#steph again with the POS father
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3amferaltrashdemon · 2 months ago
I see this and I raise you:
YES Alfred would absolutely be an enabler in such a situation with no excuse for why he didn't step in, but how you portray him depends on the narrative voice.
An outsider would see Alfred as a bad person but it's important to understand that not all victims hate their abuser and that's what often traps them in the toxic cycle for so long. In situations where Bruce is portrayed as an abuser, the batfam may initially or continually try to rationalise his bad behaviour, leading to an unreliable narrator where the kids don't identify that what is happening is abuse.
It is also important to acknowledge that victims often don't see enablers as people who did anything wrong and may bond with them on a familial level, often seeing them as a source of comfort- someone who brought them tea and an ice pack and soothing platitudes after something goes wrong. In this situation Alfred could be portrayed as a 'good guy' even if the audience can acknowledge that he was not a responsible adult. You can be part of a dysfunctional family unit and be beloved simply because you are the lesser of two evils.
In other situations, it could be written as 'Alfred is oblivious (sometimes willfully, sometimes not) and therefore can not be held responsible for Bruce's actions' which would still put him firmly on the side of should not be taking care of children, but would definitely mean that the kids are less likely to hate him.
The third (and arguably the worst) depiction of Good!Alfred Bad!Bruce is that the kids see that Alfred considers Bruce a son and also consider Alfred stepping in as making him chose between his son and his grandchildren. This is my least favorite justification because it involves the kids
A: acknowledging the abuse
B: acknowledging that Alfred is in a position to step in. And
C: Being okay with Alfred choosing neutral ground/Bruce over stepping in for his grandchildren.
Which would logically and emotionally be the least likely and would spark the most hatred/discontent from the kids.
I think the best way writers who don't want to write Bad!Alfred deal with it is just to very sparingly portray him and let readers draw their own conclusions.
Pssst...hey... Alfred can't be "good" if Bruce is "bad"
If Bruce is written as abusive and obsessed with "the mission," then logistically, ya gotta write Alfred as an enabler/accessory to the abuse.
It is impossible for Alfred to be there throughout all Robins, be first witness for multiple years with multiple children "suffering" and still have the kids be like: "Oh well, Alfred is still an angel, though." They would've known he hadn't helped them.
Imagine a building is on fire, and someone just stands there and watches it. They didn't start it, but they also don't try to put it out. They don't help anyone get out. They don't even bother calling for help. Yet, they still get a medal for their bravery??
There would only be 2 ways that Alfred could be seen as a "loving grandfather" if he
1. Outright stops Bruce by confronting him directly or getting the kids out from the first sign of abuse.
2. If Bruce is at least a somewhat decent father. Sure, he can make mistakes, and he can fumble sometimes. But Bruce can not be actively harmful to the kids for years without Alfred being aware and choosing to leave the kids to fend for themselves.
Alfred would have to be written as a non questions asked, 100% dedicated to only a "True Wanye" kind of butler. He would have to see the kids as not real Wayne's to allow an abusive Bruce to continuously harm them. The kids would know this and hate BOTH of them.
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mysterycitrus · 1 year ago
Clearly you’ve got a lot of opinions abt the characterisations of the batfam in fandom /pos
Can you elaborate on your interpretation for all of them? /gen
it’s called caring too much — and it’s incurable! wrt my personal interpretation, that's a long and complicated answer, so ill just focus on the internal character of the waynes (specifically bruce and his five canonical kids).
bruce wayne is a control freak, we know this. his parents were killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he has literally never ever been able to truly process it. the degree to which he is controlling - firing robins, survelling his allies without their consent, compiling personal information from others, disregarding others feelings in favour of his own - is all about trying to achieve the best possible outcome. everything he does is justified, because if he's in control then he can stop bad things from happening. it is all in favour of the greater good. it's the logic of an eight year old who's just lost everything and hasn't grown up.
if bruce's trauma manifests control then dick's manifests personal perfectionism. he holds himself to such an absurd standard because he's a flier - when you're catching someone on the trapeze you quite literally have to be there, always, ready to take their hand. if you don't, they fall. if there's no net, if dick isn't the net, then they die. he’s always swinging back out and in again, waiting for the next person to slip through his fingers. he does not fear falling, only what will happen when he hits the ground. he’s a born performer made to be an atlas, carrying an unbearable weight that anchors him to the earth.
jason after death is a tragedy of his own creation, and dc's worst crime is trying to justify the terrible decisions he makes. jason isn’t right, because what he wants is not about protecting other kids from his fate or being a better batman. he wants to be personally vindicated, even though he knows it's impossible. jason rejected himself, bruce, everything, in order to transform into a weapon to enact violence. deep down he's so angry, so hurt, that he'll go after other children - tim, damian, mia - and still decry bruce in the same breath. killing the joker, killing bruce, killing dick, killing every robin before or since won't take him back to who he was before. you cannot go back. you can never go back.
cass sees everything. she can't unsee it, she can't ignore it, nothing in the body can be truly hidden from her, but like bruce that doesn't mean she's always right. she killed a man and witnessed his death, and thus will never take another life. she is all knowing, but she was not born knowing herself. she's jason in reverse — she turns from steel to flesh and bone. she will do whatever it takes to be good. she has made herself real.
tim chose this life in the most literal sense of the word, and then kept choosing it. it’s his duty, it’s his honour, it has hollowed him out and left nothing behind. his tethers to the world snap one by one — janet and jack and darla and dana and steph and kon — and suddenly it’s much harder to extricate himself from the black. robin, dick grayson, is his guiding north star, but his north star is only human. he knows he is capable, he knows this is his choice, and he knows he has long since lost the chance to unchoose.
damian is raised in the shadow of the bat. he is born of blood. he knew death before he knew his father. he is a child. he is ancient. he is a killer. he only wants to do good. he loves his mother. his father is gone before he learns to love damian. damian loves someone else who wears the bat but does not carry wayne name. everything he knows about himself is questioned — robin is given to him, and suddenly he can decide his own fate, make his own family. he wants to be the best, but he doesn’t know what he wants that to mean anymore. he wants the chance to find out.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year ago
Like Betta Fish Do Part 27
Wc:3213 Masterpost CW: Hospitalization, discussions of temporary character deaths
The hospital was pure chaos. Reporters were at the door, police were at the reporters to stay back, and the Waynes were pacing.
None of them had wanted to be left behind, not with this, so as soon as those who had been playing hero changed, they all headed for the hospital. Bruce had met them in a waiting room that had been cleared out for their use. There were benefits to having a wing named after one’s father.
“Clear,” Babs said as she and Tim finished typing on the tablets that they had brought from WE. “CTV cameras will just loop past this room.”
“There are no bugs. I’ve activated scramblers for parabolic mics or anything, not that they should be able to get to us in here anyways,” Tim said.
“What happened?” Steph asked, looking to Bruce.
Bruce looked to Dick. The rest of the eyes followed.
Dick sighed.
“It’s not my secret to tell.”
“I believe we are past that, Richard,” Damian snapped.
“Why don’t you start with a debrief of tonight,” Bruce coached.
“I was almost in suit when Babs came over the comms, telling us they took Danny. I started to look for suspicious vehicles given the time frame. I wasn’t successful at spotting anything before the…” Dick was really glad that Jason was back with Danny and not here listening to this. “…before the trap went off. I saw one of the buildings go dark.
"Cass joined me. We took out the henchmen at the van and leading into the building. Based on intel, I headed straight for the basement. The place was flooded an inch or two deep. They broke the sprinkler valve, I believe. Danny was tied to a metal chair bolted in the middle of the room. A wire had been tapped into the circuit breaker and was at Danny’s feet. His shoes were off.”
Dick swallowed hard and let his arms drop to his side. That urge to punch something was still there. He flexed his hands and then purposefully relaxed them.
“I was sure he was dead, but when I called out his name he moved. I made sure the circuit breaker was off, disconnected the wire, and went to him. He was…” Dick snorted, shaking his head. “He was making jokes. He was conscious but not fully lucid. Confusion, slurred words, panic. He didn’t want to be taken to the hospital. He thought they would cut him open if ‘they knew’. I was able to convince him to come by saying we’d get Leslie and that we’d protect him.”
Damian scoffed. “Of course we will.”
“Case?” Cass signed, face scrunched up in question.
“And asked Alfred to bring a case, one that Jason put in the Cave that Danny gave him,” Dick confirmed.
“What’s in it?” Tim asked.
Dick just shook his head.
“He’s a Meta, isn’t he?” Duke asked. The question was quiet, but it felt loud in the tense air of the waiting room. He wasn’t staring at the ground rather than any of them. “Something new. Maybe something dangerous or, worse, something useful. It’s why he’s afraid they’ll cut him open.”
Steph cussed and turned to punch the wall only to be stopped by Tim.
“Is he?” Tim asked.
It seemed like there was no getting out of this question. “’Close enough’ was the way it was put when I stumbled in on… the secret.”
“Are his powers electricity based?” Babs asked. “Is that how he survived?”
Dick laughed. The bitter sound made a few of the others flinch or grimace.
“No, opposite, really. He’s weak to it. I think they only got him because they used tasers and it really knocks him out.” I’m so sorry, Danny, Dick thought. “Danny… Danny’s been electrocuted before when he was a kid. It killed him, however briefly. Really… I’m not sure if it didn’t actually kill him again tonight.”
This time Tim didn’t stop Stephanie from punching the wall.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Dr. Thompkins said as she peeled off her gloves.
