#stealth 100....
pardi-real · 5 months
Palace of Rose - SSR Boschi Card story
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Chapter 1 - Awkward Reliance
※ A notice before reading the Butler Story This story contains spoilers for the "Palace of Rose" event story. It is recommended to read up to Chapter 5 of the event story before proceeding. If you wish to avoid spoilers, please return by pressing the button in the upper left corner
Context: the request/mission this time is to investigate the rundown and probably haunted Palace of Rose.
Several days after staying at the Palace of Rose... We encountered paranormal activity. Since then, there was always at least 1 butler by my side.
[Palace of Rose - Main Hall]
Clang, clang *sounds of hammer*
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Boschi: “Alright. This should be enough for reinforcing the pillars. Next up, replacing the wall panels. My lord. it’ll make loud noises, so it's better to stay a bit further away. But... stay within my sight, okay? It’s my duty to guard you this time, after all."
> "Okay, got it"
Boschi: “Heh... It's nice to have a lord who listens. Now then... I’ll cut the floor from here to here... As for the new planks, I guess this will do. And for the measurements..."
Boschi proceeds with the repairs around the mansion with practiced skill, just like a seasoned craftsman. 
> "You're used to this, huh?"
Boschi: "Hm? Yeah, well, sort of.  I've been in charge of maintaining the mansion's facilities for a long time, but even before that... I've been doing this kind of work since I was a kid."
> "Since you were a kid?"
Boschi: "Yeah. I used to live in a village in the western land with my grandmother... The house we lived in back then was not only old, but also cramped..."
[Western Land, Small Village]
Clang, clang
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Boschi: "Alright. One more plank to nail down and it's done, I guess? Hmmm~... But it looks kinda uneven in shape. It really is tough to do with just trial and error, huh? But... this might make things a bit easier for Grandma..."
Boschi's Grandmother: "I'm home, Boschi."
Boschi: "Oh, Grandma, you're back! Wait, it's already evening? When did…? And It's not finished yet... Sigh~~... I wanted to surprise you with the finished goods, though..."
Boschi's Grandmother: "Well, well. What's the matter, Boschi? Did you make something?"
Boschi: "Yup! Look, Grandma... Ta-da! I'm making a step stool out of wooden planks!"
Boschi's Grandmother: "Ooh~, that's amazing... Did you make it yourself, Boschi?"
Boschi: "Yup! You know how you mentioned the other day that 'the steps in this house are kinda scary’?  Especially that step by the door, it was too tall, and you nearly fell down...  But it's all good now! With this new step, those scary tall steps from before... can be taken one step at a time, nice and easy!"
Boschi's Grandmother: "Is that so... You did this for grandma… Boschi, you're such a good child. Sniff…”
Boschi: "O-oh geez, Grandma… don't cry. And, it troubles me to see you so happy over something like this. 
I... once I get better at carpentry work, I'll renovate this house even more. I'll build you a much more comfortable, super huge house than this one! 
Hey, Grandma, what kind of house would you like to live in? I guess one with a huge bath… Oh, and I also want to add a ‘sauna’! I've never been in one before, but... I bet it feels amazing, right?”
Boschi's Grandmother: "Fufu… Right. A long time ago, grandma went to a sauna once… it felt great for sure."
Boschi: "I see. Then we absolutely need to include ‘sauna’!”
Boschi's Grandmother: "But you know, Boschi, I don't really need a big house. Even if it's small... As long as I have you by my side, that's all I need.  So, if you're thinking of expanding the house... Keep it until when you need it… or when you find someone special."
Boschi: "What are you talking about, Grandma? My special person... That's you, Grandma.  Don't be shy! I'll build a house for you real soon!”
Boschi's Grandmother: "Boschi..."
Boschi: "Hehe. But for now, I need to finish this step stool. Wait for me, Grandma! I just have to attach this plank!"
Boschi's Grandmother: “Alright. But, be careful, okay?"
Boschi: "Hehe, I'll be fine! I'm getting used to it. Look, even this nailing, I'll finish it in no time..."
Clang, clang
Boschi: "Ouch…!"
Boschi's Grandmother: "Bo-boschi…!”
Chapter 2 - Awkward Reliance
Boschi's Grandmother: "Boschi... Are you okay?"
Boschi: "Y-Yeah…! I'm fine...  Hehe… I fumbled my grip..."
Boschi's Grandmother: "Poor thing... I'm sorry, Boschi. I didn't mean to make you go through such a painful experience for me..."
Boschi: "W-What are you talking about, Grandma! It's my own mistake. And... It doesn't really hurt."
Boschi's Grandmother: "What are you saying? Look how swollen and blue it is... Wait a moment. I'll bring some ointment now."
Boschi: "I-It's really okay! Ointment is valuable, right?  Besides, look! Thanks to you for massaging it earlier... The pain is gone!"
