#steampunk sally
justmwahstruly · 11 months
some more silly stuff since i cant do anything I need to 😭
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Human Julie and Sally, in the steampunk AU! (I can’t draw hairrr)
drawing is fun gyehehehehehhe skznsjdjsjndhd im diein/lhj
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steampunkiejulie · 1 year
Hmm, got me wondering.. What do you think of Sally? Like- YOUR Sally
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I love her.. she’s so cool! And pretty, elegant, and funny… Plus she looks kind of like a star and gear combined, and it’s so so SO cool! She’s my best friend here, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better!
(they are totally NOT gay… [liein])
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phopollo · 5 months
A couple steamworld heist doodles because I'm excited about steamworld heist ii, even though it's a totally new cast
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47ness · 5 months
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CCR’24 fast approaching! still on my strict social media diet to get this issue of SSnPP done and printed in time for the event.
Did I made questionable decisions to try and get so much of it done in the last 2 weeks? Maybe!
Will these be a nice big fat block of pages when I finally get back to posting SSnPP online? Absolutely!
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modus-41 · 1 year
Nobody's Watching (Sally Swift #2) [Riveted RPG]
In the heart of London, the city’s papers buzzed with the news of Britain’s defeat in the Anglo-Egyptian War. The nation’s pride was shaken, and the government scrambled to understand what had led to this unforeseen turn of events. It was during this time of chaos and confusion that Sally Swift received an anonymous letter that would lead her to the most extraordinary story of her career. The…
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Congratulations on your turn as Iris! I'm so happy to hear you're treading the boards again!
I might get the chance to visit San Francisco early in next year, and I was wondering if you might have any suggestions of fun things to do, off the beaten path a bit, in the colder months in that fair city?
I greatly apologize for taking so long to answer this! While many of my favorite things are gone (I still weep for steampunk stores and revival movie houses,) there are still cool, unique things to do on a trip. Here are some of them which were open as of a year ago.
Japantown Mall: The best place to be, hands down. The mall itself has amazing authentic Japanese food, a giant half-Japanese and half-English bookstore with a whole level devoted to manga and light novels, and lots of small stalls of crepes and boba tea. Across the street you'll find the Crown and Crumpet, a cute tea room with an upper floor that sells EGL brands. Even if you don't buy anything, just walking around is a great day!
Golden Gate Park: Take a walk and see the beauty of nature! Have a snack at the Japanese Tea Garden while admiring the koi pond! If the tickets aren't too expensive, go to the Academy of Sciences aquarium and say hi to the albino alligator for me! Admire the Shakespeare garden if it's in season! Another fun place to be for a whole afternoon.
Lupa Trattoria: The best Italian food I've ever had in the United States.
Haight-Ashbury: While not the goth and hippie paradise it used to be, this is still a cool couple streets. There's a science fiction bookstore called Borderlands, another cool indie bookstore called Booksmith, a huge vintage clothing store called Relic Vintage, and some pretty good thrift stores as well.
City Lights: Not done book shopping? Go to the place that published beat generation writings back in the day, which now sells an eclectic collection of intellectual, classic and offbeat titles. When I would get a book and go read it at the nearbye Cafe Zoetrope, I felt like the coolest person in the world.
Pier 39 Sea Lions: Sea lions!!! An earthquake sent them here, and they've stayed here ever since. They sit on a bunch of large rafts wrestling, showing off, or sleeping in the sun. They always cheered me up.
Exploratorium: A totally unique science museum that encourages you to touch and interact with the exhibits. They have special presentations as well, so check the website to see what's going on
Musée Mécanique: Do you want to take a headlong plunge into the uncanny valley? Of course you do! This free mini-museum has animations and carnival games from yesteryear, and the huge and terrifying Laughing Sally. It's in walking distance of Pier 39, too.
Lovejoy's Tea Room: They catered my wedding!!! Great tea and pastries, and a super cozy atmosphere, plus you sometimes get to see egl friends have meetups in gorgeous attire.
The Castro: As gentrified as it's gotten, there's still something wonderful about a neighborhood with rainbow crosswalks and pride flags waving everywhere. Sob outside of the late lamented Castro Theater (now a concert venue,) go to a souvenir store, walk down to Bi-Rite Creamery for ice cream if the line isn't too long.
Bourbon and Branch, Smuggler's Cove: If you like vintage cocktails, have a night out at Bourbon and Branch, a retro speakeasy, or Smuggler's Cove, an amazing tiki bar. Call ahead for B&B, since you need reservations and the password.
