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Repost from @setwear via @igrepost_app, it's free! Use the @igrepost_app to save, repost Instagram pics and videos, Stay tuned for some optic ready holsters from @trexarmskydex #staystealthy #stealthgloves #setwear
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So I hear a lot of people say: "I have a hard time finding the reddot on my pistol". Or, "I have to have back up sights because they help me find my reddot". Here's the deal.... Finding a reddot on a pistol is no trouble IF you do two things. One: train a lot. Don't expect to be a pro with your reddot right off the bat. Draw and acquire your reddot dozens of times a day. Second: be consistent. Have a consistent grip on the weapon, consistent stance with your arms (when possible), and consistent training. If you're diligent to do both of these things, running a reddot on your pistol becomes second nature. But it takes time and practice. You're not going to be the next @kc_eusebio the day you get your slide back with a reddot. Sorry. #aimpoint #t1 #unitytactical #atomslide #glock17 #setwear #stealthgloves #thefutureofpistols #combatpistol #fdeglock #trainhard #trainharder #ccw #edc #doyouevenglockbro
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Running my Acog TA31 on my BCM rifle. I mainly got the Acog for my personal education and experience. Having hands-on experience with many types of gear widens my perspective, which can help me give better advice to folks. I apply this mindset to my guns, optics, load bearing equipment, and other types of gear. I'm always studying. #acog #acogta31 #trijicon #multicam #teamwendy #bcm #bravocompany #keymod #setwear #stealthgloves #surefire #surefirex300u #x300ultra #crye #cryejpc #snakeeatertactical #burropouch #teamwendy #exfilltp #exfilhelmet
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I want to take a moment and thank all of the American servicemen who have come before me to preserve our freedoms. And I'm not just talking about the men in the past century, but the minutemen of 1776 as well. Without the men and boys who fought our War for Independence 230+ years ago, we probably couldn't own guns or enjoy the other freedoms we have today. I want to take a minute to honor men like General George Washington, Henry Knox, Nathaniel Greene, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, and others. Because of these men, I can run a successful debt-free holster company. I can produce equipment for citizens all over the country as well as US armed forces. I can also own many types of firearms and train in case I must fight in the future. Thank you men. #veteransday #honorthem #1776 #georgewashington #warforindependence #extremegearlabs #bcm #teamwendy #inforce #inforcewmlx #peanutbuddahandchocolate #acog #acogta31 #trijicon #smithoptics #smithopticsgoggles #setwear #stealthgloves #notmilsim #notairsoft
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I believe pistols like the one I'm using in this photo are the future of combat handguns. This one (a Glock 17) has the Unity Tactical slide with Aimpoint T1, S3F Solutions threaded barrel, Surefire X300 Ultra, and Zev Tech Fulcrum trigger. #teamwendy #unitytactical #fde #peanutbuddahandchocolate #combatpistol #extremegearlabs #surefirex300u #setwear #stealthgloves #x300ultra #smithoptics #smithopticsgoggles #fde #aimpoint #aimpointt1 #glock #glock17 #notmilsim #notairsoft @unitytactical @teamwendy1 @extremegearlabs @s3fsolutions @setwear @zevtech
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It's with sadness that we're having to discontinue the unique and innovative Beowulf holster. It's a product that helped define our company as unique and unconventional. But it's production process is sometimes increasing our manufacturing times longer for other products. In an effort to streamline our business and production pipeline, we are discontinuing this product. But...... there is another reason too..... We are developing a couple products to replace it that are far more effective. We can't go into the details yet, but they're very exciting innovations. #kydex #kydexholster #beowulfholster #innovation #thighrig #droplegholster #crye #cryeprecision #cryejpc #setwear #gripstop #stealthgloves #aimpoint #vtac #inforce #inforcewmlx #wmlx #fde #platecarrier #doyouevenkydexbro
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Optics are one of the best innovations we have for gunfighting... but they can sometimes help people forget "height over bore offset". In other words, your barrel being 2-3 inches lower than your optic sight picture. So when you're shooing across vehicle hoods, around corners, or in other cramped areas, its important to clear your barrel from the obstacle before firing. And that sometimes means sticking yourself outside of cover more than you want. In this photo, I've started to roll my carbine horizontal. This keeps my profile smaller as I stay behind cover/concealment, and it helps prevent me from making a height over bore mistake. You don't want to send rounds into the car hood after all. You want the threat to get those rounds. #heightoverbore #refactortactical #setwear #stealthgloves #eyepro #earpro #safetyfirst #fde #aimpoint #inforce #inforcewmlx #wmlx #wml #gripstop #magpul #magpulbuis #metrotactical #neverbecomecomplacent #notmilsim #notairsoft #trainhard #trainharder
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So there's a lot of talk right now about valor stealing and people advertising that their ex-military when in fact they've never served a day in their life. These people are lacking in character tremendously. And I want to take a minute to say that I've never served in a military unit or law enforcement agency. I'm just a young guy who trains hard, works harder, and wants to be prepared in case of dangerous situations. But when developing new products I try to work closely with military and law enforcement individuals since they definitely have life experience that I don't have. #trainhard #trainharder #warriormindset #notairsoft #notmilsim #kydex #kydexholster #kydexholsters #papbelt #vtac #aimpoint #gripstop #setwear #stealthgloves #glock #glock19 #surefire #x300ultra #x300u #notaragnarok #doyouevenglockbro
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..."Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses." - Nehemiah 4:14. We need more Nehemiahs in the world. #soothersmaylive #ultimatesacrifice #laydownyourlife #warriormindset #neverbackdown #kydex #kydexholster #papbelt #vtac #aimpoint #gripstop #setwear #stealthgloves #glock #glock19 #inforce #wmlx #fde #trainhard #trainharder #notapacifist
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OD green Setwear Stealth gloves and my heavily modified tungsten grey Glock 19. #glock #glock19 #rmr #trijiconrmr #trijicon #teamrmr #tungstengrey #inforce #inforceapl #setwear #stealthgloves #doyouevenglockbro #metrotactical #tacticaljeans #tacticalbluejeans #triggerdiscipline
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"SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM". Photo by @amazon2011 #kydex #vtac #ragnarokholster #fde #setwear #stealthglove #stealthgloves #bcm #extremegearlabs #merica #merika #tacticaljeans #aimpoint #glock
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Rocking a Ragnarok with a paddle in this photo. Quick to put on, comfortable, and quite stable. #ragnarokholster #paddleholster #odgreen #vtac #511 #salomon #vtac #aimpoint #gripstop #kryptek #glock #glock17 #kydex #kydexholster #kydexholsters #nightops #setwear #stealthgloves
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