#stefan bulter imagine
Control| Stefan Butler {Bandersnatch}
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summary| stefan feels like he’s being controlled, you have to help him take that control back.
Entering through the front door of the house Stefan shares with his father, you have deja vu to the last however many months since Stefan's meeting with Tuckersoft. The house was quiet and still, Stefan's father already had left for work leaving the two of you alone.
     The only noises coming from his bed room was the clacking of Stefan's fingers on his keyboard and the scratching of his pencil on the notebook paper, as well as the soft turning back of forth of the pages of Bandersnatch which you read while laying, stomach first, on Stefan's bed. You didn't mind sitting in silence with Stefan day after day, it was better then not seeing him at all which is what would happen if you didn't join him in his room everyday. Everyday is always the same. You come to Stefan's late in the morning, mainly so you avoid his father, you bring him breakfast/lunch depending on the day, Stefan spends every waking hour programming and reading and re-reading the book. You don't mind, in fact, you like being there. And if we're being honest, you were scared to leave him alone. You're the only one who can get him to do anything outside of his game. Only you can get him to eat, only you can get him to calm down when the game crashes, only you can get him to take breaks and lye in bed with you and breath.
   For as long as you've known Stefan, he's always been an anxious and fidgety person. Weather that meant biting his nails or pulling on his earlobe, you always thought it was something he did subconsciously to ease anxiety, however as weeks continued to pass you began to notice him not doing these ticks anymore and found him folding his hands under his arms, as if to keep him from doing them.
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   Right now was no different. The two of you sat in his father's car, parked on the curb just outside of your home. You had persuaded Stefan into driving you home as a means of getting him out of his desk chair. Asking for a ride was the easiest way to get Stefan away from the game, as if he didn't you'd be force to take public transportation. You were pulled from your thoughts and your humming of which ever Thompson Twins song was currently playing on the radio when you hear the shifting of Stefan in the drivers seat besides you. Your head was quick to snap to his director and spotted your boyfriend hunched over the  steering wheel, tensely with his hands once again tucked tightly under his arms. You watch him for a few seconds, unsure of what to even do. Soon Stefan's body relaxes and his hands fall back onto the steering wheel in front of him. "Stefan, what the hell is going on?" Stefan slightly turns his head in your general direction but like normal he keeps his eyes down, besides the few split seconds he glances up at you. "Nothing, I'm fine." He's quick to reply, not wanting to worry you. However, it was a little too late for that. "No you're not, Stefan! You're completely stressing out over this Bandersnatch game, you're not even letting yourself calm your anxiety." Stefan's eyes finally raise to meet yours in a state of confusion. "What are you even talking about?" "You're nail biting and you pulling your earlobes, you always use to do it subconsciously when your anxiety was going off but now it seems like your fighting yourself to not let you calm yourself down." Your voice was filled with concern, and he hear it, however he was having an internal battle over something. He wasn't subconsciously doing those things, they weren't his choice, he wasn't controlling it. Dropping his arms from the steering wheel and into his lap, Stefan turned his whole body towards you. "I am fighting it, Y/N. I'm not the one in fucking control anymore!" His voice raised, however you didn't react. Him raising his voice has been a normal occurrence recently. "What do you mean?" Stefan stayed silent. "You feel like someone is controlling you?" "I don't feel like it, someone is Y/N!" Stefan's hands quickly slam down, gripping ahold of the center console, his quick movement make you flinch slightly. "What are you being told to do now?" With a dry mouth, your voice cracks as you ask. "To hurt you, but I don't want to, I won't." Stefan grits threw his teeth, his body finally relaxing. "How is it controlling you, Stefan?" The phrasing of your sentence reminds him of Dr. Haynes and his father, but it's your tone of voice that keeps him from thinking you're the same. "Everything, from the type of cereal I eat in the morning to the music I listen to, to the way I react. They control everything." You quickly lean forward and turn off the radio, stopping the Thompson Twins from playing. "Well-" You pause for a few seconds before continuing. "What do you need me to do when it happens?" Stefan looks at you once again, in shock. He was expecting you to call him crazy and run as far away from him as possible, he should know better but he couldn't help but let the thought run threw him mind. "I- I don't know." His head now hung in disappointment. Stefan knew you just wanted to help him, hell he wished he could tell you how but he didn't know. His body quickly relaxed more when you leaned your body over the center console of the car wrapped your arms tightly around your boyfriend's shoulders. "Listen, whenever you feel like you're being controlled to do something bad, just call out for me, okay? I'll figure something out." Stefan nodded into your shoulder, agreeing to your terms.
