talewind-arts · 4 months
Late night Wings of Fire thoughts, who knows if they are anything lol
Tui is great at characterization, especially character nuances. A great example in this is the nuances in the three Smart Guy™ characters. All fall into the same category, and yet are portrayed so uniquely.
Starlight is a sassy pompous know-it-all with a heart of gold and a belief that everyone can be reasoned with, even if it gets him into trouble. He cares a lot, and this can be seen in his Smart Guy subclass: The guy who cares a crazy amount about analytics and facts, a science major, if you will.
Moonwatcher is much more introverted, anxious, and fierce. She's a good dragon, and will always defend those she cares about, regardless of the consequences, but curiously despite her powers of empathy, she is pretty bad at understanding people, and tends to have to focus more on the ideas of others to understand most dragons. As a far more self centered dragon than the other two, Moon gets the Smart Guy subclass: Girl who would rather be reading right now but is too kind to realize it, AKA a book club girly.
Cricket is a fun case, so intensely curious that it really is her defining trait. She is always the one to question why things are happening, regardless of the consequences, and is probably the most chaotic of the Smart Guys. She tends to treat new dragons more as curiosities to be answered, only becoming actually empathetic to them once she sort of gets their deal. She pretty much gets invested in anything that confuses her, which others may find annoying, and always values the truth over secrecy, regardless of what may happen, due to her view of the truth being paragonal. It's pretty easy to say her Subclass is that of a conspiracy theorist, always trying to figure everything out, sometimes with reckless abandon.
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ask-las-phyria · 21 days
Tsunami: Starflight is the equivalent of those cop show nerds who can pull evidence out of thin air and somehow it works
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wof-adoption-au · 3 months
Intro Post & Rules!
Hello, world! We haven't been seeing many visitors lately, so we figured we'd get on the grid and advertise! Stop on by the Possibility Rescue and Adoption Center!
There's really too many of us to keep track of with text, so we all have our own emojis and the dragons we work with, as well as our roles!
Thank you so much for reading! We hope you stop by!
~ ☀️
Clyde - Clay - 🪵 - Adoption Specialist, MudWing Specialist
Talia - Tsunami - 🌊 - Rescue Specialist, SeaWing Specialist
Georgia - Glory - 🪻 - Adoption Specialist
Samuel/Sammy - Starflight - 📜 - Medic
Sunny - Sunny - ☀️ - Rescue Specialist, Founder, Hybrid Specialist
Molly - Moonwatcher - 🌓 - Caretaker, NightWing Specialist
Winston - Winter - ❄️ - Caretaker, IceWing Specialist
Phoenix - Peril - 💥 - PR
Tyrhtel - Turtle - 🐢 - PR
Quinn - Qibli - 🌵 - Caretaker, SandWing Specialist
Kristen - Kinkajou - 🌈 - Caretaker, RainWing Specialist
Umar - Umber - 🌰 - Rehabilitation Specialist
Ben - Blue - 🫐 - Rehabilitation Specialist, SilkWing Specialist
Charlie - Cricket - 🦗 - Medic, HiveWing Specialist
Sage - Sundew - 🌿 - Medic, LeafWing Specialist
Sabrina - Snowfall - 👑 - PR
Lola - Luna - 🦋 - Rehabilitation Specialist
Aaron - Flame - 🔥 - Caretaker, SkyWing Specialist
-This blog is for an AU I hold very near and dear to my heart: dragons are kept as pets! The main cast works at a rescue center with their dragons! This is a roleplay/ask blog, so while questions are important (and appreciated), it can run fine on its own! However, asks help make everything a lot more fun!-
-If you have trouble telling who everyone is by their human names, check the dragon names! I kept those the same to simplify everything!-
-This blog is run by @yellow-computer-mouse, so if you'd like to talk to me, go ahead and stop by there! My emoji is 📻-
-The tagging system works like this: the assigned emoji for a character and then yaps/asks. Yaps is for text posts and asks is for questions! If you don't clarify what character a question is for, it will go to whoever I feel like.-
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askstarflight · 1 year
(A Guide to the Dragon World Spoilers) I've Fierceteeth is having eggs! Are you excited for her? And do plan on meeting your nieces and/or nephews? Also congrats on being an uncle!
