#sterek valentine's day
teencopandthesourwolf · 7 months
Derek: Why do you always act like you're invincible, Stiles? You don't have super-strength or speed; you can't heal like werewolves——Jesus, you don't even have any combat skills and yet you're constantly throwing yourself into danger! Do you honestly think you can just talk your way out of any situation?
Stiles: *rubbing sleep from his eyes* Derek, why the hell are you standing next to my bed at midnight?
Derek: *taking off his leather jacket* See?! There you go again proving my point! Well, go ahead and try talking your way out of THIS, genius!
Derek: *takes off shirt and pants*
Stiles: *clamps mouth firmly shut*
Derek: *sighs* Fine.
Derek: *toes off his boots and climbs into bed next to Stiles who is holding the comforter aside for him*
Derek: *mumbles* So, do you want to be my valentine or what?
Stiles: *grins in a way that says "You're a dramatic bastard and I thought you'd never ask"* :)
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imagine-sterek · 7 months
Imagine every Valentine’s Day Stiles’ mom gave him these beautiful flowers and when she died stiles still received those flowers, turns out she ordered them in advance. But it kept happening the next year and the next year, and stiles is always so happy every year for them. Then one year the morning of Valentine’s Day stiles didn’t get his usual flowers, he’s obviously upset and cries all day, his dad gets him flowers, but it just isn’t the same, until it’s late at night that he hears the doorbell, he runs down and there they are, the flowers. Sometimes the flowers show up in the morning other times it’s late at night, but they always show up.
The year scott gets bit, stiles is pretty sure that he won’t be getting any more flowers. He older now, it’s been a few years and he doesn’t know for how many years in advance his mom paid for. But he still gets them. He tries to look for the flower shop but there’s no logo and all the flowers shops say they have no records of his mom ever ordering from them.
Later when he’s hanging out by the hale house he notices Derek garden in the back. And there are the flowers his mom always got him. So he asks Derek about them.
Turns out Derek’s family owned the flower shop where Claudia got the flowers and they’ve been sending them to stiles for Claudia’s request. But then the fire happened and Laura he Derek left the shop. Derek was the delivery boy and he went back to deliver stiles his flowers because he knew how important they were to him. And he kept doing it cause it was nice doing something genuinely nice for someone else. But then he got to know stiles and so he kept doing it. He tells stiles how his mom paid in advance until he was 18 but Derek planned on giving stiles the flowers even after cause he know how it feels to loose his family and that those flowers gave stiles a connection to his mom and he didn’t want him to loose that.
Those flowers are the flowers they have at their wedding and stiles still gets them every Valentine’s Day. But Derek always has them growing in the backyard.
(Sorry if this long and messy I was just trying to type everything down as fast as I could)
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batwynn · 2 years
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(One of the Valentine's Day cards for next month on Patreon)
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syr-monthly · 7 months
Sweet, Bloody February: Entry #3
Sweet, sweet magic mishap.
@quackquackcey blessed us with this steamy sweetness that will have you begging for more. (Me, I'm begging for more.)
"Stiles finally gets together with the man of his dreams.."
@jojorice also did the art for this fic that is so friggin' cute! I can't wait to see more Sterek work from her!
Read it here: Lava Cakes & Molten Chocolates
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hoechlinsdicksblog · 11 months
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Valentine's day is when Cupid arrows meet a sad Alfa and an Angel Omega 💘
Cuando el vanidoso Omega ángel Stiles por de bajea a un triste y solitario Alfa por no tener conquista alguna el día de San Valentín, Cupido tendrá algunos planes para aquel par.
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 7 months
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Well, all the things in the name of love that are available in stores are either really weird or severely overpriced. Derek also doesn't like Valentine's Day much (I'm with ya, big guy). Stiles figured he'd work with what he had in the house. So here's some Sterek love for ya! 💞 If you'd like to use this day to show appreciation, love and gratitude for the people in your life, please do (and well, we should be doing this every day). I'll use today to say thanks to each and every person who I've met through fandom as a whole. Extra kudos for those who have hung around and have supported me through a really cray cray journey. 🥰 It's been a weird few years, but I think I'm finding my footing again. On the bright side, there are some Pretty Big Things coming out for this year! (One of them is actually dropping...really damn soon! 😉) Some reminders for those who need it: do what makes you happy. Be kind to others, but most importantly, yourself. Take a deep breath (or a few). Life flies by, and sometimes, we need to pause for a bit. Aka, this is your time to enjoy some self-love! 💖 P.S. If you’d like to follow Sterek on more mini adventures, stay updated with the #stereksmolshots tag!
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sterekvalentineweek · 2 years
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❤️Sterek Valentine Week 2023❤️
5th Year Anniversary!