    Clicking of the keyboard, pages turning back and forth in the book, Stefan's pencil on the paper. The same thing, just a different date. You're so lost in your own head and the book in front of you that you don't realize that all noises stopped, and you don't hear the sound of Stefan's fingers banging down on the wooden desk. It's not until your name rushes from his mouth that you finally look up from the book. The sight was terrifying to you. Stefan body was again tense and shaking, his fingers were the same way in an attempt to dig themselves into the wooden desk. "Y/N, it's fucking happening." You're besides him in seconds, one arm wrapped around his shoulders also as a way of letting him know you were with him. "What are they making you do, Stefan?" You pull him closer to your body as you're eyes stayed locked on his hands. Stefan doesn't verbally answer, however you can put two and two together when his hand begins moving towards his mouth, only for his other hand to take a hold of that one and slam it back down onto the desk. You lean forward, placing your hand ontop of both of his. "Stefan, listen to my voice, okay? I'm here, you are in control. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you." You can feel him fighting again your hands. In one swift motion you are in front of him sat up ontop of his desk, worried how he would react if you sat in his lap instead. Both of your hands moved to lace with Stefan's as you hold them tightly in your lap. You continue to talk to him, you stray away from using anything besides your normal voice in an attempt to not make Stefan feel like he's in therapy.  After a few more minutes, you finally feel Stefan's body still and relax, you drop his hands only for him to lean forward and wrap his arms around your torso, laying his head in your lap. He stayed like that, saying nothing as you move your hand into his head of curls as a means of calming him. No more than 5 minutes later Stefan is dead asleep in your lap.
    "Hello, Y/N" Stefan's father jumped as he turned from locking the door of the one room you nor Stefan have never been in, only to find you standing there. "Hi." You mumble back, before pressing on towards your boyfriend's bedroom. "Oh, Y/N?" his father called out from behind you, making you turn and face him. "Make sure Stefan gets a meal today, alright?" If he wasn't looking directly at you, you would have rolled your eyes at him. "Always do, Mr. Butler." You turn, roll your eyes and push your way into Stefan's bedroom. You stop as soon as you pass through his doorway. You watched as he fought to put the cup of tea back down onto his desk. You quickly drop your bag at the door way and run up behind Stefan wrapping your arms tightly around him from behind, forcing his arm down. "I'm not going to destroy my computer." Stefan stated, through his gritted teeth. You had told him to verbally say he wasn't going to do something, as a means of training his brain into controlling it himself. "You're not going to destroy the computer." Stefan's head came back to rest on your shoulder, or so you thought to rest before he began yelling out. "Who's doing this to me?" You let out a sign, you hated seeing Stefan this way, you hated that you just couldn't make it all stop. "Who's doing this to me?!" You wrap your arms tighter around your boyfriend, as of the moment, letting him know you were there was the only thing you could do. Both of your heads quickly snapped back to the computer screen when the screen suddenly went black and began making noises. White letters then began to show up one by one of the screen. "I am controlling you through Netflix." You and Stefan turn to one another in confusion before looking back at his screen and saying in unison, "What the fuck is Netflix?"
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countlessimagines · 6 years
The Gamer Guy [ Colin Ritman x Reader ]
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Summary: your brother Stefan introduces you to the one and only Colin Ritman
“hello!! can you write a colin ritman x reader? fluff of any kind? (i can be more specific if you like :})” - @the-outrages
“Please write anything Colin please 😭 I’ve always loved will, now he’s finally being appreciated I need my fix of fanfic 😂x” - @justleave-already
“Hey. Can you write me a few imagines with Cokin Ritman from Bandersnatch. And then tag me in them? Thanks ❤” - @maryhuffxoxo
Warnings: Some language
It was a tough week for your little brother, Stefan, to say the least. You saw him rotting away in his room trying to finish Bandersnatch but it just wasn't going well for him. You went to go check on him one day and when you entered his room, he slammed his fist against the desk.
