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kuro-no-hana · 4 years ago
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Elven deity ❄🌟 Petite question: Vous vous entendez mieux avec des filles ou garçons? Moi je dirais que ça dépend surtout du caractère de la personne mais il est vrai que j'ai tendance à vite me sentir mal à l'aise entouré de filles parfois. Je trouve que certaines filles jugent trop facilement les autres et les apparences...Je me sens plus proche des filles qui ont un caractère plus introverti comme moi ou qui acceptent bien ma personnalité. Je m'entend bien avec les personnes ouvertes d'esprit. 👍 et vous? ~~~ 🇬🇧 Quick question: Do you get along better with girls or boys? I would say that it depends mainly on the character of the person but it is true that I tend to quickly feel uncomfortable surrounded by girls sometimes. I find that some girls judge others and appearances too easily ... I feel closer to girls who are more introverted like me or who accept my personality well. I get along well with open-minded people. 👍 and you? • 📷 @eirian_photography Dress: @scarletdarkness_official . . . . . #kurohanadoll #snow #elvesofinstagram #elves #allinwhite #elfgirl #fairygirl #scarletdarkness #altmodels #whitegoth #steampunkdress #longhair #blondehair #elvencosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKIDtInog4/?igshid=198kpknwx9atj
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noxrose · 5 years ago
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Steampunk Selfie⚙️ 🤳⚙️ Here's a selfie of my steampunk look for the 'after' portion of my pass the brush or golden fan for the Michigan Steampunks before and after video. 🖤💛⚙️✨⚙️💛🖤 #steampunk #steampunks #steampunkfashion #steampunkjewelry #steampunkgirl #steampunkcostume #steampunkcosplay #costuming #steampunkers #steampunkgirls #steampunkgirly #steampunkclothing #steampunkmakeup #steampunklady #steampunked #steampunklove #steampunkdress #steampunkoutfit #silkcorset #michigansteampunk #michigansteampunksociety #steampunkaccessories #tiesthatbynde #overbustcorset #bigcurlyhair #bighairdontcare💁#naturalcurlspoppin #naturalcurlsrock #croppedjacket #velvetjacket https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeN1AOjALt/?igshid=1uqdqkhx0xd70
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glitzywonderland · 3 years ago
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⚙️Libra Steampunk Lolita Dress + Belt + Tie 3pc Set by YingLuoFu (SF95)🤎
🌍 $129 Free shipping to worldwide
🔎 Search “SF95” at www.glitzywonderland.com
🛍 Order page: https://bit.ly/LibraLolita
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dkayproductions · 4 years ago
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Hello and welcome to our resumed programming! For March of Robots, we’ve got a robot designed around Gear. I originally started this on the same day I made Block, but I only finally finished it today. I have no idea still why it took me so long to finish it, but I think this robot turned out very well once I threw in a steampunk dress. Everything else simply came together, and I think this one might be one of my best original robots. I tried to also incorporate flame in this as well, but I’m not a hundred percent certain how well the fireballs came out. Still, I think the inkwork might be one of the best parts of the picture. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! #dkayproductionsart #dkayproductions #art #marchofrobots #marchofrobots21 #marchofrobots2021 #robot #robots #gear #gears #steampunk #fireball #dress #steampunkdress #drawing #robotic #woman #lady #fireball #fireballs #illustration #traditionalart #traditional https://www.instagram.com/p/CMYn-7rBDTq/?igshid=1h8w52wom5dsp
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libertepunk-blog · 5 years ago
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#Summerdress # #Skaterdress #gothic #gothicclothing #pirates #pirate #gothicfashion #sexyclothing #gothicwomen #steampunkdress gothicstyle #gothicdress #skull #steampunk #steampunkclothes #steampunkfashion #womenclothes #Etsy #etsyseller #springdress #steampunkstyle https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/778795853/summer-dress-skull-blue-skater-woman https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Uhqn5Idxe/?igshid=exyzo4ce34mx
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nightmarefairway · 5 years ago
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What do you think about her combination? #steampunkcharacter #steampunkphoto #steampunkfascinator #steampunkartists #steampunkprincess #steampunkglasses #SteampunkIndustriallamp #steampunktime #steampunkphotography #steampunkbutterfly #SteampunkLook #steampunkstyle #steampunkfasion #steampunkgirls #steampunkitalia #steampunkdecoration #steampunkbulldog #steampunkmakeup #steampunkdress #steampunkbooks #steampunknerfgun #steampunkmickey #steampunkaccessory #steampunklighting #steampunkaccessories #steampunkanatomicalheart #steampunkjewellery #steampunkhairbow #steampunkpillow #steampunkgoddessboutique https://www.instagram.com/p/B47O3QOH6Xn/?igshid=1173hc46kb1b1
