#start blinking hiiiii. this idea was stuck in my head for a good while im happy i got to make something out of it
dinojay-art · 1 month
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Living Millennium
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heyyyyadora · 6 years
I haven’t written in a while but finally I can post my Secret Santa gift to @caprisunns based off their amazing prompt image of Literal Big Furry Catra
really indulged in this one cause im a big slut for supernatural AUs
“Okay, go ahead! Coast’s clear.”
“Adora… I don’t know.”
“Come on, Catra, it’ll be fine! It’ll be awesome, actually! You deserve to have a good time.”
“I just… I don’t know, it still feels weird. Bad.”
This was Adora’s idea, of course. She knew Catra hated having to be stuck in such a feeble frame (as she put it), day-in-day-out, suppressing herself, her instincts, her self. As much as she protested she was fine, she was okay, it was just the way of things, Adora could sense her buzzing with need, the drive, to just let herself go.
She didn’t get on too well with most of the supernatural community. She’d… made kind of a name for herself. She had a couple of fae friends, maybe, but only one was more than a loose acquaintance and was kind of a bit much to deal with all-in-all.
But she still had a right to find a space that she could be who she needed to be, a safe space. And now Adora was in her life there was no way that she wasn’t going to be there for Catra, to be her support and help her find happiness and health.
“Catra, you will not be the weirdest looking girl in the house. In fact I think for once I’ll actually stick out the most of the two of us.”
“Well, you are pretty freaky lookin’…”
“Oh, you are not going to bait me into responding to that, I’m not falling for it! Now go on… I’ll look away.”
“I mean, heh… it’s not like I mind you looking.”
“Psh… just do it, okay?”
Catra sighed and nodded, and Adora turned her back to the girl to stare at the alley wall. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”
Okay, Catra. Relax. You’re like, the most confident person out of everyone you know. Not to mention the most terrifying. Not like anyone would dare to mess with you now, let alone when… ugh. Okay. She put the bag she carried down and slowly started to undress. This was… the most annoying part of it all, really, that moment where you’re all gross and fleshy and exposed. It did encourage her to get on with it, though.
Catra breathed slowly in, then out. Then, trying her best to stay relaxed, she summoned herself up from deep within.
Her hands were first. It was a tingle in her fingers that spread up the back of them, like static electricity buzzing up her arms. It took a few seconds then slowly, barely noticeably at first, a few dark hairs began to appear… then more and more. Not a second or two later the same sensation began in her feet, then at the back of her neck.
As the fur grew so, too, did the underlying flesh and bone. This went in reverse to the fur, starting from her back and shoulders, which grew longer and wider; her neck, thicker, along with her thighs. She sneezed as whiskers sprouted from the sides of her nose and, immediately after, her face followed the lead of the rest of her body, stretching out and expanding; soon her nose was a snout that extended out under her eyes. Her vision blurred a little and she had to blink a few times to focus properly; the colours of the world were changing, growing less vivid, but she could see much further in the dim evening light than was possible just a few seconds ago.
A minute later from when it began she finally exhaled the breath she’d been holding, a good foot and a half higher from the ground than before. She flexed her claws, brushed them through the mane around her neck, guided some rebellious fur out of her eyes and ears.
“I’m done.” Her voice was deeper than before, rougher. She wasn’t used to the feeling of her tongue in her mouth, but at the same time her whole body felt looser, more relaxed, more natural. This was her. This was Catra. This was how she’d be all the time if she could.
Adora turned slowly, her eyes trailing up to meet Catra’s as she broke out into a grin. Immediately she reached up and offered a gentle scratch at the fluffy fur around Catra’s neck.
“You look great.”
Catra couldn’t suppress a purr but batted the hand away with a rumble in her throat. “Don’t push it.”
Her thick tail flicked with agitation and she shifted nervously from paw to paw. “Let’s go inside, quick.”
Adora bundled Catra’s human clothes into the bag and zipped it up before taking it up on her shoulder. Still smiling she took Catra’s hand, curling her fingers around just one of hers. Then she guided Catra out of the Alley and down the steps of the club to start their night proper.
As they stepped inside immediately they were hit in the face by the usual sights and sounds of a thriving nightclub – though of course a few of the sights were not so standard at all: vampires dancing with werewolves; fairies chatting up demons; dragons and mandrakes and kelpies alike drinking each other under the tables peppered with supernatural creatures of all shapes, sizes and colours.