Folsom Street Fair: If you ever go again in summer and are not squicked by kink, check out this fetish festival! (And no, scaremongers, children can not actually get in and be traumatized by this, as they check your ID.) Buy a corset, have experts tie you up, get sex ed from guys who've been teaching it for fifty years, see everybody in their awesome outfits. (It is somehow always on the hottest day of the year, though, so stay hydrated, especially if you're in head to toe leather.)
The Alamo Drafthouse: While not unique to San Francisco, I'm always happy to be in a city that has one of these. This movie theater shows new films, classics and cult favorites, and you can order food while you watch (try the milkshakes!) One of my best moviegoing experiences was when they showed The Lost Boys, and all the goths in the lobby looked at each other and nodded, like yeah, we all know why we're here.
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paintedscales · 7 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Seventeen
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Prompt: Sally Characters: Ruyah Tchuvu, Estinien Varlineau Word Count: 882 Notes: Neo-Ishgardian / Steampunk AU
Master List
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A wine glass was rolled in the hand of a masked miqo’te woman as she stood there, the sanguine liquid molding to the glass with each turn. The mask did well in hiding the bored look that lingered in her eyes, but it did little to hide the frown of boredom that settled upon her lips. Her ear flicked involuntarily as she caught the sound of boots approaching her -- the armor upon them clinking together, this much she could tell.
“Lady Ruyah…” the newcomer spoke, his tone low yet cordial. Of course, Lady Ruyah knew the voice well. Looking toward her soon-to-be interlocutor, an ear flicked again. Again, it was involuntary.
“Ser Estinien,” Ruyah greeted in turn, offering a small raise of her glass as she did.
“It would not surprise one to see me brooding away from the excitement,” Estinien commented. He placed his hands behind his back. “Yet you, on the other hand…”
A scoff left Ruyah’s nose. “Ser Estinien, as you well know, there are only so many attempts at humorous or friendly sally that one can endure before it gets grating.”
It was Estinien’s turn to allow a huff of amusement leave him.
“Aye, right you are,” he replied. He then straightened and then offered an arm to Ruyah. “I fear that perhaps you’ve had too much to drink tonight, Lady Ruyah. Allow me to escort you home ere there be any mishaps that would haunt you to the future.”
Ruyah’s brow raised from behind her mask, and a smile curled on her lips. Setting the wine glass down on the table, she sighed with a bit of exaggeration and took up Estinien’s arm. “I fear you’re right, Ser Estinien. You are a gentleman to offer, and I would be a fool to decline. Please, lead the way.”
Of course, the Azure Dragoon leading the miqo’te woman was bound to turn heads. Whispers made Ruyah’s ear flick once more, though she kept her eyes forward as they strode toward the exit. Their words mattered little. After all, it was not as if there were anything salacious happening behind the scenes.
Temple Knights stood at attention at the sight of Estinien, soon opening the grand wood and brass doors, steam releasing as the gears clicked and ran once the lever had been pulled. Cold air greeted them, and Estinien removed his arm from Ruyah momentarily to pull his coat off and offer it to her. She accepted, relishing his lingering warmth within as it fell over her arms and shoulders.
Silence was their company as they walked down the flagstone walkways, the occasional hiss of steam being released from the copper pipes filling the air. They had crossed into a storefront -- a humble pharmacy by the name of Clove and Pestle. The shop was bereft of customers, and the alchemist that worked the counter took one look at Estinien and nodded toward him, motioning toward the back of the building.
Once the two of them had the privacy of the back room, Estinien reached up and pulled a suitcase down from one of the shelves. Opening it revealed a couple changes of clothes, and he started handing them off to Ruyah.
“‘Tis just us now…” Estinien commented.
“So it is…”
Reaching up, Ruyah removed the mask from her person, shaking her head to settle her hair as it came loose from being somewhat bound by the mask’s strings. As she shakes her head and her hair straightens, it went from a brilliant lavender into a sky blue hue. What were once miqo’te ears descended and warped, going to the sides of her head before they hardened and lengthened out into forward facing horns; black with blue striations. Her skin darkened from a sun-kissed fawn to a near midnight blue, scales as black and blue as her horns forming. Last was her tail; the fur disappeared and it became more chitinous, the tip of her tail spiking out.