Danny just glared at the IV in his hand that had been carefully tapped down and put under a mesh glove.
“It’s like she doesn’t trust me,” Danny whispered loudly to Jason.
“She’s right not to,” Jason said.
Danny pouted at him.
“Fish,” Jason said with a wet chuckle. He ran his hand through Danny’s hair again, which seemed to soothe him. “You said loudly and repeatedly that you were going to go out the window as soon as she stopped watching you or if she took your blood or if she put the IV in.”
“She did take it,” Danny whined.
“I did,” Leslie said, “and I also promised you no one else would get a hold of your blood and I meant it. I need a baseline for you though. It’s my job now to make sure that you’re well.”
“And no clones,” Danny said.
“And no clones,” Leslie said.
She shot Jason a look who just shrugged helplessly. He didn’t know enough about what went down with that to answer her questions.
Leslie gave up with a sigh. “You really went and found someone who fit right in with the family craziness I see.”
“Nah, Doc, he goes above and beyond.”
“Well… that should make for an interesting file.”
Danny flinched at that, hard enough for Leslie to notice and stop what she was doing.
“Danny, listen to me,” Leslie said. She waited until Danny met her eyes to continue. “No one else will see the file. It’s encrypted by Oracle, Batman’s tech person, and that’s understating them. I need to keep a file so that I can treat you and keep you healthy, that’s all.”
“No experiments,” Danny croaked.
Jason wanted to punch someone again.
“No experiments,” Leslie promised.
Danny gave a little nod, turned away from her, and all but climbed into Jason’s lap.
“Make sure he doesn’t pull that IV out,” Leslie ordered and went back to making her notes.
Not long after Jason had gotten him and Danny settled into the hospital bed, there was a knock at the door. Jason’s hand went immediately to the scalpel that Leslie had generously pretended not to notice Jason palming earlier. It didn’t matter that it was a knock Jason recognized, he wasn’t taking any chances with Danny right then.
Jason only relaxed when Dick had stepped fully through the door alone.
“Hey Danny, how are you doing?”
“Leslie took my blood.”
“Yeah, she does that,” Dick said. He was smiling, words cheerful, but Jason could see the cracks in his brother’s facade. “Alfred is going to be here in just a moment with the case. Can I send him in when he arrives? Or I can bring it myself? Or any of us. We’re all out there.”
Danny turned his head enough to be able to peer at Dick with one eye. “You’re worried.”
“Yeah, little fish, we’re all pretty worried. We care about you,” Dick said gently.
Jason resisted the urge to kiss Danny’s pout away as he shifted his gaze from Dick to Leslie.
“Can they come in?” Danny asked.
Leslie pursed her lips. “Only for a half hour. After that, it’s only Jason and one other allowed at a time and that’s only because I want Jason to try to get some rest too. Whoever else is in here is on a minimum two hour shift so not to wake you up every five minutes.”
“Yes ma’am,” Dick chirped.
“And tell them to keep it calm,” Leslie called after Dick as he slipped back out the door. She sighed and shook her head before focusing back on Danny. “Now, there will be nurses who come in.”
“Noooo,” Danny whined.
“Yes,” Leslie said. “They’ll just be taking your blood pressure, which they’ll know to expect to be low, and changing out your saline and pain medication. I’ll be back in the morning myself to check on your burns. Everyone who steps foot in this room will be approved by Bruce and I. Someone from the family will be with you the whole time, you’ll be safe in every way.”
Danny’s pout deepened before he sighed heavily and seemed to deflate. “Fine.”
“Thank you, Danny. Now please try to rest after the group leaves, both of you.”
“Sure, Doc,” Jason answered and sent her a smile. He’d have to do something to help her clinic out soon, she really went above and beyond for them tonight. He managed to get Danny turned around so that his boyfriend wasn’t buried face first into his pecs before his family invaded.
It seemed like everyone was really trying to listen to Leslie and they all filed in orderly and tucked themselves onto the couch and chairs and each other. Bruce and Alfred stayed standing.
“Hi guys,” Danny said with a wobbly smile.
Some of the family flinched at how ruined Danny’s voice sounded. The flinches weren’t obvious to be noticed by anyone by a Bat, except maybe for Duke’s, but they still happened and Jason noticed. They all looked wrecked, really, in various ways. One would almost think they had been the ones kidnapped and murdered tonight.
It was Jason’s turn to flinch at his own thoughts. Greedily, he soothed himself by pressing a kiss to Danny’s temple.
“Hi Danny,” Duke said back. “How are you?”
“You know, feeling a little extra crispy,” he joked.
The room seemed to lose all the air for a moment before Tim groaned. “God, there are two of them now. No wonder you’re dating Jason, you have the same morbid sense of humor.”
The tension in the room broke and Barbie even laughed. (They all ignored how the laugh was a little too tinged with hysteria to be truly happy.)
Alfred cleared his throat and stepped forward. “The case, Master Jason.”
“Ooh, is that…” Danny asked, zeroing in on the case.
“Yep,” Jason confirmed, popping the ‘p’.
Danny held out his arms, making grabby hands at the case. Alfred raised a brow, looking to Jason for permission, before he moved forward and handed over the case. Jason rested his hand on the lid before Danny could open it.
“So,” Jason started. He cleared his throat awkwardly, “no one freak out, okay? What’s in the case isn’t what it looks like. And… and we’ll explain?”
He wasn’t sure if they would.
He wasn’t sure if they could afford not to.
“We’ll explain,” Danny confirmed.
“Okay, Jay-lad,” Bruce agreed, though Jason could tell he didn’t know what he was agreeing to, other than trusting his son.
Jason took a breath and removed his hand. Danny flipped the lid open. It was innocuous at first, a simple black padded case. Then Danny plucked out one of the glowing, Lazarus green ectoshots and the stances of several Bats shifted.
“That is—” Damian started.
“Nope,” Jason interrupted.
“Jay—” Bruce rumbled.
“I’m sure,” Jason said. He glanced at Cass. “Really.”
“What are you going to do with it?” Tim asked, sounding a little strangled.
“Drink it,” Danny answered.
“Drink it?!”
Danny’s nose wrinkled. “Does everyone in this room have issues with that— what did you call it— Pit water?”
“Pit water or Lazarus water,” Jason said. He calmly ran his fingers through Danny’s hair as he made sure to not have a reaction to the ectoshots. Danny needed to drink them, he couldn’t have any of it spilled from misplaced panic. “And a lot of us, yeah. It’s… been a thing. My situation didn’t help any.”
Tim frowned at the vial, clearly itching to get his hands on it. “If that’s not Lazarus water, what is it?”
“Ectoplasm,” Danny sing songed and then just downed the vial to the wince of the room. A shudder ran through his body before he slumped bonelessly against Jason.
Jason plucked the empty vial from Danny’s limp fingers, pressed a kiss to his temple, and put it back in the case. “From best we can think without getting our hands on Lazarus water, they’re a bit related, but ectoplasm is a pure source where as whatever Lazarus water is, it’s fucked up. Beyond that, I think…”
Jason sighed and buried his face in the top of Danny’s head. He didn’t know how to explain the next part to his family. He didn’t know how to tell them he was still, at least a little, dead. He didn’t want to hurt them like that.
“Ectoplasm isn’t a miracle cure, not like it sounds they use Lazarus water for,” Danny said around a jaw cracking yawn. “Doesn’t work for normal people.”
“Does it work for you because you’re a meta?” Duke asked. The sympathy in his voice was hard to hear.
Danny’s laugh wasn’t any easier to hear. “Nope! I mean, like, sure how you count Superman as a meta I’m a meta, I guess. More a different species.”
Steph made an incredulous noise. “You’re an alien?”
“I wish,” Danny snickered. “I’m dead.”
“That is not funny, Nightingale,” Damian snapped.
Jason peered up at his bristling little brother. Demon brat really was already attached to Danny. “He’s not trying to be funny, Dami. Danny is half dead or, rather, half ghost.”
“Okay, which of your parents fucked a ghost?”
“Miss Stephanie,” Alfred chastised.
“Sorry Alfie,” Stephanie mumbled under Danny’s snickering.
At least having almost died (again) tonight saved Danny from being admonished too.
“Ancient, no, my parents hate ghosts,” Danny said.
“But you’re half ghost,” Babs pointed out, gently.
“Yeah. And there’s a reason that I changed my last name and don’t talk to them anymore, not that they know,” Danny said. He stretched out his arms, arching like a cat. Clearly the ectoshot was starting to have an effect. “No, I’m half dead ‘cause I died and then didn’t.”
“You’ve died before, Danny?” Bruce asked, voice carefully gentle in that way he used only when talking to his kids or those who were basically family through his kids.
“Yeah,” Danny sighed. “It was, um, don’t like talking about it. It’s a ghost thing. But my parents built a portal to the ghost’s realm to try and study them. It didn’t work, not at first. I stepped in it, tripped, hit the on button and bam… ten thousand volts of electricity later and I’m dead.”
Tim and Cass both reached out to stop Steph from moving.
“Thing is, the portal turned on,” Danny continued. “So I also got pure ectoplasm shot right through me. It brought me back, kinda. I’m a halfa; half ghost and half human. Half dead and half alive.”
“You’ve died by electricity before,” Bruce said into the silence of the room.
“Probably died again to it tonight,” Danny said with a casualness that had Jason tightening his arms around Danny. Danny just giggled. “But like I told Dick, I’m immune now.”