Catra’s eyes hurt.
“Oh! There they are!” Adora chirped up and led Catra by the paw to one of the tables where two people were sat- well, one of them was, at least. Some sort of bird or angel girl with pink, sparkling hair and fluffy white wings she was obviously struggling to stay comfortable with as they pressed into the back of her seat. The other wasn’t sat at all because, well, there was no suitable means for him to achieve it with the body of a horse. He was the first to look up and call out brightly.
“Adora! Hey!”
“Hi, Bow! Hi, Glimmer! Sorry, we had some stuff to sort out real quick.”
“It’s cool! We got drinks already.” Bow looked from Adora, to Catra, to Adora again. His grin never faltered but he was clearly waiting.
“Oh- Catra, this is Bow! Bow, this is Catra.”
“Hiiiii, Catra! So cool to meet you!”
“Hey.” Catra offered plainly. Bow’s hand hovered in front of her. She grunted and took it in a paw to shake hands, which he did far too enthusiastically.
“Aaaaand this is Glimmer!” Adora next indicated the winged glitterbomb that had been too busy looking at Catra to say anything. “Glimmer? This is Catra!”
“Ohhh, hey, yeah, hi.” She was similarly curt which ticked Catra off. They shook hands too but with much less vigor from either side.
“Sooooooooo,” Bow cut through the ice like a pro, annoyingly. “How long have you been seeing each other?”
“Bow! I told you all this stuff already!” Adora huffed.
“I know, I know! But I wanna hear it from Catra too! Besides, maaaaybe there’s some stuff you left out…” He wiggled his eyebrows and Adora snorted. Catra just sighed.
“Like… a month.”
“Aaaaaand? How did you meet?”
“…I’d got my fur stuck on her fence.”
Adora sniggered but Bow didn’t – he looked delighted, actually.
“And she totally didn’t freak out because she’d already met me and Glimmer, right?”
“I guess. I figured she must have been crazy but she was super cool about it all. Took me in her place and patched up a load of my cuts. I was too… shocked, I guess, to stop her.”
“So she knew you were a fae from the start?”
“Maybe. I dunno. But it probably gave it away when she went away for a minute and came back to find a naked girl raiding her wardrobe covered in barbed wire cuts.”
Adora choked. Bow clapped his hands joyfully. Even Glimmer gurgled into her drink a little bit. Catra raised her eyebrow at Adora. “You left that part out, huh?”
“Well, yeah! For your dignity, I thought!”
“Adora. I have no dignity.”
Bow, meanwhile, was beaming at the two of them, “Awwwww, but seriously, that’s so cute! Like an actual fairytale!”
“Bow, literally everyone here is like an actual fairytale.”
“It’s so romantic though!”
Catra sniggered. “Well, it probably would be less romantic if you knew I was gonna raid one of your horses…”
“You what?” Adora’s gaze locked onto her in outrage.
“I’m a cat, Adora! And when I get a big hunger, I gotta eat something big!”
“You are staying away from my horse field.”
“Soooooo, anyway!” Bow chimed in again. “That’s kinda how Adora and I met! And Glimmer, through me. She was just so like… obsessed with some of my herd, I was kinda sorta super flattered. So I like, begged Glimmer to say I should go up to her and well… she did kinda freak out, but in a sorta…” He put on his best Horse-Freak-Adora voice. “‘Oh-my-god-you-are-amazing-is-this-real-am-I-dreaming-etcetera-etcetera…’”
Adora put a hand over her face, blushing. “I do not sound like that.”
“Yeah, you totes do.”
“Okay! Well. Now that we’re all introduced! Catra and I are going to go and get drinks!” Adora was blushing harder by the second and moved quickly away from the table. Catra shrugged and followed, a slight smirk on her face.
“Okay! Seeya guys later!” Bow cheered after them.
“Later.” Was the only word from Glimmer.
They navigated the crowd slowly, a tricky task given the added difficulty of additional limbs sprouting in front of you at the worst of times, plus having to avoid stepping on the number of patrons who were less than a foot tall at times.
“Sorry about Glimmer. She’s… usually chattier than that. I dunno what’s up with her.”
