna Mason / D7 / F17
Obsidian Trenton / D2 / M17
Lazulia Mace / D2 / F16
Katniss Everdeen / D12 / F16 and Peete Mellark / D12 / M16
Victor Stats
District 1 Total Victors: 13 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 17 (17.54)
District 2 Total Victors: 15 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 6 Average Age: 17 (17.07)
District 3 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 4 Total Victors: 8 Male Victors: 4 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 16 (16.63)
District 5 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17
District 6 Total Victors: 5 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.2)
District 7 Total Victors: 6 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 3 Average Age: 16 (16.17)
District 8 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 9 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 10 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 11 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.75)
District 12 Total Victors: 3 (4) Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 1 (2) Average Age: 16
ALL VICTORS Total Victors: 75 Male Victors: 44 Female Victors: 31 Average Age: 16 (16.7)
let me know if you spot any mistakes and I'll fix them!
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cripplecharacters · 7 months ago
Can you give your input on the sterling dynamo archetype in pathfinder 2e?
Please note that we don't have any amputee mods at the moment.
Admittedly, I have limited experience playing Pathfinder but from what I know about the archetype, it would fit into 'super cool robot arm' trope, which we've talked about at length already. I believe there's a post about it linked in the pinned post.
Unfortunately, when such a concept is built into the game's mechanics, it can be a bit hard to avoid it. If it's something you're interested in using for a character but you have concerns about it, I'd recommend talking to your GM about it and try to find some solutions that fit your game.
~ Mod Icarus
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ghoulcaclulator64 · 1 year ago
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i dont think i posted this before but even if i did i wanted to expand on some of my thoughts, so heres dominic! he and guillaume are pretty close as leaders of the counterterror squad, and sort of end up being counterparts of each other, which ill explain below
basically, the two of them end up relating to each other because of their physical disabilities, which were brought on from monster attacks; dominic was almost burned to death by a red dragon, and guillaume was almost completely drained by a wraith, and both end up emulating their scourges; guillaume accidentally since shes got more creepy divine energy in her than she has flesh and blood, and dominic on purpose, studying mixed arcane-martial arts and taking on a sterling dynamo, more built for combat than for day-to-day use, to mimic their brutal attacks, their tough scales, and their blistering arcane breath weapons all at the same time.
they both also, through becoming members of the peacekeepers, end up devaluing the lives of everyone else but themselves and each other, especially those of civilians. guillaume, as her canon counterpart, sees people as playthings to mess around with and threaten, while dominic is more concerned with destroying whatever the listed threat itself is and isnt afraid to use anything or anyone to draw it out or distract it. they both, made worse by the system of the amaterasu peacekeepers, make each other even worse, which will probably br hell for yuma and co.
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Meet the Characters: Yufi
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Name: Yufitri Bangura
Heritage: Stellar elf
Class: Inventor (Armor Innovation)
Free Archetype: Sterling Dynamo
View Yufi’s full character sheet on Pathbuilder
Yufi found himself in the Okhema’s path right at the moment they needed him, as the best (and only) craftsman in town when their damaged ship reached Matrica’s shores. And of course, being the bleeding heart that he is, Yufi would have volunteered to join the mission even without his unexpected ties to the captain— now he just has an even more pressing reason to come along. Yufi’s work is also his hobby, and when he is not crafting magical inventions he will still usually be found in the workshop, either tinkering on something new or adding modifications and clever features to his prosthetic arm.