“You know,” Barbie said. She narrowed her eyes as Danny shrugged before she glanced to Dick. “And you knew.”
Dick sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Little wing?”
“Go ahead, Dick. I’m pretty sure you’ve connected all the dots now,” Jason said. Maybe it would be easier, no, smoother if Dick explained it. He was better at hiding his anger.
Though by the way Dick had to shift on his feet, maybe not. “I… I think I have. Then you’re…?”
Jason nodded.
“Fuck!” Dick twisted and paced to the door and back again.
“Master Richard!”
“Don’t be so harsh, Alfie,” Jason said. He couldn’t make Dick be the one to tell them; that had been a selfish hope. “Dick just put two and two together that if the ectoshots only help Danny because he’s dead—”
“Part dead,” Danny chimed in brightly.
“—then that means I’m still part dead too.”
“Jay-lad?” Bruce prompted after a tense moment, voice rough.
Jason just smiled sadly. “The Pits healed me. It sorta… filled in the cracks, but it couldn’t fix that whatever brought me back didn’t bring all of me back… or couldn’t bring all of me back. I think that’s part of why the Pits had such a hold on me. Not that it’s an excuse, but just… whatever. Point is, I’m a halfa too, even if I’m still healing enough to be a proper one.”
The family practically curled around each other in grief. Dick tucked Damian against his side. Tim slumped into Steph and Cass. Steph reached out to squeeze Bab’s hand. Bruce took an aborted step towards them. Even Alfred raised a hand to his mouth.
“I’m alright,” Jason assured them.
“You’re still dead!” Dick snapped.
“I’m half alive, that’s more than I was before,” Jason pointed out.
Dick hunched into himself at that, prompting Damian to give Dick an awkward looking hug.
“What all does that mean, being a halfa?” Bruce asked. He held up a hand as he paused and took a measured breath. “I don’t mean that as an interrogation. Right now, what’s important for us to know to make sure you’re both healthy? Or is there anything that we should avoid doing?”
Jason snorted. He appreciated the clarification, the attempt at being gentle, he did, but, “I know you want to know more than that.”
Bruce smiled, though the expression was more mocking himself than anything. “Of course I do. You know me, chum, I don’t do good with only pieces of information, but right now I’m not the important one. I can deal with some… unease so that we can focus on you and Danny.”
“Danny should drink at least another ectoshot in a bit. They help us heal as halfas. Dick knows because there was an incident where I got stabbed. Danny sensed my distress and showed up to give me an ectoshot. I had called Dick already. Which means Danny also knows about everything.”
“Danny sensed your distress?” Tim asked.
“It’s a ghost thing,” Jason said with a shrug, unsure how to really explain it. “It comes from ghosts having cores which are sort of their central organ.”
“You core?” Cass asked, clearly struggling to verbalize right then with how her nose wrinkled.
“I do. Or, I’m getting more of one. Because the Pits put me back together badly I was really messed up.”
“It’s coming in well,” Danny said sleepily. He yawned wildly (a little too widely) and turned to bury his face into Jason’s chest. “Pretty lava core too. It’s good to have close for healing. It’s warm and lovely.”
Jason snorted and kissed the top of Danny’s head. “Go to sleep if you can. You’ll need lots of rest.”
Danny huffed a mumbled protest, but Jason could tell that Danny was fading fast.
“We’ll talk more later, Jay-lad,” Bruce said as he finally let himself come close to help Danny and Jason better settle into the hospital bed to sleep.
“Yeah,” Jason said as he fought his own yawn as the head of the bed lowered. “Have to have Danny show you his ghost form, it’s really something.”
Tim echoed ‘ghost form’ quietly in the background as Alfred murmured something to the group.
“Do you want myself or Dick here for the first shift?” Bruce asked.
“Stay?” Jason asked. His eyes dropped closed as his dad ran a hand through his hair.
AN: a very tired taaaaaada. They got the bulk of the explanation! Though still things to learn and talk about. I was going to put in more bits, but this felt full the way it was! Next chapter more answers, more questions, and someone shows up.
I no longer tag people but you can subscribe on the masterpost.
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mattiebluebird · 1 year ago
Yk that post that's like ‘signal is the spiritual successor to nightwing’ bc I DO & IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT NON-STOP.
And the comics pretty much confirm it (To Me) in Grayson #15.
So in this issue each of the Robins, minus Steph (RIP Steph) get paired off with one of the We Are Robin gang and give them their own advice on what it means to be Robin.
Tim—whose main problem with this whole thing is that they don't know these kids, how can they trust them?—gets paired with Andre Cipriani, a mob kid whose dad was murdered by a rival gang when he was eight years old. Tim trains Dre by having him fight blindfolded. He tells Dre that being a Robin is about truth and investigation, which makes sense, right? Tim became a Robin by figuring out Batman and Robin’s secret identity (keep this in mind, all the Robins’ advice links to their origin).
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To be a Robin, you have to understand what you don't know. And then you must seek to know it. You must always ask: how can I see into the dark? Batman once told me, being a Robin can be summarized into one word: investigation.
These two were an interesting choice to pair up. I would've thought they'd put Dre with Jason, given their violent tendencies—Dre is smart, but at this point in the comics doesn't strike me as particularly investigative. Then again, right after this arc he goes undercover in a gang, so maybe he learned something?
Speaking of learning something: at first I thought they should've paired Dre with Steph (#teamcriminaldads lmao), and while that would be an interesting team, Dre did learn from Tim. If Riko were present in this issue, she would've been a good fit for Steph, as she idolizes the Batgirls and Steph was both a Batgirl and a Robin. Plus, Steph and Riko are both brave & have mean streaks, something that Riko has trouble showing because of her shyness. Steph’s advice probably would've been along the lines of “being a Robin is about defiance”.
Besides, if Tim and Dre weren't paired up, we never would've gotten this interaction.
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— You like Liszt.
— What?
— Franz Liszt. The composer. You play the piano. I looked you up. People who play the piano like Liszt.
Points to Tim for the most autistic small talk ever. ��You like this, which I know because I researched you in a totally non-creepy way.’ Amazing. 10/10.
Dax gets paired with Jason. They're interesting parallels. Dax is the inventor/mechanic of the team, but also sort of the wild card with very strong morals, like Robin!Jason in a way. Like Jason, Dax’s father is (implied to be) a crook, though they took different moral directions because of that—Dax is completely opposed to gun violence.
Anyways, Jason's main reservation is that you can't have Robin without Batman. And I guess he decided to solve this issue by just becoming Batman & making the WAR crew relive his origin story by stealing tires from the mob.
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Y'know, kid, Batman once told me, being a Robin comes down to one word: confidence.
Jason Todd, the Crime Alley street kid who had the balls (and the skills) to steal Batman's tires and get away with it. Sort of. Confidence, indeed.
Damian's problem with the Robins is, of course, that they're weak, and strength (according to him) can't be trained; you either got it or you don't. He gets paired with Izzy, who probably has the toughest home life of the WAR crew. Her brother's in a gang (that he regularly beats her up for not joining), and she's failing all her classes because she's too busy working night shifts at her mom's restaurant to sleep or do homework.
So Damian's advice to her is pretty apt:
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Batman told me that there is one word that captures the essence of being Robin. Suffering.
Damian and Izzy are both outwardly surly, stubborn characters who have had to fight to survive. Notably, Izzy is the first of the crew to almost resort to killing/guns (in WAR #6). She's also probably the best fighter in the WAR crew after Dre and Riko. She does dancing, gymnastics, judo, and kick-boxing.
And, finally, we reach the point of this whole post: Dick & Duke.
Duke deduces Dick's secret identity in like .5 seconds.
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— I've solved a lot of hard in my time. This ain't hard.
— No. No, it wasn't hard. Not for you. Again, Duke Thomas?
Dick: You discovered my secret identity!
Duke: What? Like its hard?
After scoping out their strengths and weaknesses, Dick sends the Robins on individual assignments: Dre and Tim to investigate, Dax and Jason to cause a distraction, Izzy and Damian to apprehend Robo-Batman/Gordon.
Dick brings Duke on to a roof for a stake-out, where they have this exchange.
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— You think only the originals understand how to be Robin?
— Nope.
— Yeah. Me neither.
Then it turns out that Dick actually turned them all in to the cops because he wanted them out of harm's way. He's been watching Duke for a while and he knows he's scared of heights, so he led him onto a roof he knew he couldn't get off of. Just before they part ways, Dick imparts his Crucial Robin Advice:
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Batman once wais to me that being a Robin is about one thing. Family.
(I find this whole thing super ironic considering Dick's whole aside concerning the Robins was the fact that it doesn't matter if people know you're manipulating them as long as it works.)
The point of Robin? Family. Dick and Duke are alike in this way. Dick only became Robin to get justice for his parents’ murder. Duke only joined WAR to find his parents.
Their origins and motivations are similar, and so are the characters themselves. Dick is often called the world's second-greatest detective next to Batman himself. Duke is a child prodigy—one of our first introductions to his character is when he tried to solve the Riddler's riddles in Zero Year. He loves puzzles. He's an amazing detective.
And, of course, one of the things we know and love about Nightwing is his inherent kindness, something that's present throughout Duke’s entire character arc. Even their hero names, Signal and Nightwing, are parallels of each other (light and dark). Batman’s first sidekick and his last. And, like Nightwing, Signal formed his own team (WAR) with no help from the others (except Alfred ig).
