#starter propaganda
shinypokemonshowdown · 3 months
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Robin says vote mudkip!
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cyndaquilism · 11 months
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
Lady Vulca had to close the store today as we have had too many people stopping in for questions unrelated to the sale of our robes and accessories. I am so concerned I am going to try and get permission to work from home until this blows over. I don’t feel as if she will be safe alone with the baby 😞 I don’t know what I have done wrong here.
Lambda out.
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If you vote please reblog to help us get as wide a net as possible. Round 33 Masterlist
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general-kalani · 9 months
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"We fired our guns but the British kept'a comin~"
He's found his favourite song again.
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west1rosi · 1 year
LIKE THIS POST for a starter from my northern houses muses during the MAIN ASOIAF/ROBERT'S REBELLION ERA. specify if you want a specific muse (or several and i'll pick). if you are a multimuse, choose your muses, or else I will ignore because I'm not good at choosing.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—stark
❝ NED STARK . . . — STARK [the quiet wolf.] hand of the king︱pansexual, his/him. ︱ sean bean. ❝ JEYNE WESTERLYING . . . — STARK [the bloodied stones.] lady. robb stark's queen︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ Synnove Karlsen. ❝ CATELYN STARK . . . — STARK [the mother of wolves.] ned stark's wife. tully.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ michelle fairley/daisy head.
❝ LYANNA STARK . . . — STARK [the she wolf.]* robert' bethroded, jon's mother.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ adelaide kane. ❝ BRANDON STARK . . . — STARK [the winter wolf.]* heir to winterfell. elder brother.︱pansexual, he/his. ︱ clive standen.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—forrester
❝ ASHER FORRESTER . . . — FORRESTER [the prodigal son.] lordo f ironrath︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ liam mcintyre.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—poole
❝ JEYNE POOLE . . . — POOLE [rhymes with pain.] former lady bolton. thought to be arya stark. mother to baby cat.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ elinor crawley.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—manderly
❝ WYNAFRYD MANDERLY . . . — MANDERLY [the north beacon.] lady of the north︱heterosexual, she/her. ︱ bella dayne. ❝ WYLLA MANDERLY . . . — MANDERLY [the green mermaid.] lady of the north︱heterosexual, she/her. ︱ alicia agneson.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—cassel
❝ BETH CASSEL . . . — CASSEL [the lady cassel.] head of house cassel..︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ amy james kelly.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—free folk
❝ VAL . . . — FREE FOLK [wild princess.] the freefolk royal.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ gaia weiss
❝ HOUSE . . . .—mormont
❝ JORAH MORMONT . . . — MORMONT [the bear knight.] exiled knight, advisor of daenerys targaryen ︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ iain glen. ❝ JORELLE MORMONT . . . — MORMONT [the quiet one.] lady in waiting for her sister. she bear of bear island. ︱demiromantic, she/her. ︱ eleanor tomlinson.
❝ MARA MORMONT . . . — MORMONT [the green bear.] daughter of jorah and his second wife, desinherited heir of bear island. hers/she. ︱ matilda de angelis.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—tallheart
❝ EDDARA TALLHEART . . . — TALLHEART [the lady of torrhen's square.] head of house tallheart.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ jessica green.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—karstark
❝ ALYS KARSTARK . . . — KARSTARK [the grey lady.] heir of karhold.︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ genevieve gaunt.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—umber
❝ JAYDA UMBER . . . — UMBER [lady of the north.] lady of the last hearth︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ charlie murphy.
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pirateborn-a · 2 years
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     Hi hi hello !!  Officially Roger birthday and New Years Eve over here !!!   So LIKE this for an ask / mini-starter  ( probably an ask but we'll both see )  if you want a lil something related to either or both event uvu
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godzexperiment · 1 year
Stirring awake, he immediately pushed himself up into an sitting position. Going to rub at his eyes; only to accidentally slightly punch himself. Then came noticing wasn't passed out in some secluded location or private spot. Yet instead of processing or asking he just stared unblinking at them. Brain refusing to really observe or take notice of just about anything. At least actively enough for him to have any of it in his more streamlined thoughts.
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How to spot Liberal Zionist Propaganda 101
This post is by no means exhaustive at all. There are many Liberal Zionist talking points but these are just some of the most common ones. While on the surface they seem a little naive and hopeful at best, they are very much harmful. If you claim to be an ally to Palestinians, this post is primarily for you!
