#stephanie matthews
Care to tell us some facts about the ROs?
I don’t mind at all! I already shared some facts for Stevie here!
Heather Grant
Has two dogs named Shadow and Ghost— Shadow being a Black German Shepherd and Ghost being a White German Shepherd.
Like I’ve mentioned, Heather tends to stick to herself, and her dogs, but she knows how to work a room when it comes to her parents social events— something she’s been trained to do since she was young. Though, she’d like nothing more to be far away from said events.
Painting and music are some of her greatest passions in life. One of the few things that make the world seem less hectic somehow.
Loves to bake but she absolutely adores decorating cakes— she volunteered at a little bakery during her teen years.
Doesn’t have many people she’s close with, many have simply used her for her status, but there are a select few that she can confidently say she trusts. I’m excited for you to meet them.
Damien Frost
Originally wanted to become a Lawyer, but went to got talked into going to a training seminar for potential recruits for the Academy. He absolutely fell in love and hasn’t looked back since.
Has only just recently earned his spot of being a detective, which is part of the reason he’s willing to try so hard to prove himself. Plus, he wants to get justice for the victim.
When he’s not at work, and it’s the appropriate season, he volunteers as a coach for his nephew’s little league team. Pizza parties are a given whenever they win.
Can be quite oblivious at times, depending on the situation, and it took his Captain a good couple of minutes to make it stick that Damien had been promoted… Vote of confidence right there.
Absolutely adores cats.
Gabriel/Gabriella DeLuca
Fluently speaks Italian and enjoys conversing with their mother about her time back in Italy. It’s a country that holds a special place in their heart and they always try to visit every few years.
Despite their reputation, they’ve been in two serious relationships. Both crashed and burned horrifically, but it’s not something they’re incapable of. It’s just something they choose not to do.
Joined the Vipers to help take care of their ailing mother— though they always say it’s because of the sweet tattoo and the Vipers credibility— but you’ve been around them long enough to know how much they care for her.
Is quite the sharpshooter, having a keen eye that let’s few things slip by.
Their Viper tattoo is located on their right shoulder blade.
Leon/Lena Prince
Has been the boss for the Southside Dragons for the last two years— something that happened on the down low because it was a switch that they didn’t wish to have a great deal of attention attached to it.
Has a soft spot for animals. You’d be able to notice them faltering when walking past a dog park or a place that’d have an abundance of them.
You were their first love and losing you nearly destroyed them, but they know that it was for the best. Though that didn’t mean they didn’t build their walls back up in order to protect themself.
Has a strained relationship with their family— despite stepping in to help the Dragons.
Every Sunday morning, without fail, they go to the coastline of Riverwood and surf. It’s one of the only times of day that they can alone with their thoughts and simply let go.
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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Hatchetfield Character doodles from the past week :)
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closetnerd62 · 10 months
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The holy quintuplet of dynamics
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baldchristianborle · 1 year
starkid has such a talent for writing straight couples. like they’re really getting me invested in a man and a woman. i respect them so much.
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edsearring · 8 months
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hilacopter · 5 months
fuck it I made these when I was bored
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riverfelloff · 10 months
ive seen so many people wondering how starkid makes such good straight couples (lautski, paulkins, etc), but i think we really need to talk about this.
in a lot of todays modern media, shows centered around straight couples are heavily focused on the sexuality of it. while they may take a few episodes to flesh out a small pining story, starkid takes that to a whole new level.
let's look at lautski for example; our first introduction (I KNOW HE WAS IN TGWDLM AND BF I DONT CARE HE WASN'T TRULY INTRODUCED UNTIL NMT) to pete and steph was nmt2's episode, 'abstinence camp'. sure, we know that sexuality played a big part in this episode, but if you pay close attention, you know that nothing ever actually happens between steph and pete, they get caught by lumberaxe and then boy jerry before they can do anything.
before then, though, we get a back story of them meeting, it's shown how steph likes him for his little quirks and oddities, and how pete is happy that someone took the time to get to know that about him. before they join showers, they talk for what feels like forever, going back and forth.
however, in nerdy prudes must die AND the guy who didn't like musicals BOTH, neither of the couples even kiss, they get close but they don't. even npmd which centers around two high school seniors over the course of a few months, not even a peck on the cheek. HOWEVER, in scenes like the summoning, we can see steph and pete both trying to hide the other behind themselves.
in tgwdlm, paul sends himself into the theater to go take down the meteor so emma has some hopes of a life.
while it's implied that they love the other in a romantic sense, it's never outright said, because you don't make romantic bonds in the situations they were in!! they made the romantic connections before the actual plot of the musical gets started!! they're so close and care so much because of the shit they went through together!!
the reason why we're so captivated by straight couples from starkid is that they don't have to be couples to show how close they are and how much they care, because at the end of the day the lang brothers know that a bond is deepest when it's pure. if you care for someone enough, you'd do anything to keep them happy, even if it isn't with you.
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oniomn · 8 months
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apologies for the lack of art recently, my family has been hella travelling but here’s some sketches i made on the plane hehehe
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petes-5yr-cocoa · 10 months
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Just some general friends & family memes
+ everyone seemed rlly fond of curtwen grandparents last time sooooo
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stardustspaceway · 3 months
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Just a lot of fun doodles. I need to draw more hatchetfield characters because I love them so but Paul has a chokehold on me…
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hatchetings · 2 months
what is it with hatchetfield and straight autistic couples
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Desperate Measures ROs
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The infamous heiress of the Grant Family-- with an inheritance worth billions and a penchant to stay by herself, she has garnered quite a bit of interest. Nothing is truly known about her, barring her love for the more creative aspects of life-- her skill in the creative arts is a well-known facet of the reclusive heiress. And, of course, her dislike for the Vipers, which isn't something you've ever gotten a conclusive answer on how it started. You're not even sure if she'd even help you-- being a Viper-- but you've found that there is a way to get anyone to help out. The trick is discovering what makes them tick and going from there.