Estinien had turned away once the glamour wore off -- it had always been off to watch the guise of Ruyah fall and become who the person truly was underneath: Nomin. He gave it a couple minutes before he finally looked back, seeing the au ra he had grown fond of in their line of work.
“... The look of a miqo’te truly does not suit you,” Estinien chuckled.
“You’re telling me! I’m still trying to learn how to prevent myself from having those weird little ears twitch everywhere at the slightest noise. At least I can move my tail more believably!” Nomin replied.
“How much longer are you taking Lady Ruyah’s guise?” Estinien asked, his expression a little more serious than Nomin’s.
“Until such a time ‘Lady Ruyah’ returns to the Black Shroud, or until her supposed assassin reveals themselves,” Nomin replied, her amusement fading and her brow furrowing. “I hope that Hilda or Lucia can glean some information from these stuffy events…”
“You and I both. I dislike the uncertainty of whether or not you will be okay by the end of the night,” Estinien admitted with a certain soft concern in his tone.
Nomin’s tail curled gently as she reached for his hand. “Worry about your station as Azure Dragoon, Estinien. Let me worry about being a ‘heretic’ in karakul’s clothing.”
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alex-frostwalker · 5 months
This document has been catching dust in the files so... Here's the context/description of the Timekeeper Wally's home AU is like.. ↓
⚙️🕒⏳Welcome Home Timekeeper! AU⏳🕒⚙️
⚙️✨AU Summary✨⚙️
Wally and his fellow neighbors are a fancy steampunk group of time travelers who are called The Timekeepers.
They still live and work in a lovely neighborhood called Home. Which is secluded from the rest of the world. Protected by outside time interferences. No one knows how this place came to be or the energy of time itself generating there.
Their job is to help out and fix the errors in time and history. They also help nurture and archive the past records.
They also stop the time messing troublemakers known as the Time Breakers.
Their job is to cause mishap and terror through timelines for power and money from the stolen pieces from history.
⚙️Character Roles⚙️
🖌️Wally Darling🎨
He is the best neighbor of the neighborhood, he is very kind, sweet and smart. In charge of artifacts, relics and paintings.
🦴Barnaby B Beagle🐾
Wally's best friend, and a very great scout and hunter of the group. He looks out for any troublemakers around.
💐Julie Joyful🌹
She is a hyperactive gal who brings joy to anyone's day. She is also in charge of the disguises, and medicine. Since she is a Rainbow Monster.
📚Frank Frankly🦋
The Archivist of the group, he is very knowledgeable in history, engineering and time travel
📫Eddie Dear✉️
Delivery/Mailman/Pilot Expert, he explores the world while undercover as a time traveler.
✨Sally Starlet☀️
Loves the stories of the past, very knowledgeable in the theater arts
🧵Poppy Patridge🐔
Loving mother of the group is very worried that they'll get hurt during their missions. Has made some rules for time traveling just for their sake of safety. She is also in charge of disguises along with Julie.
📦Howdy Pillar🐛
A strong helpful mechanic of the group. He has a lot of tools and things needed for time traveling and with Frank to help. He runs the Bugdega which is also a Workshop
Wally's Home and an important member of the group. Home detects and alerts Intruders from infiltrating their neighborhood. He detects anomalies beyond the timestream but needs help from his Neighbors to pinpoint the exact place and era.
⌛Time Breakers💥
A rowdy misfits and troublemakers through timelines. From changing the timeline or stealing an important thing that changes history.
🕒Timekeeper Mission Groups🕒
⚖️Rules of Time Travel🕒
Don't ever meet your past self
Don't change the course of history for selfish reasons
Don't reveal your identity as a time traveler to others unless they'll keep it a secret or join
Always put your disguise on when time traveling
Don't lose your time traveling gadgets
Always report any anomalies
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trills-n-clicks · 7 months
Lieutenant Shre Laverick
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Mainly going by Shre, he's the lieutenant of TF Arach.
TF Arach Masterlist
DOB: January 25th 1993. [30 years old]
Relationships: ↓
//////// Pentick- Ex-partner <dead>
Mary Laverick- Mother <alive>
Dawson Yolen- Biological Father <dead>
James Laverick- Step-Father <dead>
Sharlet Yolen- Aunt (Father's side) <alive>
Lin ////////- Niece (Mother's side) <alive>
Bornel /////////- Brother <dead>
Sally /////////- Sister <alive> {Married to Alicia ///////}
Physical details: ↓
Head: Black, chin-length, mostly straight (1A) hair(he likes to keep it in a ponytail and clipped out of his face). Dark brown and hooded eyes. Slightly crooked, down-turned Greek nose. Thin lipped. Oval face shape.