Of course, the entire point of Signal’s character is that he's not just a Robin. He's something different. It reminds me of that post that's like—’poor dick grayson, originator of a legacy he never meant to be a legacy, crushed with guilt and jealousy when he looks at all those who came after’. To me at least, it makes sense that Nightwing’s successor would've never been a Robin at all.
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living-la-vida-lesbian · 11 months ago
Im making a series of headcanons of battinson sidekick steph!, what are your hcs?
-I think that at first, Steph would be really uncharacteristically quiet around Bruce. Not only did she have a total POS for a father, she also is not used to being around literal billionaires. In the regular canon(s), she's a lot more rebellious towards Bruce, but in that situation she is older and also not directly under his care.
-In stark contrast to that, she is super loud and charismatic as whatever the alternative to Robin would be. Perhaps it would start as Spoiler, and anyone who follows would also take over that mantle. She feels more comfortable behind the mask, where she doesn't have to adhere to high society rules and Bruce can't really do anything to her while in public. Bruce, with the emotional intelligence of a pea, would have no idea why until Alfred probably has to spell it out to him.
-Once she warms up to him more, though, she is super chaotic. She's very similar to Dick, in that sense.
-Speaking of Dick! I imagine he would probably end up becoming a vigilante under someone else's wing (hardy har har.) Maybe Jason goes under that same hero's wing.
-STEPH AND CASS 'ROBIN' + BATGIRL DUO!! (and yes, with just as much romance as babs and dick.)
-The whole 'Death in the Family' arc could work similarly with Steph as it did with Jason. She could get killed by the Joker or the Black Mask- but in theory, Crime Alley is experiencing a huge gang war (that was not started by Steph, because she had no reason to). She wants to help the residents of Crime Alley, but Bruce discourages it to try to protect her. A huge fight ensues and Steph runs off and does it anyways, dying in the process.
-I'd like to imagine the whole passing of the mantle thing would be a little more willing on both ends- before Steph leaves, she tells Tim that she thinks he would make a good 'Spoiler' (or whatever alternative), and he uses that to tell Bruce he should be the next one, to honor her dying wishes.
-When she comes back, she is elated to find that he's 'Spoiler' (again, either that or whichever alternative). It becomes a more healthy mantle-switch process.
I have a couple more thoughts, but I figure that you wouldn't want me to dump all of it on you. This concept is super interesting. I'm glad I could help! :)
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currentfandomkick · 5 years ago
Marinette did Not sign up for this part 5
so, this happened. i would feel bad, but the characters hijacked this story after chapter 1 and i’m just along for the ride and checking that words makes sense.
First part here Previous Here ao3 Here
“Hey Alya, you haven’t been getting more hits on your blog from Gotham lately, have you?” Marinette asked.
Alya rolled her eyes as honestly, could her bestie be any less obvious? She could see the “new” necklace. The one that only shows up when Multimouse is on call. Honestly—why is it everyone keeps thinking she doesn’t know who’s who? She’s the Fox—Illusions and Truth are her bread and butter.
“Now that you mention it,” Alya pulled up her latest stats. “Yes. The whole site—jeez these guys must have just found out and want the scoop from the best source in Paris,” Alya preened.
Marinette acted… different after she got that answer. Moved in on herself. Alya could feel the attempt at a cover-up before she even asked.
“Hey, is something up?”
“Nothing! Nothing is up, why would something be up! Ha, that’s a good one Alya!”
Ah, the miraculous-related tic was in full swing then. Marinette isn’t exactly the most in-the-know miraculous user, and the Mouse is always taken back after its been used. She could be forgiven for assuming Alya, the expert in all things Miraculous second only to the Original duo and their boss, would not know that something was going on in a certain spotted heroine’s life, and it was all hands on deck.
“Okay,” Alya switched to her theory notes, “Any new names to add to the ‘would not be surprised if they were Hawkmoth’ list?” Marinette is a goldmine on this topic, and while miraculous adjacent, definitely able to ease the whole ‘not in control’ and helpless feelings this situation was probably stirring in her girl. She knew it was for herself atleast.
Marinette perked up with a familiar ‘I know what you will say, but lets do this anyway’ type of sly smile. “Okay, so we do agree that it has to be someone that knows Gabriel’s schedule and doesn’t want to interfere with it for the most part, right?”
“Well,” Alya wasn’t letting this hunch go anytime soon, no matter what LB and Chat said about evidence against. She knew she was onto something with it, and for all she knew, some miraculous magic could be interfering. “I still say it could be him and Natalie taking turns, but that doesn’t rule them both out.”
Marinette shot Alya a look, of the ‘I strongly disagree, but feel it is futile to remind you why’ variety.
“I’m kidding, your boss isn’t Hawkmoth, I know… He’d totally have better designs for akumas if he was.”
Marinette leaned forward conspiratorially. “You should have seen him tear into the Bubbler one when I brought it up as an example of horrible design. His face was perfect!”
Alya would love to imagine the many, many ways to torment Gabriel after what she and Nino have come to understand about the man from their friends. Ranging from negligent and uninvolved control freak at best to manipulative, victim-blaming, and abusive POS. If Adrien and Marinette were a little less attached (re: not pedestalling the man so much), then she could get them to see the truth and they could go over the pair’s options to get them both away from his BS and make the man pay for the all the crap he put Adrien through, and was starting to put Marinette through. Why else would the girl be running herself ragged—especially the past week—if the man wasn’t a demanding asshole boss?
“That’s great, next time, get a pic or vid and share the love.”
“I will, so I met another one of his suppliers and…” Alya began to take vicious notes, glad for Marinette’s attention to detail on these things. It made looking for possible Hawkmoths much easier on her and Max—yes she knows who Pegasus and Cowboy are, Markov in a hat is still Markov in a hat. It was a wonder that no one else noticed.
Alya grinned when she saw Trixx peek out of her hiding place, a wide smile that reminded her exactly why Alya could catch everyone’s identity while her friends still hadn’t put together she’s Rena; a Fox casts illusions. To do that well, you have to learn to seek and see the truth, and get your evidence. And Alya? Is a damn good fox.
Tim hates his stupid insane list of designers. He managed to knock of half by using his own damn filters, thank you very much for dominant genes from the Wayne side that could be seen visually. It knocked out a good chunk (about two thousand out of five thousand) on hair alone. He decided he would let it keep running for those that linked their socials to their psueds and aliases.
The problem was the handful (about ten) that didn’t. He’d have to meet them in person, used his glasses to get pictures, and run those against social media posts in Paris to find out who these more private designers were—all to find out if they really are in the right age range, and if their natural features do put them in the ‘likely a Wayne’ category for Wayne dominant traits (and those possible given Bruce’s own DNA makeup, which he doesn’t know Tim has. Hey, he’s the Robin that Gets Shit Done, never said he was the polite one. That’s Dick’s job, not his.)
Adrien hates not having Plagg with him. Not that Tikki isn’t great and all! Really! Just… he misses him and his stinky cheese, okay?
“Adrien,” Natalie knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Natalie entered the doorway, but no further. “When is Marinette free for consultations next? we have a high end client who would like to commission her as soon as possible.”
“Give me a minute…” Adrien checked his ‘overseeing Marinette’ schedule on his phone. “Uh, she has walk-ins around four until five tomorrow.”
“Excellent. Will she be at her home or the studio Gabriel has provided for consultations?” By her tone, he could tell which Natalie and Father would prefer.
“Let me check with her.”
“See that you do.”
Adrien sent a lipstick, X arm lady, and house emoji to Marinette.
In a minute she sent back a thumbs up and apartment building emoji.
“Studio it is.”
Natalie nodded. “Excellent choice. I will let them know to be there at four ten, given Marinette’s… difficulty arriving on time.”
Adrien grimaced a bit on that as yeah… no longer having a Danger sense meant her punctuality was… not very good.  “Are they speaking to Marinette or MDC?”
He’d need to know if he should just pick her up or not. MDC didn’t have to get picked up—designers to celebrities are allowed to be late and can blame it on getting caught up in a few details on a commission design for a walk-in consultation. Marinette was tied to the Gabriel Brand and needed to reflect that, therefore, be there on time and ready.
“Marinette for now, though they expressed an interest in MDC as a budding designer, and they are well within the MDC price range,” Natalie hinted.
Adrien kept the hiss growing in the back of throat quiet. Marinette chooses who MDC works with, not his Father.
Stephanie is both delighted and upset when she sees Cass. As its Cass—she probably figured it out already damn it!—but its Cass and she missed her since she left a few months back for a mission and got caught up in the Chinese crime scene again.
“Hey Cass!”
Cass grinned when she saw Steph and made her way over.
“Found her!”
Stephanie was gutted. She really wanted to win, just this once, at a detective thing. You know, be the normal one that managed to out-do the prodigies and geniuses. Not to be again. “Oh, that’s great. Where is the baby bat?”
Cass shook her head. “Not her, Soup Girl.”
Stephanie opened and shut her mouth. Then lit up as she still has a chance! “Oh, right—right! You said you wanted to meet her a while back.”
Cass nodded. “Her family is nice.”
“Did you talk to her or…”
Cass shook her head. “Busy.”
“Ah.” That made sense. “Well, uh, still competing?”
Cass raised an eyebrow. That was a yes.
“Maybe we should work on helping her on the hero side of things together, you know, so we don’t freak her out when we all swarm her place. Make the whole thing a bit less…”
Stephanie nodded. It would help ease the girl into the family, and keep Cass on that case instead of finding Baby Bat for a bit. Win-Win for Stephanie and Baby Bat.