My half-sister is having eggs, so I might be happy. And yes I do plan on meeting my nieces and nephews. Do you mean Fatespeaker, I don't think Fierceteeth wants dragonets.
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flawseer · 1 month
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Mail Call #3
Answering comments from @void-the-bear @railway-lands @keabirb @ilikebookssomuch @chezgorman @cartoons-everywhere @dragonra305
Please don't hurt me. I have glasses.
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Thank you, to all of you. It makes me genuinely happy to know that I'm able to put something into this world that other people can enjoy. I think this is a great setting that is fun to add to.
Doing a Wings of Fire-themed run of this Smaugust challenge has been very interesting and it's good that the result appears to be well-received. It's not always been easy, I'm actually getting quite exhausted having to post content on a strict schedule like this. But it is worth doing if it makes people happy.
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Relating to my comment on this post. I probably will do it eventually, along with some other ideas I had that didn't fit in. But it won't happen while Smaugust is still going, as I am already skirting the limits of what I am physically capable of right now.
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Ahh... hm... This is the question that has toppled mountains and started wars. You're going to get hit squads sent after me.
Well, there is the big one, of course. Qibli/Winter. They have such wonderful chemistry whenever they are in a scene together (with one pretty upsetting exception). And Qibli is always teasing him about being his destiny and the two of them getting married, so I think there is some attraction there.
Then uh... I used to feel completely ambivalent about this one, but Starflight/Fatespeaker has really grown on me over time. There's a lot of interesting potential there that doesn't really make it into the story. I need to make a long-winded post about Fatespeaker one day.
Blaze/Glacier is another one that could be cute. I think putting a repressed Icewing together with a highly eccentric and rambunctious Sandwing is going to be a winning combination most of the time. Or well, I guess I should say "could have been cute", since Glacier had to die for the plot, in a very wretched and infuriating way too.
There are a couple more that I think have their moments or could be interesting in one way or another. Some of them even contradicting or overlapping each other. Listing all of them would probably be a bit excessive.
Oh yeah, and I think Sunny is ace.
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Ah, a question that'll make me put someone else's favorite character at the bottom of a preference list... After the shipping question I'm starting to fear for my life now.
Let me preface this by clarifying that I generally like all of the DoD. There are some characters in this setting that I loathe and wish they would exit the story, and the arc 1 protagonists are nowhere near that. So being ranked low here translates to me saying "Yeah, they're okay, room for improvement", not "wow, they're the WORST!"
Okay whatever, let's get down to it.
#1 - Sunny
That one's easy, I mean, just look at the pinned post on this blog.
Sunny is so wonderful and charming and perfect in every conceivable way, she is one of my six all-time favorite characters. She is the flower that blooms in the bitter desert. A lot of people may perceive her as this demure and innocent character who is always happy and friendly, and oblivious to the suffering around her. Nah, Sunny knows exactly what is going on. She is keenly aware of all the bloodshed, suffering, and toxicity that unfolds in the world around her. When she remains optimistic and forgiving in the face of darkness, that is not her being meek or passive, it's her steadfastly refusing to let that darkness into herself. She is actively embodying the change she wants to see in the world, even when it hurts her or gets her taken advantage of, because that is what she believes in and the future she will create.
That's pretty inspiring. I wish I had that kind of inner strength.
Also, she is not weak. While she's not a powerhouse scrapper like Tsunami or an invincible stack of bricks like Clay, Sunny strikes quickly and without hesitation when her friends are in danger, and can be deviously clever. This is often overlooked, but she is--to my knowledge--the only character to land an attack on Morrowseer that comes close to actually hurting him.
Well... you got me rambling about Sunny. Let's go through the others more briskly.
#2 - Starflight
I like Starflight a lot. Unfortunately the story really doesn't. He is like, the unluckiest character by far. I don't know what he did to deserve the never-ending cavalcade of misfortune that gets shoveled in his direction throughout all three arcs. Like, it never ends. A couple of friends and I came together and we jokingly called our group the "Starflight Protection Foundation", because someone needs to stage an intervention. Like, wrap him in a cozy sweater and buy him hot chocolate or something. Heaven help this poor man.
He's another one of my favorites.