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winddrift87 · 5 years ago
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Everyone knows I Love steampunk. These two costumes are phenomenal!⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ Need The Cosplayers⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #steampunk #steampunkfashion #steampunkstyle #steampunkcouture #cosplay #costume #steampunkcosplay #steampunkcostume #steampunklifestyle #steampunkcraft #steampunkitalia #steampunkcosplay #steampunkdress #steampunkmodels #awa #awa2019 #animeweekendatlanta #cosplaygirl #cosplaygirls #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplaymodel #steampunkjewelry #steampunkaccessories https://www.instagram.com/p/B5skmevAB41/?igshid=1rw0ian27aqsf
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maryclaires1 · 5 years ago
For just $30.00 Silver is a great color for steampunk jewelry. This silver oval necklace with inset resin pools with bitty watch parts is a unique handcrafted vision. This crazy idea for a necklace was to create patterns in polymer with swirls and pools which were filled with ice resin and whatever vintage watch parts and gears or other embellishments that seemed to fit. Little pockets of surprise in an oval necklace. Each silver oval of the necklace has a different set of tiny things in the resin. Giving these little pools their own style in an otherwise classic linked oval design was big fun. They are joined together in a unique handcrafted necklace that has a steampunk vibe to it. Finished with a buna cord and silver plated toggle closure. See more like this https://etsy.me/2O7zpDk Free next day shipping.
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destroyermariko · 5 years ago
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New dress! Watch my review on YouTube.
I love how this dress combines a steampunk dragon armour warrior feeling with the more elegant feminine skirt, it's really interesting! I wish I wasn't in such a rush to take the photos though lol, didn't have time to smooth it out from unpacking, and the lighting wasn't so great haha. I need to get some proper camera gear one day! I took some other photos on the same day, maybe I'll post them too at some point, but prepare for more crinkles and funny lighting... XD I'm so bad at Instagram, there are sooo many photos I never end up sorting through, but I'll get bored if I post too much of the same style all at once...!
Anyway, thanks as always to @punkraveau for sending it to me! If any of you guys want one, check the video description for the discount code - it also applies to the black version of the dress! Eee!! I went for the red one though, I already have a lot of black in my wardrobe, thought it was time for something different.
新しいドレス! おもしろくて、かっこよくて、かわいい! 写真を撮るのが苦手です、ごめんなさい。 いいカメラを持っていないので電話を使う。多分いつかもっと良いカメラギアを買うでしょう。 とにかく、@punkraveau、 ありがとう!このドレスが大好き!
#punkrave #punkraveclothing #punkravedress #steampunkdress #gothicdress #steampunkfashion #steampunk #スチームパンク #スチームパンクファッション #ゴシックファッション #ゴシック #ゴシックロリータ #ゴス #gothicsteampunk #steampunkgoth #ballroomdress #社交ドレス #formaldresses #promdress #プロムドレス #steampunklolita #symphonicmetalsinger #metalvocalist #femalemetalvocalist #femalegrowler #womeninmetal #alternativeoutfit #alternativeclothing #gothyoutuber #destroyermariko (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DwTVAA9X7/?igshid=zglwhr5iz07n
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noxrose · 5 years ago
The 'after' portion of my pass the brush or in this case fan for the Michigan Steampunks before and after video. My fan is made of metal by the way ✨💛✨ 😉 I've been been in the Steampunk community for a decade now‼️ My first Steampunk event I went to was World Steam Expo in 2010‼️ I went to all the 3 years it lasted‼️ It was the BEST CON EVER‼️‼️‼️ This is just one of my many Steampunk looks 😉 I decided to go for a black, brown and gold outfit for my Steampunk look 🖤💛🖤 Instagram chopped off the top and bottom of the video, so you don't see my awesome Victorian boots and my head disappears near the end, but at least you get to see most of the outfit 😜 🖤💛⚙️✨⚙️💛🖤 #steampunk #steampunks #steampunkfashion #steampunkjewelry #steampunkgirl #steampunkcostume #steampunkcosplay #costuming #steampunkers #steampunkgirls #steampunkgirly #steampunkclothing #steampunkmakeup #steampunklady #steampunked #steampunklove #steampunkdress #steampunkoutfit #silkcorset #bustleskirt #goldfan #michigansteampunk #michigansteampunksociety #steampunkaccessories #tiesthatbynde #overbustcorset #bigcurlyhair #bighairdontcare💁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZAOrjDasN/?igshid=v9gxyhfagypf
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blue17vintage-clothing · 6 years ago
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What is steampunk fashion, ready to find out?