For starters, liberal Zionists will often try to both-sides the issue of Palestine, talk about how it's complicated, they'll claim that the conflict hurts both Israelis and Palestinians, how the only way forward is one where Jews and Arabs "just need to get along," amongst other things. They also often like to centre themselves, even when acknowledging Palestinians as the victims of Israel or this "conflict." From time to time, they also like to engage in tokenising certain Palestinians whose views tend to more or less align with theirs. Here are some common arguments you may hear from them:
1. Any form of justifying Israel's existence or claiming that the only solution is two states
It does not really need to be said why justifying Israel's existence is harmful but justifying its continued existence also means legitimising Israel's land theft, its expulsions of Palestinians, and its ongoing harm to Palestinians and other populations. Reducing any sorts of “solutions” into a binary is unhelpful. Needless to say, a 2ss would not even address any legitimate concerns Palestinian have, such as the right of return, and would only legitimise Israel’s colonialism. Talking about a two-state solution also implies that the root of the conflict lies in Palestinians not having their own state rather than being an occupied people. It is very much also possible to construct a paradigm where Jews and Palestinians both live together on the same land as equal citizens that doesn't involve two separate states, much less an ethnostate.
2. Security for Israel could only come through peace
This is a similar talking point to the one above. Not only does it centre Israeli safety and security above Palestinian liberation but it mistakenly assumes that once Israel makes peace with Palestinians, it'll achieve security. The reality, however, is that Israel's imagined security has quite often come at the expense of peace. In fact, "peace" has just acted as nothing more than a smoke-screen for Israel to carry out its expansionist policies, particularly in the West Bank. When liberal Zionists talk about peace juxtaposed with Israeli security, they're talking about attaining a negative peace rather than a positive one.
3. Israelis are not their government.
This point does nothing to actually help Palestinians. It is also an incredibly tone-deaf thing to say when Israel has targeted many Palestinian civilians by having alleged proximity to Hamas, such as being family members of militants or leaders (inc. children!), civil servants in a Hamas-led government, or even any male above the age of 15 they consider to be a potential combatant! It also deliberately erases Israeli civilians' support of and culpability in Israel's actions towards Palestinians.
4. Netanyahu and/or the Israeli right are the source of conflict.
While it is true that things have gotten inadvertently worse under Israel's various right-wing governments, they are not the source of conflict, but rather a product of extremist nationalism and Jewish supremacy perpetuated by the system. Both the 1967 occupations and settlements were undertaken under centre-left governments in Israel, and Israeli policy under non-right wing governments has been just as harmful towards Palestinians and has paved the way for where we are today. Blaming Netanyahu just also obscures the violent nature of Israel's military occupation over Palestinians which long precede him coming into power.
5. Netanyahu and Hamas are two sides of the same coin
I don't think I've seen any allies give validity to this claim but it's an extremely reductionist claim and is sort of similar to the one above. Groups like Hamas are merely a response to the Israeli occupation while Netanyahu is a byproduct of it. While some Israelis may see Hamas or their actions as an "obstacle to peace," Israel's actions and policies long pre-date Hamas and how Israel is currently responding to Hamas is no different to how Israel has engaged with Palestinian militant groups in the past, regardless of political affiliations or political goals. It is also important to note that Hamas has agreed to the establishment of a state along 1967 borders while Netanyahu aims to prolong the occupation and empower the settler movement (some of whom are part of his coalition government) as much as possible.
6. Israel is not a settler-colonial state.
While it is indisputable that Jews have historical connections to Palestine, that doesn’t automatically make you Indigenous or negate Israeli settler-colonialism. Colonialism in particular describes a relationship of exploitation. There are many cases of this, but we most clearly see this in the West Bank where Israel exploits natural resources on occupied Palestinian territory for its own political and economic gains. In terms of settler-colonialism, it is widely known that Israel expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to make way for Jewish refugees and migrants to the new state of Israel, and is still actively facilitating Jewish migration to Israel today while denying Palestinians their right of return.
7. (X) doesn't help Palestinians.
It is not up to anyone to determine whether certain tactics or strategies are helpful or not. This point only seeks to discredit pro-Palestine organising. Only Palestinians get to decide what is actually helpful for the cause or not.
8. Any sort of Hamas-blaming.
On the surface it may seem like there’s nothing wrong with this, but this point is often harmful and usually lends itself to right-wing talking points because its objective is to deflect blame away from Israel. Certain arguments blaming Hamas also aim to minimise Palestinian suffering perpetuated by Israel. It also paints Israeli violence as retaliatory to Palestinian violence which only obfuscates Israel’s (and by extension, the US’) role in its state military apparatus and the differing power dynamics between Israelis and Palestinians. In other contexts, this point seeks to also legitimise certain opposition, such as the Palestinian Authority. Hamas-blaming also tends to sometimes lead to racist diatribes about Palestinians and their culture.
