moony-sky · 6 months
you ever just
(because you absolutely should)
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driftion · 1 month
Goodbye LSMP!! Drawing Stream! (Maybe Some StarTime Later)
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Star Time (1992) // dir. Alexander Cassini
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bigeyeug · 1 year
StarTimes steadily shaping local content in Uganda
St. Mary’s Stadium – Kitende became the centre of attraction on Saturday May 27 after celebrations rocked the area as the 2022/23 StarTimes Uganda Premier League – UPL season came to a dramatic end.Defending Champions – Vipers SC beat rivals-KCCA FC and SC Villa to the title after the three teams went into their respective fixtures with equal opportunities of emerging the 2022/23…
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watchilove · 2 years
Alpina Startimer Pilot Heritage Manufacture: A legacy in movement
Alpina Startimer Pilot Heritage Manufacture: A legacy in movement
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carokrebietke · 2 years
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#startimes (hier: Berlin Hauptbahnhof) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJrzxJt_nc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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citizenscreen · 2 months
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Agnes Moorehead, Joan Fontaine, and John Ireland for “Startime” 1960 episode, “Closet Set.”
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blu-screen · 3 months
3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write?
((oops! missed this one originally.
Welp, it's a bit of an open secret I'd love to write my error!sans more but there's that whole little difficulty of him destroying other folks timelines and ya know... I'm not here to wreck peoples fun so.
Same problem with my oc Anarchy actually, very murder, much oh gosh I don't actually want to end someones character. >_<
Then there's startime which.. I have my own AU i want to work on but it's super spoilers. Post game/secret ending type spoilers. Also grim because I'm awful, obviously. :)
SO YEAH. I'm planning on writing a Loop who actually went through with it, killed Siffrin and took over in their place. They'll even get their own form back to make it easier, isn't that great?
Obviously this is.. Gonna lead to some suss as hell shenanigans and the only reason I waited was wanting to establish another, 'good' siff and loop to give people a bit of context. Both so muses can spot whats wrong and just.. To generally drive the point home.
That's coming. I have tentative plans to fanfic/drabble out the actual Initiating Event but that'll. Ya know. Major character death and blah blah so we'll see.
Hi remember how I made a post-geno run true pacifist survivor sans back in the day? Yeah. I didn't stop being an absolute bastard in the meantime. ^_^ ))
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sidrial · 9 months
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Pick 1 album and discuss.
If you don’t recognize any of these, listen to at least 2 first. I will add music 🎶 links in the comments.
Episode 218
9 25 23
#ozzyosbourne #tacticalsekt #FosterthePeople #ThinLizzy
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moony-sky · 6 months
Have you loved yourself today? Because you should. There is only one you on this planet. You are special. The entire universe aligned so that you could be here. Your existence has changed someone's life. Please see how beautiful you are and show yourself immense love and appreciation. You deserve it.
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Honorable Mentions
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” Starting tomorrow, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media…and the same goes for today’s post. Before the countdown begins in earnest, today I want to present some Honorable Mentions. These Twisted Ten Performances ALMOST made the cut, but not quite…
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1. Dr. Malcolm Wells, from The Bat.
“The Bat” is considered one of Price’s earliest and most iconic successes. It’s a bit ironic because, in the film, Price does not play the main antagonist, nor even the main protagonist, but simply a supporting role. This murder mystery feature focuses on a detective story author, Cornelia Van Gorder – played by Agnes Moorehead – who finds herself hunted by a shadow serial killer known as The Bat. In the story, Dr. Wells is a friend of Van Gorder’s: a physician and scientist who has a strange interest in the study of bats. Right from the start, we know that Wells is not all he seems to be, as – near the beginning of the film – Wells finds out that Van Gorder’s associate, a banker named Fleming, has swindled money from his own bank. He murders Fleming and covers up the crime, intending to find where the man hid the loot and take it all for himself. As it turns out, the Bat is seeking the same treasure, putting the killer and Dr. Wells on a collision course. Despite only playing a supporting part in the story, Price’s fame was already so highly on the rise that he received top billing at the time, and continues to receive it to this day. The film is a simple but effective little “Whodunnit?” with a dark and Gothic edge: it’s no wonder it’s still considered a highlight in the man’s career.
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2. Geoffrey Radcliffe, from The Invisible Man Returns.