“I caught her once.”
“You…” Adora stopped and looked at Catra. “You caught her?”
“She looked like a bird.”
“You were going to eat her?”
“I let her go, duh.” Catra shrugged it off like it was no big deal.
“Wh… why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I wasn’t gonna embarrass her in front her friends, Adora.”
“But…” Adora couldn’t argue with it and she decided against it. “…Fine. Okay. That’s cool. My girlfriend tried to eat my best friend.”
“I caught her, Adora, I didn’t try to eat her. Don’t be weird about it.”
“Don’t be…!” She stopped and just gripped Catra’s paw tighter, lurching forward for the bar. “I need a drink so bad.”
“Yeah… you and me both.”
“What? What is it?”
Catra sighed. She nodded her head to a small group that was at a booth to the left of the bar. The most notable of them was the Spriggan, a tree-person who had to crouch for her head not to be reaching the ceiling. She had long, wavy vines for hair with flowers tangled into them. With her was a human man who was entirely focusing his attention on the third person… a girl with dark, leathery scaled skin and terrifyingly sharp teeth, like those of an angler-fish or other deep-sea terror. Catra’s eyes were on her and they were filled with all number of mixed emotions.
“You okay?” Adora pushed in gently, noticing her distraction.
Catra snapped out of it, looking back to her girlfriend. Her shoulders sagged for a second. “Yeah. It’s nothing, forget it.”
“Who’s that?”
“Ugh… look, I told you I’ve not got a lot of fae friends right now. She’s…” She sighed. “She’s part of that. The fish girl. She’s… my ex-girlfriend.”
“Oh, god.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Catra.” Adora took both of her paws and looked her in the eyes. Despite Adora’s entirely mundane aura, just this once they seemed to glow with an unseen fire. “You are going to have a good time with me, and Bow, and yeah Glimmer once we get past the whole thing that I’m sure she’s totally actually cool about. You don’t have anything to worry about with her, or her friends or anyone she might think she knows here. She is not going to ruin your night.”
Catra looked back at Adora and swallowed. Her heart rose up to her throat a little and she had to push it back down hard. Eventually she offered a weak little smile. “I know. Just, like…” She paused for breath again, giving only the briefest of looks over to the deep-sea girl before Adora pulled her gaze back. “…It’s not her I’m worried about. It’s me. Can you… can you promise me- promise you won’t let me ruin my night?” Adora looked at her with such pure care and sympathy she wanted to die a little. “No, seriously. She’s… she’s okay. She’s cool. I just- don’t let me start anything. Keep me away from her. Please?”
Her response was a tender little kiss to the side of her face and a brush through her mane that got a soft rumble in response.
“Yeah, of course. Come on, Catra.”
She let her wonderful girlfriend she had to fight hard to believe she deserved, take her to the bar. Their night started right here.
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acidmatze · 7 years
In which Dabi increasingly thinks that he is stuck in a third rate emo music video
I have no idea why I wrote this. But it wanted to be written. This is Part 1 of the obligatory College AU and everyone is a dork. 
It’s not proof read or anything.. Im tired...
It was a kinda gloomy afternoon in late October when it all started. It was raining and the dorm was crowded with students that normally were walking around town but with weather that bad no one really wanted to go out.
Dabi was sitting on the windowsill in the common room and stared outside.
Spinner was in some kind of fight with two other students about some hockey game.
Twice tried to watch some motorcycle race on TV.
He then suddenly jumped and walked over to Dabi with just a few really big steps.
“Dabi, I have an idea!”
Dabi lazily turned around to his friend.
“So far we have befriended three people. But I think we need a lot more friends. There are a lot of people here on campus that don't seem to have many friends and no one should walk alone around here. You know, we all need someone to talk to and stuff. You know??”
Dabi blinked a few times.
For some reason since summer, Twice seemed to be obsessed with walking around and trying to talk to people he never talked to before. Dabi was just dragged along. At first Twice started hanging out with Spinner. Then he almost stalked some weird guy called Chisaki. And then his friends. Dabi always felt the weird need to apologise for Twice's behaviour but somehow in the end it all worked out and their circle of friends grew.
Twice blabbered on
“There's this girl I have a few classes with and she's like.. two years younger than us or so I have no idea how she is in college already but she is. I have never seen her with people around and I think we should change that.”