Follow Yufi’s repeated attempts to pull himself together in Matrica: A Novelized Actual-Play
Read on the Matrica Wiki | Read on AO3 | Read on Google docs
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butter-and-too-much-bread · 8 months ago
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radioroquette · 1 year ago
RR17—13# Les programmes du vendredi 17 novembre au dimanche 17 décembre
Les créations sonores de RR * Maxwell Sterling, Leslie Winer « Tenderness » En attendant la plage —écritures contemporaines * AC Hello, Lou Achard, Patrick Sirot & les Editions Plaine Page, TLP 6ème éd. L’interlude musical et pimenté de Thomas * Congo-Brazzaville, France & Algérie La voix du large de Lili Le Gouvello * Journal en vrac Le billet cinéma de Benoît Muller * Journal cinéphile d’octobre La part des femmes aux Chantiers Navals de La Ciotat * Portraits de Germaine, Anne, Marie-Martine, Sylvie et Aline par Hélène Coeur ≈ un projet porté par la CCU L’interlude musical et pimenté de Thomas * Ghana, Bénin & Sierra Leone L’atelier bleu * 1ère édition du Forum Eco-solutions (en 4 parties) 1 / 4 ¬ « Agir en faveur du climat et du vivant : pourquoi et pourquoi pas ? », Conférence de Stéphane Labranche, sociologue du climat 2 / 4 ¬ Rencontre avec Grazia, de l’association Les Dynamos A suivre les 3ème et 4ème parties, qui seront publiées dans le courant du mois Les découvertes musicales au club Convergences * Le FAN-TAS-TIQUE Mouvman Alé
Les interludes : Les Bantous de la capitale « Bantous pachanga » (Congo-Brazzaville) * Imohtep « Bendir beat 1 » (France) * Cheikha Rimitti « N’ta goudami » (Algérie) ¬ CK Mann Big Band « Fa W'akoma Ma Me » (Ghana) * Orchestre Super Borgou de Parakou « Wegne´Nda M´Banza » (Bénin) * Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars « Goombay Interlude: Rain Come Sun Come » (Sierra Leone)
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rpmtrish · 1 year ago
Performance Giants Join Forces, Name Leader
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Two leaders in the performance drivetrain market, Pure Drivetrain Solutions, led by Chris Miller, and Boninfante Friction, Inc., led by Rob Boninfante, have joined forces to create a powerhouse joint venture. This new company, Standard Drivetrain, LLC. will be led by industry dynamo, Michael Cargill, as Chief Executive Officer. “High performance requires high performers,” states Rob Boninfante, President of Boninfante Friction, Inc. “When Chris and I started talking about combining our businesses, there was only one name that we considered to lead the team.” Michael Cargill brings decades of experience in the Automotive Aftermarket to the table, most recently as Category Manager for Schaeffler Automotive, where he focused on introducing torque converters into Schaeffler’s broad aftermarket product line. Prior to Schaeffler, Cargill was a product manager at Transtar Industries, touching all product lines, but focusing on drivetrain. Cargill recently fulfilled two terms as President of the Board of Directors of the Torque Converter Rebuilders Association. “Michael has been a strong leader in the Aftermarket, and we’re excited to leverage his knowledge, innovative spirit, and business prowess in the performance industry,” said Chris Miller. “Rob and I are looking forward to great success under his leadership.” “I am humbled and thrilled to work with Rob, Chris, and their teams and take on leadership of Standard Drivetrain,” says Cargill. “I’m looking forward to building on the solid foundation that each brand has established and creating process efficiencies and production improvements to grow the overall company.” Standard Drivetrain, LLC. is associated with the following brands: Jase Composites, Pure Drivetrain Solutions, CMR (Chris Miller Racing) Productions, Sterling Auto Group, Boninfante Friction, ProTorque, BMF Engineering and Kenny’s Diesel & Pullin’. Standard Drivetrain will focus on the advancement of technology and manufacturing for the aftermarket high performance automotive industry. “Our customers require the highest performance in the most demanding environments,” Boninfante concludes. “This partnership will allow us to surpass our customers’ expectations, by consolidating resources and operations, achieving efficiencies, and accelerating our speed to market.” Read more like this... Read the full article
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marknicholsonsblog · 2 years ago
Finding the Right Criminal Lawyer in Indianapolis: Key Considerations for Assault and Battery Cases
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Assault and battery cases pack a punch when it comes to legal challenges. Unlike your run-of-the-mill negligence cases, these intense confrontations involve intentional acts of violence.
As a victim, you need to be prepared to face unique hurdles. In this legal arena, your deposition testimony reigns supreme. With "he-said-she-said" situations being common, determining credibility becomes paramount.
Who can convince the jury of their truth? That's the million-dollar question. Moreover, assailants often resort to self-defense claims, provoke-and-blame tactics, or even outright denial of any contact with the victim. It's a maze of complexities that requires an astute best criminal lawyer Indianapolis champions by your side.
Experience and Expertise: The Powerhouse Duo
Picture this: you're in the middle of a legal storm and need a rock-solid defender. This is where a criminal lawyer specializing in assault and battery cases enters the scene. At the Law Office of Mark Nicholson, our legal dynamos possess years of experience and laser-focused expertise that can turn the tables in your favor. We hold a proven success record and testimonials for our ability to handle the most challenging cases. 
Trust me, when the stakes are high, you want a legal heavyweight in your corner, someone who knows the ins and outs of the Indianapolis legal jungle.
Knowledge of Local Laws: The Compass Guiding You
The legal landscape in Indianapolis can be a labyrinth of its own. Assault and battery laws are no exception. To navigate these treacherous waters, you need the best criminal lawyer Indianapolis team well-versed in the specificities of the local legal framework.
You want to hire a team that is intimately familiar with the nuances of Indianapolis ordinances, court procedures, and recent legal precedents. That deep knowledge ensures the legal team can craft a defense strategy tailored to your unique case, leveraging an understanding of how local laws play out in the courtroom.
Reputation and Track Record: Champions of Justice
When it comes to selecting your legal champion, reputation is everything. Look for criminal lawyers like our team that have earned their stripes in the Indianapolis legal arena. Seek out testimonials, dig into reviews, and examine their case results.
