#starting the new year off RIGHT
keydekyie · 9 months
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Arsonist's Moon
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porunareff · 2 years
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Good boy Okuyasu fanart by Part 4 co-chief animation director Shunichi Ishimoto
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californian-odyssey · 9 months
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Before and after! First haircut of 2024 and I feel so refreshed!!!
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thewebcomicsreview · 2 years
Even when New Year's Day comes on a Sunday, so he can get his big Sunday strip on, Tats STILL can't end New Years' plotlines on New Years!!
He's not very good at his job, but in his defense he's not paid very well :D
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palmtreepalmtree · 2 years
I was the only one wearing a mask at my new year's dinner tonight. And I get it. I know I'm feeling a little paranoid about it. But I'm just sick of being sick, so I'd rather be careful at this point. And we had 19 people over.
At the end of the night, saying good night to people, and my cousin's father-in-law reached out and grabbed my mask and gave it like a playful tug.
That's an odd gesture, right? Like... it's weird, right?
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sentrygunner · 2 years
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another eli cause i luuuv them <3
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rainbow-recipe · 2 years
i think it's perfect that my episode of the devil judge ended and the new one began right at midnight
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saki-chan16 · 2 years
2023 started with my boyfriend asking to watch Fruba and .... he LOVES it!! 🤩
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Can't wait for the emotional turmoil to set in once he realizes how much of a doozy this show is 🥴 mwahahahahaha 💕
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entireoranges · 9 months
We cleaned out the cupboard and fridge today. Oh freezer too. Took quite awhile like 5 hours. Not all at once, but pretty much yeah. Everything was so disorganized, expired food, lost food (if you know you know), etc. It was just getting ridiculous. We were supposed to do sometime around November and for whatever reason it didn’t. A few days I made a unilateral decision and was like it’s happening Monday, start the new year fresh. And this morning (or rather afternoon) I woke and came out to my mom starting it. Though she was in extreme pain, she did it. Well 90% and with assistance from me during most of it so it’s not like I thought of the idea then did nothing….I’m not a dick LOL. She did really good throwing things out. Often she struggles, as does my dad. Jason and I suspect they have unresolved food drama growing up extremely poor. Honestly I think her not feeling good and being on extreme pain pills created a whatever mindset, which is sad but did help. My dad wasn’t involved with most of it, instead he was working on preparing putting shelves in our room; but he was there for the freezer part and holy hell. He seems to think anything in a freezer magically lasts forever despite being expired listed on the package. Yes there is some leeway, but there are limits! I mean there was a package of spicy sausage accidentally bought like 2 years that no one wants and will never eat and he questioned why it was putting in the trash. Sweet Jesus man! I tried to be patient and I often am the good daughter who doesn’t rock the boat, however I was losing my patience and without saying it had a stfu approach because it’s happening. Then he was freaking out because the trash container to go outside was too heavy (apparently there is a limit) then I suggested he ask the neighbor to throw some in their container and was like ooooh that’s a good idea! Apparently she has asked/offered in the past if ever needed more room; she is single and lives alone so barely uses any room in it. Anyway I am proud of what we did and I made sure to thank everyone.
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Nothing good happens after 2am so I am ignoring your text and going to sleep 😌
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faerygala · 9 months
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Call 911, my eyes keep seeing you around
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shivgirly · 9 months
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Shawngus + Caught off guard by sincerity
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tastycitrus · 1 year
there's an alternate timeline where the new 52 reboot kept all three batgirls but retconned all the robins except for dick, who went back to being robin with nightwing banned from being mentioned at all
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part 15 - we’re all misunderstood
"Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood. They say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could." -Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer
Masterlist Part 14
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The Watchtower was a marvel of engineering and fortitude, constantly in orbit above Earth among the star-studded void of space.
Just a quick glance out of the meeting hall window had proved to the Regent that her little brother would love it here. He’d inherited the innovative side of Fentonworks more than she, so the combination of one of his obsessions and tech to fiddle with was a dream come true. 
(She’d inherited the ruthlessness of Maddie Fenton.) 
Batman, the Dark Knight her little brother had trusted and the father of her soulmate, tapped away at a tablet in hand before turning his focus to her at ease form, hands clasped behind her back. Wonder Woman stood at her side and Superman at the other. A flanking maneuver it seemed. 
The Regent would’ve been offended if they didn’t consider her a threat, despite her willingness to discuss war prevention between the Infinite Realms and the Living Realm. Her armor alone was meant to be intimidating at first appearance, but it was the woman sealed into it that gave off the vibes of ‘Approach with caution’. She was a Warrior, not a pacifist,and everything she presented about herself was meant to signify that. 
However, the Regent was trained by the Ancient of Peace and would demand a peaceful resolution to a crisis rather than conflict, even if the Liminal had no desire for a battle against the Justice League. 