#3 - Glory
Glory is really cool; I vibe with the "unchosen hero spurned by destiny" theme. She goes through her life and is constantly told "No, you don't have a special destiny. You're the fifth wheel. You are worthless and unimportant". Though she struggles with the constant abuse and devaluation, she eventually finds a way to turn it into strength and declare that the only value that matters is the one she gives to herself.
I really wish the story had NOT made her turn out to be a secret princess. "I was born without destiny, so I'm making my own" is a so much more satisfying character trajectory than "Oh, don't worry. You were born special after all, you just didn't know about it".
So yeah, I kind of tend to put that "secret princess" plot twist on the shelf when I think about Glory, and prefer to think that she managed to sway Grandeur with her skill and determination, rather than a random blood link.
#4 - Clay
Clay is very lovable. He is like the emotional bedrock of the group and acts as a stabilizing force that pairs well with all of the other arc 1 protagonists. He pretty much resolves all of his baggage in the first book and becomes content and steady. That is very good for him, but unfortunately this also kind of turns him into just some dude for the following four books.
Which is fine, it is good for the other characters to have someone behind them who loves them and helps them up when they stumble. It just makes it difficult for Clay to shine on his own.
#5 - Tsunami
Okay, so, Tsunami. I actually like her a lot in arc 1. She's bringing an interesting kind of energy to the group that is like, half-supportive and half-detrimental. Very chaotic. She also has to contend with some heavy stuff; everything to do with her father and the complications in her family life. It's very interesting. Lots of places to go with that.
Arc 2 Tsunami though, really grinds my gears. She regresses into this kind of juvenile, immature personality that is just pointlessly abrasive and confrontational. She acts really condescendingly towards Peril-- despite the latter having saved Clay's life AND it being really important to Clay that her staying at JMA works out well. Her borderline sabotaging this effort by making Peril feel unwelcome seems very dismissive towards Clay's feelings. It also doesn't help that she is the most outspoken about her loathing of Nightwing mindreading and prophecies, which drives Moonwatcher further into her emotional shell and makes things more complicated.
Okay, I have to reiterate: I don't dislike Tsunami. I just think her character arc is incomplete. It feels like she is stuck in arrested development while at JMA. She's mostly running around yelling at people, when she really should be thinking about what to do about Queen Coral, and how to get custody of her siblings. Her sister Anemone is carrying emotional scars from how the Queen has kept her leashed like a dog for her entire life, a process that is now happening to Auklet, even to this day. And then there's the 30 something children who have never known parental love for a day in their life and their mother can't remember the names of.
Someone's gotta step in and save these kids. Or like, at least start vaguely thinking about it.
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I really like this blog and I hope you, the person running it, are doing well :)
My confession is that I had a LOT of misconceptions about WoF when I first read it. To name a few:
I thought StarFlight was a girl
I thought Peril had gold scales
I thought Anemone was albino (this one’s super cool actually. Might do a redesign with that in mind.)
I thought DeathBringer had reddish scales and was younger than Glory
I thought all MudWings had random amber and gold scales smattered across their body
I thought Scarlet was red, with swirling galaxy patterns
I thought Sundew was a young dragonet
Before I read The Lost Continent, I thought HiveWings were a tribe of mostly librarians. God was I wrong.
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yellow-computer-mouse · 2 months
⭐Intro Post⭐
ATTENTION: My DTIYS is up! Due date: October 5th!
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Hey, what's up? I'm yellow-computer-mouse, also known as Yellow! I have a lot more info on my carrd, but here's the important stuff:
I am a minor!
I am fictionkin (Snowfall WoF, Winter WoF, Aeolus EPIC) and a therian (Norwegian forest cat)!
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⭐Userboxes by @kthecritter and myself! and blinkies by @spectral-stuff & @dragonpride17⭐
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I use a lot of tone tags, and while you don't have to use them for me, it can help if the tone of a statement is unclear! Here are the main tags I use, along with their meaning! If you have any questions on other tone tags, ask away!
/gen - Genuine! I honestly mean what I said! There is no sarcasm or passive aggressiveness in my sentence.
/genq - Genuine question! I'm asking a question out of curiosity, not malice!
/silly - Silly! I'm just messing around for the memes.