Body: Mesomorphic, trapezoid shape, only way I can describe his build is Sleep Bod™
Marks (scars, birthmarks, tattoos, missing limbs, etc.): Large Phoenix tattoo on his back, from shoulder to shoulder. Birthmark from nose ala to corner of mouth in a curved shape. Scars include cuts across wrists from SH and interrogation from enemies. Burns from actual fires(spanning from legs to neck in splotches) and cigarettes(he was used as a bit of an ashtray, so trauma :'( ). Missing limbs include just his left pinky lost during torture from enemies. He's got a nose bridge piercing as well.
Other (height & weight stuff, skintone, nationality, etc.): His skintone is very pale, no freckles, a few moles scatter his body and face though. He's Australian and with relatives from Thailand. He's 7'2 (2.18m) and weighs 285 lbs (129.2 kgs). Yes he is a big boy. He likes wearing a grunge and steampunk mixed style, but he despises gears, instead going for chains. He likes the cling-clangy sounds they make.
Personality details: ↓
He's questioning his sexuality but knows he's greyromantic and on the ace spectrum. He's also a cis man. He likes the colors navy and black but will never admit that he is quite fond of deep red-ish pinks, especially roses. Outside people describe him as reserved, gloomy and quiet, but Arach describes him as sweet, wistful and quite father-like. And he may be an introvert, but he needs social interaction, otherwise he'll spiral down. He does have a sensitivity to smells, just smells them stronger in general. But he also had a few mental disorders including PTSD, Anxiety, and he's slightly on the spectrum for autism.
And Military info!: ↓
He joined in 2011 at 18 years old and was transferred to work in the SNS just 2 years after boot camp. He has skills in hostage rescue, basic emergency medical aid, covert operations, sniper techniques and knife combat. But he struggles in self hostage situations(ooo trauma) and clearing bodies(the smell always gets to him).
Basic picture using gacha(I just use the app to visualize what they'll look like with color) ↓
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And I will insert a photo I drew below ↓ (it will not have color)
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Left is his hair up and right is it down, ok it's not the best but it was my first variant of him and the rest are doodles.
I'm sorry if it's too long, read if you want but you really don't have to, he will be basically described in the fic.
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justmwahstruly · 11 months
a little steampunk drop
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these bitches gay—
whiteboard source yet again government secret 👁️👁️
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steampunkiejulie · 11 months
What do you do for Halloween?
We dress up and go around trick or treating, like everyone does!
Sometimes we even build something because of how much candy we collect! Who knows this year?
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(pretend it’s not wb ;-;)
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tma-entity-song-poll · 6 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B3R1: The Flesh
64 Little White Things:
“Teeth Teeth Teeth!”
Lyrics below the line!
64 Little White Things:
Come and get me outta this town, oh now Come and save me Come and rescue me from this giant hotel full of bones and babies Take a look at yourself, a look that will sell Call your aunt about the teeth she abandoned Yeah, well, she placed them in a can and canned 'em It's the same as any day now Except your teeth are falling out and you're going upstairs Yeah, you're going upstairs It's an upstairs harmony And when you get there you can write a song to keep you company There are good things There are good things to eat And tonight we're eating meat (goody, goody, goody) There's a couple of things I should tell you about That the fuckers wouldn't sell cause they're too cheap to tell It's the men who feed on human being And they dawdle about, with their bellies hanging out You can wash your fingers but they never leave You can bite your tongue but it turns them on And when you're ready to go, they'll pinch at your sides