Chatte Noire really, really hates dealing with akumas. She's built for strategy, to see tricky parts and work out how to make them safer for the team and minimize risk. She is not made to be Chatte Noire. Yet here she is, in an akuma attack, trying to play the role of a Black Cat—identify and destroy threats to the team. Problem is, she lacks Chat Noir's heightened ability to sense danger. In fact, she lacks it completely--and she knows the team isn't happy.
The attack is taking longer than it would if she was Ladybug. This would be over if she had just managed to keep her big mouth shut and not talked to Aquaman. Then the Justice League wouldn’t be involved. Then the whole promise to Murder Robin would not be broken and Paris would already be saved for the day instead of dealing with another Sandboy attack going on well into the night, with a cure that won’t be able to handle fatigue, energy renewal or relax the body for sleep post ‘I’m scared out of my mind’ fear.
She made sure to avoid this Sandboy’s attacks and she would save whoever got caught. Her Cataclysms may not be as strong as Chat’s (his do make the whole thing go away) but she is just as quick on her feet and just as good at getting civilians out of danger.
“On it Buggaboy! And not yet!”
It was too off for the Lucky Charm. They’d need Viperion, and he was stuck underwater with Aquaman trying to get him out at the moment. Until then, she just had to minimize damage, keep civilians away from their nightmares hunting them down, and keep moving and planning and work everything out while playing bodyguard for the team at Cha—At Mr. Bug’s call.
She hopes things turn out okay.
Then she sees a bat symbol and the world vanishes.
Red Hood blinked when he saw some girl running around on rooftops in… Isn’t Chat Noir supposed to be the cat one? Where the hell is Ladybug—and why is some guy in her place? Shit, did the baby bat lose her miraculous or was it stolen? Damnit, now he has to steal it back for her!
“Okay, how did LB get hit when she isn’t even here?” The fox girl groaned as she dodged another attack. “Aren’t these guys supposed to go after who’s scared of them?”
The bee girl rolled her eyes. “More than just Ladybug can be terrified of the bats. They’re the Ghosts, remember?”
“Hey, can we argue about fears and who has rights to them some other time?” fake ladybug asked, flinching and moving closer to the Turtle guy. “Uh, Chatte, that way!”
Cat girl—Chatte— said something he didn’t catch and grabbed a kid stuck in a mob and bounce out.
“I—” the boy threw his hands up. “We’re screwed. She really, really isn’t getting the whole Cat thing.”
Red Hood pulled out his guns, checking that the darts were loaded and aiming for Spots.
“Chatte---guy with a gun!”
This time cat girl managed to look over and froze. She started… hyperventilating? Shit—kid’s having an attack.  
Red Hood lowered his gun and made sure to get closer to her---seeing as the other heroes—Dragon girl, Monkey boy and Snake Guy were busy with the bee and fox girls trying to circle some kid on a pillow. No clue where the other kid in black was, but the cat girl losing it? that was his current focus.
“Kid, come on, breathe.”
“Oh my—” the kid looked at him like he was the threat. “Fuck, no—I shouldn’t have talked back to---shit. Shit, now I’m gonna—”
Just like that, Red Hood was dropped into Gotham harbor. Jason didn’t even get to look around to see what happened. He did manage to tread water and work out which was to go to get to shore.
“Jesus Hood—sending Robin to your location. What happened?”
“Some kids stole baby bats’ jewels, some akuma attack, the actual cat thief was hyperventilating and then I end up here.”
“Oh, B is not going to like this.”
“I already don’t like it.” Batman growled out over comms. “Did someone say voyage?”
Red Hood wracked his somewhat waterlogged brain. “In French, yes.”
“One of the local heroes.” Jason could feel Bruce’s annoyance. “Why were you in Paris.”
“Well,” Red Hood kept swimming to shore. “When you find out a long lost bat is in life threatening danger, one must locate and meet this possible winner of the ‘avoided having crappy parents raise me’ lottery to give a well-earned ‘congrats, you’re a well-adjusted person in a family of crimefighter! Mazel tav.”
“Hood.” Robin began on a private channel. “We need to talk.”
“Gotta go B, life to live, baby bat to find.”
“Red Hood!”
“Bye!” Red Hood climbed out of the harbor, finding his baby brother on his motorcycle that was definitely not Bruce-Approved.
“What’s up buttercup, didja miss me?”
Robin scowled at him. “Of course not, the world is more peaceful without the drivel that falls out of your mouth.”
Red Hood snorted. “Yeah, and that’s why you hide in my room all the time.”
Robin refused to make eye contact, shoving Red Hood onto his bike. “Is it true, did my sister lose her miraculous?”
“Unless she’s B and Catwoman’s lovechild and she decided to embrace it.”
Robin was quiet on the way to the cave. “…how long would it take to get the pilot to return and take me to Paris?”
“…you’d make it there around their in time for dessert.”
Robin frowned. “that’s not soon enough.”
“Closest you’ll get. And don’t’ think you’re going alone.”
Robin frowned. “I am not exposing my sister to you.”
“She’s our sister first of all,” Red Hood corrected. “and second of all, I have a bet to win, and I’m behind thanks to this portal guy. So I’m coming.”
Robin rolled his eyes. “Only if you get past Father and Alfred.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Robin smirked as they pulled into the Batcave.
“Father, I believe Red Hood needs your full attention given he was in the harbor for so long, and we all know how cold they are this time of year.”
Jason decided Damian was by and far his least favorite sibling in that moment. “Wait, B, no, look—no signs of hypothermia, no shaking, just need to change and—”
“I will check and ensure you don’t develop it with Alfred on standby.”
Jason glared at Damian, already stripping from his Robin gear with that self-satisfied smirk. “Traitor!”
“I simply want what is best for my siblings, how is that wrong?”
I hope this gave you all a good idea of what’s going to happen next… I do love the Batfam and all, but some of their approaches here… no good and need to have that hit over their head.
And if I’m screwing up ladybats characterization, feel free to let me know so I can fix it---going off what I could find from DC fans and lore but I also do not know these characters inside and out, and want to do them justice.
OH and for anytime i refrence princess Justice, got a refrence for you now! picture the one made by @tinymelonbug right here with the only (maybe?) change being that below the cut it is cut off as a romper: Here 
@heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04
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dibs4ever · 7 years ago
DickBabs Wedding Day (Fanfic)
As promised here is my DICKBABS wedding fic, it turned our longer then I expected but I hope it’s worth the read
“Get back here!” Stephanie grinned chasing after the toddler and scooping him up with a smile. She tickled his belly causing him to giggle.
“Say my name” she smiled pressing her forehead up the against the 15-month-old’s
“Teph” he grinned playing with the sequence on her short sleeved lavender bridesmaid dress
Stephanie smiled “That right” she bopped his little nose
Cassandra entered the room followed by Jason.
“There you are” Cassandra smiled “Let me see my nephew” she held her hands out
Stephanie shook her head “Barbara gave me one duty as her bridesmaid----to get my nephew dressed, you’re not taking that from me. Besides they’re letting you watch him while they are on their honeymoon” she mockingly argued blowing raspberry on Nathan’s cheeks
Cassandra rolled her eyes continuing into the room “I’m not, let me just hold him for a second, besides if it bugs you that much I’ll let you and Timbers play house with him for one night” she held her hands out and Stephanie handed him over. “Barbara is dressed, she look’s amazing”
“Mama!” Nathan smiled
Jason rolled his eyes and walked toward the girls “Now you did it”
“I see mama” Nathan said again
Cassandra shook her head “Sorry bud, we let you see her now you’ll be throwing a fit when we have to pull you away from her, so you can play ring bearer” she brushed the strands of jet black hair away from his little face
Nathan looked at her oddly before twisting his body sideways, making it slightly difficult for Cassandra to hold onto him “Unci Aye see Mama” he reached his little arms toward Jason
Jason held his hands up “Sorry Rugrat, I’ve been told no men are even aloud in that wing of the manor”
Cassandra turned Nathan, so he was back in her arms “I feel like he talks so well for his age” she commented
Stephanie nodded in agreement
“Hey Nate” Jason spoke catching the toddlers attention “What’s her name?” he pointed to Cassandra
Nathan pointed a finger at Cassandra “Ass” he said proudly
Jason and Stephanie laughed
“Ass” Nathan said again, enjoying the reaction he got from his aunt and uncle
“It’s not funny” Cassandra barked “Nathan Cass” she held the C
“Ass” Nathan said again
Jason laughed “Dick wanted me to tell you to just deliver the rugrat to the room where the us groomsmen are when you’re done getting him dressed” he explained before leaving the room
“I’m going to go see if Alfred needs any more last-minute help” Cassandra said passing Nathan back to Stephanie
She nodded and watched her leave the room
“Let’s get you dressed little stud muffin” she told her nephew as she kissed his chubby cheek
“Welp I hate break it to ya Dickie but your kid curses like a sailor” Jason grinned closing the door to the room where the male side of the wedding party was getting dressed
Dick was looking in the mirror making sure everything was straight “Were you making him say Cass’ name again?” he quirked an eyebrow
“You bet I was” Jason laughed flopping down on the couch
“You know she hates that” Tim pointed
Jason shrugged “Would I be a good brother if I didn’t annoy the tar out of my siblings?”