/lh - Light-hearted! I'm not being too serious, so don't stress it! Normally used alongside /silly :)
/lyr or /ly - Lyric! I'm quoting song lyrics.
I am also always willing to add trigger warnings to a post! If you feel like it's needed, let me know! You can reblog, send an ask, or DM me, whatever is most comfortable for you!
This does not apply to the 🦃🪓 anon because that is still ongoing, but please don't start ARGs with me. It's super cool that people want to, but I am not a puzzle guy. Thank you! (And no hate to turkeyaxe ^^)
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I also use a lot of text colors! Here are the main ones and what they mean!
Red - Added emphasis. I'm drawing the eye to the important parts of a big text block.
Green - Links! I will never put anything incorrect behind a link, not even a rick roll.
Blue - Mostly just used on this post. I use blue whenever I type out a tag in the main part of a post.
Purple - Song lyrics!
Pink - Tagging a user!
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There's some more things that I want to add, so they're going here! Nothing too important, so you can ignore this part if you want. /gen
My favorite color is yellow! It took me a while to figure this out, so please don't be mean about it. No yellow hate on this blog! /hj
I also like orange and red!
I love getting asks! Even if it's just one word with no context, it makes me happy!
I love it so much, I made three ask blogs! All are WoF-centered: @ask-hs-jade-winglet and @wof-adoption-au are canon characters, and @wofsidequesters is for my OCs!
I also made a daily art blog called @daily-snowfall! go check it out if you're interested in having one (1) snowy on your dash every day
My favorite food is cheesecake!
My birthday is July 28th! I am a Leo (or a Cancer, going by the new chart! lmk which fits better if you want ^^)
My favorite animals are isopods, thresher sharks, and whale sharks!
My favorite UTMV characters are Nightmare, Red, and Dust!
My favorite WoF characters are Winter, Turtle, Blue, Sunny, and Starflight!
I have a pet cat named Azzy, a dog named Homer, and a leopard gecko named Honeydew!
I have an Artfight! My user is yellow-computer!
I take requests sometimes! Icons and headers, free to use as long as you credit me! I draw dragons, furries, cats, humans/humanoids... pretty much whatever! Requests are currently open!
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I don't have an extensive DNI, but there are still some things I'd like to keep out of my blog!
Anti-furries (from people who believe all furries are zoophiles to people who just think it's weird)
Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, right-wingers/centrists, racists, etc.)
Here are some people who I welcome here!
Alterhumans/Nonhumans! (therians, fictionkin, otherkin, otherhearted, etc! Voidpunk as well, but that's different from the others listed)
Selfshippers! (As long as it's not pro/comship, go right ahead!)
Those with commonly stigmatized disorders!
People who are "cringe"!
In general, anyone who isn't on my DNI!
I am a part of many fandoms, but here are some of my favorites!:
Will Wood
Bears in Trees
Slime Rancher
The Owl House
Epic: the Musical
The main fandoms I post about are WoF and UTMV.
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I am taking commissions for Palestine! More info on that in the post below, or DM me!
Also, if you are a Palestinian with a GoFundMe, feel free to send an ask or DM me for support! I can't donate, but I will promote your campaign however I can!
Remember to do your daily clicks for Palestine!
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Icon Masterpost
Furry Species (Aebe) Masterpost
UTMV/WoF Playlist Masterpost
Blog Masterpost
Thanks for reading my rambles, and have fun! ^-^
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resident-wof-expert · 4 months
since someone sent one of the ones from Tuis blog I shall send the other one that I found, during the early pandemic, which I guess ALSO took place in WoF(quite the coincidence)
Starflight: I miss school.
Tsunami: This IS school. You’re LITERALLY TRAPPED IN A SCHOOL.
Sunny: But with no students! I miss our students so much!
Starflight: And no homework!
Tsunami: Three moons, if you say you miss homework I will stuff this fish up your nose.
Clay (waking up): Did someone say fish? Is it time for dinner?
Starflight (mournfully): I haven’t read a poorly-worded essay with too many commas in it in WEEKS.
Fatespeaker: I’ll write you one! And then read it to you! I promise I’ll read out every single wrong comma!
Peril: Hey, hey everyone, GUESS WHO is a total expert at social distancing?
Sunny: Is it–
Peril: IT’S ME!