“Uh.... okay? How do you wanna do that?”
“I'm just gonna talk to her on Monday. What do you think?”
“Dunno? Go ahead I guess...?”
Dabi had a vague idea which girl Twice meant.
She was blonde and short and could be cute but there was an eerie air surrounding her. But since Twice's group of friends was a ragtag bunch of misfits she would be fit in just fine. Twice himself was a giant goofball sometimes. In one moment it seemed like he was just a kid trapped in the body of a tall guy in his early 20s. In another moment he would shout the most obscene things anyone has ever heard. Be it in the hallway, in the middle of a lecture, while eating lunch and sometimes in the middle of the night. Dabi knew because even though his room was further down the hallway he could still hear his friend's yelling. It woke him up semi-regularly.
And on some days Twice would just break down sobbing and fled to the bathroom and wouldn't come back for a few hours.
He had no idea about what happened afterwards.
Dabi himself also was far from being the average college student. First of all the appearance.
Then his type of humour.   He often insulted people without meaning to because for him it was just friendly banter. And his careless attitude pissed people off. For reasons Dabi cannot explain. What's so bad about not blowing up at every single thing?
“I haven't felt an emotion since 1997” he often said.
“Look how many fucks I give. They are falling from the sky” he also often said.
Chisaki, the first guy they “recruited” was terribly afraid of bacteria and getting ill. They never saw him without wearing gloves and a face mask.
No hand shaking or friendly hugs allowed, thank you.
Please just wave in my general direction.
He was often seen furiously wiping seats, benches, tables, kitchen counters and other places you can sit on.
Sometimes Dabi wondered if it was a good idea for him to study medicine.
On the other hand, if he would become a surgeon no one would need to worry about keeping the operating room sterile.
“We only have guy friends. We also need some girl friends. Not girlfriends... well, maybe those too but I mean like.. girls. Who are our friends.”
“I get what you mean, Twice and I agree. This group is a sausage fest.”
Two days later when Dabi walked to his next lecture he saw Twice down at the campus plaza wildly gesticulating and talking to that girl he wanted to talk to.
She didn't seem to mind.
As far as Dabi could see, whatever Twice was talking about must be funny since she was laughing.
Good. Another weirdo joined the group. Let's see what this eerie feeling is about.
Dabi almost bumped into another student he didn't even had noticed.
“Whoa there. Didn't see you there buddy. Sorry.”
The other student shot a quick glance at Dabi and walked a bit faster. Well, okay...? Maybe he's late for class. Though in his oversized black clothes he almost looked like a high school student.
Weird kid.
This time the common room was almost empty, even though it was raining again.
Why is it always raining the last few weeks?
Dabi stared out of the window again.
“Is this interesting?” Chisaki asked.
“I'm pretending to be an emo girl in a music video. I'm currently missing my boyfriend who broke up with me to fuck my best friend.”  
“It is complicated, you know? He just bought me an expensive ring and told me we will be together forever but then at a party my bff flirted with him and he didn't do anything and now I'm so angry I think I will set his apartment in flames.”
“Dabi? Are you... okay?”
Dabi turned around to Chisaki and pretended to be crying.
“No! I am depressed! I was so in love with him, Rawr!”
Chisaki stared at Dabi for ten seconds.
“Please. Don't say this ever again.”
“Rawr means I Love You in Dinosaur!”
Before Chisaki could smack the lanky bean in the face Twice stormed into the room.
“Guys! Guys, we have a new friend! Say hello to Toga!”
The short girl from earlier today stood in the doorway grinning way too wide for her face.
“Hiiiii~ I'm Toga! I'm so happy to meet you all! Very happy indeed.”
What is up with those teeth? Dabi had never seen canines that sharp. He had heard that some people let their teeth sharpen. But until now he thought someone was playing a very elaborate prank on him. But seems those people seriously exist.
A wave of eeriness hit him.
There's something about this girl that's definitely not normal. But who in this weird clique is normal anyway?
“So what do you guys do all day? You all look totally different, do you even have common hobbies? Like Twicey here looks like a MMA fighter and you look like a law student and you look like you beat up kids and then go home and write sad poems about it.”
Dabi's eye twitched slightly.