This was essentially Vincent’s start in the genre where he would be most well-known: horror films. “The Invisible Man Returns” is the sequel to the original 1933 film “The Invisible Man,” starring Claude Rains and based on the H.G. Wells novel of the same name. In this film, Vincent plays Geoffrey Radcliffe: a wrongly condemned gentleman who has been framed for the murder of his brother. Radcliffe meets Frank Griffin – the brother of the original Invisible Man – while in prison, and discovers that Frank somehow learned the secret of the invisibility serum from his brother before Jack eventually went insane and faced his final fate. Seeking revenge on those who framed him and killed and his own brother, Geoffrey convinces Frank to inject him with the serum, and thus goes on a quest to catch the real murderers and clear his name. It’s a race against time, for the drugs used to create the infamous potion cause one to steadily regress in sanity over time: Radcliffe has to fight through the mental-maddening concoction, and find some way to stop the criminals…before he becomes a mad killer himself. The film paces a lot of the same territory as the first movie, but with a few special twists, such as the revenge plot and the fact that Radcliffe actually gets a happy ending in comparison to Jack Griffin. Price was a superb choice to take over for Claude Rains, given his own mellifluous voice and elegant physical performances. Indeed, Price would technically play the character more often than Rains: eight years after the film’s debut, Price would reprise the role for a brief and humorous cameo at the end of the horror-comedy classic, “Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein.”
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3. His Appearance on Holiday Startime.
“Holiday Startime” was a Christmas variety special that aired in 1970. It featured a series of bizarre and humorous sketches, all played by popular actors of the time period. Arguably the most famous sketch from the special was Vincent Price’s appearance. Price, beyond his work as actor, was known as a gourmet and talented cook. He was also known for his love of wine. The sketch parodies both of these elements, as Price – satirizing popular cooking shows – performs a silly skit where he tries to recycle various holiday leftovers…all while staggeringly intoxicated. The sequence is riotously funny, and – as you would expect with something from Vincent Price – ends with a little jab at his horror career, with a spoof on Jekyll & Hyde that results from Vincent drinking an unusual cocktail. It’s eight-and-a-half minutes of complete silliness that’s well worth looking up.
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4. James Reavis, from The Baron of Arizona.
While I don’t think this Western has aged particularly well, due to some of its subject matter, Price’s performance in the picture is still quite laudable. “The Baron of Arizona” tells the (fictionalized, of course) true story of James Reavis: a notorious con artist who tried to convince the United States Government to give him full control over the state of Arizona, by claiming a young girl he is attached to – Sofia – is a long-lost aristocrat with a land claim on the state, and then marrying her once she is old enough, so he can inherit the properties. Both the film and the character carry much ambiguity: Reavis is a scoundrel, and as the film goes on his actions become increasingly despicable, but even up to the very end it’s hard to completely hate him. His motivations for why he does what he does turn out to have some surprising empathy to them, and his relationship with Sofia – while EXTREMELY bizarre – does have its touching moments. While he only sees her as a means to an end at first, as time comes on he does learn to care about her, and she, in turn, admires him. The movie is somewhat forgotten today, but it’s worth checking out, despite its more bizarre elements.
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5. The Magic Mirror, from Faerie Tale Theatre.
Price appeared twice on this television series, which adapted numerous classic fairy-tales and fantasy stories in a deliberately theatrical manner, hence its title. Every episode featured an all-star cast to help boost it up. In one episode, “The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers,” Price acts simply as the offscreen narrator; his presence is not a coincidence, as the episode pays subtle homage to classic horror, with actors like David Warner and Christopher Lee having roles in the story, and making numerous references to Dracula and other chillers. However, even more noteworthy than that is Price’s role as the Magic Mirror, in the show’s adaptation of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Left to act with nothing but his face and voice, Price manages to become possibly the best part of the episode, and an excellent foil to Lynn Redgrave’s wildly over-the-top depiction of the Evil Queen. Alongside the Disney version, his Magic Mirror is quite possibly my favorite take on the concept…mostly BECAUSE it’s Vincent Price doing it, to be fair.
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6. Michael Bastion, from The Snoop Sisters.
“The Snoop Sisters” was a four-episode-long murder mystery miniseries that aired between December of 1973 and March of 1974. The four episodes were the disconnected adventures of two loveable old biddies – the titular Snoop Sisters – who continuously find themselves roped into “Whodunnit?” plots. (As you do.) In the fourth and final story, “A Black Day for Bluebeard,” Price plays a friend of the sisters, Michael Bastion: a once-renowned but now fading film star who is looking to find a way to rekindle his career. When his wife is murdered, Bastion is accused, and the Sisters need to find a way to save him from persecution. In a way, Bastion is Price playing an exaggerated and humorous self-parody: like Vincent, Bastion is an actor known for his hammy acting style and proficiency in horror movies. Also like Vincent, Bastion is a connoisseur of wine and fine foods. My, what perfect typecasting. :P
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7. Oscar Wilde, from Diversions & Delights.