Damian rolled his eyes from where he stood on the opposite corner of the room
“Alright, how do I look? Dick asked turning to look at his brothers
Bruce stepped out of the adjoined bathroom and nodded his head “Barbara isn’t going to know what hit her” he complimented clapping Dick’s shoulder
Dick smiled proudly
There was a knock on the door and Tim stepped forward opening it, Stephanie stepped in holding Nathan now dressed in a tux. Her once neat hair was now slightly tussled “Well it took some wrangling, but I got him dressed” she smiled
Dick laughed moving forward “Hey buddy, look at you” he stretched out his hands
Nathan grinned brightly “Dada!”
He took the toddler and threw him lightly into the air causing him to giggle
“I’m going to go get this fixed” Stephanie motioned around her head
Dick nodded “Thanks for getting him dressed Steph, he looks great” he set the baby down, immediately he ran toward the curtains.
Bruce knew his grandson well enough to know that the small human was going to attempt to climb them, so he quickly stopped him by scooping him up.
Barbara took a deep breath looking herself over in the mirror. She turned around just as the hairdresser was finishing up fixing Stephanie’s hair.
“I’m sorry about that” Barbara apologized
Stephanie laughed standing up “Forget about it, it was my fault for putting him down and not keeping a close eye on him. I swear he’s part spider or something. I stepped out of the room for a second and he was half way up the bookcase”
Barbara laughed “That’s Dick’s fault, he taught him how to climb just about anything”
Dinah smiled “Only, 15 minutes left till the ceremony is supposed to start”
Barbara nodded “Don’t remind me.”
“You nervous?” Cassandra cocked an eyebrow
Barbara nodded “Like you wouldn’t believe, I’m getting married....to Dick Grayson. If you had told me that when I first met him I would have said you were crazy.”
Dinah laughed “Considering you were 12 and he was 9 I’d say I’d understand”
She took a deep breath “I need to sit down for a moment” she passed her bouquet to Dinah and sat down, running her fingers through her hair careful not to mess it up
“You’re not going to run, away are you?” Stephanie half joked
Cassandra nodded “Yeah cause the guys have your kid and if you run away he’s going to be raised by them.... can you imagine how bad that would turn out?”
Barbara laughed “I’m doing this——I want to do this.” She stood taking the bouquet back “I’m ready to marry Richard John Grayson.”
The doors flung open and Helena rushed in dressed in the same matching bridesmaid dress as the rest of the girls “I’m here, I’m so sorry I’m late but I’m here with” she glanced at the time “8 minutes to spare “she let out a breath
Barbara laughed “Sorry the hair and makeup girl just left”
Helena shrugged “No biggie it’s my punishment for being late. You on the other hand look stunning!” Her eyes widened
Dinah nodded “I know right, with her looking like that we’ll be lucky if her and Dick even show up to the reception”
This made the bridal party laugh as they made their way to the door
Dick stood at the front of the aisle bouncing on his toes. He was never nervous but right now he felt like he was about to faint. He looked around at the crowd of guests in front of him he locked eyes with the Clark Kent who was sitting in the second row Jon and Lois beside him. Clark grinned sending him a thumb up
The music started, and Dick moved his attention to the doors as they swung open. First up was Helena and Damian, there were a couple of “Awes” heard from older women finding the sharp dressed yet short for his age 13-year-old paired with the much taller than him woman. As Damian passed the Kent’s Jon covered his mouth to suffocate a chuckle earning a glare from Damian.
Next was Jason paired with Cassandra then Tim with Stephanie and finally the Best man and Maid of Honor Wally and Dinah
Nathan came out last serving as ring bearer, Wally’s daughter served as flower girl “Awes” filled the room as the toddlers entered holding the small white pillow and basket with Bruce beside them guiding the toddlers gently along.
As Bruce tried to hold Nathan’s hand and move him a little quicker the 1 year old stopped in the middle and narrowed his eyes “I do it” he said proudly
Bruce shrugged releasing the boy and walked ahead, this made Nathan quickly follow his grandfather causing the crowd of guests to laugh.
Once they were at the alter Wally bent down taking the ring box that was tied to the pillow and Bruce sat in the front row with his grandson.
Then the wedding march began, everyone stood, and the doors once again swung open revealing Barbara dressed in her white gown, her arm hooked with her fathers. Dick’s breath caught at the sight of her as she walked down the isle
Suddenly he felt tears welling up in his eyes as Jim led her down the aisle. Dick blinked back the tears “Get ahold of yourself Grayson, this isn’t like you” he thought
Jim and Barbara stood in front of him
“Who gives this woman to this man?” Alfred asked, yes Alfred was officiating the marriage. Would they honestly trust anyone else?
“I do.” Jim stood straight
Dick stepped forward to take Barbara’s hand but felt her being held back. The couple looked back at the police commissioner “Dad this is where you let go” she whispered
Letting a low sigh Jim leaned forward pecking Barbara’s cheek
“Take care of her Grayson” he lowered his eyes
Dick nodded “I will sir”
With that Dick took Barbara’s hand and turned so they were standing in front of Alfred
“We are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in marriage” Alfred began.
After going through the stereotypical wedding ceremony Alfred smiled “The Bride and Groom have decided to read their own vows which they will do at this time, Master Dick” Alfred nodded toward the man
Dick nodded, to everyone’s surprise he didn’t take out a paper “Barbara, as I stand before you today thousands of memories flash through my mind all the way back to the day we first met. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs. Good things and bad things. Surprises that neither of us saw coming. I’ve left and came back more then once. But one thing has always remained the same. It has always been you, no matter how far away I went, how bad things got or whatever obstacle we were going through something always told me you would always be the answer. Our love story is not a fairy tale. In fact, it is probably one of the furthest things away from a fairy tale.”  This line caused some eyebrow raises from guests who didn’t know the full story of Dick and Barbara. Dick grabbed both of Barbara’s hands in his “But one thing is for sure it’s ours which makes it perfect. I know I’m nowhere near perfect, but I promise to do my best to be as close to that as I possibly can for you and our son” he kissed her hands
The guest clapped
“Easy Master Dick I have not told you to kiss the bride yet” Alfred teasingly wagged his finger.
Dick chuckled
“Alright Miss Barbara it’s your turn” Alfred smiled
Barbara took a deep breath “Well I’m going to do my best to follow up with that” she joked   “Dick, like you I’m standing here just thinking about everything we’ve gone through. We’ve known each other longer then I sometimes realize. I remember when I was 17 there was this short lanky 14-year-old boy who confessed he had a crush on me and asked me out, obviously I shot him down. Then a year later that same boy sneekingly stole a kiss, naturally I punched him in the face” Dick and Barbara exchanged smiles “Little did I know I had just kissed the love of my life for the first time. Fast forward through puberty, and some years later here we are standing in front of each other and that same boy is the father of my child and soon to become me husband. Through everything you never ever gave up on me. You have always been my biggest supporter, even when I was 12 years old and stressing about a test I could count on you to encourage me and make me feel like everything would be okay. I can’t thank you enough for all the things you have done for me through the years. I hope that I can always do the same for you, I vow to always be your biggest supporter through thick and thin no matter what life throws at us”
Next it was time to exchange the rings, when they finished Dick turned to Alfred “Can I kiss her Alfie?”
Alfred smiled “Yes Master Dick, you may kiss your bride”
Dick shot Barbara a wide grin, she smiled back just as widely as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close her arms found their way to his neck and in one swift motion Dick pressed his lips to hers. Both embracing in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
They pulled apart still smiling “Ladies and Gentlemen it is my honor to introduce to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Grayson!”
The guests cheered as Barbara and Dick clasped hands they stopped so Barbara could take Nathan from Bruce and together the family of 3 made their way up the isle and out of the room.
“Alright let’s go get wasted!” Jason shouted——-which lead to the reception, and that’s a whole other story.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
02/07/2019 DAB Transcript
Exodus 26:1-27:21, Matthew 25:1-30, Psalms 31:1-8, Proverbs 8:1-11
Today is the 7th day of the month of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and every day we come together like this and every day it's a pleasure to be in your presence and have this time to take the next step forward in our adventure through the Scriptures. And our current adventure leads us back into the book of Exodus where an entire culture is being built up from scratch. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Exodus chapter 26 and 27.