“Also you look stoned!”
It twitched even more.
“Law student.....” Chisaki muttered, “I have never been more insulted in my life.”
“We're just hanging out. And sometimes we go play pool and stuff” Twice said.
“Oh that's cool. I collect knives. Do you want to see some?”
Toga was beaming.
Okay, so that's what's wrong with her. That explains so much to be honest.
“I don't think anyone would be interested in....”
Dabi cut Chisaki off.
“Sure we want.”
And a few minutes later they were standing around in Toga's room. Which looked like a normal girl's room. Except for the wall of knives where other girls maybe had posters hanging.
But otherwise, very normal, very pink.
Toga pointed at one of the knives.
“This is the first one I got. I found it one day on a playground. I took it home and cleaned it and sharpened it.” She pointed at another that had sharp wedges.
“This is really great when you want someone to bleed out. When you stab someone with it and they try to rip it out the teeth just get stuck and do more damage. I bought it at a hunting store a few years ago.”
Whoa. Chisaki had gone completely pale. Twice seemed nervous too. Did they have to worry that this girl would break into their rooms at night to do Horrible Things to them?
“I see your worried faces and I want to reassure you that I only collect them.”
At least she's sane.
“I also collect other things! Like articles from the newspapers.” Toga shuffled over to a drawer that was completely plastered with hearts and peace signs and whatnot.
She pulled out a folder and went through the pages a bit.
“Here. This one, for example is about a case of unexplained murders in the 80s. I have collected every little bit of information I could find about it. Which is very hard by the way. Do you know how weird it feels to google all that stuff? And this one is about that guy who abducted and killed five women like a year ago.”
Nope, completely insane.
But in a weirdly nerdy way.
“And now I am collecting stuff about a string of weird cases of mutilated animals found on roadsides around Yokohama. No one really investigates that! Can you believe it? Just because it's not people. I think that's not fair. Animals have lives too.”
She closed the folder and huffed.
Dabi crossed his arms.
“So you're like... playing detective? Finding out more about it?”
Toga's face lit up.
“Wow, I never thought about that. I could totally find out the truth. I know everything!”
Chisaki leaned over to Dabi and whispered: “Hey, can we go now? I still have to write an essay and also this is creeping me out.”
“Dunno man. I think that's definitely a weird hobby but she seems harmless.”, Dabi whispered back.
“Yeah maybe, but I'm out, cheers.”
Chisaki marched out of the room without even saying goodbye.
Twice and Dabi remained.
“Oh nooooo I scared him away.”
“He's just horrible when it comes to blood” Twice tried to explain.
“Oh yeah you should have seen his face, when I was hit by a baseball once and it almost knocked out a tooth. I thought he would faint any second.”
Toga grinned.
“He really acts like a law student.”
“He studies medicine.” Twice said.
Toga just stared at the guy.
“You're joking, right?”
Twice shook his head.
And then Toga had a hysterical laughing fit that lasted so long that Dabi briefly considered to call an ambulance.
It was already dark when Twice and Dabi went back to their rooms. The fact that it was already dark didn't mean that it was late though. The sun was already setting at 6pm.    
“She's weird as fuck but I'd be lying if I would say what she said wasn't interesting. I don't know why I would need to know about serial killers but somehow I do now.”
Dabi was rambling.
“So you like her? You think she fits in with us?”
“Yeah kinda. Maybe. But I don't mind her hanging out with us.”
Twice pumped his fist in the air.
“Yeah! A new friend! Oh can you wait here for a minute? I wanna head over to the kiosk and get some snacks.”
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
Dabi leaned back at the wall and Twice hurried out of the main door.
Empty corridors. Silence.
Pretending to be a a girl in some music video again, Dabi imagined walking down the hallways crying about some lost love and unfair parents. For some reason the sprinklers were on. The eyeliner is running dramatically over the wet cheeks. Emo girl is looking at her wrist where she wrote the name of her ex with a sharpie. It's also running from the water from the sprinklers. Some guitar solo is playing in the background. Emo girl gets angry and punches the wall.
She swears revenge. Maybe burning something down would help. Maybe destroying things....
“Hey, what are you doing there?”
Dabi looked up. Oh, he really had wandered through the hallway. But without the sprinklers and the sharpie and the cheating boyfriend.