“Stefan?” You cautioned while walking over to him. “Hey, maybe you need a break.”
He rotated in his seat and looked at you so frustrated and miserable. “Yeah, that - that would be nice.”
You drove Stefan and yourself to his favorite lunch spot and parked in front. Getting out of the car, Stefan saw someone he knew and hurriedly walked to the sidewalk to say hello.
“Colin?” He said and started fiddling with his fingers. Now that he was in the situation, he didn’t know what to say.
Colin looked at Stefan and didn’t miss a beat while nodding, “How’s it going with Bandersnatch?”
“Frustrating, really really frustrating,” He stammered. “But my sister drove us here so we could eat and I could get my mind off of it.”
You walked up to the two and eyed Colin suspiciously, “And who are you?”
“I’m Colin,” he said and titled his head. You had the thought he was checking you out as his eyes darted over you.
“Ah, yes,” You nodded and pointed your finger at him, “You’re that gamer guy that my brother always talks about... Want to join us for lunch?”
Colin took a second to think but agreed and followed you two inside. Funny thing it was, though, for the server. He had just left the restaurant only a few minutes ago.
“Eh, they’re not my favorite band,” You said and skipped through the various records Colin had in his room. “I rather listen to my dad go on about his new food techniques he learned. Which is so boring, may I add.”
Colin chuckled from where he sat on his couch, staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
“I bet that’s not too bad.”
“Want to bet? You should come to my house sometime... He's also pestering Stefan so much that I think the poor kid is going to snap at him.”
“Mm, that's not good. Especially if he’s working. Might release his anger on your dad if he messes up or something goes bad. I yelled at someone so badly one time that they quit.”
“How charming.”
You both had found out that there were many similar interests Colin and you shared. Stefan became wary about you two hanging out - claiming he had terrible dreams where you two being together wasn't the best. You ignored your little brother’s concerns and carried out the blooming friendship - or whatever it was - with Colin.
You often caught him observing you, a look of admiration on his face.
Turning around, you took a seat next to him and noticed that he became a little more tense.
“So, did you see your latest reviews on that one show? Stefan had it on and I was listening in. They gave it a good review.”
Colin shrugged, “I don’t really look at those types of things.”
“Oh come on!” You told him exasperated. “It’d help you. You know, some criticism.”
“What did you think about the game?” He questioned, more interested in your answer more than a random kid on the television.
“I liked it, but I prefer others games more than yours,” You teased and noticed him get visibly upset. “I’m just joking.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He smiled and placed his hand on your knee. “Well, you better head home, check on Stefan.”
You became confused because it was only an hour ago you arrived, “How - how come?”
“I’m tired and I have a long day tomorrow,” He said bluntly and his  “Okay,” You murmured and collected your things. “Want out hang out on Saturday?”
“I’ll have to see.”
A couple weeks went by and you heard nothing from Colin. No calls or visits.
You tried to reach out to him but he always said he was busy or didn’t have the time to hang out with you.
Thinking you did something wrong to scare him off, you stayed at home and didn't really leave unless it was for meals. And Stefan noticed this.
He knocked on your door and saw that your were laying down with your headphones on. He approached you and took the headphones off, “You alright?”
You shook your head, “Colin’s been blowing me off. I don’t know what I did.”
Stefan sighed and held back the urge to say I told you so, but didn't and mumbled instead, “I don't think it’s your fault.”
“Why else would he reject me?” You shouted and then apologized to Stefan who moved back a bit. “Sorry, I’m just - I don't know. I thought there was something special between us, you know? We have so much in common and had fun hanging out together. Guess it was all for nothing.”
Stefan saw how broken you were over Colin not paying attention to you so he made up his mind on what to do, “I’ll be back.”
It was later on that night that another knock came to your door. You sighed, not really up to talking to Stefan about Colin or you dad asking if you were hungry.
“Come in, I guess,” You mumbled loud enough for the person to hear you. Sitting up on your bed, you could feel some bones cracking because of how long you were laying down.
Colin shyly slid into the room and did an awkward smile.
A lot of thoughts ran through your head. First, you wanted to hit him with a pillow. Second, you wanted to cry. Three, you wanted to push him out. You went with option one.