                  Original vintage from www.blue17.co.uk
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glitzywonderland · 4 years ago
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🕰 New In Kawaii Steampunk Lolita Style🤎 🌍 $69 Free shipping to worldwide ✈️ ⌛️ Limited Stock Available 🔎 Search “HM01” at www.glitzywonderland.com 🛍 Order page: http://bit.ly/KawaiiSteampunkJSK . . . . . . . #lolitafashion #jfashion #japanesefashion #lolitastyle #lolitadress #alternativefashion #eglcommunity #harajuku #harajukustyle #glitzywonderland #alternativestyle #eglfashion #altfashion #steampunkstyle #steampunklolita #steampunkfashion #steampunkgirl #steampunklife #steampunkclothing #steampunkdress #lolitasteampunk #emofashion #egirl #harajukufashion #restyle #steamgirl #steampunk #kawaiifashion #egl #lolitacoord https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmd5efrhG0/?igshid=s6tqp73lszg8
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manakahandmade · 8 years ago
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Your wardrobe isn’t complete without this stunning, Steampunk-inspired dress. A mini skirt in front leads to a long, tapered train in the back. The front hem reaches the upper thigh, while the back falls to a graceful point at the lower calf. The delightful double ruffle trims the skirt all the way around, adding extra texture. The dress is strapless and has invisible elastic at the top to hold it up.
This dress is lovingly hand-made making this a piece to treasure in your wardrobe forever.
Shop Online Here:. www.manakacollection.com
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soulkreedclothing-blog · 8 years ago
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Steampunk printed dress!
Price $64.95 AUD
Click the link in my bio
---> @soulkreedclothing
and grab a pair today while
stocks last!
Sign up to our newsletter and
get 15% off all purchases.
Each dress is hand-cut and-sewn after printing 
to ensure a true all-over-print.
- Available in size XS-XL
- Imported fabric: 82% polyester / 18% spandex
- Printed, hand-cut, and sewn in Los Angeles with love
- Material has a four-way stretch, which means fabric 
stretches and recovers on the cross and lengthwise grains.
- Made with smooth, comfortable microfiber yarn.
#womensfashion #womensstyle #womenstyle
#womenswear #womensclothing #womensclothes
#dresses #dressesfordays #miniskirt
#minidress #shortskirt #stylista
#steampunk #steampunkstyle steampunkfashion
#steampunkgirl #steampunkcouture
#steampunkclothing #steampunkdress
#steampunkdesign #steampunk
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macheiw · 7 years ago
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Inktober, day 23: Steampunk Witch #inktober #inktoberwitch #inktober2017 #witch #steampunk #steampunkwitch #witch #steampunkdress #steampunkaesthetic #ink #traditionalart #crinoline #witchy #31witches #31witches2
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chucktaylor96 · 8 years ago
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So incredibly happy. Today at the annual Steampunk meet-up at San Diego Comicon, I was given an award from the national steampunk organization Starburner for the cosplay I made. I was given it as an honorary award for being a young, creative example of a steampunk cosplayer. As the first big costume project I've ever done, this took me completely off-guard and I'm so incredibly grateful. Can't wait to start my next project and come back next year!!! #steampunk #award #medal #starburnergalacticcourierservice #sdcc2017 #steampunkdress #handmadedress (at San Diego Convention Center)
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