#static moon
nightingale0 · 2 months
Here's a little animation I made of my Static Moon 😆
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I wanted to make his background move too but I'm not that good 😩
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kaatalyst · 1 year
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tagidearte · 4 months
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DCA Sketch dump from the last few days... Well, mostly Moon, but what's new?
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raining-its-pouring · 4 months
Rainworld fans when they don’t know how to interact with a female character without calling her a mother or a bitch: “yeah moons too boring :/// I like when she’s a bitch! Let her be mean!”
Moon very rarely displays anything beyond (Understandable) bitterness at her situation and some passive aggression. If you want to make aus or explore an alternate canon where she DOES act more “bitchy” go ahead. I support women’s wrongs. But I find it very disheartening that people see Moon’s sheer willpower, that she chooses to be kind again and again and again, as a weakness. As a “wrong” reaction to the situation she was put in.
I’m not gonna deny that some of her politeness is a hold over from etiquette back in the Ancients’ day. But I simply do not think her peace and kindness is wholly a weakness, or something subconscious she is unaware of. (OR uninteresting. In a world that is DESIGNED to make you feel small, a world designed to be unkind, having a character who chooses to be the opposite is SO interesting imo.) And I do not exactly think reading her angry moments as “bitchy” is a normal thing to do with the only prominent female character in the whole game.
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Personal Hell
Redrew these two of Sun burning in the daycare and Moon losing himself to the virus <3
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betabiodiskreader · 2 months
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BROKER ⛓ PHIGHTING heavily self-indulgent board feat. some TVs and taking inspiration from a moodboard i made a long time ago :3
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🔷 ⛓ 🔷 | 📺 👁 📺 | 🔷 ⛓ 🔷
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bougierthanthou · 7 months
"It's just a kids show" is easily one of the most telling and dismissive phrases that can come up out of someone's mouth when it comes to children's media. Recently, I had a conversation with someone about an IP that I love one of the few that decided to create a sequel with our protagonists aged up. I voiced how the series never met its full potential when I was told my expectations were too high because it isn't aimed for adults. Well for one the leads are now teens so what exactly is wrong with wanting mature themes explored especially when the show did just that but with the main antagonists being the vehicle for them? Then there's the countless "kids shows" that manage to tackle mature themes all the damn time some of them going way back to the 90s. Spider-Man 1994 tackled Peter's class struggle, being a college student struggling to make ends meet while taking care of his elderly aunt and working multiple jobs to pay the bills. Other social issues include drug addiction stalking warring nations street gangs etc. X-Men cartoons historically tackle systemic prejudice discrimination even being unhoused. Kim Possible while being a subversive take on the spy and superhero genres had the lead deal with sexism with her being underestimated because of her gender only to prove that SHE CAN DO ANYTHING, there was also an episode that made the attempt to talk about disability. Code Lyoko taught us about the dangers of AI before that acronym was on everyone's lips. Is it that I'm expecting too much from children's media or is it that you're not expecting enough? Just because something is for children does not mean it needs to be limited or limiting at least in this case.
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that-fox-thing · 11 months
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WE are NOT a tool
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carionto · 10 months
Steady as she goes, nature has finally caught up
A seemingly inescapable aspect of any civilization. Perhaps even a prerequisite for it.
It was as sudden as it was inevitable. The United Federation utilized certain ideas introduced and executed by Humanity to their logical continuation. Their horrendous Battle Moon - an actual, small moon converted into a semi-moveable, heavily shielded, and maximally armed military installation, with a military-civilian population in the hundreds of thousands.
They used it as a torpedo.
Knowing that the Death Kebab was directly inspired by their own creation, itself a product of fear and need for control, the Federation strapped a few massive hyperdrives instead of the much easier to produce several hundred standard-sized ones to ease the computational synchronization, and using the Hyperbreak technique, they jumped into the middle of Death Kebab's main rail gun. An impressive feat of precision.
Almost as impressive as the ensuing destruction.
How do you even relay when the mass of an entire planetoid suddenly appears in the middle of three slightly larger moons strapped together? The grotesque expansion from within, quickly followed by massive cracks in the crust, an expulsion of the mantle and finally, the explosions.
One faulty first generation Human True Fusion Reactor from 700 years ago created a 200km massive hole in the Earth. Only one of the moons reached that in diameter.
These were hundreds of military grade reactors powering a gun that can obliterate small planets in one shot.
Seven failed to engage their failsafes in time.
There was nothing left.
Nothing, but a cloud of searing ash where four moons and hundreds of ships and thousands of crew used to be.
Humanity was thrust into war.
And they looked excited.
Of course, they mourned the dead, and were rightfully enraged, but there was a glint in the Grand Admiral's eye.
"The Federation really surprised us here. Fooled our intelligence operatives outright. We were not expecting them to act for at least another year, certainly not sacrifice their precious Battle Moon.
Now, we knew they'd target the Death Kebab sooner or later. Truth be told, that's partly why it was built. Sure, it was a fine strategic asset, far from our most important ones though, but as a symbolic one it was priceless. Biggest weapon in the known Galaxy! Who wouldn't be tempted by the glory of taking it down.
I say let them. They want to rule through fear and power, and Humanity, or "upstarts" as they call us behind closed doors, provided a perfect boogeyman to scare the masses into obedience. We have our own history with regimes like that. Personally, not a fan.
The Federation is large, powerful, foreign, and far from Earth, but, well, my ancestors were never stopped by such things. In fact, expansion at great risk is what we're great at.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Retribution Fleet to assemble."
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notokbutthriving · 4 months
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made some more of the Computer
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nightingale0 · 3 months
This guy I affectionately call Static Moon 😌❤️
He lives inside of old TVs and monitors
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kaatalyst · 2 years
Their secret meeting place ⚡️🌙
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staticart · 2 months
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Tried a few new things in thise piece, new rendering style maybe?
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obbystars · 1 month
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humanblt · 1 year
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day 43: fairy long legs concept
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nightmun · 8 months
Here’s a comic that’s based on an idea from @hear-that-music-in-the-air! Since it’s kinda long half of it is under the split so it doesn’t stretch too far 😅
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Bonus panel:
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