Peril: Because of the not touching anyone. Because of how if anyone touches me they’ll burst into flames.
Starflight: Yeah, we got that.
Peril: So if you have any questions about staying six feet apart and NOT setting other people on fire, I am the dragon to ask! OR NOT THAT’S FINE TOO, you can go ahead and set yourselves on fire, see if I care.
Clay (affectionately): Peril, come help me figure out what a “scone” is.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
Yay more Goofs with Snoots! | DoD bit my Versions part 02 + OC!
(Burn scar warnings)
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(Wanna see Part 1? Go to this link here)
Welp, part 2 is done now & I'm gonna tell you about it.
so from left to right we have: Starflight, Sunny, & a new goober named Sulfer!
Sulfer (The Skywing on the right) is a OC of mine who's apart of a AU these designs are apart of. If you wanna learn more about him, there's a link at the bottom here. VVV
Now here are the changes I made for the last 2 of the DoD:
Gave Starflight HUGE ears bcs I imagine Nightwings being based on bats more. (Also bcs he's blind now so now he need to use echo-location (idk how it's spelt sorry) which prob has been heightened due to him living in a frikin cave for so long-)
Sunny has some weird frill things near her neck, this is based on how some lizerds irl (I think) have some weird frills which puff up & make em bigger. However considering Sunny's is fluffy (bcs NiGhtWiNg DnA), it isn't as beneficial + she's a gremlin.
I kinda gave Sunny more colors (primarily on her belly which are faint but there) bcs teh sun does produce light & light produces colors which we can see. So just though that be neat.
Starflight has slightly bl00dshot eyes, mainly bcs you know what had happened between him & the volcano. (Which why he wears the blindfold now. (I know he isn't wearing it in here but JUST LET ME IMAGINE HIM GETTING HELP TO TAKE IT OFF FOR A BIT BCS SWEATY!)
Gave Sunny a 2 toned eye color bcs I weirdly imagine her mother being a misfit dragon (by that I mean the blue-grey eyes that my Sunny habs) also bcs blue fits well with any warm color imo.
Yes these designs are infact also in the same group as the designs I did for the 3 first DoD members. However these are NOT REDESIGNS! But AU designs bcs in my AU the tribes have more pizzazz & diversity. Also Sulfer is not in the Canon, he's a OC of mine apart of this AU I made which also changes bits of the lore.
Anyways enough rambling/yapping. Hope you enjoy this, or not. I'm necc is currently hurting rn & I just wanna end this so it's ending now.
Characters (the 2 dragons on the left) belong to Tui T. Sutherland but designed by me. The Red fella on the right belongs to me however.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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pinkyshy10 · 28 days
Okay this idea was inspired by this confession on the Wings of Fire confession blog
And this exchange between me and @cometmoons in the comments of that video
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The text reads(Okay but hear me out Starflight and/or Sunny getting the Nightwing Powers, just imagine the chaos it would add an extra layer on why Sunny believes in the prophecy so much because it's her prophecy but it would also add an extra detail on apparently not being able to keep a secret meanwhile she knows she's half Nightwing and she had known this fact since she hatched , Starflight like only knows cuz he's also a mind reader)
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The text reads (Yess!! This would be so cool, I think in general, we just need a fanfic with OP versions of the DoD. Like everyone gets the most powerful versions of any abilities they could have, mostly for chaos, partially for how funny it would be for them to realize it’s not normal to have all these abilities and they’re actually pretty rare.)
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The text reads (@cometmoons Okay yes but also what would Glories be because Starflight and Sunny would both have the Nightwing's powers Sunny would probably also be an animus tsunami would be the animus and clay already has the big special mudwing power what would glory be wait would they all be animism going being the first wing ring animus)
And my question is would you guys like to see a side blog based off of this idea i would need to come up with a name for this AU but would you guys like to see it
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wofxpersonaauaskblog · 3 months
WoF x Persona ask blog!