And they'll make you recite brilliant songs about the symphony I hate their skin and I hate their trees And their yards that they wrap with their plastics and greens And their white houses, the goddamn white teeth And the chemicals drenched on the hair that they squeeze I hate their sex and the brats that they breed And the air that they breathe And they hated me And they hated me And they hated me And they hated me And they hated me But then they ate me And then they ate me And they thought I was tasty Well then they ate me And then they ate me And they thought I was tasty Well then they ate me And then they ate me And they thought I was tasty Well then they ate me And then they ate me And they thought I was tasty Thought I was tasty Thought I was tasty Thought I was tasty
Howie thought brass was the height of style Now he's got something of a steampunk smile And it's all right It's all right, it's all right Sally got a dagger hung from her septum O'malley cut his ears off, but wishes that he kept 'em And it's all right (it's all right to look cool) (You do what you do, what you do) Rooney got his skull exposed, doggone it! Soon he's gonna get scrimshaw carved on it And it's all right (it's all right to look cool) It's all right, it's all right Do what you want with you Be nonchalant with screws Stuck through your eyelids You new wave of pirates Modify (modify whatever) Modify (modify and sever) Modify May nothing get rejected May nothing get infected Mason got Frankenstein stitches installed Adjacent to her eyes 'cause she wants to look mauled And it's all right It's all right, it's all right Johnny stuck 20 gauge nails through his feet Donnie stuck 40 if only to compete And it's all right (it's all right to look cool) (You do what you do, what you do) Stan tried to scarify his neck with a rope His plan kind of failed, but it would've been dope And it's all right (it's all right to look cool) It's all right, it's all right Do what you want with you Be nonchalant with screws Stuck through your eyelids You new wave of pirates Modify (modify whatever) Modify (modify and sever) Modify May nothing get rejected May nothing get infected Modify (modify whatever) Modify (modify and sever) Modify May nothing get rejected (knock yourself out) May nothing get infected
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47ness · 5 months
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The inking is completed; coloring may now commence. o|-<
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ninjago-shipping · 2 years
Masterlist N-Z
(B! equals Bizarro and M! equals the Ninjago movie, just so y’all know)
Nemesis || Sensei Wu x Aspheera
Neon || Scott x Jay
Nightlight || Shade x Paleman
Nightshade || Tox x Chamille
Oblivion || Staff!Kai x Cole
Obsession || Kai x Master Chen
Obsidian || Cole x B!Cole
Opposite || Zane x Kai
Ore || Karlof x Cole
Outdated || Zane x Cryptor
Outlaw || “Rocky Dangerbuff” x “Snake Jaguar”
PaperStar || Sally x Antonia
Parrot || Fugi-Dove x Captain Soto
Penguin || Zane x Fugi-Dove
Permafrost || Ice Emperor Zane x Pixal
Pixane || Pixal x Zane
Plasma || Jay x Kai
PlayDate || Nya x Dogshank
PolyMaster || All the Elemental Masters including the ninja
PolyNinja || Kai x Jay x Zane x Cole
PolyPonytail || Nya x Pixal x Skylor
PolySerpent || Great Devourer x Fire Fang x Wojira x Anacondrai Serpent(Clouse’s pet snake)
Popsicle or Unique || Zane x Lloyd
Pride || Morro x B!Kai
PunkRock || Ultra Violet x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Purple || Pixal x Ultra Violet
Pyrotechnic || B!Kai x Zane
Pythales or Skythor || Pythor x Skales
Quicksilver || Jay x Pixal x Cole
Quiet || Mr. E x Harumi
Raincloud || Vania x Benthomaar
Rainforest || Cole x Nya x Lloyd
Ratmen || Ronin x Dareth x Clutch Powers
Reaper || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane x Morro
Record || Lou x Dareth
Recovery || Lloyd x therapy
Redemption || Morro x Skylor
ResonatedGravity || Jacob x Gravis
Resurrected || Zane x Morro x Pixal
Revenge || Mr. F x Aspheera
Riptide || Nya x Ultra Violet
Risk || Jay x Morro x Kai
Roadrunner || Ultra Violet x Fugi-Dove
Rogue || Ronin x Okino
Ronya || Ronin x Nya
Rose || Gene x Brad
Royalty || Benthomaar x Vania x Harumi