In front of him stood the guy from before. Black oversized hoodie, black jeans, black Converse. God, is that a Senses Fail patch?
How emo, Dabi thought, ignoring the fact that he also has a Senses Fail patch on his backpack.
No one needs to know.
The guy still stares at him.
Oh Jesus, please someone get him lip balm. And some moisturiser. Because this dude looks dead.
“I was just dramatically walking around, thinking about my cheating boyfriend.”
“Ah nothing. It was a joke. Sorry again for bumping into you earlier.”
“Ah. Its fine.” The guy shoved his hands back in his pockets and walked back in the direction he came from.
That's not where the dorms are. Weird.
“Hey Dabi, I'm back”
Dabi was lightly punched in the shoulder.
“Nice. Dude, have you seen that weird dude in the wannabe emo clothes just now?”
Twice seemed confused.
“Emo dude..? No. I haven't seen anyone.”
Dabi scratched his head.
He also never had seen that guy before. Is he a ghost or something?
Over the next few days Dabi ran into that guy over and over again. But every time he asked someone about him, no one had an idea who he was talking about. He ran into him in the bathroom during lunch break. He ran into him in the library. He ran into him while running cross campus to catch a bus. Had this dude always been there and Dabi just didn't notice?
“You always look like you're searching for something. Are you okay?” Toga asked. They were walking down a popular shopping street in town. Toga wanted to meet with a friend of hers and asked everyone if they want to come with her but only Dabi agreed.
“I think I might have seen a ghost. Also, I'm not okay.”
Toga's eyes went wide. “A ghost?? A really spooky one? The one that haunts your dreams by night? Where have you seen it?”
“Everywhere, basically. And he even shows up during the day. I need proof that this guy really exists.”
“Wooooooooow..... A real mystery. Maybe my friend can help you. She's great with mysteries.”
They arrived at a small café.
Toga was running towards some guy in brown cargo pants who was waving at her. But didn't Toga say “she”? Oh. Okay.
Then Toga ran back to Dabi grabbed his arm and pulled him with her.
“This is my best friend, Magne. She's basically like my sister. If you need help with mysteries, then talk to her.”
Dabi awkwardly shook her hand. Wow that's a strong handshake. “I took the liberty of already ordering some cake for me. I just couldn't wait. So, what is this mystery you are talking about?” They sat down at one of the small tables. It was weirdly warm for October this week so somehow everyone was still outside.
“Basically I am chasing a guy only I can see, it seems. I never have seen him before but suddenly he is everywhere. But when I ask someone about him no one knows what I'm talking about.” Dabi explained.
“Wow that really is something. By the way, Toga you should order the Strawberry Shortcake it's the best I have ever eaten. Okay, so if you need proof that this mysterious guy really exists you maybe should take a picture of him?”
“Isn't that creepy as fuck?”
“Well, for me it would be way creepier if I would see a guy no one else can see. If you can take a picture of him you know he's real at least.”
That girl has a point there.
Sadly, after this the guy vanished. Over the course of the next weeks Dabi grew more and more frustrated.
He felt like he was stuck in some third rate emo music video.
Maybe he should let his hair grow out a bit and get blue streaks. “Dabi, you look like you're constipated. Do you need help?” Chisaki offered one day.
“I'm not okay” Dabi mumbled.
“Yeah I can see that. Seriously, if you have problems with your digestive system, I know some drops that really...”
“I can shit just fine, Chisaki.” “Oh. Then.. care to explain what's wrong?”
Dabi sprawled himself out on his bed.
Chisaki was standing in the middle of the room. He forgot his wipes and spray and wasn't brave enough to take a seat on Dabi's really old office chair.
Dabi groaned.
“This guy...... This weird guy I told you about... The one I am always running into. I'm not running into him anymore.”
Chisaki furrowed his brows.
“And that's a problem why...?”
Dabi sat up and threw his arms in the air.
“It makes me feel like a fucking madman! I know this guy exists. I have even talked to him like once. Almost. He needs some damn lip balm and looks like dead itself. And now that I was ready to take a pic of him and prove his existence once and for all he vanishes!”
“You want to take a pic of him?”
Dabi groaned again.
“I know that sounds like a stalker. But I just wanna prove that he exists. It seems like no one but me has ever seen him.”