I haven’t had much to do, so I decided to make an ask blog for this au I’ve made that combines The World of Wings of Fire with the story and powers of Persona 5!(idk if that properly describes it-)
-ran by @mythos321
-will try to answer all asks with drawings, which will probably vary heavily in quality admittedly
-will answer any asks unless they’re super NSFW or obviously just rude
-Questions will take place at varying points depending on how fitting I feel they are(since certain characters like palace rulers either have a massive personality change or straight up die)
-Shipping is allowed! though I will factor in my own ships/character dynamics present in the au
-Any character is allowed to be asked, but it would be preferred if the following characters were the ones being asked a question
-proshippers, homophobes, and transphobes dni and not allowed
Phantom Thieves:Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Glory, Sunny, Turtle, Fatespeaker, Deathbringer, Hailstorm/Pyrite, Peril, Sky and Wren, and to an extent Qibli, Winter, Moon, and Kinkajou(though they aren’t as the others)
Palace Rulers: Whirlpool, Mastermind, Morrowseer, Battlewinner, Coral, Chameleon, Blister, Scarlet, Burn, and 🟪⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟪
Confidants: Darkstalker, Stonemover, Kestrel, Anemone, Pike, Blaze, Peacemaker, Orca, Flame, Viper, Squid, Ochre, and Clearsight(will add onto)
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wondereads · 3 months
Weekly Reading Update (06/23/24)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler (8/10)
This was my first ever Octavia E. Butler book, and it didn't disappoint! The way this story used Anyanwu and Doro's relationship to comment on power dynamics and issues in the world at large blew my mind; I found the discussion of eugenics particularly interesting. They were both such intensely flawed yet compelling characters. This book skirts the line between fantasy and sci-fi (something I'm looking into for my thesis as a peripheral issue), and it definitely made me wonder about the world. I wasn't aware going in that this was a prequel situation, but even then I do think I was a bit dissatisfied with how things left off. That's just my personal taste though.
Haikyuu!! Vol. 41 and 42 by Haruichi Furudate (10/10)
It usually takes me around half an hour or so to get through a volume of manga, but these took me a couple of hours. Why? Because I had to keep putting it down because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. As someone who has read a plethora of books ever since I was young, it takes a lot to get me to cry, especially that hard. I was sobbing. Furudate has created such wonderful characters and then puts them through so many struggles that I can't even be mad about because it's highly realistic that someone pursuing a sport would run into this! Seeing Hinata break down followed instantly by the third years graduating and the Brazil arc had me miserable in the best way possible. I usually never rate manga or graphic novels five stars because they're usually super fast-paced and so much relies on writing style for me when I read novels, but this just broke me.
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter (46%)
This is a very cute book so far. I could probably tell you exactly what's going to happen from this point onward, but it's a genre convention for romcoms to be predictable. Liz is a fun protagonist; she's quirky in a way that has a reason and isn't annoying. There's good chemistry between the leads with some great banter, and you really can't ask for more than that. However, I will say the constant song references are starting to irk me, especially with the lyrics included in the writing --I don't know, it just reminds me too strongly of my early fanfiction years.
Moon Rising by Tui T. Sutherland (45%)
If there's one thing about me, I love a mind-reading protagonist. Moonwatcher is probably my favorite perspective of the Wings of Fire series, even if I wish she'd speak up sometimes. Sutherland did a great job making her similar to Starflight, since they're the same tribe, without being a carbon copy, and while mind reading might seem a little too omniscient, her inexperience and general social ineptitude keep it from becoming overpowered. I'm thrilled to see the return of Peril, whose story is left open from the previous arc, and I'm excited to learn more about the other new characters (Winter, Qibli, and I believe Turtle) who have their own interesting introductions.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien (43%)
Despite my fantasy obsession, this is my first time reading The Lord of the Rings (though I have read The Hobbit). While it is definitely much slower-paced than the average modern fantasy, I'm enjoying myself so much. If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know I'm a worldbuilding nut, so this is like my dream book. There are so many tangents to tell stories about the history of Middle Earth and all the goings-on of the world, and I keep noticing little details and wishing they'd talk about those too. Tolkien is also a rather funny writer; Bilbo's passive aggression in particular made me giggle. While this a bit of a dense story, it's definitely living up to its reputation so far.
Boys With Sharp Teeth by Jenni Howell (42%)
This is a project for my part-time job, so I'm not sure how much I can actually divulge, but let me just say this: this book is compared to The Raven Boys in its summary, and it's living up to that.