Regardless of your current relationship status, Valentine’s Day will be here soon. So let’s get creative and celebrate together for the fifth year in a row!
Sterek Valentine Week is an event that celebrates the eternal love between Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski, characters from Teen Wolf. This event runs through the week before Valentine’s Day (February 8th - February 14th). Each day has a “Valentine’s Day/Love” prompt assigned to it:
Sterek Valentine Week 2023
(Wednesday) February 8th - Wine 
(Thursday) February 9th - Scent
(Friday) February 10th - Velvet 
(Saturday) February 11th - Confession
(Sunday) February 12th - Lick
(Monday) February 13th - Rose
(Tuesday) February 14th - Honeymoon
How to participate:
All you have to do is examine the prompt list, and create a work/s that corresponds with your chosen prompt.
There’s no need to sign up!
All forms of fan work are acceptable (fic, art, edits, gifs sets, mood boards, vids, playlists etc).
Remember: Tag your work with our event’s tag, use trigger warnings and, tag for mature content if applicable.
How to post:
Publish and tag your work on your own tumblr and I will reblog it.
If by end of day, you don’t see your post reblogged on the event’s tumblr, feel free to send me a message with the link!
Or post your work to our collection on Archive of Our Own.
Event Tag: #sterekvalentineweek2023
Ao3 Link: Sterek_Valentine_Week (HERE)
For this event, late posting is ALWAYS welcome. The only rule is to not post your work too early. And this is just so we can space out the entries. If the date assigned to your prompt has passed, you are free to publish your work any day after.
I’ll be keeping tack of the tag, checking the blog, and watching Ao3 for new entries until about April.
Final note:
Feel free to ask questions! You can contact me via tumblr ask or message.
Now let’s have our best year yet! Happy Sterek Valentine Week 2023!
Please share the love and reblog/share this post so no one misses out. Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️
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teademon22 · 2 years
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Can y’all tell I haven’t drawn Sterek in forever? Happy birthday to my Blayblee @feigningdesire and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone else ♥️♥️
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christines-dairy · 7 months
So what do you think your SHIP/s had planned for Valentine's Day?
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klauslovecaroline · 7 months
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Love is...
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sterekyrround · 2 years
2023 is almost here and our #Sterek January Event is in the works! So, we're getting our February Event into gear! #Writers #Artists Check it out!
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fandomslash · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day to all the lovebirds out there, especially to our favorite Alpha and his sassy, yet charming mate. Here's to hoping your love is as strong as the bond between a werewolf and his spark.
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sssssssim · 2 years
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Not that I don't have 3,000 things already started, but with Valentine's Day approaching I feel like writing some shmoopy romantic stuff.
So, pick a candy heart as a prompt (or send your own) and your favorite ship, and I'll write a little something for you. Lmk if you're looking for sexytimes.
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syr-monthly · 7 months
Sweet, Bloody February: Entry #1
Right now it's, Sweet
@randomfanfic-er gives us this sweet and angsty story.
"A valentines dance, a loved one hurt, and a plot revealed."
Read it here: Little Red and his Big Bad
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sterek-exchange · 7 months
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2024 Valentine's Exchange Round-up!
constellations in the dark by Winchesterek for EvanesDust
to forever by EvanesDust for Winchesterek
Sometimes It Takes a Misunderstanding To Know Where You Stand by gryvon for Renmackree
The Meddling Plans of Lydia Martin (Or How Derek Hale Stopped Being a Martyr) by justanotherbusyfangirl for alikatastic
Inevitable Us by thinkingaboutelephants for StaciNadia
Small Town Logic by Renmackree for justanotherbusyfangirl
A Touch of Pain by Goddess47 for HadrianPeverellBlack
Weirder Things by Renmackree for TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving
You're Good by eevylynn for L_Grae
Burning For You by MadMim for thinkingaboutelephants
Parallel Hearts by L_Grae for trinipedia
A Happy Accident by alikatastic for eevylynn
This time I won't be afraid to try by trinipedia for Issay
It was to get to you by trinipedia for gryvon
Valentine's Day Wooing by StaciNadia for MadMim
Ink and Flowers and Love by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving for malectarlos
Halfway House for Mystical Misfits by HiddenInOrbit for WeAreTheLuckyOnes
Will you be my date? by HadrianPeverellBlack for Goddess47
The Best Day by alikatastic for MelodramaticSalad
shadows searching for light by WeAreTheLuckyOnes for HiddenInOrbit
A Favor For A Favor by MelodramaticSalad for Alaidiem
Give Me Reasons We Should Be Complete by malectarlos for pseudofoucault333
Thank you to everyone that participated in this round of @sterek-exchange! Our next exchange will be for Summer! Hope to see everyone again then!
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