“Dude... you do you. But who knows. Maybe he was an intern or stuff. I wouldn't waste a single thought about the whole thing.”
So Dabi tried to not waste a single thought about the whole thing.
He tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. Because two days later he caught himself looking for that guy again.
It was already close to Christmas. And the dude remained gone.
Dabi was in the library looking for some books to read. Maybe that would distract him. He just wanted to check out when he saw him. Emo dude. With the oversized hoodie. Coming in through the front door. Dabi almost dropped his books. He imagined he was a girl in an emo music video who sees her crush. He walks past her and their eyes meet. Maybe he was smiling, maybe he was not. Everything is in slow motion. The people around them vanish. It's only those two. When he passed her everything is back to normal. Guitar solo.
Dabi wanted to slam his fucking books on the floor.
Then he walks into emo dude while crossing a bridge. Okay, emo music video. It's raining. Girl was just dumped by some stupid jackass. She is desperate and doesn't know what to do. Maybe she should jump but the bridge isn't really high. She's nervous. After contemplating for a while she sees Him. Some emo dude walking towards her, asking her if everything is alright. It's still raining but also now the sun is shining. Everything is well now even though there is still sadness in her heart. Forever. Guitar solo.
Dabi seriously contemplates to jump into the river below.
The third time he runs into him is at a bus stop. Some old lady is also there but that's it.
“Hold still!” Dabi says harshly and the guy looks at him, startled.
Dabi takes out his cellphone and takes a pic of the dude.
“What...... why...?”
“I explain later. Don't worry, I will delete the pic soon. I just have to prove something to someone.”
Emo dude is chewing on his lower lip. His leg seems shaky. Dabi sighs.
“Look. I know that was creepy as fuck but you won't believe the hell I went through to get this pic. As soon as I prove that you exists I will delete it.” “That I exist..?”
Fuck that sounds stupid. Oh god so stupid and creepy and.... hell, Dabi has to explain this seriously now.
He groans.
“Okay, there is no way to explain this without sounding weird. Remember back in October when I almost ran you over?” Emo dude nods. Dabi can see strands of blueish grey hair. Is that dye?
“Good. I thought to that day I had seen everyone on campus. But I never had seen you. So I asked my friend about you and he said he doesn't know about you. And he literally is friends with everyone. And then I kept running into you. But every time I wanted my friend to look at you you vanished. Like a fucking ghost or something. It was... kinda pissing me off somehow. And we kept running into each other but I was either alone or you did that magical vanishing thing.”
Emo kid stared at Dabi in silence.
“I kinda got all riled up about this. And then I didn't see you again and I seriously thought I was going crazy or had seen a ghost or something. A friend had told me to take a picture to prove it. But then I couldn't because I didn't see you. But now I did. And now I can prove it. And now I can have peace of mind.”
The dude still stared at Dabi.
Ah fuck.
Oh, wait.
Dabi pulled out the phone again.
“I could also delete the pic right now. And take you to my friends instead. You know... In the flesh?”
“You want me to meet your friends..?”
Dabi nodded.
“You're always alone. Maybe you could need some friends.”
“Friends....” Emo dude looked at the ground. Spit stains everywhere, ewwww.
“Okay... Take me to your friends.”
“Ah I can't today. Maybe we could meet at that church at 4pm tomorrow?”
Emo dude shrugged.
Dabi wanted to shake his hand, but emo dude didn't react. He awkwardly pulled his hand back and coughed.
“Okay then.... Until tomorrow. And I'm Dabi, by the way.”
“Tomura... I'm Tomura...”
Then Dabi's bus arrived. Time to visit his mom in the hospital.
He sat down at the window.
Okay. Emo music video. Girl just had a date but it didn't go as planned. Maybe she should have listened to her bff, she had a bad feeling about this all the time. It's raining. It's also raining in emo girl's heart. She had sadness for breakfast. She should have stayed home and spend the time with her bff instead. Now that she thinks about it, bff was always there for her. Every time emo girl needed a shoulder to cry on bff was there. The rain represents the tears she wants to cry but cannot because this is a public setting and that would be embarrassing. Emo girl thinks maybe she should have dated bff instead. There is thunder in the background as the bus drives into the darkness. Guitar solo.  
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