Her Wolves by G. Bailey (7%)
I won't lie, the writing of this book so far does not give me hope. However, it could still be a fun read even if the grammar and syntax aren't the best. Also, funny thing, this book is set in the future on Earth. I did not know this. I thought it was a high fantasy. So imagine my surprise to see a landmass labeled "America Court" on the map. My misunderstanding was cleared up soon, but it still made me laugh.
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wyvolf-art · 27 days
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Welcome to my dedicated art blog! Where I post my (mostly) fan related works. You are absolutely free to ask me any questions so don’t hesitate to reach out by inboxing or DMing me. I am always open for a civil discussion.
Call me Wyv! But Wyverns, Gun, Courier or Cosmo is fine as well. I’m in my mid 20s and my pronouns are he/him & howl/howls/howlself. As mentioned this is where I post my art that’s mostly related to fan content of the stuff I enjoy, but I may post personal art here and there occasionally.
Keep in mind that I allow my work to repost provided that I am credited (either a link to this Tumblr or my carrd), and that you do not take credit for my hard work. Thanks! Any fan art I make is allowed to be used as a PFP (profile picture) so long as credits are given.
I use the tag #wyvolf art on all my art works.
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✨ Things to keep in mind:
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the-overpowered-au · 27 days
facts about this AU
This is an AU in which all of the dragonetts of Destiny hatched the most powerful version they could be we're not really taking this too seriously, also this AU was inspired by this post on the Wings of Fire confessions blog
Also, this is a work in progress I don't have much established but I do have some of the dragons overpowered nest thought out
Each dragonettes overpowerness
Clay ( being full-on fireproof not just the fire-resistant scales that he has in the books)
Tsunami ( animus dragon)
Glory (her venom is deadly accurate and she's the best rain wing at camouflage)
Starflight ( he has the night wing powers they are as strong as Darkstalkers)
Sunny ( she also has the Nightwing powers [ remember she's half Nightwing] that are as strong as Darkstalkers she's also an animus)
That's it My ask box should be open if it's not I'll do that right now Please ask questions I want this chaotic unserious AU to be a collaborative effort
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askstarflight · 1 year
Do ask some questions
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 9 months
My friend @dragonsmooch once asked me to tell them a little (or a lot) about one of my oldest OCs, so I decided to look through my F/O lists and see which OC who is also an F/O is the one I've had for the longest time (since.. this is my selfship blog, haha). The answer turned out to be, on a technicality, Iris!
I say on a technicality because Iris is an OC I originally created for Splatoon, as part of a big group of OCs I made during one very very bored week at school where I had to try and do something that looked like revising but wasn't. Which is why she counts as an old OC. However, I more recently ported her into Dragon Quest IX, which is the version of her that I see as a platonic F/O (as well as her FFXIV version, too!). This is what she looks like in my game!
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In terms of personality, Iris is energetic and fun-loving, always eager to take up a challenge and easy to make friends with. She is very creative (especially when it comes to art like drawing), and she can have a certain flair for the dramatic, which helps her out a lot with her vocation.
Speaking of vocation, Iris is a luminary! These superstars are charming performers with considerable magical aptitude, able to fight with fans, whips, or boomerangs. Iris uses the first of these options in tandem with magic, which encompasses both healing spells and wind-element damaging spells. She has a lot of different spells and abilities at her disposal, allowing her to play almost any role within the team as needed! I'd say a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, but.. that's actually a boss in this game, haha
In terms of how she fits into the world, Iris appears in the story of my selfship with Pavo, which is essentially "my version of the events of DQIX". She used to be a performer in the Quester's Rest inn, until spotting what looked like a burst of light falling from the sky one late night, and deciding to run out and if she could find where it would land. This falling star turned out to be my self-insert Ardea, whose wings had been lost in the fall and whose halo broke upon hitting the ground just outside the eastern entrance to the Hexagon - inadvertently showering both Iris and Avalon (an adventurer who had had the same idea) with Celestrian power, allowing them both to perceive things like spirits and the Starflight Express. After bringing Ardea back to the Quester’s Rest, and subsequently hearing her story from both her and newly-visible Pavo, Iris decides to accompany the Celestrians on their quest to both recover Ardea’s lost angelic traits and reunite with Aquila, Pavo’s brother.
I hope that this is alright!!
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