A warrior with a sterling reputation and a history of securing favorable outcomes for clients in assault and battery cases is the ally you want in your corner. Trust is built on solid foundations, and a lawyer's reputation is an invaluable asset that instills confidence and reassurance.
Communication and Accessibility: Your Voice, Their Strategy
In the heat of a legal case, effective communication with your advocate is key. Accessibility and responsiveness are non-negotiables. You want a criminal lawyer who takes the time to truly listen to your concerns, answering your questions with clarity and empathy. 
A masterful communicator will ensure that you understand the intricate legal concepts and the potential consequences of different defense strategies. When your voice is heard, and you're an active participant in decision-making, you can be confident in the defense strategy being crafted.
When the storm of assault and battery charges is raging, finding the perfect defender is your ultimate goal. Remember, this is not just any legal battle; it's a fight for your rights, future, and peace of mind.
Our team at the Law Office of Mark Nicholson has empathy toward your unique situation as well as the experience to offer advice, legal guidance, and representation for all sides of the coin. When considering a defense, look to the best criminal lawyer Indianapolis has to offer and contact us.
We work with victims and people being charged with battery equally. There is no judgment on our team because the truth of a situation often involves way more sides to a story than is written down in any record. Contact us today and let’s discuss your particular legal needs.
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speci-society · 6 months ago
the people have spoken heres the list (alphabetically)
In use
42.35479, -101.48729
AloneSnail71 "Snail"
Another's Arms
Iteration: Antares (1)
Aria Celeste
Arvin Fenwick
Dr. Arthur Alice Addington
Austin Wallace
Azrael "Pixie" Castillo
Dr. Barnesi Carukia
Bill Dillard
Captain Callisto
Friend-Entity Ceres
Charlie "Charlie Circuit" "Charlie Warthruster" Howard
Cherry Smallhurt
Cici Caspian
Clementine Cooper
Colzos Ludasnath
The Crouste Family
Cyrus Reid
Dakota Sanguine
Damien Immel
Danman Omega
David Abernathy
Dean B. Crewe
Delta "Zip" Marshall
DJ Deathwish
Dynamite and Flashbang
Dr. Edward Crow Boccaccio
Eileen Rose
Elliott Way
Emily Lévêque
Erebid Astaret
Researcher Europa
The Extended Universe
Ezekiel Riorin
Voyager Ganymede
"Dr." Fink Stoma
Harmony Flores
Hell's Kitchen
Holy Vapor
Io the Undaunted
Iron Dynamo
Isaac Abernathy
Izzy Vazquez
Jenny "Cam Flash" Dunn Millard
Jude King
Jude's Dead Boyfriend
Jude's Missing Girlfriend
Junipere Zameia
Kaphon Lorciar Heskan
Kotone Doremi
Lelane Bonk Bighurt
Levimine Noell Tobias Way
Listening Thing
Lorelai Edie Howard
Lyra "Raven" Adgolor
Maid Knight
Maria Abernathy
Marina Neoma
Mattie Rose
Mike "Stereo Mike" Martin
Monica Tempest
Milo G.T. Midnight
Mystery The Horse
Nescoria Kruldrenaal
Nikolas Crouste
Orbital Strike
Order Lord
Paragons of Acceptance
Pepper Immel-Boccaccio
Piper Sterling
Plague Doctor
DJ Red
Ruby "Waveform" Chip
Spilo Astaret
Star and Eclipse
Sun Lord
Sylphine Wynra
Tam Hyatt
Terra Baylock
Ticking Timebombs
Trevor C.
Tutorial Subject
Unnamed June mother
Unnamed Levi mother
Valentina Sangria Crouste
Verthus Kruldrenaal
Vexx Valentine Rexxwood
Dr. Vineon Astaret
Viola Loretta
Vivian Angelivio
Wendell Lestat
Wyatt the Guide
Yorzire Kruldrenaal
Zach Simon
Zinnia Perthyra
Dr. Zylovar Elren
Not in use (not alphabetical)
Unsure if i wanna use them or not they're kind of in oc limbo
Guy Manderson
Society for Otherworldly Experimentation
Ms. Marybeth
Kennedy Lansky
Atticus Gardner
Ari Oyama
Other Jude
Vicky Karmino
Dante Karmino
Maurice Fletcher
Mark Barista Boy
Carlo Barista Boy
The girl Dylan met in the lab whose name escapes me but she had red hair
Other Sigma/Oliver
Other Atticus
Asenneth Lucia
Harendra Lucia
Kaela Lucia
Tarell Lucia
Maggie Dreemurr
Other guide whose name i dont rember who was scared of heights
Adam the Enderman
I'm about to list out each and every endercat. brace yourself
The snow one
Herobrine Again
Those 4 angel characters i dont remember the name of except Lydia
Other Susan
Carrie, Mary’s twin
Herobrine yet again
I literally almost forgot abt ATOTD. Fuck me
Queen Aquarius
King Taurus
Another Dylan. the more important Dylan
Alt. Dylan
I do NOT remember if it was me or a friend of mine who made Dr. Beatrice and Oni. Will take this entry off if i am incorrect
Chaos Kitty
Am I including Hairy and Claude and the robot from 3rd grade? Yes, yes i am
Pa'yme Alvalok
Iscienth Sarrus
Avarus Alvalok
Beth Grant
Kageleth Avalok
Town of Clover
Yea does anyone want my full unedited list of relevant ocs and possibly past ocs i dont use anymore but i have a record of their name somewhere. 217 of them roughly
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the-dalm · 3 years ago
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Sterling Dynamo Serafina
commission for the lovely @alqemizzy featuring her character Serafina.
