seirindono · 1 year
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That’s my girl! So diligent haha ( ´ ▽ ` ) 
I’ll properly deliver the goods back to her universe.
(And that’s it for the special! Hope you liked it, it was quite challenging for me but fun xD)
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sammichbreadalmighty · 4 months
I had a dream last night where I was doing an obstacle course with a bunch of people from my school and after doing it once we looped back and did it again and when I got to this zip line obstacle the people who owned the course gave me a subway sandwich all wrapped up and everything. Then they said that I should come to the subway that was inside the obstacle course to order some more food that they would cover. So now I have to come and do this zip line but with a subway sandwich in my hand. Eventually I decide to run up ahead to where people go after they’re done with the course (and also where the actual subway is) on foot and put down my sandwich, then go back and do the zip line. But when I get back to the zip line, the room is empty, and they’ve disassembled the zip line because no one was using it I guess. So I come back to the little subway to order the food they said they’d pay for. Then they give me the menu, which is a bunch of meme templates, copypastas, and general gibberish, printed on four glass triangles. I take these triangles to a side room which for some reason has a bed. I lie down on the bed and look out the window to see my parents car, with them inside, parked outside the obstacle course. I didn’t think much of it though. Eventually I realise the menu doesn’t have any food on it except for a couple options. So I go and ask the people running it why there isn’t food on the menu and they said that when subway branched to this obstacle course, they got so tired of selling just starfaits (yes, the Undertale food) so they expanded to everything else. But because you’re not supposed to read the menu on the subway website, they didn’t make the actual menu make sense. And then the dream abruptly ended. I don’t expect this to get much traction but honestly I just need to get in out there.
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mothiepixie · 4 months
I don't know if this has been asked, you can just ignore it, but... does motti has a favorite food? If she does, does it change from one AU to another or does it stay the same?
It depends on the AU!
For the OG timeline, UF and US: breakfast burritos (chorizo), and for desserts, Newyork style cheesecake. Mainly, that is if she gets back to the surface, otherwise cinnamon bunnies.
Swapfell/Precious Stone: Anything that Boysen cooks
Farmtale: Kimchi jjigae and for sweets, Hwajeon
Reapertale: pears and pomegranate
Passive Nightmare AU: food source was scarce during Corruption's reign, so they could only eat rations. During marriage to Corruption, she refused to eat his spoils and ate the same food as the servants. However on the rare occasion when they could have some, Motti loves starfaits. ✨️🍧
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sillymuses · 3 months
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"All the possible candidates for my new minion try-outs all blew up miserably which means YOU win by default! You now serve Zim. Be honored!" Did they even put in for said try-outs? Whatever. He can decide who wins regardless of what went down...or if they even knew he was doing this whole thing.
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viviskull · 3 months
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@starfaite | Accepting
"If i were truly to be myself, i would break my family's heart."
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In their shared silence, sitting together upon the rusty park bench that overlooked its mossy covered pond, the tall spirit stared the other down through the pink flares of his ghastly hair. His brows furrow, knitting together with its lingering thread of concern. With his hands already cupped together in his lap, he hunches over a little (as if that could make himself seem a bit smaller) as he stares out upon the murky pond a little, watching the old koi bob at the top eating at the bits of moss that pecked at the water's surface. He taps his foot against the grassy floor, his quiet fidgets quietly whispering his uncertainty. How exactly was he suppose to approach this without being too... insensitive on his part?
".. Do they.. Do they know you'd be staying with us for a while, since you split from them in the underground?" He softly asks, trying to break the silence. "Or is this something we gotta figure out together?"
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strebcr · 2 days
Send 🤓 for a shitpost mood board of your muse!
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mettatoniic · 13 days
mettaton receives a letter with a single blue lipstick mark on it and a bracelet made of crystals, from a big fan!
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This shade... Mettaton idly traces a thumb over the bracelet he'd discovered along with the letter. So ominous... So vague, how scandalous...! The suspense...!
Flipping the bracelet in his hand, rolling one of the crystals between his index and thumb - he's turning his attention back to the lipstick shade. This shade in particular...
In this economy?! What kind of big fan of his would be sporting such an outdated shade?! Unless...