Chucking a large pillow at him, he tried to dodge it but rather got hit harder, “Hey! Hey! Easy with the pillows.”
“You are truly a terrible person.”
“I wouldn’t say terrible. Im here, aren't I?”
You raged, “After two weeks of rejection! What happened, Colin? Did you lose interest in me and think I wasn't worthy of being in the presence of the Colin Ritman?”
“No, it’s not like that!” He said and made a large step to your bed. “I... I just... I couldn't...”
“You couldn’t, what?”
“I couldn’t see you because I... I have feelings for you.”
You were shocked by his statement and gave him a what the hell look.
“I know it’s crazy and we’ve only know each other for not even two months. But, there's something about you that makes my heart sting and my head go high wire and my thoughts filled with how much I love you.”
“It’s not crazy at all,” You comforted him and fully stood up from your bed. “Hearing what you said made me realize I have feelings for you, too. I think that’s why I got so mad. I thought I lost a really amazing man.”
Colin beamed at you so brightly and rushed forward. He grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you roughly, but you didn’t mind. Kissing him back felt like it was an eternity waiting for something like this to happen. And it felt warm and familiar.
“Are you guys okay?” Stefan came into the room and then instantly left. “I wasn't suppose to see that.”
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countlessimagines · 6 years
Bandersnatch Requests Open!
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I just watched it and went down a few paths, but I’m going to watch more!
But for now, requests are open; that includes imagines and headcannons.
Love to you all <3
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countlessimagines · 6 years
Futuristic Love [ Stefan Butler x Reader ]
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“Can we get a Stefan Butler x Reader? Where y/n travels from the future through a mirror and tries to prevent him from going crazy? Would be rad” - @scientificstardust
Warnings: Language
It was a normal night for you. Staying in - home alone - and eating pizza while watching a movie on Netflix.
You had just finished Bandersnatch and loved every second of it. Well, not all parts were fun but for the most part it was. And you had a new character crush, Stefan Butler.
Heading into your bathroom to brush your teeth, you noticed on your mirror that there was a giant wad of toothpaste sweared. How in the world did that get there?
You wet a washcloth and went to wipe it off. However, what happened when your hand met contact with the mirror was not was you expected. It disappeared through the mirror and you instantly retreated backward.
Staring at it for a few seconds, you made the decision to walk forward and see what was happening. It was very similar to how in the movie Stefan’s hand went through.
Your hand fell through again so naturally you said, “What the hell?”
Tempted by the tricky mirror, you fully went through it and found yourself in what looked like a public restroom. Falling back into your own bathroom, you smiled a weird type of smile and raced to your room. You shimmied out of your pj’s and put on jeans, a graphic tee, boots, and a large jacket.
You looked into the mirror a few minutes later and entered.
The public bathroom seemed normal and clean surprisingly so you opened the door to find it was in a small bakery. The place smelt of freshly baked goods and hot chocolate. You peered around and saw it was daytime outside and the little bakery was filled with people.
Nobody seemed to notice the girl out of place and time standing there so you casually walked more into the bakery. And you saw someone you would never suspect sitting down with tea and reading the Bandersnatch book. Stefan Butler.
Doing a double take, you stared at him for a few minutes in complete and utter shock. You slowly approached him and caught his attention when you stood in front of his book.
“You’re reading Bandersnatch,” You said in a weird voice and realized you must look like an odd person with your mouth slightly gaped and different clothing than most people.
“Uh, yes, yes I am,” Stefan said quickly and looked at you awkwardly.
You tried to think of something quickly, “I’ve just come back from a trip that was a few years, I don't seem to know what year it is?”
“It’s January 1984.”
Crap, you thought because this was the exact year that Stefan would either go crazy and kill his father or be considered crazy because of his “future friend.” Which made you have another thought, I’m his future friend.
“Are you okay, miss?” Stefan said and seemed to fidget a little.
You jumped out of your thought bubble and quickly said, “Yes, of course... Um, I was wondering if I could talk with you? About Bandersnatch. I’ve heard about it from a few friends.”
“Oh, uh...”
“And that the author went crazy and chopped off his wife’s head.”
Stefan started looking between you and the book, unsure of what to say, “Yeah, yeah he did. Still a great author though.”