It grieves me to leave this performance out of the main running, but I feel it’s the only fair thing to do. “Diversions & Delights” was a one-man show Price performed on Broadway, late in his career. It was a biographical play about the life and times of Oscar Wilde, as told by Wilde himself. Many critics who saw the performance in its time considered it to be quite possibly Vincent Price’s Magnum Opus: reviews applauded the sensitive and subtle way he portrayed Wilde, while still having a sense of needed flamboyance and charismatic stage presence, befitting both the part and the show. Unfortunately, I’ve never actually SEEN this stage show. I was lucky enough to find an audio recording someone made of the play, but due to both the age/quality of that recording, and the fact that I feel plays really do need to be SEEN to be fully appreciated, I don’t think it’s fair to give Price’s performance here a place in the Top 31. This is the ONLY reason I give this a mere Honorable Mention; if you can find a recording of this show somewhere, I urge you strongly to give it a listen or a watch.
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8. Professor Jarrod, from House of Wax.
Much like “The Invisible Man Returns,” this is another classic Price horror outing that many claim jumpstarted his career in fright films. Indeed, Price’s portrayal of Professor Jarrod – the demented master of a wax museum, where people are secretly turned into dummies on display – is considered one of his most recognized and popular performances. Honestly, there’s not much to say here except that, while I DO love Price’s performance in this film, and the film in general, I just like other roles and performances more, or at least find there’s more I have to say about them.
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9. Professor Multiple, from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
“Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” was a 1960s TV series that can best be described as “Star Trek, But Underwater.” It focused on the sci-fi adventures of a group of submarine explorers, with stories that ranged from the horrifying to the kooky. Price’s appearance in the episode “The Deadly Dolls” falls somewhere in the middle. In this episode, Price plays master puppeteer Professor Multiple, who is hired to entertain the crew aboard the submarine for a while. (He’s surprisingly good at it.) However, after the show is over, Multiple is revealed to have darker ulterior motives, as his puppets come to life and begin replacing the members of the crew, as the first part of a mad scheme to – you guessed it – take over the world. The mystery of these living puppets, why they’re doing what they do, and where they all come from is what drives the plot. As the story goes on, it becomes clear that Multiple himself is not all he seems…but I mustn’t say more, or I shall spoil the rest of the story.
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10. The Narrator, for The Town Too Tough to Die.
This is a very different option on the list, but it’s one I just HAD to bring up. If you go on a trip to Tombstone, Arizona, you will find a little building called “The Historama.” Inside is a theater where you can see a special documentary film called “The Town Too Tough to Die,” which details the history of Tombstone and a lot of its most famous historical events. Not only does the documentary feature footage, but live practical effects in the form of a huge model that takes through different time periods in Tombstone, with working animatronics and effects. All of this is narrated by the late, great Vincent Price. I got to visit this attraction during a trip to Tombstone almost a decade ago, and I have never forgotten it. If you ever get a chance to see this attraction yourself, do so; it’s truly a one-of-a-kind experience.
Like I said, tomorrow, the countdown shall begin with my 31st Favorite Vincent Price Performance. There will be no hints for THIS countdown, so you’ll just have to wait and see what surprises are in store. ;)
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Star Time (1992) // dir. Alexander Cassini
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bigeyeug · 1 year
StarTimes unveils new hi-tech TV set with inbuilt StarTimes decoder
By Our Reporter Pay TV service provider, StarTimes in partnership with GlobalStar digital TV has released a hi-tech TV set that connects to StarTimes Channels without any external decoder box. Global Star Science Technology Co. Limited is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of Color TVs and Monitors. The company has successfully built up a good reputation by providing high quality…
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noloveforned · 2 years
no love for ned is back on the holiday train after ten years! tune into wlur at 8pm tonight for four hours of holiday hits. we'll be rebroadcasting the 2012 holiday show at 8pm followed by two hours of new holiday hits at 10pm. if you miss it tonight, don't fear as they'll both re-air (in reverse order) next friday!
last week was the annual 'best of twenty year ago' show. over the course of four hours we heard from over sixty different records released in 2002. if you enjoyed the show, you can also check out the previous six retrospective shows spotlighting 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996 and 1995.