Okay. So, in the gospel of Matthew for the last couple days we've been talking about the end times because that's what Jesus is talking about. And, so, we’ve been kind of moving our way through that. We touched on apocalyptic worldview and the fact that Jesus tells us that when these things do begin to happen the way that we are supposed to look at them is to understand that this is birthing pains and it will give birth to all things being made new again. And we were also counsel not to basically live in panic mode. Actually, we’re supposed to live opposite of panic mode. We’re supposed to be aware and vigilant and perceptive and see what's going on. And as for dating the end of the world, as we’re like trying to figure that out, is it is a going to be 2019, is going to be 2029, will be 2129? As for that, Jesus basically puts an end to it by saying, “nobody knows, nobody but the Father.” So, that’s some of the territory that we’ve navigated through and Jesus is continuing that conversation in today's reading by using a couple of stories, parables, that are designed to illustrate what he's talking about and also what the kingdom of God is like. And these parables they basically seal the deal in showing us that our posture for the kingdom of heaven should be no different than the posture toward the end of days. So, in the first story Jesus told the parable of the 10 bridesmaids who went to a wedding feast and the bridegroom hadn’t arrived yet, so the women had to wait. And as they waited the differences between them were revealed. Half of them were ready. Half of them had been vigilant. Half of them had been aware and they brought extra oil for their lamps while the other half didn't. And when the oil ran out the unprepared bridesmaids had to go in search of more but while they were gone the bridegroom arrived. So, those who were prepared, who had been vigilant, who understood what was going on were allowed into the celebration and those who were not missed out on it. And then in the second story Jesus told of a master who was planning to go away for a while and he provided resources to three of his servants with an understanding that they would steward those resources while he was gone. And, so, he went and then he came back and when he returned he asked for an accounting and two of the servants had doubled what they’d been given, right? So, they were vigilant and they were aware and astute and wise and they received very encouraging words from the master, “well done my good and faithful servant”, because those servants had taken a risk and they put the resources to good and profitable use. And, so, he invited them. “You’ve been faithful in handling small things and now I'm gonna give you…I’m gonna let you handle larger things. Come in and let's celebrate.” Oh…but there was the third…the third of the three. And that servant was fearful. And, so, he took what he’d been given, and he hid it in the ground. So, he didn’t lose anything, but he didn't gain anything, and he didn't risk anything. Like, even if he had risked and lost that would be an attempt but he buried in the ground and the master didn’t respond as favorably to him. He says, “to those who use well what they’re given then even more will be given and they'll have an abundance but for those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” So, as we’re kind of rounding the bend on this discourse about the end times, from the lips of the master we’re reminded that we really don't have another choice but to stay prepared and aware. And we don't really have another choice but to be vigilant because everything that we have has been given to us to steward on behalf of the master. And it doesn't matter how much or how little we have, we’re to use whatever we have. And this isn’t just about dollars, right, or Euro’s or whatever the currency is in your country. This isn’t about money. This is about everything. We’ve got to get our minds around this. As we move forward into the message of Jesus, we are going to come face-to-face with the stark reality that this is all or nothing. So, it doesn't matter what we have, and it doesn't matter if we don't feel prepared or that we don't have enough. We’re to use what we have whether it's our time or our talent or our money in the service of the master. He will provide more if we steward what we are given well, which is summed up pretty nicely in our reading from Proverbs today. “Take my instruction rather than seeking silver and take knowledge rather than choicest gold for wisdom is better than rubies, and all desirable things cannot compare with her.” And we talked about wisdom on a number of occasions already this year and it won’t be the last time because we're not going to get anywhere if we don't make it the goal to achieve wisdom over anything else and understand that if we are wise there’s not much we cannot achieve. And one of the things we must achieve through wisdom is this preparedness, this vigilance, this awareness of what is going on that Jesus is speaking about in the gospel of Matthew today.
Father, we acknowledge that we have a role to play in this, that we must seek wisdom, and actually that it must be something that we seek and try to attain more than any other thing that we’re trying to achieve or obtain. So, we realize we have to do our part by opening our eyes and seeking out wisdom; however, we also understand that we won't know how to implement wisdom into our lives without Your Holy Spirit. And, so, we'll do our part because You have commanded that we do our part, You’ve told us that getting wisdom is going to alter the trajectory of our lives in a good way. And, so, we heed that and we seek it and we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us to it. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, of course, where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link that lives on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi everyone, this is Steph calling from Canada, now from Texas. I called in a moment of desperation about two weeks ago regarding my immigration situation and I have a praise report to say that the day that my prayer request was played my visa arrived in the mail. And not only that, but also, I was waiting on an import permit from the USDA for my pet Hedgehog and that came on the 17th as well. And, so, I just wanted to just give glory to God. I am so grateful. I didn’t even…I delayed my calling in because I was just…I felt like no words I could say could express my thankfulness for what the Lord has done for me. And I just want to say thank you to everyone that prayed for me. I heard every request. And you know when I was driving down through the states to Texas I heard some people calling in and praying for me and I just thank and you so much for that and just want to give all glory and honor to God because this would’ve never happened without a supernatural move of God because there’s nothing wrong with my case but it was just stuck __ and some of my documents were about to expire. And they were saying it might take up to eight weeks to review your stuff and within five days I had my visa and now a legal permanent resident of America. So, I just want to say thank you and all glory to God and I just thank you for this community for praying for me because I know without a doubt in my mind that it’s truly…it was Jesus that made this happen. Thank you so much.
Howdy DAB family, this is Darren from College Station Texas and I’m just calling to seek…seek the prayer of my family to raise up intercession for my wife and my family and for all marriages, especially for marriages that are unequally yoked. My wife is not a follower of Jesus and I’m just done with the spirit of division that plagues my marriage and any marriage of the family that’s unequally yoked. I’m done with the spirit of accusation. I’m done with the spirit of deceit and lies. And I ask my family to raise up prayer and intercession for my wife, Lynne, for myself and for all marriages that are unequally yoked. Holy Spirit let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in marriages. Speak truth to our hearts and speak truth to the hearts of our spouses. Call out to them in Jesus’ name. Bind up the spirit of division, the spirit of accusation, the spirit of bitterness, the spirit of resentment and bring forth Your spirit of love and compassion and hope. And just call out to our spouses Lord. Bring them to You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please pray that with me often. Thank you, family.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Debbie in Des Moines. Two things. One, praise report, I received word yesterday that a job that had interviewed for, they extended me an offer so now I get to go do the background check. So, I just I figured I would be without a job the next few months but God has put my feet on another path with another company and I just give Him the praise because, believe me, I don’t interview well. I mean, I don’t…I don’t speak well, I don’t interview well at all. I always say, “I’m kind of a dork.” So, that’s all God. Believe me, it’s all God. I was not cool or slick in an interview, it’s all God. Second thing is, I was listening to the prayer line and I hear talk of loneliness and not connecting with people. I myself am a huge introvert and very happy inside my own head by myself with it. I don’t reach out to people well and I don’t connect with people well but part of this is my choice. So, I would say, go out and volunteer, go to a church if you’re not in a church. I __ to volunteer, take that step forward and for me taking that step forward to connect with anybody is difficult. I’m the one in the back sitting in the pew up in the balcony as far away from people as I can. But, I’m still with my church family. So, take that step forward, it will make you feel much better and you’ll start to feel connected. But I do understand that. But anyways, I love you all. Have a great weekend. Bye.
This is Kenny Mills from Louisiana and I’ve called to pray for Tyler in Canada that called. He is a quad for 14 years of C23 and I am also a quad in Louisiana with C67. And, so, yeah, I felt his pain whenever he was calling and going to a procedure and for his infections and stuff. And I know what he’s going through. You know, we all have infections. And, so, I was just wanting to call and lift him up. So, thank You dear heavenly Father for being with him at all times and always knowing that Your around us dear Lord and forgive us a lot of times for just our lack of confidence sometimes dear Lord and that we all have weak periods and that You will…that the doctors hands will be guided in this surgery and he will come through with complete healing dear Lord. And, so, we just lift him up to You and put him in Your hands and we know that You will guide…guide the doctor’s hands and things will go good. We love You and we thank You, and we give You all the praise. Amen.
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awhilesince · 5 years ago
Friday, 21 November 1828
5 55/60
11 50/60
Reading this account of Christ’s hospital
the man sent from Throp’s (his brother who lives at Haley hill had 10 children 5 girls and 5 boys) due at 7 1/4 —  went out to him at 7 20/60 — set him dig up the slopes in Lower brook Ing to be shrubbed up — walking up and down — planning and a casual walk along the bottom in the Calfcroft, for Marian — came in at 8 50/60
Letter from M—  Scarborough 3 pages and the ends — her father to be buried in a bricked vault made on purpose for him — the church yard at Scarbro’ Scarborough — what I was to announce her ditto to appear with some alterations in the York Herald — M— far from well but the best of them — none will be better till after the funeral  — if C— takes the carriage and returns immediately will return with him — if not will return on Thursday — Steph and Charles — Mrs Milne at her own reqest, to attend the funeral — the pall to be borne by 8 of the principal gentlemen of Scarbro’ Scarborough — from 9 35/60 to 10 50/60 wrote  and took down letters for Marian to take to the Post Office 3 pages (medium broad black edged paper) to M— “Mr Belcombe’s, Scarborough“ — Mr Belcombe had desired to be remembered to me — said I was much obliged and begged my best remembrance in return — M— assured of my sympathy, and that the welfare of all her family was ever be to me an object of deep interest and affectionate regard — said what I had said to Miss Mac Lean about Cameron and that I had had so good an account of my attention (quite well — no swelling of hand or leg) that should stay here where really wanted — had work enough for 3 weeks or a month — and might spend Xmas with M— at all rates, promised to help her with her friendly society business (have ordered account books here) and will give her a fortnight — think therefore she had better take the advantage of Mr Dunn’s medicines and stay a while where she is — the Norcliffes expect her so to do — glad to hear so good an account of Cameron who Watson says takes great pains, and is likely to be all M— would wish for me — 
out again at 11 — with Throp, and Mosey and had man railing off Wellroyde wood, and the wallers walling up the great brow ends of Congate wood — went into the Cunnery plantation and about the fields alone — It would be best to fence off the clough to be planted with a sunk wall — take the old wall between Cunnery  brow and the little field — went to Throp again — shrubs come from his brother’s — (had been at home for a few minutes about 3) — came in at 5 1/2  — Dressed — Dinner at 6 1/4 afterwards wrote the above of today — asked my father about sunk-fencing the clough — he thinks I had better rail it — of course therefore I shall and have the rest for the future — 
Parcel and note from Mr Parker this afternoon — the deeds last sent (by Mr Adam from here) expecting the Northgate title “which have been examined by Mr Bouchin in London — The fine within the manor of Hampstead an alienation and on the change of heir in the same namely, two years improved value“ then the fine will be £300 I think —  
very fine day — wind very high to windy night and now at 10 20/60 p. m. — came upstairs at 10 1/4 — Fahrenheit in my room, at this moment 61° no fire since about 7 p.m. my cousin just come
Throp the gardener came to work — 1st time
Mr Green snigging trees out of the Cunnery plantation
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
06/16/2019 DAB Transcript
1 Kings 15:25-17:24, Acts 10:24-48, Psalms 134:1-3, Proverbs 17:9-11
Today is the 16th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we walk ourselves through the threshold of a new week and it's all waiting for us like a gift and we get to unwrap it day by day. And one of the ways that we set our days correctly is to allow God's word to speak to us and into our lives today. And, so, that’s what we’ll do here at the beginning of the week. We’ll read from the Amplified Bible this week and we’re in the book of first Kings. And at this point we are reviewing the different reigns of the different kings. And if you’ll remember from our reading last week, we ended Solomon's reign, and then the next thing you know we have Israel dividing into two different kingdoms - the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. And now we’re kind of beginning to review the different kings and what they did. And, so, if we hear so-and-so reigned in Israel, that’s the northern kingdom. If we hear so-and-so reigned in Judah, that’s the southern kingdom and that can help us follow what's going on as we move through the different reigns of the kings and what they stood for and what they did and where they lead the people. So, first Kings chapter 15 verse 25 through 17 verse 24 today.