9. Al-Jazeera is not a credible news source.
Al Jazeera is a news source like any other. It has varying editorial policies and therefore will have equally good reporting on certain issues while having terrible reporting on others. The difference is that Al-Jazeera's news on Palestine is credible because it comes directly from their Palestinian reporters on the ground and first-hand eyewitness accounts. Western news sources are no more or less credible than al-Jazeera. Compare this to CNN, NYT, and any other Western news sources where Palestinian voices are often entirely missing from the narrative.
10. Overemphasis of antisemitism on the left
Antisemitism is a real issue and has the potential to fester in left circles if not directly addressed head on. Combatting antisemitism is extremely important, however, it is not an issue exclusive to the left. There is also a double standard in that no one expects Zionists to call out Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism. Certain accusations of "antisemitism" also seek to distract from what's going on in Palestine by making it about Jewish comfort and feelings. Combatting antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Arab racism etc is always important as the basis of good politics.
Last but not least, be wary of native collaborators or any sort of normalisers! They are Palestinians or Arabs who try very hard to appeal to Western liberal consensus and can end up perpetuating a lot of harm to the cause and/or other activists. You will know them when you see them.
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trcnsylvania · 2 years
tag dump.
wanted plot.
wanted opposite.
wanted pair.
wanted faceclaim.
fem muse.
masc muse.
original muse.
canon muse.
semi-canon muse.
exclusive muse.
open starter.
out of character.
gif hunts.
tag dump.
the vanya tag.
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outside time
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cyndaquilism · 10 months
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
Good news first~
The little one got accepted to both Chapterhouse Early Learning Programs and is allowed to alternate every other week like we requested.
The VERY Bad Bad Bad news
Both houses are questioning our parenting and childbearing abilities as they do not believe her sketches for her age are of high enough quality and she is struggling to learn how to put together colors to go well together but instead can list the Preamble of the Constitution of Gallifrey and knows her rights if questioned by either the public or a Chancellory Guard. Both families are in agreement that I am a terrible influence on Murex and should be terminated from seeing her. Lady Vulca, thankfully, stepped in reminding them that Murex had been curious the day prior on my speech today and some of the things I was saying on the Panopticon Matrix channel that Lady Vulca had been watching while coloring with her. The child was curious! The first thing to do when a time got who is brainbuffing asks a question is to answer!
Lady Vulca’s Housefather reminded me that if I continued to dishonor the house that he would remove them from my life. I reminded him that his house was nearly bankrupt when I married Vulca and if I hadn’t accepted her into my brand none of them would have food on the table. We shall see what pans out.
Chapterhouse and families are something that continue to amaze me. I think everyone can relate. Don’t feel bad if you ever just need to put your communicator on silent and simply have some tea and a bath 😮‍💨🍵🫖
Cardinal Lambda Out!
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Ex Delibird
Normal Shiny
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Tournament PSA: Normal Delibird was eleminated in a past round.
If you vote please reblog to help us get as wide a net as possible. Round 31 Masterlist
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hi luv! i hope you're doing great. Saw your recent post and i do have a hc request (since im having a haikyuu brainrot rn 👀), what would you think of making papa!haikyuu hcs 😩. How would these volley boys make as a father! (especially kenma, tsukki and noya) and you can add your favs too 💕sjsjjsjs hope you have a great day ahead!
I'm doing okay, I hope you are doing good and that you have a nice day! I hope you enjoy this post and it is to your liking
Them as fathers
Characters: Kenma, Noya, Tsukki Gender neutral reader, it is not mentioned whether the children are adopted or biological, Kenma’s is longer than the others because i had way too many ideas for him
Kenma Kozume
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First things first: I don’t think Kenma would have more than one kid, if you really wanted to have more he would relent but he is perfectly happy with just one, he thinks 3 people is the perfect number for your little family.
You may think he wouldn’t be that involved in his kids life, but that is a big misconception,
No matter how much work he has to do he makes sure to spend time with you and your kid.
Kenma would never show his child on the internet in any way, he wants to keep his private life private and keep his child safe, he knows how cruel the internet can be, no way in hell will he put his young child into that kind of situation.
Once your child learned to crawl he brought the three starters of Pokémon black and white (gen 5 best games I don’t take criticism) to see which one your child would choose.
Based on what they chose he will be sulky or proud. (I nearly made this into Oshawott propaganda but I didn’t you’re welcome). But at the end of the day he knows that they just choose one based on colours and shapes, he would teach them once they are older how to perfectly choose a starter.
Best believe that as soon as your kid is old enough to understand things he will show them all kinds of (age appropriate) video games.