no love for ned on wlur – december 9th, 2022 from 8pm-midnight
artist // track // album // label evil wiener // koo koo // evil wiener presents billy sugarfix's lost gumdrop kingdom // smith level tullycraft // twee // beat surf fun // magic marker dressy bessy // there's a girl // sound go round // kindercore luna // lovedust // romantica // jetset spoon // the way we get by // kill the moonlight // merge the guild league // jet set... go! // private transport // matinée the national splits // afternoon was tight // the national splits // kittridge dear nora // on to september // the new year ep // magic marker darren hanlon // hiccups // hello stranger // candle belle and sebastian // scooby driver // storytelling // matador bikeride // fakin' amnesia // morning macumba // hidden agenda masters of the hemisphere // anything, anything // protest a dark anniversary // kindercore the sinking ships // out of key harmony // out of key harmony // darla track star // feet first // lion destroyed the whole world // better looking esg // it’s not me // step off // soul jazz yo la tengo // nuclear war (version two) // nuclear war ep // matador the blow // jet ski accidents // bonus album // k ugly casanova // things i don't remember // sharpen your teeth // sub pop vermont // ballad of larry bird // calling albany // kindercore matt pond pa // measure three // the green fury // polyvinyl azure ray // the new year // burn and shiver // warm electronic aarktica // nostalgia = distortion // or you could just go through your whole life and be happy anyway (bliss out, volume eighteen) // darla sigur rós // vaka // ( ) // mca múm // green green grass of tunnel // finally we are no one // fat cat the notwist // one with the freaks // neon golden // domino family fodder // tender words // tender words ep // dark beloved cloud flin flon // chicoutimi // chicoutimi ep // teenbeat the capricorns // the new sound // in the zone // paroxysm the apples in stereo // rainfall // velocity of sound // spinart the flaming lips // fight test // yoshimi battles the pink robots // warner bros. of montreal // jennifer louise // aldhils arboretum // kindercore jason anderson // astronaut, astronaut! // something/everything! // k sleater-kinney // oh! // one beat // kill rock stars rhett miller // this is what i do // the instigator // elektra guided by voices // back to the lake // universal truths and cycles // matador elvis costello // forty-five // when i was cruel // island brendan benson // you're quiet // lapalco // startime the arrogants // the distance between us // nobody's cool ep // shelflife cinerama // careless // torino // manifesto saturday looks good to me // diary // love will find you // whistletap acid house kings // sunday morning // mondays are like tuesdays and tuesdays are like wednesdays // labrador the brunettes // holding hands, feeding ducks // holding hands, feeding ducks // lil' chief mirah // cold cold water // advisory committee // k destroyer // this night // this night // merge june panic // see(ing) double // baby’s breadth // secretly canadian doleful lions // surfside motel // out like a lamb // parasol unbunny // swans are fainting // black strawberries // two-ton santa julie doiron // all their broken hearts // heart and crime // jagjaguwar jeffrey lewis // the chelsea hotel oral sex song // the last time i did acid i went insane // rough trade little wings // look at what the light did now // light green leaves // k lambchop // the daily growl // is a woman // merge beck // guess i'm doing fine // sea change // dgc johnny cash // hurt // american iv: the man comes around // american richard buckner // born into giving it up // impasse // overcoat songs: ohia // blue factory flame // didn’t it rain // secretly canadian the mendoza line // the triple bill of shame // lost in revelry // misra okkervil river // westfall // don't fall in love with everyone you see // jagjaguwar the mountain goats // the best ever death metal band in denton // all hail west texas // emperor jones dqe // i'm your girl // i'm your girl // dark beloved cloud swearing at motorists // this flag signals goodbye // this flag signals goodbye // secretly canadian low // in the drugs // trust // kranky
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tgr-telecom-arena · 2 years
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To be getting Daily commissions from the TELECOM System you would have to get your own TOP UP AND GET REWARD (T.G.R) V.T.U APP
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26th June 2024.
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎. The Stage gave Lena a good review for her appearance at Cardiff’s New Theatre on the 17th.
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟔. In their Next Week section, The Stage mentioned that from 5th July Lena would be appearing with Jimmy Cricket in Holiday Startime at the Princess Theatre, Torquay.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟒. Scotland on Sunday looked at how Rothesay was coping against competition from foreign holidays.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐. Bonnie Langford was interviewed in The Sunday Times Magazine.
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