Sacrifice || Nya x Lloyd x Zane
Salamander || Kai x Clancee
SaltwaterTaffy || Glutinous x Gripe
SameVoiceActor || Dr. Julien x Garmadon
Samurai || Nya x Pixal
SamuraiCheerleader || Nya x Unnamed background girl
Sandstorm or Spirit || Cole x Morro
Scruff || Dareth x Ronin
Sea || Nyad x Nya
Seabreeze || Benthomaar x Morro
Seafoam || Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Seaglass || Cole x Jay x Benthomaar
SeaSerpent || Skylor x Benthomaar
Shenanigans || B!Jay x Morro
Shockwave or CyberStorm || Nya x Jay x Pixal
ShortMetal || Mindroid x Cryptor
Skeleton || Morro x Ghoultar
Skelma || Skales x Selma
Sleet || Kai x Zane AND Zane x Nya (Nya and Kai are both dating Zane)
Smelt || Kai x Cryptor
Smithcest or Heatwave || Kai x Nya
SmokeShade || Ash x Shade
S’mores || Dareth x Zane
SnakeBlizzard || “Snake Jaguar” x Morro
Snakecell || Nya x “Snake Jaguar”
SnakeGlacier || “Snake Jaguar” x Cole
Solstice || Staff!Kai x Shade
Spark || Wu x Ray
Spell || Master Chen x Clouse
Spitfire || Zoltar x Kai
Static || Ice Emperor Zane x Jay
Steam or Raya || Ray x Maya
Steampunk || Jay x Echo Zane
StolenData || Skylor x Pixal
StolenDestiny || Ronin x Morro
Stolen Kiss || B!Jay x Nya
StoneCold || Cole x B!Zane
Strike || Libber x Krux
Sugar&Spice || Vania x Tox
Sunflower || Vania x Echo Zane
SunScale || Kai x Great Devourer
Sunshine || Cole x Ultra Violet
Supernatural || Snake!Jay x Ghost!Cole x Zane x Anacondrai!Kai
Surge || M!Jay x Morro
Survival || Vinny x Garmadon
Tar || Shade x Tox
Taser || Cryptor x Jay
Tea || Sensei Wu x Mystake
TeaPost || Mystake x Mailman
Techno || Zane x Jay
TickTock || Zane x Acronix
TheyDeservedBetter || Show!Garmadon x Koko
Thief || Ronin x Clutch Powers x Plundar
ThinkFast || Neuro x Griffin
Thundersnow || Morro x Jay x Zane
ThunderWave || Jay x Benthomaar
Timecest || Krux x Acronix
Tragedy || Maya x Lilly
TraitorousTrio || Sensei Wu x Aspheera x Pythor
Transformer || Ash x Chamille
Travel || Libber x Misako
Trident || Nya x Benthomaar
Trojan || Zane x B!Jay
TropicalStorm || Benthomaar x Nya x Jay
Turquoise or Waterlily || Harumi x Nya
UltraE || Ultra Violet x Mr. E
Upgrade || Unagami x Mechanic
User-Friendly || Zane x Overlord
VanillaCake || Vania x Cole
Venom || Ultra Violet x Tox
Vintage || Lou x Sensei Wu
Vinyl || Lou x Garmadon
Violent || Harumi x Ultra Violet
VioletSnake || Ultra Violet x “Snake Jaguar”
Virus || B!Zane x Jay
Void || Cryptor x Cole
Vortex || Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Wanderlust || Akita x Vania
Wannabe || Dareth x Fugi-Dove
Warrior || Nya x Murtessa
WetDog || Nya x Akita
Whiplash || Aspheera x Acronix
Wildfire || Tox x Skylor x Kai
Wildflowers || Vania x Harumi
Windpower || Morro x Pixal
Wrath || Staff!Kai x Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Wusako || Sensei Wu x Misako
YingYang or Balance || Overlord x First Spinjitzu Master
Zanecule || Kai x Cole x Zane x Jay AND Pixal x Zane
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modus-41 · 1 year
Sally Swift and the Vexing Vessel (Sally Swift #1) [Riveted RPG]
In the foggy streets of 1880s London, the lamplights cast a dull glow, reflecting the city’s smoky atmosphere. Sally Swift, a young American reporter, meticulously adjusted the wide brim of her gray hat. Her blue eyes, sharp as a hawk’s, took in every detail of the bustling city before her. As she strode down the cobblestone streets, her notebook and pen at the ready, she was determined to make…
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southernsimming · 11 months
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Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great weekend. I decided to make a little video about 10 of my favorite female hairs. You can watch the video here.
CC Links:
Sallie Hair | Patreon
COCO HAIR SET - 3 versions | Patreon
Holly Hairstyles (Bangs and Braids) by simstrouble | Patreon
BRIELLE HAIR SET - 2 versions | Patreon
Maisie Hair | Patreon
The Sims Resource - Skylar Hairstyle - Set
FANTASY HAIR SET - Steampunk Master | Patreon
Sybil Hairstyle by simstrouble | Patreon
aelia set | Patreon
Hanni hair | Patreon
**Credit to all CC creators! Thank you for all your hard work - you make my game so much better!!**
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