" OH... WAIT. NO. 5... WELL... "
Ooh yes, it's all coming together now. Screen flashes blue and yellow, reading his chuckles. Finally, he's putting the bracelet on his wrist. He likes how it shimmers (reminds him of home, almost).
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websitewizard2005 · 2 years
sometimes i wonder how different fan perception of mettaton would be if he didn’t turn into a hot anime boy. like he is so silly. he is like a saturday morning cartoon villain and so few people acknowledge it 💔 he’s just too sexy for his own good.
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
send 🌈 for a promo banner!
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I hope this is okay!
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fecr-the-recper · 1 year
@starfaite said: "You're still not getting any sleep?" The siren lets out an exasperated sigh before she walks up to the other and wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer to herself. "I know you keep telling me you are fine.. but i don't want you getting too stressed."
There's a moment where he leans into her, exhaustion just barely starting to catch up at the embrace, shutting his eyes for a moment. "mmh...I have a lot I need to do, Lay..."
Despite saying this, it wasn't...entirely true. It was something that could most definitely wait.
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mrvelseb · 1 year
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facepalm sound effect
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spamtonexe · 1 year
"I will take 300 png images of funny cats!!" she is willing to give up all her kromer for it ( henloo guess who is back !! )
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"A [Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed]!?"
He digs through his little jacket pocket, pulling out a JPEG. It wasn't printed on paper or any of the sort, but rather it was an image file on his hand. This shouldn't be possible.
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"F0R THE [Collector's Edition] IT'LL BEE 7̷͍̼̮̹̙̌̊̚5̸̱͆͐͝3̴̱̫̺̰̯͊̅̊7̴̱̝͇̞̈̈́4̵̧͈̙̙͇͆̐8̶͉̞̬̀̌ [Kromer]"
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sillymuses · 2 months
She hands Zim a Nintendo Switch with Animal Crossing game. "This is, like, a mini earth-conquering simulator. You start with a small deserted island and as you progress through the simulator you'll be able to create an entire community of minions who do everything you ask them to. It's good practice for the real thing!"
His antenna perks up as Layla approaches him with the human gaming system. He's not unfamiliar with it, Gir plays it constantly after all, but knowledge on any of the games it has in its library? Completely zero to him.
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"Hmm?" Zim finds himself being pulled away from his latest project as he listens to her explain this...Animal Crossing. His head tilts ever so slightly as he watches the intro. It's very...cute. He's not too sure about this but her explanation at least gets him to not put it immediately down.
He fiddles about for a bit, unsure clear on his face, but all of that goes away once he reaches a certain part.
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"WHAT?! I DARE owe this mastermind raccoon monies?! He tricked me!!! No one tricks Zim! Oh, I'll bring plenty of villagers here and then I shall turn them into my massive minion army and overthrow him!! Tom Nook shall PAY for this transgression against the almighty Zim! Your days are numbered, vile raccoon!!"
And now his butt is firmly on the couch, determination filling him to complete this harmlessly fun game.
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viviskull · 3 months
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"I don't feel like stepping out of the shade.. it's too hot. I don't know how humans put up with this an entire season.."
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"Mmmmhhm... Ya're not the first to complain about that." Whilst sitting there on the old loveseat that oversaw the vastness of her front yard upon her shadowing porch, with a long cyan stocking leg crossed over another, Vivi doesn't look up from her book as she flips through a few of its worn pages. Through her everyday, whenever she happened to play host to next injured monster that often crashed at her front door, the dame often had gotten herself used to the lot of creatures who vented about the odd weather that surrounded her hometown. Texas wasn't known for it to be cold on same days and swap the next to a hot summers day in a couple months time, and it's own paranormal magic was stranger to explain than it was lived. "But it doesn't mean ya can just eat out all of our sweets and not owe a tab on that later on, Layla."
"We'll have to go out in a bit for some flour if my ghostly husband is gonna make more of his spicy cookies." She looks up from her book as she spoke, lifting a brow in reply. Indifference peppered about her features, a long line where her normal smile would be displayed her rarely muted personality. "If ya're gonna be living with us for a while until ya can find a place of your own in this town? Helping out a lil with grocery money should pay out your tab for the week."
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godofvillains-arch · 2 years
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"You look a little gloomy.. something wrong?"
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