Boschi's Grandmother: "Boschi... You're truly a strong and kind child. But sometimes, it's okay to rely on others, you know?  Grandma cares about you, Boschi... While we're living together like this... I want you to rely on me more."
Boschi: "Grandma..."
*Close-up* Boschi: (In the end, it was tough to break free from poverty...) (The promise to "build a big house" remained just a dream...) (Even though I wanted to show Grandma affection...) (Still, Grandma never uttered a word of complaint until the end...)(Hmm... maybe my resilience comes from Grandma.)
“Oops, Sorry, my lord. I just zoned out there for a moment. My apologies. Once I nail down this plank, let me brew some tea.”
> “Thank you... Boschi”
Boschi: “I'll finish this up quickly, so just wait a moment.”
> “Yeah, got it”
Clang, clang
Boschi: "............ ‘So, if you're thinking of expanding the house... Keep it until when you need it…’  ‘or when you find someone special’ ……Phew. What am I remembering...?
Boschi: “Ouch…!”
> Boschi...!?
Boschi: “Ah, yeah... it's nothing. Just slipped my hand a bit. It's nothing serious.”
Boschi has a calm expression on his face, but… he might just be suppressing the pain to not worry me. Anyway, I decided to at least check the wound.
> “Let me see your hand”
Boschi: “H-Hey... my lord.”
Slowly removing his left glove, I cautiously touched Boschi's fingers. There seems to be nothing wrong at a glance... But If I were to accidentally hit my hand, it would be the thumb or index finger.
> “Does it hurt here?”
Boschi: “I told you, I'm fine. It's not a big… ………… No... Maybe it does hurt… a little?”
> “In that case, I'll go get some ointment or bandages…”
Boschi: “It's okay, my lord. You don't need to go that far. Just... if you could massage it for a while.”
> “Massage...?”
Boschi: “Yeah. That's the best cure for me. With that, even this kind of pain will quickly go away. It might make me rely on you, my lord... But... it's okay for me to indulge in this from time to time, right?”
> “O-of course, it's fine”
Boschi: “I see. Thanks, my lord. Then... I'll leave it to you, my lord.”
As Boschi requested… I gently massage his hand. I'm not sure if this will really make the pain go away, but seeing Boschi smile satisfactorily… I couldn't bring myself to stop halfway.
Boschi: “............ I see... This kind of thing is nice once in a while.”
> “Feeling better?”
Boschi: “No, not yet. Keep going a bit longer.”
> “O-Okay”
Boschi: “Heh... I thought repairing this rundown mansion were nothing but a hassle… But... It's giving me interesting ideas.”
> Like what?
Boschi: “Yeah. Like... For example, if someday I were to build my own house... It might be nice to build it with my own hands.”
> “Building your house?”
Boschi: “That’s right. Both the size and layout would be completely up to me. Unlike the old me... I can build any kind of house now. ………Hey, my lord. What kind of layout would you want?”
> “Huh?”
Boschi: “No. On second thought, never mind.  Let's just keep this as a daydream, until the time comes… when it's a reality.”
> “U-um…”
The phrases "House made by Boschi" and "the layout I want" swirl around in my head... In order to suppress my agitation... All I could do was keep massaging Boschi's hand.
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frollosversion · 6 months
Archdeacon: Frollo! You will NOT touch her!
Frollo: *walks away*
Also Frollo:
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I'm back with another meme y'all.. HAHAHAHAHAHA
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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donnie (temporarily) donated his weighted blanket to keep mikey in one location for his nap 🖐️
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lesbianladyeboshi · 1 year
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I must point out at no point in these Umbrella Chronicles novel scenes did Chris actually meet or speak to Wesker. Hoe regularly talks to himself about Chris in canon.
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Also need it known that Jill was there for the Tyrant Confrontation and is fighting alongside Chris the whole damn time.
I hope the remakes keep "Wesker ignores all women and refuses to speak to them for Chris" because it's funny and iconic.
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nicotine-boi · 3 months
Sanji and the curse that will forever color the blood flowing through his veins in betrayal.
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Another version + closeups under the cut!
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its-not-a-pen · 2 years
Chinese darth maul head cannons
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ok so i thought about a chinese version of the Brothers Opress and it's hurting me emotionally. (I haven't seen any of the mandarin dubs yet, i'm putting this out ahead of time to see if the translators agree with me.) Ok so in Chinese there's multiple ways of saying "brother", denoting different levels of closeness and familial bonds, so my headcannon is that Maul goes through ALL of them one by one as his relationship with savage develops.
headcanon Opress Bro's ages: Oldest- Savage 36 yrs Middle - Maul 34 yrs Youngest- Feral 17 yrs
Savage calls Feral 弟 [di] "little brother" Feral calls Savage 哥 [ge] “big brother" at the start.
When Feral is being strangled by Savage, he begs for his life and calls Savage 哥哥 [ge ge] "big brother" it's got childish connotations, e.g. something a kid would say which makes it Uniquely Painful.