Posted using PostyBirb
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maryxglz · 6 years ago
The most glamorous date in the UK's theatre calendar is almost upon us. The Olivier Awards see the great and the good of theatreland being recognised for their sterling work throughout the year. Here's a break down of everything you need to know about this year's ceremony.
When, where and what time?
The Olivier Awards will take place Sunday 7 April, at the Royal Albert Hall. The ceremony starts promptly at 6pm and finishes at 9pm.
Is there a red carpet?
Yes. The red carpet opens at 4pm and closes at 5.30pm.
Where can I watch it live?
The short answer to that is, if you're not there, then you can't watch the magic as it happens. But you will be able to hear it being broadcast live on Magic Radio. WhatsOnStage will be live tweeting all the action from the red carpet and the ceremony, so you can follow us at @WhatsOnStage for up to the minute news. We'll also be on Instagram throughout the evening too, so stay tuned there at @WhatsOnStage.
Is it being broadcast?
Yes. It will be broadcast on ITV after the end of the ceremony, with an exact time TBC.
Who is hosting?
This year comedian Jason Manford returns as your host for the evening. He's gearing up for his appearance in Curtains in October in Bromley and we're hoping he'll bring some song and dance pizzazz to proceedings.
Who is presenting?
Who isn't presenting? This year it's a diamond year, with the likes of the Duchess of Cornwall, Jack McBrayer, Katharine McPhee, Ruthie Henshall, Harriet Scott, the Mamma Mia! 'Dynamos', Jade Anouka, Ncuti Gatwa, Thea Sharrock, Wunmi Mosaku, Arthur Darvill, Beverley Knight, Danielle de Niese, Layton Williams, Pasek and Paul and Shane Richie all presenting awards. Read the full list here.
Who else is coming?
Many people! But key appearances include Tom Hiddleston, Danny Dyer, Sally Field, Paapa Essiedu, Gloria Estefan, Judy Kuhn, Wendell Pierce, Bill Pullman, Art Malik, Andy Nyman, Kelsey Grammer, Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox, Ashley Shaw, Joanne Clifton and Kevin Clifton. It will be glitzy, rest assured.
Will there be performances.
Of course! You can expect snippets from The Lion King, as well as a number of award-nominated shows including Caroline, Or Change, Come From Away, Company, Fun Home, The King And I, Six and Tina – The Tina Turner Musical.
Who is nominated?
The nominees were this year announced by Giles Terera and Sheila Atim via Facebook Live and they include nine noms for Company and Come From Away and an 11th Olivier Award nomination for Ian McKellen for his King Lear. The Lehman Trilogy received five nods, as did the recent revival of Summer and Smoke which originally ran at the Almeida. Stars nominated include Patti LuPone, Richard Fleeshman, Jonathan Bailey, Arinzé Kene, David Suchet and Gillian Anderson. Read the full list of nominees here.
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enkisrightnipple · 2 years ago
Alternatively: Leshy Fighter + Sterling Dynamo Dedication + Modular Dynamo (Rotating Sickle)
Alternatively Alternatively: Conrasu Swashbuckler + Saved by Clockwork background
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dark science beyond belief
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desportsch · 3 years ago
Raheem Sterling Scores First Chelsea Goal In Pre-season Win Over Udinese
Raheem Sterling Scores First Chelsea Goal In Pre-season Win Over Udinese
Raheem Sterling scored his first Chelsea goal since joining from Manchester City as the Blues beat Udinese 3-1 in Italy. Former Everton and Watford winger Gerard Deulofeu pulled one back for Udinese before Mason Mount wrapped up Chelsea’s win late on. Elsewhere, Dwight McNeil shone on his debut as Everton beat Dynamo Kyiv. McNeil, who joined the Toffees from Burnley for £20m earlier this week,…
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