Constantine was a familiar presence in the room. The Laughing Magician had a soft spot for her little brother, but she felt the claim she had of his soul. It was cracked and missing so many pieces, but it was still a good one. The Sad Trenchcoat Man might’ve been a career drunk and conman, but that didn’t mean he was unnecessarily bad. 
He wouldn’t be here if he was. 
The man in question spoke first, much to the obvious surprise of those present, “How’s Phantom?” 
Her helmet turned to face him down where he sat a few feet away, an unopened flask resting on his thigh, “He is fine. Would you like me to pass on a message?” 
Constantine seemed to relax for a moment before shaking his head, “Nah, the kid bugs me enough.” 
“Regent.” Batman interrupted. “We would appreciate it if you could answer some questions we have regarding some disturbing files we received from Phantom.” 
The Liminal nodded, “I suspected as much. I cannot speak much on behalf of the King or others not present, but I will answer what I can truthfully.” 
“Thank you, My Lady, for your willingness to discuss such things with us.” Wonder Woman offered with sincerity in her words. 
The Regent shook her helmeted head, “I’d rather peace than be across from one another on the battlefield, Princess.” 
“Wisely so.” 
The Knight tapped on his tablet again, a projection of one of the Ghost Files documents spreading across the wall behind the Bat, the man in question returning his attention to her. 
“Why does the King require a Regent?” 
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If Bruce was being honest, which he was, he’d rather be anywhere else than here in the Watchtower about to helm peace talks between the Infinite Realms and Earth. He’d rather be eating dinner with his children, questioning Phantom about Jason’s whereabouts, or even on patrol- anywhere but here. 
It wasn’t even the presence of the armored woman who’d answered in place of the King Constantine had been asked to summon, rather Bruce wanted nothing to do with the Death Energy he felt in lapses radiating from the Regent that felt… cleaner than that of what Ra’s Al Ghul or Talia had. 
Bruce wanted answers. 
But he also wanted to be anywhere but here. 
He supposed it was his self-preservation instincts trying to get him away from the being that’s been summoned, he had no choice but to stay though. 
“The King is too young.” The Regent replied evenly, hands clasped in front of her stomach, much like Diana would when trying to demonstrate that she’s prepared to draw her sword at a given moment. “There is still much for him to learn and experience before he is ready for the Crown.” 
Batman hummed, even though Constantine spluttered in shock- “A kid defeated Pariah Dark in single combat?” 
“There are some questions that we would like to have recorded for the record, would you be amenable to this?” Batman interrupts, “We would also discuss public use.” 
Regent nods, helmet tinting a darker green as the Watchtower lights slant across it for a brief moment. “I accept, though there are some answers that are not mine to give.” The woman takes a breath, “I cannot give the identity of the King without his permission, nor can I discuss how or when he died.”
“Is there a particular reason why?” Superman asks. “It is considered taboo to ask a ghost anything related to their death because it can cause them to relieve it.” A pause, “Ghosts, or Ecto-Entites, are a fighting-based culture. They are beings of varying intelligence, thoughts, and emotions- sentient and sapient, much like humans and aliens. Capable of great things, both good and evil.” 
Bruce processed those words, a pit of horror forming in his chest. How many times has this woman said those exact words, hoping for them to be heard? They were eloquent, with the formality that hinted at diplomatic training, but with so much hope that it almost physically hurt. 
Capable of great things, both good and evil. 
Wasn’t that the choice Bruce made every time he put on the cowl? Anytime one of his kids got hurt and he felt such rage in his bones? He made the choice every day to do good and while it may not be great in the broader scale of things, it was to somebody somewhere. That was what it meant to be alive, to have free will, to exist. 
Now he finally understood why Phantom gave him the Ghost Files. 
He needed this. This confrontation of what it means to exist outside of Bats and Birds, the cowl and the mask, as a being. Would Bruce have listened had he not seen the Files? If he hadn’t seen the inhumanity committed upon the inhuman? What evil would he have perpetuated had he refused to listen? 
(Tim might think he had been the only one to watch the video of Danny Fenton’s death.)
(He was wrong.)(What if he hadn’t heard the wail?)(What if he hadn’t seen the rebirth of Fenton to Phantom?) 
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With all the bloodshed the GIW had on their collective hands, they would not go quietly. 
The Regent had emphasized their zealot tendencies, hypocritical ideology perpetuated by the Drs. Fentons and somewhat lackluster training, but exceedingly advanced technology geared explicitly towards Ecto-Entities in her testimony to the Justice League in the hours that followed. Several examples from the Ghost Files were explained and expanded on, including the destruction of the Casper High Gym which resulted in the death of a faculty member and the maiming of a student. Evidence of the town roads being utterly demolished, what looks like the aftermath of war being the norm for the citizens as they try to go about their daily lives. 