Appearance: Heather stands at around 5'5" without her trusty Louboutins-- 5'9" with them. Ivory skin causes her auburn locks, that fall to the small of her back in a mixture of loose curls and soft waves, to stand out even more, the deep hue of her eyes, an icy shade of blue, not revealing anything. Her slenderly elegant body is that of a dancer, the grace with which she moves proving that fact. Her full lips are usually painted a shade of red and pulled into some version of a smirk-- even if it never truly reaches her eyes.
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Detective Frost has a keen eye for observation and a knack for handling even the most unruly of people. Of course, that hasn't truly helped him get any sort of recognition within the RPD, but that hasn't dissuaded him the slightest. In fact, if anything, it's made him even more passionate about pursuing his goals and proving himself to everyone that has doubted him. He won't give up, especially not now that he's been given such a big case, and nothing will stop him from finding the answers he's searching for.
Appearance: Damien stands at around 5'7". Dark brown skin causes the warmth of his whiskey brown eyes to stand out-- onyx black curls falling over his forehead in a boyishly charming fashion. He has a lithe, slightly muscular build, that showcases he can take care of himself; although he tries to find a peaceful solution in most instances.
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A Viper through and through, Stevie is loyal to a fault and wouldn't leave your side no matter what. They've stuck by you since they had been chosen to be your instructor when you had first been initiated within the Vipers-- something that has become an inside joke between you both. With them being your Obi-Wan and you being their Anakin; just without the betrayal. Always carrying some form of weapon on their person at all times, to not only protect themself but you as well, they'll defend you with their very life if it comes down to it. Hopefully, it never has to.
Appearance: Stevie stands at around 6'4". Tanned skin brings out the forest green of their gaze, ash brown hair complementing the golden undertone of it. An athletically muscular body, from all their years of training, can be extremely violent but gentle at the same time. Their right arm has a full sleeve. (Stephen's hair falls to just above his ears and Stephanie's to just underneath her shoulders.)
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The resident flirt of the Vipers and the one that probably is on the majority of people's blacklist. Gabby isn't one to take life too seriously-- they're going to be dead one day, might as well enjoy life as much as they can until that point. They don't hesitate in making sly remarks, or quippy innuendos, and a flirtatious smile is never far from their lips, but, for all of that, they'd step in front of a bullet for you in a heartbeat.
Appearance: Gabby stands at around 5'11". Olive-toned skin brings out the mischievous glint within their slate-gray gaze. Golden brown hair, which has more gold than brown, is always perfectly tousled. They have a lean body type that's made for endurance. (Gabriel's hair is cut semi-short, think of a side part, and Gabriella's falls to slighlty below her shoulder blades.)
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The leader of the Vipers main rival-- the Southside Dragons. With a penchant for sarcasm and a stoic mask that could make a champion poker player fold in a heartbeat, it's not unsurprising that they're as feared as they are. Of course, you're aware of the golden heart that lies underneath, have witnessed the hardass boss nurture an injured bird back to health, and have seen the softness within their gaze after they hugged you. It's part of the reason it's so painful to see them again-- to see they have completely closed you off. It's not surprising, you did abandon them, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.
Appearance: They stand at around 6'6". Warm beige skin allows the sapphire blue of their gaze to stand out, bringing out the keen intelligence that lurks within. Platinum blonde hair accentuates their elegant face perfectly. Their athletic body, that's perfectly toned, is hidden behind their leather jacket. (Leon has his hair to just above his jawline and Lena has hers to her shoulder blades.)
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Ok but the Beanie's scene in NPMD is so fucking funny. Like "If I Loved You" is all good fun, but zoom out into the full context of the scene and it's SO funny. Picture it- You're Emma Perkins, and this dude who comes in basically every day has finally found an excuse to give you his number. It's clunky, but it's cute, and the guy seems nice enough, so you start chatting and then this fucking kid yells at the top of his lungs at you about his hot chocolate. Asshole takes it and nervously thanks you, then he sits down with who you're pretty sure is the mayor's kid? Whatever, none of your business, so you turn back to Paul and try to have a conversation but you can't focus because these fucking teenagers won't shut up this is not a very big shop they know they are very audible right??? Cut back over to the teens in question and they are INSISTING, VERY LOUDLY, that they DO NOT like each other and in fact they're NOT even real friends and the other one should GO AWAY! But also every time they start trying to intimidate or prove a point they immediately have to turn around in the middle of the argument because they're beet fucking red, and the girl is literally fanning herself and the dude is doing a double take at the wall every time they make eye contact But NO!!! THEY DON'T!! THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN A LITTLE BIT!!!
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zyozzz · 3 months
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some hatchetfield texposts i made cause i'm board af (haha smosh reference) (they're mostly the nerds)
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eldritch-ace · 2 months
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Highlights from trying to do anatomy practice with some Hatchetfield blorbs
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bwaybby09 · 4 months
TGWDLM: What Do You Want, Paul?
Audience Reactions: 😂😅😳
NPMD: What Do You Want, Steph?
Audience Reactions: 😰😨😭
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