Alright. So, a couple things as we walk into our new week here in the Old Testament. We met the prophet Elijah who was obviously a very famous and prominent biblical figure. And, so, he has entered the scene and we’re kind of moving rapidly through different king’s reigns, so we’re not necessarily seeing the passage of time, but we’re many generations from Solomon at this point. And, so, King Ahab is in the North, he's reigning in Israel and he's married Jezebel who’s also a famous person and we’ll see why soon enough. And now we see that the northern kingdom has its own capital city. Like the northern kingdom of Israel was formed because of a rebellion against Solomon's son Rehoboam in the South. Remember all of that from last week. And, so, now they've constructed their own capital city. It's called Samaria. So, it is the Jerusalem of the North. In other words, this is a capital city, a defended walled city. The ruins of Samaria still exist today. It was one of the places that we've filmed in the Promised Land films. It's not a place that we go to and tour. It’s a little inaccessible. It’s a place that we've filmed in the Promised Land films. And then Elijah shows up on the scene and predicts a famine, which happens, and he is instructed on what to do. And, so, he is sustained and then he ends up in the home of a widow, a Sidonian widow, she's not a Hebrew at all and yet God sends him to this woman and she has to take an incredible step of faith because this profit shows up, asks for water, asks for a piece of bread, and she's like, basically, “I can’t give you…I mean I'm making a piece of bread for my son and for myself, and then we’re gonna…then we don't have any more food so we’re going to starve.” And Elijah is like, “make me a piece of bread too.” And, so, she has to believe like he's a prophet, she has to step out in faith here and she also has to show hospitality, which is inbred into the culture. And, so, she takes this step of faith and she will be sustained as we've already seen. And not to diminish this, but we saw resurrection happen today. Elijah raises the widow's son after he has died, which obviously makes Elijah one of the prominent and powerful prophets of ancient Israel.
And we get into the New Testament in the book of Acts, and we also have literally earth moving things happening here, like fundamental shifts in the entire way of seeing things is happening in the book of Acts. This began where Peter had this vision of a sheet coming down from heaven with all animals that were considered unclean, and he was instructed to eat them and he's resisting this. But then these Gentile people show up and he’s told to go. And, so, what is happening here is that peters Hebrew mindset that God, Yahweh, is an exclusive God for the Hebrew people only, this isn't the case. He has loving everyone in the world and welcoming everyone in the world. This is a big deal. Like, right now, and I'll say this many times as we continue through the New Testament. most everybody listening to me right now is a Gentile as am I. So, it's very, very easy to take for granted what is happening here in the New Testament, but it's so monumental and so controversial and it's going to cause such upheaval that it’s going to force the early church into its first real crisis. And coming out the other side of that crisis it’s never going to be the same again and it's the fundamental question. And believe it or not, it's still a fundamental question that we continue to battle over. Who gets to be in? Who gets to come to Jesus? Who gets to be in? In the ancient early church, many, the majority of the earliest people were Hebrew believers converting to following Jesus, but never converting out of Judaism. They would never do that. But including Gentiles in an exclusive religion, that’s a game changer. And, so, this is a little bit of a heads up. This is the first we’re kind of seeing this but this is gonna run as a sub theme all the way through the rest of the New Testament. It's fundamental to how the church formed. And, so, we’ll watch that in the coming days and weeks and months.
Father, we thank You for bringing us here into this new week and for helping us understand where we are in the stories that we’re reading and how it is that we can look at those stories and understand that really, things haven't changed all that much in terms of the human heart. We’re wearing different clothes and we have different technology and, yeah, humanity has progressed a couple of thousand years and so we have different ways of thinking about things and we know some things now that weren't known then, but our hearts and what we’re after and what we seek and why, what motivates us, these are very similar things. And, so, we find ourselves in the stories in the Bible. So, we invite You into this week with all that You will speak. We open ourselves. Come, Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, stay connected in every way that you can, every way that you will as we move through the summer months.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. I couldn't possibly thank you enough for your partnership, especially here in the summer months. So, there's a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Daily Audio Bible, my name is Steph, I’m calling from San Diego. I’m 28 years old and I’m currently in a treatment program right now for veterans at the VA in La Jolla. I was just calling because I wanted to share with everybody that I have nine months…or excuse me…nine days…nine days…just nine days today and I just want to say a prayer for myself and from all my other fellow veterans here who are struggling with addiction and are struggling with mental health and PTSD and a lot of trauma. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for a few months now and I really enjoy it. I feel connected to those who call, and I really enjoy praying for others. I really enjoy what God’s doing in my life. You know, it took a lot of darkness, it took a really bad overdose for me to kind of get this help and I’m really grateful for it. So, yeah, so, like I just pray that we all remain strong and I really pray that I get it this time. You know, it’s pretty much a matter of life and death for me. And, so, I’m really invested in us. Thank you to everybody and I just pray for those who are suffering. I pray for those who are hurt and may need help. Thank you guys have a wonderful day from San Diego.
Hey this is Jaime Girl from Arizona and I’m calling, I’m a new listener. I was able to attend the More Gathering and that was just an amazing experience. I just have had a tumultuous year with a lot of adversity and a lot of health problems and I have created chaos in my life. I’m separated from my husband, estranged from my family and my friends and I know that a lot of it is my fault and a lot of it is not and I’m struggling to forgive and forget and I’m at a loss. I have very few people to pray with. And, so, I’m asking my Daily Audio Bible family to stand in the gap with me and pray that I will know which direction to turn, that I will feel Jesus holy presence in my life, that I will, despite having, a __ and a brain injury, that I would use my best judgment and I will follow the path that God has set for me. I’ve been a Christian for 50 years this year and God has never left me despite all of the twists and turns of life and I know that he loves me. And like Job, I stand and say though he slay me yet will I trust him. So, Daily Audio Bible buddies will you pray with me, that God will speak very clearly because my mind is upset and confused? And I just need His guidance and I need to know that it’s His voice and not that of the enemy. And Lord I hope that You would help me, help me find the path that You have for me so that I can be useful to You. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible friends.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, my name is Fred and my wife, Sonia, and I are having an extremely difficult time in our marriage right now. I was in a dark, low place and the devil preyed on me and has caused significant damage and harm to the relationship with my wife. I love her so much and I ask that everyone please pray to God that she and I are able to heal and that we grow stronger in love together and rekindle what was once there. I love her so very much. She is my best friend. Thank you for your prayers.
Hi DAB family, this is Paula the Child Advocate from Los Angeles area calling. It’s been a while since I called, and I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers after we lost our home to the wildfires back in November. It’s been kind of a struggle off and on, but God has been so good to us and we feel so blessed and we’re just getting through things. So, thank you so much. I wanted to tell you how lovely it is when I listen to the DAB and I hear your voices and I recognize who you are. Even before you say your names I know you are. So, that’s a blessing to me and I’ve been listening to DAB for so many years I’ve kind of lost count. But when I started listening I called in my prayers specifically for my oldest child, Tyler, who was at the time in his early 30s, mid 30s, and he really wanted a wife. And I asked you to pray that God grant him a Christian wife and the prayer was answered. He found a most beautiful Christian woman, about a year and a half ago they were married. He went on a mission trip to Mexico and he met her there and they have been living in Mexico ever since because she cannot get a visa to come to the US. And that’s my prayer. Please, if you will pray for her that her visa will come through. They had been waiting and waiting to actually move from her small town in the __ to Tijuana so they could both find jobs. And my son actually crosses the border to San Diego every day because he has a job in San Diego crossing back to Tijuana to be with his wife. The government won’t tell us whether she is on the list. They just say the paperwork is in, she’s in a list. So, please family, please pray that she’ll get her appointment soon and that they can come back to LA and be with us where Tyler has a job waiting for him in LA as chaplain at a mission downtown on skid row. Thank you family. I pray for you all and I love you all. Bye for now.
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