After Maul regains his sanity, he insists on being called 师傅 [shi fu] "Master" and refers to Savage as 徒弟 [tu di] “Apprentice", completely rejecting all familial ties. (it's also got a bit of that twisted Journey to the West vibes, but instead of going to India to find Budda and Enlightenment they're going to Mandalor to find Violence and Mental Illness.)
After their near-death experience where Savage gets his arm cut off, Maul refers to Savage as 兄弟 [xiong di] which means "brother" in a comradely sense, e.g what monks call each other, and that's how they introduce themselves to the Deathwatch.
the first time Maul calls Savage 哥哥 "big brother" is when Sidious kills him. From that point on, until the day he dies, Maul only refers to Savage as 哥哥. There's something slightly childish about it which speaks of his unresolved trauma at the hands of sideous, that he was denied something critical to him and he's forever emotionally stunted.
Ok that's enough Pain for one day here's some funny shit:
Had Feral survived and met Maul, he would have to switch to calling Savage 大哥 [da ge] “eldest brother" and Maul 二哥 [er ge] "second eldest brother" . If I wrote CWs, there'd be this hilarious scene where Feral's like "Ai ya, forget about the revenge, intergalactic wars and spider legs. Let's talk about the IMPORTANT stuff! which one of you is older??? because I need to address you correctly, I can't just call you Maul it's RUDE." and then they start counting on their knuckles being all like "hang on are we going by the luna calendar or solar calendar?" BTW here's no "age neutral" way to say brother in chinese and you know it would make Maul EXPLODE if savage slipped up and called him 弟弟 "little brother" instead of 二哥 “second brother “ by accident。
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forcedhesitation · 10 months
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I'm actually rather surprised that not a single one of the boys made top three. but then again, I suppose the large number of straight men that play this game are not as visible in fan spaces as us lgbt. That is...a fortunate thing, though, I'd argue.
#bg3#thoughts about media#with how much you see of a certain little elf- I figured he'd make the top three. but I see I figured wrong!#the top classes do not surprise me at all.#I take great interest in strategy when it comes to dbd. so I pay the same attention to strategy in bg3.#the top three classes are some of the best classes to choose for combat.#theeeen the choices stray back into RP territory.#rogue has it's uses...but less so than warlock I'd argue.#I'd say wizard and cleric are stronger than rogue too.#hell. I multiclass star into wizard once he's gotten his lvl 3 thief perks. in part for tav lore reasons. in part to maximise his strengths#stealth just isn't consistent enough in this game to pay off. in my opinion.#like the best classes I'd say are sorcerer / paladin / bard / warlock.#fighter is good for multiclassing to gain action surge. and multiclassing into war/tempest cleric can be useful too.#but fully levelling either seems pointless imo.#the race choices are 100% because of RP reasons. the stats do not whatsoever show any influence from min/maxing stats and abilities.#if that were the case. half-orc would be the top. halfing. and drow. I think duegar is good too?#tiefling being up there isn't actually TOO bad either. they are decent for mage classes.#CANNOT believe evoker wizard is the most popular though. other subclasses have better perks imo.#I also think thief is the best subclass of rogue. extra bonus action? and falling damage reduction/cannot fall prone from falling? SO good.#also my sincere congrats to the 464 maniacs who've already destroyed honour mode. you people are bananas.
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cowardlybean · 7 months
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y’all know what time it is
horrendous bonus :
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sir-toastington · 4 months
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(BB) Basket Beastly.
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mbrine · 3 months
When you're so loud, you become invisible
Yup, that's considered a "stealth" playthrough.
Go figure 😇
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
omfg did you have any content on that post you just posted? the one about leo never shutting up until hes in real pain? because you are very much Correct for that one holy hell it gets me every time
[ cw: violence mention / self sacrifice implied / ]
No content, just something I thought upon when thinking of the movie (something that is on my mind so very often.)
Just, thinking of Leo, when he’s separated from everyone and everything, being completely silent. Even being so horrifically beaten as he was, even being in a true nightmare scenario, he is silent in his suffering. Smiles through it, even.
At the moment where it would have been more than justified to make any noise, he stays silent.
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
WELL since the screenshots I thought I got on Hoth didn't actually take, enjoy picturing Seth running around the ice ball of the galaxy dressed like this
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while Vette is huddled up in the polar explorer parka and wondering why she's attracted to this crazy man😂
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pirateprincessjess · 2 years
My roommates Bear-ly noticed anything
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transmangains · 3 months
One of my managers at work keeps misgendering me and on Saturday she made an announcement to the entire store and misgendered me in that announcement. I talked to her afterwards and told her to stop misgendering me and that if it happens again, I’m going to contact hr. She was apologetic but she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about and said “I always try to make a point to say he”- she only genders me correctly about half of the time
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somemaycallthisjunk · 6 months
its above his pay grade
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upmala · 5 months
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butch but in a girly way
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