She had prepared to discuss all the above, and gone through various questions she’d been expecting from the League, but she had steadfastly avoided thoughts of the GIW’s unethical experimentation. Naturally, the League began this particular section with the Files’ opened to what Danny, Tucker, and Sam had included, a warning issued to all present that what they were about to watch was grotesque and to leave the room if they felt unable to hold the contents of their stomachs. 
The Regent was an older sister, a daughter, a leader, and a warrior- but she was still only able to take so much. (She hadn’t known the Fentons recorded Danny’s Phantom’s vivisection.)
(She hadn’t known they called each other sweetie and fudge-kins while digging in his chest cavity.)
Fury was a familiar enemy and friend in equal breaths, existing in the space between her ribs and her heart, trapped by a cage of bone and will. 
Fury echoed by her mirror image that entered the camera frame, sword first and merciless as she gutted Jack Fenton. 
(Regret was nowhere to be found.)(Shame had no place here.)
“By Realms Law 2127 subsection 32f paragraph 3: liminals, mortals, all in between may be promptly judged and or executed on grounds of threat to End a protector spirit or child. May also be decreed as battlefield law when faced with a sufficiently armed opponent and or external force.” The Regent recited monotonously. “Drs. Fenton also could have been tried for Invasion by opening the portal, but Phantom was able to give them a pardon.” 
“On what grounds?” Wonder Woman questioned, “He is a protector spirit, yes?” 
“Yes, which allowed the previous Law to be enacted and legal. By him acting within Amity Park and using Fenton tech to catch Ghosts, he gave them a pardon by an unspoken alliance.” 
“An alliance they broke,” Batman this time was clearly angry too in his clenched fists were any indication, “when they vivisected Phantom.”
“Yes.” The Regent continued, “Make no mistake, I uphold the Realms Law to the best of my abilities and expect my subjects and my council to do the same. We are a people and people have societies, societies have structures and without that, we would be no better than what the GIW claims us to be.” 
“Well spoken, My Lady.” Wonder Woman complemented, clearly taken by the Regent’s speech. 
“This is all gory and horrifying, but we still haven’t talked about preventing a bloody war.” 
While he’d been quietly observing the meeting, minor mutterings here and there, Constantine remained the only Dark member present. The Regent was somewhat fond of the Sad Man, even without having ownership over his soul (or the majority of shards) he would remain a fond memory for the Nightingales. 
 “My Lady,” the Magician belatedly addressed her, clearly having recalled to whom exactly he was speaking. 
“Constantine,” Batman warned, “we’ll get to that.” 
“Indeed we shall. In fact,” the Regent twirled a hand in a graceful motion “the Anti-Acto Acts is the main point of contention on the docket and allows that,” now she thrust a pointed finger at the Files’ section on ‘experimentation’, “to be legal.” 
“It’s been discussed, previously, to bring these laws before the UN with a censored version of the Ghost Files.” 
The Regent nodded almost immediately, “If you can, yes, but I would recommend leaking some of the data for the public to judge.” 
“Amity Park, for instance?” Superman asked, “Let the public choose a side and put pressure on the UN.” 
“Perhaps.” WW nodded, “Though there is likely chance that blame will be shifted onto the Ghosts solely for the damage.” 
“We can show the footage of the attacks that caused them.” Batman interjected, “As well as the videos of Phantom protecting Amity’s citizens at risk to himself.” 
The Regent agreed, “There are also videos of teenagers practicing drills for Ghost and Ghost Hunter attacks.” 
“What about sitting for an interview for a newspaper?” Superman suggested, “I can get a reputable reporter to conduct it.” 
“That can be done.” 
The Regent felt a slight tug on her Proto-Core, a shiver down her spine to follow- her little brother was trying to summon her back to him. Nothing urgent, not with just a slight tug, not an emergency. 
It had been quite a while here anyway and she missed her boys. 
“I’m afraid I am being summoned for a council meeting.” The Regent announced, “If I am needed again-“ 
She took a breath before turning to Batman, “You May summon me, Dark Knight, through your Lady’s Claim.” 
A friendly handshake with Superman, “Have your reporter meet me in the Ridge next Friday during the Witching Hours.” 
A clasping of arms with Wonder Woman, Warrior to warrior, “When this is settled, I would ask for a spar, Princess.” 
And the Regent was gone in a torrent of icy green-tinted mist. 
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Happy new year!
I can't believe it's 2024 already! Feels like I just got used to writing 2023.
As always, thanks to the wonderful beta @meditating-cat, who also let me who use them as a sounding board for ideas for the Regent earlier. I cannot wait to write those ideas, let me tell you.
As always, if you have any song suggestions please feel free to share and check out the masterlist for the rest of the series. It's always updated afterwards!
Thanks for reading!
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delphi333 · 9 months
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