“I bet, crazy people usually have the most interesting minds.”
He nodded and pulled on his earlobe, a nervous trait you knew he had. Of course you knew he had that, you chose him to do that in the office and he ended up beating his hand to the table.
“So are you reading the book for fun or other reasons?” You asked him, trying to keep the conversation up. It was still bizarre to you that you were talking to a fictional character... but in the movie, parallel universes exsist.
“I’m actually developing the book into a game,” Stefan said and carefully placed the book down.
“That’s awesome!” You said but sounded a little too excited and a little too loud. “Have you started putting it together?”
“Yeah, I wrote a bit of the paths I want the gamers to take and so on,” He went on to say. Then he looked like he was contemplating something and struggling with it, “If, if you want you can sit down.”
You smiled and sat down across from him, “Thanks. So, what endings are there going to be?”
It was a few weeks later and to say it was easy for you would be a lie.
You had returned to the mirror in the cafe but it didn’t return you home, so you freaked out and tried to think of solutions to your problem.
There was no one you could go to. Until a thought bubbled into your mind and it seemed like it was meant to be.
It took some research and thinking back to the movie, but you found Colin Ritman’s place.
You explained how you traveled from a different dimension and time, and he actually believed you which you hoped he would with his crazy government statements and parallel universes.
“Alright, well,” You said after he processed everything for a bit. “Can I crash here? I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Colin gazed at you before shrugging and agreeing.
Within the months you stayed there and leading up to Stefan showing off his idea of Bandersnatch, you grew close to Stefan who began to trust you and tell you the things he would tell his therapist. But, when the time came around that the movie would start, he would act odd and you knew you had to do something about it.
You went to Stefan’s place and knocked on the door. His dad answered so you smiled (while also thinking how much you hoped that Stefan wouldn’t end up killing his dad and ending up in prison or a mental institution) and said, “Hi, is Stefan here?”
He nodded and let you in, “He should be in his room.”
You walked over to his bedroom door and opened it. Stefan was sitting at his desk and writing while multiple papers were scattered and his computer was on.
“Stefan?” You said and caught his attention. “Hey, I wanted to see how you were doing.”
He stood up, “Oh, I’m doing okay, yeah. How are you?”
“Just wonderful now that I’m here,” You told him with a bright smile. “How’s it going with the game?”
You walked over to where he was and he started shuffling papers around to make it look nice and fix his dirty plates and now empty mugs.
“It’s going smoothing, want me to run it so you can see some of it?” Stefan said with a hopeful look that you would actually want to see all the hard work he was doing.
“Of course!” You said and urged him on. He pressed a few keys and the game started to load... Until it glitched and crashed.
“No... No, no,” he said and started shaking a bit. “No no no!”
Your eyes widened and you realized he was probably going to have no control over his next action.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” You said and gently grabbed his shoulders to turn him to you. “It’s going to be alright, you can fix this.”
He stared at you for a few seconds with a hard glare before his shoulders relaxed.
“You’re right,” Stefan nodded and gave you a half smile.
The two of you were looking at each other with racing heart when you both realized how close you were.
You stepped closer to the point where his face was very close to yours. You leant forward and kissed him slowly, almost hesitantly because you wouldn’t know his reaction.
He started kissing you back with urgency, like he had waited for this. But he panicked and stepped back way too soon, his nerves going high.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” you said and moved more away from him.
“No, I’m glad you did,” he blushed and glanced down.
You smiled. Hopefully your plan was going to work.
“Baby, I have to go,” You whispered and sat up on your elbow.
You and Stefan were cuddling on his bed and he was very adamant on you staying the night with him.
“Please don’t go,” he begged and gave the saddest face he could muster.
It was a year later, and you and Stefan had made things official and started dating.
Being together felt right and so natural. Stefan had broken out of his shell and showed you love and compassion. There wasn’t a moment that when you two were together that he didn’t have a genuine look of pure love on his face.
“I can’t stay, Colin wants me to babysit his baby first thing tomorrow morning so I have to head there tonight,” You said and started getting up again but Stefan pulled you back down.
“Thirty more minutes?”
His eyes held so much behind them that you agreed with a
“You better be glad I love you.”
Stefan grinned like a dork and held you tight in his arms.
“I love you too.”
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