You enter his gaming room with some snacks for him and you can just see him play Slime Rancher as your kid sits in his lap, eyes glued to what their father is doing.
He already has started a Stardew Valley coop farm for you three to play together one day, he is just waiting for the day your child is old enough.
Now enough video game talk, (though I have so many more ideas about this lol) your child loves it when Kenma reads to them before they sleep, his voice is very soothing to them.
Once they are asleep Kenma stays at their side a bit longer, watching them sleep a serene smile on his face.
Kenma can’t say no to your kid, he will buy them anything they want. You sometimes wonder how he can be so responsible with his money in any other situation, but your child just needs to point at something and he will buy it for them unless you intervene.
Lastly, be prepared for Kenma and your kid to team up against you. Board games? Yeah they are a team even if the game isn’t a game for teaming up. (Monopoly is a nightmare with them, Oh you need a red? Too bad your kid and Kenma are trading it between one another instead of giving it to you) But you can’t really seem to mind when you see the way Kenma and your kid smile. (Unless you are like me and are fiercely competitive in games then you may want to strike Kenma down)
Yu Nishinoya
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Noya would take longer to have children with you, at least until he is done travelling, he does want kids but is aware that travelling the world with them wouldn’t be ideal, he wants them to have a stable home.
Once you two do have kids, he wants at least 2 or 3. Noya wants a big family.
I feel like he is the type of Dad that throws his kids in the air and then catches them (he won’t do it high) and it always gives you a heart attack.
Instead of reading them good night stories he always tells them (embellished) stories from when he travelled the world, for example he once exclaimed to one of your kids how a mermaid vied for your attention but he fought them heroically off.
This does bite him in the ass years down the line once your kids are teens, they will bring these stories up whenever they can to tease him.
Asahi is basically an uncle to your kids, he often visits you and brings the kids many gifts. He loves to spoil them.
And yes Asahi designs the clothes for your kids as well, it often leads to many people asking you and Noya where you got the clothes for them from since they are such a high quality.
Yes, he will teach your kids “Rolling thunder”. No you can’t stop him. Even if your kids don’t play Volleyball they will still know the move.
This leads to your kids looking for his old jersey’s from highschool, putting them on and pretending to  be their dad. No he is not crying, he just got dust in his eye.
Vacations and holidays are important to Noya, while he can’t travel the world with your kids, he will take them on memorable vacations across the country when they are old enough to remember them.
He wants them to have a happy and fulfilled childhood with as many experiences as they can have.
Kei Tsukishima
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When you first brought up having children with him he asked “Are you sure you can take care of a child? Don’t you wanna practise with a pet rock first?” You lightly punched him in the chest for that and he had his signature smirk on his face.
He is honestly neutral on the aspect of having kids, he is not against it but also it was never his dream of having them, so he is fine with whatever you want.
Just like Kenma he would probably only have one kid, with his Job as a Volleyballplayer and everything he isn’t home that often, so if you had more than one kid he would feel guilty leaving you home alone with them.
Tsukki is probably the first one from Karasuno to have a kid, so he is smug about the fact that he is ‘better’ than the others in that regard.
The first team reunion after you two had your child will have him holding his child proudly, while he tells all the others how slow they are for not having kids yet, which has everyone rolling their eyes. He is very proud of his kid so that he will hold it up Lion King style so everyone can admire it.
Unluckily though he miscalculated the height of the ceiling and bonked your kids head on it, which left everyone in the room in a stunned silence (True story from my infant days, my dad did this exact thing with me)
You had made him change every diaper for 2 weeks for the heart attack he gave you with that, even if your kid was fine and wasn’t hurt.
Tsukki and you switch every night who is going to read your kid, while you pick different topics every time, he only ever chooses dinosaur stories to read to your kid.
Speaking of dinosaurs, Tsukki once claimed he had to educate your kid on certain things while you went out grocery shopping, when you came back you saw that the thing he was educating your child on was “The land before time” which made you smile.
Now no matter if the child is biologically yours or adopted, it somehow interhits his sass, which means you will be surrounded by two sassy little pieces of shit (affectionate).
Though you get both of them to calm down their sass by offering them some strawberry cake if they stop, it surprisingly works better on Tsukki then on your kid, who would have thought?
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liberalsarecool · 6 months
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This is how issues are perceived through the lens of white supremacy.
- Black humanity is a non-starter.
- Medicine/science undermine right wing conspiracy/junk science. Also, right wing is susceptible to Russian propaganda regarding vaccines.
- Colonialism is white supremacy. Zionisn highjacked judaism. American conservatives love zionism abroad, hate jews at home.
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